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Edexcel (A) Biology A-level

Topic 6: Immunity, Infec on and Forensics


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Forensics and Time of Death
Time of death of a mammal can be determined by looking at the following:
1. Extent of decomposi on – bodies usually follow the same pa ern of decay and
decomposi on, star ng with the enzymes from the diges ve system breaking down
the surrounding ssues while cells begin to release enzymes as they are broken
down. Therefore a stage of decomposi on can be used to determine how long a
body has been dead for.
2. Forensic entomology – is the study of insects to determine the me of death. Each
species of insects has a specific life cycle. Determining the age of insects present
enables the me of death to be determined.
The Stage of succession - as the body decays, the species colonising the body
change. Therefore, analysis of the community of species present can be used to
determine me of death.
3. Body temperature – temperature of the body begins to decrease a er death as
heat-producing metabolic reac ons stop. However, temperature can only be used to
determine me of death in the first 24 hours, un l the body reaches the temperature
of its surroundings. This will also depend upon surrounding condi ons such as the
size of the body, covering and weather condi ons.

4. Degree of muscle contrac on – a er death muscles begin to s ffen as ATP is used

up, calcium ions build up in the muscle cells and they become fixed in a state of
contrac on. This is called rigor mor s, and the extent of rigor mor s can be used to
determine me of death. Beginning at around 2-4 hours a er death, the s ffness
only lasts around 36 hours, so limited in use in determining me of death.
Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi play an important role in the decomposi on of
organic ma er and the recycling of carbon (releasing nutrients that were locked up in
organic material). Bacteria and fungi secrete enzymes that decompose dead organic ma er
into small molecules which they then use as respiratory substrates – carbon dioxide and
methane are released in this process, thus recycling carbon.

DNA Profiling
Not all of the DNA in a genome codes for proteins in the organism. Non-coding regions are
known as introns, while coding regions are known as exons. This gives rise to great gene c
variability between organisms both within and between species. The introns consist of many
repea ng base sequences known as short-tandem repeats in sec ons known as satellites.

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Before the sample can be analysed via DNA profiling, the sample needs to be amplified
using Polymerase Chain Reac on:

1. A reac on mixture is set up by mixing the DNA sample, primers, free nucleo des and
DNA polymerase which is the enzyme involved in crea ng new DNA strands.
2. The mixture is then heated to 95 degrees to break the hydrogen bonds and to separate
the two strands for around 30 seconds.
3. The mixture is then cooled to a temperature between 50-65 degrees depending on the
type of primers used, so that they can bind to the strands, this takes around 20 seconds.
4. Temperature is increased to about 70 degrees as this is the temperature DNA polymerase
works at. DNA polymerase creates a copy of the sample by complementary base pairing
using the free nucleo des. The mixture is le for at least one minute for the sample to
be amplified. The cycle can then be repeated many mes and gives rise to an amount of
DNA sufficient to create a DNA profile.
DNA profiling is a forensic technique used for iden fica on and determining gene c
rela onships between organisms. Gel electrophoresis is used to separate and visualise the
amplified sample:

1. Fragments of DNA are cut with restric on endonuclease enzymes (either side of
2. These fragments are placed in wells in agarose gels and dyed with ethidium bromide so
they fluoresce under UV light. A current is then applied to the gel. DNA is nega ve
hence moves towards the anode. Fragments of different sizes move at different speeds,
according to mass so ‘bands’ appear.
3. A nylon or nitrocellulose filter is placed on top of the plate - the dry, absorbent material
draws solu on containing DNA fragments to the filter. The fragments appear as ‘blots’.
4. Gene probes (complementary sequences labeled with fluorescent or radioac ve
markers) are added and bind with the DNA in a process known as hybridisa on.
5. ‘Blots’ compared and number of satellites visualised.
Repeated sequences of DNA in introns are referred to as mini/microsatellites depending
on their size. The more closely related two people/species are, the more similar the
repeats are.

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Bacteria and Viruses

Viruses are non-living structures which consist of a nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA)
enclosed in a protec ve protein coat called the capsid, some mes covered with a lipid layer
called the envelope.
Bacteria and viruses are the main disease-causing pathogens in humans. Even though they
both cause disease, they vary in many ways:
● Bacteria are prokaryotes, meaning that they have no membrane-bound organelles –
their gene c material is found in the form of a circular strand of DNA. Viruses consist
of just nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) enclosed in the protein coat.
● Bacteria do not require a host to survive, whereas viruses do not carry out the
processes that define a living organism, they are en rely dependent on their hosts
and cannot survive without them; consequently they are not classified as living
● Viruses are significantly smaller than bacteria.
● Bacteria have a cell membrane, cell wall and cytoplasm, as well as other organelles
such as ribosomes, plasmids, flagellum and pili. Viruses possess no such structures.
An example of a bacterial disease is tuberculosis (TB). TB is caused by a bacteria called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis which infects phagocytes in the lungs:
● First infec on may be symptomless. Infected phagocytes are sealed in tubercles in
the lungs as a result of an inflammatory response.
● Bacteria lie dormant inside the tubercles. They are not destroyed by the immune
system, as tubercles are covered with a thick waxy coat.
● When the immune system becomes weakened, the bacteria become ac ve again,
and slowly destroy the lung ssue, thus leading to breathing problems, coughing,
and weight loss, as well as fever.
● TB can then spread to other areas of the body, at which stage it can be fatal.

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An example of a viral infec on is Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV destroys T
helper cells in the immune system leading to AIDS:

● The first symptoms of HIV are flu-like including fevers, redness and headaches.
● A er several weeks HIV an bodies appear in blood, thus making a person HIV
posi ve.
● A er this period, the symptoms disappear un l the immune system becomes
weakened again, thus leading to AIDS.
● Symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, diarrhoea, demen a, cancers and
opportunis c infec ons such as TB. These opportunis c infec ons can lead to death.

Response to Infec on
Physical barriers to infec on include:

● Skin - a tough physical barrier consis ng of kera n.

● Stomach Acid (hydrochloric acid) and enzymes - which kills bacteria.
● Gut and skin flora – natural bacterial flora competes with pathogens for food and

The body can respond to pathogens without recogni on of their an gens. This is known as
non-specific response and can include:

● Inflamma on – histamines released by damaged white vessels cause vasodila on,

which increases the flow of blood to the infected area and increases permeability of
blood vessels. As a result, an bodies, white blood cells and plasma leak out into the
infected ssue which can help to destroy the pathogen.
● Fever – the hypothalamus sets body temperature higher, increasing the rate of
enzyme-controlled reac ons. This decreases speed of pathogen reproduc on and
increases rate of specific immune response. A careful balance must be struck
between harming the pathogen and denaturing enzymes in the body.
● Lysozyme ac on – lysozyme is an enzyme found in secre ons such as tears and
mucus which kills bacterial cells by damaging their cell wall (causing lysis).
● Phagocytosis - is a process in which white blood cells engulf pathogens; destroying
them by enclosing a pathogen in a phagocy c vacuole with a lysosome.

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The specific immune response is an gen-specific and produces responses specific to one
type of pathogen only. This type of immune response relies on lymphocytes produced in the
bone marrow:

● B cells mature in the bone marrow and are involved in the humoral response.
● T cells move from the bone marrow to the thymus gland where they mature, they
are involved in both the humoral and cell-mediated response.

Humoral Response
T Helper Ac va on:

1. Bacterium is engulfed by a macrophage. An gens are displayed on the surface of the

macrophage on MHCs (major histocompa bility complexes). The macrophage acts
as an an gen-presen ng cell (APC).

2. Macrophage APC binds to T Helper cell with complementary receptor proteins.

3. The T Helper cell is ‘ac vated’ and divides by mitosis to form T memory cells and
ac ve T helper cells.

Effector Stage:

1. B cells with a complementary receptor bind to the an gens upon a bacterium, itself
becoming an APC.

2. An ac vated T helper cell (from the previous stage) with a complementary receptor
protein to the an gens binds to the B cell APC. It produces cytokines.

3. Cytokines s mulate the B cell to divide by mitosis and form B memory cells and B
effector cells.

4. B effector cells differen ate into plasma cells.

5. Plasma cells synthesise an bodies.

6. An bodies destroy the pathogen by:

a. Agglu na on (microbes clump together – makes phagocytosis easier)

b. Lysis (burs ng of bacterial cells)

c. Opsonisa on (an bodies coat microbes and mark them for phagocytes)

d. Precipita on (soluble toxins are made insoluble)

e. Neutralisa on (neutralising harmful toxins)

7. T Suppressor cells stop the immune response.

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Cell Mediated Response

When a pathogen invades a host cell...

1. The host cell displays the an gens on its Major Histocompa bility Complexes and
becomes an An gen-Presen ng Cell.

2. T Killer cell with complementary receptor proteins binds to the APC.

3. Cytokines secreted by ac ve T Helper cell s mulate the T Killer cell to divide by mitosis.

4. T Killer cell divides to form ac ve T Killer cells and T Memory cells (which remain in the
body to provide immunity - see below).

5. Ac ve T Killer cells bind to APCs and secrete chemicals which cause pores to form in the
cell membrane.

6. The infected cell lyses and dies.

Immunity can either be ac ve or passive; ac ve immunity results from the produc on of
an bodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an an gen whereas
passive immunity results from the introduc on of an bodies from another person or

There are also two subtypes of immunity; natural or ar ficial:

● Natural ac ve immunity arises from being exposed to an an gen/ge ng the disease

whereas natural passive immunity is the result of crossing of mother’s an bodies
through the placenta and their presence in breast milk.
● Ac ve ar ficial immunity is acquired through vaccina ons which s mulate the
immune system and lead to produc on of an bodies whereas passive ar ficial
immunity is where an bodies are injected into the body.
Herd Immunity = enough people have been vaccinated to make transmission of a disease
very unlikely. Requires 80-90% vaccina on.

Immunisa on is the process of protec ng people from infec on with passive or ac ve

ar ficial immunity via vaccina on.

Vaccina on is the process by which immunisa on is achieved. Vaccines may introduce live
but weakened strains of a pathogen (a enuated an gens) or a pathogen/toxin that has been
inac vated/killed.

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Vaccina on is a method of inducing immunity, by promp ng a
secondary immune response. The first infec on results in the
produc on of memory cells, this is the primary response.
Memory cells can remain in the blood for a long me and
provide protec on upon re-infec on, this is the secondary
immune response. As a result, the produc on of an bodies
occurs faster and in greater number, as the lag me to produce
ac ve lymphocytes is reduced.

An bio cs
An bio cs can also be used to fight infec on by killing the bacteria and stopping their
growth. There are two types of an bio cs:
● Bactericidal an bio cs kill bacteria by destroying their cell wall, thus causing them
to burst (lysis).
● Bacteriosta c an bio cs, which inhibit the growth of bacteria by stopping protein
synthesis and produc on of nucleic acids so the bacteria can’t divide and grow.
However, some bacteria become resistant to an bio cs as a result of natural selec on. The
bacteria which are not killed by the an bio c possess a selec ve advantage – resistance
which enables them to survive and reproduce. Therefore the allele for an bio c resistance
is passed onto their offspring thus crea ng a resistant strain.
Moreover, there is an ongoing evolu onary race between organisms and pathogens as
pathogens evolve adapta ons which enable them to survive and reproduce. For instance,
the constantly changing protein coat (an gen coat) of HIV means that the virus is not
recognised and destroyed by the immune system.
Resistance to an bio cs results in an bio c resistant bacterial infec ons, some mes
referred to as ‘superbugs’, in hospitals, such as MRSA. Hospitals have developed various
ways of controlling the spread of an bio c resistant infec ons, for example:
● New pa ents are screened at arrival, isolated and treated if they are infected to
prevent the spread of bacteria between pa ents.
● An bio cs are only used when needed and their course is completed to ensure that
all the bacteria are destroyed, and to minimise the selec on pressure on bacteria, to
prevent resistant strains from forming.

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● All staff must follow the code of prac ce which includes strict hygiene regimes such
as washing hands with alcohol based an bacterial gels and wearing suitable
clothing which minimises the transmission of resistant bacteria.

Post-Transcrip on Modifica on of RNA

RNA splicing is a post-transcrip on modifica on of mRNA which enables eukaryotes to
produce more proteins than they have genes. RNA splicing enables more than one protein to
be produced from one gene.

1. A gene is transcribed which results in pre-MRNA (the transcript of the whole gene).
2. All introns (non-coding regions) and some exons (coding regions) are removed.
3. The remaining genes are joined back up by enzyme complexes called spliceosomes. The
same exons can be joined in a variety of ways to produce several different versions of
mature func onal RNA.

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