I Want It Anyway Consumer Perceptions of Smart Home Devices

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I Want It Anyway: Consumer Perceptions of Smart

Home Devices

Xuequn Wang, Tanya Jane McGill & Jane E. Klobas

To cite this article: Xuequn Wang, Tanya Jane McGill & Jane E. Klobas (2020) I Want It Anyway:
Consumer Perceptions of Smart Home Devices, Journal of Computer Information Systems,
60:5, 437-447, DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2018.1528486

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/08874417.2018.1528486

Published online: 21 Nov 2018.

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2020, VOL. 60, NO. 5, 437–447

I Want It Anyway: Consumer Perceptions of Smart Home Devices

Xuequn Wang , Tanya Jane McGill, and Jane E. Klobas
Murdoch University, Perth, Australia

Smart home devices form a significant part of the Internet of Things market and can provide benefits Internet of things; smart
such as convenience and energy efficiency. They also have potential privacy and security risks as they home devices; adoption
collect information constantly. In order to examine how benefit and risk factors influence individuals’ intention; net valance model
intentions to adopt smart home devices, we developed a net valence model that integrates both
positive factors and risk factors. The model was tested using data collected using an online question-
naire. The results show that individuals tend to ignore the potential risks and focus more on potential
benefits resulting from using smart home devices. Performance expectancy and compatibility were
found to be positively related to perceived benefits. However, neither effort expectancy nor image were.
Among the proposed dimensions of risk, only privacy risk, performance risk, and time risk significantly
influenced perceived risk. Security risk and financial risk did not influence it.

Introduction perceptions of benefits and risk influence the intentions of

consumers to adopt smart home devices.
The Internet of Things (IoT) allows devices with unique addres-
sing schemes to share data with one another and has applications
in a wide range of areas including transport, agriculture, health- Literature review and theoretical foundation
care, manufacturing, and home automation. Estimates of the
In a study of 1,150 UK home owners, Wilson, et al.10 found
current numbers of installed interconnected IoT devices vary,
that the four most cited benefits of smart homes were savings
but conservative estimates suggest that in 2018 there are at least
in energy, effort, time, and money. The potential risk of
7 billion,1,2 with Gartner1 predicting growth to 20.4 billion by
adoption of smart home devices has been less studied, but
2020 and Statista2 predicting growth to 31 billion. Many of these
in a 2016 study, upfront costs were most likely considered to
devices are used for consumer applications (e.g., domestic appli-
be a risk (33% of consumers) followed by privacy (24%) and
ances, smartphones, and fitness devices), and these are estimated
security (19%).11 Wilson et al.10 also identified privacy as of
to represent approximately 63% of all IoT devices.1,3 Smart home
concern to potential adopters, along with other risks such as
devices form a significant part of the IoT market, and are mar-
increasing dependence on technology.
keted as providing benefits such as energy efficiency and conve-
How perceived benefits and risk might influence the adoption
nience because they allow remote access to devices and the ability
of consumer IoT devices has been studied using several models/
to schedule tasks.4
theories. Those based on the Technology Acceptance Model
In addition to these benefits, smart home devices have
(TAM)12 include studies by Dong, et al.,13 Gao and Bai,14 and
privacy and security implications for those who are being
Shin, et al.15 Kim, et al.16 used a model that drew upon the Unified
encouraged to adopt them,5 as they collect information con-
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)17 and
stantly and there is evidence that privacy and security have
their own Value-based Adoption Model18 while Yang, et al.19
not been a priority in product design, with a Symantec secur-
extended the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)20 to explore
ity report indicating that many devices do not support two-
explain consumers’ intentions to adopt smart home devices.
factor authentication, enforcement of strong passwords, or
These studies have identified a range of factors as playing a
protection against brute-force attacks6 and a survey by
positive role in influencing consumer smart home device or
Bastos, et al.7 highlighting a large range of security issues.
service adoption either directly or indirectly. These include
To date there has been little research on users’ knowledge
perceived usefulness,13,16,21,22 perceived convenience,13,23 per-
of IoT risk or on the implications of risk perceptions on home
ceived enjoyment,14,16,22 perceived ease of use,13 perceived
users’ adoption of IoT devices. The research described in this
behavioral control,14 perceived compatibility,15,21 perceived
article builds on previous research models that integrate the
interconnectedness,24 facilitating conditions,16 and social
influences of perceived risk into technology adoption, e.g.,8,9
influence.14 In some studies these factors are conceptualized
to address this major gap in knowledge and explore how
as having a direct effect on adoption or intention to use smart

CONTACT Xuequn Wang [email protected] Murdoch University, 90 South St., Perth 6150, Australia
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/ucis.
© 2018 International Association for Computer Information Systems
438 X. WANG ET AL.

home devices,14 while in others overall perceived benefits and/ investigate the effect of individuals’ perceptions of opposing
or attitude are included as mediating their effect.16,19,21,22 benefit (positive valence) and risk (negative valence) factors on
Less attention has been paid to the risk factors that may their decisions.27–29 The basic proposition of these NVMs is that
have a negative influence on adoption, and what research individuals are more likely to engage in a certain behavior (e.g.,
there has been has focused primarily on privacy risk, with using smart home devices) if the perceived benefits of the beha-
studies finding that factors that have been labelled as per- vior outweigh the perceived risk. These NVMs have been used to
ceived privacy risk,13,22 concern for information privacy,21 understand intention to continue using social media,27 health
perceived sacrifice,16 and security/privacy risk19 play either information seeking/sharing,28 and intention to participate in
direct or indirect roles in reducing intentions to adopt smart Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs.29
home devices or services. Hsu and Lin21 considered four In the context of technology adoption, the perceived ben-
kinds of privacy issues: collection of data, unauthorized sec- efits of the technology of interest are assigned a positive
ondary use, improper access, and errors (in data). However, valence.30 Since not all perceived benefits can be quantified
no other risk factors were considered beyond privacy risk. The objectively, individuals are assumed to rely on their own
study by Dong, et al.13 had an even narrower conceptualiza- subjective evaluations when they make technology and use
tion of privacy risk, measuring it with three items that related decisions. Based on UTAUT17 and attributes of technology
only to stealing of personal information. innovations that Moore and Benbasat31 derived from Rogers’
In addition to privacy risk, Yang, et al.19 also considered model of adoption and diffusion, we propose performance
physical risk and trust of service providers. They found that expectancy (perceived usefulness), effort expectancy (ease of
potential adopters were not concerned about physical risk, but use), compatibility, and image as factors relevant to the per-
that trust in the service provider had a positive effect on ceived benefits of smart home usage. Whether individuals are
adoption. Gao and Bai14 also included the role of trust, rather positive or negative about these potential benefits, the concept
than risk, but found no influence on adoption. Their concep- of perceived benefits retains its positive connotation in the
tualization of trust did not explicitly address privacy and NVM. For example, when perceived usefulness is low, the
security risk – rather confidence in the provider and reliability technology is perceived to be difficult to use, incompatible
of the information from the system. with current technology and activities, or use of the technol-
In a study on adoption of smart home services, Hsu and ogy contributes to a negative rather than a positive personal
Lin22 considered the role of perceived fees of services, but image, the value of perceived benefits is low, but the concept
found that financial cost did not influence adoption inten- of perceived benefits retains its positive valence.
tions. Kim, et al.16 also included perceived fees in their con- Perceived risk is the subjective expectation of a possible
ceptualization of perceived sacrifice but did not have a loss.32 NVMs of technology adoption assign a negative
separate hypothesis associated with it. So although they valence to perceived risk, which is defined in terms of indivi-
found that perceived sacrifice did have a negative impact on duals’ expectation of negative consequences from adoption or
perceived value, the relative influence of perceived fee relative use of a technology.9,28 Following refs.,33,34 individuals’ per-
to the other risk they considered (technicality) was not deter- ceptions of the risk associated with a behavior are expected to
mined. Given the limited research that has been done on influence their intention to engage in that behavior.
smart home device risk and the apparently inconsistent results Following perceived risk theorists34,35 and previous litera-
of research that has been reported, further research is needed ture on technology adoption8,9 we propose privacy risk, secur-
to understand the nature of different risk perceptions and ity risk, performance risk, time risk, and financial risk as
their relative roles in adoption. perceived risk factors relevant to smart home device adoption.

Net valence models Research model and hypothesis development

As discussed above, previous literature has often used models We propose a theoretical NVM to investigate individuals’
such as TAM12 and UTAUT17 to understand individuals’ intentions to use smart home devices. The model depicted
technology acceptance. The underlying assumption of these in Figure 1 proposes that an individual’s intention to use
theories is that individuals derive various benefits from using smart home devices is supported by their benefit perceptions
certain technology. For example, UTAUT states that indivi- and is inhibited by their perceptions of the risk associated
duals’ expectancies of performance and effort, as well as social with usage. Table 1 lists the dimensions of benefit and risk
influence and facilitating conditions, influence their technol- that are considered and defines them. Below we discuss our
ogy acceptance and use. However, using IoT technology may hypotheses in more detail.
not necessarily always be beneficial and can result in various
types of risk. For example, individuals may feel concerned
Perceived benefits of using smart home devices
that personal data collected by smart home devices may be
leaked or that their devices may be hacked by criminals.19 To Perceived benefits reflect the positive utility perceived by
systematically examine how benefits and risk influence indi- individuals when adopting technology.30 Previous literature
viduals’ intention to use smart home devices, we develop a net has found that perceived benefit is positively related to inten-
valance model (NVM). tion to use social media27 and BYOD services,29 and in the
NVMs drawing on the work of refs.25,26 have been used in context of the IoT, Hsu and Lin22 found that perceived value
recent technology adoption and continuance studies to influenced intention to adopt IoT services. Hsu and Lin 21


Effort H2b

H2c Perceived

Image H2d

Intention to
Privacy Risk Use Smart
H4a Home Devices

Security Risk

Performance H4c H3
Perceived Risk

Time Risk

Finanical Risk H4e

Figure 1. A Net Valence Model (NVM) of intention to use smart home devices.

H1: Perceived benefits of using smart home devices is positively

Table 1. Perceived benefits and risks of smart home devices. related to intention to use smart home devices.
Construct Definition
Perceived Performance The degree to which individuals perceive that Based on UTAUT17 and Moore and Benbasat,31 we pro-
Benefits Expectancy using smart home devices will improve their
performance of household tasks pose that the antecedents of perceived benefits include per-
Effort The degree to which individuals perceive that formance expectancy, effort expectancy, compatibility, and
Expectancy using smart home devices is easy image. Performance expectancy has been found to be posi-
Compatibility The degree to which individuals perceive using
smart home devices as being consistent with tively related to the perceived benefits associated with using
the way they live social networking sites.27 In the IoT domain, Dong, et al.13
Image The degree to which using smart home devices found that performance expectancy (i.e., perceived usefulness)
is perceived to enhance the individual’s image
or status has a positive effect on intention to use the IoT systems and
Perceived Privacy Risk The risk that individuals lose control over Hsu and Lin22 found that it influences the perceived value of
Risk personal data stored on smart home devices,
such as when data is retrieved without their
IoT services. In the smart home context, for example, indivi-
knowledge duals may perceive that smart fridges can provide useful
Security Risk The risk that using smart home devices is functionality such as reminding them that certain food is
associated with security breaches
Performance The risk that smart home devices do not meet about to pass a use by date, or that common purchases have
Risk individuals’ requirements run out, and hence be more likely to perceive using smart
Time Risk The risk that using smart home devices takes home devices as beneficial. If this is the case, when individuals
too long or wastes too much time
Financial Risk The risk that the costs of buying, running and expect that using smart home devices will facilitate their
maintaining smart home devices are perceived accomplishment of daily tasks, they are more likely to per-
as excessive ceive a higher level of benefits associated with using them.
Therefore, we hypothesize that:

H2a: Performance expectancy is positively related to perceived

also argued that perceived benefits are positively related to benefits of using smart home devices.
continued intention to use IoT services. Therefore, we
hypothesize that as individuals perceive that they will derive Individuals can choose from a variety of smart home
more benefits from using smart home devices, they are more devices to meet their requirements.4 Both Dong, et al.13 and
likely to intend to use these devices in their daily lives: Liew, et al.36 report that effort expectancy (i.e., perceived ease
440 X. WANG ET AL.

of use) has a positive association with intention to use IoT. Privacy risk refers to the “potential loss of control over
Following the literature, we argue that individuals are more personal information.”9 Since individuals need to control
likely to choose those devices that are easier to use and more smart home devices through other devices (e.g., smartphones)
user friendly because of the influence of effort expectancy on over the Internet, using these devices creates the potential for
perceived benefits. Following UTAUT, we propose that: personal information to be disclosed to providers of devices
without individuals’ consent and knowledge. Individuals may
H2b: Effort expectancy is positively related to perceived benefits hence feel concerned about their privacy when using smart
of using smart home devices. home devices. Previous research has found that perceived
privacy risk has a negative effect on individuals’ attitude
Compatibility has been defined as “the degree to which an toward using IoT services21 and smart home services.19
innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing Thus, we propose that:
values, needs, and past experiences of an individual.”31 Hsu
and Lin21 found that perceived compatibility is positively H4a: Privacy risk is positively related to perceived risk of using
related to the perceived benefits of IoT services, and Park, smart home devices.
et al.37 found that it is positively related to intention to use
smart home services. Therefore, we proposed that those who Smart home devices are connected with other devices such
perceive smart home devices as compatible with the way they as control panels, smartphones, and computers. Such inter-
live are more likely to perceive the use of smart home devices connected systems result in the potential for security
as beneficial and hypothesize that: breaches.5,6 In a study on customer acceptance of RFID tech-
nology, Müller-Seitz, et al.43 found that security concerns
H2c: Compatibility is positively related to perceived benefits of negatively impacted on acceptance of the technology and
using smart home devices. similarly Lee8 found that security risk had a negative influence
on both attitude to internet banking and intention to use it.
Image is defined as “the degree to which use of an innova- We, therefore, propose that if individuals believe that using
tion is perceived to enhance one’s image or status in one’s smart home devices can cause security breaches that harm
social system,”31 and has been found to play a role in adoption their daily lives, this will influence their overall risk perception
of electric cars,38 smartphone brand loyalty,39 and in under- and we hypothesize that:
taking home automation projects.40 We propose that potential
users may perceive that using smart home devices will H4b: Security risk is positively related to perceived risk of using
enhance their image and that this will increase their benefit smart home devices.
perceptions. Therefore, we propose that:
Performance risk reflects “how well the product will
H2d: Image is positively related to perceived benefits of using perform relative to expectations.”41 Smart home devices
smart home devices. are intended to enhance the convenience of consumers’
daily lives. For example, individuals expect that monitor-
ing systems will allow them to monitor the condition of
their houses when they are traveling. However, it is pos-
Perceived risk of using smart home devices
sible that selected devices may not meet individuals’
Perceived risk has been defined as “the amount that would be requirements. For example, Wilson, et al.10 identified
lost (i.e., that which is at stake) if the consequences of an act that potential consumers are concerned with potential
were not favorable, and the individual’s subjective feeling of performance risk such as disruption to daily routines,
certainty that the consequences will be unfavorable,”34 and and believe that there is a need for devices to be reliable,
perceived risk has been shown to influence adoption of innova- be made by credible manufacturers, and come with per-
tions such as online banking41 and mobile payment services.42 formance warranties. The impact of performance risk on
In the context of smart home devices, we define perceived risk overall risk perceptions has not previously been studied,
as individuals’ beliefs about the potential negative outcomes however Park, et al.37 reported that 11% of their intervie-
caused by using smart home devices and hypothesize that: wees identified system reliability as a relevant factor in
determining adoption of smart home services, and
H3: Perceived risk of using smart home devices is negatively included it in their model, and found that it has a weak
related to intention to use smart home devices. impact on perceived usefulness. Yang, et al.19 investigated
the role of potential physical risk from smart home
Perceived risk has been proposed to be a multi-dimen- devices, such as side effects due to malfunctioning or
sional construct,33 and the consumer marketing literature34 misuse, and they found that it did not affect users’ atti-
has proposed risk dimensions that are relevant in different tudes towards them, but did not specifically look at per-
contexts of technology adoption and have been investigated in formance. In this study, consistent with Featherman and
technology adoption studies e.g.,9,29. Based on this relevant Pavlou,9 we propose that:
literature, we propose that the risk associated with smart
home devices include: privacy, security, performance, time, H4c: Performance risk is positively related to perceived risk of
and financial risk. using smart home devices.

A third party recruiting company was used to recruit partici-

Whilst saving time is a goal of many smart home devices44 pants from a variety of backgrounds including gender, level of
using smart home devices may require a substantial amount education, and computer skills. Potential participants were
of skill and individuals may need to invest substantial contacted via email and invited to complete the questionnaire,
amounts of time in learning how to use these devices which was hosted on Qualtrics. All participants were located
appropriately.44 Our study therefore defines time risk as the in the United States (US) and aged 18 or over. A total of 351
risk that using smart home devices takes too long or wastes valid responses (54.1% female and 45.9% male) were obtained.
too much time. Lee8 found that the perceived time risk asso- Table 2 provides background information about them.
ciated with adoption of internet banking had a weak negative
effect on attitude towards it. We, therefore, propose that if
individuals perceive that learning how to use smart home Measures
devices or managing their use is too demanding and takes Our items were adapted from previous studies where possible
too much time, they will be more likely to perceive using these (see Appendix). All items were measured with 7-point Likert-
devices as risky. We therefore hypothesize that: type scales ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
The items to measure intention to use smart home devices
H4d: Time risk is positively related to perceived risk of using were developed specifically for this study to suit the smart
smart home devices. home device context using the guidelines from the reasoned
action approach.45 The items for perceived benefits and per-
Financial risk refers to the “potential monetary outlay ceived risk were adapted from Li, et al.,28 and the items for
associated with the initial purchase price as well as the sub- performance expectancy were adapted from Venkatesh, et al.17
sequent maintenance cost.”9 Before using smart home devices, and Hsu and Lin.21 Three of the items used to measure effort
individuals need to purchase these devices (and may need to expectancy were adapted from Venkatesh, et al.17 and two
hire someone to install them). They may also need to pay were newly developed for this study. The items to measure
additional fees for maintenance or ongoing service fees. compatibility and image were adapted from Moore and
Hargreaves, et al.44 also state that smart home devices may Benbasat.31 The items to measure privacy risk were from
lead to other increased costs, for example more energy use by Featherman and Pavlou9 and Li, et al.,28 and the items for
creating new forms of energy demand (e.g., pre-warming security risk were from Featherman and Pavlou.9 Performance
rooms). Park, et al.37 found that perceived cost had a weak risk was measured using items adapted from Featherman and
negative influence on intention to use smart home services. Pavlou. 9 The items to measure time risk were developed for
We, therefore, hypothesize that: the smart home context based on those used in Featherman
and Pavlou,9 and those to measure financial risk were devel-
H4e: Financial risk is positively related to perceived risk of oped specifically for this study.
using smart home devices. The initial items were pilot tested with several members of
the target population and minor changes were made to the
wording of several items to improve understandability.

Methodology Data analysis and results

Sample and data collection procedures As all constructs were measured using data collected from one
The target population for the study is (potential) consumers online questionnaire, we first assessed the potential risk of
of smart home devices. Data was collected via an anonymous common method bias (CMB).46 A Harman one-factor test46
online questionnaire. To clarify the concept of IoT and smart showed six factors explaining 72.10% of the variance, and the
home devices, we included the following statement at the amount of variance explained by the first factor is 36.75%.
beginning of our questionnaire: Second, the marker variable test47 showed that, after adjusting
for the second smallest positive correlation among the con-
“The Internet of Things (IoT) allows devices to be connected to structs, all originally significant correlations remained signifi-
one another across the Internet. IoT devices can send messages
and information to other devices, users and service providers; and
they can receive messages and instructions from other devices, Table 2. Background information about participants (N = 351).
users and providers. You can control smart devices through a
Age Frequency
control panel in your home, an app on your smartphone (via the
cloud), or any Internet-connected computer. Large IoT devices, 19–25 12.3%
such as washing machines and refrigerators, might also have their 26–34 18.5%
35–54 39.6%
own control panels. 55–64 12.8%
65+ 16.8%
A number of everyday household items are already sold as smart Education
devices. These include security cameras, door locks, light switches Less than high school degree 2.0%
and bulbs, thermostats, air conditioners, washing machines, coo- High school degree or equivalent 21.1%
kers, coffee machines, radios, and music players. The technology Some college but no degree 21.1%
Associate degree 13.4%
to connect and control smart devices in your home is already Bachelor degree 29.9%
available.” Graduate degree 12.5%
442 X. WANG ET AL.

cant. Therefore, CMB was unlikely to be a serious concern for .90),50 (Table 5). Therefore, our measures demonstrated good
our study. psychometric properties.
Our model was tested with PLS, and SmartPLS was used.48 We then tested the structural paths in our model
The bootstrap resampling method (using 1,000 samples) was (Figure 2). As hypothesized, perceived benefits was positively
applied to determine the significance of the paths. We first related to intention to use smart home devices (ß = .72,
evaluated the measurement model. As shown in Table 3, each p < .001); thus H1 was supported. Among its antecedents,
item loaded significantly on its respective construct and none performance expectancy (ß = .72, p < .001) and compatibility
of the loadings were below .50.49 In addition, the Cronbach’s (ß = .72, p < .001) were found to be positively related to
Alphas and composite reliabilities (CRs) of all constructs were perceived benefits, supporting H2a and H2c, respectively.
over .70, and the average variance extracted (AVE) was over However, neither effort expectancy nor image influenced per-
.50 for all constructs (Table 3). Therefore, convergent validity ceived benefits, so H2b and H2d were not supported.
was supported. Discriminant validity was also confirmed by Surprisingly, perceived risk was not significantly related to
ensuring that for each construct, the square root of its AVE intention to use smart home devices (ß = -.04, p > .05); H3
exceeded all correlations between that construct and any other was therefore not supported. Among its dimensions, privacy
construct (Table 4). We also assessed Heterotrait-Monotrait risk (ß = .35, p < .001), performance risk (ß = .18, p < .05), and
Ratio of Correlations, which were also acceptable (i.e., below time risk (ß = .21, p < .01) were found to contribute to
perceived risk; therefore H4a, H4c, and H4d were supported.
Neither security risk nor financial risk contributed to perceive
Table 3. Descriptive statistics for items.
risk, thus H4b and H4d were not supported. Our model can
Construct Item Mean SD Loading ɑ CR AVE explain 72.7% of the variance in perceived benefits, and 45.1%
Intention to use smart home Int1 4.70 1.63 .94 .95 .96 .87 of the variance in perceived risk. The model accounted for
devices Int2 4.32 1.65 .90
Int3 4.61 1.71 .96 53.5% of the variance in intention to use smart home devices.
Int4 4.84 1.69 .94
Perceived benefits PB1 5.09 1.38 .95 .90 .95 .91
PB2 5.22 1.24 .95
Performance expectancy PE1 5.29 1.26 .89 .92 .87 .80 Discussion
PE2 5.18 1.31 .92
PE3 5.08 1.46 .87 This study aimed to examine how various factors influence
Effort expectancy EE1 4.89 1.35 .83 .91 .94 .74 individuals’ intention to adopt smart home devices. We devel-
EE2 4.93 1.35 76
EE3 5.00 1.45 .91 oped a NVM to identify relevant positive and negative factors.
EE4 5.03 1.44 .91 The model was tested with a US sample, and the results
EE5 4.86 1.38 .89
Compatibility COM1 4.56 1.60 .94 .93 .96 .88
provide partial support of our model. Our study makes
COM2 4.59 1.63 .95 important theoretical and practical implications.
COM3 4.59 1.66 .94
Image Image1 4.17 1.73 .87 .88 .92 .73
Image2 4.29 1.59 .85
Image3 4.46 1.46 .88 Implications for theory
Image4 4.32 1.72 .82
Perceived risk PR1 4.37 1.53 .93 .76 .89 .80 This study has several important theoretical implications.
PR2 4.30 1.54 .86 First, our study uses a NVM to examine individuals’ intention
Privacy risk PriR1 4.65 1.48 .96 .91 .90 .95
PriR2 4.67 1.49 .95 to use smart home devices. Our results show that perceived
Security risk SR1 4.67 1.41 .93 .81 .91 .84 benefits have a strong effect on adoption intention, while
SR2 5.13 1.39 .90
Performance risk PerfR1 4.30 1.46 .90 .91 .94 .79 perceived risk does not have a significant impact. These
PerfR2 4.50 1.46 .92 results show that individuals tend to ignore the potential
PerfR3 4.63 1.44 .88 risk and focus more on the potential benefits resulting from
PerfR4 4.34 1.42 .86
Time risk TR1 3.97 1.57 .90 .89 .93 .82 using smart home devices. Therefore, the theoretical model
TR2 3.85 1.623 92 developed in this study helps clarify the process of smart
TR3 4.21 1.50 .90
Financial risk FR1 5.26 1.37 .79 .83 .90 .74 home device adoption.
FR2 4.84 1.47 .89 Second, our study identifies relevant positive and negative
FR3 4.36 1.46 .90 factors based on previous relevant literature and clarifies how

Table 4. Correlation between constructs and square root of AVEs (on Diagonal).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Intention to use smart home devices .93
2 Perceived benefits .73 .95
3 Performance expectancy .69 .82 .89
4 Effort expectancy .61 .64 .66 .86
5 Compatibility .79 .77 .76 .71 .94
6 Image .46 .46 .49 .47 .53 .86
7 Perceived risk −.23 −.26 −.31 −.21 −.28 −.04 .90
8 Privacy risk −.15 −.19 −.22 −.14 −.24 −.08 .60 .95
9 Security risk −.15 −.19 −.22 −.13 −.22 −.08 .57 .78 .92
10 Performance risk −.17 −.22 −.30 −.30 −.28 −.14 .51 .48 .55 .89
11 Time risk −.23 −.28 −.31 −.43 −.31 −.09 .48 .41 .45 .64 .91
12 Financial risk −.08 −.07 −.13 −.25 −.17 −.06 .35 .39 .44 .62 .61 .86

Table 5. Heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations. domain,13,22 and compatibility has previously been identified
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 as relevant in determining the perceived benefits of smart
1 Intention to use home devices.37
smart home Effort expectancy was not, however, significantly related to
2 Perceived benefits 77 perceived benefits, despite the fact that Dong, et al.13 and
3 Performance .74 .88 Liew, et al.36 found that it had a direct effect on intention to
4 Effort expectancy .62 .63 .71 use IOT devices. The lack of relationship may be because, as
5 Compatibility .84 .80 .83 .75 individuals increasingly use smartphones and other technol-
6 Image .44 .47 .54 .50 .53 ogy, they assume that using smart home devices will be
7 Perceived risk .23 .25 .33 .20 .27 .07
8 Privacy risk .15 .14 .18 .09 .22 .07 .69 straightforward and hence the effort needed to use these
9 Security risk .14 .15 .20 .09 .20 .08 .69 .89 devices becomes a less important issue. This is consistent
10 Performance risk .16 .18 .33 .29 .27 .16 .54 .46 .58
11 Time risk .27 .32 .38 .50 .36 .15 .51 .39 .49 .67 with previous technology adoption literature17 in that effort
12 Financial risk .12 .10 .19 .27 .23 .12 .41 .43 .54 .70 .67 expectancy is less important in later stages of technology
adoption. However, smart home technologies are relatively
new, and several studies have suggested that rather than
these factors influence individuals’ risk and benefit percep- being easy to use once adopted, consumers often struggle
tions associated with smart home device adoption. To the best with them.44,51
of our knowledge, previous research has not studied such a Image also did not have a significant influence on perceived
full range of potential perceived benefit and risk factors for benefits. It is possible that as individuals increasingly use IoT
smart home device use. Of the four potential antecedents of devices, adopting smart devices in the home, where they are less
perceived benefits identified based on UTAUT17 and attri- visible than other consumer IoT devices such as fitness devices, is
butes of innovations from Moore and Benbasat,31 perfor- not perceived as a major contributor to overall perceived benefits.
mance expectancy and compatibility were found to be Among the proposed five dimensions of risk, only privacy risk,
positively related to perceived benefits. These results show performance risk, and time risk significantly influenced perceived
that when considering the potential benefits related to smart risk. These results show that individuals feel concerned about their
home devices, individuals focus on the extent to which the privacy if they were to adopt smart home devices and do have an
devices will improve their performance of household tasks awareness that these devices may take much time to set up and
and are consistent with their needs. The role of performance successfully operate. The effect of performance risk is consistent
expectancy is consistent with the findings in the broader IoT with that of performance expectancy in that individuals care about


Effort .05
R2 = .73

.32*** Perceived

Image -.00
R2 = .54
Intention to
Privacy Risk Use Smart
.35*** Home Devices

Security Risk
R2 = .45

Performance .18* -.04

Perceived Risk * p < .05
Risk ** p < .01
*** p < .001
Time Risk

Finanical Risk -.09

Figure 2. Model testing results.

444 X. WANG ET AL.

potential performance risk such as disruption to daily routines and Although our results show that perceived risk is not signifi-
want the devices to come with performance warranties.10 cantly related to smart home devices adoption, consumers should
Security risk and financial risk did not have significant effects. It be aware that using smart home devices is associated with various
is possible that as smart home technology is becoming more types of risk. In other words, individuals should take these different
mature, individuals perceive smart home devices as less likely to types of risk into consideration when deciding whether to use
be hacked, and therefore security does not play an important role smart home devices. Therefore, providers of smart home devices
in their risk perceptions, despite the GfK11 finding that security should invest effort in lowering the risk associated with using the
was the third most common perceived risk of smart home devices. devices. Our results can help providers to decide which risk to
An alternative explanation may be that some consumers have low focus on. For example, as our results show that privacy risk,
awareness of the potential security risk and their implication. performance risk and time risk contribute to individuals’ overall
Future research should explore awareness and knowledge of spe- risk perception, to protect individuals’ privacy, providers should
cific security risk. The financial cost of smart home devices also establish privacy policies and inform users how collected informa-
seems to a less important issue in determining overall risk percep- tion (if there is any) will be used. Providers should also focus on
tions. Whilst Park, et al.37 found that perceived cost had a negative improving their devices so that they do not need much time to set
relationship with intention to use smart home devices, the rela- up and learn to use, thus reducing time risk perceptions.
tionship was very weak and perceived cost was not considered as a
component of overall perceived risk.
Lastly, our results add to those of previous studies applying a Limitations and opportunities for future studies
NVM. Performance expectancy, compatibility and privacy risk Our study has the limitation that the sample was recruited through
appear to have consistent effects across different technology con- a survey company. Although it includes participants from a variety
texts, for example refs.,27,28 whereas the roles of image, perfor- of backgrounds, our sample could still be biased as participants
mance risk and time risk appear to be more context specific. were recruited from the US only, and the results may not hold for
Overall, our study contributes to the previous literature by consumers from other cultural backgrounds. As individuals from
clarifying the effect of positive and negative factors on smart different cultural or professional backgrounds may have differing
home device adoption, as well as showing how the effects of perceptions of the risks associated with smart hone devices, future
these factors differ from previous literature in other contexts. studies are needed to identify and clarify these potential
Although not all hypotheses were supported, the use of a NVM differences.
proved valuable as about half of the variance for each dependent Notwithstanding this limitation, our study opens up many
variable was explained by our model (72.7% of perceived benefits, interesting opportunities for future studies. For example, future
45.1% of perceived risk, and 53.5% of intention to use smart home studies should examine how other risk factors influence indivi-
devices), providing strong support for our model. Also, our results duals’ overall perceived risk, as the dimensions identified in this
provide important insights regarding the effect of positive and study explain less than half of the variance. Further, studies could
negative factors on smart home device adoption. Here applying be conducted into how various factors moderate the relationship
NVM does not mean that every benefit/risk factor should be between perceived benefits/risk and adoption intention. Gewald,
significant. For example, when consumers perceive that financial et al.29 divided participants into different groups based on culture
risk is not an issue when adopting smart home devices, the insig- and found that the effects of perceived benefits/risk on BYOD
nificant effect of financial risk makes sense and is consistent with adoption intention were different across groups. It is possible that
consumers’ perceptions. Previous studies applying NVM have also individuals from different cultural backgrounds have different
found insignificant effects for certain benefit/risk factors. For perceptions of benefits and risk, which in turn may influence
example, Li, et al.28 found that only psychological risk has a their intention to adopt smart home devices. Studies should also
significant effect in the context of Italians’ health information be conducted to examine individuals’ post-adoption satisfaction.


Implications for practice Individuals increasingly use smart home devices in their daily
lives.4 In order to examine how various benefit and risk factors
This study also has important practical implications. First, our influence individuals’ intention to adopt smart home devices, we
study shows that perceived benefits currently play the major role in developed a theoretical NVM that integrates both positive factors
the adoption of smart home devices, while perceived risk does not and risk factors. The model was tested with a US sample, and the
influence intention to use. Therefore, when conducting campaigns results provide partial support for our model.
to promote their devices, marketers should focus on benefits
provided by the devices. Our results can provide useful guidance
regarding which benefits to focus on in advertisements and pro- Funding
motions. For example, performance expectancy has a strong effect This work was supported by the Internal grant School of Engineering
on perceived benefit. Therefore, marketers need to emphasize how and IT, Murdoch University.
smart home devices can make individuals’ lives more convenient.
Further, as compatibility also has a significant effect, they should
emphasize that using (their) smart home devices will be compa- ORCID
tible with individuals’ lifestyles. Xuequn Wang http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1557-8265

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Intention to use smart home devices (developed for this study using the guidelines from Fishbein and Ajzen’s reasoned action approach45)
Int1 I would like to use smart home devices.
Int2 I expect to use smart home devices.
Int3 I hope to use smart home devices.
Int4 I can see myself using smart home devices.
Perceived benefits (adapted from Li, et al.28)
PB1 Using smart home devices offers me a lot of advantages.
PB2 Using smart home devices is beneficial.
Performance expectancy (adapted from Venkatesh, et al.17 and Hsu and Lin21)
PE1 Smart home devices are very useful.
PE2 Smart home devices improve the quality of household management.
PE3 Using smart home devices would enable me to accomplish tasks more quickly.
Effort expectancy
EE1 Smart home devices are easy to use (from Venkatesh, et al.17)
EE2 Smart home devices are easy to find in the marketplace (developed for this study).
EE3 It will be quick for me to learn how to use smart home devices (developed for this study).
EE4 It will be easy for me to learn how to use smart home devices (from Venkatesh, et al.17)
EE5 Operation of smart home devices is clear and understandable (from Venkatesh, et al.17)
Compatibility (adapted from Moore and Benbasat31)
COM1 Using smart home devices fits with my approach to managing things at home.
COM2 Using smart home devices fits well with the way I like to live.
COM3 Using smart home devices fits into my lifestyle.
Image (adapted from Moore and Benbasat31)
Image1 People who use smart home devices have a more prestigious image than people who do not.
Image2 People who use smart home devices have a high profile.
Image3 Use of a smart home device presents a positive image to other people.
Image4 Having a smart home device would be a status symbol.
Perceived risk (adapted from Li, et al.28)
PR1 I expect that using smart home devices would present me with problems that I just don’t need.
PR2 The benefits of using smart home devices are unlikely to compensate for the cost, time and effort of using them.
Privacy risk (from Featherman and Pavlou9 and Li, et al.28)
PriR1 If I use a smart home device, I would lose control over the privacy of my personal data.
PriR2 My personal information will be less confidential if I use a smart home device.
Security risk (from Featherman and Pavlou9)
SR1 The security systems built into smart home devices are not strong enough to protect my information.
SR2 Internet hackers (criminals) might take control of my information if I use a smart home device.
Performance risk (adapted from Featherman and Pavlou9)
PerfR1 Smart home devices might not work well.
PerfR2 Smart home devices might create problems in my home.
PerfR3 Smart home devices might not perform as well as promised.
PerfR4 Smart home devices might not meet my requirements.
Time risk (developed for this study based on Featherman and Pavlou9)
TR1 A lot of my time could be wasted in setting up smart home devices.
TR2 I could lose a lot of time learning how to use smart home devices.
TR3 I would need to invest a lot of time to get smart home devices to work well in my home.
Financial risk (developed specifically for this study)
FR1 Smart home devices are expensive to buy.
FR2 Setting up smart home devices costs a lot of money.
FR3 Keeping smart home devices running is a financial burden.

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