TRN1580530 7698837 Clinical Report 1666029364641932

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MedGenome Labs Ltd.

3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,

#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:


Full Name / Ref No: BABY OF PRATIMA TANDAN Order ID/Sample ID: 501778/7698837
Gender: Female Sample Type: Blood
Date of Birth / Age: 7 months Date of Sample Collection: 19th September 2022
Referring Clinician: Dr. Sunil Jhondale, Date of Sample Receipt: 20th September 2022
AIIMS, Date of Order Booking: 21st September 2022
Raipur Date of Report: 17th October 2022
Test Requested: Clinical Exome


Baby of pratima Tandan, presented with clinical indications of developmental delay, microcephaly, growth failure and
hyperammonemia. She is suspected to be affected with inborn error of metabolism and has been evaluated for pathogenic


No significant SNVs for the given clinical indications that warrants to be reported was detected.

Copy Number Variants CNV(s)

Gene Location Variant Zygosity Disease (OMIM) Inheritance Classification

SLC6A1 Exons 1-16 chr3:g.(?_11014023)_ Heterozygous Myoclonic-atonic epilepsy Autosomal Uncertain

(11055203_?)dup (OMIM#616421) dominant Significance

Parental testing is strongly recommended, and classification of the variant may change based on segregation studies.

The specificity of NGS based assays to detect large deletion/duplication is low and an alternate method of testing like
MLPA/Microarray/PCR is recommended to confirm the same. However, we recommend discussing alternative testing
methodology option with MedGenome Tech Support before proceeding with confirmatory testing.


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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837
MedGenome Labs Ltd.
3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,
#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:

• No other SNV(s)/INDELS or CNV(s) that warrants to be reported was detected. All the genes covered in this assay have
been screened for the given clinical indications. To view the coverage of all genes Click here. NGS test methodology
details of this assay are given in the appendix.
• Genetic test results are reported based on the recommendations of American College of Medical Genetics [PMID:
• Please contact [email protected] for genetic counselling. For any further technical queries please
contact [email protected]


A heterozygous contiguous duplication of size ~41.18 Kb, on chromosome 3
[chr3:g.(11014023_11055203)_(11014023_?)dup], comprising exons 1 to 16 of the SLC6A1 gene [ENST00000287766.10],
suggestive of a copy number variant was detected. This genomic region is adequately targeted and sequenced in this assay.
The read depth of these targeted regions is found to be higher than usual [CNV ratio: 1.48; BF value: 63.50]. The results are
likely to be suggestive of a heterozygous duplication (copy number gain).

OMIM/Literature: Myoclonic-atonic epilepsy (OMIM#616421) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the SLC6A1 gene
(OMIM*137165). This disorder is characterized by onset of absence and myoclonic seizures in early childhood, autistic
features, ataxia, and tremor. Patients have delayed development before the onset of seizures and show varying degrees of
impaired intellectual development following seizure onset [PMID: 18842627].

Due to lack of phenotypic correlations$, this SLC6A1 variation is classified as variant of uncertain significance and has to be
carefully correlated with the clinical symptoms.

The significance/classification of the variant may change based on the genetic testing in parents and other family

• Sequencing the variant(s) in the parents and the other affected and unaffected members of the family is recommended
to confirm the significance.
• Genetic counselling is advised for interpretation on the consequences of the variant(s).
• If results obtained do not match the clinical findings, additional testing should be considered as per referring clinician's
• The sensitivity of NGS assay to detect copy number variations (CNV) is 70-75%. we recommend discussing alternative
testing methodology option with MedGenome Tech Support as required.

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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837
MedGenome Labs Ltd.
3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,
#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:

Sandhya Nair, Ph.D Balaji Rajashekar, Ph.D Dr. Meenakshi Lallar, MS (Obgyn), DM
Sr. Manager - Director - Clinical Bioinformatics (Medical Genetics)
Variant Interpretation Consultant - Clinical Geneticist


Targeted gene sequencing: Selective capture and sequencing of the protein coding regions and clinical relevant in the genome
is performed. Variants identified in the exonic regions and splice-site are generally actionable compared to variations that
occur in non-coding regions. Targeted sequencing represents a cost-effective approach to detect variants present in
multiple/large genes in an individual.

DNA extracted from blood was used to perform targeted gene capture using a custom capture kit. The libraries were
sequenced to mean depth of >80-100X on Illumina sequencing platform. We follow the GATK best practices framework for
identification of germline variants in the sample using Sentieon [Sentieon]. The sequences obtained are aligned to human
reference genome (GRCh38) using BWA aligner [Sentieon, PMID:20080505] and analyzed using Sentieon for removing
duplicates, recalibration and re-alignment of indels [Sentieon]. Sentieon haplotype caller is then used to identify variants in
the sample. The germline variants identified in the sample is deeply annotated using VariMAT pipeline. Gene annotation of
the variants is performed using VEP program [PMID: 20562413] against the Ensembl release 99 human gene model [PMID:
29155950]. In addition to SNVs and small Indels, copy number variants (CNVs) are detected from targeted sequence data
using the ExomeDepth method PMID: 22942019]. This algorithm detects CNVs based on comparison of the read-depths in
the sample of interest with the matched aggregate reference dataset.

Clinically relevant mutations in both coding and non-coding regions are annotated using published variants in literature and
a set of diseases databases : ClinVar, OMIM, HGMD, LOVD, DECIPHER (population CNV) and SwissVar [PMID: 26582918,
18842627, 28349240, 21520333, 19344873, 20106818]. Common variants are filtered based on allele frequency in
1000Genome Phase 3, gnomAD (v3.1 & 2.1.1), dbSNP (GCF_000001405.38), 1000 Japanese Genome, TOPMed (Freeze_8),
Genome Asia, and our internal Indian population database (MedVarDb v2.1) [PMID: 26432245, 32461613, 11125122,
26292667, 33568819, 31802016]. Non-synonymous variants effect is calculated using multiple algorithms such as PolyPhen-
2, SIFT, MutationTaster2 and LRT. Clinically significant variants are used for interpretation and reporting.

Average sequencing Average on-target Percentage target base pairs covered

depth (x) sequencing depth (x)
0x 5x 20x

344 118.77 0.18 99.68 99.14

Total data generated (Gb) 5.65

Total reads aligned (%) 99.99
Reads that passed alignment (%) 90.48

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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837
MedGenome Labs Ltd.
3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,
#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:

Data Q30 (%) 96.63

The classification of the variations is done based on American College of Medical Genetics as described below [PMID:

Variant A change in a gene. This could be disease causing (pathogenic) or not disease causing (benign).
A disease causing variation in a gene which can explain the patient's symptoms has been detected. This usually
means that a suspected disorder for which testing had been requested has been confirmed.
A variant which is very likely to contribute to the development of disease however, the scientific evidence is
Likely Pathogenic currently insufficient to prove this conclusively. Additional evidence is expected to confirm this assertion of
A variant has been detected, but it is difficult to classify it as either pathogenic (disease causing) or benign (non-
Variant of
disease causing) based on current available scientific evidence. Further testing of the patient or family members as
recommended by your clinician may be needed. It is probable that their significance can be assessed only with
time, subject to availability of scientific evidence.

The transcript used for clinical reporting generally represents the canonical transcript (MANE Select), which is usually the
longest coding transcript with strong/multiple supporting evidence. However, clinically relevant variants annotated in
alternate complete coding transcripts could also be reported.

Variants annotated on incomplete and nonsense mediated decay transcripts will not be reported.

The in-silico predictions are based on Variant Effect Predictor (v104), [SIFT version - 5.2.2; PolyPhen - 2.2.2; LRT version
(November, 2009); CADD (v1.6); Splice AI; dbNSFPv4.2] and MutationTaster2 predictions are based on NCBI/Ensembl 66 build
(GRCh38 genomic coordinates are converted to hg19 using UCSC LiftOver and mapped to MT2).

Diseases databases used for annotation includes ClinVar (updated on 5082021), OMIM (updated on 5082021), HGMD
(v2021.3), LOVD (Nov-18), DECIPHER (population CNV) and SwissVar.

• Genetic testing is an important part of the diagnostic process. However, genetic tests may not always give a definitive
answer. In some cases, testing may not identify a genetic variant even though one exists. This may be due to limitations
in current medical knowledge or testing technology. Accurate interpretation of test results may require knowing the true
biological relationships in a family. Failing to accurately state the biological relationships in {my/my child's} family may
result in incorrect interpretation of results, incorrect diagnoses, and/or inconclusive test results.
• Test results are interpreted in the context of clinical findings, family history and other laboratory data. Only variations in
genes potentially related to the proband's medical condition are reported. Rare polymorphisms may lead to false
negative or positive results. Misinterpretation of results may occur if the information provided is inaccurate or
• Specific events like copy number variations, translocations, repeat expansions and chromosomal rearrangements may
not be reliably detected with whole exome sequencing. Variants in untranslated region, promoters and intronic variants
are not assessed using this method.
• Genetic testing is highly accurate. Rarely, inaccurate results may occur for various reasons. These reasons include, but
are not limited to: mislabelled samples, inaccurate reporting of clinical/medical information, rare technical errors or

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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837
MedGenome Labs Ltd.
3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,
#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:

unusual circumstances such as bone marrow transplantation, blood transfusion; or the presence of change(s) in such a
small percentage of cells that may not be detectable by the test (mosaicism).
• The variant population allele frequencies and in silico predictions for GRCh38 version of the Human genome is obtained
after lifting over the coordinates from hg19 genome build. The existing population allele frequencies (1000Genome,
ExAC, gnomAD-Exome) are currently available for hg19 genome version only. This might result in some discrepancies in
variant annotation due to the complex changes in some regions of the genome.

• Interpretation of variants in this report is performed to the best knowledge of the laboratory based on the information
available at the time of reporting. The classification of variants can change over time and MedGenome cannot be held
responsible for this. Please feel free to contact MedGenome Labs ([email protected]) in the future to
determine if there have been any changes in the classification of any variations. Re-analysis of variants in previously
issued reports in light of new evidence is not routinely performed but may be available upon request.
• Due to inherent limitations of the assay technology, this test cannot reliably detect CNVs involving genes with
pseudogenes/pseudoexons, tandem repeat regions, genomic imbalances in segmentally duplicated regions, CNVs in
mitochondrial DNA, some small intragenic deletions or duplications, some forms of polyploidy, truly balanced
chromosome rearrangements (e.g., Inversions and balanced chromosomal imbalances), complex rearrangements, point
mutation, small deletions, methylation abnormalities and mosaicism.
• The sensitivity of this assay to detect large deletions/duplications of more than 10 bp or copy number variations (CNV) is
70-75%. The CNVs detected have to be confirmed by alternate method.
• Due to inherent technology limitations of the assay, not all bases of the exome can be covered by this test. Accordingly,
variants in regions of insufficient coverage may not be identified and/or interpreted. Therefore, it is possible that
pathogenic variants are present in one or more of the genes analysed but have not been detected. The variants not
detected by the assay that was performed may impact the phenotype.
• It is also possible that a pathogenic variant is present in a gene that was not selected for analysis and/or interpretation
in cases where insufficient phenotypic information is available.
• Genes with pseudogenes, paralog genes and genes with low complexity may have decreased sensitivity and specificity
of variant detection and interpretation due to inability of the data and analysis tools to unambiguously determine the
origin of the sequence data in such regions.
• The mutations have not been validated/confirmed by Sanger sequencing.
• Incidental or secondary findings (if any) that meet the ACMG guidelines [PMID: 27854360] can be given upon request.
• The report shall be generated within turnaround time (TAT), however, such TAT may vary depending upon the complexity
of test(s) requested. MedGenome under no circumstances will be liable for any delay beyond afore mentioned TAT.
• It is hereby clarified that the report(s) generated from the test(s) do not provide any diagnosis or opinion or recommends
any cure in any manner. MedGenome hereby recommends the patient and/or the guardians of the patients, as the case
may be, to take assistance of the clinician or a certified physician or doctor, to interpret the report(s) thus generated.
MedGenome hereby disclaims all liability arising in connection with the report(s).
• In a very few cases genetic test may not show the correct results, e.g. because of the quality of the material provided to
MedGenome. In case where any test provided by MedGenome fails for unforeseeable or unknown reasons that cannot
be influenced by MedGenome in advance, MedGenome shall not be responsible for the incomplete, potentially
misleading or even wrong result of any testing if such could not be recognised by MedGenome in advance.
• This is a laboratory developed test and the development and the performance characteristics of this test was determined
by MedGenome.

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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837
MedGenome Labs Ltd.
3rd Floor, Narayana Nethralaya Building, Narayana Health City,
#258/A, Bommasandra, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 099, India.
Tel: +91 (0)80 67154989 / 990, Web:

The list genes encompassing the copy number variation and their phenotypes based on OMIM Morbid map have been
listed below

CNV# Genes Phenotypes Inheritance HI/PLi/TS

Cnv#1 SLC6A1 Myoclonic-atonic epilepsy (OMIM#616421) Autosomal dominant 3.00/1.00/0.00


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Name/Sample ID: Baby of pratima Tandan/7698837

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