Midyear Review Form EDITED 2022 23 PM Monitoring Tool For T I III PROFICIENT

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley


Name: Office/School: School Year: 2023-2024

Current Position: Name of Immediate Head/Rater: Rating Period:
No. of Years in the Service: Name of School Head: Date of Midyear Review:
No. of Years in the Current Position: Name of Supervisor: Date of Final Review and Validation

Table 1. Details of Monitoring Completion of Each Phase of the RPMS Cycle

(To be filled up by the ratee)

Phases of Task/Activity Person(s) Proposed/ Complied/ Means of Date Remarks

RPMS Responsible Regular Subjected to/ Verification Complied/
Cycle Schedule Accomplished Subjected
YES NO to/
(If No, Accomplish
state ed
PHASE I Capability Building Regional February,2023
Performanc Activities/Presentat Office/Schools
e Planning ion of RPMS Tools Division
and Office/School
Commitmen Head/Raters
t Self Assessment February,2023
with Initial Ratees
PHASE II Monitoring and February 2023-
Performanc Coaching School June 2023
e Head/Raters
Monitoring Mid-Year Review School March 2023
and with Development Head/Raters/Rat
Coaching Planning ers
PHASE III A week after
Performanc Raters, ratees, scheduled
e Review Year-end Review and Approving graduation
and Authorities

PHASE IV Ways Forward A week after

Performanc Development Ratees scheduled
e Planning graduation
Rewarding A month after
and IPCRF Data School scheduled
Developme Collection Head/Raters graduation
nt Planning

Table 2. Means Of Verification Monitoring per Indicator for the Proficient Teachers
(to be filled up by the rater)
RPMS objective based on Means of Verification Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IV
the Evide Achieveme Evide Achieveme Eviden Achieveme Evident Achieveme
PPST priority indicator nt nt rate on nt nt rate on t nt rate on nt rate on
quarterly quarterly quarterly quarterly
target/s target/s target/s target/s
(25%-50%- (25%-50%- (25%-50%- (25%-50%-
75%-100%) 75%- 75%-100%) 75%-
100%) 100%)

1. Applied knowledge of Classroom observation tool

content within and across (COT) rating sheet/inter-
curriculum teaching areas observer
(PPST 1.1.2) agreement form/sdone through
onsite/face to face/in-person
classroom observation

If onsite/face to face/in-person
classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

2. Used a range of teaching Classroom observation tool

strategies that enhance (COT) rating sheet/inter-
learner achievement in observer
literacy and numeracy agreement form/sdone through
skills onsite/face to face/in-person
(PPST 1.4.2) classroom observation

If onsite/face to face/in-person
classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

3. Applied a range of Classroom observation tool

teaching strategies to (COT) rating sheet/inter-
develop critical and observer
creative thinking, as well as agreement form/sdone through
other higher-order thinking onsite/face to face/in-person
skills. classroom observation
(PPST 1.5.2)
If onsite/face to face/in-person
classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

4. Managed classroom Classroom observation tool

structure to engage (COT) rating sheet/inter-
learners, individually or in observer
any groups, in meaningful agreement form/sdone through
exploration, discovery and onsite/face to face/in-person
hands-on activities within a classroom observation
range of physical learning
environments. If onsite/face to face/in-person
(PPST 2.3.2) classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

5. Managed learner Classroom observation tool

behaviour constructively by (COT) rating sheet/inter-
applying positive and non- observer
violent discipline to ensure agreement form/sdone through
learning-focused onsite/face to face/in-person
environments. classroom observation
(PPST 2.6.2)
If onsite/face to face/in-person
classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

6. Used differentiated, Classroom observation tool

developmentally (COT) rating sheet/inter-
appropriate learning observer
experiences to address agreement form/sdone through
learners’ gender needs, onsite/face to face/in-person
strengths, interests and classroom observation
(PPST 3.1.2) If onsite/face to face/in-person
classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC
7. Planned, managed and Classroom observation tool
implemented (COT) rating sheet/inter-
developmentally sequenced observer
teaching and learning agreement form/sdone through
processes to meet onsite/face to face/in-person
curriculum requirements classroom observation
and varied teaching
contexts. If onsite/face to face/in-person
(PPST 4.1.2) classes are not implemented
● through observation of
synchronous/ asynchronous
teaching in other modalities;
●through observation of a
demonstration teaching via LAC

8. Participated in collegial 1. Proof/s of attendance in

discussions that use LAC sessions / FGDs /
teacher and learner meetings / other collegial
feedback to enrich teaching discussions.
practice. 2. Minutes of LAC sessions/
(PPST 4.4.2) FGDs/ meetings/ other collegial
discussions on use of teacher
and learner feedback to enrich
teaching practice.
3. Reflection notes of teachers
on their demonstration of
teaching practices following
participation from LAC
sessions/ FGDs/ meetings/
other collegial discussions that
use teacher and learner
feedback to enrich teaching
practice, with proof/s of
4. Any equivalent ALS form/
document that highlights the
9. Selected, developed, Classroom Observation Tool
organized and used (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
appropriate teaching and observer agreement form/s
learning resources, done through onsite/ face-to-
including ICT, to address face/ in-person classroom
learning goals. observation.
(PPST 4.5.2)
If onsite / face-to-face / in-
person classes are not

 through observation of
teaching in other
modalities; or
 through observation of
a demonstration
teaching* via LAC

10. Designed, selected, Classroom Observation Tool

organized and used (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
diagnostic, formative and observer agreement form/s
summative assessment done through onsite/ face-to-
strategies consistent with face/ in-person classroom
curriculum requirements. observation.
(PPST 5.1.2)
If onsite / face-to-face / in-
person classes are not

 through observation of
teaching in other
modalities; or
 through observation of
a demonstration
teaching* via LAC

11. Monitored and Any one (1) of the following:

evaluated learner progress
and achievement using  Individual Learning
learner attainment data.
Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
(PPST 5.2.2)
 Peer assessment data
 Sample of learners’
output with
reflection / self-
 Progress charts/
anecdotal records
 Class/e-class
 Lesson plans showing
index of mastery
 Frequency of errors
with identified
least/most mastered
 Any equivalent ALS
form/document that
highlights the objective
(e.g., Individual
Agreement (ILA), ALS
Assessment Form 2)
 Others (Please specify
and provide

12.Communicated Any one (1) of the following:

promptly and clearly the
learners’ needs, progress  A sample of corrected
and achievement to key
test paper of a learner
stakeholders, including
in a learning area with
(PPST 5.4.2) parent’s or guardian’s
signature and date of
 Minutes of meeting
with key stakeholders
(e.g., PTA, SGC, SPT,
CPC) with proof of
 Report card with
parent’s or guardians
signature in all
quarters supported by
a minutes of meeting.
 Communication with
key stakeholders (e.g.,
co-teachers, LGU)
using various
 Anecdotal record
showing entries per
 Any equivalent ALS
form/document that
highlights the objective
 Others (Please specify
and provide

13. Applied a personal A reflection/journal entry that

philosophy of teaching that highlights the application of a
is learner-centered. learner-centered teaching
(PPST 7.1.2) philosophy in the lesson plan or
community work
14. Set Professional 1. Certification From The ICT
development goals based on Coordinator / School Head /
the Philippine Professional Focal Person in charge of e-SAT
Standards for Teachers. 2. IPCRF-DP
(PPST 7.5.2) 3. Mid-year review Form (MRF)
4. Updated IPCRF-DP from
Phase II
15. Performed various Any one (1) proof of:
related works / activities
that contribute to the  Committee
teaching-learning process.
 Involvement as
 Involvement as a
/learning facilitator in
the RO/SDO/school-
initiated TV/radio-
based instruction;
 Book or journal
authorship/ co-
 Advisorship/
 Participation in
 Participation as
research presenter in
a forum/ conference;
 Mentoring of pre-
service/ in-service
 Conducted research
within the rating
 Others (please specify)
With annotation on how
it contributed to the
teaching learning

Table 3. Competency Checklist Monitoring and Rating

(To be filled by the rater)

5 – Role Model
4 – Consistently demonstrates
3 – Most of the time demonstrates
2 – Sometimes demonstrates
1 - Rarely demonstrates

Reference: Part II of the IPCRF for Proficient Teachers


Core Behavioral Competencies are behaviors that everyone MID-YEAR REVIEW FINAL REVIEW AND
in the organization must possess regardless of function (i.e. VALIDATION
self-management, teamwork, professionalism, self-
orientation etc.)
COMPETENCIES 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development
Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear
and purposive and takes into account personal goals and
values congruent to that of the organization.
Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is
challenged by higher goals
Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through GANTT chart,
checklists, etc.) to achieve goals
Sets high quality, challenging realistic goals for self & others.
Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the
Norms of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials
and employees (RA 6713)
Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct
taking into account the impact of his/her actions and

Maintains professional image being trustworthy, regularity of

attendance and punctuality, good grooming and
Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization's needs.
Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility and to meet
the organization's needs improve systems and help others
improved their effectiveness.
Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources
most of the time
Avoids network mistakes and wastages through effective
work methods by placing organizational needs before
personal needs.
Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to
standard operating procedures correctly and consistently.
Able to produce very satisfactory quality of work in terms of
usefulness/ acceptability and completeness with no
supervision required.
Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustrations
at waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise
ways of meeting goals set.
Makes specific changes in the system or in own work
method to improve performance. Example may include doing
something better, faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently; or
improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without
setting any specific goal.
Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.
Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork
and goal accomplishment across the organization.
Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win
Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions
Work constructively and collaboratively with others and
across organization to accomplish organizational goals and
Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues
and problems
Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and / or
correcting customer service issues and concern.
Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and
women empowerment
Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates
stand and strategies based on DepEd strategies and
Develops and adopts service improvement programs through
simplified procedures that will further enhance service
Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective
solutions. Foster new ideas, processes and suggest better
ways to do things (cost and / or operational efficiency.
Demonstrates an ability to “think beyond the box".
Continuously focuses on improving personal productivity to
create higher value results
Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to
develop original ideas or solutions.
Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and
solutions that improve the work unit and organization
Uses indigenous methods to accomplish responsibilities.
Demonstrates resourcefulness and the ability to succeed
with minimal resources

Core skills are skills that are key to learning and working in
today's world, identified by employers as the skills most
likely to be needed in any work environment. This does not
mean that every job will need people who are proficient in all
core skills, but it does mean that every job will require some
level of ability in some or all of these skills.
COMPETENCIES 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Follows instruction accurately.
Expresses self clearly, fluently and articulately.
Uses appropriate medium for message.
Guides discussion between and among peers to meet an
Knows the different written business communication
formats used in the DepEd.
Writes routine correspondence/ communications, Narrative
and descriptive report based on readily available information
data with minimal spelling grammatical error/s (eg. Memos,
minutes, etc.)
Secures information from required references (i.e.
Directories, schedules, notices, instructions) for a specific
Self-edits words, numbers, phonetic notation and content if
Demonstrates clarity, fluency, impact, conciseness and
effectiveness in his /her written and communications.
Prepares basic compositions (e.g. letters reports, spreadsheet
and graphics presentations Using Word Processing and
Identifies different computer parts, turns the computer
on/off, and work on a given task with acceptable speed and
accuracy and connects computer peripherals (e.g. printers
Modems, multimedia projectors, etc.)
Prepares simple presentation using PowerPoint.
Utilizes technologies to: access information to enhance
Professional productivity, assists in conducting research and
communicate through local and global professional
Recommends appropriate and updated technology to
enhance productivity and professional productivity.

Leadership competencies are priority skills on managing

remote teams, office management during a crisis, Civil
Service Commission (CSC), and Career Executive Service
Board (CESB) leadership Competencies.
COMPETENCIES 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Uses basic persuasion techniques in discussion or
presentation e.g. staff mobilization, appeals to reason and/or
emotions, uses data and examples, visual aids
Persuades, convinces or influences others, in order to have a
specific impact or effect
Forwards Personal, professional and work unit needs and
interest in an issue
Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of an
inspiring, relevant vision for the organization and influence
others to share ownership to DepEd goals, in order to create
effective work environment
Makes specific changes in the performance management
system or in own work method to improve performance (e.g.
does something better, faster, at lowest cost, more efficiently,
improve quality, customer satisfaction, morale, revenues.)
Sets performance standards and measures progress of
employees based on office and department targets
Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching
for performance improvement and action planning
States performance expectation clearly and checks
understanding and commitment.
Performs all the stages of results-based performance
management system supported by evidence and required
Improves the skill and effectiveness of individuals through
employing a range of development strategies
Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and
motivating/developing people within a work environment
that promotes mutual trust and respect
Conceptualize and implements learning interventions to
meet identified training needs
Does long-term coaching or training by arranging
appropriate and helpful assignment, formal training, or
other experiences for the purpose of supporting a person's
learning and development
Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive
experiences such as looking for future opportunities that are
in support of achieving individual's career goals


This is to certify that my competency

assessment and development plan has been
discussed with my immediate supervisor. I
further commit that I will exert time and
effort to ensure that the objectives in the key
result areas and are achieved according to
agreed time frames. Employee’s Name and Signature/Date
I commit to support the development of
competencies and ensure that the agreed
development plans and objectives in the key
result areas of my staff are achieved Supervisor’s Name and Signature/ Date
according to agreed time frames.
I hereby approve the development plans and
agreements between the rater and the
Head of Office, Name and Signature/ Date

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