Elec 1 - Lubigan, Angel Rose D.
Elec 1 - Lubigan, Angel Rose D.
Elec 1 - Lubigan, Angel Rose D.
Summary Analysis: This study investigates the efficacy of remedial instruction in English and
it revealed results that it has improved the vocabulary of those low performing students
(experimental) who underwent the ER. Most importantly, it aims to suggest an idea to policy
makers to adopt remedial instruction and provide workshops and trainings for the teachers in
fostering a more interactive and interesting learning experience.
Research Title: An Investigation Of Extensive Reading With Remedial Students In A
Philippines Secondary School.
Reference: Lituanas, P. M., Jacobs, G. M., & Renandya, W. A. (2001). An investigation of
extensive reading with remedial students in a Philippines secondary school. International
Journal of Educational Research, 35, 217-225.
The study seeks to measure the efficacy of extensive reading with remedial reading
students in a Philippines secondary school. Extensive reading is an approach in teaching
wherein learners independently read various materials that are easy and interesting (Day &
Bamford,1998; Bamford & Day, 2010). The study also highlighted some teacher’s techniques
in improving the reading skills of the students.
The participants of the study are students at a public secondary school on the island
of Mindanao. The study was conducted for a span of 6 months where 60 first-year students
underwent through remedial reading. The teachers immersed the students in 40-minutes
regular English class plus 40-minutes extensive remedial reading which integrates teaching
in a conventional way like how to sound vowel and consonants, recite poems, and etc.
In the study, it was found out that extensive remedial reading has a significant impact
on the reading proficiency of the students. The teachers should make use of techniques that
will encourage the students to read more. This in turn will improve their reading skills and can
help to increase their proficiency in the English language. Among these techniques mentioned
in the study are: reading aloud so that the students could follow, tracking the students’ progress
in ER, and give brief summaries on the reading materials.
Methods used in this study can be applied in other schools especially in implementing
remedial reading instruction. As remedial reading programs are important for students, it is still
important to note that teacher’s strategies are still crucial to activate the interest of these
learners to succeed in their academic performances. Remedial programs should always
include post activities like answering high-order thinking questions.
Summary Analysis: This study aims to measure the effectivity of extensive reading and it
revealed that with appropriate teacher’s methods, ER could improve the reading skills of the
learners. Extensive remedial reading can extend beyond improving reading skills as it will lead
to long-term academic success.
Research Title: Reading Difficulty and Development of Fluent Reading Skills: An
Action Research
Reference: Reading Difficulty and Development of Fluent Reading Skills: An Action
Research. (2022). International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(1), 22–41.
This study sought to improve the reading skills of a fifth-grade student who had no
physical or mental health issues but was having reading problems or deficiency in reading.
Akyol (2016) asserted that someone who struggles to apply previous knowledge to the reading
situation is considered a poor reader. A combination of effective strategies and supportive
learning environment is crucial to aid this reading deficiencies.
The study used action research model in which “Word Repetition Method”, "Meaning
Analysis”, "Word Map" as well as techniques from the "Vocabulary Notebook" were applied to
improve word reading fluency. Repeated and paired reading were also integrated to carry out
fluency in reading text. These types of techniques are useful for students who are just starting
to learn to read, and may be adjusted to meet the needs and interests of individual pupils.
The results revealed that the student from the second-grade instructional level,
advanced to the fourth-grade instructional level. The content application of remedial reading
instruction involves using resources and approaches that are tailored to the needs of pupils
who are having difficulty reading. Overall, this means that the remedial strategies conducted
was effective, resulting to the development of student’s reading skills.
In conclusion, this study aims to promote the importance of fluency in reading in order
to attain reading comprehension. This suggests to teachers that they should practice the
fluency of the learners in reading in order to encourage their comprehension, effective
learning, vocabulary growth, and a lifelong love of reading. This will result to more academic
success and personal development.
Summary Analysis: The study intended to help a fifth-grade student with reading difficulties
improve his or her reading abilities. The study used several methods to increase the student’s
fluency in reading. The test results revealed that the student has moved to the instructional
level for fourth grade which means there is improvement in his performance. Reading abilities
improved as a result of the successful corrective techniques.