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Underwater Fluorometer
with Miniature Spectrometer

Measuring Aquatic Photosynthesis in its Natural Habitat

Underwater fluorometer with miniature spectrometer

The predecessor of the DIVING-PAM-II The DIVING-PAM-II also features an ener- DIVING-PAM-II System
(the “DIVING-PAM”) has been proven as gy-saving B/W screen which displays
reliable and robust chlorophyll fluorometer instrument status and measured data. The
for studying photosynthesis in and under transflective screen is readable even under
water. To date, more than 500 scientific sunlight. For long-term monitoring, the in-
papers reporting on measurements with the strument can be operated by a computer
DIVING-PAM have been published. via a special underwater cable. Wi-Fi access
allows convenient download of data.
The DIVING-PAM-II continues the manifold
tested design of its predecessor, but it In dry environment, accessories of the
possesses significantly advanced data MINI-PAM-II fluorometer can be operated
acquisition and instrument control by em- in conjunction with the DIVING-PAM-II. Only
ploying state-of-the-art optical and elec- a special adapter cable is needed. For ex-
tronic components. ample, oxygen measurements with suspen-
sions can be performed in the lab using the
The DIVING-PAM-II fluorometer permits Fiber-Optic Oxygen Meter FireStingO2.
measurements of photosynthesis down
to 50 m water depth. All functions of the Soon available will be a submergible optode-
instrument can be controlled by 10 infrared type oxygen sensor for marine and limnolo-
reflection switches. gical research in situ.

The innovative Miniature Spectrometer Submersible parts are drawn inside the color box.
MINI-SPEC is part of the basic DIVING- Cable lengths for remote control of the DIVING-PAM-II
PAM-II system. It adds a new level of infor- are indicated.
mation to studies of photosynthesis.

Waterproof keypad with 10 infrared

reflection switches

Transflective B/W screen

Miniature Spectrometer

Distance Clip
60° 2010-A

Fiberoptics DIVING-F

Overview on DIVING-PAM-II basic system.

Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC
One device for spectra of PAR, reflectance and fluorescence emission

The Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC The MINI-SPEC possesses 3 internal light

is part of the basic system. It has been sources: a white tungsten lamp for de-
included in response to the interest of termining light reflectance in the visible
researchers to know the actual spectral range, as well as a blue and a green LED
environment in which plants and algae to excite fluorescence emission spectra.
To measure the PAR acting on the sample,
The heart of the MINI-SPEC forms a very the Universal Sample Holder DIVING-II-
compact detector unit consisting of a gra- USH is equipped with an adjusting ring
ting monochromator and a CMOS image which positions the light-diffusing disk of
sensor. the MINI-SPEC at sample level. Values
of PAR are automatically calculated from
The configuration for measuring spectra spectral data.
of PAR can be easily be converted to the
setup for reflectance and fluorescence
measurements. Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC and Sample Clip of
Universal Sample Holder DIVING-II-USH.


During transport or when surfaces are inspected, the

Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC can be conveniently
attached to a dedicated holder of the DIVING-PAM-II.
The software provides the opportunity to record a light
Zenith Polymer® spectrum with each saturation pulse analysis.
reflectance standard

Magnetic sample clip

Entrance Optics
SPEC/P for spectra of PAR

The spectrometer module acts as a radiometer when connected to the entrance optics
SPEC/P; the module measures reflectance and fluorescence emission spectra when the
magnetic leaf clip is mounted.

Two fluorometer versions using either blue or red
measuring and actinic light

DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Another difference between the two ver­ Therefore, in studies of cyanobacteria the
sions is the spectral window for fluo­ RED version is normally preferred over the
Microsecond timing enables the DIVING- res­
cence detection. The BLUE version BLUE version which shows low signal to
PAM-II fluorometer to use the same detects fluorescence at wavelengths > 630 noise ratios with cyanobacteria.
high-power LED as source for PAM mea- nm but the RED version detects fluores­
suring light, actinic light and saturation cence at wavelengths > 700 nm (Fig. 2). The blue actinic light source of the DIVING-
pulses. Measuring light corresponds to µs PAM-II/B excites the broad short wave­
flashes of constant amplitude, actinic light length band of the major light-harvesting
is quasi-constant light employed to drive BLUE OR RED VERSION? complex of photosystem II in higher plants
photosynthesis, and saturation pulses and green algae (LHC II). Red light of the
temporarily saturate primary photosyn- Its extended range for fluorescence detec- ­DIVING-PAM-II/R excites the comparably
thesis so that all photosystem II reaction tion makes the BLUE version more sensi- ­minor long-wavelength band of the LHC II.
centers are “closed”. tive than the RED version. In samples with Hence, if LHC II excitation is important,
high chlorophyll contents, a large part of the BLUE version might be advantageous.
The color of light emitted by the high-po- the short wavelength fluorescence, which
wer LED distinguishes the BLUE from the potentially can be detected by the BLUE Blue is absorbed by blue light photo-
RED version of the fluorometer (Fig. 1). version, is reabsorbed by chlorophyll. receptors which can stimulate responses
The BLUE version (DIVING-PAM-II/B) Hence, in such samples the sensitivity of like chloroplast relocation in higher plants
possesses a blue LED emitting maximally the BLUE version is only slightly better and sessile algae. Chloroplast relocation
around 474 nm which is replaced by a red than that of the RED one. can affect the fluorescence signal by
LED emitting maximally around 654 nm in changing the efficiency of light absorption.
the RED version (DIVING-PAM-II/R). The DIVING-PAM-II can be used to inves- This effect is difficult to distinguish from
tigate, e.g., cyanobacterial mats. Cyano- other fluorescence quenching mecha­
Both versions have a second LED provi- bacteria often absorb poorly in the blue. nisms. Choosing the RED version ex­
ding far red light for specific excitation of cludes such blue light effects.
photosystem I.

Figure 1: Typical LED emission spectra normalized to their maxima. The blue curve Figure 2: Transmittance spectra of detection filters in the DIVING-PAM-II/B
corresponds to the spectrum of the blue LED of the DIVING-PAM-II/B, the red (blue line) and DIVING-PAM-II/R (red line).
curve represents the red LED in the DIVING-PAM-II/R. Both DIVING-PAM-II versions
possess a far-red LED which emits maximally above 700 nm (rightmost curve).
Peak wavelength and full width at half maximum (in brackets) are indicated.

Extending the capacity of the DIVING-PAM-II

UNIVERSAL SAMPLE HOLDER Robust trigger and spectrometer cables DIVING-LC

DIVING-II-USH as well as the fiberoptics are bundled by a
nylon-mesh-cover so that harmful bending The leaf clip permits dark-acclimation of
The DIVING-II-USH sample holder is de- of the fiberoptics can be largely ­avoided. small areas of macro algae and leaves.
signed for the specific requirements of The DIVING-II-USH sample holder is The DIVING-PAM-II fiberoptics combined
underwater investigations of samples like designed to quantify relative electron with the adapter DIVING-DA fits exact­
sea grass, macroalgae, and corals. The transport rates (ETR) driven by natural ly on top of the DIVING-LC. With the
sample holder permits single-hand ope- light when PAR and Y(II) are measure in ­fiber posi­tioned, the sliding shutter of the
ration of the DIVING-PAM-II by triggering parallel. Using a special configuration DLC-8 can be opened so that F0 and FM
measurements via a release button inte- which blanks out external light, the ETR level ­fluorescence can be measured with­
grated in the handhold. A special mount driven by defined intensities of internal out ­interference by ambient light.
positions the Miniature Spectrometer light can be studied.
­MINI-SPEC parallel to the sample level.


The DIVING-SH accessory has a central Clip for dark-acclimation of flat samples For remote-control of the DIVING-PAM-II,
port to accommodate the DIVING-PAM-II consisting of two magnetic parts. One part reliably performing underwater cables
fiberoptics. For long-term measurements has a fiberoptics port which is closed by either 25 m (DIVING-II/K25) or 50 m
of bulky objects, the DIVING-SH can be a flexible black rubber cap with a central (DIVING-II/K50) long are available. The
attached to the sample by three rubber slit. For measurements of dark-acclimated 50 m cable is supplied with the charger
bands equipped with end hooks. samples, the fiberoptics is pushed through DIVING-II/L15 which delivers an increased
the cap’s slit so that natural light does not voltage to efficiently charge the DIVING-
arrive at the sample and the dark-acclima- PAM-II in the presence of the elevated
ted state is maintained. ­resistance of the DIVING-II/K50.

Example of Application
Measuring simultaneously PAM fluorescence, PAR,
leaf temperature, and relative humidity


Combining the DIVING-PAM-II fluorome- Objective of development was a submer- Three examples from the wide field of ap-
ter and the Miniature Spectrometer MINI-­ gible spectrometer with the capacity of plications of the Miniature Spectrometer
SPEC into one basic system is a new measuring light spectra. Beyond this goal, MINI-SPEC are given.
concept which was created to improve the it turned out that simple modifications
understanding of how photosynthesis is convert the original setup into a spectro- Figure 3 illustrates how light spectra
influenced by both light intensity and light meter measuring reflectance and fluore- ­change with water depth. Figure 4 shows
quality. scence. how individual pigments contributing to
the sample’s reflectance properties can
Because of positive feedback obtained for Now, the Miniature Spectrometer MINI-­ be identified. Figure 5 gives an example of
the MINI-SPEC for the DIVING-PAM-II, the SPEC can acquire spectral information on how chlorophyll concentration affects the
spectrometer has been made compatible photon flux density, sample reflectance, shape of fluorescence emission spectra.
with the MINI-PAM-II fluorometer. In this and sample fluorescence emission.
case, the spectrometer is an accessory
denoted MINI-SPEC/MP.


Figure 3: Absorption of light by water affects the Figure 4: Reflectance spectra contain information on Figure 5: The shape of fluorescence emission
spectral properties of radiation available for aquatic the pigments of the sample. Often, specific absorption spectra is affected by the chlorophyll content of a leaf
photosynthesizers. The spectra in Figure 3 were re- peaks are distinguishable only in the derivative of the (Buschmann C (2007) Photosynth Res 92, 261–271).
corded above the water surface and at various depths original spectrum. Here, a reflection spectrum of a Reabsorption of fluorescence at wavelength < 700 nm
down to 30 m. With increasing depth, intensities in the senescing leaf was recorded, and its second derivative is the major factor determining the ratio of short
red spectral range decreased more than in the blue was calculated. The maxima indicated are chlorophyll to long-wavelength emission peaks. Figure 5 shows
spectral range. Hence, photosynthesis has to acclimate a (chl a), carotenoids (car), phaeophytin (phae), and the fluorescence emission spectrum of a leaf with
to blue-enriched low light at greater depths. Measure- chlorophyll b (chl b). moderate chlorophyll content (Green) and of a leaf
ments performed by Sabrina Walz and Jonathan Richir with high chlorophyll content (Dark green). Spectra
at La STARESO (Station de Recherche Océanogra- are normalized to the long-wavelength maximum.
phiques et sous-marines), Corsica, France.



Measuring light: Blue LED (470 nm ± 8 nm Fluorescence detection: PIN photodiode Design: POM tube, at one side, port for light
tolerance), standard modulation frequencies ­ rotected by long-pass and a short-pass
p detection, port for fluorescence excitation
5 to 25 Hz adjustable in increments of 5 Hz filters, 12 bit signal resolution by blue (452 nm max) or green (525 nm max)
and 100 Hz, measuring light PAR at standard LEDs, and port for white light from a tungs-
Pressure and temperature: Piezo-resistive
settings = 0.05 μmol m-2 s-1. Fluorescence at ten lamp for reflection measurements; at the
pressure sensor and temperature sensor.
wavelengths longer than 630 nm is measured opposite side, 4-pole underwater socket
Pressure is converted in meters of diving
Actinic light: Same blue LED as for measuring depth, range 0 to -50 m, displayed at 0.1 m Spectrometer module: Hamamatsu
light, maximum actinic PAR = 3000 μmol intervals. Temperature, range -10 to +60 °C, micro-spectrometer, spectral range: 400 to
m-2 s-1, maximum PAR of saturation pulses = displayed at 0.1 °C intervals. Sensor module 800 nm, spectral resolution: between 8 and
6000 μmol m-2 s-1 adjustable at incre­ments of with gel protection and antimagnetic stainless 10 nm. Maximum PAR: 4000 µmol m-2 s-1 for
500 μmol m-2 s-1 steel cap illumination having spectral characteristics
similar to sunlight
Data storage: Flash memory, 8 MB, providing
memory for more than 27,000 saturation pulse Dimensions: 3.25 cm diameter, 17.5 cm
analyses length max
Measuring light: Red LED (655 nm ± 5 nm
tolerance), modu­lation frequencies and Display: Backlit 160 x 104 dots (78 x 61 mm) Weight: 135 g
PAR as described for DIVING-PAM-II/B. transflective B/W screen
Fluorescence at wave­lengths longer than
Control elements: 10 infrared reflection MINI-SPEC SMALL PARTS
700 nm is measured
switches, pushbutton for saturation pulses,
Flat Entrance Optics SPEC/P:
Actinic light: Same red LED as for measu- pushbutton to switch device on/off and to
Design: Hard-anodized aluminum rod with
ring light, maximum PAR of actinic light and lock/unlock reflection switches
internal light guide of 10 mm diameter and
saturation pulses as described for DIVING-
Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz), Access 50 mm length, at one end with lateral light
Point Mode entrance through a 5 mm diameter diffusor and
the opposite end inserted in a mounting plate
Design: Plexiglas tube with Plexiglas end
FIBEROPTICS DIVING-F (diameter 33 mm, height 5 mm)
plates, one with waterproof fiberoptics port
Design: Randomized 70 µm glass fibers Mountings: 2 anodized aluminum rods Fluorescence and Reflection Optics SPEC/R:
forming a single plastic shielded bundle with (diameter 15 mm) mounted parallel to the Design: Spectrometer cap consisting of POM:
stainless steel adapter ends ­fluorometer body. Anodized aluminum holder maximum diameter 35 mm, height 13 mm,
for fiber optics. Connections for carrying belt weight 16 g. With central 5 mm x 16 mm groove
Dimensions: Active diameter 5.5 mm, outer
and miniature spectrometer MINI-SPEC accommodating Perspex light guides for blue
diameter 8 mm, length 150 cm
and green for fluorescence excitation, and for
Ports: AUX1 and AUX2, 4-pole, for miniature
Weight: 340 g white light for reflection measurements. With 3
spectrometer MINI-SPEC; for laboratory use
mm diameter central drilled hole as light channel
via special adapter: Fiber-Optic Oxygen Meter
to the detector window of the spectrometer.
POWER SUPPLY MINI-PAM-II/N FireStingO2 or Leaf Clip Holder 2035-B. OUT1
Including sample cap to fix sample (maximum
and OUT2, 6-pole, input for trigger signal from
Input: 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz diameter 40 mm, height 10 mm, weight 8 g).
Universal Sample Holder DIVING-II-USH;
Spectrometer and sample caps padded with
Output: 12 V DC, 5.5 A for laboratory use via special adapter: External
foam rubber, both parts have magnets build-in to
LED Light Source 2054-L. INPUT, 6-pole,
Operating temperature: -5 to +45 °C attract each other and, thus, hold the sample
for RS-485 communication and charging of
internal battery PAR Calibration Block 000160101439:
Weight: 350 g including cables Design: POM block with drill hole for entrance
Battery: Lead acid battery 8.0 V / 3.5 Ah
optics of the Miniature Spectrometer. Oriented at
(28 Wh) providing power for more than 1300
an angle of 60° and 90° relative to the spectro-
meter port are drill holes for the Fiber Optics
Housing: Aluminum case with USB-B port, Maximum diving depth: 50 m DIVING-F.
socket for power supply MINI-PAM-II/N,
Operating temperature: -5 to +45 °C Dimensions: 4.15 cm x 2 cm x 5 cm
and waterproof 6-pole socket for RS-485
(L x W x H)
communication Dimensions: Diameter 19 cm, length 39 cm
Weight: 40 g
Function: Connects computer and DIVING- Weight: 3.9 kg
PAM-II. RS-485 serial data communication is
communication is employed between interface
Design: Three clips made of white plastic with
box and computer. Recommended maximum Length: 5 m
gasket contact areas and sliding shutter for
cable lengths: 50 m RS-485 cable, 2 m USB
Weight: 500 g light-tight closure.
cable. Standard USB-A to USB-B cable
included Dimensions: Diameter 3.2 cm, length 8 cm

Dimensions: 9.7 cm x 6.3 cm x 3.5 cm Weight: 6.5 g

(L x W x H)

Weight: 270 g

Operating temperature: -5 to + 40 °C



Program: WinControl-3 System Control and
Data Acquisition Program (Windows 7, 8, 10)
for operation of DIVING-PAM-II via PC, data Design: Plexiglas bar (15 cm x 4.5 cm) with
acquisition and data analysis upward curved end possessing a port for
positioning at 60° or 90° relative to the sample
Saturation pulse analysis: Measured: F(t), F0,
level the DIVING-PAM-II fiber optics. Mounted
FM, F, F0‘ (also calculated), FM‘. PAR, water tem-
to the curved end is a 5.5 cm x 7.5 cm (W x
perature and depth (derived from pressure).
H) sample clip consisting of a Plexiglas plate
Calculated: F0‘ (also measured), FV /FM and Y(II)
­(lower part) and an aluminum frame open to
(maximum and effective photochemical yield
the top (upper part). Featuring a 10 cm long
of PS II, respectively), qL, qP, qN, NPQ, Y(NPQ),
plastic grip with button for triggering measure-
Y(NO) and ETR (electron transport rate)
ments via a 1.5 m trigger cable. Including a 1
Fitting routines: Two routines for determina- m long tubular net with zipper to keep together
tion of the cardinal points , Ik and ETRmax of trigger cable and fiber optics. With holder to
light curves for spectrometer MINI-SPEC
Programmed features: Automatic determi­ Dimensions: 25 cm x 4.5 cm x 21 cm
nation of signal offset for all light intensities (L x W x H)
and all gain levels. Automatic calibration
Weight: 380 g
of internal PAR sensor against PAR from
MINI-SPEC sensor
Communication protocol: USB and IEEE
802.11 b/g/n Design: Two halves with ring magnets, one
with fiberoptics adapter and split rubber
Computer requirements: Processor, 1 GHz.
hood (dark adaptation), the other serving as
RAM, 512 MB. Screen resolution, 1024 x 600
buoyancy body
pixels. Interface, USB 2.0/3.0
Dimensions: Diameter 37 mm, height 48 mm
DISTANCE CLIP 60° 2010-A Weight: 60 g; floating underwater
Design: Metal clip with fiber holder and 11 mm
diameter sample hole: 5.5 cm x 1.4 cm (L x W) UNDERWATER CABLE DIVING-II/K25
Fiber holder: 1.2 cm length, mounted 0.7 Dimensions: 25 m length, 6 mm diameter
cm above base, with lateral screw to fix
Weight: 1.25 kg
fiber optics. Angle between fiber optics axis
and sample plane: 60°. Two spacer rings to
vary the distance between fiber end and leaf UNDERWATER CABLE DIVING-II/K50
Design: Dimensions: 50 m length, 6 mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Design: Holder made of grey PVC, equipped
Including charger DIVING-II/L15:
with 3 rubber bands and hooks to be
Input: 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz. Output:
­attached to creviced surface (e.g. of coral);
15 V DC, 4.65 A. Operating temperature: -5
nylon screws for distance adjustment
to +45 °C (non-condensing). Dimensions: 13
Dimensions: 6 cm x 6 cm x 2.5 cm cm x 5.5 cm x 3 cm (L x W x H). Weight: 350 g
(L x W x H) including cables
Weight: 95 g
TRANSPORT CASE DIVING-PAM-II/T Design: Holder made of grey PVC, equipped
with 3 rubber bands and hooks to be attached
Design: Rugged, hard plastic outdoor case
to creviced surface (e.g. of coral); nylon screws
with wheels, pull-out handle and custom
for distance adjustment
foam packing
Dimensions: 6 cm x 6 cm x 2.5 cm (L x W x H)
Dimensions: 57 cm x 47 cm x 27 cm
(L x W x H) Weight: 95 g
Weight: 7.7 kg
SEE https://walz.com/downloads/


SEE https://www.walz.com/support/

WinControl-3 Software
Acquiring, managing and evaluating kinetic data,
saturation pulse analyses and spectra


stand-alone or by the WinControl-3 soft-
ware running on Windows computers. Saturation pulse analysis: Photosystem All measured data and cardinal parameters
All functions of WinControl-3 are avail- II quantum yield, photochemical and non- of light curves can be exported as csv files
able when the DIVING-PAM-II is opera- photochemical energy dissipation, and which can be read by spreadsheet soft-
ted standalone, except continuous signal electron transport rates are automatically ware.
recording. calculated.
WinControl-3 also operates the first- Light curve analysis: Cardinal parameters
generation DIVING-PAM, many other of light response curves are derived by two Automatic execution of light and induction
PAM fluorometers (e.g. JUNIOR-PAM and different models. curves. Automatic offset correction and ca-
MONITORING-PAM) and the Universal libration of internal light sensor. Repetitive
Light Meter ULM-500. Additional output: PAR (continuously cal- triggering of fluorometer functions.
culated from light spectra), water tempera-
In addition to performing saturation pulse ture and depth (derived from pressure). PROGRAMMING EXPERIMENTS
analyses and recording of spectra,
WinControl-3 acquires continuously fluo- Execution of customized experiments
rescence data and signals from optional using batch files. Easy generation of batch
peripherals like oxygen, temperature and files by automatic transformation of manual
PAR sensors. operations into batch file commands.

Window “Light Curve”: A light curve experiment involving 10 light steps

is shown. Blue symbols, NPQ. Green symbols, Y(II). Red symbols, ETR.
The continuous graph describes the ETR as a function of PAR using the
model by Platt et al. (1980) J Mar Res 38: 687-701.

Window “Chart”: Continuously recorded fluorescence (black line), ETR (red dots), and
NPQ (blue dots) are displayed. Right panels: Control of data display and numerical
results of saturation pulse analysis.

Window “SAT-Chart”: Fluorescence kinetics Window “Spectrum”: The reflectance spectrum of a light-green leaf was
elicited by 2 consecutive saturation pulses. measured. In the range from 400 to 850 nm (Y axis range used: 0 to 60%).

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High Quality Instrumentation for Plant Sciences

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Ruko Prominence RJS 38D, No. 15
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Tangerang-Banten 15143
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Website : www.labquipindoprima.co.id
: www.labquipasia.com

FORM No. :
A/C No. : 300-P034
Rev :
Pusat Oseanografi LIPI
QUO No. : IQ-000311-0521-MR
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10
Date : 03/05/2021
Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan
Kota Jakarta Utara Quot by : MINA
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Tel : Terms : DP 50%, CBD 50%
Attn : Ibu. Intan Suci Nurhati, Ph.D. Page No. : 1 of 3
Email : [email protected]

No Item Code Description Qty UOM U/ Price Disc. Total

Rp Rp

1. DIVING-PAM- Walz Diving Pam II Underwater Fluorometer 1 UNIT 1,291,235,000.0 1,291,235,000.0

The predecessor of the DIVING-PAM-II (the
DIVING-PAM) has been proven as reliable
and robust chlorophyll fluorometer for studying
photosynthesis in and under water.


·Diving PAM II Walz Diving Pam II

Underwater Fluorometer Red Version.
·DIVING-II-USH Universal Sample Holder
for for single-handed operation. Featuring
trigger button for yield measurements,
adapters for various sample types
(macroalgae, corals, periphyton), and
holder for Miniature Spectrometer MINI-
·DIVING - LC Dark Leaf Clips ( 3 Pcs ) for
use with seagrass or macroalgae, with
sliding shutter for dark acclimation.
·Diving-MLC Magnet Sample Holders (3
Pcs) for leaf-like samples, suited for pre-
darkening of samples.
·Diving-II/K50M long Includes special
Battery Charger Diving-II/L15.
·DIVING-F Fiberoptics for the Underwater
Fluorometer DIVING-PAM and DIVING-
·DIVING-II-O Spare O-Ring Set
·DIVING-II-CAP Pair of Caps one for
DIVING-PAM-II socket and one for
underwater cables
·000160101250 Lead-Acid Battery 8
Ruko Prominence RJS 38D, No. 15
Kel. Panunggangan Timur, Kec. Pinang
Tangerang-Banten 15143
Phone : +6221 29853828, +6221 29853829
Fax : +6221 29853820
Website : www.labquipindoprima.co.id
: www.labquipasia.com

FORM No. :
A/C No. : 300-P034
Rev :
Pusat Oseanografi LIPI
QUO No. : IQ-000311-0521-MR
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10
Date : 03/05/2021
Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan
Kota Jakarta Utara Quot by : MINA
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Email : [email protected]

No Item Code Description Qty UOM U/ Price Disc. Total

Rp Rp
·000160101250 Lead-Acid Battery 8
V/3.5 Ah for the Underwater Fluorometer
DIVING-PAM-II 1 (Unit) and spare Battery
1 (Unit)
·Case for diving pam
·Laptop Lenovo yoga Slim 7 carbon
13ITL5 (i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB)
·Training intensive training to gain
expertise in instrument operation at WALZ
Germany. Giving information on technical
features, theory, data processing,
maintenance and related topics Include
test Swab PCR for Trainer.
·free Training and accomodation for 10
people to Pari Island for 3 Days
·free Liquinox Cat No. 1201 (1 Case)
Detergent for laboratory
Ruko Prominence RJS 38D, No. 15
Kel. Panunggangan Timur, Kec. Pinang
Tangerang-Banten 15143
Phone : +6221 29853828, +6221 29853829
Fax : +6221 29853820
Website : www.labquipindoprima.co.id
: www.labquipasia.com

FORM No. :
A/C No. : 300-P034
Rev :
Pusat Oseanografi LIPI
QUO No. : IQ-000311-0521-MR
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10
Date : 03/05/2021
Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan
Kota Jakarta Utara Quot by : MINA
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Tel : Terms : DP 50%, CBD 50%
Attn : Ibu. Intan Suci Nurhati, Ph.D. Page No. : 3 of 3
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Note : Price Include Tax 10%

Validity : 30 Days
Delivery Term : Indent 4 - 12 weeks
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Total (Include Tax),00
Franco : Lipi Oseanografi

Note : Prices are subjected to change without prior notice.

We hope that our quotation is favourable to you and
looking forward to receive your valued orders in due
course. Thank and regards.

PT. LABQUIP INDOPRIMA Yours faithfully,

Created By: MINA

Last Modify By: MINA

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
LI-COR shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with
the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without prior written consent of LI-COR,
PreciseTech™ Design is a trademark of LI-COR, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Excel are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are
property of their respective owners.
This product is protected by U.S. patents 8,659,758, 8,665,442, 8,885,167, 9,116,047, 9,194,742, 9,304,080, 9,581,492,
9,678,003, 9,759,654, 9,759,655, 9,989,729, and 10,060,942. Additional patents pending in the U.S. and other countries.

Printing History
© Copyright 2019, LI-COR, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publication Number: 984-17414
Created on: Friday, October 23, 2020.

Notes on Safety
This LI-COR product has been designed to be safe when operated in the manner described in this manual. The safety of
this product cannot be assured if the product is used in any other way than is specified in this manual. The product is
intended to be used by qualified personnel. Read this entire manual before using the product.

Equipment markings:

The product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the manual or
accompanying documents in order to protect against injury or damage to the product.
The product is marked with this symbol when a hazardous voltage may be present.

The product is marked with this symbol if a Chassis Ground connection is required.

The product is marked with this symbol to indicate that a direct current (DC) power supply is
WARNING Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
CAUTION Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
Manual markings:

Warning Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.

Caution Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
Note Notes contain important information and useful tips on the operation of your equipment.

CE Marking:
This product is a CE-marked product. For conformity information, contact LI-COR Support at [email protected].
Outside of the U.S., contact your local sales office or distributor.

California Proposition 65 Warning

Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including Nickel, which is known to the State of
California to cause cancer. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

Federal Communications Commission Radio Interference Statement

WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance
with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to
provide a reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required
to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.

Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) Notice

This symbol indicates that the product is to be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste. The fol-
lowing applies to users in European countries: This product is designated for separate collection at an
appropriate collection point. Do not dispose of as household waste. For more information, contact your
local distributor or the local authorities in charge of waste management.

The initial principles and some portions of the technology presented herein were developed in part based on a grant from
the MONITOR Program by the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E), under
award number DE-AR0000537.

Wi-Fi Warning
When powered on for the first time, this device will broadcast a wireless local area network (WLAN) signal. The use of
WLAN is restricted in some regions and countries, and the illegal use of WLAN may be punishable under these reg-
ulations. Check your local regulations to determine if WLAN is permitted.
If WLAN is not permitted in your area, it is your responsibility to disable the WLAN signal. LI-COR, Inc. cannot be held
liable for any problems arising from the use of WLAN in any countries or regions where it is not permitted. Legal pen-
alties may result from failing to disable or re-enabling the wireless network where it is not permitted, modifying or altering
the product, or removing the certification labels from the product.
Instructions for disabling the WLAN signal are provided in this manual.


Preface viii

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

What's what 1-1
Gas analyzer 1-1
Rechargeable batteries 1-3
Universal power supply 1-3
Ethernet cable 1-4
Accessory kit 1-4
Optional accessories 1-5
Auxiliary power supply adapter 1-5
Backpack kit 1-5

Section 2. Getting Started

Powering on the instrument 2-1
Connecting with the instrument 2-1
Connecting over wireless 2-2
Connecting over a wired network 2-3
Power options 2-4
Universal power supply 2-4
Rechargeable batteries 2-4
External power source 2-5
Instrument display 2-6
Status codes 2-7
Powering off the instrument 2-8
Storing the instrument 2-8
Shipping the instrument 2-9

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Flow schematic 3-1
Connecting the air inlet and outlet 3-2
Plumbing a subsample 3-3
Retrieving data from the instrument 3-4
Downloading a data file 3-4
Components of the data file 3-5
Installing the instrument in a rack mount 3-6

Section 4. Software overview
Home page 4-1
Indicators and buttons 4-1
Graphs 4-2
Settings 4-3
Software 4-4
Time 4-5
Network 4-6
Wi-Fi 4-7
LI-8100(A) 4-8
Calibration 4-9
Diagnostics 4-10
Power 4-10
Performance status indicators 4-10
Diagnostic log 4-11
Performance monitor 4-11
Operating information 4-12
Layouts 4-13
Thresholds 4-14
Export 4-14

Section 5. Troubleshooting
Connection problems 5-1
Unable to connect with the instrument over a wired connection 5-1
Unable to connect with the instrument over a wireless connection 5-3
Measurement problems 5-4
Readings drift or step change unexpectedly 5-4
Pressure readings are questionable or unstable 5-4
Gas density measurements appear to have oscillations 5-4
Interface issues 5-4
The interface is in a language that I don't understand 5-4
Graphed data overlaps in time or has gaps 5-5
Status and warning messages 5-5
Code 128 triggered 5-6

Section 6. Maintenance
User calibration 6-1
Setting the CH₄, CO₂, and H₂O zeros 6-2
Setting the CH₄ span 6-3
Setting the CO₂ zero 6-3
Recovering from a bad calibration 6-4

Replacing the air inlet filter 6-5
Replacing the purge dry-down chemical 6-6
Software updates 6-8

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Terminology 7-1
Basic commands in a terminal program 7-2
Streaming data into the interface 7-3
Setting the zero calibration 7-4
Setting the span calibration 7-5
Rebooting the instrument 7-6
Powering off the instrument 7-6
Basic commands with a Python script 7-7
Configuring paho-mqtt in Windows 7-7
Configuring paho-mqtt in Mac or Linux 7-7
Streaming data into the Terminal Program 7-8
Downloading data in a date and time range 7-9
Additional commands 7-10

Appendix A. Measurement overview

Appendix B. Additional safety information

Appendix C. Specifications

Appendix D. Warranty

Appendix E. Index

This document provides basic operating instructions for the LI-7810 gas ana-
lyzer running software version 2.0.
We have made every effort to ensure that this document accurately represents
the instrument. As with any software-dependent instrument, development con-
tinues after the documentation goes to press. As a result, small inconsistencies
between the documentation and the instrument may be present.
Updates to this document, as well as application notes, technical literature,
videos that support the product, and software updates, will be available from
licor.com/env/support (search for LI-7810).
We appreciate feedback on this manual. Send your comments to
[email protected].
For technical support with the product, go to licor.com/env/support or email
[email protected].

Section 1.
Introduction to the LI-7810
The LI-7810 CH4 /CO2 /H2 O Trace Gas Analyzer is a high-precision, high-stability,
laser-based gas analyzer that uses Optical Feedback — Cavity-Enhanced Absorption
Spectroscopy (OF-CEAS) to measure gases in air. OF-CEAS is a well-established
spectroscopic technique. The analyzer reports and stores in its internal memory
CH4 and CO2 dry mole fractions in air corrected for both the spectroscopic inter-
ferences and dilution due to H2 O. See Measurement overview on page A-1 for a brief
summary of OF-CEAS.

What's what
If you have just taken delivery of the instrument, check your packing list to be sure
you received everything that you ordered. The LI-7810 includes some or all of the
following components.

Gas analyzer
The gas analyzer is in a gray enclosure. It is designed for indoor and outdoor use
but it is not waterproof.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 1-1

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

It should not be allowed to sit in standing water, exposed to driving rain, or

deployed outdoors without weather protection. Use extreme caution to avoid draw-
ing water into the analyzer air inlet! If air is drawn into the inlet, the instrument
will have to be repaired at the factory. The components of the analyzer are
described below, followed by the remaining accessories.

Power button
The power button is used to power the instrument on and off and enter and exit
sleep mode. It has an indicator light that will be illuminated when the instrument
is powered on and dark when it is powered off. Functions of the button are
described in Powering on the instrument on page 2-1 and Powering off the instrument on
page 2-8.

Power cable connector

The power cable connector is compatible with the included AC power supply and
the optional power adapter cable (part number 9968-242).

Warning: Use the safety-approved power cord supplied with the instrument. The instru-
ment power supply is equipped with a 3-wire grounding plug. This plug will only fit into
a grounded outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug. Do not place
the instrument where the power cord will be walked on or exposed to water or chem-
ical spills.
Avertissement: Utilisez le cordon d'alimentation approuvé pour la sécurité fourni avec
l’instrument. L'alimentation de l'instrument est équipée d’une fiche de terre à 3 fils.
Cette fiche ne rentrera que dans une prise de terre. N’allez pas à l’envers de la fonction
de la fiche de mise à la terre. Ne placez pas l’instrument où le cordon d'alimentation
sera piétiné ou exposé à l'eau ou aux déversements de produits chimiques.

Network cable connector

The network cable connector is compatible with standard RJ-45 Ethernet cables.

Air inlet
The instrument draws air in through the inlet using the internal pump. The inlet
connector is a compression fitting, which is compatible with ¼" outside diameter
tubes. Additional nuts and ferrule sets are include in the accessories kit.

1-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

Warning: Do not exceed the maximum absolute pressure rating of 110 kPa.
Advertissement: Ne dépassez pas la pression nominale absolue maximale de 110 kPa.

Air outlet
The instrument exhausts air through the outlet after it is measured. Do not sub-
stantially restrict or apply a vacuum to the outlet.

Rechargeable batteries
Part Number Two batteries are provided with the instrument. We recommend leaving at least
442-11807 one battery in the instrument when you are using it. The batteries are 14.4 V lith-
ium ion battery packs with 6.8 amp-hour capacity. Two batteries can provide up to
8 hours of operation under most conditions. Batteries are shipped in a partially dis-
charged state. They should be fully charged prior to the first use. Storing the bat-
teries in a discharged state can result in damage to the batteries. Batteries that are
installed in the instrument will be charged when the instrument is connected to an
AC power supply.

Warning: Lithium ion batteries may cause environmental damage or damage to human
health if they are disposed of improperly. Do not dispose of the batteries in unsorted
municipal waste or an incinerator. Many localities have battery recycling facilities that
will accept lithium ion batteries. Check your local regulations to determine how to
safely dispose of the batteries.
Advertissment: Les batteries lithium ion peuvent causer des dommages à
l'environnement ou endommager la santé humaine si l’on se débarrasse d’elles de man-
ière inappropriée. Ne vous débarrassez pas des batteries dans des déchets municipaux
non triés ou dans un incinérateur. Plusieurs localités ont des installations de recyclage
de batteries qui accepteront les batteries lithium ion. Vérifiez vos réglementations loc-
ales pour déterminer comment se débarrasser des batteries en toute sécurité.

Universal power supply

Part Number The universal power supply powers the instrument and charges the batteries when
9968-232 it is plugged into an AC power supply. The power supply provides an output of 24
VDC (9.17 Amps maximum; 220 Watts maximum). It is compatible with 100 to
240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz power. The power supply can accept a C13 coupler (called

Rechargeable batteries 1-3

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

an IEC cord). The instrument will include one of the cords listed in Table 1-1

Table 1-1. Power cables for the power supply.

Description Part Number
For USA, Canada, Mexico, and Japan; NEMA 5-15; Type B 390-00787
For Europe, South America, and Asia; CEE 7/7; Type C 390-01486
For United Kingdom; Type G 390-03089
For Israel; SI32; Type H 390-03059
For Australia; Type I 390-03095

Warning: Use the safety-approved power cord supplied with the instrument. The instru-
ment power supply is equipped with a 3-wire grounding plug. This plug will only fit into
a grounded outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug. Do not place
the instrument where the power cord will be walked on or exposed to water or chem-
ical spills.
Avertissement: Utilisez le cordon d'alimentation approuvé pour la sécurité fourni avec
l’instrument. L'alimentation de l'instrument est équipée d’une fiche de terre à 3 fils.
Cette fiche ne rentrera que dans une prise de terre. N’allez pas à l’envers de la fonction
de la fiche de mise à la terre. Ne placez pas l’instrument où le cordon d'alimentation
sera piétiné ou exposé à l'eau ou aux déversements de produits chimiques.

Ethernet cable
Part Number Network cable with RJ-45 connectors (Cat5e); to connect the instrument to a com-
616-06116 puter or network. Length of 2.1 meters (7 feet).

Note: Do not use cables other than the one provided. Other cables may result in
improper electrical performance.

Accessory kit
Part Number The accessory kit includes some accessories and replacement components that may
9978-195 be useful to you. Additional replacement parts are available from LI-COR or your
local distributor.

Description Quantity Part Number

Replacement dry-down chemical pack (17 grams each) 3 622-17627

1-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

Description Quantity Part Number

Stainless Steel Screws ; M3×0.5; 8 mm 6 150-14419
O-ring; 27×1.5 mm 2 192-16956
O-ring; 22×2.5 mm 4 192-17345
Stainless Steel 1/4" Ferrule and Nut Set 5 300-15025
Filter support disks 2 9878-280
Filter pack (5 filters; instruments prior to Jan. 2020) 1 9978-193
Filter pack 2-micron (10 filters; instruments after Jan, 1 9978-234

Optional accessories
In addition to the items already mentioned, the analyzer may include the following

Auxiliary power supply adapter

Part Number This optional component allows you to power the instrument from an external DC
9968-242 power supply, such as a deep cycle battery. It has a connector for the instrument
power connection and bare leads for a power source. Power requirements are given
in External power source on page 2-5.

Backpack kit
Part Number The backpack kit is an optional accessory that can be used to carry the instrument.
610-17341 It is a Tecra Tools backpack harness with a padded back, padded shoulder straps,
lumbar support, and a padded waist belt.

Optional accessories 1-5

Section 1. Introduction to the LI-7810

The analyzer is secured in the backpack with several straps. The bottom of the
instrument will be against your back. The tubes can face up or down. Use caution
with the backpack kit:

l Close the clasps and tighten the straps so that the instrument is secure.
l Do not block the vents or set the instrument in standing water.
l If you are unable to lift the backpack kit comfortably, consider enlisting the
help of a "strapping" assistant.
l Clip the chest and waist straps. Tighten all of the straps snugly.

1-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 2.
Getting Started
This section provides basic operating instructions for the instrument.

Powering on the instrument

To power on the instrument, connect a power supply (see Power options on
page 2-4) and then press and release the power button. As the instrument warms
up, it will initialize and it will issue a series of status codes until it completes the
start up cycle. The pump will start running when the optical bench nears the tem-
perature setpoint of 55 °C. If starting from room temperature, it will take about 20
minutes before you can connect, and another 10 or 15 minutes to finish warming
up before it provides accurate measurements. If the instrument is very cold, it will
take longer to warm up.
The instrument cannot be powered on remotely. You can restart the instrument
through the interface, but if the instrument powers off for any reason, you must
press the power button to turn it back on. See Power options on page 2-4 for addi-
tional details.

Connecting with the instrument

The LI-7810 has a built-in web server, meaning that it does not require external soft-
ware. All you need is a PC (running Windows, macOS, or Linux), a tablet, or a
mobile device (running iOS or Android OS) that is connected to the same network
as your instrument, and a web browser. Chrome, Firefox, or Safari are supported
browsers. Other browsers may work, or they may not.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 2-1

Section 2. Getting Started

Connecting over wireless

Follow these steps to connect to the instrument's wireless network.

1 Connect your PC or mobile device to the instrument wireless network

When Wi-Fi is enabled, LI-7810 will make a local wireless network, indicated by
the presence of a wireless network symbol ( ) on the display. Find the network in
the list of networks presented on your device. The network name is the hostname (and
serial number) of the instrument. The password is licorenv.

2 Enter the hostname or IP address in a web browser address bar

The hostname (the serial number) and IP address are given on the display. One or
more of the following will work:
l Hostname: Enter tg10-nnnnn.local where tg10-nnnnn is the hostname (and
the serial number) of the instrument.
l Dynamic IP address: If the instrument network cable is connected, enter the IP
address on the display panel.
l Fixed IP address: Enter This fixed IP address is used by every LI-
7810 when the internal Wi-Fi is enabled.
3 Press Enter to connect.

If you are unable to connect, see Unable to connect with the instrument over a wireless
connection on page 5-3 to troubleshoot the issue.

2-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 2. Getting Started

Connecting over a wired network

Follow these steps to connect to an instrument that has a wired connection, either
directly to your computer or to a local area network.

1 Connect a network cable between the instrument and your local network
Install a network cable between the instrument and a vacant network port on your
local network or directly to your computer's network port (the instrument and your
computer must be on the same network). The instrument will indicate that it is on
a network by displaying the network icon ( ) and the network-assigned IP
address. If your local network also has Wi-Fi, you can connect to the instrument
over the wireless network.

2 Enter the hostname or IP address in a web browser address bar

Both the hostname (which is the instrument serial number) and IP address are
given on the display. Type one or the other into the address bar:
l Hostname: Enter tg10-nnnnn.local. where tg10-nnnnn is the hostname (and
the serial number) of your instrument.
l Dynamic IP address: Enter the IP address on the display panel.
3 Press Enter to connect.

If you are unable to connect, see Unable to connect with the instrument over a wired
connection on page 5-1 to troubleshoot the issue.

Connecting over a wired network 2-3

Section 2. Getting Started

Power options
The instrument can be powered in one of three ways: the universal power supply,
rechargeable batteries, or from an external power source using the optional power
supply cable.

Universal power supply

The AC universal power supply is com-
patible with 100 to 240 VAC power
sources, both 50 and 60 Hz input. It out-
puts 24 VDC. The power supply also
charges the batteries that are installed in
the instrument.

Rechargeable batteries
The batteries install behind the battery
cover. Only one battery is required to power the instrument. The instrument sup-
ports hot-swapping, meaning that you can remove one battery and replace it with
another and measurements will not be disrupted — as long as the instrument is
still powered by a charged battery or the universal power supply.
The batteries are not user serviceable. If a battery exceeds a temperature or load
threshold, a non-resettable fuse will open, rendering the battery non-functional. If
the batteries become excessively discharged in storage, the charger will supply a 3-
minute wake-up charge in an attempt to activate the electronics.

Charging batteries in the instrument

If batteries are installed in the instrument, they will charge
any time the instrument is powered from the universal power
supply or another 24 VDC power supply on pins 1 and 5
(Table 2-1 on the facing page). The 10.5 to 33 VDC power ter-
minals (pins 3 and 4; Table 2-1 on the facing page) do not
charge the batteries.
The charge status of batteries is given in the web interface, the
instrument display, and on the battery charge gauge.

2-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 2. Getting Started

Charging batteries with an external charger

The optional single-bay charger (part number 590-11830; Inspired Energy
CH7000A) can charge one battery at a time. To use the charger, plug it into a wall
socket and place a battery in the dock. The charger is compatible with 100 to 240
VAC power at 50 to 60 Hz. When charging, you'll see a blinking LED. When fully
charged, you'll see a solid green LED.

Note: You can use the optional automobile adapter kit to charge the battery from
an automobile. Leave the vehicle running when charging the battery to prevent
excessive discharge of the car battery.

Warning: Charge batteries only with a SMBUS compliant level 2 or 3 charger. Do not
heat above 80 °C. Do not open battery, dispose of in fire, or short circuit—may ignite,
explode, leak, or get hot, causing personal injury. Replace battery with same part num-
ber only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. Keep away from
Avertissement: Ne rechargez les batteries qu’avec un chargeur conforme au SMBUS
niveau 2 ou 3. Ne chauffez pas au-dessus de 80 °C. Ne pas ouvrir la batterie, ni ne la
jeter au feu ou court-circuiter—elle peut mettre à feu, exploser, couler, ou s’échauffer,
causant des blessures personnelles. Remplacez les batteries seulement avec le même
numéro de pièce. L’utilisation d’une autre batterie peut presenter un risque, ou un incen-
die ou une explosion. A garder hors de portee des enfants.

External power source

You can power the instrument with any 10.5 to 30 VDC power source. A deep-
cycle marine battery with at least a 20 amp-hour capacity will work fine. An
external power source can be connected using the optional adapter cable (part num-
ber 9968-242).

Table 2-1. Power inputs for the auxiliary power supply connector.
Connector Pins

5 1
1 and 5 24 VDC; 6 Amps; LI-COR power source
4 2 3 and 4 10.5 to 33 VDC; 8 Amps
2 and 6 Ground

External power source 2-5

Section 2. Getting Started

Instrument display
The instrument display panel provides useful information at a glance.

Serial Number and IP Address: The instrument serial number (hostname) and net-
work-assigned IP address (IPv4) rotate for 5 seconds each. The serial number is also
printed on the case label. If the network cable is not plugged in, the display will
read IP:down.
Network Status: When visible ( ), the instrument is connected to a network. The
network cable is installed between the instrument network port and a port on a
local area network.
Wi-Fi Status: When Wi-Fi is enabled (indicated by the symbol), the instrument
broadcasts a Wi-Fi network with the same name as the instrument serial number
(and hostname).
Battery Status: Indicates the charge status ( ). A solid black battery indicates a full
charge; an outline indicates a discharged battery. The battery icon is not displayed
when no batteries are installed.
Power Status: Indicates the power source (AC if power cable connected).

Performance Status: Indicates performance status of the instrument (see Status

codes on the facing page).
Gases: The gases measured and their concentrations.

2-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 2. Getting Started

Status codes
Status codes are given on the instrument display panel, software interface, and recor-
ded in the data set, where they are associated with measurements.

Table 2-2. Status codes provide information on the status of the instrument.
Display Software Status Definition
Indicator Indicator Code

a Green 0 Normal operation (measuring).

! Yellow 1 Start frequency adjustment; Measurements may be noisy.

! Yellow 2 Laser temperature adjustment; Measurements may be

! Yellow 4 Incomplete scan resulted in missing cavity modes;
Measurements may be noisy.
! Yellow 8 Start-up mode finished; Measurements may be noisy.

! Yellow 16 Start-up mode initializing; Measurements may be noisy.

! Red 32 Spectral fit residual RMS too high; Measurements are

! Red 64 Unregulated pressures or temperatures; Measurements are
! Red 128 Inlet clogged. Triggered when the inlet is obstructed for 3
or more seconds. When triggered, the instrument turns off
the pump and enters sleep mode. Clear the obstructions
and restart the instrument.
! Red 256 Instrument not ready; Measurements are invalid.

! Red SVC Required. This message may be issued during

warmup. If not resolved after 60 to 90 minutes of
operation, contact LI-COR or your sales representative.

Status codes are additive: if multiple codes are active, the displayed value is the sum
of the codes. For example, a display code of 23 indicates that the instrument is ini-
tializing the start-up mode (16), it has an incomplete scan (4), laser temperature
adjustment is underway (2), and a start frequency adjustment is underway (1).
Non-zero status codes are displayed during warmup and any time the instrument is

Status codes 2-7

Section 2. Getting Started

not in a normal state. Typically, status codes will be resolved by the instrument.
Occasionally, you may need to restart the instrument to resolve the code. If your
instrument displays a status code that does not resolve itself for several hours or
after restarting the instrument, contact technical support.

Powering off the instrument

The instrument can be powered off with the power button or through the software
interface. To Power Off the instrument with the button, press it three times within
5 seconds. To enter Sleep Mode, press the power button twice within 3 seconds. In
sleep mode, the instrument will power off the pump but maintain power to the
heaters. Sleep mode is to silence the pumps, if, for example, you want to hear the
birds singing while you work. To exit sleep mode, press the power button after wait-
ing at least 5 seconds after the second press. Software power controls are described
in Power on page 4-10.

Caution: While in sleep mode, the instrument will stop drawing in air, which
may affect the pressure and flow in your air supply system. Do not enter sleep
mode when the air inlet or outlet is subject to positive or negative pressure. Pres-
sures exceeding 110 kPa absolute pressure may damage the instrument.

If a battery becomes depleted during normal operation, the instrument will com-
plete the dry-down cycle before shutting itself down. If the instrument is inad-
vertently powered off and prevented from completing the dry-down cycle (by
removing the batteries and power cable, for example), power it back on and off
again so it can complete the dry-down cycle.

Warning: Failure to complete the dry-down while powering off the instrument
may result in condensation in the optics, which may damage the instrument and
require costly repairs.

Storing the instrument

The instrument can be placed in short-term storage (for several weeks) without any
special preparations. For longer-term storage (longer than a month), we recom-
mend that you remove the batteries from the case and clean and dry the instrument
exterior with a soft damp (not dripping) cloth and mild detergent if needed. The

2-8 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 2. Getting Started

battery storage temperature range is -20 to 60 °C, <80% relative humidity. The
instrument storage temperature is -45 to 50 °C, <85% relative humidity.

Shipping the instrument

The instrument is delivered with custom-designed foam pad (part number 6578-
296) that protects the air inlet and outlet while it is packaged. Keep the foam pad so
you can use it to ship the instrument, should the need arise. Cover the air inlet and
outlet with the blue caps that were provided with the instrument or scotch tape to
keep dust from the filter. Position the foam pad over the inlet and outlet, wrap the
instrument with plastic wrap, place it in a large plastic bag, and then tape it tightly
so that the foam will stay in place. Place the wrapped instrument in a box with
foam packing peanuts.

Figure 2-1. The foam pad protects the inlet, outlet, and network cable connector during
shipping. Keep the pad in the event that you need to ship the instrument.

Shipping the instrument 2-9

Section 2. Getting Started

2-10 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 3.
Applications of the LI-7810
In this chapter we provide information about using the instrument in field or labor-
atory applications. We cover connecting plumbing to the air inlet, retrieving data,
and other applications.

Flow schematic
During normal operation, air is drawn into the analyzer through the air inlet (Fig-
ure 3-1 below). Air flows through the optical bench and phase adjuster and is
exhausted through the air outlet. In the optical bench, the pressure is drawn down
to about 40 kPa. When the instrument is powering down, air is circulated in a
closed loop through the desiccant to ensure that air remaining in the system is free
of moisture, preventing condensation when the instrument is powered off.

Figure 3-1. Simplified flow schematic of the LI-7810. During a measurement, ( A) air flows
through the optical bench and phase adjuster. During shutdown ( B), the instrument purges
the optical path of water vapor. The flow meter is optional.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 3-1

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Connecting the air inlet and outlet

Air is drawn into the sample cell through the air inlet. Connect a ¼" outside dia-
meter metal or plastic tube to the air inlet compression fitting. The nut and ferrule
sets are in the accessories kit.

Caution: Be very careful when working near standing water. If water is drawn
into the air inlet, the instrument will have to be repaired at the factory.

Figure 3-2. When connecting a tube to the air inlet, use steel ferrules to form a good seal.

Tighten the nut over the ferrule set until it is finger tight. For metal and plastic
tubing, tighten it an additional 1¼ turns if you are connecting the tube for the first
time. If your plastic tube is highly pliable, you may need to use tube inserts for
compression fittings to make the end of the tube more rigid. When reconnecting a
plastic or metal tube that has been connected previously, simply tighten it ¼ turn
beyond finger tight. Tubing can be connected to the outlet in the same way.

Important: Abrupt pressure transients up to 35 kPa above ambient pressure may

cause the momentary status warnings and measurement inaccuracies. Longer
lasting pressure excursions may cause the instrument to reinitialize meas-
urement control loops. The instrument will always record the status associated
with a data value. Under high pressures, the pressure relief valve may open tem-
porarily until the pressure returns to an acceptable level. Pressures in excess of
110 kPa absolute pressure may damage the instrument.

3-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Plumbing a subsample
Note: We are currently refining numerous sampling protocols for the LI-7810.
Contact LI-COR technical support ([email protected]) if you have questions
about your application.

A typical sampling application will use the LI-7810 to subsample a gas from a main
sample line. Air passes a single time through the gas analyzer before it is dis-
charged. Air supplied to the sample inlet should be between ambient and 35 kPa (5
PSI) above ambient. If the pressure is higher than that, install a 30 cm vent in the
sample line to ensure that air from the external pump does not pressurize the ana-
lyzer. The vent must be sufficiently long to prevent diffusion of ambient air into
the sample air supply.

Figure 3-3. A basic open system, where air is supplied to the gas analyzer by an external
pump. If the pressure exceeds 35 kPa above ambient, install a 30 cm vent in the air supply
line. Attach the inlet to the 'leg' of the T-fitting to avoid isotopic fractioning.

Plumbing a subsample 3-3

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Retrieving data from the instrument

The LI-7810 records all of its data after it has warmed up. There is no way to turn
data logging on or off because data are always logged. The instrument supports two
protocols for transferring data: Direct download and MQTT (Message Queuing Tele-
metry Transport). Here we describe direct download. MQTT is described in Com-
munication with the MQTT protocol on page 7-1).

Downloading a data file

To retrieve data from the instrument, click Options > Export. Specify a
date range and time period. Dates are displayed as YYYY-MM-DD. Time
options are given in a 24-hour clock (00:00 through 24:00). Click
Export. The web browser will prompt you to save or open the file, and
then provide a text file with the requested data. The file has a .data
extension. Measurements are recorded as tab-delimited text that can be
opened in a text editor or spreadsheet application.

3-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Components of the data file

The text file will include a file header, data header, and data.

File header
The file header provides information about the instrument that measured the data.

Header Label Description

Model The model of the instrument
SN The serial number of the instrument
Software Version The software version on the instrument
Timestamp The date and time of the beginning of the requested data (according
to the instrument clock; yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss).
Timezone The timezone setting on the instrument when the data is requested.

Data header
The data header identifies the columns of values that are in the file. You'll see two
rows: one called DATAH, which gives the variable names for the corresponding
columns, and one called DATAU, which gives the units for the corresponding

DATAH DATAU Description

SECONDS secs Seconds past the universal epoch (Unix time).
NANOSECONDS nsecs Nanoseconds of the seconds
NDX index A count of scans. At four scans per second, the
value increases by four counts per second.
DIAG diag Diagnostic code (see Status codes on page 2-7
DATE date Date of the record in yyyy-mm-dd
TIME time Time of the record in HH:MM:SS (according to
the instrument clock)
H2O ppm Water vapor concentration
CO2 ppm Carbon dioxide mole fraction in dry air
CH4 ppb Methane mole fraction in dry air
CAVITY_P kPa Optical cavity pressure (typically near 39)
CAVITY_T °C Optical cavity temperature (typically near 55)
LASER_PHASE_P kPa Laser phase pressure
LASER_T °C Laser temperature
RESIDUAL n/a Difference between raw and best fit spectra

Components of the data file 3-5

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

DATAH DATAU Description

RING_DOWN_TIME µsecs Indicator of cavity resonance
THERMAL_ENCLOSURE_T °C Optical enclosure temperature
PHASE_ERROR counts Dimensionless indicator of mode lock state
LASER_T_SHIFT °C Shift in laser center wavelength from factory
INPUT_VOLTAGE V Power supply voltage
CHK CHK Checksum; to ensure that the receiving
software received the data without error, and to
reject corrupted data lines

Time, data , and diagnostics

The time, data, and diagnostics are given under the header.

The relationship between Unix Epoch time and the time stamp
The instrument measures time based upon the number of seconds past the Unix
epoch (GMT: Thursday, January 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM). This value is represented in
the Seconds column of the data set. You can easily convert the Unix epoch to date
and time using online resources (e.g., https://www.epochconverter.com). If you
have selected a time zone, the Date and Time columns will represent the Unix
epoch time adjusted by an offset for the time zone.

Installing the instrument in a rack mount

The LI-7810 can be mounted in an instrument rack with a stationary or sliding
shelf with dimensions of at least 33 cm by 61 cm (13" by 24") with 18 cm (7") of
vertical clearance. The instrument dimensions are given in Figure C-1 on page C-2.

3-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

Be sure that the vents on the sides are not obstructed. Allow 2 to 3 cm (~1 inch) of
clearance on either side of the vents. Ensure that air can flow freely around the

Installing the instrument in a rack mount 3-7

Section 3. Applications of the LI-7810

3-8 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4.
Software overview
The web interface provides access to the most important settings in the gas ana-
lyzer. Here, you can view graphs of data, download recorded data, configure the dis-
play, and alter instrument settings.

Home page
When you first connect to the instrument, it will display a home page with meas-
urements, graphs, and options.

Indicators and buttons

You'll see the instrument serial number and status in the upper left. Normal oper-
ation is indicated by a green dot. A warmup or other status is indicated by an
exclamation point in a yellow or red dot beside the instrument name.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 4-1

Section 4. Software overview

Status indicator displays the performance status of the instrument. Green

indicates normal operation. Red with an exclamation point indicates that the
instrument is warming up or in an error state (see Performance status
indicators on page 4-10).
Battery charge status. The value (%) is the total charge available. Two fully
charged batteries = 100. (50 can mean one fully charged battery or two half
charged batteries). Check the charge gauge on each battery or the instrument
display to determine which is depleted.

Wi-Fi and network status information (see Wi-Fi on page 4-7).

Click to return to the home page (only visible when not on the home page).

Click to view the Options menu.

In the graphs, you can click and drag to zoom in and reset the zoom by double-click-
ing the graph. For any gas, you can click the rectangular panel to view more
details, including the current measurement, mean, standard deviation, and slope for
the displayed time range. You can adjust the plotted time range with a slider or by
typing in the number of seconds in Graph Range (Seconds). Click Reset to restore
the default range of 300 seconds.

4-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

Click to display the entire history of measurements of this variable.

Click to hide or show anomaly stripes (to indicate when a measured value
exceeds a threshold (see Thresholds on page 4-14).

Click to lock the graph to the current view. Click again to restore live graphing.

Settings is where you configure the basic instrument settings, including software
updates and language, time, networking, Wi-Fi, and connection to peripheral instru-
ments. These are described below.

Settings 4-3
Section 4. Software overview

Under Settings > Software, you can check the software version, check for updates,
and change the language setting. Click Check to check for software updates. The
instrument must be online to check. See Software updates on page 6-8 for update

The Language setting is configured under software settings. The interface can be
displayed in English, Spanish, and simplified Chinese languages. The language set-
ting is retained in the web browser, not the instrument. If you connect with a dif-
ferent browser or different computer, or if you clear your browser cache, the default
language setting will be applied (English).

4-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

Under Settings > Time, you'll find two subtabs related to the time settings: Instru-
ment Time and Time Zone.

Instrument time
These settings specify how the device should set its time. See The relationship
between Unix Epoch time and the time stamp on page 3-6 for more details.
Auto Sync: We recommend using this setting at all times to prevent clock drift.
When selected, the instrument will set its clock according to the local network
time. When not selected, you must enter the desired time manually. The Auto Sync
options are:
l NTP: Network Time Protocol. A time protocol designed for low-cost time syn-
chronization between computers and devices. You can use the default settings of
auto or select an NTP server, either from your network or the internet. A list of
NIST time servers is available from https://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi.

Time 4-5
Section 4. Software overview

l PTP: Precision Time Protocol. A network time protocol designed for high accur-
acy (microsecond to nanosecond) time synchronization between clocks.

Date: If Auto Sync is cleared, you can enter a date manually.

Time: If Auto Sync is cleared, you can enter the time manually.

When the instrument time setting is set to Auto Sync and the instrument is con-
nected to the internet, it will maintain very accurate time, in sync with NTP or
PTP clocks. If Auto Sync is disabled, or the instrument is not online, expect the
clock to drift up to several seconds per month, or more.

Time zone
Here you can select a time zone that applies an offset to the Unix epoch time. If
you change any of the time settings, click Update to apply the changes.

Under Settings > Network, you configure the network settings. If you change the
settings, click Update to apply them.

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; This setting is suitable for most net-
works. When selected, the network assigns an IP address to the instrument.

4-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

l IP Address: The assigned IP address is displayed here (and on the instrument


Static: Used to set a static IP address. This setting is used when configuring the
instrument to communicate over a cellular gateway, such as the Sierra Wireless
RV-50 AirLink. When selected, you manage the networking manually by setting
the IP address, subnet mask, and possibly the gateway.
l IP Address: Enter the desired IP address. For a local network, you'll use some-
thing like 172.24.1.nn, where the values represented by nn are octets that
uniquely identify this instrument on the network.
l Subnet Mask: Typically
l Default Gateway: Set the first two octets to match those of the IP address.

Under Settings > Wi-Fi you can configure the wireless network settings, including
whether the wireless network is on or off, and which channel it uses. You can
always use the default setting, but if there are many devices using that channel, you
may have better results with a channel that has fewer devices. If you have difficulty
connecting, try changing the channel that the instrument uses.

Wi-Fi 4-7
Section 4. Software overview

When Wi-Fi is on, the instrument will create a local network that is not connected
to the global internet. You should see the network on the list of available networks.
The network name is the same as the instrument serial number. If you change the
settings, click Update to apply them. You can also choose a channel for com-
munication over the wireless network. When there are many Wi-Fi networks avail-
able in one location, you can assign a specific channel for a more reliable

Under Settings > LI-8100 you configure communication with the LI-8100/A instru-

IP Address: To connect with an LI-8100A, enter the LI-8100A IP Address here.

Additional details are provided in an application note:

4-8 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

User calibration settings are configured under Options > Calibration.

Zero gives the date of the most recent zero calibration. See User calibration on
page 6-1 for details on the Zero button.
CH4 Span presents information about the previous span setting, including the date
that the span was set ( Last), the span value ( Weight; the multiplier that is set when
you span the CH4 measurement), and the CH4 Concentration entered in the pre-
vious span. Do not change the settings unless you are certain that your actions will
improve the performance of the instrument. See User calibration on page 6-1.
Zero CO2 Only is to set the CO2 zero calibration. See Setting the CO₂ zero on
page 6-3.
Restore Span/Zero allows you select a previous zero and span setting.

Factory Reset reloads the factory original zero and span calibration parameters.

Calibration 4-9
Section 4. Software overview

The Diagnostics section provides instrument performance information, including
the status, warnings, and diagnostic information.


In the upper left, the Power option allows you to power off or restart the instru-
ment. The instrument cannot be powered on remotely.

Performance status indicators

In the upper right, nine bubbles provide more detailed status information. Normal
operation is indicated by green bubbles. An exclamation point inside one or more
bubbles indicates that the instrument is not in a normal operating state. Typically
these are displayed when the instrument is warming up, and the status message
will disappear when the warmup is completed. Click a bubble to view the status
message. See Status codes on page 2-7 for more information. If your instrument is
displaying warnings that do not resolve themselves over the course of a few hours
or by restarting, contact technical support.

4-10 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

Diagnostic log
Download Diagnostic Log is to download a dataset that includes detailed per-
formance information. This option should be used in consultation with LI-COR
technical support in order to resolve performance issues. Diagnostic log files can be
very large, (hundreds of MB, depending on the time and date range), so we recom-
mend that you constrain the dates to a narrow time window when downloading a
diagnostic log.

Performance monitor
The central portion of the window provides more details about the instrument per-

Phase Error is an indicator or the symmetry of cavity modes. During normal oper-
ation the needle will be within the green part of the dial.
Cavity Pressure is measured in the optical cavity. The instrument operates around
40 kPa typically. If the values are colored red, that indicates that the instrument is
unable to regulate the cavity pressure. Normally this value is within 1 kPa of the
Phase Pressure refers to the pressure for the phase adjuster volume. If red, the
instrument is unable to regulate the pressure to get optimal phase adjustment.
Normally this value is within 1 kPa of phase pressure setpoint.
Fit Residual is the difference between the raw spectra and the best fit spectra which
generates the measured concentrations. If the residual is red, it indicates that the
instrument is unable to process the data properly and that the concentrations are
not being reported accurately. Data will be flagged in this case.

Diagnostic log 4-11

Section 4. Software overview

Operating information
The bottom portion of the window provides more details about the instrument oper-
ating history and status.

Pump Operating Hours is the number of hours that the pump has operated.

Pump Adjustment: To fine-tune the pump drive voltage, which can remove oscil-
lations in data (if present). Choose a different pump speed and then review the data
Thermal Enclosure Temp is the temperature of components inside the foam insu-
lating enclosure. If red, the instrument is either too hot and unable to regulate the
enclosure temperature, or too cold and in a warmup state. Normally this is between
51.5 °C and 57.5 °C.
Cavity Temperature is the optical bench temperature. If red, the instrument is
either too hot and unable to regulate the cavity temperature, or too cold and in a
warmup state. Normally this is between 52 °C and 58 °C.
Laser Temperature is the temperature of the diode laser. If red, the instrument is
unable to regulate the laser temperature.
Laser Temp. Shift is the shift in the laser center wavelength from the factory cal-
Ring Down Time is a parameter indicating cavity resonance.

Device Uptime shows the number of hours that the instrument has been powered
On/Off cycles is the number of times the instrument has been powered on.

4-12 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 4. Software overview

You can customize the graphical layout. If, for example, you are only interested in
viewing CH4 and CO2 measurements, you can select a layout that displays two
gases and then select the two gases of interest.

Layouts 4-13
Section 4. Software overview

The software provides simple, configurable indicators of whether the measured gas
concentration exceeds or drops below a threshold. It provides color-coded indicators
when the measured gas is within or outside of the specified range. When you have
set a Low Threshold or High Threshold for a gas, the home page will indicate if the
measurement is outside of the threshold on the graph with anomaly stripes (click
Hide/Show Anomaly Stripes; ) and the status by color coding the reported values.
You can change the colors by clicking Low Color , Middle Color , or High Color on
the Thresholds page. Thresholds are for display only; they are not recorded in the
data file.

Data are downloaded from the instrument using the Download option
under Options > Export. See Retrieving data from the instrument on
page 3-4.

4-14 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 5.
Here we describe common issues and solutions. If things aren't working as you
expect, start here.

Connection problems
Here we describe how to resolve issues related to connecting with the instrument.

Unable to connect with the instrument over a wired connection

Network cable disconnected? Check both ends to be sure it is connected to the
instrument and to your computer or network.
Instrument on a different network than PC? If you are using an Ethernet cable, be
sure the instrument network cable and your PC network cable are connected to the
same local network.
Network not detected by the instrument? Check the IP address given on the instru-
ment display. If the display says IP:down, the instrument is not detecting a suitable
network (the network cable may be unplugged, network switch or routers may be
powered off, the IP address setting in the instrument may be incompatible with the
network or computer).
IP address setting incompatible with the network settings? If the instrument IP
address or your computer's IP address is set to static, you may need to alter either
your computer or instrument network configuration. To restore connectivity, make
the computer IP address compatible with the instrument IP address. This pro-
cedure may work on Windows 10:

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 5-1

Section 5. Troubleshooting

1 Press the Windows key ( ), type cmd, and press Enter to open the command prompt.
2 Type ipconfig and press Enter .
3 Your computer will reply with its network configuration information. You're interested in the IPv4
4 Compare your computer's IP address with the instrument's IP address given on the display.
If the IP addresses are not compatible (see Table 5-1 below), you will not be able to
connect until you have changed one or both IP addresses.

Table 5-1. Incompatible IP addresses that will lead to connection issues.

Component IP Address Issue Potential Solution
LI-7810 Same IP address (the last set of Change PC IP address
PC octets must be different) to
Component IP Address Issue Potential Solution
LI-7810 Different network (the first two or Change PC IP address
PC three octets must be the same) to

To change your computer's IP address (Windows 10):

1 Press the Windows key ( ), type IP Address, and press Enter .

2 In the window that opens, click Change adapter options.
3 In the window that opens, double click the icon that represents your network connection, and then
click Properties.
4 Double click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) to open the IPv4 Window.
5 In the window that opens, select Use the following IP address and enter an IP address that is
compatible with the instrument IP address. The first three octets will be the same as the instru-
ment IP address, but the final set of octets must be different.

Instrument Compatible IP Addresses

PC through
Instrument Compatible IP Addresses
PC through

5-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 5. Troubleshooting

6 Connect with the instrument by entering the host name in a web browser address bar.
7 Now you can change the instrument IP address settings to whatever you prefer. Connection issues
will be resolved if you set both the instrument and your computer to automatic .

Note: You must reconnect after changing the instrument IP address.

Unable to connect with the instrument over a wireless connection

Try again a few times. The issue could be related to transient heavy network traffic.
Some network channels may be transmitting a lot of data (like videos, for example),
causing communication to time out.
Wireless networking turned off? If you are attempting to connect over wireless, be
sure it is enabled in the software. The display will show a wireless network symbol
( ) when enabled. If wireless networking needs to be enabled, connect with a
wired network connection and enable it as described in Wi-Fi on page 4-7.
Computer or mobile device connected to the instrument network? If using wire-
less, be sure you have connected your PC to the instrument's Wi-Fi network before
connecting in the web browser.
Too many devices in a confined space? We have experienced wireless connection
issues when several wireless devices are close together. Move your instrument to a
different room or another place where there are fewer wireless devices.
Wireless antenna unplugged? The wireless antenna is adhered to the internal
plastic electronics shroud. It has a very small connector that plugs into the circuit
board. Power off the instrument, remove the cover screws, and lift the cover slightly
to see if the antenna is attached to the connector on the circuit board (see Figure B-3
on page B-5). The connector is near the lower left corner of the processor. If it is
unplugged from the circuit board, reattach it and try to connect again.

Unable to connect with the instrument over a wireless connection 5-3

Section 5. Troubleshooting

Measurement problems
Here we describe issues related to the display of data or measurements.

Readings drift or step change unexpectedly

Constricted inlet or outlet? If one of these becomes constricted, you will observe
errant measurements, with corresponding status codes that indicate problematic
pressure measurements (see Status codes on page 2-7). Clear the constriction and
the instrument should return to normal operation in a few minutes. Restart the
instrument if it does not resume normal operation within a few minutes.

Pressure readings are questionable or unstable

Clogged air inlet filter? Check and replace the filter if needed, as described in Repla-
cing the air inlet filter on page 6-5. Otherwise, unstable pressure readings may indic-
ate that the pump is failing. Contact technical support if the issue is not resolved by
replacing the filter.

Gas density measurements appear to have oscillations

Regular, periodic oscillations in the data may appear in circumstances where there
are vibrations that are effectively coupled to the instrument sampling frequency.
Isolating the instrument from potential sources of vibration and having it lay flat
on a solid surface could help avoid these impacts. If the behavior persists in isol-
ation then it could be due to vibration from the internal pump. Generally speaking
the oscillations caused by the internal pump are small and the instrument should
still meet the noise specification. Adjusting the pump speed could decouple the
vibration from the sampling and resolve the oscillations. See Pump Adjustment
under Operating information on page 4-12 for more details.

Interface issues
Some issues related to the display settings are described here.

The interface is in a language that I don't understand

The interface can be displayed in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese. If you
need to change the language setting, click Options > Settings. The language setting

5-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 5. Troubleshooting

is stored in the web browser. Any time you connect with a browser for the first
time or clear your browser cache, the language setting will be in the default state

Graphed data overlaps in time or has gaps

If you have been altering the time and time zone settings, the browser may receive
overlapping time information. Refresh your web browser to reload the display. The
issue should be resolved. Data are always logged with the Unix time.

Status and warning messages

During warmup and any time the instrument detects a problem, it will issue one
or more status messages, including a message that says SVC Required. This is nor-
mal during start-up. Typically, start-up messages will be resolved within an hour of
operation. The status messages will be triggered again if there is an issue with the
See Status codes on page 2-7 for details on the codes.

Graphed data overlaps in time or has gaps 5-5

Section 5. Troubleshooting

Code 128 triggered

Code 128 is triggered if the inlet is obstructed. This can happen if the instrument
has drawn water, dust, or debris into the inlet filter, causing a clog. In any case,
power off the instrument, clear the obstruction, replace the filters (see Replacing the
air inlet filter on page 6-5), and power the instrument back on.
You must restart the instrument to resolve code 128.

5-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 6.
The LI-7810 will require little maintenance. There are no user-serviceable parts in
the instrument except for the air inlet filter, air dry-down chemical, and pump. Do
not attempt to disassemble the instrument or conduct any maintenance procedures
other than those described here.

User calibration
To adjust the instrument calibration, you can set the zero and span. The span is
like a slope (the m in y = mx + b). The zero is a spectral baseline. Adjusting the zero
changes every measurement (the relationship is non-linear). Adjusting the span
changes the slope. Calibration gases should be at a pressure between ambient and
35 kPa (5 PSI) above ambient pressure. We recommend installing a >30 cm vent
before the air inlet to vent the excess pressure and prevent diffusion of ambient air
into the gas stream.

Figure 6-1. Plumbing configuration for calibration gases. Use a low pressure regulator to
reduce pressure and a 30 cm vent to avoid pressurizing the inlet.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 6-1

Section 6. Maintenance

Setting the CH₄, CO₂, and H₂O zeros

Select a quality zero gas that is free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The cal-
ibration will only be as good as the gas. The gas should be 0 ppm CH4 and 0 ppm
CO2 in air.

Caution: Do not use nitrogen-balanced gas. Use air-balanced gas for both the
zero and span. Do not power on the instrument with a 0 ppm methane gas flow-
ing through the analyzer or the analyzer will not initialize properly.

1 Power on the instrument and let it warm up.

2 Plumb a gas to the air inlet as shown in Figure 6-1 on the previous page.
Set the pressure between ambient and 35 kPa (5 PSI) above ambient.
Observe the measurements on the home screen until they have stabilized. The
slope will be near zero.
3 Zero the analyzer.
Under Options > Calibration, click Zero. The software will indicate that a zero cal-
ibration has started and it will not report concentrations until the zero is set. This
usually takes about 5 minutes.

6-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 6. Maintenance

Setting the CH₄ span

Select a quality span gas with a methane concentration near or slightly above the
concentrations you expect to measure.

Caution: Do not use nitrogen-balanced gas. Use air-balanced gas for both the
zero and span.

1 Power on the instrument and let it warm up.

2 Plumb a gas to the air inlet as shown in Figure 6-1 on page 6-1.
Set the pressure between ambient and 35 kPa (5 PSI) above ambient.
Observe the measurements on the home screen until they have stabilized. The
slope will be near zero.
3 Span the analyzer.
Under Options > Calibration > CH4 Span, enter the concentration of the gas and
click Span CH4.

Setting the CO₂ zero

If you want to measure absolute CO2 concentrations, in soil efflux applications, for
example, you can set the CO2 zero. This is supported in software versions 2.0.17

Setting the CH₄ span 6-3

Section 6. Maintenance

and newer. You can adjust the zero with a CO2 -free gas—either tank gas that is free
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or air that has been scrubbed of CO2 using
the CO2 Zero Kit (7800-950). To zero CO2 , plumb tank gas to the air inlet or use
the zero kit. When the CO2 reading is stable, click the CO2 Zero button. If you are
unsatisfied with the zero operation, click Clear to restore the most recent instru-
ment zero (either the factory zero setting or the settings applied with a general zero

Recovering from a bad calibration

In the event that an attempt to zero or span CH4 fails to work as intended, you can
use previous calibration data under Restore Span/Zero. Select the file and click

Factory Reset reloads the factory original zero and span calibration parameters.

6-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 6. Maintenance

Replacing the air inlet filter

The air intake has filters that may become contaminated periodically. We recom-
mend replacing filters every year, or more often if you are sampling dirty or dusty
air. The filters also should help prevent water from being drawn into the gas ana-

1 Power off the instrument.

2 Remove each of the six screws that secure the air intake and outlet.
They are installed with thread locking compound, which will make them difficult
to remove.
3 Remove the O-rings, the filter support disks, and the filter.
Use a toothpick to work them out.
4 Inspect the O-rings and replace them if they are damaged or compressed.
5 Install the replacement filter(s) and reassemble the system.
Instruments shipped on or before February 2020 include filter part number 9978-
193. Install one of these filters between the support disks.
Instruments shipped after February 2020 include filter part number 9978-234.
Install two of these filters between the support disks
Two metal discs support the filter(s) — one on each side. Center the filters on the
filter support disks and be sure the two discs are aligned. Assembly is the reverse of
disassembly. You do not need to use thread locking compound on the threads.
Tighten them snugly.

Replacing the air inlet filter 6-5

Section 6. Maintenance

Replacing the purge dry-down chemical

The purge chemical, consisting of silica gel beads, is contained in a non-porous
tube. The instrument will pump air through the purge tube during the power-off
routine to ensure that the optics are free of water vapor while the instrument is in
storage. You may need to replace the chemical periodically. The silica gel pellets are
orange when new and green when saturated.

Warning: May cause irritation. MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE
DIARRHEA. May result in coughing and/or sore throat. PROLONGED OR REPEATED
Advertissment: Peut causer une irritation. PEUT CAUSER UNE IRRITATION DE LA
DOULEURS, NAUSÉE, VOMISSEMENTS ET DIARRHÉE. Peut entraîner une toux et / ou

To replace the purge chemical:

1 Power off the instrument.

2 Open the lid and locate the purge chemical column.
3 Disconnect the quick-connect fittings from the column inlet and outlet.

6-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 6. Maintenance

4 Remove the column.

It is secured with two screws. Remove them. When the column mounting brackets
are removed, the column can come apart easily, and the silica gel beads can fall
out. Be careful when handling the column so that it does not come apart.
5 HOLDING THE COLUMN AWAY FROM THE CASE, separate one end by grasping one cap and
pulling it off of the column.
Pour out the silica gel beads. They can be disposed of in municipal waste.

6 Locate a new packet of silica gel beads in the accessories kit.

7 Fill the column with fresh silica gel beads.
There may be a little more than is needed. Dispose of the extra silica gel beads.
8 Reassemble the filter and caps; connect the tubes, and tighten the screw clamps securely.

Important: Tighten the clamp screws securely. The clamps hold the caps onto
the tube; the caps hold the silica gel beads in the tube. If the clamps are not
tight, the caps will be forced off when the tube is pressurized during shutdown.
The tube will open and the silica gel beads will spill in the case. It is a situation
easily avoided by tightening the clamp screws securely.

Replacing the purge dry-down chemical 6-7

Section 6. Maintenance

Software updates
Software updates will be released periodically to provide new features and bug fixes.
You can check for updates by through the interface (see Software on page 4-4) or on
the LI-COR technical support website. Download the updater application and
install it on your computer. Launch the application. It will display a list of all LI-
7810 and LI-7815 instruments on your network (the instrument that you want to
update must be connected to your network or computer). Select one to update and
click Update Software. The update will take several minutes. The instrument will
restart when the update is complete.

6-8 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 7.
Communication with the MQTT protocol
The LI-7810 Trace Gas Analyzer can communicate with devices using the Message
Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. MQTT is a machine-to-machine
communication protocol that supports many programming languages, described at
github.com/mqtt/mqtt.github.io/wiki/libraries. The instrument uses the Eclipse
Mosquito, an open source MQTT broker.
Here we provide basic examples that describe how to read data from the instrument
in a terminal program, send and receive calibration information in a terminal pro-
gram, and how to save data to a computer using a simple script written in the
Python language. These tutorials are for novice users.

Here we provide a simple summary of terminology used in MQTT. These terms are
described in greater detail by other online resources.

l Server: The Trace Gas Analyzer is a server that sends information.

l Client: The computer or device that is receiving information. The server (e.g.,
Trace Gas Analyzer) can communicate with any client device that is configured
to run an acceptable programming language.
l Broker: Software that mediates communication between the server (Trace Gas
Analyzer) and client (your computer or data logger).
l Topic: A collection of information that the servers sends.
l Subscribe: A client's request for a topic; the client subscribes to a topic. When
subscribed, the publisher sends that topic to the client.
l Publish: The act of sending a topic to a client.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer 7-1

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Table 7-1. Topics and hierarchy in the LI-7810.

Topic Description Hierarchy
1 Data licor/niobrara/output/concentration
2 Header for the data file licor/niobrara/output/concentration/units
3 Diagnostic information for licor/niobrara/output/diagnostics
4 Header for diagnostic licor/niobrara/output/diagnostics/units
Set and read the calibration licor/niobrara/cfg/Start_Peak_Base_Line_Cal
baseline (0)
Set CH4 span calibration licor/niobrara/system/CH4_Span
Read the CH4 span licor/niobrara/cfg/CH4_Span

Basic commands in a terminal program

The instrument can be controlled from a terminal program (macOS) or command
prompt program (Windows). With trace gas analyzers, that means you can set the
zero and span calibrations, read the calibrations, and read data with diagnostics. In
the following section, we describe how to perform these basic functions.
This tutorial uses Eclipse Mosquitto, an open source message broker from the
Eclipse Foundation which can be downloaded from mosquitto.org/download/.
Install it on your computer. We will use two components of mosquitto for this
tutorial: mosquitto_pub, which "publishes" information to the instrument (as in,
sets the span calibration); and mosquitto_sub, which "subscribes" to information
from the instrument, such as current calibration parameters, and measurements.

7-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Streaming data into the interface

This tutorial subscribes to the data topic. Subscribing is described in depth at

1 Launch the terminal or command prompt and open the directory that has the Mosquitto apps.
The default directory is Program Files\mosquitto.

2 Enter the following command to subscribe to the topic.

mosquitto_sub -h -t "licor/nio-

l mosquitto_sub launches the application to subscribe.

l -h specifies a host (the Trace Gas Analyzer) followed by the instrument IP
l is the instrument IP address. You can also enter the host name.
Both are given on the instrument display.
l -t specifies that you want to subscribe to a topic.
l "licor/niobrara/output/concentration" is the topic and hierarchy.

3 Type Ctrl + C to stop the script.

Streaming data into the interface 7-3

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Setting the zero calibration

This tutorial publishes to the cfg topic. Publishing is described in detail at
mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto_pub-1.html. Select a quality gas and plumb it zero
gas to the analyzer air inlet, letting the excess pressure vent to the room.

1 To start a zero calibration, enter:

mosquitto_pub -h -t "licor/niobrara/cfg/Start_Peak_
Base_Line_Cal" -m "1"

l mosquitto_pub launches the application to publish (send to the instrument).

l -h specifies a host (the Trace Gas Analyzer) followed by the instrument IP
l is the IP address. You can also enter the host name. Both are
given on the instrument display.
l -t specifies that you want to subscribe to a topic.
l "licor/niobrara/cfg/Start_Peak_Base_Line_Cal" is the topic and hier-
l -m specifies that you are sending a message from the command line.
l "1" is the message.
This command initiates the baseline calibration. The process takes several minutes
(up to 5 minutes). Wait until the process is finished before moving on to other
2 To check if the zero is complete, enter the command:
mosquitto_sub -h -t "licor/niobrara/cfg/Start_Peak_

The instrument will reply with "0".

3 Type Ctrl + C to stop the script.

7-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Setting the span calibration

Follow suitable spanning procedures, as described in Setting the CO₂ zero on
page 6-3. Plumb a span gas to the analyzer air inlet. Use a span gas balanced in air
(do not use a nitrogen-balanced gas).

1 To start a span calibration, enter:

mosquitto_pub -h -t "licor/niobrara/system/CH4_Span" -m
"<CH4 tank in ppb>"

l mosquitto_pub launches the application to publish (send to the instrument).

l -h specifies a host (the Trace Gas Analyzer) followed by the instrument IP
l is the IP address. You can also enter the host name. Both are
given on the instrument display.
l -t specifies that you want to subscribe to a topic.
l "licor/niobrara/system/CH4_Span" is the topic and hierarchy for the LI-
l -m specifies that you are sending a message from the command line.
l "<CH4 tank in ppb>" is the message (CH4 concentration in PPB).
This initiates the span calibration in the LI-7810. The span is implemented imme-
2 To check if the span is complete, enter the command:
mosquitto_sub -h -t "licor/niobrara/cfg/CH4_Span"

The instrument will reply with the span value (near 1) like "1.00242"
3 Type Ctrl + C to stop the script.

Setting the span calibration 7-5

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Rebooting the instrument

To restart the instrument, send the following command:
mosquitto_pub -h -t "licor/niobrara/system/reboot" -m

This initiates the restart cycle, beginning with a purge of the optics.

Powering off the instrument

To power off the instrument, send the following command:
mosquitto_pub -h -t "licor/niobrara/system/shutdown" -m

This initiates the shutdown, beginning with a purge of the optics. There is no com-
mand to power on the instrument remotely.

7-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Basic commands with a Python script

Python scripts can be used in Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, and
with other computing devices. Here we describe some basic processes on Windows
and macOS computers.

Configuring paho-mqtt in Windows

Python is not included with Windows by default, but you can download a suitable
version from the Microsoft Store.

1 Download Python and install it on your computer.

Press the Windows key ( ) to open the search bar. Type Store and press Enter to
open the store. In the store, search for Python. Install Python 3.7.
2 Launch the command prompt program.
Press ( ) to open the search bar. Type Command Prompt and press Enter .
3 Install Eclipse Paho on your computer.
Type pip install paho-mqtt and press Enter . The terminal program will issue a
few replies as it completes the installation. Now your computer should have all of
the files needed to communicate with the instrument.

Configuring paho-mqtt in Mac or Linux

Although Mac computers include Python by default, you need to install some addi-
tional libraries. This is done in the command line interface.

1 Launch the terminal program.

Type CMD + Space to open the search bar. Type Terminal, and press Return.
2 Install the PIP package manager for python
Type easy_install pip and press Return. If you get an error, type sudo easy_
install pip.
3 Install Eclipse Paho on your computer.
Type pip install paho-mqtt and press Return. If you get an error, type sudo pip
install paho-mqtt. The terminal program will issue a few replies as it completes
the installation. Now your computer should have all of the files needed to com-
municate with the instrument.

Basic commands with a Python script 7-7

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Streaming data into the Terminal Program

These are basic steps you'll follow to see data streamed into a terminal program on
macOS or the command prompt on Windows. Before attempting to connect with
the instrument, power it on and let it warm up. Connect the network cable
between the instrument and your computer or your local network.

1 Create the python script to read data.

Copy the following into a text file and save it to your computer's desktop (or
another directory) with a .py extension, like read-data.py.
import paho.mqtt.client as paho

def on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):

print("Subscribed: "+str(mid)+" "+str(granted_qos))

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):

msg = str(msg.payload)

client = paho.Client()
client.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
client.on_message = on_message

client.connect("", 1883)
client.subscribe("licor/niobrara/output/concentration", qos=1)
2 Change the IP Address next to client.connect to match that of your instrument. The default
port is 1883, so leave that as it is. Save the updated file.
3 Run the Python script.
In the terminal program, change to the directory that has the .py file saved earlier.
Type cd desktop on Mac or type cd C:\Users\User.Name\Desktop if you saved
them to your desktop ( User.Name is a placeholder, used as an example). Then type
python read-data.py to launch the script created in step 1. Data will stream into
the terminal program.
4 Type Ctrl + C to stop the script.
You can use python to do many other things, like save the data to a file, for

7-8 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

Downloading data in a date and time range

The following script will download data from instrument. The script includes a
date and time range, file duration (minutes), as well as the directory that the files
are saved to, all of which can be modified to suit your needs. This program uses the
Python requests libraries, so we'll begin by installing those.

1 Install the requests libraries.

Launch a terminal on Mac or command prompt on Windows. Type pip install
requests or sudo pip install requests in the command line tool. The ter-
minal will issue a few replies indicating success.
2 Create the python script to save the data.
Copy the following into a text file and save it to your computer's desktop (or
another directory) with a .py extension, like import-datetime.py.
import datetime
import requests
import socket
slno = 'tg15-01009.local'
ip = socket.gethostbyname(slno)
dl1 = "http://" + ip+ ":8080/ExportAdvancedData?tmin="
dl2 = "&tmax="
tmz = "-06:00"

dt = datetime.datetime(2019,5, 10,0,0,0)
end = datetime.datetime(2019,5, 11,0,0,0)
step = datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)

fls = []
ts5= []

while dt <= end:

ts1 = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
ts3 = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')
ts2 = ts1[0:10] + "T"+ts1[11:]
ts4 = ts1[0:10] + "T"+ts3[11:] +".txt";
dt += step
print (fls)
for i in range(0,len(fls)-1,1):

Downloading data in a date and time range 7-9

Section 7. Communication with the MQTT protocol

url = dl1+fls[i]+tmz+dl2+fls[i+1]+tmz
print(url +"\n")
flnm = ts5[i]
print("Downloading to File Name " + flnm + " from
" + url )
r = requests.get(url)
with open("C:/Users/User.Name/Documents/" + flnm,
'wb') as f:
3 Modify the script for your instrument, computer, and date range:
A Identify the instrument: In snlo='tg15-01009.local', replace tg15-01009 with the
serial number from your instrument.
B Set the beginning time: In dt = datetime.datetime(2019,5, 10,0,0,0), specify
the start date and time for the data to download. 2019,5, 10 is the year, month, and day
(YYYY,M, DD). 0,0,0 is the hour, minutes and seconds (H,M,S).
C Set the ending time: In end = datetime.datetime(2019,5, 11,0,0,0), specify
the end date and time for the data to download.
D Specify the file size (minutes): In step = datetime.timedelta(minutes=30),
change the value 30 to the number of minutes you want.
E Set the directory to save the data: In with open("C:/User-
s/User.Name/Documents/" + flnm, 'wb'), specify the directory.
4 Start the script from the terminal program or command prompt.
In the terminal program, change to the directory that has the .py file saved earlier.
Type cd desktop on Mac or type cd C:\Users\User.Name\Desktop if you saved
them to your desktop ( User.Name is a placeholder, used as an example). Then type
python import-datetime.py to launch the script. This script will create 48 text
files, each with 30 minutes of data recorded on May 5, 2019. The files will be cre-
ated and saved to the directory you specify.

Additional commands
Python scripts can be also used to set zero/span, reboot, or shutdown the instru-
ment by using the publish option available in the Paho MQTT python client sim-
ilar to mosquito_pub. To shutdown the instrument, send the command

7-10 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix A.
Measurement overview
To measure gases, the analyzer injects laser light into a V-shaped optical cavity
defined by mirrors 1, 2, and 3 (Figure A-1 below). The mirrors are highly reflective
— photons may circulate many times before escaping to strike the sample pho-
todiode. This long effective path-length enhances sensitivity by creating many oppor-
tunities for the sample gas flowing through the cavity to absorb light.

Figure A-1. Simplified schematic of the LI-7810 flow path through the optical bench. The
phase adjuster is a volume in the path between the laser and optical bench that is tied to a
pressure control mechanism. Changing the pressure of that volume alters the refractive index
which subsequently modifies the phase of the laser.

The instrument ramps the laser drive current so the laser scans a range of
wavelengths that span absorption features of the gases. A fraction of the photons are
allowed to leak from the cavity back into the laser, creating optical feedback that
narrows the laser output. This, in turn, couples a large fraction of the laser power
to the cavity and locks the laser frequency precisely to the center of a cavity res-
onance mode.
During a scan, the instrument creates a dense grid of fixed cavity resonance modes
that are equally spaced within a few kHz. The laser jumps discretely from one cav-
ity resonance mode to the next.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer A-1

Appendix A. Measurement overview

To measure all three gases, the laser frequency scans across the full spectral range
of interest in about 0.25 seconds (see Figure A-2 below). It uses the reliably fixed
grid spacing in combination with spectroscopic data to determine the exact fre-
quency of each mode. The instrument uses two ring down events—one at the
beginning and one at the end of a scan—to normalize the measured signal.
Absorption is computed at each resonance mode by comparing the normalized
sample photodiode signal with the reference photodiode signal. The concentration
of each gas is then determined by using a fitting algorithm that compares the meas-
ured absorption spectrum with internally stored high resolution spectrum.

Figure A-2. Example of a scan showing the absorption features for the three gases. The
upper line (dark blue) is the reference signal, and the lower line (green) is the sample sig-
nal at each of cavity resonance modes.

A-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix B.
Additional safety information
This section provides information about the safe use of the instrument, wireless
channels, and disposal of batteries.

Laser safety labels

The instrument has two laser safety labels: one inside the case and one on the back
of the case.

Warning: The use of controls, adjustments, or the performance of procedures other

than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Advertissment: L'utilisation des contrôles, d'ajustements, ou l'exécution des procé-
dures autres que celles spécifiées ici peuvent entraîner une exposition dangereuse aux

The LI-7810 is certified as a Class I laser product. No hazardous radiation is emit-

ted from the instrument. Any laser radiation emitted is below the Class I laser lim-
its during all phases of user operation. The laser emits (internally only) at
approximately 1651 nm and has a Class 1M peak power rating of up to 75 mil-
liwatts but is permanently set to <15 mW. This instrument complies with the
CDRH regulations for laser products (CDRH radiation performance standard 21,
Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 1, Subchapter J). Compliance for products
marketed in the United States is mandatory.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer B-1

Appendix B. Additional safety information

Figure B-1. The Class 1 laser safety label is affixed to the back of the case.

Figure B-2. The laser radiation safety label is inside the instrument case.

B-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix B. Additional safety information

Wireless communication notice

The instrument is equipped with wireless communication (Wi-Fi™) capabilities.
Wi-Fi communication conforms to the requirements in this section. See Connecting
over wireless on page 2-2 for more details.

Channel Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency

Number (mHz) (mHz) (mHz)
1 2401 2412 2423
2 2406 2417 2428
3 2411 2422 2433
4 2416 2427 2438
5 2421 2432 2443
6 2426 2437 2448
7 2431 2442 2453
8 2436 2447 2458
9 2441 2452 2463
10 2446 2457 2468
11 2451 2462 2473

Radio transmission power is given in Table B-1 below.

Table B-1. Radio transmission power.

Network Type Transmission Power
802.11b 10.5 dBm
802.11g/n 11 dBm

Appendix B. Additional safety information B-3

Appendix B. Additional safety information

Battery warnings and disposal

The instrument includes rechargeable lithium ion batteries and CR lithium bat-
teries, which must be disposed of safely. The primary batteries are accessible
through the battery cover on the case. The coin-cell batteries are in the case under
an electronics shroud.

Warning: Lithium ion batteries may cause environmental damage or damage to human
health if they are disposed of improperly. Do not dispose of the batteries in unsorted
municipal waste or an incinerator. Many localities have battery recycling facilities that
will accept lithium ion batteries. Check your local regulations to determine how to
safely dispose of the batteries.
Advertissment: Les batteries lithium ion peuvent causer des dommages à
l'environnement ou endommager la santé humaine si l’on se débarrasse d’elles de man-
ière inappropriée. Ne vous débarrassez pas des batteries dans des déchets municipaux
non triés ou dans un incinérateur. Plusieurs localités ont des installations de recyclage
de batteries qui accepteront les batteries lithium ion. Vérifiez vos réglementations loc-
ales pour déterminer comment se débarrasser des batteries en toute sécurité.

Primary batteries
To remove the primary batteries, turn the clasp counter-clockwise ¼ turn to open
the battery door. Grasp the tab on the battery and pull to remove the battery. There
is space for two batteries. Be sure to remove both of them.

B-4 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix B. Additional safety information

Coin-cell battery
The product includes a CR Lithium coin-cell battery, which contains perchlorate
material. Special handling may apply. In the U.S. State of California, see
To remove the coin-cell batteries, power off the instrument, remove the batteries,
and open the lid to the case. Remove the four screws that secure the electronics
shroud. Being careful to avoid straining the Wi-Fi antenna (it is glued to the
shroud), move the shroud to the side. The battery is near the middle of the instru-
ment. The battery is held in with friction. Press it out. Insert a replacement battery
with the positive (+) pole facing up.

Figure B-3. Carefully lift the shroud as shown to avoid straining the Wi-Fi antenna, which
is attached to the shroud.

Appendix B. Additional safety information B-5

Appendix B. Additional safety information

B-6 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix C.
Measurement Technique: OF-CEAS (Optical Feedback – Cavity Enhanced Absorp-
tion Spectroscopy)
Measurement Rate: 1 sample per second
Optical Cavity Volume: 6.41 cm 3
Flow Rate: 250 sccm nominally
Total Weight: 11.4 kg (including batteries)
Case Dimensions: 51 cm L x 33 cm W x 18 cm H
Operating Temperature Range: -25 °C to 45 °C (without solar load, under nor-
mal operating conditions)
Operating Humidity Range: 0 to 85% RH (non-condensing, without solar load,
under normal operating conditions)
Operating Pressure Range: 70 to 110 kPa
Connectivity: Ethernet and Wi-Fi (not available in some countries)
Wi-Fi Compatibility: 2.4 GHz, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
Power Requirements:
Pins 1 and 5: 24 VDC Input; 6 Amps
Pins 3 and 4: 10.5 to 33 VDC Input; 8 Amps
Power Consumption:
During Steady State Operation: 22 Watts
During Warmup (10.5 to 33 VDC power supply, pins 3 and 4): Up to 90
During Warmup (Universal power supply or 24VDC power supply, pins 1 and
5): Up to 140 Watts with batteries charging
Power Supply: Universal power adapter (Input: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz; Out-
put: 24 VDC)
Battery Life: 8 hours typical with 2 batteries
Pollution Degree: 2

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer C-1

Appendix C. Specifications

Over-voltage Category: II
Response Time (T10 -T90 ): CH4 ≤ 2 seconds from 0 to 2 ppm

CH4 Measurements
Range: 0.1 to 100 ppm
Precision (1σ ):
0.60 ppb at 2 ppm with 1 second averaging
0.25 ppb at 2 ppm with 5 second averaging
Maximum Drift: <1 ppb per 24-hour period

CO2 Measurements
Range: 1 to 10,000 ppm
Precision (1σ ):
3.5 ppm at 400 ppm with 1 second averaging
1.5 ppm at 400 ppm with 5 second averaging

H2O Measurements
Range: 100 to 60,000 ppm
Precision (1σ ):
45 ppm at 10,000 ppm with 1 second averaging
20 ppm at 10,000 ppm with 5 second averaging

Figure C-1. LI-7810 dimensions. Clearance is required for the power cable and tubing, as
well as 2 to 3 cm around the case vents.

C-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix D.
Each LI-COR, Inc. instrument is warranted by LI-COR, Inc. to be free from defects
in material and workmanship; however, LI-COR, Inc.'s sole obligation under this
warranty shall be to repair or replace any part of the instrument which LI-COR,
Inc.'s examination discloses to have been defective in material or workmanship
without charge and only under the following conditions, which are:

1 The defects are called to the attention of LI-COR, Inc. in Lincoln, Nebraska, in writing within one
year after the shipping date of the instrument.
2 The instrument has not been maintained, repaired or altered by anyone who was not approved by
LI-COR, Inc.
3 The instrument was used in the normal, proper and ordinary manner and has not been abused,
altered, misused, neglected, involved in an accident or damaged by act of God or other casualty.
4 The purchaser, whether it is a DISTRIBUTOR or direct customer of LI-COR or a DISTRIBUTOR'S cus-
tomer, packs and ships or delivers the instrument to LI-COR, Inc. at LI-COR Inc.'s factory in Lincoln,
Nebraska, U.S.A. within 30 days after LI-COR, Inc. has received written notice of the defect.
Unless other arrangements have been made in writing, transportation to LI-COR, Inc. (by air
unless otherwise authorized by LI-COR, Inc.) is at customer expense.
5 No-charge repair parts may be sent at LI-COR, Inc.'s sole discretion to the purchaser for install-
ation by purchaser.
6 LI-COR, Inc.'s liability is limited to repair or replace any part of the instrument without charge if
LI-COR, Inc.'s examination disclosed that part to have been defective in material or workmanship.
There are no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any
implied warranty of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose on
underwater cables or on expendables such as batteries, lamps, thermocouples,
and calibrations.

LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer D-1

Appendix D. Warranty

Other than the obligation of LI-COR, Inc. expressly set forth herein, LI-COR,
Inc. disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular pur-
pose. The foregoing constitutes LI-COR, Inc.'s sole obligation and liability with
respect to damages resulting from the use or performance of the instrument
and in no event shall LI-COR, Inc. or its representatives be liable for damages
beyond the price paid for the instrument, or for direct, incidental or con-
sequential damages.
The laws of some locations may not allow the exclusion or limitation on implied
warranties or on incidental or consequential damaged, so the limitations herein
may not apply directly. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may
already have other rights which vary from state to state. All warranties that apply,
whether included by this contract or by law, are limited to the time period of this
warranty which is a twelve-month period commencing from the date the instru-
ment is shipped to a user who is a customer or eighteen months from the date of
shipment to LI-COR, Inc.'s authorized distributor, whichever is earlier.
This warranty supersedes all warranties for products purchased prior to June 1,
1984, unless this warranty is later superseded. To the extent not superseded by the
terms of any extended warranty, the terms and conditions of LI-COR’s Warranty
still apply.
DISTRIBUTOR or the DISTRIBUTOR's customers may ship the instruments dir-
ectly to LI-COR if they are unable to repair the instrument themselves even though
the DISTRIBUTOR has been approved for making such repairs and has agreed with
the customer to make such repairs as covered by this limited warranty.
Further information concerning this warranty may be obtained by writing or tele-
phoning Warranty manager at LI-COR, Inc.

D-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

Appendix E.
air filter, 6-5 data
alarms, 4-14 retrieving, 3-4
auto sync data files
clock, 4-5 about, 3-4
B setting, 4-3
backpack kit, 1-5 DHCP, 4-6
batteries, 2-4 dimensions, C-2
about, 1-3 display panel, 2-6
charging, 2-4 downloading data, 3-4
disposal, B-4 dry-down chemical, 6-6
warnings, B-4
C English language, 4-4, 5-4
calibration, 4-9, 6-1 error codes, 2-7
span, 6-3
zero, 6-2 F
cavity temperature, 4-12 files
channels data, 3-4
Wi-Fi, B-3 filter
Chinese language, 4-4, 5-4 air inlet, 6-5
connecting, 2-1
local area network, 2-3 I
wireless, 2-2 installing, 3-6
connecting a sample, 3-3 IP address, 5-1
connecting an air supply, 3-2
connection issues, 5-1, 5-3

Appendix E. Index E-1

Appendix E. Index

L software interface, 4-1

software version, 4-4
LAN, 2-3 span calibration, 4-9, 6-3
language selection, 4-4, 5-4 Spanish language, 4-4, 5-4
laser pressure, 4-11 specifications, C-1
laser safety labels, B-1 spectroscopy, 1-1, A-1
laser temperature, 4-12 static IP address, 4-7
laser temperature shift, 4-12 status
performance, 4-10
M status codes, 2-7
mounting, 3-6 storing, 2-8
SVC required, 2-7
network, 4-3, 4-6 T
network time protocal, 4-5 thermal enclosure temperature, 4-12
NTP, 4-5 thresholds, 4-14
O setting, 4-3
OF-CEAS, 1-1, A-1 unix epoch, 3-6
timezone, 3-5, 3-6
P troubleshooting, 5-1
performance status, 4-10
power supply, 1-3, 2-4
powering on and off, 1-2, 2-1, 2-8 warnings, B-1
precision time protocol, 4-6 Wi-Fi, 4-7, B-3
PTP, 4-6 wireless communication, B-3
purge, 6-6 wireless networking, 4-7

residual, 4-11 zero calibration, 4-9, 6-2
ring down time, 4-12

safety labels
laser, B-1
serial number, 2-6
set IP address automatically, 4-6
settings, 4-10
shipping the LI-7810, 2-9
size, C-2
updating, 4-4

E-2 LI-7810 CH₄/CO₂/H₂O Trace Gas Analyzer

LI-COR Biosciences
4647 Superior Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68504
Phone: +1-402-467-3576
Toll free: 800-447-3576 (U.S. and Canada)
[email protected]

Regional Offices

LI-COR Biosciences GmbH

Siemensstraße 25A
61352 Bad Homburg
Phone: +49 (0) 6172 17 17 771
[email protected]

LI-COR Biosciences UK Ltd.

St. John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 422102
[email protected]

LI-COR Distributor Network:


984-17414 • 10/2020
LI-7810 CH4/CO2/H2O Trace Gas
Analyzer Specifications
The LI-7810 CH4/CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer is a laser-based
instrument that uses OF-CEAS in combination with numerous
patented technologies to measure CH4 in air with high precision
and stability. This document describes the performance
specifications of the LI-7810.

General CH4 Measurements

Measurement Technique: OF-CEAS (Optical Feedback Range: 0.1 to 100 ppm
– Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy) Precision (1σ):
Measurement Rate: 1 sample per second 0.25 ppb with 5 second averaging
Optical Cavity Volume: 6.41 cm3 0.60 ppb with 1 second averaging
Flow Rate: 250 sccm nominally Maximum Drift: < 1 ppb per 24-hour period
Total Weight: 11.4 kg (including batteries)
Case Dimensions: 51 cm L x 33 cm W x 18 cm H CO2 Measurements
Operating Temperature Range: -25 °C to 45 °C Range: 1 to 10,000 ppm
(without solar load, under normal operating Precision (1σ):
conditions) 1.5 ppm with 5 second averaging
Operating Humidity Range: 0 to 85% RH (non- 3.5 ppm with 1 second averaging
condensing, without solar load, under normal
operating conditions) H2O Measurements
Operating Pressure Range: 70 to 110 kPa Range: 100 to 60,000 ppm
Connectivity: Ethernet and Wi-Fi (not available in Precision (1σ):
some countries) 20 ppm with 5 second averaging
Wi-Fi Compatibility: 2.4 GHz, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 45 ppm with 1 second averaging
Power Requirements:
Pins 1 and 5: 24 VDC Input; 6 Amps
Pins 3 and 4: 10.5 to 33 VDC Input; 8 Amps
Power Consumption:
During Steady State Operation: 22 Watts
During Warmup (10.5 to 33 VDC power supply,
pins 3 and 4): Up to 90 Watts
During Warmup (Universal power supply or 24VDC
power supply, pins 1 and 5): Up to 140 Watts with
batteries charging
Power Supply: Universal power adapter (Input: 100 to
240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz; Output: 24 VDC)
Battery Life: 8 hours typical with 2 batteries
Response Time (T10-T90): CH4 ≤ 2 seconds from 0 to 2

Specifications subject to change without notice.

LI-COR Biosciences Regional Offices
4647 Superior Street LI-COR Biosciences GmbH Specifications subject to change.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 Siemensstraße 25A LI-COR is an ISO 9001 registered
Phone: +1-402-467-3576 61352 Bad Homburg company. LI-COR is a registered
Toll free: 800-447-3576 (U.S. and Germany trademark of LI-COR, Inc. in the
Canada) Phone: +49 (0) 6172 17 17 771 United States and other countries.
[email protected] [email protected] All other trademarks belong to their
respective owners. For patent
LI-COR Distributor Network: LI-COR Biosciences UK Ltd. information, visit
www.licor.com/env/distributors St. John’s Innovation Centre www.licor.com/patents.
Cowley Road
Copyright © 2020 LI-COR, Inc. All rights CB4 0WS
reserved. United Kingdom
982-17412• 05/2020 Phone: +44 (0) 1223 422102
[email protected]
Field NIR Spectroradiometer
The New Standard in U n i q u e a p p l i c at i o n s :
• Crops and soils research

Field Spectroscopy • L
 andscape ecology and
ecology research
Ideally suited to meet the needs of today’s researcher, the FieldSpec ® 4 • Ground truthing
Standard-Res spectroradiometer offers dramatically improved speed, • Spectral remote sensing
performance and portability over previous models. This full-range Vis/NIR
(350-2500 nm) instrument features enhanced capabilities in the SWIR 1 and • Ice and snow research
2 regions, as well as double the signal-to-noise performance. Enjoy higher • Spectroradiometry and
sensitivity and lower noise, with no increase in scan time, while collecting radiometric calibration
spectral data in the field.
• Improvements in the SWIR 1 and 2 regions allow researchers to cover
twice the area in half the time as the FieldSpec 3.
• New spectrometer configuration provides double the signal-to-noise ratio
performance as previous models.
• New ruggedized fiber optic cable and a compact, impact-resistant case
make the FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res field ready and highly portable.
The FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res, with a 10 nm resolution,
comes in a mobile package with a small, lightweight, impact-
resistant case and a convenient backpack travel cover. A new
ruggedized cable protects the fiber optics, nearly eliminating
fiber breakage. An expanded wireless range adds flexibility
by helping users capture spectra farther from the instrument

The FieldSpec 4 is ideal for a wide range of applications,

including hyperspectral image interpretation, crops and soils
research and radiometric calibration.

FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res Specifications

p e Rfo rm a n ce c o mmunic at io ns
Wavelength range 350-2500 nm Wired 10/100 Base T Ethernet port with
Ethernet cross-over cable
Resolution 3 nm @ 700 nm and
10 nm @ 1400/2100 nm Wireless 802.11g wireless card
Scanning time 100 milliseconds
ph y sic a l & E n v ir o nme n ta l
NEdL (Noise Equivalent Radiance)
VNIR 1.0 x 10-9 W/cm2/nm/sr @ 700 nm Dimensions (H x W x D) 12.7 x 36.8 x 29.2 cm (5 x 14.5 x 11.5 in)
SWIR 1 1.2 x 10-9 W/cm2/nm/sr @ 1400 nm Weight 5.44 kg (12 lbs)
SWIR 2 1.9 x 10-9 W/cm2/nm/sr @ 2100 nm
NiMH battery weight 1.2 kg (2.7 lbs)
Stray light VNIR 0.02%
SWIR 1 & 2 0.01% NiMH battery run time Approximately 6 hours
(without lamps or accessories)
Wavelength reproducibility 0.1 nm
Operating temperature 0 to 40° C (32 to 104° F)
Wavelength accuracy 0.5 nm
Storage temperature -15 to 45° C (5 to 113° F)
Maximum radiance VNIR 2X Solar, SWIR 10X Solar
Input power AC/DC switching power supply or a
Channels 2151 12 V 9 Ah NiMH battery pack
VNIR detector (350-1000 nm) 512 element silicon array AC input 90-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
SWIR 1 & 2 detectors (1001-1800 nm) & (1801-2500 nm) DC input 12 VDC, 60 W
Graded Index InGaAs Photodiode,
TE Cooled Auxiliary port power Output, +12 VDC, 27 Watt (max)

Ce r t ific at io n a nd a ppr ova l s a ddi t io n a l d e ta il s

CE certified EN61010-1:2001 2nd Edition Software  RS3™ spectral acquisition software,
Seamless interface with ENVI®, ASD
EU Directive 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC ViewSpec™ Pro for post processing
ISTA® Transit tested Optional Indico® Pro
NIST traceable calibration Portability Waterproof customized backpack with
soft-sided travel bag; Rugged instrument
WEEE Compliance transportation case
Warranty One year full warranty including expert
customer support
Computer Windows® 7 64-bit laptop
(instrument controller)
GPS Optional

asdi.com | 303.444.6522 | 2555 55th Street, Suite 100, Boulder, CO 80301 USprod028 Rev. B

NOMOR : 284/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2020

BERLAKU SAMPAI DENGAN : 31 Desember 2021


2. NIB : 8120202851445

3. ALAMAT : Komplek Permata Senayan Blok H-3, Jl. Patal Senayan 1 No.5 RT. 009,
RW. 007, Kel. Grogol Utara, Kec. Kebayoran Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan,
Prop. DKI Jakarta

4. NO. TELP / FAX : 021-57949518 / 02157949523



ALAMAT : The Netherlands


ALAMAT : 31 Kaki Bukit Road 3, Techlink #06-04/05, Singapore 417818

8. JENIS BARANG : Terlampir

10. NO. HS : 9022.90.000


Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 24 Januari 2020


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi


Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

1. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) ini akan diadakan
perubahan atau penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya sampai kepada pembatalan atau
pencabutan masa berikutnya

2. Setiap pemegang (STP) wajib menyampaikan laporan kegiatan perusahaan setiap 6(enam)
bulan sekali kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

3. Setiap perusahaan yang tidak lagi melakukan usahanya atau menutup perusahaannya
wajib melaporkan penutupan kegiatan perusahaan usahanya dan mengembalika STP asli
kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

4. Setiap perusahaan yang melakukan perubahan nama prinsipal, status penunjukan

keagenan / kedistribusian, merk, wilayah pemasaran jenis barang, alamat perusahaan,
penanggung jawab perusahaan wajib melaporkan kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku


1. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak melakukan pendaftaran dikenakan sanksi
administratif sampai dengan pencabutan SIUP. (Pasal 24)

2. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak menyampaikan laporan kegiatan dan
perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan dikenakan sanksi administratif sampai dengan
pemberhentian sementara STP selama 6(enam) bulan atau pencabutan STP. (Pasal 25)

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah


NOMOR : 284/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2020




Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 24 Januari 2020


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah
Authorized Distributor

LICOR, Gas Analyzer

No. : 058/Q/UAP/AH/I/21 To : LIPI – Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi

Date : February 1, 2021 Jakarta

Attn : Mr. Yaya

No. Price,
Qty Description

1a. 1 unit LICOR LI-7810 CH4/CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer 885.000.000

Highly stable CH4 performance with Capture Methane measurements
with 0.25 ppb precision at 2000 ppb CH4 in dry air at STP with less than
1 ppb standard drift per 24 hour period.
High precision CO2 measurements across applications, take CO2
measurements with 0.04 ppm precision at 400 ppm CO2 in dry air at STP

Measurement Technique: OF-CEAS (Optical Feedback-Cavity Enhanced Absorption

CH4 Measurements
Range: 0.1 to 50 ppm
Precision (1σ): 0.25 ppb w/ 5 sec. averaging Max Drift: < 1 ppb per 24-hour period
CO2 Measurements
Range: 1 to 10,000 ppm
Precision (1σ): 1.5 ppm w/ 5 sec. averaging
H2O Measurements
Range: 100 to 60,000 ppm
Precision (1σ): 20 ppm w/ 5 sec. averaging
Measurement Rate: 1 sample per second (1 Hz) Optical Cavity Volume: 6.41 cm2
Flow Rate: 280 sccm (nominally)
Total Weight: 11.4 kg (incl. batteries)
Case Dimensions: 51 cm L x 33 cm W x 18 cm H
Operating Temperature Range: -25 °C to 45 °C (without solar load, under normal
operating conditions)
Operating Humidity Range: 0 to 85% RH (non-condensing, without solar load, under
normal operating conditions)
Operating Pressure Range: 70 to 110 kPa
Connectivity: Ethernet, Wi-Fi (not available in some countries)
Wi-Fi Compatibility: 2.4 GHz, 802.11g
Power Consumption: 20 W (at steady-state), up to 60 W (during warmup; up to 80 W
during warmup, depending on temperature)
Battery Life: 8 hours typical with 2 batteries
1b. 1 unit LI-COR Smart Chamber for LI-7810 Trace Gas Analyzer 320.000.000
Including Soil Moisture Probe, Soil Probe Thermocouple, Cables and Trace
Gas Sampling Kit

Prices : Franko Jakarta, (Exclude Keuntungan Rekanan & PPN).

Delivery time : 8 – 12 weeks
Payment : 50% Down Payment (DP) and the rest on delivery.
Validity : 3 months
Warranty : 12 months


PT Unitama Analitika Perkasa 2
No : 058/Q/UAP/MKT/I/21

Best regards,

For and on behalf of

PT Unitama Analitika Perkasa,

Agus Haryono
Sales Manager

Jl. Panjang no. 37C, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 11530, Indonesia

Telp. 62-21-53660641-42 (Hunting)
Fax. 62-21-53661244
E-mail : [email protected]
Drone LIDAR dan Multispektral
Follow us @DJIEnterprise

The Cyber Workhorse

A New Standard for the Commercial Drone Industry

The Matrice 300 RTK is DJI’s latest commercial drone platform that takes inspiration from modern aviation systems. Offering up to
55 minutes of flight time, advanced AI capabilities, 6 Directional Sensing & Positioning and more, the M300 RTK sets a whole new
standard by combining intelligence with high-performance and unrivaled reliability.

15 km Max 55-min Max Flight 6 Directional Sensing & Primary Flight Display
Transmission1 Time2 Positioning

IP45 Rating -20°C to 50°C Operating Hot-swappable Battery UAV Health

Temperature Management System

Unobstructed, free of interference, when FCC compliant. Maximum flight range specification is a proxy for radio link strength and resilience. Always fly your drone within
visual line of sight unless otherwise permitted.
Actual flight time may vary because of the environment and payload configurations.
Improved Transmission System Enhanced Flight Performance

The all-new OcuSync Enterprise enables transmission up to 15 km away and supports triple-channel3 1080p video. Real-time The refined airframe and propulsion system design gives you a more efficient and stable flight, even in harsh conditions.
auto-switching between 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz4 enables more reliable flight near high-interference environments, while AES-256
encryption offers secure data transmission.

15 km 55 min 7 m/s
Transmission Range Max Flight Time Max Descend Speed5

1080 p 23 m/s 7000 m

Triple-channel Video Max Speed Service Ceiling 6

2.4/5.8 GHz 15 m/s

Real-time Auto-switching Wind Resistance

3 5
Each RC supports two streams. Triple stream channeling is only supported with dual RC. Achieved in Forward Flight using S Mode.
4 6
Due to local policies, some countries do not support 5.8 GHz transmission. The service ceiling of 7000 m is achievable with high altitude propellers.
Multiple Payload Configurations Smart Inspection

Configure your M300 RTK to fit your mission needs. Mount up to 3 payloads simultaneously, with a maximum
payload capacity of 2.7 kg.

Live Mission Recording AI Spot-Check7 Waypoints 2.0

Record mission actions such as aircraft Automate routine inspections and capture Create up to 65,535 waypoints and set
movement, gimbal orientation, photo consistent results every time. Onboard multiple actions for one or more payloads,
shooting, and zoom level to create AI recognizes the subject of interest and including 3rd party ones, at each waypoint.
Single Downward Gimbal Single Upward Gimbal x Single Downward Single Upward Gimbal x Dual Downward
sample mission files for future automated identifies it in subsequent automated Flightpath planning is also optimized to
Gimbal Gimbals
inspections. missions to ensure consistent framing. maximize flexibility and efficiency for your

This feature is only supported when the aircraft is paired with the Zenmuse H20 Series payloads.
Smart Pin & Track 8 Aviation-Grade Situational Awareness

The M300 RTK adopts a new Primary Flight Display (PFD) that integrates flight, navigation, and obstacle information to empower the pilot
with exceptional situational awareness.

Flight Information
Flight information such as aircraft attitude, altitude, and
velocity, as well as wind speed and wind direction, are all
intuitively presented.

Navigation Display
Pilots can also view the live status of the aircraft’s heading,
PinPoint Smart Track Location Sharing trajectory, PinPoint information, and home point projection,
in a more efficient way. Visualize all nearby obstacles at once
A quick tap marks an object in view, Identify and follow moving subjects like While either PinPoint or Smart Track is
with the new obstacle map, so you can be fully informed.
advanced sensor fusion algorithms people, vehicles, and boats with the enabled, the subject’s location can be
immediately deliver its coordinates. auto-zoom function, while continuously projected across multiple camera views, to
acquiring the subject’s dynamic location. another remote controller, or shared through
online platforms such as DJI FlightHub9.

This feature is only supported when the aircraft is paired with the Zenmuse H20 Series payloads.
Support for location sharing via DJI FlightHub is coming soon.
Advanced Dual Control A Powerful Vision System You Can Rely On

Either operator can now obtain control of the aircraft or payload with a single tap. This creates new possibilities for mission strate- To enhance in-flight safety and aircraft stability, dual-vision and TOF sensors appear on all six sides of the aircraft, offering a maxi-
gies as well as higher flexibility during operations. mum detection range of up to 40m, with options to customize the aircraft’s sensing behavior via the DJI Pilot App. Even in complex
operating environments, this 6 Directional Sensing and Positioning system helps keep the aircraft and the mission safe.
Professional Maintenance for Your Drone Fleet Redundancy Systems for Safer Flights

The new integrated Health Management System displays the current status of all systems, notification logs, and a preliminary trou- The M300 RTK’s built-in advanced redundancy systems help keep your critical missions going even in unexpected scenarios.
bleshooting guide. Also in the system are the aircraft’s flight logs, duration, and mileage throughout its entire lifecycle, and tips on
aircraft care and maintenance.

「 Visit the Matrice 300 RTK product page to download the maintenance manual.」 「 For more information, visit the Matrice 300 RTK product page to get a comprehensive Redundant Systems report. 」

Battery Station
The battery station manages up to 8 flight batteries and 4 remote controller batteries, while
fast charging allows you to conduct your missions without running out of power.

TB60 Intelligent Flight Battery

The high-capacity, hot-swappable TB60 Intelligent Flight Battery lets operators change
batteries without powering off, saving time during critical missions.

DJI Smart Controller Enterprise

More Adaptable Than Ever Before The DJI Smart Controller Enterprise comes with an ultra-bright 5.5-inch 1080p display that
maintains clear visibility even in direct sunlight.

Twice as bright as conventional smart devices at 1000 cd/m2 | Supports DJI Pilot and 3rd party apps|
HDMI port and microSD card slot | -20℃ to 40℃ operating temperature | Advanced Dual Operator Mode

IP45 Self-Heating Battery -20°C to 50°C Anti-Collision Beacon AirSense ADS-B Receiver
Accessories Compatible Payloads

D-RTK 2 Mobile Station10

Gain improved relative accuracy with centimeter-level precision positioning data using
the D-RTK 2 High Precision GNSS Mobile Station, which supports all major global satellite
navigation systems and provides real-time differential corrections.
Zenmuse H20 Zenmuse H20T Zenmuse XT S12
Hybrid sensor solution with LRF, Hybrid sensor solution with LRF, Precise and rapid aerial thermal
zoom and wide camera zoom, wide and thermal camera imaging with ≤40 mK sensitivity
@ f/1.0

CSM Radar11
For an added safety measure, a Circular Scanning Millimeter-Wave (CSM) Radar with a
detection range between 1 to 30 m can be mounted on top of the aircraft.

Zenmuse XT2 Zenmuse Z30 Third-Party Payloads

Dual-sensor camera with a 4K visual 30× optical zoom camera ideal for for specialized missions and tasks
sensor and thermal imaging with <50 detailed inspections
mK sensitivity

D-RTK 2 Mobile Station for Matrice 200 Series V2 and P4R can be upgraded to support M300 RTK.
11 12
The CSM Radar will be available soon. The Zenmuse XT S is only available in select countries and regions.
Flight Time Purpose-built Applications

Estimate your M300 RTK’s flight time based on the payload configuration.
DJI Pilot is developed specifically for enterprise users to unleash
the power of their DJI drones. With development made specifically
No Payload
for the M300 RTK, DJI Pilot optimizes your flight capability for peak
55 min

XT S 48 min
Max Flight Time (min)

Z30 46 min
XT2 45 min
45 H20 45 min
H20T 43 min

H20+XT2 39 min
DJI FlightHub is a one-stop solution for managing your drone
operations, supporting large organizations to effectively scale their
aerial operations. Compatible with the M300 RTK, you can integrate
FlightHub directly into your existing fleet of DJI drones and leverage its
30 aerial intel across your organization.
Max Load
31 min

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Payload Weight (kg)

Leverage The DJI Ecosystem For Extended Solutions Applications



Firefighting Search & Rescue
Fight fires and save lives without Act quickly to locate missing people
endangering personnel. and better plan rescue missions.
Integrate a variety of 3rd party Harness the full computing power With a large network of 3rd party
payloads like gas detectors, of your M300 RTK. Onboard SDK mobile applications, you can unlock
loudspeakers, multispectral sensors, supports customized development the capabilities of your drone
and more. Payload SDK supports of a wide range of features such as 6 platform to meet specialized mission
DJI SkyPort, DJI SkyPort V2, and Directional Sensing and Positioning, needs. Utilizing Mobile SDK, the M300
DJI X-Port. These greatly reduce UAV Health Management System, RTK supports highly customizable
the payload development lifecycle Waypoints 2.0, and more. mobile app development.
and maximize the potential of your
payloads in more diverse scenarios.
Law enforcement Powerline Inspection Oil & Gas
Quickly assess a situation and plan Easily visualize extensive power line Conduct inspections of pipelines,
accordingly while improving officer networks in remote areas. well sites and more – while keeping
and bystander safety. workers away from risky areas.
Specifications: Aircraft Specifications: Aircraft


Unfolded, propellers excluded : 810×670×430 mm (L×W×H) 5000 m (2110 propellers, takeoff weight ≤ 7 kg )
Dimensions Service Ceiling
Folded, propellers and landing gears included : 430 × 420 × 430 mm (L×W×H) / 7000 m (2195 High-Altitude Low-Noise Propellers, takeoff weight ≤ 7kg)

Diagonal Wheelbase 895 mm Max Wind Resistance 15 m/s

Weight (Batteries excluded) 3600 g Max Flight Time (Sea level) 55 minutes

Max Payload 2700 g Supported DJI Gimbals Zenmuse XT2/XT S/Z30/H20/H20T

Max Takeoff Weight 9000 g Dual Downward Gimbals, Single Upward Gimbal, Single Downward Gimbal,
Supported Gimbal Configurations
Single Upward + Single Downward Gimbals, Triple Gimbals
Operating Frequency 2.4000-2.4835 GHz; 5.725-5.850 GHz

2.400-2.4835 GHz: 29.5 dBm (FCC); 18.5 dBm (CE); 18.5 dBm (SRRC); 18.5 dBm (MIC) Other Supported DJI Products CMS Radar, Manifold 2
EIRP 5.725-5.850 GHz:
28.5 dBm (FCC); 12.5 dBm (CE); 28.5 dBm (SRRC) Ingress Protection Rating IP45

Hovering Accuracy
±0.1 m (Vision System enabled); ±0.5 m (P-mode with GPS); ±0.1 m (RTK functioning properly) GNSS GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou+Galileo
(Windless or breezy)
±0.3 m (Vision System enabled)); ±1.5 m (P-mode with GPS); ±0.1 m (RTK functioning properly) Operating Temperature -4° F to 122° F (-20°C to 50°C)

Max Angular Velocity Pitch: 300°/s, Yaw: 100°/s

Max Pitch Angle 30° (P-mode and Forward Vision System enabled: 25°)

Max Ascent Speed/Max Descent

6 m/s; 5 m/s
Speed (vertical)

Max Descent Speed (tilt) 7 m/s

Max Horizontal Speed 23 m/s

Specifications: Smart Controller Enterprise Specifications: Smart Controller Enterprise

Rated Power 17 W
OcuSync Enterprise
2.400-2.4835 GHz; 5.725-5.850 GHz13
Operation Frequency Range
Built-in Battery 2 hours and 15 minutes
Charge Time
(Using a USB charger rated 12 V / 2 A)
NCC/FCC: 15 km
Max Transmission Distance
CE/MIC: 8 km
(Unobstructed, free of Built-in battery: Approx. 2.5 hours
SRRC: 8 km Working Time14
interference) Built-in Battery + External Battery: Approx. 4.5 hours

2.400-2.4835 GHz: 29.5 dBm (FCC); 18.5 dBm (CE); 18.5 dBm (SRRC); 18.5 dBm (MIC) Power Supply Voltage / Cur-
Transmitter Power (EIRP) 5 V / 1.5 A
5.725-5.850 GHz: 28.5 dBm (FCC); 12.5 dBm (CE); 20.5 dBm (SRRC) rent (USB-A port)

Name WB37 Intelligent Battery Operation Temperature Range -4°F to 104°F (-20°C to 40°C)

Capacity 4920 mAh

Voltage 7.6 V
Specifications: Vision System
External Battery Battery Type LiPo

Energy 37.39 Wh
Forward / Backward / Left / Right: 0.7 - 40 m
Obstacle Sensing Range
Charge Time Upward / Downward: 0.6 - 30 m
(Using BS60 Intelligent 70 min (15°C to 45°C); 130 min (0° to 15°C)
Battery Station) Forward / Backward / Downward: 65°(H), 50°(V)
Left / Right / Upward: 75°(H), 60°(V)
Battery Type 18650 Li-ion (5000 mAh @ 7.2 V)
Built-in Battery
Charge Type Supports USB charger rated 12 V / 2 A Operating Environment Surfaces with clear patterns and adequate lighting (> 15 lux, the equivalent of an environment with normal
exposure levels such as indoors with a fluorescent light)

Local regulations in some countries prohibit the use of the 5.8 GHz and 5.2 GHz frequencies and in some regions the 5.2 GHz frequency band is only allowed for indoor use. 14
The Smart Controller Enterprise will supply power for the mobile device installed, which may affect the above-mentioned specifications.
Specifications: Infrared ToF Sensing System Specifications: FPV Camera

Obstacle Sensing Range 0.1 -8 m Resolution 960p

FOV 30° FOV 145°

Operating Environment Large obstacles with diffuse reflection and a high reflectivity (reflectivity> 10%) Frame Rate 30 fps

Specifications: Battery Station

Specifications: Intelligent Flight Battery

Capacity 5935 mAh 8 TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries

Maximum Capacity
4 WB37 Batteries
Voltage 52.8 V

Battery Type LiPo 12S Input Voltage 100-120VAC, 50-60Hz / 220-240VAC, 50-60Hz

Energy 274 Wh
100 V-120 V: 750 W
Output Power
Net Weight (Each) Approx. 1.35 kg 220 V-240 V: 992 W

Operating Temperature -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C) Operating Temperature -20°C to 40°C

Optimal Storage Temperature 71.6° to 86°F (22°C to 30°C)

Charging Temperature 41°F to 104°F (5°C to 40°C)

When using the Battery Station,

Using a 220 V power supply: It takes about 60 minutes to fully charge two TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries,
Charging Time and it takes about 30 minutes to charge from 20% to 90%
Using a 110 V power supply: It takes about 70 minutes to fully charge two TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries,
and it takes about 40 minutes to charge from 20% to 90%
*Please refer to the official product page for the latest specifications.
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310


Flight Controller System 12 Months

Aircraft Body (Excluding Shell, Landing Gear Base, Battery Locker) 12 Months

Propulsion System (Excluding Propellers) 12 Months

Antenna (Transmission Antenna and D-RTK Antenna) 12 Months

Propellers, Shell, Landing Gear Base, and Battery Locker No Warranty

Smart Controller Enterprise 12 Months

DJI Smart Controller Expansion Kit 12 Months

6 Months and Charge

Intelligent Flight Battery (TB60)
Cycle less than 200 Times

Intelligent Battery(WB37) 6 Months

BS60 Intelligent Battery Station 12 Months

D-RTK 2 Station 12 Months

D-RTK 2 Accessory No Warranty

USB Charger 12 Months

Upward Gimbal Connector 6 Months

Downward Single Gimbal Connector 6 Months

PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

Downward Dual Gimbal Connector 6 Months

Manifold 2 Mounting Bracket 3 Months

Carrying Case 3 Months

Other Accessories No Warranty

*Syarat dan Ketentuan berlaku (terlampir)

PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310


1. Warranty di atas hanya berlaku bila kerusakan di sebabkan oleh kerusakan barang yang
disebabkan cacat produksi, bukan karena kesalahan penggunaan, modifikasi dan kesalahan
pengguna lainnya. Penentuan garansi akan ditentukan oleh pihak pabrikan dalam hal ini yang
dimaksud adalah DJI Enterprise After-Sales Division di Hong Kong.
2. Penggantian dengan barang baru diberikan apabila kerusakan terjadi maksimal 15 hari setelah
serah terima barang, yang disebabkan oleh cacat produksi dan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan
serta hasil analisa dari pabrikan.
3. Jika kerusakan tidak termasuk garansi, maka akan dilakukan analisa lokal oleh Halo Robotics
dan juga penawaran harga atas biaya perbaikan (service/repair) dengan kondisi biaya tersebut
wajib dibayarkan 100% di muka sebelum pengerjaan dan pemesanan suku cadang (spare
parts) dilaksanakan oleh pihak Halo Robotics kepada pihak pabrikan. Seluruh biaya pengiriman
logistik dan biaya ekspor/impor (Jakarta-Hong Kong- Jakarta) jika diperlukan, akan dibebankan
kepada pihak user/pengguna dan pihak Halo Robotics akan menginformasikan kepada pihak
user terlebih dahulu.
4. Jika barang rusak dikirimkan ke pihak pabrikan dan Analisa dilakukan oleh pihak pabrikan (DJI
Hong Kong) maka biaya biaya penawaran harga tersebut tidak dapat diberikan di awal, Halo
Robotics akan menunggu hasil Analisa dan penawaran harga dari pihak DJI Enterprise terlebih
dahulu sebelum mengirimkan penawaran harga kepada user/klien.
5. Jika klaim garansi diterima oleh pihak pabrikan dan sifatnya penggantian produk baru (Cth
barang: baterai) maka Halo Robotics akan menggantikan dengan unit/barang baru tanpa
dikenakan biaya apapun ke pihak user/klien.
6. Jika klaim garansi diterima oleh pihak pabrikan maka tetapi produk perlu dikirim ke pihak
pabrikan, maka biaya logistik pengiriman (Jakarta – Hong Kong) akan dibebankan ke pihak
Halo Robotics sebesar 50% dan ke pihak user/klien sebesar 50%. Sedangkan untuk biaya
lainnya (reparasi, spare parts, penggantian kerusakan, biaya pengiriman Hongkong ke Jakarta)
akan ditanggung oleh pihak Halo Robotics dan pihak pabrikan.
7. Proses pemesanan suku cadang (spare parts) memiliki jangka waktu 30-90 hari kalendar,
bergantung pada ketersediaan suku cadang dari pihak pabrikan dan juga bergantung pada
cepatnya proses konfirmasi pemesanan dan pembayaran dari pihak user/klien.
8. Jika suku cadang (spare parts) ready stock maka proses pengerjaan akan segera dilakukan di
Jakarta setelah Halo Robotics menerima konfirmasi pemesanan (Purchase Order) dan
pembayaran penuh sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Proses pengerjaan dapat
memakan waktu sampai dengan 30 hari kalendar bergantung dari tingkat kesulitan suku
cadang yang diganti maupun antrian reparasi Halo Robotics. Halo Robotics wajib
menginformasikan kepada pihak user/klien jika ada kemunduran jadwal reparasi yang dapat
terjadi sewaktu-waktu.
In the Box
구성품 설명서
Contenido del embalaje
Contenu de l'emballage
Contenuto della confezione
In de doos
Incluído na embalagem
Incluído na embalagem
Комплект поставки
EN Check that all of the following items are in your package. If any item is missing, contact DJITM or
your local dealer.

CHS 使用本产品之前,请检查产品包装内是否包含以下所有物品。若有缺失,请联系 DJITM 或当地代


CHT 使用本產品之前,請檢查包裝中是否有下列所有品項。若有缺少任何品項,請聯絡 DJITM 或當地


JP 以下 の 品目が パッケージにすべて っているか 確 認します。同 梱されてい な い 品目があれ

ば、DJI TM またはお近くの販売店までご連絡ください。

KR 다음 구성품이 패키지에 모두 들어 있는지 확인하십시오. 구성품이 하나라도 없는 경우 DJITM 또는 현지 판

매점에 문의하십시오.

DE Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die folgenden Teile mitgeliefert wurden. Falls eines oder mehrere Teile
fehlen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Ansprechpartner bei DJITM oder Ihren örtlichen Händler.

ES Compruebe que todos los componentes siguientes se encuentran en el paquete. Si falta algún
componente, póngase en contacto con DJITM o con su distribuidor local.

FR Vérifiez que l'emballage contient bien les éléments suivants. S'il manque un ou plusieurs
éléments, contactez DJITM ou votre revendeur local.

IT Verificare che tutti gli elementi elencati di seguito siano presenti nella confezione. Qualora
mancasse un componente, contattare DJITM o il rivenditore locale.

NL Controleer of alle volgende items zich in uw pakket bevinden. Als er onderdelen ontbreken,
neem dan contact op met DJITM of uw plaatselijke dealer.

PT Verifique se todos os itens seguintes estão na embalagem. Se faltar algum item, contacte a
DJITM ou o revendedor local.

PT-BR Verifique se todos os itens seguintes estão na embalagem. Caso esteja faltando algum item,
entre em contato com a DJITM ou com seu revendedor local.

RU Убедитесь, что в комплекте имеются все следующие предметы. Если какой-либо

предмет отсутствует, свяжитесь с компанией DJITM или местным представителем.

×1 ×1 ×4 ×2

Aircraft Body Remote Controller Propeller Pair Intelligent Flight Battery

飞行器 遥控器 螺旋桨(对) 智能飞行电池
航拍機 遙控器 螺旋槳(對) 智能飛行電池
機体 送信機 プロペラ(1 組) インテリジェント・フライ
기체 본체 조종기 프로펠러 페어 ト・バッテリー
Fluggerät Fernsteuerung Propellerpaar 인텔리전트 플라이트 배터리
Fuselaje de la aeronave Control remoto Par de hélices Intelligent Flight Battery
Corps de l'appareil Radiocommande Hélices (paire) Batería de Vuelo Inteligente
Corpo del velivolo Dispositivo di controllo remoto Coppia di eliche Batterie de Vol Intelligente
Dronechassis Afstandsbediening Propeller (paar) Batteria di volo intelligente
Corpo da aeronave Telecomando Par de hélices Intelligent Flight Battery
Estrutura da aeronave Controle remoto Pares de hélices Bateria de voo inteligente
Корпус дрона Пульт дистанционного Пара пропеллеров Baterias de Voo Inteligente
управления Аккумулятор Intelligent
Flight Battery

×1 ×1 ×1

AC Power Adapter AC Power Cable Intelligent Flight Battery Charging Hub

Various by region.
电源适配器 智能飞行电池管家
AC 电源线
電源適配器 智能飛行電池管家
AC 電源アダプター インテリジェント・フライト・バッテリー充電ハブ
AC 電源線
AC 전원 어댑터 實物根據地區有所不同。
인텔리전트 플라이트 배터리 충전 허브
Netzteil Intelligent Flight Battery Akkuladestation
AC 電源ケーブル
Adaptador de alimentación 地域により異なります。 Centro de carga para Baterías de Vuelo Inteligente
de CA AC 전원 케이블 Station de recharge de Batterie de Vol Intelligente
Adaptateur d'alimentation CA 지역별로 다양합니다 . Hub di carica della batteria di volo intelligente
Adattatore di alimentazione CA AC-Netzkabel Intelligent Flight Battery Charging Hub
Variiert je nach Region.
Netstroomadapter Terminal de carregamento da bateria de voo
Cable de alimentación de CA
Transformador CA Varía según la región. inteligente
Adaptador de energia CA Câble d'alimentation CA Carregador com múltiplas entradas para Baterias
Адаптер питания Varie selon la région. de Voo Inteligente
переменного тока Cavo di alimentazione CA Зарядный концентратор для аккумулятора
In base alla regione. Intelligent Flight Battery
Verschillend per regio.
Cabo de alimentação CA
Vária consoante a região.
Cabo de alimentação CA
Varia de acordo com a região.
Кабель питания переменного тока
Varia de acordo com a região Различается в
зависимости от региона.
以下为赠品 ×1 ×1 ×1
Accesorios Gimbal Clamp microSD Card Micro USB Cable
Accessoires 云台锁扣 microSD 卡 Micro USB 线
Accessori 雲台鎖扣 microSD 卡 Micro USB 纜線
Accessoires ジンバルクランプ microSD カード Micro USB ケーブル
Acessórios 짐벌 클램프 microSD 카드 Micro USB 케이블
Acessórios Gimbal-Klemme microSD-Karte Micro-USB-Kabel
Аксессуары Abrazadera del estabilizador Tarjeta microSD Cable MicroUSB
Bride de nacelle Carte microSD Câble Micro-USB
Staffa del gimbal Scheda microSD Cavo micro-USB
Gimbalklem microSD-kaart Micro-USB-kabel
Braçadeira da suspensão Cartão microSD Cabo micro USB
cardã Cartão microSD Cabo Micro USB
Grampo do estabilizador Карта памяти microSD Кабель Micro USB
Фиксатор стабилизатора


Manuals Guides Accessories are not covered by

In the Box Contenu de l'emballage warranty.
Disclaimer and Safety Guidelines Clause d'exclusion de
Quick Start Guide responsabilité et consignes de
sécurité 隨附品項均不在保固範圍內。
Carrying Case 文档 Guide de démarrage rapide
手提箱 物品清单 アクセサリーは保証対象外です。
免责声明和安全操作指引 Manuali
手提箱 快速入门指南 액세서리에는 보증이 적용되지 않습
Contenuto della confezione
니다 .
キャリーケース 文件 Limitazioni di responsabilità e
direttive sulla sicurezza
Das Zubehör ist nicht durch die
운반 케이스 物品清單 Guida rapida
免責聲明與安全指導方針 Gewährleistung geschützt.
Transportbox 快速入門指南 Handleidingen Los accesorios no están
Estuche de transporte In de doos
マニュアル類 cubiertos por la garantía.
Disclaimer en veiligheidsrichtlijnen
Mallette de transport 同梱物 Snelstartgids Les accessoires ne sont pas
Custodia per il trasporto 免責事項と安全に関するガイドラ
イン couverts par la garantie.
Draagkoffer クイックスタートガイド Gli accessori non sono coperti
Incluído na embalagem
Mala de transporte 매뉴얼 Declaração de exoneração de da garanzia.
responsabilidade e diretrizes de
Maleta de armazenamento 구성품 설명서
segurança Accessoires vallen niet onder de
고지 사항 및 안전 가이드
Контейнер для переноски Guia de início rápido garantie.
퀵 스타트 가이드
Manuais Os acessórios não são
Produktdokumentation abrangidos pela garantia.
Incluído na embalagem
Lieferumfang Isenção de Responsabilidade e
Haftungsausschluss und Diretrizes de Segurança Os acessórios não são cobertos
Sicherheitsvorschriften Guia de Início Rápido pela garantia.
Руководства На аксессуары гарантия не
Manuales распространяется.
Комплект поставки
Contenido del embalaje
Заявление об отказе от
Renuncia de responsabilidad y
ответственности и руководство по
directrices de seguridad
технике безопасности
Guía de inicio rápido
Краткое руководство

DJI is a trademark of DJI. DJI 是大疆创新的商标。 Printed in China

Copyright © 2019 DJI All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2019 大疆创新 版权所有 中国印制

PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310



• Takeoff Weight
• 1487 g
• Diagonal Distance (Propellers Excluded)
• 350 mm
• Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level
• 19685 ft (6000 m)
• Max Ascent Speed
• 6 m/s (automatic flight); 5 m/s (manual control)
• Max Descent Speed
• 3 m/s
• Max Speed
• 31 mph (50 kph) (P-mode); 36 mph (58 kph) (A-mode)
• Max Flight Time
• Approx. 27 minutes
• Operating Temperature
• 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)
• Operating Frequency
• 2.4000 GHz to 2.4835 GHz (Europe, Japan, Korea)
5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz (Other countries/regions)[1]
• Transmission Power (EIRP)
• 2.4 GHz: < 20 dBm (CE / MIC / KCC)
5.8 GHz: < 26 dBm (FCC / SRRC / NCC)
• Hover Accuracy Range
• RTK enabled and functioning properly:
Vertical: ± 0.1 m; Horizontal: ± 0.1 m
RTK disabled:
Vertical: ± 0.1 m (with vision positioning); ± 0.5 m (with GNSS positioning)
Horizontal: ± 0.3 m (with vision positioning); ± 1.5 m (with GNSS positioning)
• Image Position Compensation
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

• The relative positions of the centers of the six cameras’ CMOS and the phase center of
the onboard D-RTK antenna have been calibrated and are recorded in the EXIF data of
each image.


• Single-Frequency High-Sensitivity GNSS

• GPS + BeiDou + Galileo[2] (Asia); GPS + GLONASS + Galileo[2] (other regions)
• Multi-Frequency Multi-System High-Precision RTK GNSS
• Frequency Used
GPS: L1/L2; GLONASS: L1/L2; BeiDou: B1/B2; Galileo[2]: E1/E5
First-Fixed Time: < 50 s
Positioning Accuracy: Vertical 1.5 cm + 1 ppm (RMS); Horizontal 1 cm + 1 ppm
1 ppm indicates error with a 1 mm increase over 1 km of movement.
Velocity Accuracy: 0.03 m/s

Mapping Functions

• Ground Sample Distance (GSD)

• (H/18.9) cm/pixel, H indicates the aircraft altitude relative to the area mapped (unit: m)
• Rate of Data Collection
• Max operating area of approx. 0.47 km2 for a single flight at an altitude of 180 m, i.e.,
GSD is approx. 9.52 cm/pixel


• Controllable Range
• Tilt: -90° to +30°

Vision System

• Velocity Range
• ≤ 31 mph (50 kph) at 6.6 ft (2 m) above ground with adequate lighting
• Altitude Range
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

• 0 - 33 ft (0 - 10 m)
• Operating Range
• 0 - 33 ft (0 - 10 m)
• Obstacle Sensory Range
• 2 - 98 ft (0.7 - 30 m)
• Operating Environment
• Surfaces with clear patterns and adequate lighting (> 15 lux)


• Sensors
• Six 1/2.9” CMOS, including one RGB sensor for visible light imaging and five
monochrome sensors for multispectral imaging.
Each Sensor: Effective pixels 2.08 MP (2.12 MP in total)
• Filters
• Blue (B): 450 nm ± 16 nm; Green (G): 560 nm ± 16 nm; Red (R): 650 nm ± 16 nm; Red
edge (RE): 730 nm ± 16 nm; Near-infrared (NIR): 840 nm ± 26 nm
• Lenses
• FOV (Field of View): 62.7°
Focal Length: 5.74 mm (35 mm format equivalent: 40 mm), autofocus set at ∞
Aperture: f/2.2
• RGB Sensor ISO Range
• 200 - 800
• Monochrome Sensor Gain
• 1 - 8x
• Electronic Global Shutter
• 1/100 - 1/20000 s (visible light imaging); 1/100 - 1/10000 s (multispectral imaging)
• Max Image Size
• 1600×1300 (4:3.25)
• Photo Format
• JPEG (visible light imaging) + TIFF (multispectral imaging)
• Supported File Systems
• FAT32 (£ 32 GB); exFAT (> 32 GB)
• Supported SD Cards
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

• microSD with a minimum write speed of 15 MB/s. Max Capacity: 128 GB. Class 10 or
UHS-1 rating required
• Operating Temperature
• 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)

Remote Controller

• Operating Frequency
• 2.4000 GHz to 2.4835 GHz (Europe, Japan, Korea)
5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz (Other countries/regions)[1]
• Transmission Power (EIRP)
• 2.4 GHz: < 20 dBm (CE / MIC / KCC)
5.8 GHz: < 26 dBm (FCC / SRRC / NCC)
• Max Transmission Distance
• FCC / NCC: 4.3 mi (7 km)
CE / MIC / KCC / SRRC: 3.1 mi (5 km)(Unobstructed, free of interference)
• Built-in Battery
• 6000 mAh LiPo 2S
• Operating Current / Voltage
• 1.2 A @ 7.4 V
• Mobile Device Holder
• Tablets and smartphones
• Operating Temperature
• 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F)

Intelligent Flight Battery (PH4-5870mAh-15.2V)

• Capacity
• 5870 mAh
• Voltage
• 15.2 V
• Battery Type
• LiPo 4S
• Energy
• 89.2 Wh
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

• Net Weight
• 468 g
• Operating Temperature
• -10° to 40° C (14° to 104° F)
• Charging Temperature
• 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)
• Max Charging Power
• 160 W

Intelligent Flight Battery Charging Hub


• Voltage
• 17.5 V
• Operating Temperature
• 5° to 40° C (41° to 104° F)

AC Power Adapter (PH4C160)

• Voltage
• 17.4 V
• Rated Power
• 160 W


• [1] To comply with local laws and regulations, this frequency is not available in some
countries or regions.
[2] Support for Galileo is coming soon.



DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019








DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019

Create efficient flight paths using predefined waypoint

ac�ons and adjustable parameters like:

- Al�tude

- Speed

- Gimbal pitch angle

- Aircra� heading and more.

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019


Automate complex missions allowing you to seamlessly

capture imagery which can be processed to produce a
variety of 2D models:

- Quick and easy 2D mission planning

- Fast turnaround �me for image reconstruc�on

- Efficient data capturing across large areas

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019


Capture a rich 3D data set by automa�cally flying the

same route mul�ple �mes from different angles.

- Each flight automa�cally adjusts the angle of the

camera to capture new details

- Provides users with an extra crisp 3D model of the

object or asset

- Ideal for missions that require a high level of detail,

i.e accident reconstruc�on, surveying etc.

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019


Quickly generate a 2D orthomosaic of the selected area of

the flight mission in real- �me.

- Ideal for crea�ng detailed flight paths in remote areas

- Useful for �me - sensi�ve missions that require quick

decision- making on site.

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019

2D Reconstruc�on


Reconstruct any scenario to get sharp and realis�c

representa�ons of any environment such as:

- Accident reconstruc�on
3D Reconstruc�on
- Site mapping

- Tower inspec�on

- Previsualiza�on

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019



Acquire key dimensions across an array of terrains

with easy - to - use analysis tools, that enable :

- Linear measurements
- Area measurements

- Volumetric measurements

- Annota�on

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019


Closely examine every photo of the model so you can:

- Pinpoint and highlight any cri�cal elements

- Take correc�ve ac�on to achieve desired results Measurement

DJI Terra Product Training | March 2019

PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310


Product Name Zenmuse L1
Dimensions 152×110×169 mm
Weight Approx. 900 g
Power 30 W
IP Rating IP44
Supported Aircraft Matrice 300 RTK
Operating Temperature Range -20° to 50° C (-4° to 122° F)
Storage Temperature Range -20° to 60° C (-4° to 140° F)

System Performance
Detection Range 450 m @ 80% reflectivity, 0 klx;
190 m @ 10% reflectivity, 100 klx
Point Rate Single return: 240,000 pts/s;
Multiple return: 480,000 pts/s
System Accuracy Horizontal: 10 cm @ 50 m;
Vertical: 5 cm @ 50 m
Real-time Point Cloud True color; coloring by reflectivity; coloring by
Coloring Modes elevation

Ranging Accuracy 3 cm @ 100 m
Maximum Returns Supported 3
Scan Modes Repetitive line scan mode, non-repetitive petal scan
FOV Repetitive line scan: 70.4°×4.5°;
Non-repetitive scan: 70.4°×77.2°
Laser Safety Class 1
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

Inertial Navigation System

IMU Update Frequency 200 Hz
Accelerometer Range ±8 g
Angular Velocity Meter Range ±2000 dps
Yaw Accuracy Real-time: 0.18°, Post-processing: 0.08°
Pitch / Roll Accuracy Real-time: 0.03°, Post-processing: 0.025°

Auxiliary Positioning Vision Sensor

Resolution 1280×960
FOV 95°

RGB Mapping Camera

Sensor Size 1 inch
Effective Pixels 20 MP
Photo Size 4864×3648 (4:3); 5472×3648 (3:2)
Focal Length 8.8 mm / 24 mm (Equivalent)
Shutter Speed Mechanical Shutter Speed: 1/2000 - 8 s
Electronic Shutter Speed: 1/8000 - 8 s
ISO Video: 100 – 3200 (Auto), 100 – 6400 (Manual)
Photo: 100 - 3200 (Auto), 100 - 12800 (Manual)
Aperture Range f/2.8 - f/11

Stabilized System 3-axis (tilt, roll, pan)
Angular Vibration Range 0.01°
Mount Detachable DJI SKYPORT
Mechanical Range Tilt: -120° to +30°; Pan: ±320°
Operation Modes Follow/Free/Re-center

Data Storage
Raw Data Storage Photo/IMU/Point cloud data storage
Point Cloud Data Storage Real-time modeling data storage
Supported microSD Cards microSD: Class 10 or UHS-1 rating or above; Max
PT. Halo Indah Permai
Pondok Pinang Center Blok C16 Lantai 3
Jl.Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang
Jakarta Selatan 12310

capacity: 256 GB

Post-processing Software
Supported Software DJI Terra
Data Format DJI Terra supports exporting standard format point
cloud models:
Point cloud format: PNTS/LAS/PLY/PCD/S3MB format
Reconstruction model format:
Instant Clarity, Superior Accuracy
A Lidar + RGB Solution for Aerial Surveying
The Zenmuse L1 integrates a Livox Lidar module, a high-accuracy IMU, and a camera with a 1-inch CMOS on a 3-axis
stabilized gimbal. When used with Matrice 300 RTKand DJITerra, the L1 forms a complete solution that gives you real-
time 3D data throughout the day, efficiently capturing the details of complex structures and delivering highly accurate
reconstructed models.

Integrates a Lidar module, High Efficiency 2 km2 High Accuracy Vertical Point Rate: 240,000pts/s
an RGB camera, and a high- covered in a single flight[1] Accuracy: 5 cm / Horizontal
accuracy IMU Accuracy: 10 cm[2]

Supports 3 Returns[3] Detection Range: 450 m IP44 Ingress Protection Point Cloud LiveView
(80% reflectivity, 0 klx) Level
Digitize without Compromise

Exceptional Efficiency Unparalleled Accuracy Ready When You Are

Generate true-color point cloud Render centimeter-accurate The IP44 rating allows the L1 to be
models in real time, or acquire 2 km2 reconstructions thanks to the high- operated in rainy or foggy
of point cloud data in a single flight[1] accuracy IMU, a vision sensor environments. The Lidar module's
using the Livox frame Lidar module for positioning accuracy, and the active scanning method enables you to
with a 70° FOV and a visible light incorporation of GNSS data. fly at night.
camera with a 1-inch sensor.
Visualize Data as You Fly

Livox Lidar Module

Frame Lidar with up to 100% effective point
cloud results
Detection Range: 450 m (80% reflectivity, 0
klx) / 190 m (10% reflectivity, 100 klx)
Effective Point Rate: 240,000 pts/s
Supports 3 Returns[3]
Line Scan Mode and Non-repetitive Petal
Scan Mode

Everything in View

RGB Camera
1-inch CMOS
Mechanical Shutter
Accurate Details at Your Disposal

High-accuracy IMU
Accuracy: 0.025° (roll/pitch) / 0.08° (yaw)
Vision Sensor for Positioning Accuracy
GNSS, IMU, RGB Data Fusion
Recreate the World in 3D Point Clouds

Point Cloud LiveView

Real-time point clouds provide immediate insights onsite, so operators are informed to make critical decisions quickly.
You can also verify fieldwork quality by checking point cloud data immediately after each flight.
Measurement and Annotation
Acquire and communicate critical dimensions on the point cloud model using measurements and annotations.
One-stop Post-processing
DJITerra fuses the IMU and GNSS data for point cloud and visible light calculations, in addition to conducting POS data
calculations so you can effortlessly generate reconstructed models and accuracy reports.
Application Scenarios

Topographic Mapping AEC and Surveying Emergency Response

Quickly generate topographic maps using Manage the full project lifecycle using highly Any time of the day, gather critical insights in real-
accurate digital elevation models. accurate point clouds and 3D models. time using true-color point clouds.

Law Enforcement Energy and Infrastructure Agriculture and Forestry

Gain situational awareness and forensic intel in Model sparse or complex structures in detail to Management
real-time to make informed decisions on site. manage them efficiently and safely. Gain insight into vegetation density, area, stock
volume, canopy width, and growth trends.

Dimensions 152×110×169 mm

Weight Approx. 900 g

Power 30 W

IP Rating IP44

Supported Aircraft Matrice 300 RTK

Operating Temperature Range -20° to 50° C (-4° to 122° F)

Storage Temperature Range -20° to 60° C (-4° to 140° F)

System Performance
Detection Range 450 m @ 80% reflectivity, 0 klx; 190 m @ 20% reflectivity, 100 klx

Point Rate Single return: 240,000 pts/s; Multiple return: 480,000 pts/s

System Accuracy Horizontal: 10 cm @ 50 m; Vertical: 5 cm @ 50 m

Real-time Point Cloud Coloring Modes True color; coloring by reflectivity; coloring by elevation
Ranging Accuracy 3 cm @ 100m

Maximum Returns Supported 3

Scan Modes Repetitive line scan mode, non-repetitive petal scan mode

FOV Repetitive line scan: 70.4° × 4.5°; Non-repetitive petal scan: 70.4° × 77.2°

Laser Safety Class 1

Inertial Navigation System

IMU Update Frequency 200 Hz

Accelerometer Range ±8 g

Angular Velocity Meter Range ±2000 dps

Yaw Accuracy Real-time: 0.18°, Post-processing: 0.08°

Pitch / RollAccuracy Real-time: 0.03°, Post-processing: 0.025°

Auxiliary Positioning Vision Sensor

Resolution 1280×960

FOV 95°
RGB Mapping Camera
Sensor Size 1 inch

Effective Pixels 20 MP

Photo Size 4864×3648 (4:3); 5472×3648 (3:2)

Focal Length 8.8 mm / 24 mm(Equivalent)

Mechanical Shutter Speed: 1/2000 - 8 s

Shutter Speed
Electronic Shutter Speed: 1/8000 - 8 s

Video: 100 – 3200 (Auto), 100 – 6400(Manual)

Photo: 100 - 3200 (Auto), 100 - 12800 (Manual)

Aperture Range f/2.8 - f/11

Stabilized System 3-axis (tilt, roll, pan)

Angular Vibration Range 0.01°

Mount Detachable DJI SKYPORT

Mechanical Range Tilt: -120° to +30°; Pan: ±320°

Operation Modes Follow/Free/Re-center

Data Storage
Raw Data Storage Photo/IMU/Point cloud data storage

Point Cloud Data Storage Real-time modeling data storage

Supported microSD Cards microSD: Class 10 or UHS-1 rating or above; Max capacity: 256 GB

Post-processing Software
Supported Software DJI Terra

DJITerra supports exporting standard format point cloud models:

Data Format Point cloud format: PNTS/LAS/PLY/PCD/S3MB format
Reconstruction model format: B3DM/OSGB/PLY/OBJ/S3MB format

1 Over 30 minutes, at a speed of 10 m/s, a flight altitude of 100 m, with a side overlap rate of 20%, point cloud density > 200 points/m2.
2 Flight altitude: 50 m
3 In operations with two or three returns, the point rate is 480,000 pts/s
+6281 18549 888
[email protected]

Halo Robotics works with companies and government organizations to increase

efficiency with commercial drones. Based in Jakarta, the company operates
throughout Indonesia with focus on Mining, Construction, Agriculture, Oil &
Gas, Security & Public Safety.
Working with global technology leaders as an authorized distribution and
service partner, Halo is committed to provide full solutions with service
excellence in every industry.

Authorized Distributor: build an internal

drone program with powerful drone solutions,
certified training, and full aftersales support.
Drone Services: use professional drone
services, with highly trained pilots that have
experience in every major drone application.




• LIDAR Range: 450m (80% reflectivity) / 190m (10% reflectivity)
• Point Rate: 240,000 points/second
• Returns: Supports up to 3 Returns
• Field of View: 70°
• High Accuracy: Vertical 5cm, Horizontal 10cm
• Fully Integrated: DJI M300-RTK Drones & Base Stations
• Efficient LIDAR Survey: Up to 2km/sq per flight

Quickly capture accurate LIDAR surveys Easily generate accurate survey outputs


• 60 Minute Flight Time, 7.5km Range
• LIDAR Range: 140m
• Point Rate: 240,000 points/second
• Returns: Supports up to 3 Returns
• High Accuracy: < 3cm Horizontal Accuracy
• Field of View: 70°
• PPK Compatibility: Applanix POSPacTM UAV, GNSS & INS


• 100m LIDAR range
• SLAM-based LIDAR Survey & A.I.
• 360x360 Scanning & Computer Vision
• GPS-Denied Flight Autonomy for Drones
• Fully Integrated with DJI drones
• Detachable for Handheld, Vehicle & Cage uses
Autonomous flight into chute & orepass structures

300m Drift survey: Autonomous drone flight beyond signal range and beyond line of sight 6 minute Stope survey: high resolution allows extraction of geotechnical features

DJI PHANTOM 4 RTK Pix4Dmapper Photogrammetry Software

Centimeter-Level Accuracy Accurate 2D & 3D Maps & Models, Full Range of Survey Outputs
RTK & PPK Compatibility Options Easily Measure: Surface, Distance and Volume
Smart Metadata Alignment & Accuracy Survey-grade Photogrammetry Results, 1-2pixel GSD
Fast Workflows, User Friendly, Highly Mobile Fast Streamlined Workflows & Customizable Settings

• Full Frame 45 Megapixel Fixed Lens Survey Camera

• Interchangeable Fixed-Focus Lenses (24mm, 35mm, 50mm)
• Mechanical Shutter: 1/2000s Intervals (Crisp, High-Res Images)
• Microsecond Time & Metadata Alignment with M300-RTK Module
• Smart Oblique Capture feature for Accurate 3D Models & Surveys
• Absolute Accuracy*: 3cm Horizontal, 5cm Vertical
* Using GSD of 3cm, flight speed of 15m/s, with 75% front overlap, 55% side overlap DJI M300-RTK & Zenmuse P1 Photogrammetry Payload



Ground Penetrating Radar (Geophysics & Geotechnical)

Magnetometer (Magnetic Field & Metal Detection)
Bathymetry (Water, Tailings, Sump & Sediment)

Shown Right, Top to Bottom:

Ground Penetrating Radar
Metal Detection



4K RGB & IR Thermal (Dual) Hi-Spec Camera

10K LEDs: Dust-Proof Oblique Lighting
Collision Tolerance & Ruggedized Safety Features
Advanced Flight Stabilization & User Friendly Operations
Powerful Software for Systematic Inspection Reporting

Close Visual Inspection (CVI): Surface Facilities & Heavy Equipment

Hung Draw Point Inspections, Chute & Orepass Monitoring Programs


General Visual Inspection (GVI): Tall Structures & High Risk Assets


Flight Time: 55 minutes Range: 15km
EO/IR: 23x Zoom @ 20mpx RGB / 640x512 @ 30hz Radiometric IR
A.I. Smart Inspection: Push-button systematic inspection
Mission Recording: Save an inspection to repeat exactly
Waypoints 2.0: Set up fully automated complex inspections
Safety: Dual redundancy & sensor systems for obstacle avoidance
Thermography: Operational Asset Analysis with Thermal Infrared


Flight Time: 55 minutes Range: 15km
EO/IR: 23x Zoom @ 20mpx RGB / 640x512 @ 30hz IR
A.I. Automatic Recognition: Boats, Vehicles & People
A.I. Target Identification & Tracking
Additional Payloads: LED Spotlight, Loudspeaker, etc.
1080p HD Live Stream Image Transmission

• 31 Minute Flight Time

• 10KM Range with Full HD Smooth Video
• 640x512 Thermal @ 30Hz
• 48MP Visual Camera
• 32x Digital Zoom
• RTK Centimeter-Level Positioning
• Omnidirectional Obstacle Sensing


EO/IR Payload Options: Fit For Purpose Solutions



• Computer Vision for any EO & IR cameras
• Compatible with any CCTV or Drone video input
• Small Object Detection Size: 2 pixels
• Moving Object Tracking: Trajectory & Prediction
• Real-Time Processing + Forensic Path Tracing
• Extractable Data: size, speed, direction, coordinates
• Easy Software Integration: Windows or Linux
• ITAR-free, TRL9 rating (proven in military theater)


• Illegal Mining & Land Encroachment
• Pipeline Tapping & Stockpile Theft
• Railway & Road Protection
• Surface Facilities & Perimeter Guarding
[email protected]
In the Box
Contenido del embalaje
Contenu de l'emballage
Contenuto della confezione
In de doos
Incluído na embalagem
Incluído na embalagem
Комплект поставки
EN Check that all of the following items are in your package. If any item is missing, please contact
DJITM or your local dealer.

CHS 使用本产品之前,请检查产品包装内是否包含以下所有物品。若有缺失,请联系 DJITM 或当地代


CHT 使用本產品之前,請檢查產品包裝內是否包含以下所有物品。若有缺失, 請聯繫 DJITM 或當地


JP 以下の品目がパッケージにすべて揃っているか確認してください。同梱されていない品目があれば、
DJITM またはお近くの販売店までご連絡ください。

KR 다음 구성품이 패키지에 모두 들어 있는지 확인하십시오 . 구성품이 하나라도 없는 경우 DJITM 또는 현지 판매

점에 문의하십시오 .

DE Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die folgenden Teile mitgeliefert wurden. Falls eines oder mehrere Teile fehlen,
wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Ansprechpartner bei DJITM oder Ihren örtlichen Händler.

ES Compruebe que todos los componentes que se detallan a continuación se encuentran en el

paquete. Si falta alguno de ellos, póngase en contacto con DJITM o con el distribuidor local.

FR Vérifiez que l'emballage contient bien les éléments suivants. S'il manque un ou plusieurs éléments,
contactez DJITM ou votre revendeur local.

IT Verificare che tutti gli elementi elencati di seguito siano presenti nella confezione. Qualora mancasse un
elemento, si prega di contattare DJITM o il concessionario locale.

NL Controleer of alle volgende items zich in uw pakket bevinden. Als er onderdelen ontbreken, neem
dan contact op met DJITM of uw plaatselijke dealer.

PT Verifique se todos os itens seguintes estão na embalagem. Se faltar algum item, contacte a DJITM
ou o revendedor local.

PT-BR Verifique se todos os itens a seguir estão em sua embalagem. Se algum item estiver faltando,
entre em contato com a DJITM ou seu revendedor local.

RU Убедитесь, что в комплекте имеются все следующие предметы. Если какой-либо

предмет отсутствует, свяжитесь с компанией DJITM или местным представителем.
×1 ×1 ×1

Aircraft Body DJI Smart Controller Enterprise USB Charger*

飞行器 DJI 带屏遥控器行业版 USB 充电器 *
航拍機 DJI 附螢幕遙控器專業​​版 USB 充電器 *
機体本体 DJIスマート送信機(業務用) USB充電器*
기체 본체 DJI 스마트 조종기 Enterprise USB 충전기*
Chassis DJI Smart-Fernsteuerung Enterprise USB-Ladegerät*
Cuerpo de la aeronave DJI Smart Controller Enterprise Cargador USB*
Corps de l’appareil Radiocommande Smart Controller de DJI Chargeur USB*
Corpo dell'aeromobile Enterprise Caricabatterie USB*
Dronebehuizing Radiocomando DJI Smart Controller USB-oplader*
Estrutura da aeronave Carregador USB*
DJI Smart Controller Enterprise
Corpo da aeronave Carregador USB*
DJI Smart Controller Enterprise
Корпус дрона Зарядное устройство USB*
Controle Inteligente DJI Enterprise
Пульт DJI Smart Controller Enterprise

×1 ×2 ×1

USB-C Cable TB60 Intelligent Flight Battery** WB37 Intelligent Battery

USB-C 线 TB60 智能飞行电池 ** WB37 智能电池
USB-C 傳輸線 TB60 智能飛行電池 ** WB37 智能電池
USB-Cケーブル TB60 インテリジェント フライトバッ WB37 インテリジェント バッテリー
USB-C 케이블 テリー** WB37 인텔리전트 배터리
USB-C-Kabel TB60 인텔리전트 플라이트 배터리** WB37 Intelligent Battery
Cable USB-C TB60 Intelligent Flight Battery** Batería Inteligente WB37
Câble USB-C Batería de Vuelo Inteligente TB60** Batterie Intelligente WB37
Cavo USB-C Batterie de Vol Intelligente TB60** Batteria intelligente WB37
USB-C-kabel Batteria di volo intelligente TB60** WB37 Intelligent Battery
Cabo USB-C TB60 Intelligent Flight Battery** Bateria inteligente WB37
Cabo USB-C Bateria de voo inteligente TB60** Bateria Inteligente WB37
Кабель USB-C Bateria de Voo Inteligente TB60** Аккумулятор Intelligent Battery WB37
Аккумулятор Intelligent Flight Battery

×2 ×2 ×2

2110 Propeller (CW) 2110 Propeller (CCW) Landing Gear

2110 桨叶(CW) 2110 桨叶(CCW) 起落架
2110 槳葉(CW) 2110 槳葉(CCW) 起落架
2110プロペラ(CW) 2110プロペラ(CCW) ランディングギア
2110 프로펠러 (CW) 2110 프로펠러 (CCW) 랜딩 기어
2110 Propeller (CW = im Uhrzeigersinn) 2110 Propeller (CCW = Gegen den Uhrzeigersinn) Landegestell
Hélices 2110 (CW) Hélices 2110 (CCW) Tren de aterrizaje
Hélices 2110 (CW) Hélices 2110 (CCW) Train d’atterrissage
Eliche 2110 (CW/senso orario) Eliche 2110 (CCW/senso antiorario) Carrelli di atterraggio
2110 Propeller (CW) 2110 Propeller (CCW) Landingsgestel
Propulsor 2110 (CW) Propulsor 2110 (CCW) Trem de aterragem
Hélice 2110 (sentido horário) Hélice 2110 (sentido anti-horário) Trem de pouso
Пропеллер 2110 (по часов. стрелке) Пропеллер 2110 (против часов. стрелки) Посадочное шасси
×1 ×2 ×4

Spare Stick Cover (pair) Spare Propeller Holder Spare Gimbal Damper
备用摇杆防尘罩(对) 备用桨叶折叠固定件 备用减震球
備用搖桿防塵罩(對) 備用槳葉折疊固定件 備用減震球
スティックカバー(予備)(ペア) プロペラホルダー(予備) ジンバルダンパー(予備)
여분 스틱 커버 (1쌍) 여분 프로펠러 홀더 여분 짐벌 댐퍼
Ersatz-Steuerknüppelabdeckungen (Paar) Ersatz-Propellerschützer Ersatz-Gimbal-Dämpfer
Cubiertas para las palancas de repuesto (par) Sujeción para las hélices de repuesto Amortiguador de estabilizador de repuesto
Protection de rechange pour joystick (paire) Pale de rechange pour hélice Amortisseur de rechange pour nacelle
Protezione levette (coppia di ricambio) Supporto eliche (ricambio) Ammortizzatori stabilizzatore (ricambi)
Reservejoystickafdekking (twee stuks) Reservepropellerschoep Reservegimbalschokbreker
Cobertura de manípulo sobresselente (par) Pá de propulsor sobresselente Amortecedor de suspensão cardã
Cobertura sobressalente do pino (par) Suporte da hélice sobressalente sobresselente
Запасная крышка джойстика (пара) Запасная лопатка пропеллера Amortecedor do estabilizador sobressalente
Запасной амортизатор стабилизатора

×1 ×1 ×1

USB Cable (with Double A Ports) Vision System Calibration Plate Carrying Case
双 A 口 USB 线 视觉标定板 外包装箱
雙 A 口 USB 傳輸線 視覺標定板 外包裝箱
USBケーブル(Aポート-Aポート) ビジョンシステム キャリブレーション プ キャリーケース
USB 케이블(A 포트 2개 구성) レート 운반 케이스
USB-Kabel (mit 2 Typ-A-Anschlüssen) 비전 시스템 캘리브레이션 플레이트 Transportkoffer
Cable USB (con dos puertos tipo A) Kalibrierungsplatte für die Sichtsensoren Estuche de transporte
Câble USB (avec doubles ports de type A) Placa de calibración del sistema de visión Mallette de transport
Cavo USB (doppia porta A) Plaque d’étalonnage du système optique Custodia da trasporto
USB-kabel (met 2 A-poorten) Piastra di calibrazione del sistema di visione Draagkoffer
Cabo USB (com portas duplas A) Kalibratieplaat zichtsysteem Mala de transporte
Cabo USB (com duas entradas A) Placa de calibração do sistema de visão Maleta de armazenamento
Кабель USB (с 2 портами типа A) Placa de calibração do sistema visual Кейс для переноски
Калибровочная пластина системы обзора

×1 ×1


Smart Controller Lanyard*** Rubber Port Cover (Set) Screws and Tools
遥控器挂带 *** 胶塞(套) 维修工具套装
遙控器掛帶 *** 膠塞(套) 維修工具套裝
スマート送信機ストラップ*** ゴム製ポートカバー(セット) ねじ&ツール
스마트 조종기 스트랩*** 고무 포트 커버 (세트) 나사 및 공구
Umhängeband für die intelligente Gummiabdeckungen für Anschlüsse (Set) Schrauben und Werkzeuge
Fernsteuerung*** Tapa de goma para puerto (juego) Tornillos y herramientas
Correa para Smart Controller*** Cache-port en caoutchouc (ensemble) Vis et outils
Cordon de la radiocommande Smart Gommini protettivi porte (set) Viti e strumenti
Rubberen poortafdekking (set) Schroeven en gereedschap
Laccio radiocomando***
Tampa da porta de borracha (conjunto) Parafusos e ferramentas
Bevestigingskoord Smart Controller***
Cobertura de borracha da porta Parafusos e ferramentas
Cabo de segurança do Smart Controller*** (conjunto) Винты и инструменты
Cabo de segurança do Controle Резиновая крышка порта (комплект)
Ремешок для интеллектуального
BS60 Intelligent Battery Station**
BS60 智能电池箱 ** ×1 ×1
BS60 智能充電箱 **
BS60 インテリジェント バッテリース
テーション **
BS60 인텔리전트 배터리 스테이션**
BS60 Intelligent Battery Ladestation**
Estación de Baterías Inteligentes
Station de Batterie Intelligente BS60**
Stazione di ricarica per batteria BS60 Intelligent Battery Station Power Cable*
intelligente BS60** BS60 智能电池箱 电源线 *
BS60 Intelligent Battery-accustation** BS60 智能充電箱 電源線 *
Estação de bateria inteligente BS60** BS60 インテリジェント バッテリーステー 電源ケーブル*
ション 전원 케이블*
Estação de Baterias Inteligentes BS60 인텔리전트 배터리 스테이션
BS60** Netzkabel*
BS60 Intelligent Battery Ladestation Cable de alimentación*
Зарядная станция для
аккумуляторов Intelligent Battery Estación de Baterías Inteligentes BS60 Câble d’alimentation*
BS60** Station de Batterie Intelligente BS60 Cavo di alimentazione*
Stazione di ricarica per batteria intelligente Voedingskabel*
Cabo de alimentação*
BS60 Intelligent Battery-accustation
Cabo de alimentação*
Estação de bateria inteligente BS60
Кабель питания*
Estação de Baterias Inteligentes BS60
Зарядная станция для аккумуляторов
Intelligent Battery BS60

* The type and quantity vary depending on the region.

* 根据产品发售地区有所不同,有的地区可能配有 2 个或以上数量;具体版本和数量以实物为准。
* 根據產品發售地區有所不同,某些地區可能配備 2 個或以上數量;具體版本及數量請以實物為準。
* 種類や数量は地域によって異なります。
* 충전기 및 케이블 유형은 지역에 따라 다릅니다 .
* Typ und Anzahl sind je nach Region verschieden.
* El tipo y la cantidad varían según la región.
* Le type et la quantité peuvent varier selon les pays.
* Il tipo e la quantità varia in base al Paese di utilizzo.
* Het type en de hoeveelheid varieert afhankelijk van de regio.
* O tipo e a quantidade varia conforme a região.
* Os tipos de carregador e cabo variam de acordo com a região.
* Тип и количество отличаются в зависимости от региона.

** Packaged individually and shipped separately.

** 独立包装,分开发货。
** 獨立包裝,分開發貨。
** 個別に梱包され、別途出荷されます。
** 개별 포장되며 분리해서 배송됩니다 .
** Einzeln verpackt und separat verschickt.
** Embalados individualmente y enviados por separado.
** Emballé individuellement et expédié séparément.
** Confezionato singolarmente e spedito separatamente.
** Individueel verpakt en afzonderlijk verzonden.
** Embalado individualmente e enviado separadamente.
** Embalado à parte e fornecido separadamente.
** Имеет индивидуальную упаковку и поставляется отдельно.

*** The illustrations in this manual may vary from the actual product.
*** 用户所购买产品的实际外观结构,具体以实物为准。
*** 使用者所購買產品的實際外觀結構,具體以實物為準。
*** 本マニュアルの図は、実際の製品とは異なる場合があります。
*** 이 매뉴얼의 그림은 실제 제품과 다를 수 있습니다 .
*** Die Abbildungen in diesem Handbuch können vom eigentlichen Produkt abweichen.
*** Las ilustraciones de este manual pueden variar respecto del producto real.
*** Les illustrations présentées dans ce manuel peuvent différer du produit réel.
*** Le illustrazioni in questo manuale potrebbero variare rispetto al prodotto reale.
*** De afbeeldingen in deze handleiding kunnen afwijken van het eigenlijke product.
*** As ilustrações deste manual podem variar do produto real.
*** As ilustrações neste manual podem variar do produto real.
*** Иллюстрации в настоящем документе могут немного отличаться от фактического внешнего вида.
Manuals Manuais
In the Box Incluído na embalagem
Quick Start Guide Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade e diretrizes
Disclaimer and Safety Guidelines de segurança
Intelligent Flight Battery Safety Guidelines Diretrizes de segurança da bateria de voo inteligente
Guia de início rápido
物品清单 Manuais
快速入门指南 Incluído na embalagem
免责声明和安全操作指引 Guia de início rápido
智能飞行电池安全使用指引 Isenção de responsabilidade e diretrizes de segurança
Diretrizes de segurança da Intelligent Flight Battery
物品清單 Руководства
快速入門指南 Комплект поставки
免責聲明與安全指導方針 Краткое руководство пользователя
智能飛行電池安全使用指南 Заявление об отказе от ответственности и руководства по
технике безопасности
マニュアル類 Руководство по технике безопасности аккумулятора
同梱物 Intelligent Flight Battery

구성품 설명서
퀵 스타트 가이드
고지 사항 및 안전 가이드
인텔리전트 플라이트 배터리 안전 가이드

Haftungsausschluss und Sicherheitsvorschriften
Sicherheitsvorschriften zur Intelligent Flight Battery

Contenido del embalaje
Guía de inicio rápido
Renuncia de responsabilidad y directrices de seguridad
Directrices de seguridad de la Batería de Vuelo Inteligente

Contenu de l'emballage
Guide de démarrage rapide
Avertissements et consignes de sécurité
Intelligent Flight Battery : consignes de sécurité

Contenuto della confezione
Guida di avvio rapido
Limitazioni di responsabilità e direttive sulla sicurezza
Linee guida sulla sicurezza della batteria di volo intelligente

In de doos
Disclaimer en veiligheidsrichtlijnen
Veiligheidsrichtlijnen Intelligent Flight Battery

MATRICE is a trademark of DJI.

Copyright © 2020 DJI All Rights Reserved.
Printed in China. 3GMDTRQD03

Data Capture Flight Management Data Analytics Actionable Insights

Instant Clarity, Superior Accuracy

The Zenmuse L1 integrates a Livox Lidar module, a high-

accuracy IMU, and a camera with a 1-inch CMOS on a 3-axis
stabilized gimbal. When used with Matrice 300 RTK and DJI
Terra, the L1 forms a complete solution that gives you real-
time 3D data throughout the day, efficiently capturing the
details of complex structures and delivering highly accurate
reconstructed models.

Integrates a Lidar module,

IP44 Ingress Protection
an RGB camera, and a Point Rate: 240,000pts/s
high-accuracy IMU Level

High Accuracy
Vertical: 5 cm Supports 3 Returns Point Cloud LiveView
Horizontal: 10 cm

High Efficiency 2 km 2 Detection Range: 450 m

covered in a single flight (80% reflectivity, 0 klx)
Livox Lidar Module

• Frame Lidar with up to 100% effective point cloud results

• Detection Range: 450m (80% reflectivity, 0 klx) /
190 m (10% reflectivity, 100 klx)
• Point Rate: 240,000 pts/s
• Supports 3 returns
• Line Scan Mode and Non-repetitive Petal Scan Mode
Survey-grade RGB Camera

• 20MP
• 1-inch CMOS
• Mechanical Shutter
High-accuracy IMU

• Accuracy: 0.025° (roll/pitch) / 0.08° (yaw)

• Vision Sensor for Positioning Accuracy
• GNSS, IMU, RGB Data Fusion

• DJI Terra fuses the IMU and GNSS data for point cloud
and visible light calculations, in addition to conducting
POS data calculations so you can effortlessly generate
reconstructed models and accuracy reports.

Topographic AEC and Emergency

Mapping Surveying Response

Law Energy and Agriculture and

Enforcement Infrastructure Forestry
• 8.5-hectare area around the river crossed by Rosneft’s
• Free-standing trees, buildings, roads, meadows, a river,
and oil infrastructure constructions
Oil Pipeline Mapping
• The initial processing produced a georeferenced point
cloud model containing 80 million points
• The final model had an average density of >1000
points / m2

Pertamina Geothermal Energy, West Java, Indonesia

• Elevation modeling
• Vegetation Mapping and Right of Way analysis
• As-built LIDAR scanning and 3D modeling for maintenance
management and EPC

Houston Engineering Inc.

• “In Houston Engineering’s work on road grading and

widening, they found an aerial LiDAR solution like the
Matrice 300 RTK and Zenmuse L1 to be extremely valuable
as it is capable of mapping vertical slopes, generate data
live in the field with field reports to minimize rework, and has
specialized optimizations made for corridor mapping, which
help keep crews off the road to ensure safety. The highly
integrated payload sensor can be a game changer for many
Streamline workflows and improve project management with accurate aerial data

Land Surveying Urban Planning AEC Natural Resource


Up to 25% rework saved 16, instead of 128 hours

when monitoring sites using drones to inspect a 15-story building using drones

• Accuracy without GCPs 3 cm horizontally / 5 cm vertically

• High Efficiency 3 km2 covered in a single flight
• 45 MP Full-frame Sensor
• 3-axis Stabilized Gimbal
• Smart Oblique Capture
• 24/35/50mm Fixed-focus Lenses
Matrice 300 RTK + P1 • Global Mechanical Shutter, Shutter Speed 1/2000 Seconds
• TimeSync 2.0 - synchronization across modules at the microsecond level
Full-frame Photogrammetry

• High Accuracy Vertical Accuracy: 5 cm / Horizontal Accuracy: 10 cm

• High Efficiency 2 km2 covered in a single flight
• Take off 24/7
• Detection Range: 80% reflectivity: 450m / 10% reflectivity: 190m
• Point Rate: 240,000pts/s

Matrice 300 RTK + L1 • IP44 ingress protection

• Integrates a survey-grade RGB Camera with a 1-inch CMOS

Versatile LiDAR Solution • Point Cloud LiveView

[email protected]

NOMOR : 629/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2021

BERLAKU SAMPAI DENGAN : 31 Desember 2021


2. NIB :

3. ALAMAT : Pondok Pinang Center Blok C 16 Lantai 2, Jalan Ciputat Raya, Kel. Pondok
Pinang, Kec. Kebayoran Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Prop. DKI Jakarta

4. NO. TELP / FAX : 021-7699123 / -



ALAMAT : Building 7, Baiwang Innovation Factory,105#, Songbai Rd. Nanshan

District, Shenzhen, P.R. China


8. JENIS BARANG : Terlampir

10. NO. HS : 8525.80.31, 8525.80.39, 9901.20.000, 9027.50.10, 8517.62.99


Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 29 Januari 2021


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku Distribusi


Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

1. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) ini akan diadakan
perubahan atau penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya sampai kepada pembatalan atau
pencabutan masa berikutnya

2. Setiap pemegang (STP) wajib menyampaikan laporan kegiatan perusahaan setiap 6(enam)
bulan sekali kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

3. Setiap perusahaan yang tidak lagi melakukan usahanya atau menutup perusahaannya
wajib melaporkan penutupan kegiatan perusahaan usahanya dan mengembalika STP asli
kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

4. Setiap perusahaan yang melakukan perubahan nama prinsipal, status penunjukan

keagenan / kedistribusian, merk, wilayah pemasaran jenis barang, alamat perusahaan,
penanggung jawab perusahaan wajib melaporkan kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku


1. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak melakukan pendaftaran dikenakan sanksi
administratif sampai dengan pencabutan SIUP. (Pasal 24)

2. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak menyampaikan laporan kegiatan dan
perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan dikenakan sanksi administratif sampai dengan
pemberhentian sementara STP selama 6(enam) bulan atau pencabutan STP. (Pasal 25)

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah


NOMOR : 629/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2021


DJI Spraying Drones, DJI Phantom 4 Multispectral, DJI Terra 8525.80.31, DJI
Software, DJI Matrice Series, DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Series, 8525.80.39,
DJI Phantom 4 RTK, DJI Zenmuse XT Series, DJI Zenmuse 9901.20.000,
Z30 Series, DJI Zenmuse X7, DJI Matrice 200/210 RTK, DJI 9027.50.10,
Matrice 300 RTK, DJI Zenmuse H20 & H20T DJI Matrice 600, 8517.62.99
DJI Aeroscope, DJI Agras MG & T16

Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 29 Januari 2021


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku Distribusi

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

No. : QHR210610-A PT. Halo Indah Permai

Date : 09/06/2021 Pondok Pinang Center, Block C16-18
Tel : +62 21 7699 123 Jakarta 12310
Mobile : +62 852 2286 7541 Indonesia
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.halorobotics.co.id Attention : Bp. Muhammad Hafizt
Puslit Oceanografi

No. Product Description Price (IDR) Disc Price Final Qty. Total (IDR)

1 DJI - Matrice 300 RTK Universal Industrial IP45 Quadcopter: 94.546.385 15% 80.364.427 1 80.364.427
(EU) - 55 Minutes max flight time (without payload)
- 2.7kg Max payload with triple payload capability
- 15km Max transmission range
- 6 Directional sensing & advanced dual operator mode
- A.I. Spot check & hi-res grid photo.
- Smart Track & Pinpoint feature.
- 1x Smart Controller Enterprise
- Excluding battery/battery station/camera
2 D-RTK 2 Mobile Station D-RTK 2 Mobile Station is DJI’s upgraded high-precision GNSS receiver that 49.074.526 15% 41.713.347 1 41.713.347
supports all major global satellite navigation systems, providing real-time
differential corrections that generate centimeter-level positioning data for
improved relative accuracy.

3 DJI - Zenmuse L1 DJI L1 Instant Clarity, Superior Accuracy: 171.216.000 15% 145.533.600 1 145.533.600
- All-In-One : LiDAR, surveying and mapping camera, high precision IMU
- High Accuracy : V - 5cm / H: 10 cm (Flight 50 m)
- High Density Point Cloud 240.000 effective point/ s
- Multi-Returns : Support three returns
- Measurement range : 450 m (80% reflectivity)
- Indgress Protection Rating : IP 44
- Support DJI Base Station D-RTK2 and DJI Terra for post-processing

4 DJI - PART08-TB60 Intelligent 5,935mAH battery with 274WH. Price per pcs, 2 batteries per flight. 11.092.038 15% 9.428.232 2 18.856.465
Flight Battery

5 DJI - PART03-BS60 Intelligent Simultaneously store eight TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries and four WB37 14.872.846 15% 12.641.919 1 12.641.919
Battery Station (Universal Edition) Intelligent Batteries. It can charge two TB60 Intelligent Flight Batteries and
one WB37 Intelligent Battery at the same time. Batteries with the highest
battery levels will be recharged first, followed by the ones with lower levels.

6 DJI Terra Pro - Perpetual (1 device) DJI Terra Pro - Perpetual (1 device) : 56.250.000 15% 47.812.500 1 47.812.500
2D & 3D Mapping for LIDAR Data Process (perpetual, 1 Device). Free
software upgrade for 1 year, after 1 year upgrade is paid. Users can still use
the software without updating

7 DJI - Phantom 4 RTK Multispectral High accuracy RTK multispectral quadcopter: 85.533.429 15% 72.703.415 1 72.703.415
- 6 band multispectral camera
- 30mins flight time
- Modul RTK for centimeter level accuracy

8 Halo Robotics - Fotogrametri/ Halo Robotics LiDAR Training: 45.000.000 20% 36.000.000 1 36.000.000
LiDAR Module - 3 days on-site (extra 1 day if standby weather (e.g rain)
- Classroom day (10 lessons of drone introduction, features and
- Drone flying day (basic and advanced simulation flights)
- Post-processing day (data post-processing with software)
- 2 trainers from Halo Robotics (FASI RPL & GIS Engineer)
- 1-4 trainees (Halo Robotics training certificates)
- Price excludes plane tickets, accomodation and local transportation
- Price includes 2% service PPH" SUB TOTAL 455.625.673
VAT (10%) 45.562.567
GRAND TOTAL 501.188.240

Notes & Terms:

Currency & VAT : All prices are in IDR and subject to additional 10% VAT.
Payment Terms: 100% Full Payment Before Delivery.
Validity : All prices valid for 14 calendar days from reference date.
Lead Time: Indent within 30-45 days after confirmation order (receipt of payment). Note for Lidar, due to stock is limited by DJI, so kindly please confirm to reserve the Lidar unit
Delivery: All prices are based upon delivery in Jakarta, Indonesia. Other locations may be subject to additonal delivery charges.
Multiparameter water quality
U-50 Series

Multi-parameter Water Quality Meters








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P( P( MV /20 $/ #/.$ 3ALINITY 4$3 3EAWATER
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#ONDUCTIVITY ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
3ALINITY ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
4$3 4OTAL $ISSOLVED 3OLIDS ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
4EMPERATURE ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
4URBIDITY ,%$ ̶ ● ● ̶ ̶ ● ●
7ATER DEPTH ̶ ̶ ● ● ● ● ●
'03 ̶ ̶ ● ̶ ● ̶ ●

5  5  5 ' 5  5 '


-EASUREMENT PRINCIPLE Polarographic method
TEMPERATURE  TO  M3M  M3M  TO  3M  3M  TO  3M   3M
!CCURACY › 004
4$3 2ESOLUTION  &3
●$ISPLAY σt, σ0, σ15 2EPEATABILITY ›σT
2ANGE -10 to 55℃
2ANGE  TO  .45  TO  .45
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2ESOLUTION  TO  .45  .45  TO  .45  .45
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■5  3ERIES
5  5 ' M 5   M 
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/20 SENSOR  
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■Control unit ■Control unit (with GPS) Carrying case

115 (4.53) 66 (2.6)

U-5030 3200174772

335 (13.19)
283 (11.14)

Flow chamber

̶ 3200156570

■Sensor probe
450 (17.72) Probe guard ̶ 3200167002

Cable (with data-collection software) ̶ 3200174823

φ95 (φ3.74)

Bulletin:HRE-1930E Printed in Japan TF-K(SK)33

Jakarta, 25 Mei 2021 -"."--
Ref :1o77ICREATIVE-Y/vl2o21-
Kepada Yth :


Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan Timur

Jakarta Utara HP : 081284985023

Up. : lbu lntan Suci Nurhati, Ph.D. Email : [email protected]

Perihal : Penawaran Harga

Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami sampaikan penawaran harga MERCK dengan item sebagai berikut :

Unit Price Total Price

No. Description Code No. Brand atv.
Rp. Rp.

Replacement DO Tips {for #955L-20D &

7 5401 HORIBA L 2.540.000 2.540.000

Total 2.540.000

Densan kondisi sbb :

Harga : Netto, belum termasuk PPN 10%

Stock : lndent 6-8 minggu setelah PO diterima.

Pembayaran : Cash /Transfer

Bank Account : Bank Mandiri. KCP Griya lnti Sentosa
Acc. N o. : 724-OOO -57 26 -626

Demikian penawaran harga yang kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

g, I


Kompleks Rukan Griya lnti Sentosa
Jl. Griya Agung Blok O No. 73
Sunter Agung - Jakarta 14350
Ph. 021-6530 449A / 2946 o3o5
Fax. O2t-64O 4257
email : [email protected]
Jakarta, 25 Mei 2021
Ref :1o78/CREATIVE-Ylvl2o2j.
Kepada Yth :


Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8IRW.10, pademangan Timur
HP : 081284985023
Jakarta Utara Email : [email protected]
Up. : lbu lntan Suci Nurhati, Ph.D.

Perihal : Penawaran Harga

Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami sampaikan penawaran harga MERCK dengan item sebagai berikut :

No. Description Spec.

Unit Price
Code No. Brand
1 2 m cable
Multiparameter Water Quality Checker, with parameter u-52G-2 HORIBA 83.200.000
2 pH / ORP / DO / Conductivity / Satinity / TDS / Seawoter SG / 10 m cable u-52G-10 HORIBA 88.300.000
Temperature / Turbidity / Water Depth / GpS
30 m cable u-52G-30 HORIBA 97,900.000

Denean kondisi sbb :

Harga : Netto, belum termasuk ppN 10%

Stock : lndent 6-8 minggu setelah Dp diterima (diluar Kejadian Luar Biasa)

Pernbayaran : DP 4O%, sisanya setelah barang siap dikirim

Note : Harga sudah termasuk biaya pengiriman, instalasi & training di wilayah Jabodetabek

Bank Account : Bank Mandiri, KCp Griya lnti Sentosa

Acc. No. : 124-000-57 26 -626


Demikian penawaran harga yang kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima

Hormat kami,


Kompleks Rukan Griya lnti Sentosa
Jl. Griya Agung Blok O No. 73
Sunter Agung - lakarta 14350
Ph. 021-6530 4490 / 2946 030s
Fax. O27-54O 4257
email : [email protected]
PAKET ALAT RISET- C6 6. pCO2 sensor
Mini CO2 ™

Mini CO2 Submersible pCO2 Sensor

Features The Mini CO2™ instrument uses infrared detection to measure the partial
pressure of CO2 gas dissolved in liquids. With pCO2 ranges from 0-1000 ppm
• Low power consumption
up to 0-100%, the Mini CO2 provides the versatility needed for any application.
• Compact size
• Optional internal or external Mini CO2™ submersible instruments are compact, lightweight, plug and play
battery power sensors. The instrument also measures total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP), a
useful parameter for many applications and data correction.
• Easy integration
• Large selection of With housing options rated to 6000 dbar of hydrostatic pressure, and
concentration ranges resistance to most corrosive liquids, the Mini CO2 can
• Digital option comes with provide reliable dissolved carbon dioxide data for many
internal data logger and applications. Flow-through and in-line adapters are
controller with 2GB flash also available for simple and effective industrial
memory solutions.

For specialized applications, Pro-Oceanus can

provide custom solutions to suit any need.
pCO2 Sensor
• Aquaculture monitoring of
dissolved CO2 for fish and
shellfish health
• Coastal zone CO2 fluxes
• Algae to fuel bioreactor
feedback control
• Groundwater and wellwater
• Carbon budget studies for
lakes and rivers
• Carbon capture storage
monitoring of aquifer and
surface water levels of pCO2
• Wastewater greenhouse gas
• Ocean glider and profiler

80 Pleasant Street, T +1-902-530-3550

Pro-Oceanus.com Bridgewater, Nova Scotia F +1-902-530-3551
[email protected] Canada B4V 1N1 Toll-Free (Canada/US) 1-855-530-3550
Mini CO2 ™

Sensor Specifications
Sensor Performance Electrical
CO2 Measurement Ranges 0-2000 ppm CO2; by Input voltage digital: 7 - 24 VDC
*other ranges available volume analog: 12 - 24 VDC
0-5000 ppm
Power consumption 85 mW (7 mA @ 12 V)
0-1% (10,000 ppm)
0-100% Data output digital: RS-232, ASCII CSV
analog: 0-5 V or 4-20mA
Total Dissolved Gas 0-2 bar
Pressure Sample rate 2 seconds (variable rate
with logger/controller)
pCO2 ± 2% of max range
TDGP ± 1% Optional Accessories
Equilibration rate (t63) 3 minutes Titanium housings
Rated up to 6000 m depth
Resolution 0.1% of max range
Internal battery power
External battery pack
Physical 19, 76 or 134 Amp-hour capacity
Length 28 cm (11 in) Water-pumped head
Reduce biofouling and improve response rate
Diameter 5.3 cm (2.1 in)
Mooring cage or frame with instrument brackets
Weight Air: 0.53 kg (1.2 lbs)
Water: -0.06 kg (-0.1 lbs) Pigtail Cables with Locking Sleeves
5, 10, 25, 50 meters, or longer
Housing Material Acetal Plastic / Titanium
Depth Rating 0 - 600 m (Plastic)
Up to 6000 m (Titanium)
Water Temperature 0º to 40º C

Water-Pumped Head Pigtail Cable with Copper Antifouling

Accessory Locking Sleeve Shield

Instrument and Battery Mooring Bracket

80 Pleasant Street, T +1-902-530-3550

Pro-Oceanus.com Bridgewater, Nova Scotia F +1-902-530-3551
[email protected] Canada B4V 1N1 Toll-Free (Canada/US) 1-855-530-3550
May 12, 2021

To whom it may concern,

This letter is to confirm that Ren Star Instrumentation, located at 58-2 Jalan SL 11/9,
Bandar Sg Long, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, MALAYSIA is the sole in market supplier of
Pro-Oceanus Systems products in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Pro-Oceanus
Systems does not authorize any other third party company to promote or sell our
Products in the defined territories noted above.


Mark Barry

VP Business Development
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (902) 530-3550
Jl. Cikutra No.27 Bandung
Tel./Fax.: +62-22-20524323
E-mail: [email protected]

Bandung, 20 Mei 2021

No. : 0008/Qte/MVS.05/05.21

Kepada Yth.:
Bapak Hanif Budi Prayitno
Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI
Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur
Jakarta Utara 14430

Perihal : Penawaran Harga Sensor Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CO2TM Analog model

Dengan hormat,
Kami PT MANVIS Teknologi Enjinering menyampaikan penawaran harga dengan perincian sebagai berikut:

No Uraian Barang Satuan Qty Harga Satuan Jumlah Harga

(Rp) (Rp)
1 Pro-Oceanus Mini-Pro CO2TM Analog model Paket 1 254.100.000 254.100.000
• Dapat mengukur pCO2 dan total dissolved gas
pressure (TDGP)
• Output analog dapat dipilih antara 0-5 V atau 4-
20 mA
• Tingkat pengukuran akurasi pCO2 2% dan untuk
• Input 12 VDC dan arus yang digunakan 120 mA
2 Logger dan Display
TOTAL Rp 254.100.000,-
Terbilang : == Dua ratus sepuluh juta rupiah ==

Syarat dan kondisi penawaran :

• Harga penawaran di atas belum termasuk PPN 10%
• Harga penawaran berlaku untuk jangka waktu 30 hari sejak tanngal penawaran ini dibuat
• Jangka waktu pemesanan barang 14 minggu sejak kami menerima pemesanan barang
• Cara pembayaran :
✓ Tahap I : 30% uang muka yang dibayarkan pada saat kami menerima surat pemesanan
✓ Tahap II : 70% sisa pembayaran dibayarkan saat penyerahan barang

Demikian penawaran harga ini kami buat dan ajukan semoga dapat membantu memenuhi permintaan dan
kebutuhan Bapak/Ibu. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
PT MANVIS Teknologi Enjinering

Aldi Nursepta
(Valid until July 5,2021)

Research Center for Oceanography, Our ref: IZ-RS0621-LIPI(MiniCO2)484

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Date: June 6, 2021

Re: Price Quote for Mini CO2 Digital

Part # Unit Price Qty Extended Description

M220 13,958.00 1 13,958.00 Mini CO2 Digital Logging Model

A10-103-2M 533.00 1 533.00 Deck Box with 2 meter underwater cable and connecter plus RS-232
connectivity and AC/DC power supply
A241-01 407.00 1 407.00 Hard Shell Care - Mini Digital
MA-30-01 339.00 1 339.00 Mini Pumped Head Assembly
MA31-01 508.00 1 508.00 Mini Copper Anti-Biofouling Faceplate
Sub total: 15,745.00

COUR 650.00 1 650.00 Estimated courier charge by Fedex

WIRE 90.00 1 90.00 Wire transfer fee (per transaction)
Total: 16,485.00

CERT1 50.00 1 50.00 Certificiate of Origin (notarised)
CERT0 25.00 1 25.00 Additional document requested (non-notarised)
COUR0 TBA 1 TBA Shipping charges to send copies/originals of any documentation separate
from the set that accompanies the shipment

Terms and Conditions

1. Price: In US Dollar,CFR Indonesia; excl. of duty & tax, commissioning and training
2. Delivery period: Usually 8-10 weeks from purchase date and receipt of payment.
May be extended to 10-12 weeks due to the current COVID-19 situation.
3. Warranty: One year standard against all manufacturing defects, according to manufacturer's terms and
conditions. Warranty covers cost of parts, excluding labor and shipping charges. Customer is fully
responsible for all shipping and handling charges one-way to the manufacturer during the warranty
4. Payment terms: Full prepayment upon ordering via wire transfer.
5. Remarks: 1. No cancellation of order shall be accepted nor refund be made once payment is received.
2. RSI Sales Term and Conditions applies.


[email protected]
7. Tankless diving system
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.


Home (https://www.diveblu3.com) / BLU3

Systems (https://www.diveblu3.com/product-
category/blu3-systems/) / Nemo

sssss (40 customer reviews)

$799.00 – $1,499.00

Nemo is a compact dive system that supports

1 diver to 10 feet with a rechargeable battery
pack that lasts over an hour.

Whether you’re an ocean explorer, poolside

parent, treasure hunter, underwater
photographer, self-sufficient boat owner, or
in search of the latest yacht toy – Nemo is for

Heads Up!

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8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

We are currently experiencing a

“ surge in sales. New orders are

expected to ship within 2-3 weeks,
but we will do the best we can to
ship your order ASAP!

Please have a look at our dealer

map here
locator) for shops near you that
might have Nemo in stock.

Red and White Dive Flag

Black Backpack

Two Spare Batteries

No Spectrum Full Face Mask Clear

$1,276.00 $1,139.00

1 Add to cart

Categories: BLU3 Systems
category/blu3-systems/), NEMO
category/nemo/), Uncategorized
Tags: NEMO
tag/nemo/), World's Smallest Diving System

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Description Additional information Reviews (40)


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8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

About Nemo

Nemo is a compact dive system that supports 1 diver to 10 feet with a rechargeable
battery pack that lasts over an hour. Air is drawn from the surface above the water and
pumped through the air hose to deliver clean breathing air to a diver up to 10 feet deep.

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8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

Nemo’s custom-designed compressor is fully sealed and built to interact with saltwater.
Patent pending Smart Reg™ technology enables Nemo to be the world’s smallest dive
system and weigh in at only about 10 pounds.

Battery Powered

Nemo’s lithium ion battery weighs about 1.3 pounds and can be easily swapped for an
additional 60+ minutes of run time. Recharge time is 3 hours or less. The battery capacity
is less than 100 Wh (watt-hours) so it can be brought onto an airplane in carry-on

Patent Pending Smart Reg™

Nemo’s Smart Reg is patent pending and unlike any other diving regulator on the market,
and it is what enables Nemo to be more portable and energy efficient than any other dive
system on the market. Inside of the Smart Reg, a waterproofed sensor detects when a
diver inhales and it then sends an electronic signal which triggers the compressor to
pump air at exactly the time and speed that the diver is inhaling.

https://www.diveblu3.com/product/nemo/ 5/14
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

Nemo pumps only the exact pressure, volume, and flow rate that the diver needs at their
particular depth which means it uses just a fraction of the energy of any other
underwater breathing system.

Nemo Online Dive Training Course

Learn about diving techniques before Nemo Diving by taking the Nemo Online Dive
Training Course, available for free to anyone at any time at diveblu3.teachable.com
(http://diveblu3.teachable.com/). This course was specifically designed for Nemo Diving
with the help of experts in the field of diving. It is required that all users complete the
course with a passing score prior to Nemo Diving.

Dive Flags

https://www.diveblu3.com/product/nemo/ 6/14
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

Dive flags are used to signal that a diver is underwater. The Red and White flag is used in
the United States, Canada, and some other countries. The Alpha flag is used in most other
countries around the world.

Always check the dive flag regulations for where you’ll be Nemo Diving and make sure to
install the proper flag style so that boating traffic will steer clear while you are
underwater. If you travel, you may find it useful to have one of each – choose “Both Dive
Flags” from the drop down menu above!

Flotation Tube

Nemo has enough buoyancy to float in the water without clipping on the flotation tube
for times when you are diving in the pool or other enclosed body of water. But whenever
waves or boating traffic are present in your diving location then the flotation tube should
be installed to provide Nemo not only 22 lb of additional buoyancy but also superb

https://www.diveblu3.com/product/nemo/ 7/14
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

The flotation tube easily inflates and deflates so that it packs away nice and small.
Inflates by oral inflation. To attach the flotation tube, simply slide it onto Nemo from the
top and clip the corresponding buckles together.

Heads Up!

We are currently experiencing a surge in sales. New orders are expected to ship within 2-
3 weeks, but we will do the best we can to ship your order ASAP!

Please have a look at our dealer map here (https://www.diveblu3.com/dealer-locator) for

shops near you that might have Nemo in stock.

Nemo Backpack

This feature-rich backpack was designed specifically to carry Nemo wherever the call of
the water beckons. These stylish packs are made out of textilene, a sturdy and resilient
material that looks great too. Includes pockets for your flotation tube and dive flag. Nylon
blanket unfolds to give you a mat while setting up for your dive.

https://www.diveblu3.com/product/nemo/ 8/14
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

OTS Spectrum Full Face Mask

The OTS Spectrum is a Full Face Mask that can be used with Nemo to eliminate the bite
down mouthpiece of the Nemo Smart Reg. The Spectrum adapts to the Smart Reg by
inserting the Smart Reg into the Spectrum and securing with a zip tie. With the Spectrum,
users can breathe through their mouth or nose, with no need to bite down on the
mouthpiece. The mask seals around the user’s face for extreme comfort and warmth.

Other benefits of the Spectrum Full Face Mask: no jaw fatigue, no dry mouth, double seal
for a better fit, five point head harness and the option for communications systems. Add
on the Spectrum GoPro Mount if you have a GoPro you’ll use to film your dives with

https://www.diveblu3.com/product/nemo/ 9/14
8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

Who can participate in Nemo Diving?

Prior to Nemo Diving, ALL Users must:

1. Read and understand the Nemo Owner’s – Users Manual

2. Complete the Nemo Fitness to Dive Evaluation
3. Complete the Nemo Online Dive Training Course (http://diveblu3.teachable.com/)

All Users must be able to:

1. Swim 200 yards without stopping, without a time limit

2. Tread water for 10 minutes continuously

Age Limits:

1. Users must be 8 years of age or older to Nemo dive, but are restricted to diving in a
swimming pool only, in water shallow enough so that they can stand with their head
above the surface of the water.
2. Users must be 10 years of age or older to dive outside of the pool.
3. Users under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian supervision at all times.

Limited Warranty

Nemo comes with a One Year Limited Warranty (https://diveblu3.com/warranty/). Click

the link to read more.


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8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

To register your Nemo, schedule service, for help with troubleshooting, or to order
replacement parts, you can always visit diveblu3.com/support
(https://diveblu3.com/support/) or email us at [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]). We are here to help!

Nemo Accessories

On this page you can select your dive flag(s), backpack color, and opt for extra batteries.
Now you can even choose to include an OTS Spectrum Full Face Mask! However, you may
need some more gear for your Nemo Diving kit.

Here’s a few additional items that are useful for Nemo Diving. Make sure to always check
back here for fun, new accessories!

SEAC Nylon Buckle Rubber Belt (https://diveblu3.com/product/seac-nylon-buckle-

rubber-belt/): Weight belts are used to achieve neutral buoyancy underwater. This
weight belt is comfortable and durable. Learn how to properly use a weight belt while
Nemo Diving in the Nemo Online Dive Training Course
Mouthpiece Cover (https://diveblu3.com/product/mouthpiece-cover/): This
mouthpiece cover will help protect the mouthpiece on your Smart Reg during storage
and transportation.
Spare Air® (https://diveblu3.com/product/spare-air/): The smallest redundant SCUBA
system available with enough air to get you to the surface in an out-of-air situation.

You may also like…

Nemo Protective Mouthpiece Cover SEAC Nylon Buckle

Sleeve Kit SSSS
sssss Rubber Belt
$29.00 $9.99 SSSSS
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8/28/2020 Nemo - BLU3 | Ultra-portable dive systems easy to use.

(https://www.diveblu (https://www.diveblu $21.00

3.com/product/nemo 3.com/product/mout (https://www.diveblu

-protective-sleeve- hpiece-cover/) 3.com/product/seac-
kit/) Add to cart (?add-to- nylon-buckle-
Add to cart (?add-to- rubber-belt/)
Add to cart (?add-to-

Related products

OTS Spectrum Full Nemo Battery Nemo Backpack Nemo Dive Flag
Face Mask sssss
S sssss
$409.00 $199.00 $79.00 (https://www.diveblu
(https://www.diveblu (https://www.diveblu (https://www.diveblu 3.com/product/nemo
3.com/product/ots- 3.com/product/nemo 3.com/product/nemo -dive-flag/)
spectrum-full-face- -battery/) -backpack/) Select options
mask/) Add to cart (?add-to- Add to cart (?add-to- 3.com/product/nem
cart=1935) cart=1911) o-dive-flag/)
Select options


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PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 8. Grinding and Polishing
Machine with Head and Doser

9. High Precision Cutting


10. Vacuum Impregnation

TECHNICAL DATA - Accutom-10/-100
115 mm

140 40
195 mm

120 mm

90 mm

Height [mm]

80 270 mm




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Length [mm]

Subject Accutom-10 Accutom-100

Specimen holder rotation and oscillation Yes Yes
Automatic rotation of specimen holder No Yes
Motor rotation speed 300-3000 rpm 300-5000 rpm
adjustable in steps of 50 rpm adjustable in steps of 50 rpm
Grinding Feed speed: 0.5 - 7.5 mm/s
adjustable in steps of 0.5 mm/s
Cutting Feed speed: 0.005 - 3 mm/s
adjustable in steps of 0.005 mm/s
Positioning speed Y= 13 mm/s
X= 10 mm/s
Positioning range X direction: 60 mm (precision 0.005 mm)
Y direction: 110 mm (precision 0.1 mm)

Cutting capacity
Cut-off wheel: 75 mm (3") - 150 mm (6") dia. Arbor size: 12.7 mm
Length of cut-off specimen: 40 mm / 195 mm for 25 mm dia.
Length of workpiece to be clamped: 250 mm
Workpiece width and height: 50 x 130 mm
Workpiece cross section: 54 mm without rotation / 108 mm with rotation
Grinding capacity
Cup wheel: 100 mm (4") - 150 mm (6") dia. Arbor size: 12.7 mm
Sample: 95 x 95 mm (3.7" x 3.7")
Nominal load 370 W synchronous motor with high energy efficiency and constant torque in various rpm
Current max 10 A
Height: 440 mm (17.3”) cover closed
1065 mm (42”) cover open
Width: 644 mm (25.4")
Depth: 720 mm (28.3”)
784 mm (30.9") with plug
Weight 68 kg
Software and electronics
Controls Touch pad and push/turn knob
LC Display TFT-colour 320 x 240 dots with LED back light
Noise level 60 dBA, at idle running, at a distance 1.0 m (39.4")
Surrounding temperature 5 - 40 °C (41-104 °F)
Humidity 0 - 95 % RH, non condensing
Safety Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity
Recirculation cooling unit
Contents 4.75 l (1.25 gallon)
Flow 1.6 l/min. (0.4 gallon/min.)

Accutom-10 Flange set

Precision cut-off machine with variable speed Different flanges can be used to achieve the highest precision or the
(300 - 3000 rpm). Variable automatic feed speed and biggest cutting capacity. For Secotom-15/-50 and Accutom-10/-100.
motorized positioning system with digital read-out. 42 mm dia. flange set (max. 168 mm / 6.6" cut-off wheel) 05036901
Built-in specimen holder rotation and oscillation. 65 mm dia. flange set 05996919
Three changeable cutting methods. Complete with 110 mm dia. flange set 05036902
recirculation cooling unit, flange set 50 mm dia.
and tray for extra filter paper and collection of cut Flange Set for cup wheels on Accutom-100
specimens. Specimen holders, cut-off wheels and For use with cup wheels on Accutom-100 06176902
Corrozip (additive for cooling fluid cat. No. 49900045)
are ordered separately. Specimen holders with dovetail
Cat. no: Voltage Specimen Holder CATAN
06286127 200-240 V / 50-60 Hz for small workpieces Max. opening: 10 mm 04276915

Accutom-100 Specimen Holder CATSI

Precision cut-off and grinding machine with variable for general use. Max. opening: 60 mm 04946903
speed (300 - 5000 rpm). Variable automatic feed speed
and motorized positioning system with digital read- Specimen Holder CATFF
out with MultiCut function. Built-in specimen holder teardrop type with opening. For workpieces 15 - 40 mm dia. 04946904
rotation and oscillation and vacuum pump connection
Specimen Holder CATTY
for vacuum chuck. Cut-off wheel, cup wheel and
with 7 screws for irregular workpieces. Max. 40 mm width 04946905
material database and 100 optional changeable
methods included. Complete with recirculation cooling Specimen Holder CATRE
unit, flange set 50 mm dia. and tray for extra filter for cylindrical workpieces. Max opening 40 mm dia. 04946907
paper and collection of cut specimens. Specimen
holders, cut-off wheels, cup wheels and Corrozip Specimen Holder CATAL
(additive for cooling fluid for long workpieces. With double parallel vice 04946909
cat. No. 49900045) are ordered separately.
Cat. no: Voltage Three-jaw Chuck
06176127 200-240 V / 50-60 Hz For centering and clamping cylindrical workpieces up to 65 mm dia. 05036919

Welch Vacuum Pump Tilting Joint CATJO

Used on Discoplan-TS and Accutom-100. to be mounted between the dovetail and the specimen holder.
With vacuum: ~907 mbar and output: ~28 l/min. The specimen holder can then be angled ± 10°. 04946906
Dimensions L x W x H, cm (in): 37.5 x 21 x 25.5 Angling Joint CATJA
(14.8 x 8.3 x 10.0). to be mounted between the dovetail and the specimen holder. The specimen
Cat. no: 061961xx holder can then be angled 30° to one side and 90° to the other side. 04946908

Specimen Holder CATNI

with goniometer 04276911

CONSUMABLES Cat.no Specimen Holder CATPE

for adhering workpieces 04276912
Diamond Cup Wheel, M0P15 91 µm
For grinding of hard and brittle materials on Specimen holder CATAP
Accutom-100. Metal bond. Size 150 mm dia. 40800199 with ceramic vacuum chuck for thin sections.
For one 27 x 46 / 28 x 48 mm glass slide. 04276913
Diamond Cup Wheel, M0P15 40 µm
For grinding of hard and brittle materials on Vacuum chuck *
Accutom-100. Metal bond. Size 150 mm dia. 40800200 For thin sections. With three separate ceramic vacuum chucks with
individual valves. Choose between one to three of 27 x 46 or 28 x 48 mm /
Filter paper, 100 pcs. two 25 x 75 mm (1 x 3") / one 50 x 75 mm (2 x 3") glass slides. To be used
For Accutom-10/-100, on Accutom-100. Vacuum pump with vacuum of minimum 900 mBar and
size 240 x 130 mm (9.4” x 5.1”) 49900060 approx. 34 l/min is recommended to secure the glass slide. 06176901
Cut-off wheels Kit for an external recirculation tank
All types of cut-off wheels from the size of To be used if you do not want to clean the included tank or where 4.75 litre
76 - 152 mm / 3 - 6", including abrasive wheels, can be cooling fluid is not enough. Can also be used if you want to filter the fluid
used on Accutom-10/-100. Struers offer a large variety
to ensure that the fluid is as clean as possible. Includes 2 x 2 m hoses and
of diamond, CBN, Al2O3 and SiC cut-off wheels covering
front plate to be placed instead of the recirculation tank front. 05996918
all possible applications. See special brochure for more
information about cut-off wheels.
Struers’ equipment conforms with the provisions of the applicable International Directives
and their appurtenant Standards. (Please contact your local supplier for details)

Struers’ products are subject to constant product development. Therefore, we reserve the
right to introduce changes in our products without notice.

FLEXIBLE CLAMPING *Special order item, please contact your local sales
representative for more information before ordering.

LaboPol-20 LaboPol-30 LaboPol-60

67.3 cm / 26.5"

76.5 cm / 30.1"

77.5 cm / 30.5"
40 cm / 15.7" 51 cm / 20" 95 cm / 37.4"

Technical data LaboPol-20 LaboPol-30 LaboPol-60

Diameter 200 mm / 8" 250 mm / 10" or 300 mm / 12"

Speed 50 - 500 rpm

Disc Rotational direction Counter-clockwise

Motor power, continuous (S1) 370 W / 0.5 HP 750 W / 1 HP

Torque, @300 rpm >12 Nm >24 Nm

Safety Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity

Emergency stop Designed to comply with: EN60204-1, Stop Category 0. EN954-1, Category 2
At idle running, at a distance of 1.0 m / 39.4"
Noise level 51 dBA 52 dBA 52 dBA
from the machine
Surrounding temperature 5 - 40 °C / 41 - 104 °F

Humidity Non condensing 0 - 95 % RH

Voltage / frequency 200 - 240 V / 50 - 60 Hz

Power inlet 1-phase (N+L1+PE) or 2-phase (L1+L2+PE)

Power, nominal load 550 W 900 W

Power, idle 15 W 16 W

Current, nom. 2.4 A 4A

Current, max. 6.3 A 10 A

Pressure for tap water 1-10 bar / 14.5 - 145 psi

Water inlet ½" or ¾"

Water outlet ø 30 mm / 1¼" ø 40 mm / 1½"

Recirculation Cooling System (option) - Cooling System 3 (50 l)

Air inlet (LaboForce-100) ø 6 mm / ¼"

Air pressure (LaboForce-100) 6 - 10 bar / 87-145 psi

Width 40 cm / 15.7" 51 cm / 20" 95 cm / 37.4"

Depth 67.3 cm / 26.5" 76.5 cm / 30.1" 77.5 cm / 30.5"

Dimensions and weight
Height (with LaboForce) 22 cm / 8.7" (58 cm / 22.8") 25 cm / 9.8" (64.5 cm / 25.4") 25 cm / 9.8" (64.5 cm / 25.4")

Weight (with LaboForce) 22 kg / 49 lbs (36.5 kg / 80.5 lbs) 33 kg / 73 lbs (53.5 kg / 118 lbs) 50 kg / 110 lbs (70.5 kg / 156 lbs)

Recommended dosing unit LaboDoser-10 LaboDoser-100

Dosing (option) Pumps / Bottles 1 suspension / lubricant 4 suspensions / lubricants

Width - 15 cm / 5.9"

Depth - 30.6 cm / 12"

Dimensions and weight
Height - 11.5 cm / 4.5"

Weight 0.4 kg / 0.8 lbs 1.9 kg / 4.2 lbs


Grinding/polishing machine with variable speed (50-500 rpm) for 200 mm dia. disc.
Supplied with manual splash guard and bowl liner. LaboUI control panel and discs
are ordered separately. Specimen mover LaboForce-50 can be mounted. 06326127

Grinding/polishing machine with variable speed (50-500 rpm) for 230, 250 or 300 mm dia. disc.
Supplied with manual splash guard and bowl liner. LaboUI control panel and discs are ordered separately.
Specimen mover LaboForce-50/-100/Mi can be mounted. 06336127

Grinding/polishing machine with variable speed (50-500 rpm) for 2 discs, 250 or 300 mm dia.
Each disc with automatic water valve, manual splash guard and bowl liner. LaboUI control panel
and discs are ordered separately.
One specimen mover LaboForce-50/-100 can be mounted. 06346127

Control panel for LaboPol-20/-30/-60. 06206901

Semi-automatic specimen mover for preparation of 1-4 specimens. For use with LaboPol-20/-30-/60.
Specimen mover platesand dosing unit (LaboDoser-10) are ordered separately. 06356127

Semi-automatic specimen mover for preparation of 1-6 specimens. For use with LaboPol-30/-60.
Specimen mover plates/specimen holders and dosing unit (LaboDoser-10/-100) are ordered separately. 06366127

Semi-automatic specimen mover for the preparation of mineralogical specimens. For use with LaboPol-30.
Specimen mover plates and dosing unit (LaboDoser-10) are ordered separately. 06386130

Dosing unit with adjustable drip mechanism. For use with Struers’ standard 500 ml/1000 ml bottles with
diamond suspension, lubricant and all-in-one products. Includes empty 1000 ml bottle and support bracket
for LaboForce-50/-Mi. 06376901

Dosing unit for use with LaboPol-30/-60. With 4 peristaltic pumps for dosing of diamond suspension,
lubricant and all-in-one products. Controlled from LaboForce-100, which is ordered separately.
Includes four empty 500 ml bottles. 06376902

Lid for LaboPol-20

For protection of LaboPol-20 disc during non-use. 06206912

Lid for LaboPol-30/-60

For protection of LaboPol-30/-60 disc during non-use. 06206913

Cap for LaboDoser-10

For use with LaboDoser-10 (06376901) and Struers’ standard 500 ml/1000 ml bottles with
diamond suspension, lubricant and all-in-one products. With adjustable drip mechanism. 06376903

Table stand for LaboDoser-10

Stand for use with Struers’ standard 500 ml/1000 ml bottles with diamond suspension,
lubricant and all-in-one products. Includes cap with adjustable drip mechanism (06376903). 06376904


Splash guard for semi-automatic preparation, 200 mm dia.

For semi-automatic preparation on LaboPol-20. LaboPol comes standard with guard
for manual preparation, with small gap to prevent stuck specimens. 06206923

Splash guard for manual preparation, 250 mm dia.

For manual preparation on LaboPol-30/-60 with 250 mm MD-Disc.
LaboPol comes standard with 200 (LaboPol-20) or 300 mm splash guard
for manual preparation, with small gap to prevent stuck specimens. 06206921

Splash guard for semi-automatic preparation, 300 mm dia.

For semi-automatic preparation on LaboPol-30/-60 with 300 mm dia. MD-Disc.
LaboPol comes standard with guard for manual preparation, with small gap to prevent stuck specimens. 06206925

Preparation discs
MD-Disc with cone, ø 200 mm dia. 06086401
MD-Disc with cone, ø 250 mm dia. 06086402
MD-Disc with cone, ø 300 mm dia. 06086403
Aluminium disc with cone, ø 200 mm dia. 06086404
Aluminium disc with cone, ø 250 mm dia. 06086405
Aluminium disc with cone, ø 300 mm dia. 06086406

Wet grinding disc with cone, 200 mm dia.

Aluminium disc with retention ring. For use on LaboPol-20 with plain back silicon carbide paper. 06206924

Wet grinding disc with cone, 230 mm dia.

Aluminium disc with retention ring. For use on LaboPol-30 with plain back silicon carbide paper. 06206932

Wet grinding disc with cone, 250 mm dia.

Aluminium disc with retention ring. For use on LaboPol-30/-60 with plain back silicon carbide paper. 06206918

Wet grinding disc with cone, 305 mm dia.

Aluminium disc with retention ring. For use on LaboPol-30/-60 with plain back silicon carbide paper. 06206919

Splash guard for wet grinding disc, 200 mm dia.

For use with 200 mm dia. wet grinding disc (06206924). 06206926

Splash guard for wet grinding disc, 230 mm dia.

For use with 230 mm dia. wet grinding disc (06206932). 06206927

Splash guard for wet grinding disc, 250 mm dia.

For use with 250 mm dia. wet grinding disc (06206918). 06206928

Splash guard for wet grinding disc, 305 mm dia.

For use with 305 mm dia. wet grinding disc (06206919). 06206929

Bowl liner, LaboPol-20

Disposable bowl liner for LaboPol-20. 5 pcs. 49900061

Bowl liner, LaboPol-30/-60

Disposable bowl liner for LaboPol-30/-60. 5 pcs. 49900062

Cast Iron disc for mineralogy, 300 mm dia.

Concentrically grooved, cone-type disc for lapping mineralogical specimens on
LaboPol-30/-60 (06336127/06346127). Made of special SiC-resistant cast iron alloy. 06206917

Cooling System 3
Optional recirculation cooling system.
Please see brochure Cooling Systems for more information.

Specimen cleaning unit for cleaning of specimen holders up to
160 mm dia. and for individual specimens in specimen mover
plates for LaboPol-30/-60. 06236133

Find out more

Struers’ equipment conforms with the provisions of the applicable about LaboSystem
International Directives and their appurtenant Standards.
(Please contact your local supplier for details).
Struers’ products are subject to constant product development.
Therefore, we reserve the right to introduce changes in our www.newlabosystem.com
products without notice.

Technical data LaboForce-50 LaboForce-100 LaboForce-Mi
Motor output 40 W 180 W 15 W
Torque, @ 300 rpm  >2.6 Nm - > 49 Nm
Rotational speed 150 rpm at 50 / 60 Hz 50 - 500 rpm at 50 / 60 Hz 3 rpm at 50/60 Hz
Rotational direction Counter-clockwise Clockwise / Counter-clockwise Clockwise
Force, Individual specimens 5 - 30 N 10 - 50 N 2.5 - 20 N
Force, Specimen holder - 30 - 300 N -
Methods 1 3 -
Specimens (max) 4 x 40 mm dia. 6 x 40 mm dia. 8 x 30 mm dia.
Specimen mover plates Max sample height, individual - 10 - 35 mm -
Max. diameter 110 mm 140 mm 160 mm
Max sample height - 40 mm -
Sample holders 140 mm (250 mm disc)
Max. diameter - -
160 mm (300 mm disc)
Safety Standards Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity
Running at idle, at a distance of
Noise level 48 dB (A) 57 dB (A) 48 dB (A)
0.25 m / 10" from the machine
LaboForce-50 is connected LaboForce-100 is connected LaboForce-Mi is connected
Power connection
directly to LaboPol-20/-30 or 60 directly to LaboPol-30 or LaboPol-60 directly to LaboPol-30
Controls - Touch pad and push/turn knob -
Power supply
Memory - FLASH-ROM / RAM / NV-RAM -
TFT-colour 320 x 240 dots with
LC display - -
LED back light
Surrounding temperature 5 - 40 ºC / 41 - 104 ºF 5 - 40 ºC / 41 - 104 ºF 5 - 40 °C / 41 - 104°F
Operating environment
Humidity (Non condensing) 0 - 95% RH RH non condensing
Air inlet - ø 6 mm / ¼" -
Supply Air pressure - 6 - 9.9 bar / 87-143 psi -
Air quality Recommended quality: ISO 8573-1, class 5.6.4
Width 18.3 cm / 7.2" 20.3 cm / 8" 18.3 cm / 7.2”
Depth 43.5 cm / 17.1" 43.3 cm / 17" 43.5 cm / 17.1"
Dimensions and weight
Height (above MD-Disc) 51.6 cm / 20.3" 57.4 cm / 22.6" 44.8 cm / 17.6”
Weight 14.5 kg / 32 lbs 20.5 kg / 45.2 lbs 13 kg / 29 lbs

Specimen mover plates and specimen holders


Specimen mover plates for LaboForce-50, for individual specimens Specimen holders for LaboForce-100, 140 mm dia. (250 mm disc)
For 4 specimens, 25 mm dia. 06086912 For 6 specimens, 29-32 mm (1¼") dia., aluminium 02606952
For 4 specimens, 30 mm dia. 06086913 For 6 specimens, 10-32 mm dia., stainless steel 02606935
For 4 specimens, 40 mm dia. 06086914 For 6 specimens, 10-32 mm dia., aluminium 02606936
For 4 specimens, 1" dia. 06086915 For 4 specimens, 10-40 mm dia., stainless steel 02606933
For 4 specimens, 1¼" dia. 06086916 For 4 specimens, 10-40 mm dia., aluminium 02606934
For 4 specimens, 1½" dia. 06086917 Without holes, aluminium 02606950
Without holes 06086918
Specimen holders for LaboForce-100, 160 mm dia. (300 mm disc)
Specimen mover plates for LaboForce-100, for individual specimens For 8 specimens, 29 - 32 mm (1¼") dia., aluminium 02606954
For 6 specimens, 25 mm dia. 06086902 For 6 specimens, 38 - 40 mm (1½") dia., aluminium 02606955
For 6 specimens, 30 mm dia. 06086903 For 6 specimens, 10 - 40 mm dia., stainless steel 02606916
For 6 specimens, 40 mm dia. 06086904 For 6 specimens, 10 - 40 mm dia., aluminium 02606915
For 6 specimens, 1" dia. 06086909 For 12 specimens, 10 - 25.5 mm dia., stainless steel 02606917
For 6 specimens, 1¼" dia. 06086910 For 6 specimens, 25 x 34 mm., stainless steel 02606918
For 6 specimens, 1½" dia. 06086911 For 3 specimens, 48 x 40 mm., stainless steel 02606920
For 3 specimens, 2" dia. 06086943 For 3 specimens, 24 x 50 mm., stainless steel 02606924
For AccuStop 30 06086907 Without holes, stainless steel 02606926
Without holes 06086906 Without holes, aluminium 02606928
All specimen mover plates are made from stainless steel. Aluminium specimen holders for use with mounted specimens only.


NOMOR : 1829/STP-LN/SIPT/5/2019



2. NIB : 9120203141652


RUKAN GARDEN HOUSE BLOK A NO.33, Kel. Kamal Muara, Kec.
Penjaringan, Kota Jakarta Utara, Prop. DKI Jakarta

4. NO. TELP / FAX : 021-29033533 /



ALAMAT : Pederstrupvej 84, DK-2750, Ballerup, Denmark


8. JENIS BARANG : Terlampir
9. MERK : Struers ApS

10. NO. HS : Terlampir


Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 29 Mei 2019


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi


Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

1. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) ini akan diadakan
perubahan atau penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya sampai kepada pembatalan atau
pencabutan masa berikutnya

2. Setiap pemegang (STP) wajib menyampaikan laporan kegiatan perusahaan setiap 6(enam)
bulan sekali kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

3. Setiap perusahaan yang tidak lagi melakukan usahanya atau menutup perusahaannya
wajib melaporkan penutupan kegiatan perusahaan usahanya dan mengembalika STP asli
kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

4. Setiap perusahaan yang melakukan perubahan nama prinsipal, status penunjukan

keagenan / kedistribusian, merk, wilayah pemasaran jenis barang, alamat perusahaan,
penanggung jawab perusahaan wajib melaporkan kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku


1. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak melakukan pendaftaran dikenakan sanksi
administratif sampai dengan pencabutan SIUP. (Pasal 24)

2. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak menyampaikan laporan kegiatan dan
perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan dikenakan sanksi administratif sampai dengan
pemberhentian sementara STP selama 6(enam) bulan atau pencabutan STP. (Pasal 25)

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah


NOMOR : 1829/STP-LN/SIPT/5/2019


Grinding and Polishing, Grinding and Polishing Equipment, 8460.39.2000, Struers ApS
Grinding and Polishing Accessories, Grinding and Polishing 3926.90.9900,
Consumables, Mounting Equipment, Mounting Accessories, 6804.22.0000,
Mounting Consumables, Cutting Equipment, Cutting 8460.11.0000,
Accessories, Cutting Consumables, Automatic Cleaning 3904.30.9000,
Equipment, Electrolytic Preparation Equipment, Hardness 9012.90.0000,
Testing Equipment, Hardness Testing Accessories, 6805.20.0000,
Materialographic Analysis Equipment 6902.20.0000,

Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 29 Mei 2019


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah
Struers ApS
Pederstrupvej 84
To whom it may concern, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark

Phone +45 44 600 800

Fax +45 44 600 801
[email protected]

Nordea Bank Denmark A/S
Account no.: 2191-0126305060
VAT no.: 15683309

Copenhagen 04.03.2020

Our ref.: 20L009.lto

Dear Sir / Madam,

Letter of Authorisation

We, Struers ApS, an established and reputable manufacturer of Metallographic

Equipment having factory and main office at Pederstrupvej 84, DK-2750 Ballerup,
Denmark hereby certify that

PT. Intec Instruments

Blok A No. 33 Rukan Garden House
Jln Boulevard Pantai Indah Kapuk
Jakarta Utara 14470

is the exclusive distributor in Indonesia and is authorized to bid, negotiate and

promote the full range of Struers products in accordance to the conditions laid out in
our Conditions for Sale, Export and responsible for all service related to Struers
products too.

The exclusive partnership will cease only upon receipt of the termination letter by
either party.

For and on behalf of manufacturer,

Struers ApS

Kenny Lim
Area Sales Manager
+65 6299 2268 (main)
+65 9641 0198 (mobile)
[email protected]

ISO 9001 and 14001 certified QEMS

PT. INTEC Instruments
Integrated Technologies
Head office:
Rukan Garden House Blok A no. 33 Jl. Boulevard Pantai Indah Kapuk
Bukit Golf Mediterania – Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara 14470
Phone : (+62 21) 29033532, 29033533
E-mail : [email protected]
Jakarta, 18 Mei 2021 Website : www.intecinstruments.com

Karawang office:
Karawang Sentra Bizhub (KSB) Blok C-10, Jl. Raya Teluk Jambe
Nomor : 20210518/Intec-3LJ/048 Telukjambe Timur Kab. Karawang – Jawa Barat 41361
Phone : (+62 267) 402844, 407228
Lampiran :-
Perihal : Penawaran Harga

Kepada Yth :
LIPI Oseanografi
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan Tim,
Kec. Pademangan, Jakarta Utara

UP: Ibu Intan

Dengan hormat,

Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan kepada kami, sehingga kami dapat memberikan penawaran
harga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peralatan laboratorium di LIPI Oseanografi. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut
maka dengan ini kami PT. INTEC Instruments sebagai Sole Exclusive Agent Struers untuk wilayah pemasaran
Indonesia menyampaikan penawaran harga Struers Thin Section sebagaimana terlampir.
Adapun kondisi harga adalah :
1. Harga : Franco Jakarta, Belum termasuk PPN 10%.
2. Delivery : Indent 3 bulan setelah PO /SPK kami terima
3. Pembayaran : 50% DP dan 50% saat barang akan diserahkan
4. Harga sudah termasuk biaya :
- Garansi alat selama 1 (satu) tahun untuk kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan pabrik.
- Jaminan Pelayanan Purna Jual / After Sales Service
- Instalasi dan Training Operator di Tempat
- Uji Coba Peralatan setelah Instalasi
- Terjaminnya adanya Teknisi untuk Training dan Jaminan adanya Workshop
5. Penawaran berlaku selama 3 bulan sejak tanggal penawaran

Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
PT. INTEC Instruments

( Mey Fitriyanti )
NO :20210518/Intec-3LJ/048
No Descriptions Qty Price Amount

Model : Accutom-100 1 Rp 1,380,000,000 Rp 1,380,000,000
C/N : 06176227
Precision cut-off and grinding machine for 75 – 150 mm dia with variable speed (300 – 5000 rpm)
Variable automatic feed speed and motorized positioning system with digital read-out with multicut function.

Specimen Holder Rotation & Oscillation : Yes
Automatic Rotation of Specimen Holder : Yes
: 300 - 5000 rpm
Motor Rotation Speed
: Adjustable in steps of 50 rpm
: 0,5 - 7,5 mm/s
Grinding Feed Speed
: Adjustable in steps of 0,5 mm/s
: 0,005 - 3 mm/s
Cutting Feed Speed
: Adjustable in steps of 0,005 mm/s
: Y = 13 mm/s
Positioning Speed
: X = 10 mm/s
: X Direction: 60 mm (Precision 0,005 mm)
Positioning Range
: Y Direction: 110 mm (Precision 0,1 mm)
Cut-off wheel : 75 mm (3") - 150 mm (6") dia. Arbor Size 12,7 mm
Length of cut-off specimen : 40 mm / 195 mm for 25 mm dia
Cutting Capacity Length of workpiece to be clamped : 250 mm
Workpiece width and height : 50 x 130 mm
Workpiece cross section : 54 mm without rotation / 108 mm with rotation
Cup Wheel : 100 mm (4") - 150 mm (6") dia. Arbor Size 12,7 mm
Grinding Capacity
Sample : 95 x 95 mm (3,7" x 3,7")
: 370 W synchronous motor with high energy efficiency
Power and constant torque in various rpm 10 A
: 10 A
Height, Cover closed : 440 mm (17,3")
Height, Cover open : 1065 mm (42")
Dimensions Width : 644 mm (25,4")
Depth : 720 mm (28,3")
Depth, with plug : 784 mm (30,9")
Weight : 68 kg
Controls : Touch pad and Turn/push knob
Software and
LC Display : TFT-Colour 320 x 240 dots with LED back light
Noise Level : 60 dBA, at idle running, at a distance 1.0 m (39,4")
Surrounding Temperature : 5 - 40 °C (41 - 103 °F)
Humidity : 0 - 95% RH, Non-Condensing
Safety : Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity
Recirculation cooling Contents : 4,75 L (1,25 gallons)
unit Flow : 1,6 L/min (0,4 gallon/min)

Consisting of:
06196133 Welch vacuum pump 230V, 50/60 Hz 1
04276913 Specimen Holder CATAP with ceramic vacuum chuck 1
06176902 Flange set for cup wheels on Accutom-100 1
04946903 Specimen Holder CATSI Vice type 1
04946904 Specimen Holder CATFF for round or square specimen 1
40800082 Diamond cup wheel, M0P10. 91 um. Metal Bond 100 mm 1
40800185 Diamond cup wheel, M0P10. 40 um. Metal Bond 100 mm 1
40000043 Diamond cut-off wheel M0D10. 102 x 0.3 x 12,7 mm 1
49900060 Filter Paper for Accutom-10 and Accutom-100 1
49900071 Cooli Additive Plus 1 L 1

2 STRUERS VACUUM IMPREGNATION MACHINE 1 Rp 201,000,000 Rp 201,000,000

Model : CitoVac
c/n : 05926119
Vacuum impregnation unit, especially designed for impregnation of porous material
CitoVac with vacuum ejector pump, 100-240V/50-60Hz
NO :20210518/Intec-3LJ/048
No Descriptions Qty Price Amount

Specifications :
Height : 190 mm / 7.5"
Width : 380 mm / 15"
Depth : 370 mm / 14.5"
Weight : 9.5 kg / 21 lbs
Constant : 0.031 A
Intermittent : 0.030 - 0.031 A
Maximum : 0.106 A
Current Spikes : 0.039 A (Usually start-up and start of operation)
Compressed Air : 4.5 - 6 bar / 58 - 87 psi
Recommended air quality : Class 3 as specified in ISO 8573-1
Air Supply Consumption of compressed air : 12.5 L per minute / 3.2 gallon per minute
Hose connection : Ø1.4"

Vacuum (at compressed air 6 bar) : 860 mBar / 645 mm Hg

Surrounding Temperature : 5-40°C / 41-104°F

Operating Environment
Humidity : <95% RH non-condensing
Storage / Transport Surrounding Temperature : 5-40°C / 41-104°F
Condition Humidity : <95% RH non-condensing
Safety : Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity
: LpA = 67 dB(A) (Measured value)
A-weighted sound emission
Noise Level Uncertainty K = 4 dB(A)
pressure level at workstations
Measurement made in accordance with EN ISO 11202

Consisting of:
05926904 CitoVac lid for glueing of thin sections 1
05926902 Mounting Cup Holder for 5 FixiForm 40 mm dia. 1
40200029 EpoFix Kit*** 1
40300080 Consumables kit for CitoVac 1
40300089 FixiForm 40 mm dia. 10 pcs 1


Model : LaboPol-30
c/n : 06336127
Grinding/Polishing machine with variable speed (50-500 rpm) for disc 250/300 mm (10/12") dia.
With automatic water valve. Spplied with spash guard and bowl liner.
LaboPol-30 Specifications :
Diameter : 250 mm / 10'' or 300 mm / 12''
Speed : 50 - 500 rpm
Disc Rotational Direction : Counter-Clockwise
Motor Power Continuous (S1) : 750 W / 1 HP
Torque,@300 rpm : ˃24 Nm
Head (Option) : LaboForce-50
Recommended dosing unit : LaboDoser-10
Dosing (Option)
Pumps : 1 suspension/lubricant
Safety : Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity
Emergency Stop : Designed to comply with : EN60204-1, Stop Category 0. EN954-1, Category 2
Noise Level : At idle running, at a distance of 1.0 m / 39.4'' from the machine : 58 dBA
Surrounding Temp : 5 - 40 °C / 41 - 104 °F
Non Condensing : 0 - 95 % RH
Voltage / frequensy : 200 - 240 V / 50 - 60 Hz
Power inlet : 1-Phase (N+L1+PE) or 2-Phase (L1+L2+PE)
Power, nominal load : 900 W
Power, idle : 16 W
Current, nom. :4A
Current, max. : 10 A
Pressure for tap water : 1-10 bar / 14.5 - 145 psi
Water inlet : 1/2'' or 3/4''
Water outlet : Ø 30 mm / 1¼'' Ø 40 mm / 1½''
Air inlet (Laboforce-100) : Ø 6 mm / ¼''
Air Pressure (Laboforce-100) : 6 - 10 bar / 87-145 psi
Width : 51 cm / 20''
Depth : 76.5 cm / 30.1''
Dimensions & Weight
Height ( with LaboForce) : 25 cm / 9.8'' (64.5 cm / 25.4'')
Weight ( with LaboForce) : 33 kg / 73 lbs (53.5 kg / 118 lbs)
NO :20210518/Intec-3LJ/048
No Descriptions Qty Price Amount

LaboForce-50 Specifications :
Motor Output : 40 W
Torque, @300 rpm : >2.6 Nm
Rotational Speed : 150 rpm at 50/60 Hz
Rotational Direction : Counter-Clockwise
Force, Individual Specimens : 5-30 N
Force, Specimen Holders :-
Methods :1
Specimens (Max) : 4 x 40 mm dia.
Specimen Mover
Max Sample Height, Individual :-
Max Diameter : 110 mm
Safety Standards :Running
Please refer to at
at idle, thea Declaration
distance of of Conformity
Noise Level 0.25 m / 10" from the machine : 48 dB(A)
: LaboForce-50 is connected directly to LaboPol-20/-30/-
Power Supply Power Connection
Surrounding Temperature : 5 - 40 °C / 41 - 104 °F
Operating Environment
Humidity (Non-condensing) : 0 - 95 % RH
Width : 18.3 cm / 7.2"
Dimensions and Depth : 43.5 cm / 17.1"
Weight Height : 51.6 cm / 20.3"
Weight : 14.5 kg / 32 lbs

Consisting of :
06356127 LaboForce-50 1
06206925 Splash Guard for semi-automatic preparation 300 mm dia disc 1
06206913 Lid for LaboPol-30 1
06086403 MD-Disc 300 mm dia with cone 1
49900049 MD-Gekko 300 mm dia. 2 pcs 1
40400240 SiC Foil #80. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40400241 SiC Foil #120. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40400242 SiC Foil #180. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40400243 SiC Foil #220. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40400244 SiC Foil #320. 300 mm dia. 100 pcs 1
40400245 SiC Foil #500. 300 mm dia. 100 pcs 1
40400246 SiC Foil #800. 300 mm dia. 100 pcs 1
40400247 SiC Foil #1000. 300 mm dia. 100 pcs 1
40400248 SiC Foil #1200. 300 mm dia. 100 pcs 1
40400249 SiC Foil #2000. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40400252 SiC Foil #4000. 300 mm dia. 50 pcs 1
40500405 MD-Floc 300 mm dia. 5 pcs 1
40700049 AP-A Powder 0.3 µm. 1 kg 1
06086900 Coupling for Tegramin-20 / LaboForce-50 1
06086914 Specimen Mover Plate for Tegramin-20 / LaboForce-50. 4 x 40 mm dia 1
06376901 LaboDoser-10 1
06376903 Cap for LaboDoser-10 1

Keterangan :
- Harga : Franco JAKARTA, BELUM termasuk PPN 10%
- Delivery : 3 bulan setelah PO / SPK kami terima
- Pembayaran : 50% DP dan 50% saat barang akan diserahkan
- Instalasi air, angin, dan listrik disediakan dilokasi oleh pembeli
- Harga sudah termasuk biaya :
- Garansi alat selama 1 (satu) tahun apabila terjadi kerusakan yang disebabkan kesalahan dari Pihak Pabrik
- Jaminan Pelayanan Purna Jual / After Sales Service
- Instalasi dan Training Operator di tempat
- Uji Coba Peralatan setelah di Instalasi
- Penawaran berlaku selama 3 bulan sejak tanggal penawaran
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 11. Stereo Miksroskop
No.016/LSC/Q/BW/VIII/2021 Jakarta, 11 Mei 2021

Kepada Yth.
Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI
Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430

Att. Ibu Intan

Dengan hormat,

Bersama ini kami berikan penawaran harga alat laboratorium dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

No Deskripsi Jml Harga Unit Total

1 STEREO ZOOM MICROSCOPE, with LED Stand for Episcopic and Diascopic Illumination 1 Rp 60,300,000 Rp 60,300,000
Brand: Nikon
Model: SMZ 745T

- This stereo microscope incorporates an optical path switching lever that enables switchover
between eyepiece and camera
- Optical System: Greenough Type
- Total magnification: 3.35-300x depend on eyepiece and auxiliary objective lens in used
- Eyepiece tube: fixed type with inclination: 45 degree
- Interpupillary distance adjusment 52-75 mm
- Zooming range: 0.67 - 5 x
- Zooming ratio: 7.5 : 1
- Magnification in use: 6.7 - 50 x
- Straight tube: built-in C-mount 0.55x magnification lens (FN 11), compatible with 2/3" or smaller CCD
- Working distance: 115 mm
- Focusing: rack and pinion system
- Anti-electrostatic design
- Anti Mold
- Available optional auxiliary objective: G-AL 0.5x (WD 211mm), G-AL 0.7x (WD 150mm),
G-AL 1.5x (WD 61mm) and G-AL 2x (WD 43.5mm)
- New Stand: LED Stand for Diascopic and episcopic observation

Consisting of:
SMZ745T Zooming Body
C-W10XB Eyepiece 10X 2pcs
C-LEDS Hybrid LED Stand
Power cord BE
Cover Type 104

Accessories (to get Magnification 8-100x):

G-AL Auxiliary objective 2.0x, W.D. 43.5mm

2 STEREO ZOOM MICROSCOPE, Diascopic Stand with Episcopic LED illuminator 1 Rp 81,400,000 Rp 81,400,000
Brand: Nikon
Model: SMZ 745T

- This stereo microscope incorporates an optical path switching lever that enables switchover
between eyepiece and camera
- Optical System: Greenough Type
- Total magnification: 3.35-300x depend on eyepiece and auxiliary objective lens in used
- Eyepiece tube: fixed type with inclination: 45 degree
- Interpupillary distance adjusment 52-75 mm
- Zooming range: 0.67 - 5 x
- Zooming ratio: 7.5 : 1
- Magnification in use: 6.7 - 50 x
- Straight tube: built-in C-mount 0.55x magnification lens (FN 11), compatible with 2/3" or smaller CCD
- Working distance: 115 mm
- Focusing: rack and pinion system
- Anti-electrostatic design
- Anti Mold
- Available optional auxiliary objective: G-AL 0.5x (WD 211mm), G-AL 0.7x (WD 150mm),
G-AL 1.5x (WD 61mm) and G-AL 2x (WD 43.5mm)
- Illumination: Episcopic & Diascopic LED Illumination
- Stand: Diascopic stand

PT New Module International Page 1 of 2 Jl. Abdul Muis No 36Q Jakarta Pusat 10160 Indonesia
No Deskripsi Jml Harga Unit Total

Consisting of:
C-W10XB Eyepiece 10X, 2pcs
C-DS Diascopic Stand
C-DSLU2 LED Unit for Dia Illumination Stand 2
4 AC AC Adapter / CN
Power Cord BE
Cover Type 104
C-LSL2 LED Epi Illuminator 2
4 AC AC Adapter / CN
Power Cord BE
G-EIA Articulated Supporting Arm

Accessories (to get Magnification 8-100x):

G-AL Auxiliary objective 2.0x, W.D. 43.5mm


Brand: Nikon - Ex. Japan
Model: Digital Sight 1000

CMOS image sensor: 1/2.8 inch (5.57 x 3.13 mm), No. of pixels: 1920x1080 pixel 2.0 megapixels
Recordable pixels:
- All pixels mode: 1920 x 1080 pixel
- 2 Vertical and 2 Horizontal pixels average mode: 1440 x 1024 pixel
Live Display mode:
- All pixels mode (1920 x 1080 pixel): 30fps
Exposure Time: 1 msec to 10 sec.
ISO sensivity: Standart Equivalent to ISO 50
Exposure Control:
- One-time automatic exposure: Exposure time is adjusted automatically for one-time within the optimum
range for the camera
- Manual exposure: Exposure time and gain settings are made manually
Photometry mode: Average photometry: Average intensity within the photometry area. Peak photometry:
maximum intensity within the photometry area
Exposure correction: Available
Resolution (camera image mode)
- "all pixels" mode: Horizontal and vertical 1500 television lines or more
- "2 Vertical and 2 Horizontal pixels average" mode: Horizontal and vertical 600 television lines or more
Lens mount: C-mount
Image record format:
- When using Stand-alone: JPEG, AVI
- When using Nis Elements L: JPEG/TIFF, AVI/MP4
Interface: USB2.0 (connect with PC or USB mouse) x 1, HDMI x 1, SD card slot x 1 (SD/SDHC card are available)
power supply: AC100-240V 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption: Maximum power consumption 3W
External Dimensions: 76(W) x 69(D) x 91(H) mm
Weight: approx 450g
Operating environment: 0-40c, 60% RH max. (without condensation)

Application Software
Can be controlled without a PC (stand-alone mode) Capture, record movies, display scales and simple measurement

Consisting of:
Digital Sight 1000 Microscope Camera
4-AC AC Adapter
Y-TV55 TV tube 0.55x
C-mount 0.55x relay lens

Monitor (to be combined with DS-1000 digital camera)

27 Inch monitor Full HD, SD card 32GB, Mouse, HDMI Cable

Adapun kondisi harga diatas adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Harga: Franko Jakarta, Belum termasuk PPN 10%
2. Penyerahan barang: Ready stock (tidak mengikat) / indent 10-12 minggu setelah PO dan DP diterima
3. Pembayaran: DP 40% setelah PO diterima dan 60% sebelum barang dikirim ke site
4. Garansi alat: 1 (satu) tahun diluar suku cadang
5. Penawaran berlaku selama 30 hari
6. Termasuk instalasi dan training

Hormat kami,
PT. New Module International

Informasi lebih lanjut:

HP: +62 81297421404
Nandang Suherman Email: [email protected]
Life Science Dept. Manager [email protected]

PT New Module International Page 2 of 2 Jl. Abdul Muis No 36Q Jakarta Pusat 10160 Indonesia
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 QUOTATION
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara GCL/4005/0521/LT
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Rev. 0
Fax: 021-58903151 Date: 11-05-2021

To: Lipi Oceanografi

Laboratory of Marine Molecular Genetics
Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Science
Jl. Pasir Putih 1, Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430

Hp :

No. Description Qty. Unit Price Total Price

1 OGS60 Table Top General Protocol Oven 1 IDR 26,600,000 IDR 26,600,000
Brand: Thermo Scientific Heratherm
Cat#: 51028139
Country of Origin: Germany
- Convection technology: gravity convection
- Temperature range: 50 - 250 °C
- Spatial temperature deviation: ± 4.4 °C at 150 °C
- Temperature deviation over time: ± 0.4 °C at 150 °C
- Chamber volume: 65 Litre
- Footprint: 0.3 m2
- Number of shelves supplied / max: 2 / 13
- Max. shelf load: 25 kg
- Electricity: 230 V, 50/60 Hz
- Energy consumption at 150 °C: 194 W
- Built in timer with on/off timer function
- Inner chamber made from corrosion-resistant stainless steel 1.4016 with rounded corners for easy
- Large, easy to view vacuum fluorescent display
- Simple, microprocessor-based touch button controls
- 180° door opening
- Easy calibration routine
- Automatic overtemperature alarm system to protect samples
- Stackable with optional stacking kit
- Manually controlled fresh air damper
- Access port for independent data monitoring: use exhaust vent
- RS232 interface available
- CE Marked

Total IDR 26,600,000

PPN 10% IDR 2,660,000
Grand Total IDR 29,260,000

Term & Condition :

Price: Franco Jakarta in IDR, 10% VAT included
Delivery: 6-10 (six to ten) weeks after received of PO
Payment: 30% down payment; 70% before delivery
Validity: 4 (four) weeks

Yours Faithfully,
PT. GeneCraft Labs

Dwi Narullita Wulandari

Technical sales

Page 1
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 13. Muffle Furnace
Company : Kepala Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI Date : May 20, 2021
Address : Jl. Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430 Number : 340R1/Q/LPI/DA/V/2021
Email : [email protected]

Mobile : +62 819-1176-3105

Attn : Ibu Selvia
1 1 Unit Laboratory Furnace 55,400,000 55,400,000
merk : SNOL, Lithuania (Europe) (Indent 8-10 weeks)
tipe : SNOL 13/1100 LHM01

High accuracy electric muffle furnace SNOL 13/1100 is a universal laboratory

furnace, firing up to 1100°C and designed for material testing and heat
treatment such as hardening, loosening, normalising ceramic and stoneware
samples. To eliminate gases or smokes that are released during thermal
processing, an exhaust system may be additionally installed in the product. The
furnace is an excellent fit for scientific laboratories, educational institutions,
ceramic studios, medicine and industry.

٠One piece high thermal efficiency, vacuum-formed ceramic fiber chamber

٠Heating elements, embedded in a vacuum formed fiber, are inside four walls of the chamber
٠Outside casing – metal sheet, powder painted grey
٠Door opens upwards
٠Door safety interlock switch
٠Control panel is placed in the underpart of the furnace
٠Microprocessor – temperature controller
٠Ceramic bottom plate
٠Fast heating time due to low thermal mass construction
٠Low power consumption
٠Good stability and uniformity
٠1 year warranty

Useful volume : 13 liter
Rated power not more than : 1,8 kW
Rated supply voltage : 230 V
Rated frequency : 50 Hz
Number of phases :1
Continuous operating : T+10-1100 °C
Maximum temperature : 1100 °C
Working chamber material : Fiber muffle
Maximum heating- up time : 50 Min.
(without charge)

Tlp/Fax. +62 21 2957 2252 | Email :[email protected] | Website :www.labolyticperiferal.com
Temperature stability in : 1 °C
working chamber at rated
temperature in thermal
steady state without charge
not more than
Temperature uniformity in : 10 °C
working space at rated
temperature in thermal
steady state without charge
not more than
Furnace working chamber : width (220 mm) x depth (335 mm) x height (170 mm)
Furnace external dimensions : width (505 mm) x depth (685 mm) x height (555 mm)
Mass : 36 kg

1a 1 Unit Laboratory Furnace 70,200,000 70,200,000

merk : SNOL, Lithuania (Europe) (Indent 8-10 weeks)
tipe : SNOL 22/1100 LHM01

High accuracy electric muffle furnace SNOL 22/1100 is a universal laboratory

furnace, firing up to 1100°C and designed for material testing and heat
treatment such as hardening, loosening, normalising ceramic and stoneware
samples. To eliminate gases or smokes that are released during thermal
processing, an exhaust system may be additionally installed in the product. The
furnace is an excellent fit for scientific laboratories, educational institutions,
ceramic studios, medicine and industry

٠One piece high thermal efficiency, vacuum-formed ceramic fiber chamber

٠Heating elements, embedded in a vacuum formed fiber, are inside four walls of the chamber
٠Outside casing – metal sheet, powder painted grey
٠Door opens upwards
٠Door safety interlock switch
٠Control panel is placed in the underpart of the furnace
٠Microprocessor – temperature controller
٠Ceramic bottom plate
٠Fast heating time due to low thermal mass construction
٠Low power consumption
٠Good stability and uniformity
٠1 year warranty

Useful volume : 22 liter
Rated power not more than : 3 kW
Rated supply voltage : 230 V
Rated frequency : 50 Hz
Number of phases :1
Continuous operating : T+10-1100 °C
Maximum temperature : 1100 °C
Working chamber material : Fiber muffle

Tlp/Fax. +62 21 2957 2252 | Email :[email protected] | Website :www.labolyticperiferal.com
Maximum heating- up time : 50 Min.
(without charge)
Temperature stability in : 1 °C
Temperature uniformity in : 15 °C
Furnace working chamber : width (280 mm) x depth (500 mm) x height (160 mm)
Furnace external dimensions : width (605 mm) x depth (855 mm) x height (620 mm)
Mass : 59 kg

Total : 125,600,000
Note : - Prices can change at any time without prior notice Discount : -
- Price does not include the supplier's profit Total After Discount : -
PPN : 12,560,000
Freight Charge : -
Grand Total : 138,160,000
DP 50% : 69,080,000
Repayment 50% : 69,080,000

Terms and Condition For and on Behalf of

Prices : Price Franco Jabodetabek, Include Installation and Training PT. Labolytic Periferal Indonesia
Payment : 50 % DP, 50% before delivery (Full Payment)
Delivery : Indent within 8-10 weeks
Validity : 4 weeks
Warranty : 1 year

Danny Andrianto
M: 0877 8028 4851
E: [email protected]

Tlp/Fax. +62 21 2957 2252 | Email :[email protected] | Website :www.labolyticperiferal.com

NOMOR : 551/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2021



2. NIB :

3. ALAMAT : Komplek Permata Senayan Blok H-3, Jl. Patal Senayan 1 No.5 RT. 009,
RW. 007, Kel. Grogol Utara, Kec. Kebayoran Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan,
Prop. DKI Jakarta

4. NO. TELP / FAX : 021-57949518 / 02157949523



ALAMAT : 1 Jalan Kilang Timor #04-02 Pacific Tech Centre, Singapore 159309


8. JENIS BARANG : Terlampir

10. NO. HS : 9012.10.00.00


Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 27 Januari 2021


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi


Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

1. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) ini akan diadakan
perubahan atau penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya sampai kepada pembatalan atau
pencabutan masa berikutnya

2. Setiap pemegang (STP) wajib menyampaikan laporan kegiatan perusahaan setiap 6(enam)
bulan sekali kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

3. Setiap perusahaan yang tidak lagi melakukan usahanya atau menutup perusahaannya
wajib melaporkan penutupan kegiatan perusahaan usahanya dan mengembalika STP asli
kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

4. Setiap perusahaan yang melakukan perubahan nama prinsipal, status penunjukan

keagenan / kedistribusian, merk, wilayah pemasaran jenis barang, alamat perusahaan,
penanggung jawab perusahaan wajib melaporkan kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku


1. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak melakukan pendaftaran dikenakan sanksi
administratif sampai dengan pencabutan SIUP. (Pasal 24)

2. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak menyampaikan laporan kegiatan dan
perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan dikenakan sanksi administratif sampai dengan
pemberhentian sementara STP selama 6(enam) bulan atau pencabutan STP. (Pasal 25)

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah


NOMOR : 551/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2021


1. Scanning Electron Microscopes : Quanta, Prisma, Quattro, 9012.10.00.00 FEI

Apreo, Verios, MLA, Explorer, 2. Small Dual Beams : Scios,
Aquilos, Helios, Heliscan Micro CT; 3. Transmission Electron
Microscope : Talos, Themis, Krios, Glacios, Vitrobot, 4. X-Ray
Photo Electron Spectroscopy, and 5. Others .

Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 27 Januari 2021


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

Quotation For
Company : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI Indonesia 013/MBI/SPH/RZ/II/2020
Address : Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan 12/2/2020
Tim., Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Jakarta 14430
Phone/Fax : (021) 64713850
Email : [email protected]
Attn : Pak Arief Rachman
Subject : Quotation Benchtop SEM EM-30AXN COXEM

Item NO. Qty Product Description Unit Price IDR Total IDR

1 Scanning Electron Microscope (EM-30AXN) 2,975,000,000 2,975,000,000

Magnification x20 ~ x150,000 (Free scale Magnification)
- Effective Magnification : x80,000
Detector DP Secondary Electron Detector
DP Back Scattered Electron Detector
- Retractable Type
Accelerating Voltage
Electron Gun W (Tungsten), Pre-Align Cartridge Filament
2 Step Condenser lens
Lens System
1 Step Objective lens
Objective Aperture 4 Levels Variable Aperture
Image Shift +/-40um
X (35mm), Y (35mm), T (0 ~ 45°)
- Auto Step Motor Stage
Beam Rotation (360°), Z (5 ~ 50mm)
- Manual Stage
Special Holder(32mm x 32mm x 43mm)
7 Load Stub(8mm x 8mm x 3mm)
Section Stub(25mm x 25mm x 10mm)
Tilt Stub(25mm x 25mm x 10mm)
Standard Stub(25mm x 25mm x 3mm)
Basic Stub(15mm x 15mm x 1mm)
Focus Mode (160 x 120 pixels)
Reduced Mode (320 x 240 pixels) TV Mode (640 x 480 pixels)

Slow Screen Scan Mode (800 x 600 pixels) Photo Screen Capture
Scanning Mode Mode I

(1280 x 960 pixels)

Photo Screen Capture Mode II (2560 x 1920 pixels)
Photo Screen Capture Mode III (5120 x 3840 pixels)
Image Format JPG, TIFF, BMP,PNG
Imange Display 49" QLED Curved Monitor
Auto Filament Saturation
Auto Focus
Auto Contrast/Brightness in a sec Duplex
Convenient Function Navigation(CCD+MiniMap) OneSec Auto Brightness and Contrast
Line Profile measure
SE+BSE Image Merge
SE/BSE Image Split
Max height : 5 ~ 50mm
Working Distance General height : 7~25mm
- Use by special holder
Fully Automation
Vacuum System - Roughing : Diaphragm Pump
- High Vacuum : Turbo Molecular Pump
Joystick (X,Y Move, Focus, Magnification)
Control System Mouse and Keyboard
PC Controlled by USB
S/W Measuring
Length, Angle, Area, Panorama(Ver 1.0)
Vacuum Condition : 100pa to 1pa 157,500,000.00 157,500,000.00
Low Vacuum
Air Compressor 1ea
AC220V +/-10%, 50/60Hz, 1.5kVA
- 3kVA with EDS

Gun Unit
HV Tank Unit
1 set - HV unit : Output : 30Kv
Column Unit
Chamber & Stage Unit
Detector Unit
1 set - PMT : Bar type
Control Unit
1 set - Computer system
1 set - Image manager software
Vacuum Unit
1 set - Diaphragm Pump
1 set - Turbo Molecular Pump : 80 Liter/sec
8 pcs Tungsten Filament & Cartridge
1 set EM & Plus Holder set
1 ea Carbon Tape
Spare Parts 1 ea Carrier Box(Accessories & tools included)
1 set Wrench
1 ea Blower
1 ea User Manual
Detectable element : Be(5) - U(92) 1,462,500,000 1,462,500,000
Resolution: 133eV or better at 5.89keV Mn, 60eV Fluorine
EDS[Oxford] 1
Detector Type: SDD Sensor Size :30mm2
Cooling Type : Peltier
Size : 500x600x93mm
Weight :32kg
Actuator :Using Electro-Magnetic Force
EM-Anti Vibration
1 Isolation Performance : -35dB ~ -40dB/10Hz
(Active type)
System configuration : Controller and vibration isolator unit
Initial Horizontal Adjustment : Automatic Adjustment

Include :
1 UPS 5 KVA & Stabilizer

- Dimension; 420(W)x220(D)x230mm, 10Kg
- Gold/Platinum Target : 50.8 mm X 0.1mm
- Operating Vacuum; About 0.1 Torr
SPT-20 1 - Maximum Ion Voltage; ~ 3KV 225,000,000.00 225,000,000
- Ion Current; 1 ~ 9 mA
- Coating Time; 10 ~ 500 sec
- Rotary Pump
Model: CSU-2
Suitable for Liquid or Biological Samples
Optimized Feedback Control
Cool Stage Temperature Range : -25℃ to 50℃ Temperature Resolution : ±0.1℃

Temperature Accuracy : ±1℃ Temperature Display Resolution :

Cool Stage for SEM 1 ea ±0.1℃ Takes 90 sec to 50℃, Take 180 sec to -25℃ 420,000,000.00 420,000,000.00
- (with Ø18 x 7t stub on room temperature, starting from 10℃)
Condensation-proof Design
Cool Stage for SEM 1 ea 420,000,000.00 420,000,000.00

Covered Vacuum Feed-through flange with all connextions

Specimen Holder Size : Ø18
Provides Four different kind of specimen stubs.
TOTAL (IDR) 5,240,000,000
DISC 15% 786,000,000
SUB TOTAL 4,454,000,000
PPN 10% 445,400,000
TOTAL (IDR) 4,899,400,000

Conditions :
Price include PPN
Price is franco onsite
Payment :50 % DP ( Down Payment), 50 % Before delivery
Validity :1 Months
Delivery :4 - 8 Weeks after DP Received
Warranty : 1 year of Unit Instrument
2 year service warranty including 2x (twice) maintenance visit, including accomodation and transport
Free instalation and training fee,Include accomodation and transportation
*Training and Education at Manufacture Facility for 2 Person
*) Computer generated document, no signature required

M. Rizky Nurul Huda

PT. Maja Bintang Indonesia
Phone : +62 81314253085
Email : [email protected]
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 15. TOC Analyzer with TN Module &
INSTRUMENTASI)- F2 Lotix Solid Sampler



Automated Combustion TOC Analyzer
The Lotix TOC Combustion analyzer is designed to
accurately measure carbon content in aqueous matrices
down to the ppb level. It uses proven catalytic
combustion, oxidation of carbon material into carbon
dioxide, and detection using a new Non-Dispersive Infrared
(NDIR) detector.

Lotix is the ultimate solution for wastewater, surface water,

ground water, sea water, and other hard to oxidize matrices
with an economical price to fit any budget.
Benefits of the Lotix
• No costly syringe drives or 7-port valves!
• Ability to run 0-20,000 ppm without dilution with a single
0.5 mL injection volume virtually eliminating the need for
multiple calibration curves
• Easy to use software requiring < 1 minute to set up a
calibration curve
• Simple design ensures virtually any component can be accessed
in minutes, and with the furnace located in the front, combustion
tube maintenance is a snap
• Real-time viewing of analytical data and printing of completed
sample reports while instrument is running
• Easy scheduling of priority samples
• Ability to export to CSV or PDF and import from CSV files
• Average run time for triplicate TOC is 13-15 minutes (depending
on concentration)
• Uses a pressurized 10 L water reservoir to clean the sample
pathway, loop and needle before and after each sample
without using any positions on the autosampler
• Ability to run Total Nitrogen (TN) with optional module
• Ability to run solids with optional
Accuracy You Can Count On
The Lotix TOC Combustion analyzer is designed to accurately Inorganic Carbon (IC) samples are transferred into the IC
measure carbon content in aqueous matrices down to the ppb sparger along with a predetermined amount of 21%
level. It uses proven catalytic combustion, oxidation of carbon phosphoric acid. In this acidic environment, all forms of IC
material into carbon dioxide, and detection using a flow- are purged out of the solution as CO2 by the continuous flow
through Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) detector. of gas through a sparging tube. After the removal of IC, the
gas then continues through the permeation dryer, halogen
The Lotix features a vertical quartz combustion tube packed scrubber, and sample filter to the NDIR detector for analysis.
with supported platinum catalyst and quartz beads that
receives a continuous flow of air or oxygen at 200 mL/minute. The oxidation products are swept into the NDIR detector,
The furnace is normally maintained at 680 °C, but can be varied which is CO2 selective. As the CO2 passes through the detector
to any temperature up to 1000 °C. Samples containing organic it is analyzed. The output signal is proportional to the
carbon are automatically introduced into the combustion tube concentration of CO2, created from the oxidation of the sample,
via a sample loop injection system. in the carrier gas.

Through catalytic oxidation, the sample is completely oxidized

to CO2. The gas flow sweeps the CO2 containing steam out of Applications and Industries
the combustion tube, through a condenser loop, and then TOC sampling and analysis are used in a wide range of
through a mist trap. Final H2O removal is accomplished by applications in several industries.
a permeation dryer. The CO2 containing gas is then passed • Environmental
through a halogen scrubber and sample filter to a CO2 specific • Petrochemical
Non-Dispersive Infrared detector (NDIR) for quantification.

NEW Highly Sensitive NDIR Detector

The Lotix’s NDIR detector is an absolute, non-dispersive infrared
gas analyzer based upon a single path, dual wavelength, infrared
detection system. This low-maintenance analyzer is designed for
continuous monitoring of CO2. The Lotix’s NDIR has the following
• High accuracy over the entire measurement range due to
automatic temperature and pressure compensation
• High stability with low zero and span drift
• 1 ppm signal noise at 370 ppm CO2
• CO2 measurement range of 0-20,000 ppm without
dilution using a single 0.5 mL sample injection. Higher
concentrations are achievable with dilution prior to analysis.
• An optical path that can be serviced and cleaned by
Teledyne Tekmar Service Technicians
Features and Benefits



A. Sample Conveyor – The Lotix conveyor systematically moves C. Combustion Furnace - Provides high temperature
sample vials to the sample position for sample introduction necessary to oxidize the carbon in the sample into CO2. The
via the needle assembly. The conveyor is designed to hold combustion tube contains a bed of proprietary catalyst that
thirty 40 mL VOA vials. promotes oxidation of organics. By removing the side panel,
B. Needle Elevator Tower - The needle elevator raises and one can gain complete access to the combustion furnace
lowers the needle assembly using a pneumatic air cylinder. and tube. The design of the furnace permits easy installation,
When lowered, the sample and pressurize needles puncture monitoring and maintenance of the combustion tube.
the septa of the vial. When raised, the needles are safely D. Wet Chemistry Panel – An easily accessible panel holds
above the sample vial, allowing the sample conveyor to the Inorganic Carbon (IC) Sparger, Acid Bottle and Halogen
move the vial in the sample position out for rinse, and the Scrubber for the removal of chlorine and other halogens.
next vial into the sample position.

1. Lotix Solids Sampler (LSS) - The LSS quickly prepares SO3 Scrubber - Certain sample matrices (such as samples
samples for TOC and TC analysis in a wide range of sample preserved with sulfuric acid) have the potential to create gases
matrices that include wastewater, sludges, slurries and solids. harmful to the Lotix NDIR detector during analysis. The optional
2. Lotix Total Nitrogen (TN) Module - Analyzes samples Lotix Sulfite (SO3) Scrubber (mistcatcher) removes these gases
for Total Nitrogen (TN) content. The TN module works in before they reach the detector.
combination with the Lotix TOC Analyzer enabling analysis Salt Analysis Kit - The Salt Analysis Kit contains required
of aqueous samples for TOC/TN, TC/TN and TN. components for the analysis of sea water and brines on the
3. Mixing Module - The optional Lotix Mixing Module is Lotix TOC analyzer. The kit includes a 0.3 mL sample loop,
designed to stir samples in the vial prior to analysis. The large sphere catalyst and combustion tube, and replacement
mixing module contains a magnet attached to an electric parts for Lotix components whose life-span is reduced when
motor. The rotating magnet in the module causes a analyzing this sample type.
magnetized stir bar in the vial to rotate and mix the sample.
TOC TekLink™
Fully Optimized User Interface
The Lotix was developed to simplify TOC analysis. The Lotix’s TOC TekLink™ software, was designed from the user’s perspective.
The result is an instrument so fluidly connected to a user’s analytical needs that it becomes nearly transparent. TOC TekLink™ was
designed around the following concepts:

Schedule Creation Should be Quick and Painless

• Calibration and Sample Schedule Screens are logically
organized around essential scheduling functions.
• Prioritize samples by editing a schedule while running.
• Real-time results are shown on both the Calibration
and Sample Schedule Screens and the Report Screen.
• Requires <1 minute to set up calibration curve.

Editing Calibration Curves Should Be a Easy

• Flexibility to select between the latest method blank
or y-intercept when running the sample schedule.
• Manually input the blank ABS value.
• Open saved calibrations for review and reuse.

Little Extras Make A Big Difference

• Automatic shutdown/standby of temperature and gas results in
cost savings!
• Automatic corrective actions (outlier deletion) in response to
exceeded %RSD, standard deviation, and failed check standards.
• Auto-export of reports to a default printer, CSV or the ability to
print on demand to PDF format.
Lotix Specifications
Chemistry: Oxidation by Catalytic Combustion: From 680 °C - 1000 °C

TOC Detector: Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Detector

TOC Analytical Modes: TOC (NPOC), TC-IC, TC, IC

TOC Analytical: Concentration range 0-20,000 ppm without dilution using a single 0.5 mL sample injection. Higher
concentrations achievable with dilution prior to analysis.
Limit of Detection: 50 ppb
Carryover: ≤ 1.0% Cross Contamination
Sample Size: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL for salt samples)
Precision*: ≤ 2% RSD, typical of a mid-range standard.

* Analytical performance is affected by laboratory water, reagent and gas purity, sample container
cleanliness, sample matrix, gas regulator cleanliness, precision and operator skill.
TOC Analysis Time: 13-15 minutes typical for triplicate TOC analysis

TN Analytical Modes: TN, TN/TC, TN/TOC

TN Analytical: Range: 50 ppbN to 100 ppmN

Precision: < 3% Range for mid-range standard in triplicate
Carryover: < 1%
Sample Size: 0.3 mL or 0.5 mL for liquid samples
TN Analysis Time: <15 minutes for a mid-range standard in triplicate

Carrier Gas Handling: Integrated pressure regulator with in-line flow restrictors to maintain carrier gas at 200 mL/min

Liquid Handling: Pressurized sample delivery and liquid handling

Solenoid actuated micro-pump precisely delivers acid for IC removal/analysis in 50 µL increments +/-5%
Self-cleaning sample handling process that cleans sample pathway before and after every sample
Sample Introduction: Integrated 30-position autosampler (conveyor style)

Controller: PC, Interface through Windows® 7 or greater

Data Handling: Reports exportable to CSV and PDF format
Importing from CSV file
Real time viewing and printing of analytical results while instrument is running
Ability to store customized individual test methods
Priority samples via schedule interrupt
Outlier deletions and precision performance criteria controls
Other Features: Pre-programmed point and click method set-up
Instrument condition light
Automatic and configurable standby mode
Simple design ensures access to internal components in minutes
Combustion tube can be accessed from the front of the instrument in minutes
Autorinsing from sample and/or rinse water via built-in rinse station
Principal Applications: Wastewater, Industrial Waste Effluent, Surface Water, Ground Water, Sea Water

Methods: Standard Method 5310B, EPA 415.1, EPA 9060A, ASTM D2579, ISO 8245, AOAC 973.47
TN: EN-12260 and DIN-EN-ISO 11905-2
Certification: CE (CSA site certified if required)

TOC Utility Requirements: Universal Voltage: 100/115/230 VAC (±10%), Frequency: 50/60 Hz, Power: 1150 VA

TOC Dimensions: 18.2” W (46.2 cm) x 23.7” D (60.2 cm) x 26.3” (66.8 cm) H (Lotix only)
Weight 53 lbs (24 kg) (Lotix only)
TOC Gas Supply: Hydrocarbon and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) free air with TOC content <1 ppm or UHP O2. Gas can be
supplied from a cylinder or TOC gas generator. If a TOC gas generator is used, resulting gas must be
hydrocarbon and water free. To assure clean carrier gas is used, we suggest employing a complete
CO2 removal system and hydrocarbon trap between the gas source and analytical instrument.
Ultra-zero air or Oxygen may be used.
TOC Gas Inlet Pressure: 50 to 100 psi
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© 2018 Teledyne Technologies Incorporated
4736 Socialville-Foster Rd. • Mason, OH 45040 USA
Phone: (513) 229-7000
www.teledynetekmar.com 90023_2/18
May 25, 2021

Attention: To Whom It May Concern

Subject : Distributor’s Authorization

To: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI

We Teledyne Tekmar, business units of Teledyne Instruments, Inc. ("Teledyne").

Who are official manufacturers of Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC) laboratory & scientific
equipment having factory at 4736 Socialville Foster Road, Mason, Ohio 45040 United States of America.

THEREFORE, we do hereby
PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika
Ruko Rose Garden Blok RRG2 No.61. Grand Galaxy City
Bekasi Selatan 17147, Indonesia
Tel +62 21 82736962 II Fax +62 21 82736963
cMobile : +62 812 950 90550

to be an authorized distributor of Teledyne Tekmar TOC in this project for our product range.
PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika will be in charge of concerning quote, contract and after-sale services of
our products on behalf of us.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Asia Technical Sales
Manager, Mr. Yong Hin Kian at +6019 267 1660. Thank you.

Sincerely,Teledyne Tekmar, business units of Teledyne Instruments, Inc.

Teledyne Confidential; Commercially Sensitive Business Data

PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika
Your Trusted Partner For Laboratory Essentials

Ruko Rose Garden Blok RRG 2 No.61, Grand Galaxy City, Jakasetia, Bekasi 17147, Indonesia
Phone : 021- 82736962 Fax : 021- 82736963 Email : [email protected]

For : Our Ref: QSLW2105026
Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI Date: 25-May-21
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan Tim., Your Ref:
Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14430 Phone:
Attn : Kepala Bagian Pengadaan Email:

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit our quotation for your perusal. As per your request, please
find our quotation

Items Descriptions Qty Unit Price Total Price


1. TOC Analyzer with TN Module & Lotix Solid Sampler 1 Set 870.000.000 870.000.000
Type : LOTIX Combustion
15-1600-000 Lotix Combustion

Lotix Combustion TOC Analyzer with universal voltage for

110/115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, and 1200VA. PC/Network Driven
System 110VAC with flow-through NDIR detector. It
includes a (30) position integrated autosampler (conveyor
style) for 40mL VOA vials only, integrated pressure regulator
for maintaining carrier flow, and 0.5mL loop for sample
introduction. There is easy access to the combustion tube
and a pressurized water reservoir for rinsing sample
pathway. Package includes TOC Teklink software requiring
Windows 7 or greater and kit box.

15-2354-000 Mixing Module Assembly

15-0373-300 Total Nitrogen Module
Total Nitrogen Module with universal voltage for 110/115/230
VAC, 50/60 Hz, and 1200VA

15-2047-000 Consumable Kit (1 Year)

Consumable Kit (1 Year), includes combustion tube assembly
(combustion tube, quartz wool, catalyst, quartz beads),
injection line assembly, halide scrubber assembly, sample
filter, permeation dryer, condensate loop, septa for IC
sparger, 0,5 mL sample loop)
PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika
Your Trusted Partner For Laboratory Essentials

Ruko Rose Garden Blok RRG 2 No.61, Grand Galaxy City, Jakasetia, Bekasi 17147, Indonesia
Phone : 021- 82736962 Fax : 021- 82736963 Email : [email protected]
Vial kit, 40ml, pre-cleaned, 72 vials (including cap and septa)

Specification :
Chemistry : Oxidation by Combustion: From 680 °C - 1000 °C
TOC Detector : Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Detector
TOC Analytical Modes : TOC (NPOC), TC-IC, TC, IC
TOC Analytical : Concentration range 0-20,000 ppm without dilution using a single 0.5 mL sample
Higher concentrations achievable with dilution prior to analysis.
• Limit of Detection: 50 ppb
• Carryover: ≤ 1.0% Cross Contamination
• Sample Size: 0.5 mL (0.3 mL for salt
• Precision*: ≤2% RSD, typical of a mid-
* Analytical performance is affected by laboratory water, reagent and gas purity, sample container cleanliness, sample
matrix, gas regulator cleanliness, precision and operator skill.

TOC Analysis Time : 13-15 minutes typical for triplicate TOC analysis
TN Analytical Modes : TN, TN/TC, TN/TOC
TN Analytical : • Range: 50 ppbN to 100 ppmN
• Precision: < 3% Range for mid-range standard in triplicate
• Carryover: < 1%
• Sample Size: 0.3 mL or 0.5 mL for liquid
TN Analysis Time : <15 minutes for a mid-range standard in triplicate
Carier Gas Handling : Integrated pressure regulator with in-line flow restrictors to maintain carrier gas
at 200 mL/min
Liquid Handling : • Pressurized sample delivery and liquid handling
• Solenoid actuated micro-pump precisely delivers acid for IC removal/analysis in 50 µL
increments +/-5%
• Self-cleaning sample handling process that cleans sample pathway before and after
Sample Introduction : Integrated 30-position autosampler (conveyor style)
Controller : PC, Interface through Windows® 7 or greater
Data Handling : • Reports exportable to CSV and PDF format
• Importing from CSV file
• Real time viewing and printing of analytical results while instrument is running
• Ability to store customized individual test methods
• Priority samples via schedule interrupt
• Outlier deletions and precision performance criteria controls
Other Features : • Pre-programmed point and click method set-up
• Instrument condition light
• Automatic and configurable standby mode
• Simple design ensures access to internal components in minutes
• Combustion tube can be accessed from the front of the instrument in minutes
• Autorinsing from sample and/or rinse water via built-in rinse station
Principal Applications : Wastewater, Industrial Waste Effluent, and Surface Water, Ground Water, Sea Water
: Standard Method 5310B, EPA 415.1, EPA 9060A, ASTM D2579, ISO 8245, AOAC 973.47
TN: EN-12260 and DIN-EN-ISO 11905-2
Certification : CE (CSA site certified if required)
TOC Utility Requirements : Universal Voltage: 100/115/230 VAC (±10%), Frequency: 50/60 Hz, Power: 1150 VA
PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika
Your Trusted Partner For Laboratory Essentials

Ruko Rose Garden Blok RRG 2 No.61, Grand Galaxy City, Jakasetia, Bekasi 17147, Indonesia
Phone : 021- 82736962 Fax : 021- 82736963 Email : [email protected]
TOC Dimensions : 18.2” W (46.2 cm) x 23.7” D (60.2 cm) x 26.3” (66.8 cm) H Weight 53 lbs (24 kg)
TOC Gas Supply : Hydrocarbon and Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) free air with TOC content <1 ppm or UHP O2 .
supplied from a cylinder or TOC gas generator. If a TOC gas generator is used, resulting
be hydrocarbon and water free. To assure clean carrier gas is used, we suggest
CO2 removal system and hydrocarbon trap between the gas source and analytical
Ultra-zero air or Oxygen may be used.
TOC Gas Inlet Pressure : 50 to 100 psi

Include :
• Personal Computer
Desktop PC All In One. Min spec: core i7, 16GB, 1TB, 21.5 inch monitor, with keyboard & mouse.
Windows 10. Microsoft Office
• Synthetic Air 40/47 L
• UPS 10 Kva

Total Price (Exclude TAX) 870.000.000

Price quoted is Franco on site
10-12 weeks after PO Confirmed
Term of Payment
50% DP, Balance before shipment
Warranty , 1 Years
Warranty subject to engineer labour and replacement
of faulty components, exclusive of consumable parts.
Warranty will not apply to the damage due to customer or
user negligence.
Passing of Ownership
All goods and instruments remain the property of PT Saranalab
Mandiri Analitika until full payment has been received.
Installation , Training and commissioning of instrument are
included the price quoted
This quotation is valid for 14 days as from the above date

Sincerely Yours,

Prima Wahyu Subagja

PT. Saranalab Mandiri Analitika
Your Trusted Partner For Laboratory Essentials

Ruko Rose Garden Blok RRG 2 No.61, Grand Galaxy City, Jakasetia, Bekasi 17147, Indonesia
Phone : 021- 82736962 Fax : 021- 82736963 Email : [email protected]
SaranaLab Mandiri Analitika F/10/10/20 - Rev 1
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 16. Accelerated Solvent Extractor 34 mL
INSTRUMENTASI)- F3 System Bundle with Evaporator and
Heating/Stirring Module

Produ c t Spe ci f i cat i ons

Thermo Scientific Dionex
ASE 350 Accelerated Solvent
Extractor System

The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 350 Accelerated

Solvent Extractor with pH-hardened pathways featuring
Thermo Scientific™ Dionium™ components performs
extractions using less solvent and less time than
traditional techniques. The integrated solvent controller
is an easy-to-use module that allows automated delivery
of up to three solvents
Accelerated Solvent Extraction
Accelerated solvent extraction is a technique for extracting
organic compounds from solid and semisolid samples with liquid
solvents. Dionex ASE systems use organic and aqueous liquid
solvents at elevated temperatures and pressure to increase
the efficiency of the extraction process. Increased temperature
accelerates the extraction kinetics, and elevated pressure keeps
the solvent liquid above its boiling point, ensuring safe, rapid
extractions. Additionally, the pH-hardened pathway allows the
extraction of matrices that are pretreated with acids or bases.

Dionex ASE 350 instruments meet the requirements for

extraction under US EPA SW-846 Method 3545A for
Pressurized Fluid Extraction of base/neutrals and acids Dionex ASE 350 System • The method and sequence editor screens
(BNA), organophosphorous pesticides (OPP), chlorinated lets the operator schedule the extraction
Product Highlights
pesticides and herbicides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), conditions and allows the re-extraction
• Reduces extraction time and solvent
polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated of the same cell into separate vials.
consumption using elevated temperature
dibenzofurans (PCDF), and diesel range organics (DRO).
and pressure during extraction. • SmartRunTM protects against cell and
Accelerated solvent extraction technique replaces Soxhlet,
• pH-hardened flowpath. collection vessel mismatch and optimizes
sonication, wrist shaking, and other extraction techniques,
oven heat-up program to match cell size
and uses less solvent and less time. • Requires less than 50 mL solvent for a
and type.
20 g sample.
• Sensors for temperature, pressure, and
• Extracts are automatically filtered and
solvent and liquid leaks alert the operator
ready for direct injection or final cleanup.
if there is a problem, sound an audible
• 24 position sample carousel allows alarm, and shut down the system if
unattended operation. necessary.
• Easy-to-fill sample cells (1, 5, 10, 22, 34, • Optional Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™
66, and 100 mL) stainless steel cells and Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data
66 and 100 mL Dionium cells with finger- System (CDS) software for integration in
tight fittings. GC, GC/MS, LC, and LC/MS workflows.
• Easy-to-use collection bottles or vials.
• Convenient front panel operation runs
methods automatically on up to 24
2 Dionex ASE 350 System Installation At the time of your installation, the Field The Dionex ASE 350 system provides
Prior to scheduling your Dionex ASE 350 Service Representative will: sequential extraction of up to 24 samples
system installation, the following items 1. Make all hardware connections between in one batch. Each system includes one
must be available on site: the Dionex ASE 350 instrument and gas solvent bottle, snap-ring pliers, filter insertion
1. Nitrogen tank, 99.99% standard grade cylinders. tool, o-ring insertion tool, diatomaceous
(or house nitrogen with minimum of 2. Test cell tray and autoseal alignment. earth, power cords, and gas line fittings.
150 psi) The Dionex ASE 350 system is bundled to
3. Test the Dionex ASE 350 instrument for
include a starter kit and 12 stainless steel
2. Nitrogen regulator, capable of 200 psi proper operation and solvent recovery.
extraction cells. The starter kit contains
minimum delivery output 4. Provide training for up to two end users the collection vials/bottles, extraction cell
3. Optional: Air tank, 99.99% standard on routine operations of the Dionex ASE filters, and extraction cell seals and o-rings.
grade (or house air with minimum of 350 instrument. Your warranty period will These bundles are available with or without
100 psi) begin upon completion of the installation Chromeleon CDS software.
4. Optonial: Air regulator, capable of 200 psi or the 61st day after the system shipment.
(pressure fitting included in the ship kit)
5. 500 mL HPLC grade acetone (Fisher Ordering Information
catalog number A949SK-1) To order in the U.S., call 1-800-346-6390, or contact the Thermo Fisher Scientific office
6. 3 Kg Ottawa Sand Standard (Fisher nearest you. Outside the U.S., order through your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office or
catalog number S23-3) distributor. Refer to the following part numbers.
7. Lab bench capable of supporting the
Dionex ASE 350 system. (See height and Description Part Number
weight dimensions.) 120 V System 240 V System
Caution: Lift the module only from the Dionex ASE 350 System 083114 083146
bottom or side surfaces. Lifting from the Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 10 mL Cells 083115 083151
panel door will damage the door hinges.
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 22 mL Cells 083116 083152
8. Electrical: 90 to 260 V ac, 50/60 Hz: Less
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 34 mL Cells 083121 083153
than 5 amps at 120 V ac
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 66 mL Cells 083125 083156
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 100 mL Cells 083126 083157
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 10 mL Cells 083098 083131
& Chromeleon CDS Software
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 22 mL Cells 083099 083132
& Chromeleon CDS Software
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 34 mL Cells 083100 083133
& Chromeleon CDS Software
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 66 mL Cells 083112 083134
& Chromeleon CDS Software
Dionex ASE 350 Bundle with 100 mL Cells 083113 083137
& Chromeleon CDS Software
Dionex ASE 350 System

Produ c t Spe ci f i cat i ons

Oven: Accepts sample cell sizes of 1,5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 mL
Auto-seal actuator places cell into oven and returns cell to tray after extraction.
Temperature control: up to 200 °C.
Vertical cell orientation with flow from top to bottom.
Pump: Fluid delivery pressure: 10 MPa (1500 psi).
Pump flow: 70 mL minute
Automatic pressure sensor and pressure relief during heat-up.
Fluid Sensors: IR sensors detect fluid level during extract collection.
Display and Keyboard: Menu operated LCD, 8 x 45 character display method and schedule editor and storage
Extraction Cells: Seven capacities: 1, 5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 mL cells
Finger-tight cell caps feature compression seal for high-pressure closure
Extraction Cell Tray: 24 cell positions
Two rinse positions
Automatic home position sensing
Can perform multiple extractions per cell
Software: Optional Chromeleon 7.2 Chromatography Data System software available.
Collection Vials: 60 mL or 250 mL; vial lids have solvent-resistant septa (TFE-coated on solvent side)
Collection Vial Tray: 26 position tray insert for 60 mL vials and 19 position tray for 250 mL bottles bottle positions plus
two bottle position for rinse/waste collection tray compatible with 250 mL bottles
Extraction Fluids: Compatible with a wide range of organic and aqueous solvents
Dimensions (h × w x d): 69.3 × 67.3 × 61.7 cm
(27.3 × 26.5 × 24.3 in.)
Weight: 65 kg. (140 lb)
Power Requirements: Consumption: 500 VA max.
Voltage: 100–120 or 220–240 V ac
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Pneumatic Requirements: Air at 400–827 kPa (60–200 psi)
N2 at 1034x–1340 kPa (150–200 psi)

©2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries.
This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. It is not intended to encourage use of these
products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change.
Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details.

Africa +43 1 333 50 34 0 Denmark +45 70 23 62 60 Japan +81 6 6885 1213 Russia/CIS +43 1 333 50 34 0
Australia +61 3 9757 4300 Europe-Other +43 1 333 50 34 0 Korea +82 2 3420 8600 Singapore +65 6289 1190
Austria +43 810 282 206 Finland +358 9 3291 0200 Latin America +1 561 688 8700 Sweden +46 8 556 468 00
Belgium +32 53 73 42 41 France +33 1 60 92 48 00 Middle East +43 1 333 50 34 0 Switzerland +41 61 716 77 00
Brazil +55 11 3731 5140 Germany +49 6103 408 1014 Netherlands +31 76 579 55 55 Taiwan +886 2 8751 6655
Canada +1 800 530 8447 India +91 22 6742 9494 New Zealand +64 9 980 6700 UK/Ireland +44 1442 233555
China 800 810 5118 (free call domestic) Italy +39 02 950 591 Norway +46 8 556 468 00 USA +1 800 532 4752
400 650 5118 PS71190-EN 07/16S
Reacti-Therm Sample
Derivatization System
Heating, stirring and evaporation
Sample Evaporation
Derivatisation Injection

Combines heating, stirring, and
evaporation for unmatched versatility.
Thermo Scientific offers the Thermo Scientific™
Reacti-Therm™ Heating/Stirring Module (uniform dry
heat to the sample) coupled with the Thermo Scientific™
Reacti-Vap™ Evaporator (simultaneous or separate
delivery of pressurized gas) to provide a complete
solution for derivatization or other small scale reactions.

• Derivatization reactions for HPLC and GC

• Protein hydrolysis

• Small-scale reactions

• Sample incubation

• Vacuum hydrolysis for amino acid analysis

• Sample evaporation

Visit thermofisher.com/chromatography
for the latest news, applications and downloads
for the product range.

Select your flexible system
Available options
Step 1 page 4
Heating only or Heating & stirring

Step 2 page 4
Single block (9 positions) or Triple block (27 positions)

Heating block selection (make sure you order at least the

Step 3 page 5 number of blocks in base unit)

Step 4 page 6 Option - thermometer or remote temperature probe

Option - Reacti-Vap module (as appropriate to your base

Step 5 page 7 module)

Step 6 pages 6, 8 and 9 Option - Magnetic stirrers and vials

Step 7 pages 10-11 Option - Derivatization reagents

Closure type Single block Triple block
Electrical Input
Voltage 120V or 240V 120V or 240V
AC Input Voltage Tolerance +/– 10% +/– 10%
Wattage (Maximum) 130W 260W
Frequency 50/60Hz 50/60Hz
Temperature Range* ambient + 10°C to 200°C ambient + 10°C to 200°C
Temperature Uniformity* ± 0.5°C ± 0.5°C
Temperature Stability* ± 0.5°C at 37°C ± 0.5°C at 37°C
Stirrer Operating Range 150-700 ± 100RPM 150-700 ± 100RPM
Maximum Inlet
Gas pressure 2psi 2psi

Visit thermofisher.com/chromatography for more information.

The flexible system for your laboratory
Modular base systems
Product No. Description Pkg. Size
TS-18820 ThermoFisher™ Reacti-Probe™ Remote Temperature Probe 1 unit
TS-18821 Reacti-Therm Heating/Stirring Module (Single Block) 1 unit
TS-18822 Reacti-Therm Heating Module (Single Block) 1 unit
TS-18823 Reacti-Therm Heating/Stirring Module (Triple Block) 1 unit
TS-18824 Reacti-Therm III Heating Module (Triple Block) 1 unit
TS-18825 Reacti-Vap Evaporator 1 unit
TS-18826 Reacti-Vap Evaporator 1 unit

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Listed

Note: Our Reacti-Therm Modules bear a CE marking for meeting the

requirements of the European Union’s Low-Voltage and EMC Directives.

The flexible system for your laboratory
Choice of heating blocks
Thermo Scientific™ Reacti-Block™ Aluminium Blocks are available with many hole configurations, machine-drilled to
accommodate almost any size Thermo Scientific™ Reacti-Vial™ Small Reaction Vial (page 8), test tube or microcentrifuge
tube. These highly efficient units are constructed of an aluminium alloy for optimal thermal conductivity. To ensure proper
heat transference, be sure to have a close block-to-sample container fit.

Ordering information
Product No. Description
Reacti-Block A-1
Holds 13 × 0.3ml or 1ml Reacti-Vials; 13 holes/14mm dia. × 23mm deep
Reacti-Block B-1
Holds 9 × 3ml or 5ml Reacti-Vials; 9 holes/21mm dia. × 32mm deep
Reacti-Block C-1
Holds 13 × 3.5ml Screw Cap Septum Vials; 13 holes/15mm dia. × 34mm deep
Reacti-Block Z-1
Holds 9 × 0.1mm Reacti-Vials; 9 holes/12mm dia. × 21mm deep
Reacti-Block M-1
Holds 6 × 27.5ml Reacti-Vials; 6 holes/28.5mm dia. × 70mm deep
Reacti-Block Q-1
Holds 10 Reacti-Vials; Small Reaction Vials 8 holes 25mm × 46mm deep
Reacti-Block S-1
Holds 13 × 13mm dia. Test Tubes; 13 holes/14mm dia. × 45mm deep
Reacti-Block T-1
Holds 9 × 16mm dia. Test Tubes; 9 holes/17mm dia. × 45mm deep
Reacti-Block U-1
Holds 8 × 20mm dia. Test Tubes; 8 holes/21mm dia. × 45mm deep
Reacti-Block V-1
Holds 17 Microcentrifuge Test Tubes; 17 holes/11mm dia. × 45mm deep
The Reacti-Block Aluminum Blocks featured below are designed to be used exclusively with the Reacti-Therm
Modules. The hole patterns do not match the needle configuration of Reacti-Vap Evaporators.
Reacti-Block F
Holds 8 × 6ml Vacuum Hydrolysis Tubes; 8 holes/10mm dia. × 64mm deep
Reacti-Block G
Holds 4 × 18ml Vacuum Hydrolysis Tubes; 4 holes/19mm dia. × 64mm deep
Reacti-Block J
Blank/no holes (for custom drilling) 7.6cm tall
Reacti-Block K
Blank/no holes (for custom drilling) 5.1cm tall
Reacti-Block L
Holds 16 × 0.1ml Reacti-Vials; 16 holes/12mm dia. × 21mm deep

Visit thermofisher.com/chromatography for more information.

The flexible system for your laboratory
Reacti-Vial magnetic stirrers
Faster reaction times with smooth, efficient mixing of small reaction samples

• PTFE-coated stirring bars fit the cone portion of the Reacti-Vial

• Solubilization of sticky concentrated residues such as those found on
evaporation of sugar solutions
• Increased speed-of-surface reactions by keeping insoluble reactants
in suspension
• More information about appropriate vials on page 8
• More information about derivatisation reagents on pages 10 and 11

Ordering information
Product No. Description Pkg. Size
Reacti-Vial Magnetic Stirrers
TS-16000 Pkg. of 6
For use with 3.0, 5.0. and 10ml Reacti-Vial Small Reaction Vials
Reacti-Vial Magnetic Stirrers
TS-16010 Pkg. of 6
For use with 0.3 and 1.0ml Reacti-Vial Small Reaction Vials

Flexible system for your requirements

Reacti-Therm Remote Temperature Probe and Thermometers
PTFE-coated, designed specifically for dry incubations.
Remote Temperature Probe (RTP) provides more accurate and responsive control of the heating function, is not a
substitute for temperature calibration to an independent thermometer.

For best results, perform temperature calibration with the RTP placed in the aluminum block thermometer well and a
standard thermometer placed in a reaction vial in one of the aluminum block wells.

Ordering information
Product No. Description Pkg. Size
TS-18914 Reacti-Therm Thermometer, Mercury-free (0-100°C) Pkg. of 1
TS-18915 Reacti-Therm Thermometer, Mercury-free (0-200°C) Pkg. of 1
TS-18820 Reacti-Probe Remote Temperature Probe Pkg. of 1

The flexible system for your laboratory
Reacti-Vap Evaporator
Thermo Scientific Reacti-Vap Evaporators are precision-machined
gas manifolds. They provide simple, efficient evaporation by
allowing the simultaneous or separate delivery of nonreactive
pressurized gas to samples.

The evaporators attach simply to the Reacti-Thermo modules

and the evaporating head tilts back for easy needle attachment
and removal. PTFE-coated needles are available for applications
using strong acids. Each Reacti-Vap Needle has a Luer-Lok® hub
for leak-proof attachment to Reacti-Vap Evaporators Needles are
available in 4- and 6-inch lengths.

Ordering information
Product No. Description Pkg. Size
Reacti-Vap Evaporator (9-port)
TS-18825 For use with Reacti-Therm Single Block Modules; TS-18822 and TS-18821, –
Includes 9 needles and plugs
Reacti-Vap III Evaporator (27-port)
TS-18826 For use with Reacti-Therm III Modules; TS-18823 and TS-18824, Includes –
27 needles and plugs
Reacti-Vap Replacement Tube Kit Pkg. of 9 and
2.5 inch (64mm) plugs
Reacti-Vap PTFE Coated Needles
TS-18784 Pkg. of 9
4-inch (102mm) × 19 gauge
Reacti-Vap PTFE Coated Needles
TS-18786 Pkg. of 9
6-inch (152mm) × 19 gauge
TS-18827 Replacement Luer-Lok Fitting Pkg. of 1
TS-18828 Replacement Screws for Mounting Bracket Pkg. of 4
TS-18829 Replacement Height Adjustment Knob Pkg. of 1
TS-18830 Replacement Mounting Bracket Pkg. of 1
TS-18831 Replacement Metal Rod Pkg. of 1
TS-18832 Replacement Dial for Flow Control Pkg. of 1
TS-18833 Replacement Long Screws for Mounting Bracket Pkg. of 4

Visit thermofisher.com/chromatography for more information.

The flexible system for your laboratory
Thermo Scientific Reacti-Vial Small Reaction Vials have an internal
cone designed to make small-sample collection and handling easy
and convenient. The cone feature is particularly useful for removing
small quantities of sample with a syringe, even into the microliter
range. The extra thick glass wall magnifies the sample, making
these units ideal for observing chemical reactions.
Ideal for:
• Derivative preparation
• Residue isolation
• Digestion or hydrolysis
• Sample storage

Reacti-Vial Small Reaction Vials

Clear Amber
Pkg. of 12 Pkg. of 12
Inside Thread
Size (Diam. x Height) Product # Product #
Diameter (mm) Style
(mm ± 1mm)
100 μl 12 x 32 8 425-8 TS-13100 –
0.3 ml 13 x 32 11 425-13 TS-13220 –
1.0 ml 13 x 45 11 425-13 TS-13221 TS-13097
3.0 ml 20 x 47 18 425-20 TS-13222 –
5.0 ml 20 x 60 18 425-20 TS-13223 TS-13099
10.0 ml 25 x 69 22 425-24 TS-13225 –

All Reacti-ViaI Small Reaction Vials are supplied complete with Open-Top Screw Caps
and PTFE/Rubber Septa (other septa can be ordered separately, see optional accessories overleaf).

Hydrolysis Tubes
For fast, effective protein
and peptide hydrolysis

• The upper temperature

limit of the Vacuum
Hydrolysis Tubes is
PTFE/Rubber PTFE/Silicone Mininert 260°C; however, do not
Septa Septa Valves heat the tubes greater
than 100°C in an oven
For a highly inert and Unique septa that combine Ideal for chemicals that
nonreactive seal. the inertness of a PTFE deteriorate or evaporate • Vacuum Hydrolysis
coating with the resealability in conventionally sealed Tubes fit conveniently
of silicone. containers. into Reacti-Block
Aluminium Heating

Optional accessories
PTFE/ Rubber Open-Top Miniert
silicone septa laminated septa screw caps valves
pkg. of 72 pkg. of 72 pkg. of 72 pkg. of 72
pkg. of 6

Vial Size Product # Product # Product # Product # Product #

100 μl TS-12708 – TS-13208 – –
0.3 ml TS-12712 TS-12412 TS-13215 – TS-16010
1.0 ml TS-12712 TS-12412 TS-13215 – TS-16010
3.0 ml TS-12718 TS-12418 TS-13218 TS-10135 TS-16000
5.0 ml TS-12718 TS-12418 TS-13218 TS-10135 TS-16000
10.0 ml TS-12722 TS-12422 TS-13219 TS-10130 TS-16000

Septa compatibility guide optional accessories

Closure type Resealability Recommended for use with Not recommended for use with
DMF, DMSO, organic solvents,
Strong corrosives, such as
PTFE/Silicone Septa Excellent pyridine, THF and silylation
Corrosives such as chlorosilanes,
PTFE/Rubber Laminated
Poor DMF, DMSO, organic solvents, Trifluoracetic anhydride
pyridine and THF

The flexible system for your laboratory
GC Derivatization reagents
Why do we derivatize?

• To make a compound that otherwise could not be analysed by a particular method suitable for analysis

• To improve the analytical efficiency of the compound

• To improve the detectability of the compound

Often compounds cannot be analysed because they are not in a form that is suitable for the particular analytical
technique. Examples include non-volatile compounds for GC analysis, insoluble compounds for HPLC analysis and
materials that are not stable using the conditions of the technique. The derivatization procedure modifies the chemical
structure of the compounds, allowing analysis by a desired technique.

Main types of derivatization

• Silylation

• Acylation

• Alkylation

Silylation Acylation Alkylation

F F H Pentafluoropropanol BF3-Methanol
MW 150.05 F B: O CH3 14% BF3 MW 67.82
F–C–C–C–OH bp 80.6˚C 86% CH3OH MW 32.04
F F H d 204 1.2880 F

MW 223.08 F CH2 Br MW 260.9
CF3 C N C CF3 bp 174-175˚C
bp 123-124˚C
d 204 1.86
d 204 1.55

CH3 Methylate Reagent
MW 119.17
CH 3 CH 3
bp 102-104˚C
CH 3 C Si CI MW 150.73 OCH3
d 204 0.897
bp 125˚C
CH 3 CH 3

MW 140.26 O O
N Si CH 3 bp 99˚C/14 mm Hg
d 204 0.957
CH 3 R C O C R


The flexible system for your laboratory
Detection and Hydrolysis Reagents
Thermo Scientific Detection Reagents for HPLC
Pre- and post-chromatographic
Functional Group Description Detection*
techniques are both used in HPLC
Carboxylic Acid p-Bromophenacylate O
derivatization. Pre-chromatographic O UV
Br C CH 2 Br
(or pre-column techniques) offer more R C OH

than greater selectivity and sensitivity Primary Amine Dabsyl Chloride N N O

NMW 277.94 S O Vis
in detection and can be used to R N H
enhance stability, improve resolution,
Dabsyl Chloride
FDAA, Marfey’s Reagent O–
O MW 323.80
N+ O

improve peak symmetry and increase H

NH 2
or decrease retention of solutes. –
O +
Most protein samples require some
Ninhydrin FDAA

form of chemical treatment before

(Marfey's Reagent)
MW 272.19 MW 178.14

their component amino acids are O

suitable for analysis. Protein and PITC N

Edman‘s Reagent

peptide samples must be hydrolyzed MW 135.19

to free amino acids from peptide TNBSA O


linkages. Acids (usually HCI) are N+ +


O O MW 293.17

the most widely used agents for – N

hydrolyzing proteins.
Secondary Amine Ninhydrin (see structure above) Vis
PITC (see structure above) UV
*EC = electrochemical; F = fluorescence; UV = ultraviolet; Vis = visible.

Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reaction

A self-contained methodology reference manual and efficient entry point to the original literature resource book.

The Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reactions by Daniel R. Knapp is a general collection

of analytical derivatization methods for chromatography and mass spectroscopy involving
the formation of covalent derivatives before analysis. Methods contained in this volume are
organized according to the type of sample being derivatized.

Methods include structural formulas, experimental directions and useful comments.

A thorough system of indexing takes you quickly to the “lab ready” methods of interest.

Ordering information
Product No. Description Pkg. Size
Hydrochloric Acid 10 × 1 ml
(Constant boiling, Hydrochloric Acid 6N Sequencing Grade) ampules
Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reactions
Knapp, D.R. Ed (1979) Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hardcover, 741 pages

Visit thermofisher.com/chromatography for more information.

Resources for chromatographers
New Thermo Scientific Chromatography Resource Center
Chromatography Columns and
Our web-based resource center
Consumables Catalog 2016–2017
provides technical support, applications,
This extensive catalog offers proven technical tips and literature to help
chromatography tools and product more your separations forward.
selection guides. Available online, with Visit thermoscientific.com/crc
a robust search tool and optimized for
your Apple iPad.
Visit thermoscientific.com/catalog

Find out more at thermofisher.com/chromatography

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2018 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
All rights reserved. iPad is a registered trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Mininert is a registered trademark of Valco Instruments Company. Luer-Lok is a registered trademark of Becton
Dickinson and Company. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries.
This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not
intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of
others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries.
Please consult your local sales representative for details. BR21694-EN 0218S
Thermo Scientific Rocket Evaporator

Revolutionary solvent evaporation

complete laboratory workflow
Sample evaporation with walk-
away capability to produce
uncompromised results

The Thermo Scientific™ Rocket™ Evaporator is for laboratories

seeking to spend minimal time and effort to concentrate or dry
large-volume samples for chromatographic analysis.

Concentrates or dries up to 18 ASE™ tubes or The Rocket Evaporator is equipped with the advanced performance
features that our users expect, such as automated end point detection,
6 large-volume flasks unattended.
effective bumping protection, accurate temperature regulation, and
Developed as a result of users’ demands for an evaporator that could easy-to-use controls.
quickly process large-volume samples in parallel without supervision,
the Rocket Evaporator can concentrate or dry 18 ASE tubes or up to A two-stage cold trap is built into the Rocket Evaporator, providing high
6 large-volume 450 mL flasks. levels of solvent recovery, even with volatile organic solvents. The cold
trap auto-drains is under the control of the evaporator to ensure that
This enables the user to focus on other tasks, confident that the high solvent recovery is maintained, no matter what mix of solvents
Rocket Evaporator will achieve reproducible evaporation with are being used.
excellent recovery rates.

• Five times faster than conventional sample evaporators

• Substantially greater productivity than rotary evaporators The Rocket Evaporator has
• True walk away capability with no supervision required proven to yield fast, unattended
• Eliminate manual sample transfer steps between cleanup operation that significantly
and analysis
improves laboratory productivity.
• Genevac AutoStop feature for end point detection Why compromise analytical results
• Powerful centrifuge that eliminates solvent bumping with cumbersome and ineffective
sample evaporation procedures?

Innovative Sample Preparation
Solutions to Optimize
Laboratory Workflow
Sample preparation is the most vital part of the laboratory workflow. the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ Accelerated Solvent Extractor
Since greater than 60% of all errors occur during this phase, it is often system was introduced and substantially reduced the time but did not
considered the most frustrating and cumbersome component of the address clean up or evaporation. More recently, we introduced the
workflow. While analytical technology has evolved remarkably over the Dionex ASE system with In-Cell Cleanup and Rocket Evaporator to
last 20 years, most sample preparation still relies on antiquated address the entire sample preparation workflow and reduce the total
manual techniques that can produce low analyte recovery with highly time to six hours per sample batch.
variable reproducibility. The combination of the Dionex ASE system with In-Cell Cleanup and
A traditional sample preparation workflow consists of extraction, the Rocket Evaporator provides a total sample preparation solution
cleanup, and evaporation, all of which use manual sample transfer steps for the analytical laboratory. The combination of these two techniques
through the transition. Techniques such as Soxhlet, gel permeation entirely eliminates both the cleanup step and manual sample transfer.
chromatography, and nitrogen blowdown evaporation oftenproduce total The effect of this combination on laboratory productivity is profound
sample prep workflow times in excess of 60 hours per batch. In 1995, and ensures highly accurate and reproducible sample preparation.

Sample Preparation Productivity *

Extraction Cleanup Operation Time

72 Hours 10 Hours Evaporation

1 Hour

Implementation of the
Extraction Cleanup Dionex ASE System
4.5 Hours 10 Hours Evaporation
1 Hour

Extraction The Dionex ASE System with In-Cell Cleanup, evaporator compatible
collection vessels, and the Rocket Evaporator
4.5 Hours Evaporation
1 Hour

Red boxes indicate sample transfer steps

*average processing times for 18 samples

Dionex ASE 350 Accelerated Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™

Solvent Extractor System 1300 Series GC
Rocket Evaporator
Inside the Rocket

The Rocket Evaporator uses a patented new technology

that works as follows:
Samples are loaded into the rotor, spun, and placed under vacuum
(point B). The centrifugal force generated by spinning the centrifuge
rotor creates a pressure gradient within the solvent contained in the
vials. The samples boil from the top down, helping to prevent any
bumping. Dri-Pure technology prevents any bumping
and cross contamination.


To achieve fast evaporation and precise temperature control, a low The controls of the Rocket Evaporator are easy to use: highlight the
temperature, and low pressure steam is used to heat the samples desired evaporation or concentration method using the right hand
indirectly. The steam condenses on the flasks/tubes, which are cold knob, and start. The left hand knob activates the (optional) on-board
due to the solvent(s) boiling inside them. Condensate is thrown off strobe. Rotating the strobe knob adjusts the strobe frequency and
the spinning flask, where it is recycled and boiled again to make allows each of the six positions to be viewed separately in real time.
more steam. The software controlling the evaporation process can be optimized
Steam temperature is controlled in two ways: 1) The pressure in for each customer application and new methods created to enhance
the outer chamber (at point A) is set to boil water at the desired performance, usually in partnership with your local Thermo Fisher
temperature, while 2) The temperature of the outer chamber is Scientific representative. New methods are supplied by email and
precisely controlled at or below the set temperature. uploaded using a USB key. Data is downloaded in the same way.

To ensure that steam does not enter the samples, each tube or flask
slides effortlessly into the rotor, and the action of spinning the rotor
firmly clamps it in place.

Built-in solvent-resistant vacuum pump
Six-positions rotor

Plastic coated glass cold trap

Easy to use controls

USB upload/download of
methods and data

Steam chamber Real-time strobe viewing window

Automatic cold trap drain

Choice of formats
for the best results
The Rocket Evaporator can be used either to dry samples completely, or to
concentrate them to a small volume. To help achieve the best results in the
desired sample format, there are several options, described below:

1 2 3 4 5

1 Puck for ASE Tubes 4 SampleGenie Flasks

The Rocket Evaporator accommodates the placed into the Puck in the Rocket Evaporator Allows evaporation of the sample directly
direct transfer of up to 18 ASE vials. Each 60 and the cap is removed. The samples are into a storage vial. Accommodates vials
mL vial can be directly transferred from the concentrated directly into the GC vial. from 12mm to 28 mm in diameter and up to
Dionex ASE system and loaded into the Puck place 70 mm on the same line.
3 SampleGenie for GC Vials
for evaporation.
Allows concentration of the sample directly 5 Evaporation Flasks
2 Flip-Flop System into a GC autosampler vial. The vial is 450 mL flasks that are used for drying or
Extracts are collected in the Dionex ASE insulated so that only the solvent in the flask concentrating samples.
system using a double-ended 60 mL vial. An evaporates, leaving a small volume in the vial.
adaptor with a GC autosampler vial is then
fitted. The 60 mL vial is flipped over and
Uncompromised Analyte Recovery
Excellent Reproducibility
120.0 Rocket Recovery
N2 Blowdown



60.0 % analyte recovery for common PAHs

following evaporation using both the
Rocket Evaporator and nitrogen blowdow
(n = 6) . The Rocket Evaporator consistently
generated higher % recoveries following
20.0 evaporation. Extractions were performed from
spiked soil using the Dionex ASE 350 system.


12.0 Rocket Recovery

N2 Blowdown



% RSD for repeat evaporations of PAH

samples using both the Rocket Evaporator
and nitrogen blowdown. % RSD ranged
2.0 from 1-2% for Rocket Evaporator samples
(n=6) and from 3-11% for nitrogen
blowdown samples (n=6).

Solvent Recovery
Solvent Recovery
Evaporation Times*
DCM 80%
100 mL 250 mL 400 mL DMF 99%
DCM (dichloromethane) 35 min 1h 1 h 10 min
Ethanol 99%
Methanol 1 h 10 min 2h 2 h 30 min
DMF 45 min 1 h 15 min 1 h 40 min Methanol 98%

Water 2 h 40 min 4 h 30 min 5 h 30 min Water 99%

Water/ACN (1:1) 3h 5h 6 h 15 min Water/acetonitrile 98%
The Rocket Evaporator efficiently evaporates solvents The Rocket Evaporator is eco-friendly green technology.
commonly used with the Dionex ASE system. Vapors from solvents commonly used with the Dionex
ASE system are condensed and trapped for appropriate
disposal. 7
*Times are given for complete dryness for 6 flasks simultaneously evaporated
Total Workflow Solutions
from Thermo Scientific
Dionex ASE 150/350 Systems
Automated accelerated solvent extractor systems. Enables extraction of solid and semisolid
samples using common solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures.

Rocket Evaporator
A revolutionary solvent evaporator that concentrates or dries up to 18 ASE tubes or
6 large-volume flasks unattended.

Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AutoTrace™ 280 Solid-Phase Extraction

(SPE) Instrument
Automated SPE instrument that extracts large-volume samples (20 mL-20 L) for the
isolation of trace organics in aqueous matrices. Produces analyte recoveries that are
superior to manual liquid-liquid extraction techniques using less time and solvent.

Thermo Scientific™ TRACE™ 1300 Series GC Systems

The first and only gas chromatograph featuring user-exchangeable miniaturized, instant
connect injectors and detectors that eliminate maintenance downtime and enable the user
to quickly tailor instrument capability to specific applications and daily workload.

Thermo Scientific™ TSQ™ 8000 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS System

A reliable, easy-to-use system that enables faster, more precise, error-free analyses, saving
time and reducing laboratory costs. It enables more precise routine analyses and offers
unstoppable productivity with uncompromised MS/MS simplicity.

Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 LC Systems

The UltiMate 3000 platform is the most complete LC solution provided by a single
chromatography powerhouse. Our UltiMate 3000 systems are all UHPLC compatible
by design and integrate unique hardware features, ultrafast separations and excellent
resolution for an unprecedented level of flexibility, ease-of-use and high sample throughput.

Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ Chromatography

Data System Software
One scalable software platform for LC, GC, IC and MS that provides Operational Simplicity™
by streamlining your entire analysis process – ultimately boosting your lab’s overall
productivity and increasing the quality of your analytical results.

Find out more at thermofisher.com/chromatography

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. ©2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks
are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products
are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details.. BR70315-EN 0616S
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

1 Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) 1

TYPE : PROD, 230 V, ASE 350, 34 ml BUNDLE
BRAND : Thermo Scientific
Specification :
Oven : Accepts sample cell sizes of 1, 5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 mL
Auto-seal actuator places cell into oven and returns cell to tray after
Temperature control: Up to 200 °C
Vertical cell orientation with ow from top to bottom
Pump : Fluid delivery pressure: 10 MPa (1500 psi)
Pump flow: 70 mL/minute
Automatic pressure sensor and pressure relief during heat-up
Fluid Sensors : IR sensors detect fluid level during extract collection
Display and Keyboard : Menu operated LCD, 8 × 45 character display
method and schedule editor and storage
Extraction Cells : Seven capacities: 1, 5, 10, 22, 34, 66, and 100 mL cells
Finger-tight cell caps feature compression seal for high-pressure closure
Extraction Cell Tray : 24 cell positions, Two rinse positions, Automatic home
position sensing, Can perform multiple extractions per cell
Collection Vials : 60 mL or 250 mL; vial lids have solvent-resistant septa (TFE-
coated on solvent side)
Collection Vial Tray : 26 position tray insert for 60 mL vials and 19 position
tray for 250 mL bottles bottle positions plus, two bottle position for rinse/waste
collection tray compatible with 250 mL bottles
Extraction Fluids : Compatible with a wide range of organic and aqueous
Weight : 65 kg (140 lb)
Power Requirements : Consumption: 500 VA max Voltage: 220–240 Vac
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Pneumatic Requirements : Air at 400–827 kPa (60–120 psi), N2 at
1034x–1340 kPa (150–200 psi)
Consist of :
Main Unit ASE 350 1
5 mL Stainless Steel Extraction Cell Complete with End Caps, Seals and O-rin 12
10 mL Stainless Steel Extraction Cell Complete with End Caps, Seals and O-ri 12
100 mL Stainless Steel Extraction Cell Complete with End Caps, Seals and O- 12
PEEK Seals for ASE Extraction Cells, Pkg of 50, P/N 061687 1
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

Teflon O-rings for ASE Extraction Cells, Pkg of 50, P/N 049457 1
Stainless Steel Frits, Pkg of 50, P/N 056775 1
Collection Vials, Clean, 60 mL, Pkg of 72, P/N 048784 1
Solvent Bottle, 2 L, P/N 045901 3
Cap with Tube Assembly for 2 L Solvent Bottles, P/N 068077 3
CM 7.2 License Key, P/N 7050.0104A-ICSP 1
CM 7.2 Workstation, P/N 7200.0200-ICSP 1
ASE Prep DE, Sample Dispersant and Drying Agent, 3 kg 1
Cellulose Filters, for 34, 66 or 100 mL cells, Type GF/B, Pkg. of 100 1
Glass Fiber Filters, for 34, 66 or 100 mL cells, Type GF/B, Pkg. of 100 1
Cellulose Filters, for 1, 5, 10 or 22mL cells, Type GF/B, Pkg. of 100 1
Glass Fiber Filters, for 1, 5, 10 or 22mL cells, Type GF/B, Pkg. of 100 1
ASE 350 Starter Kit for 1,5, 10 and 22 mL Cells 1
ASE 350 Starter Kit for 34 mL Cells 1
ASE 350 Starter Kit for 66 and 100 mL Cells 1

Complete with :
Ottawa Sand, 5 kg 1


BRAND : Thermo Scientific
The Thermo ScientificTM RocketTM Synergy Evaporator is for laboratories

seeking to spend minimal time and effort to concentrate or dry large-

volume samples for chromatographic analysis.
The Rocket Synergy Evaporator uses a new technology that works as
Samples are loaded into the rotor, spin, and placed
under vacuum (point B). The centrifugal force generated
by spinning the centrifuge rotor creates a pressure
gradient within the solvent contained in the vials. The
samples boil from the top down, helping to prevent any
bumping. Dri-Pure technology prevents any bumping and cross
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

To achieve fast evaporation and precise temperature control, a low

temperature, and low pressure steam is used to heat the samples indirectly.
The steam condenses on the flasks/tubes, which are cold due to the
solvent(s) boiling inside them

Condensate is thrown off the spinning flask, where it is recycled

and boiled again to make more steam.
Steam temperature is controlled in two ways:

1) The pressure in the outer chamber (at point A) is set to

boil water at the desired temperature, while
2) The temperature of the outer chamber is precisely controlled
at or below the set temperature.
To ensure that steam does not enter the samples, each tube or flask slides
effortlessly into the rotor, and the action of spinning the rotor firmly clamps it
in place.
Controls :
The controls of the Rocket Synergy Evaporator are easy to use: highlight the
desired evaporation or concentration method using the right hand knob, and
start. The left hand knob activates the (optional)
on-board strobe. Rotating the strobe knob adjusts the
strobe frequency and allows each of the six positions to be viewed separately
in real time.
The software controlling the evaporation process can
be optimized for each customer application and new
methods created to enhance performance, usually in
partnership with your local Thermo Fisher Scientific
representative. New methods are supplied by email
and uploaded using a USB key.

Mechanical Data
Maximum speed : 1800 rpm
Maximum G-force : 700 g
Drive system : Direct drive
Maximum Sample load : 6 × 450 mL
Maximum imbalance : 50 g
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

Vacuum System
Pressure display : 0–1200 mbar
Pressure control : Automatic, 3 mbar to atmosphere
System ultimate vacuum : 3 mbar
Bumping protection : Dri-Pure®

Temperature and Control

Control range : Ambient +7 °C to 60 °C
Control accuracy : ±1 °C
Temperature sensing : Thermistor
Display range : 0 °C to 60 °C
End of method : Time or automatic
Visualization : Built-in strobe & Delta T
Solvent Compatibility
Boiling point range : 40 °C to 160 °C at ambient

Includes : Alcohols, DCM/methylene chloride, DMF, ethyl acetate, water, TFA

Diethyl ether : Only with Inert Gas Purge option
Including Recircullating Chiller

Consist of : 1
Main unit rocket evaporator 1
Chiller high performance, 230V, 60 Hz 1
Rocket chiller connection 1
Rocket evaporation flask (set of 6 ) 1
Rocket sample Genie flask ( set of 6 ) 1
Rocket ASE pucks ( set of 6 ) RoHS
Rocket inner lid holder 1
60 ml amber collection vials ( 72 ea ) 1
250 ml collection vials 1
Rocket Flip Flop vials ( set of 18 ) 1

3 Reacti-Therm Heating/Stirring Module (Triple Block) 1

BRAND : Thermo Scientific
Thermo Scientific Reacti-Vap Evaporators are precision-machined
gas manifolds. They provide simple, efficient evaporation by
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

allowing the simultaneous or separate delivery of nonreactive

pressurized gas to samples.
The evaporators attach simply to the Reacti-Thermo modules
and the evaporating head tilts back for easy needle attachment
and removal. PTFE-coated needles are available for applications
using strong acids.

Consist of :
TS - 18812 : REACTI-BLOCK L Holds 16x0.1mL Reacti-Vials; 16 holes-
12mmdia x 21mm deep
TS - 18802 : Reacti Block B- 1 , Holds 9 x 3 ml or 5 ml Reacti-Vials; 9
holes/21mmdia x 32mm deep
TS - 18811 : Reacti Block M- 1 , Holds 6 x 27.5 ml Reacti-Vials; 6 holes/28.5
mmdia x 70mm deep
TS - 18814 : Reacti Block Q- 1 , Holds 10 Reacti-Vials; small reaction vials 8
holes 25mmdia x 70mm deep

TS - 13221 : 1 ml, clear, 12/pkg 1
TS - 13097 : 1 ml, amber, 12/pkg 1
TS - 13220 : 0.3 ml, 12/pkg 1
TS - 13223 : 5.0 ml, 12/pkg 1
TS - 13225 : 10 ml,12/pkg 1
Vial 27.5 - 30 ml, 6/pkg 1

Complete with :
Isolating Transformers 3 kVA 1
UPS 3 kVA 1/1 phase 1
500 ml Acetone HPLC Grade 1
Price IDR 2,591,000,000
Discount 15% IDR 388,650,000
Total Price IDR 2,202,350,000
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 GCL/075/0521/SA
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara Rev.6
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting) Date: 07-06-2021
Fax: 021-58903151
E-mail: [email protected]

To : Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Jln. Pasir Putih I. Ancol Timur - Jakarta Utara
Attn. : Panitia Pengadaan Barang/ Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
Telp. :
Fax. : -

No. Description Qty. Special Price Special Price

Term & Condition :

Price : Franco at Site in IDR, Excluded VAT 10%
include installation, training & 3 (three) years warranty
Delivery : 2 months after received of PO
Payment : 100% after installation & training
Validity : 6 (six) months

Your Faithfully,

PT. Genecraft Labs
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 17 Colony Counter

18. Microplate
Jalan Kebayoran Lama No. 34E, Jakarta Selatan 12220
T: +62 21 7392856 | F: +62 21 7260177 | | W: www.elokarsa.com

Kepada : LIPI OSEANOGRAFI No : Q-2333-R1

Attn. : Ibu Intan Tanggal : 24/05/2021
Phone/Fax : 0812 8498 5023 Sales : Cindy Laura
Email : [email protected] Phone : 6281947002401
Email : [email protected]
No No Katalog Merk Deskripsi Qty Kemasan Harga Unit Discount Total Harga Ketersediaan
1 51119700DP Thermo Scientific Multiskan Sky with cuvette and touch screen + µDrop Plate 1 Unit Rp 341.700.000 Rp 341.700.000
μDrop™ Plate for RNA /DNA

Analyze up to 16 microliter-scale samples simultaneously with the Thermo Scientific™

µDrop™ Plate, a quick and easy tool for DNA and RNA assays using photometric
measurement and sample volumes down to 2µL. The fixed light path of the µDrop Plate
allows direct calculation of the nucleic acid concentrations of the samples. Samples are
easy to pipette onto the plate with a single- or an eight-channel pipette

dsDNA detection range from a few micrograms to a few milligrams per milliliter

Sixteen sample positions for quick and easy measurement of sample volumes down to 2μL

Spectrofotometer, ELISA Reader, Incubator & Shaker

UV/Vis microplate spectrophotometer offers free
wavelength selection for both 96- and 384-well plates

Specifications :
Description : Multiskan Sky with Cuvette, Touch Screen
Plate Type : 96- and 384-well plates
Cuvettes : 12.5 (W) x 12.5 (D) x 40-58 (H) mm
Light Source : Xenon Flash lamp
Lamp lifetime typically 109 flashes (10 million 96-
well microplates measured in fast mode)
Wavelength Selection : Monochromator
Wavelength Range : 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Bandwidth : <2.5nm
Linearity : 96-well plate: 0-2.5 Abs, 2% at 450nm
Read-out Range : Up to 3 Abs
: 1.0% + 0.003 Abs (0-2.0 Abs); 2% (2.0-2.5 Abs) at
Precision : SD<0.003 Abs or CV<0.5% at 450nm (Precision
Incubator Temperature : Ambient +2° to 45°C
Shaking : Linear
Measurement Speed : 6 seconds with 96-well plate; 10 seconds with 384-
well plate (from A1 back to A1)
Spectral Scanning Speed : 10s from 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Depth (Metric) : 445 mm
Width (Metric) : 295 mm
Height (Metric) : 265 mm
Weight (Metric) : 11.3 kg
Power Consumption : Max: <110w; Power Save: 7 W
Features: Exceptional user experience

The Multiskan Sky Microplate Spectrophotometer is a UV/Vis microplate

spectrophotometer designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any
photometric research application, especially DNA, RNA and protein analysis. It is ideal for
multi-user environments where a variety of endpoint, kinetic and spectral assays are
performed. Multiskan Sky instruments are available in three different configurations. Touch
screen models offer the flexibility to use the stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with
Thermo Scientific SkanIt PC software. The Multiskan Sky model operated solely via SkanIt
software is ideal for users who rely on a PC for all operations. Cuvette reading capability is
also offered in some models.

Fast, easy nucleic acid and protein sample

measurements in low volumes
Simple-to-use software enables experiment set up
within minutes
Access and manage your data remotely

Recommended for: DNA and RNA quantitation and purity; Protein

assays; Enzyme assays; Kinetic assays;
Immunoassays; Cell proliferation and cytotoxicity
assays; Apoptosis assays; Reporter gene assays;
GPCR assays

PC Computer (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz)

Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB
Intel UHD Graphics
Includes :
Win 10 SL
Monitor 21.5” (
RAM standard 16 GB)
µDrop Plate
UPS (ICA 1200VA)
2 438 000 Interscience SCAN 4000 Ultra HD automatic colony counter 1 Unit Rp 471.750.000 Rp 471.750.000 Indent 2-3 bulan
Specifications :
LED Lighting
Ultra HD Camera, 5 Megapixel
Read Petri dish of 90, 100 and 150 mm
Read Square Petri dish of 120 mm
Measurement up to 16 antibiotic sensitivities in one click

High sensitivity sensor (CCD)

Detection and counting up to 7 colors in chromogenic environments
Automatic separation of confluent colonies
Counting Petrifilm, RIDA count, Compact Dry and filtration membranes
304 L stainles stell hardware, scratch-resistant glass
USB port connection
Dimensions of unit : 47 x 47 x 64 cm, 24.4 kg
Includes : PC Package, UPS, Barcode reader (522 000), LOA
PC Specs: (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz),Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB, Intel UHD Graphics,
Win 10 SL Monitor 21.5” (RAM standard 16 GB)
BAGMIXER® lab blender for solid sample preparation
022 230 Interscience 1 Unit Rp 57.630.000 Rp 57.630.000 Ready stock
MiniMix® P CC® 100 mL lab blender

The BagMixer 400 W efficiently blends any type of sample, avoiding risk of cross-
contamination. It is adapted to all types of applications and compatible with all blender
bags. The window door enables a quick check-up of the blending, in process.

Key Features
Optimal blending volume: 50 - 400 mL
Fixed speed: 8 strokes / second
Variable blending time: 30 - 210 seconds or ∞
Window door
Q-Tight closing

• All stainless steel 304L
• Window door
• Useful volume: 50 - 400 mL
• Fixed speed (8 strokes/s)
• Variable blending time (30 - 210 s or ∞)
• Q-Tight® closing: tight closing for no more leaks from the top of the bag • Fully opening
door (270°)
• Security drip tray
• Voltage and frequency: 110-127V~ / 220-240V~ 50-60Hz
• Fuses: T 3.15A L 240V / T 1.25A L 240V 5x20 mm
• Max power: 135 W
• Dimensions (w x d x h): 27 x 38.5 x 28 cm, weight: 16.6 kg
• Box (w x d x h): 49.5 x 35 x 36.5 cm, weight: 18.8 kg
• 3-year warranty
• Shock absorbers lifetime warranty
• Window door lifetime warranty
• In compliance with ISO 7218, ISO 6887-1 and FDA BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual)
• Manufatured under CE, RoHS, WEEE - Products made for INTERSCIENCE by Interlab, an
ISO 9001 certified company
• Designed and made in France

Include BagPage® 80 (Sterile packs of 25, 80 mL, 160x95 mm

, 500ea/box) (120 825), LOA

SUB TOTAL Rp 871.080.000

PPN 10 % Rp 87.108.000
GRAND TOTAL Rp 958.188.000

Note: Ready Stock Tidak mengikat

Harga berlaku untuk mekanisme pembelian langsung, bukan harga tender
Franco : Jabodetabek
Waktu Pembayaran : DP 30% , CBD 70%
Masa Berlaku Penawaran : 30 hari ( Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah )

Hormat Kami,

Cindy Laura Budiman

Sales Executive
Div. Life Science
Jalan Kebayoran Lama No. 34E, Jakarta Selatan 12220
T: +62 21 7392856 | F: +62 21 7260177 | | W: www.elokarsa.com

Kepada : LIPI OSEANOGRAFI No : Q-2333

Attn. : dr Nurhati Tanggal : 18/05/2021
Phone/Fax : 0812 8498 5023 Sales : Cindy Laura
Email : [email protected] Phone : 6281947002401
Email : [email protected]
No No Katalog Merk Deskripsi Qty Kemasan Harga Unit Discount Total Harga Ketersediaan
1 51119700DP Thermo Scientific Multiskan Sky with cuvette and touch screen + µDrop Plate 1 Unit Rp 402.000.000 Rp 402.000.000
μDrop™ Plate for RNA /DNA

Analyze up to 16 microliter-scale samples simultaneously with the Thermo Scientific™

µDrop™ Plate, a quick and easy tool for DNA and RNA assays using photometric
measurement and sample volumes down to 2µL. The fixed light path of the µDrop Plate
allows direct calculation of the nucleic acid concentrations of the samples. Samples are
easy to pipette onto the plate with a single- or an eight-channel pipette

dsDNA detection range from a few micrograms to a few milligrams per milliliter

Sixteen sample positions for quick and easy measurement of sample volumes down to 2μL

Spectrofotometer, ELISA Reader, Incubator & Shaker

UV/Vis microplate spectrophotometer offers free
wavelength selection for both 96- and 384-well plates

Specifications :
Description : Multiskan Sky with Cuvette, Touch Screen
Plate Type : 96- and 384-well plates
Cuvettes : 12.5 (W) x 12.5 (D) x 40-58 (H) mm
Light Source : Xenon Flash lamp
Lamp lifetime typically 109 flashes (10 million 96-
well microplates measured in fast mode)
Wavelength Selection : Monochromator
Wavelength Range : 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Bandwidth : <2.5nm
Linearity : 96-well plate: 0-2.5 Abs, 2% at 450nm
Read-out Range : Up to 3 Abs
: 1.0% + 0.003 Abs (0-2.0 Abs); 2% (2.0-2.5 Abs) at
Precision : SD<0.003 Abs or CV<0.5% at 450nm (Precision
Incubator Temperature : Ambient +2° to 45°C
Shaking : Linear
Measurement Speed : 6 seconds with 96-well plate; 10 seconds with 384-
well plate (from A1 back to A1)
Spectral Scanning Speed : 10s from 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Depth (Metric) : 445 mm
Width (Metric) : 295 mm
Height (Metric) : 265 mm
Weight (Metric) : 11.3 kg
Power Consumption : Max: <110w; Power Save: 7 W
Features: Exceptional user experience

The Multiskan Sky Microplate Spectrophotometer is a UV/Vis microplate

spectrophotometer designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any
photometric research application, especially DNA, RNA and protein analysis. It is ideal for
multi-user environments where a variety of endpoint, kinetic and spectral assays are
performed. Multiskan Sky instruments are available in three different configurations. Touch
screen models offer the flexibility to use the stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with
Thermo Scientific SkanIt PC software. The Multiskan Sky model operated solely via SkanIt
software is ideal for users who rely on a PC for all operations. Cuvette reading capability is
also offered in some models.

Fast, easy nucleic acid and protein sample

measurements in low volumes
Simple-to-use software enables experiment set up
within minutes
Access and manage your data remotely

Recommended for: DNA and RNA quantitation and purity; Protein

assays; Enzyme assays; Kinetic assays;
Immunoassays; Cell proliferation and cytotoxicity
assays; Apoptosis assays; Reporter gene assays;
GPCR assays

PC Computer (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz)

Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB
Intel UHD Graphics
Includes :
Win 10 SL
Monitor 21.5” (
RAM standard 16 GB)
µDrop Plate
UPS (ICA 1200VA)
2 438 000 Interscience SCAN 4000 Ultra HD automatic colony counter 1 Unit Rp 555.000.000 Rp 555.000.000 Indent 2-3 bulan
Specifications :
LED Lighting
Ultra HD Camera, 5 Megapixel
Read Petri dish of 90, 100 and 150 mm
Read Square Petri dish of 120 mm
Measurement up to 16 antibiotic sensitivities in one click

High sensitivity sensor (CCD)

Detection and counting up to 7 colors in chromogenic environments
Automatic separation of confluent colonies
Counting Petrifilm, RIDA count, Compact Dry and filtration membranes
304 L stainles stell hardware, scratch-resistant glass
USB port connection
Dimensions of unit : 47 x 47 x 64 cm, 24.4 kg
Includes : PC Package, UPS, Barcode reader (522 000), LOA
PC Specs: (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz),Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB, Intel UHD Graphics,
Win 10 SL Monitor 21.5” (RAM standard 16 GB)
BAGMIXER® lab blender for solid sample preparation
022 230 Interscience 1 Unit Rp 67.800.000 Rp 67.800.000 Ready stock
MiniMix® P CC® 100 mL lab blender

The BagMixer 400 W efficiently blends any type of sample, avoiding risk of cross-
contamination. It is adapted to all types of applications and compatible with all blender
bags. The window door enables a quick check-up of the blending, in process.

Key Features
Optimal blending volume: 50 - 400 mL
Fixed speed: 8 strokes / second
Variable blending time: 30 - 210 seconds or ∞
Window door
Q-Tight closing

• All stainless steel 304L
• Window door
• Useful volume: 50 - 400 mL
• Fixed speed (8 strokes/s)
• Variable blending time (30 - 210 s or ∞)
• Q-Tight® closing: tight closing for no more leaks from the top of the bag • Fully opening
door (270°)
• Security drip tray
• Voltage and frequency: 110-127V~ / 220-240V~ 50-60Hz
• Fuses: T 3.15A L 240V / T 1.25A L 240V 5x20 mm
• Max power: 135 W
• Dimensions (w x d x h): 27 x 38.5 x 28 cm, weight: 16.6 kg
• Box (w x d x h): 49.5 x 35 x 36.5 cm, weight: 18.8 kg
• 3-year warranty
• Shock absorbers lifetime warranty
• Window door lifetime warranty
• In compliance with ISO 7218, ISO 6887-1 and FDA BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual)
• Manufatured under CE, RoHS, WEEE - Products made for INTERSCIENCE by Interlab, an
ISO 9001 certified company
• Designed and made in France

Include BagPage® 80 (Sterile packs of 25, 80 mL, 160x95 mm

, 500ea/box) (120 825), LOA

SUB TOTAL Rp 1.024.800.000

PPN 10 % Rp 102.480.000

Note: Ready Stock Tidak mengikat

Franco : Jabodetabek
Waktu Pembayaran : DP 30% , CBD 70%
Masa Berlaku Penawaran : 30 hari ( Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah )

Hormat Kami,

Cindy Laura Budiman

Sales Executive
Div. Life Science
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 19. Particle Size Analyzer


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T  "  1 3   @ * 2 I J I * R

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T !   " % 
Business Unit


LIPI Oceanography
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RW.10, Pademangan Tim., Pademangan,
Jakarta Utara
DKI Jakarta 14430

Att : Mr. Singgih

Email : [email protected] Jakarta,July 10th 2021

System Offer:
We are thanking you for your inquiry and pleased to submit our offer for Malvern Particle Size Analyzer
Mastersizer 3000 (MAZ5140) with wet system analysis (Hydro EV) Code B, as follows:

Item No Description Qty Price (IDR)

MAZ 5140 Mastersizer 3000 with a Hydro EV dispersion unit and one 1 990,000,000
wet measurement cell. Chemical compatibility code B.

Specifications: Particle Size distribution materials : Suspensions,

Emulsions, Slurry & Dry Powders

Principle : Laser light scattering (laser diffraction )
Analysis : Mie & Fraunhofer scattering
Data Acquisition rate : 10 kHz
Typical measurement time : < 10 sec

Red light source : Max. 4mW He-Ne, 632.8nm
Blue light source : Max 20 mW LED, 470 nm
Lens arrangement : Reverse Fourier
(convergent beam) Effective focal length : 300mm

Arrangement : Log-spaced array
Angular range : 0.015 – 144 degrees
Alignment : Automatic

Particle Size range (full range) : 0.01 – 3500 microns*
Number of size classes : 100 (user adjustable)
Accuracy : Better than 1% †
Repeatability : Better than 0.5% variation ††
Reproducibility : Better than 1% variation ††
PT. DKSH Indonesia
AIA Central Building 39th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 49A 12930, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Phone +62 21 2988 8557, Fax +62 21 2988 7869, E-mail :[email protected], www.dksh.com
Business Unit

Basic Mastersizer 3000 software which has feature
1) Operation of the Hydro MV and Hydro LV automated liquid
dispersion units.
2) Data quality tools.
3) SOP player measurement sequencing tools.
4) Real-time data trending and variability checks.
5) Software licensing for use on multiple workstations.
6) Future premium software updates.

Hydro EV wet Disperser (MAZ3400) :

Pump speed: 0-3500 rpm

Pump speed resolution: ± 10 rpm
Pump speed accuracy: ± 50 rpm
Max flow rate: 1.7 L /min
Sonication power and frequency: 40 W max, 40 kHZ (nominal)
Volume : 600 ml / 1000 ml (using lab beaker)
Dimensions : 220mm x 150mm x 300mm (LxWxH)
Mass : 4kg

Completed with :
Material Standard : Glassbead (Quality Audit Standard QAS3002 by

Include :
• Vertiv UPS inline 1000 VA
• Computer with specification :
PC Lenovo TC M720t-0PIF with LED21.5"
Computer interface : At least 1 high speed USB port required
Operating System : Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
Intel Core i7 Processor, 8GB RAM, 500GB HD, CD-ROM or DVD
+/- RW drive, min. 16 inch Screen Monitor
• Printer EPSON L120 On-demand ink jet
• Installation, testing, commissioning and training
• CD of software
• Operating Manual Books

System Price IDR 990,000,000.00

10% VAT IDR 99,000,000.00
Total System Price, franco Jakarta IDR 1,089,000,000.00
PT. DKSH Indonesia
AIA Central Building 39th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 49A 12930, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Phone +62 21 2988 8557, Fax +62 21 2988 7869, E-mail :[email protected], www.dksh.com
Business Unit

The attached Terms and Conditions of delivery and sale are part of our quotation.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and remain with best regards,

PT. DKSH Indonesia

Indonesia Authorized Distributor for Malvern Instruments Limited

Elna Wita (Ms)

Mobile +62 821 2366 5395
[email protected], www.dksh.com


for Quotation No. 233/DKSH/EL/MV-INST/JKT/21 dated July 10th 2021

1. All custom duty, local tax and delivery on seller account.

2. Installation/Training is included.

3. Delivery Time: 6 - 8 weeks after receipt of official order, payment documentation and end-user

4. Warranty: 12 months parts & labor from date of installation or from delivery date (whichever occurs
first). Warranty becomes void if damage is caused by inappropriate use of the instrument. Custom
duty (if any) on spare parts during the warranty period will be on buyers account

5. Payment: 100% by Telegraphic Transfer (full amount) in advance to be effected as follows:

- 50% Down Payment at placing order / signed contract

- 50% Balance Payment one week before shipment schedule

6. Payable to: HSBC Jakarta

Account Number: 001-050962-001 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA
Beneficiary Name: PT. DKSH Indonesia

7. Validity: Quotation is valid for 30 days

8. Transportation: Airfreight from U.K.

9. Loading Point: U.K. by air

10. Country of Origin: U.K.

PT. DKSH Indonesia

AIA Central Building 39th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 49A 12930, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Phone +62 21 2988 8557, Fax +62 21 2988 7869, E-mail :[email protected], www.dksh.com
PAKET ALAT RISET (WATER 20. Lab Water Purification
HUB)- G1
your focus.

Milli-Q® IQ 7003
Milli-Q® IQ 7005
Ultrapure & Pure Water Systems

An integrated purification
solution designed to
exceed your most
demanding expectations.

The life science business of Merck

Lab Water Solutions

operates as MilliporeSigma in the
U.S. and Canada.
Meet the Ultimate Minimize effort.
Lab Water Solution Magnify daily efficiency.

Surpassing all expectations — E-POD® and Q-POD® dispensers

NEW Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 are compact, ergonomic and
ultrapure and pure water system intuitive, making lab work
more effortless and enjoyable
The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system is a fully-integrated lab
water solution designed to exceed your most demanding
than ever.
expectations — from improved productivity to reduced Always have rapid and convenient access
environmental impact. to ultrapure and pure water. A single
Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system can support
Beyond delivering superior quality Type 1 and Type 2 up to 4 easy-to-use POD dispensers.
water directly from a tap water source, the system takes Essential system functions remain close
the security of your water quality to the next level of care at hand, on each POD’s touchscreen. The
with a newly integrated intelligent pure water storage compact purification unit and tank can
solution that protects your water’s purity better than ever be tucked away, on the wall or under the
before. (See page 5 to learn more.) bench, leaving benchtops free of clutter
for an optimized lab space and more
With the Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system, exceptional quality efficient working environment.
water is always on hand where and when you need it. The
system connects to our ergonomic and easy-to-use Q-POD®
ultrapure and new E-POD® pure water dispensers. Up to
4 PODs can be supplied by a single purification unit, giving you
convenient access to purified water, even on distant benches.
(See opposite page.)

Enjoy our newly redesigned E-POD® Made-to-measure dispensing Made-to-measure control

dispenser for convenient, rapid access
• Rap
id to pressurized pure water, and similar Choose the speed you need – from drop by Interact effortlessly – smartphone-like
• Highly a acces
ccu s design features as our popular Q-POD® drop to up to 2 L/min touchscreens allow intuitive use, even with
ce rat to p
ability ultrapure water dispenser. gloves on!
rfa race e, u
n te e r s at at • S con rifie Precision filling – avoid intermediary containers
i ns d tre tin d
pe n t
& am u with Assisted Dispense mode on the Q-POD® unit Personalize views – program the interface that
an c d r

lin ou

w w a nte

suits your lab’s specific needs
ag is

for a drop-by-drop finish

da ono n u


em ed
er ter
• E hscre

th qua

Walk-away filling – program your final Customize reports – easily create individual

ug ity m

volume and continue working with Volumetric Dispense reports, determine average water


Intuitive Unparalleled
• To

quality over a specific time range, or even allocate


Dispense mode

operation convenience

costs for shared resources


Twist, tap, or use no hands at all – twist the

• Simpli


dispense wheel, tap the touchscreen menu to set Rapidly retrieve data – view data directly

Superior the volume or speed, or try the foot pedal option onscreen or export it via a convenient USB port
quality pure for hands-free filling located on each POD. You can even scan a report’s
& ultrapure QR code to easily send yourself the pdf
Monitor continuously – key quality parameters

are always visible onscreen during dispensing, for Goodbye user manual – onscreen, graphic
full confidence in your water quality instructions guide you through consumable
lica ion op

changes and help manage alerts and alarms

• Sm • Wa erle

Most Versatility
• M er s r & dat

Tailor final quality – choose from our wide

tio n

sustainable for your


range of application POD-Paks for water quality


r a st a l l

system on the current &


adapted to your specific needs



market future lab

-fr m &

ys en a
te ss





c m

gy on

ps c


s &
m sa um g fo

an vi a in
ag ng ble s av
em s s e- -P
ac D
en , sp PO
t • Flexible ge of
• Ra Read on to discover all the
intelligent design features in the
new Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system!

2 3
Minimize contaminants. Achieve superior quality ultrapure
Magnify confidence. and pure water — directly from tap.

IPAK Gard® pretreatment pack

Experience the confidence of • High efficiency removal of colloids, particles and free chlorine,
for improved system performance
knowing that water quality is
not impacting your experiments.
Advanced reverse osmosis (RO)

Auto-rinsed prior to
• Removes 95–99% of contaminants including ions, particles, bacteria
The Milli-Q IQ 7003/7005 system always delivers
and organic molecules (MW >200 kDa)

superior quality Type 1 and Type 2 water, so that • Decreases water consumption and ensures a constant flow rate
Some of the new and innovative
you can avoid uncertainty, misinterpreting results,
technologies found in the
or repeating time-consuming and costly analyses.
Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system: Elix® EDI module
• Removes remaining ions for consistently superior quality pure water
This system contains purification media, hydraulic • Patented mercury-free ech2o® UV lamps
• No maintenance, ensuring low and predictable running costs
design and software capabilities that are designed and
• A redesigned and more intelligent
tested exclusively for Merck. It is also the first and only
pure water solution
completely mercury-free tap-to-ultrapure water system
on the market, containing our patented ech2o® UV • High efficiency IPAK Gard® and Consistently ion-free* and
lamps. With our advanced and sustainable technologies, IPAK Quanta® purification cartridges low TOC† ultrapure water
Water in the tank is regularly refreshed so that
you always achieve the best water quality, backed by high quality pure water is always on hand
• Seamlessly integrated tank vent filter
over 50 years of experience in the industry. Q-POD® ultrapure
water dispenser

Superior quality water from the Milli-Q® IQ

ech2o® bactericidal UV lamp IPAK Quanta® polishing cartridge
7003/7005 system also means best system
performance and longer cartridge lifetimes. • Mercury-free UVC LED technology • Removes ions and organic
emitting at 265 nm provides highest contaminants down to trace level
efficiency bacterial inactivation Automatic

Intelligent pure water storage tank ech2o® oxidation UV lamp

• Vent filter protects against airborne • Mercury-free xenon excimer
contaminants (excited dimer) technology,
• Mercury-free ASM ech2o® bactericidal emitting at 172 nm, photo-oxidizes
UV lamp prevents bacterial growth organic contaminants
and biofilm formation

Pleated filter Activated carbon

E-POD® pure
water dispenser

Minimize stagnation. Magnify protection.

Introducing our best-ever protection of stored pure water. This intelligent and unique storage
solution is designed to safeguard your water’s purity better than ever before.

Carbon block IQnano • P

 rior to water production, the RO membrane and EDI -- The built-in ASM, with an integrated mercury-free ech2o®
module are automatically rinsed, ensuring that only the UVC LED lamp emitting at 265 nm, regularly irradiates
highest quality pure water enters the tank stored water and tank walls, preventing bacterial growth
IPAK IPAK and biofilm formation
• Within the tank, pure water quality is preserved
Gard Quanta by 2 key built-in features: • A
 utomatic recirculation of stored water through
-- The vent filter, redesigned for seamless a bactericidal UV lamp preserves water quality in the
integration, provides improved protection against tank and ensures that high-quality Type 2 waters
always on hand and ready to use
Powerful, patented purification media. The new IPAK Gard® pretreatment pack contains pleated filter airborne contaminants
and carbon block components for high-efficiency removal of colloids, particles and free chlorine from tap
water. The IPAK Quanta® polishing cartridge uses innovative IQnano® ion-exchange media to achieve ion *
18.2 MΩ.cm @ 25 °C.
removal down to trace levels. The small bead size of IQnano® resin significantly improves kinetic properties In the appropriate operating conditions ≤2 ppb; otherwise typically ≤5 ppb.

while dramatically reducing media volume — 33% less than former Milli-Q® purification cartridges. ASM, automatic sanitization module; EDI, electrodeionization; TOC, total organic carbon.

4 5
Minimize uncertainty. Water quality matched
Magnify reliability. to your every application.

Our POD-Paks provide the perfect solution If you need several types of ultrapure and pure
to meet the needs of your various applications. water, simply connect different POD-Paks to your
Each Application-Pak polisher targets specific different dispensing units. Up to 4 POD dispensers
Q: What’s better than ion-free water? contaminants and removes them right at the (1 E-POD® + 3 Q-POD® units, or 4 Q-POD® units)
POD dispenser. may be connected to a single system.
Ultrapure water from the Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system ensures that your experiments are safe from trace ionic
contaminants. Ion chromatography (IC) validation data show that the system is able to consistently and reliably
produce ion-free water at the sub-ppb level. Resistivity is continuously monitored on the POD touchscreen by
our precise in-line resistivity cell, with a 0.01 cm-1 low cell constant and a 0.1 °C sensitive thermistor. Millipak® & sterile
Millipak® Gold: 0.22 µm
filters for bacteria-free EDS-Pak®: water for
Milli-Q® IQ 7003 IC cation chromatogram 1. Li + (0.5 μg/L)
and particulate-free water
2. Na + (1 μg/L) endocrine disruptor-
16 3. NH4 + (1 μg/L) related applications.
4. K+ (2 μg/L)
14 5. Mg2+ (1 μg/L)
Milli-Q® IQ 7003 6. Mn2+ (1 μg/L)
12 Cation standard mix 7. Ca2+ (2 μg/L)


6 Biopak®: pyrogen-,
4 2 4 nuclease-, protease-
3 7
and bacteria-free water
2 6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time (min)

Milli-Q® IQ 7003 IC anion chromatogram 1. F - (0.5 μg/L) 8. NO3 - (4 μg/L)

2. Lactate (2 μg/L) 9. SO42 - (4 μg/L)
9 3. Acetate (2 μg/L) 10. Malonate (2 μg/L)
14 4. Formate (2 μg/L) 11. Oxalate (2 μg/L)
Milli-Q® IQ 7003 5. Cl - (1 μg/L) 12. PO43 - (6 μg/L)
12 Anion standard mix 8 6. NO2- (2 μg/L) 13. I - (6 μg/L)
10 7 7. Br -
(4 μg/L)

6 VOC-Pak®: water for volatile organic


8 4
LC-Pak®: water for ultra-trace organic
5 12 compound-related analyses
6 1 sensitive applications
4 3 10 11 13

0 With the appropriate Application-Pak installed,

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 your Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system will provide
Time (min) water suitable for most of the analytical techniques
A: Low TOC and mercury free. used in the laboratory, including:

The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system delivers Rapid and highly accurate TOC measurements are • HPLC • AAS • Particle analysis
consistently low TOC (Total Organic Carbon) achieved with our best-in-class online A10® monitor, • LC-MS • ICP-MS • Surface tension
ultrapure water thanks to our optimized sequence which has been redesigned versus the prior Milli-Q® • UHPLC • CE • Spectrophotometry
of state-of-the-art purification technologies. Integral system for even greater accuracy. • MALDI-ToF-MS • IC

TOC measuring process within the A10® quartz cell Specific Application-Paks are available for use with life
A10® TOC monitor benefits sciences applications, such as:
• ech2o® mercury-free lamp • Cell culture • Dissolution • Genomics
• High accuracy enabled by complete • PCR testing • Immunoassays
oxidation of organics to their end-point • Western blotting • Proteomics • Microbiology
reaction, thanks to oxidation and • Sequencing • Spectroscopy
conductivity measurements occurring
within the same cell All Application POD-Paks feature:
• Range (0.5–999.9) and precision passing • An e-Sure tag — for indispensable data traceability
USP and EP suitability tests (Learn more on page 9)
• An ergonomic pack locker and protective bell — for
easy ‘snap-into-place’ installation

6 7
Minimize wasted space. Minimize effort.
Magnify efficiency. Magnify your time.

Effortless data traceability and paperless data management

Powerful, integrated data management makes it Ensure data traceability
simpler and faster to manage water system data.
e-Sure tags (based on RFID technology)
All data generated by the Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005
Versatile configurations give the best fit for your space system is stored in the system’s memory, leaving
are present on all consumables. These digital
markings provide quality and safety assurance,
no more log book or papers to archive.
Because each lab is unique, the Only the slim and neatly connected E-POD® as well as traceability. Thanks to e-Sure tags,
Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system lets you optimize and Q-POD® dispensers remain on the bench. consumables’ data and the events throughout their
Create customized reports in just a few clicks
valuable lab space to help maximize your efficiency. Up to 4 POD dispensers can be supplied by a single life are automatically recorded in the system memory,
purification unit, with an allowance of up to 5 m • Dispensing Events is a history of all dispensing and a current consumable’s status can be monitored
You may choose to wall mount the purification between PODs. This way even scientists at distant reports. You can determine water quality of an directly on the POD screen.
unit and tank, store them under the bench, or a benches — or even another lab — have access to individual past event, assess the volume used over
combination of both to suit your space requirements. purified water. a specific time frame, or even allocate costs using
Designed for easy integration, the units can be the User ID field
tucked into a corner, high up on a wall, or installed at Cabling is available in customizable lengths
• A Daily Quality Measures Report traces your
a distance in a lab cabinet. There’s no need to install and enclosed in protective sheathing for a neat,
water quality over time. Select a time frame to
near a sink and the tank does not require a drain. uncluttered installation.
view a daily average of water quality parameters
and volumes used
• The Complete History, a global archive of ALL
system data, is available when a more in-depth
Take advantage of optional analysis is needed. This includes water quality
accessories, including a foot pedal and volumes, and any events such as alerts,
for hands-free water delivery. setting modifications, consumables replacement, A graphic preview is available with
and other service activities the last 30 events; conveniently export
data using the screen’s USB port.

All reports can be exported and are available in

an open format suitable for any LIMS (laboratory
information management system). The archiving
function supports quality management systems,
a growing industry trend.

Password protection
The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system is designed
for easy integration almost anywhere in your lab.
Critical Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 data
can be protected with a password.
When activated, only authorized
users may access certain key
data, such as system set points
or configuration parameters.

For more information, visit


8 9
Minimize maintenance. Minimize waste.
Magnify your focus. Magnify sustainability.
Committed to environmental

Experience effortless maintenance We are committed to environmental sustainability.
Our lab water solutions are developed with the dual
Maintaining your Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system is objectives of:
worry-free and easier than ever. The system has
everything under control and will notify you if: • Increasing our own sustainability
• Helping our customers move toward Mercury free
• Consumables need replacing — you’ll
receive an alert and then your system sustainable solutions themselves
will guide you step by step. Plus, the IPAK
locker makes changing consumables simple. First and only completely mercury-free solution
Just twist and lock. Anyone can do it! The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system is the first and only
• A technical issue is encountered — specific details completely mercury-free tap-to-ultrapure water system All these changes reduce manufacturing
will be provided for efficient troubleshooting. on the market with built-in ech2o® UV lamps. plastic needs, packaging and
Not only are these lamps mercury free, but they are also transportation, as well as waste levels.
In case of a serious issue, you are safe: your more compact than previous UV lamps, allowing for Plus, you gain valuable lab space!
system will inform you and automatically stop. a smaller overall system.
Save water and energy
Smaller footprint means reduced waste
and more space Advanced RO purification, with its RO
recovery loop, optimizes water recovery
We have worked hard to reduce the size and reduces water consumption. Plus,
To order consumables, scan the QR of the system, tank and consumables: a unique Lab Close mode lets you put
code and automatically connect to:
• System footprint is 25% smaller vs. prior Milli-Q® the system into hibernation when the
Integral system lab is closed for extended periods. Water
quality is preserved with only minimum
• New tank is more compact to give an easier fit in water and electricity consumption.
limited space
• Only one, high-efficiency IPAK Gard® pretreatment Supports a paperless environment
pack is required, compared to two packs in previous The system is designed to facilitate
systems paperless data management, with
• IPAK Quanta® cartridge is 33% smaller than former documentation available online. The
Milli-Q® purification cartridges system is delivered with its relevant
Receive unequaled quality of certificates (see next page) and a quick
support with Milli-Q® Services Validation reference guide that contains hints and
and tips on system functions. The user manual
Thanks to Milli-Q® Services, you can benefit qualification Hotline can easily be downloaded from the POD
from a range of services and service plans to screen.
help your system operate at optimum efficiency
now and in the future. In all their activities, our
certified field service engineers follow strict Service
standard procedures, use only genuine parts, plans Application
and provide a formal service report in line with expertise
quality assurance guidelines.

Qualification expertise

Our full Qualification Program is designed to

support laboratory validation procedures. The
training Customized
program includes qualification workbooks with
IQ, OQ, MP (maintenance procedures) and installation
examples of PQ files. In addition, on-board
resistivity meters and thermistors as well
as the A10® TOC monitor, allow USP and EP Pharmacopeia
suitability tests to be performed. Certificates of suitability Verification
tests and
Conformity, Quality and Calibration are available
to facilitate GLP and cGMP compliance. calibration

10 11
Compliance with Quality Technical Appendix
Assurance demands. Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005
Our products are manufactured in an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001-registered production
Water Purification Systems
site, and their certificates are available on demand. To assist you in following industry
requirements, specific certification documents are also available:

Certificate of Conformity: the system has been assembled and tested to our
stringent Quality Assurance procedures.

Certificates of Calibration: included for the built-in resistivity and temperature

meters and the A10® TOC monitor.

Certificate of Quality: included with all our consumables which have been validated The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system uses regular tap water as feed to produce pure (Type 2) and ultrapure
to consistently deliver the water quality expected. (Type 1) water. A pure water storage tank feeds the distribution loop to deliver pure and ultrapure water
to independent E-POD® and Q-POD® dispensers, respectively.

Production flow schematic

Get instant online access to your

Water quality compliance

Ultrapure and pure water produced by the Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system meets or exceeds requirements
described by the organizations below:

Distribution flow schematic

Pure water Ultrapure water
quality / grade quality / grade
European Pharmacopoeia Purified water Highly purified water

U.S. Pharmacopeia Purified water Purified water in bulk

Japanese Pharmacopoeia Purified water Purified water

Chinese Pharmacopoeia Purified water Purified water

ASTM® D1193 Type II water Type I water, Grade B

ISO 3696
Grade 2 water Grade 1 water Tap feed water Flow controller Vent filter Thermistor

Chinese National Standard GB/T

Level 2 water Grade 1 water
6682 Pump Resistivity cell
Pressure sensor Conductivity cell
Chinese National Standard GB/T Ultrapure water for instrumental
33087 analysis
Solenoid Valve Pressure regulator Motorized valve 3-way valve
JIS K 0557 A2 water A4 water

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Clinical Laboratory Reagent

N/A Q-POD dispenser Elix EDI module Storage tank (50 L)
Institute® (CLSI®) Water (CLRW) E-POD dispenser

The Compliance Report on Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system conformity to industry norms is available upon request.
N/A, not applicable. IPAK cartridge RO membrane ech2o UV lamp ech2o ASM UV lamp

A10 TOC monitor

12 13
Purification unit and storage E-POD® and Q-POD®
tank specifications dispenser specifications
Purification unit Storage tank (50 L) 26.9 cm (10.6 in)

8 cm (3.1 in)

21.6 cm (8.5 in)

70.6 cm (27.8 in)
Possible connectionaccess

79.2 cm (31.2 in)

70.2 cm (27.6 in)

49.8 cm (19.6 in)

38.0 cm (15.0 in)

41.5 cm (16.3 in)

43.9 cm (17.3 in)

5.3 cm (2.1 in)
31.5 cm (12.4 in) 40 cm (15.7 in)
Front view Top view Front view Top view

Tubing and port requirements

21.1 cm (8.3 in) 27 cm (10.6 in)

Parameter Description Front view

Front view Side

Feed water connection ½" Gaz

Distance from feed water port Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft) Tubing and port requirements
Distance from purification unit to POD dispenser Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft)
Distance from purification unit to tank Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft) Parameter Description

Power entry Connection IEC 13 Dispenser tubing length 0.92 m (36.22 in)
ON/OFF switch Available on the unit Distance from purification unit to POD dispenser Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft)
Water sensor port Maximum 3.3 VDC Distance between two POD dispensers
Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft)
Tank level adapter port Maximum 5 VDC (Maximum 4 dispensers connected in series)
Ethernet port IEEE P802.3 POD dispenser data connection with unit Ethernet
Electrical connection Powered by purification unit (24–28 VDC)
Electrical connections and specifications Foot pedal port 3.3 V

Parameter Description
Power source voltage 100–240 V ± 10%
Power frequency 50–60 Hz ± 10% Dry weight Shipping weight Operating weight
Power used Maximum 600 VA Q-POD /E-POD ® ®
4.7 kg (10.4 lb) 7.2 kg (15.9 lb) 5.5 kg (12.1 lb)
Power cord length 2.5 m (8.2 ft) plug: IEC13 female
Operational temperature 4–40 °C (39–104 F) Screen description and functionalities
Altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)
Parameter Description
RFID frequency 13.56 MHz
Tank material High purity polyethylene Capacitive touchscreen Size: 5 in; Resolution: 800 x 480
USB port USB 2.0 Highspeed standard

Weights Speaker Impedance: 8 Ω/max output power: 0.5 W

Dry weight Shipping weight Operating weight Display in 9 languages
Purification unit
21.3 kg (47.0 lb) 24.2 kg (53.4 lb) 26.2 kg (57.8 lb)
Storage tank (50 L) 7.6 kg (16.8 lb) 10.6 kg (23.4 lb) 57.6 kg (127.0 lb)

14 15
Examples of installation options Water specifications
international conformity

Feed water requirements

Feed water Potable tap water
Pressure 1–6 bar
Temperature 5–35 °C (41–95 F)
Conductivity <2000 μS/cm at 25 °C
Dissolved CO2 <30 ppm
Free chlorine <3 ppm
Fouling Index <10
pH 4–10
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) <1 ppm
Langlier Saturation Index (LSI) <0.3
Hardness (as CaCO3) <300 ppm
E-POD or Q-POD 3 Q-POD 4
Silica <30 ppm

Ultrapure, Type 1 water specifications1 (from Q-POD® dispenser)

Up to 5 m Resistivity at 25 °C2 18.2 MΩ·cm
Up to 5 m
Up to 5 m
Conductivity at 25 °C 0.055 μS/cm
TOC ≤2 ppb (µg/L)3; typically ≤5 ppb
Particles4,5 No particles with size >0.22 µm
Bacteria 6
<0.01 CFU/mL
Up to 5 m Pyrogens (endotoxins)7 <0.001 EU/mL
RNases 5
<1 pg/mL
DNases 5
<5 pg/mL
Proteases5 <0.15 µg/mL
Flow rate Up to 2 L/min

1. These values are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.
Up to 4 PODs connected Under-bench installation 2. Resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP.
3. In the appropriate operating conditions, otherwise typically ≤5 ppb.
4. With Millipak® filter.
5. With Biopak® polisher.
6. With Millipak® or Biopak® filter when installed and used in a laminar flow hood.
Up to 5 m 7. With Biopak® polisher when installed and used in a laminar flow hood.

Up to 5 m Up to 5 m

Bench-top and under-bench installation Wall-mounted installation

16 17
Ordering information

Pure, Type 2 water specifications1 Purification cartridges Catalog number

Resistivity at 25 °C 2
>5 MΩ·cm; typically 10–15 MΩ·cm IPAK Gard pretreatment pack
Conductivity at 25 °C 0.2 µS/cm; typically 0.1 µS/cm IPAK Quanta polishing cartridge
TOC ≤30 ppb Vent Filter TANKV01A1
3 L/h (Milli-Q® IQ 7003) Vent Filter HF (for high-flow applications) TANKVH1A1
Production flow rate
5 L/h (Milli-Q® IQ 7005)
From an E-POD® dispenser with final filter, the following water quality specifications are Application POD-Paks Catalog number
Millipak 0.22 µm filter
Particulates3,4 No particles with size >0.22 µm
Millipak Gold 0.22 µm sterile filter
Bacteria5 <0.01 CFU/mL
Biopak® polisher CDUFBI0A1
Pyrogens (endotoxins)6 <0.001 EU/mL
LC-Pak® polisher LCPAK00A1
RNases 4
<1 pg/mL
EDS-Pak polisher
DNases4 <5 pg/mL
VOC-Pak polisher
Proteases4 <0.15 µg/mL
Flow rate Up to 2 L/min
Accessories Catalog number
1. These values are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.
Foot pedal ZMQSFTSA1
2. Resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP.
3. With Millipak® filter. Water sensor ZWATSENA1
4. With Biopak® polisher. External solenoid valve for feed water EXTSV00A1
5. With Millipak® or Biopak® filter when installed and used in a laminar flow hood.
6. With Biopak® polisher when installed and used in a laminar flow hood.
System care options Catalog number
ROProtect C - Chlorine tablets ZWCL01F50
EfferSan Effervescent Tablets (US) 5874316024
International regulation requirements
EfferSan Effervescent Tablets (CA) 5874316024C
Declaration of CE and cUL Conformity
The Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system has been tested by an independent and accredited company for
compliance with CE directives related to safety and electromagnetic compatibility. The report can be
consulted on demand. In addition, the Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005 system is built using components and
practices recommended by UL and has been cUL marked.
The registration can be verified on the UL web site: www.ul.com

We also meet the regulatory requirements of the following organizations:


18 19
Lab Water Solutions

For more information, please visit our website:


© 2018 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Merck, the
vibrant M, Milli-Q, Q-POD, E-POD, Elix, ech2o, IPAK Gard, IPAK Quanta, IQnano, A10, Millipak,
BioPak, VOC-Pak, EDS-Pak and LC-Pak are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed
information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.

Lit. No. MK_BR2157EN

water tailored
for trace
elemental analysis
Milli-Q® IQ Element
Water Purification
and Dispensing Unit

The Life Science Business of Merck

operates as MilliporeSigma in the
US and Canada. Lab Water Solutions
Ultrapure Water
Without Compromise

Milli-Q® IQ Element Water Purification and Dispensing Unit

Ultrapure water suitable for the most stringent trace elemental analyses
Don’t let trace contaminants interfere with your sensitive analyses.
The Milli-Q® IQ Element unit, combined with a Milli-Q® IQ 7 series water purification system, delivers
analytical-grade ultrapure water that is suitable for trace and ultra-trace elemental analyses, including
ICP-MS, GF-AAS and trace IC.
Using fresh ultrapure water from a Milli-Q® IQ 7000 or Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15 system, the
Milli-Q® IQ Element unit purifies even further. The water dispensed at your point of use is confirmed to
contain extremely low levels of elemental contaminants, from single ppt to sub-ppt detection
levels*. Independent laboratories specialized in ultra-trace elemental analyses have verified the unit’s
water quality.

Designed to fit into your trace analysis workflow

Easy to Integrate Easy to Maintain
The compact unit is designed for seamless, All purification cartridges have been designed to be
contaminant-free installation in your cleanroom effortlessly replaced. The procedure can be
environment or laminar flow hood. performed without the intervention of a field service
Easy to Use
A touchscreen lets you continuously view essential Easy Data Management
quality parameters and, in a few clicks, you can Never lose track of your water quality. An intuitive
print a dispense report or program your desired data management system lets you monitor, store
dispense volume. and rapidly retrieve water quality data in a few
clicks—from a single dispense to a complete history.
Easy to Avoid Contamination
There’s no need to touch the unit while working; a
footswitch allows for hands-free dispensing at your
point of use.

*See Technical Appendix for data.

Designed to produce and maintain
the purity of high-quality ultrapure water

Removes trace ionic contaminants from feed ultrapure water

Milli-Q® IQ 7 series IPAK Quanta® ICP 0.1 µm Optimizer Product ultrapure water
water purification system polishing cartridge LW™ final filter is suitable for sensitive
Delivers consistently Removes trace ions Removes trace ICP-MS applications.
high-quality ultrapure water particulates

Safeguards against the introduction

of contaminants
The Milli-Q® IQ Element unit not only further purifies ultrapure water
down to trace (ppt) and ultra-trace (sub-ppt) levels, but its design
protects the water from the introduction of contaminants from the

• All components used for water production are made from selected
low-extractable materials
• Footswitch and dispenser provide hands-free water delivery to
reduce risk of contamination from your surroundings while you are
• Touchscreen display allows for water quality monitoring at a glance
Intuitive touchscreen allows for
easy control, monitoring and maintenance

Quality Monitoring

Volumetric Dispensing

Data Management

Maintenance Wizards
Easy integration into
your laboratory space
The compact Milli-Q® IQ Element unit can be
easily installed inline of a Milli-Q® IQ 7 series
water purification system. Its simple dispensing
unit can be placed directly at your point of use,
in a clean and controlled environment, with no
risk of contamination.
Technical Appendix

Ultrapure (Type 1) Water Specifications

Parameter Value or range1

Resistivity @ 25°C 18.2 MΩ.cm

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ≤ 5 ppb

Flow rate up to 1.5 L/min

1. Under standard operating conditions. For more information, please refer to the user manual
of the Milli-Q® IQ 7000 or Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15 water purification systems.

Dimensions & weights

Parameter Value
Dimensions (H x W x D) 67.1 x 21.1 x 27.0 cm
26.4 x 8.3 x 10.6 in.

Dry weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lb)

Shipping weight 10.3 kg (22.7 lb)

Operating weight 9.1 kg (20.1 lb)

Ordering information
Description Catalog number

Milli-Q® IQ Element unit ZIQELEMT0

Milli-Q® IQ Element consumables kit IPAKICPK1

ICP-MS analysis of ultrapure water from Milli-Q® IQ Element unit
Excerpt from ICP-MS analysis with high purity water obtained from a Milli-Q® IQ Element purification unit
connected to a Milli-Q® IQ 7005 water purification system. Additional results as well as detailed experimental
methods are available in the Milli-Q® IQ Element Data Sheet.

Sample DL Sample DL
Isotope Element (ng/L) (ng/L) Isotope Element (ng/L) (ng/L)

7 Lithium (Li)1 < DL 0.04 115 Indium (In)2 < DL 0.01

9 Beryllium (Be)2 < DL 0.20 118 Tin (Sn)2 < DL 0.15

11 Boron (B) 2
< DL 0.50 121 Antimony (Sb) 1
< DL 0.02

23 Sodium (Na) 1
0.68 0.11 126 Tellerium (Te) 2
0.08 0.07

24 Magnesium (Mg) 1
0.01 0.01 133 Caesium (Cs) 1
0.01 0.00

27 Aluminium (Al) 1
0.07 0.04 138 Barium (Ba) 1
< DL 0.05

28 Silicon (Si)1 198.65* 4.98 139 Lanthanium (La)2 < DL 0.02

39 Potassium (K)1 0.54 0.16 140 Cerium (Ce)2 < DL 0.03

40 Calcium (Ca)2 < DL 0.29 141 Praseodymium (Pr)2 < DL 0.02

45 Scandium (Sc)2 0.59 0.53 146 Neodenyum (Nd)2 < DL 0.08

47 Titanium (Ti) 1
0.61 0.51 147 Samarium (Sm) 2
< DL 0.13

51 Vanadium (V) 1
0.03 0.01 153 Europium (Eu) 2
< DL 0.04

52 Chromium (Cr) 1
0.08 0.02 157 Gadolinium (Gd) 2
< DL 0.13

55 Manganese (Mn) 1
0.01 0.02 159 Terbium (Tb) 2
< DL 0.02

56 Iron (Fe)1 < DL 0.50 163 Dysprosium (Dy)2 < DL 0.07

59 Cobalt (Co)1 < DL 0.01 165 Holmium (Ho)2 < DL 0.02

60 Nickel (Ni)1 < DL 0.16 166 Erbium (Er)2 < DL 0.11

63 Copper (Cu)1 < DL 0.04 169 Thulium (Tm)2 < DL 0.03

66 Zinc (Zn) 1
< DL 0.48 172 Ytterbium (Yb) 2
< DL 0.09

70 Germanium (Ge) 2
< DL 0.10 175 Lutetium (Lu) 2
< DL 0.02

71 Gallium (Ga) 2
< DL 0.13 178 Hafnium (Hf) 2
< DL 0.11

75 Arsenic (As) 1
0.06 0.04 181 Tantalum (Ta) 2
< DL 0.03

78 Selenium (Se)2 < DL 0.57 182 Tungsten (W)1 < DL 0.07

85 Rubidium (Rb)1 < DL 0.03 185 Rhenium (Re)2 < DL 0.09

88 Strontium (Sr)2 < DL 0.02 189 Osmium (Os)2 < DL 0.14

89 Yttrium (Y)2 < DL 0.02 193 Iridium (Ir)2 < DL 0.05

90 Zirconium (Zr) 2
< DL 0.05 195 Platinum (Pt) 2
0.18 0.16

93 Niobium (Nb) 2
< DL 0.03 197 Gold (Au) 2
< DL 0.43

95 Molybdenium (Mo) 1
< DL 0.10 202 Mercury (Hg) 2
5.1 1.52

101 Ruthenium (Ru) 2

0.42 0.20 205 Thallium (Tl) 2
<DL 0.05

103 Rhodium (Rh)2 < DL 0.01 208 Lead (Pb)1 < DL 0.08

105 Palladium (Pd)2 < DL 0.34 209 Bismuth (Bi)2 < DL 0.06

107 Silver (Ag)2 0.40 0.15 232 Thorium (Th)2 <DL 0.04

111 Cadmium (Cd)1 < DL 0.08 238 Uranium (U)2 <DL 0.04

DL: Detection limit

1. Data obtained courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Tokyo, Japan. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with Permission, Courtesy of Agilent Technologies, Inc.
2. Data obtained courtesy of UT2A, Pau, France.
* Si is known to be difficult to measure by ICP-MS. When measured by GF-AAS, concentration was < DL (0.5 ppb).
Lab Water Solutions

© 2019 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Merck, the vibrant M, Milli-Q, IPAK Quanta and Optimizer LW are trademarks of Merck
KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly
accessible resources.

PAKET ALAT RISET 21. Mikroskop Inverted+B79:B80

22. Kamera Mikrofotografi

23. Microscope Illuminator Fiber

optic illuminator with dual
Gooseneck lights
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kavling 4 - 9 Jakarta 12950
Telepon : (021) 5201590 Pesawat 2029, 8011
Faksimile : (021) 52964838 Kotak Pos : 203

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan R.I Nomor 62 Tahun 2017 Tentang Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan,
Alat Kesehatan Diagnostik In Vitro Dan Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga dengan ini diberikan
persetujuan untuk diedarkan dengan :



KEMENKES RI AKL 10203715498

Nama Dagang / Merek : NIKON Microscope Eclipse Ti2-U and Accessories

Kelompok / Kelas Resiko : Diagnostik In Vitro / A

Kategori Produk : Peralatan Hematologi dan Patologi

Sub Kategori : Peralatan dan Asesori Patologi

Jenis Produk : Microscopes and accessories

Tipe / Ukuran : Eclipse Ti2-U

Kemasan : Dus, unit + aksesori (terlampir)

Nama Produsen / Pabrikan : NIKON CORPORATION., Japan
Melalui NIKON SINGAPORE PTE., LTD., Singapore

Atas dasar lisensi dari : -

1. Persetujuan izin edar berlaku sampai dengan 31 Maret 2021.
2. Wajib menyampaikan laporan berkala dan laporan jika ada kejadian yang tidak diinginkan akibat
penggunaan Alat Kesehatan tersebut di atas sesuai ketentuan berlaku.
3. Izin edar ini merupakan persetujuan perpanjangan dari Nomor Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan
KEMENKES RI AKL 10203715498 tanggal 2 Oktober 2017. Dengan demikian izin edar
sebelumnya dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
4. Apabila dikemudian hari ada pihak lain yang berhak atas merek dan/atau keagenan produk
tersebut, pendaftar bersedia mengembalikan izin edar.
5. Penandaan dan informasi produk yang terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari
persetujuan izin edar ini.
6. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat kekeliruan, maka persetujuan izin edar ini akan ditinjau

Jakarta, 25 Maret 2019

- UU ITE No 11 Tahun 2007 Pasal 5 ayat 1
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah.
- Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan BSrE.
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kavling 4 - 9 Jakarta 12950
Telepon : (021) 5201590 Pesawat 2029, 8011
Faksimile : (021) 52964838 Kotak Pos : 203

KEMENKES RI AKL 10203715498

No. Deskripsi Tipe / Kode

1 ECLIPSE Ti2-U Main Body MEA54200
2 3-AC AC Adapter MQF52056
3 Power Cord BE (220-240V) MBF11300
5 TI2-D-PD Pillar for Dia Illumination MEE59920
6 TI2-D-LHLED LED Lamp House for Dia Illumination (ND32x1 MEE55700
7 D-LH/LC Precentered Lamphouse MBE75225
8 TI-PS100W/A Power Supply 100-240V/A MEF52251
9 S-TI2-100WRC 100W Remote Cable MXA22163
10 LL LAMP 12V100W MXA20434
11 CFI 10X Eyepiece (11,900x2) MAK10110
12 C-CT Centering Telescope with UW Adapter MAK85005
13 TC-T-TS S Tube MEB52340
14 TC-T-ER ER Tube MEB52520
15 TI2-T-BS S Eyepiece Tube Base Unit MEB55830
16 TI2-T-BC Port Eyepiece Tube Base Unit MEB55850
17 TI-AC230 POWER CODE (230V) MEF51300
18 TI-SP Plain Stage MEC54100
19 Glass Type Stage Ring Center Hole 32mm MXA22058
20 TE Acrylic Stage Ring MXA20746
21 TC-S-GS Gliding Stage (standard stage ring included) MEC53100
22 TI2-S-HL Long Handle MEC57100
23 TC-S-HM Middle Handle MEC57110
24 TC-S-HS Short handle MEC57120
25 TI2-N-N Sextuple Nosepiece MEP51316
26 TI2-N-ND DIC Sextuple Nosepiece MEP53320
27 TI2-N-PT Nosepiece Protection Tray MXA22161
28 TC-C-TC Condenser Turret (ND128x1 included) MEL51005
29 TI2-C-MC-PH1 CLWD Module for PH1 MEH51660
30 TI2-C-MC-PH2 CLWD Module for PH2 MEH51670
31 TI2-C-MC-PH3 CLWD Module for PH3 MEH51680
32 TI2-C-MC-PH4 CLWD Module for PH4 MEH51690
33 TI2-C-CLWDA CLWDA Condenser Adapter MXA22176
35 TC-C-ML-PHL LWD module MEH51050
36 TC-C-ML-PH1 LWD module MEH51100
37 TC-C-ML-PH2 LWD module MEH51200
38 TI-C-LWD LWD Lens for System Condenser Turret MEL56200

Lampiran 1 dari 4 Halaman

- UU ITE No 11 Tahun 2007 Pasal 5 ayat 1
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah.
- Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan BSrE.
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kavling 4 - 9 Jakarta 12950
Telepon : (021) 5201590 Pesawat 2029, 8011
Faksimile : (021) 52964838 Kotak Pos : 203

No. Deskripsi Tipe / Kode

39 TC-C-ME-PHL ELWD module MEH52050
40 TC-C-ME-PH1 ELWD module MEH51400
41 TC-C-ME-PH2 ELWD module MEH51500
42 DS-Ri2 Microscope Camera MQA17000
43 DS-Qi2 Monochrome Microscope Camera MQA17500
44 DS-Fi3 Microscope Camera MQA18000
45 DS-F F-Mount Adapter for DS Series MQD43000
46 DS-F2.5 F-Mount Adapter 2.5x for DS Series MQD43020
47 C-DA C-Mount Adapter MQD42005
48 C-mount 0.7X Relay Lens MQD42070
49 LV-TV Tube Adapter MBB63435
50 C-0.55x DS Relay Lens MQD42055
51 Y-TV55 TV Adapter 0.55x MBB73550
52 C-Mount Adapter VM4x MQD42140
53 C-Mount Adapter VM2.5x MQD42120
54 Y-T TV Tube for C-Mount Adapter A MBB73525
55 USB3.0 Cable R MXK38640
56 USB3.0 Cable D MXK38639
57 P-IBSS2 Beam Splitter S2 MNB45901
58 C-TEPF2.5 DSC Port F2.5x for Ergonomic Binocular Tube MBB96810
59 C-TAQ2 Tube Adapter for Quadrocular Tube MBB94800
60 TI-BDTV2 F-TV Tube for F-Mount Adapter MED53140
61 TE-DIH-F F Mount Adapter MQD43040
62 S-TI2-CTC Camera Trigger Cable MXA22148
63 S-TI2-EXT External Trigger Cable MXA22149
64 DS-L4 DS Camera Control Unit MQA21030
65 DS-L4 cradle AC adaptor for Non USA MQA21510
66 MC-TMD2 ELWD Lens for System Condenser Turret Unit MEL37400
67 TC-C-ML-N1D LWD Dry DIC module MEH51510
68 D-C DIC Slider 10X MBH76210
69 T-C DIC Slider 20X II MBH76521
70 T-C DIC Slider 40X IV MBH76540
71 TC-C-ML-N2D LWD Dry DIC Module MEH51520
72 D-C DIC 20X DIC Slider MBH76220
73 D-C DIC 40XI DIC Slider MBH76240
74 TC-C-DICP DIC Polarizer MEN51942
75 TI2-C-DICA Analyzer MEN51928
76 D-C DIC Slider 60X I MBH76160
77 D-C DIC 60XII DIC Slider MBH76260
78 D-C DIC 60XIV DIC Slider MBH76264
79 T-C DIC Slider 60X-III? MBH76560
80 D-C DIC 100XI DIC Slider MBH76190
81 D-C DIC 100XII DIC Slider MBH76290

Lampiran 2 dari 4 Halaman

- UU ITE No 11 Tahun 2007 Pasal 5 ayat 1
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah.
- Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan BSrE.
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kavling 4 - 9 Jakarta 12950
Telepon : (021) 5201590 Pesawat 2029, 8011
Faksimile : (021) 52964838 Kotak Pos : 203

No. Deskripsi Tipe / Kode

82 TC-C-MNL-10x NAMC LWD 10x module MEH51590
83 TC-C-MNL-20x NAMC LWD 20x module MEH51610
84 TC-C-MNL-40x NAMC LWD40x module MEH51630
85 TC-C-MI-N2D IMSI Dry Module MEH51640
86 TC-C-DICPNI NAMC/IMSI Polarizer MEN51943
92 TI-PFW Parfocality Washer Set MXA22114
94 TC-C-MN-10x NAMC10x Module MEH51580
95 TC-C-MN-20x NAMC 20x module MEH51600
96 TC-C-MN-40x NAMC 40x module MEH51620
98 CFI Plan Fluor DL 4X F N.A. 0.13, W.D. 16.4 mm, PhL MRH20041
99 CFI Plan Fluor DL 10XA N.A. 0.30, W.D. 15.2mm, PH-1 MRH20101
100 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD ADM 20XC N.A. 0.45, W.D. 8.2-6.9mm, MRH48230
PH-1, Cover glass correction: 0-2.0mm
101 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD ADM 40XC N.A. 0.60, W.D. 3.6-2.8mm, MRH48430
PH-2, Cover glass correction: 0-2.0mm
102 CFI Plan Fluor 4X N.A. 0.13, W.D. 17.1 mm MRH00041
103 CFI Plan Fluor 10X N.A. 0.30, W.D. 16.0 mm MRH00101
104 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD 20XC N.A. 0.45, W.D. 8.2-6.9mm, Corr. MRH08230
105 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD 40XC N.A. 0.6, W.D. 3.6-2.8mm, Corr. MRH08430
106 CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 10X MRD00105
107 CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 20X MRD00205
108 CFI Plan Apochromat Lambda 40X MRD00405
109 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD ADL 60XC MRH48600
110 CFI Super Plan Fluor ELWD 60XC MRH08630
111 CFI PlanApo ? 60xH MRD01605
112 CFI PlanApo ? 100xH MRD01905
113 TI2-F-FLT-I Intelligent Epi Filter Turret MEV51020
114 C-FL-C DAPI Filter Cube MBE41305
115 C-FL-C FITC Filter Cube MBE44725
116 C-FL-C TEXAS RED Filter Cube MBE46105
117 C-FLL-C DAPI-U Filter Cube MBE41303
118 C-FLL-C GFP-B Filter Cube MBE44743
119 C-FLL-C mCherry Filter Cube MBE45603
120 TI-A DIC Analyzer Cube MEN51980

Lampiran 3 dari 4 Halaman

- UU ITE No 11 Tahun 2007 Pasal 5 ayat 1
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah.
- Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan BSrE.
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kavling 4 - 9 Jakarta 12950
Telepon : (021) 5201590 Pesawat 2029, 8011
Faksimile : (021) 52964838 Kotak Pos : 203

No. Deskripsi Tipe / Kode

121 TI2-C-DICACL Analyzer Cube for Large FOV MEN51985
122 TI2-F-FSC Circular Field Stop Slider MEV50020
123 TI2-F-FSS Square Field Stop Slider MEV50030
124 TI2-F-FSR Rectangle Field Stop Slider MEV50040
125 TI2-LA-BF Fixed Main Branch MEE54860
126 TI2-LA-FL EPI-FL Module MEE54720
127 TI2-LA-FLL FL Module for Large FOV MEE54730
128 HG Precentered Fiber Illuminator INTENSILIGHT C-HGFI MBF72655
131 HG Precentered Fiber Illuminator Intensilight C-HGFIE MBF72665
133 RS232C CROSS CABLE 3 MXK37070
134 TI2-P-CCA C Mount Adapter with Centering Tool MQD52010
135 TI-BDTV2 F-TV Tube for F-Mount Adapter MED53140
137 VM 2.5X SIM C Mount Relay Lens MQD42121
141 C-DA C-Mount Adapter MQD42005
143 C-0.55x DS RELAY LENS MQD42055
144 DS-F2.5 F mount Adapter 2.5x for DS Series MQD43020
145 DS-F F mount Adapter for DS Series MQD43000
146 F-CA D-SLR F-Mount Adapter MXA29015
147 C-MOUNT ADAPTER 0.45X MQD42040
149 LV-TV Tube Adapter MBB63435
150 TS2-LS Contranst Light Shield ELWD MFV51000
151 TS2R-LS Contrast Light Shield MFV51010
152 T-BP E20L80 PRISM MED59040
153 TI-BP E20R80 PRISM MED59050
154 TI2-LT-2X Second Tube Lens 2X MXA22144
155 Anti Vibration base DT-6050M-A MXK23604

Dengan ketentuan bahwa izin edar tersebut hanya berlaku untuk deskripsi dan tipe / kode produk yang
tercantum dalam lampiran ini

Jakarta, 25 Maret 2019

Lampiran 4 dari 4 Halaman

- UU ITE No 11 Tahun 2007 Pasal 5 ayat 1
Informasi Elektronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti hukum yang sah.
- Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik yang diterbitkan BSrE.

Optical system Infinity-corrected CFI60

Field number*2 22 with C-mount, 25 with F-mount

Manual switching of 1.0x/1.5x (exchangeable from 1.5x to 2.0x)
Intermediate Magnification switching

Output port 4 Manual positions

Eyepiece 100%, left 100%, right 100%, option (to eyepiece
20%/left 80% or eyepiece 20%/right 80%)
Can add ports by use of back port unit and/or choice of tube base unit*3

Focusing unit Manual drive, Coarse/fine focusing knob, 10mm stroke

Stage up Available*4
Binocular S tube TC-T-TS (field number 22), Ergonomic ER tube TC-T-ER (field number 22)
Binocular tube

Camera port (field number 16)

Eyepiece tube base unit with port (TI2-T-BC)

Condenser vertical stroke: 66mm, Backward tilting up to 25 degrees, With field diagram and
Pillar for transmitted illumination (TI2-D-PD) refocusing mechanism 2 filter slot positions (4 filter position option is also available with Filter
Slider for transmitted illumination (TI2-D-SF))

High power LED

LED Lamphouse for dia illumination (TI2-D-

100W halogen bulb (pre-centered)

Precentered Lamphouse (D-LH/LC)


Condenser turret (TC-C-TC) 7 manual positions (ø37mm x4, ø39mm x3), LWD/ELWD/CLWD/NAMC condenser lenses are
4 manual positions, With ELWD condenser lens (NA0.3/OD65)
2 manual positions (ø37mm x1, ø39mm x1), HNA dry lens/HNA oil lens are supported
Jenis: Inverted HNA condenser slider (TI2-C-SCH)
LWD (W.D.=30mm, NA=0.52), ELWD (W.D.=75mm, NA=0.3), CLWD (W.D.=13mm, NA=0.72),
Model/Tipe: Eclipse Ti2-U Condenser lens HNA dry (W.D.=5mm, NA=0.85), HNA oil (W.D.=1.9mm, NA=1.3), NAMC (W.D.=44mm,
NA=0 4)
Stage (TC-S-SR, TC-S-SRF) Stroke X: ±57mm, Stroke Y: ±36.5mm, Adjustable stroke range (3 levels) with adjusting pin,
Long/middle/short handle options available
Gliding stage (TC-S-GS) Stroke ø20mm
6 manual positions, Simple waterproof structure
Sextuple nosepiece (TI2-N-N), DIC sextuple
nosepiece (TI2-N-ND)

Intelligent epi filter turret (TI2-F-FLT-I) 6 manual positions, Manual shutter, Status detection*5


Motorized shutter (NI-SH-E)*6 12ms to open/close

Supports fiber illuminator; includes 2-position filter slider and aperture diaphragm
EPI-FL module (TI2-LA-FL), EPI-FL module
for large FOV(TI2-LA-FLL)

Simple EPI-FL attachment (TI2-F-FLS) Supports both fiber illuminator and lamp house; includes 3-position filter slider
Field stop slider Circular (TI2-F-FSC), rectangular (TI2-F-FSR), square (TI2-F-FSS) aperture options

Temperature: 0℃+40℃, Humidity: 60% RH max. (at +40℃, no condensation), Indoor use only

Pabrikan : Melalui: Distributor :

Nikon Corporation Nikon Singapore Pte. Ltd. PT New Module International
Shinagawa Intercity Tower C, 23 Church Street, #13-07 Jalan Abdul Muis No. 36Q
2-15-3, Konan, Minato-ku, Capital Square Petojo Selatan, Gambir
Tokyo 108-6290 Singapore 049481 Jakarta Pusat 10160
Japan Singapore Indonesia
Name Plate (Back –side)

Nikon Eclipse Ti2-U

PAKET ALAT RISET 24. Kamera Mikroskop
8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras

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Biological Microscope Overview

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Metallurgical Microscope Overview
Histology Overview
Materials Science Overview
Lens Cleaning Products

Moticam® Digital Color Cameras

for use with Biological, Stereo and Metallurgical Light Microscopes

Moticam® 1SP Moticam® 2 Moticam® 3+ Moticam® 5+ Moticam® 10+

Moticam® 1080 Moticam® X Moticam® NEW Moticam® NEW Moticam®

BTU10 Tablet BTX8 Tablet 1080 BMH-U

Moticam® 1SP, Moticam® 2, Moticam® 3+, Moticam® 5+ and Moticam® 10+

Motic® High Resolution Microscope Color CMOS Cameras
Choice of 1.3, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 Megapixel Resolution
and complete image control

For the ultimate in plug & play digital microscopy conversions, the Moticam® 1SP/2/3+/5+/10+ are professional high-
resolution digital cameras offering 1.3/2.0/3.0/5.0/10.0 megapixel resolution, featuring industrial metal cases.

Focusing attention on a single position with integrated Region of Interest (ROI) selection.
Saving of individual user settings for different microscopes.
Live scale-bar and scale-cross
Allowing users to save their specific setup for any microscope, reducing time moving the camera between different
microscopes and different brands.
Superior capture interface allows for real time filtering with many different choices of effects.

Moticam® 1SP/2/3+/5+/10+ Specifications

Standard accessories included with Moticam® 1SP, 2, 3+, 5+ and 10+ Cameras:

12mm CCD lens for Moticam® 1SP and Moticam® 2
16mm CCD focusable lens for Moticam® 3+, 5+, 1080 and 10+

30mm and 38mm eyepiece adapters; C-Ring; Dust Cap (on camera); Calibration
Slide for accurate measurements; Macro Viewing Tube; USB Cable, Focus Target,
Motic® Images Plus Software for PC and Mac. 2.0 USB port on all except 5+
which has a 3.0 USB port.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-1SP Moticam® 1SP, 1.3 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each $459.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2295-2 Moticam® 2, 2.0 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each 541.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

https://www.tedpella.com/cameras_html/camera1.htm.aspx#_2290_100 1/7
8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras
2295-3P Moticam® 3+, 3.0 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each 699.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2295-5P Moticam® 5+, 5.0 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each 1124.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2295-10P Moticam® 10+, 10.0 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each 1154.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Moticam® 1080
A truly versatile, affordable, C-mount camera.

This camera can stand alone; it does not require a computer for standard operation. Images can be captured
directly onto an SD card at 2MP resolution. USB cable allows camera to be connected to a computer and used like
any other Moticam® with the supplied software. The 1080 can also display live images at 1080p resolution
through the HDMI output port and analog video through the AV output.

Moticam® 1080 Specifications:

Sensor type: CMOS

Sensor resolution: 2MP
Optical calculation: 1/2.8"
Focusable lens: 12mm
Output possibilities: HDMI (1080p), SD Card (5.0 MP) USB (640 x 489), Analog video
Software included: Motic® Images Plus for PC and Mac

Standard accessories included with Moticam® 1080 Cameras:

12mm CCD lens; 30mm and 38mm eyepiece adapters; C-Ring; Dust Cap (on camera); Calibration Slide for
accurate measurements; Macro Viewing Tube; USB Cable, HDMI Cable, Focus Target, Motic® Images Plus
Software 3.0 for PC and Mac.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-1080 Moticam® 1080, 2.0 Megapixel Digital Color Camera each $1250.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Moticam® X

Moticam® X Unlock and unplug the power of your microscope with our new Moticam® X. The possibilities are

Welcome to the future of Wireless Digital Microscopy. The Moticam® X is a next generation microscope camera
that will transform almost any old conventional microscope into a wireless device capable of sending live high
resolution images to your WiFi Laptop or tablet devices. This revolutionary device sends streaming images to up
to 6 WiFi enabled devices without the need for a router. The WiFi enabled devices include Tablets, Smart Phones,
or Computers running on iOS, Android, OSX, or Windows. The Moticam® X generates its own WiFi signal so this
camera can be used separate from your existing network. No additional routers are required.

Attachable digital C-mount camera

Sensor: CMOS
Sensor resolution: 2.0MP
WiFi resolution: 1280x1024 pixels
Optical calculation: 1/3"
Focusable lens: 12mm
2 variable diameter eyepiece adaptors
Macrotube for specimens observation
Motica 4-dot calibration slide
Viewing devices, WiFi enabled PC or Laptop with Motic® Images Plus; tablet or phone with freely
downloadable MotiConnect App; universal viewer, almost any HTML 5 supported web browser.

Standard accessories included with Moticam® X Cameras:

12mm focusable lens; 30mm and 38mm eyepiece adapters; C-Ring; Dust Cap (on camera); Calibration Slide for
accurate measurements; Macro Viewing Tube, Focus Target; Motic® Images Plus Software for PC and Mac.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-2X Moticam® X, 1.3 Megapixel Digital Color Camera, WiFi enabled each $438.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Moticam® BTU10 Touchscreen Tablet

The Moticam® BTU10 is a 5.0 MP CMOS camera equipped with a 10.1 inch Android 4.4 tablet. The
BTU10 is powered by a 1.66GHz (Quad Core) CPU with built-in DDR3 memory, and also equipped
with WiFi (802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth 3.1, mini HDMI output (1080p), built in MIC and speaker, and
Micro SD card slot. C-mount adapter required.

10.1" LCD tablet camera

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8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras
Attachable digital C-mount camera
Capacitive Touch Screen
Sensor: CMOS
Optical calculation: 1/2.5"
Live resolution: 1280 x 800 pixels (16:10)
Image capture resolution: 5.0MP
Video capture resolution: 720p
Android 4.4 Operating System
1.66GHz Quad core (RK3188 1.66GHz)
16GB internal storage
1GB built-in DDR3 memory
Built-in Li-ion battery (3.7V/6000mAh)
Mini HDMI output
SD/MMC/TF Card (Support up 32GB)
Bluetooth 4.0
Built-in MIC, speaker and earphone jack
Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0
MicroSD 4Gb included
Pre-installed App MotiConnect
Motic® Images Plus 3.0 for Windows, OSX and Linux

Includes: MicroSD 8GB, HDMI Cable, USB Cable, Motic® Images Plus 3.0, Motic® 4-dot Calibration
Slide, Charger 100V-240V (CE)

Motic® BTU10 Specifications

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-BTU10 Moticam® BTU10, Camera and Touch Screen Tablet, 10" monitor each $1178.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

NEW Moticam® BTX8 Touchscreen Tablet

The Moticam® BTX8 combines a 4.0 MP Wi-Fi CMOS camera with an 8 inch, Android 5.1 tablet.
The BTX8 is powered by a 1.3GHz (Quad Core) CPU with built-in 1 GB, DDR3 memory. Detaching
the tablet for an even more flexible application is possible thanks to the Wi-Fi data transfer. Use
the pre-installed MotiConnect App and get ready to capture, edit and share your microscope
images from the tablet in a few taps. C-mount adapter required.


Sensor: CMOS
Optical calculation: 1/3"
Live resolution:1920 x 1080, 1280 x 720 (display resolution)
Image capture resolution: 4.0 MP
Video capture resolution: 720P (HD)
Data transfer: Wi-Fi (2.4 or 5 GHz) and Ethernet (RJ45)
Pixel size: 2.0µm x 2.0µm
Lens mount: C-Mount


Size: 209 x 126 x 9.9mm

System: Android 5.1
Pre-install App: MotiConnect
Language: Multi-Language
CPU: 1.3GHz Quad core
Display: 8" (IPS) 16:10 Ratio
Ports: MicroSD/MMC/TF Card (Support up 64 GB), 3.5mm Audio,
Micro USB (USB OTG and Charging), Micro HDMI output
Camera: Front (VGA) + Rear (2M Pixels)
Support display format: MPEG-1/2 (DAT, MPG, VOB, TS), MPEG-4, H.263 (3GP, MOV, MP4),
Support audio format : MP3, WMA, MP2, OGG, AAC, M4A, OGA, FLAC, APE, MP1, WAV
Picture format: JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG
Package includes: MicroSD 16Gb included, HDMI Cable, USB 2.0 Cable, Motic® Images Plus
3.0, Motic 4-dot calibration slide, Charger 100V-240V (CE)

Moticam® BTX8 Specifications

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-BTX8 Moticam® BTX8, Wi-Fi Camera and Touch Screen Tablet, 8" monitor each $799.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

NEW Moticam® 1080 BMH-U Touchscreen Tablet

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8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras
The Moticam 1080 BMH is a C-Mount multitasking microscopy camera, that delivers an
impressive 1080p Full HD live image with maximum color fidelity on an integrated LCD screen. It
does not require a computer for standard operation, as it comes with on-board software that will
allow you to use it through its 11.6" Full HD integrated screen.

Sensor type: CMOS

Sensor size: 1/2.8"
Imaging area: 5,346mm x 3,003mm
Capture resolution: Still Image: 8.0MP (3840 x 2160) | Video: Full HD (1920 x 1080p)
Live display mode (through USB): 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Live display mode (through HDMI): 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Pixel size: 2.8μm x 2.8μm
Scan mode: Progressive
Data transfer: HDMI (1080p) and USB 2.0
Max. Frames per second (fps*): USB: 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) @ 30 fps | HDMI: 1920 x 1080
(Full HD) @ 60 fps
Exposure time: 0.06ms ~ 40ms with Auto Exposure mode (0.06ms ~ 999ms with Manual
Exposure mode)
Operating temperature: From -10 to +60 degrees Celsius non condensing
Max. signal to noise ratio: 40dB
Dynamic range: 71dB
Sensitivity: 0.51V (Typical at 1/30 sec)
Slot: SD Card (max 32Gb)
Buttons: On / Off
Support device: Twain and Direct Show Driver
Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8/10 and MAC OSX & Linux
Minimum computer requirements: 2GHz dualcore | RAM memory 2GB | Video memory min.
512 MB
Lens mount: C-Mount
Screen: 11.6" Native 1920x1080 pixel Full HD Screen with Bracket
Software: On-board software
Standard tools: still image capture, live image record, zoom in & out, magnifier, ROI, mirror,
rotation, split, freeze, cross line, gallery.
Image adjustments (AE/AWB): Auto/Manual exposure, gain, target brightness setting, light
frequency, Auto/Manual white balance mode.
Advanced settings: saturation, contrast, gamma, sharpness, denoise, user settings, system’s
time setting, language (English, Chinese and Japanese), capture 2MP/8MP, format SD card.
Power supply: 12V (External Power supply)
Package includes: HDMI cable, USB 2.0 Cable, Calibration Slide, Universal Power Supply, Motic
Images Plus 3.0 for PC/OSX/Linux

Moticam® Specifications

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2295-1080BMH-U Moticam® 1080P Full HD Digital Color Camera and integrated LCD each $2028.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Microscope Camera Adapters / Accessories

The following adapters and accessories are separately available for upgrades or for use with other cameras.

Focusable Digital Camera Lens with C-mount Thread

The focusable camera lens with C-mount thread needs to be matched with the chip size of the camera to capture the
correct field of view. The lenses can be combined with the eyepiece couplers or macrotube for digital photography.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2290-780 8mm Focusable Lens for 1/4" Chip camera, C-mount Thread each $57.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2290-781 12mm Focusable Lens for 1/3" and 1/2" Chip camera, C-mount Thread each 58.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2290-782 16mm Focusable Lens for 1/2" Chip camera, C-mount Thread each 72.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Eyepiece couplers

Four different sizes of microscope eyepiece couplers are provided in a set: 28, 30 , 34 and
35mm. Use one of these together with a focusable lens (see above) to upgrade virtually any
microscope to digital imaging.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2290-752 Eyepiece Couplers, set of four, 28, 30, 34 and 35mm (needs focusable lens) each $55.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

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8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras


The Macrotube allows for digital macro imaging if used with one of the focusable digital camera lenses.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2290-754 Macrotube (needs focusable lens) each $44.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Motic® Software Packages

for the Motic® Digital Microscope Cameras

All Moticam® digital cameras include the versatile Motic® Images Plus 3.0 Multi-Language application software. Additional software
packages are available to make more use of your digital microscope equipped with a Moticam®.

Features for the Motic® Images Plus 3.0 Multi-Language Software package include:

Capture real-time still, moving or time-lapse images with a simple click of your mouse.
Store and retrieve still and streaming video in common formats.
Make accurate measurements which can be exported to Excel.
Connect to another Motic® Digital Microscope user with Distance Image Sharing (DIS) and share streaming video.
Combine and compare images with amalgamation.
Process the image with a variety of filters, or adjust brightness, contrast and color.
Simple cell counting included.
Add sound or narration to your image.
Create detailed reports, findings and examination papers using Motic® Report.
This software allows the user to select between different languages. Available are: English, German, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese.
Available for PC (XP or higher) and for Mac (with OS X or higher).
Motic® HUB technology is integrated into Motic® Images Plus software, turning your existing wired Moticam® or Digital
Microscope (originally shipped with Motic® software) into a streaming WiFi digital solution. This free feature allows you to attach
your digital microscope or camera to your existing wired WiFi equipped computer and then stream the image through your
existing network for others to pickup on their WiFi tablets, phones or computers.
Approximately every 6 months a new update of the Motic® Images Plus 3.0 can be downloaded from the Motic® website. Once
you have purchased a Motic® Digital Microscope or Moticam® you can get FREE unlimited updates.

More features for digital image processing and particle measurement are offered with the Motic® Images Advanced 3.2 Software.

Complete List of features for the Motic® Images Advanced 3.2 Software

Other software packages for the Moticam® digital microscope cameras are:

Motic® Images Plus 3.0 Software (Windows, OSX and Linux) - All new redesign of the 2.0 Images Plus Software offers user-
friendly interface, customizable options, live measurements. Multi-platform software. Supplied with the Motic®BTU8 and BTU10
Touchscreen Tablet Cameras.
List of features for Images Plus 3.0

Motic® Images Advanced 3.2 Software (PC only) - Offers more additional features for digital image processing, feature
measurement, multi focus and image assembly.
List of features for Images Advanced 3.2.

Motic® Image Multi Focus Professional Edition (PC only) - Combines several images taken at different focal depths to provide a
focused image with a higher depth of focus. It also takes into account image shift due to focusing in stereo microscopes.
Features of Image Multi Focus.

Motic® Image Assembly Professional Edition (PC only) - Combine several images taken in one plane in one image. The software
compensates for overlaps and image shifts. Allows creation of high resolution images with a large field of view.
Features of Image Assembly.

Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote

2290-700 Motic® Image Advanced 3.2 Software for Moticam® 2000 / 2300 / 2500 each $561.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order
(PC only)
2290-702 Motic® Image Multi Focus Professional Edition (PC only) each 227.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

2290-704 Motic® Image Assembly Professional Edition (PC only) each 227.00 Qty: 1 Add to Order

Specifications for Moticam® Digital Cameras

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8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras
Particulars Moticam® 1SP Moticam® 2 Moticam® 3+ Moticam® 5+ Moticam® 10+ Moticam®
Image Device (Chip
1/3.2" CMOS 1/3" CMOS 1/2" CMOS 1/2.5" CMOS 1/2.3" CMOS 1/2.8" CMOS

Lens 12mm CCTV 12mm CCTV 16mm CCTV 12mm CCTV 12mm CCTV 12mm CCTV

1280 x 1024 1600 x 1200 2048 x 1536 2592 x 1944 3664 x 2748
Active Resolution NA
(1.3MP) (2MP) (3MP) (5MP) (10MP)

Pixel Size 3.2 x 3.2µm 3.2 x 3.2µm 3.2 x 3.2µm 2.2 x 2.2µm 1.67 x 1.67µm 2.8 x 2.8µm

Active Resolution 1240 x 1024 1600 x 1200 2048 x 1536 2592 x 1944 3664 x 2748 2592 x 1944
Imaging Area 4.10 x 3.28mm 5.12 x 3.84 6.55 x 4.92mm 4.70 x 4.28mm 6.12 x 4.59mm 5.346 x 3.003mm
Scan Mode Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive Progressive

24 @ 400 x 300 23 @ 512 x 384 26 @ 648 x 486 3 @ 3664 x 2748

52 @ 640 x 480 USB: 1930 x 1080 @3
Max. Frame Rate (FPS*) 20 @ 800 x 600 19 @ 1024 x 768 17 @ 1296 x 972 8 @ 1832 x 1374
13 @ 1280 x 1024 HDMI : 1920 x 1080 @
5 @1600 x 200 6 @2048 x 1536 4 @2592 x 1944 28 @ 916 x 686

Data Transfer 480MB/ second 480MB/ second 480MB/ second 480MB/ second 480MB/ second 480MB/ second
Minimum Illumination 3 lux (3W led) 3 lux (3W led) 3 lux (3W led) 3 lux (3W led) 3 lux (3W led) 3 lux (3W led)
Lens Mount C-mount C-mount C-mount C-mount C-mount C-mount
Automatic- Automatic- Automatic- Automatic-
Automatic-Manual Automatic-Manual S/W
Shutter Manual S/W Manual S/W Manual S/W Manual S/W
S/W Control Control
Control Control Control Control
Transmission Transmission Transmission Transmission Transmission
across Motic® across Motic® across Motic® across Motic® across Motic® SD Card, USB to PC,
Video Output software direct software direct software direct software direct software direct
or analog video, HDMI
into memory of into memory of into memory of into memory of into memory of

White Balance Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic

USB Output Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5V self-power 5V self-power 5V self-power 5V self-power 5V self-power 5V self-power
USB Power Supply
from computer from computer from computer from computer from computer from computer

2 High Variance 2 High Variance 2 High Variance 2 High Variance 2 High Variance
Microscope Adapter 2 High Variance Adapt
Adapters Adapters Adapters Adapters Adapters
USB standard 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Windows XP
Windows XP and Windows XP Windows XP and Windows XP and Windows XP and SP3/Vista/7/8/10 and
higher, and higher, higher, higher, higher, OSX & Linux 2GHz du
Operating Systems
including Lion including Lion including Lion including Lion including Lion memory min. 512 MB

Computer Requirements 2GHz dualcore – RAM memory 2GB – Video memory min. 512 M

Spectral Response Curves

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8/28/2020 Digital Cameras for Light Microscopes, Moticam CMOS Cameras
For Moticam®
1SP, 2 and 3
and previous Moticam® models 1000, 2000 and 2300

For Moticam® 5+
and previous Moticam® model 2500

USA / Canada: Telephone: 530-243-2200; 800-237-3526; Fax 530-243-3761; Email: [email protected]

International: Telephone: 530-243-2200; Fax 530-243-3761; Email: [email protected]
Copyright © Ted Pella, Inc., 1996-2020. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Jalan Kebayoran Lama No. 34E, Jakarta Selatan 12220
T: +62 21 7392856 | F: +62 21 7260177 | | W: www.elokarsa.com

Kepada : LIPI OSEANOGRAFI No : Q-2333-R1

Attn. : Ibu Intan Tanggal : 24/05/2021
Phone/Fax : 0812 8498 5023 Sales : Cindy Laura
Email : [email protected] Phone : 6281947002401
Email : [email protected]
No No Katalog Merk Deskripsi Qty Kemasan Harga Unit Discount Total Harga Ketersediaan
1 51119700DP Thermo Scientific Multiskan Sky with cuvette and touch screen + µDrop Plate 1 Unit Rp 341.700.000 Rp 341.700.000
μDrop™ Plate for RNA /DNA

Analyze up to 16 microliter-scale samples simultaneously with the Thermo Scientific™

µDrop™ Plate, a quick and easy tool for DNA and RNA assays using photometric
measurement and sample volumes down to 2µL. The fixed light path of the µDrop Plate
allows direct calculation of the nucleic acid concentrations of the samples. Samples are
easy to pipette onto the plate with a single- or an eight-channel pipette

dsDNA detection range from a few micrograms to a few milligrams per milliliter

Sixteen sample positions for quick and easy measurement of sample volumes down to 2μL

Spectrofotometer, ELISA Reader, Incubator & Shaker

UV/Vis microplate spectrophotometer offers free
wavelength selection for both 96- and 384-well plates

Specifications :
Description : Multiskan Sky with Cuvette, Touch Screen
Plate Type : 96- and 384-well plates
Cuvettes : 12.5 (W) x 12.5 (D) x 40-58 (H) mm
Light Source : Xenon Flash lamp
Lamp lifetime typically 109 flashes (10 million 96-
well microplates measured in fast mode)
Wavelength Selection : Monochromator
Wavelength Range : 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Bandwidth : <2.5nm
Linearity : 96-well plate: 0-2.5 Abs, 2% at 450nm
Read-out Range : Up to 3 Abs
: 1.0% + 0.003 Abs (0-2.0 Abs); 2% (2.0-2.5 Abs) at
Precision : SD<0.003 Abs or CV<0.5% at 450nm (Precision
Incubator Temperature : Ambient +2° to 45°C
Shaking : Linear
Measurement Speed : 6 seconds with 96-well plate; 10 seconds with 384-
well plate (from A1 back to A1)
Spectral Scanning Speed : 10s from 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Depth (Metric) : 445 mm
Width (Metric) : 295 mm
Height (Metric) : 265 mm
Weight (Metric) : 11.3 kg
Power Consumption : Max: <110w; Power Save: 7 W
Features: Exceptional user experience

The Multiskan Sky Microplate Spectrophotometer is a UV/Vis microplate

spectrophotometer designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any
photometric research application, especially DNA, RNA and protein analysis. It is ideal for
multi-user environments where a variety of endpoint, kinetic and spectral assays are
performed. Multiskan Sky instruments are available in three different configurations. Touch
screen models offer the flexibility to use the stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with
Thermo Scientific SkanIt PC software. The Multiskan Sky model operated solely via SkanIt
software is ideal for users who rely on a PC for all operations. Cuvette reading capability is
also offered in some models.

Fast, easy nucleic acid and protein sample

measurements in low volumes
Simple-to-use software enables experiment set up
within minutes
Access and manage your data remotely

Recommended for: DNA and RNA quantitation and purity; Protein

assays; Enzyme assays; Kinetic assays;
Immunoassays; Cell proliferation and cytotoxicity
assays; Apoptosis assays; Reporter gene assays;
GPCR assays

PC Computer (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz)

Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB
Intel UHD Graphics
Includes :
Win 10 SL
Monitor 21.5” (
RAM standard 16 GB)
µDrop Plate
UPS (ICA 1200VA)
2 438 000 Interscience SCAN 4000 Ultra HD automatic colony counter 1 Unit Rp 471.750.000 Rp 471.750.000 Indent 2-3 bulan
Specifications :
LED Lighting
Ultra HD Camera, 5 Megapixel
Read Petri dish of 90, 100 and 150 mm
Read Square Petri dish of 120 mm
Measurement up to 16 antibiotic sensitivities in one click

High sensitivity sensor (CCD)

Detection and counting up to 7 colors in chromogenic environments
Automatic separation of confluent colonies
Counting Petrifilm, RIDA count, Compact Dry and filtration membranes
304 L stainles stell hardware, scratch-resistant glass
USB port connection
Dimensions of unit : 47 x 47 x 64 cm, 24.4 kg
Includes : PC Package, UPS, Barcode reader (522 000), LOA
PC Specs: (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz),Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB, Intel UHD Graphics,
Win 10 SL Monitor 21.5” (RAM standard 16 GB)
BAGMIXER® lab blender for solid sample preparation
022 230 Interscience 1 Unit Rp 57.630.000 Rp 57.630.000 Ready stock
MiniMix® P CC® 100 mL lab blender

The BagMixer 400 W efficiently blends any type of sample, avoiding risk of cross-
contamination. It is adapted to all types of applications and compatible with all blender
bags. The window door enables a quick check-up of the blending, in process.

Key Features
Optimal blending volume: 50 - 400 mL
Fixed speed: 8 strokes / second
Variable blending time: 30 - 210 seconds or ∞
Window door
Q-Tight closing

• All stainless steel 304L
• Window door
• Useful volume: 50 - 400 mL
• Fixed speed (8 strokes/s)
• Variable blending time (30 - 210 s or ∞)
• Q-Tight® closing: tight closing for no more leaks from the top of the bag • Fully opening
door (270°)
• Security drip tray
• Voltage and frequency: 110-127V~ / 220-240V~ 50-60Hz
• Fuses: T 3.15A L 240V / T 1.25A L 240V 5x20 mm
• Max power: 135 W
• Dimensions (w x d x h): 27 x 38.5 x 28 cm, weight: 16.6 kg
• Box (w x d x h): 49.5 x 35 x 36.5 cm, weight: 18.8 kg
• 3-year warranty
• Shock absorbers lifetime warranty
• Window door lifetime warranty
• In compliance with ISO 7218, ISO 6887-1 and FDA BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual)
• Manufatured under CE, RoHS, WEEE - Products made for INTERSCIENCE by Interlab, an
ISO 9001 certified company
• Designed and made in France

Include BagPage® 80 (Sterile packs of 25, 80 mL, 160x95 mm

, 500ea/box) (120 825), LOA

SUB TOTAL Rp 871.080.000

PPN 10 % Rp 87.108.000
GRAND TOTAL Rp 958.188.000

Note: Ready Stock Tidak mengikat

Harga berlaku untuk mekanisme pembelian langsung, bukan harga tender
Franco : Jabodetabek
Waktu Pembayaran : DP 30% , CBD 70%
Masa Berlaku Penawaran : 30 hari ( Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah )

Hormat Kami,

Cindy Laura Budiman

Sales Executive
Div. Life Science
Jalan Kebayoran Lama No. 34E, Jakarta Selatan 12220
T: +62 21 7392856 | F: +62 21 7260177 | | W: www.elokarsa.com

Kepada : LIPI OSEANOGRAFI No : Q-2333

Attn. : dr Nurhati Tanggal : 18/05/2021
Phone/Fax : 0812 8498 5023 Sales : Cindy Laura
Email : [email protected] Phone : 6281947002401
Email : [email protected]
No No Katalog Merk Deskripsi Qty Kemasan Harga Unit Discount Total Harga Ketersediaan
1 51119700DP Thermo Scientific Multiskan Sky with cuvette and touch screen + µDrop Plate 1 Unit Rp 402.000.000 Rp 402.000.000
μDrop™ Plate for RNA /DNA

Analyze up to 16 microliter-scale samples simultaneously with the Thermo Scientific™

µDrop™ Plate, a quick and easy tool for DNA and RNA assays using photometric
measurement and sample volumes down to 2µL. The fixed light path of the µDrop Plate
allows direct calculation of the nucleic acid concentrations of the samples. Samples are
easy to pipette onto the plate with a single- or an eight-channel pipette

dsDNA detection range from a few micrograms to a few milligrams per milliliter

Sixteen sample positions for quick and easy measurement of sample volumes down to 2μL

Spectrofotometer, ELISA Reader, Incubator & Shaker

UV/Vis microplate spectrophotometer offers free
wavelength selection for both 96- and 384-well plates

Specifications :
Description : Multiskan Sky with Cuvette, Touch Screen
Plate Type : 96- and 384-well plates
Cuvettes : 12.5 (W) x 12.5 (D) x 40-58 (H) mm
Light Source : Xenon Flash lamp
Lamp lifetime typically 109 flashes (10 million 96-
well microplates measured in fast mode)
Wavelength Selection : Monochromator
Wavelength Range : 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Bandwidth : <2.5nm
Linearity : 96-well plate: 0-2.5 Abs, 2% at 450nm
Read-out Range : Up to 3 Abs
: 1.0% + 0.003 Abs (0-2.0 Abs); 2% (2.0-2.5 Abs) at
Precision : SD<0.003 Abs or CV<0.5% at 450nm (Precision
Incubator Temperature : Ambient +2° to 45°C
Shaking : Linear
Measurement Speed : 6 seconds with 96-well plate; 10 seconds with 384-
well plate (from A1 back to A1)
Spectral Scanning Speed : 10s from 200 to 1000nm with 1nm steps
Depth (Metric) : 445 mm
Width (Metric) : 295 mm
Height (Metric) : 265 mm
Weight (Metric) : 11.3 kg
Power Consumption : Max: <110w; Power Save: 7 W
Features: Exceptional user experience

The Multiskan Sky Microplate Spectrophotometer is a UV/Vis microplate

spectrophotometer designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any
photometric research application, especially DNA, RNA and protein analysis. It is ideal for
multi-user environments where a variety of endpoint, kinetic and spectral assays are
performed. Multiskan Sky instruments are available in three different configurations. Touch
screen models offer the flexibility to use the stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with
Thermo Scientific SkanIt PC software. The Multiskan Sky model operated solely via SkanIt
software is ideal for users who rely on a PC for all operations. Cuvette reading capability is
also offered in some models.

Fast, easy nucleic acid and protein sample

measurements in low volumes
Simple-to-use software enables experiment set up
within minutes
Access and manage your data remotely

Recommended for: DNA and RNA quantitation and purity; Protein

assays; Enzyme assays; Kinetic assays;
Immunoassays; Cell proliferation and cytotoxicity
assays; Apoptosis assays; Reporter gene assays;
GPCR assays

PC Computer (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz)

Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB
Intel UHD Graphics
Includes :
Win 10 SL
Monitor 21.5” (
RAM standard 16 GB)
µDrop Plate
UPS (ICA 1200VA)
2 438 000 Interscience SCAN 4000 Ultra HD automatic colony counter 1 Unit Rp 555.000.000 Rp 555.000.000 Indent 2-3 bulan
Specifications :
LED Lighting
Ultra HD Camera, 5 Megapixel
Read Petri dish of 90, 100 and 150 mm
Read Square Petri dish of 120 mm
Measurement up to 16 antibiotic sensitivities in one click

High sensitivity sensor (CCD)

Detection and counting up to 7 colors in chromogenic environments
Automatic separation of confluent colonies
Counting Petrifilm, RIDA count, Compact Dry and filtration membranes
304 L stainles stell hardware, scratch-resistant glass
USB port connection
Dimensions of unit : 47 x 47 x 64 cm, 24.4 kg
Includes : PC Package, UPS, Barcode reader (522 000), LOA
PC Specs: (Core i7-10700 (8-core, 2.9Ghz),Harddsik SSD M2 – 512 GB, Intel UHD Graphics,
Win 10 SL Monitor 21.5” (RAM standard 16 GB)
BAGMIXER® lab blender for solid sample preparation
022 230 Interscience 1 Unit Rp 67.800.000 Rp 67.800.000 Ready stock
MiniMix® P CC® 100 mL lab blender

The BagMixer 400 W efficiently blends any type of sample, avoiding risk of cross-
contamination. It is adapted to all types of applications and compatible with all blender
bags. The window door enables a quick check-up of the blending, in process.

Key Features
Optimal blending volume: 50 - 400 mL
Fixed speed: 8 strokes / second
Variable blending time: 30 - 210 seconds or ∞
Window door
Q-Tight closing

• All stainless steel 304L
• Window door
• Useful volume: 50 - 400 mL
• Fixed speed (8 strokes/s)
• Variable blending time (30 - 210 s or ∞)
• Q-Tight® closing: tight closing for no more leaks from the top of the bag • Fully opening
door (270°)
• Security drip tray
• Voltage and frequency: 110-127V~ / 220-240V~ 50-60Hz
• Fuses: T 3.15A L 240V / T 1.25A L 240V 5x20 mm
• Max power: 135 W
• Dimensions (w x d x h): 27 x 38.5 x 28 cm, weight: 16.6 kg
• Box (w x d x h): 49.5 x 35 x 36.5 cm, weight: 18.8 kg
• 3-year warranty
• Shock absorbers lifetime warranty
• Window door lifetime warranty
• In compliance with ISO 7218, ISO 6887-1 and FDA BAM (Bacteriological Analytical Manual)
• Manufatured under CE, RoHS, WEEE - Products made for INTERSCIENCE by Interlab, an
ISO 9001 certified company
• Designed and made in France

Include BagPage® 80 (Sterile packs of 25, 80 mL, 160x95 mm

, 500ea/box) (120 825), LOA

SUB TOTAL Rp 1.024.800.000

PPN 10 % Rp 102.480.000

Note: Ready Stock Tidak mengikat

Franco : Jabodetabek
Waktu Pembayaran : DP 30% , CBD 70%
Masa Berlaku Penawaran : 30 hari ( Harga sewaktu waktu dapat berubah )

Hormat Kami,

Cindy Laura Budiman

Sales Executive
Div. Life Science

Company : Pusat Penelitian Laut Dalam (LIPI) Date : 3 Februari 2020

Address : Jl. Y. Syaranamual, Guru-Guru, Poka, Ambon - 97233 Number : 079/Q/LPI/AG/II/21
Maluku - Indonesia Email : [email protected]
Tlp :-
Attn : Ibu Ester


1 1 Unit Water Bath 39,500,000 39,500,000
Type : PURIBATH 11
Merk : Cryste

Specification :
Size Inner(W x D x H)mm : 300x240x150
Out Inner(W x D x H)mm : 355x295x230
Capacity : 11L
Controller : Standard : Digital PID controller
Inside Material : Stainless steel
Outside Material : Epoxy powder coated steel plate
Flat Cover Material : Stainless steel
Temp. Range : Ambient +5℃ ~ 98℃
Temp. Sensor type : PT 100Ω
Temp. control : Natural convection(Direct heating to water)
Power : 230V ± 10%, 50-60Hz, 1Phase
Power Consumption : 950 W
Weight : 20 kg
Safety : Over heat protector, Fuse installed noise filter

Complete with
- Tuberack-13 (p/n PBT-11-OP2)
- PVC Cover (p/n PBT-11-OP7)

SUB TOTAL PRICE: 39,500,000

TAX 10%: 3,950,000

INDONESIATlp/Fax. +62 21 2957 2252 | Email :[email protected] | Website :www.labolyticperiferal.com
Terms and Condition
Prices : Price Franco Ambon, Include Installation and Training
Payment : 50 % DP, 50% before delivery (Full Payment)
Delivery : Indent within 6-8 weeks
Validity : 2 weeks
Warranty : 1 year

For and on Behalf of

PT. Labolytic Periferal Indonesia

Agus Dwi Sanjoyo

Sales Engineer
0856 9712 9562

INDONESIATlp/Fax. +62 21 2957 2252 | Email :[email protected] | Website :www.labolyticperiferal.com
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 28. Laboratory Refrigerator
10:25 AM
0228 - Quotation of LIPI Ancol

Page 1

No : 0220/ BMS / Q / V / 2021

Kepada YTH, Jakarta, 25 Mei 2021

Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jakarta Utara
UP : Ms. Fitri

Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami mengajukan penawaran harga Alat Biobase untuk kebutuhan Laboratorium yang diperlukan
Dengan produk Laboratory Refrigerator


Bill To: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI Ship To: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI

Product Model QTY/ Unit Price/ Unit Total Price Stock

Laboratory Refrigerator BPR-5V588 (656 Liter) 1 Rp 45,000,000 Rp 45,000,000 INDENT 1-2 BULAN

*Include PPN dan Nett Discount (Price) dan Biaya Pengiriman ke Jadetabek
Price : Netto, Price Include PPN 10%
Validity : 7 day
Delivery : Stock : Sesuai dengan tabel (Terhitung PO) "STOCK TIDAK MENGIKAT"
Terms Of Payment : 50% after PO, 50% before delivery goods

Instalation and Training

: Free untuk wilayah JaDeTaBek , extracharge untuk instalasi dan training diluar JaDeTaBek, dilakukan melalui online / videocall


Bank Information
Cabang : 237 DAAN MOGOT
Rek Name : PT. Babad Primasentosa

Rek No : 0149116370 ( IDR )


PT. Babad Primasentosa
10:25 AM
0228 - Quotation of LIPI Ancol

Page 2


PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 30. Chemical Duty
Vacuum/Pressure Pump 220V
Komp. Rukan Taman Meruya, Blok M No. 49
Meruya Utara, Jakarta Barat 11620
Tel. 021-5845562(Hunting) Fax : 021- 5874530

Sold To: Our Ref. Number 0670 / VI /21/SAF

LIPI Oseanografi Date 24 Jun 21
Cibinong Your Ref. Number
Term Of Payment Cash On Delivery
Phone: 8754587 Fax : 8754588
Attn. : Ibu Intan
Delivery Ready Stock

Sales Rep. Dono Indarto

Price In Rp

Quantity Description Unit Price Disc. Amount

Rp Rp
1 Chemical Duty Vacuum/Pressure Pump, 220V. 12.161.000 20% 9.728.800
Pack Cat. No. : WP61 220 50

Note : Barang ready stock dan harga tidak mengikat

SUBTOTAL 9.728.800
PPN 10% 972.880

Validity : This quote is firm valid until 24 July, 2021

Questions concerning this quote ? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO :
Call : PT. Sentra Aneka Filterasi Pay This
Jakarta Amount

B. Haryoko
Sales Director

Please transfer payment to :

Name of Bank : PANIN BANK
Account Number : 142-500-5507 ( Rupiah )


Name of Bank : BCA
Account Number : 287-222-2236 ( Rupiah )
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 31. Rotary Evaporator dengan
Vacuum Pump dan Chiller
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

11100V101 1,00 pcs Rp84.840.000
The Rotavapor® R-100 is a high-quality rotary evaporator to meet the essential needs in classical
laboratory applications.
Fundamental design fulills essential needs of evaporation with 1460 cm2 cooling surface area.
High longevity and reliable operation due to robust design and high quality material
Quick and ergonomic operation with smooth manual lift mechanism.
Easy lask handling and vapor duct removal thanks to multifunctional Combi-Clip
Easy operation by integrating interface, vacuum pump and recirculating chiller
Expandable with a wide range of accessories and various glass assemblies
Flexibility to use the independent heating bath for further applications
Complete with 1 litre evaporating flask, flask joint NS 29/32 and 1 litre receiving flask,
evaporation flask feed via stop-cock. including Heating Bath B-100 and Glass Condenser type
Technical Data : Rotavapor R-100 Heating Bath B-100
Dimension (WxHxD) : 617 x 898 x 5012 mm : 307 x 202 x 275 mm
Weight : 18-19 kg : 4.0 kg
Operation Voltage : 24 V : 220 - 240 V
Frequency : DC : 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption : 30 W : 1700 W
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Protection Class : IP21 : IP21
Immersion angle adjustable : 0 - 35o
Stroke distance : 150 mm (+ 100 mm extendable)
Rotation Speed : 20 - 280 rpm
Maximum flask capacity : 3 kg
Approvals : CE : CE
Flask size range : 50 - 4000 ml
Heating power : 1300 W
Controlled temperature range : 20 - 95 oC
Maximum flask size : 4000 ml
Temperature regulation accuracy : ± 2oC
Heating media : water

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

11V100110 1,00 pcs Rp88.935.000
BÜCHI VACUUM PUMP V-100 with Interface I-100
The Vacuum Pump V-100 is an economical and chemically resistant PTFE diaphragm vacuum
pump with a space saving design. It covers the essential needs in vacuum generation. On/off regulated
by the Interface I-100, it is optimally suited to work with the Rotavapor® R-100. The
Maximum longevity due to robust and stable design and integrated ECO2 mode
Useable for multiple applications evaporation, drying/ concentration, suction straining and filtration
Saves resources as it controls the vacuum pump
High longevity due to robust and durable design
User-friendly and intuitive handling thanks to self-explaining user interface
Relevant information is displayed at a glance
High reliability due to centralized control of process parameters
Full process control thanks to parameter monitoring
Proven technology for major applications
The ready to use vacuum pump will be delivered with Interface I-100, a silencer,
2 m of vacuum tubing and woulff bottle.
Technical data : Vacuum Pump V-100
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 180 x 275 x 210 mm
Weight : 5.6 kg

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Suction capacity : 1.5 m3/h

No. of steps (heads) : 2 (2)
Final vacuum (absolute) : 10 mbar ± 2 mbar
Connections : GL 14
Power comsumption : 150 W
Power comsumption in ECO2 mode* (70%)
: 70 W
Electrical requirement : 100 - 240 V/ 50 - 60 Hz
Nominal speed : max 1280 rpm
Nominal speed in ECO2 mode* (70%) : 70% of nominal speed
Sound level (DIN 45635) : 32 – 52 dBA
Material in contact : PTFE, FEP, FFKM, PPS
Approval : CE : CE/ CSA
Measurement range : 1400 - 1 mbar
Measurement accuracy : ± 2 mbar (± 1 digit)
Control Range : 1100 - 1 mbar
Hysteresis : Automatic or 1- 500 bar
Display : Digital, monochrome, 4 "
* The ECO2 mode is active after 1 h with suction capacity of 1 m3/h

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

11056463 1,00 pcs Rp87.885.000
F-105 Recirculating Chiller
Cost-effective Recirculating Chiller with 500 W cooling capacity, particularly suitable for
Rotavapor® R-100 systems. Eficient distillation due to full integration of the refrigerator in the
evaporation system.
Sustainable operation due to no water consumption
Conserves energy by switching into standby-mode if not in use
Reduces solvent emissions of the distillation
Process optimization due to interaction with the entire Rotavapor®-system
Optimized handling by centralized process control
Perfectly compatible with a variety of BUCHI products

Technical data :
Dimensions (W x H x D) : 280 x 500 x 400 mm
Weight : 29 kg
Cooling at 15°C : 500 W
Temperature range : -10 - +25°C
Recommended Working range : 5-15°C
Power consumption : 850 W
Supply Voltage : 230V (+/-10%) 50/60Hz
Display : digital, resolution 0,1 °C
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Ambient temperature : 5 - 35 oC
Refrigerant : R134a
Temperature regulation accuracy : + 1 oC
Tank volume :3l
Tubing connection : 8 mm (GL14)
Pump pressure : 0.6 bar
Flow rate : 2.5 l/min

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Term & Conditions :

Validity : 4 weeks
Condition : Franco On Site
: Exclude10% VAT
Including : Installation & Operator Training on Site
Delivery time : 8-10 weeks after receipt of your Purchase Order
Term Of Payment : 30 days after installation
Country of origin : Switzerland
Warranty : One Year

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217
Kepada Yth : www.buchi.com


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR


11V300200 1,00 pcs Rp138.500.000
range of clasical laboratory aplication and is optimally suited to work with a rotary evaporator.
With a pumping capacity of 1.8 m3/h and ultimate vacuum 5 mbar ±2 mbar.
Due to speed-control, the pump operates smoothly to keep the set vacuum. This results in
very low noise emission (32 dB in standard operation).
Condensed solvents or particles are easily visible thanks to the transparent front panel.
Compact design and solid workmanship, with intergrated carryng handle.
Operate the interface from your most suitable place thanks to flexible installation on fume hood
with an additional holder.
Can be connected with Interface I-300 or I-300 Pro to control central of process parameter.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia

HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong

Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217
Kepada Yth : www.buchi.com


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

With optional secondary condenser capture vapor which is otherwise into the lab atmosphere.
In combination with the Interface I-300/I-300 Pro an optional sensor alert the operator
to empty the receiver flask when required.
Technical data : Vacuum Pump V-300
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 200 x 321 x 291 mm
Weight : 7.6 kg
Suction capacity : 1.8 m3/h
No. of steps (heads) : 2 (2)
Final vacuum (absolute) : 5 mbar ± 2 mbar
Connections : GL 14
Power comsumption : 180 W
Power comsumption ECO mode 1 (80%)
: 95 W
Power comsumption ECO mode 2 (50%)
: 60 W
Connection voltage : 100 - 240 V/ 50 - 60 Hz
Nominal speed : max. 1,500 rpm
Sound level (EN 61010-1) : 32 – 57 dBA (depending on operating mode)
: 32 dBA: with 10 % load (normal)
: 57 dBA: with 100 % load
Approval : CE, CSA

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217
Kepada Yth : www.buchi.com


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR


11F30501 1,00 pcs Rp118.200.000
F-305 Recirculating Chiller
Cost effective, environmentally friendly and compact chiller for small distillation instruments
Effective cooling for limited budget, Small footprint saves valuable lab space,
Cost saving as the water consumption is completely eliminated
Best cooling performance at the range temperature from –10 °C to +25 °C
No water consumption, thus sustainable operation
Conserves energy and reduces solvent and heat emissions to a minimum
Shuts off automatically between distillations, hence unnecessary downtime is eliminated
Process optimization due to interaction with the entire Rotavapor-system
Optimized handling by centralized process control
High longevity due to its robust and stable construction and stainless steel housing
Technical data :
Dimensions (W x H x D) : 280 × 500 × 400 mm
Weight : 31 kg
Cooling Capacity at 15°C : 550 W
Cooling Capacity at 10°C : 440 W
Cooling Capacity at 0°C : 250 W
Cooling Capacity at -10°C : 80 W

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217
Kepada Yth : www.buchi.com


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Power consumption : 800 W

Supply Voltage : 230V (+/-10%) 50/60Hz
Temperature Display : resolution 0.1 °C
Ambient temperature : 5 - 35 °C
Refrigerant : R134a
Temperature regulation accuracy : +/- 1 °C
Tank volume :3l
Hose connection : 8 mm
Pump pressure : 0.6 bar
Flow rate : 2.5 l/min

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PT. Buchi Indonesia
German Centre, Suite 4340
Jl. Kapten Subijanto DJ,
Blok COA , No. 1, BSD City
Tangerang 15321, Indonesia
T +62 21 5376216
F +62 21 5376217
Kepada Yth : www.buchi.com


Sales Quotation QUO-86786-S0P2V4

Costumer No. : Date: 10/06/2021
Custumer Contact : Mr. Dede Your contact: Yudi Pradana
Costomer Reference: By Visit Phone: +6281213130092
Valid Until: 10/07/2021 E-mail: [email protected]

We are pleased to offer the following products and services:

Pos Description Quantity Unit Price Total IDR

Term & Conditions :

Validity : 4 weeks
Condition : Franco On Site
: Exclude 10% VAT
Including : Installation & Operator Training on Site
Delivery time : 8 - 10 Weeks
Term Of Payment : 50 % deposit, 50% before good delivered
Country of origin : Switzerland
Warranty : One Year

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bank Central Asia
HSBC World Trade Center Building KCU Serpong
Jl.Jend. Sudirman KAV 29 - 31 Wisma BCA-BSD City, CBD LOT1.3
Jakarta 12920 KWS Cyber Green Office
Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia Account Name: PT.Buchi Indonesia
Account Number: 050-205574-116 (CHF) / 050-205574-068 (IDR) Account Number: 497-0590-311 (IDR)
Swift Code: HSBCIDJA Swift Code: CENAIDJA
PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 32. Digital Carbon Fibre Caliper 0-
450mm dengan USB Input Tool


Quotation No : 207556
Tertuju : TINI TINI
Tanggal : 11 May 2021

Halaman : 1 dari 3
Email : Email : [email protected]
No Kontak : +62 21-64713850
No Kontak : +62 (21) 5828282-2044
Fax : +62 21-64711948

Dengan hormat,
Sesuai dengan kebutuhan Bapak/Ibu, dengan ini kami tawarkan barang-barang sebagai berikut :
No Kode Barang Jmlh Satuan Estimasi Dikirim ke Kurs Harga Satuan Diskon Total Harga

1 MT0005014 1 EA 143 Jakarta Utara, IDR 16,059,000 2,408,850 13,650,150


Dynamic Attributes:
CARBON CALIPER 450/0.01MM 552-302-10 adalah
j angka sorong merk MITUTOYO yang terbuat dari
bahan stainless steel terbaik sehingga awet. Jangka
sorong ini dapat digunakan un tuk melakukan
pengukuran dengan range 0- 450 mm dan memiliki
tingkat ak urasi yang sangat baik. Dilengkapi dengan
display digital sehingga memud ahkan pembacaan
hasil pengukuran. Jangka sorong MITUTOYO ini
coco k untuk siapa saja yang ingin melakukan
pengukuran benda kerja yang memi liki tingkat presisi
Caliper beam and jaws utilize Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Plastics (CFRPs) to help reduce weight
and maintain a durable construction
Digital, single-value readout LCD displays in metric
units for readability
ABSOLUTE electrostatic capacitance linear encoder
hel ps prevent overspeed errors
Function control buttons on caliper fa ce for ease of
access: Origin-set, Zero-setting, Presetting,
Offsetting, Data Hold, and Data Output
Statistical process control (SPC) ou tput transmits
results to a Mitutoyo miniprocessor or computer
Additional Features: Data output
Item Depth: 100mm
Measurement Accuracy: +/-0.04mm
Output Type: SPC
Power Sou rce Type: Battery
Range: 0-450mm
Resolution: 0.01mm

2 10199378 1 EA 153 Jakarta Utara, IDR 2,365,000 354,750 2,010,250



Sub Total. IDR 15,660,400

PPN 10% IDR 1,566,040
Grand Total IDR 17,226,440



Quotation No : 207556
Tertuju : TINI TINI

Tembusan : Tanggal : 11 May 2021

Halaman : 3 dari 3
Email : Email : [email protected]
No Kontak : +62 21-64713850
No Kontak : +62 (21) 5828282-2044
Fax : +62 21-64711948

Ketentuan :
Penyerahan : FRC - Franco jabodetabek
Pembayaran : 0001 - Lunas sebelum pengiriman

Pembayaran melalui transfer ke rekening

PT. Kawan Lama Sejahtera
Bank : BCA JKT , Branch : KLS Jakarta
A/C No : 0063011328 (IDR)
Berlaku sampai : 05/25/21
Keterangan :

Dalam waktu dekat kami akan menghubungi Bapak/Ibu. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

* Penawaran Harga ini dibuat secara sistem sehingga tidak memerlukan tanda tangan.

Syarat dan ketentuan :

- Ex-stock : Selama stok masih ada
- Penyerahan : ES : Ex stock selama belum terjual (I): Indent (O): On Order
- Nomor Quotation (Penawaran Harga) dan koded barang harus dicantumkan pada surat pesanan (PO) Pelanggan.
- PO yang diterbitkan Pelanggan kepada kamu menandakan persetujuan terhadap ketentuan Penawaran ini. PO baru berlaku apabila sudah
ditandatangani dan distempel oleh kami.
- Uang muka (DP) hilang apabila pesanan barang dibatalkan.
- Setiap perubahan pada PO harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari kami terlebih dahulu.
- Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas barang yang tidak diambil/tidak mau diterima oleh Pelanggan. dalam waktu 1 (satu) bulan sejak
kami informasikan kesiapan barang, kecuali diperjanjikan lain.
- Pelanggan harus membayar penuh atas barang yang telah dikirimkan secara partial.
- Segala bentuk biaya bank yang timbul sehubungan dengan pembayaran ditanggung oleh Pelanggan.
- Apabila ada perbedaan antara PO yang diterbitkan dengan Penawaran Harga ini, maka Pelanggan setuju bahwa ketentuan yang ada di
Penawaran Harga inilah yang berlaku.
- Harga Barang dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu jika terjadi fluktuasi kurs lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 5%, mengacu pada kurs jual
BI sesuai tanggal penawaran ini.

PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 33. High Capacity Precision
GP Series

The new contender in the industrial

balance field

The World’s Most
Industrial Balances!
The GP Series incorporates our enhanced weighing sensor,
the Double Leveraged Super Hybrid Sensor(SHS).
Building on the basic SHS features of speed and stabilization,
our enhanced SHS technology brings the most accurate
weighing results to industrial balances in the 12kg to 101kg
capacities class.

Internal Calibration
The GP internal calibration with an internal mass saves time and money. External calibration
requires a great deal of skill, time and an expensive external mass. With our internal calibration
with internal mass, the balance is calibrated very quickly.

■ Automatic Self Calibration — Self-calibrates automatically when the balance detects ambient
temperature changes.

■ One Touch Automatic Calibration — Allows you to calibrate the balance on demand with just the push
of a button.
■ Calibration is essential for accuracy in weighing. For example, in high resolution balances, changes in
sensitivity drift can be caused by changes in the ambient temperature. Take the GP-30K for example,
the weight might change by 0.9g with a change of 10˚C (Sample’s weight: 30kg).

■ Thanks to our Double Leveraged Super Hybrid Sensor, the GP's motor-driven internal calibration
mass is equivalent to a 50kg calibration mass in terms of top loading capacity on the weighing pan.
The adjusted weighing accuracy is within ±15 digits in relation to the weighing capacity while
conforming to the OIML's Class II balances definitions after using GP's internal calibration mass.

Standard WinCT
WinCT (Windows Communication Tools Software), provides easy transmission of weighing data from A&D
balances to a computer using the RS-232C interface. Speed of data transfer into Windows applications in a
manageable format is limited only by the computer’s capabilities.

RS-232C Interface
Using a USB/RS-232C Converter, you can transfer data between a USB-equipped PC and a GP balance. This also
makes your GP balance hot-swappable meaning that there is no need to turn the balance and/or computer off
before disconnecting the balance.
with detached display unit
GP-30KS (31kg/0.1g)

GP-32KS (6.1kg/0.1g* · 31kg/1g)
GP-60KS (61kg/1g)
GP-61KS (61kg/0.1g)
GP-100KS (101kg/1g)
with Swing Arm display type
GP-12K (12kg/0.1g)
GP-20K (21kg/0.1g)
GP-30K (31kg/0.1g)
GP-32K (6.1kg/0.1g* · 31kg/1g)

SmartRange GP-40K (41kg/0.5g)

* The GP-32K/KS and GP-102K have both precision and standard ranges.
The precision range has a higher resolution and the standard one has a GP-60K (61kg/1g)
normal resolution. Pressing the RE-ZERO key allows weighing in the
precision range, regardless of the tare value. The SmartRange
GP-61K (61kg/0.1g)
function enables you to weigh or add samples in the precision range GP-100K (101kg/1g)
without removing the container and/or those objects that have been
placed on the pan. GP-102K (61kg/1g* · 101kg/10g)

Super Hybrid Internal RS-232C GLP Counting Percentage Animal Accumulation Comparator
Auto Power Auto Power Underhook
EC Type Software
VFD Display Weighing Smart Range IP65
Sensor Calibration Interface Compliant Function Function Function Function ON OFF Approval
Compliant with IP65 Swing Arm Display
(resistant to dust, water and moisture)

Clear & Large VFD Display

Easy to see — even in the dark / Wide angle view prevents mistakes

Animal Weighing Mode Automatic Adjustable Environment Standard Comparator Function

allows you to quickly and accurately determine the Setting offers increased flexibility and compatibility for a vast
weight of any live or unstable subject. Optional Automatically adapts to the most suitable number of applications. You can input a target
animal weighing pan (GP-12) is available. Environment Response Setting with one-touch key weight and weigh heavier or lighter items using
operation. The response annunciator displays “FAST”, either the keyboard or by placing samples on the
“MID” and “SLOW.” pan. HI, OK or LO will be indicated on the display to
show the comparison results.
Manual Response Adjustment
can be set by pressing the MODE key and response
speed can be adjusted to FAST, MID or SLOW.

Automatic Counting Accuracy Percentage Function Overall Capacity Indication

Improvement (ACAI) facilitates an effective and quick comparison of a is a unique and helpful feature. By indicating how
is a novel and useful approach to ensuring the sample or commodity against a known reference much of the balance's capacity has been filled, the risk
utmost in performance when counting even the mass. of overloading the balance is minimized.
smallest of items. ACAI automatically updates and Simply place an object on the pan to register its
refines the average piece weight used to determine weight as 100%. Place another object on the pan to
the total quantity. compare its weight in percentage mode.
IP-65 Splash Proof Keyboard, Data Memory
Display and Base Units Format the data memory function for:
Balances protected from dust and spills up to IP65 level • 200 sets of weighing data
• 100 sets of weighing data with Time & Date
• 20 sets of Tare values
• 50 sets of GLP data—Time & Date, Calibration data, ID number
and Serial number
GLP/GMP/ISO Compliance • 50 sets of Unit weight for Counting mode
Allows GLP, GMP and ISO balance • 20 sets of comparator Upper & Lower limits
management by outputting the Balance
ID number and data used to calibrate the
balance. The data can be output to Time & Date
A&D’s AD-8121B printer or a PC,
indicating date, time, Balance ID number, Standard Time & Date function complies with GLP and
serial number and calibration data. Interval weighing in the Data memory function.

Auto Self Checking

Standard RS-232C Automatically and independently checks when setting the
Automatic adjustment environment.
Bi-directional communication with a PC or direct connection to a
Interval Time Setting
Weighing intervals of 2, 5, 10, 30 seconds and 1, 2, 5, 10
Commands minutes in the Data memory function.
A PC can control the balance by sending commands to the balance.
• Command to query weighing data
• Command to control the balance Auto Re-Zero
• Command to control the memory function
• Command to control the comparator function Re-Zeros automatically after data output

Large Stainless Steel Weighing Pan

ID Number
384mm x 344mm for GP-12K/20K/30K/32K/40K/60K/61K
The balance ID number can be set. It is used to identify the 30KS/32KS/60KS/61KS
balance when GLP is used. The ID number is memorized and 386mm x 346mm for GP-100K/102K/100KS
maintained once it is fixed, even if the AC adaptor is
Multiple Weighing Units
& Programmable Unit
Optional Underhook Uses programmable or standard units of measurement (g, kg,
lb, OZ, ct, dwt, OZt, mom, TL, MS, tola and DS)
Ideal for density determination and weighing magnetic
• GP-20 Underhook for GP-12K/20K/30K/32K/40K/30KS/32KS
• GP-21 Underhook for GP-60K/61K/100K/102K/60KS/61KS/100KS Air Bubble Leveling
Easy to adjust the level of the balance

Density Determination of a Solid Object

The GP has a density determination mode, which is available
after changing the internal parameter settings. For more accurate weighing, SmartRange function is provided
Once the object’s weight in the air, in liquid and the liquid on the GP-32K/GP-32KS (6.1kg x 0.1g/31kg x 1g) and
density are input, the solid density will be calculated. GP-102K (61kg x 1g/101kg x 10g).
It is useful to determine concrete's density.

Built-In Internal Calibration Mass

The GP has a built-in internal calibration mass.
Enlargement Indication of Internal calibration mass is equivalent to a 50kg calibration
HI, OK, LO Symbols mass in terms of top loading capacity on the weighing pan.

Press the MODE key during usual HI, OK or LO indication to

switch the display from 3.0000kg HI to HI kg .
The letters (HI, for example) can be enlarged. Display Auto Power OFF
Display turns off after 10 minutes of inactivity, which can be
disabled when not needed.

Accumulation of Weighing Results Auto Power ON

GP can accumulate the weighing results and then display and Plug it in and it turns ON without pressing the ON/OFF key.
output them.
GP-12K GP-20K GP-30K GP-32K GP-40K GP-60K GP-61K GP-100K GP-102K
Models GP-30KS GP-32KS GP-60KS GP-61KS GP-100KS
Weighing Capacity 12kg 21kg 31kg 31kg/6.1kg 41kg 61kg 61kg 101kg 101kg/61kg
Resolution 0.1g 1g/0.1g (Smart Range) 0.5g 1g 0.1g 1g 10g/1g (Smart Range)
Repeatability (Standard Deviation) 0.1g 0.5g/0.1g 0.5g 0.7g 0.2g 1g 5g/1g
Linearity ±0.2g ±1g/±0.2g ±1g ±0.5g ±2g ±10g/±2g
Stabilization Time 1.5 seconds (TYP at FAST mode)
Accuracy just calibrated by internal mass ±1.0g ±1.5g ±1.0g ±1.5g ±5g ±3.0g ±10g
Sensitivity Drift (10˚C-30˚C/50˚F-86˚F) ±3ppm/˚C ±5ppm/˚C ±6ppm/˚C ±10ppm/˚C
Operating Temperature 5˚C to 40˚C (41˚F to 104˚F ), 85% RH or less (No condensation)
Sensing Method Super Hybrid Sensor (SHS)
Display Type Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)
Display Refresh Rates 5 times/second or 10 times/second
Weighing Units and Modes g, kg, lb, L OZ, OZ, ct, dwt, OZt, mom, TL, MS, tola, DS and % and counting PCS [Weighing units g, ct, and dwt are not available on GP-102K]
Counting Minimum unit mass 0.1g 1g 0.5g 1g 0.1g 1g 10g
Number of samples 10, 25, 50 or 100 pieces
Percent Min. 100% reference mass 10g 100g 50g 100g 10g 100g 1000g
Min. 100% display 0.01%, 0.1%, 1% (automatically switches depening on the reference mass stored)
Standard Interface RS-232C Serial Interface with Windows Communication Tools (WinCT)
Recommended External Calibrating Weight 5kg 10kg 20kg 20kg 20kg 30kg 20kg 60kg
10kg 20kg 30kg 30kg 30kg 40kg 30kg 80kg
40kg 50kg 40kg 100kg
60kg 50kg
Water & Dustproof Level Complies with IP-65 (International Protect), covers the entire apparatus
Weighing Pan Stainless steel weighing pan (Wash down type) 384mm x 344mm 386mm x 346mm
Calibration Motor-driven internal calibration mass with SHS
External Dimensions 372(W)x615(D)x130(H)mm 373(W)x615(D)x130(H)mm
(Note: GP-30KS is 344(W)x442(D)x130(H)mm) (Note: GP-100KS is 346(W)x443(D)x130(H)mm)

AC Adaptor Please confirm that the adapter is correct for the local voltage and power receptacle.
Power Consumption Approximately 14VA (supplied by AC adaptor)
Net Weight Approximately 17kg Approximately 18kg

Options Dimensions (mm)

GP-04: Comparator Output (Relay with Buzzer) /
RS-232C / Current Loop
GP-06: Analog/Current Loop Output
GP-07: 5-meter Connection Cable (factory option)
(For GP-30KS/32KS/60KS/61KS & GP-100KS)
GP-12: Animal Weighing Pan(288x360x317mm)
GP-20: Underhook
(For GP-12K/20K/30K/32K/40K/30KS and GP-32KS)
GP-21: Underhook
(For GP-60K/100K/102K and GP-100KS)
GP-22: AD-8121B Printer Support

AX-KO1710-200: RS-232C Cable (25P-9P)
Bottom of the balance
AX-SW-128: Foot Switch
Swing Arm-Display type
Peripherals (sold separately)
AD-1682 : Rechargeable Battery Unit Detached Display type GP-30KS/GP-32KS/GP-60KS/GP-61KS/GP-100KS

AD-8118C : Universal Printer

AD-8121B : Dot Matrix Compact Printer
AD-8526 : Ethernet Converter
AD-8920A : Remote Display
AD-8922A : Remote Controller

Dot Matrix Compact Printer

Specifications subject to change for improvement without notice.

...Clearly a Better Value

3-23-14 Higashi-lkebukuro, Toshima-ku,Tokyo 170-0013 JAPAN Unit 24/26 Blacklands Way Abingdon Business Park, Vereyskaya str.17, Moscow, 121357 RUSSIA
Telephone:[81](3) 5391-6132 Fax:[81](3) 5391-6148 Abingdon, Oxon OX14 1DY UNITED KINGDOM Telephone: [7] (495) 937-33-44 Fax: [7] (495) 937-55-66
http://www.aandd.jp Telephone:[44](1235) 550420 Fax:[44](1235) 550485
<German Sales Office> A&D
D Instruments
Inst uments India Pr
e Limited
509 Udyog Vihar Phase V
1756 Automation Parkway, San Jose, CA 95131 U.S.A. Große Straße 13 b 22926 Ahrensburg GERMANY Gurgaon-122 016, Haryana, INDIA
Telephone:[1](408) 263-5333 Fax:[1](408) 263-0119 Telephone:[49](0) 4102 459230 Fax:[49](0) 4102 459231 Telephone: [91](124) 471-5555 Fax: [91](124) 471-5599
A&D Australasia
ia Pty
y Ltd.
32 Dew Street, Thebarton, South Australia 5031 AUSTRALIA Manhattan Bldg. 8F, 36-2 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, KOREA
Telephone:[61](8) 8301-8100 Fax:[61](8) 8352-7409 Telephone:[82](2) 780-4101 Fax:[82](2) 782-4280
No. JQBL21050546 Jakarta, 17 Mei 2021


Jl. Pasir Putih Raya No.1, RT.8/RW.10, Pademangan Tim., Kec. Pademangan
- Jakarta Utara - 14430

Up : Bp. Wanwan Kurniawan

Telp : (021) 64713850
Fax :

Penawaran Harga
Kapasitas x Ukuran Pan Harga Satuan Disc Jumlah
Model Merek Status Qty
Ketelitian (mm) (Rp) % (Rp)
GP-30K A&D 31 kg x 0,1 g 384 x 344 Indent 1 62.800.000 20 50.240.000

Jumlah 50.240.000

Harga : Belum termasuk PPN.
Berlaku selama 7 hari.
Tera : Tera pertama Metrologi a/n PT Libra Emas Permata
Pembayaran : Transfer, via bank BCA no. rekening 168-3-00984-2
Pengiriman : Franco Jabodetabek
Pengiriman menggunakan Ekspedisi Rekanan PT Libra Emas Permata
Garansi : Satu tahun untuk Jasa Perbaikan & Suku Cadang
Lain-lain :

Fajar Riyanto
Weighing Consultant


To :
Ref No. 00664/MM/KDY/05/2021
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur
Jakarta Utara Date 07 May 2021
Attn : Ms. Susi
Email : -

Referring to your inquiry, herewith we are very pleased to submit our quotation as follows :

No. Product Qty Price Disc Amount


BCE224i-1S 1 IDR 57,043,000 57,043,000


Entris II SERIES Cap.220 g x 0.1 mg isoCal

BCE822i-1S 1 IDR 33,395,000 33,395,000


Entris II SERIES Cap.820 g x 10 mg isoCal

BCE6202i-1S 1 IDR 49,800,000 49,800,000


Entris II SERIES Cap.6,200 g x 10 mg isoCal

BCE653i-1S 1 IDR 58,297,000 58,297,000


Entris II SERIES Cap.650g x 1 mg isoCAL

Total 198,535,000

Vat (10%) 19,853,500

Total Amount 218,388,500

T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S

Price : Franco Jakarta

Delivery : 12 weeks after receiving PO and DP

Payment : Down Payment 40%, before delivery 60%

Warranty : 1 (one) year after delivery

Validity : 30 days

If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours Faithfully,

Matelda Mesah
Project Executive
Mobile :
Email : [email protected]

PT Sartotech Indonesia
Jl. Trembesi Blok F6 - 1C, Delta Technology Center 2
Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi - Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 89 117 888
Fax : +62 21 89 117 887
Email : [email protected]
36. Tabung Gas Nitrogen Grade Ultra High
I11 Purity 1m3 dan Regulato


grade-ultra-high-purity-1m3; https://www.tokopedia.com/and-
37. Carboy LDPE 20 L with handle and spigot



Link Bukti Dukung :

38. Dehumidifier

Link Data Dukung :

B5,B6,B7,B8 00001

39. Troli Barang 300 Kg

Link Data Dukung :

40. Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg

Link Data Dukung

41. Kursi Putar – Hitam

Link Data Dukung :

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importir & distributor tunggal produk bermerk Stadler
Form, Netatmo dan Steamkleen di Indonesia.
Jaminan atas garansi dan keaslian produk Stadler Form,
Netatmo dan Steamkleen hanya bisa didapat untuk
pembelian melalui Higienis-Indonesia Official Store.


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8/15/2021 √ Stadler Form Albert Little - Air Dehumidifier [penyerap Lembab] Terbaru Agustus 2021 harga murah - kualitas terjamin | Blibli

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8/15/2021 √ Stadler Form Albert Little - Air Dehumidifier [penyerap Lembab] Terbaru Agustus 2021 harga murah - kualitas terjamin | Blibli

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Stadler Form Albert Little - Air Dehumidifier Total harga:

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8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg Original | ACE

Belanja hemat bebas ongkir* Free

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Rp 679.900

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Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg

4.8 (9 Ulasan)

Jenis Pengiriman Tersedia

Self Pickup

Anda dapat mengambil produk ini di

Pilih Lokasi Pickup (175 Store)

Ketersediaan Pengiriman

 Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat, Kembangan Ubah

8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg Original | ACE

 Pengiriman Tersedia

Free Delivery area Jabodetabek dengan min pembelanjaan Rp. 500.000*

verified brand
 KRISBOW (https://www.ruparupa.com/acestore/brands/krisbow.html)

Detail Produk & Spesifikasi

Dimensi Produk : 91.5 x 61 x 17.5 cm

Tipe Produk : Hand truck

Berat : 12 Kg

Handle dapat dilipat untuk menghemat tempat penyimpanan

Permukaan anti slip

Daya beban maksimal : 300 kg

Krisbow Troli Barang 300 kg digunakan untuk mengangkut barang dan benda kerja yang sulit untuk diangkut
dengan tangan atau secara manual. Alat ini dibuat dengan menggunakan frame besi yang kuat sehingga
mempunyai daya tahan yang tinggi. Alat ini juga dapat dilipat sehingga menghemat tempat saat menyimpannya.

Bagian alas dilengkapi dengan material anti slip, memastikan barang yang Anda tempatkan di atasnya tidak
mudah bergeser dan terjatuh, serta menjaga barang agar tidak langsung bersentuhan dengan rangka metal troli
yang dapat merusak permukaan barang. Dapatkan produk berkualitas ini di ruparupa.com.

Dimensi Kemasan
Berat 13.5 kg
91 x 62 x 14 cm

SKU KW0500048

ACE Online merupakan official online store dari ACE Hardware Indonesia. Sebagi retail perkakas dan peralatan rumah tangga
terlengkap di Indonesia, kini ACE Hardware hadir lebih dekat dengan Anda. ACE Online siap memenuhi ragam keperluan Anda dengan
50.000+ koleksi produk. Selain itu, Anda bebas memilih untuk mengambil pesanan, ataupun pesanan dikirimkan langsung ke alamat
tujuan. ACE - The Helpful Place

14 hari jaminan pengembalian

Pelajari cara pengembalian

Simulasi Cicilan 0%

8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg Original | ACE

3 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 1.000.000) - Rp 226.633 / bulan

6 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 2.000.000) - Rp 113.316 / bulan

12 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 6.000.000) - Rp 56.658 / bulan

 Pilih Bank:

Customer service siap membantu anda bila ada yang ingin ditanyakan
Silahkan hubungi [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) / 021 - 2967 0706 (tel:+622129670706)


4.8 (9 Ulasan)

5 7

4 2

3 0

2 0

1 0

Urutkan Berdasarkan Semua Dengan Foto 5 4 3 2 1


Pengiriman cepat, pengemasan cepat dan rapih. barang sampai dengan selamat.


Material produk sangat kuat , roda di lapisi dengan karet, dapat di lipat sehingga mudah untuk di simpan


Bagus barangnya

8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg Original | ACE

  1 2 3  

Halaman Terkait Lainnya

Hand Truck Trolley detail-ace&itm_campaign=internal-link&itm_term=hand-truck-trolley&keyword=hand-
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8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Barang 300 Kg Original | ACE

pengembalian) Jasa Pengiriman Keamanan Belanja

Pengiriman & Pengambilan Barang

FAQ (/acestore/faq)
Gratis Ongkir
Program Cicilan
Solusi Bisnis dan Usaha
Custom Furniture

Copyright © 2021 PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia

8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg Original | ACE

Belanja hemat bebas ongkir* Free

 Belanja Online di Aplikasi MISS
| Official Ace Hardware  Free Shipping JABODETABEK pembelanjaan Rp 500.000+*
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Cari produk, kategori atau merek...  id=id.co.acehardware.acerewards)

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Olahraga & Outdoor Best Deal
Dapur Otomotif
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dan-gaya-hidup.html) improvement.html)

Rp 1.169.000

 1 

 

27 orang memiliki produk ini di keranjang


Wishlist  Share  1/3 Tambah ke keranjang

Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg

Belum ada rating

Jenis Pengiriman Tersedia

Self Pickup

Anda dapat mengambil produk ini di

Pilih Lokasi Pickup (11 Store)

Ketersediaan Pengiriman

 Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat, Kembangan Ubah

 Pengiriman Tersedia

8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg Original | ACE

Free Delivery area Jabodetabek dengan min pembelanjaan Rp. 500.000*

verified brand
 KRISBOW (https://www.ruparupa.com/acestore/brands/krisbow.html)

Detail Produk & Spesifikasi

Dimensi Produk : 72.5 x 86 x 47 cm

Dilengkapi 3 tingkat penyimpanan

Daya beban maksimal : 150 kg

Lapisan alas dilengkapi plastik non-slip

Material : chrome plating & pb free

Dilengkapi lapisan anti-UV poweder coating

Dilengkapi 2 buah road fixed dan 2 buah roda yang dapat berputar 360 derajat

Mudahkan aktivitas Anda dalam membawa dan memindahkan barang dengan menggunakan Troli service 3 step
persembahan dari Krisbow. Troli in digunakan untuk mengangkut barang dan benda kerja yang sulit untuk
diangkut dengan tangan atau secara manual. Alat ini dibuat dengan menggunakan frame besi yang kuat

sehingga mempunyai daya tahan yang tinggi. Memiliki 3 tingkat penyimpanan yang dilengkapi lapisan plastik
anti slip. Dilengkapi 2 buah road fixed dan 2 buah roda yang dapat berputar 360 derajat untuk memudahkan
manuver. Cocok untuk kebutuhan industri ataupun penggunaan pribadi di rumah. Dapatkan berbagai pilihan
produk lainnya hanya di ruparupa.com.

Dimensi Kemasan
Berat 15.6 kg
75 x 47 x 14 cm

SKU 10106916

ACE Online merupakan official online store dari ACE Hardware Indonesia. Sebagi retail perkakas dan peralatan rumah tangga
terlengkap di Indonesia, kini ACE Hardware hadir lebih dekat dengan Anda. ACE Online siap memenuhi ragam keperluan Anda dengan
50.000+ koleksi produk. Selain itu, Anda bebas memilih untuk mengambil pesanan, ataupun pesanan dikirimkan langsung ke alamat
tujuan. ACE - The Helpful Place

14 hari jaminan pengembalian

Pelajari cara pengembalian

Simulasi Cicilan 0% 
8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg Original | ACE

3 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 1.000.000) - Rp 389.666 / bulan

6 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 2.000.000) - Rp 194.833 / bulan

12 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 6.000.000) - Rp 97.416 / bulan

 Pilih Bank:

Customer service siap membantu anda bila ada yang ingin ditanyakan
Silahkan hubungi [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) / 021 - 2967 0706 (tel:+622129670706)


0 Belum ada rating

5 0

4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

Urutkan Berdasarkan Semua Dengan Foto 5 4 3 2 1

 Berikan inspirasi bagi pelanggan lainnya, jadilah yang pertama untuk mengulas produk ini.

Produk yang terakhir Anda lihat


8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg Original | ACE

Rp 679.900
Krisbow Troli Barang
300 Kg

Instant Delivery

Halaman Terkait Lainnya

Troly Kebersihan ace&itm_campaign=internal-link&itm_term=troly-kebersihan&keyword=troly-

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(tel:+622129670706) 4/5
8/15/2021 Jual Krisbow Troli Service 3 Step 150 Kg Original | ACE

Pengembalian Senin - Jumat 09.00 - 18.00 WIB (kecuali hari libur

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FAQ (/acestore/faq)
Gratis Ongkir
Program Cicilan
Solusi Bisnis dan Usaha
Custom Furniture

Copyright © 2021 PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia

8/15/2021 Jual Otys Kursi Putar Hitam Terbaik | Informa

| Official Informa  Free Shipping JABODETABEK pembelanjaan Rp 500.000+*

Cari produk, kategori atau merek... 

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Matras dan Tempat tidur Set Furnitur
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room.html) dan-kursi.html) dan-dekorasi.html) rumah-tangga.html)
dan-tempat-tidur.html) furnitur.html)

 

Wishlist  Share  1/10

Rp 1.659.000
(https://www.ruparupa.com/informa/commercial.html) / Kantor
/ Kursi Tamu

 Otys
1 Kursi
 Putar - Hitam


Produk ini dapat dirakit secara mandiri

Untuk bantuan perakitan dari tenaga ahli kami, silahkan hubungi live chat
atau email ke [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) untuk

official store

Detail Produk & Spesifikasi

Dimensi produk : 58 x 58 x 60 - 83.5 cm

Terbuat dari material busa cetak yang tidak mudah terbakar dan lebih tahan lama

Mekanisme yang dirancang khusus memberikan fungsi pengaturan ketinggian & kemiringan. Cukup
meraih cincin di sekeliling bawah dudukan untuk melakukan penyesuaian
8/15/2021 Jual Otys Kursi Putar Hitam Terbaik | Informa

Hidrolik dengan ketinggan yang dibuat khusus untuk disesuaikan dengan standard posisi duduk

Diameter cincin kaki 45 cm dengan yang dilapis menggunakan teknik pelapisan bubuk

Diameter alas kaki nylon bintang lima 56 cm, dilengkapi dengan roda pengaman yang berhenti pada
saat diduduki sesuai standar EU

Otys Kursi Putar merupakan kursi putar yang dilengkapi sistem hidrolik dengan ketinggan yang dibuat khusus
untuk disesuaikan dengan standard posisi duduk. Ketinggian dan kemiringan pada kursi ini juga dapat disesuaikan
dengan meraih cincin di sekeliling bawah dudukan. Selain itu, kursi ini juga dilengkapi dengan roda pengaman
yang berhenti pada saat diduduki sesuai standar EU.

*Kursi Otys hadir dengan desain minimalis. Terbuat dari material berkualitas dengan konstruksi yang kuat.

8/15/2021 Jual Otys Kursi Putar Hitam Terbaik | Informa

*Memiliki tuas ergonomis yang berfungsi untuk mengatur ketinggian kursi sesuai keinginan.

*Kursi ini memiliki sandaran kaki serta 4 buah roda sehingga mudah untuk dipindahkan.

*Gambar hanya ilustrasi untuk kebutuhan foto konsep. Produk yang akan Anda terima adalah produk yang
sesuai dengan nama judul.

8/15/2021 Jual Otys Kursi Putar Hitam Terbaik | Informa

Dimensi Kemasan
Warna Hitam Berat 10.5 kg
53 x 50 x 25 cm

SKU 10426412

Informa Online merupakan official online store dari Informa. Sebagai retail furnitur terbesar dan terlengkap di Indonesia, Informa
menawarkan segala kebutuhan konsumen dan koleksi spesial dari brand ternama. Dengan lebih dari 35.000 pilihan produk, Anda bisa
mendapatkan kebutuhan dan furnitur idaman secara online. Informa - Furnishings with Style.

14 hari jaminan pengembalian

Pelajari cara pengembalian

Simulasi Cicilan 0%

3 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 1.000.000) - Rp 433.000 / bulan

6 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 2.000.000) - Rp 216.500 / bulan

12 Bulan 0% (Min Trx 6.000.000) - Rp 108.250 / bulan

 Pilih Bank:

Customer service siap membantu anda bila ada yang ingin ditanyakan
Silahkan hubungi [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) / 021 - 2967 0706 (tel:+622129670706)


5 (8 Ulasan)

5 8

4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0
8/15/2021 Jual Otys Kursi Putar Hitam Terbaik | Informa

Urutkan Berdasarkan Semua Dengan Foto 5 4 3 2 1


Kualitas produk baik Produk sangat membantu Sesuai dengan deskripsi Kualitas Bagus

Good Product, bahannya bagus banget dan kualitasnya premium bgt... Very good product


Kualitas produk baik Produk sangat membantu Sesuai dengan deskripsi Kualitas Bagus

Stoolnya bagus banget, kursinya mepuk banget dan sangat oke banget


Kualitas produk baik Produk sangat membantu Sesuai dengan deskripsi Kualitas Bagus

Kursinya lucu dan bagus banget... Bhaannya juga oke dan build quality rapi

  1 2 3  


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Solusi Bisnis dan Usaha
Custom Furniture

Copyright © 2021 PT. Home Center Indonesia

PAKET ALAT RISET (LAB 42. Refrigerated microcentrifuge
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II Fukushima Factory
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The manaoements)slan oi

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Design and Manufacture of Centrifuges, Rotors, Autoclaves,

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Tomy Kogyo Co

ISO 9001:2015
lssue 7

Additicnal fadliiies

Akatsuka Business 2-5-2 Akatsukashinmachi, ttabashiku,

Establishment Tokyo Japan
Development Head Office

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I !fr. ArdiNosiandi

Der Mr. Andi Noriandi,

rhis is certifying that Mr. -A-udi Novialdi has finished techaical rainiag for
products in }fovember zor:-

Autodaves Sc3oolsoo,rToo , E$ 2aS/ SlS

Centrifuges tff-1o5/2o5l3o5, Sup reaazr/4| z5,AX*1o132o,
t-C-2.o€ / 22o/ 40, KITMAN-Tz4

TOI\&- DIGIThI BIOLOGY CO., LTD. has appoiated

as autlorizd,C disEibutor for TOMy products iil

3r1d TOI{Y DIeItAf BIOLOG' CO-, LTD. should suppo;t *, 1

his/her mainteueace
work for tieir eustomexs.


f3 Tolfy DIGIT-{.L BrOLOcy co., LTD. ;. /


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NOMOR : 386/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2020



2. NIB : 8120002861659

3. ALAMAT : Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No 9 Jl.Meruya Ilir Raya No.88, Kel.
Meruya Utara, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Prop. DKI Jakarta

4. NO. TELP / FAX : 02158903119 / 02158903151



ALAMAT : 3-14-17 Tagara, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0073, Japan


8. JENIS BARANG : Terlampir

10. NO. HS : 8419.20.000, 8421.19.9000, 8479.82.0005, 8419.89.0006


Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 31 Januari 2020


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi


Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah

1. Apabila terdapat kekeliruan dalam Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) ini akan diadakan
perubahan atau penyesuaian sebagaimana mestinya sampai kepada pembatalan atau
pencabutan masa berikutnya

2. Setiap pemegang (STP) wajib menyampaikan laporan kegiatan perusahaan setiap 6(enam)
bulan sekali kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

3. Setiap perusahaan yang tidak lagi melakukan usahanya atau menutup perusahaannya
wajib melaporkan penutupan kegiatan perusahaan usahanya dan mengembalika STP asli
kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku Distribusi

4. Setiap perusahaan yang melakukan perubahan nama prinsipal, status penunjukan

keagenan / kedistribusian, merk, wilayah pemasaran jenis barang, alamat perusahaan,
penanggung jawab perusahaan wajib melaporkan kepada Direktur Bina Usaha Dan Pelaku


1. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak melakukan pendaftaran dikenakan sanksi
administratif sampai dengan pencabutan SIUP. (Pasal 24)

2. Setiap perusahaan agen / distributor yang tidak menyampaikan laporan kegiatan dan
perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan dikenakan sanksi administratif sampai dengan
pemberhentian sementara STP selama 6(enam) bulan atau pencabutan STP. (Pasal 25)

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah


NOMOR : 386/STP-LN/SIPT/1/2020


Autoclave ES-215/315 ; Autoclave 8419.20.000, DIGITAL

SX-300/500/700/300E/500E/700E ; High Speed Centrifuge 8421.19.9000, BIOLOGY,
Suprema 21/23/25 ; Hybrid Refrigerated Centrifuge CAX 571 ; 8479.82.0005, TOMY
Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge AX-501/511/521 ; Low 8419.89.0006
Speed Refrigerated & Dual-temp Centrifuge NIX-521 ; Low
Speed Bench-top Centrifuge LCX-100/200 ; High Speed
Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge MX-107/207/307 ; Bench-Top
Micro Centrifuge KITMAN-T24 ; Single Tube Spin-able
Centrifuge/One Spin ; Cordless Multi-purpose Centrifuge/Multi
Spin ; Mini Vacuum-Centrifugal Evaporator MV-100 ;
Centrifugal Concentrator CC-105 system ; Micro Tube Mixer
MT-400 ; Ultrasonic Disrupter UD-211/UR-21P ; Beads Cell
Disrupter MS-100/100R ; Cultivation Chamber CLE-305/405

Diterbitkan di : J A K A R T A
pada tanggal : 31 Januari 2020


Direktur Bina Usaha dan Pelaku DIstribusi

Dokumen ini sah, diterbitkan secara elektronik melalui SIPT PDN Kementerian Perdagangan sehingga tidak memerlukan cap dan tanda tangan basah
PT. GeneCraft Labs
Business Park Kebon Jeruk Blok F2 No. 9 QUOTATION
Jl. Raya Meruya Ilir No. 88 Meruya Utara GCL/3722/0520/LT
Jakarta 11620 - Indonesia
Tel.: 021-58903119 (hunting)
Rev. 0
Fax: 021-58903151 Date: 12-05-2020

To: Lipi Oceanografi

Laboratory of Marine Molecular Genetics
Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Science
Jl. Pasir Putih 1, Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430

Hp :

No. Description Qty. Unit Price Total Price

1 TOMY High Speed Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge MDX-310 1 IDR 234.980.000 IDR 234.980.000
Tomy - Japan, cat# MDX-310
- Capable of using Rack-in Rotor which is stackable
- The rotor made of carbon fiber rotor and variety of drop in rack made of resin
- Operation panel using center Jog Dial operation and color LED display. Numeric keypad available
- Flash (momentary) spins
- Cleaning reminder
- Induction drive motor
- Drive system: direct drive
- Annualy voluntary isnpection reminder
- Maximum speed: 15,000rpm
- Speed setting range: 300 to 15,000rpm (100rpm increments)
- Maximum RCF: 21,130G
- RCF setting range: 10 to Maximum RCF (Less than 300G: 10G increments, Over 300G:
100G increments)
- Max. capacity: 4 x 50 ml
- Speed control system: microprocessor feedback control
- Temp. Range: -9 to 35ºC (1ºC increments)
- Timer Function: 10sec~99min50sec (in 10sec increments) or (Free) for a continuous run
- Safety devices: lid interlock, lid open/ close detector, imbalance detector, motor over-current detector,
overheat/cool detector, over-current circuit breaker, over-speed detector, rotor identification system
- Additional functions: last run memory, power saving (ECO) mode, soft Brake function,
PRE-TEMP function, FLASH (Short spin) function, annual inspection indicator, Memory function
(six sets of operating parameters), heat exchanger overheat detector, calendar date & time display
- Power consumption (heat output): 810W (697kcal/h)
- Protection against electric shock: class 1
- Safety adapter equipped for prevention rotor rack sticking out from rotor
- Hand guard device: switchable between approx. 20°and 70°
- Refrigerant : HFC134a
- Power requirement: single phase AC220-240V 50/60Hz, 10A
- 1 year warranty on parts and labour
Accessories available:
CA-300 with a rotor rack adapter ARA-01, rotor rack required 1 IDR 47.740.000 IDR 47.740.000
AR015-24 1.5ml/2.0mlX24/15,000rpm for CA-100/200/300 1 IDR 15.500.000 IDR 15.500.000
AR510-04 15mlTC/50mlTCX4/15,000rpm for CA-300 1 IDR 29.915.000 IDR 29.915.000

Total IDR 328.135.000

Term & Condition :

Price: Franco Jakarta in IDR, 10% VAT not included yet
Delivery: 6-10 (six to ten) weeks after received of PO
Payment: 30% down payment; 70% before delivery
Validity: 4 (four) weeks

Yours Faithfully,
PT. GeneCraft Labs

Dwi Narullita Wulandari

Sales & Marketing Executive

Page 1
44. Set Akuarium Percobaan Kecil
45. Set Akuarium Percobaan Besar
Jl Ciledug Raya No. 21 RT 005/002 Cipulir
Kebayoran lama, Jakarta Selatan 12230


· Tebal kaca 12 mm menggunakan kaca optic

1 Aquarium Set 120 x 50 x 50cm clear ukuran : 1 6.780.000 6.780.000
Panjang 120 cm
Lebar 50 cm
Tinggi 50 cm
Filter Sump
· Cabinet
Kayu meranti solid, finishing HPL
Panjang 120 cm
Lebar 50 cm
Tinggi 90 cm
· Garden Matt, karet alas aquarium

2 Sump Filter · Filter Bawah (Sump) Kaca 6 mm 1 800.000 800.000

Panjang 70 cm
Lebar 40 cm
Tinggi 40 cm
3 Protein Skimmer · Protein Skimmer Mantis 150 1 3.399.000 3.399.000
Kapasitas 850 L
Daya Listrik 24v - 30watt
Kinerja yang baik - Ukuran foot print yang kecil
Turbulensi khas yang mengurangi konstruksi
Dimensi 16x20x52cm
Efisien dan tidak berisik saat beroperasi
Mudah dibersihkan saat perawatan
Dapat dikontrol menggunakan pengaturan
Body akrilik yang tebal

4 Chiller · Chiller Hailea HK 300 kap hingga 600 liter 1 4.090.000 4.090.000
Daya listrik: 1/4HP
Voltage: 220-240v
Frekuensi: 50Hz
Arus kerja: 1.8A
Kapasitas: 600L
Refrigerant: R134a
Arus air diperlukan: 1500-3000 L/H
Berat: 18.6kg
Dimensi: 457 x 330 x 430mm

5 Pompa Chiller & Pompa UVC · Pompa chiller Hailea HX8825 14 279.000 3.906.000
Voltage : 220-240v
Frekuensi: 50Hz
Daya listrik : 35w
Kekuatan arus air : 2400 L/H
6 Overflow Box · Overflow box akrilik hitam 1 800.000 800.000
Panjang 20 cm
Lebar 12 cm
Tinggi 48,5 cm

7 Return Pump · Pompa Utama Mantis Tornado Pump 4000 1 1.549.000 1.549.000
Kekuatan arus air: 4000 L/H
High max: 4 M
Power max. : 35 W
Voltage: DC24v
Dimensi: 170x167x79 mm

8 Wavemaker · Wavemaker Jebao SOW 9 2 869.000 1.738.000

Input:DC 24V23W IPX8
Maximum flow:9000L/H
Max.water temp 35

9 Auto Top Off · Bubble Magus Auto Top Off 13 252.000 3.276.000
Mengisi air tawar secara otomatis akibat
Menjaga kestabilan salinitas air
Pelampung valve dapat digantung di sisi filter
Bahan akrilik pada frame
Mudah menyesuaikan tingkat air
Ukuran 7 inch, selang 1/4 inch
10 Media Filtrasi (kapas) · Skimz Poly Wool 13 70.000 910.000
Terbuat dari bahan poliester halus bebas
Cocok untuk digunakan di akuarium air asin
dan air tawar
Secara efektif menghilangkan partikel halus
dari kolom air
Meningkatkan kejernihan air akuarium
Multi lapisan yang menjebak kotoran kasar
Menahan partikel untuk waktu yang lama
tanpa menyumbat
100% poliester
Bisa dicuci hingga 5 kali
Dimensi 30x200 cm

11 Media Filtrasi (biologi) · Marinepure Bio Filter Media 2 899.000 1.798.000

100% Diuji dan aman untuk biota
Substrat bio-filtrasi lanjutan dengan ton luas
permukaan yang dapat digunakan untuk
pertumbuhan bakteri yang menguntungkan.
80% + porositas terbuka memungkinkan untuk
paparan bakteri maksimum dan meningkatkan
sirkulasi air yang sangat baik dan mengurangi
Dirancang khusus untuk menargetkan
penghapusan amonia dan nitrit sambil
meminimalkan nitrat
Komposisi aragonit, mirip dengan batu karang
alami, secara alami menyangga pH dan
menstabilkan kimia air
Mengurangi perawatan tangki, dan
memungkinkan untuk mendukung bioload
yang lebih besar di tangki Anda
Mudah dibersihkan, disterilisasi, dan
digunakan kembali
Perbandingan luas permukaan:
20 x 20 x 10 cm MarinePure Block: setara
dengan 2000 m² persegi per blok
12 UV Filtration · Hailea UVC-9W UV 1 499.000 499.000
Lampu UVC berguna untuk membunuh alga
dan bakteri di air
Lampu UVC memiliki masa pakai yang lama
Tegangan/frekuensi: 220-240v / 50Hz
Daya: 9w
Qmax : 2000 L/H

13 Dosing Pump · Jebao Doser 3,4 Wifi 13 998.000 12.974.000

Dapat diatur menggunaka smartphone
Ideal untuk dosis CA / MAG / KH atau RO
Program Maks 24 kali sehari
Dimensi 11.53 x 5.03 x 3.81 inches

14 Base Element Liquid · Red Sea Foundatian A, B, C (Base Element) 39 339.000 13.221.000
Red Sea Foundation A, B dan C adalah solusi
lengkap untuk memelihara dan mengisi
kembali mineral yang dikonsumsi oleh terumbu
dengan menyediakan suplemen lengkap dan
Akuarium terumbu karang yang sukses
bergantung pada pemeliharaan parameter air
yang sesuai yang, pada gilirannya
menyediakan lingkungan yang stabil yang
dibutuhkan oleh karang.
Beberapa di antaranya memiliki peran yang
lebih signifikan dalam stabilitas keseluruhan.
Unsur-unsur ini adalah dasar dari lingkungan
terumbu dan mereka termasuk tiga unsur
utama: kalsium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) dan
bikarbonat (HCO3)
Kemasan berisi cairan 1000 ml
15 Carbon Dose Liquid · Red Sea No3-Po-4X 13 459.000 5.967.000
Berfungsi untuk mengurangi nitrat dan fosfat
untuk pertumbuhan dan pewarnaan karang
yang optimal
Mengurangi alga pengganggu
Kemasan berisi 1000 ml
16 Lampu Aquarium · Red Sea Reef LED 50 2 3.999.000 7.998.000
ReefLED adalah lampu akuarium yang
melewati pengujian dan penelitian selama ber
tahun-tahun oleh RED SEA, ReefLED50
dirancang untuk memastikan pertumbuhan
coral yang optimal dan meningkatkan warna
pada coral.
Dengan Wi-fi bawaan bisa
menghubungkannya langsung ke internet,
memungkinkan Anda untuk mengontrolnya
dari smartphone Anda dengan menggunakan
aplikasi Red Sea ReefBeat.
ReefLED50 terdapat array LED yang
mencakup multi-wavelength, 23,000 Kelvin
“REEF-SPEC Blue” channel (campuran
eksklusif dari LED biru, violet dan ultraviolet)
yang bersama dengan saluran 8.000K Putih ,
menyediakan kisaran suhu warna yang aman
bagi terumbu yang memungkinkan semua
karang tumbuh subur.
- 50w Compact LED array
- 500PAR at surface
- 100PAR at 50cm depth
17 Kaki Lampu Aquarium · Red Sea Reef LED 50 Maounting Arm 2 899.000 1.798.000

Red Sea ReefLED 50 Mounting Arm adalah

alat penyangga atau rumah untuk ReefLED 50
untuk akuarium lebar 36 - 51cm

18 Electricity · PDU Terminal 13 750.000 9.750.000

10A 250V PDU Kabinet Daya Khusus
Outlet 7 Jack Universal Socket
2 M Kawat PDU Socket

19 Plumbing · Pipa Rucika 1 1.500.000 1.500.000

Pipa 1 inch 4 mater
Sock drat dalam 1 inch
Sock drat luar 1 inch
Knee 1 inch
Knee T 1 inch
Check Valve 1 inch
Ball Valve 1 inch
· Tebal kaca 6 mm menggunakan kaca optic
20 Aquarium Set 60 x 35 x 35 cm clear ukuran : 12 2.680.000 32.160.000
12 unit Panjang 60 cm
Lebar 35 cm
Tinggi 35 cm
Filter Sump
· Cabinet
Rangka Stainless
Panjang 840 cm
Lebar 50 cm
Tinggi 80 cm
· Garden Matt, karet alas aquarium

21 Sump Filter 12 unit · Filter Bawah (Sump) Kaca 5 mm 12 300.000 3.600.000

Panjang 50 cm
Lebar 30 cm
Tinggi 35 cm

22 Protein Skimmer 12 unit · Protein Skimmer Bubble Magus Z6 12 2.630.000 31.560.000

Spesifikasi :
- Pump: Rock DSP1000
- Power: DC 24V, 13W
- Size: 6.3” x 3.9" x 18.9” inci
- Capacity: 300-500L.
- Recommended water level 8”

23 Chiller 12 unit · Chiller Hailea HK 150 kap hingga 300 liter 12 3.270.000 39.240.000
Power: 1/10HP
Voltage: 220-240V
Frequency: 50Hz
Working Current: 1.1A
Tank Capacity: 300L
Refrigerant: R134a
Flow Rate: 800-1500L/h
Weight: 13kg
Dimensions: 430 x 255 x 380mm
27 Media Filtrasi (biologi) 12 unit · Maxspect Bio Block 12 379.000 4.548.000
Bahan keramik inert
Efisiensi yang lebih tinggi untuk mencapai
perlakuan NH4-N dan NO3-N.
Permukaan blok adalah mikro dan memiliki
luas permukaan spesifik yang besar
Bio-Filter Block akan bekerja di sump, trickle
filter, wet/dry filter, hang di back filter atau
Cocok untuk digunakan di air tawar dan laut
2 Blok disertakan, (1080 meter persegi luas
permukaan per blok)

31 Lampu Aquarium 12 unit · Spectra Aquaknight V2 12 1.150.000 13.800.000

LEDs: 9 x 3watt (3 @ 10,000K, 4 @ 455nm, 1
purple 430nm 1 Cree Blue 465nm)
Three-channel control (Touch Screen)
Full Spectrum
110V to 240V 50/60hz
29cm x 10cm x 2.9cm
33 Plumbing · Pipa Rucika 12 625.000 7.500.000
Pipa 1 inch 4 mater
Sock drat dalam 1 inch
Sock drat luar 1 inch
Knee 1 inch
Knee T 1 inch
Check Valve 1 inch
Ball Valve 1 inch
34 Instalasi dan Pengiriman 1 25.000.000 25.000.000

TOTAL 240.161.000
Jl. Joglo Raya No.57 Rt 007 Rw 003
Srengseng – Kembangan – Jakarta Barat 11630
Phone : (021) 58903605 Email :

Pembangunan Lab Eko-Fisiologi LIPI Oseanografi 2021 Revisi 1

Ukuran Akuarium 60 x 30 x 12 pcs Discount 7,5% Total After Disc

Akuarium 35cm (65
Rangka Kaki Besi/Stainless Steel Liter) X 12
Peralatan Pendukung Wajib
Filter Bawah (Sump) kaca
Protein Skimmer OCTO 110-int
Main Pump OCTO AQ 1500
Wavemaker OCTO PULSE OP-2
Auto Top-Off Freshwater WAVE REEF
Media Filtrasi (Kapas)
Media Filtrasi (Biologi)

Total Rp238.800.000 Rp17.910.000 Rp220.890.000

Peralatan Pendukung Opsional

UV Filtration TMC
Dosing Pump
Lampu Akuarium ILLUMAGIC X4 + Hanging

Total Rp183.300.000 Rp13.747.500 Rp169.552.500

Keperluan Pipa, Lem, Asesoris
Biaya Pemasangan dan Pengiriman Rp6.000.000 Rp450.000 Rp5.550.000

Ukuran Akuarium 120 x 50 x 1 pcs

Akuarium 50cm (300 (Kaca Tebal 12mm)
Rangka Kaki Besi/Stainless Steel Liter)

Peralatan Pendukung Wajib

Filter Bawah (Sump) kaca
Protein Skimmer OCTO Classic 150 INT Protein Skimmer
Wavemaker OCTO PULSE OP-4
Auto Top-Off Freshwater WAVE REEF
Media Filtrasi (Kapas)
Media Filtrasi (Biologi)
Jl. Joglo Raya No.57 Rt 007 Rw 003
Srengseng – Kembangan – Jakarta Barat 11630
Phone : (021) 58903605 Email :


Peralatan Pendukung Opsional

UV Filtration TMC 600 L
Dosing Pump Doser 3 pump
Lampu Akuarium 2 unit Illumagic X4 + Hanging
6 unit Vitamini Super Atinic
Protein Skimmer High Output Octo SRO 6000SSS atau Regal
pH Monitor/Controller
ORP Monitor/Controller

Transfer Pump OCTO waterblaster 10RB

Penampungan Air Tawar 1000L
Penampungan Air Laut 1000l
System RO Filtrasi Air Tawar 50GPD

Total Rp107.000.000 Rp8.025.000 Rp98.975.000

Keperluan Pipa, Lem, Asesoris
Biaya Pemasangan dan Pengiriman Rp6.000.000 Rp450.000 Rp5.550.000

TOTAL Rp541.100.000 Rp40.582.500 Rp500.517.500

Jakarta, 7 Agustus 2021


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