Aviation Insurance Proposal Form

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Name of Insured: _____________________________________________________________

Address of Insured: ____________________________________________________________

Make and Model:______________________________________________________________

Serial Number & Registration: ____________________________________________________

Seating Capacity:_______________________________________________________________

Agreed Values: ________________________________________________________________

If the aircraft is leased who is the lessor? ____________________________________________

Planned fleet changes detailing aircraft type and estimate attached dates in the policy period:

Date of last C&D check and who performed such work:

(not applicable for new aircraft) ______________________________________________________

What Safety equipment is installed on each aircraft?

TCAS: __________________________________________________________________________

Windshear detection system: _______________________________________________________

(E) GPWS: _______________________________________________________________________

Other: __________________________________________________________________________
What percentages of flights are captured?

What percentage of flights are analysed? ______________________________________________

AIRLINE BACKGROUND (including key personnel)

Details of the airlines financial backing: __________________________________________________


Who are the senior personnel within the airline and what airline experience do they have?

(Specifically the, CFO, Chief pilot, Head of Maintenance and Safety officer)



Route Network: ____________________________________________________________________

Is the operation scheduled or charted or both?____________________________________________

Scheduled %: _______________________________________________________________________

Charter %: _________________________________________________________________________

Estimated number of passengers for the next 12 months: ___________________________________

Estimated number of aircraft departures for the next 12 months: _____________________________

Estimated nationality of passengers: ____________________________________________________

Estimated load factor:

What is the minimum pilot requirements for captains and first officers both total hours and hours on
aircraft operated? ___________________________________________________________________

Please give a list of all pilots with hours broken down by type flown:




Who provided flight crew training and what does this contain?

Who provides maintenance for:

Line maintenance: __________________________________________________________________

A to D checks: ______________________________________________________________________

Engines: ___________________________________________________________________________

Will third party maintenance be performed? If so to whom and what work will be performed



If the airline perform their own maintenance please give details of engineers:


Signing this proposal does not bind the proposer to complete the insurance


Please note that under English law it is your duty to disclose all material facts to Insurers/Reinsurers
prior to inception of the policy, and to keep them advised of any such facts or changes to such facts
throughout the currency of the policy, and upon renewal of the policy. A material fact is a fact which
may influence an Insurer’s/Reinsurer’s judgement in their assessment of a risk. If you are in any
doubt as to whether a fact is material, we recommend that it be disclosed. Failure to disclose
material facts may entitle Insurers/Reinsurers to avoid the policy from inception.

Print Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Position: __________________________________________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________________

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