De-Crystallization Process

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De‐crystallization operation

Crystallization phenomena:
Fenomena kristalisasi:

1. The de‐crystallization pipe temperature is higher than the 65°C

Suhu pipa de‐kristalisasi lebih tinggi dari 65°C

2. The cooling capacity decrease

Kapasitas pendinginan menurun

3. The strong solution is low temperature. if inspection, the part of the surface of
the low temperature heat exchange or the solution spray pipe temperature is
Cairan kuatnya bersuhu rendah. jika diinspeksi, bagian permukaan HE temp
rendah atau pipa semprot cairan, suhunya rendah.

De‐crystallization operation process:

Proses operasi de‐kristalisasi:

1. Give the deviation ‐20°C to the de‐crystallization pipe temperature and ‐15°C to
the condenser temperature.
Berikan deviasi (penyimpangan) ‐20°C ke suhu pipa dekristalisasi dan ‐15°C ke
suhu kondensor.

2. Change the chilled and cooling water pump to manual model, bypass the
feedback signal of the chilled water pump 013,24V‐, bypass the chilled water
flow signal 006,24V‐, bypass the cooling water pump feedback signal 014,24V‐.
Close the cooling water inlet and outlet valve.
Ubah pompa chilled water dan pompa cooling water ke mode manual, bypass
sinyal umpan balik dari pompa chilled water 013,24V‐, bypass sinyal flow chilled
water 006,24V‐, bypass sinyal umpan balik pompa cooling water 014,24V‐. Tutup
valve inlet dan outlet cooling water.

3. Select the manual control model on the touch screen. Manually start the chilled
water pump, do not start the cooling water pump. Then start the chiller,
manually start the solution pump by press’ solution pump start’. Manually
control the heat source charging, increase the solution temperature slowly. The
HPG solution temperature of the double effect chiller is about 110°C, and the
generator solution temperature of single effect chiller is about 75°C. And control
the weak solution temperature is no more than 70°C. When the chilled water
outlet temperature is higher than inlet temperature, stop the chilled water pump.
Close the chilled water inlet and outlet manual valve.
Pilih mode kontrol manual pada layar. Hidupkan pompa chilled water secara
manual, jangan hidupkan pompa air pendingin. Kemudian nyalakan chiller,
hidupkan pompa solution secara manual dengan menekan solution pump start’'.
Kontrol pengisian sumber panas secara manual, naikkan suhu larutan secara
perlahan. Suhu larutan HPG dari double effec chiller adalah sekitar 110°C, dan
suhu larutan generator dari single effect chiller adalah sekitar 75°C. Dan kontrol
suhu larutan lemah tidak lebih dari 70°C. Ketika suhu outlet chilled water lebih
tinggi dari suhu inlet, hentikan pompa chilled water. Tutup manual valve inlet
dan outlet chilled water.

Note: because cooling and chilled water inlet and outlet valve is closed, when the
water temperature increase, the water pressure will increase, release the
pressure on time, otherwise the water box will leak the water.
Catatan: karena valve inlet dan outlet cooling water dan chilled water ditutup,
ketika suhu air meningkat, tekanan air akan meningkat, lepaskan tekanan tepat
waktu, jika tidak, kotak air akan bocor.

4. Keep the weak solution temperature is about 50~60°C running, open the
refrigerant bypass valve two round, start the refrigerant pump to bypass the
refrigerant water. (After running 5minutes,stop the refrigerant pump, wait again
10 minutes restart the refrigerant pump)
Jaga suhu larutan lemah running sekitar 50 ~ 60°C, buka bypass valve refrigeran
sebanyak dua putaran, mulai pompa refrigeran untuk bypass air refrigeran.
(Setelah jalan 5 menit, matikan pompa refrigeran, tunggu lagi 10 menit, nyalakan
kembali pompa refrigeran)

5. If the strong solution temperature increase to near the weak solution

temperature or the surface of the heat exchanger is hot and the spray pipe is hot.
We can say the crystallization has been solved.
Jika suhu larutan kuat naik mendekati suhu larutan lemah atau permukaan HE
panas dan pipa spray panas. Kita dapat mengatakan masalah kristalisasi telah

6. Open the chilled and cooling water inlet and outlet valve, then remove all the
bypass wire and reset the deviation. Start the chilled and cooling water pump
auto. And run the chiller auto. The process is over.
Buka valve inlet dan outlet chilled water dan cooling water, lalu lepaskan semua
kabel bypass dan setel ulang penyimpangan. Mulai pompa chilled water dan
cooling water secara otomatis. Dan jalankan chiller otomatis. Prosesnya sudah

Note: During the de‐crystallization process, can use the hot water, steam or other
heat source to heat the crystallization position to speed up the de‐crystallization
Catatan: Selama proses de‐kristalisasi, dapat menggunakan air panas, uap atau
sumber panas lainnya untuk memanaskan posisi kristalisasi untuk mempercepat
proses de‐kristalisasi.

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