Account Statement - Aug 31, 2020
Account Statement - Aug 31, 2020
Account Statement - Aug 31, 2020
Portfolio Allocation
Account Summary Opening Balance Closing Balance
This statement shall be conclusive if not objected to in writing within ten days (except with respect to debit card transactions). Errors and omissions exempted. Please address all communications to the firm and not to the individuals.
Address changes or other material changes in your account should be directed to the office servicing your account. Kindly mention your account number. This statement should be retained for income tax purposes.
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Portfolio Summary
Securities Held in Account Sym/Cusip Acct Type Qty Price Mkt Value Est. Dividend Yield % of Total Portfolio
Bank of America
BAC Margin 28.178735 $25.74 $725.32 $19.86 4.28%
Estimated Yield: 2.74%
British Petroleum
BP Margin 5.390032 $20.93 $112.81 $13.03 0.67%
Estimated Yield: 11.55%
Blackstone Group
BX Margin 16.113733 $52.95 $853.22 $29.97 5.04%
Estimated Yield: 3.51%
CSCO Margin 25 $42.22 $1,055.50 $35.52 6.23%
Estimated Yield: 3.36%
JPMorgan Chase
JPM Margin 12 $100.19 $1,202.28 $42.12 7.10%
Estimated Yield: 3.50%
KO Margin 53 $49.53 $2,625.09 $85.34 15.50%
Estimated Yield: 3.25%
OUT Margin 56 $16.93 $948.08 $60.46 5.60%
Estimated Yield: 6.38%
STORE Capital
STOR Margin 21 $27.04 $567.84 $28.80 3.35%
Estimated Yield: 5.07%
T Margin 60 $29.81 $1,788.60 $123.25 10.56%
Estimated Yield: 6.89%
VZ Margin 16 $59.27 $948.32 $39.37 5.60%
Estimated Yield: 4.15%
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin 85.00324 $39.94 $3,395.03 $290.36 20.05%
Estimated Yield: 8.55%
Account Activity
Description Symbol Acct Type Transaction Date Qty Price Debit Credit
Cash Div: R/D 2020-07-10 P/D 2020-08-03 - 15 shares at 0.615 VZ Margin CDIV 08/03/2020 $9.23
Cash Div: R/D 2020-07-10 P/D 2020-08-03 - 56 shares at 0.52 T Margin CDIV 08/03/2020 $29.12
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/03/2020 0.287459 $41.74 $12.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
American Airlines
AAL Margin Sell 08/04/2020 6 $11.72 $70.32
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 02376R102
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/04/2020 0.935781 $42.74 $40.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
British Petroleum
BP Margin Sell 08/05/2020 35 $23.84 $834.38
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 055622104
British Petroleum
BP Margin Sell 08/05/2020 40 $23.83 $953.20
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 055622104
British Petroleum
BP Margin Sell 08/05/2020 2 $23.98 $47.95
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 055622104
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Account Activity
Description Symbol Acct Type Transaction Date Qty Price Debit Credit
British Petroleum
BP Margin Sell 08/05/2020 4 $23.96 $95.84
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 055622104
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/05/2020 19 $43.86 $833.34
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/05/2020 20 $43.86 $877.20
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/05/2020 3 $43.90 $131.72
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
T Margin Buy 08/06/2020 1 $30.00 $30.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 00206R102
American Airlines
AAL Margin Sell 08/06/2020 10 $13.10 $130.95
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 02376R102
American Airlines
AAL Margin Sell 08/06/2020 5 $13.12 $65.61
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 02376R102
Cash Div: R/D 2020-08-03 P/D 2020-08-10 - 16 shares at 0.37 BX Margin CDIV 08/10/2020 $5.92
KO Margin Buy 08/06/2020 1 $47.25 $47.25
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 191216100
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/06/2020 0.78 $43.62 $34.03
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
Bank of America
BAC Margin Buy 08/07/2020 1.967891 $25.41 $50.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 060505104
Wells Fargo
WFC Margin Sell 08/07/2020 2 $24.40 $48.79
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 949746101
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Account Activity
Description Symbol Acct Type Transaction Date Qty Price Debit Credit
T Margin Buy 08/11/2020 2 $30.66 $61.33
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 00206R102
Bank of America
BAC Margin Buy 08/11/2020 3 $27.46 $82.37
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 060505104
Bank of America
BAC Margin Buy 08/11/2020 3 $27.44 $82.31
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 060505104
Bank of America
BAC Margin Buy 08/11/2020 0.1 $27.44 $2.74
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 060505104
Blackstone Group
BX Margin Buy 08/11/2020 0.113733 $52.76 $6.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 09260D107
KO Margin Buy 08/11/2020 1 $48.02 $48.02
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 191216100
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/11/2020 4 $45.86 $183.44
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
Exxon Mobil
XOM Margin Buy 08/11/2020 1 $45.78 $45.78
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 30231G102
JPMorgan Chase
JPM Margin Sell 08/11/2020 1 $105.70 $105.71
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 46625H100
JPMorgan Chase
JPM Margin Sell 08/11/2020 2 $105.87 $211.75
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 46625H100
OUT Margin Buy 08/11/2020 1 $16.20 $16.20
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 69007J106
STORE Capital
STOR Margin Buy 08/11/2020 1 $26.20 $26.20
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 862121100
VZ Margin Buy 08/11/2020 1 $58.90 $58.90
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 92343V104
Wells Fargo
WFC Margin Sell 08/11/2020 10 $25.63 $256.30
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 949746101
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Account Activity
Description Symbol Acct Type Transaction Date Qty Price Debit Credit
Wells Fargo
WFC Margin Sell 08/11/2020 10 $25.65 $256.52
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 949746101
Bank of America
BAC Margin Buy 08/12/2020 0.110844 $27.06 $3.00
Unsolicited, CUSIP: 060505104
Description Acct Type Transaction Trade Date Settle Date Qty Price Debit Credit
Important Information
Robinhood Securities, LLC (“RHS”) carries your account as the clearing RHS acts as clearing agent for your trades. Your account, which was Robinhood will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly.
broker by arrangement with your introducing broker-dealer, Robinhood introduced to us by RHF, is established under your name on a “fully disclosed” If we take more than ten (10) business days to do this, we will credit your
Financial LLC (“RHF”). If this is a margin account and we maintain a special basis at RHS. You remain a customer of RHF. account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of
miscellaneous account for you, this is a combined statement of your general the money during the time it takes Robinhood to complete our investigation.
As required, under SEC rules, both the Firm’s Order Routing Report as well as
account and special miscellaneous account maintained for you under
information regarding specific order routing information is available free of If you participate in Robinhood Cash Management, your uninvested cash is
Regulation T issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
charge upon request. swept into accounts at FDIC-insured program banks, where your uninvested
System. The permanent record of the special miscellaneous account as
cash will earn interest from the program banks and be eligible for FDIC
required by Regulation T is available for your inspection at your request. As a clearing agent, we provide securities clearance and may provide order
insurance up to applicable limits, subject to FDIC rules. Please see the
execution based on RHF instructions. RHS will not be involved with or have
The per annum rate of interest charged on debit balances in your account is Robinhood Securities, LLC & Robinhood Financial LLC Insured Network
any responsibility for decisions regarding securities transactions in your
shown on this statement. This rate may change from time to time in Deposit Sweep Program Disclosures, available at
account. RHF will be responsible for opening, approving and monitoring all
accordance with fluctuations in interest rates. Interest is computed from the disclosure, for the terms and conditions of this sweep program, including
activities in connection with your account. The entry of orders and any
1st day of the month to the last day of the month. The interest is based on the information regarding FDIC insurance coverage.
instructions regarding the deposit or withdrawal of securities or monies
average daily balance in your account with us, and for the actual number of
should be made through RHF. RHF and RHS are members of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
days based on an interest year of 360 days. When calculating margin
(“FINRA”), and we are required to inform you of the availability of the FINRA
interest, free credit balances in all accounts will be offset against any debit in In addition to the above mentioned services, RHS will provide cashiering
Investor Brochure, which contains information on FINRA BrokerCheck. You
the margin account and the interest will be charged on the new debit balance. services, safeguarding of funds and securities while in our possession,
may contact FINRA at 800-289-9999 or via their website
monitoring compliance with applicable credit Regulation T and RHS internal
We are required to report to the Internal Revenue Service all cash dividends RHS carries your account and acts as your custodian for funds and securities
policies, preparing and making accessible your account records (including
and interest credited to your account on securities held for you in our name. deposited with us directly by you, through RHF as a result of transactions we
transaction confirmations and periodic statements of your account).
All dividends and interest credits should be included in your income tax process to your account. Any suspected inaccuracy or discrepancy in your
return. The dividend totals reflected in the Income and Expense Summary are account statement must be promptly reported to RHF. In order to protect your
inclusive of both taxable and non-taxable dividends. rights, please confirm any oral communications in writing and include your
Information relative to fees and any other charges incurred in connection with
brokerage account number. General inquiries or concerns regarding your
listed option transactions occurring during the month has previously been Interest charges to your account may be based on the size and net debit account should be directed to: [email protected].
furnished to you in confirmation of such transactions. A summary of the balance during the interest period. These rates are subject to revision without
information will be made available to you promptly upon request. Exercise notice in accordance with any changes in the broker call loan rate, as The SEC requires all broker-dealers that route orders in equity securities and
assignment notices for option contracts are allocated among customer short published in the Wall Street Journal. For more complete information regarding options to make available quarterly reports that present a general overview of
positions pursuant to a manual procedure which randomly selects from interest charges to customers, consult the RHF Fee Schedule, available at their routing practices. The reports must identify the significant venues to
amongst all customer short option positions including those contracts which which customer orders were routed for execution during the applicable
are subject to exercise. All short American style option positions are liable for quarter and disclose the material aspects of the broker-dealers relationship
assignment at any time whereas European style options are assigned at We also offer Robinhood Cash Management as an additional feature of your with such venue. In addition, the Rule (SEC 606) requires broker-dealers to
expiration. A more detailed description of our random allocation procedure is account. Robinhood Cash Management includes debit card access to your disclose, upon customer request, the venues to which the individual
available upon request. account and automatic sweep of uninvested cash to bank deposits. If you customer’s orders were routed for the six months prior to the request, and
participate in Robinhood Cash Management, your use of the debit card, and the execution time for the orders that were executed. For further information,
You are to promptly advise Robinhood of any material changes concerning your rights with respect to debit card transactions, will be governed by the please contact RHF.
your investment objectives or financial situation by updating your information Robinhood Debit Card Agreement, which has been provided to you and is
using the Robinhood platform or by contacting [email protected]. available at Statement of Financial Condition
Robinhood Securities, LLC. unaudited Statement of Financial Condition as of
Our financial statement is available for your personal inspection; it can also In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, including your June 30, 2020 is available on the Company’s website at
be emailed to you upon request. debit card transactions, or if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if A paper copy may be requested at no cost by
you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or calling 1-(800)-282-1327. On June 30, 2020, Robinhood Securities, LLC. had
RHS is a Member of SIPC, which protects securities customers of its
receipt, email Robinhood at [email protected]. Robinhood must hear from a net capital of $385,413,939, which was $315,419,643 in excess of its
members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash).
you no later than sixty (60) days after you were sent the FIRST statement on required net capital of $27,997,718.
Explanatory brochure available upon request or at
which the problem or error appeared.
Any free credit balances represent funds payable upon demand which, PLEASE RETAIN THIS STATEMENT AS IT WILL BE HELPFUL IN PREPARING
A. Tell Robinhood your name and account number. YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS AND MAY BE NEEDED ALONG WITH
although properly accounted for on our books and records, is not segregated,
B. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS TO VERIFY INTEREST CHARGES IN YOUR
and may be used in the conduct of this firm’s business as permissible under
explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or ACCOUNT. THIS STATEMENT SHALL BE DEEMED CONCLUSIVE UNLESS
the SEC Rule 15c3-2.
why you need more information. OBJECTED TO IN WRITING WITHIN 10 BUSINESS DAYS.
Notice to Customers C. Tell Robinhood the dollar amount of the suspected error.