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21 Bhavish Aggarwal, as an entrepreneur and co-founder of Ola Cabs and Ola Electric, performs

pivotal functions. Firstly, his strategic leadership sets the long-term vision for both companies.
Secondly, in his roles as CEO and Product Architect, he guides day-to-day operations and drives
innovation, ensuring Ola stays competitive. Lastly, his hands-on engagement in engineering
aspects, particularly with Ola Electric, showcases his commitment to technical development and
project success. These functions collectively define his integral role in steering both companies
towards success.
22 1. Planning and controlling.
2. Plans are prepared for future and involve looking ahead. On the contrary, controlling is like a
postmortem of past activities to find out deviations from the standards. In that sense controlling
is a backward-looking function. However, it should be understood that planning is guided by past
experiences and the corrective action initiated by control function.


1) It saves the time and efforts of managers as they deal with only significant deviations

2) It focuses managerial attention on important areas. There is better utilization of

managerial talent.

3) The routine problems are left to the subordinates. Thus, it facilitates delegation of authority
and increases morale of employees.

4) It identifies critical problems which need timely action to keep the organization in right
23 (a) Staffing and Controlling

(b) Recruitment, External Source of Recruitment (Recommendations of employees)

Values being followed by Joseph Bros: (i) Creating employment opportunities. (ii) Utilizing resources
efficiently by using leftover clothes.
24 A. Factors that should be kept in mind by the company while making the investment decision:
a. The amount of cash flows should be carefully analyzed before considering the decision. b.
The rate of return of the project based on expected return and assessment of the risk involved
from each proposal should be analyzed. c. The decision to invest in a particular project
involves a number of calculations regarding the amount of investment, interest rate, cash
flows and rate of return.
B. The following are the reasons that make the above decision to be made carefully: a. These
decisions have a bearing on the long term growth. b. These decisions result in a substantial
portion of capital funds being blocked in long-term project. c. These decisions influence the
overall business risk complexion of the firm. d. These decisions once taken, are not
reversible without incurring heavy losses.

25 The two concepts are:-Training and Development.Training and Development-Training refers to the
process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are
improved.Development is the process by which the employees acquire skills and competences for
handling higher jobs in future.
26 Staffing is a critical aspect of organizational management, encompassing the comprehensive
process of acquiring and deploying manpower to meet diverse business needs. Comprising
essential managerial functions, the staffing process unfolds through ten distinct steps.
Commencing with manpower planning, which evaluates and creates an inventory of required
talents, the process progresses through recruitment—scientifically attracting potential employees.
Selection follows, involving shortlisting and eliminating candidates to ensure efficient operations.
Placement introduces employees to their roles and work areas. Training keeps employees updated
and informed, crucial in the dynamic work landscape. Development provides growth opportunities,
preventing frustration among employees. Promotion and transfer are mechanisms for recognizing
and shifting employees within the organization. Appraisal evaluates work progress and human
behavior. Determining remuneration, a challenging function, ensures fair compensation for
sustenance. Benefits of this process include improved organizational productivity, heightened
employee morale, job satisfaction, and a harmonious working environment. These staffing steps
collectively contribute to the effective functioning and success of an organization.
27 i. The right violated here is Sai Patel's right to information. As consumers, we should
know the actual price of a product. The shopkeeper broke this rule by putting a fake
sticker of Rs. 250 on the book instead of the real MRP, which was Rs. 200.
ii. Yeah, Sai Patel can totally get his extra money back. He can complain to the consumer
protection guys. They'll help him out and make sure he gets a refund for the extra he
paid because of the shopkeeper's trick.
iii. Sai Patel has some moves against the bookseller. He can file a complaint or tell the
consumer forum about this. He should ask for his extra money back and maybe even
some extra for the trouble. It's not fair what the bookseller did, and there are rules to
stop this kind of stuff.
28 shouldn't go for debt capital to upgrade her food processing business because the company
already has high fixed operating costs. Adding more fixed commitments like interest payments and
capital repayment from issuing debt might be too much for the company to handle. Other things
Riddhi needs to think about are:
(a) Risk: If Riddhi takes on more debt, there's a risk that the company won't be able to meet the
fixed financial charges. This financial risk gets higher with more debt because paying interest and
repaying capital becomes a big commitment.
(b) Flexibility: Relying too much on debt can make it hard for the company to get more debt when
unexpected stuff happens. So, it's smart for Riddhi to keep things flexible and not use all the debt
(c) Regulatory Framework: Companies have to follow the rules set by the law. For example, if
Riddhi wants to issue shares or debentures to the public, there are guidelines from SEBI that she
needs to follow. If she's getting funds from banks or financial institutions, there are other rules she
needs to stick to. Knowing and following these rules is crucial.
29 1. In this scenario, the different interpretations of the project's deadline stem from team
members' diverse status backgrounds. Each team member might have different attitudes
towards time, varying work norms, and approaches to meeting deadlines, leading to
confusion and delays in project execution.
2. The use of technical jargon and industry-specific terms in the email exchange creates a
barrier to effective communication. Some team members may not fully understand the
specialised language, leading to misinterpretation of the message and causing
misunderstandings and misaligned tasks
3. The team member's consistent habit of interrupting others during discussions inhibits open
and constructive communication. This behavior reflects a lack of active listening, as the
individual fails to allow others to express their ideas fully, leading to frustration among team
members and hindering effective collaboration.
4. In this virtual team meeting scenario, poor internet connectivity causing frequent disruptions
and audio glitches is a technological issue that acts as a barrier to effective communication.
Some team members may miss crucial information due to the technical problems, and the
overall efficiency of the meeting is reduced.
30 Factors affecting
(i) Stability of earnings: A company having stable earnings is in a position to declare more
dividends and vice-versa "It has been consistently for many years."
(ii) (ii) Cash flow position: The better the cash flow position of the company, the will the
capacity of the company to pay dividend "There is availability of enough cash in the
(iii) (iii) Growth opportunities: If the company has more opportunities for growth, it will
require more finance. In such a situation, a major part of the income should be retained
and a small part of it should be paid as dividend "Good prospects for growth in the
(iv) (iv) Shareholders preference: There are two types of shareholders from the point of
view of investment (a) those who invest with the purpose of getting some regular
income and (b) those who invest in the company to gain capital profit. If the majority of
the shareholders are of the former type, the company must declare dividend according
to their expectation. On the contrary, if the majority of the shareholders are of the latter
type the company enjoys freedom about declaring dividend "It many have shareholders
from their investments.
(v) " (v) Contractual constraints: When a company receives finance in the form of debt, the
debt provider can put a ban on the company to give any dividend "It has taken a loan of
Rs. 50 lakhs agreement".
31 The company is lacking ‘coordination’. Its different department like production, marketing, etc. do
Or. not coordinate this wok in absence of coordination; these will be overlapping and chaos instead of
harmony and integration of activities. The company will fail to achieve its objectives.
2. Subordinate of individual interest to general interest.
3. Values -Mutual cooperation, unity of action, optimum utilization of resources.
32 1. Planning is the function of management being discussed in the given para. One of the
Or. characteristics of planning is that planning is a mental exercise. Planning implies ability to
think out ways to benefit from the opportunities which have yet to arise. Planning is a
mental activity. Planning requires application of mind involving foresightedness, intelligent
imagination and judgment. Managers have to consider various courses of action, evaluate
the merits and demerits of every course of action and then finally decide which course of
action may suit them best. The quality of planning will vary according to quality of mind of
the manager
2. Planning is a time-consuming process – Planning requires collection of information, its
analysis and interpretation. These activities take considerable time. Planning is not
practicable when quick decisions are to be made. Planning requires time for thinking,
collecting data, forecasting, evaluating alternatives and attending other aspects of planning
3. Planning results in rigidity – Planning implies prior determination of policies and procedures
while business environment is dynamic. This prevents managers from taking initiatives and
from doing innovative thinking. Blind conformity with predetermined rules and procedures
promotes red tapism and delay in the performance of work. A manager is caught between
procedures and formalities where there is a need for quick action.
4. Planning is an expensive process – Planning depends on effective system of feedback,
transmitting necessary data, collection and analysis of data and evaluation of various
courses of action. It results in heavy expenditure. Cost of planning may go on increasing if
planning becomes more elaborate and formalised. Apart from direct cost involved, such as
paper work etc. may also be a costly affair.

33 Strategies: Discuss the role of long-term strategies in shaping the department's direction. Explain
how they align with the company's overall vision and mission.

Policies: Emphasize the importance of policies as guidelines that set the boundaries for decision-
making within the department. Provide examples of common policies.

Programs: Explore the concept of programs as a collection of related projects and activities aimed
at achieving specific objectives. Discuss program management and its benefits.

Objectives: Explain how objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Relevant, Time-bound) and how they cascade down from the company's strategic goals.

Rules: Highlight the role of rules in ensuring compliance and maintaining order within the
department. Discuss how rules are typically derived from policies.

Procedures: Discuss the importance of documented procedures in standardizing processes and

ensuring consistency. Use examples to illustrate the creation and use of procedures.

34 1.Consumer Needs Identification: Understand and analyze consumer needs through research to
tailor products or services accordingly.
2.Planning: Develop a clear plan aligning with business objectives and establish a timeline for

3.Product Development: Utilize consumer research to create products meeting quality, design, and
cost criteria.

4.Standardization and Grading: Ensure uniform product quality (standardization) and classify
products based on quality and characteristics (grading).

5.Packaging and Labeling: Enhance product appeal through effective packaging and labeling,
crucial for creating a positive first impression.

6.Branding: Associate producer's name with the product, building consumer trust and loyalty.

7.Customer Service: Establish diverse customer service channels (pre-sales, technical support,
etc.) to enhance customer satisfaction.

8.Pricing: Determine product pricing strategically considering market demand, competition, and
competitor pricing.

9.Promotion: Utilize advertising, media, personal selling, and publicity to create product
awareness and stimulate consumer interest.

10.Distribution: Choose appropriate distribution channels to efficiently move goods from production
to consumption.

11.Transportation: Optimize physical movement of goods using suitable transportation methods

based on market geography.

12.Warehousing: Manage inventory efficiently through warehousing, providing time utility and
ensuring product availability even during off-seasons.

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