My English II

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1. Oral Communication: Introduction 1-7
2. Reading: About Myself
1 3. Grammar: Use of am, are, is
Unit 4. Punctuation: Proper Nouns
5. Writing: Sentence Completion

1. Oral Communication: Social Courtesies 8-15

2. Reading: My New Classes

2 3. Grammar: Describing Words

Unit 4. Punctuation: Capital Letters and Full stop
5. Writing: Simple Sentences

1. Oral Communication: Taking Care of a Pet 16-24

2. Reading: Kheeri

3 3. Grammar: Full stop and Question Mark

Unit 4. Punctuation: Describing a Bird

5. Writing: Ding Dong Bell

1. Oral Communication: Let’s Play 25-32

2. Reading: Let’s Play Cricket

3. Grammar: Sigular and Plural
4. Punctuation: Commas in a Series
5. Writing: Asking Questions
1. Oral Communication: At a party 33-45
2. Reading: Brave Arifa

3. Grammar: Pronouns
4. Punctuation: Exclamation Marks
5. Writing: Ordinal Numbers

1. Oral Communication: Pakistan 46-55

2. Reading: Freedom Day

3. Grammar: Pronouns
4. Punctuation: Exclamation Mark
5. Writing: Describing a Picture
6. Fun: Colour the Flag

1. Oral Communication: Seeking Attention 56-66

2. Reading: A Goat for Eid
3. Grammar: Opposites
4. Writing: Guided Paragraph
5. Fun: I’m a Little Pot (Poem)

1. Oral Communication: Asking Permission 67-76

2. Reading: At the Zoo
3. Grammar: Digraphs
4. Writing: Guided Paragraph
5. Fun: Word Search
6. Fun: In a Shoe (Poem)
By the end of the unit, children will be able to:
· introduce themselves to others.
· express social courtesies.

I. Introductions: Offer and respond to Greeting.

Teacher: Assalam-u-Alaikum students.
Students: Waa’laikum Assalam, Miss.
Teacher: Good morning, children.
Students: Good morning, Miss.
Teacher: Sit down students and listen to me.

Students: Thank you miss.

II. Introducing Oneself
Teacher: Good morning students.
I am Miss Sarah.
I am a teacher.
I teach class two.
Student: Good morning, miss!
I am Yasin (Student's name)
I am a student.
I am in class two

Activity: Introduce yourself to your neighbour.

Note for Teachers:
Begin your class with 'greeting' everyday; Change the greeting often: sometimes
'Good morning' and sometimes 'Assalam-o-Alaikum'; Read the dialogues with the
class; Ask students to introduce themselves, using the words of the dialogues. etc.
By the end of the unit, the children will be able to:
· read aloud words and simple sentences with reasonable level of accuracy in pronunciation.
· introduce self and family.
· use pre-reading strategies to locate specific factual information may be added.

What is your name?
How old are you?
In which class are you?

Reading Text.

I am Abdur Rehman.
I am six years old.
I am in class two.

This is Mujtaba.
He is my elder brother.
He is eight years old.
He is in class four.

This is Seerat.
She is my younger sister.
She is five years old.
She is in class one.

Note for Teachers:

Ask the students their names, age and class; Ask them to talk about the
2 pictures; Read the text to the students; Make them read aloud one by one.
This is Ghulam Mustafa.
He is my friend.
We are in class two.

This is Mano.
It is a cat.

I. Tick (ü) the correct answer:

Example Abdur Rehman is in class one two.

1 Mujtaba is six eight years old.

2 Seerat is a girl boy.

3 Ghulam Mustafa and Abdur Rehman are brothers friends.

4 Mujtaba is in class two four.

5 Abdur Rehman and Mujtaba are brothers friends.

6 Mano is a cat dog.

Note for Teachers:

Teach the cardinal 1 to 8 with spelling. 3
II. Answer the questions.
1. In which class is Mujtaba?
2. In which class is Abdur Rehman?
3. In which class is Seerat?
4. Who is Mano?

III. Complete the answers about yourself for the following questions.

1. In which class are you? I am in ___________ ___________.

2. Who is your friend? ____________ is my friend.

3. How old are you? I am _____________ years old.

(Grammar) is / am / are
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· use am, is, are in short sentences to identify a person, place or thing.

I. Tick (ü) the correct answer:

Example Ghulam Mustafa is are my best friend

1 Seerat is are my younger sister.

2 We is are in class two.

3 Mujtaba is are my elder brother.

4 I is am six years old.

5 Mujtaba is are in class four.

6 I is am in class two.

II. Look at the following table and make as many correct sentences
in your notebooks as you can.
Example I am Abdur Rehman.
Abdur Rehman.
I am in class two.
Seerat my friend.
Mujtaba is my brother.
Ghulam Mustafa my sister.

Ghulam Mustafa are friends.
and Abdur Rehman.

Note for Teachers:

Explain the use of is/am/are with subject agreement. 5
rammar) Capital Letters
for Proper Noun
By the end of the unit, the children will be able to:
· recognize that a sentence ends with some form of punctuation.
· recognize and apply capitalization to the initial letter of the first word in a sentence and to initial letter of proper nouns.

Look at these sentences:

I am Zain.
Rabia is my sister.
We have a rabbit.
Its name is Bunny.

Proper Nouns (people, animals, and places)

begin with capital letters.
Zain, Rabia, Bunny are the special names
(proper nouns) of a boy, a girl and a rabbit.

I. Write your name:

1. __________________________

2. Write the names of your two friends.

____________________, ___________________,

II. Circle the letter which should be capital in

the following sentences, then rewrite the
names correctly, below.
1. zain is a boy.
2. rabia is a girl.
3. mano is a cat.

Note for Teachers:

Explain to the students that
· We use a Capital letter for the initial letter of the first word of a sentence.
· Pronoun 'I' is always written in capital letter. (example I am ----------).
6 · Proper Nouns: they are always written with a capital letter.
Sentence Completion
By the end of this unit the students will be able to:
fill in missing information to complete the sentences.

Write five sentences about ‘yourself’. 2

1 I am _______ years old.

My name is _______________.

__________ and ___________
3 are my friends.

I am in class __________ .

Now draw a picture of your friend in the box

and write three sentences about him / her.
Use ‘he’ for a boy and ‘she’ for a girl.

1. This is ___________________________

2. He is ____________________years old.

3. He is in Class_____________________

Note for Teachers:

Explain the writing task to the students. First ask them to make sentences orally
using their own and their friend's name. 7
By the end of this unit the students will be able to:
· recognize and use some formulaic expressions to express and offer some social courtesies.

Social Courtesies
Rabia: Good morning, Miss.
Miss: Good morning.

Rabia: May I come in, Miss?

Miss: Yes, come in.

What's your name?

Rabia: I am Rabia, Miss.

Miss: Are you in this class?

Rabia: Yes, Miss, I am in this class.

Miss: Please come in. Sit down.

Rabia: Thank you, Miss.

Practice the dialogue with your friend.
Pretend to be the teacher.
Then your friend can be the teacher.

Note for Teachers:

Explain to the students that we use Miss for female teachers and Sir for male
By the end of the unit the students will
· predict by looking at the picture in the text.
· Locate factual information to answer short simple questions.

1. Look at the picture.

2. What do you see in it?

Reading the Text.

I am Rabia. I am in class two. Today is my first day at

school. I have come to school by bus. My uniform is
new. My bag is also new.

My new class is big. It has two windows. My desk is

near a window. My friend Nasima sits with me. A
blackboard is in front of the class. A clock hangs on the
wall. There are twenty students in my class. We are
all friends. I like my classroom.

I. Fill in the blanks given below.

Example: Rabia is in class two.

1. It is her ______________ day at school.

2. She is wearing her new ____________.

3. The new classroom has _______________ windows.

4. Rabia and her friend ________ sit at the same desk.

II. Answer the following questions.

Example: How has Rabia come to school?

Rabia has come to school by bus.

1. Where is her desk?

Her desk is __________________.

2. Who sits with Rabia?


3. How many students are there in class two?

There are __________________.


III Write the names of three objects in Rabia's class.

Example: blackboard

1. _______________________
2. _______________________

3. _______________________

Is your classroom like Rabia's classroom? Yes / No
Write three things about your own class.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________

3. _______________________

Capitals to start and
(Grammar) full stop [.] to end a statement.

By the end of this unit the student will apply capitalization

to the initial letter and full stop at the end of a statement

Read the following sentences.

Ahmed is flying a kite.

Sumera is riding a bicycle.

A sentence which makes a plain

statement starts with a capital letter
and ends with a full stop [.]

I. Rewrite each of the following sentences correctly.

Begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop [.]
Example: apples are sweet.
Apples are sweet.

1. i play with my friends


2. we play in the playground

3. nadir likes ice-cream.

4. my classroom is clean
Note for Teachers:
To introduce the lesson, write some positive sentences on the blackboard. Write the first
letter of each sentence in capital and [.] full stop at the end. Use one colour to show the
12 capital and another colour for the [.].
5. we put the rubbish in the dust bin

6. amin always speaks the truth


7. my sister likes biscuits


8. mano is my pet cat


A. Write a sentence about yourself.

B. Write a sentence about your friend.

By the end of the unit, students will match some describing words with things they describe and
add new words to their vocabulary.

I. There are some words that tell us more about people and things.
Example: First day
New uniform
Four windows
These words are called ‘Describing Words’ or ‘adjectives’.

a. Join the describing words with the names of people or

things in the classroom.

clever student

first teacher

new desk

friendly uniform

b. Write two nouns after the following adjectives.

Example: big elephant bus

red ____________, ____________

blue ____________, ____________

long ____________, ____________

new ____________, ____________

clean ____________, ____________

By the end of the unit, the students will write a few meaningful sentences of their own, on a given topic.

Write 5 sentences about someone you know very well in your class.
Do not write his or her actual name. You can use some words from the box.

tall short thin/fat black/brown eyes

long/short hair mangoes/apples

Example: Guess who?

1. My friend is tall.

2. He/She ______________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________.

Now read your lines to the class.

Ask the class to guess the name of the person.

Note for Teachers:

Discuss the physical features of two or three students of the class so that the
describing words in the box are used; Tell the class to guess the name of the person.
Tell the meaning of the new words used in the box.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· demonstrate dynamics of oral interaction.


Taking Care of a Pet

Jamil: I want to show
you something.

Naheed: What is it?

Jamil: Here it is.

Naheed: Oh! It’s a kitten!

Can I hold it, please?

Jamil: Yes, but be careful.

It may hurt you.

Note for Teacher’s:

Discuss the pictures with the children. Read the dialogue to the students. Teach
them to use the question tone and the answer tone. Enact the dialogue in pairs
16 substituting the 'pet' with a puppy or a toy bird, changing the speakers and pets.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· Read the story silently and comprehend.
· read the text aloud with correct pronunciation.
· use pre-reading strategies to locate specific factual information.

Do you have a pet?
What is it?
What does it eat?

Maria's pet is a kitten. Its name is Kheeri. It has soft

white fur. Maria gives it milk and fish. Kheeri sits
on the mat near Maria's bed. It cleans its face with
its soft paws. Kheeri keeps mice away from the
house. Today, when Maria came from school, Kheeri
was not on the mat. Maria was upset and went out to
find it.

Maria was upset and went to find Kheeri
She went:
1 into the house 2 up the stairs. 3 out of the door

4 beyond the fence

5 down the road

6 in the garden

And then
she found her kitten

Beside the lake
playing with a ball.

I. Read the sentences given below and put a mark (ü)
if they are true or (û) if they are wrong.

Example Kheeri is a kitten.

Its fur is black and white.

1 It cleans its face with soap and water.

2 It sleeps on a mat.

3 It likes to play with mice.

4 It’s mat is near the bed.

Note for Teacher’s:

Discuss the pictures with the students before they read the story.

II. Complete these sentences.

Example: Maria is a __girl .

1.__________ is a kitten.

2. It eats __________.

3.___________ was upset.

4. Kheeri was not on the _________.

5. Maria _________ outside to look for _________ .

6. She found Kheeri beside the ______________.

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· recognize, identify and practice a few words showing position.

Read the sentences.

1. The books are in the bag.
2. The bag is on the table.
3. The cat is under the table.
4. The ball is near the cat.

II. Write: a in the circle 1 Example

x above the circle 2
y under the circle 3 1. a
z near the circle 4

2. 3. 4.

III. Pair work.

Take turns to ask and answer these questions.
Example: Q1. Where is your bag?
A1. It is on my desk.
Q2. Where is my pencil?
A2. It is _____________.
Q3. Where is your book?
A3. It is _____________.
Q4. Where is the blackboard?
A4. It is _____________.
Note for Teacher’s:
Demonstrate in, on, under, above by putting different things in different positions.
Discuss the picture before students read out their sentences.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· recognize statements and questions.
· use appropriate punctuation mark.

Read the following sentences.

Do you go to school on Sunday?
I do not go to school on Sunday.

A sentence which asks something, is a question.

Do you like ice cream?
Do you go to school on Sunday?
Questions begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark [?]

I. Recognize the sentence and put a full stop [.] at the end
of each statement and put a question mark [?] at the end
of each question.
1. What is your name
2. Where do you live
3. I play with my friends
4. Who is your best friend
5. We ride our bicycle
6. I do not have a doll

7. Ask your friend his name.

Write the question on the line below:


8. Write your friend’s answer on the line.

Note for Teacher’s:

To introduce the lesson, write some questions and some answers on the board. Put
22 the [.] and the [?] at the end.

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:

· write a few sentences to describe a bird.

Look at the pictures and write the name of the bird.

I. Choose the correct words and write five sentences

about a parrot / crow in your note book.
1. A ______________ is a bird. parrot, cat
2. It is _____________ in colour. green, black

3. It has a ___________ beak. grey, red

4. It eats _____________. meat, apples

5. It says _____________. te te, caw caw

II. Draw a crow / parrot.

Note for Teacher’s:

Ask questions about the two birds – the colour, the food they eat and the sound they
make. Tell children to choose the word about a parrot, from each sentence.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to recite the poem with actions.

Ding Dong Bell!

Pussy's in the well.
Who put her in?
Little Tommy thin,
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy stout.
What a naughty boy was that!
Who tried to drown poor pussy cat.

1. Recite the poem with actions.

Note for Teacher’s:

Talk about the picture. Read the poem with the students.
24 Teach correct tone and expression for question.
Teacher ask students to list down rhyming sounds.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· use formulaic expressions for inviting and asking permission.

Lets Play
Sajida: Hello, have you done your homework?
Rahim: Yes, I have.
Sajida: Let's go and play.

Rahim: Let's ask Jamal to come with us.

Sajida and Rahim: Jamal will you come to play with us?

Jamal: Yes, but let's ask Amna also.

Sajida: Will you come to play with us?

Amna: Yes. First let me ask Ammi,

Ammi! May I play with my friends?

Ammi: Yes, of course. Have fun.

Note for Teacher’s:

Read the dialogue with the class. Explain the difference between 'Let's' and 'Let me'.
Let the children practice in groups of five. Change the roles after 10 minutes. 25
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
read and understand the text; predict the contents by looking at the picture.
use pre-reading strategies to predict the context / vocabulary of text from picture and title etc, by using prior knowledge
may be added.

Look at the picture, what game are the children playing?

Rahim and his friends play cricket in the playground.

It is a big playground. It is near their house. First
they clean the ground. They pick up papers, bottles
and other things from the ground and put them in a

Then Rahim takes his red ball, Amna takes her big
bat and Jamal brings his new wickets. They play
cricket for more than an hour. When they are
tired, they stop the game and return home


II. Write the names under the pictures.

III. What do the children do after school?

Number the sentences in the correct order.
They clean the playground.
They go to the playground.
They play cricket.

Note for Teacher’s:

Ask the children what they see in the picture and what is going to happen. Read
the story aloud with the children then tell them to read the story silently. Do the
questions orally then tell them to write the answers.

Now answer these questions.

Example: How many friends are there?

There are three friends.
1. Who are the friends?
They are__________, __________ and __________.

2. What do they play?

They play ___________.

3. Where do they play?

They play ___________, ___________, ___________.

4. What do they do before playing cricket?

They __________ the playground.

5. What do they need to play circket?

They need a ________, a ________ and ___________.

(Grammar) Singular and plural

By the end of the unit the students will be able to identify and change the number of things by adding or removing s.

One and more than one

This is one book.

These are many books.

We add ‘ s ’ at the end of the word when we talk of more than one thing.

I. Read the names in this box and write them in the correct
list of one or more than one.

bottle table apple chairs

chair bottles orange stool
apples stools oranges tables

One More than one

Example bottle bottles

II. Now complete this list.

One More than one

III. Write the correct word to complete each sentence.

Example: All the __books__ are new.

book, books

1. There are some ____________ in the class.

girl, girls

2. A hen lays one ____________ every day.

egg, eggs

3. There are many __________ in the park.

tree, trees

4. An ____________________ is very big.

elephant, elephants

5. __________________ is my favourite fruit.

Apple, Apples

IV. Make Lists of one and more than one people and things
in your classroom.

One More than one

Example: teacher students





Note for Teacher’s:

Give the concept of singular and plural by showing pictures and things in the
30 classroom.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
use comma for a series of items.

There are apples, bananas, mangoes and grapes in the basket.

Use commas [,] between words in a series.
Don't use a comma with the word 'and'.

I. Put a comma [,] where needed.

1. Salma Nadir Jamal and Rafiq go to a farm.

2. On the way they see cars buses trucks and cycles.

3. There is smoke dust and noise on the road.

4. The farm is a clean quiet and busy place.

5. At the farm they see cows goats and a horse.
6. They also see hens chicks and pigeons.
7. The farmer grows wheat corn vegetables and fruits.
8. The children have bread butter and cheese.
9. The food is simple healthy and tasty.
10. The children are happy sleepy and tired.

Asking question

I. Write a question for the answers using a phrase from

the box.

do you play
is your pencil
do you get up

Example What is your father?

My father is a farmer.

1. When _______________________ ?

I get up at 6 0'clock.

2. Where ______________________ ?
I play in the ground.

3. Where _____________________ ?

It is in my pencil box.

II. Ask your friend a question.

Write your friend’s answer.

Note for Teacher’s:

Write 2 or 3 statements on the board. Explain to the students that they are
32 answers. They have to ask a question starting with why, when, where, what.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
express likes and dislikes. Express likes and

At a Party
Asma: I like your pink dress.

Bina: I like your blue shirt.

Asma: Have some grapes.

Bina: No, thank you.

I don't like grapes.

Asma: Do you like mangoes?

Bina: Yes, I like mangoes.

I. Tell your class one thing you like and one thing you
don't like.
II. Work in pairs. Ask your partner:
Student 1: What do you like?
Student 2: I like _______________.
Student 1: What don’t you like?
Student 2: I don't like __________.
Note for Teacher’s :
Tell the children to practice the dialogue in pairs. Call them in front of the
class in pairs to present the dialogue. Change the names of the things. 33
5.2 Reading
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· Use pre-reading strategies to locate specific factual information.
· What is happening in the picture?
· What will happen after doctor checkup?


What do you in the picture?

What will happen after doctor’s check up?

Brave Arifa
Arifa lived with her parents and her little brother Asif, in a
small town. Arifa's brother was very naughty. One day, he
jumped from the stairs and fell. He was hurt. Arifa's
parents were not home. But, Arifa was a brave girl. She
picked Asif in her arms and ran to Doctor Vijay.

The doctor gave tablets to Asif. The doctor was happy with
Arifa. He said, “Arifa, you are a clever girl.” Arifa's parents
also came. They were glad to see that Asif was safe. They
hugged Arifa. Her father said, “Thank you Arifa, you are my
brave daughter.” He said to Asif, “Naughty boy. Never jump
from the stairs again.” They all went home.


I. How many names of people are there in this story?

Write their names.

1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________

II. Link words in column “A” with the

correct words in column “B”.

Column A Column B

Arifa small

Asif happy

town brave

Dr. Vijay glad

parents naughty

III. Read the story and find words to fill in the blanks.

1. Asif fell ________ the stairs.

2. Arifa picked Asif in her ____________.

3. The doctor gave Asif some _____________.

4. Their parents ____________ Arifa.

5. They all ___________ home.

IV. Answer these questions. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. Who got hurt?

2. How did he get hurt?

3. What did Dr. Vijay say to Arifa?

4. What did father say to Arifa?

5. What did father say to Asif?


1. Who is the best person in the story? Why?

(Grammar) Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, they

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:

· recognize that some words substitute particular and general naming words.
· distinguish between substitution words and use them.

I am Rafi Hali. I work in a factory.

I am Mrs. Nazia Hali. I am a house wife.
We have two children, Ali and Sadia.
They go to school in the morning.
They come home in the afternoon and
have lunch.
Then they rest for an hour.
In the evening, they do their homework,
then they play.
Ali plays with Bunny. It is his pet rabbit.
Sadia plays with Rani, it is her doll.
The teacher says to Ali and Sadia,
'You are good pupils.'
Mr. and Mrs. Hali say,
‘We are a happy family.

I. People in the story.

Example: 1. Rafi Hali




II. Write the answers in the blank space.

Example: 1. Who is I in line number 1? Rafi Hali

2. Who is I in line number 2? _____________

3. Who are we in line number 3? _____________

4. Who are they in line number 4? _____________

5. Who is it in line number 10? _____________

6. Who is it in line number 11? _____________

7. Who is you in line number 13? _____________

Note for Teacher’s :

Tell the students we use “he” for a boy and a man, 'she' for a girl and a woman.
We use 'it' for an animal or a thing. We use “they” when we talk about more
than one person. We say “you” when we talk to someone else.
III. Who are they? Complete the sentences with appropriate
words from the box given below:

he, she, it, they, we, you

He is Mr. Hali.

_______ is Mrs. Nazia Hali.

___________ is Ali

_________ is Sadia.

_________ are Sadia and Ali

_________ are children.

_________ is a pet rabbit.

___________ is a doll.

__________ are a happy family.

__________ are good children.

Complete the story.
Fill the following blanks with: he, she, it, you, they.
Abdul and Amna went to the zoo.
______ saw a monkey. ______ was eating a banana.
_______ saw parrots in a cage. ______ were green in colour.
Amna did not like the elephant. _______ was afraid.
Abdul was not afraid. _____wanted to ride on the elephant.
I like to go to the zoo. Do _______ like to go to the zoo?

5.4 Calendar Sense
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· locate day and date in a calendar by reading across and down.
· know the order of things by reading across and down.

1. Look at the following calendar page and answer the questions.

Example: Which month does the calendar show?

2. Write the missing dates in the calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 19 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
3. Read the names of the days of the week
and write them.

i) Sun ___ ___ ___

ii) Mon __ __ __
iii) Tue __ __ __
iv) Wednes __ __ __
v) Thurs __ __ __
vi) Fri __ __ __
vii) Satur __ __ __

Note for Teacher’s :

Use a calendar and ask the children to read the names of the days of the week.
Pronounce the names correctly. (Wednesday as wensday) 41
I. Look at the calendar and answer the questions.
Example: On what day did this month begin? Sunday

1. Which day of the week is a holiday? _______________.

2. Which is the first day of the 2nd week? _______________.
3. What day of the week is April 26? _______________.
4. How many Fridays are there in this month? _______________.
5. What is the last day of this month? _______________.

II. Draw a line from the name of the day to its position:

Days Week-wise

Sunday third

Monday sixth

Tuesday second

Wednesday first

Thursday seventh

Friday fifth

Saturday fourth

5.5 Ordinal numbers.
By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
· fill the missing information to complete simple sentences.
· identify the position of objects by using ordinal numbers.
· write ordinal numbers first to tenth in words

Read the story.

Seema, Dino and Razia, have a race.
Dino runs very fast. He comes first.
Razia is very slow. She comes last.
Mano does not run. She watches the race.

I. Draw a line from the name to the correct position.

Name Position
Seema first

Dino second

Razia third

II. The farm animals are going to drink water.

Write the order in which these animals will drink.

First, second, third, fourth, fifth

Example 1.The horse will drink water first.

2.The dog will drink water ________.
3.The cow will drink water ________.
4.The goat will drink water ________.
5.The duck will drink water ________.
Note for Teacher’s :
Let the children look at the picture and read the story aloud.
Ask them to point to the children in the first, second and third position. 43
Ask the students: orally:

What do you see in the picture?

How many shelves does the

cupboard have?

What is there in the cupboard?

1. Complete the sentences by looking at the picture.

2. You may use the words in the box.

fourth toys clothes second

third shoes books

Example: Bilal has a cupboard in his room.

1. He keeps his____________ on the first shelf.

2. He keeps his ____________ on the _________ shelf.

3. He ____ his ____________ on the ___________________.

4. ________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _______.

Note for Teacher’s :

Discuss the picture with the students. Ask questions like how many shelves are
44 there? What is on the shelves? etc.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· recite the poem.

One, two, three, four,

Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on my right.

1. Read the poem.

2. Write the rhyming words from the poem.

Example: five alive

ten ___________
go ___________

bite ___________
3. Colour the picture.
4. Learn the poem by heart.

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· use formulaic expressions to express anticipation and intention related to national pride.
· learn values and needs sharing

Ali: What are you doing?

Sara: I am making a flag

for Pakistan Day.

Ali: May I help you?

Sara: Yes. Thank you.

Ali: May I sit here?

Sara: Yes of course.

Learn the dialogue and say it
in front of the class with
your partner.

Note for Teacher’s :

Call the children to say the dialogue in front of the class. Tell them to say the
dialogue with different actions.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· locate specific information to answer in a word or two, simple short questions.
· use pictures or rebus to increase understanding.


1.What do you see in the picture?

2.What is the colour of the flag?

3.What are the children doing?

14th August is Pakistan Freedom Day. It is a school

holiday. But, early in the morning, children go to
school. They do not take their bags but they carry the
green and white Pakistani flags. The school ground is
full. Happy children stand in front of the stage. They
wait for the siren.

At 8 o’clock they hear the siren. The flag is put up and

the children sing Pak Sarzameen Shadbad. Then the
principal tells them what Quaid-e-Azam said. He said
that children must work hard for Pakistan. After that
they sing national songs. In the end they get sweets.

The children are very happy. They wave their flags

and sing with the singers on the stage. After that they
wish each other ‘Happy Pakistan Freedom Day’. Then
they all get sweets and go home.

I. Write three things the children do on Pakistan Freedom Day.
II. Complete these sentences.

1. At 8’ o clock they __________.

2. The Principal tells them what ____________.

3. They wave __________.

4. They sing with the singers on ____________.

5. The children wish each other ________.

III. Answer these questions.

What do the children take to school on Pakistan Freedom Day?

Example: The Pakistani flag.
1. When is the Pakistan Freedom Day?
2. What is Quaid-e-Azam's message for children?
3. What do they sing?
4. When do they go home?


Check your answer with your neighbour. Do you have
the same answer? Tick Yes or No.

Yes _______ No _______

If not, find the correct answer from the textbook.

IV. Tell the class one thing you do on Pakistan Freedom Day.

Note for Teacher’s :

Explain flag hoisting with the help of a picture.
For question wh, tell children to talk about themselves. 49
fl, gr words

V. Word study: fl and gr words.

1. Say flag. Listen to the fl sound.
Say grass. Listen to the gr sound.

2. Complete the words with fl or gr and say them aloud.

___ ___ ag ___ ___ ask

___ ___ een ___ ___ ass

___ ___ ower ___ ___ ay

III. Write one more fl and gr word. Learn all the spellings for dictation.

Note for Teacher’s :

Tell the children read the words aloud.
Tell them to learn the spelling.
Take direction of the words.
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
· recognize that some words substitute particular and general naming words.
· use the pronouns in objective position.

Uncle and Aunty come for a visit. “Sara, go

and see who is at the door,” said Amna.
When I opened the door, I was very happy.
Uncle and Aunty had come from Malir.
They brought many gifts for us.

Uncle gave me a doll. Amna likes sweet things, they gave her chocolate.
Ali plays cricket, they gave him a cricket bat. Tomorrow is a holiday.
We will go to a farm and give them a good time.

1. Which words are in bold print? Read them aloud.

Write them with the names of the persons.

Names Pronouns

Sara me

Amna _________

Ali _________

Our family _________

Aunty & Uncle _________

Punctuation Exclamation mark [!]
By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
· recognize that a sentence ends with some form of punctuation
· use exclamation marks to show strong feeling.

Read these sentences.

It is result day today.

I passed!
I came first in class!
I got a prize!

An exclamation is a sentence that shows strong feeling. It begins

with a capital letter ends with an exclamation mark [!]

Write an exclamation mark [!] at the end of each exclamatory /


Example: How clever of you?

1. What a surprise!
2. What a funny boy!

3. How wonderful weather is!

Note for Teacher’s :

To introduce the lesson write some single word exclamations e.g., Hurrah! Wow! and
52 explain the shape and purpose of the exclamation mark.
Write a few sentences to describe a picture and a series of pictures.
Describing a picture.

By the end of the unit the students will be able to replace rebus
with words to complete the description of the picture.
1. Look at the picture.

2. Write words in the blanks to complete the story.

The _________ is shining. There are _______

and many _________ in the sky.

The _________wants the _________.

It is stuck in the branch of a _________.

He will fly the _________with his friends. 53

6.5 Writing
A. Colour the map and flag of Pakistan and write one sentence
about Pakistan. One sentence about what you can do for Pakistan.

6.6 Fun
B. Colour the flag.

By the end of this unit the students will be able to Polite expression
use polite expressions to seek attention.
for seeking attention

Seeking Attention
Ali: Excuse me Miss, may I come in?
Teacher: Yes, come in.

Ali: Excuse me, are you Asim?

Asim: Yes, I am Asim.

Asma: Excuse me, may I use your pencil?

Seemi: Yes, of course.

Note for Teacher’s:

Tell the students to learn and practice the dialogues. Ask them to present the
dialogues in pairs. Tell them that we say “excuse me” where we want someone to
listen us.
By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
· predict the story by looking at the pictures in the text.
· guess what follows in the story.
· express their likes and dislikes about the story.

What is happening in the picture?


Sara and Sameer go to the goat market with

father. They see many cows and goats. They
want to buy the best goat in the market.
They see a brown goat. Sameer likes it but
Sara does not. She likes a black and white
goat. Sameer does not like its black legs and
long horns. Father likes a black goat. Sara
does not like its long ears and small eyes.
Finally, they see a white goat. It has short
curved horns and friendly eyes. They all like

The goat costs a lot of money. Father pays
the money. The goat man counts the
money and gives the goat to father.
Sameer holds the rope tied around the
goat's neck. They bring the goat home in a

The rickshaw stops in front of their home.

Sara runs into the house. 'Mother! Look, we
have a goat,' says Sara. Mother looks at the
goat. “It is beautiful”, she says. They tie the
goat with a pole in the yard. Sameer feeds it
fresh green grass.

I. Read the story and mark the sentences (ü) or (û).

Example: Sameer and Sara go to Juma Bazar

1. They see many cows and goats.

2. They buy the goat with short curved horns.
3. They bring the goat home in a van.
4. They keep the goat in a room.
5. Sameer takes care of the goat.

II. Read the story again and write the answers in your
a. Who went to the market to buy the goat?

b. Who paid the money?

c. How did they bring the goat home?

Fill the blanks to complete the story.

mother home curved bought buy yard

Sameer and Sara went to ______ a goat. They saw many goats.

They ________ a white goat with ________ horns.

They brought it _______ in a rickshaw.

“It is beautiful”, said_____________.

They kept the goat in the ________ .

Activity: Colour the picture.

(Grammar) Antonyms

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:

· identify and match some pairs of describing words showing size, quality and colour.
· identify words opposite in meaning.

Read the sentences.

Sara liked the white goat with long ears.
Sameer liked the black one with short horns.

The words black and white; long and short are opposites.

I. Look at the pictures and read the words.

happy sad

new old

big small

closed open

tall short

II. Learn the words and their spelling.

Note for Teacher’s:

Show opposite qualities from the class
e.g. tall boy – short boy, heavy bag – light bag.
III. Write the opposite of the words from words given in the box below:

thin, wet, easy, long, light, up

down __________

________ dry

fat __________

short __________

________ hard

heavy __________

Note for Teacher’s:

Tell the children learn the pairs of words.
IV. Fill the blanks with opposite describing words.

Example: My bag is heavy.

My pencil is light.

You can use these words:

fast tall black slow sad
happy old short white young

1. Grand father is _______

I am _________.

2. A giraffe is _________

A goat is _________

3. My hair is ________

Grandmother's hair is __________

4. A car is _______

A bicycle is ________

5. The big clown is _________

The small clown is ________

Note for Teacher’s:

Explain the instruction to the children.
7.4 Writing
Write a few sentences to describe a picture and a series of picture

By the end of the unit, the children will be able to write a few simple meaningful sentences of their own on a given topic.

01. Write 3 sentences about your pet goat.

Write about its colour (white, black, brown)
Write about its horns (long/short; curved/straight)
Write about its food (grass, grain)
Write about its nature (friendly, naughty)

You can begin like this:

My Pet Goat
I have a pet goat.

It is ____________________________ .

_________________________________ .

Draw a picture of your pet
____________________ very naughty. and colour it.

02. Draw a picture of your pet and colour it.

Note for Teacher’s:
Ask the students about their pets. Tell them you have a pet and describe it. Ask
them to imagine they have a pet goat. Discuss the goats colour, horns, food and
64 nature. Do the activity orally before they write in the book.
7.5 Fun
By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
· recite the poem and pick out the rhyming words.

I'm a little teapot,

Short and stout.
Here is my handle,
Here is my spout.
When I see the teacups,
Hear me shout,
“Tip me up
and pour tea out!”

1. Recite the poem loudly after the teacher.

2. Now recite the poem with actions.
Write the title:
I am a

I. Complete the set of rhyming words ending with out:

s t ____
s__o __
s h __ __ t
s __ __
II. Fill in the missing words:
I'm a ______ teapot.
________ and stout
Here is my _______
_______ is my spout.

III. Learn the poem by heart.

By the end of the unit, students will be Requesting
able to use formulaic expression for requesting.
Asking Permission

Asking Permission

What's the day today,


It's Sunday.
Can we go to the zoo?

That's a good idea, Mona

Father, please take

us to the zoo.


Yes. Can we take mother

with us, please?

Thank you, father!

Note for Teacher’s:

For asking permission / request we use words like “can” and “please”. 67
By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:
locate specific factual information and follow the sequence of events.

1.Have you ever been to a zoo?
2.What did you see there?
3.What can you see in the pictures?

Class two visits the zoo.

The students go in a bus.
The teacher buys tickets at the gate.

Note for Teacher’s:

Ask children if they have been to a zoo and what they saw there.
68 Talk with them about the pictures before reading. Make the
students read aloud. Check their pronunciation.
They see the funny monkeys.
The monkeys are happy.
They jump up and down.

They see the golden lions.

The lions are angry.
They roar loudly.

They see elephant.

The elephant is friendly.
It gives them rides.

They see colourful peacocks.

The peacocks spread their tails.
They dance.

The children are happy.

They play on the grass.
They have ice cream.

I. Complete the sentences by reading the text.

Example: Class two goes to the zoo.

1. They go in a _________.
2. They see the funny __________.

3. The lions are _______________.

4. The elephant is _____________.

5. They see the __________.

II. What do the following do at the zoo?

Join the words with the matching clauses.

Teacher gives rides.

Monkeys roar.

Lions have ice cream.

Elephant buys tickets

Peacocks jump up and down

Children spread their tails

III. How many animals do the children see in the zoo?
______________________ animals in the zoo.

Write the names of the animals.

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________


1. Which animal/bird do you like the best?

Draw and Colour it.

2. Which animal/bird do you not like? Why?


(Grammar) Diagraphs ‘ch’ and ‘sh’

Pronounce common consonant diagraph in initial and position.

I. Say sheep, cash, Aisha, shift.

listen to the sh sound. shell, dish, brush, ship.
Make sh words:
fi ow


wa op

II. Say chick, such, reach.

listen to the ch sound.
Make some ch words:

mu est


whi in
Write two more words beginning with ‘ch’ and ‘sh’
in the correct column.
Picture ch___ sh___ Picture

chick sheep

Write two more words ending with ‘ch’ and ‘sh’
in the correct column.
___ch ___sh

Church Bush

Complete the words with sh or ch.

1. _____ e

2. ______ow

3. wi ________

4. ______ op

5. _____ ild

6. pu _______

7. ______ ick

8. bru ______.

Note for Teacher’s:

1.Show many pictures of ch and sh words.
2.Do all the activities orally, then in writing.
Colour the picture.

1. How many colours did you use?


2. Name the colours you used.

3. Write about your favourite animal or bird..

Note for Teacher’s:

Discuss the colours of a peacock. Introduce the names of the colours.

Find the names of the animals in the puzzle.

p e a c o c k

x l i o n m g

z e c e f o h

l p d l l n j

q h o l m k n

s a p b c e d

r n f g i y h

t t i g e r I

By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
· recite the poem.

In a shoe
There was an old woman

Who lived in a shoe,

She had so many children

She didn't know what to do;

She gave them some broth

Without any bread;

Then scolded them soundly

And sent them to bed

Note for Teacher’s:

Read the poem aloud to the class. Read the poem with the class. Ask them the types
76 of houses people live in. e.g. flat, hut, bungalow, etc.

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