BS EDUCATION 1st Semester (Spring)
Session 2023 - 2027
Subject : Introduction to Education
Teacher : Dr Tariq Saleem Ghayyur
((Semester from march 2023 to July 2023))
BS EDUCATION 1st Semester (Spring)
Session 2023 - 2027
Subject : Introduction to Education
Teacher : Dr Tariq Saleem Ghayyur
((Semester from march 2023 to July 2023))
BS EDUCATION 1st Semester (Spring)
Session 2023 - 2027
Subject : Introduction to Education
Teacher : Dr Tariq Saleem Ghayyur
((Semester from march 2023 to July 2023))
BS EDUCATION 1st Semester (Spring)
Session 2023 - 2027
Subject : Introduction to Education
Teacher : Dr Tariq Saleem Ghayyur
((Semester from march 2023 to July 2023))
Education Department of Education, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan What is Education? Denotative Meaning 2
• The word Education is derived from Latin word
educere, educare, and educatum which means “to learn”, “to know” and “to lead out”. • That is education means to lead out internal hidden talent of a child or person Etymological terms Meaning • 1. Educare To bring up, to nourish • 2. Educere To lead out or to draw out • 3. Educo The letter ‘E’ means out and ‘Duco’ means to lead • 4. Educatum The act of teaching or training What is Education? Connotative Meaning 3
• Western concept of Education: Education develops
in the body and soul of the pupil all the beauty and all the perfection he is capable of. • Plato: Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body. It develops man’s faculty specially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty. What is Education? Connotative Meaning 4
• Aristotle • Education is the child’s development
from within. • Rousseau: Education is enfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process through which the child makes the internal- external. • Froebel • Education is the harmonious and progressive development of all the innate powers and faculties of man- physical, intellectual and moral. What is Modern concept of Education? 5
• Modern concept of Education is learner-centred.
• The learner occupies the central place in the education process. • Modern concept of education means to develop the inherent capacities of the learner in the social environment in the best possible manner. What is Modern concept of Education? 6
The old curriculum was subject centred whereas the
modern concept of curriculum is activity centred because it emphasises development of total personality i.e., physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects of personality of the pupil. The old method emphasised on rote learning but the modern methods of teaching include play-way method , learning by doing, learning by experience, project method. School was the only agency of education in the old concept but according to modern concept of education, all formal, and informal agencies are the base of education. Education as a bipolar and tri-polar process 7
❑ Education as a bipolar process
It involves the interaction between the teacher and the pupil . In this process one personality acts upon another in order to modify the personality of other. Education Teacher Pupil ❑ Education as a tri-polar process It involves interaction between the pupil, the educator, and the social environment. The teacher tries to develop the personality of the pupil in the light of the needs of the society. Education as a bipolar and tri-polar process 8 ❑Functions of Education in Human Life Making the man civilized Satisfaction of needs Adaptation to environment Modification of environment Development of character Development of individuality Preparation for life Creation of good citizen Practical knowledge of various spheres of work Promotion of social efficiency Education as a bipolar and tri-polar process 9 ❑Functions of Education in National Life For national life to be possible it is essential that its members have common traditions, interests, sentiments, political ambitions, and national unity. The main functions of education at national life are: Training for leadership Consciousness of duties Supply of skilled worker National development National integration Priority of national interest Promotion of social efficiency FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION 10 The views of different thinkers about functions of education are: a. “The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together.” (Eric Hoffer) b. “No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.” (Emma Goldman) c. “The only purpose of education is to teach a student how to live his life by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality. The training he needs is theoretical, i.e., conceptual. He has to be taught to think, to understand, to integrate, to prove. He has to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past and he has to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by his own effort.” (Ayn Rand) FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION 11 1.CONSERVATION: Every generation inherits culture of the past generations. Society has rich heritage of values, traditions, knowledge, thoughts, achievements, wisdom and action evolved. These aspects of culture cannot be passed on to young generation until and unless they are protected. Thus, it is important to conserve the values and cultural heritage. Essential knowledge, traditions and values are protected from being lost, wasted or destroyed by education. Conservation of the religion, morals and way of social life are important function of education. Every society has a rich heritage in the form of traditions, manners, religion and customs. These are part of the total culture of a generation. This cultural heritage is to be conserved and protected for the future generations. Education fulfills this important responsibility. The education serves as a means for conservation of culture. FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION 12 2. TRANSMMISSION: The transmission of cultural heritage in the society gives it a continuity generation after generation. It is the basic function of education for the survival of the society or a nation. Education offers learning experience and opportunities for the young generation to know their cultural heritage including knowledge, achievements, values and traditions. Education becomes dynamic force when it enhances the conserved culture. 3. REFORMATION: Education is a process of continuous reconstruction and reorganization. Unnecessary and unnatural elements of the cultural heritage are eliminated or reformed. Thus education helps to plan future in such a way that we achieve maximum benefits and avert undesirable effects. Education provides direction to the individual and society. Importance Of Education 13 Education is not only important, but also the most important thing you can do with your life. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. Education as a force for social change. 1. Enabling the person to deal with life as a whole. 2. Become a Human 3. Leading an Independent life 4. Lessons of Equality 5. Development of social life 6. Leads to Inner-freedom 7. Procure a Job 8. Social & Physical development 9. To earn a living Importance Of Education 14
10. Professional skills
11. A key to success 12. Education for Peace 13. Maturity & Integration of personality 14. Harmonious Development 15. Modifications of behavior 16. Promote of Democracy 17. Allocation of Resources 18. cultivation of civilized society