Introduction To Network Function Virtualization Concept and Standardization

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Introduction to Network Function

Virtualization: concept and


Facultad de Informática, Universidad de Murcia

Miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021
Carlos J. Bernardos <[email protected]>
Who am I? who are you?
• Who am I?
• Telecommunication Engineer, PhD in Telematics
• Associate professor at UC3M
• Research interests: mobility, Wireless networks and,
lately, network virtualization and 5G
• H2020 projects: coordinator of 5Growth
• Standardization contributor: IETF and ETSI
• Network function virtualization
• Introduction: Motivation and history of NFV
• Definition
• Fields of Application and Use Cases
• Benefits, Challenges and Requirements for NFV
• Enablers for NFV
• NFV architecture
• High-level architecture
• Network services in NFV
• NFV terminology
• ETSI NFV reference architecture
• Virtual Network Functions Architecture
• NFV implementations
• References
Network function virtualization

◆ Where do we come from?

Where are we going?

I have to configure a new

service in the network

• Traditional telecommunications industry
• Based on deploying physical proprietary equipment for each function that is
part of a given service
• Service components have strict chaining/ordering that must be reflected in
the network topology
• Requirements for high quality, stability and protocol adherence
➢ This has led to long product cycles,
very low service agility and heavy
dependence on specialized hardware

• Users increasingly demand more diverse and short-lived services with high
data rates
• Need for purchase, store and operate
new physical equipment
• New and rapidly changing skills to
operate and manage the equipment
• Dense deployment of network equipment High CAPEX
and OPEX
• Cannot be translated in higher subscription costs

• Providers forced to find new ways of building more dynamic and service-aware
networks, with shorter product cycles, cheaper and more agile

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• Collaboration around NFV started in Oct. 2012
• Leading operators and service providers authored the NFV Whitepaper
• 7 of these operators selected the ETSI to be the home of the Industry
Specification Group (ISG) for NFV: ETSI ISG NFV
• Now, much more people working on NFV
• 79 members + 44 participants in ETSI NFV (Dec. 2020)
• But, membership went under renovation in 2019: 125 members + 185 participants in
ETSI NFV (as of Jan. 2018)
• ISGs are not meant to develop standards
• Their recommendations are expected to be enforced by other SDOs such as 3GPP
• BUT, the ETSI NFV ISG is now doing standards

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• All ETSI NFV normative deliverables are grouped into releases
• A release is defined as “a set of deliverables that specify a well defined, stable
and internally consistent set of functions”
• Group Specifications (GS)
• Group Reports (GR)
• Each release addresses a set of
• Capabilities (Rel-2): “ability of an item to perform an action under given internal
conditions in order to meet some demand”
• Features (Rel-3): “functionality which represents added value to the system for a defined
set of users”

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• Release 1 (2013-2014) • Release 3 (2017-2018)
• Completed in Jan. 2015 (first release in • Started in May 2017
Oct. 2013) • 23 features (20 new and 3 carried over
• 16 GS from Rel-2)
• Release 2 (2015-2016) • 23 GS + 14 GR
• “Completed” in Sep. 2016 • Release 4 (2019-2020)
• 12 capabilities
• 23 GS + 5 GR

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• Working groups initially chartered (Release 1):
• NFV INF (Infrastructure): Compute, Hypervisor, and Network Infrastructure
• NFV MAN (Management and Orchestration): issues and recommendations
around Management and Orchestration
• NFV SWA (Software Architecture): software architecture for virtual network
functions (VNFs)
• NFV PER (Performance): performance and portability
• This group also created the PoC Framework
• NFV REL (Reliability): reliability and resiliency issues
• NFV SEC (Security): security issues, both for the virtual functions and their
management systems

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• In Release 2, more WGs (REL and SEC remain):
• EVE: Evolution and Ecosystem
• IFA: Interfaces and Architecture
• REL: Reliability, Availability and Assurance
• SEC: Security
• TST: Testing, Experimentation and Open Source
• SOL: Solutions
• TSC: Technical Steering Committee
• NOC: Network Operators
• Each working group is responsible for a series of Work Items (WIs)

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• In Release 3: • Security analysis and management
• Information modelling • Reliability and availability
• End-to-end multi-site services considerations
management • DevOps and continuous integration
• Additional considerations on • Testing
management and orchestration • Policy management
• Acceleration technologies • Identification of "Touchpoints" with
• Charging, billing and accounting information Models of other
• License management organizations

❖ The NFV PoC Framework still plays a major role

❖ NFV Plugtests building on NFV PoC Framework key achievements
❖ Release 2 specification maintenance (bug fixes)

History of NFV: ETSI NFV ISG
• In Release 4:
• NFVI evolution, focusing on enhancements to support lightweight virtualization
technologies, optimizing NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) abstraction for reducing the
coupling of VNFs to infrastructure, and optimizing networking integration into the
infrastructure fabric to ease the connectivity for Virtualized Network Functions
(VNFs) and Network Services (NSes)
• Enhancing NFV automation and capabilities, covering aspects such as: improving
life-cycle management and orchestration, the simplification of VNF and NS
management aspects leveraging virtualization, and handling advances in
autonomous networking
• Evolving the NFV-MANO (Management and Orchestration) framework, focusing
primarily on optimizing internal NFV-MANO capability exposure and usage
• Accompanying operationalization aspects which include: the simplification of NFV
to ease development and deployment of sustainable NFV based solutions,
verification (and certification) procedures and mechanisms, and operationalization,
integration and use of NFV with other management and network frameworks

History of NFV: ETSI docs (up to Jan. 2019)
Standard number Document title
Rel1 GS NFV 001 (*) Use Cases

Rel1 GS NFV 002 Architectural Framework

Rel1 GS NFV 003 Terminology for Main Concepts in NFV

Rel1 GS NFV 004 Virtualisation Requirements
Rel1 GS NFV-REL 001 Resiliency Requirements

Rel1 GS NFV-MAN 001 Management and Orchestration

Rel1 GS NFV-SWA 001 Virtual Network Functions Architecture
Rel1 GS NFV-INF 001 Infrastructure Overview
GS NFV-IFA 001 Report on Acceleration Technologies & Use Cases
Rel1 GS NFV-SEC 001 NFV Security; Problem Statement
GS NFV-PER 001 NFV Performance & Portability Best Practises
GS NFV-SEC 002 Cataloguing security features in management software
GS NFV-REL 002 Report on Scalable Architectures for Reliability Management
Rel1 GS NFV-PER 002 Proof of Concepts; Framework
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 002 (*) VNF Interfaces Specification
GS NFV-EVE 003 Report on NFVI Node Physical Architecture Guidelines for Multi-Vendor Environment

Rel1 GS NFV-INF 003 Infrastructure; Compute Domain 15

History of NFV: ETSI docs (up to Jan. 2019)
Standard number Document title
Rel1 GS NFV-SEC 003 NFV Security; Security and Trust Guidance
GS NFV-REL 003 Report on Models and Features for End-to-End Reliability

Rel1 GR NFV-SEC 003 Security and Trust Guidance

Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 003 vSwitch Benchmarking and Acceleration Specification

Rel1 GS NFV-INF 004 Infrastructure; Hypervisor Domain
GS NFV-EVE 004 Report on the application of Different Virtualisation Technologies in the NFV Framework
GS NFV-REL 004 Report on Active Monitoring and Failure Detection
GS NFV-SEC 004 Report on Lawful Interception Implications

Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 004 Management Aspects Specification

GS NFV-REL 005 Report on Quality Accountability Framework

Rel1 GS NFV-INF 005 Infrastructure; Network Domain

GS NFV-EVE 005 Report on SDN Usage in NFV Architectural Framework

Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 005 Or-Vi reference point - Interface and Information Model Specification
GS NFV-SEC 006 Report on Security Aspects and Regulatory Concerns

Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 006 Vi-Vnfm reference point - Interface and Information Model Specification

Rel1 GS NFV-INF 007 Infrastructure; Methodology to describe Interfaces and Abstractions

History of NFV: ETSI docs (up to Jan. 2019)
Standard number Document title
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 007 Or-Vnfm reference point - Interface and Information Model Specification
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 008 Ve-Vnfm reference point - Interface and Information Model Specification
GS NFV-IFA 009 Report on Architectural Options
GS NFV-SEC 009 Report on use cases and technical approaches for multi-layer host administration
Rel1 GS NFV-INF 010 Service Quality Metrics
GS NFV-SEC 010 Report on Retained Data problem statement and requirements
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 010 Functional requirements specification
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 011 VNF Packaging Specification
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 013 Os-Ma-Nfvo reference point - Interface and Information Model Specification
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 014 Network Service Templates Specification
GS NFV-TST 001 Report on Validation of NFV Environments and Services
GS NFV-TST 002 Report on NFV Interoperability Testing Methodology
Rel2 GR NFV-IFA 015 Report on NFV Information Model
Rel2 GR NFV-IFA 016 Information Modeling; Papyrus Guidelines
Rel2 GR NFV-IFA 017 UML Modeling Guidelines
Rel3 GR NFV-IFA 023 Report on Policy Management in MANO
History of NFV: ETSI docs (up to Jan. 2019)
Standard number Document title
Rel2 GR NFV-IFA 024 Report on External Touchpoints related to NFV Information Model
Rel3 GR NFV-EVE 010 Report on License Management for NFV
Rel3 GR NFV-EVE 012 Report on Network Slicing Support with ETSI NFV Architecture Framework
Rel3 GS NFV-SEC 012 System architecture specification for execution of sensitive NFV components
Rel3 GS NFV-SEC 013 Security Management and Monitoring specification
Rel3 GR NFV-REL 007 Report on the resilience of NFV-MANO critical capabilities
Rel3 GR NFV-TST 004 Guidelines for Test Plan on Path Implementation throught NGVI
GR NFV-TST 005 Report on use cases and recommendations for VNF Snapshot
Rel3 GR NFV-TST 007 Guidelines on Interoperability Testing for MANO

Rel2 GS NFV-TST 008 NFVI Compute and Network Metrics Specification

GR NFV-SEC 009 Report on use cases and technical approaches for multi-layer host administration
Rel3 GS NFV-EVE 007 Hardware Interoperability Requirements Specification
Rel3 GS NFV-IFA 019 Acceleration Resource Management Interface Specification
Rel3 GS NFV-IFA 018 Network Acceleration Interface Specification
Rel3 GR NFV-EVE 008 Report on Usage Metering and Charging Use Cases and Architectural Study

Rel3 GR NFV-IFA 021 Report on management of NFV-MANO and automated deployment of EM and other OSS
function 18
History of NFV: ETSI docs (up to Jan. 2019)
Standard number Document title
Rel3 GR NFV-IFA 028 Report on architecture options to support multiple administrative domain
GR NFV-SEC 011 Report on NFV LI Architecture
Rel3 GR NFV-IFA 022 Report on Management and Connectivity for Multi-Site Services
Rel3 GS NFV-SEC 014 Security Specification for MANO Components and Reference points
Rel2 GS NFV-IFA 027 Performance Measurements Specification
Rel3 GS NFV-IFA 031 Requirements and interfaces specification for management of NFV-MANO

Rel3 GS NFV-IFA 030 Multiple Administrative Domain Aspect Interfaces Specification

Rel2 GS NFV-SOL 004 VNF Package specification
Rel2 GS NFV-SOL 003 RESTful protocols specification for the Or-Vnfm Reference Point
Rel2 GS NFV-SOL 002 RESTful protocols specification for the Ve-Vnfm Reference Point
Rel2 GS NFV-SOL 001 NFV descriptors based on TOSCA specification
Rel3 GS NFV-TST 009 Specification of Networking Benchmarks and Measurement Methods for NFVI
GR NFV-IFA 012 Report on Os-Ma-Nfvo reference point - application and service management use cases and
Rel3 recommendations
Rel3 GS NFV-EVE 011 Specification of the Classification of Cloud Native VNF implementations
Plus, quite many drafts being discussed (Phase 4), available at: 19
Summary of release evolution
Release 1 Release 2 Release 3

• Focused on the feasibility of • Focuses on interoperability of • Focuses on feature enriching

NFV NFV solutions the NFV Architectural
• Delivered the baseline studies • Details requirements and Framework, readying NFV for
and specifications specification of interfaces and deployment
• Set the NFV Architecture: descriptors • Features such as:
• Infrastructure, • Realizes the interoperability • Charging and billing,
• Virtualized network of solutions based on the NFV • Licensing,
functions (VNF), Architecture, detailing • Policy framework,
• Integration of the VNFs • VNF and NS • Multi-site,
into Network Services Descriptors, • Cloud-native support,
(NS), and • Acceleration, • Etc.
• NFV Management and • Internal and external • Details new requirements and
Orchestration NFV-MANO interfaces specification of interfaces and
(NFVMANO) aspects at descriptors
different layers


• NFV is one (the?) way to address these challenges by leveraging
virtualization technologies
• Main idea: decoupling of physical network equipment from the
functions that run on them
• Capacity vs functionality
• Network functions provided
as plain software
• Opportunity for new players

• According to the ETSI NFV ISG:
“Network Functions Virtualisation aims to transform the way that network
operators architect networks by evolving standard IT virtualisation technology
to consolidate many network equipment types onto industry standard high
volume servers, switches and storage, which could be located in Datacentres,
Network Nodes and in the end user premises”
• A service can be decomposed into a set of Virtual Network Functions
• VNFs may then be relocated and instantiated at different network locations,
without requiring to buy and install new hardware


Source: ETSI NFV ISG – White Paper 1 23

Fields of Application and Use Cases
• NFV is applicable to any data plane packet processing and control plane
function in mobile and fixed networks. Some examples:
• Switching elements: BNG, CG-NAT, routers
• Mobile network nodes: HLR/HSS, MME, SGSN, GGSN/PDN-GW, RNC, Node B, eNode
• Functions contained in home routers and set top boxes to create virtualized home
• Tunneling gateway elements: IPsec/SSL VPN gateways
• Traffic analysis: DPI, QoE measurement
• Service Assurance, SLA monitoring, Test and Diagnostics
• NGN signaling: IMS
• Converged and network-wide functions: AAA servers, policy control and charging
• Application-level optimization: CDNs, Cache Servers, Load Balancers, Application
• Security functions: Firewalls, virus scanners, intrusion detection systems, spam

Fields of Application and Use Cases
• Many use cases considered. Some examples (proposed initially):
• A software-based DPI, providing advanced traffic analysis and multi-dimensional reporting
• Showing the possibility of making off-the-shelf hardware work at actual line rates
• IP node implementations, supporting for example CG-NAT and BRAS capabilities on standard
high-end servers
• Offering the opportunity for an effective re-use of hardware as the demand for such capabilities evolves
• The virtualization of services and capabilities that presently require dedicated hardware
appliances on customer premises, including firewall, web security, etc
• The virtualization of Content Distribution Networks (CDN)
• Extending and scaling Content Delivery Services more easily
• Maximizing hardware re-use in PoPs by being able to install other Service Delivery Applications (e.g. Web
Acceleration) on demand
• The virtualization of a mobile core network
• More cost efficient production environment, better resource utilization, more flexible network
management, hardware consolidation, easier multi-tenancy support and faster configuration of new
• …

One example of use case: vEPS
• Both the core (EPC) and the RAN can be mostly virtualized
• Motivation
• Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• Improved network usage efficiency
• Due to flexible allocation of different NFs on the HW pool
• Higher service availability and resiliency
• Provided by dynamic network reconfiguration
• Elasticity
• Capacity dedicated to each NF can be dynamically modified according to actual load on
the network, thus increasing scalability
• Topology reconfiguration
• Network topology can be dynamically reconfigured to optimize performance

One example of use case: vEPS


Center Data

Benefits of NFV (I)
• Reduced equipment costs and reduced power consumption through
consolidating equipment and exploiting the economies of scale of the
IT industry
• Increased velocity of Time to Market by minimizing the typical
network operator cycle of innovation
• Much more efficient test and integration
• Production, test and reference facilities can be run on the same infrastructure
• Targeted service introduction based on geography or customer sets is
• Services can be rapidly scaled up/down as required
• Service velocity is improved by provisioning remotely in software without any
site visits required

Benefits of NFV (II)
• Enabling a wide variety of eco-systems and encouraging openness
• Optimizing network configuration and/or topology in near real time
based on the actual traffic/mobility patterns and service demand
• Supporting multi-tenancy thereby allowing network operators to
provide tailored services and connectivity for multiple users,
applications or internal systems or other network operators, all co-
existing on the same hardware with appropriate secure separation of
administrative domains
• Reduced energy consumption by exploiting power management
features in standard servers and storage, as well as workload
consolidation and location optimization
• E.g., to concentrate the workload on a smaller number of servers during off-
peak hours (e.g. overnight) so that all the other servers can be switched off
Benefits of NFV (III)
• Improved operational efficiency by taking advantage of the higher
uniformity of the physical network platform and its homogeneity to
other support platforms:
• IT orchestration mechanisms provide automated installation, scaling-up and
scaling-out of capacity, and re-use of Virtual Machine (VM) builds
• Eliminating the need for application-specific hardware
• Reduction in variety of equipment for planning & provisioning
• Option to temporarily repair failures by automated re-configuration and
moving network workloads onto spare capacity using IT orchestration
• The potential to gain more efficiency between IT and Network Operations
• The potential to support in-service software upgrade (ISSU) with easy
reversion by installing the new version of a Virtualized Network Appliance
(VNA) as a new Virtual Machine (VM)

Challenges and Requirements for NFV (I)
• Portability/Interoperability
• define a unified interface which clearly decouples the software instances from
the underlying hardware
• Performance Trade-Off
• keep the performance degradation as small as possible by using appropriate
hypervisors and modern software technologies
• Migration and co-existence of legacy & compatibility with existing
• NFV must work in a hybrid network composed of classical physical network
appliances and virtual network appliances
• Management and Orchestration
• A consistent management and orchestration architecture is required →
reducing cost and time to integrate VNFs

Challenges and Requirements for NFV (II)
• Automation
• NFV will only scale if all of the functions can be automated
• Security & Resilience
• The security, resilience and availability of networks must not be impaired
• NFV should aim at improving network resilience and availability
• Integration
• “mix & match” servers, hypervisors and virtual appliances from different
vendors without incurring significant integration costs and avoiding lock-in

Challenges and Requirements for NFV (III)
• Network Stability
• The stability of the network should not be impacted when managing and
orchestrating a large number of virtual appliances between different
hardware vendors and hypervisors
• Simplicity
• Virtualized network platforms should be simpler to operate than those that
exist today
• Avoid trading the set of operational headaches existing today for a different
but equally intractable set of operational headaches

Enablers for NFV (I)
• NFV leverages modern technologies such as those developed for
cloud computing
• Virtualization mechanisms
• Hardware virtualization by means of hypervisors
• Virtual Ethernet switches for connecting traffic between virtual machines and physical
• High-performance packet processing through high-speed multi-core CPUs with high I/O
• Smart Ethernet NICs for load sharing and TCP Offloading, and routing packets directly to
Virtual Machine memory
• Poll-mode Ethernet drivers (rather than interrupt driven, for example Linux NAPI and
Intel’s DPDK)
• Orchestration and management mechanisms
• Enhance resource availability and usage (e.g., automatic instantiation of virtual
appliances in the network)

Enablers for NFV (II)
• Availability of open APIs for management and data plane control, like
OpenFlow, OpenStack, OpenNaaS
• Provide an additional degree of integration of Network Functions Virtualization and
cloud infrastructure
• The use of industry standard high volume servers is a key element in
the economic case for NFV
• NFV leverages the economies of scale of the IT industry. An industry standard
high volume server is a server built using standardized IT components (e.g.,
x86 architecture)
• There is a competitive supply of the subcomponents which are interchangeable inside
the server
• Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) will become increasingly uncompetitive
against general purpose processors

NFV architecture
NFV vs current practice
• In current networks: Network Functions
(NFs) are implemented as a combination
of vendor specific software and hardware
• NFV introduces a number of differences:
• Decoupling software from hardware
• HW and SW can evolve independently
• Flexible network function deployment
• Sharing resources is much easier
• Faster deployment of new services
• Dynamic scaling
• Greater flexibility, scaling can be done for example according to actual traffic
• Decoupling NFs from dedicated HW does not require virtualization of
resources, but note the gains of doing so

“The” NFV architecture
• Widely embraced architecture defined by ETSI
• Introduced in ETSI GS NFV 002
• Goals of the ETSI NFV architectural framework
• Outline an architecture that supports VNF operation across different
hypervisors and computing resources and which provides access to shared
storage, computation, and physical/virtual networking
• Outline a software architecture with VNFs as building blocks to construct VNF
Forwarding Graphs
• Define an interface between management and orchestration of NFV with
other management systems, such as EMS, NMS, and OSS/BSS
• Support a range of network services with different reliability and availability
levels leveraging virtualization techniques

“The” NFV architecture
• Goals of the ETSI NFV architectural framework (cont’d)
• Ensure the virtualization does not cause any new security threat
• Address performance related issues unique to virtualization
• Minimize the interworking impact between virtualized and non-virtualized network
• Aspects common to Physical and Virtualized Network Functions are left out
of the scope
• The specifics of the Network Functions themselves, their interface protocols, as well
as management functions related to the functionality performed by the NF
• Direct control, operation and management of physical network infrastructure
• The actual packet flow, control, operation and management of the E2E network
• Implementation details of the architecture itself

High-level NFV framework
• Composed of 3 key elements / domains
• Virtualized Network Function (VNF)
• Software implementation of a network function which is capable of running
over the NFVI
• NFV Infrastructure (NFVI)
• NFVI supports the execution of the VNF
• Includes the diversity of physical resources and how these can be virtualized
• NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO)
• Covers the orchestration and lifecycle management of physical and/or software
resources that support the infrastructure virtualization, and the lifecycle
management of VNFs

High-level NFV framework

Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs)


NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) NFV

Virtual Virtual Virtual Virtual
resources Compute Storage Network
Virtualization Layer
Compute Storage Network
Hardware resources

Network Services
• An end-to-end network service can be described by an NF Forwarding
Graph of interconnected Network Functions (NFs) and end points
• These network functions can be implemented in a single operator network or
interwork between different operator networks
• Some architectural options reported in GS NFV-IFA 009
• The underlying network function behavior contributes to the behavior of the
higher-level service
• Network service behavior: combination of the behavior of its functional blocks
(individual NFs, NF Sets, NF Forwarding Graphs, and/or the infrastructure network)

Network Services
• The end points and the network functions of the network service are
represented as nodes
• These nodes correspond to devices, applications, and/or physical server
• An NF Forwarding Graph can have network function nodes connected
by logical links
• Example: chain of network functions
• NFV area of activity within the operator-owned resources
• Customer-owned devices are out of the scope
• But virtualization and network-hosting of customer functions is possible and is in the
scope of NFV

Network Services End-to-end network service

Network Function (NF) Forwarding Graph

End End
Point A NF1 NF2 NF3 Point B

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Network 1 Network 2 Network 3

End Point A and the Network NF Forwarding Graph composed of End Point B and the Network
Functions are interconnected by NF1, NF2 and NF3 Functions are interconnected by
the Infrastructure Network 1 End-to-end via logical links provided
Network Network
Service Service the Infrastructure Network 3
(wired or wireless) by the Infrastructure Network 2 (wired or wireless)

Network Services in NFV
End-to-end network service

VNF-FG Corresponding to
NF Forwarding Graph in
previous slide VNF-
2A Virtual
2B resources
hosted on
VNF- machines

End End
Point A Virtualization Layer Point B

NFVI-PoP Hardware
NFVI-PoP resources
in physical
NFVI-PoP locations

NFV Principles
• VNFs are the building blocks used to create end-to-end network services
• Three key NFV principles are involved in creating practical network
• Service chaining
• VNFs are modular and each VNF provides limited functionality on its own
• For a given traffic flow within a given application, the service provider steers the flow through
multiple VNFs to achieve the desired network functionality
• Management and orchestration (MANO)
• Deploying and managing the lifecycle of VNF instances
• Examples: VNF instance creation, VNF service chaining, monitoring, relocation, shutdown, and
• MANO also manages the NFV infrastructure elements
• Distributed architecture
• A VNF may be made up of one or more VNF components (VNFC)
• Each VNFC implements a subset of the VNF’s functionality
• Each VNFC may be deployed in one or multiple instances. These instances may be deployed on
separate, distributed hosts to provide scalability and redundancy

Implications of NFV
• The NFV architectural framework addresses the following:

• The functionality that is required to be realized by the NFVI


• The functionality that is required due to decoupling network

functions into software and hardware VNF

• The functionality that is required for NFV-specific

management and orchestration MANO

• Let’s look more closely at the NFV architecture

NFV terminology (I)
Term Definition
Compute domain Domain within the NFVI that includes servers and storage
Infrastructure network Domain within the NFVI that includes all networking that interconnects compute/storage
domain infrastructure
Network Function (NF) Functional block within a network infrastructure that has well-defined external interfaces and
well-defined functional behavior. Typically, a network node or physical appliance

Network Functions Principle of separating network functions from the hardware they run on by using virtual
Virtualization (NFV) hardware abstraction
Network Functions The totality of all hardware and software components that build up the environment in which
Virtualization VNFs are deployed. The NFV-Infrastructure can span across several locations. The network
Infrastructure (NFVI): providing connectivity between these locations is regarded to be part of the NFVI
NFVI-Node Physical device[s] deployed and managed as a single entity, providing the NFVI Functions
required to support the execution environment for VNFs
NFVI-PoP N-PoP where a Network Function is or could be deployed as Virtual Network Function (VNF)

Network forwarding path Ordered list of connection points forming a chain of NFs, along with policies associated to the
Network Point of Presence Location where a Network Function is implemented as either a Physical Network Function (PNF)
(N-PoP) or a Virtual Network Function (VNF)

NFV terminology (II)
Term Definition
Network service Composition of Network Functions and defined by its functional and behavioral specification
Physical Network Function An implementation of a NF via a tightly coupled software and hardware system. This is typically
(PNF) a proprietary system
Virtual Machine (VM) A virtualized computation environment that behaves very much like a physical computer/server

Virtual network A topological component used to affect routing of specific characteristic information. The virtual
network is bounded by its set of permissible network interfaces. In the NFV architecture, a
virtual network routes information among the network interfaces of VM instances and physical
network interfaces, providing the necessary connectivity
Virtualized Network An implementation of an NF that can be deployed on a NFVI
Function (VNF)

VNF Forwarding Graph Graph of logical links connecting VNF nodes for the purpose of describing traffic flow between
(VNF FG) these network functions
VNF Set Collection of VNFs with unspecified connectivity between them

NFV reference architecture Os-Ma-nfvo
NFV Management and Orchestration
Ve-Vnfm-em Or-Vnfm
EM 1 EM 2 EM 3 EM 4
VNF Service, VNF and
Ve-Vnfm-vnf Manager(s) Infrastructure
VNF 1 VNF 2 VNF 3 VNF 4 Description

Virtual Virtual Virtual
Computing Storage Network

Virtualization Layer Nf-Vi Virtualized Or-Vi
Vi-Ha Infrastructure
Hardware resources Manager(s)

Computing Storage Network

Hardware Hardware Hardware Execution reference points Other reference points
Main NFV reference points
NFV reference architecture
• NFV infrastructure (NFVI)
• HW and SW resources that create the environment in which VNFs are deployed
• NFVI virtualizes physical computing, storage, and networking and places them into
resource pools
• Collection of VNFs implemented in SW to run on virtual computing, storage, and
networking resources, and
• Collection of element management systems (EMS) that manage the VNFs
• NFV management and orchestration (NFV-MANO)
• Framework for the management and orchestration of all resources in the NFV
environment (computing, networking, storage, and VM resources)
• Operational and business support systems implemented by the VNF service provider

NFV reference architecture
• The NFV Management and Orchestration (MANO) includes the
following functional blocks:
• NFV orchestrator (NFVO)
• Responsible for installing and configuring new network services (NS) and
virtual network function (VNF) packages, NS lifecycle management, global
resource management, and validation and authorization of NFVI resource
• VNF manager (VNFM)
• Oversees lifecycle management (e.g. instantiation, update, query, scaling,
termination) of VNF instances
• Virtualized infrastructure manager (VIM)
• Controls and manages the interaction of a VNF with computing, storage, and
network resources under its authority, in addition to their virtualization

NFV reference architecture: reference points

Source: ETSI NFV ISG webpage
• The NFVI is the combination of both HW and SW components which
build up the environment in which VNFs are deployed, managed and
• Can span across several locations
• Where NFVI-PoPs are operated
• The network providing connectivity between these locations is considered
part of the NFVI
• From VNF perspective, the virtualization layer and the HW resources
are a single entity providing the desired virtualized resources

NFVI: HW resources
• Physical resources include computing HW, storage and network
(nodes and links)
• Computing HW assumed to be commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS)
• Storage resources can be shared network attached storage (NAS) or storage
that resides on the server itself
• Network resources. 2 types of networks
• NFVI-PoP network
• Interconnecting the computing and storage resources contained in an NFVI-PoP
• Also includes specific switching and routing devices to allow external connectivity
• Transport network
• Interconnecting NFVI-PoPs, NFVI-PoPs to other networks owned by the same or different
network operator, and NFVI-PoPs to other network appliances or terminals not contained
within the NFVI-PoPs

NFVI: Virtualization layer and Virtualized resources
• Virtual resources are abstractions of the computing, storage and
network resources
• Abstraction achieved using the Virtualization layer
• Decouples the VNF software from the underlying hardware, thus ensuring a hardware
independent lifecycle for the VNFs
• Hypervisors and VMs for computing and storage resources
• The virtualization layer is responsible of
• Abstracting and logically partitioning physical resources
• Enabling the software that implements the VNF to use the underlying
virtualized infrastructure
• Providing virtualized resources to the VNF, so that the latter can be executed
• A VNF is envisioned to be deployed in one or several VMs
• ETSI GS NFV-EVE 004 discusses other virtualization technologies

NFVI: Virtualization layer and Virtualized resources
• Not restricted to any specific virtualization layer solution
• E.g., In some cases VMs may have direct access to hardware resources (e.g.,
network interface cards) for better performance
• Hypervisors is one of the present typical solutions for the deployment
of VNFs, but not the only possible one
• VNF operation should be independent of its deployment scenario
• Network HW is abstracted by the virtualization layer to realize
virtualized network paths that provide connectivity between VMs of a
VNF and/or between different VNFs
• Several techniques can be used, e.g., virtual networks and network overlays,
such as VLAN, VxLAN, NVGRE, etc.
• Also considered approaches that centralize the control plane of the transport
network and separating it from the forwarding plane, such as SDN

Virtualization Layering and NFVI Support
• The primary tools to realize the virtualization layer are the hypervisors
• The NFV architectural framework should accommodate a diverse range of
• The primary means of VNF deployment is instantiating it in one or
more VMs
• The virtualization layer should provide open and standard interfaces
• Independence of HW resources and portability
• Performance and cost efficiency are also important

NFVI: domains
• The NFVI encompasses 3 domains
• Compute domain Hypervisor
• Provides commercial off-the-shelf domain
(COTS) high-volume servers and NFVI
• Hypervisor domain Virtual Virtual Virtual
Computing Storage Network
• Mediates the resources of the compute
domain to the VMs of the software Virtualization Layer
appliances, providing an abstraction of Hardware resources
the hardware
Computing Storage Network
• Infrastructure network domain Hardware Hardware Hardware
• Comprises all the generic high volume
switches interconnected into a network Compute Infrastructure
that can be configured to supply domain network
infrastructure network services domain

• The MANO
• Provides the functionality required for the provisioning of the VNFs, and
related operations
• the configuration of the VNFs, and
• the configuration of the infrastructure the VNFs run on
• Includes orchestration and lifetime management of physical and/or software
resources supporting the infrastructure virtualization and the lifecycle
management of VNFs
• Includes databases used to store information and data models defining
deployment and lifecycle properties of functions, services and resources
• Defines interfaces used for communications between components of the
MANO, as well as coordination with traditional network management, such as

VNF (software) architecture
VNF in the NFV architecture
NFV software architecture
• Let’s talk about virtualizing network functions
• We know already some of the concepts behind NFV
• But, when it’s time to design a network service composed of VNFs, how do
we do it?
• What is the NFV software architecture?
• Software architectures describe the functionality of software systems from the viewpoints of
various stakeholders
• In NFV: Service Provider, Network Operator, and Manufacturer
• Some aspects have to be considered/covered
• Function and interfaces with the NFV architecture
• Support of MANO and NFVI requirements
• Best practices for NFV design

• ETSI GS NFV-SWA 001: “Virtual Network Functions Architecture”

VNF in the NFV architecture
VNF architecture
• A VNF is a Network Function capable of running on an NFVI and being
orchestrated by a NFVO and VNFM
• It has well-defined interfaces to other NFs via SWA1, the VNFM, its EM, and
the NFVI and a well-defined functional behavior





Vn-Nf Vn-Nf
Container interface
VNF in the NFV architecture
VNF architecture
• A VNF may implement a single network entity (NE) while another VNF
may implement groups of network entities
• Interfaces and behavior of the NE is defined by standardization organizations
(e.g., 3GPP or IETF)
• VNF Providers
• Structure the software providing the VNF into software components
(implementation view)
• Called VNF Components (VNFCs)
• Discussion: how does a VNF provider structure a VNF?
• Package those components into one or more images (deployment view)
• VNFs are implemented with one or more VNFCs

VNF in the NFV architecture
VNF architecture
• Putting together all the relevant terms…
• VNF: abstract entity that allows the software contract to be defined
• VNF Instance: runtime instantiation of the VNF
• VNFC: VNF Provider’s specific component of a VNF
• VNFC Instances (VNFCIs): executing constituents which make up a VNF

• Virtualisation Deployment Unit (VDU): it is a construct supporting the

description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a VNFC
• A VNFC instance created based on the VDU maps to a single virtualisation container (e.g.
a VM)

VNF in the NFV architecture
VNF architecture
• How is a network function defined by a VNF instantiated?
• VNF Manager create one or more VNFCIs
• Each VNFCI is in its own virtualization container
• These VNFCIs provide the functionality of the VNF, and expose whatever interfaces are
provided by that VNF
• The requirements for initial deployment state are described in the
VNF Descriptor (VNFD)
• including the connections between VNFCIs internal to the VNF (not visible to external
entities at the VNF level)
• Post-deployment operation capabilities (e.g., migration of the VMs containing VNFCIs,
scale up/down/in/out, etc.) also described in the VNFD
• Each VNF has exactly one associated VNFD

VNF Design Patterns
• We will go through common patterns in VNF design and operations
• Goal is capturing practically relevant points in the design space, from which
requirements on the VNFD, the NFVO and the NFVI can be derived

VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Internal Structure
• VNF = 1 or more VNFC
• A VNFC is a software entity deployed in a virtualization container
• VNFCs of a VNF are connected in a graph
• The same VNF may be realized differently by each VNF Provider

2 3
VNF with single component
VNF with multiple components
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Instantiation
• Each VNFC of a VNF is either parallelizable or non-parallelizable
• If parallelizable, it may be instantiated multiple times per VNF Instance, but
there may be a constraint on the minimum and maximum number of parallel
• If non-parallelizable, it shall be instantiated exactly once per VNF Instance

[1,1] [1,n]
1 111

non-parallelizable VNFC Parallelizable VNFC

(min. and max. # of instances)
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF States
• Each VNFC of a VNF may need to handle state information
• A VNFC that does not have to handle state information is a stateless VNFC
• A VNFC that needs to handle state information may be implemented either as
a stateful VNFC or as a stateless VNFC with external state (state data is held in
a data repository external to the VNFC)



1S 1S 1 S

stateless VNFC stateful VNFC VNFC w/ external state

VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Load Balancing Models
• 4 main models identified
• VNF-internal Load Balancer
• 1 VNF instance seen as 1 logical NF by a Peer NF
• The VNF has at least one VNFC that can be replicated and an internal load balancer
(which is also a VNFC)
• The VNFM instantiates the LB
• Examples: VNF Provider specific implementation of a scalable NF

Peer NF VNF 1
(VNFC) 111

VNF Internal Load Balancer

VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Load Balancing Models
• VNF-external Load Balancer
• N VNF Instances seen as 1 logical NF by a Peer NF
• VNFs may be of different VNF Providers, e.g. to increase resilience
• There is a load balancer external to the VNF (which may be a VNF itself)
• The NFVO may instantiate the VNF multiple times and add a LB (V)NF
• Example: Direct Server Return (DSR)
in front of a web-server

Peer NF LB (VNF)
(VNFC) 111


VNF External Load Balancer
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Load Balancing Models
• End-to-End Load Balancing
• N VNF instances seen as N logical NFs by a Peer NF
• VNFs may be of different VNF Providers, e.g. to increase resilience
• The Peer NF itself contains load balancing functionality
• The NFVO may instantiate multiple VNFs,
but does not instantiate a LB VNF 1 VNFC

Peer NF


VN E2E Load Balancing
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Load Balancing Models
• Infrastructure Network Load Balancer
• VNF instances seen as one logical NF by a Peer NF
• VNFs may be of different VNF Providers, e.g. to increase resilience
• The load balancer is provided by the NFVI
• The NFVO instantiates the VNF multiple times and configure a load balancer in the NFVI
• Example: NFVI providing load balancing
for several Firewall instances

Peer NF LB
(infrastructure) 111


VNF External Load Balancer
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Scaling Models
• 3 main models identified
• Auto scaling
• The VNFM triggers the scaling of VNF according to the rules in the VNFD
• For example, based on monitoring of resource utilization of the VNF's VMs, upon events
received from the VNF, the EM, the VIM, or locally generated
• Both scale out/in and scale up/down may be supported


Auto Scaling triggered by the VNFM

VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Scaling Models
• On-demand scaling (from VNF or EM)
• A VNF Instance or its EM monitors the states o the VNFC Instances and trigger a scaling
operation to the VNFM
• Through a explicit operation to add or remove VNFC instances (scale out/in) or to increase or
decrease resources of one of more VNFC instances (scale up/down)



On-demand scaling 76
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Scaling Models
• Scaling based on a management request
• Manually triggered scaling (e.g. by NOC operators),
• or OSS/BSS triggered scaling according to the rules in the VNFD by issuing requests to the
NFVO via an appropriate interface
• Both scale out/in and scale up/down may be supported



Scaling based on management request
VNF Design Patterns:
VNF Update and Upgrade
• As any other product, a VNF requires
• Updates. A VNF update does not introduce new functionality and/or new
• can be deployed without coordination with other VNFs participating in the same VNFFG
• Upgrades. A VNF upgrade might introduce new functionality and/or new
• may require planning on network service level
• Updates and Upgrades pose requirements for VNF Providers
• Provision of automatic procedures to execute the VNF Instance
update/upgrade as part of the VNF Package
• Controlling the progress of the process (including requests of virtual resources from the
• Supporting the roll-back (including returning the obtained resources)

Attributes describing
VNF's Requirements
• Virtualized Network Function Description (VNFD)
• Describes the deployment configuration and operational behavior of a VNF
• Deployment behavior: defines the state and environment for a VNF to be deployed
• Deployment flavor
• Operational behavior: defines the needed functions for a VNF to be operated and
managed properly
• It is a template capturing the general characteristics of each VNF and is used
to on-board the VNF

• More details can be found in the specification ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011

Attributes describing
VNF's Requirements
• The VNFD is composed of the following main information elements
• VNF identification data
• VNF specific data, such as
• Specific VNF configuration data
• Connectivity requirements and inter-dependencies of VNFCs
• VNFC data, such as
• Virtualization container files/images references
• Virtualized resource requirements, such as
• Compute, Storage and Network resources

Attributes describing
VNF's Requirements
• Deployment Behavior
• Virtualization containers
• Number of VNFCs required for this VNFs instantiation, including the corresponding
Virtualization container files/images references
• NFVI Resources
• Components and Relationship
• Location
• E.g., there might be a constraint for redundancy that dictates how many instances of a
VNF can be collocated in the same location
• Other constraints
• For example, regarding degree of isolation
• Operational Behavior
• Management Operations

VNF States and Transitions
• A number of generic internal states represent the status of the VNF
• Before a VNF can start its lifecycle, it has to be on-boarded
• On-boarding: process of registering the VNF with the NFVO and uploading the VNF data
(VNFD, SW images, etc)
• On-boarding is the responsibility of NFVO

State Description
Null A VNF Instance does not exist and is about to be created
Instantiated Not Configured VNF Instance does exist but is not configured for service
Instantiated Configured - Inactive A VNF Instance is configured for service
Instantiated Configured - Active A VNF Instance that participates in service
Terminated A VNF Instance has ceased to exist

VNF States and Transitions Configure
Scale (in/out/up/down)

Reset Instantiated - Configured

Not Configured Inactive Active




VNF instance state transitions

VNF States and Transitions:
The VNFD’s role in VNF instantiation VNFC ‘A’ VNFC ‘A’ VNFC ‘B’ VNFC ‘C’ VNF
• VNFD = specification template provided VNFC VNFC VNFC
binary binary
by the VNF Provider for describing VNFD

virtual resource requirements of a VNF OSv1 OS OSv1 OS OSv2 OS OSv3 OS


• Used by the MANO functions
to determine how to execute VNF lifecycle
operations (such as instantiation) VNFD VNFC A
• Besides resource requirements, a VNFD also • VNFC A
• 2 cores
• 4 GB RAM
contains unambiguous references to VNF scripts, etc
• 4 vNIC
binaries, scripts, configuration data, etc., • OSv1
• …
• VM1
necessary for the MANO functions to VNF
configure the VNF properly • 2 instances
• VNFC B • 1 cores
• The requirements for the NFVI resources • 1 instance
scripts, etc

2 vNIC
(e.g., connectivity requirements, • 1 instances
• OSv2 • …

bandwidth, latency, etc.) are also present in of VNFC C
the VNFD • VNFC C • 2 cores
binaries, • 8 GB RAM
scripts, etc • 4 vNIC
This a bit more complex: VDUs, deployment flavors… • OSv3 • 250 GB HD
• VM3 • …
NFV implementations
NFV Implementations (I)
• OSM: Open Source MANO (
• ETSI-hosted project to develop an Open Source NFV Management and
Orchestration (MANO) software stack aligned with ETSI NFV
• EPA support (Enhanced Platform Awareness)
• Multi VIM, multi site
• 5G ready
• Built from previously existing SW components:
• OpenMANO for Resource Orchestration
• Riftware for Service Orchestration
• Juju for VNF Config and Mgmt
• Nineth release available since Dec. 2020

NFV Implementations (II)
• OpenMANO (
• Open source project led by Telefonica,
• Aimed at implementing the ETSI NFV MANO framework, and addressing the
aspects related to performance and portability by applying Enhanced
Platform Awareness (EPA) principles
• 3 main components: openmano, openvim, and a graphical user interface

• Most of it has now moved to OSM

NFV Implementations (III)
• Open source project founded and hosted by the Linux Foundation
• Goal is to establish an open source reference platform which may be used to
validate multi-vendor, inter-operable NFV solutions
• Contributes improvements to relevant upstream open source projects, and
develop necessary new functionality both within OPNFV and upstream
• Tenth release
(OPNFV Jerma)
available since
December 2020

NFV Implementations (IV)
• ONAP: Open Network Automation
platform (
• Project combining ECOMP and Open-O
• Open source project for real-time, policy-driven orchestration and
automation of physical and virtual network functions
• Seventh release (Guilin)
available since
December 2020

NFV Implementations (V)
• Open Baton (
• Open Baton is a ETSI NFV compliant MANO framework
• Release 6 available


• NFV decouples SW from HW

• Enabling independent evolution
• Flexible network function deployment
• Dynamic scaling

• ETSI NFV architecture as “de-facto” framework

• Lot of work done so far, but more coming still

• Other SDOs adopting virtualization as key tool/enabler

• ETSI NFV ISG documents
• “Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud,” William
Stallings, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1st edition, 2015
• “Network Function Virtualization,” Ken E. Gray and Thomas D. Nadeau, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2016
• “Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud,”
William Stallings, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1st edition, 2015
• Sections 7.5, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3
• “Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Architectural Framework,“
ETSI GS NFV 002, V1.2.1 (2014-12)
• “Network Function Virtualization: State-of-the-art and Research
Challenges,” R. Mijumbi et al., in IEEE Communications Surveys &
Tutorials, 2015


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