Evaluation of Sensorineural Discomfort in Brazilian Air Force Pilots Caused by In-Flight Kinetosis
Evaluation of Sensorineural Discomfort in Brazilian Air Force Pilots Caused by In-Flight Kinetosis
Evaluation of Sensorineural Discomfort in Brazilian Air Force Pilots Caused by In-Flight Kinetosis
12(01), 221-230
Thiago A. Rochetti Bezerra1,2, Alexandre D. Vivas2, Júlio E. Calheiros2, Caroline P. Golin², Eliza F. Prezotto2,
Juliana F. B. Paschoal2, Thalita P. M. Alineri2, Délio T. M. Malaquias2, Luiz Rodolfo T. Silva2, Samantha
R.G. Sanches2, Ana Carolina P. Bergamin2, Charline C. Casaril2, Leonardo T. Silva2, João Paulo P. Santos2,
Talita R.Q. Lopes, Elton L. F. Oliveira2, Isadora O. Soler2, Diego P. Mariz2, Adriana F.V. Delgado, Larissa O.
Santos², Caio V. Sá Bertozzi2, Lorenza R. Galvan2, Liliana M. Occulate3, Pedro N.S. Costa4; Thiago G.
Trigueiro4 and Hiromi M.K. Fujishima4
1. Graduated in Physical Education, Federal University of São Carlos, PhD in Medical Sciences, Ribeirão Preto
Medical School, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, 1º Lieutenant of the Brazilian Air Force Academy.
2. Medical Student. University of Ribeirão Preto. Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil.
3. Medical Student. Universidad Central del Paraguay, Paraguay.
4. Medical Student. Potiguar University. Natal. Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History In-flight kinetosis (aerokinetosis) is a normal physiological response to
Received: 05 November 2023 the perception of unusual movement, occurring frequently in airmen.
Final Accepted: 09 December 2023 The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of aerokinetosis
Published: January 2024 among cadet aviators in the Brazilian Air Force, their search for
medical treatment and the influence of symptoms on their performance.
Key words:-
Kinetosis, Military Personnel, Flight To this end, a cross-sectional prevalence study was carried out, based
Sickness, Prevalence on a questionnaire created by the researchers. The airmen (cadets)
answered objective questions individually. The number of cadets
assessed was 186. The average age was (22.5±1.8) years, with the
majority being male n=174. The small number of women does not
allow us to infer a comparison between the sexes. The number of cadets
diagnosed with aerokinetosis was 112 (60.2%), while in international
studies it ranges from 10% to 39%. The maneuvering and acrobatics
phase had the highest incidence of aerokinetosis, cited by 75 of the 186
cadets. Of the 112 cadets diagnosed with aerokinetosis, 37 reported that
their performance was affected on a mission, and of the cadets who
showed symptoms, 91% sought medical assistance after the crisis.
Among those who had already undergone some form of treatment
(n=102), 98 cadets used medication, 58 reported using trampoline
exercises prescribed by their doctor and 2 were treated with
acupuncture. Only 35 cadets reported improvement after some kind of
intervention. Most of them did not undergo specialized treatment, even
though their performance was impaired during their flight routine.
Kinetosis: the movement syndrome
The pathogenesis of kinetosis is not fully understood, but the most widely accepted explanation today is the sensory
conflict theory (SHUPAK; GORDON, 2006; SCHMÄL, 2013).
Nerve impulses pass from the inner ear to the center of the bulb, causing nausea and vomiting (TORTORA, 2000).
Tortora (2000) states that kinetosis is a functional disorder generated by excessive movements and sudden
accelerations, such as exposure to gravitational load (G) or the imposition of high speeds, excessively stimulating the
vestibular apparatus.
Salmito (2018) explains that motion sickness is the result of incompatible perception of movements between the eyes
and the labyrinth, one of the parts of the ear that detects body movements. This mismatched information is described
when the labyrinth perceives movement, but the eyes indicate that the body is stationary.
Basically, aerokinetosis is a variation of kinetosis that occurs in aircraft (TEMPORAL, 1995).
Schmäl (2013) explains that it is a physiological reaction that occurs universally due to the perception of unusual
movement, bringing strangeness to the organism, and can occur as a response to exposure to aerial activity.
Temporal (1995) explains that aerokinetosis is often referred to as altitude sickness and agrees that, in a general sense,
this relationship exists because the absence of firm ground increases the range of possible movements. It is also
mentioned that in the past, when aerospace medicine was not so developed, the term "air sickness" was identified as a
type of vertigo and used as a diagnosis for most of the symptoms that pilots were not used to feeling.
Vestibular system
Tavares, Santos and Knobel (2008) state that the vestibular system (VS) is responsible for the onset of kinetosis
symptoms, due to the sensory conflict between it and vision, the parts of the body responsible for balance and
It is characterized by informing the sense of angular accelerations on the body, and all the information it absorbs is
sent to the Central Nervous System, where it is analyzed and processed (TAVARES; SANTOS; KONOBEL, 2008).
The VS is basically made up of the semicircular canals, saccule and utricle (FIGURE 1). The utricle is arranged
horizontally, while the saccule is vertically, both having a sensory region called the macula, a place covered in cilia
where otoliths (calcium carbonate crystals) are attached. The action of this region is based on the inclination of the
thousands of cilia that occurs when there is the action of gravitational force or any other acceleration to which the
body is subjected. For example, when someone starts to move forward, the cilia are displaced backwards, due to the
inertia of the otocytes, causing a kind of controlled imbalance in this direction, causing the person to move forward.
In this way, it is possible to determine the position of the head in relation to the forces acting linearly on it
The semicircular canals are ducts through which the fluid called endolymph moves, which is responsible for moving
the cilia. They are arranged in three different orientations (anterior, posterior and lateral) which are vertical to each
other. They act by forming three basic patterns of impulses that are sent to the brain, based on the movement of the
cilia in the ampullae of the canals: when the head is moved to the right, the cilia move to the left; when the head is
moved to the left, the cilia move to the right; when the head remains still, the pattern informs stagnation
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The vestibulo-ocular reflex. A rotation of the head is detected, which triggers an inhibitory signal to the extraocular
muscles on one side and an excitatory signal to the muscles on the other side. The result is a compensatory
movement of the eyes (FIGURE 2) (TORTORA, 2000).
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Aerokinetosis symptoms
The symptoms of aerokinetosis are quite varied and are divided into two types: subjective and objective. Subjective
symptoms are those that indicate that the passenger may be experiencing bad feelings due to the movement and that
involve emotional aspects, such as anxiety and nervousness. In this type, the first sign to appear is gastrointestinal
dysfunction, since this system of the body is one of the most primitive and is usually one of the first to react to
emotional disturbances. This dysfunction leads to nausea, which often makes the skin feel clammy and often
progresses to vomiting, which brings relief for a short time. As this situation progresses, there may be signs of
increased emotional and muscular tension, the latter being mainly responsible for the great prostration that takes
over the body when tensions are replaced by a feeling of greater relaxation. All these factors together lead to an
unpleasant, generalized somatic state. In terms of objective symptoms, the preceding signs are pallor and cold
sweats, mainly on the face. When these characteristics are present, there will probably be a progression to vomiting
and muscle weakness. In addition, there is a predominance of an appearance of illness, an increase in blood pressure
and heart rate, signs that return to normal some time after the crisis (TEMPORAL, 1995).
Aviator cadets who are in the second year of the Brazilian Air Force's Aviator Officer Training Course (CFOav),
take a basic military piloting course in the Second Air Instruction Squadron (2º EIA) with the T-25 UNIVERSAL
(FIGURE 3) aircraft. In this phase of flight training, the cadets develop the individual qualities of military pilots.
The phases of flight training are; maneuvers and acrobatics (MAC), graduation flights and navigations. During
flights, some cadets face a problem related to the fact that they experience symptoms caused by the movement of the
aircraft, which affects the systems responsible for maintaining the balance of the human body (vestibular system,
vision and proprioceptive system). In some cases, these symptoms affect air instruction (BEZERRA et.al, 2014).
The cadet suffering from aerokinesis, in addition to worrying about the intrinsic (aircraft handling) and extrinsic
(environmental conditions) factors that are present in the flight, must remain focused so that the symptoms do not
affect his performance on the mission, making his flight deficient.
To identify the prevalence of Aerokinetosis symptoms among cadets undergoing aviation training in the
Brazilian Air Force.
To verify the incidence of cadets affected by aerokinetosis.
To verify the symptoms that have an impact on flight learning.
Ethics committee
Ethical considerations were based on scientific purposes, with the cadets' identities being respected, free from
coercion or conflict of interest on the part of the institution or individuals involved in the project. Collections
complied with technical safety protocols. The volunteers were informed in advance of their express consent on a
specific form (Informed Consent Form - ICF), in accordance with CEP resolution 196/96. Report Number:
1.015.756 Date of Report: 14/04/2023, CAAE: 40667114.7.0000.5504.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 221-230
The work was carried out at the Brazilian Air Force Academy in Pirassununga, state of São Paulo, Brazil, with due
authorization from the Commandant of the Academy.
Of the 140 cadets, 46 male aviator cadets from the 2nd year of training in 2023 with symptoms of aerokinetosis were
selected and randomly assigned by lot.
The experimental group for this study was cadet aviators from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). It was characterized
by an epidemiological investigation of a quantitative and exploratory nature, verifying the prevalence of
aerokinetosis in FAB aviator cadets.
A questionnaire was applied with questions about the incidence of the effect of aerokinetosis in flight on the health
of cadets, related to the objective of the study.
Objective questions were asked to investigate the existence of symptoms characteristic of kinetosis and factors
associated with possible episodes, such as interference with performance during flight and whether or not treatment
had been carried out. The questions were as follows: During your flights at the 2nd EIA, did you suffer from any
effects of aerokinetosis?; What symptoms of aerokinetosis did you experience during your flights?; At what stage of
the flight did the symptoms of aerokinetosis start?; Did you have your instruction impaired after suffering from
aerokinetosis?; Did you have your flight aborted because you were unable to continue with the mission? When you
discovered that you were suffering from aerokinetosis, did you go to the squadron doctor for treatment? What did
you try to do to alleviate the effects of aerokinetosis? Did the measures adopted to alleviate the effects of
aerokinetosis contribute to any improvement?
Profile of the study population
186 cadets answered the questionnaire, 12 of whom were female and the rest male. The average age was (22.5±1.8)
years. The average amount of instruction in practical flying lessons was 86.15 hours.
Regarding knowledge of Aerokinetosis, 91% of the cadets said they were aware of it and 9% said they were unaware
of the symptoms.
When complementing the previous question by asking how many flights the symptoms occur on, 28% showed some
kind of symptom during a flight instruction, followed by 26% who showed symptoms on 3 flights, 22% showed
symptoms on 2 flights, 13% always showed symptoms and 11% showed symptoms on 4 flights.
When asked which maneuver caused the most symptoms of aerokinesis, it can be seen that the phase of flight with the
highest incidence of symptoms was the screw maneuver, with 33%, followed by the curve and others with 29%, and
level flight with 9%.
According to question five, which asks whether in some of the flights, the symptoms could hinder the pilot's
performance, 61% answered that the symptoms of kinetosis hindered their performance, and 39% said that they were
not hindered by the symptoms.
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Of the 39% of respondents who said their performance had been impaired by the symptoms of aerokinetosis, all
reported symptoms on 2 flights, 28% on 1 flight, and 11% said they had been impaired on 3 flights, 4 flights or more
and always.
When asked if any flights were aborted because they were unable to continue with the mission, even though the
results show that the symptoms of aerokinetosis hinder pilots, only 4% had their flight aborted because they were
unable to continue with the mission, while 96% continued with the mission.
Regarding seeking medical assistance after a kinetosis attack, even though it is a worrying syndrome for flight
safety, of the 46 cadets selected, only 63% sought medical assistance after an aerokinetosis attack, while 37% chose
not to seek medical assistance or preferred to undergo treatment on their own.
When asked about the treatment of kinetosis symptoms, 35% said they were undergoing some kind of treatment, and
65% said they were not undergoing any kind of treatment.
When seeking treatment to understand and alleviate the symptoms of aerokinetosis, only 35% sought medical help,
while 65% of the participants said they had not sought specialized help
For the eleventh question, some options were presented for measures used to alleviate symptoms during the flight.
Of the participants, 76% reported having done exercises prescribed by their doctor, 21% reported having sought
other forms of treatment, 3% sought help through acupuncture and there was no search for physiotherapy or
The study population showed a prevalence of 60.2% of aerokinetosis among the 186 aviator cadets at the Brazilian
Air Force Academy in Pirassununga, São Paulo state, a percentage slightly higher than that found in international
literature, which ranges from 10% to 39% among military aviation students (Lucertini et al., 2008; Giles; Lochridge,
1985; Benson; Tott; 2006; Rashedin et al., 2009).
However, according to data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), aerokinetosis affects
approximately 50% of military aviators at some point in their career (Acromite, 2011).
There were very few female cadets (only 12 out of 186 interviewees). This may be due to the recent entry of women
into the ranks of the airmen, which has taken place since 2003. The number was not sufficient to establish a
relationship between the sexes.
In a study carried out at the Indian Air Force Academy, 57% of military students with symptoms of aerokinetosis
developed it during the MAC phase, a lower rate than the 66.9% at the Brazilian Air Force Academy (Rashedin et
al., 2009).
In addition to this negative impact on aerial activities, aerokinetosis can lead to premature termination of the flight,
negatively affect the pilot's motivation and generate a great deal of anxiety.
In this study, adherence to medical treatment was remarkable: 91% of the individuals affected by aerokinetosis
underwent treatment. The high level of adherence can be partly explained by the fact that, in the military
environment, this factor can be preponderant in the success and continuity of studies at the AFA.
However, due to the intense routine at the AFA, many cadets opt for medication and don't seek out more time-
consuming treatments, such as trampolining and acupuncture.
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Aerospace medicine could be used as an educational measure in the first year of the aviation officer course at the Air
Force Academy. This could be followed by screening and preventative treatment, before beginning airborne
This could minimize - or even eliminate - the symptoms and increase the cadet's motivation, favoring greater
development of their potential. It is therefore highly recommended that a thorough search be carried out for cadets with
symptoms of aerokinetosis, preferably before they begin their aerial activities, in order to offer them early clarification
and treatment of this important condition.
The incidence of aerokinetosis varies greatly and is influenced by various factors. Temporal (1995) cites an 11% rate of
occurrences in basic aviation courses, i.e. courses taken by civilian pilots, characterized by more stable flights that don't
involve exacerbated movements and great exposure to G-load acceleration, factors that determine why there are fewer
cases. In military aviation, on the other hand, the rates are much higher
In view of all these analyses, it is clear that, in addition to the aspects naturally involved in the Flying Officer Training
Course, such as the rigorous assessment and high level of demand, some cadets have to deal with the extra difficulty of
symptoms that impair flight management.
Each year, airmen are taught about aerospace medicine, flight safety and other subjects of this kind, which provide good
opportunities for instructors to focus more on aspects of aerokinesis. However, these classes generally deal with the
subject in a more superficial way, just for general knowledge purposes. As such, it would be commendable if, even
before beginning their first year of aviation activity in the Air Officer Training Course (CFOAV), all aviation cadets
received instruction on movement syndrome and the other aspects involved.
In this way, more useful time is also given to students on the course who already want to start practicing methods such as
the Cawthorne and Cooksey Protocol exercises, in order to allow for greater desensitization of the body systems involved
in the process that leads the pilot to consent to the evil of aerial movement. Therefore, as far as the aeromedical section is
concerned, it would be interesting to take a broader approach in terms of the amount of information made available and a
more specific approach in terms of targeting it. This could be done by imparting knowledge about the different bodily
processes involved, from the reactions of the human body's balance systems to the functioning of the digestive system
and its possible influences on the onset of kinetosis symptoms.
In conjunction with the aeromedical section, it is of the utmost importance to involve physical education professionals
and nutritionists, as this is one of the most important areas linked to aerokinetosis.
In this way, information can be correlated, such as explanations and examples of preventive exercises and foods that
should be avoided on days of aerial activity because they negatively influence digestion and other processes, such as the
excessive production of intestinal gases. As a result, many cadets would start the 2nd EIA course with a greater
awareness of the basic exercises that help prevent and treat aerokinetosis and specific foodstuffs that can be harmful to
their well-being, their relationship with metabolism and reactions in the body itself. As a way of complementing this, the
psychology section also plays an important role, as factors such as anxiety can also be aggravating factors in cases of
aerokinetosis (BRASIL, 2012).
During the second year of the CFOAV, once knowledge of the aircraft's structure, procedures to be carried out during
flight and how to deal with crashes during military flight missions has been established, the cadet begins to come into
contact with practical aviation learning. The cadet who suffers from aerokinesis, in addition to worrying about the
intrinsic (aircraft handling) and extrinsic (environmental conditions) factors that are present in the flight, must remain
focused so that the symptoms do not affect his performance in the mission, making his flight deficient.
The incidence of symptomatic possibilities can be decisive in the failure of a mission carried out by cadets. Included in
the evaluation form is the item Adaptation to air activity, related to the general aspects that define good physiological
conditions for flight performance. If the symptoms constitute a factor that makes it impossible for the cadet to continue
the mission, the instructor can assign a poor grade for the flight in question.
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One factor that carries a lot of weight in the 2nd EIA is that the flight schedule - a list of the instructor on the mission and
the time - is made in such a way that periods close to the main meal, lunch, are also used, in order to maximize the
number of aircraft departures for instruction on the day.
It is therefore essential that cadets know how to balance their meals based on these possible situations. If it is not possible
to have lunch before take-off, the foods mentioned above should be avoided and priority should be given to a snack made
up of options with a volume/calorie content that is not too high and a small amount of liquids. Now, if it is possible to
have lunch as normal, the meal should be balanced, without excesses. Again, the menu should preferably be free of
aggravating options and the essential amount should be consumed, especially if there is a short period between
consumption and take-off. It is also important to maintain a regular diet, so that there is no change in the body's routine
that could be harmful (BRASIL, 2012).
In addition, a meal based on excess, for example, needs to recruit a greater amount of energy for digestion, bringing the
well-known feeling of drowsiness to the pilot, which, combined with the lethargy and prostration resulting from
aerokinetosis, can be a determining factor for inattention and slow reactions inside the aircraft cabin.
With regard to all these alternatives, it is important to emphasize that the pilot should not perform any type of stimulus or
exercise that could generate symptoms of aerokinetosis before take-off on mission days. After the flight, if symptoms
occur, it is recommended to wait six hours before practicing again (TEMPORAL, 2000).
According to data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), kinetosis affects around 50% of
military aviators at some point in their career (ACROMITE, 2011).
Airsickness is a significant obstacle in the training of some pilots. When conventional therapy fails, desensitization
therapy may be indicated. Using the experience gained by the RAF and USAF, the Canadian Forces (CF) started this
program in 1981. After identifying the patient, treatment consists of three phases: biofeedback relaxation therapy, ground
desensitization training and in-flight desensitization therapy with a pilot surgeon. Employing a definition of healing used
by the RAF, success was compared with that of the RAF and USAF programs. A total of 22 pilots underwent
rehabilitation, 17 of whom were successfully treated for a success rate of 77%.
This is comparable to the success rates of other programs. It is reaffirmed that desensitization is a valid clinical tool in the
treatment of airsickness (BANKS; SALISBURY; CERESIA, 1992).
Airsickness remains a significant obstacle for aircrew both in the flight environment (feeling airsick) and for aircrew at
sea (seasickness). Even though some motion sickness medications provide reasonable valence, adverse neurocognitive
effects demarcate their use in military personnel engaged in safety-sensitive operational functions such as flying. The aim
of this study was to investigate the impact of promethazine, meclizine and dimenhydrinate on psychomotor performance
and to analyze whether the addition of pseudoephedrine or damphetamine to promethazine would improve its adverse
effects. In this study 21 subjects (11 men, 10 women), aged between 22 and 59 years, were assessed for psychomotor
performance in 4 tasks, as well as with sleepiness and drug side effect questionnaires.
Another article presented the physiological data of two male pilots who completed a 6-hour training program for the
control of motion sickness at the US Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center. The program
consisted of an Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise in which research participants learn through operant conditioning
techniques to regulate various physiological responses to suppress their symptoms. The progress of the training was
evaluated during tests of motion sickness in a rotating chair. Motion sickness tolerance was assessed by calculating the
number of cumulative rotations the research participants were able to achieve in the rotating chair before reaching their
primary motion sickness goal. Motion sickness symptoms were assessed using a standard diagnostic scale. No
physiological data was obtained from a pilot during a training flight in an F-18 aircraft after the end of his training. The
results showed a significant increase in tolerance to laboratory-induced encephalopathy tests and a reduction in
autonomic nervous system response levels after training. During subsequent flight qualification tests in F-18 and T-38
aircraft, both pilots were successful in controlling their patience and returned to active flight status (COWINGS et al.,
Vomiting is one of the most detrimental factors in aerial activity, as the cadet must use a motion sickness bag to do so,
and may suspend the progress of some exercise and, depending on the intensity, abort the mission due to their physical
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 221-230
state, probably obtaining a poor grade. This may be due to exaggerated movements and sudden accelerations, such as
exposure to G-loads or the imposition of high speeds, excessively stimulating the vestibular apparatus (TORTORA,
This corroborates what França (2015) mentions, when he states that kinetosis can become a risk, since even mild
symptoms can impair the person when carrying out multitasking.
Based on the results of the first question, it is clear that a large part of the class has, at least once, experienced some
symptoms of aerokinetosis. It's worth noting that these symptoms don't just include vomiting itself, but also nausea,
weakness, headaches, among others. Based on the responses, the statement that motion sickness affects the body of a
considerable number of cadets in the primary stage of the T-25 at the AFA is corroborated, an aspect that is also
mirrored in other groups in society, where none of them chose vestibular rehabilitation, which is shown to be the most
appropriate behavior for adapting individuals to environments that evoke the symptoms pointed out (MANTELLO,
2013; LUCERTINI; LUGLI, 2004 apud VOLTOLONI, 2013).
Final considerations
The aim of this study was to investigate how aerokinetosis affects the performance of aviation cadets during
instructional flights. The data obtained in the research indicates that the symptoms of aerokinetosis affect cadets quite
frequently, as well as having a negative impact on their performance during flight instruction. The most common
symptoms reported were nausea and vomiting. The phase in which there was the highest incidence of aerokinetosis was
Maneuvers and Acrobatics.
It was found that aerokinetosis wastes time and money, since many flights had to be interrupted and redone because of
their reactions. Flight safety is also jeopardized, since the cadet is flying solo.
It is therefore necessary to try to identify and treat cadets who are more susceptible to aerokinetosis in the air
environment before they begin their aerial instruction. Such a measure would help to reduce the adverse effects that lead
to underperformance by trainee military aviators.
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