Library Management System

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 2139-2143 ISSN: 2395-5252

Library Management System

Prof. Raj Bhalla
Prof. Raj Bhalla , HarshaliKawade2, DarshanaJiwane3,

Aayushi Mosamwar,4 Samarpana Kasipata5 ,

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,lonere.
Rajiv Gandhi college of Engineering research & technology, Chandrapur.

Submitted: 15-06-2022 Revised: 25-06-2022 Accepted: 27-06-2022

ABSTRACT: Library Management System is a this step to reduce this. The aim of this project is to
web-based program that identifies the creation of develop a system that can manage and manage the
an automated library system that is integrated with activities involved in the library in an efficient and
the day-to-day library function. This function has reliable way. Slight management staff and easy
many advantages that are not readily available in access to search & Upgrade user database.
an integrated library system, resources such as Develops a system that can replace the library
different workspaces for different users with management system. Managing a user profile is a
different values. It also has an admin login. With major goal of this project as well as an attractive
this, the controller can monitor the entire system. In navigation environment for the user system.
this application, users can view the list of books Creates a user-friendly location. The administrator
they have downloaded and the date of issue, the or librarian must have access. Provides a reliable
return date and can store the books online. The search site for users. It also provides book details
amount of the charge is made by the robot as well. Library Management System is an
accurately. The application is designed to assist application that refers to library systems that are
clients in the maintenance and editing of the usually small or medium in size. It is used by the
library. It includes a clear, well-thought-out, and librarian to manage the library using a computer
attractive UI combined with solid search. power of program where it can record various events such as
input and reporting. In general, our work is book releases, book retrieval, addition of new
designed to help students and staff maintain the books, addition of new readers etc. Books and
library in the best possible way and to reduce student care modules have also been included in
human effort.While SQL server is being used as a this program which will follow the student's use of
database. All data is stored and retrieved in the the library and a detailed description of the library's
SQL database, making it more secure. contents. With this computer program there will be
KEYWORDS:Management system, SQLserver no loss of record book or member record which
usually occurs when using a non-computer
I. INTRODUCTION program. All of these modules are able to help the
Modern Generation will be trusted on a librarian to manage the library more easily and
computer and run Software on a computer. So, we efficiently compared to non-computerized library
are learning java which is why we created systems. The program is designed to address
anapplication to manage a library program using existing problems and library problems. The
java. By using this, we can store student system can add a user, authenticate the user and has
information, publish books, and store student no interruptions. After the computer system is
information in the library. Specifically, these apps installed, fewer people will be needed to maintain
are used by Library administrators. Libraries are the library and thus reduce the total cost. The
important in the process of giving citizens access to librarian can search the record using a few mouse
information. In the digital age they are more clicks and a few search keywords thus saving
needed than ever. In our country, library programs valuable time. The librarian will be able to provide
are written which is why we use paper so much. By a detailed description of the ongoing forums in the
making paper we cut down trees. It is very college and nearby colleges. Teachers have space
dangerous in our area. In our area, we are taking to upload talk notes in pdf file. As the economic

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040621392143 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2139
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 2139-2143 ISSN: 2395-5252

growth increased the peoples are led to the higher Helps library staff maintain a database of new
aspiration to excel in education and work through books and due for members and their
better access to information and knowledge. deadlines.
Technologies for building user-centred digital  This program automatically performs all the
library environments and making computer-user functions of your library. The best way to
interactions more intelligent should be explored manage, organize, and manage many books is
[1]. Earnshaw discussed in his article about the old to use a library management software.
libraries and its drawbacks to keeping records. A  The library management system is used to
book provided an irreducible deposit of keep library records. It keeps track of the
information that could be read, reviewed, criticized, number of books in the library, how many
as well as providing the basis for the development books have been issued, or how many books
of its ideas into further volumes have been returned or renewed or late fines,
[2]. Information is no longer exclusively library- etc.
centric but is also network-centric. The centre of  You can get books instantly, download / re-
gravity has moved from information provision to book books quickly, and manage all data
information access. Online search (via engines such efficiently and systematically using this
as Google) is replacing physical search. Combining program. The purpose of a library management
the best of both worlds i.e., the traditional library program is to provide fast and accurate data on
and the online search – to meet the developing any type of book, thus saving a lot of time and
requirements of users is a key challenge for the effort.
[3]. In this article, the author discussed the digital III. SCOPE
media consideration, the initial development in The Library Management System is a
digital libraries and the long-term preservation of website used to provide information about books in
digital data. As mentioned in this article digital user library.
library is a repository where a significant Each user will be given a different set permission
proportion of content is in the digital form. Which for each library module which includes basic
can be indexed and searchable via electronics searches, permissions, previews booking etc. the
means which is an advantage over the paper-based user can use his\her required documentation until
information the time appointed for him. When he breaks the
[4]. The difficulty and expense of preserving digital time limit, he may face penalty. The controller
information is a potential impediment to digital must perform Daily\weekly\monthly reports,
library development. Preservation of traditional including details of letters, issued, returned, fined
materials became more successful and systematic collection etc.
after libraries and archives integrated preservation
into the overall planning and resource allocation. IV. ADVANTAGE OF LIBRARY
Digital preservation is largely experimental and
replete with the risks associated with untested
methods. Digital preservation strategies are shaped  Minimize the annoying way of archiving
library library manuscripts and specify
by the needs and constraints of repositories with
accurate information for automatically
little consideration for the requirements of current
downloaded or added books.
and future users of digital scholarly resources. This
article discusses the present state of digital  Easy and Easy to use, save library manager
preservation, articulates requirements of both users time, and make you ready for another
and custodians, and suggests research needs in important task.
storage media, migration, conversion, and overall  It is accessible remotely via cell phone
management strategies. Additional research in  Reduce extra costs and library operating costs
these areas would help developers of digital  Students can easily search and find books and
libraries and other institutions with preservation download them accordingly.
responsibilities to integrate long-term preservation
into program planning, administration, system V. METHODOLOGY
architectures, and resource allocation. The LMS contains a management module
in which it displays the administrator function. The
II. PURPOSE administrator is considered an authorized person to
 Library Management System Software is access the LMS system. They can access the LMS
designed to manage all library operations. system with their user id and password. During

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040621392143 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2140
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 2139-2143 ISSN: 2395-5252

login, the system loads and opens the home page  Continuity: An online library and textbook
where it must enter the Id and password shown in management that proves as a step towards
fig.Once logged in, he can access / modify the data educational growth leading to school
in it. The supervisor can add students / book development.
details, extract the book, return the book, view /  Get Easy Access: It is easy to check the library
review the book, and view / review student at any time as the records are maintained by
details.In LMS, while adding student details we the most efficient and easily accessible
register the registration number, name, date of software.
birth, blood group, email id, mobile number, and  Powerful Reports It is easy to maximize
gender, etc. Similarly, to add a new book we library functionality through dynamic reports,
register the book id, author name, copies, prices graphs, and charts to review or track progress
etc.Those who add data can view / update / delete to make better decisions.
via Admin. The administrator can view and search  Free From Errors The school's automatic
for any document by using the search option in the library management system is robust, easy to
LMS displayed. We have developed a library use, and built with an easy way to enter data,
management system on .Net for front end and SQL making the operation of the library completely
at the end. In the current system, users can illegally error free.
change the installation date because the entry will
be in a notepad. This is worse than the LMS VII. MODELLING AND ANALYSIS
system. This program will support professionals to a) User Login: This feature used by the user to
work faster and more efficiently. All details will be login to the system. They are required to enter
updated in the LMS. So, they can verify every the user id and password before they are
detail of the book in it. Existing system credentials allowed to enter the system. The user id and
have been removed from library staff. The LMS password will be verified and if the invalid id
provided them with an easy-to-use location. Thus, is there the user is allowed to not enter the
the system improves library management to system.
another level. It thus creates a rapid progression in
the library that makes a lot of things that Functional requirements: User id is provided when
enthusiasts put in libraries. Lack of book can also they register. The system must only allow the user
be detected by confirming the site, the librarian with valid id and password to enter the system. The
should check and maintain the site properly. system performs an authorization process that
decides what user level can access. The user must
VI. BENEFITS OF LIBRARY be able to logout after they finished using the
 Update: This keeps track of books, magazines,
or other items available in the library
according to their categories. Adding or
removing books is easy as the software
updates the records in one piece.
 Student Involvement: Students can access and
browse the various books available in the
library, it is one easy way to search and leads
to more student engagement in the library.
 Record Keeping: Borrower details will be kept
and maintained, and the repayment date is set b) Register New User: This feature can be
based on categories and the calculation of the performed by all users to register a new user to
penalty starts when the due date is exceeded. create an account.
 Web Interface: The school library is accessible
to students as they have access to a web site Functional requirements: The System must be able
where they can easily check credit history, to verify the information. The system must be able
apply for renewals, set dates, and view fines. It to delete information if the information is wrong.
promotes a better climate at school because
students feel more connected to the c) Register New Book: This feature allows for
information that is accessible to them. adding new books to the library.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-040621392143 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2141
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 2139-2143 ISSN: 2395-5252

Functional requirements: The System must be able f) Event Addition: This feature allows the
to verify the information. The system must be able Librarian and student to add information about
to enter many copies into the table. The system various workshops being conducted in college
must be able to not allow two books having the and colleges nearby.
same book id.
Functional requirements: -System should be able to
d) Search Book: This feature is found in the book add detailed information about events. The system
maintenance part. We can search for books should be able to display information on the notice
based on book id, book name, and publication board available on the homepage of the site.
or by author name.

Functional requirements: -System must be able to

search the database based on select search type.
The system must be able to filter the book based on
the keyword entered. The system must be able to
show the filtered book in table view.

g) Fine Calculation: This feature allows both

librarians and students to calculate the late fine
from the date of expiry and onward.
Functional requirements: The System must be able
to keep track of the issue and expiry date
information from the database. The system must be
able to calculate the fine onwards of the expiry

e) Issue Books and Return Books: This feature VIII.CONCLUSION

allows us to issue and return books and view This website provides a computerized
reports of the book issued. library management system that will benefit
students and library staff. It makes the whole
Functional requirements: The System must be able process online where the reader can search for
to enter issue information in the database. The books, staff can generate reports and make book
system must be able to update several books. transactions. It also has a student entrance area
where the student can enter and see the status of the
published books and the book request or make
specific suggestions. It has a teacher's entry area
where they can add lecture notes and provide the
necessary suggestion in the library and add
information about workshops or events that take
place at our college or college nearby on the online
bulletin board.
There is a future scope for this centre
where many features such as online video tutorials
can be added by the teacher as well as the posting
of online assignments. This project has thus made it
more user-friendly and has a project that meets the
needs of individual users in the most practical way


DOI: 10.35629/5252-040621392143 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2142
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 2139-2143 ISSN: 2395-5252


DOI: 10.35629/5252-040621392143 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 2143

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