Muscles of The Arm and Forearm

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The muscles connecting the Pectoral Girdle to the Axial Skeleton

- Anterior:
Serratus Anterior, Subclavius, Pectoralis Minor,
Sternocleidomastoid, Levator Scapula.
- Posterior:
Trapezius, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor, Levator
Scapula, Latissimus Dorsi. Imicesameofthe
the superficial
The Muscles of the Shoulder (Scapulohumeral Muscles)

Origin Insertion Innervation

Deltoid - Lateral 1/3 of Clavicle - Deltoid Tuberosity of - Axillary Nerve (C5 and C6)
- Acromion Humerus
- Spine of Scapula innervates these 2 muscles
Coracobrachialis* - Coracoid Process - Anteromedial Surface - Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5 – C7)
of Humerus
Supraspinatus - Supraspinatus Fossa of Scapula - Greater Tubercle of - Suprascapular Nerve (C5 and C6)
Humerus This nerve is a direct branch of the
superior trunk of Brachial Plexus.
Infraspinatus - Infraspinatus Fossa of Scapula - Greater Tubercle of - Suprascapular Nerve
Humerus innervates these e muscles
Subscapularis - Subscapular Fossa - Lesser Tubercle of - Upper and Lower Scapular Nerves
Humerus They are branches from the
Posterior Cord of the Brachial Plexus.
Tares Minor - Dorsal Surface of Axillary (Lateral) - Greater Tubercle of - The posterior branch of the Axillary
Border of Scapula Humerus Nerve.
Tares Major - Posterior aspect of the Inferior - Intertubercular Sulcus - Lower Subscapular Nerve (C5 and
Angle of Scapula of Humerus C6)

*The Coracobrachialis is considered as a shoulder and arm muscle.

1- Deltoid Muscle
Anatomically it is composed of three sets:
1) Anterior (Clavicular)
2) Lateral (Acromial)
3) Posterior (Spinal)

Each set is composed of many electromyographical fibres (A

total of 7): A1, A2, A3, M1, P1, P2, and P3.

Vascular Supply: Thoracoacromial Artery (A branch of the

Axillary Artery), the Anterior and Posterior Humeral
Circumflex Arteries.

Antagonist: Latissimus Dorsi

Origin Insertion Function

Anterior - Lateral 1/3 of the - Deltoid - Anteversion
Clavicle Tuberosity - Internal Rotation
- Adduction
Lateral - Acromion - Abduction
Posterior - Spine of Scapula - Retroversion
- External Rotation
- Adduction

2- Supraspinatus Muscle
Function: Abduction of the arm and prevents the head of the
Humerus to slip inferiorly.
Two muscles provide abduction of the arm:
1- First 15 degrees -> Supraspinatus
2- Beyond 15 degrees -> Deltoid Muscle

3- Infraspinatus Muscle
Function: External Rotations of the Humerus and stabilize the
↳ Acromial Branch

Clavicular ↳Detoid Branch

shoulder joint. Branch

4- Subscapularis Muscle storal

Function: Internal Rotations and Adduction of the Humerus ↳isinteral

and stabilize the shoulder joint. Humeral Circumflex

Vascular Supply: Subscapular Artery (A branch of the
Subclavian art).
5- Tares Minor
Function: External Rotation of the arm and stabilize the
Vascular Supply: Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery (One of
the arts around the humeral neck) and the Circumflex
Scapular Artery (A branch of the Subscapular art.)
6- Tares Major
Function: Adduction and Internal Rotation of the Humerus
and Shoulder Depression. Escapulan
Vascular Supply: Subscapular Artery and Circumflex Scapular
Artery. E
- Rotator Cuff Muscles:

1- Supraspinatus -> Abduction
2- Infraspinatus - > External Rotation
3- Subscapularis -> Internal Rotation
4- Tares Minor - > External Rotation
The Muscles of the Arm (Brachium)

The arm muscles of the arm are enveloped by the Deep Fascia and

divided by the Medial Intermuscular Septum and the Lateral
Intermuscular Septum.

The compartments formed are the Anterior and Posterior, each has
its muscles, nerves, and arteries.

1) Anterior (Flexion) Compartment: anra space

B Innervation: Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5, C6, C7) Mir,

Vascular Supply: Brachial Artery (It is the continuation of the Axillary

Artery). Triangular Interval

Function: Flexion -
Btw the long and Medial heads ofthe Triceps

Origin Insertion
Biceps Brachii - Short Head: Coracoid - Radial Tuberosity
- Long Head: Supraglenoid - Bicipital Aponeurosis
Brachialis - Ant surface of Humerus - Coronoid process and Tuberosity of Ulna
Coracobrachialis* - Coracoid Process - Anteromedial Surface of Humerus

1- Biceps Brachii Muscle

A two-headed muscle
Antagonist: Triceps Brachii
2- Brachialis Muscle
Deeper than the Biceps Brachii
Beside the Brachial Artery, it is vascularly supplied by the
Radial Recurrent Artery.
Beside the Musculotendons Nerve, it is innervated by the
Radial Nerve (C5 – C8).
3- Coracobrachialis Muscle
Beside flexion, it also plays a role in adduction of Humerus.

2) Posterior (Extensor) Compartment:

1- Triceps Brachii Muscle:
It's a three headed muscle (Long, Lateral, Medial).
The medial head is covered by the long and lateral heads.
Antagonist: Biceps Brachii and Brachialis Muscles.
Vascular Supply: Deep Brachial Artery and Posterior
Circumflex Humeral Artery (Only for the long head)

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

- Long Head: Infraglenoid Tubercle - Olecranon - Radial Nerve (C5 – C6) - Extension
- Lateral Head: Above the Radial Groove Process of Ulna
- Medial Head: Below the Radial Groove
2- Anconeus Muscle

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

- Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus - Sup Post surface of Ulna - Radial Nerve (C5 – C6) - Extension of forearm
- Lateral aspect of Olecranon - Elbow stabilization

The Muscles of the Forearm (Antebrachium)

The forearm muscles are subdivided into three compartments:

1) Anterior (Flexion) Compartment:

This compartment is also divided into two layers:

a. Superficial Layer

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Pronator Teres - Humeral Head: - Lateral surface of - Median Nerve (C5 – - Forearm pronation
Medial Epicondyle Radius T1)
- Ulnar Head:
Coronoid process of
Flexor Carpi Radialis - Medial Epicondyle of - 2nd and 3rd - Median Nerve (C5 – - Flex and abduct the
Humerus Metacarpals T1) hand (wrist)
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - Medial Epicondyle of - Pisiform - Ulnar Nerve - Flex and adduct the
Humerus - Hook of Hamate (Muscular Branches) hand (wrist)
- Olecranon of Ulna - 5th Metacarpal
Palmaris Longus - Medial Epicondyle of - Palmar Aponeurosis - Median Nerve (C5 – - Flex the wrist

Humerus - Flexor Retinaculum T1)
Flexor Digitorum - Medial Epicondyle of - Middle Phalanges of - Median Nerve (C5 – - Flex the fingers
Superficialis Humerus the 4 fingers T1)

The only muscle inserts it

1- Pronator Teres Muscle

Antagonist: Supinator Muscle

Vascular Supply: Ulnar and Radial Arteries

↳Passes bow these muscles Provator Peres
2- Flexor Carpi Radialis

Antagonist: Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Vascular Supply: Ulnar Artery Flexor Carpi


3- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU) Radialis

Antagonist: Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis and Extensor Carpi Radialis

Vascular Supply: Ulnar Artery L

Plexor Digitorum
4- Palmaris Longus

Antagonist: Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Carpi Radialis Superficialis Plexor Carpi
Longus, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. Ulnaris
Vascular Supply: Ulnar Artery ~
Palmaris Longus
This muscle is visible as a tendon between the Flexor Carpi Radialis
and Ulnaris. -> Not Always

5- Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

The deepest part of the superficial compartment (Sometimes

referred as an Intermediate Layer)

Antagonist: Extensor Digitorum

Vascular Supply: Ulnar Artery

b. Deep Layer

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Flexor Digitorum - Proximal ant and - Base of the distal - Anterior - Flexes the and
Profundus medial surface of the phalanges Interosseous Nerve (A fingers
Ulna's body branch of Median
Nerve C5 – T1)
- Muscular branches
of the Ulnar Nerve
Flexor Pollicis Longus - Middle of ant surface - Distal phalanx of the - Anterior - Flexes the thumb
of the Radius and thumb Interosseous Nerve (A
Interosseus branch of Median
Membrane Nerve C5 – T1)
Pronator Quadratus - Medial and ant - Lateral and Ant - Anterior - Pronate the hand
surfaces of Ulna surface of Radius Interosseous Nerve (A
branch of Median
Nerve C5 – T1)
1- Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle

It's is extrinsic hand muscle (Its belly is found on the forearm but
affects the hand) Flexon Pollicis
Antagonist: Extensor Digitorum Muscle -

Vascular Supply: Anterior Interosseous Artery

2- Flexor Pollicis Longus

Unique to humans V

Antagonist: Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle and Extensor Pollicis Flexor Rigitorum
Longus Muscle. Profundus
Vascular Supply: Anterior Intraosseous Artery
3- Pronator Quadrates

A square shaped muscle Promator

- Indrates
Antagonist: Supinator Muscle

Vascular Supply: Anterior Interosseous Artery

> All by Radial Nerve

2) Lateral (Radial) Compartment:

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Brachioradialis - Lateral Epicondyle of - Styloid process of - Radial Nerve C5 – T1 - Flexion
↳> The
Humerus Radius (Lateral) only nonant

Extensor Carpi - Lateral Epicondyle of - 2nd Metacarpal - Radial Nerve C5 – T1 - Extensor and abducts
Radialis Longus Humerus the hand at the wrist
Extensor Carpi - Lateral Epicondyle of - 3rd Metacarpal - Deep branch of - Extensor and abducts
Radialis Brevis Humerus Radial Nerve C7 – C8 the hand at the wrist

1- Brachioradialis Muscle

Vascular Supply: Radial Recurrent Artery

2- Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Vascular Supply: Radial Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle

3- Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

3) Posterior (Extensor) Compartment:
a. Superficial Layer

!!! all of them share the same tendon (Extensor Tendon) for the
origin -> The origin is the same: The Lateral Epicondyle

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Extensor Digitorum - Lateral Epicondyle - Middle and Distal - Posterior - Extension of the
Phalanges of all digits Interosseous Nerve wrist (including the
(except the 1st) (The continuation of 1st) and fingers (not
deep branch of Radial including the 1st)
Nerve C7 – C8)
Extensor Digiti Minimi - Lateral Epicondyle - Dorsal expansion of - Posterior - Extension of the
the 5th digit Interosseous Nerve wrist (together with
(The continuation of the Extensor
deep branch of Radial Digitorum) and little
Nerve C7 – C8) finger
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - Humeral Head: - 5th Metacarpal - Deep Branch of - Extension and
Lateral Epicondyle Radial Nerve C7 – C8 adduction of the wrist
- Ulnar Head:
Olecranon and
Posterior surface of

1- Extensor Digitorum Muscle

Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis and Digitorum Profundus


2- Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle

The insertion tendons of this muscle bifid after passing under the
Extensor Retinaculum. Then the two join the tendon of the Extensor
Digitorum Muscle at the little finger and insert at the Dorsal
Expansion of the 5th digit.

Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis

3- Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle

Vascular Supply: Ulnar Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Carpi Radialis

Notreleated to digitsmovement
b. Deep Layer

All (but Supinator) act on the Thumb and the Index Finger

Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Supinator - Lateral Epicondyle of - Lateral Proximal - Deep Branch of - Supinate the
Humerus radial Shaft Radial Nerve (The Forearm
- Supinator Crest of continuation of deep
Ulna branch of Radial
- Radial Collateral Lig Nerve C7 – C8)
- Annular Lig
Abductor Pollicis - Ulna - 1st Metacarpal - Posterior - Abduction and
Longus - Radius Interosseous Nerve extension of thumb
- Interosseous (The continuation of
Membrane deep branch of Radial
Nerve C7 – C8)
Abductor Pollicis - Radius - Thumb - Posterior - Extension of Thumb
Brevis - Interosseous - Proximal Phalanx Interosseous Nerve at
Membrane (C7 – C8) Metacarpophalangeal
Extensor Pollicis - Posterior Surface of - Thumb - Posterior - Extension of the
Longus Ulna - Distal Phalanx Interosseous Nerve Thumb
- Interosseous (C7 – C8)
Extensor Indicis - Posterior of Ulna - Index - Posterior - Index extension
- Interosseous Interosseous Nerve
Membrane (C7 – C8)

1- Supinator Muscle

It encircles the Radius (Only distally)

Vascular Supply: Radial Recurrent Artery

Antagonist: Pronator Teres and Pronator Quadratus

2- Abductor Pollicis Longus

Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery

Antagonist: Adductor Pollicis Muscle

3- Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Pollicis Longus, Flexor Pollicis Brevis

4- Extensor Pollicis Longus

Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery

Antagonist: Flexor Pollicis Longus, Flexor Pollicis Brevis
5- Extensor Indicis
L ↳> the Extensor
Vascular Supply: Posterior Interosseous Artery Extensor
Retinaculum Rendon

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