PTV Timetable API Key and Signature Document

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Public Transport Victoria

PTV Timetable API – API Key and

Signature information

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Public Transport Victoria

Table of Contents
Getting your API key and user Id........................................................................3
How to register for an API key and user Id......................................................3
How to calculate a signature...............................................................................4
Sample code for creating a signature.................................................................5
Example in .net C#..........................................................................................5
Example in Java..............................................................................................7
Example in Objective C...................................................................................9
Example in Python.........................................................................................12

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Getting your API key and user Id

You’ll need to pass along a signature and a user Id – or “devid” - with every
request using HTTP GET.

To calculate the signature, you’ll need the request, which includes your user
Id, and an API key.

The API key consists of a 128bit GUID.

The API key and the request (including user Id) are used to
calculate a signature for every request.

How to register for an API key and user Id

 Send an email to [email protected] with the following

information in the subject line of the email:

 “PTV Timetable API – request for key”

 Once we’ve got your email request, we’ll send you an API key and a user
Id by return email.

A high volume of requests may result in a delay in providing you
with your API key and user Id. We’ll try to get it to you as soon as
we can.

 We’ll also add your email address to our API mailing list so we can keep
you informed about the API.

PTV does not provide technical support for the API.
The “APIKeyRequest” email address is only used to send you the
API key and user ID as well as any relevant notifications. Only
requests for keys will be responded to.

We’ll be monitoring the use of our API to make sure our mailing
list is current and sustainable. If you haven’t used the API for
over 3 months, we may disable your API key and remove you

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from the list – but you can always register for a new key if you
need one.


Your email address is the only bit of information about you that PTV will hold in
its register. View PTV’s privacy policy online.

How to calculate a signature

Once you have obtained your API key and user ID you can calculate a

 The signature value is a HMAC-SHA1 hash of the completed request

(minus the base URL but including your user ID, known as “devid”) and
the API key:

 signature = crypto.HMACSHA1(request,key)

 The calculation of a signature is based on a case-sensitive reading of

the request message. This means that the request message used to
calculate the signature must not be modified later on in your code or the
signature will not work. If you do modify the case of the request
message, you will need to calculate a new signature.

For example, “

devid=ABCXYZ” and “
devid=ABCXYZ” require different signatures to be calculated; the same
signature will not work for both requests.

 The signature itself is also case-sensitive

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Sample code for creating a signature

Example in .net C#

The following is the .net C# code snippet for the signature calculation.

Note: key values are used for example purposes only.

string key = "9c132d31-6a30-4cac-8d8b-8a1970834799"; //

supplied by PTV

int developerId = 2; // supplied by PTV

string url = "/v2/mode/2/line/787/stops-for-line"; // the PTV api

method we want

// add developer id

url = string.Format("{0}{1}devid={2}",url,url.Contains("?") ? "&" :


System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new


// encode key

byte[] keyBytes = encoding.GetBytes(key);

// encode url

byte[] urlBytes = encoding.GetBytes(url);

byte[] tokenBytes = new


var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

// convert signature to string

Array.ForEach<byte>(tokenBytes, x => sb.Append


// add signature to url

url = string.Format("{0}&signature={1}",url,sb.ToString());

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// extra code to add base URL – the resultant url should be:


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Example in Java

The following is the Java code snippet for the signature calculation.

Note: key values are used for example purposes only.


* Method to demonstrate building of Timetable API URL

* @param baseURL - Timetable API base URL without

slash at the end ( Example : )

* @param privateKey - Developer Key supplied by PTV

(((Example :"9c132d31-6a30-4cac-8d8b-8a1970834799")

* @param uri - Request URI with parameters(Example


* @param developerId- Developer ID supplied by PTV

* @return Complete URL with signature

* @throws Exception


public String buildTTAPIURL(final String baseURL, final

String privateKey, final String uri,

final int developerId) throws Exception


StringBuffer uriWithDeveloperID = new

StringBuffer().append(uri).append(uri.contains("?") ? "&" : "?")

.append("devid=" + developerId);

byte[] keyBytes = privateKey.getBytes();

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byte[] uriBytes = uriWithDeveloperID.toString().getBytes();

Key signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes,


Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM);


byte[] signatureBytes = mac.doFinal(uriBytes);

StringBuffer signature = new

StringBuffer(signatureBytes.length * 2);

for (byte signatureByte : signatureBytes)

int intVal = signatureByte & 0xff;

if (intVal < 0x10)



StringBuffer url = new

StringBuffer(baseURL).append(uri).append(uri.contains("?") ?
"&" : "?")

.append("devid=" +
developerId).append("&signature=" +

return url.toString();

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Example in Objective C

The following is the Objective C code snippet for the signature calculation.

Note: key values are used for example purposes only.

-(NSURL*) generateURLWithDevIDAndKey:(NSString*)urlPath {

NSString *hardcodedURL = @””;

NSString *hardcodedDevID = @”developerID provided by


NSString *hardcodedkey = @”developer key provided by


/* urlPath = @"


NSRange deleteRange ={0,[hardcodedURL length]};

NSMutableString *urlString = [[NSMutableString


[urlString deleteCharactersInRange:deleteRange];

if( [urlString containsString:@"?"])

[urlString appendString:@"&"];


[urlString appendString:@"?"];

[urlString appendFormat:@"devid=%@",hardcodedDevID];

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const char *cKey = [hardcodedkey


const char *cData = [urlString


unsigned char cHMAC[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];

CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA1, cKey, strlen(cKey), cData,

strlen(cData), cHMAC);

NSString *hash;

NSMutableString* output = [NSMutableString

stringWithCapacity:CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2];

for(int i = 0; i < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)

[output appendFormat:@"%02x", cHMAC[i]];

hash = output;

NSString* signature = [hash uppercaseString];

NSString *urlSuffix = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"devid=

%@&signature=%@", hardcodedDevID,signature];

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlPath];

NSString *urlQuery = [url query];

if(urlQuery != nil && [urlQuery length] > 0){

url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString



url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString


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return url;

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Example in Python

The following is the Python code snippet for the signature calculation (our
thanks to Serge in the developer community for providing this after the initial
API release in 2014).

Note: key values are used for example purposes only.

from hashlib import sha1

import hmac

import binascii

def getUrl(request):

devId = 2

key = '7car2d2b-7527-14e1-8975-06cf1059afe0'

request = request + ('&' if ('?' in request) else '?')

raw = request+'devid={0}'.format(devId)

hashed =, raw, sha1)

signature = hashed.hexdigest()

at(devId, signature)

print getUrl('/v2/healthcheck')

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