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Ex.1. Complete the following sentences with correct words from the list.

• embargo • volley • capitulate • belligerents • bivouac • salvo

• conscription • interned

1. Nations carrying on warfare are called belligerents .

2. A compulsory enrolment as soldiers is a conscription .
3. An embargo is an order prohibiting ships to leave the ports.
4. When citizens are kept in confinement, they are interned .
5. A volley is a shower of bullets.
6. The firing of many guns at the same time is a salvo.
7. When troops surrender to an enemy on agreed terms, they capitulate.
8. A bivouac is an encampment in the open air.

1. belligerent[bɪˈlɪdʒərənt] noun 2. warfare [ˈwɔ:fɛə] noun

pl. belligerents pl. warfares
воюющая сторона война

3. compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsərɪ] adjective

4. enrolment[ɪnˈrəulmənt] noun
pl. enrolments
прием, регистрация
5. conscription [kənˈskrɪpʃən] noun
pl. conscriptions 6. order[ˈɔ:də] noun
pl. orders
призыв, воинская обязанность
заказ, приказ

7. prohibit[prəˈhɪbɪt] verb 8. ship[ʃɪp] noun

prohibited / prohibited / prohibiting / prohibits pl. ships
запрещать корабль

9. embargo[emˈbɑ:ɡəu] noun 10. volley[ˈvɔlɪ] noun

pl. embargoes pl. volleys
эмбарго залп

11. capitulate[kəˈpɪtjuleɪt] verb 12. bivouac [ˈbɪvuæk] noun

capitulated / capitulated / capitulating / capitulates pl. bivouacs
капитулировать бивак

13. salvo[ˈsælvəu] noun 14. intern['ɪntɜːn] verb

pl. salvoes interned / interned / interning / interns
залп интернировать

15. confinement[kənˈfaɪnmənt] noupl.

confinements 16. surrender [səˈrendə] verb
surrendered / surrendered / surrendering /
заключение ,ограничение

Ex.2. Make 14 two-word expressions connected with military matters by combining words
from the two boxes: A and B. Then match each expression with the appropriate phrase.
Use each word once. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Defence of a State's own territory in the event of war. – home defence

Защита собственной территории государства в случае войны. - защита дома.
2. Area or region, which the armed forces or shipping of another State are not
allowed to enter. – exclusion zone
Район или регион, в который не допускаются вооруженные силы или судоходство
другого государства. - зона отчуждения.
3. Holiday granted to a service man who has problems at home. – compassionate
Отпуск предоставлен служащему, у которого дома проблемы. - отпуск по
соображениям сострадания.
4. Standard words and expressions which are used when talking on the radio. – voice
Стандартные слова и выражения, используемые при разговоре по радио. -
голосовая процедура.
5. Sign or message signifying that a person, ship or aircraft is in danger. – distress
Знак или сообщение, означающее, что лицо, судно или воздушное судно
находятся в опасности. - сигнал бедствия.
6. Covert position from which an area of ground may be watched. – observation
Скрытое положение, из которого можно наблюдать за участком земли. -
наблюдательный пункт.
7. Temporary store of ammunition, food, fuel, etc., in the field. – supply dump
Временное хранение боеприпасов, продовольствия, топлива и т.д. в полевых
условиях. - отвал подачи.

8. Method used to open a parachute as the parachutist jumps out the aircraft. – . static
Метод, используемый для открытия парашюта, когда парашютист выпрыгивает из
самолета. – статическая линия.
9. Tactical manouevre, in which two groupings attack an enemy force at the same time,
but from different directions. – pincer movement
Тактический маневр, при котором две группировки атакуют вражескую силу
одновременно, но с разных направлений. - движение клеща. подвійний захват («Кліщі»)
10. Random bombardment of a likely enemy location, in order to disrupt his activities. –
harrassing fire
Случайная бомбардировка вероятного расположения противника, чтобы сорвать
его деятельность. - травля огня.
11. Course taken by an aircraft or missile. – . flight path
Курс, взятый самолетом или ракетой – траектория полета
12. Military doctrine which recommends the use of mobility and constant aggression. –
manoeuvre warfare

Военная доктрина, которая рекомендует использовать мобильность и постоянную

агрессию. - маневренная война.
13. Artillery piece designed to be moved easily over all types of ground. – field gun
Артиллерийское орудие, предназначенное для легкого перемещения по всем
типам грунта. - полевой пистолет.
14. Sudden or aggressive attack or counterattack, especially by tanks. – shock action
Внезапная или агрессивная атака или контратака, особенно танками. - ударное

Ex.3. Some nouns are formed by joining two words together to form a single word. Fill the
gaps in the sentences below by combining a word from column A with a word from column
B. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. He was drowned when the lifeboat capsized.

Его утопили, когда спасательная шлюпка опрокинулась.
2. There has been an enemy to the north of Brno.
Произошел прорыв противника к северу от Брно.
3. A series of explosions informed us that a patrol had walked into the minefield .
Серия взрывов сообщила нам, что на минное поле зашел патруль.
4. The ceasefire will come into effect at 1100 hours tomorrow.
Режим прекращения огня вступит в силу завтра в 1100 часов.
5. The missile had been fitted with a nuclear warhead _.
Ракета была оснащена ядерной боеголовкой.
6. Our next waypoint is the track junction at grid 491370.
Наш следующий ППМ - путевой стык на сетке 491370.
7. The tank used its searchlight to illuminate the target.
Танк использовал свой прожектор для освещения цели.
8. The ammunition will be kept in the guardroom for the night.
Боеприпасы будут храниться в караульном помещении на ночь.
9. We found a small footbridge three hundred metres downstream.
Мы нашли небольшой пешеходный мост в трехстах метрах вниз по течению.
10.We couldn't see the ship, but we heard its foghorn.
Мы не могли увидеть корабль, но слышали его сирена.
11.We have set up a roadblock on every route into the town.
Мы установили блокпост на каждом пути в город.
12. As a countermeasure against ambush, all convoys will be escorted by troops.
В качестве контрмеры против засады все конвои будут сопровождаться

Ex.4. Fill the gaps in the sentences below by linking an adjective from the column on the
left with a noun from the column on the right. The first one has been done for you as an

1. All the men are being given training in first aid.


Все мужчины проходят подготовку по оказанию первой медицинской

2. These shells contain some sort of chemical agent .
Эти снаряды содержат какое-то химическое вещество.
3. A multinational force is being deployed to the area.
В этом районе развернуты многонациональные силы.
4. The airstrike caused some collateral damage to the adjoining residential area.
Авиаудар нанес некоторый сопутствующий ущерб прилегающему жилому
5. This night-viewing device produces a high quality thermal image.
Это устройство ночного обзора производит высококачественное тепловое
6. He was court-martialled for passing classified information to the media.
Он был привлечен к суду за передачу секретной информации средствам
массовой информации.
7. A stealth bomber has been shot down over enemy territory.
Над территорией противника сбит бомбардировщик-невидимка.
8. He was killed when one of his comrades had a negligent discharge inside the APC.
Он был убит, когда у одного из его товарищей был халатный разряд внутри
9. He was hit in the chest by a high-velocity bullet.
Он был ранен в грудь скоростной пулей.
10.We can use our interior lines to redeploy the division.
Мы можем использовать наши внутренние линии, чтобы передислоцировать
11.You must revet the trenches with corrugated iron.
Вы должны восстановить траншеи с помощью гофрированного железа.
12.The Ops Officer has asked for an air photograph of the area.
Сотрудник полиции запросил аэрофотосъемку этого района.

Ex. 5. Make 10 three-word expressions connected with military matters by combining

words from the three lists: A, B and C. Then match each expression with the appropriate
phrase. Use each word once. The first one has been done for you as an example

1. Air-force officer or NCO who is attached to ground troops to direct close air support.
– forward air controller
Офицер ВВС или НКО, приданный наземным войскам для непосредственной
воздушной поддержки. - регулятор прямого воздуха

2. Standard procedure to be carried out in the event of something going wrong. –

immediate action drill
Стандартная процедура, выполняемая в случае ошибки. - бурение немедленного

3. Missile which flies from one continent to another and then ends its flight by simply
falling onto the target. – inter-continental ballistic missile
Ракета, которая летит с одного континента на другой, а затем заканчивает свой
полет, просто падая на цель. - межконтинентальная баллистическая ракета.
4. Home-made bomb. – improvised explosive device.
Самодельная бомба. - самодельное взрывное устройство.

5. Pre-selected position that a unit or sub-unit will occupy in the event of war. –
general deployment position.
Предварительно выбранная должность, которую будет занимать подразделение
или подразделение в случае войны. - должность общего назначения
6. Mental collapse as a result of a horrific experience. – post-traumatic stress
Психический крах в результате ужасного опыта. - посттравматическое стрессовое
7. Small unmanned radio-controlled aircraft designed to carry surveillance
equipment. – remotely piloted vehicle
Малые беспилотные радиоуправляемые самолеты, предназначенные для
перевозки средств наблюдения. - дистанционно пилотируемое транспортное средство
8. Pre-determined artillery target, registered on or just in front of your own position. –
final protective fire
Заранее определенная артиллерийская цель, зарегистрированная на собственной
позиции или непосредственно перед ней. - окончательный защитный пожар
9. Device which projects a laser beam onto a target in order to illuminate it for a
laser-guided bomb or missile. – laser target designator.
Устройство, которое проецирует лазерный луч на цель, чтобы осветить ее для
бомбы или ракеты с лазерным наведением. - лазерный целеуказатель.
10. Number of aircraft allocated to a unit for the performance of its operational role. –
primary aircraft authorized
Количество летательных аппаратов, выделенных подразделению для выполнения
его оперативной роли. - санкционированный основной самолет.
11. Large combined arms grouping involving different branches of the armed forces,
which is formed for a specific operation or campaign. – joint task force.
Крупная общевойсковая группировка с участием различных родов войск, которая
формируется для конкретной операции или кампании. - совместная целевая группа.
12. Damage to an aircraft, caused by a loose object being sucked into its air intakes. –
foreign object damage.
Повреждение воздушного судна, вызванное засасыванием свободного объекта в
его воздухозаборники. - повреждение посторонних предметов.

Ex. 6. All the nouns in the box relate to military matters. Use them to complete the
sentences below. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. The sentry shot him because he didn't give the correct password.
Часовой выстрелил в него, потому что он не дал правильный пароль.
2. This squadron's primary role is the interdiction of the enemy's supply routes.
Основная роль этой эскадрильи - перехват путей снабжения противника.
3. The approach to the bridge is guarded by a pillbox.
Подход к мосту охраняет дот. Долговременная огневая точка
4. Your limit of exploitation is the five – seven northing.
Ваш предел эксплуатации - пять-семь северностей.
5. The CO's O Group is at 1400 hours.
Группа O CO находится в 1400 часах.
6. The whole area has been contaminated by fallout.
Вся территория загрязнена осадками.
7. The battle group's position has a frontage of five kilometres.
Позиция боевой группы имеет высоту фронта в пять километров.
8. All our routes and report lines are marked on the trace .
Все наши маршруты и строки отчетов отмечены на трассе.
9. Tell the battery commander to send us a copy of the fireplan.
Скажите командиру батареи прислать нам копию плана пожара.
10. We found wreckage of the aircraft scattered across the hillside.
Мы нашли обломки самолета, разбросанные по склону холма.
11. The Admiral's flagship was hit by an Exocet missile.
Флагман «Адмирала» был поражен ракетой «Экзосет».
12. The enemy losses were included in the last intsum.
Потери противника были включены в последнюю интсуму.
13. The bridge has been prepared for demolition.
Мост подготовлен к сносу.
14. It started as a peaceful demonstration, but it quickly turned into a riot.
Она началась как мирная демонстрация, но быстро переросла в бунт.
15. The forward units are encountering stiff resistance from the enemy rearguard.
Передовые части сталкиваются с жёстким сопротивлением со стороны
вражеского арьергарда.

Ex.7. All the adjectives in the box relate to military matters. Use them to complete the
sentences below. Each adjective should be used once only. The first one has been done for
you as an example.

1. All units are equipped with secure radios.

Все блоки оснащены защищенными рациями.
2. Our battalion carried out a diversionary attack on the left.
Наш батальон осуществил диверсионную атаку слева.
3. The enemy shelled the position with a non-persistent blood agent.
Противник обстрелял позицию нестойким агентом крови.

4. Any movement in that area should be considered hostile _.

Любое движение в этом районе должно рассматриваться как враждебное.
5. The tank's optical instruments were damaged by shrapnel.
Оптические приборы танка были повреждены осколками.
6. There is a self-propelled gun in the farmyard.
На хуторе имеется самоходка.
7. The village was destroyed by incendiary bombs.
Деревня была уничтожена зажигательными бомбами.
8. Less than sixty percent of our units are still combat-effective.
Менее шестидесяти процентов наших подразделений по-прежнему
9. All subordinate commanders are to attend the briefing.
Все подчиненные командиры должны присутствовать на брифинге.
10.Our position became untenable when the enemy captured the hill.
Наша позиция стала несостоятельной, когда противник захватил холм.
11.This aircraft is a multirole fighter.
Этот самолёт является многоцелевым истребителем.
12.The attack was preceded by a preparatory bombardment.
Нападению предшествовала подготовительная бомбардировка.
13.The radio was unserviceable after he dropped it in the river.
Радио оказалось непригодным к эксплуатации после того, как он сбросил его
в реку.
14.The enemy have been bombing civilian targets.
Противник бомбит гражданские объекты.
15. The tank was destroyed by a wire-guided missile.
Танк был уничтожен проволочной управляемой ракетой.

Ex.8. All the verbs in the box relate to military matters. Use them to complete the
sentences below. You may have to change the forms of the verbs to fit the grammar of the
1. The prisoners were interrogated by an officer from the Intelligence Corps.
Заключенных допрашивал офицер из Разведывательного корпуса.
2. We have intercepted an enemy radio transmission.
Мы перехватили вражескую радиопередачу.
3. Enemy fighters strafed the refugee column, in order to clear the road.
Вражеские бойцы прострелили колонну беженцев, чтобы расчистить дорогу.
4. The patrol will insert by helicopter at 1930 hours.
Патруль прибудет на вертолете в 1930 часов.
5. We managed to commandeer a civilian bus.
Нам удалось захватить гражданский автобус.
6. His weapon jammed because it was rusty.
Его оружие заклинило, потому что оно было ржавым.
7. The position was suppressed by small-arms fire.
Позиция была подавлена огнём стрелкового оружия.
8. The battle group is deploying into attack formation.

Боевая группа разворачивается в штурмовое соединение.

9. They are camouflaging the vehicles with hessian and pieces of foliage.
Они маскируют транспортные средства гессеном и кусками листвы.
10.The enemy have bridged the river between Mistelbach and Bocksdorf.
Противник преодолел реку между Мистельбахом и Боксдорфом.
11.That line of hills will mask our line of retreat.
Эта линия холмов замаскирует нашу линию отступления.
12.Rations and water will be replenished at 2130 hours.
Пайки и вода будут пополняться в 2130 часов.
13.You arm the rocket by pulling out this pin.
Вы вооружаете ракету, вытаскивая этот штифт.
14.The enemy has been shelling C Company's position for over an hour.
Противник уже более часа обстреливает позиции роты С.
15.I will relieve you in two hours.
Я помогать тебя через два часа.

Ex.9. Phrasal verbs are quite common in military English. They consist of two words:
a verb and a preposition. Match each phrasal verb below with its correct definition. The
first one has been done for you as an example:
1. d 2. i 6. a 7. e 11. o 12. b 3. f 4. k 5. j 8. I 9. c 10. g 13. h 14. m 15. n

1. pick up - d. to collect people or things with an aircraft, boat or vehicle, in order to

transport them to another location.
забрать - д. собирать людей или вещи с помощью воздушного судна, лодки или
транспортного средства, с тем чтобы перевозить их в другое место.
2. dig in - i. to dig trenches or prepare other field fortifications.
окопаться - и. для рытья окопов или подготовки других полевых укреплений.
3. stand to - f. to be awake and at battle stations, in order to receive an enemy attack.
стоять, чтобы бодрствовать и на боевых станциях, чтобы получить вражескую
4. mop up - k. to clear an area of any enemy who remain after their main force has
withdrawn or been defeated.
швабра - к. очистить район от любого противника, который остается после того,
как его основные силы выведены или были разгромлены.
5. take off - j. to leave the ground.
Взлет - дж. покинуть землю.
6. bomb up - a. to resupply a fighting vehicle or aircraft with ammunition.
бомбить - а. для пополнения боевого аппарата или самолета боеприпасами.
7. push on - e. to move forwards as fast as possible.
толкать - е. двигаться вперед как можно быстрее.
8. roll up - l. to assault through an enemy position sideways, destroying or capturing
it trench by trench.
скатиться - л. на штурм вражеской позиции боком, уничтожив или захватив её
9. stand by - c. to be ready to do something.
стоять рядом - с тем, чтобы быть готовым что-то сделать.
10. give up- g. to admit that you cannot do something

дать вверх-g. признать, что нельзя что-то делать

11. fall in - o. to take your place on a formal parade.
падение - о. занять свое место на формальном параде.
12. bug out - b. to abandon a position or location in a hurry.
жучок - б. отказаться от позиции или места в спешке.
13. home in -h. to be guided towards something.
домой в -h. быть ориентированным на что-то.
14. lie up - m. to rest or wait in a concealed position before continuing a patrol or other
covert operation.
лежать - м. отдыхать или ждать в скрытом положении, прежде чем продолжать
патрулирование или другую скрытую операцию.
15. hold out - n. to continue to defend or resist.
продержаться - н. продолжать защищать или сопротивляться.

Ex.10. Use the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise to complete the
sentences below. You may have to change the forms of the verbs to fit the
grammar of the sentence. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. The squadron took off while the airfield was being shelled.
Эскадрилья взлетела, пока аэродром подвергался обстрелу.
2. We lay up in a small wood and observed the road.
Мы лежали в небольшом лесу и наблюдали за дорогой.
3. B Company are digging in around the bridge.
Компания B копается вокруг моста.
4. If the enemy capture that hill, they will be able to roll up the entire position.
Если противник захватит этот холм, они смогут свернуть всю позицию.
5. The installation was destroyed when a missile homed in on its radar system.
Установка была разрушена при нахождении ракеты на своей
радиолокационной системе.
6. We had to bug out when C Company's position was overrun.
Мы должны были испортить, когда позиция C Company была
7. After several abortive assaults, the enemy gave up and withdrew.
После нескольких абортных штурмов противник сдался и отошёл.
8. The patrol was picked up by submarine.
Патруль подобрали на подводной лодке.
9. The men collected their weapons and fell in outside company headquarters.
Мужчины собрали оружие и упали в штаб-квартире компании.
10.We held out until last light. Then we were forced to withdraw.
Мы продержались до последнего света. Тогда мы были вынуждены уйти.
11. Sunray says that we must push on and capture the position.
12. D Squadron are still bombing up their vehicles.
13. The company stood to for most of the night, after one of the trip-flares
went off.
14. Two platoons are standing by to provide back-up.
15. The battalion has been mopping up isolated groups of guerrillas in the hills.

Ex.11. Connect military words to the definitions.

1. An unprovoked attack by an enemy. aggression

2. Compulsory enrolment as soldiers and sailors. conscriptions
3. The killed or wounded in a battle. casualties
4. A number of ships or vehicles travelling together under escort for the sake of
safety. convoy
5. The act of spying. espionage
6. To remove from one place to another to avoid the destruction of war.
7. To make troops and ships for war services. mobilise
8. To enter another country as an enemy. invade
9. Taking neither side in a battle. neutral
10. Shells, bombs and other destructive items. ammunition
11. A knife fixed on to the end of a gun. bayonet
12. Music for awakening the soldiers in the morning. reveille
13. A place where naval or military weapons are made or stored. arsenal
14. An apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to drop safely
from an aircraft. parachute
15. Horse-soldiers. cavalry
16. Foot-soldiers. infantry
17. To make an examination of enemy territory. reconnoiter
18. To surrender to an enemy on agreed terms. capitulate
19. The main devision of an army. battalion
20. A soldier recently enlisted for services. recruit
21. A soldier’s holiday. Leave
22. To surround a place with the intention of capturing it. Besiege

Ex.12. The twenty-four hour clock is always used in military timings and to avoid
confusion, the word 'hours' is normally added to the end. This is usually written as
For example: The briefing is at 1430 hrs.
Now write the timings below as you would actually say them. The first one has
been done for you as an example.

1 1625 hrs ___________sixteen twenty-five hours______________________

2. 0400 hrs ____________________________________________________
3. 1545 hrs ____________________________________________________
4. 0910 hrs _____________________________________________________
5. 2009 hrs _____________________________________________________
6. 1059 hrs _____________________________________________________
7. 1330 hrs _________________________________________________________
8. 1800 hrs _________________________________________________________
9. 0043 hrs _______________________________________________________
10. 2000 hrs _______________________________________________________

11. 0306 hrs ________________________________________________________

12. 2110 hrs ______________________________________________________
13. 2218 hrs ________________________________________________________
14. 1717 hrs _____________________________________________________
15. 0005 hrs ________________________________________________________

Ex. 13. When you work with other units and formations, you may well have to deal
with one or more of these officers. Match the appointment in column A with the job
description in column B. The first one has been done for you as an example:

1. Staff Officer (SO) - d. I work in a brigade headquarters.

2. Quartermaster (QM) - j. I am responsible for the logistics of the battalion.
3. Public Relations Officer (PRO) - h. I deal with the media.
4. Aide-de-camp (ADC) - a. I act as personal assistant to the general.
5. Forward Air Controller (FAC) - b. I direct close air support.
6. Commanding Officer (CO) - l. I command a battalion.
7. Intelligence Officer (IO) - k. I collect and analyse information about the enemy.
8. Liaison Officer (LO) - m I act as a link between the brigade and the battle
9. Forward Observation Officer (FOO) - i. I direct artillery fire.
10. Battery Commander (BC) - e. I command a company-sized grouping of
11. Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) - n. I dispose of unexploded bombs.
12. Executive Officer (XO) - f. I am responsible for coordinating staff duties
within the battalion headquarters.
13. Officer Commanding (OC) - g. I command a company.
14. Adjutant - c. I assist the battalion commander with his administrative work.

Ex. 14. a) Some verbs are associated primarily with offensive operations, while others are
more usually associated with defence. Look at the verbs below and put them in the relevant
columns. The first one has been done for you as an example.
• advance • attack • capture • counter-attack .• delay
• deny • envelop • fortify • hold • outflank
Offence: advance, attack, capture, envelop, outflank
Defence: counter-attack, delay, deny, fortify, hold
b) Now complete each sentence, using one of the verbs above. You may have to change the
form of the verb to fit the grammar of the sentence.
1. We were still reorganizing on the objective when the enemy counter-attacked .
2. The enemy are trying to outflank us on the left.
3. Corps is advancing towards Minden.
4. Our mission is to delay the enemy until the other battle groups have crossed the river.
5. The brigade held its positions until 1030 hours. Then it was forced to withdraw.
6. The enemy has enveloped B Company. They are now completely cut off.
7. We must deny these routes to the enemy for as long as possible.
8. We were unable to support the Fusiliers as they attacked the village of Landshut.
9. Enemy paratroopers have captured the bridge at Arnheim.

10. We had just finished fortifying our positions when we came under fire.

Ex. 15. Most large-scale military operations involve a high level of cooperation between
the different arms and services. It is therefore essential for all servicemen to have a wide
vocabulary of military terms and expressions.
Below is a report written about an imaginary combined arms operation. Use the words and
expressions from the box to fill in the gaps in the text.

Combined arms operation
On D-1, (1) airborne units were dropped by parachute to seize strategic crossings over
the River Dingwezi. All of these objectives were achieved, with minimal loss. The beach
landings on D-Day were preceded by an intensive (2) naval bombardment, which failed to
silence all of the enemy coastal batteries. Consequently, ten percent of the (3) landing craft
in the first wave were either destroyed or disabled.
Despite this, all primary objectives were achieved by 1100 hours, although ground
forces continued to rely upon (4) naval gunfire support until the artillery had been fully
offloaded. (5) Engineer units suffered particularly high casualties in the breaching of a
secondary line of obstacles in the sand dunes. The (6) beachhead was fully established by
1900 hours on D-Day. The main enemy force has withdrawn to the River Muzenga and is
now constructing a strong (7) line of defence between Tangji and Leopoldsville. To date,
carrier-based strike aircraft have flown a total of 82 (8) sorties. The enemy (9) air defence
has been better than anticipated, and 8 allied aircraft have been shot down. Owing to a
shortage of forward air controllers, most (10) close air support has been directed by (11 )
forward observation officers from the artillery. The 4th and 7th Armoured Brigades started
crossing the River Dingwezi at 1030 hours on D+1 and are now preparing to mount a (12 )
deliberate attack on the Muzenga position at first light on D+2.

Ex. 16. When you are operating with English-speaking troops, it is essential that you
understand the various commands and warnings which are used. Your life may depend
upon it!
Match the terms and phrases in column A to their correct definitions in column B. The
first one has been done for you as an example.

Column A Column B
1. Make ready! d. Cock your weapon.
2. Take cover! g. Find yourself some protection from enemy fire.
3. Unload! n. Remove all ammunition from the weapon and ensure that it is clear.
4. Halt! q. Stop moving immediately.
5. Tank action! o. Prepare to engage armoured vehicles.
6. Open fire! k. Start shooting.
7. Gas! Gas! Gas! b. A chemical agent has just been used.
8. Fire for effect! f. Shoot as quickly as possible (artillery or mortars).

9. Go firm! h. Stop moving and adopt a position of defence.

10. Ceasefire! p. Stop shooting.
11. Abandon ship! a. Get into a lifeboat; the vessel is about to sink .
12. Debus! i. Get out of your vehicle.
13. Rapid fire! c. Shoot as quickly as possible (infantry).
14. Make safe! j. Remove the magazine from the weapon and check that the breech is
clear of ammunition. Pull the trigger and apply the safety catch, then replace the magazine on
the weapon.
15. Incoming! r. Shells are about to land on our position.
16. Action stations! m. Go to your battle position immediately.
17. Adjust fire! l. Fire one round, so that the fall of shot can be observed (artillery or
18. Contact! e. The enemy has been sighted.

Ex. 17. Test your abbreviations. What do the following stand for? The first one has been
done for you as an example.
I. forming-up point
2. non-commissioned officer
3. quick reaction force
4. naval gunfire support
5. high frequency
6. United Nations
7. light machine-gun
8. medium anti-tank weapon
9. estimated time of arrival
10. vehicle check-point
11 . mortar fire controller
12. killed in action
13. amber warning light system
14. nuclear, biological and chemical
15. combat air patrol
16. Greenwich Mean Time
17. out of bounds
18. physical training
19. standard operating procedure
20. fighter ground-attack
21. short take-off and vertical landing
22. infrared
23. explosive reactive armour
24. tactical exercise without troops
25. field training exercise

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