Influence of Self Determination Self Eff

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Influence of Self-determination, Self-efficacy and

Leadership on Students’ Work Immersion Performance
Gem Marie Clet, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Judith Chavez, Lourdes College - Cagayan de Oro City

Work immersion is a significant component of the Senior High School curriculum. It is, thus,
imperative for schools to strive to prepare students for their first industry exposure; hence, this
study aimed at determining the influence of self-determination, self-efficacy and leadership
to students’ work immersion performance. The Philippine education of the 21st century for-
mulated the enhancement of Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) program in Senior High
School. This track focuses in gaining skills essential in achieving National Certificates and
Certificate of Competency. In order to make Immersion meaningful and useful, the study
needs the schools to be aware of the educational objectives and processes of K to 12 (Cruz,
2013). The researcher selected Self-Determination Theory because of its usefulness in ex-
plaining self-determination, self-efficacy and leadership skills. In the educational context,
Self-Determination Theory has been a tool used for the betterment of learning. Tsai et al.
(2008) found in their study that students’ interest was enhanced for lessons in which teachers
practiced autonomy and active support of student’s learning. Contrastingly, the students’ in-
terest was diminished for lessons in which teachers were controlling. A study also highlighted
Self-Determination Theory as an effective lens in perceiving the training experience of clini-
cal interns. SDT discovers the emotions, psychological needs, and role transitions that interns
experience throughout their internship (Rushing & Capilouto, 2016). On the other hand, the
variable of self-efficacy has utilized Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory (Bandura, 2006) which
is one of the many leading theories integrated with SDT. Self-efficacy refers to a view of
one’s proficiency to organize the courses of action needed to manage prospective situations.
Self-efficacy beliefs are assumed to play indispensable role in any type of personal change,
and this construct is the foundation of human motivation (Iwanaga, 2018). Learning efficacy

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Gem Marie Clet, [email protected]

Citation: Clet, G.M., Chavez, J. (2021). Influence of Self-determination, Self-efficacy and Leadership on
Students’ Work Immersion Performance. Academia Letters, Article 2062.
has been one of the pioneered platforms among educational research in the world. In addi-
tion, leadership competence has been a key requirement in organizational level. Students’
field expectation from program content is to foster quality leadership. Also, expectation to-
wards the students is set to have high level of knowledge, skill, appropriate disposition and
effort which supplement the need for the student to exercise leadership competence. As a
result, this will enhance the cognitive, interpersonal, business and strategic skills. The com-
ponents of work performance include technical competence, attitude, quality of work and the
interpersonal relationships. These are the components identified by the school under study as
important criteria in the immersion program. Technical competence measures the trainees’
effective application of skills and technical knowledge in meeting the requirements or accom-
plishing goals of assigned tasks and projects. Attitude component determine the students’
regard towards work such as openness to learn, policy adherence, dependability, resourceful-
ness, trustworthiness, and ability to provide solutions to problems in the area of work. The
quality of work highlights the reliability of output, work standards and on-time delivery of
requirements. The Interpersonal relationships refer to varying relationships that the trainees
have established with the persons whom they are interacting with in the workplace.
The data collection was done by utilizing a survey form that was tailored from the Self-
Determination Questionnaire developed by Deci (2000), General Self-Efficacy Scale by Schwarzer
and Jerusalem (1995), and Multifactor Leadership Scale by Bass et al (2003) and Performance
Evaluation Form. The aforementioned performance evaluation form contained four dimen-
sions namely: technical competence, quality of work, interpersonal relationships, and attitude.
The participants of this research were 95 students and 10 work immersion coordinators from
Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. A descriptive correlational research design
was utilized in this study with statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, and multiple
regression analysis. The results of this study reveal that personal factors of self-efficacy, lead-
ership and self-determination combined influence students’ work immersion performance.
However, self-determination was found a significant predictor of students’ work immersion
performance. Nevertheless, the finding reveals that when taken singly, the variable of self-
efficacy does not predict the participants’ work immersion performance. This phenomenon
finds consonance to the postulation of Ormrod (2008) citing that high self-efficacy may let
people ignore the weaknesses they do not realize they have. According to one of the supervi-
sors, generally, the students assigned to their establishment demonstrated high confidence as
they perform their work and that they also showed focus and determination in accomplishing
these tasks. It is most likely to follow that these students were so determined to accomplish
their goals and their capacity to do the tasks were overshadowed by their determination to
complete the tasks relegated to them. The result points to the need for schools to enhance the

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Gem Marie Clet, [email protected]

Citation: Clet, G.M., Chavez, J. (2021). Influence of Self-determination, Self-efficacy and Leadership on
Students’ Work Immersion Performance. Academia Letters, Article 2062.
students’ personal factors with emphasis on the development of self-determination prior to
their deployment to partner establishments or agencies.

Bandura, A. (2006). Toward a Psychology of Human Agency. Perspectives on Psychological
Science, Vol.1 No. 2, pp. 164–180.

Bass, B. M., et al (2003). Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and

transactional leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 88 No.2, pp. 207–218.

Cruz, I. (2013). Immersion in Senior High School. The Philippine Star. Retrieved from

Deci, E. L. , Ryan, R. M. (2000). Self-determination theory. Development of Self-Determination

Through the Life-Course, Vol 55 No.1,p. 11.

Iwanaga, K. (2018). Evaluation of Constructs Based on Self-Determination Theory and Self-

Efficacy Theory as Predictors of Vocational Rehabilitation Engagement for People with
Chronic Illness and Disability. Vol 3, pp 1–13.

Ormrod, Jeanne E., and Teresa M. McDevitt. 2008. “Fostering Conceptual Change about
Child Development in Prospective Teachers and Other College Students.” Child Develop-
ment Perspectives 2(2):85–91. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-8606.2008.00045.x.

Rushing, J., & Capilouto, G. J. (2016). Obtaining Competencies with Self-Determination

Theory: The Music Therapy Internship. Music Therapy Perspectives, miw017. https://

Schwarzer, R. & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Measures in Health Psychology: A user’s portfolio.

Causal and Control beliefs (pp. 35–37). NFER-NELSON.

Tsai, Y. M., Kunter, M., Lüdtke, O., Trautwein, U., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). What Makes
Lessons Interesting? The Role of Situational and Individual Factors in Three School Sub-
jects. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 100 No.2, pp.460–472.

Academia Letters, July 2021 ©2021 by the authors — Open Access — Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Corresponding Author: Gem Marie Clet, [email protected]

Citation: Clet, G.M., Chavez, J. (2021). Influence of Self-determination, Self-efficacy and Leadership on
Students’ Work Immersion Performance. Academia Letters, Article 2062.

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