Construction Contracts Guide
Construction Contracts Guide
Construction Contracts Guide
2 2
Guide – Construction Contracts
19 Useful links
22 Key Contacts
Introduction to
Construction Contracts
Guide – Construction Contracts
Types of Construction
The type of construction contract to be available but are less commonly used,
used for a project will depend on various particularly in Africa.
factors such as: the nature of the works
to be executed; whether design and Traditional Procurement
construction are combined or separated;
the split of responsibilities between the Traditional procurement (sometimes
contractor and the professional team; referred to as “general contracting”
the approach to risk allocation; financing or “design-bid-build”) is regarded as
terms; and market practice in a particular the most commonly used method of
industry or region. This section of the procuring building works. The main
Guide contains a summary of the various distinguishing feature is that the design
procurement strategies available for a and construction processes are separate.
construction project, taking account of The employer’s professional team will
these factors. It then considers some design the works and prepare the
of the most commonly used industry tender documents, including drawings,
standard form contracts in Africa. specifications and bill of quantities.
Contractors are then invited to submit
CHOICE OF PROCUREMENT METHOD tenders for the construction of the project
on a competitive basis. The employer
Every construction project is underpinned carries design risk, although in some
by a procurement strategy which projects the contractor is responsible for
determines the structure of the certain discrete elements of the design.
contractual arrangements, the roles and The employer will typically appoint a
responsibilities among the various key member of his professional team to
players and the approach to the allocation administer the contract.
and management of risk. There are
generally considered to be three main Various pricing mechanisms are
procurement methods: (i) Traditional used in traditional procurement but
Procurement (ii) Design and Build (iii) the main options are: (i) lump sum,
Construction Management/ Management (ii) re-measurement and (iii) cost
Contracting. Partnering and alliancing plus (sometimes referred to as
based procurement methods are also “cost reimbursement”).
Guide – Construction Contracts
Lump sum: A single “lump sum” price Cost-plus: The contractor is reimbursed
for the project is determined before the the actual costs incurred in carrying out
works commence. This is an appropriate the works (i.e. labour, plant, materials,
option where the works are well defined sub-contractors, etc), plus an additional
at the time of tender and there is a low fee to cover overheads and profit. This
likelihood that the employer’s requirements option is appropriate where the scope of
will change. Although the price may alter the work cannot be well defined at the
during the carrying out of the works outset but the employer nevertheless
(e.g. due to variations, provisional sums, requires an early start on site. As the
the occurrence of certain “relevant events”, contract is typically entered into on
etc.), this pricing option tends to give the the basis of an estimate of the costs
employer a reasonable amount of price only, cost-plus contracts are generally
certainty at the outset of the project. high risk for employers. As a means of
incentivising efficiency and cost control,
Re-measurement: The price for the works a “target cost” mechanism is sometimes
is not determined when the contract used, whereby the contractor and the
is entered into. It is calculated based employer share the risk of cost overruns/
on the “re-measurement” of the actual savings on a pre-agreed basis.
work carried out. The re-measurement
calculation is undertaken using agreed Design and Build
rates/ unit prices which the contractor
originally tendered on the basis of the The key feature of design and build
drawings and bill of quantities provided by procurement is that the contractor
the professional team. As the total cost of carries responsibility for both the design
the works is not determined at the outset, and the construction of the works,
employers tend to carry greater risk under to the employer’s requirements. The
a re-measurement contract. It is therefore approach to the preparation of the
suitable where there is a lack of certainty design will differ from project to project,
as to the volume of work required, even depending on the degree of influence the
though the design, specification and employer wishes to have over the design
quality requirements can be reasonably development process. For example,
well defined at tender stage. on some projects the employer will
appoint a design team to prepare an initial, design and the contractor will generally
concept design. The contractor will then carry a greater level of risk in terms of time,
be required to complete the design and cost, quality and performance. For this
undertake the works. The contractor may reason, EPC contracts are often referred to
use his own in-house designers or appoint as “turn-key” contracts. They are typically
external design consultants or take over used for engineering and infrastructure
the employer’s design team. projects where performance and cost
certainty are the most critical factors for
A design and build contract will usually the employer. EPC is also common where
be based on a lump sum price (with no a limited recourse financing structure is
bill of quantities). The employer has used to fund a project.
greater price certainty than under
traditional procurement because the Construction Management/ Management
contractor is required to design and build Contracting
the works for an agreed price and within
an agreed time for completion. While Under the Construction Management
adjustments to the price and programme (CM) model, contracts for the various
may still arise due to e.g. variations and packages of work are entered into by
the occurrence of certain “relevant events”, the employer but the management and
there is generally less opportunity for supervision of those work packages, as
contractor’s claims under design and build well as the coordination of the design,
contracts. This means greater risk for the is undertaken by the construction
contractor and therefore a higher price. manager. The construction manager is
appointed under a form of professional
Engineering, Procurement and services agreement, with authority to
Construction (EPC) contracts are similar act on behalf of the employer in relation
to design and build contracts in that the to the management of the project.
employer appoints the contractor to carry While the employer takes the risk in the
out both design and construction but performance of the various package
the employer will have less influence over contractors, the construction manager
Guide – Construction Contracts
Over the years, industry norms in relation The new NEC4 suite of contracts was
to risk allocation across the most common launched in June 2017. The changes
types of construction and engineering bring more clarity, simplicity and
projects have emerged. This has led to the flexibility to the standard terms. New
development of a number of international measures, like value engineering and
standard form contracts. The most early contractor involvement were also
commonly used standard forms in Africa introduced to enhance collaboration
are FIDIC, NEC and (in Sub-Saharan Africa) between employer and contractor.
JBCC. Often employers will elect to use Like the 2017 FIDIC, there is also more
a standard form contract rather than emphasis on dispute avoidance.
preparing a bespoke contract because
using an industry recognised set of terms
makes the procurement process more
efficient and competitive.
Guide – Construction Contracts
Employers usually elect to work through There are some important steps a
a representative who may be an architect, contractor can take to develop this
an engineer, a project manager, a quantity relationship such as:
surveyor or any other qualified third
party. The employer gives his or her • Report all problems to the employer,
representative the authority to act on his through the appointed representative,
or her behalf in the execution of certain as quickly as possible. This is very
provisions of the contract. important if the problems could cause
cost increases or delay completion.
The representative’s role is to oversee and
administer the contract and the project • Handover in good time all notices,
itself. It is important for the Contractor advices, time delay claims, bad
to develop a good working relationship weather reports, certificates for
with the employer and/ or the employer’s payment, invoices, lists of workers,
representative, as the parties will benefit plant on-site, etc.
from a relationship based on trust and
co-operation. • Make sure claims are submitted
in strict compliance with the
Importantly, the employer’s representative applicable contractual provisions,
is usually the person to whom all notices, in writing within the period stated
invoices and claims must be submitted and in the contract. If a claim cannot be
is the person who determines the amounts prepared within the required period,
due to the contractor. extensions should be sought prior
to the expiry of the period. If no
extension is granted or communicated
prior to the expiry of the time periods,
the claim (even if not fully complete)
and all documents available at that
time should be submitted (explaining
Guide – Construction Contracts
Security Against
Construction Risks
sole remedy for delay, save that the contract will set out who is responsible
employer’s rights to terminate the for taking out and maintaining each of
contract will be preserved. the required insurances and at what
minimum levels of indemnity. It will also
In projects involving an output based specify which of the project participants,
specification, such as those in the energy, with an interest in the works, should be
water, waste/ wastewater sectors, named insured on the policies. Given
there may also be liquidated damages the criticality of the insurances as a risk
payable by the contractor where the mitigation tool and the expense involved
required performance levels specified in purchasing cover from reputable
in the employer’s requirements are not insurance companies, it is advisable to
achieved. These types of regimes are take specialist advice from an insurance
designed to recognise that while the broker with good knowledge of the
contractor has delivered a functioning local and, in some cases, international
plant/ facility, the employer should insurance markets.
still be compensated for the loss of
expected output. Security instruments
Guide – Construction Contracts
Dispute Avoidance
and Resolution
Most international standard form notice may have to be issued within a
construction contracts provide for a prescribed period of time, failing which,
dispute resolution mechanism, including the contractor may forfeit any entitlement
the procedure to be followed when a to relief under the contract. These types
dispute arises between the parties to the of time prescriptions often do not apply
contract. If parties conclude a bespoke to an employer’s claim, although recent
construction contract, it is recommended developments in some of the international
that the parties provide for a dispute standard forms have paved the way for a
resolution clause and agree to a dispute more balanced claims procedure.
resolution mechanism that will be
best suited considering the nature of Where the contractor has issued a notice
construction project and disputes that of claim, he will generally also be required
may arise between the parties. to deliver details of the claim within a
specific period of time after delivery of
Contractual Claims procedure the notice. As with delivery of the notice
of claim, the particulars of claim may also
Each of the standard forms of be subject to a time-bar provision where
construction contract provides for a it is submitted out of time. The particulars
specific procedure that the parties of claim need to show supporting
should follow if either one of the parties evidence for the claim, including details
believes it is entitled to claim relief in on the quantum of the claim and, often,
terms of the contract. Generally the a revised programme of works where the
party that believes an event entitles it to claim is one for extension of time.
relief under the contract will be required
to deliver a notice to the opposing The notice and particulars of claim are
contract party. The notice usually has to submitted to the employer’s independent
provide details of the event, the effect contracts manager (referred to mostly
or damage caused by the event, and the as “Engineer”, “Project Manager” or
relief which the party seeks as a result of “Principal Agent”) for determination
the event. Often, for the contractor, such within a specified period of time.
Guide – Construction Contracts
Guide – Construction Contracts
Useful links
Overview of Bowmans
Construction Team
We are proud to be one of the most Our recent experience includes assisting
recognized full service construction teams South Africa’s principal energy utility
in the sector in Africa. with all aspects of its two new flagship
coal-fired power plants; advising an
We assist clients throughout the project Asian port authority on the first public
life cycle of complex infrastructure and private partnership port in East Africa;
construction projects. This includes all and representing an important member
stages of development and delivery and of China’s real estate industry before the
extends to financing and disputes under National Environmental Tribunal against a
all forms of construction contracts. third party seeking to halt the development
of its African real estate headquarters in
We have a wealth of experience that cuts Kenya. In addition, we are presently advising
across multiple specialist sectors including on the development and construction of
energy, manufacturing, mining, real estate, East Africa’s first carrier neutral data centre,
transport, telecoms and utilities. based on a suite of FIDIC contracts.
Our thorough understanding of various Through our footprint in Africa, including the
standard forms of contracts, including OHADA region, and our strong relationships
FIDIC, the NEC and the JBCC, allows us with firms on the ground in other key
to help clients manage their risk in tandem jurisdictions, we are well placed to provide
with their risk appetites. cross-border advice spanning the full range
of legal services to clients doing business
Our disputes expertise extends from in this sector.
mediation, arbitration and litigation
to negotiating and structuring major Our specialist construction and engineering
settlement agreements which often lawyers serve clients ranging from
deal with interconnected and complex major contractors to promoters, leading
commercial and regulatory issues developers, funders, purchasers, tenants
related to the public sector. and occupiers among others.
Guide – Construction Contracts
Key Contacts
Head of Real Estate and Construction
Nairobi, Kenya
Johannesburg, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Guide – Construction Contracts
Johannesburg, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town
T: +27 21 480 7800
E: [email protected]
Dar es Salaam
T: +255 76 898 8640
E: [email protected]
T: +27 31 265 0651
E: [email protected]
T: +27 11 669 9000
E: [email protected]
T: +256 41 425 4540
E: [email protected]
T: +254 20 289 9000
E: [email protected]
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