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M and B 3 Hybrid 3rd Edition Dean Croushore Solutions Manual


The Financial System and the Economy


Goals of Part 1: Money and the Financial System

A. Introduce basic ideas behind bond, stock and other financial markets (Chapter 2), money and the
payments system (Chapter 3), the present-value formula (Chapter 4), the structure of interest rates
(Chapter 5), real interest rates (Chapter 6), and stocks and other assets (Chapter 7).

Goals of Chapter 2

A. Show how the financial system matches borrowers and lenders.

B. Investigate the role of financial securities.
C. Describe the basic workings of financial intermediaries.
D. Show how supply and demand determine the financial system.
E. Discuss the consequences of failures of the financial system.
F. Describe the major attributes of financial securities that investors care about.


A. Introduction
1. Borrowing and lending is valuable to an individual and to the society as a whole
2. The financial system consists of securities, intermediaries, and markets that exist to match
savers and borrowers
3. Figure 2.1 illustrates the components of financial system
4. This chapter introduces the financial system and explains why it is an essential part of a well-
functioning economy
B. Financial Securities
Definition of Financial Securities
1. Debt and Equity
a) Define a debt security and an equity security (stock)
b) How much debt and equity exist in the U.S.? Use Figure 2.2
c) Who issues debt and equity? Use Figure 2.3
d) Who owns debt and equity? Define investor and use Figure 2.4
2. Differences Between Debt and Equity
a) Maturity; define principal
b) Type of payment being made (interest versus dividends)
c) Bankruptcy
d) Use Table 2.1 for the differences between debt and equity
e) Differences exist because borrowers and lenders have different needs
C. Matching Borrowers with Lenders
1. Direct versus Indirect Finance
a) Definitions
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Chapter 2: The Financial System and the Economy 11

b) Example; use Figure 2.5 for the differences between direct and indirect finance
2. Financial Intermediaries
a) Different types
b) How average people use them
3. Functions of Financial Intermediaries
a) Help savers through diversification
b) Pool funds of many people
c) Take short-term deposits and make long-term loans
d) Gather information
e) Reduce the costs of financial transactions
D. Financial Markets
1. The Structure of Financial Markets
a) What is a financial market?
b) Do financial markets have a physical location?
c) Markets for new securities (primary market) and existing securities (secondary market); use
Figure 2.6
2. How Financial Markets Determine Prices of Securities
a) Supply and demand determine prices
b) Examples of determining equilibrium; use Figure 2.7
c) Prices of securities affected by changes in supply and demand; use Figure 2.8
E. The Financial System
1. The Financial System and Economic Growth
a) Firms need to borrow to grow
b) A country with an efficient financial system makes loans available to firms, so they can grow
c) The strength of a country’s financial system is correlated with its growth rate
2. What Happens When the Financial System Works Poorly?
a) The Asian Crisis
(1) The poor performance of Asian economies, beginning in 1997, was caused by a number
of problems and exacerbated by weak accounting systems
(2) Good accounting standards are needed so investors can assess the value of their securities
b) The Savings and Loan Crisis
(1) U.S. savings and loan (S&L) institutions began failing in large numbers in the 1980s
(2) S&L losses were magnified when the government failed to close bankrupt S&Ls
c) Mortgages and Housing
(1) Home ownership is easy to obtain in the United States because the financial system is well
(2) In countries with less developed financial systems, homeownership is more difficult,
requiring greater savings, so people do not own homes until later in their lives
(3) Since 2008, it has become difficult for prospective home buyers to obtain a mortgage loan.
d) The Financial Crisis of 2008
(1) The expectation of constantly rising housing prices was caused in part by subprime
(2) When home prices dropped in 2007, the market for mortgage-backed securities crashed
(3) A global financial crisis required governments and central banks to provide bailouts
(4) Unregulated financial firms need to be prevented from growing so large that they are too
big to fail; government regulators need to respond more quickly to risky financial practices
(5) Dodd-Frankly Act gave more power to government regulators
F. Application to Everyday Life: What Do Investors Care About?

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Chapter 2: The Financial System and the Economy 12

1. Five Determinants of Investors’ Decisions

a) Expected Return
(1) Definition of expected return
(2) Define return
(3) Return equals current yield plus capital-gains yield; define current yield, capital gain,
and capital-gains yield
(4) Numerical examples of return, current yield, and capital-gains yield
(5) General formula for expected return
b) Risk
(1) Causes of uncertainty about return
(a) Default by issuer of debt security; use Data Bank: Default Risk on Debt
(b) Unexpected change in dividend paid on equity
(c) Change in the price of the security
(d) Unexpected change in the inflation rate; use Data Bank: How Much Risk Do Investors
Face from Inflation?
(2) Quantify risk by standard deviation
(a) General formula for standard deviation
(b) Numerical examples
c) Liquidity
(1) Definition: ease of buying or selling securities at low transaction cost
(2) Marketable versus nonmarketable securities
d) Taxes
(1) Define after-tax expected return
(2) Investors seek to reduce tax burden
e) Maturity
(1) Many investors favor securities with shorter times to maturity
(2) Long-term securities must usually offer a higher expected return than short-term securities
2. Choosing a Financial Investment Portfolio
a) Definition of portfolio
b) Need to examine risk of entire portfolio, taken together, not just individual security
c) Idiosyncratic risk (unsystematic risk): risk that can be eliminated by diversification
d) Market risk (systematic risk): risk that cannot be eliminated by diversification
e) No portfolio is right for everyone; a person who is less risk-averse should hold a riskier
portfolio than someone who is very risk-averse
G. Data Bank: Default Risk on Debt
1. Debt ratings indicate the riskiness of different debt securities
2. Lower rated debt pays higher interest rates in the market; use Figure 2.A
3. The difference in interest rates between debts with different ratings gets larger in recessions; use
Figure 2.B
H. Data Bank: How Much Risk Do Investors Face from Inflation?
1. Inflation is sometimes difficult to predict
2. Data on economists’ expectations of inflation shows that their forecasts are often far from the
forecasted mark, especially when inflation rises or falls sharply; use Figure 2.C
3. For the past decade, the forecasts have been fairly accurate


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‘This is a capital fact, since it shows the possibility of utilizing a
second time, for their flesh, horses which have already been utilized
up to old age for their strength; and, consequently, of obtaining a
further and almost gratuitous profit at the end of their life, after they
had well nigh paid the cost of their rearing and keep by their labour.’
Let us see what additional evidence M. St. Hilaire has to adduce.
First, he appeals to his long experience at the Jardin des Plantes,
where the greater part of the carnivora are habitually fed on horse-
flesh, which keeps them healthy in spite of many unfavourable
conditions. But this will not carry much weight with it. Our digestion is
not quite so good as that of a lion. The condor has been known to
eat, with satisfaction, food which Mrs. Brown would find little to her
taste. No dietetic rule for men can be deduced from the digestions of
tigers. We prefer the experience of human stomachs. Fortunately
this is not wanting, and M. St. Hilaire collects an imposing mass of
evidence. Huzard, the celebrated veterinary surgeon, records, that
during the revolution, the population of Paris was for six months
dieted with horse-flesh, without any ill effects. Some complaints,
indeed, were made when it was found that the beef came from
horses; but, in spite of prejudice and the terrors such a discovery
may have raised, no single case of illness was attributed to the food.
Larrey, the great army surgeon, declares that on very many
occasions during the campaigns, he administered horse-flesh to the
soldiers, and to the soldiers sick in the hospital; and instead of
finding it injurious, it powerfully contributed to the convalescence of
the sick, and drove away a scorbutic epidemic which attacked the
men. The testimony of Parent Duchâtelet is also quoted to the same
effect. M. St. Hilaire feels himself abundantly authorized to declare
that horse-flesh, far from being unwholesome, is one of the most
nutritious and wholesome of alimentary substances: and, to support
this declaration, he adduces the testimony of historians and
travellers, showing how whole tribes and nations have habitually
eaten and highly esteemed it.
Having thus, as he considers, satisfactorily settled the question of
wholesomeness, M. St. Hilaire proceeds to deal with the question of
agreeableness. Is wholesome horse-flesh agreeable enough to
tempt men, not starving, to eat it? It is, of course, of little use that
historians and travellers tell of hippophagists—it is nothing to the
purpose that soldiers in a campaign, or citizens during a siege, have
eaten horses with considerable relish. Under such circumstances,
one’s old shoe is not to be despised as a pièce de résistance; and
one’s grandmother may be a toothsome morsel. The real point to be
settled in the European mind is this—apart from all conditions which
must bias the judgment, is horse-flesh pleasant to the taste? M. St.
Hilaire cites the evidence of eminent men who, having eaten it
knowing what it was, pronounced it excellent—all declaring that it
was better than cow-beef, and some that there was little difference
between it and ox-beef.
But perhaps the reader, having eaten German beef, has a not ill-
grounded suspicion that horse-flesh might bear honourable
comparison with such meat, and yet be at best of mediocre savour.
Let us, therefore, says a writer in the Saturday Review, cite the
example of Parisian banquets, where the convives were men
accustomed to the Trois Frères, Philippe’s, and the Café de Paris. M.
Renault, the director of the great Veterinary College at Alfort, had a
horse brought to him with an incurable paralysis of the hinder
extremities. It was killed, and three days afterwards, on the 1st
December, 1855, eleven guests were invited—physicians,
journalists, veterinary surgeons, and employés of the government.
Side by side were dishes prepared by the same cook, in precisely
the same manner, and with the same pieces taken respectively from
this horse and from an ox of good quality. The bouillon of beef was
flanked by a bouillon of horse, the bouilli of beef by a bouilli of horse,
the fillet of roast beef by a fillet of roast horse; and a comparison was
to be made of their qualities. Dr. Amédée Latour thus writes:—
‘Bouillon de cheval.—Surprise générale! C’est parfait, c’est excellent,
c’est nourri, c’est corse, c’est aromatique, c’est riche de goût.
‘Le bouillon de bœuf est bon, mais comparativement inférieur, moins
accentué de goût, moins parfumé, moins résistant de sapidité.’
The jury unanimously pronounced the horse bouillon superior to that
of the ox. The bouilli, on the contrary, they thought inferior to that of
good beef, although superior to ordinary beef, and certainly superior
to all cow-beef. The roast fillet, again, they found superior to that of
the ox; and M. Latour thus sums up the experiment:—
Un bouillon supérieur;
Un bouilli bon et très-mangeable;
Un rôti exquis.
Similar experiments have been subsequently tried, several times in
Paris and in the provinces. They have been tried under three
different conditions. First, the guests have known what they were
going to eat; secondly, they have been totally ignorant; and thirdly,
they have been warned that they were going to eat something quite
novel. Yet in every case, we are told, the result has been the same.
It is right to add, that the author anticipates the objection that the
animals selected were young horses in splendid condition, and that
such horses are too valuable to be sent to the butcher. The majority
of these experiments have, we are assured, been made at veterinary
colleges, upon horses incapacitated by age or accident from further
work. The horse which M. Renault served up to his friends had
already vingt-trois ans de bons et loyaux services. He was in good
‘condition’—that is to say, well-fleshed, although paralysed. In fact,
all the horses, it is asserted, were such as are sold for fifteen or
twenty francs—not such as are the pride of our stables. The younger
the horse, the better his flesh; and as young horses die daily from
accidents, these, we presume, would form the ‘prime cuts.’ But old
horses, used up, unfit even for cabs, if allowed a little rest, are
capable, we are assured, of furnishing beef better than cow-beef.
But this serving up of horse-flesh is equalled by that of the maître de
cuisine to the Maréchal Strezzi, who, at the siege of Leith, according
to Monsieur Beaujeu, ‘made out of the hind quarter of one salted
horse forty-five couverts, that the English and Scottish officers and
nobility who had the honour to dine with the Monseigneur, upon the
rendition, could not tell what the devil any one of them were made
upon at all.’ M. St. Hilaire discusses at great length many other
objections, with which we need not here trouble ourselves. But the
taste is spreading and the advocates increasing. The public use of
horse-flesh as human food is spoken of approvingly in Blackwood.
The New York Tribune thus endorses the fanatical idea of the French
savans, (more properly ravens,) as to the propriety of eating horse-
‘In the horse we have an animal which is much cleaner in its habits
than the hog, herbivorous like the ox or sheep, whose flesh is rich in
nitrogen, and as pleasant to the taste as that of either of the above-
named animals. What prevents horse-flesh from being found on our
tables? Nothing but a popular prejudice, which recent investigations
in Paris show is entirely without any foundation whatever.
‘8,000 horses die, it is said, in New York annually, or about 22 per
day’ (a great exaggeration no doubt); ‘but instead of fetching 17 or
18 dollars to press the carcase for grease, and to feed the hogs on
to make pork for export, the prices will be greatly enhanced for meat
for home consumption.’
Thus writes the Paris correspondent of the Indépendance Belge:
—‘You know what interest is attached to-day—and very naturally so
—to all questions relating to the public food. In connexion therewith, I
have to mention a fact which is both curious and odd; it is, that there
is being formed in Paris a society of economists, naturalists, and
hardy gourmands, having for aim the introduction of horse-flesh into
the category of butchers’ meat. It may perhaps be said, that this
social phenomenon is not altogether new. Ten years ago,
hippophagy made some noise in Germany, and, if I remember right,
a society of eaters of the horse was formed, and attempted a public
festival, at which all the meat should be of that quadruped, but were
interrupted by the public, who, feeling their prejudices wounded,
broke the tables to pieces. At Paris, where all eccentricities are
found, and even encouraged, there is nothing of that kind to fear.
Accordingly, hippophagy progresses. Do not consider this an
exaggeration. The last number of the Revue des Cours Publics will
prove to you, by means of a summary, that M. Geoffroy de St. Hilaire
has made the subject the theme of one of his recent lectures, and
that the learned professor was greatly applauded. I should add that
his auditors included economists, agriculturists, and heads of
benevolent institutions. When the orator concluded by saying that
the day was come when the horse ought to contribute to the
nourishment of the human race, as well as the ox, the sheep, and
the pig, a hundred voices cried in chorus, ‘Oui! oui! très bien!’ This
question, strange at first sight, has been raised, and it will not sleep
again. I predict that it will have not only numerous adherents, but
eloquent fanatics. As a commencement, many of the auditors wished
to eat horse soup, horse steaks, and the same flesh under other
forms.’ At the time at which I write, dissertations are made,
brochures written, the regulations of a hippophagic society drawn up,
and the establishment of horse shambles demanded. In 1832, M.
Alphonse Karr, mocking the extreme zeal of the society for
protection, exclaimed—‘Philanthropists! the horse has carried man
long enough; it is now for man to carry the horse!’
There is very little doubt that horse-flesh, besides its application for
‘cats’ meat,’ enters, even now, largely into surreptitious use in certain
quarters in this country as food for bipeds. Thus, a Blackburn paper
tells us that ‘on Monday last Mr. Laverty seized and confiscated the
carcase of a horse. The animal had been stuck and bled, and was
taken very near to the premises of a noted brawn and black-pudding
maker. We understand that horse-flesh is used in this town by a
certain vender and manufacturer of brawn.’
Hoffman and Burns, makers and venders of horse-meat sausages,
at Philadelphia, were recently tried, convicted, and sentenced to
eighteen months’ imprisonment. Apropos of sausages, judging from
the following anecdote, home-made ones are the more attractive.
‘A minister in one of our orthodox churches, while on his way to
preach a funeral sermon in the country, called to see one of his
members, an old widow lady, who lived near the road he was
travelling. The old lady had just been making sausages, and she felt
proud of them—they were so plump, round, and sweet. Of course
she insisted on her minister taking some of the links home to his
family. He objected on account of not having his portmanteau along
with him. This objection was soon over-ruled, and the old lady, after
wrapping them in a rag, carefully placed a bundle in either pocket of
the preacher’s capacious great coat. Thus equipped, he started for
the funeral.
‘While attending to the solemn ceremonies of the grave, some
hungry dogs scented the sausages, and were not long in tracking
them to the pockets of the good man’s over-coat. Of course this was
a great annoyance, and he was several times under the necessity of
kicking these whelps away. The obsequies at the grave completed,
the minister and congregation re-passed to the church, where the
funeral discourse was to be preached.
‘After the sermon was finished, the minister halted to make some
remarks to his congregation, when a brother who wished to have an
appointment given out, ascended the steps of the pulpit, and gave
the minister’s coat a hitch to get his attention. The divine, thinking it a
dog having designs upon his pocket, raised his foot, gave a sudden
kick, and sent the good brother sprawling down the steps!
‘You will excuse me, brethren and sisters,’ said the minister,
confusedly, and without looking at the work he had just done, ‘for I
could not avoid it—I have sausages in my pocket, and that dog has
been trying to grab them ever since I came upon the premises!’[10]
The reader may judge of the effect such an announcement would
have at a funeral. Tears of sorrow were suddenly exchanged for
smiles of merriment.
Mr. Richardson, officer of the Local Board of Health of Newton
Heath, near Manchester, gave the following evidence before Mr.
Scholefield’s Committee on Adulteration, before whom I was also
examined as a witness.
‘We have in Newton five knackers’ yards, and there is only one in
Manchester. The reason is, that they have so much toleration in
Newton; and it has been a great source of profit to them, because
they have the means of selling the best portions of the horse-flesh to
mix with the potted meats.
‘I can say for a fact, that the tongues of horses particularly, and the
best portions, such as the hind quarters of horses, are generally sold
to mix with collared brawn, or pigs’ heads, as they are called with us,
and for sausages and polonies. I understand, also, from those who
have been in the habit of making them, that horse-flesh materially
assists the making of sausages; It is a hard fibrin, and it mixes better,
and keeps them hard, and they last longer in the shop window
before they are sold, because otherwise the sausages run to water,
and become soft and pulpy. I believe horse-flesh also materially
assists German sausages; it keeps them hard.’
The instinct of the dog, the cat, and the rat, are so well known that
one anecdote will suffice to illustrate the three. A terrier and a tom
cat were pursuing a large rat down a street. The rat was almost
caught, when it dodged suddenly and ran into a sausage shop. The
cat and dog stopped convulsively at the door; and, looking at the
sausages, hung their heads, and slunk away terror-stricken.
But in other quarters than England, unwholesome and infected meat
is vended, for a year or two ago the editor of the Madras Athenæum
thus wrote:—
‘We question whether since the days of Pelops a more filthy dish
was ever offered to human beings, than those which are daily served
up to the European inhabitants of Madras. With respect to the state
of our market, we have never seen a more disgusting receptacle of
all kinds of abominations than that market presents.

‘A lazar house it seemed, wherein were laid

Numbers of all diseased.’

‘Unfortunate beings in the worst stages of leprosy, naked, and

covered all over with the livid spots of that hideous disease, standing
at the stalls, handling the meat, and talking with the butchers, is a
sight as common as it is horrible. As for the small-pox, that is almost
too abundant to allow of any cases being particularly noticed. It is
very conspicuous on the native, on account of the pustules being
white. The only disease bearing any resemblance to it is the itch. We
have ourselves observed a dirty fellow, with his hands covered all
over with one of these nauseous eruptions, coolly walking down the
whole length of a set of stalls, and clapping those abominable hands,
in a lazy manner, upon every piece of meat within his reach. Faugh!
The very thought smells. When we were last there, the place
swarmed with pariah dogs, the effect of which was to render the
stench and filth accumulated round the stalls perfectly unbearable.
We are aware the subject is a nasty one, but at the risk of spoiling
the breakfast of Brown, Jones, or Robinson, as they take up our
damp sheet this morning, we make the evil conspicuous, and bring it
plainly into notice, that measures may be taken to sink it into oblivion
ever after. If one could jest upon such a subject, one might say, that
the market of Madras is as much the morning lounge of the filthiest
wretches in the place, as the stables of Taylor and Co. are the
morning rendezvous of the rank and fashion, who there do
congregate, to look at the Australians and Arabs ushered to their
notice under the winning smile of the worthy head partner. Is not the
thought horrible, too, that the fairer part of the creation, who should
be fed on

‘Sugar and spice

‘And all that’s nice,

are offered such filthy and infected stuff?

‘We should also recommend attention being called to the practice,
which we are afraid prevails, of ‘blowing the meat,’ to give it a good
appearance. This is a cognizable offence, and butchers have, on
occasion, most deservedly received a dozen or two for it; but the
inducement to make their meat look tempting by filling it with breath,
not quite so ‘fragrant as the flower of Amrou,’ is too profitable, we
fear, to be disregarded upon the vague and distant contingency of a
flogging or a fine. If the functionaries who are employed to
superintend the market are insufficient in number, it would surely be
poor economy not to increase them. If they are inattentive and
remiss, discharge them. It would be pennywise, indeed, for a few
paltry rupees a month, to allow a Secretary to Government, or a
Member of Council, whose wisdom and experience have been
purchased at an immense cost to the country, to be poisoned, which
at present they are liable to be, by infected meat.
‘If by calling attention to the subject, some improvement is made, our
object will be attained. We will gladly run the chance of spoiling a few
dinners. Jones of the club, as he takes the cover off one of Maltby’s
best entrées, may for once think of the leprous hand that has
handled it; Brown may fancy for once he will catch small-pox from
his beef-steak; Robinson may think of the dog licking the leg of
mutton from which his whack is taken, and all may heartily
anathematise the Athenæum for telling them the truth, but we will
cheerfully put up with their wry faces and abuse, if the necessary
reform we advocate be attained.’
Sam Slick, in his truthful, but satirical vein, alludes to the disguises of
fashionable cookery.—‘Veal’ (he says) ‘to be good, must look like
anything else but veal. You mustn’t know it when you see it, or it’s
vulgar; mutton must be incog, too; beef must have a mask on; any
thin’ that looks solid, take a spoon to; any thin’ that looks light, cut
with a knife; if a thing looks like fish, you take your oath it is flesh;
and if it seems real flesh, it’s only disguised, for it’s sure to be fish;
nothin’ must be nateral—natur is out of fashion here. This is a
manufacturin’ country; everything is done by machinery, and that that
aint, must be made to look like it; and I must say, the dinner
machinery is perfect.’
If horses are eaten, why not donkeys? The animal is more rare, and
hence it would be the greater delicacy. The Greeks ate donkeys, and
we must suppose they had their reasons for it. Has any modern
stomach in Europe been courageous enough, knowingly, to try it?
The flesh of the common ass, though never eaten by us, is
esteemed a delicacy in some countries, particularly in Tartary. The
northern climate, pasturage, and freedom may have some effect on
the flesh.
Travellers affirm that dogs’ flesh, which with us is intolerable, is one
of the most savoury meats, when the animal has been kept for some
time in the warm, tropical regions. This cannot, however, apply to the
brutish pariah dogs that infest the streets of Madras, Constantinople,
and other eastern towns.
The Roman peasants found the flesh of the ass palatable, and the
celebrated Mæcenas having tasted it, introduced it to the tables of
the great and rich, but the fashion of eating it lasted no longer than
his life. Galen compares the flesh of the ass to that of the stag. It is
said to be eaten plentifully in the low eating-houses of Paris, under
the denomination of veal. The flesh of the wild ass is eaten by the
Tartars, and is said to be very delicate and good, but when killed in a
tame state, it is hard and unfit for food.
The wild ass, called Koulan by the Persians, is still common in many
parts of Central Asia, from the 48° of North latitude to the confines of
India. The Persians and Tartars hold its flesh in high esteem, and
hunt it in preference to all other descriptions of game. Olearius
assures us, that he saw no fewer than 32 wild asses slain in one
day, by the Shah of Persia and his court, the bodies of which were
sent to the royal kitchens at Ispahan; and we know from Martial, that
the epicures of Rome held the flesh of the Onager, or wild ass, in the
same estimation as we do venison.

Cum tener est Onager, solaque lalisio matre

Pascitur; hoc infans, sed breve nomen habet.
[Martial, xiii. 97.]

From a passage in Pliny (lib. viii., c. 44), it would appear, that the
Onager inhabited Africa; and that the most delicate and best
flavoured lalisiones, or fat foals, were brought from that continent to
the Roman markets. Leo Africanus repeats the same story of wild
asses being found in Africa, but no traveller has since met with them;
and, as far as we at present know, the species is confined to Asia.
The quaggas (Asinus Quagga) are often hunted in Africa by the
Dutch for their skins, of which they make large bags to hold their
grain, and by the Hottentots and other natives, who are very fond of
their flesh.
Lieutenant Moodie (Ten Years in South Africa) says, ‘Being one
morning at the house of a neighbouring farmer who had just shot
one of these animals, I requested that he would have a piece of the
flesh cooked for my breakfast. His ‘frow’ expressed some disgust at
my proposal, but ordered a small bit to be grilled, with butter and
pepper. I did not find it at all unpalatable, and certainly it was better
than horse-flesh, to which I had been treated in the hospital at
Bergen-op-Zoom in 1814, when lying wounded there, after the
unfortunate failure of that well-planned attack.’

The ruminants furnish, as is well known, the largest portion of our
animal food, being consumed by man alike in civilized or unsettled
countries. The domestic animals require little notice at our hands.
There are, however, some whose flesh is eaten in different countries
that are less familiar. Thus the bison and musk-ox of North America,
the reindeer of Greenland and Northern Europe—the various
antelopes, the gnu, the giraffe, and the camel of Africa, and the
alpaca tribe of South America, supply much of the animal food of the
people in the districts where they are common.
The flesh of the camel is dry and hard, but not unpalatable.
Heliogabalus had camels’ flesh and camels’ feet served up at his
banquets. In Barbary, the tongues are salted and smoked for
exportation to Italy and other countries, and they form a very good
dish. The flesh is little esteemed by the Tartars, but they use the
hump cut into slices, which, dissolved in tea, serves the purpose of
The flesh of the Axis deer (Cervus axis, or Axis maculata) is not
much esteemed in Ceylon, having little fat upon it, and being very
dry. The India samver, or musk deer, is eaten there.
The flesh of the great moose deer or elk, of North America, the
carcase of which weighs 1,000 or 1,200 lbs., is as valuable for food
as beef, but from its immense size, much of the flesh is usually left in
the forest.
It is more relished by the Indians and persons resident in the fur
countries, than that of any other animal, and bears a greater
resemblance in its flavour to beef than to venison. It is said that the
external fat is soft like that of a breast of mutton, and when put into a
bladder is as fine as marrow.
The flesh of the caribboo, a smaller animal, rarely exceeding 400
lbs., is less palatable than moose venison. Nor is the flesh of the red
or Virginian deer much better, although the venison dried is very
Venison is not ‘meat’ in the parlance of the backwoodsman; that
term, as Sam Slick tells us, is reserved par excellence for pork; and
he is frequently too indolent or too much occupied otherwise, to hunt,
although deer tracks may be seen in every direction around the
scene of his daily rail-splitting operations. He considers it cheaper to
buy venison of the Indians, when there are any Indians in the locality.
But venison has some solid value even in those parts, and if salted
and smoked, would be entitled to a place among the articles of
household thrift.
Of the Arctic quadrupeds, the reindeer (Cervus tarandus) is most
valuable, its flesh being juicy, nutritious, and well-flavoured, and easy
of digestion. They abound in Greenland, and are tolerably numerous
in Melville Island.
In Sweden, roast reindeer steaks and game are dressed in a manner
preferable to that which prevails with us. The flesh is first perforated,
and little bits of lard inserted; and, after being baked in an oven, it is
served in a quantity of white sauce.
The flesh of the young giraffe is said to be good eating. The
Hottentots hunt the animal principally on account of its marrow,
which, as a delicacy, they set a high value on.
The Hottentots have a curious mode of cooking their antelope
venison, which renders it, however, exceedingly palatable. After
stewing the meat in a very small quantity of water, they take it out of
the pot and pound it between two stones until reduced to the
consistency of pap, when they mix it with a considerable quantity of
sheep’s fat, and then stew it for a short time longer. This is an
excellent way of preparing dry flesh of any kind.
‘On one occasion’ (says Lieut. Moodie), ‘after I had taken out my
share of this mess, the Hottentots added a larger quantity of fat to it
to please their own palates; and one of them ate so heartily of the
greasy mixture, that he became seriously unwell, but recovered by
chewing dry roots of the sweet-scented flag (Calamus aromaticus).
This plant is very much used by the Dutch for stomach complaints,
and they generally cultivate some of it in wet places in their gardens.’
The eland of Africa (Boselaphus Oreas) is the largest of the antelope
tribe, its size being indicated by its generic name. The bulls attain to
the height of nineteen hands at the shoulder, and frequently exceed
1,000 lbs. in weight. It fattens readily on the most meagre herbage of
the desert, and to the delicious, tender, juicy, and wholesome nature
of its flesh every hunter will bear witness, who has regaled himself
on the steaks broiled in the homely style of South African cookery,
with some of the usual condiments or spices to give them an
unnatural relish. The flesh has a peculiar sweetness, and is tender
and fit for use the moment the animal is killed.
It is hunted with avidity, on account of the delicacy of its flesh, but is
very rarely found within the limits of the Cape Colony, having been
driven beyond the Orange River by the progress of colonization.
The hartebeest, an antelope of the size of the Scotch red deer,
though now rather rare, is much prized by the African sportsman. It is
also called caama by the Dutch farmers, and is a favourite object of
pursuit with both natives and colonists. The flesh is rather dry, but of
a fine grain, more nearly resembling the beef of the ox than that of
any other antelope, except, perhaps, the so-called eland or elk of the
colonists (A. oreas, Pallas), and it has a high game flavour which
makes it universally esteemed.
The meat of the sassaby (A. lunata, Burchell), a rare species, is
tender and well tasted. The flesh of the ourebi of Southern Africa (A.
scoparia, Schreber), though dry and destitute of fat, is esteemed one
of the best venisons of the country.
The flesh of the bosh-bok, or bush goat, as its colonial name implies
(A. sylvatica, Sparrman), makes good venison, that of the breast
being particularly esteemed. The flesh of the rheebok (A. capreolus,
Lichstenstein) is dry and insipid, and relished less than that of any
other of the numerous Cape antelopes. The bush antelope (A.
silvicultrix, Afzelius) affords excellent venison, and is much sought
after on that account. The flesh of the ahu (A. subgutturosa,
Guldenstaedt) is excellent, and of an agreeable taste. That of the
gnu of South Africa is in great repute both among the natives and
Dutch settlers. Though the meat has a wildish flavour, it is more juicy
than that of most of the antelope tribe, and very much like beef.
The flesh of the alpaca and guanaco is sold in the public shambles
of Peru, Chili, &c.
Sheep’s milk is a common beverage in Toorkistan, where the sheep
are milked regularly three times a day. Goats are very scarce; cows
not to be seen; but the sheep’s milk affords nourishment in various
forms, of which the most common is a kind of sour cheese, being
little better than curdled milk and salt.
If we think ox tails a delicacy, Australians (as we have seen) like
kangaroo tails, and the Cape colonists have fat sheep’s tails
requiring a barrow or a cart on which to support them. The broad fat
tail, which often composes one-third of the weight of the animal, is
entirely composed of a substance betwixt marrow and fat, which
serves very often for culinary purposes instead of butter; and being
cut into small pieces, makes an ingredient in various dishes.
The dried flesh of the argali, or wild sheep, is in Kamtschatka an
article of commerce.
The domestic goat’s flesh is not in much favour anywhere, although
that of a young kid, three or four months old, is very tender and
delicate. Some of the goats are eaten in the Cape Colony, but the
flesh is generally lean and tough. The Malabar goat is a delicate
animal, that browzes on the rocks. It is more sought after than any
game in Ceylon, for, contrary to the general nature of the goat, its
flesh is tender and excellent when broiled.
Bison beef, especially that of the female, is rather coarser grained
than that of the domestic ox, but is considered by hunters and
travellers as superior in tenderness and flavour. The hump, which is
highly celebrated for its richness and delicacy, is said, when properly
cooked, to resemble marrow. The flesh of the buffalo, as it is
misnamed, is the principal, sometimes the only, food of numerous
tribes of North American Indians. It is eaten fresh on the prairies
during the hunt, and dried in their winter villages.
The musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus) is of much importance from its
size and palatable rich meat. It has occasionally furnished a rich
meal to arctic explorers. When they are fat, the flesh is well
flavoured, but smells strongly of musk.

The flesh of the manatus is white and delicate, and tastes like young
pork eaten fresh or salted, while the fat forms excellent lard. The
cured flesh keeps long without corruption, and it will continue good
several weeks, even in the hot climate of which it is a native, when
other meat would not resist putrefaction for as many days. The fibres
and the lean part of the flesh are like beef, but more red; it takes a
very long time boiling. The fat of the young one is like pork, and can
scarcely be distinguished from it, while the lean eats like veal. The
fat, which lies between the entrails and skin has a pleasant smell,
and tastes like the oil of sweet almonds. It makes an admirable
substitute for butter, and does not turn rancid in the sun. The fat of
the tail is of a firmer consistence, and when boiled is more delicate
than the other.
Manatees, or sea calves, are found in certain parts of British
Honduras in great numbers. They are, according to my friend, Chief
Justice Temple, frequently caught and brought to the market of
Belize, where they are snapped up with the greatest avidity. He
states the flesh to be white and delicate, something between pork
and veal. The tail, which is very fat, is most esteemed. This caudal
luxury is generally soused or pickled. I do not, myself, fancy the flesh
of this brute, for it is so inhumanly human—it reminds one so much
of a mermaid, or of one of the fifty daughters of Nereus, that to eat it
seems to me to be an approximation to cannibalism. It appears
horrible to chew and swallow the flesh of an animal which holds its
young (it has never more than one at a litter) to its breast, which is
formed exactly like that of a woman, with paws resembling human
hands. But these notions would be considered highly fantastic by
those who masticate a monkey with the greatest relish, partake with
gusto of rattlesnake soup, and voraciously devour an alligator stew.
The manatus is commonly found in shallow water, at the mouths of
rivers, where it feeds upon the marine herbage which there grows in
great luxuriance. It has no teeth, but two thick, smooth, hard,
unserrated bones run from one side of the mouth to the other. I am
inclined to think that these bones might be used as a substitute for
Mr. P. H. Gosse, in his interesting little manual on the Natural History
of the Mammalia, remarks:—
‘From personal experience we can confirm Hernandez’s statement of
the excellence of the flesh of the manatee; he truly compares it to
well fatted pork, of pleasant flavour. The pursuit of it, on this account,
has rendered it scarce in many localities, where it was formerly
numerous; in the vicinity of Cayenne, it was at one time so common,
that a large boat might be filled with them in a day, and the flesh was
sold at 3d. per pound. About the middle of the last century it fetched,
at Port Royal in Jamaica, 15d. currency per pound.’
The tongue of the sea-lion (Phoca jubata) is very good eating, and
some seamen prefer it to that of an ox or calf. Thus Dr. Pernetty
(Voyage to the Falkland Islands) says,—‘For a trial we cut off the tip
of the tongue hanging out of the mouth of one of these lions which
was just killed. About sixteen or eighteen of us ate each a pretty
large piece, and we all thought it so good that we regretted we could
not eat more of it.
‘It is said that their flesh is not absolutely disagreeable. I have not
tasted it, but the oil which is extracted from their grease is of great
use. This oil is extracted in two ways; either by cutting the fat in
pieces and melting it in large caldrons upon the fire, or by cutting it in
the same manner upon hurdles or pieces of board, and exposing
them to the sun, or only to the air. This grease dissolves of itself and
runs into vessels placed underneath to receive it. Some of our
seamen pretended that this last sort of oil, when it is fresh, is very
good for kitchen uses. It is preferred to that of the whale; is always
clear, and leaves no sediment.’
Walrus meat is strong, coarse, and of a game-like flavour. Seal flesh
is exceedingly oily, and not very palatable; but by practice, residents
in the northern regions learn to relish both exceedingly.
The large tongue, the heart, and liver of the walrus (Trichecus
rosmarus), are often eaten by whalers for want of better fresh
provisions, and are passably good.
Commodore Anson’s party killed many sea-lions for food, using,
particularly, the hearts and tongues, which they thought excellent
eating, and preferable even to those of bullocks. The flesh of the
female sea-bear (Phoca ursina, Lin.) they found very delicate, having
the taste of lamb; while that of the cub could scarcely be
distinguished from roasted pig.
Sir Edward Parry was once asked, at a dinner where Lord Erskine
was present, what he and his crew had lived upon when they were
frozen in in the Polar Seas. Parry said they lived upon seals. ‘A very
good living, too,’ exclaimed the Chancellor, ‘if you keep them long
One of the ordinary acts of hospitality and civility on the part of the
Esquimaux ladies, is to take a bird, or piece of seal-flesh, chew it up
very nicely, and hand it to the visitor, who is expected to be
overcome with gratitude, and finish the operation of chewing and
digesting the delicate morsel.
The carcase and blubber of the whale at Bahia, in Brazil, are
reduced to food by the poor.
To most of the rude littoral tribes of Northern Asia and America, the
whale and seal furnish, not only food and clothing, but many other
useful materials. The Esquimaux will eat the raw flesh of the whale
with the same apparent relish, when newly killed, or after it has been
buried in the ground for several months.
The whales on the coasts of Japan not only afford oil in great
abundance, but their flesh, which is there considered very
wholesome and nutritious, is largely consumed. No part of them,
indeed, is thrown away; all is made available to some useful purpose
or another. The skin, which is generally black, the flesh, which is red
and looks like coarse beef, the intestines and all the inward parts,
besides the fat or blubber, which is boiled into oil, and the bone,
which is converted into innumerable uses,—all is made available to
purposes of profit.
Both sperm and black whales abound on the coast of Western
Australia. Sometimes a dead whale is thrown on the shore, and
affords luxurious living to the natives. They do not, however, eat the
The natives of New Zealand, when short of food, will not scruple to
eat the flesh of the whale, when caught in their vicinity.
The deep has many food dainties as well as the land, as we shall
shortly have to notice, and among these is the porpoise, which the
reader may probably have seen dashing up our rivers, or, during a
long voyage, disporting itself amid the briny waves, and rolling
gracefully near the sides of the ship. This sea pig sometimes serves
for a feast. When caught, it is cut into steaks, dried, and put into the
ship’s coppers, with a quantum suf. of spices and condiments which
nearly overpower the oily taste. The steaks turn blackish on being
exposed to the air, but this is ‘a matter of nothing’ to those whose
daily diet is usually limited to hard biscuits and salt junk. Landsmen
may question the niceness of the palate which partakes of this
dainty, but the old adage holds true everywhere, ‘de gustibus non
disputandum.’ There is no disputing about tastes.
According to ancient records, salted porpoises were formerly used
for food in this country.
In the olden times, when glass windows were considered an
effeminate luxury, and rushes supplied the place of carpets, the flesh
of the porpoise constituted one of the standard delicacies of a public
feast. It was occasionally served up at the tables of the old English
nobility as a sumptuous article of food, and eaten with a sauce
composed of sugar, vinegar, and crumbs of fine bread. But tastes
have altered, and even sailors will scarcely touch the flesh now. M.
de Bouganville, in his voyage to the Falkland Islands, writes—‘We
had some of the porpoise served up at dinner the day it was taken,
which several others at the table besides myself thought by no
means so ill-tasted as it is generally said to be.’
Porpoises are rather dangerous enemies to the shoals of fish. A
porpoise, before taking in a barrel of herrings for its dinner, will often
whet its appetite with a cod’s head and shoulders, leaving the tail
part for some poor fisherman.
Leaving now our passing survey of the food supplies derived from
animals, we come next to birds, and, in the first order, we do not find
that any are eaten, at least, as far as my knowledge extends; indeed,
these carnivorous birds, from their habits and their food, would not
be very tempting. This, however, as we have seen in the case of
predatory animals, is no safe criterion to judge from. Probably, the
man who would feast on the flesh of a lion, or a polecat, would have
a stomach strong enough to digest slices of a John Crow carrion
vulture, an eagle, or a hawk.
In the order of Insessores, or perching birds, I may mention first—
The becafico, or fig-eater (Sylvia hortensis), a bird about the size of
a linnet, which is highly prized by the Italians for the delicacy of its
flesh, particularly in autumn, when it is in excellent condition for the
There is a curious food product obtained, (not exactly, however, from
the bird,) which is in high repute in China; and that is the edible nest
of a species of swallow extensively obtained in some of the islands
of the Eastern Archipelago.
These nests are attached to the sides of rocks like those of our
martin and swallow to walls, and look like so many watch-pockets.
The eggs are white, with a slight pinkish tinge, and are generally two
in number. The nests are either white, red, or black, and the natives
maintain that these are built by three distinct species, with a white,
red, and black breast, but this is erroneous. The Malays assert
frequently, moreover, that the nests are formed from the bodies of
certain sea snakes, but the food is, without doubt, insects. The
subjoined accounts furnish the most detailed information known
respecting the collection and trade in these birdsnests.
The following description of the birdsnests’ rocks, in the district of
Karang Bollong, on the southerly sea-coast of Java, is given in the
first volume of the Journal of the Indian Archipelago, published at
‘The gathering of these nests takes place three times a year—in the
end of April, the middle of August, and in December. The yearly
produce is commonly between 50 and 60 piculs of 133⅓ lbs. The
business of collection is opened with great ceremony by the natives.
By the assistance of ladders and stages made of rattan, the
collectors descend the rocks and cliffs, provided with the requisite
bags to contain the nests, which are taken from the wall by the hand,
and those which are on the roof by an iron hook made fast to a long
bamboo. The birds feed upon different kinds of bloodless insects,
hovering above the stagnant waters, for which their wide open beak
is very useful. They form their nests by vomiting the strongest and
best fragments of the food which they have eaten. The nests are
weighed and packed in hampers (of 25 catties each), and labelled
with the net weight, mark of the overseer, &c., and then further
preserved and secured with strips of bark, leaves, and matting.
‘The edible birdsnests, which owe their celebrity only to the
whimsical luxury of the Chinese, are brought principally from Java
and Sumatra, though they are found on most of the rocky islets of
the Indian Archipelago. The nest is the habitation of a small swallow,
named (from the circumstance of having an edible house) Hirundo
esculenta. They are composed of a mucilaginous substance, but as
yet they have never been analyzed with sufficient accuracy to show
the constituents. Externally, they resemble ill-concocted, fibrous
isinglass, and are of a white colour, inclining to red. Their thickness
is little more than that of a silver spoon, and the weight from a
quarter to half an ounce. When dry they are brittle and wrinkled; the
size is nearly that of a goose’s egg. Those that are dry, white, and
clean, are the most valuable. They are packed in bundles, with split
rattans run through them to preserve the shape. Those procured
after the young are fledged, are not saleable in China. The quality of
the nest varies according to the situation and extent of the caves,
and the time at which they are taken. If procured before the young
are fledged, the nests are of the best kind; if they contain eggs only,
they are still valuable; but if the young are in the nests, or have left
them, the whole are then nearly worthless, being dark-coloured,
streaked with blood, and intermixed with feathers and dirt. These
nests are procurable twice every year; the best are found in deep,
damp caves, which, if not injured, will continue to produce
indefinitely. It was once thought that the caves near the sea-coast
were the most productive; but some of the most profitable yet found
are situated 50 miles in the interior. This fact seems to be against the
opinion that the nests are composed of the spawn of fish, or of
bêche-de-mer. The method of procuring these nests is not
unattended with danger. Some of the caves are so precipitous, that
no one but those accustomed to the employment from their youth
can obtain the nests, being only approachable by a perpendicular
descent of many hundred feet, by ladders of bamboo and rattan,
over a sea rolling violently against the rocks. When the mouth of the
cave is attained, the perilous task of taking the nests must often be
performed by torchlight, by penetrating into recesses of the rock;
where the slightest slip would be instantly fatal to the adventurers,
who see nothing below them but the turbulent surf, making its way
into the chasms of the rock—such is the price paid to gratify luxury.
After the nests are obtained, they are separated from feathers and
dirt, are carefully dried and packed, and are then fit for the market.
The Chinese, who are the only people that purchase them for their
own use, bring them in junks to this market, where they command
extravagant prices; the best, or white kind, often being worth four
thousand dollars per picul (a Chinese weight, equal to 133⅓ lbs.
avoirdupois), which is nearly twice their weight in silver. The middling
kind is worth from twelve to eighteen hundred, and the worst, or
those procured after fledging, one hundred and fifty to two hundred
dollars per picul. The majority of the best kind are sent to Pekin, for
the use of the court. It appears, therefore, that this curious dish is
only an article of expensive luxury amongst the Chinese; the
Japanese do not use it at all, and how the former people acquired
the habit of indulging in it, is only less singular than their persevering
in it. They consider the edible birdsnest as a great stimulant, tonic,
and aphrodisiac, but its best quality, perhaps, is its being perfectly
harmless. The labour bestowed to render it fit for the table is
enormous; every feather, stick, or impurity of any kind is carefully
removed; and then, after undergoing many washings and
preparations, it is made into a soft, delicious jelly. The sale of
birdsnests is a monopoly with all the governments in whose
dominions they are found. About two hundred and fifty thousand
piculs, of the value of one million four hundred thousand dollars, are
annually brought to Canton. These come from the islands of Java,
Sumatra, Macassar, and those of the Sooloo group. Java alone
sends about thirty thousand pounds, mostly of the first quality,
estimated at seventy thousand dollars.’[12]
Mr. J. H. Moor, in his notices of the Indian Archipelago, published at
Singapore some years ago, states, that ‘one of the principal and
most valuable articles of exportation is the edible birdsnests, white
and black. These are found in much greater abundance in and about
the Coti, more than any other part of Borneo, or from what we at
present know on the subject, all parts put together. On the western
coast they are scarcely known to exist; about Banjermassin and
Bagottan there are none; at Bataliching and Passier they are found
in considerable quantities. At Browe there is abundance of the black
kind of a very superior quality, but little of the white. At Seboo, and all
the parts to the north of Borneo, we know there is none, as I have
seen many letters from different Rajahs of those countries averring
the fact, and begging the Sultan of Coti to exchange his edible nests
for their most valuable commodities, and at his own price. Nor ought
this to create surprise, when we consider, not only the large
consumption of this article by the Cambojans, who almost
exclusively inhabit some of the largest Sooloo Islands, and the
northern parts of Borneo, but the amazing demand on the whole
coast of Cambodia, particularly of Cochin China, the principal
inhabitants of which countries are as partial to this luxury as their
more northern neighbours—the Chinese. There are in Coti and
adjacent Dyak countries perhaps eighty known places, or what the
natives term holes, which produce the white nests. I have seen the
names of forty-three. There can, however, be no doubt there are
many more likewise known to the Dyaks, who keep the knowledge to
themselves, lest the Bugis should dispossess them, which they know
from experience is invariably the case.
‘According to the accounts of the Sultan, rendered by Saib Abdulla,
the bandarree in 1834 yielded 134 piculs. The usual price in money
to the Coti traders is 23 reals per catty from the Dyaks, and 25 in
barter. The black nests may be procured in great abundance. The
best kinds come from Cinculeram and Baley Papang. The latter
mountain alone yields 230 piculs (of 113⅓ lbs.). Cinculeram gives
nearly as much. There are several other parts of Coti which produce
them, besides the quantity brought down by the Dyaks. Last year,
130 piculs paid duty to the Sultan; these left the large Coti river.
Those from Cinculeram and Bongan were taken to Browe and
Seboo. The bandarree’s book averages the annual weight of those
collected in the lower part of Coti at 820 piculs (about 1,025 cwts.)
‘The Pangeran Sierpa and the Sultan say they could collect 2,700
piculs of black nests, if the bandarree and capella-campong would
behave honestly. The Sultan, however, seldom gets any account of
what is sent to Browe, Seboo, and the Sooloo Islands, the quality of
which is far superior to any sent to European ports.’
The exports of birdsnests from Java, between 1823 and 1832,
averaged about 250 piculs a year; in 1832, 322 piculs; but of late
years the exports have not averaged half that amount; and in 1853
and 1854 there were only about 35 or 40 piculs shipped.
In the third order, Scansores, there are very few edible birds.
In the mountain of Tumeriquiri, in the government of Cumana, is the
immense cavern of Guacharo, famous among the Indians. It serves
as a habitation for millions of nocturnal birds (Steatornis caripensis, a
new species of the Caprimulgis, of Linnæus), whose fat yields the oil
of Guacharo.
Once a year, near midsummer, this cavern is entered by the Indians.
Armed with poles, they ransack the greater part of the nests, while
the old birds hover over the heads of the robbers as if to defend their
brood, uttering horrible cries. The young which fall down are opened
on the spot. The peritoneum is found loaded with fat, and a layer of
the same substance reaches from the abdomen to the vent, forming
a kind of cushion between the hind legs. Humboldt remarks that this
quantity of fat in frugivorous animals, not exposed to the light, and
exerting but little muscular motion, brings to mind what has been
long observed in the fattening of geese and oxen. ‘It is well known,’
he adds, ‘how favourable darkness and repose are to this process.’
At the period above mentioned, which is generally known at Carissa
by the designation of ‘the oil harvest,’ huts are built by the Indians,
with palm leaves, near the entrance and even in the very porch of
the cavern. There the fat of the young birds just killed is melted in
clay pots, over a brushwood fire, and this fat is named butter or oil of
the Guacharo. It is half liquid, transparent, inodorous, and so pure
that it will keep above a year without turning rancid.[13]
There is a curious bird met with in caves in the West India Islands—
as at Dominica, and the gulf of Paria, the diablotin or goat-sucker,
which, if eaten when taken from the nest, is pronounced by epicures
unrivalled; and the flesh is also considered a delicacy when salted.
It has received its popular cognomen from its ugliness, but I have not
been able to trace its scientific name.
The bird is nearly the size of a duck, and web-footed, with a big
round head and crooked bill like a hawk, and large full eyes like an
owl; the head, part of the neck, and chief feathers of the wing and
tail, are black, while the other parts of its body are covered with a
fine milk-white down; the whole appearance being very singular. The
diablotin only leaves its haunts at night time, flying with hideous
screams like the owl, which it resembles in its dislike to day-light.
The nests are made in holes in the mountains. When the palms are
in fruit, the bird becomes one lump of fat. The hideous appearance
of the bird and the strong scent once got over, it is said to be a
delicious morsel.
We have our delicate tit-bits in spitted larks, and as many as four
thousand dozen have been known to be taken in the neighbourhood
of Dunstable between September and February. What the number
sold in our metropolitan markets is annually, it is impossible to say.
But larks are taken in much larger numbers in Germany, where there
is an excise upon them, which has yielded as much as £1,000 a year
in Leipsic—the larks of which place are famous all over Germany as
being of a most delicate flavour.
In the Italian markets, besides carrion crows, strings of thrushes,
larks, and even robin redbreasts are sold.
Young rooks, when skinned and made into pies are much esteemed
by some persons, but they are very coarse eating.
One of the most delicious birds is the rice-bunting of South Carolina
(Dolichonyx oryzivorus).
The rice-bunting migrates over the continent of America, from
Labrador to Mexico, and over the great Antilles, appearing in the
southern extremity of the United States about the end of March.
Towards the middle and close of August, they enter New York, and
Pennsylvania on their way to the south. There, along the shores of
the large rivers lined with floating fields of wild rice, they find
abundant subsistence, grow fat, and their flesh becomes little inferior
in flavour to that of the European ortolan, on which account the reed,
or rice birds, as they are then called, are shot in great numbers.
When the cool nights in October commence, they move still farther
south, till they reach the islands of Jamaica and Cuba in prodigious
numbers to feed on the seeds of the guinea grass. Epicures
compare the plump and juicy flesh of this delicacy to the ortolan.
On the shores of the Mediterranean there are feathered delicacies in
the shape of the quail and the ortolan. Thousands of ortolans used to
be shipped from the island of Cyprus, packed in casks of 300 or 400,
prepared with spice and vinegar. When specially fattened for the
table, they are regarded as most delicious; but, being merely lumps
of fat, are so rich as soon to satiate the appetite of even a professed
gourmand. In the West India Islands and the Southern States of
America, the rice-bunting, as we have seen, takes its place, and is,
occasionally, found in prodigious numbers, and greatly esteemed.
The bluish flesh of the toucan, notwithstanding its enormous and
unsightly beak, is a wholesome and delicate meat; and there are no
birds that give the Trinidad epicure a more delicious morsel. It is one
of the most omnivorous of birds, and its powers of digestion and
impunity to poisons are remarkable.
Parrot pie is said to be pretty good; at least, it may be so when other
animal food is scarce.
Among the gallinaceous fowls, large numbers contribute to the
food delicacies of man. Some, like the turkey, peacock, &c., of
considerable size; others, as the pigeon tribe, form smaller tit-bits.
The game birds, the pheasant, partridge, grouse, &c., and the quail,
guinea fowl, and jungle fowl, are bagged whenever they can be
obtained by the sportsman.
The peacock enkakyll ‘was one of the famous dishes at the costly
royal banquets of old, and the receipt for dressing it is thus given:—
‘Take and flay off the skin with the feathers, tail, and the neck and
head thereon; then take the skin and all the feathers and lay it on the
table abroad, and strew thereon ground cumin; then take the
peacock and roast him, and baste him with raw yolks of eggs; and
when he is roasted, take him off and let him cool awhile, then take
him and sew him in his skin, and gild his comb, and so serve him
forth with the last course.’
As far as my own experience goes, with all the basting and sauces,
the peacock is, at best, a dry and tough eating bird.
The domestic fowls and the tame turkey require no notice here, there
being nothing curious about them, however delicate eating they may
be when properly fattened and brought to table; but there is a
species of wild turkey found in New Granada, weighing from 12 to 16
lbs., and called the iowanen, which is described by Mr. W. Purdie of
Trinidad as the most delicate article of food he ever tasted.
Dear as fowls, ducks, and eggs comparatively are, they meet, as
every one knows, with a ready sale. When we find our imports of
eggs, chiefly from France, amount to about 130,000,000 a year,
besides our nominal ‘new laid,’ or home produce,—when we learn
that the foreign poultry we receive (mixed up with not a few Ostend
rabbits) is valued at 39,000l., and that Ireland supplies us with about
150,000,000 of eggs, we begin to perceive that fowls, ducks, geese,
and turkeys must be a profitable investment to some persons, and
the capital of about 4,000,000l. we lay out on these various products
serves to gladden the heart of many a poultry breeder.
There are sent to market about nine or ten million head of poultry in
a year to supply the whole population of the United Kingdom,
shipping and all, which is not more than one-third of a fowl to each
person annually. Now, were every one to have a fowl as part food
once a month, it would require 330,000,000 more fowls or other
poultry than are at present sold.
I copy the following from what I believe to be the first fixed tariff of
provisions, in the City of London, about the second year of Edward I.
(1272.) The people had at that time great cause to complain of the
exorbitant prices demanded of them for provisions, by hucksters and
dealers, and a fixed price was found necessary by the Mayor:—
The best hen three half-pence
Pullet three half-pence
Capon two pence
Goose five pence
Wild goose four pence
Pigeons, three for one penny
Mallard, three for a half-penny
Plover one penny
Partridge three half-pence
Larks, per dozen one penny half-penny
Pheasant four pence
Heron six pence
Swan three shillings
Crane three shillings, and by
a subsequent Act one shilling
The best peacock one penny
The best coney, with skin four pence
Ditto, without skin three pence
The best hare, with skin three pence half-penny
The best lamb, from
Christmas to Lent six pence
At other times of the year four pence.
In the time of Edward II., 1313, eggs were 20 a penny, and pigeons
sold at three for a penny.
It is curious, even to notice the London prices of poultry, two or three
centuries ago, although regard must of course be had to the
difference in the value of money now and then.
Sir James Hawes, during his mayoralty, in the year 1575, fixed the
following prices within the City of London:—
s. d.
Blackbirds, per dozen 0 10
The best capon, large and fat 1 8
Ditto, second best, being fat 1 4
The best green goose, until Whitsuntide 0 8
Ditto ditto, after Whitsuntide 0 10
Ditto, in winter, being fat 1 2
Pigeons, per dozen 1 4
Chickens, the largest, each 0 4
Ditto, second sort 0 3
The best coney rabbit, from and after the
summer 0 5
Eggs, four 0 1
Cygnets, fat until Allhalloweentide, each 6 0
Ditto, from then to Shrovetide 7 0
Cranes, the best, each 6 0
The best heron, pheasant, shoveller (duck),
and bittern, each 2 6
Turkey-cock, fat and large 3 0
Turkey chicken, fat and large 1 4
Woodcocks, each 0 6
Snipes, each 0 2½
Hens, being fat and the best, each 0 9
Ditto, second sort 0 7
Green plovers, fat 0 4
The best wild mallard 0 6
Teals, each 0 3
At a feast given at Ely House, by the serjeants-at-law, November,
1531, (23rd of Henry VIII.) on the occasion of making eleven new
serjeants, open house was kept for five successive days. On the
fourth day, King Henry, his Queen, the Foreign Ambassadors, the
Judges, and Lord Mayor and Aldermen, were feasted, as also
numerous guests, knights, and gentlemen. Stow particularizes the
following articles and prices, in order to furnish data for computing
the relative value of money at different periods:—
s. d.
Great beeves, from the shambles
(twenty-four) each 26 8
One carcase of an ox 24 0
Fat muttons (one hundred), each 2 10
Great veals (fifty-one), each 4 8
Porks (thirty-four), each 3 8
Pigs (ninety-one), each 0 6
Capons of Greece (of one poulterer, for they
had three) ten dozen, each capon 1 8
Capons of Kent (nine dozen and six), each 1 0
Capons, coarse (nineteen dozen), each 1 0
Cocks of grouse (seven dozen and nine), each
cock 0 8
Cocks, coarse (fourteen dozen and eight) 0 3
Pullets, the best, each 0 2½
Other pullets, each 0 2
Pigeons (thirty-seven dozen), at per dozen 0 10

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