WUG - Flowmon and WhatsUp Gold

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Flowmon and WhatsUp Gold

Integrated Infrastructure Monitoring, Network Performance and Anomaly Detection


Troubleshooting Challenges
KEY BENEFITS Your network is a complex and constantly-changing collection of devices
and systems and it absolutely must be available at all time. But when
Know Everything issues do occur, it’s hard to troubleshoot them using multiple tools. Using
Broad IT monitoring, combined
one solution for infrastructure and another one for network traffic analysis
with in-depth flow analysis, joined
to deliver maximum transparency and yet another for security event detection and response leads to
fingerpointing, manual comparisons and delay. In fact, studies have shown
Enhance Security
 that the more tools an IT team needs to diagnose a problem, the worse their
Analyze encrypted traffic, detect performance becomes.
ransomware & insider threats,
unusual behavior as well as The problem is not seeing everything you need in one application. To
monitor firewalls, virus scanners, diagnose network issues you should have observability into IT infrastructure,
and backups advanced network traffic analysis, application performance, virtual machines,
wireless devices, cloud resources, device logs, device configurations and
High Availability Monitoring security threat detection & response. This will save time, improve efficiency
Monitor Flowmon devices
and dramatically reduce your Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR).
with WhatsUp Gold along with
the rest of your network

The Data You Need, in Context

Flowmon and WhatsUp Gold bring together network telemetry,
AI-powered analysis, and advanced security features with comprehensive
IT infrastructure monitoring capabilities ensuring the availability,
performance, and security of your entire network.

WhatsUp Gold Traffic Analysis Security

Dashboards Dashboard Dashboard

CPU Database Server Hard Drive Device Firewall Router Indicators of Ransomware
Configurations compromise

Cloud Virtual Storage Device Configuration Switch Cloud Anomaly Insider

Resource Machine Device Logs Management Flow Logs Detection Threats

Hybrid Network Infrastructure

WhatsUp Gold provides complete visibility into the status and performance
of applications, network devices and servers in the cloud or on-premises. It’s
ABOUT WHATSUP GOLD unique interactive mapping interface makes it easy to see network issues
WhatsUp Gold is the perennial favorite network at a glance and diagnose them with a few clicks. Sophisticated alerting and
and infrastructure monitoring choice of tens of reporting lets you proactively find and fix network problems fast – usually
thousands of IT professionals. It provides complete
visibility into the status and performance of before they impact your end users.
applications, network devices and servers in the
cloud or on-premises. WhatsUp Gold makes it easy Flowmon monitors and analyzes network and cloud traffic, detecting
to proactively find and fix problems fast – usually anomalies using a spectrum of methods all deployed simultaneously.
before they impact end-users.
It combines network telemetry, machine learning and behavior analysis
With its unique interactive mapping interface, seeking indicators of compromise to uncover malicious behaviors or
WhatsUp Gold provides intuitive, at-a-glance
network observability with industry-leading data breaches.
ease-of-use. Sophisticated alerting and reporting
capabilities make it simple for IT teams to monitor Together, you get the integration of IT infrastructure/network monitoring
network devices, servers, virtual machines, cloud, and network performance monitoring and diagnostics/network detection
and wireless environments in context so they can
diagnose issues with pinpoint accuracy.
and response so you can see everything going on in your network in
context. Flowmon dashboards displaying advanced traffic analysis and
security details can be viewed natively within the WhatsUp Gold interface,
giving IT teams a single tool for troubleshooting and diagnostics.
The Flowmon solution creates a secure
and transparent digital environment where
people rule the network regard- less of its
complexity and nature. Using machine learning, Reliable, Secure, Observable
heuristics and advanced analytics, it enables IT
professionals to improve performance and reduce Networks
risk across on-premise, datacenter and cloud
environments. Integrating WhatsUp Gold and Flowmon combines active and passive
The solution serves as a shared platform where security, creates another level of awareness and makes your entire network
network and security teams speak the same environment more observable, reliable, and secure.
language, enabling them to work as one for
faster mean-time-to-resolve and optimal resource
allocation. By delivering highly streamlined
deployment to any network type, market-leading
support and in-product guidance, the solution
provides the fastest time-to-value in the industry.

For a Free Trial Please Visit:


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