Cambridge International AS & A Level: Computer Science 9618/41

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Cambridge International AS & A Level


Paper 4 Practical October/November 2022

2 hours 30 minutes
You will need: Candidate source files (listed on page 2)
* 0 5 4 9 2 1 4 8 3 5 *

● Carry out every instruction in each task.
● Save your work using the file names given in the task as and when instructed.
● You must not have access to either the internet or any email system during this examination.
● You must save your work in the evidence document as stated in the tasks. If work is not saved in the
evidence document, you will not receive marks for that task.
● You must use a high-level programming language from this list:
Java (console mode)
Python (console mode)
Visual Basic (console mode)
● A mark of zero will be awarded if a programming language other than those listed here is used.

● The total mark for this paper is 75.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

This document has 12 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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Open the evidence document, evidence.doc

Make sure that your name, centre number and candidate number will appear on every page of this
document. This document must contain your answers to each question.

Save this evidence document in your work area as:

evidence_ followed by your centre number_candidate number, for example: evidence_zz999_999

A class declaration can be used to declare a record.

If the programming language does not support arrays, a list can be used instead.

A source file is used to answer Question 1. The file is called IntegerData.txt

1 The text file IntegerData.txt stores 100 integer numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive. A
program is required to read in this data and perform searching and sorting on the data.

(a) Write program code to declare a global 1D array, DataArray, with space for 100 integer

Save your program as Question1_N22.

Copy and paste the program code into part 1(a) in the evidence document.

(b) The procedure ReadFile() must read in the numbers from the text file and store each one
in the array. Use appropriate exception handling.

Write program code for the procedure ReadFile().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 1(b) in the evidence document.

(c) The function FindValues() asks the user to enter a number to search for in the array.
The number input must be a whole number between 1 and 100 inclusive. The function then
returns the number of times the number input appears in the array.

Write program code for the function FindValues().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 1(c) in the evidence document.

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(d) (i) Write program code to call ReadFile() and FindValues() from the main program.
The return value from FindValues() must be output with an appropriate message.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 1(d)(i) in the evidence document.

(ii) Test your program using the number 61 as input.

Take a screenshot to show the output.

Copy and paste the screenshot into part 1(d)(ii) in the evidence document.


(e) The procedure BubbleSort() needs to perform a bubble sort on the array and print the
contents of the sorted array.

Write program code for the procedure BubbleSort() and call it from the main program.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 1(e) in the evidence document.

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2 A computer program is being developed that uses a set of cards. The program is written using
object-oriented programming.

The program has two classes: Card and Hand.

The methods and attributes of these classes are shown:

Number : INTEGER stores the card number from 1 to 5 inclusive

Colour : STRING stores the card colour: red, blue or yellow

Constructor() takes a number and colour as parameters and sets
the private values to these parameters

GetNumber() returns the card number

GetColour() returns the card colour

Cards : ARRAY[0:9] OF Card 1D array of type Card

FirstCard : INTEGER stores the position of the first card in the hand

NumberCards : INTEGER stores the number of cards in the hand

Constructor() takes five card objects as parameters, assigns each
card to the array Cards[], initialises FirstCard to 0
and NumberCards to 5

GetCard() takes an index as a parameter and returns the card at

that index in the array

(a) (i) Write program code to declare the class Card, its attributes and constructor.

Do not write program code for the get methods.

Use your programming language appropriate constructor.

All attributes must be private. If you are writing in Python, include attribute declarations
using comments.

Save your program as Question2_N22.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(a)(i) in the evidence document.

(ii) Write program code for the class methods GetNumber() and GetColour().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(a)(ii) in the evidence document.
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(iii) The program is tested with the following cards:

Number Colour
1 red
2 red
3 red
4 red
5 red
1 blue
2 blue
3 blue
4 blue
5 blue
1 yellow
2 yellow
3 yellow
4 yellow
5 yellow

Write program code to declare each of these cards as a variable of type Card in the
main program.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(a)(iii) in the evidence document.

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(b) (i) Write program code to declare the class Hand, its attributes and constructor.

Do not write the get methods.

Use your programming language appropriate constructor.

All attributes must be private. If you are writing in Python, include attribute declarations
using comments.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(b)(i) in the evidence document.

(ii) The get method GetCard() takes an index as a parameter and returns the card stored
at that index in the array.

Write program code for the method GetCard().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(b)(ii) in the evidence document.

(iii) Two players are declared with 5 cards each.

Player 1 has the cards: 1 red, 2 red, 3 red, 4 red, 1 yellow.

Player 2 has the cards: 2 yellow, 3 yellow, 4 yellow, 5 yellow, 1 blue.

Write program code to declare player 1 and player 2 as objects of type Hand, with the
cards indicated.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(b)(iii) in the evidence document.

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(c) The function CalculateValue() takes a player’s hand as a parameter and returns a score
calculated using the following rules:

• If a card is red, 5 points are added to the player’s score.

• If a card is blue, 10 points are added to the player’s score.
• If a card is yellow, 15 points are added to the player’s score.
• The number of each card in the hand is added to the player’s score.

(i) Write program code for the function CalculateValue().

Assume that there are only 5 cards in the player’s hand in this function.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(c)(i) in the evidence document.

(ii) Amend the main program by writing program code to use the function
CalculateValue() for each of the two players. The player with the highest score wins.

Output an appropriate message to identify the winning player, or if the game was a draw
(both players have the same number of points).

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 2(c)(ii) in the evidence document.

(iii) Test your program.

Take a screenshot to show the output.

Copy and paste the screenshot into part 2(c)(iii) in the evidence document.


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3 A binary tree consists of nodes. Each node has 3 integer values: a left pointer, data and a right

The binary tree is stored using a global 2D array.

The pseudocode declaration for the array is:

DECLARE ArrayNodes : ARRAY[0:19, 0:2] OF INTEGER

For example:

• ArrayNodes[0, 0] stores the left pointer for the first node.

• ArrayNodes[0, 1] stores the data for the first node.
• ArrayNodes[0, 2] stores the right pointer for the first node.

–1 indicates a null pointer, or null data.

(a) Write program code to:

• declare the global 2D array ArrayNodes

• initialise all 3 integer values to –1 for each node.

Save your program as Question3_N22.

Copy and paste the program code into part 3(a) in the evidence document.

(b) The binary tree stores the following values:

Index Left pointer Data Right pointer

0 1 20 5

1 2 15 –1

2 –1 3 3

3 –1 9 4

4 –1 10 –1

5 –1 58 –1

6 –1 –1 –1

FreeNode stores the index of the first free element in the array, initialised to 6.

RootPointer stores the index of the first node in the tree, initialised to 0.

Amend your program by writing program code to store the given data in ArrayNodes and
initialise the free node and root node pointers.

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 3(b) in the evidence document.
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(c) The following recursive pseudocode function searches the binary tree for a given value. If the
value is found, the function must return the index of the value. If the value is not found, the
function must return –1.

The function is incomplete. There are four incomplete statements.

FUNCTION SearchValue(Root : INTEGER,


IF Root = –1 THEN



IF ArrayNodes[Root, 1] = ValueToFind THEN

RETURN .......................................


IF ArrayNodes[Root, 1] = –1 THEN





IF ArrayNodes[Root, 1] ....................................... ValueToFind THEN

RETURN SearchValue(ArrayNodes[............, 0], ValueToFind)


IF ArrayNodes[Root, ............] < ValueToFind THEN

RETURN SearchValue(ArrayNodes[Root, 2], ValueToFind)



Write program code for the function SearchValue().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 3(c) in the evidence document.

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(d) A post order traversal performs the following operation:

• visit the left node

• visit the right node
• output the root.

For example, in the following tree, the output would be: 3 9 25 60 50

25 60
3 9
An outline of the PostOrder() procedure is:

• If left node is not empty, make a recursive call with the left node as the root.
• If right node is not empty, make a recursive call with the right node as the root.
• Output the current root node.

The procedure PostOrder() takes the root node as a parameter.

Write program code for the procedure PostOrder().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 3(d) in the evidence document.

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(e) (i) Amend the main program by writing program code to:

• call the function SearchValue() to find the position of the number 15 in the tree
• use the result from SearchValue() to output either the index of the value if found,
or an appropriate message to state that the value was not found
• call the procedure PostOrder().

Save your program.

Copy and paste the program code into part 3(e)(i) in the evidence document.

(ii) Test your program.

Take a screenshot to show the output.

Copy and paste the screenshot into part 3(e)(ii) in the evidence document.


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