Research Method Final Exam For Principal College

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Name: ___________________________________________

Principal Health and Business Collage ID No.: ______________________ Section: ______

DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Time: 1:30’ hour Value: 40 pts.
Research Method for Accounting & finance
Date: January 1, 2016
Final Exam for 4th year Extension students
Part I: - Say True/False and write the answer on the answer sheet provided (each 1 Point)
1.Observations, interviews and questionnaires are ways to collect primary data.
2.A sample is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and analysis
3.None Probability sampling is the one in which each sample has the same probability of being chosen.
4.The first step in research analysis is to edit the raw data.
5.Data editing is the process of assigning numerical or other symbols to answers so that responses can be put
into a limited number of categories or classes.
6.If we have data on two variables we said to have a bivariate variable,
7.The task of data collection begins before a research problem has been defined and research design/plan
chalked out.
8.The secondary data are those which are collected fresh and for the first time.
9.Unstructured interviews are characterized by a flexibility of approach to questioning.
10.Multiple regression analysis used in case of multivariate population that study the Causal relationship can be
Part II: Match Item Under column A with Column B (each 1 Point)
Column A Column B
11. Stratified Sampling A. To notice events and changes
12. Systematic random sampling B. To select every item on a list
13. Simple Random Sample C. Subdivide the population into smaller homogeneous groups
14. Cluster sampling D. Groups rather than to take individual units
15. Judgmental Sampling E. Selected based on the judgment
16. Quota Sampling F. Two-stage restricted judgmental sampling.

17. Observation method G. A face to face interaction

18. interview method H. Excel, SPSS, STATA
19. A questionnaire I. A document containing questions
20. Data Analysis tools J. Every individual has an equal chance
Part III: - Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and write on the answer sheet provided.
( each 1 Point)

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21. ____ are random variations in the sample estimates around the true population parameters.
A. Sampling. B. Sampling Error. C. Sampling frame. D. both a & b.
22. A complete enumeration of all items in the ‘population or a census inquiry advantage is?
A. Highest accuracy B. It takes less time C. It takes less cost D. all
23. Among the following which one is the determinates of sample size
A. The degree of confidence B. Homogeneity of the population C. Cost in terms of money
and time D. all E. None
24. ________ refers to the totality of the material or the elements to be studied.
A. Sample B. population C. Element D. all E. None
25. The reliability of data can be tested by?
A. Based on sources of data B. Based on proper methods of collection C. Based on the time
were they collected D. all
26. Which methods used to collect secondary data source?
A. Observation B. interview C. financial/ financial report D. questionnaires
27. Which one is the common method of Descriptive analysis of data?
A. Tabulation B. Percentage C. Measurements of dispersion D. All E. None
28. _______The number of sampling units selected for observation and analysis.
A. Sample error B. population C. sample size D. Sample frame E. all
29. Which of the following is the advantage of using sample?
A. saving time B. more economical C. High accuracy D. a and b E. all
30. When the researcher prepares a question it should be?
A. Simple B. clearly stated C. Easy to answer D. all E. None
Part VI: - Short Answer
1. Write the three non-probability sampling techniques ( 3 point)
2. What are the two common types data sources (2 point)
3. Write at list three data collection tools ( 3 point)
4. Write the two common methods of data analysis (2 Point)

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Answer sheet

Part I: True/false (1 point each)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part II: Matching(1 point each)

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Part III : Multiple Choice Questions (1 each)

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29 30

Part IV short Answer

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