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Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-1 Digital Documentation (Advanced)

1 A style is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames,
and other elements in your document to quickly change their appearance.
When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of formats at the same
2 Styles
time. help improve consistency in a document. They also make
major formatting changes easy.
3 supports the following types of styles:
• Page styles include margins, headers and footers, borders and
backgrounds. In Calc, page styles also include the sequence for printing
• Paragraph styles control all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such as
text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can include
character formatting.
• Character styles affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font
and size of text, or bold and italic formats.
• Frame styles are used to format graphic and text frames, including
wrapping type, borders, backgrounds, and columns.
• Numbering styles apply similar alignment, numbering or bullet characters,
and fonts to numbered or bulleted lists.
• Cell styles include fonts, alignment, borders, background, number formats
(for example, currency, date, number), and cell protection.
• Graphics styles in drawings and presentations include line, area,
shadowing, transparency, font, connectors, dimensioning, and other
4 provides several ways for you to select styles to apply.
•Click the Stylesstyles include attributes
and Formatting for font,
icon located indents,
at the spacing,
left-hand end alignment,
of the
and tabs.
object bar, or click Format > Styles and Formatting, or press F11.
5 Fill format mode is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly
without having to go back to the Styles and Formatting window and double-
click every time. This method is quite useful when you need to format many
scattered paragraphs, cells, or other items with the same style.
6 Creating New (Custom) Styles: You may want to add some new styles. You
can do this in two ways:
Creating a new style from a selection.
Dragging And Dropping to create a Style.
7 Modifying Styles: provides several ways to modify styles (both the
predefined styles and custom styles that you create):
• Updating a style from a selection

• Load or copy styles from another document or template

Any changes you make to a style are effective only in the current document.
To change styles in more than one document, you need to change the
template or copy the styles into the other documents.
1. What are Styles? What are the advantages of using styles?
Ans Styles are set of formats. Styles help improve consistency
in a document. They also make major formatting changes
2. Give any four styles supported by
Ans Page Styles, Paragraph Styles, Frame Styles, Numbering Styles
3. How can we create our own styles?
Ans Using two ways: -
Creating a new style from a selection.
Dragging And Dropping to Create a Style.
9 Images can be added to a document in several ways: by inserting an image
file, directly from a graphics program or a scanner, or from the Open Office
10 When the image is in a file stored on the computer, you can insert it into
an Open Office document using either of the following methods:
1) Drag and Drop
2) Insert Picture Dialog using Insert > Picture > From File from the
menu bar.
3) Inserting An Image From The Clipboard: - Using copy (Ctrl + C) and
paste (Ctrl + V)
11 Inserting An Image Using A Scanner: - To start this procedure, click where
you want the graphic to be inserted and select Insert > Picture > Scan >
Select Source.
12 To insert a Gallery image into a Writer document: Choose Tools > Gallery
13 We can modify an image using picture toolbar (View > Toolbars > Picture)
14 Two other toolbars can be opened from View > Toolbars > the Graphic
Filter toolbar, which can be torn off and placed elsewhere on the
window, and the Color toolbar, which opens as a separate floating
15 Graphic filters and their effects
Invert: Inverts the color values of a color image or the brightness values
of a grayscale image.
Smooth: Softens the contrast of an image.
Sharpen: Increases the contrast of an image.
Remove noise : Removes single pixels from an image.
16 Modifying the percentage value in the Transparency box on the Picture
toolbar to make the image more transparent. This is particularly useful
when creating a watermark or when wrapping the image in the
17 Cropping Images: When you are only interested in a section of the image
for the purpose of your document, you may wish to crop (cut off) parts of
18 When Keep scale is selected (default), cropping the image does not change
the scale of the picture.
19 The inserted image might not fit perfectly into the document if it is too big or
too small. In these cases, you can use Writer to resize the image.
To retain the original proportions of the graphic, Shift+click one of the
corner handles, then drag. Be sure to release the mouse button before
releasing the Shift key.
20 To begin using the drawing tools, display the Drawing toolbar by clicking
View> Toolbars > Drawing.
21 Grouping Drawing Objects:
Format > Group > Group from the menu bar
22 Positioning Image/Graphics Within the Text
Positioning of a graphic is controlled by four settings:
1. Arrangement refers to the placement of a graphic on an imaginary
vertical axis. Arrangement controls how graphics are stacked upon each
other or relative to the text.
2. Alignment refers to the vertical or horizontal placement of a
graphic in relation to the chosen anchor point.
3. Anchoring refers to the reference point for the graphics. This point
could be the page, or frame where the object is, a paragraph, or even a
character. An image always has an anchor point.
4. Text wrapping refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text,
which may wrap around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted
behind or in front of the graphic, or treat the graphic as a separate
paragraph or character.
The settings can be accessed: -
1. From the Format menu
2. From the pop-up menu

1. Explain any four Graphic filters.
Ans Invert: Inverts the color values of a color image or the
brightness values of a grayscale image.

Smooth : Softens the contrast of an image.

Sharpen: Increases the contrast of an image.
Remove noise : Removes single pixels from an
2. Explain Image Cropping.
Ans Cropping is used to cut a part of the image.
3. List any three methods of inserting images in a text document.
Ans Using Drag and drop, Using clipboard, Using Insert Picture dialog.
4. What do you understand by the terms: Text Wrapping, Anchoring
Ans a. Text Wrapping:- Wrapping of the text around an image. That
is adjusting image to be aligned around the text.
b. Anchoring: - Anchoring refers to the reference point for the graphics

23 A template is a model that you use to create other documents. For example,
you can create a template for business reports that has your company’s
logo on the first page. New documents created from this template will all
have your company’s logo on the first page.
24 Templates can contain anything that regular documents can contain, such as
text, graphics, a set of styles, and user-specific setup information such as
measurement units, language, the default printer, and toolbar and menu
25 All documents in are based on templates. You can create a
specific template for any document type (text, spreadsheet, drawing,
presentation). If you do not specify a template when you start a new
document, then the document is based on the default template for that
type of document. If you have not specified a default template, Open Office
uses the blank template for that type of document that is installed with
Open Office.
26 You can create your own templates in two ways: from a document and
using a wizard.
27 To set a custom template as the default:
From the main menu, choose File > Templates > Organize.
and choose Set As Default Template.
28 To re-enable Open Office’s Default template for a document type as the
default, choose Reset Default Template.
29 To use a particular template, choose File > New > Templates and Documents.
1. What are templates? What are the advantages of using templates?
Ans A template is a model that you use to create other documents. It
helps to quickly create a document which has the same structure as
that of a template.

2. What is the difference between styles and templates?

Ans Styles are set of formats whereas template is a model of a document.

3. Explain different ways of creating a template.

Ans .We can create your own templates in two ways: from a document,
and using a wizard.
30 Writer’s table of contents feature lets you build an automated table of
contents from the headings in your document. Before you start, make
sure that the headings are styled consistently. For example, you can use
the Heading 1 style for chapter titles and the Heading 2 and Heading 3
styles for chapter subheadings.
31 To create a table of content choose
Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables
32 To Update the table of content: -
1. Place the cursor within the table of contents.
2. Right-click and select Update Index/Table from the pop-up menu.
33 To Delete the table of content:-
1. Place the cursor within the table of contents.
2. Right-click and select Delete Index/Table from the pop-up menu.
34 To Edit the table of content: -
1. Place the cursor within the table of contents.
2. Right-click and select Edit Index/Table from the pop-up menu.
35 A mail merge is a way to take a letter you’ve written and send it to a whole
bunch of people, personalizing it with information about them so they
might think that you typed that letter personally for them. A mail merge
can also be a quick way to take a list of people’s mailing addresses and
generate labels or envelopes with the address for a different person on
each label or envelope. In short, it’s a way to be personal, yet efficient. It’s
essential for any person or organization that has a lot of clients, partners,
parents, and children, or other people to communicate with.
1. Explain Mail Merge.
Ans Mail Merge is used to create personalized letters, mailing
labels, envelopes.
2. What are advantages of Mail Merge?
Ans Helps create personalized documents using the existing data source
3.Give examples of databases in which the Data Source can be created.
Ans Spreadsheet, Open Office Writer, Open Office Base
Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-3 Database Management System

Database Management System

Database: A Database is an organized collection of data; it can be visualized as a

container of information.

Database Management System: DBMS is a software package with computer

programs that control the creation, maintenance, and use of a database. A database
is a collection of data and DBMS allows different user application programs to
concurrently access the same database. Examples of DBMS – Oracle, MySQL,
FoxPro, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Base, and Microsoft

Organization of Data: Data can be organized in two ways –

Flat File: Data is stored in a single table. This is usually suitable for less amount of

Relational: Data is stored in multiples tables which are linked by a common field.
This is suitable for medium to large amount of data.

Database Servers: These are dedicated computer systems that hold the databases
and run only the DBMS and related software. Databases are available on database
servers and are usually accessed through a command line or Graphic User Interface
tools [called Frontend]. Database servers are referred to as Back-ends. Such type of
data access is referred to as a client-server model.

Advantages of Database:

1) Reduces Data Redundancy: Database reduces data redundancy. Database

reduces Duplication of data, in fact, there is no chance to encounter duplicate data in
a database.
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2) Sharing of Data: The users of the database can share the data among themselves.

3) Data Integrity: Data integrity means that the data in the database is accurate and

4) Data Security: Database provides data security as only authorized users are
allowed to access the database and their identities are authenticated by using a
username and password.

5) Privacy: Only authorized users can access a database according to the database
privacy constraints.

6) Backup and Recovery: DBMS automatically takes care of backup and recovery.
In case of a crash or system failure, it gets restored to its previous condition.

Features of Database:

The database has one or more tables.

Each table has information about one type of item.

Every table in a database has a key field that makes sure that there are unique
values throughout the database.

Keys in a Database:

1) Primary Key: A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.
Primary Key helps the database to quickly search for a record.

2) Composite Primary Key: When a primary key constraint is applied on one or

more columns then it is known as Composite Primary Key.

3) Foreign key: The foreign key identifies a column or set of columns in one
(referencing) table that refers to a column or set of columns in another (referenced)


Database Objects:

1) Table: It is a collection of data elements (values). It consists of vertical columns

and horizontal rows where we put the required information.
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2) Columns or Fields or Attributes: It is a set of data values of a particularly simple
type, one for each row of the table.

3) Rows or Records or Tuples: It represents a single data item in a table. Every row
in the table has the same structure.

Data Types: These are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in
the database. Data types in the OpenOffice base are broadly classified into five

Numeric Types

Alphanumeric Types

Binary Types

Date time

Other Variable types

Numeric Types: Used for storing information such as mobile number, roll number,
door number, etc.

Alphanumeric Types: Used to store information that has alphabets as well as

numbers for example address, book summary field, etc.

Binary Types: Used for storing data in binary formats. This can be used for storing
photos, music files, etc.

DATE TIME: Used for storing information such as date of birth, date of admission,
date of product sale, etc.


In the OpenOffice Base, we store data in tables that can be inserted, modified, and
removed using suitable options.

Inserting Data In The Table:

Steps to insert data in a table –

1) Select the table, Double click on it.

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2) The table will open in Datasheet View.

3) Insert the required number of records in Datasheet View.

Editing Records In The Table:

Steps to Edit Records in the table –

1) Select the table, Double click on it.

2) The table will open in Datasheet View.

3) Edit the required record in Datasheet View.

Deleting Records From The Table

Steps to remove data from the table –

1) Select the table, Double click on it.

2) The table will open in Datasheet View.

3) Select the data > right click on selected data > select the Delete option.

Field Properties :

Steps to set field properties –

Select the table > Right-click > Select the option Edit > the table will open in Design

There are various properties of fields according to the data type set for each field in
the design view.

The properties of numeric type data are given below :

1) AutoValue – if set to yes then the field will get the auto numeric values.

2) AutoValue – if set to no then the field will not get the auto numeric values.

3) Length – By default length of the field is 10 but the size of the field can be set to
maximum length.

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4) Default Value – A default value can be set for a field if the user doesn’t provide
any value while entering the values in the table.

5) Format – This property helps to set the format of the data entered in the field
such as 91-222-333.

The properties of character type data are shown below :

1) Entry Required – if set to yes then it will be a must to insert the value in the field.

2) Length – By default length of the field is 10 but the size of the field can be set to
maximum length.

3) Default Value – A default value can be set for a field if the user doesn’t provide
any value while entering the values in the table.

4) Format – This property helps to set the format of the data entered in the field
such as 91-222-333.

Sorting Data:

Sorting means arranging the data in either ascending order or descending order.

Referential Integrity:

Referential integrity is used to maintain the accuracy and consistency of data in a

relationship. In OpenOffice Base, data can be linked between two or more tables
with the help of primary key and foreign key

Referential integrity helps to avoid:

1) Adding records to a related table if there is no associated record available in the

primary key table.

2) Changing values in a primary if any dependent records are present in the

associated table(s).

3) Deleting records from a primary key table if there are any matching related
records available in the associated table(s).

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Creating and Editing Relationships between Tables :

A relationship refers to an association or connection between two or more tables.

Relationships between tables help to:

Save time as there is no need to enter the same data in separate tables.

Reduce data-entry errors.

Summarize data from related tables.

You can create a relationship between any two tables by selecting the Relationships
option from the Tools menu.

There are three types of relationships that can be created in tables:

1) ONE to ONE Relationship: In this relationship, both the tables must have
primary key columns.

2) One to Many Relationship: In this relationship, one of the tables must have a
primary key column.

3) Many to Many Relationship: In this relationship, no tables have the primary key

Remove the Relationships

The relationships applied on the tables can be removed also with the help of the
Delete option. Right, Click on the relationship thread and select the Delete option.


Queries are commands that are used to define the data structure and also to
manipulate the data in the database. A query helps us join information from
different tables and filter that information.

There are two types of languages:-

DDL (Data Definition Language)

DML (Data Manipulation Language)

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Common DDL Statements are:-

Create :- This satement is used to create database or tables.

Alter :- This satement is used to modify structure of table.

Drop :- This satement is used to delete database objects.

Common DML Statements are:-

SELECT :- This satement is used to retrieves information from the database.

INSERT :- This satement is used to insert new record into the database.

DELETE :- This satement is used for deletion of information in the database.

UPDATE :- This satement is used for modification of information in the database

Select Statement :

A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more tables. SELECT
is the most commonly used Data Manipulation Language(DML) command. To
retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is SELECT * FROM <Table Name>;

For example, if you want to display all the data from table emp (short form of
employee), the command is

Select * from emp;

The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:

WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.

ORDER BY specifies an order in which to return the rows.

for example Select * from emp where name = “Neha”;

The above query will show the result of a particular employee named “Neha”.

Select * from emp order by Salary;

The above query will show all the records of table emp according to ascending order
of column Salary.

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Performing calculations :

In Base, simple calculations can be done on the data using arithmetic operators.

1) To display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by 1000 then the
following SQL command will be executed in Base. (Fields of table Employee are
EmployeeID, FirstName, Salary)

Select “EmployeeID”, “FirstName”, “Salary” +1000 from “Employee”;

2) To display the salary of all the employees after decreasing by 10000 then the SQL
command will be:

Select “EmployeeID”, “FirstName”, “Salary” – 10000 from “Employee”;

3) To display the salary of all the employees after incrementing it as twice the
amount of present salary, then the SQL command will be.

Select “EmployeeID”, “FirstName”, “Salary” * 2 from “Employee”

Update Statement :

Update statement is used for modifying records in a database. The general syntax of
the update statement is as follows:

UPDATE <table name> SET <Column name > = value [WHERE <Condition>];

for example :

1) To increase(update) the salary of employee “Neha” by Rs 2000 (in table

Employee)then the SQL command will be:

Update Employee set Salary = Salary + 2000 Where FirstName = “Neha”;


FORM: A form provides the user with a systematic way of storing information in the
database. It is an interface in a user-specified layout that lets users view, enter, and
change data directly in database objects such as tables.

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Creating Form Using Wizard: Steps To Create Form Using Wizard are :

1) Click Use Wizard to Create Form option under Tasks group. The Form Wizard
dialog box appears.

2) Select selective fields to be sent onto the form by selecting the field name and
clicking the > button and clicking Next.

3) Select the option Add Subform if you need to insert the contents in the table in a
separate form and click Next.

4) Arrange selected fields in a form and click Next.

5) Select the data entry mode and click Next.

6) Specify the styles to be used in the form and click Next.

7) Specify the name of the form. Click Finish.

REPORT: A report helps to display the data in a summarized manner. It is used to

generate the overall work outcome in a clear format.

Creating Reports using the wizard: Steps To Create Report Using Wizard are :

1) Click on Use Wizard to Create Report… option available under Tasks.

2) Select all the table fields by selecting the >> button.

3) Redefine the label of the fields in the reports or else you can set the default name
and click Next.

4) Define grouping for the fields of the table if required and click Next

5) Sort the field in the report by selecting the appropriate field name and sorting
method(if required) and click Next.

6) Select the layout of the report and click Next.

7) Define a name for the report and click Finish.

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Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. Which of the following will help to maintain the unique record in the table?
a. Foreign Key
b. Primary Key
c. Composite Key
d. Alternate Key
Q2. Which of the following field of table “Book” can act as the primary key?
a. Book_number
b. Subject
c. price
d. Author_name
Q3. When the primary key is made up of two or more columns then it is called __
primary key.
a. Mixed
b. Reference
c. Composite
d. Compost
Q4. Duplicate values can be entered in the primary key. (T/F)
a. True
b. False
Q5. A key which is referring to the primary key of another table is called _
a. Alternate Key
b. Primary Key
c. First Primary Key
d. Foreign Key
Q6. A field that is __ for each and every record is called the Primary key.
a. Common
b. Same
c. Unique
d. None of the above
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Q7. When data is stored, maintained, and retrieved from multiple tables then special
database software are required called __
c. Special DBMS
d. All of the above
Q8. Identify the Foreign Key from table “Sales”
Table Client:
ClientID (primary Key)
client name
client phone

Table: Sales
sales (Primary Key)

a. SalesID
b. Profit
c. Client phone
d. ClientID
Q9. Which of the following is not a valid field of table “Student”
a. admno
c. fees
d. salary
Q10. There can be multiple primary keys in a table. (T/F)
a. True
b. False


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Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-4 Web Applications and Security

1. Accessibility Options in Control Panel are used to customize the way your
keyboard, display, or mouse function.
2. __________ key is used to reduce repetitive strain.
a. Sticky b. Serial c. Mouse d. Toggle
3. __________ is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
a. Sound Sentry b. Serial key c. High Contrast d. Show Sounds
4. Identify the website that offers offline blog service for free.
a. Blogdesk b. Qumana c. WordPress d. both a and b
5. BSNL stands for _____________________.
a. Bharat Sanchar Network Limited
b. Bharat Samachar Nigam Limited
c. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
d. None of the above
6. When a combination of hardware and software enables a person with a
disability or impairment to use a computer, it is known as
a. Mechanical assistance
b. Assertiveness
c. Assistive Technology
d. Assistance and communication
7. In ________________ Networks, all computers have an equal status, and each
terminal has an equally competent CPU.
a. MAN b. WAN c. Client Server d. P2P
8. What do you mean by Internet Service Provider?
9. Explain any three types of impairments that impact computer usage.
10. Explain Client-Server architecture and Peer-to-Peer Architecture.
11. Expand the following terms: i. WAP ii. W3
12. Mention any two advantages of Networking.
13. What is a Blog? Name any two Online Blogs.
14. Differentiate between Filter keys and Toggle keys in Microsoft Windows.
15. In which situations Online shopping could be useful? Write any two popular
e-commerce websites.
1 Computer Accessibility refers to the user-friendliness of a computer system
for all, regardless of their disability. This is mainly a software issue.
However, when a combination of hardware and software, it enables a
person with a disability or impairment to use a computer. It is known as
Assistive Technology.
2 Accessibility Options in Control Panel are used to customize the way
your keyboard, display, or mouse function. Many of these features are
useful for people with disabilities.
3 Sticky Keys is an accessibility feature to help computer users with
physical disabilities, but it is also used by others as a means to reduce
repetitive strain. Sticky Keys allows the user to press and release a
modifier key, such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or the Windows key, and have it
remain active until any other key is pressed.
4 Filter Keys is a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility function
that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, making
typing easier for people with hand tremors.
5 Toggle Keys is also a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility
function which is designed for people who have vision impairment or
cognitive disabilities. When Toggle Keys is turned on, computer emits
sound cues when the locking keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock)
are pressed. A high
sound is emitted when the keys are switched on and a low sound is emitted
when they are switched off.
6 Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments. Sound
Sentry generates visual warnings, such as a blinking title bar or a flashing
border, whenever the computer generates a sound.
7 Show Sounds instruct applications that convey information by sound, to
also provide information visually, through text captions or informative
8 High Contrast is an accessibility feature to assist people with vision
impairment. You can change the size and color of fonts and the background
for ease of viewing.
9 Cursor Options is also an accessibility feature that assists people with
vision impairment by changing the blink rate and width of the cursor.
10 MouseKeys is an accessibility feature that assists people who have
difficulty using a mouse. This option uses the keyboard (especially
numeric keypad) as a pointing device instead of a mouse.
11 Serial Keys is an accessibility feature that assists people that have
difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both).
Fill in the blanks:
1. The option in Microsoft Windows used for helping users with physical
disabilities and to reduce repetitive strain is Sticky Keys.
2. Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
3. The High Contrast option in Microsoft Windows is designed to assist
people with vision impairments.
4. Serial Keys is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a
keyboard or a mouse.
12 A computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware
components interconnected by communication channels (cables or
satellites) that allow sharing of resources and information.
13 Networks are designed using the following architecture:
Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called peer-to-
peer networks. Generally, in such a network each terminal has an equally
competent CPU.
Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks,
providing services to other computers (in the network) are called client-
server networks. The computer(s) which provide services are called
servers and the ones that use these services are called clients.

□ LOCAL AREA NETWORK: A local area network (LAN) is one which

connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as
home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned
group of buildings.
A wide area network (WAN) is one which covers a broad area (i.e., any
network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries).
The Internet is the most popular WAN, and is used by businesses,
governments, non-profit organizations, individual consumers, artists,
entertainers, and many others.

15 The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that

use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users
worldwide. It is a network of networks.
16 World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly known as the
Web), is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the
17 Advantages associated with networking are:
•Data Sharing
•Files Transfer
•Hardware Sharing
•Internet Access Sharing
•Usage of network-based applications
18 To use the Internet, you need an Internet connection. Internet connections
provided by Internet Service Providers (ISP) such as Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Limited (BSNL), Airtel, Jio, Vodafone, etc
An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides you
with access to the Internet via a dial-up (using modem) or direct (hard
wired) or wireless connection.
19 Á modem is a device that converts digital computer signals into a form
(analog signals) that can travel over phone lines. It also re-converts the
analog signals back into digital signals. The word modem is derived from
its function MOdulator/DEModulator.
20 Types Of Common Internet Connectivity
Dial-up: Dial-up Internet access is a form of Internet access that uses
the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to
establish a connection to an Internet service provider (ISP) via
telephone lines using a device called MODEM.
DSL: Digital subscriber line (DSL) provide Internet access by
transmitting digital data over wires of a local telephone network. DSL
service is delivered along with wired telephone service on the same
telephone line.
Cable Internet Access: Cable Internet Access is a form of broadband
Internet access that uses the cable television infrastructure.
3G: 3G, short for 3rd Generation is a set of standards used for mobile
devices and mobile telecommunication services and networks. High-Speed
Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) is 3G mobile telephony communications
protocol that allows higher data transfer speeds and capacity.
WiMAX: WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is
a wireless communications standard designed to provide mobile
broadband connectivity across cities and countries through a variety of
WI-Fi: Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device such
as computers or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a
network, including high-speed Internet connections.
a) The data is broken up into bits of same sized pieces called packets.
b) A header is added to each packet explaining where the data has come
from, where it should end up and where it fits in with the rest of the
c) Each packet is sent from computer to computer until it finds its
destination. Each computer on the way decides where next to send the
packet. All packets may not take the same route.
d) At the destination, the packets are examined. If any packets are missing
or damaged, a message is sent asking for them to be re-sent. This
continues until all packets have been received intact.
e) The packets are now reassembled into their original form. All this i s
done in seconds!
Fill in the blanks:
1. The acronym for LAN is Local Area Network.
2. Three types of Wired Internet Connectivity are Dialup , DSL &
Cable Internet Access .
3. Three types of Wireless Internet Connectivity are 3G , WiMax & WiFi.
II. Answer the following:
1. Define networking.
Ans Networking is the interconnection of devices or hardware
2. Give any three advantages of networking.
Ans Data Sharing, Hardware Sharing, Internet Access Sharing
3. Explain the term packet with reference to data transfer.
Ans When any file is transferred from one computer to another it is
broken into equal sized pieces (bits) known as packets.
4. Explain Wi-Fi and its significance.
Ans Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device such as
computers or mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network,
including high-speed Internet connections.
5. Compare LAN with WAN.

LAN is Local Area Network. WAN is Wide Area Network
It is limited to a small It is not limited to any area and
geographical area is widely available across the
Helps to form a network for Helps all individuals to connect
an organization. and access information over t h e

6. Expand the following terms:

a. DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
b. ISP : Internet Service Provider
c. Modem : Modulator Demodulator
d. WWW : World Wide Web
e. LAN : Local Area Network
f. MAN : Metropolitan Area Network
g. WAN : Wide Area Network
h. P2P : Peer to Peer
7. Explain P2P Architecture and how it is different from Client
Server Architecture?
Ans Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called
peer to peer networks.
Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks,
providing services to other computers (in the network) are called client
server networks.
22 Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that
offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender
to receiver.
23 For utilizing audio and video chat or conferencing, you need to have
microphones and headsets or speakers and web cameras so that users can
talk or see each other.
24 Key Features of an instant messaging are as follows:
1) Text Messages can be sent to one or more person (Similar to SMS).
2) Audio calling and conferencing.
3) Video calling and conferencing.
4) File transfers (Not limited to documents, spread sheets, audio files,
video files, etc.)
5) Message history (Save messages for future reference).
25 Some of the popular instant messaging software are:
□ WhatsApp
□ Facebook Messenger
□ Zoom
□ Skype
□ Telegram
1. Fill in the blanks:
a. Instant Messaging is a form of communication over the Internet that
offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender
to receiver.
b. Microphone , Speaker & Internet & Web Camera are required for audio
and video conferencing.
2. List any five-application based instant messaging software.
Ans WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Skype, Telegram

3. What do you mean by instant messages?

Ans instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from
sender to receiver over internet is known as instant messages.

4. Give any three key features of Instant Messaging.

1) Text Messages can be sent to one or more person (Similar to SMS)
2) Audio calling and conferencing.
3) Video calling and conferencing.
4) File transfers (Not limited to documents, spread sheets, audio
files, video files, etc.)
5) Message history (Save messages for future reference).
Answer the following:
1. State any 03 rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting on the
Ans 1. Messages should be short and to the point.
2. Don’t type your messages in upper case.
3. Give people time to respond.

2. What are the basic needs to use instant messaging (chat) software.
Ans.We require an active internet connection at both ends sender
and receiver, chat application, id or details of the person to whom
we want to chat.
26 A blog is a discussion-style site used by non-technical (or technical users)
users for creating personal web pages. Blogs are similar to an online
personal diary and are simple to use.
You can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements,
news, reviews, etc. Blogs are usually managed using a web browser and
this requires active internet connection.

27 Some of the popular blogs include:

1. What is a blog? Explain its use.
Ans A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an
individual or small group, that is written in an informal or
conversational style. It is used to convey messages about new, events,
reviews or any announcements.
2. List any 5 websites that provide blog service.
3. What is a web page?
Ans Web page is one single page on the Internet displaying some
relevant content.
4. What do you mean by publishing a post?
Ans Publishing a post means, making the post available or accessible
publicly by all over Internet.

28 There are several free offline blog editors available that can be downloaded and
installed on the local computer such as:
Windows Live Writer
Answer the following:
1. Explain the purpose of an offline blog editor.
Ans Offline blog editors helps us to write blogs even if there is no active
internet connection and save it on the hard disk and can be published at
any later time.
2. List any three offline blog editors.
Ans Qumana, Windows Live Writer, Blogdesk

29 Online transactions have made transactions very convenient and simplified the
workflow in many forms in a business. Online transactions deal with the transfer
of money over the Internet.
30 Many protocols and security measures have been adopted to ensure the safe
and secure OLTP (Online Transaction process ).
31 Numerous benefits of online transactions like, fast transaction speed,
convenience, low risk of theft etc has exponentially increased its use among
32 Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where customers can buy or
sell goods over the Internet. Customers need to have an active Internet
connection for viewing goods or services offered by a seller; customers can pay
online using a credit, debit card or by internet banking.
33 Online shopping could be useful in situations when:
• A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
• Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
• A product or service that is not available in the local market is available online.

34 Some of the popular online transaction websites are:

• IRCTC, an online portal for booking flight and train tickets.
• Flipkart, an online shopping portal for buying consumer products.
• eBay, an online portal for buying and selling goods.
• redBus, an online portal for booking bus tickets.
35 To perform an online transaction, all you need is a web browser and an active
Internet connection. In some cases where purchasing is involved, you will need a
valid credit card, debit card or online banking support referred to as Net Banking
1. Explain the purpose of Online transactions.
Ans Online transaction enables us to do monetary transaction
using an active Internetconnection at any location.
2. List any five websites that allow online transactions.
Ans,,, ,
3. List any three payment tools to use online transactions.
Ans Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking
4. Give any two benefits of online transactions.
Ans Saves Time, Saves Money
36 Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the
Internet, often involving browser security but also network security. Its
objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the
Internet. The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging
information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing.
37 Though Internet provides valuable information and entertainment, it may
leave your computer unsecure due to many online threats. You need to
ensure that your usernames, passwords, credit card or online banking
information are secure as they are prone to be tracked and used by
unauthorized users. Some websites can also install Malware on the
computer without user consent thereby leaving the computer damaged or
38 Online threats such as Phishing, email spoofing, chat spoofing, etc. can
increase the chances of users getting compromised.
39 You can reduce the risks by using best practices such as using Antivirus
Software, Antispyware Software, Firewalls, strong passwords, etc. in
addition to spreading awareness of the best practices.
40 Best Practices for Security
□ Use strong passwords, a combination of alphanumeric and
special characters could be used for creating a password that is
not so easy to crack or guessed by other users.
□ Use encryption software.
□ Keeping your username and password private.
□ Do not share personal information.
□ Use antivirus and antispyware software.
□ Do not immediately respond to mails from unknown users.
□ Clear browser cookies frequently: Cookies are programs that are
created on your local computer when you visit websites.
□ Keep the operating system and software applications up to date.
□ Install firewalls: Firewalls could be software or hardware and can
assist in keeping a computer and a network secure. Firewalls analyze
the network traffic and determine if the traffic should be allowed or

□ Never install software from unknown sources.
□ Remove unwanted or unknown software applications.

1. Explain the purpose of Internet Security.
Ans The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging
information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as
phishing. So, we require rules to be followed to minimize the risk of
Internet-related frauds.
2. Explain different kinds of online threats.
Ans Phishing, Email Spoofing, Chat Spoofing
3. Explain the need to clear data stored in browsers.
Ans.We need to clear the data stored in browsers like our id and
password, details of the websites visited to avoid being misused by
someone else on any public or shared computer.
41 Every organization must follow a standard set of safety rules and
procedures. These rules must be stated and displayed clearly at
important areas. All the employees must be given demonstrations and
training to follow safety rules.
42 Basic safety rules to follow at the workplace are
Fire safety,
Falls and slips,
Electrical safety,
Use of first aid
Timely repairs should be carried out by a competent person/
organization at workplace/ home to avoid/minimize any hazards.
43 Most of the time fire can be prevented using appropriate measures.
- Fire escape plans must be installed at proper levels.
- Conduct regular drills.
- Smoke alarms must be placed at proper intervals.
- Maintenance of safety equipment must be taken care of regularly.

44 Falls and Slips Safety rules

- Keep the moving area clean and clutter-free.
- Workplace must be proper ventilated to receive light.
- Wear non slippery footwear.
- Floors must be clean and dry.
- Oil spills, dust must be immediately cleaned.
45 Following are some of the measures we should take to keep ourselves safe
from electricity hazards and accidents:-
- Electrical equipment used should be approved by a recognised
- Workers should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely.
- Damaged and hazardous electrical equipment should be immediately
replaced. All old and workout and frayed switches and wires should be
- Heat emanating equipment should be kept away from the electrical
- Take care that the outlets/ circuits should not be overloaded.
46 -First Aidoff andimmediate
is the unplug theassistance
electrical provided
appliancestobefore cleaning
the injured or life
to save
and minimizethem.
health loss till the proper medical aid/ facility is
47 Some rules of First Aid are :
- Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
- Keep them warm if they are under shock.
- Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury.
48 Some types of occupational hazards are: Physical hazards, chemical
hazards, biological hazards, behavioural hazards, radiological hazards,
ergonomic hazards etc.
1. Enlist any three basic safety rules to follow at workplace.
Fire safety,
Falls and slips,
Electrical safety,
Use of first aid

2. Give any two basic safety rules for ensuring Falls and Slips safety.
- Keep the moving area clean and clutter free.
- Workplace must be proper ventilated to receive light.

3. Give any two electrical safety rules in any organization.

- Electrical equipment used should be approved by a
recognised organization.
- Workers should be trained to handle the electric equipment safely.

4. Explain any two first aid rules.

- Assure the injured to remain calm and not to panic.
- Keep them warm if they are under shock.

5. What do you mean by occupational hazards?

Ans An occupational hazard is the illness one may acquire due to his
occupation. Like people working in a chemical factory may get affected
due to presence of certain chemicals.

6. List any three types of occupational hazards.

Ans Some types of occupational hazards are : Physical hazards,
chemical hazards, biological hazards, behavioural hazards,
radiological hazards, ergonomic hazards etc.
49 Accident: an accident is an unplanned event that may happen all of a sudden
and may lead to unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.
It can be defined as an unfortunate incident that occurs unintentionally
causing hazardous result or injury or unwanted results.
50 Accidents may be of following types :
- Accidents at workplace: Slips and fall accidents, fire
- Industrial disease/illness
- Road traffic accidents
- Clinical Accidents
- Sports related accidents
51 Workplace accidents may include injuries that are caused to the workers
due to falls and slips.
Slip and fall accidents may occur at any working environment and the
injuries may vary from minor ache to major severe accident. Some
injuries suffered might include fracture, sprain, knee or elbow injury,
wrist or head injuries etc.
52 Accidents must be handled carefully. The accident should be
handled compassionately without assigning blame on others.
- Every organization must follow SOP for accident handling.
- Safety measures must be placed to prevent workplace accidents.
- Immediately call the medical team for any injury.
- Stay alert.
- Pay attention to and follow emergency drills.
53 Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and
action. An emergency situation is one that:
● threatens the employees, customers or the public.
● disrupts or shuts down the operations.
● causes physical or environmental damage.
54 An emergency must be handled immediately to prevent further losses and
to minimize the loss. One must be alert to notice any kind of emergency.
There are various types of emergencies that may occur at home. School or
55 Some of the types of emergencies are as follows:

- Chemical spills
- Extreme heat waves
- Droughts
- Pandemics
- Terrorist attack
- Fire
- Floods
- Thunderstorms
- Leakage of some hazardous gas/ chemical
56 Some of the types of emergencies that require evacuation are:
● Fire
● Explosion
● Floods
● Earthquake
● Hurricane
● Tornado
● Toxic material release
● Civil disturbance
● Workplace violence
1. Explain the terms accident and emergency.
Ans An accident is an unplanned event that may happen all of a sudden
and may lead to unwanted or unprecedented results/outcomes.
Any unexpected situation that needs immediate attention and
action is emergency.

2. Enlist any four types of accidents.

- Accidents at workplace: Slips and fall accidents, fire
- Industrial disease/illness

3. Give any three situations of emergency that require evacuation.

4. Give any two ways to handle accidents.


Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-2 Self-Management Skills

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills

Self-Management Skills are those skills that help a person to control his
thoughts, wants, feelings and actions. It allows you to maximize your
productivity and performance in various fields of your career. When we
talk about employability, Self- management skills help you to manage a
good career path.

Following are some of the skills you must master to succeed in life:

• Self-awareness: Ask for honest feedback. Gather insights on your

personality and work-specific proficiencies. Think about your daily
interactions and how you handled situations well or could have handled
them differently.

• Responsibility: Taking responsibility for your tasks is very important.

Taking ownership is the step towards self-development. For example, if
you have been assigned a task by a teacher; ensure you take complete
ownership. Even if you are unable to complete the task on time, you must
report it and then correct it.

• Time Management: Prioritize the things you have to do. Remove

waste and redundancy from work. Make a timetable and follow it

• Adaptability: Stay current with best practices and read up on new

information always. Prepare yourself for new changes, so that you can
transition seamlessly.

Session 1: Stress Management

What is Stress?
Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction
to any perceived demands or threats. These demands or threats are
called stressors. Stressors are the reason for stress.

For example,

• you are too close to the exams but feel unprepared.

• you are experiencing a loss of someone close in the family.

• you are worried about what people would think of you if you don’t
dress well or cannot speak confidently.

Stress Management

Managing stress is about making a plan to be able to cope effectively with

daily pressures. The ultimate goal is to strike a balance between life, work,
relationships, relaxation, and fun. By doing this, you are able to deal with
daily stress triggers and meet these challenges head-on.

Always keep in mind the ABC of stress management

A: Adversity or the stressful event

B: Beliefs or the way you respond to the event

C: Consequences or actions and outcomes of the event

Stress Management Techniques

Here are a few simple stress management techniques.

• Time management: Proper time management is one of the most

effective stress- relieving techniques.

• Physical exercise and fresh air: A healthy lifestyle is essential for

students. Stress is generally lower in people who maintain a healthy
routine. Doing yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises help in
proper blood circulation and relaxes the body. Even taking a walk or
playing in the park will help you get a lot of fresh oxygen, which will help
you become more active.

• Healthy diet: Having a healthy diet will also help you reduce stress.
Eating a balanced diet, such as Dal, Roti, vegetables and fruits will give you
the strength to do your daily work efficiently.

• Positivity: Focusing on negative aspects of life will add more stress.

Instead, learn to look at the good things and stay positive. For example,
instead of feeling upset over a scoring less in a test, try to maintain a
positive attitude and look at ways to improve the next time.

• Sleep: We should get a good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours so that
your brain and body get recharged to function better the next day.

• Holidays with family and friends: Going to a relative’s place, such as

your grandparents’ house or a new place during your summer
vacations can help you break from the normal routine and come back

Ability to Work Independently

If you can become a calm and relaxed person, you will have the ability to
work independently, which means.

1. Becoming self-aware, self-monitoring, and self-correcting.

2. Knowing what you need to do.

3. Taking the initiative rather than being told what to do.

4. Recognizing your mistakes and not blaming others.

5. Having the ability and the will to learn continuously.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own

emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

• Emotional awareness: the ability to identify and name one’s own


• Harnessing emotions: the ability to harness and apply emotions

to tasks like thinking and problem solving.

• Managing emotions: the ability to regulate one’s own emotions

when necessary and help others to do the same.

Some steps to manage emotional intelligence are as given below.

• Understand your emotions: Observe your behaviour and note

the things you need to work on. You can then work on the things
you need to improve.

• Rationalise: Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your


• Practise: Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.

Session 2: Self-awareness — Strength and Weakness


Techniques for Identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses

Finding Strengths (or abilities)

• Think of anything that you are always successful at.

• Think about what others like in you.
• Take out time and think about what you do well.

Finding Weaknesses
• Point out the areas where you struggle and the things you find difficult to
• Look at the feedback others usually give you.
• Be open to feedback and accept your weaknesses without feeling low
about it. Take it as an area of improvement.

Difference between Interests and Abilities (Strengths)


1. Things that you like to do in your free time that make you happy. An
acquired or natural capacity.

2. Things you are curious about or would do even if no one asked you to
do it.

3. Things you want to learn or would like to do in the future.


1. An acquired or natural capacity.

2. Enable you to perform a particular job or task with considerable


Session 3: Self-motivation

Self-motivation is simply the force within you that drives you to do

things. Self- motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel
happy and improve our quality of life. In other words, it is our ability to
do the things that need to be done without someone or something
influencing us.

Qualities of Self-motivated People

1. Know what they want from life

2. Are focused
3. Know what is important
4. Are dedicated to fulfill their dreams

Building Self-motivation
• Find out your strengths
• Set and focus on your goals
• Develop a plan
• to achieve your goals
• Stay loyal to your goals

Session 4: Self-regulation — Goal Setting

Goals: They are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them, for example,
saving pocket money to buy a favourite mobile phone by a particular

Goal setting: It is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning
on how to achieve them.

How to Set Goals?

We can use SMART method to set goals. SMART stands for:

• Specific: A specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved
in the goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I start and
finish? Which means do I use? Why am I doing this?

Not a specific goal: “I would learn to speak English.”

Specific goal: “I would learn to speak English fluently by joining coaching

classes after my school every day, and in six months I will take part in the

inter-school debate competition.”

Measurable: A measurable goal answers the questions “How much?”, “How

many?” and “How do I know that I have achieved results?”

Not measurable goal: “I want to be rich.”

Measurable goal: “I want to have 5 times more money than what I have
today in my hand at the end of this year.”
Achievable: Breaking down big goals into smaller parts will make the goal
achievable. Bigger Goal: “I want to become a teacher in my school.”
Realistic: A realistic goal would be something that we want to achieve and
can work towards.

Example of unrealistic goal: “I will read my entire year’s syllabus in one

day and get good marks.”

Realistic goal: “I spend 3 hours every day of the year after school to revise
my subjects to get good marks in the exams.”

• Time bound: A SMART goal should have a timeframe by when the

goal needs to be achieved.
This encourages us to take actions to completely fulfill the goals.

Not a time bound goal: “I want to lose 10 kg someday.”

Time bound goal: “I want to lose 10kg in the next 6 months.”
Session 5: Self-regulation — Time Management
Time Management and Its Importance
Time management is the thinking skill that helps you to

• complete tasks on time.

• make a daily timetable.

• make a good guess at how long it will take you to do something.

• submit homework and assignments on time.

• not waste time during the day.

Four Steps for Effective Time Management

1. Organise: We plan our day to- day activities.
2. Priorities: We make a to-do list that has all our activities, and we rank
them in the order of importance.
3. Control: We have a control over our activities and time.
4. Track: We identify and note where we have spent our time.

Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-3 ICT Skills

Unit 3: ICT Skills

Q1. Mention any three functions of operating system.
Ans. Three functions of operating system are : (Write any three)
1 It checks whether the device is functioning properly or not.
2. It controls software resources of the computer.
3. It manages the computer memory
4. It manages the structure of the files and directories on a computer
5. It keeps track of the amount of disk space used by a specific file.
6. It allows you to create, copy, move and delete files
Q2. What is the name given to the screen that appears after Windows
operating system is loaded?
Ans. Desktop
Q3. Small images on the desktop are called _________
Ans. Icons
Q4. Name two common icons on the Desktop .
Ans. Two common icons on the Desktop are
a. Computer Icon
b. Recycle bin
Q5. Name the icon that provides access to all the drives, files and folders
on a computer.
Ans. Computer icon provides access to all the drives, files and folders.
Q6. Name the button to the left of the taskbar.
Ans. Start Button
Q7. Picture for the desktop background is called ____________
Ans. Wallpaper
Q8. Write any four components of Windows Desktop.
Ans. Four components of Windows 7 Desktop are :
a. Taskbar
b. Wallpaper
c. Icons
d. Start Button
Q9. Taskbar is the long horizontal bar present at the ________________ of the
Ans. Bottom
Q10. To left of the Taskbar is the ___________(Start button, Date/Time)
and to the right appears ________________ (Start button, Date/Time)
Ans. Start button, Date/Time
Q11. Files and folders deleted by the user are stored in the _________
Ans. Recycle Bin
Q12. To change the name of the folder, right-click and select
_______________option from the Shortcut menu.
Ans. Rename
Q13. Expand GUI and CUI.
Ans. GUI : Graphical User Interface
CUI : Character User Interface
Q14. Windows Operating System is an example of ______ (GUI / CUI)
Ans. GUI
Q15. Disk Operating System is an example of ___________ (GUI / CUI)
Ans. CUI
Q16. How can you delete a folder?
Ans. To delete a file or a folder:
Click the file or the folder.
Press the Delete key.
Right-click and select Delete option from the Shortcut menu.
Q17. Name the place where deleted files are placed.
Ans. Recycle Bin
Q18. How can you empty the recycle Bin?
Ans. We can empty the recycle Bin
Right-click the Recycle Bin icon and then
click Empty Recycle Bin.
Double-click the Recycle Bin icon.
The Recycle Bin window appears.
Click Empty the Recycle Bin.
Q19. What is the possible cause of slowing down of computer?
Ans. A large number of files are stored on the computer. These files
can be disorganized and fragmented and may result in slowing down
of the computer.
Q20. Why keyboard should be covered if not in use?
Ans. Dirt and dust can cause damage to the keyboard. Keys of the
keyboard may not function properly if dirt enters the keys.
Q21. What general precautions should you take while cleaning the
Ans. General precautions to be taken while cleaning the computer
components are:
a. Always Power Off the computer system before cleaning.
b. Do not allow the cleaning liquid to drip near the circuit board.
c. Never spray cleaning fluid directly on the component of the
computer. First spray the liquid on the cloth and then wipe the
Q22. List some of the maintenance activities for the computer system.
Ans. Some of the maintenance activities are:
1 Keep the components of the computer, like keyboard, mouse,
monitor, etc. clean.
2. Replace hardware that is not functioning properly
3. Keep food items away from the computer.
4. Cables and chords should not be messed up
Q23. Why regular disk defragmentation should be done?
Ans. A regular disk defragmentation should be done to remove all
unnecessary information that slows down the computer. Disk
defragmentation done at regular intervals helps the disc
space to be used at an optimal level.
Q24. Mention few ways in which a computer gets infected with virus.
Ans. A computer can get infected with virus in any of the following
a. Infected files
b. Infected pen drives
c. Infected CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs
d. Through infected file attachment of e-mails
Q25. Can computer virus infect hardware?
Ans. No
Q26. What are the common signs of a virus attack?
Ans. Some of the common signs of a virus attack are:
a. Computer runs very slow
b. There is change in the file size.
c. Computer often stops responding.
d. There is an increase in number of files (unusual)
e. Unusual error message appears on the screen.
f. Computer restarts on its own.
Q27. How can you prevent your computer from virus infection?
Ans. To prevent our computer from being infected with virus, we should
install anti-virus software, run it periodically and keep it updated
Q28. What is the use of antivirus software? Name any two commonly used
anti-virus software.
Ans. Antivirus software is used to detect and remove malicious
programs from the computer.
Some examples of antivirus software are McAfee Virus Scan, Norton
AntiVirus,Microsoft Security essentials, and Quick Heal.
Q29. How are temporary files created in computer?
Ans. Temporary files are created when you are running computer
programs. Microsoft Windows and Windows programs often create a
.TMP file as a temporary file.Temporary files are also created by web
browsers to store your web browser history.
Q30. Why we should remove temporary files from the computer?
Ans. Temporary files take up a large amount of disk space and makes
the computer slow so should be removed to clear space.
Q31. Identify which of the following is a temporary file.
a. Project.docx
b. Mathsite.tmp
Ans. Mathsite.tmp
Q32. How can you select all the files in a folder using the keyboard?
Ans. Press Ctrl + A, to select all the files in the folder.
Q33. Which key combination will you press to get the Run dialog box?
Ans. Press Windows button + R on the keyboard to get the Run dialog
Q34. What command will you write in the Run dialog box to open the Temp
Ans. %temp%
Q35. What are cookies?
Ans. Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer when
you visit a website on the internet.
Q36. What is a firewall in computing?
Ans. A computer firewall is a network security system that monitors
and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on user-
defined security rules.
Q1. ICT stands for _______________
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Information and Communication Terminology
c. Information and Common Technology
d. Information to Communication Technology
Ans. a. Information and Communication Technology
Q2. A computer is an _____________ machine
a. mechanical
b. electrical
c. electronic
d. None of the above
Ans. c. electronic
Q3. ICT refers to all the methods, tools, concepts related to
a. storing digital information.
b. recording digital information.
c. sending digital information.
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q4. Which of the following ways are used to record or store information?
a. handwritten on paper
b. written using a typewriter
c. typed in computer
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q5. Physical part of computer is called ___________
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Shareware
d. None of the above
Ans. a. Hardware
Q6. Which of the following is not computer hardware?
a. RAM
b. Keyboard
c. MS Paint
d. Monitor
Ans. c. MS Paint
Q7. Which of the following is/are examples of software?
a. MS Word
b. MS Excel
c. OpenOffice Calc
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q8. ______ act as an interface between the user and the computer.
a. Operating System
b. Ms Excel
c. Impress
d. Digital Documentation
Ans. a. Operating System
Q9. Software that starts working as soon as we switch on a computer is
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Operating System
d. None of the above
Ans. c. Operating System
Q10. Hardware would not be able to function without ___________
a. Shareware
b. Freeware
c. Software
d. None of the above
Ans. c. Software
Q11. Which of the following is an output device?
a. Monitor
b. Speaker
c. Printer
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q12. Sneha created a file in Notepad and saved the file by name “hello” so the
complete name of file will be _____________
a. hello.doc
b. hello.docx
c. hello.txt
d. hello.jpg
Ans. c. hello.txt
Q13. The extension of image file is _____________
a. .xls
b. .jpg
c. .doc
d. .docx
Ans. b. .jpg
Q14. A __________ is a location where a group of files can be stored.
a. folder
b. main file
c. super file
d. none of the above
Ans. a. folder
Q15. When a student, Neha, joins a class, the teacher creates a file on the
computer to store Neha’s information, such as name, address, phone
In which of the following application, we can store such information?
a. Notepad
b. Wordpad
c. MS Word
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q16. Which of the following is a text editor?
a. MS Excel
b. MS Paint
c. Notepad
d. All of the above
Ans. c. Notepad
Q17. Shortcut to save file is ________________
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + F1
c. Alt + S
d. None of the above
Ans. a. Ctrl + S
Q18. We should avoid _______ to protect our computer/laptop.
a. Eating near computer
b. Keeping a glass of water near computer
c. Dropping laptop
d. All of the above
Ans. d. All of the above
Q19. The CPU has an ______________ to keep it cool.
a. internal fan
b. external fan
c. cooling pipe
d. None of the above
Ans. a. internal fan
Q20. Overcharge your mobile/laptop battery will _______ the battery life.
a. increase
b. decrease
c. no change
d. None of the above
Ans. b. decrease
Q21. Backing up data means to save the information present on your
computer on another device.(T/F)
Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Skills

1 Mark Questions

1. I refer to the type of self-employment where one is running a business to

satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business
better to make profits. – Who am I?
Ans. Entrepreneurship
2. List out the qualities of an entrepreneur.
Ans. The qualities of entrepreneur are as following:
1. Confident
2. Patient
3. Creative and think differently
4. Take responsibility for their actions
5. Take decisions after thinking
6. Hard working
7. Don’t give up
3. Rohan is working for a private organization and gets paid for that work
whereas Manish has started his own business to satisfy the needs of people.
Identify the profession of Rohan and Manish.
Ans. Rohan is wage Employed whereas Manish is self-employed.
4. A self-employed person who is always trying to make his/her business
better by taking risks and trying new ideas. Who is this person?
Ans. Entrepreneur

5. Diya and Bhavya both own a shop. Bhavya is sitting at her shop always and
sells whenever a customer visits her shop. Whereas Diya walks around and
get a customer at her shop and she is working to do more and grow her
business. She added different ideas for that. Identify the role of Bhavya and
Ans. Bhavya is Businesswoman and Diya is an entrepreneur.
6. Name the business run by Bharti Manav a woman from Bihar.
Ans. Manavi Natural Handicrafts
7. What do you mean by demand?
Ans. Demand refers to a product or service that people want.
8. What do entrepreneurs do with respect to demand?
Ans. An entrepreneur find out what people want and use their creativity to come
up with business ideas that will meet the demand of people.
9. What is the local resource used by Bharti Manav to make jewellery?
Ans. Jute, water and sand
10. Name the term used for a way in which a person acts or behaves.
Ans. Quality
11. The term used for the chance of something going wrong.
Ans. risk
12. Mohan has started a catering service in his area. But due to a few
reasons, he couldn’t make a profit in it. He stopped working on this idea
and apologies to the people involved for the work and promised to work
better in future. Which quality of an entrepreneur, he demonstrate here?
Ans. take responsibility for his work
13. Anjali pays salary to her employees every month. Which function she is
performing as an entrepreneur here?
Ans. Manages the business
14. Mahesh needs to purchase raw materials from farmers for his business.
He is purchasing the materials from another state where he is not doing
business. Here he pays more cost. The local farmer approached him for
supplying the raw material. He started purchasing from them at a lower
cost and stopped from another state. Here which function he is
performing as an entrepreneur?
Ans. Making Decision
15. Name the term used for a false belief or opinion about something.
Ans. Myth or Misconception

16. A person needs a lot of money to start a business. It is considered

as _________
Ans. myth or misconception
17. A person is having a large business is an entrepreneur. (True/False).
Ans. False
18. Name the term that is used for a line of work that a person takes for life.
19. If a teacher is working in a school, owned by someone else is considered
Ans.wage employment
20. If a teacher has opened a coaching class and is managed by him is
considered as
Ans.Self Employment
21. What are the three main steps of the career process?
Ans. The three steps of career process are:
1. Enter 2. Grow 3. Survive

22. Identify the step of the career process: Tintu has started a catering
service in her local area.
23. Dev is struggling with his competitors in providing online teaching due
to some initial ups and downs. But now he has opened two new branches of
his institute in nearby cities. Identify this step.
24. There are many coaching institutes till Dev earns profit from this
coaching institute. Name this step as an entrepreneur’s career process.
Ans. Survive

2 Marks Questions

[1] What do you mean by entrepreneurship?

Ans. Entrepreneurship is the type of self-employment where one is running a

business to satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business
better to make profits.

[2]Explain the qualities of an entrepreneur.

Ans. An entrepreneur has following qualities:

1. Confident: Entrepreneurs are confident. They believe in themselves and their
2. New Ideas: They are always trying new ideas in their business.
3. Patient: They are patient. They listen their customer’s feedback and suggestions.
They never make any decision in hurry.
4. Creative: They are always creative. Creativity helps them to come up with new
ideas for their business.
5. Take responsibilities: They always take responsibilities for their actions.
6. Take decisions: They take decisions after thinking about them.
7. Do not give up: Whenever they face any difficulty they do not give up.
8. Work Hard: They work hard and fulfill customers need.

[3] Differentiate between wage employed and self-employed people.

Wage Employed:
1. They work for a person or organization.
2. They get paid for their work.
3. He just do the work assigned to him.
4. They never take any risks.

Self Employed:
1. They start their own business.
2. They try to satisfy the need of people.
3. They always try to make his/her business better by taking risks.
4. They always try new ideas

[4] How do entrepreneurs help in growing the area and society?

Ans. Entrepreneur runs their business local market. The local people buy the
product from market. Customers can use their services from local market only. By
this process of selling and buying they help everyone involved in the selling buying
process. Hence they earn money from it and this way the area and society grows.

[5] What do entrepreneurs do when they run their businesses?

1. They fulfill customer needs.
2. They use local material and people to make products at low cost.
3. They help society by working towards saving environment, give donations to
build schools and hospitals etc.
4. They create jobs in the local market.
5. When entrepreneurs become successful they share their wealth for better
society and quality life.

[6] What are the functions of entrepreneurs? Explain any two of them.

Ans. The functions of an entrepreneurs are as following:

1. Making Decisions: An entrepreneur makes decisions everyday. It includes what
to produce or sell, how much and where to sell etc.
2. Managing the business: Making a successful plan and its execution is one of the
important functions of an entrepreneur. Managing starts from arrangement of raw
material, hiring people for work and tell people what to do and also ensures that
the planning is being followed or not.
3. Divide Income: The business money needs to be divided into different heads. An
entrepreneur spends money to buy material, pays rent of the building and salaries
to the people.
4. Taking risks: Risk is the chance of going something wrong. Sometimes fires, item
loss and theft can affect business. So an entrepreneur has to think about these all
5. Create a new method, idea or product: An entrepreneur always trying new ideas
and new things.

[7] What are the myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur?

Ans. The myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur are as follows:
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person having big business is an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born not made.

[8] Identify the misconceptions associated with the following statements:

1. Nayan started a small shop for stationery. But he doesn’t call himself an
2. Rakesh has an idea to host a website to build various courses. He has very
less money to invest. So he has not started the website.
3. Milan has a mobile shop in the market where so many other mobile shops are
already there. He doesn’t call himself an entrepreneur.
4. Anil is coming from a middle-class family. He has an idea to start up a
shopping mall in his area. But he couldn’t start.
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. He needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person is having big business is called an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made.

[9] State the truth behind the misconceptions of entrepreneurs.

1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special: In the market the business are
common but each entrepreneur working on customer demand and brought a new
idea to fulfill the demand of customer. So he/she take an idea from market and do
something different in it.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business: To start a business you need to
invest money but not lot of money. A person can start with a small scale and grow it
gradually by earning and makes his business bigger.
3. Only a person having a big business is an entrepreneur: No business is big or
small. If a person is running a business to fulfill a customer need, they are an
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made: Sometimes, we think only some people have
the talent for doing business. An entrepreneur is a person who does whatever it
takes to make the business successful. Being an entrepreneur any person starts
with a way of thinking. He must believe that anything is possible and it shall be

[10] Explain the steps of a career process.

Ans. An entrepreneur goes through a career process:

1. Enter: This step is considered as starting the business. When the person starts a
business he/she is entering into the market.
2. Survive: Today’s market has heavy competition. An entrepreneur has to remain
competitive in the market. There are many entrepreneurs in the same kind of
3. Grow: After starting a business, if it is stable and going good, an entrepreneur
thinks about expanding his or her business.

[11] Differentiate between an entrepreneur and a businessman.

1. Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur starts an enterprise with a new ideas or concept
or a better way to offer an existing idea or concept.
2. Businessman: A businessman is someone who sets up a business with an existing
idea offering products and service to customers.

[12] What do you mean by a business plan?

Ans. The blue print of a business that includes studies to assess the feasibility of the
market, an assessment of the resources required to run the enterprise and the
problems that may possibly faced is known as blue print.


Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-4 Entrepreneurial Skills

1 Mark Questions

1. I refer to the type of self-employment where one is running a business to

satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business
better to make profits. – Who am I?
Ans. Entrepreneurship
2. List out the qualities of an entrepreneur.
Ans. The qualities of entrepreneur are as following:
1. Confident
2. Patient
3. Creative and think differently
4. Take responsibility for their actions
5. Take decisions after thinking
6. Hard working
7. Don’t give up
3. Rohan is working for a private organization and gets paid for that work
whereas Manish has started his own business to satisfy the needs of people.
Identify the profession of Rohan and Manish.
Ans. Rohan is wage Employed whereas Manish is self-employed.
4. A self-employed person who is always trying to make his/her business
better by taking risks and trying new ideas. Who is this person?
Ans. Entrepreneur

5. Diya and Bhavya both own a shop. Bhavya is sitting at her shop always and
sells whenever a customer visits her shop. Whereas Diya walks around and
get a customer at her shop and she is working to do more and grow her
business. She added different ideas for that. Identify the role of Bhavya and
Ans. Bhavya is Businesswoman and Diya is an entrepreneur.
6. Name the business run by Bharti Manav a woman from Bihar.
Ans. Manavi Natural Handicrafts
7. What do you mean by demand?
Ans. Demand refers to a product or service that people want.
8. What do entrepreneurs do with respect to demand?
Ans. An entrepreneur find out what people want and use their creativity to come
up with business ideas that will meet the demand of people.
9. What is the local resource used by Bharti Manav to make jewellery?
Ans. Jute, water and sand
10. Name the term used for a way in which a person acts or behaves.
Ans. Quality
11. The term used for the chance of something going wrong.
Ans. risk
12. Mohan has started a catering service in his area. But due to a few
reasons, he couldn’t make a profit in it. He stopped working on this idea
and apologies to the people involved for the work and promised to work
better in future. Which quality of an entrepreneur, he demonstrate here?
Ans. take responsibility for his work
13. Anjali pays salary to her employees every month. Which function she is
performing as an entrepreneur here?
Ans. Manages the business
14. Mahesh needs to purchase raw materials from farmers for his business.
He is purchasing the materials from another state where he is not doing
business. Here he pays more cost. The local farmer approached him for
supplying the raw material. He started purchasing from them at a lower
cost and stopped from another state. Here which function he is
performing as an entrepreneur?
Ans. Making Decision
15. Name the term used for a false belief or opinion about something.
Ans. Myth or Misconception

16. A person needs a lot of money to start a business. It is considered

as _________
Ans. myth or misconception
17. A person is having a large business is an entrepreneur. (True/False).
Ans. False
18. Name the term that is used for a line of work that a person takes for life.
19. If a teacher is working in a school, owned by someone else is considered
Ans.wage employment
20. If a teacher has opened a coaching class and is managed by him is
considered as
Ans.Self Employment
21. What are the three main steps of the career process?
Ans. The three steps of career process are:
1. Enter 2. Grow 3. Survive

22. Identify the step of the career process: Tintu has started a catering
service in her local area.
23. Dev is struggling with his competitors in providing online teaching due
to some initial ups and downs. But now he has opened two new branches of
his institute in nearby cities. Identify this step.
24. There are many coaching institutes till Dev earns profit from this
coaching institute. Name this step as an entrepreneur’s career process.
Ans. Survive

2 Marks Questions

[1] What do you mean by entrepreneurship?

Ans. Entrepreneurship is the type of self-employment where one is running a

business to satisfy the needs of people and looking for ways to make the business
better to make profits.

[2]Explain the qualities of an entrepreneur.

Ans. An entrepreneur has following qualities:

1. Confident: Entrepreneurs are confident. They believe in themselves and their
2. New Ideas: They are always trying new ideas in their business.
3. Patient: They are patient. They listen their customer’s feedback and suggestions.
They never make any decision in hurry.
4. Creative: They are always creative. Creativity helps them to come up with new
ideas for their business.
5. Take responsibilities: They always take responsibilities for their actions.
6. Take decisions: They take decisions after thinking about them.
7. Do not give up: Whenever they face any difficulty they do not give up.
8. Work Hard: They work hard and fulfill customers need.

[3] Differentiate between wage employed and self-employed people.

Wage Employed:
1. They work for a person or organization.
2. They get paid for their work.
3. He just do the work assigned to him.
4. They never take any risks.

Self Employed:
1. They start their own business.
2. They try to satisfy the need of people.
3. They always try to make his/her business better by taking risks.
4. They always try new ideas

[4] How do entrepreneurs help in growing the area and society?

Ans. Entrepreneur runs their business local market. The local people buy the
product from market. Customers can use their services from local market only. By
this process of selling and buying they help everyone involved in the selling buying
process. Hence they earn money from it and this way the area and society grows.

[5] What do entrepreneurs do when they run their businesses?

1. They fulfill customer needs.
2. They use local material and people to make products at low cost.
3. They help society by working towards saving environment, give donations to
build schools and hospitals etc.
4. They create jobs in the local market.
5. When entrepreneurs become successful they share their wealth for better
society and quality life.

[6] What are the functions of entrepreneurs? Explain any two of them.

Ans. The functions of an entrepreneurs are as following:

1. Making Decisions: An entrepreneur makes decisions everyday. It includes what
to produce or sell, how much and where to sell etc.
2. Managing the business: Making a successful plan and its execution is one of the
important functions of an entrepreneur. Managing starts from arrangement of raw
material, hiring people for work and tell people what to do and also ensures that
the planning is being followed or not.
3. Divide Income: The business money needs to be divided into different heads. An
entrepreneur spends money to buy material, pays rent of the building and salaries
to the people.
4. Taking risks: Risk is the chance of going something wrong. Sometimes fires, item
loss and theft can affect business. So an entrepreneur has to think about these all
5. Create a new method, idea or product: An entrepreneur always trying new ideas
and new things.

[7] What are the myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur?

Ans. The myths/misconceptions of an entrepreneur are as follows:
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person having big business is an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born not made.

[8] Identify the misconceptions associated with the following statements:

1. Nayan started a small shop for stationery. But he doesn’t call himself an
2. Rakesh has an idea to host a website to build various courses. He has very
less money to invest. So he has not started the website.
3. Milan has a mobile shop in the market where so many other mobile shops are
already there. He doesn’t call himself an entrepreneur.
4. Anil is coming from a middle-class family. He has an idea to start up a
shopping mall in his area. But he couldn’t start.
1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special.
2. He needs lot of money to start a business.
3. A person is having big business is called an entrepreneur.
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made.

[9] State the truth behind the misconceptions of entrepreneurs.

1. Every business idea needs to be unique or special: In the market the business are
common but each entrepreneur working on customer demand and brought a new
idea to fulfill the demand of customer. So he/she take an idea from market and do
something different in it.
2. A person needs lot of money to start a business: To start a business you need to
invest money but not lot of money. A person can start with a small scale and grow it
gradually by earning and makes his business bigger.
3. Only a person having a big business is an entrepreneur: No business is big or
small. If a person is running a business to fulfill a customer need, they are an
4. Entrepreneurs are born, not made: Sometimes, we think only some people have
the talent for doing business. An entrepreneur is a person who does whatever it
takes to make the business successful. Being an entrepreneur any person starts
with a way of thinking. He must believe that anything is possible and it shall be

[10] Explain the steps of a career process.

Ans. An entrepreneur goes through a career process:

1. Enter: This step is considered as starting the business. When the person starts a
business he/she is entering into the market.
2. Survive: Today’s market has heavy competition. An entrepreneur has to remain
competitive in the market. There are many entrepreneurs in the same kind of
3. Grow: After starting a business, if it is stable and going good, an entrepreneur
thinks about expanding his or her business.

[11] Differentiate between an entrepreneur and a businessman.

1. Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur starts an enterprise with a new ideas or concept
or a better way to offer an existing idea or concept.
2. Businessman: A businessman is someone who sets up a business with an existing
idea offering products and service to customers.

[12] What do you mean by a business plan?

Ans. The blue print of a business that includes studies to assess the feasibility of the
market, an assessment of the resources required to run the enterprise and the
problems that may possibly faced is known as blue print.


Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Revision
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____

 Self -Motivation is the most effective form of motivation for oneself; It is an

essential component in motivating people’s drive to succeed and provide
their best at work.
 Goal setting: It is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning
on how to achieve them.
 We can use SMART method to set goals. SMART stands for:
Specific , Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound .

 Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction
to any perceived demands or threats.
 High expectations from self can leave one stress, thus leading to mental
 Entrepreneurship has a crucial role in the functioning of the society.
 A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a computing environment that
reacts to input within a specific time period.
 A modulator-demodulator or modem is a computer hardware device that
converts data from a digital format into a format suitable for an
analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio.
 Client server architecture is a computing model in which the server hosts,
delivers, and manages most of the resources and services requested by the
 Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing
services to other computers (in the network) are called client server
 To repeat the graphic across the entire background area, select Tile.
 merge is the option that is used to combine more than one object in a single
 A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be
used to find the values or data that you want formula to calculate
 Filter feature is used to extract the data using some conditions on columns.
 Solver is a more elaborated form of goal seek.
 Solver is specifically designed to minimize or maximize the result
according to a set of rules that you define in a spreadsheet
 Arrangement controls how graphics are stacked upon each other or relative
to the text.
 DBMS is a software package with computer programs that control the
creation, maintenance, and use of a database.
 Database servers are referred to as Back-ends.
 A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table. Primary Key
helps the database to quickly search for a record.
 A row also called a record or tuple represents a single, data item in a table.
 When a primary key constraint is applied on one or more columns then it is
known as Composite Primary Key.
 Flat File: Data is stored in a single table. This is usually suitable for less
amount of data.
 Relational: Data is stored in multiples tables which are linked by a common
field. This is suitable for medium to large amount of data.
 Referential integrity is used to maintain the accuracy and consistency of
data in a relationship. In OpenOffice Base, data can be linked between two or
more tables with the help of primary key and foreign key.
 Referential integrity helps to avoid:
1)Adding records to a related table if there is no associated record available
in the primary key table.
2) Changing values in a primary if any dependent records are present in the
associated table(s).
 3) Deleting records from a primary key table if there are any matching
related records available in the associated table(s).
 Common DDL Statements are:-
 Create :- This statement is used to create database or tables.
 Alter :- This statement is used to modify structure of table.
 Drop :- This statement is used to delete database objects.
 Common DML Statements are:-
 SELECT :- This statement is used to retrieve information from the database.
 INSERT :- This statement is used to insert new record into the database.
 DELETE :- This statement is used for deletion of information in the database.
 UPDATE :- This statement is used for modification of information in the
 Macros are useful to repeat a task the same way over and over again.
Academic Session: 2022 -2023
IT Revision
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ TOPIC: Revision

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Self -regulation is concerned with how you control and manage yourself and your
emotions, inner resources and abilities.
2. Self-motivation is the ability of a person to do the things that need to be done
without someone or something influencing us.
3. The interface between the user and the computer is Operating System.
4. Vacationing helps in de-stressing individuals.
5. The components of a GUI are Menus, Taskbar,icons.
6. The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer
7. A real-time operating system is a computing environment that

reacts to input within a specific period of time.

8. Stress is the reaction of body to any change.

9. In CUI commands are typed at Command line.
10. The type of software that is self-replicating and causes damage to files and
systems is Worm.
11. A Trojan is a malware.
12. Linux is an Operating System.
13. The feature that can be used to send the same invite to many people with different
addresses is Mail Merge.
14. A Page Break is a special character inserted by a Word processor-like Writer

Page 1|4
that marks the end of the current page.
15. A Section Break splits your document into sections and allows you to have
multiple different headers/footers in your document. Each section can have
its own header/footer formatting.
16. Alignment refers to the vertical or horizontal placement of a graphic
in relation to the chosen anchor point.
17. Formulas in the spreadsheet must begin with = sign.
18. The model used to create other documents is a template.
19. Data source contains the list of recipients for Mail Merge.
20. Data Consolidation allows you to gather data from different worksheets into
a master worksheet.
21. Tool to test what-if questions is scenario.
22. Hyperlinks can be used in spreadsheet software to jump to a different
location from within a spreadsheet .
23. Macro is useful to repeat a series of tasks in spreadsheet.
24. A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for
later use.
25. You can start recording a macro using Tools>Macros>Record.
26. Click Stop Recording to stop the macro-recorder in spreadsheet.
27. Footers are text or image included at the bottom of the page
and may repeat in all pages of the document.
28. Filter feature is used to extract the data using some
conditions on columns.
29. A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which the data is
represented by symbols, such as bars.
II. Answer the following:
1. What is stress?
2. What is the meaning of self-awareness?

Page 2|4
3. Explain the stress management techniques.
4. Name the components of a GUI.
5. Define worm.
6. What is Trojan?
7. Explain the benefits of Scandisk utility.
8. What do you mean by batch operating system?
9. Explain data source in Mail Merge option.
10. Differentiate between Goal seek and Scenarios.
11. Explain the use of Macros in a Spreadsheet.
12. Differentiate between Primary key and foreign key.
13. Explain the measures to increase the performance of a computer system.
14. What precautions must be taken to improve online security?
15. Define Template.
16. What is DBMS?
17. What is Page Break option of a Word document?
18. Explain section break option in a Word document.
19. Explain Mail Merge with examples.
20. What is linking in a spreadsheet?
21. What is Embedding in spreadsheet?
22. What is Image cropping?
23. Write the advantages of DBMS.
24. What is character formatting? Explain the character formatting options in a
Word document.
25. Explain the different types of styles which can be provided in a Word
Processor. (Page No.74)
26. Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlinks with the help of an
27. Define Subtotals.

Page 3|4
28. What do you mean by Consolidating Data?
29. Explain text wrapping options with examples. (Page No.83)


Page 4|4
Academic Session: 2022-2023
NAME: ____________________________________________________________
CLASS: X/Div. _____

Types of networks
There are two major types of network Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network
Local Area Network
A local area network (LAN) is one which connects computers and devices in a limited
geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely
positioned group of buildings.
Wide Area Network
A wide area network (WAN) is one which covers a broad area (i.e., any network that links
across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries).
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard
Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide.
World Wide Web
World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly known as the Web), is a system of
Interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.
Internet Service Provider
An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization which provides you with access to the
Internet via a dial-up (using modem) or direct (hard wired) or wireless connection.
Á modem is a device that converts digital computer signals into a form (analog signals) that
can travel over phone lines. It also re-converts the analog signals back into digital signals.
WI-Fi: Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device such as computers or
mobile phones to exchange data wirelessly over a network, including high-speed Internet

connections. Wi-Fi devices such as personal computer, Smartphones, video game console,
Blog : A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for
creating personal web pages. Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to
Online shopping could be useful in situations when:
• A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
• Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
• A product or service that is not available in the local market is available online.
Some of the popular online transaction websites are:
• IRCTC, an online portal for booking flight and train tickets.
• Flipkart, an online shopping portal for buying consumer products.
• EBay, an online portal for buying and selling goods.
• Redbus, an online portal for booking bus tickets.
1. Paragraph group is available under Page layout tab.
2. Default tab stop position is 0.5”
3. Header can be used for inserting information at the top of each page
4. Header option is available under Header and Footer group in Insert Tab.
5. Footer can be used for inserting information at the bottom of each page
6. You can change styles by using the styles group under the Home tab.
7. Templates or document templates refer to a sample fill-in-the-blank document.
8. Page and Section breaks can be used to separate a document into sections.
9. A section break controls the formatting of the document content that precedes it, until
it reaches another section break.
10. To see a section/page break, click the Show/Hide button.
11. After selecting the text you need to click the Grow Font in the Font group to make the
font Size larger than the current font size.
12. To remove the character formatting, select the text and click on Clear Formatting in
the Font group.
13. On selecting Sentence Case the first character in the first word of the
Selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.
14. On selecting Capitalize Each Word, the first character in all the words of the
Selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.
15. Clip Art can help in making a document look colourful and presentable.
16. Clip Art is available under Illustrations group in Insert Tab.
17. After you have inserted the picture, you can wrap the text by using the
wraptext option.
18. Embedded objects cannot be printed.
19. Symbol option is available under symbols group in the Insert tab.
20. You can insert lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows, equation shapes, flowchart shapes,
Stars, banners, and callouts using the shape option.
21. Autosum is used for adding the values given in cells automatically without
writing the formula.
22. AutoSum option is available in editing group under the Home tab.
23. Autosum automatically selects the values around the cells either horizontally
or vertically.
24. Conditional formatting allows you to change the formatting (font color,
border, shading) of the cells based on the values in it.
25. Conditional formatting is available under Styles group in Home tab.
26. When you freeze a row, headers remains constant.
27. Freeze Panes option is available under Window group in View tab.
28. The panes are formed where your cursor is placed.
29. The Breaks option is available under_Page Setup group in the Page Layout
30. To return to Normal view after you finish working with the page breaks, you need to
click Normal in the Workbook Views group under the View tab.
31. Spread sheet software provides various page layout options for organizing pages using
the Page Layout option.
32. Margins option is available under Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.
33. Two types of page orientation are portrait and landscape.
34. Different types of views are available under Workbook Views in the View tab.
35. The five types of views available are normal, page layout, page break, custom view
and full screen.
36. The custom view helps you to view a selected area of a workbook.
37. Assigning names to cells in a worksheet help you to quickly locating specific
38. The Define Name option is available under Define Names group in the
Formulas tab.
39. Sort helps you arrange the selected data either in an ascending or descending
40. Sort option is available in _ Sort & Filter group under the Data tab.
41. Filter option is available in Sort & Filter group under the Data tab.
42. A database is an organized collection of data.
43. A relational database management system is a database management system
that is based on the relational model.
44. A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table.
45. This is a set of pre-defined formatting options that can be applied in open office

A) Style
B) Template
C) Formatting
D) Designs
Answer is A) Style

46.Which window is used to apply, create and edit formatting styles?

A) Style Windows
B) Formatting Window
C) Style and Formatting Window
D) Design Window
Answer is C) Style and Formatting Window

47. Which style is used to format: character, words and phrase in a paragraph?

A) Paragraph Styles
B) Frame Styles
C) Page Style
D) Character Styles
Answer is D) Character Styles

48.What style is used to apply font, layout and numbering of a paragraph in a


A) Character Styles
B) Paragraph Styles
C) Page Styles
D) Frame Styles
Answer is B) Paragraph Styles

49. Which style is used to format frame's layout, position and graphics of a

A) Page Styles
B) Frame Styles
C) Paragraph Styles
D) Character Styles
Answer is B) Frame Styles

50. Which style is used to format page lab out, page number and header and footer of
a document?

A) Paragraph Styles
B) Character Styles
C) Page Styles
D) Frame Styles
Answer is C) Page Styles

51. Which style is used to apply bullets and numbering in a document?

A) Numbering and List Styles

B) Page Styles
C) Frame Styles
D) Character Styles
Answer is A) Numbering and List Styles

52. Which function key is used for 'Styles and Formatting' window in open office?

A) F10
B) F11
C) F12
D) F13
Answer is B) F11

53. Which is used to quickly apply the selected style from 'Styles and Formatting'
window to the text in a document?

A) Fill Format Mode

B) Create New Style
C) Update Styles
D) Drag and Drop Mode
Answer is A) Fill Format Mode

54. Which is used to create a new style in 'Styles and Formatting' window in open

A) New Styles
B) Create Styles
C) Design Styles
D) New Style from Selection
Answer is D) New Style from Selection

55. Which method is used to insert an image or an object in a document?

A) Image from a File

B) Insert a Scanned Image
C) Clipart
D) Both A and B
Answer is D) Both A and B

56. This feature helps to set the width and the height of an image in a document.

A) Crop Image
B) Resize Image
C) Adjust Image
D) Change Image
Answer is B) Resize Image

57. Which tab is used to resize an image in open office writer?

A) Format > Picture

B) Picture > Property
C) Insert > Custom
D) Design > Style
Answer is A) Format > Picture

58. What feature is used to trim or scale the selected portion of an image?

A) Resize Image
B) Custom Image
C) Crop Image
D) Trim Image

Answer is C) Crop Image

59. Which tab is used to crop an image in open office writer?

A) Design > Style

B) Insert > Custom
C) Picture > Property
D) Format > Picture
Answer is D) Format > Picture

60. Which option maintains original scale of the image after cropping?

A) Keep Scale
B) Original Scale
C) Constant Scale
D) Fix Scale
Answer is A) Keep Scale

61. Which option proportionally increase or decrease the size of an image after using

A) Keep Dimension
B) Keep Scale
C) Keep Ratio
D) Keep Constant
Answer is C) Keep Ratio

62. This is used to position an image in a document.

A) Arrange
B) Anchor

C) Alignment
D) Wrap
Answer is B) Anchor

63. Which option is used in 'Anchor' to position an image?

A) To Page
B) To Paragraph
C) To Character
D) All of these
Answer is D) All of these

64. This is used to determine vertical position of an image relative of other images or
text in a document.

A) Arrange Image
B) Position Image
C) Place Image
D) Anchor Image
Answer is A) Arrange Image

65. Which arrangement technique is used in arrange image in open office writer? ?

A) Bring to Front
B) Bring Forward
C) Send Backward
D) All of these
Answer is D) All of these

66. This feature is used to position the image horizontally and vertically.

A) Positioning Image
B) Arranging Image

C) Aligning Image
D) Anchor Image
Answer is C) Aligning Image

67. This is a document that contains pre-defined formatting styles, graphics and
objects those are commonly used in a particular pattern.

A) Table of Content
B) Chart
C) Style
D) Template
Answer is D) Template

68. Which is the right step to use template in open office writer?

A) Design>Template
B) File>New>Template and Documents
C) View>Design>Template
D) Create>New>Template
Answer is B) File>New>Template and Documents

69. Which feature enables us to build an automated detail of contents from the
headings present in our document?

A) Main Page
B) Index Page
C) Table of Content
D) First Page
Answer is C) Table of Content

70. Which is the right step to use Table of content in open office writer?

A) Insert>Table of Content
B) Insert>Indexes and Tables

C) File>New>Table of Content
D) Design>First Page
Answer is B) Insert>Indexes and Tables

71. What is called a feature in which name and address of different recipients are
merged in one file?

A) Main Document
B) Mail Merge
C) Join Document
D) Group Files
Answer is B) Mail Merge

72. This document is common for all the recipients in mail merge.

A) Data Source
B) Main Document
C) Letter
D) Common Document
Answer is B) Main Document

73. This document contains the name and address of recipients to be merged with
the document.

A) Data Source
B) Main Document
C) Database
D) Data File
Answer is A) Data Source

74. This feature is used to join all different objects into one object which helps to
resize and to move in a document.

A) Adding
B) Combining

C) Grouping
D) Merge
Answer is C) Grouping

75.What is referred to the collection and the integration of data from multiple
worksheets or workbooks into a single worksheet?

A) Consolidating Data
B) Sorting Data
C) Subtotal
D) Combine Data
Answer is A) Consolidating Data

76. This is used to automatically create groups and apply inbuilt functions like SUM,
COUNT, AVERAGE to summarize data.

A) Analysis
B) Subtotal
C) Total Data
D) Scenario
Answer is B) Subtotal

77. Which tab gives consolidating data option in open office writer?

A) File Tab
B) View Tab
C) Data Tab
D) Edit Tab
Answer is C) Data Tab

78. Which function isn't available in consolidating data?

A) Sum and Count

B) Max and Min

C) Average and Product
D) Percentage
Answer is D) Percentage

79. Which option isn't present in more button in consolidating data?

A) Header and Footer

B) Link to source Data
C) Column Label
D) Row Label
Answer is A) Header and Footer

80. In which tab subtotal option is available in open office?

A) File Tab
B) Edit Tab
C) View Tab
D) Data Tab
Answer is D) Data Tab

81. Which function isn't available in subtotal in open office writer?

A) Max and Min

B) Sum and Count
C) Average and Product
D) Percentage
Answer is D) Percentage

82. Which option is used to make a group of items in subtotal?

A) Group By
B) Join By
C) Add By
D) Collect By

Answer is A) Group By

83. In which tab scenario option is available in open office writer?

A) File Tab
B) Data Tab
C) Tools Tab
D) Window Tab
Answer is C) Tools Tab

84. Which tool is used to test 'what if' question?

A) Solver Tool
B) Goal Seek
C) Subtotal Tool
D) Scenario Tool
Answer is D) Scenario Tool

85.Which of the following application is not appropriate to store data about ABC
Bank customers?
A) Open Office Base
B) MS Access
C) Open Office Writer
D) MS Excel
Answer is C) Open Office Writer

86. When you open a new spreadsheet, by default, it has a sheet named ________ which
is managed using tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

A) Sheet1
B) Untitled1
C) Worksheet1
D) New Sheet
Answer is A) Sheet1

87. Reviewers and authors can add their ______ to explain their changes in the cell of

A) Comments
B) Hyperlink
C) Worksheet
D) Macros
Answer is A) Comments

88. In Calc, Arguments passed to a macro from Calc are always ___________.

A) Cell Reference
B) Value
C) Both a and b
D) Sheet Reference
Answer is B) Value

89. In a spreadsheet using to create a hyperlink to a web FTP or Telnet, click on the
__________ icon available in Hyperlink dialog box.

A) Browser
B) Hyperlink
C) Internet
D) Mail & News
Answer is C) Internet

90. A _________ refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find
the values or data that you want formula to calculate.

A) Cell reference
B) Sheet Reference
C) Block
D) Autofill
Answer is A) Cell reference

91. ________ function takes data from a series of worksheets or workbooks and
summaries it into a single worksheet that you can update easily.

A) Data Combination
B) Data Consolidation

C) Data Merging
D) Data Concatenation
Answer is B) Data Consolidation

92. __________ store data in a single table which is suitable to store less amount of Data.

A) Flat File
B) Relational
C) Mini File
D) Single File
Answer is A) Flat File

93. Which function cannot be performed through Subtotal in a Spreadsheet?

A) Sum
B) Product
C) Average
D) Percentage
Answer is D) Percentage

94. Scenarios are a tool to test ____ questions.

A) Auto
B) Goal Seek
C) What-if
D) Drop Down
Answer is C) What-if

95. _______ provides a way to combine data from same or multiple worksheets.

A) Subtotal
B) Consolidate
C) Solver
D) All of these
Answer is B) Consolidate

96. In ____ tab the consolidate option is available in Open Office Calc.

A) Data Tab
B) Tool Tab
C) Insert Tab
D) Formula Tab
Answer is A) Data Tab

97. ____ is the by default function in consolidating data in Open Office Calc.

A) Min
B) Product
C) Average
D) Sum
Answer is D) Sum

98. ______ function is not available in consolidating data in Open Office Calc.

A) Count
B) Average
C) Product
D) Percentage
Answer is D) Percentage

99. ____ option is not present in more options in consolidating data in Open Office

A) Row Labels
B) Headings
C) Column Labels
D) Link to data source
Answer is B) Headings

100. ____ symbol is used before writing formulas in Open Office Calc.

A) &
B) %

C) =
D) @
Answer is C) =

101. ____ is used to automatically create groups and apply inbuilt function in Open
Office Calc.

A) Consolidate
B) Subtotal
C) Autosum
D) None of these
Answer is B) Subtotal

102.. In ____ tab subtotal option is available in Open Office Calc.

A) Data Tab
B) Tool Tab
C) Function Tab
D) Insert Tab
Answer is A) Data Tab

103. ____ is the by default function in Subtotal in Open Office Calc.

A) Sum
B) Product
C) Average
D) Percentage
Answer is A) Sum

104. ____ function is not present in subtotal in Open Office Calc.

A) Subtract
B) Count
C) Max
D) Average
Answer is A) Subtract

105. ___________ database is a type of database that stores data in several tables.

A) Flat
B) Relational
C) both (a) and (b)
D) None of them
Answer is B) Relational

106. In database _________ helps us to retrieve the filtered data based upon some conditions.

A) Forms
B) Reports
C) Queries
D) Table
Answer is C) Queries

107. Rudraksh wants that the name column of a table must not be left blank. Help him to
identify the field property for this purpose.

A) Length
B) Default
C) Entry Required
D) Format
Answer is C) Entry Required

108. ___________ can be set for a field if the user doesn't provide any value while entering the
values in the table.

A) Required
B) Default
C) Primary Key
D) Format
Answer is B) Default

109. Aadya wants to create a connection between two or more tables. Suggest her the
option to accomplish the task.

A) Table
B) Form
C) Relationships
D) Sorting
Answer is C) Relationships

110. _____________ data type takes the values in the form of 0 and 1 in the database.

A) Integer
B) Text
C) Boolean
D) Memo
Answer is C) Boolean

111. ____________statement is used to retrieve records in a database.

A) Alter
B) Update
C) Select
D) Create
Answer is C) Select

112. A ___________ represents a single, data item in a table.

A) Row
B) Column
C) Datatype
D) Primary Key
Answer is A) Row

113. Database servers are referred to as _______________.

A) Front-ends
B) Back-ends
C) Clients
D) Model

Answer is B) Back-ends

1114. A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical ___________
and horizontal ____________.

A) Rows, Tables
B) Columns, Rows
C) Rows, Columns
D) Forms, Reports
Answer is B) Columns, Rows

115. _____ is the full form of SQL.

A) Structured Query Language
B) Structure Quick Language
C) Structure Query Language
D) Smart Query Lanaguage
Answer is A) Structured Query Language

116. What is the full form of DDL?

A) Default Definition Language

B) Detailed Default Language
C) Data Definition Language
D) Default Defined Language
Answer is C) Data Definition Language

117. ( +, -, *, /, % ) operators are called _____

A) Logical Operators
B) Arithmetical Operators
C) Relational Operators
D) Math Signs
Answer is B) Arithmetical Operators

118. ( <, > <=, >=, <> ) operators are called _______

A) Logical Operators
B) Arithmetical Operators
C) Relational Operators
D) Comparison Operators
Answer is D) Comparison Operators

119. ( AND, OR, NOT, BETWEEN, ALL) operators are called _____

A) Logical Operators
B) Arithmetical Operators
C) Relational Operators
D) Comparison Operators
Answer is A) Logical Operators

120. _____ isn't a DDL command in SQL.

A) Create
B) Delete
C) Alter
D) Drop
Answer is B) Delete

121. ____ is a DDL command in DDL.

A) Rename
B) Insert
C) Update
D) Select
Answer is A) Rename

122. ____ and _____ are the DDL commands in SQL.

A) Drop, Alter
B) Update, Insert
C) Delete, Drop
D) Select, Create
Answer is A) Drop, Alter

123. Which are DDL commands in SQL?

A) Create
B) Rename
C) Drop
D) All the these
Answer is D) All the these

124. Which are DDL commands in SQL?

A) Insert
B) Update
C) Select
D) None of these
Answer is D) None of these

125. _____ DDL command is used to build a table in SQL.

A) Make
B) Form
C) Develop
D) Create
Answer is D) Create

126. ____ key setup a relationship among tables in a database.

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key

C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is B) Foreign Key

127. ____ key helps to access records in a table in a database.

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key
C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is A) Primary Key

128. A table can have only one ____ key in a table in a database.

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key
C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is A) Primary Key

129. A table can have more than one ____ keys in a table in a database.

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key
C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is C) Composite Key

130. _____ key has the same properties like a primary key in a table in database.

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key
C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is C) Composite Key

131. ____ key has the unique record and doesn't remain empty in a table in a

A) Primary Key
B) Foreign Key
C) Composite Key
D) Main Key
Answer is A) Primary Key

132. ____ DDL command is used to delete the structure of a table in SQL.

A) Drop
B) Update
C) Delete
D) Select
Answer is A) Drop

133. ____ DDL command is used to rename a table in SQL.

A) Create
B) Rename
C) Name
D) Update
Answer is B) Rename

134. ____ DDL command is used to update the structure of a table in SQL.

A) Change
B) Update
C) Select
D) Alter
Answer is D) Alter

135. Which DDL command is used to build a table "Sport " in SQL?
A) Create table Sport (Roll No Char(3), Class Char(3), Name varchar(15), Game
char(5), Marks Int);
B) Make table Sport (Roll No Char(3), Class Char(3), Name varchar(15), Game char(5),

Marks Int)
C) Build table Sport (Roll No Char(3), Class Char(3), Name varchar(15), Game char(5),
Marks Int);
D) Create Sport (Roll No Char(3), Class Char(3), Name varchar(15), Game char(5),
Marks Int);
Answer is A) Create table Sport (Roll No Char(3), Class Char(3), Name varchar(15),
Game char(5), Marks Int);

136. This DML command is used to enter record in table "Sport" in SQL.

A) Enter into Sport values ( 11, 9, "Surjeet", "Cricket", "B", 68);

B) Put into Sport ( 11, 9, "Surjeet", "Cricket", "B", 68);
C) Insert in Sport value ( 11, 9, "Surjeet", "Cricket", "B", 68);
D) Insert into Sport values ( 11, 9, "Surjeet", "Cricket", "B", 68);
Answer is D) Insert into Sport values ( 11, 9, "Surjeet", "Cricket", "B", 68);

137. ____ is the DML command to display all record from table "Sport" in SQL.

A) Display record from table Sport:

B) Select * from Sport;
C) Select all record from Sport;
D) Select * from table Sport;
Answer is B) Select * from Sport;

138. Which DML command is used to display "Class & Name" columns from table
"Sport" in SQL?

A) Select class, Name from table Sport;

B) Query class, Name from Sport;
C) Select class, Name from Sport;
D) Display class, Name from Sport;
Answer is C) Select class, Name from Sport;

139. Replace Grade = A where class = 9 using DML command in SQL.

A) Change table Sport set Grade = "A" where class = 9;

B) Update Sport replace Grade = "A" check class = 9;

C) Update table set Grade = "A" where class = 9
D) Update Sport set Grade = "A" where class = 9;
Answer is D) Update Sport set Grade = "A" where class = 9;

140. _____ is the DML command to display all records of class = 8 students in SQL.

A) Show all from Sport Where class = 8;

B) Select * from Sport Where class = 8;
C) Display all from Sport Where class = 8;
D) Select * from table Sport Where class = 8
Answer is B) Select * from Sport Where class = 8;

141. Which DML command is used to display all record, who have got Marks >=70,
from table "Sport" in SQL.

A) Selct * from Sport where marks >= 70;

B) Selct * from Sport check marks >= 70;
C) Display all from Sport where marks >= 70;
D) Display all from Sport find marks >= 70;
Answer is A) Selct * from Sport where marks >= 70;

142. ____ DML command is used to delete the record of "Surjeet" from table "Sport" in

A) Drop from Sport Where Name = "Surjeet";

B) Delete from Sport cheeck Name = "Surjeet";
C) Delete from Sport Where Name = "Surjeet";
D) Delete from table Sport Where Name = "Surjeet";
Answer is C) Delete from Sport Where Name = "Surjeet";

143. This DDL command is used to delete the table "Sport" in SQL.

A) Drop table Sport;

B) Delete table Sport;
C) Drop Sport table;
D) Drop table Sport

Answer is A) Drop table Sport;

144. Which DDL command is used to delete one column "Class" from table "Sport" in

A) Drop column class from Sport:

B) Drop column class from table Sport
C) Delete column class from Sport;
D) Alter table Sport drop column class;
Answer is D) Alter table Sport drop column class;


Academic Session: 2022-2023
IT Notes
NAME: ____________________________________________________________ DATE:
CLASS: X/Div. _____ Unit-2 Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

1 Data Consolidation allows you to gather together your data from separate
worksheets into a master worksheet. In other words, the Data Consolidation
function takes data from a series of worksheets or workbooks and
summaries it into a single worksheet that you can update easily.
The data from the consolidation ranges and target range are saved when
you save the worksheet. If you later open a worksheet in which
consolidation has been defined, this data will again be available.
It is available under
Data menu ->Consolidate option

2 SUBTOTAL is a function listed under the Mathematical category when you

use the Function Wizard (Insert > Function). Because of its usefulness, the
function has a graphical interface. It is accessible from Data menu.
SUBTOTAL, totals/adds data arranged in an array—that is, a group of cells
with labels for columns and/or rows. Using the Subtotals dialog, you can
select arrays, and then choose a statistical function to apply to them. For
efficiency, you can choose up to three groups of arrays to which to apply a
function. When you click OK, Calc adds subtotals and grand totals to the
selected arrays, using the Result and Result2 cell styles for them.
It is available under
Data -> Subtotals
3 Scenarios are a tool to test “what-if” questions. Each scenario is named, and
can be edited and formatted separately. When you print the spreadsheet,
only the content of the currently active scenario is printed.
A scenario is essentially a saved set of cell values for your calculations. You
can easily switch between these sets using the Navigator or a drop-down
list which can be shown beside the changing cells. For example, if you
wanted to calculate the effect of different interest rates on an investment,
you could add a scenario for each interest rate, and quickly view the results.
Formulas that rely on the values changed by your scenario are updated
when the scenario is opened.
Available Tools > Scenarios
4 Using Goal Seek option under Tools menu, you can discover what values
will produce the result that you want.

Other uses of goal seek may be more complicated, but the method remains
the same. Only one argument can be altered in a single goal seek.
5 Solver option under Tools menu amounts to a more elaborate form of Goal
Seek. The difference is that the Solver deals with equations with multiple
unknown variables. It is specifically designed to minimize or maximize the
result according to a set of rules that you define.
Each of these rules sets up whether an argument in the formula should be
greater than, lesser than, or equal to the value you enter. If you want the
argument to remain unchanged, you enter a rule that the cell that contains
it should be equal to its current entry. For arguments that you would like to
change, you need to add two rules to define a range of possible values: the
limiting conditions. For example, you can set the constraint that one of the
variables or cells must not be bigger than another variable, or not bigger
than a given value. You can also define the constraint that one or more
variables must be integers (values without decimals), or binary values
(where only 0 and 1 are allowed).
Once you have finished setting up the rules, you can adjust the argument
and the results by clicking the Solve button.
6 Spreadsheet also allows you to link the cells from various worksheets and
from various other spreadsheets to summarize data from several sources.
In this manner, you can create formulas that span different sources and
make calculations using a combination of local and linked information.
Multiple sheets help keep information organized.
7 When you open a new spreadsheet, by default, it has a sheet named
Sheet1 which is managed using tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
8 Inserting new sheets

□ Select Insert > Sheet from the menu bar, or

□ Right-click on the tab and select Insert Sheet, or
□ Click in an empty space at the end of the line of sheet tabs.
9 On the Insert Sheet dialog, you can also add a sheet from a
different spreadsheet file.
For a shortcut to inserting a sheet from another file, choose Insert > Sheet
from file from the menu bar. The Insert Sheet dialog opens with the From
file option preselected, and then the Insert dialog opens on top of it.
10 Inserting sheets from a different spreadsheet
If you prefer, select the Link option to insert the external sheet as a link
instead as a copy. This is one of several ways to include “live” data from
another spreadsheet. The links can be updated manually to show the
current contents of the external file; or, depending on the options you have
selected in Tools > Options > Calc > General > Updating,
whenever the file is opened.
11 Renaming Worksheets
There are three ways you can rename a worksheet
• Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names.
• Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from
the resulting Context menu.
• Select the worksheet you want to rename (click on the worksheet tab) and
then select the Sheet option from the Format menu. This displays a
submenu from which you should select the Rename option.
12 Create Or Change a Cell Reference
A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and
can be used to find the values or data that you want formula to
In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to:
• Data from one or more contiguous cells on the worksheet.

• Data contained in different areas of a worksheet.

13 •Referencing
Data on otherOther Sheets in the same workbook.
There are two ways to reference cells in other sheets: by entering the
formula directly using the keyboard or by using the mouse.

The sheet will be in single quotes because it contains a space, and the
mandatory period (.) always falls outside any quotes.
14 Referencing Other Worksheets
Calc can link different files together. The process is the same, but we add
one more parameter to indicate which file the sheet is in.
Creating The Reference with The Keyboard
Typing the reference is simple once you know the format the reference
takes. The reference has three parts to it:
□ Path and file name
□ Sheet name
□ Cell

the general format for the reference is

=’file:///Path &File Name’#$SheetName.CellName.
15 Working with Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks can be used in Calc to jump to a different location from
within a spreadsheet and can lead to other parts of the current file, to
different files or even to websites.
16 Relative And Absolute Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks can be stored within your file as either relative or absolute.
An absolute link will stop working only if the target is moved. A relative link
will stop working only if the start and target locations change relative to
each other. For instance, if you have two spreadsheets in the same folder
linked to each other and you move the entire folder to a new location, a
relative hyperlink will not break.
To change the way that OOo saves the hyperlinks in your file, select Tools >
Options > Load/Save > General and choose if you want URLs saved
relatively when referencing the File System, or the Internet, or both.
You can insert and modify links using the Hyperlink dialog. To display
the dialog, click the Hyperlink icon on the Standard toolbar or choose
Insert > Hyperlink from the menu bar. To turn existing text into a link,
highlight it before opening the Hyperlink dialog.
17 Linking To External Data
You can insert tables from HTML documents, and data located within
named ranges from an Calc or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet,
into a Calc spreadsheet
You can do this in two ways: using the External Data dialog or using
the Navigator.
Insert -> Link to External Data.

Tools -> Options -> Base -> Databases

1. How can we rename a worksheet?
• Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names.
• Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from
the resulting Context menu.
• Select the worksheet you want to rename (click on the worksheet
tab) and then select the Sheet option from the Format menu. This
displays a submenu from which you should select the Rename option.

2. What are the two ways of referencing cells in other worksheets?

Ans There are two ways to reference cells in other sheets: by
entering the formula directly using the keyboard or by using the

3. Differentiate between relative and absolute hyperlinks.

Ans Hyperlinks can be stored within your file as either relative or
absolute. An absolute link will stop working only if the target is moved.
A relative link will stop working only if the start and target locations
change relative to each other. For instance, if you have two
spreadsheets in the same folder linked to each other and you move the
entire folder to a new location, a relative hyperlink will not break.

4. List the procedure involved in Linking HTML Tables to Calc Worksheet

We can do this in two ways: using the External Data dialog or using
the Navigator.

5. Fill up the blanks

a. At the bottom of each worksheet window is a small tab that indicates the
name of the worksheets in the workbook.
b. A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and
can be used to find the values or data that you want formula to calculate.

18 In most office settings, there is a shared drive where teams can store
common files for everyone to use. This usually leads to sighting of the
message: “The document [file name] is locked for editing by another user.
To open a read-only copy of this document, click“!! This message appears
because someone else already has the file open.
Sometimes however, it is necessary to have multiple people working on a
file at the same time. This can be to either speed up data entry or simply
make things easier for collaboration purposes.
Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it
in the network location where several users can access it simultaneously.
19 At any time, you can set up a spreadsheet for sharing with others. With the
spreadsheet document open, choose Tools > Share Document to activate
the collaboration features for this worksheet. A dialog opens where you
can choose to enable or disable sharing.
20 When you open a spreadsheet that is in shared mode, you see a message
that the worksheet is in shared mode and that some features are not
available in this mode. You can choose to disable this message for the
future. After clicking OK, the worksheet is opened in shared mode.
The following features are known to be disabled in a shared spreadsheet:
● Edit > Changes, except for Merge Document

● Edit > Compare Document

● Edit > Sheet > Move/Copy & Delete

● Insert > Cells Shift Cells Down & Shift Cells Right

● Insert > Sheet from file

● Insert > Names

● Insert > Comment

● Insert > Picture > From File

● Insert > Movie and Sound

● Insert > Object

● Insert > Chart

● Insert > Floating Frame

● Format > Sheet > Rename, Tab Color
● Format > Merge Cells > Merge and Center, Merge Cells, Split Cells

● Format > Print Ranges

● Tools > Protect Document

● Data > Define Range

● Data > Sort

● Data > Subtotals

● Data > Validity

● Data > Multiple Operations

● Data > Consolidate

● Data > Group and Outline (all)

● Data >DataPilot

21 When you save a shared spreadsheet, one of several situations may occur:
● If the worksheet was not modified and saved by another user since you
opened it, the worksheet is saved.
● If the worksheet was modified and saved by another user since you
opened it, one of the following events will occur:
● If the changes do not conflict, the worksheet is saved, the dialog below
appears, and any cells modified by the other user are shown with a red
● If the changes conflict, the Resolve Conflicts dialog is shown. You must
decide for each conflict which version to keep, yours or the other person’s.
When all conflicts are resolved, the worksheet is saved. While you are
resolving the conflicts, no other user can save the shared worksheet.
● If another user is trying to save the shared worksheet and resolve
conflicts, you see a message that the shared spreadsheet file is locked due to
a merge-in in progress. You can choose to cancel the Save command for
now or retry saving later.
When you successfully save a shared spreadsheet, the worksheet shows the
latest version of all changes that got saved by all users.
22 Calc has the feature to track what data was changed, when the change was
made, who made the change and in which cell the change has occurred.
Edit > Changes > Record from the menu bar.
A colored border, with a dot in the upper left-hand corner, appears
around a cell where changes were made. Other reviewers then quickly
know which cells were edited. A deleted column or row is marked by a
heavy colored bar.
23 To change the color that indicates changes, select Tools >
Options > Calc > Changes.
24 Calc gives you tremendous control over what changes you see when
reviewing a worksheet.To change the available filters, select Edit > Changes
> Show.
25 Calc automatically adds to any recorded change a comment describing what
was changed (for example, Cell B4 changed from ‘9’ to ‘4’). Reviewers and
authors can add their comments to explain their changes.
Edit > Changes > Comments.
26 When you receive a worksheet back with changes, the beauty of the
recording changes system becomes evident. Now, as the original author,
you can step through each change and decide how to proceed. To begin
this process:
27 Sometimes, multiple
Edit > Changes reviewers
> Accept return edited versions of a worksheet at the
or Reject
same time. In this case, it may be quicker to review all of these changes at
once, rather than one review at a time. For this purpose, Calc provides the
feature of merging worksheets.
Edit > Changes > Merge Document.
28 When sharing worksheets reviewers may forget to record the changes
they make. This is not a problem with Calc because Calc can find the
changes by comparing worksheets.
In order to compare worksheets, you need to have the original worksheet
and the one that is edited.
Edit > Compare Document.

1. What is the purpose of adding comments?
Ans Comments helps reviewer to see or add the changes done on
the worksheet
2. How can we add comments to the changes made?
Ans Edit > Changes > Comments
3. State True/ False

a. Original author of the Worksheet can accept or reject changes made by

other users.
Ans True

4. Fill up the blanks

b. Spreadsheet software allows the user to share the workbook and place it in
shared location where several users can access.
c. Spreadsheet software can find the changes by comparing Sheets.

29 A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for

use. An example of a simple macro is one that “types” your address. The (OOo) macro language is very flexible, allowing automation
of both simple and complex tasks. Macros are especially useful to repeat a
task the same way over and over again.
Tools > Macros > Record Macro

1. What are Macros?
Ans A macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that
are stored for later use.

2. How can we record a Macro?

Ans using tools -> macros -> Record Macro
3. Fill in the blanks.
a. Macros are useful to repeat a task the same way over and over again.
Academic Session: 2022 -2023
IT Revision

NAME: ______________________________________________________ DATE:

CLASS: X/Div. _____

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. LAN connects computers within a building, office, or home.

2. WAN is the largest network.

3. Full form of LAN is Local Area Network.

4. Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing

services to other computers are called Client-Server networks.

5. A peer-to-peer (P2P) network consists of a group of devices that collectively

store and share files.

6. A modem is a device that converts digital computer signals into analog

signals that can travel over phone lines and vice versa.

7. Faster data communication is possible when using optical fibre.

8. Data is transmitted in the form of packets in networking.

9. Full form of COD in reference to online shopping is Cash on Delivery.

10. According to the concept of sustainable development, the environment and

development are inseparable issues.

11. Green skills can improve Sustainable development.

II. Answer the following:

12. Rahul and Amit are working on a school project assigned to them by their
teacher. They have to send instant messages to each other and also do video
conferencing after school hours in order to complete the project on time.

a) Suggest any 4 good instant messaging software that they can use.

Ans: Google Talk ,Skype , Windows Live Messenger , MS-Teams, ZOOM etc

13. Write any two options used to pay bills on the online shopping website.

Ans: credit, debit card or by Internet banking etc.

14. Name any 2 situations where online shopping could be useful.

Ans: A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.

• Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
• A product or service that is not available in the local market is available
online. etc

15. What is sustainable economic growth and development?

Ans. Sustainable economic growth is economic development that attempts to

satisfy the needs of humans but in a manner that sustains natural resources and
the environment for future generations. It is about providing motivations for
businesses and other organizations to follow to sustainability guidelines
beyond their normal judicial requirements.

16. Explain a)Blog b)Instant Messaging c)Hub d)LAN e)WAN

Refer page No-253&254

17. What are the uses of networking?(Refer page No-253)

18. Define Sustainable Development.(Page No-72)

19. Explain the ways to reduce inequalities.

Reduced Inequalities: To reduce inequalities we can

1. Be helpful to one another.

2. Be friendly with everyone.

3. Include everyone while working or playing.

4.Help others by including everyone whether they are small or big, girl or boy,
belong to any class or caste.

20. Name two popular E-commerce websites.


21. Give Examples of Offline Blog Services

Ans. Windows Live Writer, BlogDesk ,Qumana

22. Give Examples of Online Blog Services

Ans.,, Blogger


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