Os Quetion Bank

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CS3451 Introduction to Operating Systems- Question Bank
1.What is dual mode operation and what is the need of it?(May 19) [Understand]
2.List some systemcall required to control the communication system. (May 19) [Understand]
3.What are the main advantage of multiprocessor psystem? (May 18)[Remember]
4.Define the term trap or exception.(May 18) [Remember]
5.Mention the objectives of operating system.(may 17) [Remember]
6. What is SYSGEN and sysboot? .(may 17) [Understand]
7. What are the advantages of peer to peer system over client-server system?(May 2020) [Understand]
8. What is interrupt and cache memory. (May 2020) [Understand]
9. What is interrupt ? give example.(May 2021) [Remember]
10. Differentiate system calls and system programs. .(May 2021) [Understand]
11.What are the goals of OS? [Understand]
12.Write the difference between batch systems and time sharing systems. [Understand]
13.Describe the differences between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing. [Understand]
14.What are the five major categories of system calls? [Remember]
15.Compare and contrast DMA and cache memory. [Understand]

1. Distinguish multiprogramming & time-sharing environment. In a multiprogramming and
timesharing environment, several user share the system simultaneously. This situation can
result in various security problems.i)What are two such problem? Ii)can we ensure the same
degree of security in a time-shared machine as in a dedicated machine?Explain your answer.
(Dec 19)[Understand]
2)i)What are system calls? State and explain the types of system calls. [Understand]
ii) List 5 services provided by an operating system and explain how each creates convenience for
users. In which cases would it be impossible for user-level programs to provide these services?
Explain your answer. [Understand]
3)Explain in detail the different architecture of OS starting from simple structure, layered structure,
micro kernels, modules and hybrid system with suitable example OS structures including Google
android.(May 22) [Understand]
4)i)Discuss the pros and cons of single processor system, multicore system and clustered system.
ii)Explain the steps involved to transfer the stored historical information in a magnetic tapes to
the CPU for further processing through various storage devices.(May 18) [Understand]
5.Explain the following i)system program ii)system boot iii)interrupt
6. Explain Cache memory and its Mapping(Dec 17) [Understand]
7. Explain the flow of control with and without interrupts.(May 22) [Understand]
8.Explain about the various types of memories in memory hierarchy.(may 22) [Understand]

Process Management
1. Give the queuing diagram representation of process scheduling.( May 19)
2. List out the benefits and challenges of thread handling .[Remember]
3. List out the methods used to recover from the deadlock. .[Remember]
4. State the primary distinction between short-term and CPU scheduler. .[Understand]
5. What are the conditions must hold for a deadlock to occur? .[Understand]
6. What is the meaning of busy waiting? .[Remember]
7. Differentiate single threaded and multithreaded process.(May 17) .[Understand]
8. What are the benefits of synchronous and asynchronous communication?
9. Write the difference between User level thread and kernel level thread.[Understand]
10.Define Context switching.[Remember] (May 22)
11. Explain Mutex lock with its procedure.(Dec 17)[understand]
12.what is critical section and what requirements must a solution to critical section problem satisfy? .
13.What is Deadlock? .[Remember]
14.What is starvation? .[Remember]
15.State the Conditions of Deadlock. .[Remember]
1.i)Explain the dining-philosopher critical section problem solution using monitor.(Dec 17)
ii)Write the algorithm using test and set() instruction that satisfy all the critical section
requirements. .(Dec 17) [understand]
2. Consider the following snapshot of a system.(may 22)
Processes Allocation Max Available
P0 2 0 0 1 4 2 1 2 3 3 2 1
P1 3 1 2 1 5 2 5 2
P2 2 1 0 3 2 3 1 6
P3 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 4
P4 1 4 3 2 3 6 6 5
3.Answer the following question using Bankers algorithm
i) Illustrate that the system is in safe state by demonstrating an order in which the processes
may complete?
ii) If a request from a process P1 arrives for (1,1,0,0) can the request be granted immediately?
iii) If the request from P4 arrives for (0,0,2,0) can the request be granted immediately?
4i) Consider the following set of processes with the length of CPU-burst time given in milliseconds
Process Burst time Priority Arrival time
P1 10 3 0
P2 1 1 1
P3 2 3 2
P4 1 4 1
P5 5 2 2
Draw the Gantt chart for the execution of these processes using FCFS,SJF,SRTS,preemptive and non-
preemptive priority,round robin with time slice of 2ms.Find the average waiting and turnaround time
using each of the methods.[May 18] [understand]
ii)Explain multi-level queue and multi-level feedback queue scheduling with suitable example.[May
19] [understand]
5i)Consider two processes p1 and p2 where p1=50,t1=25,p2=-75 and t2=30. Can these two processes
be scheduled using rate-monotonic scheduling and earliest deadline first scheduling. Illustrate your
answer using Gantt charts. [understand]
ii)Explain in detail about paging in 32bit and 64 bit architecture
6i).What are threads? Discuss different types of threads. What resources are used when a thread is
created? How do they differ from those used when a process is created?(dec 17)
ii) What are the classical problems of synchronization? State and explain any one of the problem with
example.(Dec 17)
7)Suppose that a system is in an unsafe state. Show that it is possible for the processes to complete
their execution without entering a deadlock state. [understand]
7) What is a process? Discuss a components of process and Various states of process with the help of a
process state transition diagram.(Dec 17) [understand]
8)Difference between short term, medium term, long term scheduling with suitable example.(May 18)
9) Explain in detail about various Multithreading models.[may 22] [understand]
10) Describe critical Section problem with a suitable example.[May 22] [understand]

1. Consider the following segmentation table(may 19) .[Understand]
Segment base length
0 219 600
1 2300 14
2 90 100
3 1327 580
4 1952 96
What are the physical addresses for the logical addresses 3400 and 0110?
2.What is thrashing? And how to resolve this problem?(May 19) .[Understand]
3.State the difference between logical and physical address. .[Understand]
4. Under what circumstances do page fault occur? State the actions taken by the operating system
when a page fault occurs. .[Understand]
5.Define external fragmentation.(may 22) .[Remember]
6.What is counting based page replacement algorithm. .[Remember]
7.Define lazy swapper. .[Remember]
8.Define TLB.[Remember]
9.What is the purpose of paging the page table?( Dec 16) .[Understand]

1.Consider a computer system with 16bit logical address and 4KB page size. The system supports upto
1 MB of physical memory. Assume that the actual process size is only 33KB, page table base register
contains 1000, and free frame list contain 13,11, 9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,8
Construct the physical and logical memory structures, page table of the corresponding process.
Find the physical address of 13,256 and another logical address with page number 2 and offset of 128.
Discuss about the possible valid invalid bit and possible protection bits in page table.( May 19) .
2..Consider a paging system with page table stored in memory.
i) If the memory reference 50 ns, how long does a paged memory reference take?
If we add TLB and 75% of all page table references are found in TLB, what is the effective memory
reference time? Assume that find a page entry in TLB takes 2ns, if entry is present.(may 19) .
2) i)Explain the global and local frame allocation algorithm and their pros and cons.(May 19)
ii)Consider the following page reference string
How many page fault would occur for the following replacement algorithms, assuming 1 and 3 free
frame. Remember that all frames are initially empty so that first unique page request with all cost one
fault each. LRU replacement,FIFO, optimal replacement, LFU and MFU. (May 19)
3.State the need for page replacement. State and explain the procedure for FIFO page replacement
with example. What is belady’s anomaly? Consider the following page reference string :
1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6.How many page fault would occur for the following replacement
algorithms,assuming one,two,three,four,five,six or seven frames? Remember all frames are initially
empty so your first unique pages will all cost one fault each.
i)LRU replacement
ii)FIFO replacement
iii)Optimal replacement.
4.what is the need of swapping in storage management?State and explain in detail with example.
5.Consider a demand-paged computer system where the degree of multiprogramming is currently
fixed at four. The system was recently measured to determine utilization of CPU and the paging disk?
The results are one of the following alternatives. For each case, what is happening? Can the degree of
multiprogramming be increased to increase the CPU utilization? Is the paging helping?
a)CPU utilization 13 percent, disk utilization 97 percent
b) CPU utilization 87 percent, disk utilization 3 percent
c) CPU utilization 13 percent, disk utilization 3 percent
6.Explain in detail about the structure of a Page table.(May 17,19,22) .[Understand]
7.Explain the hardware implementation of Page Table.(may 22) .[Understand]
8. Explain the Segmentation memory management scheme and explain its principle.(dec 17) .

1.Write short notes on file system mounting.(May 19,22) .[Remember]
2.What is SDD?(May 19) .[Remember]
3.Why is it important to balance file system I/O among the disk and controllers on a system in a
multitasking environment? .[Understand]
4.Why is it important to scale up system-bus and device speed as CPU speed increases? .[Understand]
5.Mention the significance of LDT and GDT in segmentation table. .[Understand]
6.List the major attributes and operation of file system.(May 22) .[Understand]
7.Enlist the types of directory structures. .[Remember]
8.Define seek time and latency. .[Remember]
9.Diffrentiate Between file and Directory(May 17) .[Understand]
10.What is the need of disk scheduling? .[Understand]
11.What is SCAN disk scheduling? .[Remember]
12.What are the two major components of access time? .[Understand]
13. Mention the major attributes and operations of a File. .[Understand]
14.List the objectives for a file management system. .[Understand]
1.Suppose that a disk drive has 5000 cylinders, numbered 0 through 4999. The drive is serving a
request at cylinder 143. The queue of pending requests, in FIFO order is
86,1470,913,1774,948,1509,1022,1750,130 starting from the head position what is the total distance
(in cylinder) that the disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending request for each of the following disk
scheduling algorithm? FCFS,SSTF,SCAN,LOOK,C-SCAN,C-LOOK. Explain the pros and cons of all
disk scheduling algorithm.(May 19)
2.i)Explain in detail the various allocation methods with their pros and cons. .[Understand]
ii)Brief the various procedures need to be followed in disk management.(May 19) .[Understand]
3.i)State and explain the swap space management. .[Understand]
ii)Explain file system mounting and protection in detail. .[Understand]
4i)State and explain streams in the I/O system. .[Understand]
4ii)Discuss disk scheduling algorithm in detail.(Dec 17,18,19) .[Understand]
5. Explain about kernel I/O subsystem and transforming I/o to hardware operations.(May 17) .
6.Explain various File access Methods(may 17) .[Understand]
7.Explain about the sequential and Direct Access method of information from a file.(may 22) .
8.Explain about the directory structure with neat sketch.(may 17) .[Understand]
9.Explain about the File sharing in detail(May 17) .[Understand]
1. What is ios SDK? .[Remember]
2. What is Android? .[Remember]
3. What is Dalvik Virtual Machine? .[Remember]
4. What is Para Virtualisation? .[Remember]
5. What is Hypervisor? .[Remember]
1. .Discuss the process and memory management in Linux.
2. .Explain the architecture of iOS. Discuss the media and service layer clearly. (May 19) .
3. Discuss the features of Mobile Operating System.(May 19)
4. Explain the architecture of Android OS.
5. Define Hypervisor.Explain the difference between Type1 and Type 2 hypervisor. .
6. What is Virtual Machine?Explain the benefits and Features of VM. .[Understand]
7. Explain in detail about android File Management. .[Understand]

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