Advanced Hydraulic Systems For Next Generation of Skid Steer Load

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Advanced hydraulic systems for next generation of

skid steer loaders
Mrudula Uday Orpe
Purdue University

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Orpe, Mrudula Uday, "Advanced hydraulic systems for next generation of skid steer loaders" (2016). Open Access Theses. 981.

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Graduate School Form
30 Updated 12/26/2015

Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance

This is to certify that the thesis/dissertation prepared

By Mrudula Uday Orpe


For the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Is approved by the final examining committee:

Monika Ivantysynova

Andrea Vacca

Karthik Ramani

To the best of my knowledge and as understood by the student in the Thesis/Dissertation

Agreement, Publication Delay, and Certification Disclaimer (Graduate School Form 32),
this thesis/dissertation adheres to the provisions of Purdue University’s “Policy of
Integrity in Research” and the use of copyright material.

Approved by Major Professor(s): Monika Ivantysynova

Approved by: Jay P Gore 5/20/2016

Head of the Departmental Graduate Program Date




A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty
Purdue University
Mrudula Uday Orpe

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

August 2016
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana

For my Family


There are a number of people whom I would like to thank for being part of my life during
the course of the past two years at Maha Fluid Power Lab. First and foremost I would like
to thank my family, my fiancé Akshay and my friends Gaurav, Hiral, Ninad, Ram, Pulkit,
Divya, Matteo and Aditya whose constant support has made this achievement possible.
Many thanks to my advisor Prof. Monika Ivantysynova for her support, guidance,
encouragement and expert advice throughout this journey. My special gratitude goes to
Enrique Busquets for providing guidance and great advice as a mentor and colleague during
the past two years.
I would like to thank all my fellow researchers at the Maha Fluid Power Research Center
for making this an educational and fun experience. I would like to acknowledge Xiaofan
Guo (Parker) for his help in the instrumentation of the prototype machine.
A special thanks to Susan Gauger for helping me to get in contact with my advisor during
the initial application process for my masters studies. Lastly, I would like to thank Anthony
Franklyn for helping me setup the test rigs to implement and test my control algorithms.


LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vii
NOMENCLATURE ......................................................................................................... xii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Some Issues Related to Skid Steer Loaders ..................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Organization .............................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2. STATE OF THE ART .............................................................................. 4
2.1 Vibration Damping .................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Passive Vibration Damping ............................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Active Vibration Damping .............................................................................. 6
2.2 Bucket Self Levelling .............................................................................................. 11
2.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift......................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 3. SYSTEM MODELLING ........................................................................ 14
3.1 Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader ....................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Modelling of Mechanical System .................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Modelling of Hydraulic System..................................................................... 16
3.1.3 Hydraulic Cylinder Model ............................................................................. 17
3.1.4 Valve Modelling ............................................................................................ 18
3.1.5 Pump Modelling ............................................................................................ 23
3.1.6 Pressure Buildup in Lines .............................................................................. 24
3.2 Displacement Control Skid Steer Loader ................................................................ 25
3.2.1 Modelling of Mechanical System .................................................................. 26
3.2.2 Modelling of Hydraulic System..................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Pilot Operated Check Valve Model ............................................................... 29
3.2.4 Pump Model................................................................................................... 30
3.2.5 Low Pressure System ..................................................................................... 32
3.2.6 Drive Motor Model ........................................................................................ 33
3.2.7 Vehicle Dynamics .......................................................................................... 36
3.3 Linear Model ........................................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 Wheel Terrain Interaction .............................................................................. 39
3.3.2 Chassis Kinematics and Dynamics ................................................................ 40
3.3.3 Boom Kinematics and Dynamics .................................................................. 41

3.3.4 Forces on Boom Cylinder .............................................................................. 41
3.3.5 Cylinder Linear Model .................................................................................. 42
3.3.6 Vector Loop Equation.................................................................................... 44
3.3.7 State Space Equations .................................................................................... 45
3.3.8 Equation of Motion for Track Skid Steer Loader .......................................... 46
CHAPTER 4. MACHINE IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................... 48
4.1 Skid Steer Loader Measurement Setup ................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 5. SIMULATION MODEL VALIDATION ............................................... 51
5.1 Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader Simulation Model Validation........................ 51
5.2 Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader Simulation Model Validation ........... 55
CHAPTER 6. CONTROL SYNTHESIS ....................................................................... 59
6.1 Vibration Damping .................................................................................................. 59
6.1.1 Valve Controlled Track Skid Steer Loader ................................................... 59
6.1.2 Displacement Controlled Wheel Skid Steer Loader ...................................... 64
6.2 Bucket Self Levelling Function............................................................................... 68
6.2.1 Valve Controlled Track Skid Steer Loader ................................................... 68
6.2.2 Displacement Controlled Wheeled Skid Steer Loader .................................. 74
6.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift....................................................................................... 777
6.3.1 Problem with Existing Motor Two Speed Control ........................................ 77
6.3.2 Proposed Solution for Two Speed Smooth Shift ........................................... 77
6.3.3 Simulation Results ......................................................................................... 79
7.1 Vibration Damping for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader ..................... 84
7.1.1 Experimental Setup ........................................................................................ 84
7.1.2 Measurement Results ..................................................................................... 85
7.2 Bucket Self Levelling Function for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader .. 90
7.2.1 Measurement Results ..................................................................................... 90
7.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift......................................................................................... 91
7.3.1 Two Speed Smooth Shift Test Rig ................................................................ 91
7.3.2 Two Speed Smooth Shift Measurement Setup .............................................. 95
7.3.3 Problems During Shifting .............................................................................. 97
7.3.4 Alternative Solution ....................................................................................... 99
CHAPTER 8. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ........................................... 101
8.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 101
8.2 Future Work .......................................................................................................... 102
LIST OF REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 103


Table .............................................................................................................................. Page

Table 3.1.1: Hydraulic Components for Valve Control Circuit........................................ 17
Table 3.1.2: Pilot Operated Proportional Valve Characteristics. ...................................... 19
Table 3.1.3: Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportional Valve Characteristics. ........ 20
Table 3.1.4: Load Sensing Pump Characteristics. ............................................................ 23
Table 3.2.1: Hydraulic Components for Displacement Control Circuit. .......................... 27
Table 4.1.1: Skid Steer Loader Sensor Information. ........................................................ 49
Table 4.1.2: Skid Steer Loader DAQ and Control Information. ....................................... 49
Table 7.3.1: Sensor Information. ...................................................................................... 94
Table 7.3.2: DAQ and Control Information...................................................................... 94


Figure ............................................................................................................................. Page

Figure 1.1.1. Typical Skid Steer Loader at Work. .............................................................. 2
Figure 2.1.1. Skid Steer Loader with On-off Suspension (Lin et. al., 2003). ..................... 5
Figure 2.1.2. Hydraulic Schematic for Passive Ride Control. ............................................ 5
Figure 2.1.3. Schematic of Active Damping using Hydrostatic Transmission Control
(Hansen et al., 2002). .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.1.4. Closed Circuit Displacement Controlled Actuation. ..................................... 9
Figure 2.1.5. Control Block Diagram for Active Ride Control (Williamson, 2007). ....... 10
Figure 2.1.6. Simulation Results (Williamson, 2007). ..................................................... 10
Figure 2.1.7. Simulation and Measurement Results (Lee, 2010)...................................... 11
Figure 2.2.1. Schematic for Bucket Self Levelling using Flow Divider Valves (Geyler,
1995). ................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 2.2.2. Mechanical linkage for Bucket Self Levelling (Wykhuis et al., 1982). ..... 12
Figure 3.1.1. Multibody Dynamic and Hydraulic System Co-simulation for Valve
Controlled Skid Steer Loader............................................................................................ 14
Figure 3.1.2. simMechanics Model for Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader. ................. 15
Figure 3.1.3. Hydraulic Circuit for Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader. ........................ 16
Figure 3.1.4. Hydraulic Cylinder. ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 3.1.5. Control Valve Maniflod Block. ................................................................... 19
Figure 3.1.6. Pilot Operated Proportinal Direction Control Valve Control Notch Data. . 20
Figure 3.1.7. Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportinal Valve Control Notch Data. . 21
Figure 3.1.8. Step Response for Proportional Pressure Reducing Valve.......................... 21
Figure 3.1.9. Modelling Approach for Proportional Direction Control Valve. ................ 22
Figure 3.1.10. Modelling Approach for 3-Way 2 Position Proportional Valve. .............. 23
Figure 3.1.11. Load Sensing Pump Hydraulic Circuit. ..................................................... 24
Figure 3.1.12. Load Sensing Pump Loss Model. ............................................................. 24
Figure 3.1.13. Modelling Approach for Load Sensing Pump. .......................................... 24
Figure 3.1.14. Pressure Buildup in Lines. ......................................................................... 25
Figure 3.2.1. Multibody Dynamic and Hydraulic System Co-simulation for Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader............................................................................................ 26
Figure 3.2.2. simMechanics Model of Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader. ...... 26
Figure 3.2.3. Hydraulic Circuit for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader. ........... 28
Figure 3.2.4. Pilot Operated Check Valve. ....................................................................... 29
Figure 3.2.5. Servo Pump Control Scheme....................................................................... 30
Figure 3.2.6. Pump Four Quadrant Operation. ................................................................. 31
Figure 3.2.7. Feedforward Baseline Actuator Controller. ................................................ 32

Figure ............................................................................................................................. Page

Figure 3.2.8. Radial piston Motor Cross Section. ............................................................. 33
Figure 3.2.9. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Hydraulic Circuit. ................................... 34
Figure 3.2.10. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Assumption. .......................................... 35
Figure 3.2.11. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Modeling Approach. ............................. 35
Figure 3.2.12. Skid Steer Loader Free Body Diagram. .................................................... 37
Figure 3.3.1. Skid SteerLoader Geometry and Reference Points. .................................... 38
Figure 3.3.2. Two Degrees of Freedom Tire Model. ........................................................ 39
Figure 3.3.3. Two Axle Pitch-plane Model for Tire Terrain Interaction. ......................... 39
Figure 3.3.4. Forces Acting on Chassis. ........................................................................... 40
Figure 3.3.5. Forces Acting on Boom. .............................................................................. 41
Figure 3.3.6. Forces acting on Boom Cylinder. ................................................................ 42
Figure 3.3.7. Cylinder Linear Model. ............................................................................... 42
Figure 3.3.8. Position Vector Loop. .................................................................................. 45
Figure 3.3.9. Forces acting on Chassis – Track Skid Steer Loader. ................................. 46
Figure 3.3.10. Forces acting on Boom – Track Skid Steer Loader. .................................. 47
Figure 3.3.11. Pitch-plane Model for Tracks. ................................................................... 47
Figure 4.1.1. Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader Measurement Setup. ............. 48
Figure 4.1.2. Skid Steer Loader System Data Acquisition and Control. .......................... 50
Figure 5.1.1. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Signal -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 51
Figure 5.1.2. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader -Boom Stroke -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 52
Figure 5.1.3. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder
Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. .............................................. 52
Figure 5.1.4. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Flow -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 53
Figure 5.1.5. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Signal -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 53
Figure 5.1.6. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Stroke -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 54
Figure 5.1.7. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Cylinder
Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. .............................................. 54
Figure 5.1.8. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Flow -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ............................................................... 55
Figure 5.2.1. Boom JoyStick Command. .......................................................................... 55
Figure 5.2.2. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Stroke - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ...................................... 56
Figure 5.2.3. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Cylinder Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. .................... 56
Figure 5.2.4. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Pump Command - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ...................... 56
Figure 5.2.5. Bucket Joystick Command. ......................................................................... 57

Figure ............................................................................................................................. Page

Figure 5.2.6. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket Stroke - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ..................................... 57
Figure 5.2.7. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket System Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. ..................... 58
Figure 5.2.8. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket Pump Command - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement. .................... 58
Figure 6.1.1. Skyhook Damping Method (Lee, 2010). .................................................... 59
Figure 6.1.2. Skyhook Damping Control Law. ................................................................. 60
Figure 6.1.3. Road Wheels with respect to CG................................................................. 61
Figure 6.1.4. Road Disturbance for Each Wheel for Track Skid Steer Loader. ............... 61
Figure 6.1.5. Chassis Acceleration without Controller. .................................................... 62
Figure 6.1.6. Chassis Acceleration with Controller. ......................................................... 62
Figure 6.1.7. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve Skid
Steer Loader - Chassis pitch acceleration. ........................................................................ 63
Figure 6.1.8. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve Skid
Steer Loader - Chassis Vertical Acceleration. .................................................................. 63
Figure 6.1.9. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve Skid
Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder Pressure. .......................................................................... 63
Figure 6.1.10. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve Skid
Steer Loader - Boom Direction Control Valve Command. ............................................. 64
Figure 6.1.11. Vibration Damping Control Law for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer
Loader. .............................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 6.1.12. Road Disturbance for Wheel Skid Steer Loader. ...................................... 66
Figure 6.1.13. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Chassis Pitch Acceleration. ............................................ 67
Figure 6.1.14. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Chassis Vertical Acceleration. ........................................ 67
Figure 6.1.15. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder Pressure. ................................................ 68
Figure 6.1.16. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Boom Pump Command. ................................................. 68
Figure 6.2.1. Bucket tilting Without Control Action. ....................................................... 69
Figure 6.2.2. Horizontal Bucket after Control Action. ..................................................... 69
Figure 6.2.3. Angle sensor positions................................................................................. 69
Figure 6.2.4. Bucket coordinate system. ........................................................................... 69
Figure 6.2.5. Bucket Reference Angle. ............................................................................. 70
Figure 6.2.6. Bucket Self Leveling Control Law – Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader. 71
Figure 6.2.7. Accelerometer to Measure Inclination. ....................................................... 71
Figure 6.2.8. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Boom Angle. ............................................................................................. 73
Figure 6.2.9. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Bucket Angle............................................................................................. 73

Figure ............................................................................................................................. Page

Figure 6.2.10. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Error in Tracking. ...................................................................................... 73
Figure 6.2.11. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Control Valve Command. ......................................................................... 74
Figure 6.2.12. Angle Sensor Positions. ............................................................................. 74
Figure 6.2.13. Bucket Coordinate System. ....................................................................... 74
Figure 6.2.14. Bucket Self Leveling Control Law – Displacement Controlled Skid Steer
Loader. .............................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 6.2.15. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement Controlled
Skid Steer Loader - Boom Angle. ..................................................................................... 75
Figure 6.2.16. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement Controlled
Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Angle. ................................................................................... 76
Figure 6.2.17. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement Controlled
Skid Steer Loader - Error in Tracking. ............................................................................. 76
Figure 6.2.18. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement Controlled
Skid Steer Loader - Pump Command. .............................................................................. 76
Figure 6.3.1. Valve (1) Control Notch Data. .................................................................... 78
Figure 6.3.2. Two-speed Radial Motor Hydraulic Circuit with Smooth-Shifting Solution.
........................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6.3.3. Control Logic for Two Speed Smooth Shift................................................ 79
Figure 6.3.4. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Pressure Reducing
Valve Command. .............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 6.3.5. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor 1 Flow. .. 80
Figure 6.3.6. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor 2 Flow. .. 81
Figure 6.3.7. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Load Pressure. .. 81
Figure 6.3.8. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor Speed. .... 81
Figure 6.3.9. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Vehicle Velocity.
........................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 6.3.10. Smooth Speed Shift at Varying Rates - Pilot Pressure Command –
Simulation. ........................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 6.3.11. Smooth Speed Shift at Varying Rates - Speed Change – Simulation. ...... 83
Figure 7.1.1. Experimental Setup for Vibration Damping................................................ 84
Figure 7.1.2. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis
Acceleration – Horizontal. ................................................................................................ 85
Figure 7.1.3. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis
Acceleration – Horizontal. ................................................................................................ 85
Figure 7.1.4. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis
Acceleration – Pitch. ......................................................................................................... 86
Figure 7.1.5. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Pump
Command. ......................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 7.1.6. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Pressure
Difference. ........................................................................................................................ 86

Figure ............................................................................................................................. Page

Figure 7.1.7. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Cylinder
Position. ............................................................................................................................ 87
Figure 7.1.8. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Chassis
Acceleration – Horizontal. ................................................................................................ 87
Figure 7.1.9. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Chassis
Acceleration – Vertical. .................................................................................................... 88
Figure 7.1.10. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed -Chassis
Acceleration – Pitch. ......................................................................................................... 88
Figure 7.1.11. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Pump
Command. ......................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 7.1.12. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Pressure.
........................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 7.1.13. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Position.
........................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 7.2.1. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Boom Angle. ....... 90
Figure 7.2.2. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Bucket Angle....... 90
Figure 7.2.3. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Error in Tracking. 91
Figure 7.2.4. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Bucket Pump
Command. ......................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 7.3.1. Hydraulic Circuit for Two Speed Smooth Shift Test Rig ........................... 93
Figure 7.3.2. Test Bench for Two Speed Motor Shift. ..................................................... 95
Figure 7.3.3. DAQ for Test Bench. ................................................................................... 95
Figure 7.3.4. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Pilot Pressure Command.
........................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 7.3.5. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Speed Change........... 96
Figure 7.3.6. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Load Pressure on Motor
........................................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 7.3.7. Unfiltered Data for Pilot Pressure. .............................................................. 97
Figure 7.3.8. Problem During Shifting. ............................................................................ 98
Figure 7.3.9. Unfiltered Pressure Reducing Valve Data with Limited Pilot Pressure. ..... 99
Figure 7.3.10. Alternative Solution................................................................................. 100


Symbol Description Units

pA Port A pressure bar
PB Port B pressure bar
CHA Hydraulic capacitance at port A m3/Pa
CHB Hydraulic capacitance at port B m3/Pa
Ap Cylinder head end area m
α Cylinder area ratio -
Ar Cylinder rod end area m
QA Flow at port A lpm
QB Flow at port B lpm
x cyl Cylinder velocity m/s
kL Pressure-dependent Hydraulic motor internal losses m 3/Pa/s
Ff Cylinder friction force N
dend Cylinder end of stroke damping coefficient Ns/m
kend Cylinder end of stroke spring coefficient N/m
H Cylinder stroke m
AA Check valve spool area m
αd Valve discharge coefficient -
yA Check valve spool displacement m
ρoil Hydraulic fluid density kg/m3
Δp Pressure difference bar
CH-line Hydraulic capacitance of line m3/Pa
QP Load sensing pump flow lpm
QInl_v Flow from inlet valve lpm

QLS Load Sensing pump pilot flow lpm

QL Load sensing control valve flow lpm
QR Relief valve flow lpm
QAct Actuator flow lpm
plp Low pressure bar
p1,p2 Pressure at ports 1 and 2 bar
CHacc Accumulator capacitance m3/Pa
K Bulk Modulus Pa
VLP Lower Pressure Line Volume m3
Q1 Low Pressure Pump Flow lpm
QSL Low Pressure Pump Losses lpm
QSV Swash Plate Control Valve flow lpm
λ Scaling Factor -
n Speed rpm
T Torque Losses Nm
Q Flow Losses Lpm
Qref Reference Pump Flow Losses Lpm
Tref Reference Pump Torque Losses Nm
usv Control Valve Input Command -
ysv Control Valve spool Position m
dsv Control Valve damping coefficient m
ωsv Valve Natural Frequency rad/s
Pline Line Pressure bar
Qc Flow from Check Valve lpm
dc poppet diameter m
yc poppet displacement m
Ac poppet area m2
Fko check valve spring cracking force N
k check valve spring rate N/m
Asp check valve spool opening area m2

V0 Accumulator gas volume m3

N Ideal gas polytrophic exponent -
P0 Accumulator pre-charge pressure bar
kty, ktx Tire stiffness N/m
cty, ctx Tire damping Ns/m


Orpe, Mrudula. M.S.M.E., Purdue University, August 2016. Advanced Hydraulic

Sysytems for Next Generation of Skid Steer Loaders. Major Professor: Monika

Fluid power systems have been extensively used in off highway appliactions like skid steer
loaders, wheel loaders, excavators since many years. Work has been done by both industry
and academia to improve efficiency, reduce noise and leakages in these systems. With
increasing competition in the market, importance is now also given to operator comfort
and machine productivity in off highway applications.
Mobile, off – highway vehicles like Skid-steer loaders are widely used in labour saving
applications like loading earth into a truck, dig and move material on construction sites to,
clean roads, clear snow from roads etc. To carry out these jobs in limited spaces, skid steer
loaders need tight turning radius. For this reason, these machines have a short wheelbase
which prevents the use of suspensions in these vehicles. The absence of a suspension
system exposes the vehicle to ground vibrations of high magnitude and low frequency.
Vibrations reduce operator comfort, productivity and life of components. This thesis will
discuss control strategies for vibration damping of skid steer loader using the hydraulic
boom cylinder as the active suspension element, which is equivalent to a spring–damper.
Along with vibrations, the machine productivity is also hampered by material spillage
which is caused by the tilting of the bucket due to the extension of the boom. This thesis
will discuss the development of a robust path-planning control algorithm which adapts to
the position of the boom to maintain a level load to achieve bucket self-leveling. Another
reason for reduced productivity in skid steer loaders is slow in site travel speeds. This thesis
also concentrates on reducing the in-job cycle time by developing a control strategy to
smooth speed shift the drive motors keeping the pump flow constant.
To synthesize these proposed control algorithms, high fidelity hydraulic and mechanical

models of the skid steer loader are created. Ultimately, the control algorithms derived in
this thesis help in improving operator comfort and machine productivity.


In this chapter, an introduction to the problems that are addressed by this research are
provided. Firstly, the motivation behind the study is described followed by the objectives
and goals of the research. Lastly, the overall organization of the thesis is discussed in brief.
1.1 Background
Fluid power systems find a large application in off-highway mobile machinery. Hydraulic
machines are inherently much more power dense than their electric counterparts. The high
power density of hydraulic components helps in minimizing space and weight of the
equipment. Furthermore, the integration of hydraulic components with electronic controls
has resulted in notable improvement in performance, precision and efficiency of systems.
All these advantages make fluid power the best choice for mobile applications.
In fluid power industry, the on going research mainly focuses on energy efficiency, noise
reduction and leakage. Due to the rising competition in the market between equipment
manufacturers, emphasis is now also given to operator comfort and machine productivity
in off-highway vehicles such as skid steer loaders, excavators, wheel loaders etc. The work
presented in this thesis will focus on hydraulic systems and controls for skid steer loaders.
A skid steer loader is a multi terrain, compact, rigid frame, engine powered, off- highway
vehicle used to perform several labor saving jobs. With the linkage of lift arms and different
tools and attachments, the skid steer can be used for applications like digging, moving
material, removing snow etc. The skid steer does not have a conventional steering system.
The steering principle is based on controlling relative velocities of wheels on both sides of
the loader. A typical skid steer loader at work is shown in Figure 1.1.1.

Figure 1.1.1. Typical Skid Steer Loader at Work.

1.1.1 Some Issues Related to Skid Steer Loaders

Mobile hydraulic machinery like skid steer loaders are subjected to vibrations due to
ground disturbance, discontinuities in hydro mechanical systems, discontinuities in
operator command etc. Vibrations adversely affect operator comfort, life of components
and overall productivity. Along with vibrations, the machine productivity is also hampered
by the tilting of the bucket due to the extension or retraction of the boom. As the boom
extends or retracts, the bucket starts tilting causing the contents in the bucket to spill.
Another aspect that affects the vehicle productivity is slower in site travel speed. Skid steer
loaders typically have a slow travel speed. If the skid steer loaders had an option to travel
at higher speed between worksites as compared to normal operation speed, this will reduce
the in-job cycle time which will ultimately increase productivity.
This thesis will focus on developing control strategies to increase the level of safety,
comfort and productivity for a skid-steer loader.

1.2 Objectives
The objectives of this work were to develop, implement and test control algorithms for
valve-controlled and displacement-controlled skid-steer loaders to achieve :

 Efficient vibration damping to improve operator safety and comfort using existing
hydraulic cylinders
 Bucket self levelling control to prevent material spillage and improve productivity
 Smooth and jerk free speed variation of the skid steer loader to aid productivity by
reducing in-job cycle time.

1.3 Organization
The Chapter 2 will summarize the state of the art for active vibration damping, bucket self
levelling and smooth speed shift for mobile loaders. Chapter 3 explains the development
of mathematical models for the loader to describe the physical behavior and interaction of
the mechanical, hydraulic and electrical component. which will be used in the next chapter
to develop control strategies. Chapter 4 covers the experimental setup setup in order to
validate the system model developed in the previous chapter. Chapter 5 will discuss the
validation results for the simulated and measured data. Chapter 6 explains the development
of the control algorithms along with controller simulation for all three functions. The
physical implementation of all the controls is described in Chapter 7, along with the
experimental results. Finally, chapter 8 discusses the conclusions and future work.


In this chapter, a summary of the review of the previous literature for the considered field
has been provided. Literature review for the research goals discussed in the previous
chapter has been discussed.
2.1 Vibration Damping
2.1.1 Passive Vibration Damping
Passive vibration damping refers to vibration isolation by using techniques such as adding
material like rubber pads or mechanical linkages like springs. Passive vibration damping
is based on the principle of dissipating energy from the system. This method does not
require any addition of energy. On-Off Suspension

The short wheelbase in skid steer loaders makes them compact but prevents the use of
sprung suspension. A sprung suspension would cause excessive pitching motion due to the
forces generated when the loader arms interact with the ground. For this reason Lin, Dix,
Bateman, Felsing, Lamela, and Shore (Lin et al., 2003) came up with a skid-steer vehicle
with on-off sprung suspension as shown in Figure 2.1.1 below. The suspension is active
only when the operator is not commanding the boom or the bucket cylinder and will be
locked with respect to the chassis during working activities such as digging, scooping,
lifting, dumping or lowering. However this passive mechanism increases complexity and
cost of the vehicle due to the additional suspension elements. This solution is yet to find its
place in the industry.

Figure 2.1.1. Skid Steer Loader with On-off Suspension (Lin et. al., 2003). Passive Ride Control

The most common solution for reducing chassis oscillations involves adding passive
devices, like accumulator to increase the damping of the hydraulic system. High pressure
accumulator is added in parallel to the boom cylinders along with an on-off valve in order
to increase the hydraulic capacitance of the system to damp out the vibrations. A simple
circuit showing this principle is shown in Figure 2.1.2

Figure 2.1.2. Hydraulic Schematic for Passive Ride Control.

Many mobile hydraulic machines use such commercially available “ride control”
accumulators. Latour and Biener (Latour et al., 2002) demonstrated about 40% reduction
in pressure oscillations on a small wheel loader with multiple accumulators for passive

damping. The drawbacks of this system are it works only for a single frequency and is not
effective over wide ranges of vehicle speed and loads. Also increasing the capacitance of
the system reduces the stiffness of the boom cylinder making it springy. To avoid this an
on-off valve has to be added in between the cylinder and accumulator. However, if the
accumulator pressure is lower than the cylinder pressure, the boom will instantaneously
drop down, opening the valve. In order to solve this problem, Caterpillar, Inc. came up
with a solution using system of valves and a control strategy to adjust the accumulator
pressure with the system pressure before switching on the ride control and introducing the
accumulator in the circuit (Palmer, 1998). A patent was also granted for a similar idea using
independent metering valves (Ma, 2007).
Passive vibration damping needs additional components in the system. Additional
components result in additional cost.

2.1.2 Active Vibration Damping

Passive methods reduce vibrations by dissipating kinetic energy where as active methods
require additional energy to be added into the system to damp vibrations. To cancel out
vibrations, in an active suspension, a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to
the disturbance force is applied. Provided that the bandwidth of the control system is higher
than the frequency of oscillations, an active vibration damping control is effective over a
wide range of speeds and loads. Active ride control can be achieved using valve controlled
or displacement controlled hydraulic systems. Active Damping Using Valve Control

In 1999, a US patent was granted for an “electronic ride control system for off-road vehicles”
(Berger et al., 1999). This closed loop electronic controller gets feedback from actuator
pressure and implement position. The controller determines the vehicle acceleration and
commands the electronic valve to control both, the direction and amount of flow going to
the implement actuator to maintain the pressure relatively constant. Unfortunately, this was
an industry research and not much data was published.
Latour and Biener, (Latour et al., 2002) implemented active ride control on a 7.5 ton wheel

loader. The control algorithm involved lift cylinder pressure and position regulation. In this
controller, a pressure feedback from the lift cylinder is compared to a desired pressure
value and a PID regulator commands the directional control valve to regulate the cylinder
pressure accordingly. The position control loop keps the lift cylinder position substantially
constant. Experimental results recorded for this controller for Bosch Rexroth showed about
50% reduction in pressure oscillations in terms of amplitude and RMS value. This work
was also documented in Latour and Biener (Latour et al., 2003) and Kliffken and Geerling
(Kliffken et al., 2003).
Another approach to minimize cab and/or bucket acceleration for a wheel loader
application was published by Frediani and Gianoglio (Frediani et al., 2004). The controller
input signals consisted of boom angular position, boom cylinder pressure, and cab
acceleration and bucket acceleration. To attenuate the measured oscillation, the controller
then calculated a desired cylinder velocity to determine the control command to the valve.
The controller was capable of selecting a damping mode, to minimize cab acceleration
and/or bucket acceleration. From the experimental measurements conducted, the authors
claims 50% reductions of cab and bucket acceleration for a 13-ton wheel loader.
Cristofori and Vacca, in (Cristofori et al., 2012) came up with an active vibration system
for hydraulic machines based on the pressure feedback signals from sensors mounted on
the flow control valve block. This pressure feedback which accounts for the machine
oscillations, is given as an input to the controller. In order to tune the control parameters, a
non-model-based extremum seeking optimization algorithm was used to modify the electro
hydraulic flow control valve command. Experiments were conducted on a crane and the
authors recorded about 30% reduction in oscillations.
Weichao Sun, Huijun Gao, and Bin Yao (Weichao et al., 2013) presented a nonlinear
Adaptive Robust Control (ARC)-based H∞ controller for vibration attenuation of a full car
system. ARC is a technique which combines both adaptive control as well as robust control
while overcoming the drawbacks of both. The controller is designed to calculate a virtual
actuator control force to damp vibrations and then an actual control law is applied to track
this force. The control algorithm however was never implemented on an actual vehicle.
8 Active Seat

Research has been conducted to improve operator comfort by installing additional actuators
connected to the cabin or seat to damp out cabin vibrations (Nevala et al., 1997). An Active
seat is an example of this method. This method includes taking an acceleration feedback
from seat and a controller which adjusts the movement of a linear actuator, mounted under
the seat, to reduce vibrations. This kind of active seat is widely used in construction and
agricultural machines and has claimed to isolate up to 90% of the vertical vibrations when
installed on tractors. However the major shortcoming of this method is it requires large
cabin space to install additional components which also increases cost, complexity and
energy consumption of the system. Also this system only reduces vibrations at the
operator’s seat. The chassis vibrations are unaffected.
The major disadvantage of using electrohydraulic valves for vibration damping is that the
valves cause throttling losses and adversely affect the energy consumption in already in
efficient valve controlled systems. Active Damping Using Drivetrain Control

While most of the recent work in active ride control for mobile hydraulic machinery
focuses on using the existing boom cylinder to actively reduce chassis oscillations, a group
of Danish researchers, came up with an idea in which pitching motion of loader frame is
reduced by controlling the wheel torque (Pedersen et al., 2003). This concept was
simulated for a medium size skid-steer loader, model Case 1845C (Hansen et al., 2002).
The hydraulic circuit for the system is shown in Figure 2.1.3. An accelerometer measures
the pitch angle of the vehicle, and the derivative of this signal is fed back to the controller.
The controller then commands the variable displacement pumps in the hydrostatic
transmission which control the wheel torque such that it maintains the derivative of pitch
angle to zero. In addition to this, a vehicle travel velocity control is superimposed on the
active ride control to maintain the vehicle speed irrespective of the vibration damping. Thus
the control algorithm is a combination of feedback from angular pitch velocity and wheel
velocity. The simulation results show significant reduction in pitch oscillations however
no experimental work to supporting this claim was published.

Figure 2.1.3. Schematic of Active Damping using Hydrostatic Transmission Control

(Hansen et al., 2002). Active Damping Using Pump Control

In mobile applications, displacement control has been demonstrated to be a promising
substitute to conventional valve-controlled systems. A basic circuit design of displacement
controlled circuit, was developed by Rahmfeld and Ivantysynova (Rahmfeld, 2000;
Ivantysynova, 2000) as shown in Figure 2.1.4. In a DC system, the actuator is directly
controlled by a variable displacement pump without any direction control valves making
the system energy efficient. The DC system has no throttling losses and also helps in energy
recovery when the supply pump operates in motoring mode due to aiding load.

Figure 2.1.4. Closed Circuit Displacement Controlled Actuation.


The effectiveness of pump-controlled systems for active ride control was demonstrated
both in simulations and experiments on an O&K L15.5 wheel loader (Rahmfeld et al.,
2004). Experiments were conducted for an empty bucket as the natural frequency of the
oscillations is higher for lesser loads, and a 30 % reduction in cabin oscillations was
recorded. Eventhough the simulation showed higher degree of vibration reductions, the
experimental results were limited by lower pump dynamics for higher displacements and
slow microcontroller sampling time (50 ms).
Williamson (Williamson, 2007) developed an observer based active ride control algorithm
as illustrated in Figure 2.1.5 below. The controller used acceleration and pressure feedback
to damp vibrations. However, it did not show much improvements in simulations as can be
seen in Figure 2.1.6 and was not implemented on an actual machine

Figure 2.1.5. Control Block Diagram for Active Ride Control (Williamson, 2007).

a) Simulation Results without Control. b) Simulation Results with Control.

Figure 2.1.6. Simulation Results (Williamson, 2007).

Shinok Lee (Lee, 2010) developed and implemented a vibration damping controller for a
displacement controlled skid steer loader. The control principle was based on skyhook
damping principle where the control law was designed on velocity feedback. However the
measurement reports for the pitch were not reported. The measurement methodology for
calculating the reduction in vibration damping was not presented in the paper. Also results
were only presented at low travel speeds and this speed was not reported.

Figure 2.1.7. Simulation and Measurement Results (Lee, 2010).

2.2 Bucket Self Levelling

Graber Homer R, Mcfarland James W (Homer et al.,1971) developed a bucket self
levelling control for a front end loader.

Figure 2.2.1. Schematic for Bucket Self Levelling using Flow Divider Valves (Geyler,

The system had a multiple spool valve. When the boom cylinder is actuated, the fluid
displaced from the boom cylinder is selectively directed through a flow divider circuit and
a predetermined amount of the fluid is directed to the bucket cylinder to maintain the bucket
level when the boom is raised and/or lowered. Bruce K. Fryk (Bruce, 1990) and Arthur H.
Geyler, Jr. (Geyler, 1995) came up with a similar flow divider concept for bucket self
levelling as shown in Figure 2.2.1.
Lloyd A. Wykhuis, Michael J. O'Neill (Wykhuis et al., 1982) came up with a mechanical
linkage assembly to maintain the bucket in a levelled position when the boom is raised or
lowered as shown in Figure 2.2.2. The linkage assembly had set of guide links connected
to the loader frame and the loader arms and hydraulic cylinder. The machine kinematics
helped in maintaining the position of the bucket levelled.

Figure 2.2.2. Mechanical linkage for Bucket Self Levelling (Wykhuis et al., 1982).

Thomas M. Sagaser (Thomas, 1989) presented an electronic bucket positioning system.

The system included adding position sensors for tilt and lift operations and electrically
actuated tilt valve. As the boom is actuated, with the help of the position sensors a
command is given to the tilt valve to reorient the bucket to pre calculated position. Similar
concept was patented by Wolfgang Kauss (Wolfgang, 2009) for self levelling a shovel in
a wheel loader.More variations of the described methods can be found in different literature,
but the underlying principle is mostly similar. The down side of these methods is the use
of valves to control the bucket position which causes throttling losses in the system.

2.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift

Hydraulic piston motors find a large application in mobile and construction equipments,
winches, ship-cranes, mining and other such heavy-duty hydraulic equipments. For the
drive motors of skid steer loader, the requirement is high torque and low speed. The skid
steer under study in this thesis is equipped with a radial piston motor, which has high power
density and works at speeds as low as 1 rpm. In radial piston machines, cylinders are
arranged perpendicular to the drive shaft. This radial piston motor is equipped with a mode
shift feature between high torque low speed and low torque high speed modes. This speed
shift feature helps the loader to travel at higher speeds between work sites. The current
issue with the motor is that in order to speed shift the motor, the vehicle needs to be stopped ,
and then the speed has to be shifted. This speed shift is not smooth. The requirement is
that this speed shift be done on go, smoothly, without stopping the machine. There is
however no literature available for this kind of motor to smooth shift between two working


This chapter explains the equations and procedures used to model the skid steer loader. The
machine behavior depends upon the interaction between the mechanical and hydraulic
system. In order to understand the behavior of the machine under different operating
conditions and design control strategies for the loader, both mechanical and hydraulic
systems were modeled in the MATLAB/Simulink® environment. The mechanical linkages
and physical bodies were represented using the SimMechanics toolbox, while the hydraulic
system was modeled using the fundamental equations for a lumped parameter model in
standard Simulink environment. The chapter presents system modeling approach for both
valve controlled and displacement controlled skid steer loaders.

3.1 Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader

The system modeling and development of control algorithms for a valve controlled skid
steer loader with tracks was conducted for an industry sponsored research project. For
illustration purposes, the skid steer loader model layout is shown below in Figure 3.1.1.

Figure 3.1.1. Multibody Dynamic and Hydraulic System Co-simulation for Valve
Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

The inputs to the system include the operator joystick commands and the external loads.
The outputs of the model include actuators positions, velocities, pressures etc. In order to
understand the interaction between the inputs and outputs, and to develop control
algorithms, it is crucial to develop a high fidelity model of the system.

3.1.1 Modelling of Mechanical System

A skid steer loader is a complex kinematic mechanism with many links and joints. In order
to perform the analysis of this complex loader dynamics and kinematics, a mechanical
model was created. Values for the dimensions, mass, and inertia tensors of the loader used
in the model were provided by the manufacturer.The boom and bucket cylinder were
modeled as a prismatic joint between the cylinder barrel and the cylinder rod. All the
rotating joints were modeled using revolute joint. The loader tires were modeled as a simple
combination of springs and dampers using the body spring and damper block. The
simMechanics model has three degrees of freedom (x, y and pitch).
A simMechanics model for the valve controlled skid steer loader is shown below in Figure

Figure 3.1.2. simMechanics Model for Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

This mechanical model was integrated with the hydraulic model wherein the hydraulic
forces and torques act as inputs to the mechanical model and the position, velocity, and
acceleration of each link can be obtained.

3.1.2 Modelling of Hydraulic System

Figure 3.1.3 shows the hydraulic architecture for the valve controlled skid steer loader.

Figure 3.1.3. Hydraulic Circuit for Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

The hydraulic circuit consists of a load sensing axial piston pump (2) for the implement
portion. This pump supplies fluid to the manifold block (3) with control valves for boom

and bucket cylinders. The operator via joystick command operates the pressure reducing
valves (8-13), which provide pilot pressure to actuate the proportional direction control
valves (5-7). The 3-way, 2-position proportional valve (4) is controlled by a proportional
pressure reducing valve such that it provides as much flow required by the actuators. A
double variable axial piston pump (16) supplies fluid to the two speed radial piston track
motors (17-18). List of important hydraulic components is given in Table 3.1.1.

Table 3.1.1: Hydraulic Components for Valve Control Circuit.

1 Prime mover (Diesel Engine)
2 35 cc/rev Axial piston variable pump
3 Control valves manifold block
4 3-way, 2-position Proportional valve
5-7 Pilot operated proportional direction control valve
8-13 Pressure reducing valves
14 Boom cylinders
15 Bucket cylinders
16 45 cc/rev Axial piston variable double pump
17-18 820 cc/rev 2 speed radial piston motors

3.1.3 Hydraulic Cylinder Model

The loader boom and the bucket are actuated using single rod hydraulic actuators. The
single rod actuator geometry is as shown below in Figure 3.1.4. Hydraulic Cylinder.

Figure 3.1.4. Hydraulic Cylinder.


The actuator force is driven by a pressure differential in the cylinder. The pressure build-
up equations for the linear actuator are expressed as follows:
p A  QA  Ap xcyl  kL ( pA  pB ) 
CH A 

p B   QB   Ap xcyl  kL ( pA  pB ) 
CH B 

Where α is the cylinder area ratio which accounts for the differential area of a single rod
cylinder, and is expressed as
Ap  Ar
 (3)

CHA and CHB are the hydraulic capacitance for the cylinder volume. kL represents the
internal pressure dependent fluid leakage coefficient between two sides of the cylinder. A
force balance equation is used to calculate a net cylinder force that is then passed to the
kinematic model to get the position and velocity of the piston. The net force exerted by the
cylinder is modeled by the equation:
Fnet  A p ( p A   p B )  F f  Fstop (4)

where Ff is the friction force defined using the Stribeck equation:

F f  f C sign( x )  f v x  f s e  s | x | sign( x ) (5)
   
Coulomb viscous static

Where the effective friction force is a sum of coulomb (dry), viscous and static friction
(Grabbel, 2004). accounts for the fact that the piston can only travel a finite distance
before colliding with the ends of the cylinder. This limitation was modeled with the
following piecewise function.

 kend x  dend x, x0

Fstop  0, 0 x H (6)
 k  H  x   d x, x  H
 end end

3.1.4 Valve Modelling

The control valve manifold block is shown in the Figure 3.1.5 below. The three main
elements in the manifold block are:

1. Pilot operated proportional direction control valve

2. Pilot operated 3-way, 2-position proportional valve
3. 3-way proportional pressure reducing valve

Figure 3.1.5. Control Valve Maniflod Block.

The valve characteristics are discussed below followed by the modelling approach. Pilot Operated Proportional Direction Control Valve Characteristics

The pilot operated proportional direction valve is the control valve which supplies flow to
the hydraulic cylinders. The valve characteristics are given in the Table 3.1.2 below:

Table 3.1.2: Pilot Operated Proportional Valve Characteristics.

Spool stroke = ±7 mm

Start of spool movement = 5 bar

Spool reached maximum displacement = 25 bar

Step response 135 ms from default to maximum spool displacement

Step response 40 ms from maximum spool displacement to default position


Based on these characteristics, the step response of the valve was studied to derive a
transfer function to account for valve dynamics. The valve control notch data provided by
the manufacturer is shown in the Figure 3.1.6. This control notch data was further used to
calculate the flow supplied by the valve.

Figure 3.1.6. Pilot Operated Proportinal Direction Control Valve Control Notch Data. Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportional Valve Characteristics

The pump flow is supplied to the direction control valves through the pilot operated 3-way,
2 position valve. The valve characteristics are given in the Table 3.1.3 below:

Table 3.1.3: Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportional Valve Characteristics.

Spool stroke = ±7 mm
Start of spool movement = 5 bar
Spool reached maximum displacement = 25 bar

The valve control notch data provided by the manufacturer is shown in the Figure 3.1.7.
Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportinal Valve Control Notch DataFigure 3.1.7 below

Figure 3.1.7. Pilot Operated 3-way, 2-Position Proportinal Valve Control Notch Data. 3-way Proportional Pressure Reducing Valve Characteristics

The 3-way proportional pressure reducing valve is joystick operated and provides hydraulic
pilot to the proportional direction control valve. The step response curve shown in the
Figure 3.1.8 was obtained from the catalogue data provided by manufacturer. From the
step response curve, a transfer function was formulated to account for the valve dynamics.

Figure 3.1.8. Step Response for Proportional Pressure Reducing Valve.

Transfer Function = 2 (7)
s  2*14*0.55s  142
22 Proportional Direction Control Valve Modelling

The modelling approach for the proportional direction control valve is shown in Figure

Figure 3.1.9. Modelling Approach for Proportional Direction Control Valve.

The operator joystick signal is normalized and given to the proportional pressure reducing
valve. From a lookup table, current output for this command is calculated which decides
the pilot pressure from the proportional pressure reducing valve. A transfer function will
account for the proportional pressure relief valve dynamics. This pilot pressure is then
applied to the proportional direction control valve. A lookup table gives the spool
displacement corresponding to the pilot pressure. A transfer function will account for the
valve dynamics. From the spool displacement the control notch area is obtained. From the
control notch area and the orifice equation, the flow from the direction control valve is
calculated. The valve was modelled using orifice equation given below:

2abs  p 
QVALVE   d AA y A sign  p  (8)

Where αd is the valve discharge coefficient and Δp is pressure difference between load
pressure and inlet valve pressure or load pressure and tank pressure depending on spool
position 3-Way, 2-Position Proportional Valve Modelling

The modelling approach used for the control for 3-way, 2-position proportional valve was
that the valve should provide as much flow as required by the actuators. The total flow
required by the actuators was divided by the maximum flow the valve can provide. This
value was normalized and fed to a lookup table. Voltage signal was obtained from the
lookup table which was given to the proportional pressure reducing valve. The pressure
reducing valve then provided hydraulic pilot to operate the 3-way 2 position proportional
valve. The modelling approach for this valve is shown in Figure 3.1.10.

Figure 3.1.10. Modelling Approach for 3-Way 2 Position Proportional Valve.

3.1.5 Pump Modelling

The pump is variable displacement axial piston pump. The pump characteristics are given
in the Table 3.1.4 below:

Table 3.1.4: Load Sensing Pump Characteristics.

Maximum volumetric displacement = 35 cc/rev
Pressure controller with load sensing
Step response = 150ms for pump to swivel to 90%

The pump loss model was created for a 45 cc swashplate type pump based on the efficiency
data provided by the manufacturer. The losses were calculated using the equation
QS = QTheoretical (1  ) . In order to get loss model for implement pump, this loss model was

scaled using appropriate scaling factor. The pump volumetric losses at 25% pump
displacement are shown below:

Figure 3.1.11. Load Sensing Pump Figure 3.1.12. Load Sensing Pump Loss
Hydraulic Circuit. Model.

The load sensing control of pump was modeled using ‘Black Box’ approach since the only
data available was the pump valve dynamics. The basic idea used to model the control was
that the pump provides all the flow required by the actuators. Figure 3.1.13 shows the
modelling approach used to model the pump.

Figure 3.1.13. Modelling Approach for Load Sensing Pump.

3.1.6 Pressure Buildup in Lines

Now that the pump and all the valves are modelled, it is important to have a connection
between these components. As shown in Figure 3.1.14, the pressure buildup equations in
the lines will communicate between 3-way, 2 position proportional valve and pump and
proportional direction control valves with 3-way, 2 position proportional valve.

Figure 3.1.14. Pressure Buildup in Lines.

Pressure buildup equation between inlet flow control valve and proportional direction
control valve is given below:

 Q  QLS  QAct  dt
pline  (9)
CH line
Inl _ v

Pressure buildup equation between inlet flow control valve and pump is given below :

 Q  QL  QInl _ v  QR  dt
pline  (10)
CH line

3.2 Displacement Control Skid Steer Loader

The system modeling and development of control algorithms for a displacement control
skid steer loader was conducted for a loader at the MAHA Fluid Power Research Centre.
The model layout for a displacement controlled skid steer loader is shown in Figure 3.2.1.

Figure 3.2.1. Multibody Dynamic and Hydraulic System Co-simulation for Displacement
Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

3.2.1 Modelling of Mechanical System

The mechanical system analysis of this displacement controlled wheeled skid steer loader
was carried out similar to that explained in section 3.1.1. The side view of the loader with
the simMechanics model overlayed and a three dimensional simMechanics model of the
loader is shown below in Figure 3.2.2. The chassis of the loader is represented by the blue
body. The boom, bucket assembly is represented in grey. The piston,cylinders in red and
black and the road wheels shown in black.

Figure 3.2.2. simMechanics Model of Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

3.2.2 Modelling of Hydraulic System

The hydraulic circuit for the displacement controlled skid steer loader is shown below in
Figure 3.2.3. The Lift (10) and tilt (11) cylinders are actuated by variable displacement

axial piston pumps (3 and 4 respectively). In order to hold the cylinders in a given position,
on-off valves (10) and (13) are used. Pilot operated check valves (6,7,8,9) shown in circuit
account for differential flow rate in a single rod cylinder. The low pressure system consists
of a gerotor pump (5) and a low pressure accumulator (18). The accumulator allows the
use of a smaller charge pump to compensate for losses in the system. A list of significant
components in the hydraulic circuit is given below in the Table 3.2.1. Modelling approach
of those components which are new in this system and not discussed in the previous
sections would be discussed in detail further.

Table 3.2.1: Hydraulic Components for Displacement Control Circuit.

1 53.5 kW Prime mover (Diesel Engine)
2 Gearbox (ratio 1.25:1)
3 46 cc axial piston servo pump ( Lift cylinder circuit)
4 46 cc axial piston servo pump (Tilt cylinder circuit)
5 19.7 cc gerotor charge pump
6,7,8,9 Pilot-operated check valves
10 Lift cylinder
11 Tilt cylinder
12,13 Cylinder holding valves
14,15 43 cc axial piston manually operated pump
16,17 820 cc radial piston motors (Drive wheels)
18 Piston type hydro-pneumatic accumulator
Figure 3.2.3. Hydraulic Circuit for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader.


3.2.3 Pilot Operated Check Valve Model

In order to compensate for the differential flow in a single rod cylinder, pilot operated
check valves are introduced in the circuit to ensure that the line opposite to the current high
pressure line is connected to a low pressure net that is able to both absorb and provide flow.
Since the mass of moving parts in the valve (spool and poppet) is very small, the valve
dynamics can be assumed to be faster than rest of the hydraulic system and instantaneous
valve operation is assumed.

Figure 3.2.4. Pilot Operated Check Valve.

Pilot operated check valves have two modes of operation—normal and piloted. In either of
the valve’s two operating modes, the flow through the valve is calculated by the orifice
flow equation as shown below.

Qc   Dc  πd c yc   sign  p 
p (11)

In order to calculate the poppet displacement yc, for the normal operation, that is from (2)
to (3), a force balance equation for the poppet is given by

Ac  plp  p2    Fk 0  kyc   0 (12)

yc   Ac  plp  p2   Fk 0 
Where Fk0 is the spring cracking force and k is the spring rate that holds the poppet to its
seat. For the piloted operation, from (3) to (2), in addition to the force balance in Equation
(13), the pilot pressure on the spool must also be considered. In this case the poppet
position is given by

Asp  p1  plp   Ac  plp  p2    Fk 0  kyc   0 (14)

yc   Asp  p1  plp   Ac  plp  p2   Fk 0 


3.2.4 Pump Model

The positive displacement swash plate type axial piston pumps used to actuate the boom
and bucket cylinder are controlled using an electrohydraulic control system. The pump
requires a user input, through a joystick, that commands a displacement of the boom or
bucket cylinder. This is accomplished using the electrohydraulic swash plate control. The
electrohydraulic pump control system is comprised of a servovalve, cylinder, and a
controller seen in Figure 3.2.5. The controller creates a command using input from the
driver joystick, and a position feedback signal from the swash plate position sensor. The
overall bandwidth of the servo pump is usually governed by the valve dynamics and not
by the swash plate. The operating frequency of a single-stage valve is driven by the fluid
flow forces and the large size of electric actuator to overcome these forces. On the other
hand the inertia of the pump swash plate assembly is comparatively less, resulting in higher
natural frequencies. Thus for this study, the swash plate dynamics are neglected and only
the dominant valve dynamics are modeled.

Figure 3.2.5. Servo Pump Control Scheme.


The valve dynamics was modeled using a 2nd order linear system, as in the following
equation. The volumetric flow rate through the valve is calculated with the static flow gain
Cy. In both equations, ysv represents the position of the valve spool and usv is the input

ysv  2dsvsv ysv  sv2 ysv  ksvsv2usv (16)

Q SV  C y  y sv (17)

Positive displacement axial piston machines are inherently non-linear in terms of efficiency.
The efficiency of the unit is a function of three critical parameter - the speed of the unit,
displacement of the unit, and the pressure difference across the unit. The pump losses are
integrated in the model based on the four-quadrant unit operation. Hydraulic units are
capable of operating in four distinct quadrants of operation (assuming that the direction of
rotation of the unit does not change since the engine output haft is running only in one
direction) defined by specific combinations of location of high pressure port (A or B), and
swashplate position (nominal or over center).

pA , Q A Q, 

II. I.
n Motoring Pumping


Pumping Motoring
p B, Q B

Figure 3.2.6. Pump Four Quadrant Operation.

In order to accurately model a pump an empirical loss model obtained from steady state
measurements conducted for a similar unit, is scaled to an appropriate size and integrated
in the model based on the four quadrant operation. For this model, to estimate the
volumetric flow losses and torque losses, the loss models available for a 75 cc pump were
scaled to the size of the existing units in the skid steer loader. This was done assuming

constant pressure and sliding velocity for all pump sizes. The following scaling laws were
Vi   3Vi , ref
n   1nref
T   3Tref (18)

Q   2Qref Baseline Actuator Controller

For both the boom and bucket pump, a simple feed-forward controller was used to translate
the joystick commands into swashplate angle commands. A position feedback from the
swash plate angle sensor was used to track the command. As the actuator reaches the end
of the stroke, the lookup table outputs a scaling factor to de-stroke the hydraulic unit to
avoid slamming of cylinder piston in end stops. A pressure feedback compensator was
added to the boom system controller to eliminate pressure fluctuations in the system. This
was done by passing the differential pressure through a band-pass filter and then
normalizing it to the maximum system pressure. The block diagram for the baseline
actuator controller is shown in Figure 3.2.7

Figure 3.2.7. Feedforward Baseline Actuator Controller.

3.2.5 Low Pressure System

The low pressure system makes up for the system losses, differential area of hydraulic
cylinder and supplies flow to swash plate control system. To model the low pressure system,
the following pressure build-up equation is used:

 Q1  Qs1   QSV   Qc  Qr 
p lp  (19)
where Q1 is the theoretical flow from the low pressure pump, Qs1 are the volumetric pump
losses, Qr is the flow going over the low pressure relief valve and CHLP is the hydraulic
capacitance which can be defined as
V V V p n
CHLP  LP  CHaccu  LP  0 0n1 (20)
N  plp n
where Vo is the accumulator gas volume, N is the assumed ideal gas polytrophic exponent,
N = 1.25, and po is the accumulator pre-charge.

3.2.6 Drive Motor Model Hydraulic radial Piston Motor Architecture
The current hydraulic architecture concerning the skid steer loader drive system
encompasses radial piston hydraulic motors, one on each side of the loader. The two wheels
on each side of the loader are driven by one motor and a chain drive. This radial piston
motor may operate in two different modes - A high displacement mode for high torque
applications and a low displacement mode for high speed applications. In order to achieve
the two speed operation, set of valves integrated in the motor will be actuated to direct
hydraulic fluid only to one half of the motor displacement chamber (pistons that are always
active) while continuously re-circulating the fluid in the other half of the displacement
chamber (pistons that can be deactivated). For illustration purposes, Figure 3.2.8 shows a
cross-sectional view of the hydraulic motor.

Figure 3.2.8. Radial piston Motor Cross Section.


Figure 3.2.9 shows the hydraulic circuit of the two-speed radial piston motor. The
recirculation of half of the motor displacement chamber is achieved through the use of a
set of valves. Valve 1 is the speed shift valve and valve 2 is the lubrication valve. In its
default position (when no pressure is provided to port X), a spring pushes the spool within
valve 1 to connect port A2 and B2 to port A and B respectively. At this time all the pistons
are active. When port X is provided with low pressure, Valve 1 connects ports A2 and B2,
deactivating these pistons. Valve 2 supplies the deactivated pistons in the motor with low
pressure for lubrication purposes. Valve 1 starts moving out of its default position at a pilot
signal of 12 bar while the lubricating valve 2 moves out of its default position at 15 bar
pilot pressure.

Figure 3.2.9. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Hydraulic Circuit.

No information regarding the control notch data of valve 2 was available. Also, valve 2 is
not responsible for the actual speed shift. Hence it was a fair assumption to neglect valve
2 in modelling the motor. The simplified hydraulic circuit of the motor after this
assumption is shown in Figure 3.2.10.

Figure 3.2.10. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Assumption.

The modeling approach for the radial piston two speed motor is shown below in Figure
3.2.11. The approach used to model this motor was considering the two speed motor as 2
different motors.
Motor 1 - which consists of the pistons which can recirculate hence considered as a variable
displacement motor
Motor 2 – which consists of the pistons that are never deactivated hence considered as a
fixed displacement motor.

Figure 3.2.11. Two Speed Radial Piston Motor Modeling Approach.

Flow Calculations for the radial piston motor are given below
Q p1  Q th  Q sp (21)

Qm1_1  uVm1nwheel (22)

Qm 2 _1  Q p1  Qm1_1 (23)

Q p 2  Qth (24)

Qm1_ 2  Qm1_ 1  Qsm1 (25)


Qm 2 _ 2  Qm 2 _1  Qsm2 (26)

where Qth is the theoretical pump flow and Qsp are the pump losses. Qsm1 and Qsm2 are the

volumetric losses of the motors, u is the command to variable displacement motor with
volumetric displacement Vm1 and nwheel is the wheel speed. Torque calculations for radial
piston motor are given below. The output torque from the motor is sum of torques from
both the motors.
uVm1 p
Tm1  (27)

Tm2  (28)
Tout  Tm1  Tm2 (29)

Where p is the pressure differential across the motors.

3.2.7 Vehicle Dynamics

Force balance between applied and resistive torques gives a resulting propulsion force for
the skid steer loader in the x direction as follows.
F x  F xr  F xf  F g  FD  Frr  Frf (30)

Where the aerodynamic drag , rolling resistance, and grading force are resistive forces and
Fxr and Fxf are the resulting forces from the torque supplied from the engine. Figure 3.2.12
shows a free body diagram of the skid steer loader.

Figure 3.2.12. Skid Steer Loader Free Body Diagram.

Fg is the force due to the vehicle wight and is given by

Fg  Wsin (31)

The rolling resistance on the front axle is combined with the rolling resistance of
the rear axle, thus the total rolling resistance is:
Fr  Frr  Frf  C r Wcos (32)

Where Cr is the coeficient of rolling resistance. The aerodynamic drag, FD, is given by:
FD  A f C d (33)

Where Af is the frontal area and Cd is the coeficient of aerodynamic drag. The aerodynamic
drag is very low at slow speeds at which the skid steer loader will be travelling and hence
can be neglected.

3.3 Linear Model

A lot of tools and techniques have been developed for controlling linear systems, so it is
obvious to focus on linear methods for solving a control problem. Making simple
assumptions, a nonlinear system can be converted to a linear system. This linear model will
further be used to develop vibration damping controller. To develop a linear model, it is

crucial to derive equations for both mechanical and hydraulic parts of the loader. The
mechanical system of the loader consists of three main parts: the chassis, the boom, and
the wheels. In order to develop a mathematical model for the skid steer loader, Newton’s
second law of motion was used, which states that the sum of forces acting on an object is
equal to zero. Equations of motion for the system were derived through the use of free body
diagrams. Gravity is ignored in this analysis since the zero position is taken to be the one
where system is in equilibrium with gravity. In order to analyze the machine kinematics, it
is necessary to define a global coordinate system for the entire machine and also local
coordinate systems for different mechanical linkages. Figure 3.3.1 shows the reference
geometry for the skid steer loader.

Figure 3.3.1. Skid SteerLoader Geometry and Reference Points.

The global coordinate system which acts as an absolute reference frame is defined at point
O. Point O represents the the loader’s center of mass at equilibrium. The global coordinate
system is fixed in space and acts as a reference to define local coordinate systems. The
orientations of different linkages differ from the predefined global systems and hence
kinematics and dynamics of different bodies will be calculated using local coordinates.

3.3.1 Wheel Terrain Interaction

Figure 3.3.2. Two Degrees of Freedom Tire Model.

Wheels of the skid steer directly interact with the road disturbance and transmit the
vibrations to the loader. The purpose of the wheel model in this study is to analyze the
dynamics transmitted to the axle due to the road disturbance. Keeping this in mind, the
wheels have been modeled using pitch plane model for a vehicle as shown in Figure 3.3.3.
Each road wheel is represented by a radial spring damper model. Motion is allowed only
in the x-y plane. Right and left wheel stiffness are combined to form the axle’s equivalent

Figure 3.3.3. Two Axle Pitch-plane Model for Tire Terrain Interaction.

Displacement of the axle due to road disturbance is given by:

yA  y  rAx  ydist (34)

xA  x  rAy  xdist (35)

By Hooks law, force on each axle is given by:


FyA  kty yA  cty y A (36)

FxA ktx xA ctx xA (37)

3.3.2 Chassis Kinematics and Dynamics

To analyze the motion of the loader chassis, it is necessary to obtain a free body diagram
of chassis to consider all the forces acting at different joints along with the external
disturbance. The tire forces act on the chassis at points A and B. Hydraulic actuator exerts
a force at point C and the boom mass acts at point D as shown in Figure 3.3.4.

Figure 3.3.4. Forces Acting on Chassis.

Point H represents the center of mass of the chassis. The angle θ1 is the pitching motion
about the z-axis at point H. Summing all the forces and moments about the center of mass
of chassis, the equations of motion for the chassis can be written as shown below:

m1xH  FAx  FBx  FCx  FD12x  Fdx (38)

m1yH  FAy  FBy  FCy  FD12y  Fdy (39)

J11  FAx rAHy  FAy rAHx  FBx rBHy  FBy rBHx  FCx rCHy
 FCy rCHx  FD12x rDHy  FD12y rDHx  M d

3.3.3 Boom Kinematics and Dynamics

The next subsystem to be analyzed is the boom of the loader as shown in Figure 3.3.5. The
boom and bucket together is assumed to be a rigid body for this analysis. The center of
mass of the boom bucket assembly is indicated by point G which is estimated from the
loader CAD model. The angle θ2 is the pitching of boom-bucket assembly about the z-axis
at point G.

Figure 3.3.5. Forces Acting on Boom.

Summing all the forces and moments and applying the Newton’s second law about point
G, the equations of motion for the boom can be written as shown below:

m2xG  FD12x  FEx (41)

m2 yG  FD12y  FEy (42)

J 22  FD12x rDGy  FD12y rDGx  FEx rEGy  FEy rEGx (43)

3.3.4 Forces on Boom Cylinder

Now that both rigid bodies are modeled the hydraulic cylinder that connects the two needs
to be modeled. Figure 3.3.6 shows the forces acting on a cylinder.

Figure 3.3.6. Forces acting on Boom Cylinder.

The pressure differential in the hydraulic cylinder generates actuator force Fcyl which acts
at points C and E. The equations for the cylinder are as follows:

Fcyl cos   FEx  FCx (44)

Fcyl sin   FEy  FCy (45)

3.3.5 Cylinder Linear Model

To improve the cylinder force tracking, the two DOF boom cylinder motion was simplified
into a linear motion. Linear equations describing the lift cylinders can be obtained from a
free body diagram of the cylinder, shown in Figure 3.3.7.

Figure 3.3.7. Cylinder Linear Model.

The net force acting on the cylinder and the pressure build-up equations that describe the
rate of change of pressure in the actuator are given below:
Fnet  Ap ( pA   pB )  Ff  Fload (46)

p A  QA  Ap xcyl  kL ( p A  pB ) 
CH A 
1 (47)
p B   QB   Ap xcyl  kL ( p A  pB ) 
CH B 
Where CHA and CHB are the hydraulic capacitance for the cylinder volume as given below
CH A  CH B   CHaccu (48)
Koil Koil
The pressure buildup equations can be linearized by taking the volumes VA and VB to be
constant at xcyl = H/2. The capacitance CHaccu of an accumulator with volume V0 and pre-
charge pressure p0, is given by

V0 p0 n

CHaccu  n 1 (49)
nplp n

The cylinder pressures pA and pB are combined into a single differential pressure as shown
p D  p A   p B (50)

p D 
 QA  AA xcyl  k L ( pA  pB )  

 QB  AB xcyl  kL ( pA  pB )
 Q  Q   AA xcyl  AB xcyl   1  
  A  B        kL ( pA  pB )
 C H C H   CH CH B
 A B   A   CH A CH B 

QA is the flow going into the A-side of the cylinder. Similarly, QB is the flow leaving the
B-side of the cylinder. A reasonable approximation QB = αQA can be considered.
Combining capacitances for side A and B, pressure differential can be written as:

 1 2 

CHR   
 CH CH  (52)
 A B 

 1  

CHr    
 CH CH  (53)
 A B 

QA AA xcyl kL ( pA  pB ) kLQA
p D     (1  )
 1 kL (1   )  AA xcyl kL pD (54)
 QA    
 HR CHr  C HR CHr
The quantity kL(pA – pB) is simplified to kL pD for ease of analysis. The actuator linear
velocity can be related to angular velocity of boom using following equations

xcyl  

w h ere   2  1 (56)

Upon plotting the cylinder extension xcyl against  , the ratio is found to be relatively

constant for the example of a boom on a skid steer loader.

3.3.6 Vector Loop Equation

Now that the boom, chassis and hydraulic cylinder kinematics have been modeled
separately, a closed position vector loop equation is written as shown below to analyze the
interaction between the boom and chassis. As shown in Figure 3.3.8, O is the origin of
global coordinate system which is fixed in the space. The point H represents the center of
mass of the loader and while the point G represents center of mass of boom and bucket in
the local coordinate system which are free to move. Taking time derivative twice of the
vector loop equation results in acceleration analysis between the boom and chassis

Figure 3.3.8. Position Vector Loop.

rDH  rHO  rGO  rDG

   

xG   rDH cos  DH  1  12  rDH sin  DH  1  1

 r cos      2  r sin       
DG DH 2 2 DG DG 2 x 2 H

yG  rDH sin  DH  1  12  rDH cos  DH  1  1

 r sin      2  r cos       
DG DG 2 2 DG DG 2y 2 H

The differential equations derived in this section will be used to formulate a state space
representation of the system.

3.3.7 State Space Equations

The differential equations that represent the loader system are summarized below:

xH  m2xG  FAx  FBx

m1 (60)

yH  m2 
m1 yG  FAy  FBy (61)

rDHy m2  yG  J11  FAx rAHy  FAy rAHx

xG  rDHx m2 
FBx rBHy  FBy rBHx  FEx  rCHy  rDHy   FEy  rCHx  rDHx 

rDGy m 2  yG  J 22  FEx  rDGy  rEGy   FEy  rDGx  rEGx 

xG  rDGx m2  (63)

 1 k (1   )  AA xcyl kL pD
p D  QA   L   (64)
To solve this system of equations, the model is put into a more useful mathematical
representation such as state space. The state space representation of this linear system with
nine states and one input which is the pump flow rate QA is given below:

x  Ax  B u
y  Cx  D u

x  xH xH yH yH 1 1 2 2 p 

3.3.8 Equation of Motion for Track Skid Steer Loader

Similarly, equations of motion were written down for the chassis, boom and tracks of the
tracked skid steer loader and a state space representation of the system was obtained. The
free body diagrams for the chassis, boom and tracks are shown below in Figure 3.3.9,
Figure 3.3.10 and Figure 3.3.11 respectively.

Figure 3.3.9. Forces acting on Chassis – Track Skid Steer Loader.


Figure 3.3.10. Forces acting on Boom – Track Skid Steer Loader.

Figure 3.3.11. Pitch-plane Model for Tracks.



In this chapter, the machine setup and implementation is discussed. In order to validate the
simulation model and implement control strategies, sensors and Data Acquisition System
have been implemented on the displacement controlled skid steer loader at Maha Fluid
Power Lab. Details of all the sensors implemented on the machine and the Data Acquisition
System are provided.

4.1 Skid Steer Loader Measurement Setup

For the implementation of the ideas in this thesis, the hydraulic circuit in Figure 3.2.3. with
displacement control was realized in the skid steer loader as shown in Figure 4.1.1. The
skid steer loader has been equipped with sensors and a National Instruments DAQ and
control device as shown in Figure 4.1.2. A list of the sensors installed and control devices
is given in Table 4.1.1 and Table 4.1.2 respectively. All the sensors were calibrated to
obtain a relationship between sensor electrical signal and actual quantity being measured.

Figure 4.1.1. Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader Measurement Setup.


Table 4.1.1: Skid Steer Loader Sensor Information.

Sensor Measurement Range Output Accuracy
Parker IQAN 0.5 – 4.5
Cylinder pressure 0 – 500 bar +/- 4%
Rotary Hall effect
0.5 – 4.5
Parker RS52 Cylinder position 0 – 90° +/- 3%
Tri axial Seat Pad 2.8 - 4.5
PCB 356B41 +/- 10g +/- 10%
Acceleometer VDC
Analog Devices Tri Axial 0.42 – 2.58
+/- 3g +/- 1%
ADXL335 Accelerometer VDC
Wabash Hall Effect Pump
0.5 - 4.5
Technologies 852 Displacement 0 – 110° +/- 3%
NCRPS Sensor

Table 4.1.2: Skid Steer Loader DAQ and Control Information.

Instrument Function Specifications
800 MHz processor
cRIO 9024 Control 4 GB nonvolatile storage
512 MB DDR2 memory
8-slot reconfig. embedded chassis
cRIO-9112 I/O interface
Xilinx Virtex-5 I/O FPGA core
32-single-ended-Channel module
NI 9205 Analog Input programmable input ranges
250 kSamples/s
4-Channel module
NI 9263 Analog Output ±10 V
100 kSamples/s
8-Channel module
NI 9472 Digital Output 6 – 30 VDC sourcing digital output
100 μs max output delay time
4-Channel module
±5 V
NI 9234 Analog Input
51.2 kSamples/s/ch

The position of the sensors on the machine is shown in Figure 4.1.2. below:
Figure 4.1.2. Skid Steer Loader System Data Acquisition and Control.



This chapter discusses the validation of simulation results with actual machine
measurements. Before developing control strategies for the skid steer loader, it is important
to verify and validate the simulation results with actual machine. Simulation models have
approximations and their verification and validation is an iterative process wherein the
model parameters were tuned until required accuracy was attained.

5.1 Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader Simulation Model Validation

This was a company sonsored project and the sponsors did not provide the exact baseline
data for the previously mentioned hydraulic circuit in section 3.1.2. Instead the data given
was for a similar system with a different valve control notch data. However this was the
only data available for validating the simulation results. The simulation results and baseline
measurements for the implement portion of valve controlled skid steer loader are given
below. The figures on left are simulation results and that on right are baseline
measurements provided by the project sponsors.

Figure 5.1.1. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Signal -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.2. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader -Boom Stroke -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.3. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder
Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.4. Boom System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Boom Flow -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

The simulation results for bucket cylinder dump cycle are shown below. The figures on
left are simulation results and that on right are baseline measurements provided by the
project sponsors.

Figure 5.1.5. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Signal -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.6. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Stroke -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.7. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Cylinder
Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.1.8. Bucket System Validation for Valve Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Flow -
Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

The baseline signal to the cylinder is an operator commanded joystick signal. It is difficult
to replicate exact same joystick signal in simulations. Also the position sensor for the
cylinders in baseline data provided by the sponsor were not accurately calibrated. This
explains the few discrepencies in the simulation results. Apart from this, the above graphs
show similar trend in the simulation results as in the baseline data provided by the sponsor.

5.2 Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader Simulation Model Validation

A joystick signal given to the boom cylinder is shown in Figure 5.2.1. for ‘boom up’ cycle.
The same signal was given to the machine for baseline measurements and in simulation.

Figure 5.2.1. Boom JoyStick Command.


The simulation results and baseline measurements for the implement portion of
displacement controlled skid steer loader are given below. The figures on left are
simulation results and that on right are baseline measurements for boom cylinder

Figure 5.2.2. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Stroke - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.2.3. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Cylinder Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.2.4. Boom System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Boom Pump Command - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

A joystick signal given to the bucket cylinder to retract the bucket as shown in Figure 5.2.5
for ‘bucket up’ cycle. The same signal was given to both the machine for baseline
measurements and in simulation.

Figure 5.2.5. Bucket Joystick Command.

The figures on left are simulation results and that on right are baseline measurements for
bucket cylinder

Figure 5.2.6. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket Stroke - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.2.7. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket System Pressure - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

Figure 5.2.8. Bucket System Validation for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader -
Bucket Pump Command - Simulation Results and Baseline Measurement.

As seen in the results above for both boom and bucket, the simulation and measurements
match closely. It is important to note that the actual machine is equipped with cylinder
holding valves in between the pump and cylinder. When there is no joystick signal, the
pump displacement goes to zero and the cylinder holding valve holds the cylinder in place.
The pressure sensors on the machine are between the pump and holding valves. The
pressure recorded in the measurement data is pump pressure and not the cylinder pressure.
The holding valves will hold the pressure in the cylinder lines to maintain the cylinder
position. In simulations, these holding valves were not modelled and the pressure shown is
the cylinder pressure and not the pump pressure. The pressure during the actual joystick
signal for simulated and measurement results matches closely as seen in Figure 5.2.3 and
Figure 5.2.7. The model is thus validated and can further be used for simulating control


This chapter discusses various control strategies for the research objectives discussed in
previous sections. The control principles will be discussed in detail along with the
simulation results.
6.1 Vibration Damping
6.1.1 Valve Controlled Track Skid Steer Loader Skyhook Damping Control Principle
The skyhook principle states that vibrations of the vehicle body will be minimized if the
active suspension element, which in our case is the hydraulic cylinder, tries to emulate a
damper connecting the vehicle body to an imaginary point on a reference frame as shown
in Figure 6.1.1. Skyhook Damping works by controlling the actuator pressure/force with
respect to the velocity of the vehicle body.

u  Fact  czc (67)

Figure 6.1.1. Skyhook Damping Method (Lee, 2010).

The Figure 6.1.2 explains the control strategy for skyhook vibration damping.

Figure 6.1.2. Skyhook Damping Control Law.

There are total of two cascaded loops. The outermost loop is velocity feedback. The
velocity feedback is semi integrated from accelerations measured at the center of gravity
of the loader. The velocity control yields the desired pressure, or the “skyhook” force. The
control input u= Kfb y represents the desired skyhook force based on velocity in x, y and θ
direction. However only taking velocity feedback did not give good simulation results for
the vibration damping controller. Hence the gains were manually tuned. The skyhook force
pAref is simply tracked using a proportional controller, which gives the desired control valve
command. Road Disturbance for Tracked Skid Steer Loader

In order to see how the loader behaves when it is subjected to an external disturbance, it is
necessary to simulate the road disturbance. Figure 6.1.3 shows the location of CG of the
loader and the 4 road wheels (A, I, J, K in front of the CG and 2 road wheels (B and L)
behind the CG.

Figure 6.1.3. Road Wheels with respect to CG.

Due to the tracks, when the loader sees a bump, it will keep on climbing up the bump till
the loader CG reaches the bump. Once the CG moves past the bump, the loader will tip
down. The Figure 6.1.4 shows how each road wheel behaves when the loader is moving
over a bump of 0.05 m height at 6.8 kmph travel speed.

Figure 6.1.4. Road Disturbance for Each Wheel for Track Skid Steer Loader.

To calculate the reduction in vibrations, the area under the acceleration transients curve
with and without control was used as shown in Figure 6.1.5 and Figure 6.1.6 below:

Figure 6.1.5. Chassis Acceleration without Figure 6.1.6. Chassis Acceleration with
Controller. Controller.

The reduction in vibration was calculated using the equation below:

 Areawithout control  Areawith control 

% Reduction in vibrations    x100 (68)
 Area without control  Simulation Results

Once the controller was ready, road disturbance was applied and the model was simulated
with and without the control action. For an empty bucket and loader travelling at average
speed the simulation results are as shown below. The controller performs well with 20%
reduction in pitch acceleration (Figure 6.1.7). As shown in (Figure 6.1.9) , large pressure
damping is observed in the cylinder due to the controller action as against the high pressure
peaks in the cylinder in absence of a controller. The large pressure damping does not
translate into high vibration damping due to the inherent rigid behavior of the tracks. The
(Figure 6.1.10) shows the control effort of the boom control valve in order to damp the

Figure 6.1.7. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve
Skid Steer Loader - Chassis pitch acceleration.

Figure 6.1.8. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve
Skid Steer Loader - Chassis Vertical Acceleration.

Figure 6.1.9. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve
Skid Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder Pressure.

Figure 6.1.10. Simulation Results for Skyhook Vibration Damping Controller – Valve
Skid Steer Loader - Boom Direction Control Valve Command.

6.1.2 Displacement Controlled Wheel Skid Steer Loader Linear Quadratic Regulator
In section 3.3. the linear model of the skid steer loader was derived. Since this dynamic
system is linear and the cost function is quadratic, we obtain the linear quadratic optimal
control problem (LQR). The LQR algorithm is an automated way of finding an appropriate
state-feedback controller. All the plant states explained in section 3.3. are available for
feedback. Therefore, there is no need for an observer.
The LQR problem can be solved at each time step for a time-varying optimal control or
once for the steady state (the “infinite horizon” solution). The latter was selected as the
former case will be computationally expensive. We have a Linear time invariant system
described by Dynamics matrix A, Input Matrix B and Output matrix C
x  Ax  B u
y  Cx  D u
The cost (function) is defined as a sum of the deviations of key parameters from their
desired values. The LQR algorithm finds those controller settings that minimize the
undesired deviations, like vibrations in this case. The cost function is defined as

J   ( xT Qx  uT Ru)dt (70)

In this formulation, Q ≥ 0 penalizes state error, R > 0 penalizes the input. Q and R are
called the weighting factors. The optimal control theory is used to design a feedback law

that minimizes the value of the cost and stabilizes a given equilibrium point. The feedback
law is given below:
u   kx (71)
Where k is given by

k  R1(BT P  NT ) (72)
and P is found by solving the continuous time algebraic Riccati equation

AT P  PA (PB  N)R1(BT P  NT )  Q  0 (73)

The LQR algorithm takes care of the tedious work of optimizing the controller. However,
the weighting factors need to be specified to attain the specified design goals. The
controller synthesis thus still remains an iterative process where there is some judgment
involved to adjust the weighting factors to produced optimal results. Choosing LQR
weights is one of the key questions in LQR design.
 q1   1 
 .   . 
   
Q .  R .  (74)
   
 .   . 
 q n    n 

Choosing the individual weights for the (diagonal) elements of the Q and R matrix can be
done by deciding on weighting of the errors from the individual terms. The following
method was used for choosing the matrices Q and R which are used to tune the weights
(Bryson et al., 1975), (Murray, 2009):
1. Choose qi and ρj as the inverse of the square of the maximum value for the corresponding
xi or uj
2. Modify the elements to obtain a compromise among response time, damping and control
effort. This second step can be performed by trial and error.
This method was used to find out the weighting matrices. The Matlab function lqr() solves
all the equations mentioned above and returns the corresponding feedback matrix k. The
control law for vibration damping is given below:

Figure 6.1.11. Vibration Damping Control Law for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer
Loader. Road Disturbance for wheel Skid Steer Loader

In case of a wheeled skid steer loader, unlike the track skid steer loader, the bump will be
experienced only 2 times, once by the front wheel and then by rear wheels. The road
disturbance input to the wheel loader at average speed is shown in Figure 6.1.12.

Figure 6.1.12. Road Disturbance for Wheel Skid Steer Loader. Simulation results for wheel Skid Steer Loader

Once the controller was ready, road disturbance was applied and the model was simulated
with and without the control action. For an empty bucket and loader travelling at average
speed the simulation results are as shown below. The controller performs well with 26%
reduction in pitch acceleration (Figure 6.1.13).

Figure 6.1.13. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Chassis Pitch Acceleration.

Figure 6.1.14. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Chassis Vertical Acceleration.

Figure 6.1.15. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Boom Cylinder Pressure.

Figure 6.1.16. Simulation Results for Vibration Damping Controller – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Boom Pump Command.

6.2 Bucket Self Levelling Function

6.2.1 Valve Controlled Track Skid Steer Loader Problem Definition for Bucket Self Levelling Function
Along with vibrations, the machine productivity is also hampered by material spillage
which is caused by the tilting of the bucket due to the extension or retraction of the boom.
The requirement is that the controller maintains the bucket horizontal at every boom
position so that it does not spill its contents.

Figure 6.2.1. Bucket tilting Without Figure 6.2.2. Horizontal Bucket after
Control Action. Control Action.
For illustration purposes, and Figure 6.2.1 and Figure 6.2.2 show the current issue of bucket
tilting and the corrective action the controller needs to take respectively. Bucket self
levelling function will allow to reorient the bucket to maintain a level load whether lifting
or lowering the boom so that no material falls off. Control Strategy for Bucket Self Levelling Function

Figure 6.2.3 shows the location of angle sensors and Figure 6.2.4 shows the coordinate
system for the loader bucket. The bucket rotates only about Z-axis in the XY plane. The
rotation of bucket about X-axis and Y-axis is zero. As the boom extends, the bucket tilts
about Z-axis.

Figure 6.2.3. Angle sensor positions. Figure 6.2.4. Bucket coordinate system.

In order to achieve the bucket self levelling function, for any boom position, the bucket

angle ϕ with respect to global coordinate system has to be zero for the bucket to remain
horizontal. Thus for any boom position, it is necessary to find out the reference bucket
angle of rotation with respect to local coordinate system in order to have ϕ = 0. The rotation
matrix in simMechanics was used to create this lookup table of boom cylinder angle and
corresponding reference bucket angle (with respect to local coordinate system).

cos cos   cos  sin  sin  

R * *  sin  cos  
 * *  sin  cos  

since   0 (75)
cos   1
  sin 1 ( R12 )
For any Boom angle, the bucket reference angle was found out such that the value of ϕ
from the above equation obtained from the rotation matrix is zero. Figure 6.2.5 shows the
graph of boom angle Vs Reference bucket angle that is used in the path-planning algorithm.

Figure 6.2.5. Bucket Reference Angle. Control Scheme

The controller is based on a robust path-planning algorithm with three cascaded loops. The
outermost loop is mixture of boom angular position and ground inclination feedback.

Figure 6.2.6. Bucket Self Leveling Control Law – Valve Controlled Skid Steer Loader.

Only considering the feedback from boom angular position will give a bucket reference
angle to make the bucket parallel to the ground. However, this will not suffice when the
loader is on an inclined plane. Thus along with the boom angular position, the road
inclination is essential since the bucket needs to be horizontal with respect to the global co-
ordinate system.

Figure 6.2.7. Accelerometer to Measure Inclination.

An Accelerometer can act as an inclination sensor. As seen Figure 6.2.7 the projection of
the gravity vector on the x-axis of accelerometer produces an output acceleration equal to
the sine of the angle between the accelerometer x-axis and the horizon where the horizon
is taken to be the plane orthogonal to the gravity vector. The equation to obtain the
inclination angle is as shown below:

AX ,out [g]  1g sin   (76)

The θboom and θinclination feedback is the input to the path planning lookup table, which gives
a corresponding valve of θbucket_reference for every value of boom angle and inclination. The

error in desired and actual bucket angle is calculated by comparing θbucket_reference with the
actual bucket angle θbucket_actual, which is fedback from the bucket angular position sensor.
Whether the bucket self levelling function will be active or not is decided by the operator
via a push button. If the operator does not actuate the push button, the bucket self levelling
function is bypassed and the bucket is controlled manually using the joystick. This feature
will allow the operator to adjust the bucket position in case of any obstacle where the self
levelling function might not orient the bucket appropriately. Thus, the control loop is closed
on the operator. When the operator actuates the push button, the θbucket_reference is tracked
using a PI controller with anti windup. The anti-windup uses a feedback loop to discharge
the PI Controller's internal integrator when the controller hits specified saturation limits.
The inner most feedback loop consists of pressure feedback from bucket cylinder. This
makes the controller robust against the boom oscillations induced in the bucket. The PI
controller and pressure feedback together give the command to the control valve to track
the reference bucket position. Simulation Results

The simulation results are shown below for no road inclination and empty bucket. The
boom was given signal to extend completely, stay in the extended position for a few
seconds and then retract. The signal given to the boom cylinder was at the fastest rate as
given in the baseline data provided by the sponsors. With the control strategy applied in
simulations, the bucket reference angle was tracked accurately as seen in Figure 6.2.9. As
seen in Figure 6.2.10 the maximum error in the reference and controlled bucket angle is
not more than ± 3 °. Figure 6.2.11 shows the control action of the bucket valve in order to
track the reference bucket angle. Due to the dead band compensation in the controller, the
bucket command is not zero even when the boom has no command.

Figure 6.2.8. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Boom Angle.

Figure 6.2.9. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Bucket Angle.

Figure 6.2.10. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Error in Tracking.

Figure 6.2.11. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Valve Controlled Skid
Steer Loader - Control Valve Command.

6.2.2 Displacement Controlled Wheeled Skid Steer Loader Control Strategy for Bucket Self Levelling Function
A similar control principle was applied for the displacement controlled wheel skid steer
loader. Due to the different kinematics of this machine and different location of angle
sensors, the reference bucket angle was the same magnitude by which the boom rotates but
in an opposite direction. Along with the boom angle, the road inclination was also taken
into account. Figure 6.2.12. shows the location of angle sensors and Figure 6.2.13 shows
the coordinate system for the loader bucket.

Figure 6.2.12. Angle Sensor Positions. Figure 6.2.13. Bucket Coordinate System.

The control law used for the bucket self levelling is as shown below in Figure 6.2.14:

Figure 6.2.14. Bucket Self Leveling Control Law – Displacement Controlled Skid Steer

The boom angle sensor and inclination are added and this forms the reference angle for
bucket. A PI controller acts on the error between reference and actual angle and commands
the bucket pump to reorient the bucket. Simulation Results

The simulation results for the controller are as shown below:

Figure 6.2.15. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Boom Angle.

Figure 6.2.16. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Bucket Angle.

Figure 6.2.17. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Error in Tracking.

Figure 6.2.18. Bucket Self Leveling Control Simulation Results – Displacement

Controlled Skid Steer Loader - Pump Command.

The simulation results show that the controller tracks the reference angle quite accurately
with the error in tracking being around ± 2 °.

6.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift

In mobile applications where vehicles are required to operate at high speed when carrying
loads in between worksites and a low speed during actual working cycles. This is achieved
by operating an integrated valve which directs hydraulic fluid to only one half of the motor
while continuously re-circulating the fluid in the other half as explained in section
This “reduced displacement” mode reduces the flow required for a given speed and gives
the potential for cost and efficiency improvements. To achieve smooth and jerk free speed
variation, the need arises to achieve a smooth speed shift between these two modes to aid
productivity by reducing in-job cycle time.

6.3.1 Problem with Existing Motor Two Speed Control

In the current system, the shift between high and low displacement can only be done
discretely. This introduces pressure pulsation in the motor and smooth shift between two
motor speeds cannot be achieved while the vehicle is moving. The objective of the
controller proposed in is to achieve smooth shifting of the radial piston motor under various
constant loads, not in discrete steps but at different rates without stopping the vehicle.

6.3.2 Proposed Solution for Two Speed Smooth Shift

The shifting between the two speeds of the motor is achieved by activating or deactivating
valve 1 shown in Figure 6.3.2. In order to smooth shift the motor, it is necessary to shift
the valve 1 gradually and not discretely. In order to control the rate of the speed shift, the
control notch data of the valve 1 was studied. The control notch data for the valve 1 is
shown in the Figure 6.3.1. From the control notch data it was observed that the activation
or deactivation of pistons takes place between spool position of -6 mm to -12mm where
valve ports a1 and b1 start interacting with each other. For spool displacement between -6
mm to -12 mm, the area a1-b1 opens gradually and this proportionality of valve 1 will be
used to achieve smooth speed shift of the motor.

Figure 6.3.1. Valve (1) Control Notch Data.

In order to achieve smooth shifting between the high speed and low speed modes of the
MRC5T radial piston motor, following solution was proposed:
The main modification for the solution involves adding a 3-way pressure reducing valve
(3) as shown in Figure 6.3.2 that proportionally manipulates the pilot pressure actuating
valve 1. Valve 1 starts moving out of its default position at a pilot signal of 12 bar while
completes its displacement at 15 bar pilot pressure. The smooth-shift transition would be
achieved by electronically controlling the pilot pressure on port X at different rates thereby
taking advantage of the proportionality of cartridge valve 1.

Figure 6.3.2. Two-speed Radial Motor Hydraulic Circuit with Smooth-Shifting Solution.

The controller to achieve this smooth speed shift is a simple feedforward control where the
proportional valve is given a rate limited command. The block diagram below shows the
basic control logic:

Figure 6.3.3. Control Logic for Two Speed Smooth Shift.

6.3.3 Simulation Results

The simulation results for the proposed feedforward controller are shown below When a
command was given to the proportional valve, to increase pilot pressure from 12 bar to 15

bar (Figure 6.3.4), keeping the pump displacement constant, displacement (flow) from
motor 1 reduced to zero (Figure 6.3.5) and flow going from motor 2 increased (Figure
6.3.6). As the motor displacement was reduced, but load on the vehicle was same, the
pressure in line A increased (Figure 6.3.7). Since the pump flow is constant and motor
displacement is reduced, the wheel speed/ vehicle velocity increases. The simulation results
presented below are for a constant engine speed of 2700 rpm and maximum pump
displacement. At these operating parameters when the motor displacement is reduced, the
motor speed increases to 220 rpm (which is the maximum allowable motor speed) as seen
in Figure 6.3.8.

Figure 6.3.4. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Pressure Reducing
Valve Command.

Figure 6.3.5. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor 1 Flow.

Figure 6.3.6. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor 2 Flow.

Figure 6.3.7. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Load Pressure.

Figure 6.3.8. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Motor Speed.

Figure 6.3.9. Simulation Results for Motor Two Speed Smooth Shift - Vehicle Velocity.

When the proportional valve was given commands at varying rates, as seen in Figure
6.3.10, the motor speed changes at respective rates as seen in Figure 6.3.11.

Figure 6.3.10. Smooth Speed Shift at Varying Rates - Pilot Pressure Command –

Figure 6.3.11. Smooth Speed Shift at Varying Rates - Speed Change – Simulation.


The loader has been modeled thoroughly, and controller has been developed. In order to
validate all the modeling work, experimental measurements were conducted on the
displacement controlled skid steer loader. This chapter discusses the measurement results
for all three control algorithms discussed in earlier sections.

7.1 Vibration Damping for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader

7.1.1 Experimental Setup
A baseline measurement was taken without any controller, with empty bucket to compare
the active vibration strategy on the prototype skid steer loader. Measurements were taken
at average travel speed and maximum speed. The LQR state feedback controller was then
implemented on the machine. In order to have accurate and repeatable results, the
measurements were taken 3 times for the same run and average of the three readings was
considered while calculating controller performance. The experimental setup is shown

Figure 7.1.1. Experimental Setup for Vibration Damping.


The accelerometer signal from the cabin sensor had a lot of noise and so could not be used
for taking feedback. Instead the signal from back accelerometer was used since the mass
of the machine is concentrated at the rear side and hence the location of Centre of gravity
would be closer to back accelerometer.

7.1.2 Measurement Results

Measurements were taken at two travel speeds – low and high. The measurements for
vibration damping at low travel speed and no load in the bucket are shown below:

Figure 7.1.2. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis

Acceleration – Horizontal.

Figure 7.1.3. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis

Acceleration – Horizontal.

Figure 7.1.4. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Chassis

Acceleration – Pitch.

Figure 7.1.5. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Pump

Figure 7.1.6. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Pressure

Figure 7.1.7. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – Low Speed - Boom Cylinder

The controller performs very well at low travel speed with 29% reduction in pitch
vibrations and 19% reduction in bounce (Figure 7.1.4 and Figure 7.1.3). The reduction in
pitch is a combination of reduction in horizontal and vertical acceleration and hence
signifies overall reduction in vibrations. Figure 7.1.5 shows the control action taken by the
boom pump to damp vibrations. Figure 7.1.6 shows the differential boom cylinder pressure
during vibration damping . Figure 7.1.7 shows the movement of boom during vibration
damping. The boom position feedback helps to maintain the boom position in desired limit.

The measurements for vibration damping at high travel speed and no load in the bucket are
shown below:

Figure 7.1.8. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Chassis

Acceleration – Horizontal.

Figure 7.1.9. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Chassis

Acceleration – Vertical.

Figure 7.1.10. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed -Chassis

Acceleration – Pitch.

Figure 7.1.11. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Pump

Figure 7.1.12. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Pressure.

Figure 7.1.13. Vibration Damping Measurement Results – High Speed - Boom Position.

The controller performs very well at high speeds as well with 25% reduction in pitch
vibrations and 25% reduction in bounce (Figure 7.1.9 and Figure 7.1.10). The reduction in
pitch is a combination of reduction in horizontal and vertical acceleration and hence
signifies overall reduction in vibrations. Figure 7.1.11 shows the control action taken by
the boom pump to damp vibrations. Figure 7.1.12 shows the differential boom cylinder
pressure during vibration damping. Figure 7.1.13 shows the movement of boom during
vibration damping. The boom position feedback helps to maintain the boom position in
desired limit.
The controller performs well at both low and high speeds with good reduction in chassis

7.2 Bucket Self Levelling Function for Displacement Controlled Skid Steer Loader
7.2.1 Measurement Results
Measurement results for the bucket self levelling function are given below. The boom was
given signal to extend completely, stay in the extended position for a few seconds and then
retract. With the controller implemented, the bucket reference angle was tracked accurately
as seen in Figure 7.2.2. As seen in Figure 7.2.3 the maximum error in the reference and
controlled bucket angle is not more than ± 4 °. Figure 7.2.4 shows the control action of the
bucket pump in order to track the reference bucket angle.

Figure 7.2.1. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Boom Angle.

Figure 7.2.2. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Bucket Angle.

Figure 7.2.3. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Error in Tracking.

Figure 7.2.4. Bucket Self Leveling Control - Measurement Results - Bucket Pump

7.3 Two Speed Smooth Shift

7.3.1 Two Speed Smooth Shift Test Rig
In order to test the control concept proposed in Section 6.3.2, a test rig was set up at Maha
Fluid Power lab. Hydraulic Schematic

Figure 7.3.1. shows the hydraulic schematic for the test rig. It comprises of a 100 cc/rev
variable displacement axial piston pump (3) driven by an electric motor (1). This pump (3)
supplies flow to the 820 cc/rev radial piston test motor (8). The test motor (8) was coupled
to a radial piston pump (12) which is of the same displacement. Since these units share the
same driveshaft, both run at same speed. Since unit (12) is a close circuit unit, the hydraulic
power supply is used to provide low pressure to its inlet port. The load on the test motor
was generated by connecting unit (12) outlet to a pressure relief valve (14) which was

manually set. To test the motor (8), the proportional pressure reducing valve (9) was
electronically controlled to provide variable pilot pressure thereby smooth shifting the
motor between high displacement low speed and low displacement high speed modes. It is
important to mention that the load on the test motor (8) was maintained constant when
switching from high speed to low speed or vice versa. The test motor (8) was run only in
one direction of rotation. A constant speed on the electric motor (1) was maintained and a
displacement command on unit (3) was set to reach the desired flow. To switch the motor
from full displacement (low speed mode with 820 cc/rev) to reduced displacement (high-
speed mode with 523 cc/rev), the controller commanded the proportional pressure reducing
valve to shift the spool valve (valve 1 in Figure 6.3.2) in the motor. The switch in the pilot
pressure was tested at different rates. This allowed evaluating the system response under
different conditions. Pressure gauges (4 & 13) were mounted on port A of the test motor
(8) and at the outlet (port A2) of unit (12) and pressure sensors (5 & 15) were mounted at
the inlet port A of the test motor (8) and outlet of proportional reducing valve (9) to measure
the pilot pressure going to the speed shift valve in the test motor (8) . An optical speed
sensor (11) was used to measure the motor speed.
Figure 7.3.1. Hydraulic Circuit for Two Speed Smooth Shift Test Rig

94 Data Acquisition and Control

To validate the control algorithm, the hydraulic test bed has been equipped with sensors as
shown in Table 7.3.1 to measure essential parameters during operation. Data acquisition
and control of the of the test rig was performed through the use of National Instruments
software and hardware. In this case, a cRIO 9024 controller as well as the 9112
reconfigurable chasis were the primary hardware requirements. Also, for the acquisition of
the analog signals and control an NI 9201 and an NI 9263 modules were utilized
respectively. FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) was used for speed sensor signal
processing which allows one to acquire and perform real time processing of the sensor
signal, which is very crucial in our smooth speed shift controller. LabVIEW FPGA module
was used to develop the logic to pass the test motor speed sensor pulse signal and convert
it to rpm through NI 9401 card. The details of the DAQ system are shown in
Table 7.3.2
Table 7.3.1: Sensor Information.
Sensor Measurement Range Output Accuracy
WIKA S-10 Pressure 0 – 600 bar 0 – 10 VDC < 0.25 %
WIKA S-10 Pressure 0 – 100 bar 0 – 10 VDC < 0.25 %
Monarch Motor rotational
1 – 2500 rpm TTL 1 pulse/rev
ROLS24-W speed

Table 7.3.2: DAQ and Control Information.

Instrument Function Specifications
800 MHz processor
cRIO 9024 Control 4 GB nonvolatile storage
512 MB DDR2 memory
8-slot reconfig. embedded chassis
cRIO-9112 I/O interface
Xilinx Virtex-5 I/O FPGA core
8-Channel module
NI 9201 Analog Input ±10 V
500 kSamples/s
4-Channel module
NI 9263 Analog Output ±10 V
100 kSamples/s

7.3.2 Two Speed Smooth Shift Measurement Setup

The Smooth Speed Shift Test rig was implemented at the Maha fluid power research center.
The proposed test bench hardware and control was implemented as shown in Figure 7.3.2
and Figure 7.3.3.

Figure 7.3.2. Test Bench for Two Speed Motor Shift.

Figure 7.3.3. DAQ for Test Bench.

96 Measurement Results

Figures below show the test results for two speed smooth shift. To begin with, tests were
carried out at 10 bar load pressure on the test motor. The pressure reducing valve was rate
limited and signals were given at different rates keeping the pressure setting on loading
motor constant. The test motor shifted from low speed (full displacement) to high speed
(reduced displacement) mode at different rates (Figure 7.3.5) corresponding to the rate at
which pressure reducing valve was commanded (Figure 7.3.4). As a result of reduced
motor displacement, the load pressure on the test motor increased as seen in Figure 7.3.6.
The results show that the motor speed change at varying rates is possible.

Figure 7.3.4. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Pilot Pressure

Figure 7.3.5. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Speed Change.

Figure 7.3.6. Measurement results for Two Speed Smooth Shift - Load Pressure on Motor

7.3.3 Problems During Shifting

During the speed shifting from low speed to high speed, the motor emitted a high frequency
noise, which was not seen in the filtered data from LabVIEW (Figure 7.3.4). To analyze
this noise further, the unfiltered data shown in Figure 7.3.7 was referred. It was seen that
when a signal was given to the pressure reducing valve, there were high frequency pressure
oscillations in the pilot line X above 15 bar pilot pressure.

Figure 7.3.7. Unfiltered Data for Pilot Pressure.

These pressure oscillations came from the valve (2) in the motor. The main purpose of
cartridge valve (2) is to provide pressurized fluid to the deactivated pistons in the motor
for lubrication purposes. However this valve creates trouble during speed shift and hence
has to be modified.

Figure 7.3.8. Problem During Shifting.

In reference to Figure 7.3.8, when switching from high displacemet to low displacement
mode, when the proportional valve (3) is comanded a ramp signal, it will supply pilot
pressure to spool valve (1) and shift its spool out of the default position at 12 bar pilot
pressure. Ports a1 and b1 of valve 1 will get connected to port e and these pistons start
recirculating. The valve (2) starts moving out of its default position only at 15 bar pilot
pressure. Ports c and d of valve (2) now get connected to the pilot line X. During this
transition, the motor port which was at high pressure gets connected to the pilot line (X)
and there are pressure oscillations in the pilot line. By this time valve (1) has already
completed its displacement and the speed shift has occurred and hence the motor speed or
load pressure on the motor is not affected by the pilot line oscillations. However this causes
valve (2) to oscillate giving rise to a high frequency noise just above 15 bar pilot pressure.
In order to confirm that the cause of these pilot line pressure oscillations was the valve (2),
the pressure reducing valve was given a signal just below 15 bar. As seen in Figure 7.3.9
there were no high frequency pressure oscillations in the pilot line and smooth speed shift
was achieved. Valve (1) shifts out of its default position and starts recirculating half of the

pistons. Since the pilot pressure is below 15 bar, valve (2) is not activated. Thus the motor
ports do not interact with pilot pressure line X and there are no pressure oscillations.
However running the motor in reduced displacement mode without providing the
deactivated pistons with pressurized fluid for lubrication will damage the motor. This calls
for modification in the hydraulic configuration of the motor and hence no further tests at
higher load pressures or higher motor speeds were carried out.

Figure 7.3.9. Unfiltered Pressure Reducing Valve Data with Limited Pilot Pressure.

7.3.4 Alternative Solution

To allow smooth shift, the existing recirculating valve (2) as shown in Figure 7.3.10 has to
be removed and cavity needs to be blocked. In order to provide the necessary pressure in
the recirculating pistons, valve (4) needs to be externally connected so that the valve does
not interfere with the pilot line X and yet the functionallity of the of the motore is not
affected. The valve (4) needs to be electronically activated or deactivated depending on
whether moving the motor from high displacement to low displacement mode or vice versa.

Figure 7.3.10. Alternative Solution.



8.1 Conclusions
It was proven that it is possible to reduce the transients introduced by the road profile on
the machine structure. A reduction of up to 20% in simulations for pitch accelerations for
track skid steer and 29% reduction in experimental measurements for a wheel skid steer
loader was attained. The controller for the Displacement Controlled Wheel Skid Steer
Loader performs very well at both low and high travel speeds. For the track system, the
challenge remains that the tracks limit the overall active vibration damping performance
due to its inherent behavior. This is evident due to the large reduction on the pressure
oscillations but a relatively less reduction in chassis accelerations.
In case of a wheeled skid steer loader the bump will be experienced only 2 times, once by
the front wheel and then by rear wheels. In case of a tracked skid steer loader, the vehicle
continuously experiences the bump. The vehicle will keep on climbing up the bump till the
vehicle CG reaches the bump. As soon as the CG gets passed the bump the vehicle will tip
down the bump and vibration damping becomes difficult in this case.
It was proved that it is possible to achieve the bucket self levelling function. A path-
planning algorithm was used to achieve the bucket self levelling function based on position
feedback from the boom and bucket. The controller takes into account road inclination and
it is robust against oscillations introduced by the boom motion. The approach relies on
input from the operator via a push-button which makes it reliable and convenient. Tracking
results show that the controller maintains the bucket position error within ± 4 °.
It was proved that it is possible to achieve two-speed smooth shift with variable rate
transitions. A test rig was setup to test simple and effective feedforward control algorithms
for this task. Smooth shift was achieved at different rates depending on the input signal
given to the proportional valve. Since the motor made a high frequency noise while shifting
the modes during the tests, modifications are required in the two-speed hydraulic

configuration in the radial motor to retain current fucntionality while achieving smooth

8.2 Future Work

 The future work includes improving the vibration damping controller by further
tuning the Q and R matrices in the LQR control algorithm.
 Testing vibration damping controller at different loads.
 Test Bucket self levelling controller at different loads in the bucket
 Implementing two speed smooth shift controller on the machine with necessary
system modification. The rate transitions must be tested in the actual vehicle to
determine the parameters for best behavior. Further control concepts can be
formulated to optimize the overall system performance.


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