Effect of Amine Groups in The Synthesis of Ag Nano
Effect of Amine Groups in The Synthesis of Ag Nano
Effect of Amine Groups in The Synthesis of Ag Nano
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4 authors, including:
Oscar de Sanctis
Instituto de Física Rosario
All content following this page was uploaded by Nora Susana Pellegri on 21 September 2018.
Received 15 November 2004; received in revised form 23 March 2005; accepted 19 April 2005
This work presents a simple method to produce silver nanoparticles through AgNO3 chemical reduction in a continuous media. Aminosilanes
act as catalytic reactors and superficial modifiers of Ag nanoparticles, inhibiting their growth and avoiding aggregation. Nanoparticles formation
is studied by UV–vis spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) techniques. The extent of the reduction
reaction increases with either a higher aminosilane concentration or with aminosilanes with a higher number of amine groups. The number
of amine groups in the aminosilane has also a strong effect on the size of the resulting Ag particles. The morphology of the Ag nanoparticles
obtained is spherical and the mean size is of approximately 5 nm.
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A. Frattini et al. / Materials Chemistry and Physics 94 (2005) 148–152 149
2. Experimental steps ment used was a JASCO Model V-530 UV–vis spectropho-
In a dark container to prevent early photoreduction, Dynamic light scattering (DLS), Nicomp particle size
300 mg of AgNO3 (Fluka, 99.95%) are added to 180 cm3 (Model 380 PSS, Santa Barbara, USA), was used to mea-
of ethanol (Merck, 99.8%) at a temperature of 60 ◦ C, sure the diameter distribution function of nanoparticles at a
stirring constantly. Different aminosilanes are dissolved fixed scattering angle of 90◦ .
in ethanol and then dispersed in a solution of alcohol–
AgNO3 previously prepared under stirring to finally obtain
AgNO3 :aminosilane ratios of 1:5, 1:10 and 1:15. 3. Results and discussion
The aminosilanes used were:
The reduction of silver ions in different solutions gener-
• 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APS) (Aldrich, 97%);
ally yields colloidal silver with particle diameter of several
• 3-(2-aminoethylaminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (AES)
nanometers. These particles have specific optical properties
(Aldrich, 97%);
indicated by the presence of intense absorption band at
• N-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]diethylenetriamine (ATS)
400–415 nm caused by collective excitation of all the free
(Aldrich Tech.).
electrons in the particles [11]. It is known that the presence
The chemical structure of the three compounds is shown of catalysts during the formation of metal nanoparticles can
in Fig. 1. influence the resulting nanoparticles morphology and size
After the preparation of the solution, an air or nitrogen re- [12]. Ag nanoparticles formation can be identified by a color
flux process is carried out during 1 h. Then, the Ag nanopar- change in the solution without precipitation and by UV–vis
ticles covered with aminosilanes are stored in amber flasks. spectra of the prepared products.
For atomic force microscopy (AFM) images, a drop of Table 1 shows that Ag nanoparticles formation is favored
nanoparticles alcoholic solution is placed over a pristine mica when the aminosilane concentration increases as well as
substrate on air atmosphere, the solvent evaporates naturally when the number of amine groups is greater in the aminosi-
and then the AFM measurements are taken. lane.
The AFM images were obtained using NanoTec ELEC- The progress of reduction reaction and formation of sil-
TRONICA equipment with tapping mode configuration at ver nanoparticles was monitored by the appearance and in-
room air temperature. A SiN tip supported by a silicon can- crease of the characteristic plasmon absorption band centered
tilever (0.76 N m−1 spring constant and 71 kHz resonance around 410 nm and the vanishing of the peaks located around
frequency) was used. 280 nm that are attributed to the absorption by complexes of
UV–vis spectra were performed employing a diluted Ag Ag+ and the Ag4 2+ intermediate reduced species or by small
nanoparticles solution and ethanol as reference. The instru- clusters of Ag atoms.
For 1:10 AgNO3 :ATS ratio (Fig. 2), the reaction is al-
most completed after 1 h of refluxing treatment, only a very
weak absorption band is observed around 280 nm. A very
homogenous colloidal suspension (transparent and yellow-
ish brown color) of nanosized particles was obtained. The
following evolution of the absorption spectra shows that the
completion of the process occurs between 4 and 24 h, while
the plasmon absorption peak is blue-shifted [5,7].
In order to study long-term stability of the Ag nanoparti-
cles in colloidal solutions, normalized UV–vis spectra were
obtained for an ethanol solution containing ATS covered Ag
nanoparticles (1:5 AgNO3 :ATS ratio), at different periods of
storage (after refluxing process), as shown in Fig. 3. An ab-
sorption band around 400 nm is observed in all spectra due
to Ag nanoparticles surface plasmon resonance. A very weak
absorption at 280 nm is also observed, indicating an almost
Table 1
Ag nanoparticles formation for different AgNO3 :aminosilanes ratio
1:5 1:10 1:15
APS No No Yes
AES No Yes Not studied
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of aminosilanes used as superficial modifiers. ATS Yes Yes Not studied
150 A. Frattini et al. / Materials Chemistry and Physics 94 (2005) 148–152
Fig. 3. UV–vis spectra of Ag nanoparticles covered with ATS and prepared Fig. 5. UV–vis spectra of Ag nanoparticles in ethanol before and after re-
under nitrogen atmosphere, 1:5 ratio. dissolution.
A. Frattini et al. / Materials Chemistry and Physics 94 (2005) 148–152 151
inferred from the AFM images (Fig. 7a) and this study gives
an average diameter of 5.14 nm with S.D. 1.02, showing a
good particle size distribution.
Furthermore, the average hydrodynamic radius of these
particles was measured by DLS showing an average size of
5.3 nm with S.D. 1.1 nm (20.2%) consistent with the results
described above. The distribution is shown in Fig. 7b.
The reduction of Ag+ to Ag requires a relatively high neg-
ative redox potential. The reduction of silver ion at 60 ◦ C
in a polar Lewis base solvent (ethanol) with aminosilanes,
resulted in spontaneous reduction of the silver salt and the
growth of silver nanoparticles depending on the number of
amino groups in aminosilanes used and on their concentra-
tion. For ATS, although the reaction takes more than 4 h to
be completed, the formation of nanosize Ag particles starts
almost immediately after the catalyst agent is added to the
AgNO3 /ethanol solution, irrespective of the AgNO3 :ATS ra-
tio used. In contrast, in the case of the AgNO3 solution in
Fig. 6. Two-dimensional (2D) AFM topographic image of Ag nanoparticles
ethanol with APS, precipitation over flask walls occurred af-
covered with ATS (1:5) placed over a mica substrate.
ter longer refluxing times and no absorption band character-
istic of surface plasmon resonance was observed in remnant
modifiers avoiding this harmful behavior. Although in AFM solutions for 1:5 and 1:10 AgNO3 :APS ratios. A stable Ag
images, particles seem to be very close to each other, they particles colloidal solution was only obtained using a higher
keep their morphology and individuality, and the geometry AgNO3 :APS ratio, which was equal to 1:15.
of the particles is spherical. This characteristic is repeated in Amine groups can be attributed a key role in the reduction
different areas of the sample, with higher or lower population of Ag+ . And this may be due to the coordination between
density of nanoparticles. The size of the nanoparticles can be N and Ag+ , which may decrease the potential of Ag+ /Ag
Fig. 7. (a) Ag nanoparticles size distribution from AFM images and (b) obtained by DLS.
152 A. Frattini et al. / Materials Chemistry and Physics 94 (2005) 148–152
4. Conclusions