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SHUTTLE Final flight of Atlantis could bring space science down with a bump p.6 WORLD VIEW The battle to save Europes fisheries misses a trick p.7

ALARM CALL Nesting birds move home to avoid noisy chipmunks p.8

Taken for a ride

Underhand attempts by the US Congress to bypass regulatory decisions made by federal agencies erode science-based policy.

hen is science-informed policy not science-informed policy? When US lawmakers saddle must-pass bills with riders that bypass regulatory decisions. Exhibit A: the removal of the grey wolves in several US states from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The Department of the Interior yanked these animals from the list, effective from 5May, because it was ordered to by Congress, in language tacked onto the appropriations bill for fiscal year 2011 by lawmakers in western states. The wolf was arguably already on its way to delisting the Department of the Interior wanted to remove it, but was being prevented by the courts. But the wolf s forcible removal from the list at the whim of a handful of politicians sets a dangerous precedent. Exhibit B: the House version of the still in-process agriculture and food appropriations bill has an amendment that bans the Food and Drug Administration from using its funding to approve genetically modified salmon for human consumption. The Alaska congressman responsible for introducing the amendment was motivated not by aversion to genetically modified organisms, but by straightforward protection of his constituents. He sees the fast-growing salmon produced by AquaBounty of Waltham, Massachusetts, as a potential threat to wild-salmon fisheries in his state. Are such moves legitimate? The Center for Biological Diversity, a wildlife-advocacy group in Tucson, Arizona, has already sued the government over the delisting of the wolf. The group argues that the move is an unconstitutional breach of US separation of powers, because action in Congress has effectively nullified rulings by the judicial branch. And Ronald Stotish, chief executive of AquaBounty, said in a statement on 16 June, Whether or not you support this transgenic salmon, we should all agree these types of shenanigans have no place in a complex scientific debate. These actions threaten the fundamental basis of a science-based regulatory process. The company says that the salmon amendment will be thrown out during the lawmaking process; it may well be right. Philosophically, there may be nothing inherently wrong with Congress adding such riders to bills. After all, agencies exist to carry out the law as decided by Congress, and if the law changes, so does the business of the agency. There is even a seldom-invoked procedure, laid out in the 1996 Congressional Review Act, that allows Congress to cancel any rule made by any agency by joint resolution, just because it wants to. Ultimately, policy is meant to be the will of the people as expressed through the actions of a representative government. Just because these riders are above board does not mean they are a good idea. There is no chance that a busy Congress will fiddle with all of the nearly 4,000 rules made each year by US government agencies, but there are always regulations that rise to public notice and offer traction to a lawmaker eager to dash off a rider and add it the nearest massive, essential bill. Congress already has constitutional routes to influence agency decisions, through budget processes and legislation

to frame the function of the agencies. Riders are sneaky short cuts that dont get debated properly and dont deserve to succeed. Whole agencies, from the Food and Drug Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency, were created because the people of the United States, through the medium of their elected representatives, decided that taking a scientific approach to certain decisions was a good idea. Instead of setting soot-emission limits for factories through the legislative branch, for example, the government of the United States, like that of almost every nation on the planet, decided The people to hand the job to informed experts. of the United There is a rising anti-expert zeitgeist among States decided US politicians, which could help to explain that taking the legislative incursions into the business of a scientific agency scientists. Perhaps these incursions are also strikes at the political appointees who approach was run the agencies, who are viewed by many as a good idea. ideologically opposed to a Republican-heavy Congress because they were appointed by President Barack Obama. Would objecting to such legal riders be undemocratic unAmerican, even? If todays voters prefer to make decisions without scientific input, should their wishes go unopposed? No. Scientists are voters with a voice too. And most of them probably agree that policy set with scientific input is better than policy set without it. Agency regulatory processes can be slow. They can be unsubtle and ignore the nuances of circumstances. They are, without exception, highly bureaucratic. But for many questions, from approval of new drugs to the management of fisheries, decisions made by agencies and informed by experts are better for everyone.

Activation energy

The US Department of Energy must learn from its shoddy response to misconduct allegations.

he concept of a conflict of interest is crucial to the proper handling of alleged scientific fraud. Investigators appointed to review misconduct allegations should not have close links to either the complainant or the respondent scientists, and the most enlightened institutional policies include clauses to guard against real and apparent conflicts of interest intelligent phrasing that makes it possible to query the wisdom of an individuals appointment to an inquiry panel without having to question their objectivity. Most policies guard less well against another kind of conflict of
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interest: affiliations to an institution. Managers and administrators have an apparent interest in playing down the extent of any problems at their institutions. A finding of misconduct can result in bad publicity and financial penalties, not to mention the abrupt severance of professional relationships with colleagues who are often well liked and respected. For taxpayer-funded research, the check on these institutional conflicts of interest should be government oversight. But in many countries, such oversight is patchy or nonexistent. Even in the United States, where a federal policy mandates oversight of institutions by government funding agencies, there are clear and surprising failings as revealed by a lawsuit that brought to light details of a misconduct investigation overseen by the US Department of Energy (DOE; see page 20). No misconduct was discovered, but errors of judgement were. The oversight of the investigation had several problems, including that the adjudicating officials did not read the inquirys report or keep a final copy of it, and that they approved an outcome on the basis of meetings and telephone calls with a lab manager, rather than their own scrutiny of the evidence. The officials who oversaw the investigation were the people who funded the research in the first place again, there is an apparent conflict of interest. DOE officials say that their actions are consistent with federal policy, but they seem disconcertingly casual about it. Important decisions were taken informally by a small group of officials and an adviser who apparently shared a common interest: to see the matter quietly resolved. The procedure ought to be more formal, better documented and even adversarial, with the institutional managers required to satisfy officials whom they do not know and who have no stake in the case outcome. This is closer to the more careful oversight of alleged misconduct by both the Office of Research Integrity at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the inspector-general of the National Science Foundation. No wonder policy experts are highly critical of the DOE. One influential US watchdog group, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) in Washington DC, contacted during Natures reporting of the failures described above, is now preparing a public letter to Steven Chu, the US energy secretary, to argue that the DOE needs a professional office of research integrity. The DOE does have an Office of Inspector General, but it typically handles more conOfficials who ventional alleged financial waste and fraud adjudicate not scientific misconduct, which requires misconduct specialized expertise. The National Institutes cases must take of Health (NIH), funded by the DHHS, has a oversight more much higher incidence of misconduct allegations in research than does the DOE. POGO seriously. suggests plausibly that this is the result of a rigorous scientific oversight system that encourages whistleblowers to come forward, rather than of any greater integrity among DOEfunded scientists. Having an office of research integrity at the DOE could remedy this situation, and might also be politically astute. In a climate in which conservatives are looking for reasons to cut science budgets, and in which energy and climate research is a hot political topic, the DOE needs to be proactive to prevent scandals about alleged scientific misconduct escalating. One needs only to think of the bruising congressional inquiries into NIH-funded science in the 1980s to show the dangers of taking research integrity for granted. In the meantime, DOE officials who adjudicate misconduct cases must take oversight more seriously. Their goals should be to prevent retaliation against whistleblowing scientists who have raised concerns, to ensure that those who have been unfairly accused are fairly exonerated and to reach the truth about the integrity of the science they fund. A careful look at the evidence is the first step. depending instead on bulky boosters and its external fuel tank to give it an extra nudge into orbit systems that were responsible for the catastrophic loss of Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003. Each accident revealed flaws in both the design and the operation of the shuttle fleet. Yet, despite its many shortcomings, it is wrong to condemn the shuttle as a snub-nosed albatross around the neck of research. Like it or not, the space shuttle is probably the most recognized symbol of science and technology for a generation. The shuttle programme was costly, but it kept NASA focused and in the thoughts of both Congress and the public. The fear must be that without the shuttle programme, NASA and its strong space science will wither. The agencys flagship project, the James Webb Space Telescope, is desperately over budget and likely to be delayed for years. The next Mars rover is also seeing its costs skyrocket, and officials recently stalled plans for a USEuropean joint mission to the red planet because of mounting budget problems. Efforts to monitor Earth have stumbled with the loss of two highprofile climate satellites in as many years. What is particularly unfortunate about this current state of affairs is that the possibilities for space science have never been greater. Spacebased gravitational detectors could give researchers their earliest look at the Universe, and an array of space telescopes could provide insight into far-flung star systems. Closer to home, landers and rovers could teach us more about the Solar Systems history and evolution, and Earth-observing satellites would improve our ability to understand and respond to climate change. Although none of these projects involves an astronaut, all require a strong and vital NASA to succeed. Eventually, NASA may build another manned NATURE.COM space vehicle to replace the shuttle, or it might To comment online, find a mission that is more in line with the click on Editorials at: aspirations of the research community. But for go.nature.com/xhunqv now, it is an agency adrift.

Up and away

The final mission of the space shuttle heralds difficult days for space science.

he space shuttle is due to lift off on its final mission this week, and many scientists will cheer its departure, both from the planet and from the scene. The shuttle was key to the launch, repair and maintenance of the marvellous Hubble Space Telescope, but its contribution to science otherwise has been mediocre. Scientists often lament that the billions of dollars spent on the programme could have gone on robotic exploration of other planets, space telescopes and similar worthy causes. But they should not be too quick to welcome the demise of the shuttle. Its loss may foreshadow far darker times ahead for all space science. The shuttles scientific programme has never lived up to the hype. In its earliest days, programme advocates made outrageous claims that experiments in space might help to tackle HIV and cancer. Recent statements have been more measured and the science more peer-reviewed, but the flight schedule for Atlantis this week shows some dispiritingly familiar and low-quality space studies: a study of microbial virulence in zero gravity, experiments on weightless mice and an iPhone kitted out with International Space Station apps. The shuttle was never about science, of course. The Nixon-era programme was designed to give NASA a purpose and, at the time, seemed to be the logical next step: a vehicle that could make fast and cheap excursions to the beginning of space. This has proved more difficult than expected. The programme never flew close to the 50missions per year originally envisaged, and the cost per flight was always well above the estimates. Nor could the winged orbiter fly solo,
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A personal take on events

Fishery reform slips through the net

Upcoming change fails to tackle the pernicious relationship between government advisers and the fishing lobby, says Rainer Froese.

he fishing industry is less important to Europes economy than its sewing-machine manufacturers. Yet it consistently gets to overrule scientific advice and drive fish stocks to the brink of collapse. Without massive subsidies, European fisheries would be bankrupt: the cost of hunting the few remaining fish would exceed the income from selling the catch. Every year, fishery scientists are asked by politicians for advice on how hard stocks can be fished without pushing them over the edge, forcing the scientists into a position akin to that of a physician present at a waterboarding session. Adding insult to injury, much of their advice is ignored, and most stocks are outside of safe biological limits. The sad state of European fish stocks is not a natural or societal failure that good management simply could not overcome. No, it is a desired outcome of Europes Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which has allowed the fishing lobby to infiltrate the European Unions political system. The European public has been led to believe that fisheries management is decided by bureaucrats in Brussels. In fact, member states have the most influence; they make and implement the decisions made in Brussels and control compliance by fishermen. In most member states, this power is with the ministry of agriculture. Yet too many of these ministries have a cosy relationship with the fishing lobby many of the civil servants firmly believe that it is their job to protect the rights of their national fishing sector, including the rights to obtain subsidies and to overfish. This concentration of explorative, legislative and executive power within a ministry belies what we learned in school about the importance of separated powers in a democratic system. Perhaps because the public still has romantic notions about fishing, and the media are drawn to fishermen who block ports or dump fish in the streets of Brussels, the European fisheries lobby gets away with destructive tactics. It routinely discredits scientists and their advice, denies the depleted status of the stocks, fights the establishment of protected areas, defends the use of destructive equipment, insists on the right to catch juvenile fish and requests the abandonment of closed spawning seasons and areas. In doing so, it has destroyed the very basis that fishing depends on. European fishers have profit margins of about 36%; in New Zealand, which has successfully reformed its fisheries, the margins are closer to 40%. Fisheries management in Europe culminates in the closed-door meetings of the Council of the European Union. Decisions in the council are typically taken by a NATURE.COM two-thirds majority, but need consensus if the Discuss this article European Commission feels that its proposal online at: has been ignored. go.nature.com/xvclj8




That was recently the case in a preparatory meeting on the threatened bluefin tuna. The member states were unhappy with the commissions proposal, which followed the scientific advice, and asked commission officials to leave the room. They then agreed unanimously, with few abstentions, on much higher catches. Although the ministers change every few years, their advisers remain and oppose any true change. As a result, the CFP has more than 600 regulations, many of which contradict each other. For example, regulated mesh sizes catch smaller fish than the fishers are allowed to land. These fish are then dumped dead at sea. The setting of next years catches has been described as political horse trading, with unholy alliances supporting each other in an effort to secure the highest possible share for the national fishing sector. Thus, Germany and Poland will support higher French catches in the Atlantic, and France will support higher catches in the Baltic. This is the situation that Maria Damanaki faced when she took charge of European fisheries last year. Building on the excellent 2009 green paper on the reform of the CFP, which documents much of what I have described above, Damanaki confronted the council with clear demands for rebuilding European fish stocks until 2015, in accordance with international agreements. The commissions proposal for the reform will be officially published on 13July. Considering the mess that we are in, the reform proposes big steps in the right direction. Internationally agreed reference points for sustainable fishing will finally be recognized and the discarding of perfectly good fish for bureaucratic reasons will be phased out. But the proposal falls short of reforms enacted in New Zealand, Australia and the United States. These countries have precautionary fishing targets and close fisheries when stocks enter the slope to collapse. Europe will have no such precautionary margins and will only gradually reduce fishing pressure when stocks are on the slope to collapse, with no default rule for closing a fishery. Whereas the other countries have phased out or drastically reduced subsidies, the commission proposes only to reshuffle them. There is no sign that the proposal will tackle the concentration of power with agriculture ministers or the excessive influence of the fishing lobby for example, by transferring the management of wild fish to environment ministries. The commissions restraint here is understandable: it knows that its plans to save Europes seas must be approved by the same advisers and lobbyists who have wrecked them. Rainer Froese is a marine ecologist at the Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany. e-mail: [email protected]
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Selections from the scientific literature

African ancestors of modern apes first migrated to Eurasia 3 million years earlier than previously thought. According to fossil records, African hominoids colonized Eurasia around 14 million years ago, giving rise to the evolution of hominids such as orangutans and humans. But a fossilized hominoid tooth found in southern Germany in 1973 suggests that Eurasias permanent colonization was pre-dated by a less successful wave of hominoid migration. Madelaine Bhme at the Eberhard Karls University of Tbingen in Germany and her colleagues dated the tooths age at around 17 million years by analysing the evolutionary state of small mammalian fossils found with it. They then calibrated its age using the magnetic polarity of the surrounding sediment. This corresponds to the direction of Earths magnetic field, which has reversed occasionally during the planets history.
J. Hum. Evol. doi:10.1016/j. jhevol.2011.04.012 (2011)


An ecological boost from climate change

Global warming could up the productivity of Californias and Oregons fisheries, thanks to a poleward shift in ocean currents. William Sydeman at the Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research in Petaluma, California, and his group assessed the position of the North Pacific Current which flows eastwards towards North America, then divides to flow north and south along the coast from 2002 to 2007. They matched up data from the Argo array of floating ocean sensors with various clear. So Quinn Emmering and Kenneth Schmidt of Texas Tech University in Lubbock played chipmunk or frog calls from speakers on plots of land in Millbrook, New York, during two nesting seasons. They found that both the ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla; pictured right) and the veery (Catharus fuscescens; left) built their nests farther from the centre of plots on which chipmunk sounds were broadcast than from those playing frog calls or nothing at all. The effect was most prominent in ovenbirds, which nested an average of 20 metres farther from chipmunk playback stations ecosystem indicators, including the abundance of certain species of zooplankton (pictured). The team found that biological productivity along coastal California rose when the current shifted north, a trend that is expected to increase as the climate warms. The results suggest that a more northerly current could increase the transport of nutrient-rich subarctic waters into the current that flows south towards California.
Geophys. Res. Lett. doi:10.1029/2011GL047212 (2011)


Birds eavesdrop to skirt chipmunks

Birds that nest low to the ground tune in to the calls of predatory chipmunks in deciding where to set up home. Ground-nesting birds avoid the territories of egg-eating eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), but what tips the birds off to predator hotspots has not been

than from controls. This adds to a growing body of evidence that prey animals exploit the communications of their predators putting this communicative behaviour under selective pressure.

J. Anim. Ecol. doi:10.1111/j.13652656.2011.01869.x (2011)


Stressed genes are inherited

Stress in fruitflies can cause changes in gene expression that are passed on to subsequent generations. A group led by Shunsuke Ishii at the RIKEN Tsukuba Institute in Japan studied the

Cell 145, 10491061 (2011)

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protein ATF2 in Drosophila. They found that this protein is needed for the formation of heterochromatin tightly packed DNAprotein complexes that block the expression of certain genes. Stress causes phosphorylation of ATF2, dislodging it from heterochromatin. When Drosophila embryos were exposed to heat shock during development, the resulting flies expressed certain genes that are normally silenced by heterochromatin, such as a gene for red eye colour. The errant heterochromatin packaging and red eye colour were also seen in offspring of males that had been exposed to heat stress during development.


Ancient tooth tells of migration



Low carb, low tumour growth

A low-carbohydrate, highprotein diet slowed tumour growth in mice compared with a typical high-carbohydrate Western-style diet. Gerald Krystal at the BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, Canada, and his colleagues compared the growth of both human and mouse tumours in mice fed diets comprising 8%, 10%, 15% or 55% carbohydrate. All four diets had the same calorie content. At the 10% and 15% levels, mice showed slower tumour growth than animals eating the high-carbohydrate diet, and did not lose weight. In mice engineered to develop breast cancer, almost half of the animals on the Western diet developed tumours by one year of age, whereas none on the 15%-carb diet did. The authors suggest that for cancers associated with particularly high bloodglucose levels, limiting dietary carbohydrates could aid in treatment.

the explosive chemical TNT. They conclude that the network could be used to study future meteoroid strikes, improving our understanding of near-Earth objects.
Geophys. Res. Lett. doi:10.1029/2011GL047633 (2011)


The most viewed papers in science

Barnacles help battle biofilms

By exploiting barnacles remarkable clinging ability, researchers have anchored on pubs.acs.org antibacterial polymer brushes to the in May surface of steel. This could prevent the formation of dangerous bacterial biofilms on the surfaces of medical devices. En-Tang Kang at the National University of Singapore and his colleagues coated stainless steel with a thin layer of cement harvested from Amphibalanus amphitrite barnacles. They then used this cement to initiate the growth of polymer chains of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, which was coupled with chitosan, an antibacterial molecule. The treated steel lowered the adhesion of the bacterium Escherichia coli and cut survival to less than 20%. Normal steel did not affect bacterial viability.



Extra warming near Greenland

Rising ocean temperatures are already accelerating the melting of Greenlands coastal glaciers. Projections from 19climate models now suggest that, with growing greenhousegas emissions, the maximum warming of subsurface waters around the island will be almost double the global average increase during the twenty-first century. Jianjun Yin at the University of Arizona in Tucson and his co-workers modelled the impact of a modest rise in greenhouse-gas emissions on ocean temperatures around Greenland and Antarctica. They predict that waters 200500 metres below the surface around Greenland will warm by 1.72.0 C by the end of this century. Meanwhile, Antarctic Ocean temperatures will increase by roughly 0.5 C. The authors say that differences in ocean circulation patterns are a key factor in these responses.
Nature Geosci. doi:10.1038/ ngeo1189 (2011)

Langmuir 27, 70657076 (2011)

Cancer Res. 71, 44844493 (2011)

Nuclear network detects fireball

An international network of sensors designed to detect illicit nuclear blasts has been used to study the fiery break-up of a large meteoroid over Indonesia in October 2009. Every decade or so, a meteoroid a few metres in diameter explodes in Earths atmosphere with a force equivalent to that of a mid-sized nuclear weapon. Elizabeth Silber at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, and her group analysed low-frequency sound-wave data from 17 sensors maintained by the Comprehensive Nuclear-TestBan Treaty Organization. The team found that the explosion was probably equivalent to between 8 and 67 kilotonnes of

outer membrane. Deleting the MAM7 gene decreased the bacteriums ability to bind to and kill human and mouse cells. Nematode worms fed the pathogenic bacterium died (pictured bottom) faster than did those exposed to harmless Escherichia coli (top). Exposure of human cells to benign E.coli engineered to express MAM7 rendered the cells more resistant to infection by V.parahaemolyticus and other pathogenic bacteria. This suggests that the E.colis MAM7 blocked key binding sites needed by the bacterial invaders, providing a new way to fight infection.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA doi:10.1073/pnas.1102360108 (2011)


Protein brings death to myelin

A protein on the surface of certain brain cells can halt production of the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate nerve fibres. The protein, DR6, could be a target of treatments for multiple sclerosis, a disease marked by myelin loss. Sha Mi at Biogen Idec in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and her colleagues discovered that overexpression of DR6 causes the myelinproducing brain cells, called oligodendrocytes, to undergo programmed cell death. Antibodies that block DR6 boosted myelin production in cultured oligodendrocytes, and one antibody even reversed myelin damage in a rat model of multiple sclerosis. The post-mortem brains of three patients with multiple sclerosis contained more DR6expressing cells than brains of people without the condition.
Nature Med. doi:10.1038/ nm.2373 (2011)


A protein that allows some bacteria to cling to and invade host cells could be a target for combating infection. Kim Orth and her colleagues at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas searched for such proteins in the bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which can cause food poisoning. They found MAM7, a protein that is expressed in the bacterial
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A key for bacterial entry


The news in brief

California cuts

Universities in California are bracing themselves for more financial pain. The University of California and California State University had each faced a US$500-million cut in state funds, forcing drastic measures such as the planned closure of a world-renowned library at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (see Nature 471, 18; 2011). But on 26June, California lawmakers approved a budget that would cut a further $150million from each system. Hikes in tuition fees are likely, and faculty at the University of California say the cuts are compromising its ability to retain and recruit top staff.

Los Alamos lab escapes huge wildfire

New Mexicos largest-ever wildfire stopped short of the Los Alamos National Laboratory but only just. The Las Conchas fire (pictured from the International Space Station on 27 June) scorched through some 50,000 hectares of land, and encroached on the southwest and probe into pharma payments. They later disclosed that they had received a combined total of at least US$4.2 million from drug companies. On 1July, they told colleagues that Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital were banning them from paid industry-sponsored activities for one year, and that they would be monitored for another two years. See go.nature.com/9syihf for more. western borders of the nuclear-weapons facility. Fire crews put out one small blaze on the grounds of the lab, which shut down for more than a week. But by 3July, director Charles McMillan said that the lab had escaped serious damage. The facility was set to reopen on 6 July. groups of traits, including observable biochemical and morphological features such as a leaf s type, size, chemical composition and photosynthetic pathway all of which, it is hoped, will help to generate reliable predictions of how vegetation boundaries and ecosystem properties shift with climate and land-use changes (J. Kattge et al. Glob. Change Biol. doi:10.1111/ j.1365-2486.2011.02451.x; 2011).

European research

The European Commission has proposed that spending for research and innovation should increase to 80.2billion (US$116billion) in the European Unions next seven-year budget, covering 201420. That would be a large rise on the current 55billion (for 200713). Research was the only major area to expand in the 1.03-trillion budget proposal announced on 29June. It will now face scrutiny from Europes parliament and member states. See page 14 for more.

the NIH try to diagnose mysterious illnesses (see Nature 460, 10711075; 2009). The programmes website noted that there is a substantial backlog of applications, but officials hope to resume accepting applications in two to three months. Around half of patients seen so far have been shown to have neurodegenerative diseases.

Industry ties

Three psychiatrists at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, will face sanctions for not declaring their acceptance of huge payments from drug companies between 2000 and 2007. Joseph Biederman, Thomas Spencer and Timothy Wilens were identified by US senator Charles Grassley (Republican, Iowa) in a 2008

Mystery maladies

Global plant traits

A US research programme for diagnosing unknown diseases is so overwhelmed with demand that it has stopped accepting new cases, effective from 1 July. In the Undiagnosed Diseases Program, launched in 2008 by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), expert physicians from across

An international collaboration of plant scientists has published details of its first pass at constructing the worlds largest repository of plant traits. The database, named TRY, currently holds almost 3 million entries for 69,000 plant species, and combines contributions from 93 smaller databases (www.try-db.org). It lists 52

Free climate data

The University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, has been ordered to disclose climate data that it has resisted releasing under freedom-ofinformation requests. The university had argued that it did not have permission

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from all the agencies and organizations that provided the data, which consist of weather readings used to track and calculate climate change around the globe. But the United Kingdoms Information Commissioners Office has overruled the university, a year and a half after it found that the universitys handling of previous similar requests breached UK law. See go.nature.com/cdjflo for more.

justice system. The report recommends that the closure, planned for March 2012, should be postponed to allow the government time to draw up a forensic-science strategy that includes a national research budget. See go.nature. com/fhjiol for more.

8 JULY NASAs space shuttle Atlantis launches from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for its last flight the final mission of the shuttle fleet (see Editorial, page6).

Fracking bans
long-time staffer Dan Ashe would become its new head, and announced a status review for two bat species: the eastern small-footed bat (Myotis leibii) and the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis). Populations of both species have been hit by the fungal disease white-nose syndrome. See go.nature.com/ipyfmh for more.

French reshuffle

France has a new minister for science and higher education, Laurent Wauquiez, following the promotion of the previous incumbent, Valrie Pcresse, in a cabinet reshuffle. Pcresses legacy includes reducing state control over French universities. See go.nature. com/8s6mua for more.

Endangered owl

The US Fish and Wildlife Service, which implements the Endangered Species Act, has released a plan to save the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina, pictured). The species is iconic among conservationists because its 1990 listing as endangered resulted in bans on logging in the forests of the US Pacific Northwest, sparking bitter battles between environmentalists and the logging industry. This week, the agency also confirmed that

Forensics plea

Just as many forensic scientists have warned, the UK government was too hasty when deciding to close down the state-owned Forensic Science Service, a parliamentary committee found in a report published on 1 July. The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee said that the government had overlooked the impact of its December decision on forensic science research and development, and on the nations criminal

France has become the first country to ban the practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in which highpressure fluids are pumped into shale formations to fracture the rock and force out natural gas. The technique has been accused of releasing methane into well water and of polluting groundwater with toxic chemicals. The French parliament vote, on 30 June, came a day after New Jerseys state legislature also voted to ban fracking the first US state to do so.


1012 JULY In Shenzhen, China, the genomics institute BGI hosts a conference to discuss progress in its project to sequence the genomes of 1,000 plants and animals.


Serengeti road

Tanzania has reduced the scope of its plans to build a highway through a northern section of the Serengeti National Park. Researchers had feared that an asphalt highway could destroy the parks ecosystem by interrupting migration routes (see Nature 467, 272273; 2010). They had argued for an alternative route, farther south and outside the parks boundaries. Tanzanias

tourism minister Ezekiel Maige said that there would still be a new road through the park in which an iconic wildebeest migration takes place every year but it would not be paved.

Avastin aversion


Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has been declining since 2004, but satellite data from Brazils National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in So Jos dos Campos, released on 30June, confirm a trend-busting jump in forest clearing in recent months (see chart). The surge may be related to anticipated changes in legislation that might ease restrictions on clearance. These Forest Code reforms are currently being debated in Congress. See go.nature.com/ c51xiC for more.


9 Cumulative annual deforestation, thousand km2* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 200708 200809 200910 201011

After years of encouraging decline, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has leapt up this season.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will probably not reverse its December decision to withdraw approval of the drug Avastin (bevacizumab) for the treatment of advanced breast cancer. Genentech, the drugs maker (owned by Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche), had challenged that verdict. But on 29 June, an FDA advisory committee voted unanimously that the drugs risks outweighed its benefits. If the FDA commissioner agrees, finalizing the withdrawal, insurers may stop paying for the drugs use against breast cancer. By contrast, the European Medicines Agency declared in December that Avastins use in advanced breast cancer was a valuable treatment option.

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
*As recorded month-to-month by coarse-resolution LANDSAT satellite data

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OCEANOGRAPHY Spanish voyage revives a golden age of exploration p.16

Q&A Harold Varmuss first year at the National Cancer Institute p.18 MALARIA Insecticide resistance threatens to reverse hard-won gains p.19 PUBLIC HEALTH Weak science but strong feelings on vitamin D p.23

Despite protests against austerity measures in Greece, some scientists see an opportunity for change.

Greek crisis spurs research reforms

Economic meltdown adds fresh vigour to science shake-up.


he threat is very clear, says Greek native Vassilis Pachnis, a developmental neuroscientist at the UK National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) in London. There is a danger that this financial crisis could damage the status of centres of research excellence in Greece. Last week, the Greek government agreed to implement further austerity measures in order to get another international bail-out for its crippled economy. Scientists were already facing tough times when Greece made its first bail-out request in April 2010 (see Nature 465, 22; 2010). Their take-home pay, which

was cut by 10% last March, will now shrink by at least another 10% under the new austerity programme. Direct financing of universities and research institutes was cut by about 20% last year, and is set to fall further, although the Greek ministry of education was unable to provide Nature with precise figures. Any damage to science is unlikely to be permanent, Pachnis emphasizes. Like some other Greek scientists, he is hopeful that the countrys economic woes may have a positive side. Reforms to the inflexible research and university systems, which do not systematically evaluate research quality or offer competitive grants, are now seen as a necessity in the countrys fight for survival. There is going to be terrible upheaval
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at universities and possibly the research centres too, says neurobiologist Rebecca Matsas at the Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens. But in this economic situation there is no way out, and reforms are urgently needed. Although the quality of Greeces science is generally seen as poor, the country does boast pockets of excellence. Several internationally competitive research institutes have managed to flourish despite low government investment (see Spending gap). Greek scientists have also been very successful in winning funding from the European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of research, being awarded more euros per researcher than almost any other European Union (EU) country. The planned reforms, spurred by the financial crisis, could help to capitalize on these successes. The National Council for Research and Technology, a scientific advisory board to the government, is currently designing Greeces first ten-year strategic plan for research. The council was reformed in September 2010 so that most of its members are academics working outside Greece. Using EU structural funds for research, the first major calls for competitive research projects since 2005 are being issued by the governments General Secretariat for Research and Technology. A total of 1.5 million (US$2.2 million) of these funds must be spent before the end of 2013. We will be recommending that they are distributed only on merit, through an agency modelled on the US National Science Foundation or the European Research Council, says council leader Stamatios Krimigis, a space scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. The councils subcommittees, also comprising a majority of scientists working outside Greece, will carry out site visits to evaluate the scientific output of research institutes. These will guide policy on restructuring the research system, and are inevitably causing widespread anxiety. By next year, there will be fewer institutes, says paediatrician George Chrousos at the University of Athens Medical School, who is also a council member. That will probably happen through mergers, he adds: The aim is not to fire people but to make them more effective, and the institutes more efficient. Meanwhile, universities are also set for a shake-up thanks to a new higher-education law, expected to be approved by the end of
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this month. It will scrap a system that has favoured local recruitment, and make it easier for roughly 12,000 Greek scientists working abroad to return. The change may have come just in time: 25% of Greek universities faculty members are due to retire in the next three years. Under the law, each university will establish committees (including scientists from abroad) to oversee academic recruitment, which is currently decided by a faculty vote. The law will also modernize university governance, so that rectors will no longer be elected by university staff and students. Instead, a new board of directors will pick their universitys rector after an international competition, and will have the power to fire the rector for poor performance. The next few years will undoubtedly be extremely tough. Although the government says that it is determined to develop Greeces research base, it has not protected research funding in its austerity packages. And it is having trouble meeting its commitments to match research money that scientists have won from FP7. Greece is also negotiating deferrals of its contributions to international organizations such as the European particle-physics facility CERN, near Geneva in Switzerland, and the European Space Agency. But the most competitive research labs should be sustained by more than 400 million expected to come from EU structural funds by the end of this year. And despite the turmoil, Pachnis is planning to leave the safe haven of his current post as head of the NIMRs neuroscience division to become director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in Heraklion, Crete. The move offers scientific opportunities that are too good to pass up, he says, and he is confident that Greek science as a whole will survive. If I can help keep the infrastructure afloat at one centre of excellence through this hard time, he says, Ill be happy.

EU research commissioner Mire Geoghegan-Quinn (second from left) wants more money for innovation.

Europe lines up hefty science-funding hike

Farm subsidies trimmed to enable a 45% rise for research.


4 R&D spend as % of gross domestic product 3 2 1 0 Sweden Japan Germany

Greece has one of the lowest science investment levels in Europe.

2009 data, or latest available

ike many governing bodies, the European Union (EU) has entered an era of austerity, with one striking exception: scientific research. Under a proposal released on 29 June by the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, spending on research and innovation would rise by about 45%, from 55 billion (US$80 billion) over the current 200713 period to 80 billion in 201420. A reduction in farm subsidies would help to pay for science, and spending in other major areas of the 1-trillion budget would remain flat (see Innovative thinking). The proposal is a crucial milestone in a long and convoluted process that will eventually determine the size and format of the successor to the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) the EUs flagship research programme to be called Horizon 2020. The proposal still needs be agreed by the European Parliament and by member states. But it marks a success for the EUs research commissioner, Mire Geoghegan-Quinn, says Peter Tindemans, head of the science-policy working group at Euroscience, a science-advocacy group headquartered in Strasbourg, France. Shes managed to convince the other commissioners that where theres to be an increase at all, it should be in research. Other research advocates say that the proposal although falling short of the major realignment of funding priorities they had been hoping for was as good as could be expected in the circumstances. Given the times were in, we couldnt realistically have
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hoped for much more, says Dieter Imboden, president of Eurohorcs, the body representing Europes national research agencies. Geoghegan-Quinn told Nature that the proposal was a big vote of confidence in science but also called on researchers to push to get the proposal implemented especially in their home countries. The farmers will be out there lobbying, and scientists and researchers need to do the same, she says. Commission officials say that the total EU budget for 201420 would be worth 5% more, in real terms, than that for 200713. The share for research and innovation would grow steadily, and eventually double, from 4.5% in 2007 to 9% by 2020. The research proposal includes 4.5 billion that would be transferred from farm subsidies

201420 50 Percentage change from 200713 40 30 20 10 0 10 20

European research funding looks set to grow in 201420 under the Horizon 2020 programme, but other budgets will shrink.

80 bn

Research Agriculture Economic development Total budget

28 .8 bn 336 bn

,025 bn



EU average




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to pay for agriculture-related research. Although the share of the total budget consumed by the Common Agricultural Policy would fall by some 3%, to about 36%, several observers say that the commission was unable to win support for a more radical transfer of resources from farm subsidies. The chance to make really big changes to the Common Agricultural Policy has been lost, says Tindemans. Geoghegan-Quinn says that there are three main pillars to the proposal: excellence in science, meeting grand challenges such as food security, and improving competitiveness. She says that a much stronger focus will be brought to bear on the grand challenges than before, driven by powerful committees called European Innovation Partnerships. The first such partnership, addressing healthy ageing, started earlier this year, and is going well, GeogheganQuinn says, with its board set to select about ten research priorities, and push forward with them very quickly. Geoghegan-Quinn promises quick decisions this year on proposals for the management and structure of the European Research Council, the new and widely lauded component of FP7 that backs basic research, which will be released next week by a commission working group. The commissions proposal also says that future cost overruns on ITER, a giant nuclear-fusion experiment under construction in France, will have to be borne by member states, and will not come from the EU budget or fall on other research programmes. The budget plan will now be scrutinized by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, representing the 27 EU member states, before emerging in final form by 2013. The parliament is widely expected to ask for even more funds for research and innovation, whereas many member states will seek cuts to this and other portions of the commissions proposal. Jerzy Langer, a physicist at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and a close observer of European research policy, says that the outcome so far has been very good and indicated huge determination at the very top of the commission to support research. He predicted that even such member states as the United Kingdom which has already said that the overall budget plan is too large would back the proposed increases for research. But Luke Georghiou, a policy expert at the University of Manchester, UK, says it is extremely unlikely that the member states will agree to anything NATURE.COM exceeding this, so we Read more should regard it as a European stories: ceiling on the eventual go.nature.com/ptxmzt research budget.

Deep Impact had a novice mission leader, but its comet encounter was a smashing success.

NASA faces dearth of mission leaders

Experience gap looms large in next generation of principal investigators for Discovery programme.


hen NASA invites proposals in 2013 for its next round of low-cost planetary missions, ideas are sure to be plentiful but not the leaders crucial to the missions success. Thats the conclusion of a demographic analysis that shows that the number of highly qualified principal investigators (PIs) willing or able to take the drivers seat in NASAs Discovery-class missions is dwindling. We have to recognize that this is coming and this is a problem, says Susan Niebur, who presented her analysis on 21 June at an international conference on low-cost missions at Johns Hopkins Universitys Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. As a cohort of former PIs nears retirement age, Niebur worries that burn out, budget overruns and missed launch windows will be the result if NASA doesnt find a way to get younger scientists the experience they need to step up into mission-leading roles. Niebur first encountered the dilemma between 2003 and 2006, when she was the NASA official charged with running the

fiercely competitive Discovery programme the small, scientist-led planetary probes that are often the most innovative in NASAs repertoire. At that time, she says, she kept getting proposals from the same guys. Not that they were unqualified. On the contrary, they were precisely the sort of scientists NASA wanted in charge of spacecraft worth hundreds of millions of dollars people who knew their science but had also dirtied their hands with instrument hardware and experienced the headaches of building a spacecraft. The problem was that there were so few of them and they were getting older. Now an independent consultant based in Silver Spring, Maryland, Niebur has been tracking the situation and says that it is getting worse. By 2015, when the winning proposal is chosen, there will be only 14 potential PIs aged 65 and under who have previously been PIs, deputy PIs or project scientists (see Planetary shortfall). This means that many of the roughly 30 proposals that the Discovery programme attracts at every round will be coming from relative rookies. Started in 1992, Discovery came to
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chance to lead. The Discovery missions, currently capped at US$425 million and launched every few years, are as cheap and as frequent as they come. Sterns rule was seen as too onerous, and it disappeared when he left the agency. Rather than ruling out PIs with less experience, Niebur says NASA should enlarge the pipeline of eligible candidates. In particular, she wants the agency to require younger deputy PIs on future proposals. But PIs, trying to keep proposals lean, sometimes exclude deputies. Michael New, the NASA official now in charge of the Discovery competitions, says that of the 28 proposals being considered in the latest round, which began in 2010, 19 include a deputy PI. However, he says, the deputies are on average the same age as the PIs suggesting that the demographic problem is not going away. Nor is it safe to assume that deputies will want to take on the notoriously gruelling task of being a PI. In her analysis, Niebur found that of all the PIs, deputy PIs, project scientists and deputy project scientists on all NASA planetary missions since 1977, none went on to lead another mission as a PI. Thats not too surprising, says Bruce Jakosky at the University of Colorado in Boulder, the PI for the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN), which was selected in 2008 as the winner of NASAs Mars Scout competition a programme similar to Discovery. Its just too much work. I have the heart for MAVEN, he says, but not for another one.

NASA will have few highly experienced scientists available to be principal investigators (PIs) on low-cost planetary missions. But historically, mission leaders have not had high-level previous experience. Highest level of previous experience High PI Deputy PI Project scientist Medium Instrument PI Deputy project scientist Low Co-investigator or science investigation lead No mission experience 2013 competition (projection)* 3 0 11 16 11 50 All others Experience levels of PIs, 19942011 0 0 0 7 0 6 3

*Scientists expected to be 65 or younger at the time of final selection in 2015. Highest-level of previous experience on 16 scientist-led missions, historical or in development.

embody a new idea: that a space mission could be led by a scientist rather than an engineer. Of the 16 PI-led missions in NASAs history mainly within Discovery most have been resounding successes. In some cases, the PIs of those missions stepped into their leadership roles with less experience than NASA anticipated, such as astronomer Michael AHearn of the University of Maryland in College Park, who led the Deep Impact mission that pierced a comets nucleus in 2005. But thats no reason not to demand moreexperienced PIs, says Alan Stern, NASAs science chief from 2007 to 2008. During his stint at the agency, Stern began looking at Discovery, and found that virtually all the projects in development were bursting their budgets.

Some of the PIs had come straight from the blackboard, and some were like deer in the headlights, he says. Were giving them the keys to the kingdom on projects that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he adds. Thats an awfully expensive on-the-job training exercise. Stern implemented strict rules requiring the heads of all PI-led missions to have had experience as a PI, a deputy PI, an instrument PI, a project scientist or a deputy project scientist on a previous mission. The problem with this was that planetary scientists have few chances to build up such experience. Unlike NASAs other science divisions astrophysics, Earth science and heliophysics planetary science does not include balloon and sounding-rocket missions that can give younger researchers a

Spains ship comes in



Globe-trotting expedition hopes to prove the value of old-fashioned scientific seafaring.

n the age of networked buoys and remotesensing satellites, a global oceanographic cruise might sound like a relic from the golden era of exploration. But the seven-month trek of Spains BIO Hesprides, which concludes next week when it docks in Cartagena, aims to deliver a global, comprehensive portrait of the ocean and how it is changing that the projects backers say could not be assembled in any other way. The Malaspina expedition, organized by Spains National Research Council (CSIC), set out on 15 December last year. Named after Alessandro Malaspina who led a five-year survey of the Spanish empires natural history, economy and geography in the late eighteenth century the 17-million (US$25-million) effort unites contributions from the Spanish

Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish Navy and the BBVA Foundation, the charitable arm of the BBVA banking consortium. Most oceanographic voyages are shorter than the Malaspina expedition (see Voyage of discovery). By pouring resources into a single voyage, Malaspinas planners hoped to gather global data sets in a wide variety of research areas, from the distribution of persistent organic pollutants to the discovery and genetic characterization of deep-sea life. They also wanted to follow the progress of carbon from the atmosphere as it sinks through the sea, gets captured in the planktonic food chain and eventually comes to rest on the ocean floor. And the scale of the effort has helped to attract international collaborators. Carlos Duarte, a marine biologist at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies in Esporles who led the mission, says that the approach
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was economical because loading instruments for one project costs less than changing instrumentation every month, as the research vessel would normally do. There are several other ocean exploration cruises going on, but Malaspina is a much more substantial scientific effort, says marine biologist Larry Madin, director of research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, who is not involved in the expedition. For instance, the Atlantic Meridional Transect is a 16-year-old British project that is making comparable multidisciplinary observations, but is restricted to the Atlantic. The few cruises with a global reach are mainly NATURE.COM sailing boats, such as For more from the Craig Venters Sorcerer II Malaspina cruise, Expedition or the French see: Tara Oceans expedition, go.nature.com/dwlq2w

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The Hesprides (above, docked in Cape Town) has gathered samples and data during a seven-month global cruise.

which carry fewer sampling instruments and protocols as a model. Were making the same during the cruise. Investigators found that limited on-board research facilities. observations around the world, says Mara de some plankton was sinking to the depths much By contrast, the 82.5-metre-long Hesprides Oca Echarte, a researcher at the Mediterranean faster than had been previously observed. If lumbered across the sea bearing laboratories Institute for Advanced Studies who took part researchers confirm the measurements, and staffed around the clock by two dozen gradu- in Malaspina. if such sinking is widespread, the discovery ate students and veteran researchers from many The expedition should also fill gaps in global could affect estimates of how fast the ocean disciplines. Investigators analysed each days oceanographic data. Some regions visited by can sequester carbon. instrument data and plankton catch on-board, the Hesprides, such as the southern Indian But several scientists contacted by Nature say allowing them to devise new observations on Ocean and parts of the southern Pacific, see they are waiting to see more of Malaspinas data the fly. After Japans Fukushima before they decide whether it has met nuclear accident in March, for examits goals. The expedition won fundple, the team began tracking radiaing that could have gone to projects VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY The circumnavigation of the BIO Hesprides took in less-studied tion levels in its seawater samples. in other disciplines, and occupied areas of the Paci c and Indian oceans. The researchers also tracked temperall of the Hesprides research time ature, salinity and levels of dimethyl this year, so Spanish researchers sulphide, a plankton waste product will scrutinize its results and debate that may influence cloud formation whether to conduct future oceanoabove the ocean. And they froze viral graphic research projects along the Cadiz and bacterial samples taken from a same lines. Honolulu depth of 4 kilometres, planning to Physical oceanographer lvaro sequence the microbes genomes. Videz of the CSICs Institute of Panama Duarte says that the modern-day Marine Sciences in Barcelona says Malaspina expedition achieved a that the overarching goal of evaluatPerth Sydney Rio de major objective before it even left ing global change in the ocean is Cape Janeiro port: it persuaded hundreds of an exaggerated objective, outside Town Auckland oceanographers to agree on comthe capacity of an expedition of this mon research objectives and methtype. He adds: The most relevant ods. This approach should allow scientists fewer oceanographic expeditions than do data for evaluating global change in the ocean to compare cruise data wherever they were waters closer to the powerhouse nations of are those collected by the thousands of Argo gathered, says marine biogeochemist Eric oceanographic research such as Germany, buoys, which have been collecting data for Achterberg of the National Oceanography Japan, the United States and Britain. Madin years, together with satellites. Centre in Southampton, UK, who is not part says that the cruises data could keep researchViral molecular ecologist Matthew Sullivan, of the expedition. He and other researchers say ers busy for many years, noting that results a collaborator on the Malaspina expedition at that conflicting observational protocols often from HMS Challenger, a pioneering research the University of Arizona in Tucson, says that prevent researchers from comparing data sets cruise in the late nineteenth century, are still time will prove the expeditions worth: Buy-in taken by different teams in different oceans. used by scientists today. will happen a year or so from now when papers Future expeditions could use the Malaspina A few preliminary results emerged start to come out. People will see the value.
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cancer or a cure for cancer. Cancer is a collection of many diseases with common principles, and each disease will have to be understood and more effectively controlled on its own terms.
What should basic scientists know about your intentions and priorities for the institute?

All basic scientists who look to the NCI for funding should know that I will tolerate no retreat on the study of model systems and the pursuit of fundamental biological principles. We have just begun to catalogue genetic and epigenetic changes in cancer cells and to probe the significance of those changes. To make optimal use of that information, we need a more profound understanding of cell and developmental biology.
At a time of historically low grant-application success rates, what are you doing to protect investigator-initiated research?

Q&A Harold Varmus

NIH cancer chief wants more with less

Harold Varmus, the high-profile director of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1993 to 1999, returned to the biomedical agency last July as director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In 1989, Varmus shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his studies on the genetic basis of cancer. More recently, he headed up the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. A year after taking the reins at the NCI, Varmus spoke to Nature about his latest role and about the disease that has defined his career.
You had already headed the entire NIH. Why did you take the job as NCI chief? The NIH is facing its toughest budget in decades. How has that affected your first year at the NCI?

We are attempting to fund about 1,100 new grants this year by making small reductions in most components of our budget; because the number of applications remains high, the success rates will be relatively low. Under these circumstances, we do not have a traditional, sharp payline. The NCI scientific programme leaders meet regularly to ensure that we are not ignoring highly original proposals and that we are not creating an unbalanced grant portfolio.
What would you say to those who fear that the NIH is moving away from investigator-initiated research and towards large-scale projects?

When I was the NIH director, I often expressed envy of institute directors: they had the money and ran the scientific programmes. I was right this job is more interesting.
What have been particular satisfactions or successes during your first year at the NCI?

Refurbishing the leadership team at the NCI, pursuing some important initiatives in cancer genomics and global health, identifying provocative questions important but neglected questions about many aspects of cancer and working with some extraordinary colleagues. It is also a pleasure to be in place when important projects come to fruition: the National Lung Screening Trial, the pilot phase of the Cancer Genome Atlas, therapeutic trials for metastatic melanoma, and many smaller-scale studies of cancer biology. And I am happy to return to the best urban bike commute in the US: 12 miles through Rock Creek Park.
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Some effects of this years budget are selfevident. An actual decline in real dollars unprecedented in my time in government has slowed the progress that is so important to the public, caused a lot of distress in our scientific community, and required extra attention from many NCI staff, including me. I have tried to make fair decisions without losing sight of the fact that we do have a US$5-billion budget and should be able to do many things, including some new things, with those funds to take advantage of unparalleled scientific opportunities.
The public has high hopes that investment in the NCI will lead to cures for cancer. Can you deliver?

I dont see much evidence for the claim that the NIH is moving away from investigatorinitiated research. It is the largest component of the NCIs portfolio and the one that I am working hardest to protect. But there are programmes that need to be undertaken as community efforts because they are expensive and difficult, yet promise advances: the renovated clinical-trials system, genomic studies and certain translational activities. This does not mean taking away responsibilities from our investigators; it means working closely with the relevant investigators to ensure that we develop large-scale projects in a sensible way.
What is your sense of the publics understanding of cancer science and medicine?

Hope is essential for public support, but it has to be framed around the reality of cancer, not founded on simplistic concepts of the war on
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I think it is becoming more sophisticated, especially as new genetic findings and the first targeted therapies are more widely recognized. We are also helped by Siddhartha Mukherjees prize-winning book, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. The book explains cancer research sensibly and forcefully, and it portrays cancer in ways that show both how far we have come in treating NATURE.COM some cancers and how For a longer version much more can be done.

of this interview, visit: go.nature.com/akwzou



Mosquitoes score in chemical war

Growing resistance is threatening global malaria-control efforts.



ey weapons in the fight against malaria, pyrethroid insecticides, are losing their edge. Over the past decade, billions of dollars have been spent on distributing longlasting pyrethroid-treated bed nets and on indoor spraying. Focused in Africa, where most malaria deaths occur, these efforts have greatly reduced the diseases toll. But they have also created intense selection pressure for mosquitoes to develop resistance. Data are coming in thick and fast indicating increasing levels of resistance, and also of resistance in new places, says Jo Lines, an entomoData compiled by the WHO last year show that logical epidemiologist and head of pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes became widespread between 2000 and 2010, and the vector control at the Global Malaria situation is likely to have worsened since. Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO now intends to launch a global strategy to tackle the problem by the end of the year. Pyrethroids are the mainstay of Resistant malaria control because they are safe, Resistance suspected cheap, effective and long-lasting. Susceptible Alternatives such as organophosphates and carbamates are available Mosquito strain for indoor spraying, although they Anopheles pharoensis cost more and are less effective. But An. labranchiae pyrethroids are the only insecticides An. funestus approved by the WHO for use in An. arabiensis bed nets. We have lots of our eggs An. gambiae sensu stricto in the pyrethroid basket, says RobAn. gambiae sensu lato ert Newman, director of the Global Malaria Programme. The international community has been slow to respond to the threat despite (see Resistance on the rise), although useful, warnings, says Janet Hemingway, director of do not give a complete picture of where resistthe Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK, ance is emerging and how prevalent it is, he says. and chief executive of the non-profit Innovative Malaria-control programmes often lack insectVector Control Consortium, a publicprivate resistance monitoring, and detection of all venture set up in 2005 to develop new insec- forms of resistance is not easy. Quick, cheap tests ticides and monitoring tools. A number of us can pick out gene mutations that help the moshad been banging the drums, saying: As soon as quitoes nerve cells withstand pyrethroid attack. you scale up you are going to get resistance. But But other forms of resistance, which depend on

Lines says that the malaria-control community felt too many lives were at stake to let the threat of resistance stand in the way of massively scaling up the bed-net and spraying campaigns. Teasing out the impact of resistance on the success of malaria-control interventions is difficult because so many other factors influence their outcome. More systematic and more sophisticated monitoring of resistance is also vital, says Lines. The best surveillance data


increased levels of mosquito enzymes that can destroy pyrethroids before they reach their target, require more complex tests to detect (H. Ranson et al. Trends Parasitol. 27, 9198; 2011). But uncertainties about the extent of resistance or its impact are no excuse for inaction, says Newman, arguing that the proposed WHO strategy needs to be urgently implemented, and also rolled out preemptively in places where resistance has yet to be detected. The WHOs plan will recommend, for example, that control programmes rotate insecticides sprayed indoors, using pyrethroids one year and a different class the next. This would be more costly and less effective than relying only on pyrethroids, however, so control programmes may be reluctant to adopt this measure. Lines says that new combinations of insecticides also need to be developed, so that mosquitoes resistant to one would be killed by the other. In areas where pyrethroid bed nets are used, a different class of insecticides should be used for wall spraying, he adds. Ultimately, entirely new classes of insecticides particularly those that can be applied to bed nets are needed to alleviate the dependence of malaria-control efforts on pyrethroids. For indoor spraying, some longer-lasting and more costeffective non-pyrethroid insecticides should be available by next year, Hemingway says, although developing wholly new classes will take five to seven years. Repurposed agricultural insecticides might also act as a stopgap were resistance to pyrethroids to develop rapidly. Research targeting mosquito control is grossly underfunded compared with that on malaria drugs and vaccines, she adds, which is why control efforts have had so few options to call on.
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A legal case about public access to documents is raising questions about the US Department of Energys scrutiny of alleged scientific misconduct.

n 6 April, a federal district judge in Boston, Massachusetts, dismissed a lawsuit that I had filed in 2009 under the US Freedom of Information Act. He concluded that the US government does not have to release a report on an investigation into a case of alleged scientific misconduct at a national laboratory. The ruling was disappointing but liberating: I finally had occasion to write about a case that has shown how the US Department of Energy (DOE) takes a strikingly hands-off approach to the oversight of such investigations. The lawsuit concerns a report on an investigation into vehemently denied allegations of data fabrication by scientists who receive millions of dollars per year from the DOEs Office of Science. I have asked the judge to reconsider his decision, so the case remains pending. But the larger issue of lax oversight is highlighted in documents filed in court by the government, including nine sworn declarations from DOE and lab officials. These documents show that the DOE officials overseeing the investigation merely skim-read an incomplete version of the resulting report, did not read the complete final report, did not keep a copy of that final report anywhere in their files, and voluntarily gave away a version that was sent to them. I have also learned, through interviews, that scientists who tried to contact the DOE to express concerns about the investigation did not get a hearing. The court filings suggest that agency officials did not think that they were acting improperly; indeed, they justify their actions by citing the US federal policy on research misconduct, which since 2000 has governed how

allegations should be handled. But the DOEs approach contrasts with much stricter interpretations of the same policy at some other US government science-funding agencies, which typically handle such allegations in an independent office staffed with professional investigators. The DOE is unusual in allowing the allegations to be handled by the officials who awarded the grants in the first place, who will potentially be reluctant to see a problem in that research. Independent observers worry that the DOEs loose oversight could undermine the credibility of research funded through its Office of Science, which supports 10 national laboratories and around 27,000 scientists.


The allegations that were under investigation first emerged in 2006, when an anonymous peer reviewer accused a research group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee of fabricating data in two manuscripts: a thencurrent submission to Nature Physics, which has not been published, and a paper that had been published in 1993 (Nature 366, 143146; 1993). The ORNL group is headed by Stephen Pennycook, an electron microscopist, and the earlier work had been a landmark paper in atomic-scale imaging. Pennycook, a pioneer of such techniques, has been pushing the limits of spatial NATURE.COM resolution in electron microscopy To read more to solve problems in a variety of about misconduct research areas, including materiinvestigation, visit: als sciences, nanotechnology and go.nature.com/bxcnhn condensed-matter physics.

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Pennycook told me in an e-mail that he preferred not to comment for this article, as I think there is nothing to discuss. He does address the allegations on the groups website (go.nature.com/gtyqpm), where he denies that his group fabricated or falsified data although he admits that the researchers made errors of judgement in their data presentation. A panel of investigators appointed by ORNL managers upheld the groups conduct. In a summary statement posted on the ORNL website in 2008 (go.nature.com/ilywxc), the three scientists on the panel said that there was evidence that Pennycooks team had made careless factual errors and errors of judgement in data presentation, but there was no evidence for misconduct or fraud. In an interview with me, David Williams, one of the investigators and now dean of engineering at Ohio State University in Columbus, went further, slamming whoever made the anonymous allegations. To go around claiming fraud is a witch hunt of zealots, he said. It doesnt serve the cause of science. Following the investigation, the Pennycook group published a correction to its 1993 paper. Nonetheless, some scientists outside ORNL were uncomfortable with the investigation, and particularly with the managers failure to release the resulting report. Its taken place in the dark, says John Silcox, an electron microscopist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, who was a reviewer of the 1993 paper. It was also unclear how officials at the DOE, which funds Pennycooks group to the tune of around US$2million a year, had overseen the investigation. This lack of transparency at both ORNL and the DOE was a leading motivation for my freedom-of-information request to see the report. Although the report has not been released, declarations filed in court in response to my lawsuit have shed light on the oversight of the investigation. In 2006, the declarations say, James Roberto, then ORNL deputy director for science and technology, sent a report on the labs investigation to Patricia Dehmer, then the associate director of basic energy sciences in the DOEs Office of Science, and now the offices deputy director. In her own declaration, Dehmer says that she understood that this report was only a draft, because it said as much on the first page, and because it didnt contain referenced appendices although she does not however, Dehmer didnt read the report at all. Her declaration to the court says, a copy of briefing materials in a binder was sent to me. I do not recall the contents of this binder, nor do I recall reading or studying these materialsdue to the other pressing responsibilities during this time frame. Later, she and several members of DOE staff went to a meeting with Roberto, where they questioned him about the case. Dehmer approved the investigation, she says, on the basis of the thorough responses that she received from Roberto. In declarations to the court, five DOE employees who attended the meeting say that they did not read the final

specify what she would have expected such appendices to consist of. Dehmer says that she looked through the document only briefly, to check that it reflected what Roberto had told her about the case during conversations and telephone discussions. In an e-mail, Dehmer told me that by November 2006, ORNL and the Office of Science considered that the investigation was complete. But some time after that, ORNL reopened the case, because managers there had received extra material, the nature of which they do not describe in the court documents. As a result, ORNL produced an extended final report; the lab sent this revised document to the DOE by overnight post. This time,

report. At the end of the meeting, Dehmer gave the document to Roberto to take back to ORNL; nothing was left in the governments possession except the incomplete e-mailed copy that Dehmer had skim-read. This procedure raises substantial concerns among external experts. Christine Boesz, a former inspector-general overseeing research integrity at the National Science Foundation (NSF), says that it is highly problematic for the government not to keep possession of a final report about a case of alleged misconduct. She points out that government agencies need to keep records, in case of a change of personnel. A failure to fully document cases could make it impossible for the agency to police its research effectively, because it wouldnt be aware of patterns or alleged patterns involving contractors. Even a pattern of allegations can tell you a lot, says Boesz. The written document is an integral part of the process. If this is the way they typically handle it, then it raises big questions in my mind. Is this looking after the government interest? Sybil Francis helped to draft the federal policy on research misconduct while working at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in 2000. She says that, according to the spirit, intent and letter of that policy, the government should have access to the documents it needs to conduct oversight. I dont see how a federal agency can carry out its oversight responsibilities in a case of alleged or proven research misconduct without the proper documentation at its disposal, she says. Francis adds that at the very least, she would expect an adjudicating official to get a member of her staff to read the investigation report carefully, and not simply rely on oral presentations. C. K. Gunsalus, a law professor who studies research misconduct at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, is perplexed by DOE officials failure to read the report. I think its breathtaking, Im truly astonished, she says. She contrasts the DOEs practices with those of two other government agencies: the NSF and the Office of Research Integrity at the Department of Health and Human Services, which funds research at the National Institutes of Health. The submission of an investigation report to the Office of Research Integrity or the inspectorgeneral of the NSF means without question that the report will be examined with care, she says. She notes that it is not uncommon for an investigation committees first draft
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to flinch from difficult conclusions, to make statements without support or to overlook something. But at these other federal agencies, oversight is iterative, with officials encouraging a thorough investigation by examining the evidence for themselves and asking investigators at the institution for further documentation. If they dont read the report, they cant do that. Peter Stockton, a senior investigator at the watchdog group Project on Government Oversight in Washington DC, has studied management of weapons labs by the DOE. He says that a general problem at the labs and at DOE headquarters is that officials do not want to probe difficult situations that might result in political fallout and budget cuts. The most important thing is to limit damage to the organization, he says. He comments that the Office of Science has a large enough budget, at $4.9billion a year, for the DOE to consider launching an office of research integrity to oversee it. Dehmer would not comment on these criticisms. But in her declaration filed in court, she says that federal policy allows government agencies to delegate the job of investigating to research institutions, because to do otherwise would have involved a substantial new federal bureaucracy, which is not thought desirable a quote from the federal misconduct policy. The current director of the Office of Science, William Brinkman, also did not respond to my request for comment, and a DOE spokeswoman notes that the department does not comment on specific questions relating to litigation matters. Raymond Orbach, director of the DOE Office of Science at the time of the investigation, says that he does not recall any details of the case. In general, he says, he reads investigation reports when acting in oversight of a case. Orbach notes that ethics are usually handled by the general counsels office at the DOE, and are a very serious issue for any government agency. But he disputes the value of an office of research integrity at the DOE, saying that he is concerned about the possibility of oversight boards probing into mistakes that scientists have made. The community has a well-worn method for policing itself, he says: checking whether results are reproducible. technical comments are a forum for scientific discussion, not for airing allegations of misconduct. The DOE was aware of Muller and Silcoxs analysis; in 2007, Dehmer referred to it in an e-mail to me. But the agency has never asked to see it, and when Muller and Silcox tried tentatively to raise their concerns with the relevant officials, they had a frosty reception. Muller says that his initial approach was to contact ORNL to express his concerns and offer full details to any independent committee, but none was appointed. Barbara Penland, a spokeswoman for ORNL, says that any extra concerns that the lab received about the case were referred to an internal inquiry that did not find any issues that warranted


While the DOE was preparing to close the case, two electron microscopists at Cornell, David Muller and Silcox, were undertaking an independent analysis of the Pennycook groups 2006 correction. In 2006, the two researchers submitted a technical comment for publication in Nature, claiming to show that Pennycooks correction is inaccurate, and that the central claim of the 1993 work that the team had successfully used an electron microscope to image the interface between two materials with atomic resolution is not supported. Neither Muller nor Silcox made the original allegations against Pennycooks group, although Muller says that he gave advice to the scientist who did. Nature accepted the technical comment for publication, pending a reply by Pennycook. A draft of that reply says that the technical comment contains a mix of criticism with little scientific basis, false statements, irrelevancies, and suggestions of scientific misconduct, and that the group has been cleared. Although Mullers comment (J. Silcox and D. A. Muller Preprint at http:// arxiv.org/abs/1106.4534; 2011) was accepted, it was never published in Nature. Karl Ziemelis, Natures chief physical sciences editor, told me that he cannot comment on unpublished submissions, but notes that, in general,
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further investigation, and that the entire ORNL response was assessed by the science and technology committee of the board of governors of UT-Battelle, the contractor that runs the lab. It concluded that the investigation was handled properly, free of conflict of interest and consistent with applicable federal guidelines, she says. Muller and Silcox did consider contacting the DOE directly. Cornells vice-provost for research, physicist Robert Richardson, called Orbach to try to open a line of communication, but was unsuccessful. Orbach, who is now director of the Energy Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, says that he does not recall specifics of any phone calls. Silcox says that he tried to contact Harriet Kung, current associate director of basic energy sciences at the Office of Science, who was involved in approving the investigation according to the government filings, but that she would not discuss the case with him. Kung did not respond to a request for comment. For Muller, the lesson of this episode is clear. The DOE needs an office of research integrity, he says. Not only would that allow for independent oversight, but it would also protect complainants who risk losing their own funding if their concerns are not welcomed by grant officers. Since he submitted his comment to Nature, Muller has himself received DOE funding, and he admits that the fear of losing that money makes it harder to bring his concerns forward. As for my lawsuit, the DOEs handling of the investigation report seems to have protected the document from disclosure, at least for now. The judge found that the report is not a government record releasable under the Freedom Of Information Act primarily because government officials have never read it. I have brought a motion to reconsider, so the case remains open. But an unexpected question has now been raised: should taxpayers be allowed to read about how alleged misconduct at the US national labs has been investigated, even if government officials dont? SEE EDITORIAL P.5 Eugenie Samuel Reich is a contributing correspondent for Nature. In Reich v. the US Department of Energy 1:09-cv-10883-NMG in the US District Court in Boston, Massachusetts, she is represented by David B. Smallman and Michael A. Pezza Jr.

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The vitamin D-lemma

A vociferous debate about vitamin-D supplementation reveals the difficulty of distilling strong advice from weak evidence.

ith his skull-and-crossbones bow tie tied tight, Clifford Rosen strides to the podium at the Metropolitan Bone Club, a meeting of researchers and clinicians in New York City concerned with all things skeletal. He begins by bracing himself: If you want to ask a question or just yell at me, go ahead, he says. Im used to a lot of antagonism, anger, and frustration. Rosen is director of clinical and translational research at Maine Medical Center Research Institute in Scarborough and is a respected member of the bone-research community. But his role last year on an expert panel to determine how much calcium and vitamin D people need put him at odds with many of his colleagues. In the past few years, vitamin D has earned a reputation in Western countries for preventing or fighting prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis and about 30 other maladies, leading to advice that most people should be supplementing what the body produces naturally when exposed to sunlight. But in November, the panel, put together by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) a nonprofit group affiliated with the US National Academy of Sciences issued a report1 that

challenged that view. Blood levels of vitaminD need not be as high as many physicians and testing companies had been advocating, it said, and high doses of the vitamin could actually cause harm. Since the report was released, Rosen says hes received about 150e-mails critical of the panels decisions. About onethird were downright hateful. A rehabilitation doctor in Texas threatened to bring me to the board of malpractice to have my licence revoked. People tell me I dont know what Im doing, he says. It has become personal. Much is at stake. By 2009, the amount spent on vitamin-D supplements in the United States had risen tenfold in ten years (see Raising the stakes). Medical practitioners and publichealth officials worldwide look to the IOM for guidance on how to interpret the conflicting claims about vitamin D. Yet several vitamin-D proponents say that the IOMs methods, which involved a systematic review of the literature, were flawed. They have accused the panel of misinterpreting data and over-emphasizing the danger of heavy supplementation. Just last month, the Endocrine Society, a professional association of 14,000 researchers and clinicians based in Chevy Chase, Maryland, released

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guidelines that recommend higher doses than the IOM did2. Why, instead of clearing confusion as was the IOMs goal, has the report sown division and unrest? The IOM was too definitive in its recommendations, says Michael Holick, an endocrinologist at Boston University School of Medicine in Massachusetts, and an outspoken critic of the IOM panels conclusions. Basically, the vitamin-D recommendations are based on low-quality evidence, says Gordon Guyatt, a clinician researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who has been a consultant on various guidelines. I think admitting that would have made some of the angst disappear. Poor data is one reason that the panel did not recommend higher doses, say interested observers. We are not free to just accept enthusiastic reports, unless they are based on comprehensive, well-characterized data sets, says Paul Coates, director of the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, one of the agencies that had requested the IOMs evaluation. I think everyone wants to do the right thing, but I would say that the government is inherently more conservative. The episode demonstrates the difficulty of producing public-health advice from disparate and sometimes feeble evidence. The former panel members have been touring the United States and Europe to defend and explain their methods. Thats what brought Rosen to the bone club. In the past 50years of IOM reports, this one has received the most visibility fortunately or unfortunately, he tells the audience.


Sales of vitamin D in the United States have risen dramatically in the past decade.

200 2005 2009





place much trust in the results. Most of the other research has been observational. A2008 study, for example, reported that men with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to have heart attacks than were those with higher levels3, but it couldnt rule out other explanations for the link. The panel met 8 times over 20months. Its efforts culminated in a 1,132-page report1 concluding that people should aim for blood levels of 50nanomoles per litre (nmol/L). This level, the IOM said, can be achieved with 600IU of vitamin D per day (800for those older than 70) an amount that doesnt necessarily require supplementation, because many people would get this naturally from Sun exposure, fatty fish and fortified foods. The IOM also stated that reports of widespread deficiency have been exaggerated; the majority of North Americans already have enough vitamin D; and too much of it could be harmful. Passions ignited immediately. Physicians and alternative-medicine advocates posted websites and Facebook pages declaring the

that this might encourage the German government, which does not fortify food, to reconsider the issue. The IOM was interested in a study Amling had published, in which he had measured bone quality and blood levels of vitamin D in the bodies of 675people who had died in good health (for example, in car accidents and suicides)4. Amling concluded that an ideal level for the general population would be 75nmol/L because everyone above that level had strong bones, and they therefore werent at a high risk of fractures. The IOMs mandate was to set the levels that protect most people, but not all. It found that Amlings data supported a 50nmol/L threshold (which had been suggested elsewhere in the literature) because at that level, only 1% of people in the study had weak bones. But Amling says that the IOM made a mathematical mistake: it should have looked at the risk of weak bones in people at or above a certain level, not in the whole population (see Denominator dispute). Instead of dividing

Vitamin Ds role in promoting bone health through the regulation of calcium is fairly unassailable, but in the past several years, the medical and scientific communities have become preoccupied with how it might prevent chronic disease. Some physicians recommend supplementation of up to 6,000international units (IU) a day to make up for the time that people spend indoors. This is less than the amount a fair-skinned person without sunblock might make in half an hour of exposure to the midday summer Sun. In August 2008, the US and Canadian governments asked the IOM for unbiased advice about how much vitamin D and calcium people need. Rosen and 13 colleagues who were selected to serve on the panel amassed about 1,000 studies on metabolism, vitamin intake and impact on human health. They then ranked the studies by the quality of design and execution. Randomized placebo-controlled studies earned the highest rating. Of roughly 70 such trials, most assessed the effect of vitaminD on falls, fractures and bone quality. About a dozen looked at cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but because of the way those outcomes were assessed, the panel didnt
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IOM guidelines flawed. Some claimed that its recommendations were an industry-motivated scheme to keep people in need of prescription drugs and other costly treatments, a theory that Rosen dismisses. And although conspiracy theories tend to be thin on logic or factual substance, scientists and clinicians have raised some legitimate concerns. the 7people with weak bones and levels above 50nmol/L by all 675people in the study, he says it should have divided 7 by the 82 individuals with levels above 50nmol/L. Charles McCulloch, a biostatistician at the University of California, San Francisco, who has no vested interest in vitamin-D thresholds, agrees: the panel should have found that 8.5% of the population above50 nmol/L had weak bones, and therefore according to its goal of allowing no more than 2.5% of the population to be at risk, Amlings data would support a higher level. Im very shocked they made such a basic mathematical mistake, Amling says. Another researcher whose work received a fair share of the IOMs attention is Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, director of the centre for ageing and mobility at the University of Zurich


Michael Amling, a bone expert at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany is one such critic. He says he was thrilled when Rosen e-mailed him in 2009 to enquire about some of his data. I wanted to support the work of the IOM, says Amling. He assumed its analysis would conclude that most people were vitamin-D deficient, and
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in Switzerland. She published a meta-analysis Harvard Medical School in Boston, dismisses began enrolment for a 5-year, 20,000-person in 2009 that pooled eight clinical trials testing the notion that the mega-dose trial ought to trial to test the effect of supplements on cancer the ability of vitamin-D supplements to reduce be ignored: Within the first three weeks of and cardiovascular disease. falling in elderly people5. In her analysis, par- this trial, when serum levels were at or above Reinhold Vieth, a vitamin-D researcher at ticipants who took daily doses of 7001,000IU 100nmol/L, there was an increased risk of the University of Toronto in Canada, calls this fell less often than those taking a placebo. falls and fractures. This trial contributed to demand for huge trials a cop-out. He says that Doses below 700 IU made no difference. the IOMs anxiety about doses that might raise there is good evidence that higher levels of vitaWhen the IOM panel came to analyse blood levels to this amount. Specifically, the minD would reduce rates of multiple scleroBischoff-Ferraris data, it decided to include IOM set an upper dosage limit of 4,000IU sis, but a clinical trial to test this would require different studies. It removed a study6 show- a number it arrived at by taking calculations thousands of people and 30 years. Saying we ing a benefit from doses higher than 800IU from various studies. Such precautions are not need perfect, placebo-controlled trials is denybecause the study had focused on groups of unexpected, says Guyatt. Health officials put a ing the plausible evidence we have, Veith says. about 20 people, which the panel considered high value on avoiding recommendations that At what point do you offer advice? too small. And it added a trial7 that Bischoff- could prove dangerous over time, he says. Manson urges caution. Weve seen promFerrari had excluded because it hadnt been The Endocrine Societys guidelines, which ising correlations before that turned out to be double-blinded. Once the IOM swapped trials were based on four years of periodic review wrong when tested in clinical trials. She offers in Bischoff-Ferraris meta-analysis, the example of -carotene, which the evidence showed no benefit showed promise as a cancer prevenDENOMINATOR DISPUTE from supplementation. Needless tative in observational studies but In a study of 675 people (blue dots), 7 people with vitamin-D blood levels to say, Bischoff-Ferrari and others proved dangerous in high-dose trials. of 50 nmol/L or more had weak bones. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) disagree with the IOMs decision. Why are all these lessons of history panel concluded that this level met the needs of 99% of the population. But others have disputed the calculation, and recommend a higher level. With no universal criteria to no longer relevant when it comes to identify which studies ought to be vitaminD? she asks. 18 IOMS included in meta-analyses, its hard Perhaps IOM panel members RECOMMENDED 16 to say which team selected the most underestimated the passion present in LEVEL appropriate ones. What is clear, the vitamin-D field. Physicians who 14 however, is that a lack of high-qualrecommend high doses of vitaminD 12 ity primary research makes these might not want to believe that the 10 decisions difficult and prone to bias. evidence they have trusted isnt quite Another criticism levelled at the up to par. One thing I wasnt aware 8 report has to do with the IOMs of before, is the tremendous pressure 6 warning that too much vitafrom industry and investigators who 4 min D could cause harm. In the are tied to their religious belief in vitaonly clinical trial claiming risk, minD, says Rosen. 2 elderly women treated with a sinGuyatt says that much of the cur0 gle 500,000-IU dose of vitamin D rent fracas could have been avoided 0 25 50 75 100 125 annually fell and fractured their if the IOM panel had been a bit more Blood levels of vitamin D (nmol/L) bones more often than those in the equivocal in its reporting. But Rosen placebo group8. Many researchers doesnt regret having been dogmatic find the study ridiculous. No one absorbs of the literature, call people with levels in the recommendations. 500,000IU a day from the Sun, so why would under 50nmol/L vitamin-D deficient, and Still, he says that he would have liked to take you give that as a supplemental dose? says those with levels between 50nmol/L and more time to explain the IOMs methods up Edward Giovannucci, a nutritional epidemi- 72.5nmol/L insufficient. Insufficiency ver- front rather than just presenting the bottom ologist at the Harvard School of Public Health sus deficiency is not a common distinction line. He suspects that unbiased, systematic in Boston, Massachusetts. in guidelines, says Holick, but it reflects the reviews such as this one will increasingly come opinion that people benefit from the higher under fire when they lead to hard recommenTHE DEFENCE threshold. dations. This is the beginning of a whole new These are just some of the criticisms that The societys guidelines also offer an ideal phase, he says. In the old days of medicine Rosen and other members of the former level of 100150nmol/L for non-skeletal we believed experts, and now we say, show us IOM committee have heard. In response to health benefits, which would require 1,500 the data. Amlings charge that the IOM made a math- 2,000IU daily, and it advises physicians to ematical mistake, Rosen maintains that the monitor vitamin-D levels in healthy people. Amy Maxmen is a freelance writer in New method the IOM used to calculate 1% risk is Quest Diagnostics, a medical-testing corpo- York City. standard procedure for dietary recommenda- ration headquartered in Madison, New Jer1. Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for tions. The group was asking about a natural sey, that Holick advises, has already begun to Calcium and Vitamin D (National Academies Press, population with wide variation in vitamin- implement these deficiency and insufficiency 2010). D levels. He adds that other skeletal studies standards over the IOMs, and many physicians 2. Holick, M. F. et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. doi:10.1210/jc.2011-0385 (2011). showed no benefit in increasing the threshold are expected to follow suit. 3. Giovannucci, E., Liu, Y., Hollis, B. W. & Rimm, E. B. above 50nmol/L. The now-disbanded IOM panel has been Arch. Int. Med. 168, 11741180 (2008). With regard to Bischoff-Ferraris meta- formulating a response to clarify how phy- 4. Priemel, M. et al. J. Bone Min. Res. 25, 305312 analysis, Rosen stands by the IOMs deci- sicians and the public should make sense of 5. (2010). Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A. et al. Br. Med. J. 339, b3692 sion to remove studies with few participants the discrepancies in recommendations. The (2009). because they are sensitive to random errors; panels members acknowledge that the case 6. Broe, K. E. et al. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 55, 234239 including them, he adds, can exaggerate an for vitamin D benefiting general health is not 7. (2007). Withers, H., Morris, J. & Anderson, F. Law, M., erroneous finding. closed, and say that the best way to clarify it Age Ageing 35, 482486 (2006). And JoAnn Manson, an epidemiologist at is with large clinical trials. Manson recently 8. Sanders, K. M. JAMA 303, 18151822 (2010).
Ratio of unmineralized/total bone mass


Weak bones

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NANOTECHNOLOGY Materials should not be regulated on size alone p.31

SUMMER BOOKS Reviewers and editors suggest reading for your holiday p.32 CONSERVATION Concern about alien species is scientific and practical p.36

EQUALITY Action needed to stop science prizes going primarily to men p.37


Improving treatment for children with mental illness, like this girl in Somalia, is an urgent priority.

Grand challenges in global mental health

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A consortium of researchers, advocates and clinicians announces here research priorities for improving the lives of people with mental illness around the world, and calls for urgent action and investment.

chizophrenia, depression, epilepsy, dementia, alcohol dependence and other mental, neurological and substance-use (MNS) disorders constitute 13% of the global burden of disease (Table1), surpassing both cardiovascular disease and cancer1. Depression is the third leading contributor to the global disease burden, and alcohol and illicit drug use account for more than 5% (ref. 2). Every seven seconds, someone develops dementia3, costing the world up to US$609 billion in 2009 (ref. 4). By 2020, an estimated 1.5 million people will die each year by suicide, and between 15 and 30 million will make the attempt5. The absence of cures, and the dearth of preventive interventions for MNS disorders, in part reflects a limited understanding of the brain and its molecular and cellular mechanisms. Where there are effective treatments, they are frequently not available to those in greatest need. In 83% of low-income countries, there are no anti-Parkinsonian treatments in primary care; in 25% there are no anti-epileptic drugs6. Unequal distribution of human resources between and within countries further weakens access: the World Health Organizations European region has 200 times as many psychiatrists as in Africa7. Across all countries, investment in fundamental research into preventing and treating MNS disorders is disproportionately low relative to the disease burden8. To address this state of affairs, the Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health initiative has identified priorities for research in the next 10 years that will make an impact on the lives of people living with MNS disorders. The study was funded by the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, supported by the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), headquartered in London. Answers to the questions posed will require a surge in discovery and delivery science. We use the term mental health as a convenient label for MNS disorders. We exclude conditions with a vascular or infectious aetiology (such as stroke or cerebral malaria), because these fell within the scope of the two previous grand challenges initiatives in global health and in chronic non-communicable diseases9. This initiative differs from previous priority-setting exercises for mental
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Worldwide Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cause Unipolar depressive disorders Alcohol-use disorders Schizophrenia Bipolar affective disorder Alzheimers and other dementias Drug-use disorders Epilepsy Migraine Panic disorder Obsessivecompulsive disorder Insomnia (primary) Post-traumatic stress disorder Parkinsons disease Multiple sclerosis DALYs (millions) 65.5 23.7 16.8 14.4 11.2 8.4 7.9 7.8 7.0 5.1 3.6 3.5 1.7 1.5 Cause Unipolar depressive disorders Alzheimers and other dementias Alcohol-use disorders Drug-use disorders Schizophrenia Bipolar affective disorder Migraine Panic disorder Insomnia (primary) Parkinsons disease Obsessivecompulsive disorder Epilepsy Post-traumatic stress disorder Multiple sclerosis High-income countries DALYs (millions) 10.0 4.4 4.2 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 Cause Unipolar depressive disorders Alcohol-use disorders Schizophrenia Bipolar affective disorder Epilepsy Alzheimers and other dementias Drug-use disorders Migraine Panic disorder Obsessivecompulsive disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Insomnia (primary) Multiple sclerosis Parkinsons disease Low- and middle-income countries DALYs (millions) 55.5 19.5 15.2 12.9 7.3 6.8 6.5 6.3 6.2 4.5 3.0 2.9 1.2 1.0

*Data from ref. 1. Examples of MNS disorders under the purview of the Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health initiative. World Bank criteria for income (2009 gross national income (GNI) per capita): low income is US$995 equivalent or less; middle income is $99612,195; high income is $12,196 or more. A disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is a unit for measuring the amount of health lost because of a disease or injury. It is calculated as the present value of the future years of disability-free life that are lost as a result of the premature deaths or disability occurring in a particular year.

health1012 in four ways. First, its scope is global. Second, it is the first to employ the Delphi method13, a structured technique using controlled feedback to arrive at consensus within a dispersed panel of many participants. Third, it covers the full range of MNS disorders. Finally, the effort hopes to build a wide-ranging community of research funders much as the challenge for noncommunicable diseases led to the creation of the GACD.


The prioritization exercise assembled the largest international Delphi panel so far on the subject. An executive committee of leaders of key funding agencies provided broad oversight. A scientific advisory board comprising leaders in the relevant scientific disciplines guided the process. And an administrative team from the NIMH worked with the chairs of the committee and advisory board to coordinate communication and data analysis. The advisory board nominated 594 researchers, advocates, programme implementers and clinicians; 422, working in more than 60 countries, agreed to participate. Researchers in genetics and genomics, neuroscience, basic behavioural science and neurodevelopment made up just over one-third of the panel. Mental-health services researchers constituted another quarter, and a further third were clinical researchers and epidemiologists (see Supplementary Figs 13). In Round 1, panel members were asked to respond to the question What are the grand challenges in global mental health? by
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listing up to five areas they considered to be top priorities. As in previous initiatives14,15, a grand challenge was defined as a specific barrier that, if removed, would help to solve an important health problem. If successfully implemented, the intervention(s) it could lead to would have a high likelihood of feasibility for scaling up and impact. Round1 yielded 1,565 challenges. These were distilled by the administrative team and chairs of the executive committee and advisory board into a shorter list of 154 unique challenges from which panellists selected their top 40 in Round 2 (Supplementary Table 1). The top 25 challenges from this list are shown in Table 2. Round 3 asked panellists to rank each challenge on a four-point scale for: ability to reduce disease burden; impact on equity; immediacy of impact; and feasibility (see Supplementary Methods). To arrive at the final ranked master list of grand challenges, individual rankings for each challenge were weighted, summed across all four criteria, and divided by the total number of responses (Supplementary Table 3).


The 25 grand challenges in Table 2 run the research gamut from preclinical questions into the aetiology and treatment of MNS disorders, to implementation and policy needs to scale up effective interventions. All the challenges emphasize the need for global cooperation in the conduct of research to create shared access to data, expertise and capacity-building opportunities. Children emerge as requiring particular attention for prevention and care. Most mental disorders
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involve developmental processes, so reducing the duration of untreated illness by focusing resources on the earliest definable clinical stage of illness could revolutionize treatment. Similarly, it is imperative that we explore the role of prenatal exposures and develop interventions to reduce the longterm negative impact of low childhood socioeconomic status on cognitive ability. The challenges capture several broad themes. First, the results underscore the need for research that uses a life-course approach. This approach acknowledges that many MNS disorders either begin or manifest in early life, and is equally attentive to risk factors and disorders affecting children and the elderly. Efforts to build mental capital the cognitive and emotional resources that influence how well an individual is able to contribute to society and experience a high quality of life could also mitigate the risk of disorders such as depression, substance-use disorders, bipolar disorder and dementia16. Second, the challenges recognize that the suffering caused by MNS disorders extends beyond the patient to family members and communities. Thus, health-system-wide changes are crucial, together with attention to social exclusion and discrimination. At the same time, research into systems interventions, such as integrating care for MNS disorders into chronic-disease care, could transform health services and reduce costs. Third, the challenges underline the fact that all care and treatment interventions psychosocial or pharmacological, simple or complex should have an evidence base to provide programme planners, clinicians and

Top 25 challenges* Goal A Identify root causes, risk and protective factors Identify modifiable social and biological risk factors across the life course Understand the impact of poverty, violence, war, migration and disaster Identify biomarkers Illustrative research questions What is the relationship between early fetal and child development and the onset of MNS disorders? What are the phenotypes and endophenotypes of MNS disorders across cultural settings? What geneenvironment interactions are associated with the increased risk for mental disorders? What factors promote resilience and prevent mental disorders in persons at extreme social disadvantage? What role does social context play in the persistence of MNS disorders throughout life? Which behavioral skills can enhance executive function, resilience and cognitive flexibility throughout life? What neuroprotective agents and/or cognitive retraining paradigms can be used during the period of rapid brain development to reduce vulnerability to disorders in adolescence? How effective are home- and school-based interventions for child abuse and neglect?

Goal B Advance prevention and implementation of early interventions

Support community environments that promote physical and mental well-being throughout life Reduce the duration of untreated illness by developing culturallysensitive early interventions across settings Develop interventions to reduce the long-term negative impact of low childhood socioeconomic status on cognitive ability and mental health Develop an evidence-based set of primary prevention interventions for a range of MNS disorders Develop locally appropriate strategies to eliminate childhood abuse and enhance child protection

Goal C Improve treatments and expand access to care

Integrate screening and core packages of services into routine primary health care Reduce the cost and improve the supply of effective medications Develop effective treatments for use by non-specialists, including lay health workers with minimal training Incorporate functional impairment and disability into assessment Provide effective and affordable community-based care and rehabilitation Improve childrens access to evidence-based care by trained health providers in low- and middle-income countries Develop mobile and IT technologies (such as telemedicine) to increase access to evidence-based care

How effective are brief screening tools for the detection of MNS disorders in routine care settings? How effective are interventions for serious mental disorders delivered by lay health workers? How will increased understanding of neural circuits lead to alternatives to current pharmacological interventions? How can mobile-phone technology be used to monitor seizure frequency? How can video games and other electronic media be used for cognitive remediation across cultural settings? What psychosocial interventions produce the best outcomes for community-based care for MNS disorders across cultural settings? What are the components of effective interventions to reduce stigma associated with MNS disorders? What interventions to reduce stigma and discrimination can be targeted to and implemented in health and social service settings in different health-system environments? What is the impact of macroeconomic factors (such as unemployment rates, international trade, national income) on the prevalence of MNS disorders over time? What is the impact of policy initiatives on the coverage of treatment for MNS disorders? What measurement factors contribute to differences in the prevalence of mental disorders across ethnic groups within and between countries? What is the most effective way to train primary health-care workers to deliver evidence-based care with adequate fidelity to guidelines? What is the comparative effectiveness of care for MNS disorders by different cadres of health-care providers? What are the views of low-income communities in high- and low-income countries on the priority research questions for MNS disorders? What can we learn from different approaches (and associated costs) to integrated delivery of care across health systems? What are the most effective health-system-wide strategies to reduce consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs? What is the impact of legislation that ensures parity between mental and other illnesses on access to mental-health services?

Goal D Raise awareness of the global burden

Develop culturally informed methods to eliminate the stigma, discrimination and social exclusion of patients and families across cultural settings Establish cross-national evidence on the cultural, socioeconomic and services factors underlying disparities in incidence, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes Develop valid and reliable definitions, models and measurement tools for quantitative assessment at the individual and population levels for use across cultures and settings Establish shared, standardized global data systems for collecting surveillance data on the prevalence, treatment patterns and availability of human resources and services

Goal E Build human resource capacity

Increase capacity in low- and middle-income countries by creating regional centers for mental-health research, education, training and practice that incorporate the views and needs of local people Develop sustainable models to train and increase the number of culturally and ethnically diverse lay and specialist providers to deliver evidence-based services Strengthen the mental-health component in the training of all health-care personnel

Goal F Transform healthsystem and policy responses

Establish and implement minimum health-care standards for MNS disorders around the world Redesign health systems to integrate MNS disorders with other chronic-disease care, and create parity between mental and physical illness in investment into research, training, treatment and prevention Incorporate a mental-health component into international aid and development programmes

Summary principles

Use a life-course approach to study

Use system-wide approaches to address suffering

Use evidence-based interventions

Understand environmental influences

*The order in which the challenges are presented does not indicate frequency of endorsement or relative importance. Bold type denotes the top five challenges ranked by disease-burden reduction, impact on equity, immediacy of impact and feasibility.

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Women in Priluki psychiatric hospital, Ukraine.

policy-makers with effective care packages. Finally, the panels responses underscore important relationships between environmental exposures and MNS disorders. Extreme poverty, war and natural disasters affect large swathes of the world, and we still do not fully understand the mechanisms by which mental disorders might be averted or precipitated in those settings.


There have been some major advances in our understanding of the aetiology and treatment of MNS disorders. Future breakthroughs are likely to depend on discoveries in genomics and neuroscience, in tandem with exploration of the role of sociocultural and environmental contexts. The top five challenges ranked by disease-burden reduction, impact on equity, immediacy of impact, and feasibility should serve as a starting point for immediate research and prioritization of policies (see bold lines in Table 2). Action on all the challenges will require long-term investment. Substantial research progress can be achieved in the next ten years if funding begins immediately. Already, the NIMHs initiative, Collaborative Hubs for International Research in Mental Health, has committed to support research on the use of non-specialist mental health-care providers and research training in low- and middle-income countries. But a wider set of stakeholders must also be engaged, particularly in problems that require integrated research and policy interventions. The WHO should disseminate information on these challenges to its member countries health ministries and research councils to shape research and action priorities. Given
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the intimate relationship between economic and social development and the needs of people with MNS disorders, the World Bank, regional development banks, national development agencies, foundations, nongovernmental organizations and the global business community should all participate in addressing the challenges. Researchers and funders have tremendous responsibility in this context. Consortia and networks, advocacy organizations, universities and their partners should organize their activities around one or more of the goals and the attendant grand challenges. The leaderships of the Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health, the GACD and their partners will meet in October to develop a strategy for regular monitoring of progress. Even incremental progress in addressing the grand challenges in global mental health could lead to significant economic and quality-of-life benefits including reductions in inappropriate use of health care and increased productivity for years to come17 that would far outweigh investment costs. Although the greatest challenge the elimination of MNS disorders may not be attainable within the next 10 years, the research suggested above must be conducted forthwith. Pamela Y. Collins Office for Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, Maryland, USA. Vikram Patel, Centre for Global Mental Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine UK, Sangath, Goa, India. Sarah S. Joestl, Office for Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health,
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USA. Dana March, Office for Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, USA. Thomas R. Insel, National Institute of Mental Health, USA. Abdallah S. Daar, University of Toronto and McLaughlinRotman Centre for Global Health, Toronto, Canada, and Chair, Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases. On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Grand Challenges on Global Mental Health. e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]
1. World Health Organization The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update (WHO, 2008). 2. WHO Atlas on Substance Use (WHO, 2010). 3. Ferri, C. P. et al. Lancet 366, 21122117 (2005). 4. Wimo, A., Winblad, B. & Jnsson, L. Alzheimers & Dementia 6, 98103 (2010). 5. Bertolote, J. & Flieschmann, A. Suicidologi 7, 68 (2002). 6. WHO Country Resources for Neurological Disorders 2004 (WHO, 2004). 7. WHO Mental Health Atlas (WHO, 2005). 8. Saxena, S., Thornicroft, G., Knapp, M. & Whiteford, H. Lancet 370, 878889 (2007). 9. Daar, A. S. et al. Nature 450, 494496 (2007). 10. Lancet Mental Health Group Lancet 370, 12411252 (2007). 11. Sharan, P. et al. Br. J. Psychiatry 195, 354363 (2009). 12. Tomlinson, M. et al. Bull. WHO 87, 438446 (2009). 13. Jones, J. & Hunter, D. Br. Med. J. 311, 376380 (1995). 14. Daar, A.S. et al. Nature 450, 494496 (2007). 15. Varmus, H. et al. Science 302, 398399 (2003). 16. Beddington, J. et al. Nature 455, 10571060 (2008). 17. Rupp, A. Br. J. Psychiatry 166, 2633 (1995). Supplementary Information and a full list of authors accompany this article online at www. nature.com/nature and can also be viewed at http://grandchallengesgmh.nimh.nih.gov.



Dont define nanomaterials

Basing regulations on a term with no scientific justification will do more harm than good, argues Andrew D. Maynard.


ive years ago, I was a proponent of a regulatory definition of engineered nanomaterials. I have changed my mind. With policy-makers looking for clear definitions on which to build nano-regulations, there is a growing danger of science being pushed aside. It makes sense to assume that nanomaterials could come with unanticipated risks. A rapidly growing body of research indicates that some nanoscale materials behave differently from their bigger and smaller counterparts1. For instance, normally benign titanium dioxide widely used as a whitener becomes increasingly toxic as its particle size shrinks. Nanoscale titanium dioxide has been classified as a potential human carcinogen by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. But it is becoming clear that many parameters other than size modulate risk, including particle shape, porosity, surface area and chemistry. Some of these parameters become more relevant at smaller scales but not always. The transition from conventional to unconventional behaviour, when it does occur, depends critically on the particular material and the context. A one size fits all definition of nanomaterials will fail to capture what is important for addressing risk.

definition of engineered nanomaterials is needed to ensure their safe use under such regulations. But a sensible definition has proved hard, if not impossible, to arrive at. Last year, the European Commission (EC) released this draft definition for public comment: a material that consists of particles with one or more external dimensions in the size range 1 nm100 nm for more than 1% of their number; and/or has internal or surface structures in one or more dimensions in the size range 1 nm100 nm; and/or


Concern over the risks of engineered nanomaterials has led organizations around the world to reconsider their regulations. In June, the US Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance to help companies determine whether their products utilize nanomaterials. The US Environmental Protection Agency has just issued draft guidelines for when a nanomaterial should be considered a new substance under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, even if a largerscale version is already in use. In Europe, the REACH regulations (on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals), in force since 2007, have been accompanied by contentious (and so far unresolved) discussions about how they apply to engineered nanomaterials. New European cosmetics regulations require ingredients that are engineered nanomaterials to be listed on product labels by 2013. Many argue, and I once agreed, that a

has a specific surface area by volume greater than 60 m2 cm3, excluding materials consisting of particles with a size lower than 1 nm. Despite a stated intent to base the definition on available scientific knowledge, none of these criteria is supported by current data on nanomaterial risk. Unsurprisingly, the commission has not yet been able to reach a consensus on a definition. The coordinator of the ECs nano team has been quoted as saying that ultimately the decision on a regulatory definition of nanomaterials would be a policy one. This should ring alarm bells throughout the scientific community: it implies that the basis for nanomaterial regulation will be a term of art rather than science. Strict definitions of harmful materials have caused problems before. The mineral Libby vermiculite, for instance, contains deadly asbestiform fibres and yet it slipped through the regulatory net for many years because it didnt fit the official definition of asbestos.
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To avoid similar problems with nanomaterials, regulators should work with a list of nine or ten attributes (including size and surface area) for which certain values trigger action. This list of trigger points would differ from the EC black-and-white definition in several key ways: attributes other than size and surface area would be included; cut-off values would be compound-specific and based on current science; and the criteria would allow for changes in a given material over time. Such regulatory sophistication will obviously take a lot of work. Much more research is needed to pin down how much a material would need to change to trigger a regulatory red flag: should a 1% change in mean particle size of a material previously determined to be safe, say, raise concerns, or should it be a 50% change? But enough is known today for an expert panel to begin determining key attributes and preliminary trigger points for many materials. These trigger points must be flexible, so that they can be modified as evidence grows. Adaptive regulations are necessary to respond to scientific evidence, although current US legal mechanisms make them hard to enact. Last month, the US Executive Office of the President released policy principles that stress the need for science-based regulation of engineered nanomaterials, stating: A focus on novel properties and phenomena observed in nanomaterials may ultimately be more useful than a categorical definition based on size alone.2. This is an important step in the right direction. Even so, assuming that nanomaterials are a unique class of material continues to present a stumbling block to effective regulation. Andrew D. Maynard is director of the Risk Science Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029, USA. e-mail: [email protected]
1. Maynard, A. D., Warheit, D. & Philbert, M. A. Toxicol. Sci. 120, S109S129 (2011). 2. Holdren, J. P., Sunstein, C. R. & Siddiqui, I. A. Policy Principles for the U.S. Decisionmaking Concerning Regulation and Oversight of Applications of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (Executive Office of the President, 2011). Further reading accompanies this article online at go.nature.com/xrp2jp
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The Longevity Project

Howard S. Friedman and Leslie R. Martin Hudson Street Press/Hay Hack House: 2011. In 1921, a remarkable study began tracking the lives and loves of 1,528 US citizens f rom childho o d to death. The study continues today, with research teams led by Howard Friedman, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside re-examining the data and keeping tabs on the few subjects who are still alive. With lucid prose and rigorous analysis, Friedman and his colleague Leslie Martin chronicle and interpret the findings from the 90-year project (Nature 471, 443444; 2011). Analysing copious data, they establish what it is about the participants personalities, life circumstances and behaviours that led some to stay healthy and others to fall ill or die before their time. Is longevity associated with being married, daily jogs, living with pets or faith in God? Is it more salubrious to retire early to a serene tropical island or to persevere in a stressful but challenging occupation? The book offers surprising lessons. Many a tenacious scientist will be gratified to learn, for example, that purpose, planning, prudence and persistence have important roles in maintaining a long life. Sonja Lyubomirsky is professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, USA.

The Civil War: A Narrative

Shelby Foote Vintage Books: 1958 (Vol. 1); 1963 (Vol. 2); 1974 (Vol. 3). To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, Ive been staying up way too late, reading this savagely compelling epic history of the battles fought on the field and in the political arenas of Washington DC and Richmond, Virginia. The war showed the coming power of the Industrial Revolution. Soldiers fought with semi-automatic carbines and iron-clad ships, while railways and the telegraph transformed transport and communications. Yet military success ultimately hinged on old technology: bayonet charges, gruelling marches on foot and paper battle plans that often went astray. Given my own work on conservation strategy, I found it fascinating to see the interplay between the best-laid plans and the challenges of enacting them in the fog of war. Like the generals, conservationists share a moral cause, incomplete information, limited resources, poorly trained troops and impatient political masters. Our success, too, depends on developing, sharing and implementing good plans, as well as adapting to changing circumstances in the most dire straits. I only hope our heroism matches even a fraction of that shown by the Civil War combatants. Nick Salafsky is co-director of the conservation non-profit organization Foundations of Success, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

As holidays beckon, Natures reviewers and editors offer a selection of reading for researchers away from the bench and lecture hall.

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Massive: The Hunt for the God Particle

Ian Sample Virgin/Basic Books: 2010. Massive describes the long search for the tiny Higgs boson, or God particle, the existence of which would verify the origins of mass and unravel many of the mysteries of the building blocks of the Universe. Although named after Scottish physicist Peter Higgs, the theory behind the boson was pieced together in the 1960s by three groups of scientists simultaneously (including Higgs) in different countries (Nature 465, 873874; 2010). Science journalist Ian Sample enlivens the tale through anecdotes, spanning Higgss initial presentation of his ideas about the particle at Princeton University, New Jersey, in 1966 to the current search for the boson using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Europes particle-physics lab in Geneva, Switzerland. He relates how technical problems with the LHC delayed the experiment, and how fears were spread in the media that the creation of exotic strangelet particles could lead the world to collapse in a split second. Although some scientists, including Stephen Hawking, believe that the Higgs boson will never be found, Higgs and others are optimistic that the search is coming to an end. Sara de Freitas is director of research at the Serious Games Institute at Coventry University, UK.

The Calculus of Selfishness

Karl Sigmund Princeton University Press: 2010. By telling you how to behave so that people will like you, this book will help you become a well-regarded member of your community. Give and you shall receive is a rule not only for religious believers it is supported by evolutionary theory. Even when we are acting selfishly, explains evolutionary game theorist Karl Sigmund in his aptly titled The Calculus of Selfishness, we gain most by being cooperative (Nature 464, 1280; 2010). It is a winwin strategy. Eighteenth-century economist Adam Smith knew it: Its not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. Sigmunds insights are more sophisticated. Because trust is a lubricant of social life, he says, concerns for reputation have a vital role in how we behave. This preoccupation with how people perceive us is hard-wired into our brains. We unconsciously become nicer to others when we feel we are being observed even a picture of watching eyes is enough to change our behaviour. Sharing information through gossip and paying to punish freeriders are also ways in which nice guys can finish first. Manfred Milinski is director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Ploen, Germany.

Virunga: The Survival of Africas First National Park

Edited By Marc Languy and Emmanuel de Merode Lannoo: 2009. Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Africas oldest and most species-rich national park. Its mountain gorillas, of which only 790 remain, are powerful reminders of human evolutionary history. Yet the park is in great danger, caught between population growth, agricultural encroachment, poverty and the devastation of years of civil war. Its survival hinges on a network of dedicated people and organizations, some of who risk their lives: more than 130 rangers have been killed since the mid1990s. This book is a scientific account of 80 years of work at Virunga, co-edited by the parks current director, Emmanuel de Merode. It explores the parks natural wealth, its vulnerability and the challenges of safeguarding it. Beautiful images and maps throughout reconnect the reader with the richness that the world has brought forth ours to preserve or squander. Reading the book left me concerned for Virungas future, but also invigorated with the gift of being alive. Wolfgang Lucht is professor of sustainability science at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.

23 Things They Dont Tell You About Capitalism

Ha-Joon Chang Allen Lane: 2010/Bloomsbury: 2011. Ha-Joon Chang takes 23 oftasserted truths about markets, then debunks them in a witty way. Of the assumption that pay and productivity should be linked, he argues that chief executives in the United States cannot have become ten times more productive since the 1960s, even though their salaries have risen from 3040 times that of the average worker to 300400 times that today. And he puts paid to views that free markets left unchecked will make us all better off, noting the widening gulf between the super-rich and everyone else. As the complexity of the world outstrips our ability to control it, he concludes that we need an intelligent state acting in the interests of society as a whole. We need to find a better balance between the finance sector and the real economy in which people make things. From my environmentalists standpoint, Chang now needs to address two crucial issues: how economics should take into account the unpriced and undervalued natural world of soils, water and atmosphere on which our life depends; and how we can embed long-term thinking in government and corporate decisions. Camilla Toulmin is director of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK.

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The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory, and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School
Alexandra Robbins Hyperion: 2011. What do Bill Gates, Lady Gaga and J. K. Rowling have in common? They were all outsiders in high school. In this moving chronicle of US teens, journalist Alexandra Robbins proposes that the traits that mark students as different help them to succeed later in life. She followed seven students for a year, including a boy from Hawaii preoccupied with gaming, a Georgia girl concerned with her sexual orientation and a Virginia boy fascinated with IQ challenges. The students courage and commitment to their own distinctiveness helped them to turn their talents into academic and social achievement. Writing from the perspective of social psychology, Robbins says little about conditions such as autism spectrum disorders. But her assertion that diversity is more than race or ethnicity puts her in line with the neurodiversity movements. It is increasingly cool to be smart or to have scattered skills in high school. Roy Richard Grinker is professor of anthropology, international affairs and human sciences at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.

The Way of the Panda: The Curious History of Chinas Political Animal
Henry Nicholls Pegasus/Profile Books: 2011. There are now vastly more giant-panda products including films, toys, blogs and books than there are living giant pandas. Estimates put the number of wild and captive animals at around 3,000. Even with international efforts to save it, the giant panda is an iconic animal for all endangered species on the planet. For those wishing to learn more about this captivating animal, three books stand out for veracity, clarity and history. The most recent is The Way of the Panda, by science writer Henry Nicholls, who splendidly relates the way giant pandas have taken hold of human hearts and politics (Nature 468, 503504; 2010). Nicholls generously cites the importance of two books by other naturalists: George B. Schallers The Last Panda (University of Chicago Press, 1993) and Men and Pandas by Desmond and Ramona Morris (McGraw-Hill, 1967). Coming soon is The Giant Book of the Giant Panda (Smithsonian) by Pan Wenshi, the worlds foremost giant-panda expert. Nancy Lee Nash was a WWF consultant 197984 and wrote the successful proposal for ChinaWWF contact in 1979.

Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All

Paul Offit Basic Books: 2011. Ive been teaching a seminar on pseudoscience that deals with the anti-vaccine movement. Weve been looking at Paul Offits book, which discusses the parents and others whose lack of understanding of, or belief in, science leads to the growth of this movement. It points out the often serious and sometimes deadly consequences of not vaccinating your child. Offit discusses the herd immunity that we have counted on in the past, and how it diminishes as the anti-vaccine movement grows. My own daughter, living in California, has been affected. Because of the whooping-cough epidemic that killed several babies in the state in the past year, she had to limit her babys travel for several months until the infant could be vaccinated. When your granddaughter is endangered, it concentrates the mind on the foolish and unnecessary hazard that some have created by not vaccinating their children and recommending the same for others. By the end of the course, my students had a better appreciation of the downside of superstition and pseudoscience. If read with an open mind, Offits book should convince the rest of the world as well. Jay Pasachoff is director of the Hopkins Observatory, Williams College, Massachusetts, USA.

Why the West Rules For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future
Ian Morris Farrar Straus and Giroux: 2010. Are the Western civilizations that spread from Eg ypt, Sumeria, Greece and Rome predestined to get ahead of those in the East? Yes and no, according to historian Ian Morris. The society with the edge is the one that can best organize and direct people, technology and finance into systems that work for the time. This now favours the West, but that hasnt always been true and neednt be so in the future. Morris answers the question quantitatively. He begins with the DNA-dispersion patterns laid down when people moved out of Africa. Incorporating evidence of worship, urbanization, centralized authority, tools and the harnessing of energy, he analyses many societies, over 100- and 1,000-year intervals. The West usually scores higher than the East, but not always. He sees the next 40 years as the most crucial in human history: will we be able to manage what has been unleashed by consumption and energy use? Morris contends that less liberal, more centralized approaches will pull ahead. This is a thought-provoking book for science and history buffs alike. Margaret Catley-Carlson is chair of the Crop Diversity Trust, Rome, Italy.

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Your Inner Fish: A Journey Into the 3.5 BillionYear History of the Human Body
Neil Shubin Vintage/Allen Lane: 2008. When you prepare your next salmon for dinner, think about how similar its body plan is to yours, at least relative to other phyla such as corals or oysters. Neil Shubin, palaeontologist and co-discoverer of Tiktaalik, the fish-with-hands fossil unearthed in the remote Inuit land of northern Canada, tells the intriguing story of the uncovering of new links in the evolutionary chain from fish to amphibians (Nature 451, 245; 2008). Forget Ichthyostega, the famous hybrid fossil you learned about in school; it is practically an amphibian, its fins already evolved into fingers and toes. The earlier stages in the evolution of our wrist, palm and digits are apparent in Tiktaalik, implying that the basic skeleton of our hands and feet emerged more than 360million years ago. From the reptiles that lived 250million years ago to today, the five-finger hand has been the optimal solution. But imagine what might have been if seven fingers per hand was instead the norm? How would piano concertos for fourteen-finger hands sound? Shubins fine book raises thoughts such as these. Birger Schmitz is professor of geology at the University of Lund, Sweden.

Thus Spoke Galileo: The Great Scientists Ideas and Their Relevance to the Present Day
Andrea Frova and Mariapiera Marenzana Oxford University Press: 2011. Most people have heard of Galileo Galilei, but few have read his words. This book lets him speak, conveying his message of reason, intellectual honesty and free thinking, which is of great relevance today. It made me realize that Galileo still influences the modern world; for instance, in defending the supremacy of rationality above dogmatic beliefs. As he argued, we should not accept from science only what is impossible to refute, but we should value the concept of a mutable truth and the use of reasoning in general. At a time when irrationality is rife in society, we should incorporate these basic tenets of the Galilean enterprise into the education of young people. This anthology, by physicist Andrea Frova and literature scholar Mariapiera Marenzana, spans the scientific, historical and literary viewpoints of Galileos arguments. Even the errors made by the great Tuscan scientist are a source of further understanding. Galileo can still teach us how to appreciate the marvellous and simple ways in which nature operates. Bruno Scrosati is professor of electrochemistry at the University of Rome Sapienza, Italy.

Dog Days, Raven Nights

John M. Marzluff and Coleen Marzluff Yale University Press: 2011. Ravens are intensely social and famously clever, but elusive to those who would observe them. John and Coleen Marzluff team up with veteran raven expert Bernd Heinrich in the Maine woods to study an important aspect of raven social behaviour: why they recruit other ravens to a food source. The picture that emerges is far from a simple tale of instinct and reflexes. Social life among ravens, like that of primates, is intricate, flexible and subtle. Behind the scenes, Sitka, a Siberian husky, and Topper, a black labrador, are working dogs who pull dead calves on a sled to feed the ravens in the aviary. Husky pups are trained to pull sleds, and are mentored by the experienced Sitka. In a race, these spirited animals maintain a pace of more than 5 kilometres a minute, running the equivalent of five marathons a day for ten days. Full of the grittiness of experimental persistence and the splendour of ravens and dogs this is a warm tale of wonderful science. Patricia Churchland is professor of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, USA.


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Non-natives: 141 scientists object
We the undersigned feel that in advocating a change in the environmental management of introduced species (Nature 474, 153154; 2011), Mark Davis and colleagues assail two straw men. First, most conservation biologists and ecologists do not oppose non-native species perse only those targeted by the Convention on Biological Diversity as threatening ecosystems, habitats or species. There is no campaign against all introductions: scarcity of resources forces managers to prioritize according to the impact of troublesome species, as in the Australian Weed Risk Assessment. Second, invasion biologists and managers do not ignore the benefits of introduced species. They recognize that many nonnative species curtail erosion and provide food, timber and other services. Nobody tries to eradicate wheat, for instance. Useful non-native species may sometimes still need to be managed because they have a negative impact, such as tree invasions that cause water loss in the South African fynbos. Davis and colleagues downplay the severe impact of non-native species that may not manifest for decades after their introduction as occurred with the Brazilian pepper shrub (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida (J.J. Ewel in Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii (eds H.A. Mooney and J.A. Drake) 214230; Springer, 1986). Also, some species may have only a subtle immediate impact but affect entire ecosystems, for example through their effect on soils. Pronouncing a newly introduced species as harmless

Non-natives: plusses of invasion ecology

Contrary to the implications of Mark Davis and colleagues (Nature 474, 153154; 2011), invasion ecology has given us valuable insight into the effects of new species on ecological function and into some of the precipitous changes we may face in the coming decades. Invasion ecologists generally assert that only a very small fraction of non-native species harm their new ecosystems. This position emerged as early as 1986 and was mainstream in the era that Davis and colleagues claim as the nadir of ecological nativism. It is unfair to characterize any scientific discipline solely by past failures and to ignore its successes. Invasion ecology is making real progress with defining impact and characterizing risk. Lets not throw up our hands in despair just yet. Julie L. Lockwood Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA. [email protected] Martha F. Hoopes Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA. Michael P. Marchetti California State University, California, USA.

can lead to bad decisions about its management. A species added to a plant community that has no evolutionary experience of that organism should be carefully watched. For some introductions, eradication is possible. For example, 27 invasive species have been eradicated from the Galapagos Islands, mitigating severe adverse effects on endemic species. Harmful invasive species have been successfully kept in check by biological, chemical and mechanical means. The public must be vigilant of introductions and continue to support the many successful management efforts. Daniel Simberloff* University of Tennessee, Tennessee, USA. [email protected] *On behalf of 141 signatories (see go.nature.com/f1eqjn).

Non-natives: put biodiversity at risk

Bias against non-native species is not xenophobic (Nature 474, 153154; 2011) it has a sound scientific foundation. The non-native status of a species is highly relevant to assessing its potential environmental and economic

impact. Unrestrained growth and environmental damage follow when there are no natural enemies in newly colonized areas. This is not necessarily a sign of an invaders superior evolutionary fitness: it may lead to a population collapse due to overexploitation of resources. Non-native species can increase the variety of species in a community, but it is an oversimplification to equate this with increased biodiversity, of which species richness is only one component. Surviving populations of native species may shrink or become restricted to poor-quality marginal habitats. Such unevenness hardly contributes to a more diverse community. The genetic diversity of invaded communities may decrease because of bottlenecks: native genotypes disappear as populations fall, whereas the invaders originate from very few initial colonizers. Establishment of non-native species inevitably decreases global diversity. Australia, for example, was unique in having no placental mammals; their introduction by humans made the continent ecologically more similar to the rest of the world. Andrei Alyokhin University of Maine, Maine, USA. [email protected]

Non-natives: four risk factors

Mark Davis et al. set an unrealistically high bar for those making management decisions about exotic species (Nature 474, 153154; 2011). Control is often easier, cheaper and more effective soon after detection (R.A. Haack et al. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 55, 521546; 2010). We agree that research on ecosystem impact is necessary, but such studies can take years. Meanwhile, we suggest that

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control priorities for potential invasive species could be based on easily available data about natural history and evolutionary ecology. We propose four guidelines for identifying such invasives. An exotic organism may be more likely to invade and cause disruption the greater its rate of reproduction; the greater its dispersal ability; the closer (phylogenetically) its preferred food in its native range is to an abundant taxon in the new range; and the farther away (phylogenetically) its predators and pathogens are in its native range from those in its new range. For example, the red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) is not particularly disruptive in its native range in North America because it attacks only trees that are already weakened. In China it attacks and kills healthy trees (Z. Yan et al. Biodivers. Conserv. 14, 17351760; 2005). The reasons for this beetles success as an invasive include its high dispersal and reproductive rates, its affinity for Chinese pines closely related to those it feeds on at home, and the lack of predators or pathogens phylogenetically similar to ones found in North America. Manuel Lerdau Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun, Yunnan, China; and University of Virginia, Virginia, USA. [email protected] Jacob D. Wickham Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. genetic testing for targeted cancer therapies, and to promote further research into personalized treatment. The first phase will run from 2011 to 2013 and cost 5.5million (US$8.8 million). The programme will model the processes required for routine testing of tumour molecular characteristics and for secure storage and retrieval of molecular and clinical data for research. It will involve seven Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres and 9,000 patients with one of six tumour types: breast, colorectal, lung, prostate, ovary and metastatic melanoma. Up to 22 mutations will be tested, with the aim of harmonizing practices across the centres and labs. The second phase will establish a molecular diagnostics service to deliver high-quality, standardized tests for patients nationwide and to obtain routine consent for the collection, storage and research use of data on genetics, treatments and outcomes. The long-term strategy includes the flexibility to accommodate new technologies, other cancer types and other disease areas. Cancer Research UK is in discussion with similar initiatives in the United States, France, Australia and elsewhere to exchange information on mistakes and successes. David Wiseman, Alice Tuff, James Peach Cancer Research UK, London, UK. [email protected] reduced the extent and severity of the projected cooling. Despite this, Carl Sagan, who co-authored the 1983 Science paper, went so far as to posit the extinction of Homo sapiens (C.Sagan Foreign Affairs 63, 7577; 1984). Some regarded this apocalyptic prediction as an exercise in mythology. George Rathjens of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology protested: Nuclear winter is the worst example of the misrepresentation of science to the public in my memory, (see go.nature.com/yujz84) and climatologist Kerry Emanuel observed that the subject had become notorious for its lack of scientific integrity (Nature 319, 259; 1986). Robocks single-digit fall in temperature is at odds with the subzero (about 25 C) continental cooling originally projected for a wide spectrum of nuclear wars. Whereas Sagan predicted darkness at noon from a USSoviet nuclear conflict, Robock projects global sunlight that is several orders of magnitude brighter for a PakistanIndia conflict literally the difference between night and day. Since 1983, the projected worst-case cooling has fallen from a Siberian deep freeze spanning 11,000 degreedays Celsius (a measure of the severity of winters) to numbers so unseasonably small as to call the very term nuclear winter into question. Russell Seitz Massachusetts, USA. [email protected] indicates that women as a group are disproportionately overlooked. Why? Gender schemas cognitive structures that summarize our beliefs about the sexes portray women primarily as nurturing and communal, and men as capable of independent action and work-oriented (V. Valian Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women; MIT Press, 1998). Such schemas mean that womens names are unlikely to come to nominators minds; if women are considered, they are less likely than men to be perceived as prizeworthy (see also Nature 469, 472; 2011). Prizes matter in part because young women with scientific abilities and interests are more likely to aim high if they see examples of women receiving top awards. Why stay in a field where you have little chance of recognition? We are squandering the abilities of half the human race. Prize committees need to learn where, how and why our perceptions give men an edge. Committees also need actively to solicit nominations of women and members of under-represented groups. Few guidelines, including those for the Kavli prize, include such encouragements. It is time to stop this cycle of neglect of outstanding women in science. Virginia Valian Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA. [email protected]

Nuclear winter was and is debatable

Alan Robocks contention that there has been no real scientific debate about the nuclear winter concept is itself debatable (Nature 473, 275276; 2011). This potential climate disaster, popularized in Science in 1983, rested on the output of a onedimensional model that was later shown to overestimate the smoke a nuclear holocaust might engender. More refined estimates, combined with advanced three-dimensional models (see go.nature.com/ kss8te), have dramatically

An editing change (T. Leitner et al. Nature 473, 284; 2011) confused the point that phylogenetic experts should formulate an a priori hypothesis based on HIV epidemiological information. B. Bosquet (Nature 474, 36; 2011) notes that Cameroons REDD Project Idea Note was prepared with the WWFs full support. Natures headline was not intended to undermine efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations.

UK cancer genetics gets personal

There is a promising way in which personalized medicine can be incorporated into healthservice infrastructure (Nature 473, 253254; 2011). In the United Kingdom, the charity Cancer Research UK is leading a partnership with AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the governments Technology Strategy Board to help the National Health Service to adopt a consistent approach to

All-male line-up yet again

Most prestigious prizes in science that are not set aside for women go primarily or only to men. The eight male 2010 Kavli prizewinners in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience are the most recent examples (see go.nature.com/5xh17n). The Kavli winners are accomplished and deserve their honours. But the frequency of all-male line-ups, and the number of meritorious women,

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Plate motion and mantle plumes

A model based on geophysical data from the Indian Ocean suggests that a mantle-plume head may once have coupled the motions of the African and Indian tectonic plates, and determined their respective speeds. See Article p.47

ews reports persistently remind us of the effects that plate tectonics has on our daily lives. Earthquakes and tsunamis are consequences of the relentless grinding of tectonic plates past each other. In Earths deep mantle, rocks flow like warm toffee, and hot, buoyant material can rise up to the surface, causing volcanic eruptions and ash clouds that can bring air traffic to a halt. Our knowledge of what ultimately drives the plates is still incomplete, however, not least when it comes to understanding the possible influence of mantle plumes. On page47 of this issue, Cande and Stegman1 offer a fresh perspective on the possible coupling between plate motions and the forces generated by these plumes. Mantle plumes are hot, cylindrical upwellings capped by an enlarged, mushroom-like head. When a rising plume head arrives at Earths surface, volcanoes spew out scorching volcanic ashes, gases and voluminous lava. These are quite rare geological events. But when they happen they can cause the break-up of supercontinents, as well as mass extinctions and major ecological changes on land and in the oceans2. On the bright side, they are also known to act as a catalyst for emplacing diamonds in the shallow crust3. Cande and Stegman1 extend the catalogue of phenomena attributed to mantle plumes by suggesting that they are able to impart a substantial force on plates a plume-push force that can do more than just break up continents. Their hypothesis is that if a rising plume head impinges on the base of a tectonic plate long after supercontinent break-up and dispersal, its pushing force may result in a substantial transient acceleration or deceleration of plates. Whether a plate adopts the speed of a tortoise or a hare after being hit by a plume depends on how the plume-push force balances out with other forces acting on the plate. Cande and Stegman study the effect of the Runion plume, whose mushroom head is thought to have reached the surface around 67million years (Myr) ago, emplacing the huge volumes of volcanic rocks in India known as the Deccan traps4. Using a careful analysis of marine geophysical data from the Indian
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65 Myr ago

40 Myr ago

10 cm yr 1








Age of sea oor (Myr)

Figure 1 | The Indian and African plates 65 and 40 million years ago. The black arrows represent absolute plate motions, with the fast motion of India 65 Myr ago, and the slow motion of Africa, corresponding to a time shortly after the Runion plume head is thought to have arrived at Earths surface; the plume head is hypothesized1 to have affected the plates speeds. By 40 Myr ago, the influence of the plume had waned: the Indian plate had slowed down considerably and the African plate had resumed its former direction and speed. Rotated present-day topography is shown on the continents, and sea-floor age is depicted in the ocean basins. The estimated extent of now-destroyed continental margins is represented by the grey areas; mid-ocean ridges and transform faults are shown as black lines; subduction zones are shown as a red line, with teeth on the overriding plate. (Plate reconstructionsgenerated using the GPlates software, data and rotations11.)

Ocean, they note several phenomena associated with this event: the Indian plate sped up between 68 and 66Myr ago and subsequently sustained absolute plate-motion speeds of 1012centimetresperyear for about 15Myr, with its peak speed reaching about 18cmyr1. Between 52 and 45Myr ago, Indias motion slowed dramatically to less than 4cmyr1. In addition, Africas motion slowed down while Indias sped up, only to return to its previous path and speed after India had decelerated. Figure 1 shows the state of play at 65 and 40Myr ago, with respective fast and slower motion of the Indian plate. Indias superfast motion has been puzzling. One model ascribed it to loss of Indias continental roots owing to mantle-plume activity when the supercontinent Gondwana originally broke apart5. However, such an erosion and
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melting away of Indias roots, thought to have occurred around 130Myr ago, cannot be held responsible for the specific acceleration starting 67Myr ago. Moreover, some geodynamic models suggest that the maximum velocity that tectonic plates typically reach is 8cmyr1. The reason for this maximum speed is that plates are largely driven by the pull of slabs subducting in the mantle, especially upper-mantle slabs to which plates are attached 6,7. The characteristic sinking velocity for upper-mantle slabs is about 7cmyr1, with a maximum of 8cmyr1 for the oldest, thickest, least buoyant slabs6. This work has been confirmed by sophisticated numerical models for presentday plate motions8, which show a near-perfect agreement between observed plate motions and those predicted if plates are driven only by upper-mantle slabs.


Therefore, geodynamic models raise the question of how plates can achieve velocities in such great excess of 8cmyr1. Cande and Stegman1 use their detailed kinematic models to make a conceptual argument that, by adding a plume-push force, India can be sufficiently accelerated while Africa is slowed down. This dichotomy is explained by considering the location of the Runion plume relative to the two plates. In Indias case, the plumepush force would act in unison with slab pull north of India, whereas in Africas case it would counteract slab pull, slowing the continent down. After exhaustion of the plume head and waning of its presumed pushing force, Africa would exhibit a speeding up synchronous with the slowdown of India. Of course, this scenario is not without problems. One potential difficulty is that the Deccan traps emplaced as a direct consequence of the partial melts supplied by the Runion plume head were generated over a comparatively short period of time, between 68 and 65Myr ago4. On the other hand, the velocity anomaly of the Indian plate lasted for more than 15 Myr. Additional evidence for a relatively short-lived thermal anomaly under India comes from a combination of seismic images of the crust offshore of southwest India and computer simulations of crustal stretching. This leads to the conclusion that, by 63Myr ago, relatively thin ocean crust was produced in the vicinity of the Runion plume, suggesting a significant reduction in its thermal anomaly by that time9. One would imagine that, to satisfy Cande and Stegmans conceptual model1, the plume head and its pushing force had to persist for a further 11Myr, until 52Myr ago when India slowed down substantially. After all, plates have no momentum if a driving force is taken away, they should slow down relatively quickly. Another potential problem comes from geodynamical modelling. Van Hinsbergen etal.10 have explored the magnitude of the plume-push force and concluded that although a plume-head effect could account for an acceleration of India, it could do so by only a few centimetres per year, certainly not the 10cmyr1 required to explain the Indian-plate velocities. Equivalently, their models indicate that a combination of reduced plume flux, reduced coupling with the plate and movement of the plate away from the plume can account for only a small portion of Indias dramatic slowdown after 52Myr ago. Despite these problems, Cande and Stegmans work1 stands out as an elegant demonstration of how plate kinematic data alone can be used to make inferences about the histories of coupling and synchronous motion of adjacent plates. Whether the plume-push force model for Indias superfast motion will stand the test of time remains to be seen, but it offers an intriguing solution to a long-standing dilemma. R. Dietmar Mller is in the School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia. e-mail: [email protected]
1. Cande, S. C. & Stegman, D. R. Nature 475, 4752 (2011). 2. Coffin, M. F. & Eldholm, O. Rev. Geophys. 32, 136, doi:10.1029/93RG02508 (1994). 3. Torsvik, T. H., Burke, K., Steinberger, B., Webb, S. J. & Ashwal, L. D. Nature 466, 352355 (2010). 4. Chenet, A.-L., Quidelleur, X., Fluteau, F., Courtillot, V. & Bajpai, S. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 263, 115 (2007). 5. Kumar, P. et al. Nature 449, 894897 (2007). 6. Goes, S., Capitanio, F. A. & Morra, G. Nature 451, 981984 (2008). 7. Schellart, W. P., Freeman, J., Stegman, D. R., Moresi, L. & May, D. Nature 446, 308311 (2007). 8. Stadler, G. et al. Science 329, 10331038 (2010). 9. Armitage, J. J., Collier, J. S., Minshull, T. A. & Henstock, T. J. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 12, Q0AB07, doi:10.1029/2010gc003316 (2011). 10. van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., Steinberger, B., Doubrovine, P. V. & Gassmller, R. J. Geophys. Res. 116, B06101, doi:10.1029/2010JB008051 (2011). 11. www.gplates.org


A platform for copper pumps

Copper is vital to most cells, but too much is lethal. The structure of a protein that pumps copper ions out of the cytosol provides insight into both the pumping mechanism and how certain mutations in the protein cause disease. See Article p .59

ifty years ago, the neurologist John Menkes described an inherited brain disease in children that was associated with brittle, white, kinky hair. A clue to the origin of the fatal condition came from sheep grazing on copper-deficient pasture in Australia: the animals steely wool looked like the hair of children with Menkes disease. In both cases, the explanation was found to be inactive copper-dependent enzymes (cuproenzymes). More precisely, affected children have a faulty protein1 known as the P1B-type ATPase ATP7A (often called the Menkes ATPase), an enzyme that pumps copper ions through membranes and has a vital role in distributing copper around the body. On page 59 of this issue, Gourdon etal.2 present the much-anticipated crystal structure of a P1B-type ATPase, and reveal a platform in the protein that creates a loading site for copper. A helix peculiar to P1B-type ATPases bends to form the platform, and the authors find that amino-acid residues at the bend of this helix are often mutated in the ATP7A protein of patients with Menkes disease (Fig.1). More broadly, the structure provides information about the architecture of the P1B-type ATPase family of metal-transporter proteins, which are ubiquitous in bacteria, plants and animals. Cells handle copper with care. Most cuproenzymes are confined to intracellular compartments or are expelled from cells to perform roles in extracellular fluids and matrices. Other proteins known as metallo chaperones hand-deliver copper to where it is needed, relinquishing their

load only to those proteins with which they specifically interact and which bind copper most tightly 3. Proteins such as the Menkes ATPase pump copper from cells to prevent an excess of the metal from accumulating inside. They also pump copper from the cytosol into intracellular compartments where the metal is needed as a cofactor for cuproenzymes4, as well as into compartments that carry copper and cuproenzymes out of cells. When the Menkes ATPase fails, rather than being loaded into the bloodstream, copper becomes lodged inside cells lining the intestine. This, in turn, leads to a defective supply of copper cofactor for cuproenzymes5. Gourdon and colleagues structure 2 of LpCopA a P1B-type ATPase from the bacterium Legionella pneumophila is relevant to an eclectic range of sub-disciplines. For example, plant P1B-type ATPases deliver copper into the compartments of chloroplasts, where the metal ions conduct electrons in the process that converts light into chemical energy (the first stage of photosynthesis)6. Elevated levels of the Menkes ATPase have been linked to the progression of Alzheimers disease, and a related protein, ATP7B, limits the efficacy of the anticancer drug cisplatin. P1B-type ATPases are also vital weapons in the immune systems battle against pathogenic bacteria7: when immune cells engulf invading microbes, they attack them with bactericidal copper pumped by Menkes ATPases; the bacteria use their own P1B-type ATPases in defence. Microbial P1B-type ATPases also counter the copper used as a fungicide in vineyards, and as a disinfectant in public water systems that can harbour Legionnaires disease. Because copper is bound and/or chaperoned
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mobility of the HMBD suggests that it is well suited to regulating the activity of LpCopA by, for example, forming Cytosol A Cytosol interactions with the nearby actuator P domain of the protein (Fig.1b). HMBD LpCopA spans the inner cell Cu+ membrane of L.pneumophila, and Inner Metallopumps copper from the cytosol to Cu+ membrane chaperone 1 Platform the periplasm (the region between 2 the inner and outer membranes; Periplasm Fig.1). The protein undergoes cycles + Cu 3 of conformational changes that drive Outer membrane the passage of the metal. Gourdon and Cu Cu+ colleagues structure2 supplies crucial evidence for how this might occur. The authors Figure 1 | A copper-exporting enzyme. a,Gramobserve that three amino-acid residues on negative bacteria use P1B-type ATPase enzymes the platform of LpCopA are sufficiently close (such as LpCopA in L.pneumophila, shown) to together to simultaneously bind copper ions. pump copper ions from the cytosol across their They suggest that two of these residues pull inner membrane and into the periplasm. In many apart from the third as the protein shifts into organisms, metallochaperone molecules deliver the next conformational state of the pumping the copper to the enzyme. b,Gourdon cycle. At the same time, other copper-binding and colleagues crystal structure2 of LpCopA amino-acid residues deeper in the membrane reveals a platform formed by a kink in an -helix of the protein. The structure suggests that coppers approach the third original copper-binding pathway through the protein (arrows) involves residue. These combined conformational three sets of binding sites (numbered 1 to 3), changes should attract copper ions from the the first of which is on the platform. Copper platform to binding sites in the transmemis probably delivered to the platform site by a brane region of LpCopA. In the final stage of metallochaperone (as shown), or by a mobile the pumping cycle, the authors propose that heavy-metal-binding domain (HMBD) the enzyme reverts to its initial state, whereof LpCopA. The HMBD might regulate the upon a crucial copper-binding residue deep activity of LpCopA by interacting with the in the transmembrane region is tugged by proteins actuator domain (A) or nucleotidebinding domain (N), or, indirectly, with the hydrogen bonds, allowing copper ions to be phosphorylation domain (P). By analogy with released to a binding site close to the outer face the LpCopA structure, the authors deduce that of the membrane. This site binds the metal certain mutations of the ATPase ATP7A that are only weakly, thus allowing the ion to escape associated with Menkes disease cluster around the into the periplasm. kink of the platform-forming helix (red star). P1B-type ATPases that selectively transport the biologically essential metals zinc and in cells, there has been interest in understand- cobalt are known, as are others that transing how P1B-type ATPases acquire copper port the non-essential metals cadmium and from the cytosol. These proteins have solu- lead. What enables these enzymes to select ble heavy-metal-binding domains (HMBDs, and pump metals other than copper? One Fig.1) that protrude into the cytosol and inter- probable answer is that the residues that act with copper chaperones electrostatically. form metal-binding sites in these proteins At first, HMBDs were presumed to channel those equivalent to the copper-binding resicopper to the throat of the pump, but this dues in LpCopA have been replaced with model has been questioned8. others through evolution, optimizing selective Gourdon and colleagues structure 2 of binding to the preferred metal. Indeed, some LpCopA casts fresh light on this issue. The likely candidates for these alternative metalplatform that they have discovered in the pro- binding residues have already been identified tein has positive charges around the putative by comparison of the proteins amino-acid entry site for copper, providing an ideal dock- sequences with those of copper-pumping ing surface for a negatively charged copper enzymes. The charge on the metal-binding donor. But is the donor a copper chaperone, platform in these proteins might also repulse, the HMBD or both? This is a difficult ques- rather than attract, copper chaperones. Altertion to answer for LpCopA, in part because natively, the HMBDs in the proteins might the mobility of the HMBD prevented the prevent copper chaperones either from authors from obtaining a fully resolved struc- reaching the platforms, or from regulating ture of this region. Nonetheless, the discovery the activities, of these metal-ion pumps. of the platform in LpCopA should enable the Many Gram-negative bacteria have a identification of platform regions in other copper-efflux system that straddles both their P1B-type ATPases for which the structures of inner and outer cell membranes, and exports isolated HMBDs and copper chaperones are copper from the cell by means of a ladder of already known, and this should, in turn, allow copper-binding residues9. So why do these the question to be answered. Meanwhile, the bacteria also need P1B-type proteins that
a b
Metallochaperone N

pump copper only part of the way out of the cell (that is, into the periplasm)? Indeed, why do many bacteria have several different kinds of P1B-type pumps for copper? One view is that some P1B-type ATPases supply copper as a cofactor to cuproproteins in the periplasm. An alternative view is that some of these proteins pump copper ions from the periplasm into the cytosol in which case, the conformational changes that generate a unidirectional drive in LpCopA would have to be modified to allow copper ions to flow in the opposite direction. A subset of pumps that have especially high affinities for copper but poor rates of outward transport has been identified, and members of this group are possible candidates for these alternative roles10. Gourdon and colleagues structure should make it possible to identify parts of the coppertransport pathway that differ in this subset of P1B-type ATPases. The ATPase ATP7B is found in liver cells, where it loads excess copper into bile ducts for excretion5. Mutations in ATP7B cause Wilson disease, symptoms of which include failure of copper excretion into bile and accumulation of the metal in the liver. The disease is managed by controlling copper levels in the body, for example, by administering the drug penicillamine, which binds to copper ions. Gourdon and colleagues structure2 of LpCopA should allow the biochemical consequences of different mutations associated with Wilson disease to be defined, possibly providing opportunities to develop personalized metal-management therapies. Furthermore, occipital horn syndrome and distal motor neuropathy are diseases that result from milder mutations in the Menkes ATPase the mutations cluster at the surface and extracellular face of the ATPase, unlike Menkes-disease mutations, which cluster near core transport functions of the copper pump2. The authors findings might also provide fresh avenues of investigation to improve treatments for these diseases. Nigel J. Robinson is at the Biophysical Sciences Institute, Department of Chemistry, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. e-mail: [email protected]
Davies, K. Nature 361, 98 (1993). Gourdon, P. et al. Nature 475, 5964 (2011). Banci, L. et al. Nature 465, 645648 (2010). Setty, S. R. G. et al. Nature 454, 11421146 (2008). 5. Kim, B.-E., Nevitt, T. & Thiele, D. J. Nature Chem. Biol. 4, 176185 (2008). 6. Abdel-Ghany, S. E., Mller-Moul, P., Niyogi, K. K., Pilon, M. & Shikanai, T. Plant Cell 17, 12331251 (2005). 7. White, C., Lee, J., Kambe, T., Fritsche, K. & Petris, M. J. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 3394933956 (2009). 8. Gonzlez-Guerrero, M. & Argello, J. M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 59925997 (2008). 9. Su, C.-C. et al. Nature 470, 558562 (2011). 10. Gonzlez-Guerrero, M., Raimunda, D., Cheng, X. & Argello, J. M. Mol. Microbiol. 78, 12461258 (2010). 1. 2. 3. 4.

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data strongly suggest that an increase in basal antioxidant capacity can contribute to cancer development. So why are mutations in KEAP1 and NRF2 relatively rare in cancers? DeNicola and colleagues insightful study3 now shows that the Keap1Nrf2 pathway in mouse cells can also be activated by means other than mutations in Keap1 or Nrf2. They find that the K-Ras oncogene can regulate Reactive oxygen species (ROS) get a bad press, as evidenced by the notable trend Nrf2 transcription through a MekErkJun in the use of dietary and cosmetic antioxidants. New work suggests, however, signalling pathway, and cause a correspondthat ROS might have a role in mitigating certain cancers. See Letter p .106 ing reduction in ROS in primary fibroblasts. This effect depends on levels of oncogene activation: expression of K-Ras at endogenous RUSHIKA M. PERERA to extrinsic or intrinsic cellular stress, how- levels, akin to those observed as tumour cells & NABEEL BARDEESY ever, NRF2 is stabilized, entering the nucleus develop from normal cells, reduces ROS levels, to activate cytoprotective genes6. Indeed, the whereas huge increases in K-Ras expresigh levels of reactive oxygen species KEAP1NRF2 pathway regulates more than sion induce cellular stress and increase ROS (ROS) have been considered to pro- 100 protective genes, including components levels. Importantly, the authors present evimote cancer1,2. Yet the levels of Nrf2 of an antioxidant system that can balance high dence in mice that an antioxidant program is the transcription factor that mainly regulates ROS levels7. Notably, mutations that cause induced in the early stages of K-Ras-driven physiological antioxidant pathways is also NRF2 stabilization, and so confer permanent pancreatic-cancer development. Moreover, increased in some cancers. Writing on page protection against oxidative stress, have been they report that transcriptional activation of 106 of this issue, DeNicola et al.3 provide evi- detected in subsets of human lung, head- Nrf2 could be part of the tumorigenic activity dence in mice that several oncogenes actively and-neck, and gall-bladder cancers7. These of other oncogenes such as Braf and c-Myc, and induce transcription of Nrf2, promoting therefore contribute to the development a ROS detoxification program that is of other malignancies such as lung cancer. required for tumour initiation. Thus, this study highlights two imporActivated oncogene Tumour cells can bypass normal tant points: a stress-response program is responses to cellular stress by switching turned on early in tumour development; on programs driven by oncogenic mutaand oncogene activity is coupled with the tions and changes in metabolism that transcriptional induction of Nrf2 (Fig.1). Nrf2 allow sustained growth even in envirIt is therefore possible that a larger onments where nutrients and oxygen spectrum of cancers utilize this nonare scarce. This highly deregumutational pathway at early stages, to lated state is accompanied by the create a reducing environment that Radiation, generation of potentially toxic byenables tumour initiation. oxygen shortage, Antioxidant ROS products, including ROS. ParaDeNicola et al. also provide genetic carcinogens, program in ammation doxically, however, whereas high support for their cell-based observations ROS levels are harmful to normal in a mouse model, elegantly showing that cells, they have long been thought Nrf2 deficiency impairs the development DNA to aid tumour development in several of K-Ras- and Braf-driven tumours. damage ways: by inducing DNA damage and so Whats more, early-stage cancer cells Senescence accelerating the rate of cancer-causing lacking Nrf2 had high ROS levels and evasion, mutations; by activating inflammatory exhibited a senescence-like growth arrest; proliferation Genomic pathways; and by stabilizing the hypoxiabut if they were treated with antioxidants, instability inducible factor a key regulator of tumour proliferation resumed. energy metabolism 4. These cancerNrf2 controls numerous stresspromoting actions of ROS underlie response genes beyond those mitigating the notion that use of antioxidants will oxidative stress; these include regulators reduce cancer risk. of NADPH regeneration, heat-shock Cancer development But there is another side to this coin: proteins, drug-efflux pumps and various and progression although many cancer cell types have growth factors7. It is therefore imporincreased levels of ROS, to avoid death tant to determine whether any of these even they must restrict their ROS foot- Figure 1 | The right balance of reactive oxygen species alternative Nrf2 targets cooperate with print below a given threshold. Indeed, (ROS). Numerous intrinsic sources (such as certain activated the antioxidant response to facilitate tumours can use adaptive mechanisms oncogenes) and extrinsic factors (including radiation, oxygen tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, DeNicola to keep their ROS burden within a range shortage, carcinogens and inflammation) can give rise to ROS, and co-workers results suggest that permitting growth and survival5 find- ultimately leading to ROS-mediated genomic instability and Nrf2-mediated adaptation to ROS stress ings that call for a more nuanced view of cancer. In addition, cancer cells may simultaneously switch is crucial for early stages of tumour on protective mechanisms to balance the deleterious effects of the impact of ROS on tumorigenesis. development, and if blocked may slow chronically high ROS levels. DeNicola et al.3, for example, show One such adaptive mechanism is that activation of the stress-response regulator NRF2 initiates a cancer progression. genetic targeting of the KEAP1NRF2 pre-emptive antioxidant program that can counter ROS as well It is noteworthy that in previous studies, pathway in humans. Under normal con- as promote cell proliferation and survival. Tumour progression Nrf2-deficient mice showed increased, ditions, the repressor protein KEAP1 may therefore critically depend on the synergy between these rather than decreased, sensitivity to promotes NRF2 degradation. In response two pathways. the development of carcinogen-induced

When antioxidants are bad

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cancers6, and that exposure to antioxidants delayed tumorigenesis in several animal models4. Moreover, a number of oncogenic lesions for instance, loss of the tumoursuppressor protein p53 are associated with increased ROS levels, which seems to drive tumorigenesis8. These observations highlight the context-dependent roles of ROS in cancer. Along these lines, an open question is whether the KEAP1NRF2 pathway and other active antioxidant processes also play a part during later stages of tumour development. In support of this idea, recent work9 indicates that growth of advanced pancreatic cancer requires ongoing autophagy the process whereby damaged organelles and proteins are degraded in part to suppress accumulation of cytotoxic ROS levels. So what is the broader significance of DeNicola and colleagues results3 for cancer prevention and therapy? In particular, do they imply that dietary antioxidants will increase the risk of cancer? The answer is probably no, because the authors found that antioxidant supplementation has a positive effect on tumorigenesis only in the setting of genetic deletion of Nrf2 a context unlikely to be seen in human tumorigenesis. Additional studies are required to define whether such supplements can either increase or decrease cancer risk depending on the presence of specific predisposing oncogenic lesions. As for the implications of these findings3 for cancer treatment, they further highlight the potential for success of clinical trials that aim to disable the protective antioxidant pathway10, thus making cancer cells particularly vulnerable to death by oxidative stress. So far, there are very few treatment options for patients with either pancreatic or lung cancers. Identifying an Achilles heel for these tumours may provide an opportunity to develop new treatments for these devastating diseases. Rushika M. Perera and Nabeel Bardeesy are at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Cancer Center, and Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]
1. Vafa, O. et al. Mol. Cell 9, 10311044 (2002). 2. Irani, K. et al. Science 275, 16491652 (1997). 3. DeNicola, G. M. et al. Nature 475, 106109 (2011). 4. Gao, P. et al. Cancer Cell 12, 230238 (2007). 5. Gao, P. et al. Nature 458, 762765 (2009). 6. Kensler, T. W., Wakabayashi, N. & Biswal, S. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 47, 89116 (2007). 7. Hayes, J. D. & McMahon, M. Trends Biochem Sci. 34, 176188 (2009). 8. Sablina, A. A. et al. Nature Med. 11, 13061313 (2005). 9. Yang, S. et al. Genes Dev. 25, 717729 (2011). 10. Trachootham, D., Alexandre, J. & Huang, P. Nature Rev. Drug Discov. 8, 579591 (2009).
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Storm-clouds brooding on towering heights

Springtime on Saturn came in with a bang last December, when a massive storm erupted in its north temperate zone. This rare event has been observed in unprecedented detail from the ground and from space. See Letters p & p .71 .75

aturn caught the attention of astronomers in early December 2010 when a small, prominent white spot appeared in its normally bland and hazy northern hemisphere. During the ensuing days, this spot grew in size to a diameter approaching that of Earth and developed a tail of white clouds that spread eastwards until, two months later, it almost encircled the entire planet. Just five similar Great White Spot (GWS) events have been documented1,2 in the past 130 years. The events recurred at intervals of roughly Saturns annual timescale of around 30 Earth years. What seems to be different about this occurrence are the unexpectedly early timing of its appearance (Saturn has only just begun its spring season in the northern hemisphere); its large size and powerful intensity; and the unprecedented observational resources available to measure and monitor its evolution. In two papers published in this issue 3,4 (pages 71 and 75), teams of observers, involving both ground-based astronomers (amateur

and professional) and those recording data from NASAs Cassini orbiter spacecraft, present some of the most detailed observations so far of such a dramatic event. These observations reveal with great clarity that the GWS comprises a massive complex of convective thunderstorms, upwelling heat energy and moisture from levels deep within Saturns atmosphere, accompanied by huge and almost continuous lightning discharges. Lightning discharges from convective storms were observed5 on Jupiter by direct imaging on the planets nightside during the Voyager fly-bys in 1979. On Saturn, however, direct night-time imaging of lightning is not usually possible6 because the lightning flashes are too faint against the sunlight scattered from the planets ring system. But pulses of radio emission, from events known as Saturn electrostatic discharges (SEDs), have been detected from Saturn and attributed to thunderstorm activity and lightning for example7, from the much smaller dragon storm observed by Cassini in 2004. From the moment astronomers observed the

Altitude (km)


200 150 100 50 0

Pressure (bars)

Cloud-top winds

Cloudy tail 0.15 0.5 2


Ammonia ice clouds Convective water clouds

Deep winds


Movement of storm head with deep, westward ow

Figure 1 | Saturns great storm of 201011. The studies of Snchez-Lavega et al.3 and Fischer et al.4 indicate that the white clouds of this storm are produced by convective upwelling of heat, moisture and ammonia from deep water clouds (originating at pressure levels of about 10 bars) into the upper troposphere. As the upwelling material (green arrows) approaches the tropopause (where the temperature stops decreasing with height and begins increasing into the stratosphere) at pressures of 0.10.5 bars, the bright, white, ammonia ice clouds spread horizontally (like anvil thunderstorm clouds on Earth) and get entrained into strong cloud-top eastward jets, producing an elongated tail, as visible in telescopic images of the storm. The cluster of convective clouds seems to move westward relative to the winds at the cloud tops, suggesting that westward zonal winds are stronger at deeper levels, where the convection is initiated.
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first appearance of the white clouds at the onset of the present storm, Fischer et al.4 detected enormous bursts of SED activity using the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument. The intensity of each burst was around 10,000 times as strong as comparable discharges in terrestrial thunderstorms. But what was most remarkable about the present storm on Saturn was the incredible flash rate, peaking at 10 per second during the height of the storm. This indicates the presence of a multiple cluster of storm cells distributed over the approximately 5,0008,000-kilometrediameter convective region underlying the storm. Latent heating associated with water condensation in convection has long been regarded8 as a key process for the upward transport of heat energy within the lowest portions of the atmosphere (the troposphere) of Saturn and Jupiter. Moisture-enhanced convection is so efficient at transporting heat that only a few intense, convecting columns of air may be needed to carry all of the upwelling heat energy from the deep interior (below the water clouds at pressures of around 1020bars, approximately 250 kilometres below the visible white-cloud tops) to the levels where this energy can be radiated to space (pressures of around 0.5 bars). As a result, deep, moistureenhanced convection is highly intermittent on the two planets in both space and time. Jupiters moist-convection events seem to occur more or less randomly in time. This may reflect the small tilt (3.1) of Jupiters rotational axis, resulting in a relatively weak seasonal cycle. Saturns axial tilt of 26.7 results in a much stronger seasonal modulation of the solar heating of its upper troposphere and stratosphere (the atmospheric layer just above the troposphere). However, direct sunlight is thought to penetrate only a short distance into the troposphere (perhaps down to pressures of just 12 bars), well short of the levels where water condensation and latent-heat release take place. So how does the seasonal cycle on Saturn control the onset of the deep convection events that produce a GWS? The precise mechanisms at work here are still somewhat mysterious, although the observations and model simulations presented by Snchez-Lavega et al.3 may provide some clues. Their observations indicate that the bright white clouds are produced when an upwelling convective plume of warm, moist air injects fresh ammonia ice particles into the upper troposphere (Fig. 1). From the growth in area of the clouds, the authors estimate upwelling wind speeds of several metres per second, although this may underestimate the speeds at deeper levels (which could exceed 100 m s1). The location of the storm, close to the peak of a westward jet stream at 38 N and bordered north and south by strong eastward jets, is also significant and may account for the rapid eastward spread of its cloudy tail in the sequence of telescopic images (see Figs 1 and 2 of ref.3). The westward drift of the storm, relative to the westward cloud-level jet within which the storm appeared, suggests an origin in the deep water clouds. The early stages of the ammonia injection and eastward spread of the upper cloudy tail seem quite clearly reproduced in Snchez-Lavega and co-workers numerical simulations, which at least confirm as plausible some of the assumptions (such as the very low static stability in the weather layer between 10 and 0.5bars) made in the model. But many aspects of this phenomenon remain uncertain. Why did the storm appear at this particular latitude? It is intriguing that this latitude on Saturn coincides with the location of a chain of compact, enigmatic features (known as the string of pearls1,9) detected in the thermal infrared at depths of a few bars could they be related to a hidden precursor disturbance that might have initiated the storm? What aspect of the seasonal cycle triggered the storm at this particular time? One possibility is perturbations to the thermal structure at the ammonia-cloud base (around 12 bars), caused by the strengthening of sunlight at the onset of spring. Such perturbations might have increased convective conditions there and allowed an upward extension of a pre-existing moist convective feature towards the top of the troposphere. Latent-heat release in an ammonia-rich, upwelling plume might have played a part in strengthening the convection10, although latent heating from ammonia condensation is usually negligible in Saturns atmosphere. It will be intriguing to see whether this event leads to significant, large-scale changes in Saturns atmosphere as the storm evolves,

given that huge perturbations to Saturns stratosphere are already detectable 11, and whether it might even prevent the onset of other stormy outbreaks near the summer solstice. All of these issues (and more) will clearly need further study using more sophisticated models and observations. But this latest event has already provided much new data to help inform and constrain these models. Unlike the Hills of the Chankly Bore in the poem12 by Edward Lear that inspired the title of this article, Saturn has no hills over which its storm clouds can brood, although, as Fischer and colleagues observations4 show, these clouds host some pretty spectacular fiery sparks. It will be a major challenge to the next generation of atmospheric models to predict when (and where) storm clouds will next appear to brood over Saturns normally bland and hazy face. Peter Read is in the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK. e-mail: [email protected]
1. Del Genio, A. et al. in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens (eds Dougherty, M. K., Esposito, L. & Krimigis, S. M.) 113159 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009). 2. Snchez-Lavega, A. et al. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 1885718872 (1993). 3. Snchez-Lavega, A. et al. Nature 475, 7174 (2011). 4. Fischer, G. et al. Nature 475, 7577 (2011). 5. Smith, B. A. et al. Science 204, 951972 (1979). 6. Dyudina, U. A. et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L09205 (2010). 7. Dyudina, U. A. et al. Icarus 190, 545555 (2007). 8. Gierasch, P. J. et al. Nature 403, 628630 (2000). 9. http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA01941 10. Hueso, R. & Snchez-Lavega, A. Icarus 172, 255271 (2004). 11. Fletcher, L. N. et al. Science 332, 14131417 (2011). 12. Lear, E. The Dong with a Luminous Nose in Laughable Lyrics (Robert John Bush, 1877).

Alcohol, DNA and disease

Acetaldehyde, a reactive metabolite of ethanol, can damage DNA unless properly processed. A biochemical pathway involved in Fanconi anaemia seems to be essential for protection against such damage. See Article p .53

anconi anaemia (FA) is a chromosomebreakage disease that causes developmental defects, sterility, bone-marrow failure and a highly elevated risk of cancer1. Mutations in 15 genes are known to be associated with this disorder, and the encoded proteins are all thought to operate in the FA pathway. This pathway preserves genome integrity by ensuring the correct repair of

certain types of DNA damage in particular, damage caused by agents that generate DNA inter-strand crosslinks. But patients with FA have not necessarily been exposed to crosslinking agents, raising a long-standing question about the identity of the endogenous agents that generate FA-associated DNA damage. On page53 of this issue, Langevin etal.2 provide some answers. Somewhat alarmingly, they also shed light on how ethanol could lead to DNA damage.
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A clue about potential endogenalso involved. These could ous DNA-damaging agents assoinclude the depletion of subciated with FA came from work3 strates (NAD +, glutathione) Environment showing that cells carrying FAneeded for detoxification reac(diet/alcohol) associated mutations are exceptions, or the generation of ALDH2 tionally sensitive to the crosslinking reactive oxygen species7, which Acetaldehyde Acetate agent formaldehyde, which like can also damage DNA if not most other aldehydes is highly detoxified8. Moreover, Langevin Metabolism DNA damage reactive. Aldehydes are omnipresetal. focused on only one aldeent in nature and are generated hyde. Much may be learned during normal metabolism. There from similar investigations into is considerable in vitro evidence how cells counteract the effects that certain aldehydes can damof other aldehydes, such as Fanconi Inter-strand crosslink DNA repair anaemia age DNA, and can even cause formaldehyde. pathway crosslinking 4. To prevent such This work2 provides a basis for damage, organisms have evolved understanding the pathogena battery of aldehyde dehydroesis of FA and may have conseDevelopmental genase enzymes that efficiently quences for treating individuals Bone-marrow failure Cancer defects, fetal convert aldehydes into less noxious with the disease. For instance, alcohol syndrome products5. patients could be advised to Langevin et al.2 focused on the minimize their contact with di-carbon aldehyde acetaldehyde, sources of acetaldehyde and a degradation product of ethanol other aldehydes. Also, the sympthat, like several other alcohols, Figure 1 | Acetaldehyde metabolism and the Fanconi anaemia pathway of toms of FA might be mitigated if is itself produced during normal DNA repair. Acetaldehyde is generated naturally during metabolism, and its patients capacity for detoxifying metabolism. They found that FA- levels are further increased by external factors such as alcohol consumption. aldehydes could be enhanced. Normally, however, it is detoxified by aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes such mutant cell lines were highly sensi- as ALDH2, which converts it into acetate. If this metabolic reaction is defective, But perhaps most importive to the addition of acetaldehyde, acetaldehyde accumulation can damage DNA, causing inter-strand crosslinks. tantly, this study reinforces the suggesting that endogenously Langevin etal.2 describe another layer of control in the form of DNA repair by the great concern about the globgenerated acetaldehyde might be Fanconi anaemia pathway, which protects against effects of DNA damage such as ally widespread consumption of a driver of the features associated developmental defects, bone-marrow failure and predisposition to cancer. alcohol. It underscores the idea with FA. that ethanol consumption is The authors reasoned that if metabolically acetaldehyde accumulation alone is sufficient genotoxic through the accumulation of acetproduced acetaldehyde is indeed a DNA-dam- to cause disease in Aldh2/Fancd2/ mice, aldehyde, potentially causing fetal damage aging agent normally counteracted by the FA Langevin etal. used ethanol, the immediate (for instance, fetal alcohol syndrome), bonepathway, then simultaneous absence of both precursor of acetaldehyde. Exposure of preg- marrow dysfunction and increased prevathe Aldh2 gene (which encodes Aldh2, the nant mice to a single high dose of ethanol is lence of cancers, particularly those of the oral main detoxifying enzyme of acetaldehyde) and known6 to cause fetal damage it is an animal cavity and oesophagus. Notably, an estimated the Fancd2 gene a key player in the FA path- model for human fetal alcohol syndrome. The 500 million people worldwide are deficient in way should have a synergistic effect on the authors therefore tested whether a moderate ALDH2 activity and so are prone to acetaldeseverity of the disease in mutant mice. (Note dose of ethanol given to Aldh2+/ pregnant hyde accumulation and subsequent genotoxicthat, in contrast to humans with FA, mice with mice affects the development of the double ity9. Improved understanding of how ethanol a defective FA pathway show hardly any overt mutants. In fact, most of the resulting Aldh2/ can damage DNA may affect present attitudes symptoms, apart from reduced fertility and a Fancd2/ embryos died, and the few that did to alcohol consumption. mild susceptibility to cancer.) survive had severe developmental defects. When the authors attempted to generate The researchers2 then investigated the effect Hans Joenje is in the Department of Clinical double-mutant (Aldh2/ Fancd2/) mice of ethanol exposure through drinking water Genetics and the Cancer Center Amsterdam/ from Aldh2/ mothers, no such offspring on double-mutant mice born to mothers that VUmc Institute for Cancer and Immunology, were produced because the embryos were had not been exposed to ethanol, and before VU University Medical Center, NL-1081 BT not viable. This suggests that when aldehyde they developed leukaemia. The effect was quite Amsterdam, the Netherlands. detoxification is defective, the FA pathway dramatic: the animals developed profound e-mail: [email protected] becomes essential for embryonic develop- anaemia due to impaired bone-marrow func1. www.fanconi.org ment, and viceversa (Fig.1). However, a more tion. This observation is particularly intriguing 2. Langevin, F., Crossan, G. P., Rosado, I. V., Arends, M. J. +/ detailed genetic analysis revealed that Aldh2 given that bone-marrow failure is a hallmark & Patel, K. J. Nature 475, 5358 (2011). 3. Ridpath, J. R. et al. Cancer Res. 67, 1111711122 mothers, which can break down acetaldehyde, of FA in humans. (2007). could give birth to live Aldh2/Fancd2/ Langevin and colleagues paper provides 4. Lorenti Garcia, C. et al. Mutat. Res. 662, 39 offspring, presumably because the develop- strong evidence that metabolically produced (2009). ing embryos had access to maternal Aldh2 acetaldehyde is a potential driver of endog- 5. Marchitti, S. A., Brocker, C., Stagos, D. & Vasiliou, V. Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. 4, 697720 via the placenta. Nonetheless, the double- enous DNA damage, which is normally coun(2008). mutant mice were very unhealthy, often having teracted by acetaldehyde detoxification, in 6. Sulik, K. K., Johnston, M. C. & Webb, M. A. Science developmental abnormalities and rapidly conjunction with DNA repair through the FA 214, 936938 (1981). succumbing to acute leukaemia. pathway (Fig. 1). It does not, however, address 7. Novitskiy, G., Traore, K., Wang, L., Trush, M. A. & Mezey, E. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res. 30, 14291435 In addition to acetaldehyde, Aldh2 can the question of whether acetaldehyde is the break down a diverse range of other alde- ultimate DNA-damaging agent. Although 8. (2006).H. Mutat. Res. 219, 193208 (1989). Joenje, hydes, many of which are also generated natu- aldehydes can directly modify DNA chemi- 9. Brooks, P. J., Enoch, M.-A., Goldman, D., Li, T.-K. & Yokoyama, A. PLoS Med. 6, e50 (2009). rally and can damage DNA. To confirm that cally, it is possible that secondary factors are
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Indian and African plate motions driven by the push force of the Reunion plume head
Steven C. Cande1 & Dave R. Stegman1

Mantle plumes are thought to play an important part in the Earths tectonics, yet it has been difficult to isolate the effect that plumes have on plate motions. Here we analyse the plate motions involved in two apparently disparate eventsthe unusually rapid motion of India between 67 and 52 million years ago and a contemporaneous, transitory slowing of Africas motionand show that the events are coupled, with the common element being the position of the Indian and African plates relative to the location of the Reunion plume head. The synchroneity of these events suggests that they were both driven by the force of the Reunion plume head. The recognition of this plume force has substantial tectonic implications: the speed-up and slowdown of India, the possible cessation of convergence between Africa and Eurasia in the Palaeocene epoch and the enigmatic bends of the fracture zones on the Southwest Indian Ridge can all be attributed to the Reunion plume.

A period of rapid motion of the Indian plate in the Late Cretaceous period and early Cenozoic era, starting around anomaly 30 (67 million years (Myr) ago) (ages are taken from ref. 1) and ending around anomaly 22 (49 Myr ago), was first recognized from magnetic anomalies on the Central Indian Ridge and Southeast Indian Ridge2,3 and later confirmed by palaeomagnetic data46. The fast motion of the Indian plate during this time interval has been a major tectonic puzzle because the velocities of subducting plates are limited by their available plate driving forces ridge-push and slab-pulland because plates with continents on them tend to move more slowly than purely oceanic plates7,8. An overlooked clue to this puzzle is that the onset of the superfast motion of India coincides with an unusual change in the motion of Africa: specifically, a large slowing of the rate of counterclockwise rotation of Africa about the AfricaEurasia (AfrEur) Euler pole for that period (Fig. 1). A decrease in the AfrEur convergence rate at this time has previously been suggested from the summation of the plate circuit linking Africa to North America to Eurasia9,10. However, this calculation has large uncertainties because of the complex tectonics in the North Atlantic Ocean11,12. The Reunion hotspot is an archetypal deep mantle plume with a plume head that arrived at the Earths surface around 67 Myr ago, erupting the flood basalts that formed the Deccan traps, and leaving a hotspot track of islands and submarine ridges that formed as the Indian plate, and later the African plate, passed over the plume tail13 (Fig. 1). An enormous volume of basalts was erupted in a relatively short period of time around chron 29R (65 Myr ago)14,15, although eruptions started as early as 67 Myr ago and continued until at least 62 Myr ago16,17. After the initial massive eruption of basalts, volcanism began to wane and fell off considerably by 6055 Myr ago18,19. The plume head is related to regional tectonic disruptions, including the abandonment of the spreading centre in the Mascarene basin and the rifting of the Seychelles from India in the early Palaeocene epoch2022. However, the Reunion plume head has also been proposed to influence tectonics on a global scale, in particular the rapid northward motion of India during the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic2325.

Fast motion of the Indian plate

The motion of the Indian plate in the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic is best seen in the spreading-rate fluctuations of the IndiaAfrica (IndAfr) and IndiaAntarctic (IndAnt) ridges
Anomaly 28y 63.1 Myr

CATL AfrEur stage pole India at 20o India at 23o



SamAnt ridge

DZ AusAnt ridge

Figure 1 | Tectonic reconstruction of Indian Ocean at 63.1 Myr ago. The jagged red line (India at chron 23o) and the jagged brown line (India at chron 20o) show the positions of the trench between India and Eurasia at times of soft and hard collision, respectively, as determined by the reconstructed location of the northwest corner of India at those times. Yellow star, Reunion plume; green shading, Deccan flood basalts; yellow hexagon, the AfrEur stage pole; DZ, Diamantina zone.

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(Fig. 2a) along two synthetic flowlines, as constrained by rotation parameters (see Fig. 2b for location). The spreading rates from chron 29 to chron 18 are derived from ref. 26 and the pre-chron 29 histories of the IndAfr and IndAnt ridges are constrained by refs 27 and 28, respectively. These flowlines reveal a short pulse (3 to 5 Myr) of superfast spreading (about 180 mm yr21) near the CretaceousTertiary boundary, followed by a period of slower (although still fast) spreading (IndAnt 5 130 mm yr21; IndAfr 5 110 mm yr21), which continued until roughly 52 Myr ago. The spreading rates then gradually decreased over a period of 7 Myr to much slower rates (Ind Ant 5 50 mm yr21; IndAfr 5 30 mm yr21). A more detailed record of spreading rates around the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary can be seen in two composite marine magnetic profiles, one across the fossil spreading centre in the Mascarene basin (IndAfr: anomalies 34 to 27) and the other across the same anomalies in conjugate corridors (that is, north and south flanks) of the IndAnt ridge. The spreading-rate histories based on these profiles (Fig. 2c, see Fig. 2b for locations) show that the pulse in fast spreading near the CretaceousTertiary boundary was shorter and faster than suggested by the spreading-rate profiles on the basis of rotation parameters. Based on the timescale in ref. 1, the spreading rates reached a maximum within chron 29N on both ridges, at roughly 220 mm yr21 on the IndAnt ridge and 200 mm yr21 on the IndAfr ridge, and the period of superfast spreading lasted less than a million years. We checked the widths of the polarity intervals between chrons 26 and 32 in ref. 1. Spreading-rate variations based on four representative magnetic profiles from the PacificFarallon (PacFar) ridge were computed at the same time intervals as used for the Indian Ocean
200 180 Full spreading rate (mm yr 1) 160 140 120 100 80 60 IndAnt flowline 30 30 0 MB 0 Cretaceous Tertiary

composite profiles. These four spreading-rate profiles are displayed above the magnetic polarity model in Fig. 2c. These profiles show that although the PacFar spreading rates are fairly constant for most of the time, there is a systematic slow/fast variation for chrons 29R and 29N, suggesting that the spacings of these chrons are slightly off. We found that adding 120,000 years to chron 29N and subtracting 120,000 years from 29R removed this spreading rate variation in the PacFar profiles (Fig. 2d), suggesting that this correction should be applied to the India Ocean profiles. With this correction we find that the pulse of superfast spreading occurred within chron 29R instead of 29N, was a little slower (IndAnt 5 200 mm yr21 instead of 220 mm yr21) and lasted longer, about 2.5 Myr. The similarity between the motion of India and the eruptive history of the Deccan traps is remarkable. On the basis of the marine magnetic profiles (Fig. 2d), the pulse of superfast spreading started at around the beginning of chron 30 (67.8 Myr ago), roughly the same time as the first pulse of Deccan flood basalts, which is dated at 67 Myr ago17. The spreading rate rapidly increased and reached a maximum within chron 29R, the time of maximum basaltic eruptions. The spreading rate dropped off twice. The first decrease occurred around 63 Myr ago, by which time the main phase of Deccan volcanism had also ended. The spreading rate started to slow again around chron 23o (52 Myr ago) and continued to slow until chron 21y (45 Myr ago). This later slowing follows a drop-off in the eruptive volume of the Reunion plume18,19.

The slowdown of the African plate

A transitory change in the motion of Africa in the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic is suggested by the large systematic variations in spreading rates on all of the adjacent ridges between 70 and 45 Myr ago. Figure 3a compares spreading-rate variations along flowlines in the Central Atlantic (CATL)29, South Atlantic (SATL)29 and Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)26,30 to the variations seen on the IndAfr ridge. Spreading rates in the SATL and SWIR both drop sharply between 70 and 65 Myr ago and continue to slow until they reach a minimum around 55 Myr ago, followed by an increase to roughly their pre-drop value at around 45 Myr ago. Spreading rates in the CATL also start to drop around 70 Myr ago, but then speed up and peak at 55 Myr ago. These changes in spreading rates were accompanied by two large swings in the direction of spreading as recorded by fracture zones in all three oceans, one at the start of the period and one at the end29,31 (Fig. 3b). At the end of the period, the direction of spreading on all three ridges returned to what it was at the start. The simultaneous changes in motion on all three ridge systems indicates that it was the motion of Africa, the common plate, that was primarily changing. Africas motion returned to its pre-slowing motion about the time that the fast motion of India ended, thus linking both of these events to the Reunion plume head. The transitory behaviour of Africa can be quantified by an analysis of the systematic motion of the stage poles (Euler poles for a finite interval of time) on all three ridges between 70 and 45 Myr ago (Supplementary Table 1). As Fig. 4 shows, the stage poles for South AmericaAfrica (SamAfr) and North AmericaAfrica (NamAfr) motion29, relative to a fixed African plate, follow very systematic paths between 70 and 45 Myr ago. Both sets of stage poles migrate along arcs that move directly away from the stage poles for chrons 3432 (84 70 Myr ago) before returning to roughly the starting location. Intriguingly, if extended in the opposite direction these arcs pass very close to the Late Cretaceousearly Cenozoic stage pole of ref. 12 for AfrEur motion (chrons 3021; yellow hexagon in Fig. 4). The stage pole path for AntarcticaAfrica (AntAfr) motion26,30, relative to a fixed Africa is not as well defined. However, the AntAfr stage pole for anomalies 2925 also lies along an arc that passes through both the AntAfr stage pole for chrons 3433 (8473 Myr ago) (large green triangle in Fig. 4) and the AfrEur stage pole. If the change in motion of Africa relative to the mantle is relatively simple, it will be expressed as a systematic variation in the differential

30 60 90

40 IndAfr flowline 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Age (Myr) Cretaceous Tertiary Ind-Ant ship profile 60 30 60 60 90


200 Full spreading rate (mm yr 1) 160 120 80 40 PacFar 27 0 60

Cretaceous Tertiary 29N + 120,000 yr 29R 120,000 yr

200 Full spreading rate (mm yr 1) 160 120 80 40 0

IndAfr ship profile

Pac-Far 27 60 28 29 30 31 70

28 29


31 70

65 Age (Myr)

65 Age (Myr)

Figure 2 | Constraints on the motion of India. a, Spreading rates between IndAfr (blue) and IndAnt (green) ridges along synthetic flowlines. Green and blue bars between 35 and 65 Myr ago show 95% confidence intervals for spreading rates26. b, Location of synthetic flowlines and shipboard profiles. MB, Mascarene basin. c, Comparison of spreading rates based on shipboard profiles (red and yellow) to synthetic flowlines (blue and green) for the period from 70 to 60 Myr ago. Profiles in the lower part of the figure show spreading rates for four magnetic lines from the PacFar ridge. The bar graph below shows chrons (numbers shown). d, Effect of adjusting lengths of chrons 29N and 29R to correct for systematic variation in PacFar spreading rates.
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200 30 180 160 Full spreading rate (mm yr 1) 140 120 100 80 60 AfrSam 40 AfrNam 20 AfrAnt 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age (Myr) 60 AusAnt 70 80 90 60 20 30 60 40 AfrAnt Change in IndAfr spreading azimuth 30 Cretaceous b Tertiary




AfrNam 50 40

40 40 30 40

IndAfr ship profile IndAfr flowline



Figure 3 | Constraints on the motion of adjacent ridges. a, Spreading rates on the SATL (AfrSam), CATL (AfrNam), SWIR (AfrAnt) and Australia Antarctica (AusAnt) ridges since chron 34 (84 Myr ago). b, Synthetic flowlines

on the CATL (top panel) and SWIR (bottom panel) since chron 34, showing the large swings in spreading azimuths on both ridges between 70 and 45 Myr ago (red interval). Base maps show the Geosat gravity data of ref. 49.

25y24y NamAfr stage poles 25y24y 24y21y SamAfr stage poles 30y25y 24y21y 34y32y 34y32y Difference vectors 25y21o 34y33y AntAfr stage poles 21o18o 30y25y Incremental rate (deg Myr1) 0.0 AntAfr NamAfr SamAfr 32y

0.2 21y 0.4 24y 0.6 40 50 60 Age (Myr) 70 25y 30y

33y29o 29o25y

Figure 4 | Constraints on Africas absolute motion. Difference vectors (stars) and stage poles (triangles) for the NamAfr (dark blue), SamAfr (black) and AntAfr (green) ridges. The difference vectors all cluster near the early Cenozoic stage pole for AfrEur motion (yellow hexagon). The oldest (starting) stage poles are indicated by the larger triangles. Ellipses are 95% confidence

limits. Error ellipses indicate 34y32y (red), 30y25y (brown), 25y24y (light blue), 24y21y (purple) and unused stage poles (black). For clarity, the error ellipses for younger rotations are omitted. All stage poles are plotted with respect to a fixed African plate. The inset shows the incremental slowing of Africa motion based on the difference vectors.
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motion between stage poles over successive time intervals. When the displacements involved are relatively small, stage poles may be treated as velocity vectors. The differences between stage poles are also vectors (that is, difference vectors), but their length and pole location have a different interpretation (illustrated in Fig. 5). The analysis further assumes that during this time interval, changes in motions of the adjacent plates (South America, North America and Antartica) relative to the mantle were small compared to the change in motion of Africa relative to the mantle. We calculated difference vectorsthe differences in the velocity vectorsfor the three ridges for successive time intervals between chrons 30y and 21y (66 and 45 Myr ago) as the stage poles swung through their arcs, subtracting the younger velocity vectors from an initial, older velocity vector (the starting stage pole: chrons 3432y for the CATL and SATL and chrons 3433y for the SWIR) (Supplementary Table 2). The difference vectors (stars in Fig. 4) are located very close to the Euler pole for AfrEur convergence (yellow hexagon in Fig. 4) and remain essentially fixed during the early Cenozoic. This indicates that they provide estimates of both the change in motion of Africa with respect to the mantle and the change in the rate of AfrEur convergence. The lengths of the difference vectors correspond to the rate of slowing (inset to Fig. 4) and show systematic variation during the swing of the arcs: their lengths increased as the stage pole moved to its maximum displacement along the arc, and then shortened as the stage pole retreated back to its starting position. Initially, between 66 and 55 Myr ago (chrons 30y and 25), the magnitude of slowing is roughly the same on all three ridges: 0.33u per Myr in the SATL and CATL and 0.29u per Myr on the SWIR. This is followed by the period of maximum slowdown, between 57 and 53 Myr ago (chrons 2524), which corresponds to the maximal swing in the NamAfr stage poles (responsible for the short pulse of faster spreading on the CATL; yellow line in Fig. 3a). The peak magnitude of NamAfr and SamAfr is 0.55u per Myr and 0.45u per Myr, respectively, as observed by difference vectors for the NATL and SATL. The cause of this additional slowing is ambiguous because motion over this time interval on the SWIR is not resolved. If slowing occurred on the SWIR, then its presence on all three ridges would strongly suggest that Africas slowing with respect to Eurasia bottomed at this time. Alternatively, if the slowing is only in association with the North America and South America plates, but not Antarctica, it might reflect some other forces acting on these plates that did not slow Africas
b a Younger stage poles x b a x Starting stage pole P Difference vectors

motion with respect to Eurasia and the mantle, such as additional braking due to compression across transform faults or perhaps the effect of the Iceland plume head, which reached the surface around chron 25 (ref. 21). Between chrons 24 and 21 the average incremental rate on the CATL and SATL reduces to about 0.34u per Myr. Between chrons 21 and 18 the stage pole swings end and plate motions return to their pre-swing configuration. The difference vectors provide an indirect measurement of AfrEur convergence between 70 and 45 Myr ago if the incremental rate is subtracted from the total rate before or subsequent to Africas slowdown. The only analysis of AfrEur motion in the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic with quantitative errors is in ref. 12, the authors of which summed AfrNam and NamEur to get AfrEur motion. However, their oldest rotation was for anomaly 31, so we do not have a rate for a starting stage pole, say for anomalies 34 to 32, to which we can compare the slowing. We can, however, compare the difference vector rates to the average AfrEur rate in the post-swing period between chrons 21 and 13 (45 to 33 Myr ago) which is 0.35u per Myr (ref. 12). Using this as a background rate suggests that between chrons 30 and 25, AfrEur convergence essentially ceased. If our model is correct, the stage poles for the absolute motion of Africa with respect to the mantle (AfrAbs) should show the same systematic swing along an arc away from the AfrEur Euler stage pole as do the relative motion poles. Two models of absolute plate motion32,33 are displayed in Fig. 6a (blue and yellow lines), neither of which possesses the early Cenozoic stage pole swing in Africas motion relative to the adjacent plates. We constructed an alternative absolute plate motion model for Africa for the last 84 Myr by taking three rotations from ref. 32 (chrons 5r, 18r and 34y) for the motion of Antarctica relative to the mantle (AntAbs), and summed them with the AntAfr relative motion rotations of refs 26 and 30 (Supplementary Table 3). Consequently, the resulting AfrAbs stage poles (Supplementary Table 4) display the characteristic Africa stage pole swing between chrons 3433 and chrons 2925 (red line in Fig. 6a) and also yield a difference vector (Supplementary Table 5) near the AfrEur Euler pole (red star in Fig. 6a). We test this alternative model by comparing early Cenozoic hotspot tracks for the Walvis ridge and Great Meteor seamount with synthetic flowlines predicted by the model. Figure 6b shows that the curvature of the Walvis ridge between 25u S and 30u S (concave eastwards) is better fitted using this alternative model (red line) than using the previous model (blue line), as is the early Cenozoic path of the Great Meteor hotspot. There is little difference between the predicted hotspot tracks for Reunion (Supplementary Fig. 1).

Plume push driving force

We propose that a driving force originating from the Reunion plume head coupled the motions of India and Africa during the latest Cretaceous and early Cenozoic. The synchronous occurrence of a pulse of superfast spreading between 66 and 63 Myr ago with the maximum of Deccan flood basalt volcanism links the onset of Indias fast motion to the Reunion plume head. This in itself does not establish a cause and effect relationship but is in sharp contrast to previous characterizations of the Reunion plume head being injected into an already fast-moving Indian plate (see, for example, ref. 34). The transitory slowing of the African plate with respect to the mantle also does not by itself argue for a plume force because there are many ways to slow convergence. However, the simultaneous occurrence of both of these unusual changes in plate motion, at the same time as the Deccan flood basalts, and in opposite directions from the location of the Deccan flood basalts, strongly suggests that their motions were influenced by a strong radial plate driving force emanating from the Reunion plume. Further, the approximate synchroneity of the slowdown of India between chrons 23 and 21 with the resumption of Africas earlier motion strongly suggests that these later events are also coupled, and related to the waning strength of the plume.

Younger b stage poles a Starting stage pole x P



Difference vectors

Figure 5 | Explanation of stage pole swing. Consider a sequence of stage poles for Africas motion relative to an adjacent plate that starts at x, and migrates to a and then to b. In terms of Africas motion, finding that the difference vectors, x a and x b, stay in the same location P while their length is increasing means that the African plate is gradually slowing down about location P. The vectors x a and x b are being subtracted from Africas motion. Although this incremental rotation is relative to the adjacent plate, if the change in motion of the adjacent plate relative to the mantle is small, then the incremental motion also gives the slowing of Africa relative to the mantle.
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30 35 Great Meteor seamount 66 Myr 18r 30 0 Myr 30 5r

300 Myr AfrAbs stage poles 4530 5445 5445 8475 8475 6854 Difference vectors AfrEur stage pole

25 35

20 34y 25

30 30


6854 7568 7568 35


AfrAnt + AntAbs (new model) AfrAbs (ref. 32) AfrAbs (ref. 33)


40 15

0 Myr 10

5r 5

Walvis ridge 0 5 40 10


Figure 6 | Effect of the plume head force on absolute motion of Africa. a, Comparison of stage poles for three Africa hotspot models: Muller et al.32 (blue), Torsvik et al.33 (yellow), and a new model (red) calculated by summing the relative motion of the AfrAnt plates with three AntAbs rotations (chrons 5r, 18r and 34y) from ref. 32. The red star is the difference vector for the new model using the 6854-Myr-ago stage pole and the 8475-Myr-ago rotation as

The nature of the plume head force is poorly known. Previous work only considered buoyancy forces from hotspots (that is, plume conduits) in global models of plate driving forces (see, for example, ref. 35) and their net effect was found to be small. However, plume heads provide much greater buoyancy than their associated conduits and therefore, a greater driving force. Recent geodynamic models estimate that the forces generated by plume heads are unable to produce the 10 cm yr21 speed-up observed for the Indian plate, and only account for 34 cm yr21 of the velocity increase36. However, these models suggest that the waning strength of the plume leads to a gradual deceleration, which may be consistent with the slowdown we observe at 5245 Myr ago. Identifying the Reunion plume head as a major driving force for tectonic events between roughly 70 and 45 Myr ago has implications throughout the Indo-Atlantic region. If only the Eocene portion of Africas transitory slowdown/speed-up is considered, the increase in AfrEur convergence rate since 55 Myr ago is missing its broader context. Our model suggests that this apparent speed-up simply represents a reversion to the pre-plume force balance rather than additional slab pull excited by a slab avalanche into the lower mantle37. We also note that the Reunion plume is located 90u away from the AfrEur Euler pole (Fig. 1), in a position that allowed the plume push force to exert maximum torque on the plate, thus countering the force of the slab pull during the Palaeocene. Similarly, the major slowing of India during the Eocene epoch, which has generally been attributed to the initial collision of India and Eurasia38,39, may also be reinterpreted. If the transitory slowdown of Africa reflects the time history of the driving force from the adjacent Reunion plume, Indias gradual slowdown starting around chron 23o (52 Myr ago) may simply reflect the waning strength of the Reunion plume head. In this case, the actual collision might not have occurred until later, perhaps at chron 20o, the time of the hard collision identified by ref. 39 (brown jagged line in Fig. 1; grey vertical line in Fig. 3a). Alternatively, if the collision occurred earlier, say around 55 Myr ago40, the kinematic response of India to the Reunion plume head may have masked the kinematic evidence for the initial time of the IndiaEurasia collision. The slowing of Africa relative to the mantle placed many Central and South Atlantic transforms into compression. For example, the large FalklandAgulhas fracture zone (FAFZ) in the South Atlantic,


a starting stage pole. The black star is the average of the six difference vectors for NamAfr and SamAfr. The yellow hexagon is the AfrEur stage pole. Stage poles are plotted with respect to a fixed African plate. b, Comparison of predicted hotspot trails for Tristan de Cunha (Walvis ridge) and the Great Meteor seamount, based on the AfrAbs plate motion models: the new model (red) and the Muller et al. model32. Triangles mark 3-Myr increments.

with a 1,000-km left-stepping offset in the Late Cretaceous (Fig. 1), was put into compression at the start of Africas slowdown; coincident with this event was a 700-km westward jump of the ridge and the abandonment of the spreading in the Agulhas basin41. The SamAnt ridge (Fig. 1) does a zigzag between chrons 30 and 24 similar to those on the SWIR and SATL30,42, indicating that this event was caused by a transitory change in the relative motion between South America and Antarctica. The plume push force may have propagated across the Australia and Antarctic plates to cause the near-cessation of Australia Antarctica (AusAnt) spreading (Fig. 1) between 70 and 54 Myr ago. The observed minimum in AusAnt spreading rates (3 mm yr21, Fig. 3a) is expressed in the enigmatic Diamantina Zone, which formed43 between chrons 30 to 25, nearly synchronous with Africas transitory slowdown. The waning of the Reunion plume force between 52 and 45 Myr ago is also coincident with the age of the bend in the HawaiianEmperor chain44, a feature which has been attributed to a combination of plate motion changes45 and changes in mantle flow46,47. It has been proposed that the cause of plate motion changes during this time is related to events in the western Pacific48, but the ultimate cause for such changes is not known and we speculate that the waning strength of the Deccan plume head influenced plate motions as far as the Pacific.

Spreading rates in Figs 2a and 3a were calculated from rotations in the cited publications along flowlines starting at 10u N, 72u E (IndAfr), 0u N, 81u E (IndAnt), 28u S, 34u W (AfrSam), 30u N, 45u W (AfrNam) and 40u S, 45u E (AfrAnt). The 120,000-year correction to the width of chrons 29N and 29R in Fig. 2d was estimated by a trial-and-error fitting of the PacFar profiles. Difference vectors in Fig. 4 were calculated by treating the stage rotations as velocity vectors and calculating average rotation rates for each stage interval. The error ellipses for the difference vectors were calculated by scaling the corresponding covariance matrices for the stage rotations by the inverse of the square of the time interval in millions of years.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank J. Stock for discussions. R. Gordon and D. Muller made comments on the manuscript. Funding was provided by NSF grant ANT-0944345 (to S.C.C.). Author Contributions Both authors contributed equally to the ideas and design of the research. S.C.C. developed the new methodology and performed kinematic analysis. Both authors contributed to writing the paper. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.C.C. ([email protected]).

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Fancd2 counteracts the toxic effects of naturally produced aldehydes in mice

Frederic Langevin1, Gerry P. Crossan1, Ivan V. Rosado1, Mark J. Arends2 & Ketan J. Patel1,3

Reactive aldehydes are common carcinogens. They are also by-products of several metabolic pathways and, without enzymatic catabolism, may accumulate and cause DNA damage. Ethanol, which is metabolised to acetaldehyde, is both carcinogenic and teratogenic in humans. Here we find that the Fanconi anaemia DNA repair pathway counteracts acetaldehyde-induced genotoxicity in mice. Our results show that the acetaldehyde-catabolising enzyme Aldh2 is essential for the development of Fancd22/2 embryos. Nevertheless, acetaldehyde-catabolism-competent mothers (Aldh21/2) can support the development of double-mutant (Aldh22/2Fancd22/2) mice. However, these embryos are unusually sensitive to ethanol exposure in utero, and ethanol consumption by postnatal double-deficient mice rapidly precipitates bone marrow failure. Lastly, Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice spontaneously develop acute leukaemia. Acetaldehyde-mediated DNA damage may critically contribute to the genesis of fetal alcohol syndrome in fetuses, as well as to abnormal development, haematopoietic failure and cancer predisposition in Fanconi anaemia patients.

Multicellular organisms are constantly exposed to common environmental toxins that cause genome damage. In addition, both aerobic respiration and metabolism generate many reactive chemical species that are capable of attacking DNA1. To counteract such endogenous threats to genome stability, cells catabolise these reactive molecules while simultaneously mobilizing DNA repair. The failure to respond to this threat leads to the catastrophic phenotypes caused by the genetic inactivation of certain DNA repair pathways. In Fanconi anaemia, biallelic mutations in any one of fourteen genes cause developmental defects, as well as progressive bone marrow failure and widespread cancer predisposition2. In this specific clinical instance we have little or no insight into the source of endogenous DNA damage, and we do not yet understand how this eventually contributes to the development of this phenotype. In searching for a source of endogenous DNA damage, we focused on simple aldehydes. These molecules are ubiquitous organic compoundscommon constituents of food sourcesand are also produced within organisms as by-products of cellular metabolism3. Aldehydes are very reactive molecules and are therefore likely to constitute a serious threat to cellular integrity. In fact, these molecules can react avidly with DNA in vitro, causing a range of DNA modifications46. Whereas much is known about how aldehydes are detoxified in cells by a class of enzymes known as the aldehyde dehydrogenases7,8, little is known about whether or not aldehydes damage DNA in vivo and, if so, how such DNA damage might be repaired. Here we present evidence indicating that the Fanconi anaemia DNA repair pathway has a crucial role in counteracting acetaldehydeinduced genotoxicity in mice.

dietary source of acetaldehyde) in mice and humans results in DNA base damage1013. We compared the sensitivity of a chicken B-cell line, DT40, carrying a disruption of the Fanconi anaemia gene FANCL (DFANCL) to acetaldehyde, and found that this mutant strain is markedly sensitive to exogenous acetaldehyde (Fig. 1a). Four additional Fanconi anaemia mutants that operate both upstream (DFANCB and DFANCC; Fig. 1b) and downstream in the pathway (DFANCJ and DRAD51C; Fig. 1c)9,14,15 were also sensitive to this aldehyde. To determine further the genetic requirements for protection against acetaldehyde genotoxicity, we exposed various DNA repair mutants representing distinct DNA repair pathways to acetaldehyde. As shown in Fig. 1d and e, mutants in homologous recombination (DXRCC2), translesion synthesis (DREV1), nucleotide excision repair (DXPA), non-homologous end joining (DKU70; also known as XRCC6) and mismatch repair (DEXO1) are not particularly sensitive to acetaldehyde.

Developmental role for Aldh2 in Fancd22/2 mice

Although Fanconi anaemia pathway-deficient cell lines are hypersensitive to exogenous acetaldehyde, this does not address whether aldehyde toxicity occurs within a physiological context. This is significant as acetaldehyde is produced as a by-product of natural metabolism (Fig. 1f). Such intracellular pools of aldehydes are eliminated through the action of many enzymes, including numerous aldehyde dehydrogenases16,17, aldehyde oxidase18 and cytochrome p450 (Fig. 1f)19. Although organisms use various means to catabolise aldehydes, we focused on the mitochondrial enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 because of its well-defined role in acetaldehyde catabolism in humans7. Surprisingly, disrupting ALDH2 in DFANCC DT40 cells (Supplementary Fig. 1a) did not potentiate sensitivity to exogenous acetaldehyde (Supplementary Fig. 1b). We surmised that additional enzymes may compensate for ALDH2 inactivation in these cells. However, the situation might be different if the same approach were tested in the context of a whole organism. Therefore, we set out to generate mice that harbour disruptions of the key Fanconi anaemia gene Fancd2 in combination with Aldh2. Fancd2 mice were chosen because they have the strongest phenotype among mice carrying

Fanconi B cells are sensitive to acetaldehyde

A recent study tested chicken DT40 DNA repair mutant cell lines for hypersensitivity to formaldehyde9. The authors concluded that homologous recombination, translesion synthesis, and the Fanconi anaemia gene FANCD2 protected against formaldehyde-induced clonogenic cell killing. Numerous studies have reported that cells exposed to acetaldehyde accumulate DNA damage10,11. Moreover, ethanol exposure (a

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK. 2University of Cambridge, Department of Pathology, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK. 3University of Cambridge, Department of Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 5 3

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100 DT40 Survival (%) 10 1 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 Acetaldehyde (mM) Survival (%)


Parental genotype (all Fancd2+/ ) Father Aldh2+/ Aldh2/ Mother Aldh2+/ Aldh2+/ Aldh2/ Aldh2/ Aldh2/Fancd2/ offspring only Fe 6.25% 12.5% 12.5% 25% Fo P value 3.2% 0.6743 n = 11/345 9.2% 0.627 n = 25/273 0% ** 0.0038 n = 0/106 0% *** <104 n = 0/162 Aldh2/Fancd2/




Father Fancd2+/

Mother Aldh2/ Fancd2+/

10 1 0.1

Aldh2/ offspring Time Fancd2+/+ Fancd2+/ Fancd2/ Ratio E9.5 E13.5 P21 35 22 51 78 39 111 19 0 0 P value

14.4% 0.0895 0% *** 0.0002 0% *** <104





0 2 4 6 8 Acetaldehyde (mM)






Survival (%) Survival (%)

100 10 1 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 Acetaldehyde (mM)

Exogenous Myeloperoxidase Gut flora fermentation Food (fruit, bread) Alcohol CH3CHO acetaldehyde Alcohol dehydrogenase

10 1 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 Acetaldehyde (mM)






CH3CHO Aldh2










Endogenous Alanine

Survival (%)

10 1 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 Acetaldehyde (mM)



Deoxyribose PO4 degradation Aldolase


CYP2E1 AOX1 Acetyl-CoA



CH3COO acetate

Figure 1 | Chicken Fanconi anaemia pathway knockout B cells are hypersensitive to acetaldehyde. af, Clonogenic survival of DT40 DNA repair mutants exposed to acetaldehyde. a, Fanconi anaemia: DFANCL and DFANCL complemented back with TAPFANCL complementary DNA. b, Fanconi anaemia core complex components: DFANCB and DFANCC. c, Downstream Fanconi anaemia genes: DFANCJ and DRAD51C. d, Homologous recombination repair: DXRCC2; and translesion synthesis: DREV1. e, Nonhomologous end joining: DKU70; nucleotide excision repair: DXPA; and mismatch repair: DEXO1. In ae, each point represents the mean of three independent experiments, each carried out in duplicate; error bars represent s.e.m. f, Scheme outlining the potential sources contributing to the endogenous pool of acetaldehyde42,43 and its catabolism.

Figure 2 | A single maternal allele of Aldh2 is essential for the development of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice. a, Crosses consisting of various allelic combinations at the Aldh2 locus (always Fancd21/2) were set up to obtain Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 pups. Fe and Fo are expected and observed Mendelian frequencies, respectively, of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 pups. Shaded regions highlight the cross for which the frequency is 0% when it is expected to be 12.5% or 25%. x2 test, confidence interval 5%. b, Observed frequencies of Fancd2 genotypes in Aldh22/2 embryos at E9.5, E13.5 and 21 days postpartum (P21) for the intercross outlined above the table. Each column represents the number of embryos obtained for each genotype. The last column defines the percentage of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice. Shaded region highlights cross for which the frequency is 0% when it is expected to be 25%. x2 test, confidence interval 5%. c, Schematic interpretation of how maternal or fetal Aldh2 may contribute to the development of Fancd22/2 mice. Light pink shading and dashed line indicate that the embryo dies.

mutations in Fanconi anaemia genes20, with the exception of Slx4 mice21. Furthermore, acetaldehyde exposure in cell lines induces the monoubiquitination of this key Fanconi anaemia protein22 (Supplementary Fig. 1c) and mouse Fancd22/2 cells are sensitive to exogenous acetaldehyde (Supplementary Fig. 2). First, we created Aldh21/2 mice using embryonic stem cells harbouring a targeted mutation in the Aldh2 locus obtained from the EUCOMM consortium (Aldh2tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi; Supplementary Fig. 3a, b). Germline transmission of the knockout allele and subsequent crosses generated Aldh22/2 mice in a C57BL/6J background. Homozygous mice were born at the expected Mendelian ratios and show no overt phenotype (Supplementary Fig. 3c), consistent with previously published Aldh2 knockout mice23. Second, we crossed Aldh22/2 with Fancd21/2 mice made in the 129S4 background24. To obtain Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice, we set up four types of crosses where two allelic configurations of the disrupted Aldh2 locus (Aldh21/2 or Aldh22/2) were combined with Fancd2 heterozygosity (Fancd21/2) in both male and female mice (Fig. 2a). This was done because Fancd22/2 mice are sterile. The observed genotypic frequencies presented in Fig. 2a show that when the maternal genotype was Aldh22/2, double-mutant offspring were not produced (associated with a reduction in mean litter size; Supplementary Fig. 4a). This is in contrast with the expected Mendelian segregation of 12.5% and 25% when the paternal genotypes are Aldh21/2 and Aldh22/2, respectively (Fig. 2a
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and Supplementary Fig. 4b). However, when the females were Aldh21/2, then Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 pups were born. Timed Aldh22/2Fancd21/2 male mice 3 Aldh22/2Fancd21/2 female mice crosses were set up to determine when Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 embryos died. Dams from such crosses were killed on embryonic days (E)9.5 and E13.5 and embryos were genotyped. At E9.5, Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 embryos were observed at a frequency of 14.4% (Fig. 2b), but at E13.5 they had all died. This suggests that fetal attrition occurs between E9.5 and E13.5. These results indicate that the maternal Aldh2 genotype profoundly influences the development of double-mutant embryos in utero. Figure 2c and Supplementary Fig. 4c illustrate the various situations whereby survival of Fancd22/2 embryos is and is not supported; and the extent to which these results are dependent on maternal and fetal Aldh2 genotypes. We conclude that, in the absence of the Fanconi anaemia pathway, either the mother or the fetus requires Aldh2 to catabolise acetaldehyde to enable fetal development. Acetaldehyde is a volatile small molecule, thereby allowing it to passively diffuse across the placental membranes. This could then enable the mother to break down acetaldehyde, hence compensating for Aldh2 deficiency in the fetus. Thus, a single Aldh2 allele is sufficient to allow the development of Fancd22/2 embryos.

Ethanol teratogenicity in Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice

Next, we wanted to establish whether or not acetaldehyde toxicity was sufficient to cause fetal attrition. Previous studies have shown that C57BL/6J mice were susceptible to the teratogenic effects of ethanol, providing a mouse model for human fetal alcohol syndrome25. This teratogenicity is largely due to acetaldehyde, a by-product of ethanol catabolism26,27. Because we knew that an Aldh22/2Fancd21/2 male 3 Aldh21/2Fancd21/2 female cross generated the highest frequency of viable double-mutant pups (,9%; Fig. 2a, c), this cross was used to assess the impact of in utero exposure to acetaldehyde derived from

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ethanol catabolism. It is noteworthy that the double-mutant pups born from this cross often carry subtle defects such as kinked tails and eye defects (Supplementary Fig. 5ac). Figure 3a outlines our experimental protocol, which is adapted from previous work25. Briefly, pregnant dams were administered a total dose of 5 g kg21 of 28% ethanol by intraperitoneal injection on E7.5. Control mice consisted of females from the same type of cross, subjected to injections of 0.9% saline solution. On E16.5, embryos were dissected and genotyped. The data in Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 5d show that ethanol exposure reduces the frequency of double-mutant mice to 2.9% (7/240) compared to 14.5% (20/138) in the saline-treated group. A significant proportion of double-mutant embryos exposed in utero to ethanol suffered developmental defects, most drastically manifested as exencephaly (Fig. 3ce, Supplementary Fig. 5f). The teratogenic events observed in embryos characterized in this experiment are compiled in Supplementary Fig. 5e. It is also noteworthy that a proportion of Aldh21/2Fancd22/2 embryos showed developmental defects in response to ethanol exposure (8/25; Fig. 3c, d and Supplementary Fig. 5e). In conclusion, Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 embryos are very sensitive to exposure to an unambiguous exogenous precursor of acetaldehyde. cause bone marrow dysfunction. We exposed 68-week-old mice corresponding to four possible genotypes (wild type, Aldh22/2, Fancd22/2 and Aldh22/2Fancd22/2) to continuous oral ethanol in their drinking water supply. The protocol is outlined in Fig. 4a: it consists of 5 days of 15% ethanol/water followed by 5 days with 20% ethanol/water. The data in Supplementary Fig. 6 show that ethanol treatment causes a decrease in all three blood constituents. This is most notable in double-mutant mice where there is a profound drop in red blood cells and haemoglobin (Supplementary Fig. 6a, d). To establish the basis for this anaemia, we quantified the bone marrow cellularity in treated mice compared to untreated control animals. Figure 4b shows a significant decrease in the number of nucleated cells per femur in the ethanol-exposed double-mutant mice. To establish if DNA damage contributed to this ethanol sensitivity, bone marrow aspirates from ethanol-exposed mice were tested for the induction of phosphorylated histone cH2AXan established marker of DNA damage. The western blot in Fig. 4c shows a clear induction of cH2AX in bone marrow cells obtained from double-mutant compared to control genotypes. We then set out to determine if progenitor colony-forming units (pre-B cells, granulocytes and erythrocytes) are affected by ethanol. Equal cell numbers of bone marrow cells were plated onto clonogenic plates, and it is clear that colony-forming units corresponding to all three cell types are reduced in double-mutant mice after ethanol treatment (Fig. 4d). Finally, we analysed the bone marrow histology, comparing untreated control mice with corresponding treated genotypes. The microscopy shown in Fig. 4e shows that ethanol consumption causes an almost complete obliteration of bone marrow haematopoiesis in Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice.

Ethanol impairs haematopoiesis in Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice

Bone marrow failure is a hallmark of patients with Fanconi anaemia. It is also known that chronic ethanol abuse is associated with bone marrow dysfunction28,29 and that exposing bone marrow cells to ethanol or acetaldehyde compromises blood forming units30. We therefore investigated the susceptibility of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice to ethanolinduced myelotoxicity, the expectation being that ethanol exposure would lead to acetaldehyde accumulation and that this would then
Father Aldh2/ Fancd2+/ X Mother Aldh2+/ Fancd2+/ E0.5 Plug check E7.5 2 i.p. alcohol injections 4 h apart 50 E16.5 Dissection of uteruses & embryos

Leukaemogenesis in weaned double-mutant mice

Lastly, we wanted to determine the fate of the unexposed weaned Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice. Despite subtle developmental defects, double-mutant mice were nevertheless healthy. However, within 36 months a significant proportion of animals succumbed to an acute illness presenting itself as rapid weight loss and lethargy (Fig. 5a). These mice were killed and the majority of necropsies revealed a large mediastinal mass, splenomegaly and blast-like lymphoid cells in the peripheral blood film and bone marrow aspirate (Fig. 5b and Supplementary Fig. 7). In three instances, these cells represented a clonal expansion of early T cells as they were double positive for CD8 and CD4 markers and in one instance, CD8 alone (Supplementary Fig. 8a). Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed that the neoplastic cells strongly stained for the pan-T-cellmarker CD3 (Supplementary Fig. 8b). Because bone marrow aspirates indicated that .30% of the cellular population were blasts, we conclude that this illness is akin to acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Prevalence of eye abnormalities (%)
40 30 20 10 0

Prevalence of exencephaly (%) +

50 40 30 20 10 0

i.p. injection Genotype of embryos Aldh2/ Fancd2/ Other 0.9% saline 20 5 g kg1 alcohol 7



Alcohol: +
A Fa ldh nc 2 / d2

er th

Alcohol: +
A Fa ldh nc 2 / d2


th er

A Fa ldh nc 2 + d2 /

A Fa ldh nc 2 + d2 /

Children with Fanconi anaemia suffer developmental defects, bone marrow failure and cancer predisposition because of endogenous DNA damage2. Aldehydes are likely to be a significant source of such damage, contributing to the genesis of the Fanconi anaemia clinical phenotype. Aldehyde accumulation is particularly toxic to Fanconi anaemia pathway-deficient bone marrow cells. Although the most obvious target is the haematopoietic stem cell pool, it is also possible that cells contributing to the marrow niche might also be susceptible. Our work also raises new therapeutic approaches to treat Fanconi anaemia in humans. For instance, it might be possible to induce the catabolism of aldehydes by induction of the relevant enzymes. This could be done simplyand somewhat paradoxicallyby regular lowdose ethanol exposure or barbiturates31,32. Alternatively, small-molecule agonists of Aldh2, like the Alda1 molecule, might raise acetaldehyde catabolic activity33,34. Lastly, it will be important to determine the natural sources of aldehydes. These metabolic pathways could then be modulated so as to subvert toxic accumulation.
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 5 5

Aldh2+/Fancd2/ Aldh2/Fancd2/ Aldh2/Fancd2+/ Aldh2/Fancd2/

Figure 3 | Maternal ethanol exposure aborts the development of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 embryos. a, Schematic representation of the experiment to expose pregnant Aldh21/2Fancd21/2 mice to ethanol. b, Numbers of Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 embryos after exposure to ethanol or saline solution. ***P , 1024, Fishers exact test, confidence interval 1%. c, d, Prevalence of eye abnormalities (c) and exencephaly (d) for the various Aldh2 and Fancd2 genotypes in the saline (2) and ethanol (1) groups. e, Developmental abnormalities (left, anophthalmia; right, exencephaly).

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WT Aldh2/ Fancd2/ Aldh2/Fancd2/ Nucleated cells per femur (106) Baseline blood sample Terminal blood sample 15% 0 5 20% 10 Bone marrow histology Bone marrow cell count Colony survival

40 30 20 10

*P = 0.0459 ***P = 0.0002

WT Alcohol: H2AX Histone H3 Induction: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.4 2.6 + Aldh2/ + Aldh2/ Fancd2/ Fancd2/ + + 20 kDa 20 kDa

0 Alcohol:

T Al d


1,000 100 10 1

***P < 104

Fa Ald nc h2 d2 / /

h2 /



1,000 ***P < 104 100 ***P < 104 10 1

1,000 CFUE per 106 cells ***P < 104 100 ***P < 104 10 1

***P < 104

0.1 Alcohol: + + + +
W T dh Fa 2 / nc d2 / Al Fa d nc h2 d2 /

CFUPreB per 105 cells

CFUGM per 105 cells

0.1 Alcohol: + + + +
W Al T d Fa h2 / nc d2 / Al Fa d n c h2 d2 / /

0.1 Alcohol: + + + +
W T dh Fa 2 / nc d2 / Fa Ald nc h2 d2 / Al

No ethanol






Figure 4 | Ethanol-induced bone marrow failure in Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice. a, Schematic outline of the oral alcohol experiment. b, Bone marrow cellularity in untreated (2) and treated (1) mice. Unpaired t-test, central bar represents mean; error bars define s.e.m. c, Anti-cH2AX western blot in untreated (2) and ethanol-exposed (1) bone marrow. d, Clonogenicity of untreated (2) and ethanol-exposed (1) bone marrow progenitors. Left: colony-forming-unitgranulocyte-monocyte cells (CFUGM); middle: CFU

Post ethanol

pre-B cells; right: CFUerythrocytes (CFUE). Each bar represents the mean of three independent experiments, with two mice per experiment, each plated in duplicate; error bars define s.e.m. ***P , 1024, unpaired t-test. e, Haematoxylin and eosin staining of bone marrow sections from mice not exposed (top) or exposed to ethanol (bottom). For each genotype/treatment unit, the lower magnification is 3100, inset is 3400.

Although it is currently unclear how aldehydes damage DNA in vivo, they directly modify bases in vitro, which can lead to DNA protein and DNADNA crosslinks (Fig. 5c). Aldh2 efficiently oxidizes acetaldehyde, but this enzyme also detoxifies other reactive aldehydes, such as 4-hydroxynonenal, acrolein, propionaldehyde and butyraldehyde34. All these reactive molecules are generated through metabolism and may also contribute to DNA damage5,8. It is also possible that aldehyde-mediated genotoxicity may be indirect; for example, it may deplete cellular NAD1 pools or stimulate the formation of other free
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radical species. Nevertheless, our work indicates that the Fanconi anaemia pathway genes seem to be specifically required for cellular resistance to acetaldehyde. However, other genes working in homologous recombination (except Rad51C), and in translesion synthesis do not appear to confer cellular resistance to acetaldehyde. This is a surprise because genetic and biochemical work have identified a critical role for homologous recombination and translesion synthesis genes in DNA interstrand crosslink repair14,35. It is therefore possible that aldehydemediated DNA damage does not result in DNA interstrand crosslinks.

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100 75 50 25 0 0 200 400 600
Aldh2/Fancd2/ Aldh2+/+ Fancd2/ (n = 15) Aldh2+/ Fancd2/ (n = 28) Aldh2/ (n = 29) Aldh2+/+ Fancd2+/+ (n = 11) / Fancd2+/+ (n = 13) Aldh2 Fancd2/

Endogenous Exogenous Ethanol intake Aldh2 deficiency


***P < 104


Base damage? DNAprotein crosslink? DNADNA crosslink?

Alcohol administration in mice. Pregnant females were injected intraperitoneally with 5 g kg21 of a 28% ethanol solution at E7.5. For the 10-day oral exposure experiment, water supply was replaced by a 15% and 20% ethanol solution and was ingested orally ad libitum by the mice. Haematological studies. Peripheral blood counts were collected in EDTA tubes and analysed on a VetABC analyser. Haematopoietic colony forming unit assays were performed as described previously21 on bone marrow cells from mice exposed to alcohol for 10 days. Histology. Tissue biopsies were fixed in 10% formalin, paraffin embedded and 4-mm sections were cut before haematoxylin and eosin staining. Blood smears and bone marrow cytospins were stained with MayGrunwald and Giemsa stains.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 16 November 2010; accepted 11 May 2011. 1. Lindahl, T. Instability and decay of the primary structure of DNA. Nature 362, 709715 (1993). Patel, K. J. & Joenje, H. Fanconi anemia and DNA replication repair. DNA Repair (Amst.) 6, 885890 (2007). OBrien, P. J., Siraki, A. G. & Shangari, N. Aldehyde sources, metabolism, molecular toxicity mechanisms, and possible effects on human health. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 35, 609662 (2005). Wang, M. et al. Identification of DNA adducts of acetaldehyde. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 13, 11491157 (2000). Stein, S., Lao, Y., Yang, I. Y., Hecht, S. S. & Moriya, M. Genotoxicity of acetaldehydeand crotonaldehyde-induced 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine DNA adducts in human cells. Mutat. Res. 608, 17 (2006). Cheng, G. et al. Reactions of formaldehyde plus acetaldehyde with deoxyguanosine and DNA: formation of cyclic deoxyguanosine adducts and formaldehyde cross-links. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 16, 145152 (2003). Vasiliou, V., Pappa, A. & Estey, T. Role of human aldehyde dehydrogenases in endobiotic and xenobiotic metabolism. Drug Metab. Rev. 36, 279299 (2004). Perez-Miller, S. et al. Alda-1 is an agonist and chemical chaperone for the common human aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 variant. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 159164 (2010). Ridpath, J. R. et al. Cells deficient in the FANC/BRCA pathway are hypersensitive to plasma levels of formaldehyde. Cancer Res. 67, 1111711122 (2007). Nagayoshi, H. et al. Increased formation of gastric N2-ethylidene-29deoxyguanosine DNA adducts in aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 knockout mice treated with ethanol. Mutat. Res. 673, 7477 (2009). Matsuda, T. et al. Increased formation of hepatic N2-ethylidene-29deoxyguanosine DNA adducts in aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 knockout mice treated with ethanol. Carcinogenesis 28, 23632366 (2007). Seitz, H. K. & Stickel, F. Molecular mechanisms of alcohol-mediated carcinogenesis. Nature Rev. Cancer 7, 599612 (2007). Chen, L. et al. Quantitation of an acetaldehyde adduct in human leukocyte DNA and the effect of smoking cessation. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 20, 108113 (2007). Niedzwiedz, W. et al. The Fanconi anaemia gene FANCC promotes homologous recombination and error-prone DNA repair. Mol. Cell 15, 607620 (2004). Alpi, A. et al. UBE2T, the Fanconi anemia core complex, and FANCD2 are recruited independently to chromatin: a basis for the regulation of FANCD2 monoubiquitination. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27, 84218430 (2007). King, G. & Holmes, R. Human ocular aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes: distribution and properties as major soluble proteins in cornea and lens. J. Exp. Zool. 282, 1217 (1998). Pappa, A., Estey, T., Manzer, R., Brown, D. & Vasiliou, V. Human aldehyde dehydrogenase 3A1 (ALDH3A1): biochemical characterization and immunohistochemical localization in the cornea. Biochem. J. 376, 615623 (2003). Riveros-Rosas, H., Julian-Sanchez, A. & Pina, E. Enzymology of ethanol and acetaldehyde metabolism in mammals. Arch. Med. Res. 28, 453471 (1997). Kunitoh, S. et al. Acetaldehyde as well as ethanol is metabolized by human CYP2E1. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 280, 527532 (1997). Parmar, K., DAndrea, A. & Niedernhofer, L. J. Mouse models of Fanconi anemia. Mutat. Res. 668, 133140 (2009). Crossan, G. P. et al. Disruption of mouse Slx4, a regulator of structure-specific nucleases, phenocopies Fanconi anemia. Nature Genet. 43, 147152 (2011). Marietta, C., Thompson, L. H., Lamerdin, J. E. & Brooks, P. J. Acetaldehyde stimulates FANCD2 monoubiquitination, H2AX phosphorylation, and BRCA1 phosphorylation in human cells in vitro: implications for alcohol-related carcinogenesis. Mutat. Res. 664, 7783 (2009). Yu, H. S. et al. Characteristics of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Aldh2) knockout mice. Toxicol. Mech. Methods 19, 535540 (2009). Houghtaling, S. et al. Epithelial cancer in Fanconi anemia complementation group D2 (Fancd2) knockout mice. Genes Dev. 17, 20212035 (2003). Sulik, K. K., Johnston, M. C. & Webb, M. A. Fetal alcohol syndrome: embryogenesis in a mouse model. Science 214, 936938 (1981). Webster, W. S., Walsh, D. A., McEwen, S. E. & Lipson, A. H. Some teratogenic properties of ethanol and acetaldehyde in C57BL/6J mice: implications for the study of the fetal alcohol syndrome. Teratology 27, 231243 (1983). OShea, K. S. & Kaufman, M. H. The teratogenic effect of acetaldehyde: implications for the study of the fetal alcohol syndrome. J. Anat. 128, 6576 (1979).
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | VO L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 5 7

Survival (%)



Fanconi anaemia repair pathway Fanconi anaemia Fetal alcohol syndrome Cancer predisposition

2. 3.

4. 5.

Figure 5 | Acute leukaemia in Aldh2 Fancd2 mice. a, KaplanMeier survival curve for the cohort of weaned Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 mice and relevant genotype controls (black, purple, green and blue). ***P , 1024. b, Analysis of blood films (top; 3400) and bone marrow aspirates (bottom; 3400) obtained from a control (left) and a sick Aldh22/2Fancd22/2 (right) mouse, revealing leukaemic blast cells. c, Cartoon summarizing the genetic interaction between acetaldehyde metabolism with DNA repair and the consequences of their dysfunction in humans.




7. 8.

In humans, excessive maternal alcohol consumption causes fetal alcohol syndrome, a prevalent worldwide cause of congenital learning disability36. Our study potentially links fetal alcohol syndrome to DNA damage and therefore has far-reaching implications for the understanding of the pathogenesis of this affliction in humans. Although at present it is not known whether fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with cancer predisposition, recent epidemiological evidence indicates that maternal ethanol exposure may correlate with an increased risk of acute childhood leukaemia37,38. The further relevance of this study to human health is also supported by the high frequency of ALDH2 deficiency in South East Asians. In fact, up to 8% (540 million) of the worlds population carries a dominant-negative mutation in ALDH2 (ref. 39). Alcohol consumption in these individuals is strongly associated with a risk of aerodigestive tract cancer39,40 and, in the light of this study, it is very likely that acetaldehyde-mediated DNA damage drives cancer development. This might also apply to Fanconi anaemia patients, who have a high incidence of such cancers41. In summary, the findings reported here not only provide fresh insights into the interplay between metabolism and cancer predisposition, but also may have profound implications for the clinical care of Fanconi anaemia patients as well as overall public health.

9. 10.


12. 13. 14. 15.



18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

DT40 and mouse cells. Cells were grown in RPMI medium complemented with 3% chicken serum, 7% fetal calf serum, 50 mM b-mercaptoethanol and penicillin/ streptomycin mix, at 37 uC. Homology arms for the GgAldh2 targeting vector were amplified from DT40 genomic DNA and cloned in pBluescript (Supplementary Fig. 1a). Sensitivity clonogenic assays were performed on methylcellulose after exposure for 2 h and 1014 days incubation (see Methods). Lymphocytes purified from mouse spleens were stimulated with 40 mg ml21 LPS and plated with acetaldehyde. Viability was measured by Trypan blue exclusion after 7 days using a ViCell XR cell counter. Mice. Fancd2 mice were a gift from M. Grompe. Aldh21/2 embryonic stem cells were injected in blastocysts from C57BL/6J mice. Chimaeric males were bred with C57BL/6J females to obtain germline transmission. Mice were maintained in specific pathogen-free conditions. All animal experiments undertaken in this study were done with the approval of the UK Home Office and the MRC Centre Ethical Review Committee.

23. 24. 25. 26.


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28. Michot, F. & Gut, J. Alcohol-induced bone marrow damage. A bone marrow study in alcohol-dependent individuals. Acta Haematol. 78, 252257 (1987). 29. Nakao, S., Harada, M., Kondo, K., Mizushima, N. & Matsuda, T. Reversible bone marrow hypoplasia induced by alcohol. Am. J. Hematol. 37, 120123 (1991). 30. Meagher, R. C., Sieber, F. & Spivak, J. L. Suppression of hematopoietic-progenitorcell proliferation by ethanol and acetaldehyde. N. Engl. J. Med. 307, 845849 (1982). 31. Marc, N., Fautrel, A., Damon, M., Guillouzo, A. & Corcos, L. Phenobarbital induction of aldehyde dehydrogenase type 2 mRNA in mouse liver: a candidate region on chromosome 7 for a putative regulatory gene. Biochem. Genet. 38, 297308 (2000). 32. Vasiliou, V., Torronen, R., Malamas, M. & Marselos, M. Inducibility of liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in various animal species. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 94, 671675 (1989). 33. Chen, C.-H. et al. Activation of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 reduces ischemic damage to the heart. Science 321, 14931495 (2008). 34. Perez-Miller, S. et al. Alda-1 is an agonist and chemical chaperone for the common human aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 variant. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 159164 (2010). 35. Knipscheer, P. et al. The Fanconi anemia pathway promotes replicationdependent DNA interstrand cross-link repair. Science 326, 16981701 (2009). 36. Abel, E. L. & Sokol, R. J. A revised conservative estimate of the incidence of FAS and its economic impact. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 15, 514524 (1991). 37. Latino-Martel, P. et al. Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of childhood leukemia: systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 19, 12381260 (2010). 38. MacArthur, A. C. et al. Risk of childhood leukemia associated with parental smoking and alcohol consumption prior to conception and during pregnancy: the crossCanada childhood leukemia study. Cancer Causes Control 19, 283295 (2008). 39. Brooks, P. J., Enoch, M. A., Goldman, D., Li, T. K. & Yokoyama, A. The alcohol flushing response: an unrecognized risk factor for esophageal cancer from alcohol consumption. PLoS Med. 6, e50 (2009). 40. McKay, J. D. et al. A genome-wide association study of upper aerodigestive tract cancers conducted within the INHANCE Consortium. PLoS Genet. 7, e1001333 (2011). 41. Alter, B. P., Joenje, H., Oostra, A. B. & Pals, G. Fanconi anemia: adult head and neck cancer and hematopoietic mosaicism. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 131, 635639 (2005). 42. Hazen, S. L., Hsu, F. F., dAvignon, A. & Heinecke, J. W. Human neutrophils employ myeloperoxidase to convert a-amino acids to a battery of reactive aldehydes: a pathway for aldehyde generation at sites of inflammation. Biochemistry 37, 68646873 (1998). 43. OBrien, P. J., Siraki, A. G. & Shangari, N. Aldehyde sources, metabolism, molecular toxicity mechanisms, and possible effects on human health. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 35, 609662 (2005). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank M. Grompe for Fancd2 knockout mice, J. Sale and S. Takeda for DT40 strains, N. Sugimura and F. Gergely for comments on the manuscript. We are grateful to T. Langford, R. Berks, V. Smith, J. Wiles, C. Shepherd, M. Kidd, M. Brown, A. Mead, R. Pannell, J. Garaycoechea and A. Shortland for their assistance with animal experiments and husbandry. We thank N. Grant and P. Banks from the Visual Aids department for photographic images and W. Zhao of the Human Research Tissue Bank (NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre) for processing histology. F.L. and I.V.R. are funded by the Childrens Leukaemia Trust and Fanconi Anaemia Research Fund, respectively. K.J.P. acknowledges M. Neuberger, N. McIntyre and C. Desai for support. Author Contributions K.J.P., F.L. and G.P.C. designed the experiments. F.L. and G.P.C. performed the majority of the experimental work, I.V.R. contributed to DT40 clonogenic assays and FACS analysis of tumours. M.J.A. carried out histological analysis. K.J.P. wrote the manuscript assisted by F.L. and G.P.C. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.J.P. ([email protected]).

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DT40 cell culture and acetaldehyde sensitivity assays. DT40 cells were maintained in RPMI medium supplemented with 50 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 7% fetal calf serum, 3% chicken serum and penicillin/streptomycin mix (Gibco) in a 10% CO2 incubator at 37 uC. Sensitivity to acetaldehyde (Fluka; catalogue no. 00070) was measured by colony survival assays. 2 3 105 cells were treated with acetaldehyde for 2 h at 37 uC before seeding of 3 dilutions on methylcellulose-DMEM medium in 6-well plates. After 1014 days incubation, colonies were scored and survival was plotted relative to the untreated control. Each experiment represents the average of 3 independent experiments. Generation of DALDH2 cells. DALDH2 construct: the 59 homology arm was amplified from DT40 genomic DNA and cloned as a 2.7-kb XhoI-BamHI fragment in pBluescript (aldh2_5F1, 59-TTGAAACTCTGGATAATGGCAAC; and aldh2_5R1, 59-AGCTTTCTTGATCAGGTGCCCAAC). The 39 homology arm was amplified from genomic DNA and cloned as a 2.4-kb BamHI-NotI fragment in pBluescript (aldh2_3F1, 59-ATAGCCTATGTCTGCTTTGGATCCACA; and aldh2_3R1, 59-TGACGTCTGAAGAGTGCAGCTCCT). Before transfection, the targeting construct was linearized by NotI restriction digest. Drug-resistant clones were screened by Southern blot using a 900-bp fragment as a probe amplified from genomic DNA (aldh2sbpbF1, 59-ATACCGATTCCTCAAGGT TTGGAT; and aldh2sbpbR1, 59-CCACTATGTCATCTGACAGGTTGA). Mouse strains. Fancd2 mice (Fancd2tm1Hou, MGI code: 2673422, 129S4/SvJae) were a gift from M. Grompe. Aldh2 mice were generated from embryonic stem cells purchased from EUCOMM (Aldh2tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi; MGI code: 4431566, C57BL/6N). Details of the targeting construct can be found in Supplementary Fig. 3 and http://www.knockoutmouse.org/about/targeting-strategies. Embryonic stem cells were injected in blastocyst to generate chimaeric animals. Germline transmission of the targeted allele was monitored by PCR using Aldh2 forward (59-TGGACATGGTCCTGAAATGTCTCC-39) and Aldh2 reverse (59-GACT AGACTGCCAGAAACCATGAA-39); 95 uC for 3 min, 95 uC for 30 s, 65 uC for 30 s, 72 uC for 30 s (35 cycles), 72 uC for 3 min. In individual experiments, all mice were matched for age and gender. Mice were maintained in specific pathogen-free conditions. All animal experiments undertaken in this study were done with the approval of the UK Home Office and the MRC Centre Ethical Review Committee. Pregnancy experiment. Timed matings of Aldh22/2Fancd21/2 males and Aldh21/2Fancd21/2 females were set up. Females were checked for the presence of a vaginal plug the following morning, considered as day E0.5. Plugged females were injected with either 5 g kg21 of a 28% ethanol solution or 0.9% saline solution equivalent at E7.5, in two separate intraperitoneal injections of 2.5 g kg21, 4 h apart. At E16.5, pregnant females were killed and uteruses taken for dissection of embryos. Oral alcohol experiment. Six-to-eight-week-old mice of four possible genotypes (wild type, Aldh22/2, Fancd22/2 and Aldh22/2Fancd22/2) were exposed to continuous oral alcohol exposure for 10 days. For the first 5 days, the drinking water supply was replaced by a 15% ethanol/water solution, followed by a 20% ethanol/water solution for the last 5 days. A baseline blood sample was taken from tails before alcohol exposure and by cardiac puncture at the end of the experiment, in order to measure full blood counts. Femurs were dissected for histological analysis and to determine bone marrow cellularity. Bone marrow of individual femurs was flushed out in 400 ml of PBS using a 26-gauge needle. Nucleated cells were quantified using 3% acetic acid and methylene blue and a ViCell XR counter (Beckman Coulter). Peripheral blood counts. Blood was collected in EDTA microvette tubes (Sarstedt) and analysed on a VetABC analyser. Haematopoietic CFU assays. These were performed using total bone marrow cells harvested from the femurs and tibias of untreated mice or after 10 days of oral alcohol exposure. Nucleated cells were enumerated using 3% acetic acid and methylene blue. 107, 106 and 105 nucleated cells were plated in Methocult M3334 (Stem Cell Technologies) and CFUE was counted after 9 days. 106, 105, and 104 nucleated cells were plated in either Methocult GF M3534 (Stem Cell Technologies) for CFUGM or Methocult M3630 (Stem Cell Technologies) for CFUpre-B and counted after 7 days21. Sensitivity assays of primary mouse B cells. These were performed on lymphocytes purified from the spleen using Lympholyte M (Cederlane). Lymphocytes were stimulated with LPS (Sigma L4391) at a final concentration of 40 mg ml21. 4 3 105 cells were plated with acetaldehyde in one well of a 24-well plate. After 7 days the viable cells were enumerated using trypan blue exclusion counting 100 images using a ViCell XR (Beckman Coulter). Each data point represents the mean of two independent experiments each carried out in triplicate. Immunoblot. cH2A.X antibody (Millipore, JBW301) was used at 1:3,000. Histone H3 polyclonal antibody (Abcam) was used at 1:2,000. FANCD2 antiserum was used at 1:3,000. Fold-induction of cH2A.X relative to H3 was calculated by densitometry. Histology. Tissue biopsies were paraffin embedded and 4-mm sections were cut before haematoxylin and eosin staining. Blood smears and bone marrow cytospins were stained with MayGrunwald and Giemsa stains.

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Crystal structure of a copper-transporting PIB-type ATPase

Pontus Gourdon1*, Xiang-Yu Liu1,2*, Tina Skjrringe3, J. Preben Morth1{, Lisbeth Birk Mller3, Bjrn Panyella Pedersen1{ & Poul Nissen1

Heavy-metal homeostasis and detoxification is crucial for cell viability. P-type ATPases of the class IB (PIB) are essential in these processes, actively extruding heavy metals from the cytoplasm of cells. Here we present the structure of a PIB-ATPase, a Legionella pneumophila CopA Cu1-ATPase, in a copper-free form, as determined by X-ray crystallography at 3.2 A resolution. The structure indicates a three-stage copper transport pathway involving several conserved residues. A PIB-specific transmembrane helix kinks at a double-glycine motif displaying an amphipathic helix that lines a putative copper entry point at the intracellular interface. Comparisons to Ca21-ATPase suggest an ATPase-coupled copper release mechanism from the binding sites in the membrane via an extracellular exit site. The structure also provides a framework to analyse missense mutations in the human ATP7A and ATP7B proteins associated with Menkes and Wilsons diseases.

P-type ATPases are integral membrane pumps that derive energy from ATP hydrolysis to maintain ion homeostasis, electrochemical gradients and lipid bilayer asymmetry in cells1,2. The P-type ATPase superfamily encompasses 11 distinct classes3,4, of which class IB and IIA are the largest and most widespread, ranging from bacteria to humans3. Atomic structures have been determined for the class IIA sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca21-ATPase (SERCA1a) in several conformations59, the class IIC Na1,K1-ATPase10,11, and the class IIIA H1-ATPase12. The catalytic mechanism of P-type ATPases is described by the AlbersPost model13,14 with E1 and E2 states associated with high and low affinity, respectively, for the extruded substrate, and E1P and E2P denoting phosphoenzyme intermediates. The translocation of ions is facilitated by conformational changes coupled to ATP phosphorylation and subsequent dephosphorylation, controlling alternating access to transport sites in the membrane2. PIB-ATPases are heavy-metal-transporting ATPases that are essential cellular regulators of, for example, Cu1, Zn21 and Co21 (ref. 15). Tight regulation coupled to active transport is an essential process due to the toxicity of these metals, of which some are essential cofactors. Reflecting the extremely low intracellular concentrations of these metals16,17, the PIB-ATPases are characterized by high apparent affinity (with dissociation constants in the femtomolar range18). A representative intramembranous CPX/XPC motif (typically CPC)19,20 is associated with heavy-metal binding. PIB-ATPases are predicted to share a core with other P-type ATPases based on three cytoplasmic domains as well as a transmembrane domain with six helices corresponding to the first six of SERCA1a (ref. 1). This core structure is frequently flanked by two additional, amino-terminal transmembrane helices and one or sequential heavy-metal binding domains (HMBD)15 with CXXC motif(s). It is not clear how and when these domains interact with the catalytic core or if and how they participate in subcellular targeting, regulation and/or ion transfer17,21,22. Cu1-transporting ATPases are the most prevalent PIB-ATPases15. In plants and many microorganisms they have an important role in copper homeostasis and detoxification23,24. The two Cu1-transporting

PIB-ATPases in human are ATP7A and ATP7B, which are of vital importance2527; defects give rise to Menkes and Wilsons diseases, respectively, whereas upregulation has been associated with Alzheimers diease28 and resistance to cancer chemotherapy29. Atomic structures of the cytoplasmic domains of PIB-ATPases have revealed class-specific features3032, but electron microscopy studies of full-length proteins have generated contrasting topology models33,34. No atomic structure of a complete PIB-ATPase has been determined until now, and key questions on the enzyme structure including how copper transport is coupled to the ATPase activity, how cytoplasmic copper is loaded and released from the protein, and how disease-related mutations are distributed in the protein remain to be answered18.

Overall structure of CopA

The Cu1-ATPase structure described here is derived from the L. pneumophila gene lpg1024, which can complement a CopAdeficient strain of Escherichia coli35. The Lpg1024 protein shows significant sequence identity to human ATP7A and ATP7B and other Cu1-conducting PIB-ATPases (Supplementary Fig. 1). We observe Cu1-dependent ATPase activity in vitro (Supplementary Fig. 2) and will refer to this protein as CopA or LpCopA (when specifically referring to the L. pneumophila protein). LpCopA was crystallized with high amounts of exogenous lipid, and the structure was determined from electron density maps with experimental phases obtained from multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (MIRAS) and density modification (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 1). The final model includes residues Val 74 to the carboxyterminal Leu 736. The unmodelled 73 N-terminal residues encompass a single HMBD, which is, however, partially visible as low-resolution electron density features. The cytosolic part of CopA displays three domains that are characteristic of P-type ATPases36 (Fig. 1): the A-domain (actuator), P-domain (phosphorylation) and the N-domain (nucleotide binding). These are generally smaller than for other classes of P-type

Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and DiseasePUMPKIN, Danish National Research Foundation, Aarhus University, Department of Molecular Biology, Gustav Wieds Vej 10C, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 2State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China. 3Center for Applied Human Molecular Genetics, Kennedy Center, Gl. Landevej 7, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark. {Present addresses: The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo and Centre for Molecular Medicine, Nordic EMBL Partnership, University of Oslo, 0318 Oslo, Norway (J.P.M.); Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94158, USA (B.P.P.). *These authors contributed equally to this work. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 5 9

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and 4a and Supplementary Fig. 6). We note that the M1 helix of CopA is not kinked as observed in other P-type ATPase structures612. LpCopA was crystallized in the absence of copper and in complex with AlF42, representing an occluded, copper-released E2-Pi (where Pi indicates inorganic phosphate) transition state (see Supplementary Fig. 7). Comparison to SERCA1a structures shows the closest resemblance to the equivalent, proton-occluded E2-Pi transition state (root mean squared deviation (r.m.s.d.) 3.3 A for Protein Data Bank accession 3b9r (ref. 9)), although CopA adopts a more compact configuration with M4 (including the CPC motif) shifted towards M1/M2 (Supplementary Fig. 5b).



E279 T277 D426

The membrane copper-binding sites

The membranous ion-binding sites in P-type ATPases are typically denoted I and II, with site II being accessible through an N-terminal, cytoplasmic entrance pathway5 (Figs 1 and 2). Mutagenesis in conjunction with biochemical studies have indicated that six invariant residues in M4, M5 and M6 of CopA contribute to two ion-binding sites in the M-domain, but the exact stoichiometry of the transport reaction cycle (probably two Cu1 per ATP) remains elusive18. Five of the invariant residuesCys 384 (last of the CPC motif in M4), Tyr 688 and Asn 689 of M5, and Met 717 and Ser 721 of M6overlap with the calcium-coordinating residues of SERCA1a in the calciumfree state (Fig. 2). In addition, Cys 382 replaces Ile 307 in SERCA1a providing a main-chain oxygen for calcium coordination at site II. Assuming that similar conformational changes occur in CopA, the copper-bound state will bear resemblance to the calcium-bound state of SERCA1a. Only Tyr 688 and Asn 689 of M5 would require sidechain rearrangements to reach the putative sites II and I, possibly assisted by Pro 694 (conserved in M5 of PIB-ATPases) as a helix break point. Except for the generally conserved Pro 383 of M4 (Pro 308 in SERCA1a), the residues involved in ion binding in class II ATPases are not preserved in the class IB Cu1-ATPases. Furthermore, the only conserved and charged residue in the M-domain of CopA is Glu 189 in M2. This indicates that CopA may operate without counter transport, which indeed has never been demonstrated for a PIB-ATPase.


V74 E205 D337 M148 S721 Y688 N689 C384 C382 I II M711 M717 E189 M100 E99


G130 G129


The heavy-metal binding domain

In LpCopA, an N-terminal Cu1-binding domain (a HMBD) appears before the MA helix. We, and others, have shown that it is not strictly required for CopA ATPase activity17 (Supplementary Fig. 2b, d). Structural studies of HMBDs38,39 and cytosolic copper chaperones40,41 have revealed a babbab fold, and with the known position of Val 74, this structural motif significantly limits the plausible position(s) for the domain. Although N-terminal sequencing shows that LpCopA is intact, we were unable to model the HMBD due to weak or absent electron density for the region. However, data from several crystals revealed continuous electron density peripheral to the A-domain coinciding with an unassigned selenomethionine peak as well as a mercury site (presumably at the CXXC motif), about 21 A from Val 74 (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Figs 3, 6, 8 and 9). Such a proposed HMBD position is corroborated by biochemical data37 and coincides with one of three positions suggested by electron microscopy34. The proposed HMBD location coincides with the linker from the N-terminal part of the A-domain to M1 in SERCA1aa feature missing in PIB-ATPases (Supplementary Fig. 10). The integrity of this linker is essential for the functional cycle of SERCA1a (ref. 42), suggesting that the HMBD might regulate CopA function through interactions with the A-domain, as also indicated from biochemical studies37. However, further analysis of the crystal structure as well as the electron microscopy data34 and biochemical data43 indicate that the HMBD may also interact at other positions, possibly exploiting both inhibitory and/or stimulatory functions in CopA regulation (Supplementary Fig. 6).

Figure 1 | Overall structure of the L. pneumophila Cu1-ATPase LpCopA. Cartoon representation of CopA with A-, N- and P-domains in yellow, red and blue, respectively. The transmembrane helices are displayed in cyan (MAMB) and wheat (M1M6). A dotted, cyan sphere indicates the HMBD region. AlF42 at Asp 426 and Glu 279 is pink and brown, and Mg21 is in green. A K1 ion modelled at the putative exit site is shown in purple. Key residues are shown in ball-and-stick representation. Arrows indicate the suggested Cu1 transport pathway and ATP turnover, lines the approximate position of the membrane, whereas circles depict putative Cu1-binding sites at entry (grey), membrane (black) and exit (grey).

ATPases, but despite a low degree of sequence conservation (Supplementary Fig. 4) their core structures are conserved, as noted previously3032. The M-domain consists of eight transmembrane segments: the six core helices with a principal organization as observed for the first six helices of other P-type ATPases5,10,12 (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 5) preceded by the two PIB-specific helices (MA and MB). This topology, and in particular the position of the latter two helices, has been a matter of debate1,20,33,34,37. Furthermore, the A-domain comprises only the cytoplasmic loop between M2 and M3, lacking the N-terminal part. MA interacts with M2 and M6, and MB with M1 and M2. MB consists of a short transmembrane helix followed by a kink and an amphipathic helix MB9 positioned at the cytoplasmic membrane interface (Figs 3
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S721 Y688 C384 P383 N689 M717 C382 M5 P383 M4 C382 M1 Y688 N689 M6 C384 M4b

S721 M2 M717





E908 D800 P308


M2 M8 D800 M6

E309 II P308 M4



I307 E908

I E771 M1 I307

E771 M7 M8 M5 M6 M4a M2 M5

Figure 2 | Details of CopA compared to the binding sites I and II in SERCA1a in the equivalent calcium-free state. For CopA, transmembrane helices M1M6 are shown in wheat, whereas SERCA1a is displayed in green (PDB 3b9r (ref. 9)). a, View in the plane of the membrane of the transmembrane domain showing the residues associated with ion-binding sites

of CopA18. Site I: Asn 689 (M5), Met 717 (M6) and Ser 721 (M6). Site II: Cys 382 and Cys 384 (CPC motif of M4) as well as Tyr 688 (M5). b, Same residues as in a, seen from the cytoplasmic side. c, Equivalent view for SERCA1a as in a. The approximate positions of sites I and II (in the E1 states) are indicated by blue dotted spheres. d, Equivalent view as in b for SERCA1a.

A putative copper transport pathway

The class-IB-specific MA/MB transmembrane helices are of special interest: Val 74 initiates the long and curved MA helix, and the N-terminal part of MB provides a short transmembrane helix that kinks at the cytosolic membrane interface (facilitated by two conserved glycines, Gly 129 and Gly 130; Fig. 1). The C-terminal part of MB forms an amphipathic MB9 helix with bulky, hydrophobic residues directed towards the membrane and positively charged residues facing the cytoplasm (Fig. 4a). The consensus sequence of CopA proteins preserves the GG kink and the highly amphipathic nature of MB9 (Supplementary Fig. 1). MB9 and M1 form a platform (Figs 3 and 4a), which, by analogy to SERCA1a, may be part of the Cu1 entry pathway (Fig. 2c, d)6,44. Examination of conserved residues exposed at the platform unveils three candidate residues for initial Cu1 coordination: Met 148, Glu 205 and Asp 337 (Fig. 4a). Met 148 and Asp 337 are ,5 A from from them. The putative each other and Glu 205 is ,5.5 and ,7.5 A entry site is located ,23 A from Val 74, similar to the distance from Val 74 to the mercury site expected to mark the CXXC motif of the HMBD. We believe that this platform provides a docking site for the HMBD or a soluble copper chaperone, either for copper delivery22 and/or for CopA auto-regulation by the HMBD17. The positively charged residues surrounding the putative entry site (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 6) comply with the positive-inside rule45 and may steer attraction or repulsion of the HMBD or soluble copper chaperones by electrostatic interactions, as complex formation between a human HMBD and a soluble chaperone shows charge complementation at the interacting surfaces46. We speculate that Cu1 is passed from the HMBD or a soluble copper chaperone to the platform entry site, conceivably during the E2 to E1 transition (Figs 1, 3b and 4a). For translocation to the
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Conservation Poor


E205 M148 S721 M717 N689 E189 M100 K+ M711 E99

Figure 3 | The cytoplasmic platform and the heavy-metal binding domain. Electron density (blue mesh) adjacent to the A-domain marks a putative position of the HMBD. Arrows indicate the amphipathic MB9 helix. See also Supplementary Fig. 6. a, The surface conservation among CopA proteins (alignment in Supplementary Fig. 1a) is depicted in a blackgreen colour ramp highlighting the proposed entry site. b, Cartoon representation with residues of the proposed Cu1 binding sites and phosphorylation site Asp 426 indicated in stick representation. A putative exit pathway (computed using the software CAVER49, shown in purple) leads from Cys 384 and Met 717 through the putative exit site and out. Entry site residues are shown in green stick representation, binding site in blue, and exit site in wheat.

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M4b M2 E205 D337 M148 S721 Y688 M717 C382 N689 M6 K+ M711 M5 M3 M4a M1 MA D189 MB M100 M711 C384 F134 L141 W138 E189 E99 K+ M6
M711 M6 M1 M4

E2/E1 D337 E1P

MA R136 C384 K135 K142 MB W131 M717 M2


C384 S721 C382 M717 M711 M1 M6 M4

D337 M148 C384 S721 C382 M717 M711 M1 M4 M6

E2-Pi S721 C384 M717 C382 D337 M148

Figure 4 | Proposed stages at the copper transport pathway of CopA. The domains of CopA are coloured as in Fig. 1. a, A platform at the cytoplasmic interface is defined by the amphipathic MB9 helix and displays an entry site (Met 148, Glu 205 and Asp 337) leading to the CPC motif in M4. A putative exit pathway is illustrated as in Fig. 3b. b, The putative Cu1 exit site of CopA. An ion, assigned as K1, binds at an extracellular site (beige sphere) defined by the conserved Glu 189 and Met 100 and the less conserved Glu 99 and Met 711.

Met 717 of the binding site I is ,6 A away. The final 2Fo 2 Fc and the unbiased Fo 2 Fc electron-density map (before K1 modelling) are contoured at 1.0s (blue) and 4.0s (green), respectively. c, Proposed models of Cu1 binding at the E2/E1 transition, E1P state and the E2-Pi transition state (reported here) of the transmembrane domain of CopA. The models are based on structural alignments to SERCA1a structures, as conducted earlier for H1-ATPase12.

membrane site II, the CPC motif may be of significance. Cys 382 is oriented towards the cytoplasm with an SS distance to Met 148 of ,9.5 A (Fig. 4a). In SERCA1a, the E2 to E1 transition is associated with a movement of M1 towards the extracellular side and M4 towards the cytoplasmthese conformational changes are likely to be universal modes of P-type ATPase function. Therefore, we predict a significantly increased distance between Met 148, Glu 205 and Asp 337, and a reduced distance between Met 148 and Cys 382 as a result of the E2 to E1 transition of CopA. Such alterations may assist in Cu1 transfer from the entry site at the platform to site II in the membrane (Fig. 4a, c and Supplementary Fig. 11). The simultaneous rotational shift of M4 (known for SERCA1a) and a switch in conformation at the CPC motif could assist in establishing the occluded, high-affinity transmembrane ion-binding sites I and II. The relatively high apparent Cu1 affinity for CopA proteins raises the question of how Cu1 is released. Our structure, and specifically the way that Cys 382 is oriented, provides insight (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Fig. 11): space is permitted by the conserved Gly 155 to let the Cys 382 side chain make a snug fit against M1 and away from site II, stabilized by hydrogen bonds to the backbone carbonyls of Leu 151 (,2.9 A) and possibly Ile 152 (,3.5 A). This buried and stabilized position, coupled to the dephosphorylation reaction, excludes the Cys 382 side chain from copper binding and probably distorts the high-affinity transmembrane Cu1 sites, stimulating Cu1 release to the extracellular side. We suggest that Cu1 release is further stimulated by the conserved and negatively charged residue Glu 189 (Fig. 4b, c). The equivalent residue in SERCA1a (Glu 90) serves such a purpose for calcium release9. Significant residual electron density (at 5.1s in the Fo 2 Fc map before site modelling) is found at a site adjacent to Glu 189 that includes Met 100 and Met 711 (conserved in CopA) as well as Glu 99 (less conserved). We have modelled this putative Cu1 exit site occupant as a K1 ion. As for the entry site (Met 148/Glu 205/Asp 337), the combination of carboxylic acid and methionine residues would be exploited for a lower affinity transition site. The conserved residues Met 148 and Met 717 may serve to guide copper along the translocation pathway: from the entry/to the exit, respectively.
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The CopA structure brings to mind a stepwise shuttle mechanism of copper transport as observed in the CusA RND efflux transporter47. In CopA it involves three putative stages: two transient sites (entry/ exit) at the membrane interfaces, as well as the presumably highaffinity binding sites in the membrane. On the basis of the wellcharacterized reaction cycle of SERCA1a, these Cu1 binding sites are expected to change conformation and modulate their apparent affinities with the Cu1-ATPase cycle.

Menkes and Wilsons disease mutations

The LpCopA structure is a valuable prototype of Cu1-ATPases including the human proteins associated with Menkes and Wilsons diseases (ATP7A and ATP7B, respectively). Missense mutations of these proteins are almost exclusively distributed in the conserved and now structurally determined core of the enzyme48. A plot of known missense mutations in ATP7A (associated with the X-linked Menkes disease) shows clusters at regions that are highly relevant for structure and function, targeting residues involved in phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, domain interactions and the ion transport pathway (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Table 2). This is even clearer when disease severity and the effects of impaired biogenesis (on subcellular localization) are taken into account (Fig. 5b). For the two mildest variants of Menkes disease, occipital horn syndrome (OHS) and distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN), the affected amino acid residues are located at the protein surface (for OHS) and at the extracellular side (for dHMN). These are positions likely to have a reduced impact on basic protein function when mutated. We have gathered genetic data from patients suffering from Menkes disease and found 14 novel sites (incorporated in Fig. 5, listed in Supplementary Table 3) of missense mutations, including Gly728Asp of ATP7A, which is equivalent to Gly 130 of the GG kink motif in LpCopA. Our analysis pinpoints the GG kink motif as a hotspot for mutations, as the ATP7A Gly727Arg mutation (LpCopA Gly 129) is found in 4.7% of 468 independent Menkes disease patients referred to the Kennedy Center (with a total of 383 different disease mutations observed). The immediate environment surrounding the GG kink motif, including the residues equivalent to LpCopA Arg 84, Ala 88 and Val 126, are

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S833G P852L G860V R844H G1255R L873R G876R/E P1279L K1282E D1305A/G A1325V A1308D G1005R S653Y S657R G728A G727R C1000R Q724H T994I S761P G853R D870G L1100P Q1098P No No No TGN pTGN TGN TGN TGN TGN No


Q1304K G1302V/R/E T1048I D1044G S814P D1301G G1300E A1328D G1315R S1344R/I1345F Q924R K1037Q G1019D S637L K802N G1015S/D A1007V L1006P A1362V/D S1397F C1002F M1393T/V G1369R G666R P1386S A1373P/V L706R


Increasing severity

Classical Long survival Moderate Mild OHS dHMNs


Figure 5 | Distribution of human ATP7A missense mutations associated with Menkes disease. The affected residues are shown as spheres on the LpCopA structure. Published mutations are listed in Supplementary Table 2 and new mutations are presented in Supplementary Table 3. Mutations Ala629Pro, Lys633Arg, Met687Val, Glu628Val and Pro1413Arg are not covered by the LpCopA structure. a, The distribution of mutations according to CopA function: phosphorylation/dephosphorylation (green), domain interfaces/ATPase-transport coupling (blue), putative copper entry and exit

pathways in the membrane (wheat), intramembranous sites I and II (dark brown), GG kink motif of the amphipathic helix (cyan), and free surfaceexposed sites (purple). Underlined residues are conserved and residue numbers refer to human ATP7A. b, The distribution according to phenotypic severity of ATP7A mutations ranging from classical Menkes disease to relatively mild distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN). The phenotype is unknown for Ser657Arg. No, no protein detectable in cells; TGN, trans-Golgi network localization; pTGN, partly located in TGN.
by anomalous difference Fourier maps. Experimental electron density maps were derived by multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (MIRAS) extended to 3.3 A resolution by density modification. The model was built using as guides the SERCA1a structure in the equivalent state9, as well as the Archaeoglobus fulgidus CopA N- and P-domains structure32 and A-domain structure31 and aided by the selenomethionine data to pinpoint methionine residues. The final model yielded a crystallographic R factor of 23.5% and a free R factor of 26.1%.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 9 November 2010; accepted 11 May 2011. Published online 29 June 2011. 1. Lutsenko, S. & Kaplan, J. H. Organization of P-type ATPases: significance of structural diversity. Biochemistry 34, 1560715613 (1995). 2. Kuhlbrandt, W. Biology, structure and mechanism of P-type ATPases. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 5, 282295 (2004). 3. Axelsen, K. B. & Palmgren, M. G. Evolution of substrate specificities in the P-type ATPase superfamily. J. Mol. Evol. 46, 84101 (1998). 4. Mller, A. B., Asp, T., Holm, P. B. & Palmgren, M. G. Phylogenetic analysis of P5 P-type ATPases, a eukaryotic lineage of secretory pathway pumps. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 46, 619634 (2008). 5. Toyoshima, C., Nakasako, M., Nomura, H. & Ogawa, H. Crystal structure of the calcium pump of sarcoplasmic reticulum at 2.6 A resolution. Nature 405, 647655 (2000). 6. Toyoshima, C. & Nomura, H. Structural changes in the calcium pump accompanying the dissociation of calcium. Nature 418, 605611 (2002). 7. Sorensen, T. L., Moller, J. V. & Nissen, P. Phosphoryl transfer and calcium ion occlusion in the calcium pump. Science 304, 16721675 (2004). 8. Toyoshima, C., Nomura, H. & Tsuda, T. Lumenal gating mechanism revealed in calcium pump crystal structures with phosphate analogues. Nature 432, 361368 (2004). 9. Olesen, C. et al. The structural basis of calcium transport by the calcium pump. Nature 450, 10361042 (2007). 10. Morth, J. P. et al. Crystal structure of the sodium-potassium pump. Nature 450, 10431049 (2007).
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 6 3

also mutated in Menkes disease (ATP7A Ser653Tyr, Ser657Arg and Gln724His, respectively, Fig. 5). For a similar discussion of mutations associated with Wilsons disease in human ATP7B and the structural and functional interpretations, see Supplementary Table 4.

We report the first atomic structure of a PIB-ATPase, a CopA Cu1ATPase, which provides new insight on the molecular cell biology of heavy-metal homeostasis. The structure reveals two additional N-terminal transmembrane helices defining a platform lined by a straight helix M1, which may coordinate the function of the HMBD. We propose a three-step copper transport pathway that captures Cu1 ions at the platform, leads them to the high-affinity sites in the membrane, and releases them through an extracellular exit site, coupled to cyclical conformational changes in a unidirectional drive by an ATPase-coupled mechanism. Our structure provides new insight into the molecular pathophysiology of Menkes and Wilsons diseases, with missense mutations interfering with functionally important regions. These new findings also open numerous applications in biotechnology, with PIB-ATPases exploited as antibiotic targets, caretakers of micro-nutrient uptake in plants, and providers of detoxification schemes in cells.

Purified LpCopA was incubated with high levels of dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine and crystallized with AlF42 in the presence of the copper chelators EGTA and ammonium-tetrathiomolybdate. Data were collected at SLS, ESRF, MAXLAB or BESSY and the best data set processed and scaled to 3.2 A (see Supplementary Table 1). Heavy-atom derivative crystals were obtained with Pt, Ir, Hg and Ta6Br12 compounds and selenomethionine protein. An extensive molecular replacement procedure provided initial phases for Pt and Ir site identification

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P.G. was supported by the Swedish Research Council, X.-Y.L. by the China Scholarship Council and J.P.M. and B.P.P. by the Carlsberg Foundation. P.N. was supported by an advanced research grant (Biomemos) of the European Research Council and at earlier stages by a Hallas-Mller stipend of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Author Contributions P.G. initiated the project, designed the expression construct and developed the protein production protocol assisted by J.P.M. Protein purification, activity measurements, crystallization, data collection, structure determination, refinement, and overall analysis of results were designed and performed by P.G. and X.-Y.L. jointly. B.P.P. designed and performed the Molecular Replacement screening procedure to initiate phasing, and assisted in structure determination, refinement and structural analysis. T.S. and L.B.M. identified genetic data and collected phenotypic data from Menkes disease patients. P.N. designed and supervised the project, and analysed results. P.G., X.-Y.L., B.P.P. and P.N. wrote the paper and all authors commented on the paper. Author Information Atomic coordinates and structure factors for the L. pneumophila Lpg1024 CopA crystal structure have been deposited at the Protein Data Bank under accession code 3RFU. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.B.M. ([email protected]) or P.N. ([email protected]).

6 4 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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Sample selection. Class IB P-type ATPases from Legionella pneumophila were selected because of their documented high expression levels in E. coli50. The genome from the Philadelphia strain was provided by C. Buchrieser. Putative Cu1-ATPase genes lpg0231, lpg1024, lpg1626 and lpg2691 were cloned into pET22b(1) and checked for expression. Lpg0231, Lpg1024 and Lpg1626 were purified by nickel affinity and size-exclusion chromatography and then tested in crystallization experiments. Lpg1024 provided promising hit conditions. Sample preparation. A pET22b(1) construct containing the full-length lpg1024 gene was transformed into E. coli C43 cells. The cells were grown to an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.60.8 in LB medium, induced with 1 mM IPTG, harvested after 16 h culture at 20 uC and then re-suspended in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 200 mM KCl, 20% glycerol and frozen at 220 uC. Selenomethionine derivatized protein was produced from the same construct and E. coli strain grown in a minimal medium51, including 50 mg ml21 L-SeMet. Washed cells from a pre-culture were diluted to OD600 5 0.8, adapted to 20 uC for 1 h in a shaker and then induced with 1 mM IPTG for 16 h. Before breakage of cells with native or selenomethionine derivatized protein, 5 mM of fresh b-mercaptoethanol (BME), 1 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride, 2 mg ml21 DNase I and Roche protease inhibitor cocktail (1 tablet for 8 L cells) were added to the cells. Cells were opened with an Avestin high-pressure homogenizer by three runs at 15,00020,000 p.s.i. and kept at 4 uC throughout the purification until crystallization. Large aggregates were removed by centrifugation at 20,000g for 45 min. Membranes were isolated by centrifugation at 250,000g for 3 h, and re-suspended in 15 ml g21 in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 5 7.6, 200 mM KCl, 20% glycerol, 5 mM BME and 1 mM MgCl2. The membrane proteins were solubilized by addition of solid octaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E8) at 18.6 mM final concentration. Solubilization was performed by gentle stirring for 60 min. Unsolubilized material was removed by ultracentrifugation for 1 h at 250,000g. Solid KCl was added to solubilized membrane solution to a final concentration of 500 mM, imidazole was added to a final concentration of 50 mM and the solution was mixed with pre-equilibrated Ni21 beads and incubated for at least 1 h. The beads were packed into a column and washed with 20 mM MOPS-KOH pH 5 7.4, 200 mM KCl, 20% glycerol, 5 mM BME, 1 mM MgCl2 and 0.28 mM C12E8. Bound proteins were eluted by a two-step gradient, from 0 to 250 mM and then to 500 mM imidazole. Eluted protein was checked by SDSPAGE and the fractions containing LpCopA were pooled and concentrated to around 2025 mg ml21. Then, typically 5 mg concentrated protein was applied to a Superose 6 size-exclusion column equilibrated in 20 mM MOPSKOH pH 5 6.8, 80 mM KCl, 20% glycerol, 5 mM BME, 1 mM MgCl2 and 0.28 mM C12E8 (buffer A). The fractions containing LpCopA were pooled and concentrated to 2025 mg ml21, flash frozen in aliquots of 200 ml in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280 uC. For final samples, aliquots were thawed, diluted to 10 mg ml21 in buffer A and re-lipidated for 16 h with saturating amounts of dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine lipid using an additional approximately 0.5 mg C12E8 per 100 ml LpCopA52. Before crystallization experiments the sample was ultracentrifuged for 10 min at 100,000g, and 10 mM NaF, 2 mM AlCl3, 2 mM EGTA, 10 mM ammonium-tetrathiomolybdate (TTM) was added to the supernatant as well as the secondary detergents Cymal-6 or deoxy-Big-CHAP (both between 353 critical micelle concentration (CMC) except for selenomethionine derivatized protein that required lower concentrations). A construct without the HMBD (lacking the first 74 amino acid residues) was grown and purified in a similar manner as the full-length construct, but crystals were not obtained. Functional characterization. The LpCopA ATPase activity was measured by the Baginsky method with Bismuth detection under aerated conditions53. In a total volume of 50 ml, 15 mg (4 mM final concentration) of LpCopA was mixed with 40 mM MOPS-KOH pH 5 6.8, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 20 mM (NH4)2SO4, 1 mg ml21 E. coli total lipid extract, 3.7 mM C12E8, 20 mM cysteine, 5 mM NaN3 and 0.25 mM Na2MoO4. 5 mM ATP was added to start the reaction and the mixture was incubated at 37 uC for 15 min. 75 ml of freshly prepared stop solution (2.86% ascorbic acid, 1 M HCl, 0.48% (NH4)2MoO4, 2.86% SDS) was added to stop the reaction and start colour development. After 8-min incubation on ice, 125 ml of 3.5% Bismuth citrate, 1 M HCl and 3.5% sodium citrate was added to the mixture and incubated for another 30 min at 19 uC. Absorbance was measured at 710 nm. For the HMBD-truncated construct the final protein concentration was 12 mM. Crystallization. Crystals were grown at 19 uC using the hanging-drop vapour diffusion method with a reservoir solution containing 6% (w/v) PEG6K, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 140 mM NaCl, 3% v/v t-BuOH, 5 mM BME. 1 ml protein and 1 ml precipitant were mixed and crystals from these drops appeared within 1 week and developed to full size within 4 weeks. Optimal crystals were obtained after initial rounds of optimization using same batch aliquots. About 1 g of protein was prepared through this project and more than 2,500 crystals tested at synchrotrons (about half of these soaked with heavy-metal compounds). Maximum size crystals (20 3 80 3 300 mm3) were mounted in Litholoops (Molecular Dimensions) and flash-cooled in liquid nitrogen. Complete native data were collected at the SLS X06SA beam line taking advantage of a PILATUS 6M detector. For the K2Pt(CN)4 (data collected at BESSY), Na3IrCl6 (MAXLAB 911-5) and para-chloromercury benzoic acid (SLS X06SA) derivatives, concentrated stock solutions were added to the crystals at a final concentration of approximately 1 mM. For Ta6Br12 (SLS X06DA), powder and 100 mM MOPSKOH, pH 5 7.4, were added to the crystals. Data collection and processing. Data were processed and scaled with XDS54. The crystals belonged to space group P1 with cell parameters a 5 44.1 A, b 5 72.9 A, c 5 329.6 A, a 5 89.97u, b 5 90.04u, c 5 90.22u with four LpCopA monomers in the unit cell related by non-crystallographic symmetry leading to a strong P212121 pseudosymmetry (Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 12). Initial lowresolution phases were obtained by a procedure exploiting a semi-automated screening of more than 5,000 molecular replacement runs (in space group P212121) using PHASER55 with systematic combination of data sets, partial models (derived from SERCA1a structures and CopA soluble domains), and search parameters, exploiting previously described rationales56. Initial Pt and Ir heavy-atom sites were pinpointed in anomalous difference Fourier maps using the molecular replacement phases. After this, the molecular replacement phases were discarded and the HA-site coordinates used to calculate and refine unbiased experimental phases by MIRAS in SHARP57. The MIRAS phases were further refined and extended to 3.3 A resolution in RESOLVE58 using solvent flattening, histogram matching and NCS averaging. The model was built in Coot59 and O60 using as templates the corresponding SERCA1a structure9,61, the A. fulgidus CopA N- and P-domains structure32 and the A. fulgidus CopA A-domain structure31 to guide chain tracing, and further aided by selenomethionine positions. Model refinement was performed in phenix.refine62. Judged from the R factors and likelihood scores the model refinement did not improve (for example, Rfree stayed above 40%) until the space group was changed from P212121 to P1 (with one angle of the P212121 unit cell shifting to 90.22u, see Supplementary Table 1). The final model yielded a crystallographic R-factor of 23.5% and a free R-factor of 26.1%. The Rfree set for P1 incorporated the P212121 pseudosymmetry to avoid bias. Molprobity63 evaluation of the Ramachandran plot displayed 98.8% in allowed regions (89.6% in favoured regions) and 1.2% in disallowed regions. All figures, except Fig. 4c, were prepared using Pymol (http://www.pymol.org). Patients and mutation detection. The novel missense mutations were found in a cohort of Menkes disease patients who were referred to the Kennedy Center for molecular diagnosis. Mutations were identified from genomic DNA by PCR amplification and direct sequencing of the 23 coding exons and adjacent exonintron boundaries, using an ABI3130XL sequencer (Applied Biosystems). The sequences of the gene-specific primers can be obtained upon request.
50. Gordon, E. et al. Effective high-throughput overproduction of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr. Purif. 62, 18 (2008). 51. Guerrero, S. A., Hecht, H. J., Hofmann, B., Biebl, H. & Singh, M. Production of selenomethionine-labelled proteins using simplified culture conditions and generally applicable host/vector systems. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 56, 718723 (2001). 52. Gourdon, P. HiLiDeSystematic approach to membrane protein crystallization in lipid and detergent. Cryst. Growth Des. 11, 20982106 (2011). 53. Cariani, L., Thomas, L., Brito, J. & del Castillo, J. R. Bismuth citrate in the quantification of inorganic phosphate and its utility in the determination of membrane-bound phosphatases. Anal. Biochem. 324, 7983 (2004). 54. Kabsch, W. Automatic processing of rotation diffraction data from crystals of initially unknown symmetry and cell constants. J. Appl. Cryst. 26, 795800 (1993). 55. Storoni, L. C., McCoy, A. J. & Read, R. J. Likelihood-enhanced fast rotation functions. Acta Crystallogr. D 60, 432438 (2004). 56. Pedersen, B. P., Morth, J. P. & Nissen, P. Structure determination using poorly diffracting membrane-protein crystals: the H1-ATPase and Na1,K1-ATPase case history. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 309313 (2010). 57. Vonrhein, C., Blanc, E., Roversi, P. & Bricogne, G. Automated structure solution with autoSHARP. Methods Mol. Biol. 364, 215230 (2007). 58. Terwilliger, T. C. Maximum-likelihood density modification. Acta Crystallogr. D 56, 965972 (2000). 59. Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B., Scott, W. G. & Cowtan, K. Features and development of Coot. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 486501 (2010). 60. Jones, T. A., Zou, J. Y., Cowan, S. W. & Kjeldgaard, M. Improved methods for building protein models in electron density maps and the location of errors in these models. Acta Crystallogr. A 47, 110119 (1991). 61. Olesen, C., Sorensen, T. L., Nielsen, R. C., Moller, J. V. & Nissen, P. Dephosphorylation of the calcium pump coupled to counterion occlusion. Science 306, 22512255 (2004). 62. Adams, P. D. et al. PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 213221 (2010). 63. Chen, V. B. et al. MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 1221 (2010).

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Structure of the human histamine H1 receptor complex with doxepin

Tatsuro Shimamura1,2,3*, Mitsunori Shiroishi1,2,4*, Simone Weyand1,5,6, Hirokazu Tsujimoto1,2, Graeme Winter6, Vsevolod Katritch7, Ruben Abagyan7, Vadim Cherezov3, Wei Liu3, Gye Won Han3, Takuya Kobayashi1,2, Raymond C. Stevens3 & So Iwata1,2,5,6,8

The biogenic amine histamine is an important pharmacological mediator involved in pathophysiological processes such as allergies and inflammations. Histamine H1 receptor (H1R) antagonists are very effective drugs alleviating the symptoms of allergic reactions. Here we show the crystal structure of the H1R complex with doxepin, a first-generation H1R antagonist. Doxepin sits deep in the ligand-binding pocket and directly interacts with Trp 4286.48, a highly conserved key residue in G-protein-coupled-receptor activation. This well-conserved pocket with mostly hydrophobic nature contributes to the low selectivity of the first-generation compounds. The pocket is associated with an anion-binding region occupied by a phosphate ion. Docking of various second-generation H1R antagonists reveals that the unique carboxyl group present in this class of compounds interacts with Lys 1915.39 and/or Lys 179ECL2, both of which form part of the anion-binding region. This region is not conserved in other aminergic receptors, demonstrating how minor differences in receptors lead to pronounced selectivity differences with small molecules. Our study sheds light on the molecular basis of H1R antagonist specificity against H1R. Histamine is a biogenic amine and an important mediator in various physiological and pathophysiological conditions such as arousal state, allergy and inflammation13. Histamine exerts its effects through the activation of four distinct histamine receptors (H1, H2, H3 and H4) that belong to the G-protein-coupled-receptor (GPCR) superfamily. The H1R, originally cloned from bovine H1R4, is now known to be expressed in various human tissues including airway, intestinal and vascular smooth muscle and brain2. In type I hypersensitivity allergic reactions, H1R is activated by histamine released from mast cells, which are stimulated by various antigens5. Many studies have been performed to develop H1R antagonists, known generally as antihistamines. Many of these compounds inhibit the action of histamine on H1R to alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions, making H1R one of the most validated drug targets judging from the number of drugs approved6. H1R shows constitutive activity, and H1R antagonists generally act as inverse agonists for H1R7,8. Development of H1R antagonists has progressed through two generations. First-generation drugs such as pyrilamine and doxepin (Supplementary Fig. 1) are effective H1R antagonists. These compounds are, however, known to show considerable side effects such as sedation, dry mouth and arrhythmia, because of penetration across the bloodbrain barrier and low receptor selectivity. These H1R antagonists can bind not only to H1R but also to other aminergic GPCRs, monoamine transporters and cardiac ion channels. Second-generation drugs such as cetirizine and olopatadine (Supplementary Fig. 1) are less sedating and in general have fewer side effects. The improved pharmacology of the secondgeneration zwitterionic drugs can be attributed to a new carboxylic moiety, in combination with the protonated amine, which significantly reduces brain permeability, although residual central nervous system effects are still reported9. The introduction of the carboxyl moiety also

improves the H1R selectivity of these compounds, but certain secondgeneration H1R antagonistssuch as terfenadinestill show cardiotoxicity because of their interaction with cardiac potassium channels10,11. A first-generation H1R antagonist, doxepin, can cause many types of side effects due to its antagonistic effects on histamine H2 (ref. 12), serotonin 5-HT2, a1-adrenergic, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors13 in addition to the inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin and noradrenaline14. Although even raw homology models of GPCRs may facilitate discovery of novel ligands15,16, reliable receptor structures are essential to improve the reliability of the predictions and understand the structural basis of subtype specificity. Recently determined GPCR structures have enabled structure-based approaches to modelling ligand interactions in the binding pocket1723 and are already yielding novel chemotypes predicted by virtual screening of large chemical libraries24,25. Here we report the 3.1 A resolution structure of the H1RT4-lysozyme fusion protein (H1RT4L) complex with doxepin. The crystal structure reveals the atomic details of doxepin binding and its inverse agonistic activity. The H1R crystal structure and models of second-generation H1R antagonists will be highly beneficial for guiding rational design of ligands that do not penetrate the bloodbrain barrier while maintaining H1 selectivity.

Overall architecture of H1R

In the H1R construct, T4L26 was inserted into the third cytoplasmic loop (intracellular loop 3 (ICL3)) (Gln 222Gly 404) and 19 residues were truncated from the amino-terminal region (Met 1Lys 19) (see Methods). H1RT4L showed similar binding affinities for H1R antagonists and for histamine as the wild-type H1R expressed in yeast cells (Supplementary Table 1) and in COS-7 cells27. The structure of the H1RT4L crystals obtained in the lipidic cubic phase (see Methods)

Human Receptor Crystallography Project, ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Yoshidakonoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. 2Department of Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Yoshidakonoe-cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. 3Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 4 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan. 5Division of Molecular Biosciences, Membrane Protein Crystallography Group, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK. 6Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK. 7Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA. 8Systems and Structural Biology Center, RIKEN, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0045 Japan. *These authors contributed equally to this work. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 6 5

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was determined in complex with the H1R antagonist doxepin at 3.1 A resolution (Supplementary Table 2). H1R is structurally most similar to the aminergic receptors (Fig. 1): b2-adrenergic (b2-AR)18, b1-adrenergic (b1-AR)19 and dopamine D3 (D3R)23 receptors, while having larger deviations from the more phylogenetically distant rhodopsin17,21, A2A adenosine receptor (A2AAR)20 and chemokine receptor CXCR4 (ref. 22) (Supplementary Table 3). H1R also shares common motifs with other GPCRs including D(E)RY in helix III, CWxP in helix VI and NPxxY in helix VII, as well as a disulphide bond connecting extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) with the extracellular end of helix III (Cys 1003.25 to Cys 180; superscripts indicate residue numbers as per the BallesterosWeinstein scheme28) but lacks the palmitoylation site at the end of helix VIII found in many other GPCRs29. Previous GPCR structures revealed that not only the residues in the transmembrane segments but also those in the loops are critical for ligand specificity1723. ECL2 connecting helices IV and V is attached to helix III through a disulphide bond between Cys 180 in ECL2 and Cys 1003.25 in helix III. Seven residues (Phe 168Val 174) before the disulphide are not included in the structure, as they did not have interpretable densities. A section of ECL2, between the disulphide bridge and the extracellular end of helix V, is particularly important because it is located at the entrance to the ligand-binding pocket. This section of ECL2 contains 7 amino acids in H1R, as compared to 5 in b2-AR, 4 in D3R, and 8 in A2AAR. The extra length of this ECL2 section is apparently accommodated by the increased distance between the extracellular ends of helices III and V by ,1.5 A and when compared to b2-AR and D3R, respectively (Fig. 1b, c). ,3.1 A This creates more space within the ligand-binding pocket, which can now accommodate the larger second-generation H1R antagonists, as discussed later. Some unique features are also observed in the transmembrane segments. A conserved Pro 1614.59-induced kink in helix IV forms a tight i13 helical turn, instead of i14 as in b2-AR and D3R (Fig. 2a). This tighter turn allows accommodation of a bulky Trp side chain at position 4.56, which seems to be essential for ligand specificity of aminergic GPCRs because this position is occupied by Ser in b2-AR

P1614.59 S1654.57 IV

Eticlopride Carazolol

Doxepin S1654.57 W1584.56


VI R1253.50 III E4106.30 H1R D1243.49 2-AR D3R

Figure 2 | Comparison of the structures of H1R, b2-AR and D3R. a, Prolineinduced kink in helix IV (H1R, green; b2-AR, cyan; D3R, magenta). The side chain of Trp 1584.56 and Pro 1614.59 of H1R and the equivalent residues of b2-AR (Ser 1654.57 and Pro 1684.60) and of D3R (Ser 1654.57 and Pro 1674.59) are also shown. b, Variations in the D(E)RY motif structures of H1R, b2-AR and D3R are coloured in green, cyan and magenta, respectively. Side chains of Asp 1243.49, Arg 1253.50, Glu 4106.30 of H1R and the equivalents in b2-AR and D3R are represented as stick models. For H1R, Gln 4166.36, which forms a hydrogen bond with Arg 1253.50, is also shown. Possible hydrogen bonds are indicated by dotted lines.











VIII C Doxepin II I H1R D3R

and D3R, and mutations of this Trp in guinea-pig H1R to Ala, Met and Phe reduce affinity against the antagonist pyrilamine30. The ionic lock, a salt bridge between Arg3.50 in the conserved D(E)R3.50Y motif and Asp/Glu6.30, which is suggested to stabilize the inactive conformation, was observed in rhodopsin structures17,21 and D3R23, but was broken in all the other GPCRs1820,22. In H1R, Arg 1253.50 of the D(E)R3.50Y motif does not form a salt bridge either with Glu 4106.30 or with Asp 1243.49. Instead, the side chain of Arg 1253.50 adopts in a new conformer relative to previous structures, forming a hydrogen bond to Gln 4166.36 in helix VI (Fig. 2b). Different structures of the ionic lock regions of the receptors could be caused by modifications of ICL3. Otherwise, they might be related to the different levels of constitutive activities of the receptors.

Doxepin isomers and conformers

The doxepin used in this study contains a mixture of E and Z isomers, and each isomer can take two distinct rotational conformers of the dibenzo[b,e]oxepin ring, resulting in four distinct conformers (conformers 14; Supplementary Fig. 2). Two conformers, one E isomer (conformer 1) and one Z isomer (conformer 4), fit the electron density better than the other two (Supplementary Fig. 3). This result is also consistent with the Rfree and the averaged B-factor values for each conformer (Supplementary Table 4). A 1:1 mixture of the E and Z isomers was used in the refinement. The two conformers are indistinguishable at this resolution and have nearly identical interactions



Figure 1 | Structure of H1R complex with doxepin. a, Ribbon representation of the H1R structure. Doxepin is shown as yellow spheres whereas the phosphate ion is shown as spheres with the carbon and oxygen atoms coloured orange and red, respectively. Disulphide bonds are shown as yellow sticks, and Trp 428 and Asp 107 are shown as pink sticks. Three conserved motifs D(E)R3.50Y, CWxP6.50 and NP7.50xxY are highlighted in blue. b, Superimposition of the H1R (green) and b2-AR (cyan) structures. c, Same as b but with the D3R structure coloured violet.
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with the binding pocket; consequently, in the following sections we are referring to the E isomer, unless noted otherwise. well-conserved pocket and its mostly hydrophobic nature should contribute to low selectivity of doxepin and other first-generation H1R-antagonists13,32. Moreover, because of its deep binding position, doxepin does not interact with ECL2, whose highly variable primary and tertiary structures are known to contribute to binding specificity of GPCR ligands34. A novel feature of the H1Rdoxepin complex is the existence of an anion-binding site at the entrance to the ligand-binding pocket (Fig. 3d). We modelled a phosphate ion, which is present at a high concentration in the crystallization buffer (300 mM ammonium phosphate), into the observed strong density in the site. This model is supported by the fact that a phosphate ion affects the binding of some ligands and the stability of H1R (Supplementary Tables 1 and 6). The phosphate ion is coordinated by Lys 179ECL2, Lys 1915.39, Tyr 4316.51 and His 4507.35; all of which, except for Tyr 4316.51, are unique to H1R (Supplementary Table 5). This encasement of the ligand in the pocket combined with an ionic interaction between the phosphate ion and the tertiary amine of doxepin (NO distance 4.8 A) indicates that a phosphate ion may serve as a positive modulator of ligand binding. This hypothesis has been validated by comparing thermostability (Supplementary Table 6) and ligand affinity (Supplementary Table 1) in buffers with and without phosphate. Thermostability of the receptor is increased in the presence of phosphate for all ligands except for cetirizine, which can prevent the phosphate binding, according to the modelling study discussed later. The phosphate effect is observed at a concentration as low as 1.5 mM,

Ligand-binding pocket
Doxepin binds in a pocket mainly defined by the side chains of helices III, V and VI (Fig. 3a, b). Asp 1073.32, a strictly conserved residue in aminergic receptors (Supplementary Table 5), forms an anchor salt bridge with the amine moiety of the ligand. This interaction has been reported to be essential for the binding of H1R antagonists as well as agonists in mutational studies3133. This amine moiety is connected via a flexible carbon chain to the tricyclic dibenzo[b,e]oxepin ring in a hydrophobic pocket comprised of the side chains of helices III, V and VI. The tricyclic ring of doxepin sits much deeper (by ,5 A) in the binding pocket than the ligands in the other non-rhodopsin GPCR structures (Fig. 3c). The ligand is surrounded mainly by highly conserved residues among aminergic receptors, including Ile 1153.40, Phe 4246.44, Trp 4286.48 and Phe 4326.52, whereas the non-conserved residues Trp 1584.56 and Asn 1985.46 in the pocket make only minor hydrophobic interactions with doxepin (Fig. 3a, b). The importance of a large side chain at position 6.52 has been suggested for the binding of pyrilamine30,33. Thr 1123.37 can form a hydrogen bond to the oxygen atom of the E isomer (but not the Z isomer) of doxepin, as shown in Fig. 3a, b. A suboptimal geometry and the bifurcated nature of this hydrogen bond indicate that it does not contribute significantly to binding affinity, which is supported by lack of this hydrogen-bond interaction in the H1Rolopatadine complex, as described later. This


Y4587.43 VII D1073.32 Doxepin W4286.48

D1073.32 NH+


PO43 Y4316.51 W4286.48 S1113.36 Y4316.51 Y1083.33 F4356.55


Y1083.33 T1123.37 I1153.40 W1584.56 IV N1985.46 V


VI F4326.52 T1945.43

F4326.52 F4356.55 A1955.44




I1153.40 T1123.37 N1985.46 ECL2 VII


Eticlopride ZM241385

K179ECL2 PO43 VI III H4507.35

Y4316.51 V Doxepin ECL3 Doxepin K1915.39 VI

W4286.48 V

Figure 3 | Binding interactions of doxepin. a, Doxepin is shown as sticks with yellow carbon atoms, whereas the contact residues within 4 A are shown with grey carbon atoms. Nitrogen and oxygen atoms are coloured blue and red, respectively. Hydrogen bonds/salt bridges are indicated as blue dotted lines. b, Doxepin binding interactions. Hydrophobic interactions are shown in black

dotted lines. c, Ligand-binding positions in non-rhodopsin GPCRs. Carbon atoms of doxepin (H1R) are shown in yellow, carazolol (b2-AR) in cyan, eticlopride (D3R) in magenta and ZM241385 (A2AAR) in grey. d, Structure of the anion-binding region with a phosphate ion.

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indicating its physiological relevance. The affinity of histamine and pyrilamine to the receptors also increased in the presence of phosphate. (Fig. 4). Olopatadine (Fig. 4a) is a close doxepin analogue with a methylcarboxyl substitution in one of its benzene rings. Its binding mode closely resembles doxepin, while the carboxyl group extends out of the pocket towards the extracellular space and interacts with Lys 1915.39 and Tyr 1083.33 without displacing the phosphate ion. These additional interactions can explain a reduced effect of the mutation of the conserved Asp 1073.32 to Ala on olopatadine binding (14-fold for olopatadine as compared to 280-fold for doxepin)32,41. The orientation of the carboxyl moiety in the ECL region dictates that the oxygen atom of the dibenzo[b,e]oxepin ring is in a position where it cannot form a hydrogen bond with Thr 1123.37. Although the marketed drug is only the Z isomer, both olopatadine Z and E isomers show similar H1R affinities41. Acrivastin (Fig. 4b) has a different chemical scaffold with a carboxyl group in its pyridine ring. Its longer carbon chain positions the carboxyl group higher in the ECL region, where it can form salt bridges to both Lys 1915.39 and Lys 179ECL2 amine moieties. R-cetirizine (Fig. 4c) has its carboxylic moiety attached directly to a piperazine amino group. The conformational modelling indicates that the carboxyl moiety can reach towards the ECL region, forming salt bridges to Lys 1915.39 and Lys 179ECL2. Finally, fexofenadine (R isomer; Fig. 4d) has the most extended carboxyl-containing substituent,

H1 selectivity of H1R antagonists

Supplementary Fig. 1 lists the first and second generations of H1R antagonists. It has been shown that second-generation H1R antagonists are much more specific to H1R and show much lower affinity to the other aminergic receptors32,35. H1R-antagonist specificity has been previously analysed using H1R-homology models based on the bacteriorhodopsin or bovine rhodopsin crystal structure in combination with the H1R antagonist pharmacophore model and mutational studies30,36,37. These studies have successfully determined some residues important for selectivity, including Lys 1915.39; however, contributions of the ECL residues have not been examined because these loops could not be modelled accurately based on the bacteriorhodopsin or bovine rhodopsin structure. Our H1R structure with the extracellular loops should significantly improve understanding of H1R-antagonist selectivity. Using flexible ligand-receptor docking38,39 in the ICM molecular modelling package40 (also see Methods), we have studied H1R selectivity for representative second-generation zwitterionic H1R-antagonists: olopatadine, acrivastine, R-cetirizine (levocetirizine) and fexofenadine

VI VII PO43 K1915.39 V




K179ECL2 Y1083.33



T1945.43 W1584.56 D1073.32 Y4587.43 S1113.36 III N1985.46 T1123.37 I1153.40 IV D1073.32 Y4587.43

H4507.35 K1915.39





D1073.32 Y4587.43

D1073.32 Y4587.43

Figure 4 | Interactions of second-generation selective H1R antagonists with the H1R ligand-binding pocket. ad, Conformation of each complex was predicted by global optimization of the ligand in the all-atom flexible H1R model3840 based on the H1Rdoxepin complex structure. Carbon atoms for Z-olopatadine co-bound with the phosphate ion (a), acrivastine
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(b), R-cetirizine (levocetirizine) (c) and fexofenadine (d) are coloured violet. Nitrogen and oxygen atoms are coloured blue and red, respectively. Ligand contact residues of H1R are shown with grey carbon atoms; parts of helices III, IV and ECL2 are not shown for clarity. Hydrogen bonds are shown in cyan.

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which reaches outside of the binding cavity and forms a salt bridge to Lys 1915.39. Modelling of second-generation H1R-antagonist binding to H1R indicates that no significant protein backbone rearrangements are required to accommodate these diverse ligands. The enhanced H1R selectivity of these compounds32,35 can be explained by the specific interaction of the carboxyl group with Lys residues in the ECL region, unique to H1R. The result also shows a good agreement with earlier modelling and site-directed mutagenesis studies. Lys 1915.39 is known to be important for increasing affinity for some of these ligands30,42,43, whereas the involvement of Lys 179ECL2 was suggested in the modelling study of 8R-lisuride into the ligand-binding pocket44. Our modelling results also indicate that olopatadine is the only second-generation compound studied here for which the carboxyl moiety does not interfere with phosphate binding. The results are also supported by the fact that the presence of the phosphate ion increased the thermal stability of the H1Rdoxepin or H1Rolopatadine complexes, whereas it did not affect the stability of the H1Rcetirizine complex (Supplementary Table 6).
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Mechanism of H1R inactivation

H1R antagonists act as highly effective inverse agonists of H1R, which reduce basal activity of the receptor and therefore are expected to interfere with the key molecular switches involved in the GPCR activation mechanism. One of the switches is represented by Trp6.48 of the conserved CWxP6.50 motif, which helps to stabilize rhodopsin in its inactive dark state through a direct interaction with retinal. The recently published structure of the active-state A2AAR45 also showed that Trp6.48 participates in the activation-related conformational changes, where a small ligand-induced shift of Trp6.48 was observed in concert with the large movement of the intracellular part of helix VI. In other receptors, the role of Trp6.48 is less obvious; for instance, it lacks direct ligand interactions with either inverse agonists or full agonists of b2-AR46. It is interesting to note that in the H1R structure, like in inactive rhodopsin, the H1R-antagonist doxepin does make extensive hydrophobic interactions with the Trp 4286.48 rings, which is unique among the known non-rhodopsin GPCR structures and could stabilize the hydrophobic packing around helix VI (Fig. 3c). Another important ligand-induced switch described in b2-AR is activation-related contraction of the extracellular ligand-binding pocket37. Because the natural agonist histamine is much smaller than bulky H1R antagonists, some contraction of the binding pocket is likely to accompany ligand-induced H1R activation. Bulky compounds, capable of blocking both activation-related contraction of the pocket and the Trp 4286.48 switch would be very efficient in locking H1R in an inactive conformation, which is likely to explain the as much as 78% reduction of H1R basal activity by some H1R antagonists8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

H1RT4L was expressed in yeast Pichia pastoris. Ligand-binding assays were performed as described in Methods. P. pastoris membranes were solubilized using 1% (w/v) n-dodecyl-B-D-maltopyranoside and 0.2% (w/v) cholesteryl hemisuccinate, and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). After IMAC, the C-terminal GFP was cleaved by Tobacco Etch virus (TEV) protease. Then the sample mixture was passed through IMAC to remove the cleaved His-tagged GFP and TEV protease. Receptor crystallization was performed by the lipidic cubic phase (LCP) method. The protein-LCP mixture contained 40% (w/w) receptor solution, 54% (w/w) monoolein, and 6% (w/w) cholesterol. Crystals were grown in 4050 nl protein-laden LCP boluses overlaid by 0.8 ml of precipitant solution (2630% (v/v) PEG400, 300 mM ammonium phosphate, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM Na-citrate pH 4.5 and 1 mM doxepin) at 20 uC. Crystals were harvested directly from LCP matrix and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K with a beam size of 10 3 10 mm on the microfocus beamline I24 at the Diamond Light Source (UK). Data collection, processing, structure solution and refinement are described in Methods.

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36. Kiss, R., Kovari, Z. & Keseru, G. M. Homology modelling and binding site mapping of the human histamine H1 receptor. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 39, 959967 (2004). 37. Jongejan, A. & Leurs, R. Delineation of receptorligand interactions at the human histamine H1 receptor by a combined approach of site-directed mutagenesis and computational techniquesorhow to bind the H1 receptor. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim) 338, 248259 (2005). 38. Totrov, M. & Abagyan, R. Flexible proteinligand docking by global energy optimization in internal coordinates. Proteins (Suppl. 1) 29, 215220 (1997). 39. Katritch, V. et al. Analysis of full and partial agonists binding to b2-adrenergic receptor suggests a role of transmembrane helix V in agonist-specific conformational changes. J. Mol. Recognit. 22, 307318 (2009). 40. Katritch, V., Kufareva, I. & Abagyan, R. Structure based prediction of subtypeselectivity for adenosine receptor antagonists. Neuropharmacology 60, 108115 (2011). 41. Matsumoto, Y., Funahashi, J., Mori, K., Hayashi, K. & Yano, H. The noncompetitive antagonism of histamine H1 receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells by olopatadine hydrochloride: its potency and molecular mechanism. Pharmacology 81, 266274 (2008). 42. Gillard, M., Van Der Perren, C., Moguilevsky, N., Massingham, R. & Chatelain, P. Binding characteristics of cetirizine and levocetirizine to human H1 histamine receptors: contribution of Lys191 and Thr194. Mol. Pharmacol. 61, 391399 (2002). 43. Leurs, R., Smit, M. J., Meeder, R., Ter Laak, A. M. & Timmerman, H. Lysine200 located in the fifth transmembrane domain of the histamine H1 receptor interacts with histamine but not with all H1 agonists. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 214, 110117 (1995). 44. Bakker, R. A. et al. 8R-lisuride is a potent stereospecific histamine H1-receptor partial agonist. Mol. Pharmacol. 65, 538549 (2004). 45. Xu, F. et al. Structure of an agonist-bound human A2A adenosine receptor. Science 332, 322327 (2011). 46. Rasmussen, S. G. et al. Structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the b2 adrenoceptor. Nature 469, 175180 (2011). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the ERATO Human Receptor Crystallography Project from the Japan Science and Technology Agency and by the Targeted Proteins Research Program of MEXT (S.I.), Japan; the NIH Common Fund grant P50 GM073197 for technology development (R.C.S.) and NIH PSI:Biology grant U54 GM094618 (R.C.S., V.C., V.K. and R.A.); R.A. was also partly funded by NIH R01 GM071872. The work was also partly funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) BB/G023425/1 (S.I.), Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research (T.S.), the Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (T.S. and T.K.), Takeda Scientific Foundation (M.S.) and the Sumitomo Foundation (T.K.). A part of the work was performed in the Membrane Protein Laboratory funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant 062164/ Z/00/Z) at the Diamond Light Source Limited and at The Scripps Research Institute. We thank D. Axford, R. Owen and G. Evans for help with data collection at I24 of the Diamond Light Source Limited, H. Wu for help with the preparation of Supplementary Fig. 1 and Q. Xu for help on validation of data processing and A. Walker for assistance with manuscript preparation. The authors acknowledge Y. Zheng (The Ohio State University) and M. Caffrey, Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), for the loan of the in meso robot (built with support from the NIH (GM075915), the National Science Foundation (IIS0308078), and Science Foundation Ireland (02-IN1-B266)). S.I. is thankful for the help of L. E. Johnson, a co-founder of the Diamond-MPL Project and R. Tanaka, the technical coordinator of the ERATO Human Receptor Crystallography Project. Author Contributions T.S. purified and crystallized the receptor in LCP, optimized crystallization conditions, grew crystals for data collection, solved and refined the structure, and prepared the manuscript. M.S. designed, characterized and screened the constructs, purified the receptor, and prepared the manuscript. S.W. and S.I. collected the data and processed diffraction data with G.W.H. H.T. expressed the receptor, prepared the membrane, and performed the ligand-binding assay. V.K. and R.A. performed flexible ligand-receptor docking, and prepared the manuscript. V.C. assisted with the crystallization in LCP and prepared the manuscript. W.L. performed the thermal stability assay and assisted with the crystallization in LCP. G.W.H. refined the structure and assisted with preparing the manuscript. T.K. designed the receptor production strategy and assisted with preparing the manuscript. R.C.S. and S.I. were responsible for the overall project strategy and management and wrote the manuscript. Author Information The coordinates and the structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under the accession code 3RZE. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.C.S. ([email protected]), S.I. ([email protected]) or T.K. ([email protected]).

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Construction of the H1R expression vectors for Pichia pastoris. The coding sequence of the full-length human histamine H1 receptor (H1R-fl), in which N-linked glycosylation sites (Asn 5 and Asn 18) were mutated to glutamines, was synthesized with optimization of codon usage for P. pastoris (TAKARA Bio), and cloned into the pPIC9K expression vector (Invitrogen). The H1R T4L construct with an N-terminal 19-residue deletion and insertion of cysteine-less (C54T, C97A) T4 lysozyme into the third intracellular loop was generated by the yeast homologous recombination technique in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the SmaI linearized plasmid pDDGFP2 (ref. 47) and three PCR products with ,30 bp overlapping sequences. The three fragments were individually generated by standard PCR techniques with the indicated primers. The generated plasmid integrating H1RT4L followed by TEV cleavage sequence (ENLYFQG), yeast enhanced GFP and octa-histidine tag (H1RT4LGFP) was isolated from S. cerevisiae. Coding regions of the H1RT4LGFP fusions were amplified by PCR using a forward primer containing a BamHI site (59CTAGAACTAGTGGATCCACCATG-39) and a reverse primer containing an EcoRI site (59-GCTTGATATCGAATTCCTGCAGTTAATG-39). The PCR products were digested with BamHI and EcoRI, and subcloned into the pPIC9K vector. Expression and membrane preparation. The PmeI linearized pPIC9K expression vector integrating H1R-flGFP or H1RT4LGFP was then transformed into the P. pastoris SMD1163 strain by electroporation (2,000 V, 25 mF, and 600 V) using a Gene Pulser I (Bio-Rad). Clone selection was performed on the YPD-agar plate containing 0.1 mg ml21 geneticine. A single colony of P. pastoris transformant was inoculated into BMGY medium (1% (w/v) yeast extract, 2% (w/v) peptone, 1.34% (w/v) yeast nitrogen base without amino acids, 0.00004% (w/v) biotin, 1% (w/v) glycerol, 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.0) at 30 uC with shaking at 250 r.p.m. until an OD600 of 26 was reached. The cells were harvested by centrifugation. To induce expression, the cell pellet was resuspended to an OD600 of 1.0 in BMMY medium (1% (w/v) yeast extract, 2% (w/v) peptone, 1.34% (w/v) yeast nitrogen base without amino acids, 0.00004% (w/v) biotin, 0.5% (v/v) methanol, 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.0) containing 2.5% (v/v) DMSO at 30 uC. Cells were harvested within 20 to 24 h after induction, and stored at 280 uC. Yeast cells were disrupted with 0.5 mm glass beads in a buffer containing 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 120 mM NaCl, 5%(v/v) glycerol, 2 mM EDTA and EDTA-free protein inhibitor cocktail (Roche). Undisrupted cells and cell debris were separated by centrifugation at 3,000g, and yeast membranes were collected by ultracentrifugation at 100,000g for 30 min at 4 uC. Washing of the membranes was performed by repeating dounce homogenation and centrifugation in a high salt buffer containing 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 1 M NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 20 mM KCl and EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail. Prepared membranes were resuspended in a buffer containing 50 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 120 mM NaCl, 20% (v/v) glycerol and EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail, and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280 uC until use. Membrane proteins were quantified using the bicinchoninic acid method (Pierce). Purification of H1RT4L. Membrane suspension containing H1RT4LGFP was thawed and incubated on ice for 30 min in the presence of 5 mM doxepin, 10 mg ml21 iodoacetamide, and EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche). The membrane suspension was poured into the buffer containing 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 1% (w/v) n-dodecyl-B-D-maltopyranoside (DDM, Anatrace), 0.2% (w/v) cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS, Sigma), 20% (v/v) glycerol and 23 mg ml21 membrane, and stirred gently at 4 uC for 12 h. The unsolubilized material was separated by centrifugation at 100,000g for 30 min. The supernatant was incubated with TALON IMAC resin (Clontech) overnight. The resin was washed with twenty column volumes of 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.025% (w/v) DDM, 0.005% (w/v) CHS, 100 mM doxepin and 20 mM imidazole. The protein was eluted with 4 column volumes of 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.025% (w/v) DDM, 0.005% (w/v) CHS, 500 mM doxepin and 200 mM imidazole. The eluted fractions were concentrated to 2.5 ml with a 100 kDa molecular weight cut-off AmiconUltra (Millipore). Imidazole was removed using PD-10 column (GE healthcare). Then the protein was loaded onto the Ni-Sepharose high performance resin (GE healthcare) (1.5 ml resin for ,10 mg of protein). The resin was washed with 20 column volumes of 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.025% (w/v) DDM, 0.005% (w/v) CHS, 500 mM doxepin and 20 mM imidazole. The sample was eluted with 3 column volumes of 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.025% (w/v) DDM, 0.005% (w/v) CHS, 1 mM doxepin and 500 mM imidazole. Imidazole was removed using PD-10 column (GE healthcare). The protein was processed overnight with His-tagged TEV protease (expressed and purified in house). TEV protease and the cleaved His-tagged GFP were removed by passing the sample through the Ni-Sepharose high performance resin. The receptor was concentrated to 3040 mg ml21 with a 100 kDa molecular weight cut-off Vivaspin concentrator (Vivascience). Protein purity and monodispersity were tested by SDSPAGE and by size-exclusion chromatography using Superdex 200 (GE healthcare). Lipidic cubic phase crystallization. Lipidic cubic phase (LCP) crystallization trials were performed using an in meso crystallization robot as previously described48. Ninety-six-well glass sandwich plates were filled with 4050 nl protein-laden LCP boluses overlaid by 0.8 ml of precipitant solution in each well and sealed with a glass coverslip. The protein-LCP mixture contained 40% (w/w) receptor solution, 54% (w/w) monoolein, and 6% (w/w) cholesterol. Crystallization set-ups were performed at room temperature (2022 uC). Plates were incubated and imaged at 20 uC using an automated incubator/imager (RockImager 1000, Formulatrix). Crystals were obtained in 2630% (v/v) PEG400, 300 mM ammonium phosphate, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM Na-citrate pH 4.5 and 1 mM doxepin (Sigma) (Supplementary Fig. 4). Crystals were harvested directly from LCP matrix using MiTeGen micromounts and were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen without additional cryoprotectant. Data collection and refinement. X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K with a wavelength of 0.97780 A and with a beamsize of 10 3 10 mm on the microfocus beamline I24 at the Diamond Light Source (UK) with a Pilatus 6M detector. Each loop was subjected to a grid scanning49 in order to locate the crystals, which are invisible in the LCP once they are mounted. The exact locations and dimensions of the chosen crystals were determined by further grid scanning with a smaller search area. Data collection was carried out by collecting several overlapping wedges of data from adjacent positions within a single crystal. The data were processed initially with xia250 using Mosflm51 and Scala52 with the merging statistics used to determine an optimum subset of measurements to merge. The final data set consisted of data from five of the eight positions recorded, giving a total of 75 degrees of data. These data were then remerged with Scala to give the final data set summarized in Supplementary Table 2. The space group was determined to be I422 with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data were slightly anisotropic, extending to 2.9 A in the c* direction and to 3.1 A in the a* and b* directions. The structure factors up to 3.1 A resolution were anisotropically scaled by PHASER53 and then used for the subsequent molecular replacement and refinement. The structure was determined by molecular replacement with the program PHASER53 using two independent search models (polyalanine of the 7 transmembrane a-helices, and T4L) from the b2-AR (PDB code 2RH1) structure. We chose b2-AR as a model structure because it has the highest homology of transmembrane helices with H1R (41.7%) among the human GPCR structures. For the initial map calculation after molecular replacement, however, we used a b2-AR model without side chains, loops, ligand, lipids and any solvents; therefore, the final H1R structure is not biased to the b2-AR structure. This is supported by low Rwork and Rfree values (Supplementary Table 2). All refinements were performed with REFMAC554 and autoBUSTER55 followed by manual examination and rebuilding of the refined coordinates in the program Coot56. The non-lysozyme portion con tains higher B factors (116 A2) owing to fewer contacts as compared to T4 lysozyme (36 A2). Calculation of the surface area buried by crystal contacts also explains this. For the non-lysozyme portion, only 8% (1,225 A2) of 15,689 A2 solvent-accessible surface area is buried by crystal contacts. In contrast, for the T4 lysozyme portion, 32% (2,733 A2) of the solvent accessible area (8,648 A2) is buried by crystal interactions. Supplementary Fig. 5 also shows that there are strong interactions between T4 lysozyme domains, but relatively fewer between non-lysozyme domains throughout the crystal packing. Although the average B factor of the non-lysozyme domain is high as compared to T4 lysozyme, electron densities were clear for unambiguous model building (Supplementary Figs 3 and 5). The eight H1R N-terminal residues (Thr 20Leu 27), two C-terminal residues (Arg 486Ser 487), and seven residues (Phe 168Val 174) in the second extracellular loop (ECL2) are not included in the structure, as they did not have interpretable densities. Strong and spherical electron densities (about 4 sigma) were found in the anion-binding region in the Fo 2 Fc omit map. We excluded the presence of a water molecule in this region owing to strong residual positive Fo 2 Fc densities when we modelled it as a water molecule. The coordination geometry in the highly electropositive environment surrounded by His 4507.35, Lys 179ECL2 and Lys 1915.39 implied that either a phosphate or sulphate ion could be modelled. Because ammonium phosphate was added to our crystallization buffer, we modelled it as a phosphate ion. The average B factors of the phosphate ion and the interacting atoms are 177 A2 and 154 A2, respectively. Ligand-binding assays. For the saturation binding experiment, yeast membrane suspensions containing H1R-flGFP (20 mg) or H1RT4LGFP (5 mg) were incubated with increasing concentrations of [3H] pyrilamine (from 0.15 to 40 nM) in a total assay volume of 200 ml for 1 h at 25 uC. To investigate the effect of phosphate on the ligand binding, assays were performed in PBS buffer pH 7.4 (138 mM NaCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4, 27 mM KCl, 1.8 mM KH2PO4) or in the HEPES buffer containing 20 mM HEPES pH 7.5 and 150 mM NaCl. Nonspecific binding was

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determined in the presence of 1,000-times excess unlabelled pyrilamine. Membranes were trapped on Whatman GF/B filters pre-soaked in 0.3% polyethylenimine, and unbound radioligands were washed with 9 ml of the PBS or HEPES buffers. The retained radioactivity was measured on an LCS-5100 liquid scintillation counter (ALOKA) in a Clearzol I scintillation liquid (Nakarai, Japan). Data were analysed by nonlinear curve-fitting with a rectangular hyperbola function using the Prism 4.0 software (GraphPad) to determine dissociation constant (Kd). For competition binding assays, yeast membrane suspensions containing H1RflGFP or H1RT4LGFP were incubated with 4 nM or 20 nM [3H]pyrilamine in the PBS buffer or the HEPES buffer in the presence of 10 nM to 100 mM histamine hydrochloride or 0.001 nM to 1 mM doxepin, or 0.01 nM to 10 mM cetirizine, pyrilamine, olopatadine and fexofenadine. Data were analysed by nonlinear curve fitting with a sigmoidal function using the Prism 4.0 to determine the half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50). All data shown were calculated based on more than three independent experiments. Inhibition constant Ki was calculated based on the equation Ki 5 IC50/(11L/Kd), where L is the concentration of [3H]pyrilamine with the dissociation constant Kd. Thermal stability assay. N-[4-(7-diethylamino-4-methyl-3-coumarinyl) phenyl]maleimide (CPM) dye was purchased from Invitrogen and dissolved in DMSO (Sigma) at 4 mg ml21 as the stock solution for future use. The stock solution was kept at 280 uC and was diluted 1:40 in dye dilution solution (10 mM buffer, 500 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.025% DDM and 0.005% CHS) before use. The thermal denaturation assay was performed with a total volume of 200 ml sample in a quartz fluorometer cuvette (Starna Cells). H1R (4 mg) was diluted in the appropriate buffer solution to a final volume of 200 ml. Five microlitres of the diluted dye was added to the protein solution and it was incubated for 30 min at 4 uC. The mixed solution was transferred to the cuvette and the data were collected by a Cary Eclipse spectrofluorometer (Varian) with a temperature ramping rate at 1 uC min21. The excitation wavelength was 387 nm and the emission wavelength was 463 nm. All assays were performed over a temperature range starting from 20 uC to 80 uC. The stability data were processed with GraphPad Prism program (Graphpad Sofware). To determine the melting temperature (Tm), a Bolzmann sigmoidal equation was used to fit to the data. Flexible ligand-receptor docking. Docking of ligands was performed using the all-atom flexible receptor docking algorithm in the ICM-Pro molecular modelling package57 as described previously39,58. The initial H1R model was generated in ICM by building hydrogen atoms for the crystal structure of H1R. Internal coordinate (torsion) movements were allowed in the side chains of the binding pocket, defined as residues within 8 A distance of doxepin in the H1Rdoxepin complex. Other side chains and the backbone of the protein were kept as in the crystal structure. An initial conformation for each of the ligands was generated by Cartesian optimization of the ligand model in MMFF force field. Docking was performed by placing the ligand in a random position within 5 A from the binding pocket and global optimization of the complex conformational energy. The global energy of the complex was calculated as a sum of van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen-bonding and torsion stress terms. Stochastic global energy optimization of the complex was performed using the ICM Monte Carlo procedure with minimization59. To facilitate side-chain rotamer switches in flexible H1R models, the first 106 steps of the Monte Carlo procedure used soft van der Waals potentials and high Monte Carlo temperature, followed by another 106 steps with exact van der Waals method and gradually decreasing temperature. A harmonic distance restraint has been applied between the amino group of the ligand and the carboxyl of the Asp 107 side chain in the initial 106 steps to facilitate formation of the known salt-bridge interaction between these two groups. At least ten independent runs of the docking procedure were performed for each H1R ligand. The docking results were considered consistent when at least 80% of the individual runs resulted in conformations clustered within a root mean squared deviation of ,0.5 A to the overall best energy pose of the ligand.
47. Newstead, S., Kim, H., von Heijne, G., Iwata, S. & Drew, D. High-throughput fluorescent-based optimization of eukaryotic membrane protein overexpression and purification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 104, 1393613941 (2007). 48. Cherezov, V., Peddi, A., Muthusubramaniam, L., Zheng, Y. F. & Caffrey, M. A robotic system for crystallizing membrane and soluble proteins in lipidic mesophases. Acta Crystallogr. D 60, 17951807 (2004). 49. Aishima, J. et al. High-speed crystal detection and characterization using a fastreadout detector. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 10321035 (2010). 50. Winter, G. xia2: an expert system for macromolecular crystallography data reduction. J. Appl. Cryst. 43, 186190 (2010). 51. Leslie, A. G. W. Recent changes to the MOSFLM package for processing film and image plate data. Joint CCP4 ESF-EACMB Newslet. Protein Crystallogr. No. 26 (1992). 52. Evans, P. Scaling and assessment of data quality. Acta Crystallogr. D 62, 7282 (2006). 53. McCoy, A. J. et al. Phaser crystallographic software. J. Appl. Cryst. 40, 658674 (2007). 54. Skubak, P., Murshudov, G. N. & Pannu, N. S. Direct incorporation of experimental phase information in model refinement. Acta Crystallogr. D 60, 21962201 (2004). 55. Murshudov, G. N., Vagin, A. A. & Dodson, E. J. Refinement of macromolecular structures by the maximum-likelihood method. Acta Crystallogr. D 53, 240255 (1997). 56. Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B., Scott, W. G. & Cowtan, K. Features and Development of Coot. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 486501 (2010). 57. Abagyan, R., Orry, A., Raush, E. & Totrov, M. ICM Manual v.3.0 (MolSoft LLC, 2011). 58. Totrov, M. & Abagyan, R. Derivation of sensitive discrimination potential for virtual ligand screening. Proceedings of the third annual international conference on computational molecular biology 312317 (1999). 59. Abagyan, R. & Totrov, M. Biased probability Monte Carlo conformational searches and electrostatic calculations for peptides and proteins. J. Mol. Biol. 235, 9831002 (1994).

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Deep winds beneath Saturns upper clouds from a seasonal long-lived planetary-scale storm
A. Sanchez-Lavega1, T. del Ro-Gaztelurrutia1, R. Hueso1, J. M. Gomez-Forrellad2, J. F. Sanz-Requena3, J. Legarreta4, E. Garca-Melendo2,5, F. Colas6, J. Lecacheux7, L. N. Fletcher8, D. Barrado-Navascues9, D. Parker10 & the International Outer Planet Watch Team*

Convective storms occur regularly in Saturns atmosphere14. Huge storms known as Great White Spots, which are ten times larger than the regular storms, are rarer and occur about once per Saturnian year (29.5 Earth years). Current models propose that the outbreak of a Great White Spot is due to moist convection induced by water5,6. However, the generation of the global disturbance and its effect on Saturns permanent winds1,7 have hitherto been unconstrained8 by data, because there was insufficient spatial resolution and temporal sampling911 to infer the dynamics of Saturns weather layer (the layer in the troposphere where the cloud forms). Theoretically, it has been suggested that this phenomenon is seasonally controlled5,9,10. Here we report observations of a storm at northern latitudes in the peak of a weak westward jet during the beginning of northern springtime, in accord with the seasonal cycle but earlier than expected. The storm head moved faster than the jet, was active during the two-month observation period, and triggered a planetary-scale disturbance that circled Saturn but did not significantly alter the ambient zonal winds. Numerical simulations of the phenomenon show that, as on Jupiter12, Saturns winds extend without decay deep down into the weather layer, at least to the water-cloud base at pressures of 1012 bar, which is much deeper than solar radiation penetrates. Ground-based telescopes detected the first signs of the storm on 5 December 2010 at 21:05:22 Universal Time (UT), when a barely visible bright point emerged on Saturn at planetographic latitude 37.7 6 0.8u N (Fig. 1). This is nearly simultaneous with the detection of electrical activity linked to the storm at 19:18 UT by the Radio Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft13, when considering the travel time of light from Saturn to Earth (80 min) at this epoch. As in previous Great White Spot (GWS) outbreaks5,9,14,15, the spot grew rapidly both in size and brightness, expanding from a length of ,3,000 km to 8,000 km in just one week. Following this expansion, the spot was centred at latitude 41.1 6 1.1u N, and had a rotation period about Saturn of 10 h 41 min 43.6 s, implying a westward zonal wind speed of 228.7 6 0.2 m s21 in the System III reference frame16. Two weeks after the outbreak, the GWS disturbance consisted of a bright compact spot (the storm head) followed to the east by a zonally expanding tail of bright clouds between latitudes 30u N and 45u N (Fig. 2). This tail formed a planetary-scale disturbance that encircled the planet in 55 days. The shape of the head of the storm and its drift rate remained unperturbed following its encounter with the disturbance, a behaviour consistent with the drag of the disturbance clouds by ambient zonal winds, in a similar way to that observed in the last GWS event on Saturns equator in 1990911,15. Tracking individual cloud elements (sizes ,1,0003,000 km) during the observing period (5 December 2010 to 19 February 2011) allowed

us to derive their motions (Fig. 3; see also Supplementary Information). The drift rate of the head of the storm did not change in this period; it moved westwards 10 m s21 faster than the westward-jet peak velocity.
50 Planetographic latitude (degrees) 45 40 35 30 c 270 50 45 40 35 30 270 260 250 260 250 240

50 45 40 35 30 230 d 270 50 45 40 35 30 240 230 270 260 System lll longitude (degrees) 250 240 230 260 250 240 230

Area ( 107 km2)

2 0

10 12 14 Day in December 2010




Figure 1 | Initial growth of the Great White Spot. ad, Map projections of the storm clouds obtained on 5 December (a, by T.I.), 8 December (b, by S.G.), 9 December (c, by T.K.) and 13 December (d, by C.G.). Measurement of the area occupied by the bright core (without considering the southern tail in the later images) is shown in e. Solid and dashed lines are respectively linear and parabolic fits to the area growth rate. During the first 13 days after onset, the growth rate was dA/dt 5 20 km2 s21; during the next two days, the growth rate was dA/dt 5 212 km2 s21. The images used in this study were obtained in the visible range (wavelengths 350 nm954 nm) by a large number of observers contributing to the IOPW-PVOL database30 and the ALPO-Japan database (details are given in Supplementary Information). Multi-spectral photometric images were obtained at the 1-m telescope at Pic-du-Midi Observatory (France), the 2.2-m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory (Spain), and a 0.41-m telescope (D.P.). Error bars show the r.m.s. corresponding to several measurements of the storm area over each image.

Departamento de Fsica Aplicada I, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingeniera, Universidad del Pas Vasco, Alameda Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao, Spain. 2Esteve Duran Observatory Foundation, 08553 Seva, tica, EUITI, Universidad Pas Vasco, Plaza de la Spain. 3Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, C/Padre Julio Chevalier, 47012 Valladolid, Spain. 4Departamento de Ingeniera de Sistemas y Automa 5 ` ` Casilla 3, 48012 Bilbao, Spain. Institut de Ciencies de lEspai (CSIC-IEEC), Campus UAB, Facultat de Ciencies, Torre C5, parell, 2a pl., E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain. 6Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides, Observatoire de Paris, UMR 8028 CNRS, 77 av. Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris, France. 7Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, 5, Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France. 8 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK. 9Observatorio de Calar Alto, Centro Astronomico n, Hispano Alema MPIA-CSIC, 04004 Almera, Spain. 10Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO), 12911 Lerida Street, Coral Gables, Florida 33156, USA. *Lists of participants and their affiliations appear at the end of the paper. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 7 1

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50 Planetographic latitude (degrees) 40

270 250 230

50 40

280 260 240 220 50 40 30

50 40

320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180

30 290 50 40

30 300

30 340

320 300 280 260 240 220 200

10 350 330 310 290 270 250 230 210 190

30 340 50 40 30 20 360


















System lll longitude (degrees)

Figure 2 | Expansion of the storm clouds and the planetary-scale disturbance. Maps were made by assembling images from different observers (see Supplementary Information). The storm head moved westward (left in the maps), and showed a bow shape consistent with the meridional zonal wind profile. ac, The bright clouds forming the southern branch of the disturbance (between latitudes 38u and 30u N, in a region of cyclonic vorticity) progressed eastward. Later on 22 December, a northern branch developed (latitudes 40u to 45u N, anticyclonic vorticity), which also progressed eastward (d, e). In about two months the disturbance encircled the planet, and the southern branch

elements, moving in the opposite direction, encountered the head of the storm on 29 January, 4u southward in latitude (f). The eastward expansion in longitude of the disturbances central branch (between latitudes 40u and 42u) formed dark spots, one of which was persistent (probably an anticyclonic vortex) at latitude 41.9u 6 1.3u (s.d.) with a size of ,4,000 km (System III longitude 308u in e). Small bright spots in the southern part of the disturbance at latitudes 35u to 38u N showed a periodic distribution with a dominant zonal wavelength of 15.7u 6 3u (bf) and survived for a maximum of approximately two weeks.

On the other hand, disturbance features moved in the zonal direction with speeds very close to those of the ambient winds. Therefore winds at the upper cloud level, which have remained essentially unchanged throughout a whole Saturn year1,7, were not altered by the disturbance at this early stage. Observations obtained with a variety of filtersfrom the ultraviolet (375 nm) to the near-infrared (954 nm), including the deep methane absorption band at 883 nmshowed that the GWS was brighter than the adjacent undisturbed area at the same latitude by ,10% at 375 nm, 19% at 450 nm, 25% at 537 nm, 16% at 580 nm and 11% at 630 nm (see Supplementary Information). At 375 nm, Rayleigh scattering contributes to the brightness, but at the other wavelengths free of the gaseous methane absorption, brightness is essentially controlled by the storm particles17, suggesting that the storm injects fresh ice particles into the tropopause, where they mix with the pre-existing haze. In order to retrieve the vertical cloud structure of the storm, we used a standard
50 Planetographic latitude (degrees)




three-layer radiative transfer model for Saturn1820. The model atmosphere consisted of a stratospheric haze of thin Mie particles of size ,0.1 mm located between 2 and 60 mbar, and a dense tropospheric haze extending from 0.1 bar down to the ammonia cloud deck at 1.4 bar. We found that the GWS was embedded within the tropospheric haze, with its cloud tops located at ,150 mbarthat is, 3 km below the top of the haze, and 20 km below the tropopause, which is located near 100 mbar, according to thermal infrared measurements21. The rapid growth and high brightness of the GWS core, together with the abundant electric activity detected by Cassini RPWS instrument13, are consistent with previous proposals that these events are moist convective storms driven by condensation of ammonia and water (at the 12 bar and 1012 bar levels, respectively)5,6. Flow divergence at the top of the ascending motions can be related to the growing area A of the storm (Fig. 1) through mass continuity by +NV~(1=A)(dA=dt)~(15) 3 1026 s21 (where V is the horizontal velocity). This implies a vertical velocity (w) at the cloud top of the storm of wh:+NV<2:5 m s{1 , where h 5 260 km is the vertical length of the path followed by the ascending convective parcels from altitude (pressure P) levels Pbottom < 10 bar (water clouds) to Ptop < 0.1 bar (the tropopause). However, deep moist convection in Saturn is vigorous in the core of the ascending convective towers5,6, and to first order the maximum vertical velocity wmax can be related to the convective available potential energy (CAPE) z2 DT w2 dz~ max, where g is the acceleration due to by CAPE~ g T(z) 2 gravity and DT is the temperature difference between the ascending parcel and the ambient (which has vertical temperature profile T(z)). Assuming  constant  a DT of just 1 K, this results in 1=2 p DT h <150 m s{1 for g 5 10 m s22 wmax ~ 2CAPE< 2g vTw and mean temperature ,T . 5 250 K. Given the high vertical velocities, the large vertical extent of the core of the GWS, and its enormous horizontal size (of the order of the width of the mid-latitude jets), this huge disturbance serves as a tool to diagnose the dynamics of Saturns weather layer, which ranges from the deep troposphere (10 bar) to 0.01 bar or higher in the stratosphere. In order to explain the structure of the disturbance at cloud level, we ran nonlinear simulations of the response of Saturns upper troposphere and stratosphere to a steady vertical heat source that tries to mimic the GWS convective storm head using the EPIC code22. We tested the structure of the atmosphere by varying the zonal wind


25 40

40 80 Zonal velocity, U (m s1)



Figure 3 | Zonal winds from motions of the disturbance clouds. Data points correspond to wind speed measured for single tracers pertaining to the disturbance (Supplementary Information). The storm head corresponds to the point with the highest westward velocity (228.7 m s21). The lines represent wind profiles; long-dashed line, obtained during the encounters of the Voyager spacecraft in 198081 (ref. 7); and using Cassini images at two altitude levels within the tropospheric haze (solid line) and upper cloud (short dashed) in 200409. The latitude uncertainty for the points is 61.3u (s.d.); the wind speed uncertainty is 60.2 m s21 (s.d.) for the storm head, and ranges from 60.5 to 62 m s21 (s.d.) for other features.
7 2 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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vertical profile and the thermal structure in a forward modelling of the potential vorticity (PV) field23. As both the PV and the cloud field are considered to act as passive tracers of the flow, we sought the PV field evolution that best reproduced the observed cloud morphology. Figure 4 shows results from a simulation of the first 12 days of the PV field that closely resembles the evolution of the cloud disturbance (compare to Fig. 2ac in this work, and to figure 3 in ref. 13). These successful simulations require a weather layer with a very low static stability, N2 5 0.03 3 1024 s22 (N is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency), which is close to a neutral profile, and winds that increase slightly with depth across it (from 0.5 to 10 bar). In addition, the wind structure in our simulation changed very little as the disturbance progressed, in agreement with what we observe at cloud level. GWSs have been observed to occur once per Saturnian year in the northern hemisphere summertime season5,9,10 (see Supplementary Information). The 2010 event occurred in the much earlier springtime season within the same westward jet as the 1903 event5,911,14, pointing to seasonal insolation as their triggering mechanism. This is puzzling, as seasonal temperature changes occur only above ,500 mbar altitude (as shown by solar radiation penetration in Saturns atmosphere24 and by thermal infrared measurements21,25); this is much higher than the
Potential vorticity

1012 bar level of the storm source5,6. The zonal wind profile at the 0.51 bar level does not change over one Saturnian year1,7 (Fig. 3), ruling out a related seasonal dynamical instability. So the deep trigger could then be induced by seasonal changes in the upper troposphere temperature gradients directly affecting the deep vertical motions or indirectly modifying the pattern of meridional cell circulations between opposed jets proposed to exist at different altitudes in the weather layer1,26. The observed properties of the GWS and its modelling suggest that the storm is fuelled by a reservoir of water vapour at the 1012 bar level in the westward jet, together with a sustained strong convergence5,6. The storm head extends downwards from ,260 km below the cloud tops, and across the weather layer (0.510 bar), where zonal winds stay constant (or increase slightly) with depth, in agreement with both previous observations and models of mid-latitude Saturnian vortices27,28 and wind speed measurements at the 23 bar level29. The huge planetaryscale disturbance GWS triggered by the storm did not modify the westward zonal jet structure substantially; this indicates that Saturns tropospheric winds are robust and extend well below the sunlight penetration level. Taken together, our data favour the hypothesis that these tropospheric winds have a deep origin1, as is the case for Jupiters winds12.
Received 26 February; accepted 10 May 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Del Genio, A. D. et al. in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens (eds Dougherty, M., Esposito, L. & Krimigis, T.) 113159 (Springer, 2009). Porco, C. C. et al. Cassini imaging science: initial results on Saturns atmosphere. Science 307, 12431247 (2005). Dyudina, U. A. et al. Lightning storms on Saturn observed by Cassini ISS and RPWS during 20042006. Icarus 190, 545555 (2007). Fischer, G. et al. Analysis of a giant lightning storm on Saturn. Icarus 190, 528544 (2007). Sanchez-Lavega, A. & Battaner, E. The nature of Saturns atmospheric Great White Spots. Astron. Astrophys. 185, 315326 (1987). Hueso, R. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. A. Three-dimensional model of moist convection for the giant planets II: Saturns water and ammonia moist convective storms. Icarus 172, 255271 (2004). Sanchez-Lavega, A., Rojas, J. F. & Sada, P. V. Saturns zonal winds at cloud level. Icarus 147, 405420 (2000). Sayanagi, K. M. & Showman, A. P. Effects of a large convective storm on Saturns equatorial jet. Icarus 187, 520539 (2007). Sanchez-Lavega, A. et al. The Great White Spot and disturbances in Saturns equatorial atmosphere during 1990. Nature 353, 397401 (1991). Sanchez-Lavega, A., Lecacheux, J., Colas, F. & Laques, P. Temporal behavior of cloud morphologies and motions in Saturns atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E10), 1885718872 (1993). Barnet, C. D., Westphal, J. A., Beebe, R. F. & Huber, L. F. Hubble Space Telescope observations of the 1990 equatorial disturbance on Saturn: zonal winds and central meridian albedos. Icarus 100, 499511 (1992). Sanchez-Lavega, A. et al. Depth of a strong jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms. Nature 451, 437440 (2008). Fischer, G. et al. A giant thunderstorm on Saturn. Nature doi:10.1038/ nature10205 (this issue). Sanchez-Lavega, A. Motions in Saturns atmosphere: observations before Voyager encounters. Icarus 49, 116 (1982). Beebe, R. F., Barnet, C., Sada, P. V. & Murrell, A. S. The onset and growth of the 1990 equatorial disturbance on Saturn. Icarus 95, 163172 (1992). Seidelmann, P. K. et al. Report of the IAU/IAG working group on cartographic coordinates and rotational elements: 2006. Celestial Mech. Dyn. Astron. 98, 155180 (2007). Sanchez Lavega, A. et al. Large-scale storms in Saturns atmosphere during 1994. Science 271, 631634 (1996). Acarreta, J. R. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. Vertical cloud structure in Saturns 1990 equatorial storm. Icarus 137, 2433 (1999). Perez-Hoyos, S., Sanchez-Lavega, A., French, R. G. & Rojas, J. F. Saturns cloud structure and temporal evolution from ten years of Hubble Space Telescope Images (19942003). Icarus 176, 155174 (2005). West, R. A., Baines, K. H., Karkoschka, E. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. in Saturn from Cassini-Huygens (eds Dougherty, M., Esposito, L. & Krimigis, T.) 161179 (Springer, 2009). Fletcher, L. N. et al. Seasonal change on Saturn from Cassini CIRS observations, 20042009. Icarus 208, 337352 (2010). Dowling, T. E. et al. The explicit planetary isentropic-coordinate (EPIC) atmospheric model. Icarus 132, 221238 (1998). Read, P. L. et al. Mapping potential vorticity dynamics on Saturn: zonal mean circulation from Cassini and Voyager data. Planet. Space Sci. 57, 16821698 (2009).
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 7 3

48 44 40 Planetographic latitude (degrees) 36 30 48 44 40 36 30 48 44 40 36 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 20 10 0 10 20 30

0.23 0.27 0.32 0.37 0.41 0.46

Potential vorticity

0.10 0.19 0.27 0.36 0.44 0.53

0.11 0.20 0.29 0.39 0.48 0.57

Potential vorticity

8. 9. 10.

Longitude (degrees)


Figure 4 | Models of the GWS planetary-scale disturbance. Shown are nonlinear EPIC simulations22 of the onset and initial evolution of the potential vorticity field associated with the storm at pressure level 850 mbar at days 1 (a), 6 (b) and 12 (c). To simulate the GWS, we introduced on Saturns wind flow a vertically extended continuous heat source column with a power of 500 W m22 and a Gaussian shape of size 0.6u. The constant injection of heat from altitude levels 0.5 to 10 bar mimics the continuous latent heat released upward by the convective storm. The model atmosphere depends on the vertical and meridional structure of the zonal wind velocity U(y,z), and on the vertical thermal structure represented here by the static stability or BruntVaisala frequency N(P), where we use z or pressure P as vertical coordinates and y as meridional coordinate. The wind field structure is modelled as a product of two functions: U(y,p)~uh (y)uv (P), where uh(y) is the wind profile at the cloud tops (P0 5 500 mbar, refs 1, 12, Fig. 3), and uv (P)~1zm ln (P=P0 ) is a nondimensional vertical amplitude factor. We tested different values for slope m above and below P0 5 500 mbar (refs 27, 28). Similarly, for the thermal structure we adopted N(P) increasing with altitude for P , 500 mbar (ref. 26) and N(P) 5 constant for P . 500 mbar. The horizontal domain for the simulations was a 60u 3 15u channel with resolution 0.23u per pixel, and the vertical domain consisted of 8 layers from 10 mbar to 10 bar. The simulation that best resembles the evolution of the observed cloud field was obtained for a low static stability N2 5 0.03 3 1024 s22 (P . 500 mbar) and for zonal winds that have slightly positive vertical shear (m 5 0.1), that is, winds increasing below the cloud tops across the altitude range from P 5 0.5 to10 bar. Longitude is given in an arbitrary longitude system centred in the simulation domain.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.


21. 22. 23.

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24. Perez-Hoyos, S. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. Solar flux in Saturns atmosphere: maximum penetration and heating rates in the aerosol and cloud layers. Icarus 180, 368378 (2006). 25. Li, L. et al. Saturns emitted power. J. Geophys. Res. 115, E11002, doi:10.1029/ 2010JE003631 (2010). 26. Barnet, C. D., Beebe, R. F. & Conrath, B. J. A seasonal radiative-dynamic model of Saturns troposphere. Icarus 98, 94107 (1992). nchez-Lavega, A. & Hueso, R. Numerical models of Saturns 27. Garca-Melendo, E., Sa long-lived anticyclones. Icarus 191, 665677 (2007). 28. del Ro-Gaztelurrutia, T., Legarreta, J., Hueso, R., Perez-Hoyos, S. & SanchezLavega, A. A long-lived cyclone in Saturns atmosphere: observations and models. Icarus 209, 665681 (2010). 29. Choi, D. S., Showman, A. P. & Brown, R. H. Cloud features and zonal wind measurements of Saturns atmosphere as observed by Cassini/VIMS. J. Geophys. Res. 114, E04007, doi:10.1029/2008JE003254 (2009). 30. Hueso, R. et al. The International Outer Planets Watch atmospheres node database of giant planets images. Planet. Space Sci. 58, 11521159 (2010). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements A.S.-L., T.d.R.-G., R.H., J.L., J.M.G.-F., E.G.-M. and J.F.S.-R. are supported by the Spanish MICIIN, by FEDER and by Gobierno Vasco. We thank S. Perez-Hoyos for initial support of this study and M. Alises and A. Guijarro for taking the Calar Alto Observatory images (CAHA and MPG/CSIC). E.G.-M. used computing facilities at CESCA (Barcelona) supported by MICIIN. L.N.F. is supported by a Glasstone fellowship at the University of Oxford. The International Outer Planet Watch (IOPW) Team and other individual contributors listed in Supplementary Information provided most of the images used for tracking in this study; these images were complemented in some cases with images taken from contributors to the ALPO Japan (Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers) database (http://alpo-j.asahikawa-med.ac.jp/ indexE.htm). Author Contributions A.S.-L. coordinated the study and performed the motion and wind measurements and the interpretation. T.d.R.-G. performed the photometric measurements and filter calibrations. R.H. measured the storm growth rate and with J. Legarreta coordinated the IOPW database. J.M.G.-F. prepared the map projections and image search. J.F.S.-R. performed the radiative transfer calculations. E.G.-M. and J. Legarreta performed the EPIC simulations. F.C. and J. Lecacheux provided the Pic-du-Midi photometric images. L.N.F. provided data on the thermal structure of the storm. D.B.-N. provided the photometric images obtained at Calar Alto Observatory, and D.P. provided photometric images at selected wavelengths. All these authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. Contributors to the IOPW-PVOL database are listed at the end of this Letter. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.S.-L. ([email protected]).

The International Outer Planet Watch (IOPW) Team T. Akutsu1, T. Barry2, J. Beltran3, S. Buda4, B. Combs5, F. Carvalho6, P. Casquinha7, M. Delcroix8, S. Ghomizadeh1, C. Go9, J. Hotershall10, T. Ikemura1, G. Jolly11, A. Kazemoto1, T. Kumamori1, M. Lecompte12, P. Maxson13, F. J. Melillo14, D. P. Milika15, E. Morales16, D. Peach17, J. Phillips18, J. J. Poupeau19, J. Sussenbach20, G. Walker21, S. Walker22, T. Tranter23, A. Wesley24, T. Wilson25 & K. Yunoki1
ALPO-Japan (Kansai branch) 520-0242, 4-8-11, Honkatata Otsu-city, Shiga, Japan, and IOPW at Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingeniera de Bilbao, Ald. Urquijo s/n 48013 Bilbao, Spain. 2406 Bromide Street, Broken Hill, New South Wales 2880, Australia. 3Dr Jose 4 Prades n.7, 12511 Rossell, Castellon, Spain. 31 Raglan Street, St Kilda East, 3183 Melbourne, Australia. 5606 Frank Powell Road, Buena Vista, Georgia 31803, USA 6Centro de Estudos do Universo, 17380-000 Brotas, Brazil. 7Rua Gil Eanes lte. 216, 2u dto, Portais bida, Quinta do Anjo, 2850-745 Palmela, Portugal. 82, rue de lArdache, 31170 da Arra Tournefeuille, France. 9Physics Department, University of San Carlos, Nasipit, Talamban, 6000 Cebu City, Philippines. 1021 Tarcutta Street Cleveland, Brisbane, Queensland 4163, Australia. 11848 S. Rosemont Ct., Gilbert, Arizona 85296, USA. 1251, Frogmore Close, Slough, SL1 9BN, UK. 1317109 N. Eureka Trail, Surprise, Arizona 85374, USA. 1414 Glen-Hollow Dr., E-16, Holtsville, New York 11742, USA. 1512 Capri Crescent, Sellicks Beach, South Australia 5174, Australia. 16HC2 PO Box 20031, Aguadilla, 00603 Puerto Rico. 1728 North Road, Selsey, West Sussex, PO20 0BW, UK. 181280 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Suite 104, Mt Pleasant, South Carolina 29464, USA. 196 Grande Rue, 91470 Pecqueuse, France. 20Meekrap-oord 3, 3991 VE Houten, The Netherlands. 21632 Byars Drive, Macon, Georgia 31210, USA. 22294 Myrtle Street, Manchester, New Hampshire 03104, USA. 238 Ellalong Street, Kurri Kurri, New South Wales 2327, Australia. 24PO Box 409, Campbell, Australian Capital Territory 2612, Australia. 255755 North Point Parkway, Suite 219m, Alpharetta, Georgia 30022, USA.

7 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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A giant thunderstorm on Saturn


G. Fischer1, W. S. Kurth2, D. A. Gurnett2, P. Zarka3, U. A. Dyudina4, A. P. Ingersoll4, S. P. Ewald4, C. C. Porco5, A. Wesley6, C. Go7 & M. Delcroix8

Lightning discharges in Saturns atmosphere emit radio waves1 with intensities about 10,000 times stronger than those of their terrestrial counterparts2. These radio waves are the characteristic features of lightning from thunderstorms on Saturn, which last for days to months2. Convective storms about 2,000 kilometres in size have been observed in recent years at planetocentric latitude 356 south35 (corresponding to a planetographic latitude of 416 south). Here we report observations of a giant thunderstorm at planetocentric latitude 356 north that reached a latitudinal extension of 10,000 kilometrescomparable in size to a Great White Spot6,7 about three weeks after it started in early December 2010. The visible plume consists of high-altitude clouds that overshoot the outermost ammonia cloud layer owing to strong vertical convection, as is typical for thunderstorms. The flash rates of this storm are about an order of magnitude higher than previous ones, and peak rates larger than ten per second were recorded. This main storm developed an elongated eastward tail with additional but weaker storm cells that wrapped around the whole planet by February 2011. Unlike storms on Earth, the total power of this storm is comparable to Saturns total emitted power. The appearance of such storms in the northern hemisphere could be related to the change of seasons7, given that Saturn experienced vernal equinox in August 2009. On 5 December 2010, the Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument8 on board the Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft detected radio emissions associated with a new lightning storm. On the same day, the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)9 observed a bright cloud, 1,300 km 3 2,500 km in size, at planetocentric latitude 32u N and longitude 245u W (here we use the Voyager Saturn Longitude System, SLS, corresponding to a rotation period of 10 h 39 min 22 s). The storm might have started somewhat earlier, as there is a gap in observations of about 2 days before the detection in the RPWS data. The radio waves emitted by lightning discharges in Saturns atmosphere are known as Saturn electrostatic discharges1, SEDs, and are usually observed as short individual radio bursts, but in this event (see the timefrequency spectrogram of Fig. 1) they cluster to an almost continuous emission owing to the high flash rate. On their way to Cassinis radio receiver the SEDs must pass through Saturns ionosphere, and therefore the low-frequency extent of the emission can be used as a measure of the peak electron plasma frequency of the intervening plasma10. The decreasing low-frequency cut-off in Fig. 1 is consistent with a storm rotating with the planet from the dayside to the nightside, where electron densities of the ionosphere are lower. Such measurements by the Voyager and Cassini spacecraft have yielded typical peak electron densities somewhat larger than 105 cm23 around noon, but nightside densities as low as 102 103 cm23 (derived from the Voyager SEDs10) have not so far been observed by Cassini11. Averaged day/night variations in electron density observed by Cassini were less than two orders of magnitude11. Models taking into account an influx of water from Saturns rings

can reproduce the electron densities at dusk and dawn, but most models cannot reproduce the large day/night variation; this is because of the long-lived H1 ion in Saturns ionosphere1113. Viewed from Cassini, SEDs occur in episodes, and start or stop at the time when the visible storm enters or leaves the radio horizon. This consistency in longitudes enables an association of SEDs with storm clouds. Further confirmation of such a link comes from a drift rate of the storm cloud consistent with the SED episode recurrence period, and a correlation between cloud brightness and SED rates4,5. Figure 2 shows the episodic SED activity, which was comparable to previous SED storms in the first days of the storm and reached unprecedented levels on 12 December. The real flash rate is unknown, as we do not know how many SEDs would appear very close to the source. The lower limit of the peak flash rate is ,10 SEDs per second. The polarization of SEDs for this storm at frequencies below 2 MHz is strongly left-hand circularly polarized, which is opposite to the SED polarization from southern hemisphere storms14. This difference is related to the opposite direction of the magnetic field in the two hemispheres relative to the radio wave propagation vector, as the field is
8 107 Frequency (Hz) Intensity (dB above background)


12:00 43.51 175.1

14:00 43.43 242.4

16:00 43.33 309.7

0 18:00 SCET (h:min) 43.24 Distance (RS) 17.1 Long. (W)

Figure 1 | Time-frequency spectrogram of the SED episode on 12 December 2010. The colour-coded intensity (with 30% background division) of the radio emissions is plotted as a function of spacecraft event time (SCET) over 6 h and frequency from 500 kHz to 16 MHz on a logarithmic scale. Cassini coordinates (distance to Saturns centre in units of Saturns radius, RS, and SLS west longitude in degrees, Long.) are indicated on the abscissa. Cassini was in the equatorial plane at a local time of ,18.6 h. The RPWS instrument sweeps in frequency, and it detects the broadband SEDs at whatever frequency (above the ionospheric cut-off) it happens to be tuned to at the time of the flash. This SED episode shows such a high flash rate that the receiver sweep rate of ,28 frequency channels per second (35.2 ms per channel) can no longer resolve the single SEDs. Flash rates of 510 SEDs per second can lead to a temporal superposition of SEDs that normally extend over several frequency channels. At the edges of the episode, where the rate is lower, one can see the individual SED bursts. The continuous emission below 800 kHz is Saturn kilometric radiation.

Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Schmiedlstrasse 6, A-8042 Graz, Austria. 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, 203 Van Allen Hall, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA. 3Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France. 4Geological and Planetary Sciences, 150-21, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. 5Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations, Space Science Institute, 4750 Walnut Street, Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA. 682 Merryville Drive, Murrumbateman, 2582 New South Wales, Australia. 7Physics Department, University of San Carlos, Nasipit, Talamban, 6000 Cebu City, Philippines. 8Commission des observations planetaires, Societe Astronomique de France, 2 rue de ` lArdeche, 31170 Tournefeuilee, France. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 7 5

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a 2.5
SED pixels per hour (104)

2 1.5 1 0.5

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Distance (RS)

60 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Day in December 2010

Figure 2 | Saturns lightning activity and Cassinis distance to Saturn as a function of time for December 2010. a, The number of SED pixels as a function of day in December 2010. Owing to the high flash rates, the single SEDs sometimes cannot be counted. Instead, we give the number of SED pixels, which is the same as the number of single timefrequency measurements. Previous lightning storms from 35u S (ref. 5) showed SED numbers more than an order of magnitude smaller for similar distances. b, The distance of Cassini to Saturns centre in units of Saturn radii (RS); these data help interpretation of a, as the signal intensities of SEDs decrease with distance squared. The peak in SED numbers on 20/21 December coincides with Cassinis closest approach to Saturn.

Figure 3 | Images of Saturn with the storm. a, Image taken on 13 December 2010 with an 11-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope in the Philippines (by C.G.). The centre of the storm was located at longitude ,262u W and latitude ,34u N. At that time, the latitudinal size of the storm had already grown from 1,300 km to ,6,800 km (,7u). b, Image taken on 22 December 2010 with a 16inch Newtonian telescope in Australia (by A.W.). It shows that the plume had grown to a latitudinal and longitudinal extent of ,9,000 km and ,15,000 km, respectively. The centre was at longitude ,283u W. c, Image taken on 24 December 2010 with the wide-angle camera of Cassini. Here the storms latitudinal and longitudinal extent is ,10,000 km and ,17,000 km, respectively, with an eastward tail that extends much further. The storm centre was at longitude ,288u W. Image credits: C.G., A.W., NASA/JPL/SSI.

axisymmetric. SED-related storms were much more common in the years around Saturns equinox. From November 2007 until now (May 2011) they were present for ,69% of the time, which is about 10 times more compared to the first years of Cassinis orbit around Saturn. On 5 December the storm was located at latitude ,32u N, where the wind speed with respect to the Voyager SLS is nearly zero. In

the interval from 5 to 8 December, the SEDs were observed at nearly constant sub-spacecraft west longitudes, indicating no drift. However, the images after 8 December showed that the core region of the storm had moved to a latitude of 34u N, where the wind speed has a local minimum around 222 m s21 (corresponding to a westward drift of ,2.3u per Earth day) and is therefore the centre of a westward jet7,15. From the Earth-based images of December and early January, we derived a westward drift of 2.4u 6 0.1u per day for the approximate centre of the storm. In the Cassini images, the western edge showed a higher drift of 2.8u 6 0.1u per day. All images in Fig. 3 show a storm with a head on its western side and a tail to the east. As the head moves

Figure 4 | False-colour views showing the height of the storm clouds. Images with three filters sensitive to different amounts of absorption by methane gas were superposed to make these colour mosaics. The filtered image at 889 nm is projected as blue, and sees only the highest clouds. The filtered image at 727 nm is projected as green, and sees high and intermediate clouds
7 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

but not the lowest clouds. The filtered image at 750 nm is projected as red, and sees clouds at all levels. a, b, Magnified views at full resolution of the areas indicated by white brackets in c. d, Image showing the storm ,11 h after image c was taken. The images were taken by Cassinis narrow angle camera on 26 February 2011 from a distance of 2.4 3 106 km. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI.

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with the westward jet, the relative flow at lower latitudes is eastward, which accounts for the eastward tail to the south of the storm. The head plus tail had a longitudinal extent of ,90u in the late December images, and the disturbance was wrapped around the planet by February. The RPWS instrument occasionally observed SEDs over an extended longitude range. This suggests at least one small and temporarily active SED storm cell in the tail, whereas the main lightning activity took place in the head of the storm. Figure 4 shows Cassini high-resolution views of the storm in filters that bring out differences in cloud heights. Yellows and white identify optically thick clouds at high altitudes located mostly around the head of the storm. Saturns lightning storms are thought to be located in the water cloud layer at pressure levels around 810 bar (ref. 2). Optical flash observations around Saturns vernal equinox in August 2009 have restricted the flash depth to 125250 km below the upper cloud layer16. As most of the sunlight is absorbed around the 1-bar level17, the lightning storms are probably driven by internal heat. Moist convective plumes18 transport particles from the ammonia and ammonium hydrosulphide clouds, as well as particles produced by the lightning itself, to levels above 1 bar (ref. 19). We estimate the contribution of the current storm to Saturns emitted power using the accumulated outflow volume of the storms anvil cloud. Assuming the molar mixing ratio of the water vapour in the plume before it rises is five times the solar value20 (O/H 5 0.513 3 1023), condensation of all water would produce a temperature increase of 7.7 K. This temperature change would raise the power radiated at the latitude of the storm by 36%. Variations of this magnitude have occurred in the past. For instance, from 2004 to 2009, the emitted power was on average 17% higher in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere21. We assume the heated layer is 1 bar thick (,104 kg m22), because that is the depth of the clouds we are seeing. Then it would take 610 years to radiate away the 7.7 K temperature rise. The excess energy in such a layer, if it were 10,000 km wide and ,360u in longitude, would be comparable to the total internal heat radiated by the planet in a year, assuming the internal power is (0.78/1.78) times the total radiated power22. Thus giant storms like this might be a significant term in the internal heat budget of the planet. The switch in hemisphere of the lightning storms could be related to the change of seasons7,23. On Saturn, the seasonal effect is exaggerated by the shadow of the rings. The last SED storm in the southern hemisphere ended in mid-July 2010, ,11 months after equinox, and this first storm in the northern hemisphere started ,16 months after equinox. Convective storms around 35u N were imaged shortly after northern vernal equinox by the cameras of Voyager 1 and 224,25. SEDs were also present at those times, but they were thought to be related to an equatorial thunderstorm26,27. There are similarities and differences between lightning storms on Saturn and on Earth. Saturnian thunderstorms last longer, are much larger, and occur only at very specific latitudes. SEDs are more intense than terrestrial flashes, but their duration is similar2. Charging mechanisms in the water clouds of Saturnian and terrestrial thunderstorms are probably similar, and lightning on Earth also has a seasonal dependence28.
Received 10 February; accepted 17 May 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. Warwick, J. W. et al. Planetary radio astronomy observations from Voyager 1 near Saturn. Science 212, 239243 (1981). Fischer, G. et al. Atmospheric electricity at Saturn. Space Sci. Rev. 137, 271285 (2008). Porco, C. C. et al. Cassini imaging science: initial results on Saturns atmosphere. Science 307, 12431247 (2005). Dyudina, U. A. et al. Lightning storms on Saturn observed by Cassini ISS and RPWS during 20042006. Icarus 190, 545555 (2007). 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Fischer, G. et al. Analysis of a giant lightning storm on Saturn. Icarus 190, 528544 (2007). Sanchez-Lavega, A. Motions in Saturns atmosphere: observations before Voyager encounters. Icarus 49, 116 (1982). Sanchez-Lavega, A. et al. Deep winds beneath Saturns upper clouds from a seasonal long-lived planetary-scale storm. Nature doi:10.1038/nature10203 (this issue). Gurnett, D. A. et al. The Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science investigation. Space Sci. Rev. 114, 395463 (2004). Porco, C. C. et al. Cassini Imaging Science: instrument characteristics and anticipated scientific investigations at Saturn. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 363497 (2004). Kaiser, M. L., Desch, M. D. & Connerney, J. E. P. Saturns ionosphere: inferred electron densities. J. Geophys. Res. 89, 23712376 (1984). Fischer, G., Gurnett, D. A., Zarka, P., Moore, L. & Dyudina, U. A. Peak electron densities in Saturns ionosphere derived from the low-frequency cutoff of Saturn lightning. J. Geophys. Res. 116, A04315, doi:10.1029/2010JA016187 (2011). Moore, L. et al. Cassini radio occultations of Saturns ionosphere: model comparisons using a constant water flux. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L22202, doi:10.1029/2006GL027375 (2006). Connerney, J. E. P. & Waite, J. H. New model of Saturns ionosphere with an influx of water from the rings. Nature 312, 136138 (1984). Fischer, G., Gurnett, D. A., Lecacheux, A., Macher, W. & Kurth, W. S. Polarization measurements of Saturn electrostatic discharges with Cassini/RPWS below a frequency of 2 MHz. J. Geophys. Res. 112, A12308, doi:10.1029/2007JA012592 (2007). Ingersoll, A. P., Beebe, R. F., Conrath, J. & Hunt, G. E. in Saturn (eds Gehrels, T. & Matthews, M. S.) 195238 (Univ. Arizona Press, 1984). Dyudina, U. A. et al. Detection of visible lightning on Saturn. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, L09205, doi:10.1029/2010GL043188 (2010). Perez-Hoyos, S. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. Solar flux in Saturns atmosphere: maximum penetration and heating rates in the aerosol and cloud layers. Icarus 180, 368378 (2006). Hueso, R. & Sanchez-Lavega, A. A three-dimensional model of moist convection for the giant planets II: Saturns water and ammonia moist convective storms. Icarus 172, 255271 (2004). Baines, K. H. et al. Storm clouds on Saturn: lightning-inducted chemistry and associated materials consistent with Cassini/VIMS spectra. Planet. Space Sci. 57, 16501658 (2009). Atreya, S. K. in Galileos Medicean Moons Their Impact on 400 Years of Discovery (eds Barbieri, C. et al.) Ch. 16 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010). Li, L. et al. Saturns emitted power. J. Geophys. Res. 115, E11002, doi:10.1029/ 2010JE003631 (2010). Hanel, R. A., Conrath, B. J., Kunde, V. G., Pearl, J. C. & Pirraglia, J. A. Albedo, internal heat flux, and energy balance of Saturn. Icarus 53, 262285 (1983). Sanchez-Lavega, A. et al. The Great White Spot and disturbances in Saturns equatorial atmosphere during 1990. Nature 353, 397401 (1991). Hunt, G. E., Godfrey, D., Muller, J.-P. & Barrey, R. F. T. Dynamical features in the northern hemisphere of Saturn from Voyager 1 images. Nature 297, 132134 (1982). Sromovsky, L. A., Revercomb, H. E., Krauss, R. J. & Suomi, V. E. Voyager 2 observations of Saturns northern mid-latitude cloud features: morphology, motions, and evolution. J. Geophys. Res. 88, 86508666 (1983). Kaiser, M. L., Connerney, J. E. P. & Desch, M. D. Atmospheric storm explanation of saturnian electrostatic discharges. Nature 303, 5053 (1983). Zarka, P. & Pedersen, B. M. Statistical study of Saturn electrostatic discharges. J. Geophys. Res. 88, 90079018 (1983). Christian, H. et al. Global frequency and distribution of lightning as observed from space by the Optical Transient Detector. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (D1), 4005, doi:10.1029/2002JD002347 (2003).

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Acknowledgements G.F. was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Cassini research at the University of Iowa was funded by NASA/JPL. We thank nchez-Lavega for launching an alert on the webpage of the Planetary Virtual A. Sa Observatory and Laboratory (http://www.pvol.ehu.es), and the amateur astronomers who subsequently observed the storm on Saturn, namely, T. Akutsu, T. Barry, J. Castella, D. Chang, D. Gray, J. B. Jovani, W. Kivits, T. Kumamori, F. J. Melillo, D. Parker, D. Peach, J. Phillips, J.-J. Poupeau, J. Sussenbach, K. Yunoki and S. Walker. S. Ghomizadeh and T. Ikemura were the first to observe the storm before the alert. Author Contributions G.F. analysed Cassini RPWS data and wrote the paper. W.S.K., D.A.G. and P.Z. helped in this analysis. U.A.D., A.P.I., S.P.E. and C.C.P. analysed the Cassini ISS image and calculated the energy of the storm. A.W. and C.G. imaged Saturn from the ground, and M.D. measured the size and drift of the storm from several images. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.F. ([email protected]).

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Michael Kruger1*, Markus Schenk1* & Peter Hommelhoff1


Attosecond control of electrons emitted from a nanoscale metal tip

Attosecond science is based on steering electrons with the electric field of well controlled femtosecond laser pulses1. It has led to the generation of extreme-ultraviolet pulses2 with a duration of less than 100 attoseconds (ref. 3; 1 as 5 10218 s), to the measurement of intramolecular dynamics (by diffraction of an electron taken from the molecule under scrutiny4,5) and to ultrafast electron holography6. All these effects have been observed with atoms or molecules in the gas phase. Electrons liberated from solids by few-cycle laser pulses are also predicted7,8 to show a strong light-phase sensitivity, but only very small effects have been observed14. Here we report that the spectra of electrons undergoing photoemission from a nanometre-scale tungsten tip show a dependence on the carrier-envelope phase of the laser, with a current modulation of up to 100 per cent. Depending on the carrier-envelope phase, electrons are emitted either from a single sub-500-attosecond interval of the 6-femtosecond laser pulse, or from two such intervals; the latter case leads to spectral interference. We also show that coherent elastic re-scattering of liberated electrons takes place at the metal surface. Owing to field enhancement at the tip, a simple laser oscillator reaches the peak electric field strengths required for attosecond experiments at 100-megahertz repetition rates, rendering complex amplified laser systems dispensable. Practically, this work represents a simple, extremely sensitive carrier-envelope phase sensor, which could be shrunk in volume to about one cubic centimetre. Our results indicate that the attosecond techniques developed with (and for) atoms and molecules can also be used with solids. In particular, we foresee subfemtosecond, subnanometre probing of collective electron dynamics (such as plasmon polaritons9) in solid-state systems ranging in scale from mesoscopic solids to clusters and to single protruding atoms. A nanoscale solid-state system is also of interest for applications. Steering electrons with the force exerted by a synthesized few-cycle light field is predicted to allow ultimate speeds to be reached in electronics: that is, up to optical frequencies, with a typical timescale of femtoseconds (lightwave electronics10, so called by analogy to microwave electronics with semiconductor chips). However, typical electron energies in conventional electronics lie in the range of a few electron volts, corresponding to a free-electron velocity of ,1 nm fs21. Thus, the possible speed-up to optical frequencies in electronics can only be achieved if a nanometre-scale solid-state system is used8. Because the electron current is switched on and off by the light field, such a device could be called an optical attosecond field-effect transistor. The present work is, to our knowledge, the first research along these lines. Our experiment centres on a metal tip of radius ,1020 nm, the apex of which lies in the focus of a linearly polarized laser beam that consists of few-cycle laser pulses (Fig. 1). The tip is beneficial for two reasons. First, electric field enhancement takes place because of its sharpness 11. At the tips apex, the electric field is around five times higher than in the laser focus alone; this corresponds to a ,25-fold increase in intensity. A laser oscillator is therefore sufficient to reach the regime where Newtons equations of motion describe the electrons response quite well; this marks the regime of attosecond science1. Field enhancement near nanostructures has also facilitated the generation of high-harmonic radiation from gas atoms with an oscillator only12, whereas in conventional gas phase experiments amplified laser systems are used13. Second, because of the localized nature of field enhancement, electron emission is limited to a single well-defined site with a diameter of ,10 nm, right on the tips apex. As this is much smaller than the focal diameter of the laser beam, the laser intensity can be well approximated as constant over the electron emission area. Thus electrons are emitted from a single nanometre-sized area exposed to a well-defined laser intensity. This condition does not usually hold for photoemission from plane surfaces, where local laser intensities differ greatly, owing to the Gaussian profile of the laser beam and hotspot effects due to potential surface roughness. We conjecture that carrier-envelope phase effects are therefore blurred when the electron emission current from a larger area is measured. Presumably for these reasons, only minuscule carrier-envelope phase effects have so far been observed in nonlinear photoemission from a gold cathode, even though extremely short near-infrared laser pulses (with a duration of 4 fs) were used14. A previous attempt to measure a carrier-envelope phase dependence in photoemission from sharp tips lacked spectral information, which presumably hindered detection of the signal15. An attosecond streaking experiment from a solid has been reported16, but there the electrons were photoemitted from the metal surface by extreme-ultraviolet pulses before they interacted with the infrared light field, thereby mitigating hotspot effects. Collective electron effects17 and strong-field effects18,19 have been observed in tip-enhanced electron emission, while ref. 20 shows that thermal effects can be ruled out here. In the present experiment, we focus ,6-fs pulses tightly on a tungsten tip; the pulses are derived from a Ti:sapphire oscillator with a stabilized

Figure 1 | Overview of the experiment. Electrons, indicated in blue, are emitted (large blue arrow pointing away from surface) from a sharp tungsten tip (left) by, and interact with, a few-cycle laser electric field (red waveform). Controlled by the carrier-envelope phase, the liberated electron may be driven back into the tip, where it can scatter elastically and gain more energy in the laser field before it reaches the detector (not shown).

1 Ultrafast Quantum Optics Group, Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Strae 1, D-85748 Garching bei Munchen, Germany. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

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carrier-envelope phase and an 80-MHz repetition rate (Fig. 1; the set-up is described in more detail in ref. 19 and in Supplementary Information). A small negative extraction voltage is applied to the tip, resulting in a d.c. electric field strength of ,0.4 GV m21 at the tips apex. We record photoelectron spectra with a retarding field spectrometer. Conclusions can be drawn about the dynamics of the photoelectrons from the overall shape of the spectra. In Fig. 2a, we present a carrier-envelope phase averaged spectrum obtained with 240-pJ pulse energy (a peak intensity of ,4 3 1011 W cm22 in the bare focus), with an average yield of about one electron per pulse. The spectrum is governed by above-threshold photoemission peaks spaced approximately by the photon energy (1.56 eV) on top of an overall exponential decay19. This decay is followed by a plateau, a region of almost constant count rate extending from ,4.5 eV to a soft cut-off located at ,13 eV. The appearance of the plateau indicates that coherent elastic rescattering of electrons is taking place. This effect is well known in the ionization of atoms in the gas phase: a small fraction of the photoelectrons is driven back into the tip by the laser field, scatters elastically off the tip, and gains more energy in the laser field before being detected21. Models presented below strongly support this notion. A more detailed investigation of electron re-scattering dynamics from a metal is currently under way. We note that recombination of the active electron can lead to emission of high-harmonic radiation1. We expect this process to also take place at tips. The electric field of the laser pulses can be written as E(t) 5 f(t)cos(vt 1 wCE), with f(t) describing the pulse envelope, v the lasers centre (circular) frequency, and wCE the carrier-envelope phase. Figure 2b shows a contour plot of individual electron spectra as a function of the carrier-envelope phase offset, which is given by the sum of wCE and a constant experimental phase difference to be
log(Count rate) 3 2 1 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

determined by theory (set to 0 here, see below). Clearly, the spectral features are strongly modulated with the carrier-envelope phase: both maxima and minima show pronounced modulation effects with a period of 2p. In Fig. 2a (green points) we display the modulation depth of the count rate for different energy positions (for a definition, see Supplementary Information). At low energy, the modulation depth amounts to several per cent and gains strength in the plateau (10 25%). In the region of the 13-eV cut-off, it increases to ,100% and here the carrier-envelope phase almost completely determines if a photoelectron will be detected. The visibility of the plateau peaks is particularly strongly affected by the carrier-envelope phase. Figure 2c depicts individual spectra for four carrier-envelope phase settings spaced by p/2. It is evident that for certain phases peaks are clearly visible, whereas for others the peaks almost completely disappear. An analysis of the average peak visibility is shown in Fig. 2d (for details, see Supplementary Information). It is approximately sinusoidally modulated with the carrier-envelope phase, ranging from ,10% for wCE < 20.2p to ,30% for wCE < 0.8p. We will show below that the peaks arise from quantum mechanical interference of electron wave packets re-scattering at the tip in different optical cycles. The visibility can be identified as the degree of spectral interference. Strong interference indicates that (at least) two wave-packet components contribute to the plateau. In contrast, the absence of interference implies that only a single electron wave packet from one optical cycle contributes. In addition, we observe that the position of the high-energy cut-off changes with carrier-envelope phase, as shown in Fig. 2b (red line). It varies between 12.3 eV and 13.6 eV. Notably, the behaviour of peak visibility and cut-off position is maximally out of phase: the phase difference amounts to p 1 (80 6 160) mrad.
15 100 75 50 25 0 Modulation depth (%)

Energy (eV)
Count rate (a.u.) 2 1

2 1 20 0 0 Time (s) Count rate (a.u.)

c 6 8 10 12 14
~0.6 10

Energy (eV)

0 20 0 Time (s)

0 ~0.1 10

Normalized count rate (a.u.)

Carrier-envelope phase offset (rad / )


0 ~0.4 10

0 0 ~0.9 10

5 Energy (eV)

10 15 10 20 30 Cut-off position Peak visibility (%)

10 16 0 4 10 Normalized Normalized count rate (a.u.) count rate (a.u.)

8 10 12 14 Energy (eV)

Figure 2 | Carrier-envelope phase modulation in photoelectron spectra. a, Carrier-envelope phase-averaged electron count rate as function of energy (blue solid curve). About three photon orders, indicated by encircled numbers, are visible in the direct part (that is, when the electrons do not re-collide with the tip; E 5 0 to ,4.3 eV). For E . 4.5 eV, the plateau region starts with five more photon orders visible. The green points depict the modulation depth of the count rate when varying the carrier-envelope phase (error bars, fit errors of modulation curves; see Supplementary Information). Insets, carrier-envelope phase modulation in the photocurrent with the spectrometer acting as an energy highpass filter at 3 eV (left inset) and 11 eV (right inset; both with the carrier. _ envelope offset frequency set to fCEO ~wCE 2p~0:2 Hz). a.u., arbitrary units. b, Contour plot of the electron count rate as function of carrier-envelope phase

offset and energy. wCE was increased in steps of p/8. At 4.3 eV, the plot is split into two regions for better visibility (see colour scales under). In each region, we plot the normalized count rate (Supplementary Information). Measured data range over 2p and are extended over ,4p for better visibility. Yellow circles show the position of the cut-off for a given carrier-envelope phase offset (red curve, sinusoidal fit). c, Individual electron spectra extracted from the contour plot in b for four different carrier-envelope phase offsets separated by p/2. Only the plateau region is shown. Fringes are clearly visible for 0.6p and 20.9p, but almost no fringes are visible for 0.1p and 20.4p. d, Blue diamonds, average peak visibility in the plateau region (red curve, sinusoidal fit). The peaks used to determine the visibility are marked with grey arrows in a. Note that peak visibility and cut-off position are nearly maximally out of phase.
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We interpret our experimental findings with the aid of two theoretical models. The first model used is the semiclassical Simple Mans Model (SMM)22. In brief, an electron is liberated by optically induced tunnelling and subsequently propagates in the laser electric field on classical trajectories. The model has been extended to account for the matter-wave nature of liberated electrons by including the accumulated quantum mechanical phase of the corresponding wave packets23. Trajectories with different start times within the pulse that lead to the same final energy interfere, resulting in interference structures in the energy domain24. In Fig. 3a we present spectra simulated by the SMM that are similar to those in Fig. 2b; we assume a 6.3-fs pulse with a peak electric field of 10.4 GV m21. All the main features of the experimental data are qualitatively reproduced, notably the shift of the cut-off position and the correlated change in peak visibility. A region is observed where no spectral interference occurs, centred around wCE < 0, corresponding to a cosine-like pulse. Simultaneously, the cut-off position is located at the highest energy. Figure 3b illustrates the physical origin of both effects (namely, no spectral interference and the cut-off position located at the highest energy) for wCE < 0: only a single trajectory from one optical half-cycle, reaching the highest possible kinetic energy,
Carrier-envelope phase (rad / ) Normalized count rate (a.u.) 1 2

Final kinetic energy (eV)

10 5 0

CE = 0

10 5 0

CE =

10 Energy (eV)


0 2 Time (fs)

Carrier-envelope phase (rad / ) Normalized count rate (a.u.) 1 2

Carrier-envelope phase (rad / ) 1

Cut-off position (eV) 12.2 12.6

10 Energy (eV)


20 40 60 80 100 Peak visibility (%)

Figure 3 | Theoretical modelling of the experimental data. a, Contour plot representation of the count rate as a function of energy and carrier-envelope phase, according to the extended SMM. Here only re-scattered electrons are considered (only those contribute to plateau energies). Regions with quantum mechanical interference fringes (wCE < 6p) and without (wCE < 0) are evident (sharp borders reflect the semiclassical nature of the model). Furthermore, the highest electron energies are reached for carrier-envelope phase settings corresponding approximately to the most featureless electron spectrum (wCE < 0). Dotted red curve, the classical cut-off position. b, Final kinetic energy (red curve) and emission probability (green area) as a function of emission time for phases 0 and p. The emission probability in the model follows the electric field (dashed grey curve). Emission occurs only when the electric field is negative and points into the metal, thus pulling electrons out of the metal. The electrons kinematics can be inferred more easily from the light fields vector potential A(t), shown with a blue dotted line (E(t) 5 2hA(t)/ht). Notably, either one or two trajectories contribute significantly to the kinetic energy of, for example, 10 eV (marked by the dotted horizontal lines). Within each cycle a second trajectory also exists, but the corresponding emission probability can be neglected with respect to the dominating one. c, As in a but calculated by numerically integrating the TDSE. d, Average peak visibility and cut-off position from c.
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yields a significant contribution to the electron count rate in the high-energy part of the spectrum. In contrast, the region around wCE < 6 p, which corresponds to a minus-cosine-like pulse, exhibits the strongest peak structure and the lowest cut-off energy. Two trajectories from subsequent cycles contribute here, with the times of both emission and re-scattering differing approximately by the duration of an optical cycle, Topt. This translates into interference fringes in the energy domain, with a spacing of DE < h/Topt 5 h/(2.67 fs) < 1.56 eV, approximately equalling the photon energy23. A similar behaviour was demonstrated for strong-field photoemission from atomic gases24, and also in ref. 25, where the generation of single subfemtosecond extremeultraviolet radiation bursts was deduced from the absence of interference in the cut-off region of the extreme-ultraviolet spectrum. Accordingly, single electron matter-wave packets with initially subfemtosecond emission duration (Fourier limit of cut-off part, ,450 as) can be generated from a metallic tip by appropriate setting of the carrier-envelope phase. Moreover, the timing of the emission and propagation of electron wave packets undergoing re-scattering near the metal surface can be controlled with a precision of ,80 as by changing the carrier-envelope phase, as inferred from the error of the phase offset in the sinusoidal fits to cut-off and visibility. The presence of interference indicates the coherent nature of the re-scattering process off a metal surface, which has not been reported before. The second model, a fully quantum mechanical treatment, shows good quantitative agreement with the experiment. In Fig. 3c we present energy spectra retrieved from a numerical integration of the onedimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation (TDSE)15. The parameters were adapted to match the experimental data (see Supplementary Information for details). The average peak visibility and the cut-off position are depicted in Fig. 3d and behave similarly to the experimental data. We have shifted the carrier-envelope phase axis of the experimental data so that the maxima of the cut-off position curves coincide, thereby zeroing the experimental phase offset. Thus, the pulse is cosine-like (wCE 5 0) for a carrier-envelope phase offset of (0.00 6 0.05)p. The spectral shift of the cut-off with carrier-envelope phase in the TDSE model is a weaker effect (peak-to-peak shift ,0.7 eV) than in the experimental data (peak-to-peak shift ,1.3 eV, compare Fig. 3d and Fig. 2b), mainly because strong smoothing had to be applied to the TDSE spectra in order to suppress effects caused by the pronounced peak structure. The SMM (Fig. 3a), in contrast, reveals a larger shift (peak-to-peak ,2.3 eV), mainly due to its semiclassical nature. Given the simplicity of the models, the agreement is satisfactory. The peak visibility is lower in the experiment than in both theoretical treatments, which we attribute to the spectrometer resolution and low counting statistics. Moreover, in both models we consider only a single initial electronic state at the Fermi level. A metal, however, comprises many populated states with a large spread of initial energies. In future work, a more elaborate simulation7,8 will be needed to fully take this into account, together with possible plasmonic effects; the technique could then be used to draw conclusions about the underlying subfemtosecond dynamics. Three points are noteworthy. First, the observable carrier-envelope phase of the enhanced field at the tips surface should be phase-shifted with respect to the phase of the driving laser field, owing to the plasmonic response of the metal8,12. Spectra measured from a tip with strong plasmonic behaviour (such as one made from silver) would thus allow information to be obtained about the collective electron response on the subnanometresubfemtosecond scale. Second, in the SMM, an emission process according to optically induced tunnelling has been assumed, with the electrons classical trajectories starting at the tunnel exit with zero initial momentum6,26 and with an emission probability modelled along the lines of the ADK rate (see Supplementary Information). We also tried other emission processes (nonadiabatic tunnelling27, multiphoton photoemission) but found the best agreement using tunnelling, although here the Keldysh parameter is

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,2. We stress that in this parameter range, the emission process encompasses and cannot be separated from strong-field effects after the electron has been classically emitted. Third, although the exact quantum dynamics of electrons in this new system is complex and to understand it fully will require much further investigation, it has become clear from experiments with neutral atoms21 and negatively charged ions28 that the re-scattering scheme and the concomitant telltale plateau seem to be universal, in the sense that they exist despite qualitatively different potentials (long21 versus short range28). Also, we note that related initial theoretical work on photoemission from metals contains hints in this direction29. Our experimental results provide strong evidence for very similar underlying physics, even though here the dimensions involved are very different from those involved in studies on atoms or ions: the electron source and scatterer, namely the solid tip, is much larger than the classical oscillation amplitude of the electron in the laser field (a few angstroms). It will be interesting to investigate the implications of this. For example, does scattering take place at the extended surface or at individual surface atomsand does this depend on the material and its orientation? Angle-resolved spectra might yield information. With longer laser wavelengths, the energy of the re-colliding electron increases and can surpass several tens of electron volts. Hence, new forms of (time-resolved) surface science techniquessuch as lowenergy electron diffractionwith electrons originating from and probing the surface, might come into reach, with typical timescales of 100 as. Extending this work towards more complex, lithographically grown nanoscale objects11,30 will pave the way to lightwave electronics, where the electric field of light steers electrons; for example, the area between a source and a drain electrode could be switched between conducting and insulating states. Also, a simple stand-alone die-sized (1-cm3) sensor device for the carrier-envelope phase might be feasible: such a device could be extremely sensitive, and comprise only a tip, a retardation grid and an electron multiplier.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank M. Kling, C. Lemell, G. Wachter and B. Bergues for discussions, and J. Hoffrogge for reading the text before submission. This work has been supported in part by the European Union (FP7-IRG). Author Contributions All authors contributed to all parts of the work. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.H. ([email protected]).

7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 8 1

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Jean-Christophe Le Breton1, Sandeep Sharma1,2,3, Hidekazu Saito2, Shinji Yuasa2 & Ron Jansen2


Thermal spin current from a ferromagnet to silicon by Seebeck spin tunnelling

Heat generation by electric current, which is ubiquitous in electronic devices and circuits, raises energy consumption and will become increasingly problematic in future generations of highdensity electronics. The control and re-use of heat are therefore important topics for existing and emerging technologies, including spintronics. Recently it was reported that heat flow within a ferromagnet can produce a flow of spin angular momentuma spin currentand an associated voltage1. This spin Seebeck effect has been observed in metallic1,2, insulating3 and semiconductor ferromagnets4 with temperature gradients across them. Here we describe and report the demonstration of Seebeck spin tunnellinga distinctly different thermal spin flow, of purely interfacial naturegenerated in a tunnel contact between electrodes of different temperatures when at least one of the electrodes is a ferromagnet. The Seebeck spin current is governed by the energy derivative of the tunnel spin polarization. By exploiting this in ferromagnetoxidesilicon tunnel junctions, we observe thermal transfer of spins from the ferromagnet to the silicon without a net tunnel charge current. The induced spin accumulation scales linearly with heating power and changes sign when the temperature differential is reversed. This thermal spin current can be used by itself, or in combination with electrical spin injection, to increase device efficiency. The results highlight the engineering of heat transport in spintronic devices and facilitate the functional use of heat. Spin current is a central aspect of spintronics5,6 and is typically generated by spin-polarized charge current, through spinorbit interaction or by magnetization dynamics. Recently, the potential of thermoelectric effects in magnetic nanostructures711 has been recognized and emphasized12. Notably, the spin Seebeck effect has been observed in ferromagnetic materials with temperature differences between opposite ends14. A microscopic description has been given in terms of a spindependent Seebeck coefficient1,2, although spin current carried by magnons13 and mechanisms without a global spin current or spin accumulation in the ferromagnet4,14,15 have been proposed for some of the experiments1,3,4. The Seebeck spin tunnelling (SST) we describe here is distinctly different in that it involves a thermal spin current that is created in a magnetic tunnel contact. It is associated purely with the tunnel interface. We observe it in a tunnel junction that has one ferromagnetic electrode and one non-magnetic electrode (in our case silicon) held at different temperatures, TFM and TSi, respectively (Fig. 1). The temperature difference, DT 5 TSi 2 TFM, drives preferential tunnel transfer of electrons of either majority or minority spin from the ferromagnet to the silicon. A spin accumulation, Dm, is induced in the silicon, characterized by a difference in the densities and electrochemical potentials of electrons with their magnetic moments respectively parallel and antiparallel to the magnetization of the ferromagnet. To observe Seebeck spin tunnelling, we apply a heating current with density Jheating to the silicon electrode (Fig. 2), causing Joule dissipation in that electrode and raising its temperature with respect to that of the ferromagnetic electrode. Measuring under the condition of zero net

tunnel charge current, IT, between the ferromagnet and the silicon (Fig. 2a), this produces a voltage V(IT 5 0) 5 V0 1 DVTH. The first term includes the ohmic voltage drop over part of the heater resistance (the Cr/Au contact and the silicon) and the ordinary charge-related thermovoltage that develops across the contact to maintain IT 5 0. The second term is the SST voltage, that is, the additional voltage across the ferromagnetoxidesilicon tunnel contact due to the thermally induced spin accumulation, Dm, in the silicon. It is detected by measuring the change in voltage in response to an applied magnetic field, Bz, transverse to the spins in the silicon (Hanle geometry, with the magnetic field applied along the z axis, perpendicular to both the inplane magnetization of the ferromagnet and the injected spins). This causes spin precession and a reduction of Dm to zero with a characteristic Lorentzian line shape16, also allowing it to be distinguished from any effect Bz might have on V0. The detected voltage change, DVTH, is given by DVTH 5 V(Dm) 2 V(Dm 5 0) 5 TSP 3 Dm/2, where TSP is the tunnel spin polarization associated with the ferromagnet oxide interface. The voltage V is defined as VSi 2 VFM, where VSi and VFM are the respective potentials of the silicon and ferromagnetic electrodes. A significant thermal spin accumulation is observed in the silicon on heating it so that TSi . TFM, as evidenced by a Hanle curve (Fig. 2b) characteristic of spin polarization induced in the silicon16. The Hanle curve is identical for both directions of the Joule heating current, implying that the sign and magnitude of the spin polarization induced in the silicon are the same for both current directions. The peak amplitude scales quadratically with the heating current density (Fig. 2c) and, thus, linearly with the applied heating power (Fig. 2d, where the power, 2 given per unit volume of silicon, equals rJheating , with r the silicons resistivity). The observed scaling is consistent with a thermally induced 2 spin accumulation, which is expected to be linear in DT and Jheating for



TSi > TFM Hot



Tunnel oxide Silicon


Tunnel oxide


Spin polarization induced by Seebeck spin tunnelling

Figure 1 | Basic concept of Seebeck spin tunnelling. In a tunnel contact between a ferromagnetic electrode and a non-magnetic electrode, for instance silicon, a temperature difference between the electrodes causes a transfer of spin angular momentum from the ferromagnet to the non-magnetic electrode. The thermal spin current requires no tunnel charge current. The induced spin polarization is reversed when the temperature difference is reversed and is parallel or antiparallel to the magnetization of the ferromagnet.

Netherlands Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), 3502 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan. 3Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Physics of Nanodevices, University of Groningen, 9747 AG, Groningen, The Netherlands.

8 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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Thermal spin signal, V V0 (mV)

0.15 Si heating J = 830 A Si heating J = +830 A cm2 cm2

Thermal spin signal, V (mV) Fit V J 2 heating Hanle data 0.10 0.15

0.15 Fit V J 2 heating Hanle data 0.10

Cr/Au contact Joule heating current z y Cr/Au contact V x Bz



To heat sink




Ferromagnet cold at TFM Tunnel oxide Silicon heated to TSi

0.00 1,000 500 0 Bz (Oe) 500 1,000 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8


0.00 0 2 4 6 8 Heating power (nW m3 Si)

Jheating (102 A cm2)

Figure 2 | Observation of thermal spin current from ferromagnet to silicon by Seebeck spin tunnelling. a, Device layout, showing the 3-mm-thick, 800mm-wide, 4-mm-long silicon strip (purple), the 1.5-nm-thick SiO2/Al2O3 tunnel barrier (light grey) and the ferromagnetic Ni80Fe20 electrode (green). The silicon is heated by Joule dissipation from a constant current applied using two Cr/Au contacts at opposite ends, resulting in TSi . TFM. The voltage across the tunnel contact is measured in the absence of a tunnel charge current. The voltage lead simultaneously acts as a thermal sink that keeps the ferromagnet cold. b, Thermally induced spin accumulation in silicon, detected as a voltage

change, DVTH, in an external magnetic field, Bz, applied perpendicular to the tunnel interface (Hanle geometry). The plot shows results for heating current in two opposite directions. The magnetization (M) of the ferromagnet remains in the plane of the thin film owing to shape anisotropy. c, Measured DVTH (symbols) versus heating current density, Jheating, together with a quadratic fit (solid line). d, Measured DVTH (symbols) as a function of Joule heating power, and a linear fit (solid line). All data were measured for p-type silicon with a resistivity of 11 mV cm at 300 K, for a tunnel contact area of 180 mm 3 400 mm and for a base temperature of 300 K.

Joule heating. Similar results are obtained with a four-terminal geometry (Supplementary Information). For the maximum heating power (7.6 nW mm23), we find that DVTH 5 0.13 mV. If we assume that the TSP (30%) previously determined17 for Ni80Fe20/Al2O3 interfaces in metal tunnel junctions is the same in our Ni80Fe20/Al2O3/Si junctions, the thermally induced Dm is 0.87 meV. The SST thus produces a significant spin polarization in the silicon. The sign of the thermal spin accumulation is determined by direct comparison with electrically induced spin accumulation measured in the same tunnel contact, driving a non-zero tunnel current across the tunnel barrier using the three-terminal Hanle method16. The electrically induced spin accumulation gives rise to a Hanle signal (Supplementary Fig. 4) with a Lorentzian line shape and width similar to that found in previous work16 and to the thermally induced signal (Fig. 2), further supporting spin accumulation as the origin of the latter. The electrically induced spin accumulation is negative for negative tunnel current and positive for positive tunnel current (VSi . VFM, extraction16 of holes from p-type silicon), and the latter, positive, spin accumulation is the same sign as the thermally induced spin accumulation (Fig. 2). Thus, thermal transfer of spin with TSi . TFM produces a spin polarization with the same sign as that produced by electrical hole extraction. Such extraction induces in the silicon a magnetic moment parallel to the magnetization of the ferromagnet if the TSP for Ni80Fe20/Al2O3 interfaces is positive (dominated by majority spin electrons), as it is in metalbased tunnel junctions. Hence, the spin accumulation induced by the SST (Fig. 2; silicon heating with positive DV) corresponds to majority spin accumulation in the silicon (that is, a larger number of electrons with spin parallel to that of the majority spin in the ferromagnet, which is equivalent to a smaller number of holes with that spin direction). The observed thermal spin accumulation is quadratic in the drive current, allowing us to exclude as possible origins phenomena that are not even but odd functions of current, such as the spin Hall effect. Other known magnetic or thermomagnetic effects, such as the Hall, Nernst, Ettingshausen and RighiLeduc effects18, can be ruled out because they have a different symmetry and/or would not produce the Lorentzian magnetic field dependence characteristic of the Hanle effect (Supplementary Information). More conclusively, by measuring the Hanle signal in larger magnetic fields, for which the magnetization of the ferromagnet rotates out of the plane of the device, we performed an experimental test (Supplementary Information) that rules out all the known thermomagnetic effects. Because the field and injected spins are then no longer orthogonal, the spins no longer precess and a characteristic recovery of the spin accumulation is observed at high magnetic field values. This recovery occurs only if the spin accumulation

is produced by transfer of spins from the ferromagnet; hence, this observation excludes any source of spin accumulation that does not involve transfer from the ferromagnet. Unintentional electrical injection through shunting of part of the heating current by the tunnel contact can be ruled out for several reasons, including the signal having the wrong sign (Supplementary Information). The data in Fig. 2 thus unambiguously demonstrate thermal transfer of spin from the ferromagnet to the silicon. For the microscopic origin of Seebeck spin tunnelling, we consider electrons as the carrier of spin across the tunnel barrier. Direct (elastic) tunnelling results in a spin current without charge current if there is a different thermal electron distribution in the two electrodes and the TSP varies with electron energy. We illustrate the case with TSi . TFM in Fig. 3a. The excess density of electrons with energy above the Fermi level, EF, in the hot silicon creates a flow of electrons tunnelling to the cold ferromagnet. Simultaneously, the excess number of empty states below the silicon Fermi level creates an electron flow in the opposite direction. Even if the total charge current is zero, there is a net spin current because the two oppositely directed tunnel currents have different TSPs. This is a consequence of the energy variation of the spinpolarized electronic structure of ferromagnetic materials around EF. Indeed, for cobalt, CoFe and Ni80Fe20, it has been found that the spin polarization of electrons tunnelling through an Al2O3 barrier into a metal counter electrode is different for electron energies below and above EF, decaying most significantly in the second case19,20. The salient features of SST are illustrated using a free-electron elastic tunnelling model, including the energy variation of the TSP as a phenomenological parameter. It also explicitly includes the spin accumulation and the feedback it has on the tunnel spin and charge currents. The thermally induced spin accumulation is thus calculated self-consistently (Supplementary Information). First, a non-zero DT indeed produces a spin current and, thereby, a spin accumulation in the silicon (Fig. 3b). The spin accumulation, Dm, scales linearly with DT and changes sign when the hot and cold sides of the junction are interchanged. The Seebeck spin tunnelling coefficient can be defined uniquely as Sst 5 Dm/DT in units of volts per kelvin. It depends on properties of the non-magnetic electrode, in particular the spin relaxation time (Supplementary Information). The sign and magnitude of Dm depend crucially on the form of TSP as a function of energy, as shown in Fig. 3b for three functional forms selected for illustrative purposes. When the TSP is constant below EF but decays above EF (blue profile and symbols), the spin accumulation is positive for TSi . TFM, corresponding to majority spin accumulation with an induced magnetic moment in the silicon parallel to the
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 8 3

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Silicon (hot) E Empty states Extraction TSP above EF Ferromagnet (cold) E

Thermal spin accumulation (a.u.)


Majority spin accumulation


0.5 TSP 0.0 EF

EF Filled states Injection TSP below EF Majority spin

Density of states

E 0.5
Minority spin accumulation



Minority spin

1.0 1.0





T = TSi TFM (a.u.)

Figure 3 | Origin of Seebeck spin tunnelling and model calculation of salient characteristics. a, Spin-dependent density of states and its occupation for a tunnel contact with a hot silicon electrode and a cold ferromagnetic electrode, and the electron flows (four red arrows) that are induced by the temperature difference. For the cold ferromagnet, taken to be at TFM 5 0, all states below the Fermi energy, EF, are filled (dark blue) and those above EF are empty (light blue). For the hot silicon, a finite number of electrons with excess energy above EF exist, together with a fraction of empty states below EF. The sum of the four tunnel currents, two for each spin, results in a net flow of spin

because the tunnel spin polarizations above and below EF are unequal. b, Calculated value of the spin accumulation, Dm, induced in the silicon electrode of a tunnel contact between the silicon and the ferromagnet, shown as a function of the temperature difference, DT 5 TSi 2 TFM, under the condition of zero tunnel charge current. Results are shown for three different profiles of TSP versus energy (E), as depicted on the right. For DT . 0, TFM 5 300 K and TSi is increased, whereas for DT , 0, TSi 5 300 K and TFM is increased. See Supplementary Information for details and parameters. a.u., arbitrary units.

magnetization of the ferromagnet. If the TSP is instead taken to decay with energy below EF, the sign of Dm is reversed (pink profile and symbols). Most strikingly, Dm vanishes for any value of DT when the TSP is taken to be independent of energy but still non-zero (green profile and symbols). Hence, the induced spin accumulation does not depend on the sign of the TSP itself, but on the energy derivative of the TSP. The sign of the experimental result (Fig. 2; accumulation of majority spins for silicon heating) is consistent with the prediction of the model calculation (Fig. 3b, blue curve; Dm . 0 for DT . 0), considering that the TSPs for interfaces of transition-metal ferromagnets and Al2O3 in metal-based tunnel junctions are reported19,20 to decay significantly for energies above EF. For the magnitude, the model calculation predicts a saturation of Dm at about 10 mV K21, and TSi 2 TFM is estimated to be in the range of 0.1 K to a few kelvin at the most (Supplementary Information). The predicted Dm is below about 10 mV, which is much smaller than the measured signal. Thus, although the model provides a qualitative description of the salient observations, it does not provide quantitative agreement with the data. Part of this may be because it is a free-electron model, because the precise profile of the TSP as a function of energy is not known and because spin (and heat) transfer by inelastic, magnon-assisted tunnelling is not included. Such tunnelling has been shown to be important for the charge thermopower in magnetic tunnel junctions2123. These aspects may cause the model to underestimate the spin current across the tunnel barrier. However, the model also underestimates the electrically induced spin accumulation for which the spin current is rather well known; and control experiments16 and optical detection in spin-based light-emitting diodes24 have clearly established that the large spin accumulation exists in the bulk bands. This suggests that the quantitative disagreement is at least in part related to the description of the conversion of injected spin current into a spin accumulation and, subsequently, into a detected voltage. Next we demonstrate that the sign of the thermal spin current is reversed when DT is reversed. We compare devices in which the heating current is in the silicon (Fig. 4a) with devices in which it is in the ferromagnetic metal electrode (Fig. 4e). In the second of these cases, to improve the heating the metal electrode in the active part of the device consists of Ni80Fe20 (10 nm) and a gold layer only 10 nm thick, whereas in the first case the gold layer is 120 nm thick. A complication is that the current in the ferromagnet is accompanied by a voltage drop across it, such that any conventional magnetoresistance of the ferromagnet affects the signal via the term V0. For magnetic fields along the z axis, this results in a distortion of the Hanle curve that prevents accurate
8 4 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

determination of the induced spin accumulation. It was recently shown25, however, that the spin accumulation can also be detected with an in-plane field parallel to the tunnel interface (in the x direction; see Fig. 2a), giving rise to a so-called inverted Hanle effect. First we use the inverted Hanle effect to detect the spin accumulation induced by heating of the silicon, for the junction shown in Fig. 2. A clear, thermally induced inverted Hanle signal is observed (Fig. 4b), with sign inverted relative to the thermally induced Hanle effect (Fig. 2). Notably, the quadratic and linear scaling with, respectively, heating current and power (Fig. 4c, d) establishes the inverted Hanle effect as a good probe of thermally induced spin accumulation. We then perform a similar set of experiments with the heating current through the ferromagnet (Fig. 4fh). A significant inverted Hanle signal is observed for heating current through the ferromagnet in either direction (Fig. 4f). The signal also scales quadratically with heating current and linearly with power (Fig. 4g, h), which is characteristic of a thermally induced spin accumulation. Most importantly, the sign of DVTH is reversed; DVTH is positive for TFM . TSi and is negative for TSi . TFM. The reversal is not due to an unintentional difference between the tunnel contacts of the two devices, as electrical spin injection was similar for the two junctions (Supplementary information). Thus, the results establish another key feature of SST, namely that the thermal spin accumulation is reversed when DT is reversed. We note that the sharp features around zero field, which change in sign when the direction of the heating current is changed, arise from the aforementioned magnetoresistance of the ferromagnet. For a magnetic field applied along the x direction, these features can be clearly distinguished from the inverted Hanle curve and do not interfere with accurate determination of DVTH (Supplementary Information). We also note that the true magnitude of the spin accumulation is the sum of the Hanle and inverted Hanle amplitudes25. We expect that the efficiency of Seebeck spin tunnelling can be greatly improved by better thermal design of our devices, which is far from optimal. The temperature difference across the thin tunnel barrier can also be optimized by using dielectrics with small interface thermal conductivity and by making use of phonon mismatch at interfaces. The mechanism of SST suggests the development of a new family of spintunnelling materials that, for instance, are designed to have strong variations in TSP around the Fermi energy. Conversely, SST can be used as a new probe of the energy dependence of the TSP. Thermal transfer of spin offers ways to design spintronic devices with fundamentally different characteristics. The fact that SST operates without tunnel current or voltage alleviates issues related to stability and breakdown of the tunnel

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Si heated
Inverted Hanle
SiO2 Au 300 nm Si device layer 3 m SiO2 1 m Si handle wafer 120 nm Amorphous SiO2/Al2O3 (1.5 nm) Tunnel area 180 400 m2 Ni80Fe20 (10 nm)

Thermal spin signal, V VSAT (mV)
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60

0.00 0.10 0.20

Thermal spin signal, V (mV)
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0

Joule heating of Si Current density Jheating

Inverted Hanle

0.30 0.40

Si heating J = 830 A cm2 Si heating J = +830 A cm2

2,000 0 2,000

Fit V

J2 heating

0.50 0.60 8

Fit V J 2 heating

Inverted Hanle data

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

Inverted Hanle data

2 4 6 8

Bx (Oe)

Jheating (102 A cm2)

Heating power (nW m3 Si)

Thermal spin signal, V VSAT (mV)

Amorphous SiO2/Al2O3 (1.7 nm) Tunnel area 200 200 m2 Au Au (10 nm) 120 nm

FM heating J = 910 kA cm2 FM heating J = +910 kA cm2


Thermal spin signal, V (mV)

FM heated
Inverted Hanle
Ni80Fe20 (10 nm)

Inverted Hanle data Fit V J 2 heating


Inverted Hanle data

Fit V J 2 heating


SiO2 300 nm Si device layer 3 m SiO2 1 m Si handle wafer


Inverted Hanle














4,000 6,000


Bx (Oe)

Jheating (105 A cm2)

Heating power (nW m3 metal)

Figure 4 | Sign reversal of thermal spin current by heating the silicon or the ferromagnet. a, Layout of the device for silicon heating. b, Thermally induced spin accumulation for silicon heating in the same junction as in Fig. 2, but now detected with an external magnetic field, Bx, applied parallel to the tunnel interface (inverted Hanle geometry). c, d, Measured DVTH (symbols) versus heater current density (c) and heating power (d), with corresponding fits. e, Layout of the device for heating of the ferromagnetic electrode (FM). In the

tunnel area, the metal electrode consists of 10-nm-thick Ni80Fe20 and 10-nmthick gold. fh, Similar sets of inverted Hanle data as in bd, but now with the ferromagnetic electrode heated. For all data, the inverted Hanle signal is defined as the voltage at a given Bx minus the saturation voltage, VSAT, at large Bx, with voltage polarity consistently defined as VSi 2 VFM. All data were measured for p-type silicon with a resistivity of 11 mV cm at 300 K, for a tunnel contact area of 200 mm 3 200 mm and for a base temperature of 300 K.
15. Adachi, H. et al. Gigantic enhancement of spin Seebeck effect by phonon drag. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 252506 (2010). 16. Dash, S. P., Sharma, S., Patel, R. S., de Jong, M. P. & Jansen, R. Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature. Nature 462, 491494 (2009). 17. Min, B. C., Motohashi, K., Lodder, J. C. & Jansen, R. Tunable spin-tunnel contacts to silicon using low-work-function ferromagnets. Nature Mater. 5, 817822 (2006). 18. Nolas, G. S., Sharp, J. & Goldsmid, H. J. Thermoelectrics: Basic Principles and New Materials Developments Ch. 1 (Springer, 2001). 19. Valenzuela, S. O., Monsma, D. J., Marcus, C. M., Narayanamurti, V. & Tinkham, M. Spin polarized tunneling at finite bias. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 196601 (2005). 20. Park, B. G., Banerjee, T., Lodder, J. C. & Jansen, R. Tunnel spin polarization versus energy for clean and doped Al2O3 barriers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 217206 (2007). 21. Wang, Z.-C., Su, G. & Gao, S. Spin-dependent thermal and electrical transport in a spin-valve system. Phys. Rev. B 63, 224419 (2001). 22. McCann, E. & Falko, V. I. Giant magnetothermopower of magnon-assisted transport in ferromagnetic tunnel junctions. Phys. Rev. B 66, 134424 (2002). 23. McCann, E. & Falko, V. I. A tunnel junction between a ferromagnet and a normal metal: magnon-assisted contribution to thermopower and conductance. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 268, 123131 (2004). 24. Jansen, R. et al. Electrical spin injection into moderately doped silicon enabled by tailored interfaces. Phys. Rev. B 82, 241305 (2010). 25. Dash, S. P. et al. Spin precession and decoherence near an interface with a ferromagnet. Preprint at http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.1691 (2011). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We are grateful to S. P. Dash for help with the device fabrication and discussions, T. Yorozu for the finite-element calculations and A. Yamamoto for making the finite-element program available to us. This work was financially supported by the program Controlling spin dynamics in magnetic nanostructures of the Netherlands Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). Author Contributions J.-C.L.B. and R.J. designed the experiments. J.-C.L.B. and S.S. fabricated the devices. J.-C.L.B., S.S., H.S. and R.J. contributed to the measurements. R.J. developed the model calculation. All authors contributed to the planning, discussion and analysis of the research, and to the writing of the manuscript. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.J. ([email protected]).

barrier and decay of TSP at high bias that degrades electrical transfer of spin. It can also be linked to optics using lasers as the heating source, allowing optical creation and control of spin polarization in any semiconductor, including silicon, without the need for circularly polarized light and optical orientation. But above all, Seebeck spin tunnelling offers prospects to create spin currents in a more power-efficient way, either by itself or acting jointly with electrical spin injection, and allows the functional use of heat in electronic devices and circuits.
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Tracking apex marine predator movements in a dynamic ocean

B. A. Block1, I. D. Jonsen2, S. J. Jorgensen1, A. J. Winship2, S. A. Shaffer3, S. J. Bograd4, E. L. Hazen4, D. G. Foley4, G. A. Breed2,5, A.-L. Harrison5, J. E. Ganong1, A. Swithenbank1, M. Castleton1, H. Dewar6, B. R. Mate7, G. L. Shillinger1, K. M. Schaefer8, S. R. Benson9, M. J. Weise5, R. W. Henry5 & D. P. Costa5

Pelagic marine predators face unprecedented challenges and uncertain futures. Overexploitation and climate variability impact the abundance and distribution of top predators in ocean ecosystems14. Improved understanding of ecological patterns, evolutionary constraints and ecosystem function is critical for preventing extinctions, loss of biodiversity and disruption of ecosystem services. Recent advances in electronic tagging techniques have provided the capacity to observe the movements and long-distance migrations of animals in relation to ocean processes across a range of ecological scales5,6. Tagging of Pacific Predators, a field programme of the Census of Marine Life, deployed 4,306 tags on 23 species in the North Pacific Ocean, resulting in a tracking data set of unprecedented scale and species diversity that covers 265,386 tracking days from 2000 to 2009. Here we report migration pathways, link ocean features to multispecies hotspots and illustrate niche partitioning within and among congener guilds. Our results indicate that the California Current large marine ecosystem and the North Pacific transition zone attract and retain a diverse assemblage of marine vertebrates. Within the California Current large marine ecosystem, several predator guilds seasonally undertake northsouth migrations that may be driven by oceanic processes, species-specific thermal tolerances and shifts in prey distributions. We identify critical habitats across multinational boundaries and show that top predators exploit their environment in predictable ways, providing the foundation for spatial management of large marine ecosystems. Large marine predators are important top consumers in marine ecosystems, and their depletion can have cascading effects on lower trophic levels in both coastal and open-ocean waters3,7,8. Although some taxa are protected internationally from direct harvest, intense overexploitation by high-seas fisheries and anthropogenic environmental change are threatening global marine biodiversity. The management and conservation of highly migratory marine predators depends on understanding how movements relate to ocean processes; however, the dynamic relationships among behaviour, physiology and oceanography over a range of temporal and spatial scales remains unclear4,9,10. Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) examined the distribution of species that inhabit and migrate into the coastal upwelling region off the west coast of North America. Using simultaneous tag deployments, we tracked seven top-predator guilds (sharks, tunas, albatrosses, shearwaters, turtles, pinnipeds and rorqual whales) concurrently for nearly a decade. Habitat use, residency patterns and migration pathways to North American waters were previously unknown or poorly documented for most of these animals5,6,1113. Deployments of 4,306 electronic tags yielded 1,791 individual animal tracks from 23 species, totalling 265,386 animal tracking days (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Tables 13). The tracking technologies used had different location precisions, and include ARGOS satellite tags

(n 5 1,183), archival and satellite transmitting tags (n 5 1,008) and archival geolocation tags (n 5 2,115); the latter two provide estimates of position based on sunrise and sunset times and sea surface temperature (SST). We used a state-space modelling approach14 to estimate daily locations, and their uncertainty, from each track while accounting for the differing precisions of the tracking technologies. The tracking data show that the California Current large marine ecosystem (CCLME; Supplementary Fig. 1) is an important habitat (Figs 24) for tunas (Pacific bluefin, Thunnus orientalis; yellowfin, Thunnus albacares; albacore, Thunnus alalunga), sharks (shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus; white, Carcharodon carcharias; salmon, Lamna ditropis; blue, Prionace glauca; common thresher, Alopias vulpinus), cetaceans (blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus), pinnipeds (northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris; California sea lion, Zalophus californianus), seabirds (Laysan albatross, Phoebastria immutabilis; black-footed albatross, Phoebastria nigripes; sooty shearwater, Puffinus griseus) and sea turtles (leatherback, Dermochelys coriacea; loggerhead, Caretta caretta). Annual migratory periodicity was evident in the movements of many tagged animals that showed fidelity to the cool, nutrient-rich waters of the CCLME (Figs 2 and 3). Extended residency within the CCLME was revealed by examining tracks that spanned multiple seasons, using a behavioural switching state-space model14. Numerous species (leatherback sea turtles, blackfooted albatrosses, sooty shearwaters, bluefin tunas and salmon sharks; Fig. 2b) had a strong attraction to the CCLME and undertook long migrations (.2,000 km) from the western, central or south Pacific basin. Some species (bluefin and yellowfin tunas; mako, white and salmon sharks; blue whales; male elephant seals; and leatherback sea turtles; Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 2) undertook a seasonally recurring northsouth migration in the North Pacific and within the CCLME. Other taxa undertook movements between near-shore and offshore waters, with a residency period within the CCLME or the Gulf of Alaska, followed by an offshore migration that ranged into the North Pacific transition zone (NPTZ) (female elephant seals, salmon sharks and Laysan albatrosses), the subtropical gyre and north equatorial current (blue and mako sharks and leatherback sea turtles), or the Cafe region of the eastern Pacific and the Hawaiian Islands (white sharks; albacore tunas, Thunnus alalunga; and black-footed albatrosses). The mechanisms and cues underlying fidelity to seasonally modulated migration pathways are not entirely known, but may represent a capacity to discriminate among areas of seasonal significance for foraging or reproduction. The quarterly predator density in relation to the median satellitederived SST measurements within the CCLME (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 3) suggests that seasonal warming (quarter three) along the Baja California peninsula may trigger northward movements of predator populations. Increased metabolic expenditures in ectotherms

Stanford University, Biology Department, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California 93950, USA. 2Dalhousie University, Department of Biology, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada. 3San Jose State University, Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose, California 95192, USA. 4NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Environmental Research Division, Pacific Grove, California 93950, USA. 5 University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Long Marine Laboratory, Santa Cruz, California 95060, USA. 6NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Fisheries Research Division, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 7Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon 97365, USA. 8Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 9NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Protected Resources Division, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 8 6 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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60 N Humpback whale Fin whale Sperm whale Sooty shearwater California sea lion 40 N Northern fur seal Blue whale Northern elephant seal 20 N Thresher shark Yellowfin tuna Albacore tuna Latitude Blue shark 0 Mako shark White shark Loggerhead turtle 20 S Mola mola Pacific bluefin tuna Leatherback turtle 40 S Salmon shark Laysan albatross Black-footed albatross Humboldt squid 60 S 60 E 100 E 140 E 180 140 W 100 W 60 W 20 W


Figure 1 | All TOPP species state space position estimates and distribution from electronic tagging. a, Daily mean position estimates (circles) and annual median deployment locations (white squares) of all tagged species. b, Daily mean position estimates of the major TOPP guilds (from left): tunas (yellowfin, bluefin and albacore), pinnipeds (northern elephant seals, California sea lions

and northern fur seals), sharks (salmon, white, blue, common thresher and mako), seabirds (Laysan and black-footed albatrosses and sooty shearwaters), sea turtles (leatherback and loggerhead) and cetaceans (blue, fin, sperm and humpback whales).

as the ocean warms, subsurface hypoxia15 and declines in primary productivity (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 3g) all potentially decrease the suitability of this habitat. In the northern waters of the CCLME (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 3ad), cooler temperatures (911 uC), particularly during the spring upwelling season, limit cardiac function13,16 in many fishes and sharks, reducing their capacity to exploit these environs. Predators were observed moving south into warmer water despite regions of persistent productivity in the north (Fig. 3b). A similar relationship may hold for endotherms, such as seabirds, pinnipeds and whales, but the linkage is indirect as the physiological constraints are largely on their prey.
60 N

Tracking data typically were acquired for less than one year; however, for some taxa (tunas, turtles and sharks) multiyear tracks were obtained (maximum of 1,380 days, for salmon sharks; Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 4). To account for abbreviated tracks and for variation in sample size among taxa, we applied time weighting and species normalization schemes before examining multispecies density patterns (Supplementary Methods). The relative spatial density of large marine predators indicates that high-use areas in the northeastern Pacific occur both on the high seas (NPTZ; Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 1) and within the exclusive economic zones of North America (CCLME; Fig. 4b). These observed patterns differ markedly from those expected
Figure 2 | Fidelity and attraction to the CCLME. a, Examples of pelagic predators released and electronically tracked in the CCLME that show fidelity to deployment locations and the CCLME. We show the release locations (square), pop-up satellite end point locations (triangle) and daily mean positions (circles) of the following species: yellowfin tuna (yellow), bluefin tuna (white), white shark (red), elephant seal (blue) and salmon shark (orange). b, Individual tracks of pelagic animals released .2,000 km away from the CCLME that are indicative of cross-basin or ecosystem attraction to, and temporary residency within, the eastern North Pacific. Symbols are as in a, for leatherback sea turtles (green), sooty shearwaters (pink), fur seals (pale yellow), black-footed albatrosses (black) and salmon sharks (orange).
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60 N 40 N

50 N 20 N Latitude 40 N

30 N

20 S

20 N 0 750 1,500 10 N180 3,000 (km) 160 W 140 W 120 W

40 S

80 E

120 E

160 E

160 W

120 W

80 W


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40 35 30 25 20 35 30 25 20 15 40 Pacific bluefin tunas 45



Blue whales

n = 298 Yellowfin tunas

40 35


n = 198 Shortfin mako sharks

30 25

Latitude north

30 20 10 70 60 50 40 30 45 35 25 15 50 40 30 20 10 n = 66 Blue whales n = 68 Salmon sharks


0.5 25

45 n = 113 White sharks 40 35 30 25 10 20 n = 50 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 20

Figure 3 | Latitudinal migration cycles and seasonal climatologies within the CCLME. a, Monthly mean latitudes of predators residing within or migrating to the CCLME. Black line segments denote gaps where no data were available. Sample sizes indicate the numbers of individual tracks contributing to the time series. b, Seasonal climatologies in the California Current for tunas (Pacific bluefin, blue; yellowfin, black), sharks (salmon shark, brown; shortfin mako, black; white shark, blue) and blue whales relative to median chlorophyll a densities and SST values between 2000 and 2009.

log[chl a (mg m3)] SST (C)

Month of year


under a null model of random diffusion from tag deployment locations (Supplementary Fig. 5 and Supplementary Methods), confirming that the observed density patterns are not driven by the tag deployment locations. The CCLME is a highly retentive area for many species tagged there, and is an attractive area for animals undergoing long migrations from the western and central North Pacific and the Gulf of Alaska (Figs 2 and 4a, b). Pacific bluefin and yellowfin tunas spent significantly more time in the CCLME than expected on the basis of null model simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6). Several species (tunas, white, mako and salmon sharks, leatherback sea turtles and blue whales) had substantial residency periods within, or were return migrants to, the CCLME, according to behavioural inferences from a switching state-space model14 (Fig. 4c). Additionally, all species tagged outside the CCLME spent significantly more time on average in the CCLME than expected on the basis of null model simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6). Representatives from several guilds exhibited cross-basin migrations (.2,000 km) into the CCLME from the western (leatherback sea turtles and bluefin tunas), central (black-footed albatrosses and salmon sharks) and south Pacific basins (sooty shearwaters; Fig. 2b). The retention within and attraction to the CCLME is consistent with the high productivity of this region, which supports large biomasses of krill, sardines, anchovies, salmon, groundfish and squid that provide a predictable forage base for top predators2,17. The NPTZ is another important region, serving as an eastwest migration corridor (Fig. 4a) and foraging region for elephant seals, salmon and blue sharks (Fig. 4c), Laysan and blackfooted albatrosses, and bluefin tunas (Fig. 1). This is a complex region encompassing an abrupt north-to-south transition between subArctic and subtropical water masses with dynamic frontal regions18. To investigate which aspects of the biophysical environment putatively attract these predators, we explored both presence/absence and relative habitat use with generalized additive mixed models19. We examined the collective response of 16 marine predator species to environmental covariates (Supplementary Fig. 7 and Supplementary Methods). In the binary presence/absence model, predator incidence showed a strong positive relationship with SST across a broad temperature range that peaked near 15 uC (Supplementary Fig. 7a). Tagged animals occupied a small portion of cool, nutrient-rich water in coastal regions and northern latitudes in preference to the broadly available warm oligotrophic waters in lower latitudes (Supplementary Fig. 3). Relative density models showed a strong positive relationship between density and chlorophyll a suggesting that the suite of tagged species preferentially occupy regions of high productivity (Supplementary Fig. 7c). The observed patterns of predator distribution in this study may be indicative of trade-offs between access to areas of higher productivity
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and physiological thermal tolerances, either directly by the predators or indirectly by their lower-trophic-level prey. To examine how closely related taxa partition marine resources, we compared thermal preferences from in situ, tag-based SST measurements for sympatrically occurring species within three guilds (albatrosses, tunas and sharks). Differences in habitat use evident among congeneric species illustrate how more-recently divergent species partition the oceanic environment (Fig. 5). During the JuneNovember post-breeding phase, blackfooted albatrosses were associated with a broader range of higher SSTs primarily in the eastern Pacific, whereas Laysan albatrosses were associated with a narrower range of lower SSTs in the western and central North Pacific (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Table 9). Bluefin tunas ranged farther north in the colder waters of the CCLME, whereas yellowfin tunas occupied warmer waters in the southern CCLME (Fig. 5b and Supplementary Table 10). These differences are consistent with physiological specializations in bluefin tuna cardiac performance16. The lamnid sharks had a more complex separation of habitats. Salmon sharks, with their cold-tolerant cardiac physiology13, occupied the cooler, sub-Arctic waters in the North Pacific. Most salmon sharks, but not all, migrated seasonally into the warmer NPTZ and CCLME waters (Fig. 5c and Supplementary Table 11). White sharks overlapped with salmon sharks in the near-shore CCLME but also migrated into warmer, offshore waters of the subtropical gyre12 and the Hawaiian Islands (Fig. 5c and Supplementary Table 11). Shortfin mako sharks were distributed throughout the CCLME and into the subtropical gyre but occupied a thermal range intermediate between the two modes of the white shark range (Fig. 5c and Supplementary Table 11). Species such as black-footed albatrosses, sooty shearwaters, leatherback sea turtles and salmon sharks have evolved migration or foraging strategies that entail long-distance journeys to productive foraging habitats within the CCLME and the NPTZ. Shearwaters6 and leatherback sea turtles tagged in the south and western Pacific arrived in the central and northern portions of the CCLME each year, when SSTs were seasonally highest. These patterns indicate that resources within the CCLME and the NPTZ are valuable to species throughout the Pacific basin, highlighting the importance of maintaining ecological connectivity across hemispheres. It is likely that other areas of the Pacific, not extensively covered by our tagging efforts, are similarly important. For example, estimates of global marine species richness peak around Southeast Asia, and richness of primarily oceanic taxa peaks at latitude 30u (north or south) along boundary currents such as the Kuroshio in the western Pacific20. The concentration and residency of multiple predators at predictable locations in the Pacific reveals the importance of these regions as biological hotspots. Given the high density of tracked animals in these regions, predators may have an important top-down role in structuring

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Relative density (1 1) 60 N

102 104 106 108

Relative density (0.25 0.25)

102 45 N 103 104 105 106 35 N 40 N

50 N

10 C

40 N Latitude

30 N 30 N 20 N 25 C 25 N

10 N

165 W

150 W

135 W

120 W

105 W 130 W 125 W 120 W 115 W 110 W


Pacific bluefin tunas

Yellowfin tunas

Shortfin mako sharks

Salmon sharks
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 4 | Predator density maps and residency patterns. a, Density of large marine predators within the eastern North Pacific. Densities of the time-weighted and species-normalized position estimates of all tagged individuals were summed within 1u 3 1u grid cells. b, Density of large marine predators within the CCLME at a 0.25u 3 0.25u resolution. c, Patterns of resident (slow, arearestricted movements) versus transient (fast, directed movements) behaviours of predators that primarily occupied or migrated to the CCLME, estimated using a switching state-space model. The coloured points grading from blue to yellow display the posterior mean probability of the resident behaviour associated with each daily mean position estimate. Each panel displays residency patterns for ten individuals. Uncertainty in position estimates in a and b is included by calculating densities using all 2000 Markov chain Monte Carlo samples from the joint posterior distributions of the daily positions, rather than using only the posterior means. SST contours in a are denoted by solid white lines. Exclusive economic zones are delineated by solid black lines.

Residency probability

White sharks

Leatherback sea turtles

Northern elephant seals

Blue whales

these ecosystems. The impact that the removal of top predators has had on the trophic dynamics of coastal and oceanic ecosystems is contentious3,21. For example, a failure to manage marine resources effectively in the Atlantic has led to a decline of pelagic species such as the Atlantic bluefin tuna3 and the porbeagle shark22, and has brought demersal fish, such as cod, to the brink of ecological extinction23. In the Pacific, commercial fisheries removed over 50 million tonnes of tunas and sharks from pelagic ecosystems between 1950 and 200421, resulting in significant declines in populations of large fish. Furthermore, unsustainable levels of fishery bycatch mortality has decimated populations of Pacific sea turtle (leatherback and loggerhead) and threatened some populations of albatross24,25. The impact of these top-predator biodiversity losses on ecosystem stability is unknown. Establishing the population baselines for top-predator populations and conserving remaining populations in regions such as the CCLME, and quantifying the ecosystem services they provide, remains an important management priority26. Our study provides a clearer understanding of where predators are concentrated in the North Pacific and which environmental parameters can be used to predict their occurrence.
140 E 160 E 180 160 W 140 W 120 W 150 W 130 W

Tracking data can be used to examine behaviours and distributions, inform population assessments and improve estimates of natural and fishery-induced mortality2729. Despite their high monetary and conservation value, population assessments of many predators in this study are rare or non-existent. Long-term observations of predator movements provide information on the spatial extent of highly migratory populations and potential rates of exchange among them. High archival tag returns (Supplementary Table 1) for bluefin (56%) and yellowfin (39%) tunas indicate that high fishery-induced mortality currently occurs within the CCLME. The recovery of cetacean populations, such as blue whales, which are endangered, can be enhanced through the use of electronic tracking data to identify high-use areas and coordinate policy actions that mitigate anthropogenic risks30 (for example ship strikes). Finally, an improved understanding of the horizontal and vertical spatiotemporal distribution of leatherback sea turtles and North Pacific albatrosses in relation to pelagic fisheries could better inform management protocols (for example timearea closures and gear mitigation) to reduce bycatch of these endangered and threatened species.
110 W 40 N 180 140 W 60 N


50 N

40 N

30 N 30 N Observations (percentage of total) Observations (percentage of total) 30 25 10 N 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 SST (C) 30 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 SST (C) 20 N Observations (percentage of total) 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 SST (C)


20 N

Laysan Black-footed

Pacific bluefin Yellowfin

Salmon White Mako

Figure 5 | Niche separation within three predator guilds. Spatial distribution and thermal habitat use (insets) across three guilds of sympatric species: Laysan and black-footed albatrosses (n 5 55 individuals, 8,743 daily SSTs; a), Pacific bluefin and yellowfin tunas (n 5 376 individuals, 75,177 daily SSTs; b), lamnid (salmon, mako and white) sharks (n 5 137 individuals, 12,971 daily SSTs;

c). SST profiles are daily means of tag-derived SSTs. Linear mixed-effects model estimates of mean (695% confidence interval) SST for each species are displayed as diamonds at the top of each inset graph. The distribution of daily mean SSTs for each species is displayed along the x axes.

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The decadal record of multitaxa electronic tagging generated by TOPP provides information on cross-border movements between US, Mexican and Canadian waters that has important implications for conservation and management efforts. This extensive data set serves as a baseline for monitoring and forecasting these seasonal patterns and assessing shifts in abundance among countries. Linking movements to ocean temperatures can help predict the potential ecosystem-level effects of climate variability. This baseline information could provide the foundation for launching a management scheme on a scale never before achieved for a pelagic ecosystem. International policy vehicles such as a UNESCO Marine World Heritage designation could provide an effective approach to generating global interest and, in turn, funding to support ecosystem-based management efforts within the CCLME. Furthermore, if a conservation corridor was extended across the NPTZ, key ecological foraging hotspots and migratory corridors that link the eastern and western Pacific basins for transoceanic migrants could be sustainably managed. Without an aggressive effort to zone and effectively manage these resources, the predator populations they support will decline and the biodiversity of this open-ocean wilderness will be irreplaceably lost.
11. Bailey, H. et al. Behavioural estimation of blue whale movements in the Northeast Pacific from state-space model analysis of satellite tracks. Endanger. Species Res. 10, 93106 (2009). 12. Jorgensen, S. J. et al. Philopatry and migration of Pacific white sharks. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 277, 679688 (2010). 13. Weng, K. C. et al. Satellite tagging and cardiac physiology reveal niche expansion in salmon sharks. Science 310, 104106 (2005). 14. Jonsen, I. D., Flemming, J. M. & Myers, R. A. Robust state-space modeling of animal movement data. Ecology 86, 28742880 (2005). 15. Prince, E. & Goodyear, C. Hypoxia-based habitat compression of tropical pelagic fishes. Fish. Oceanogr. 15, 451464 (2006). 16. Shiels, H. A., Di Maio, A., Thompson, S. & Block, B. A. Warm fish with cold hearts: thermal plasticity of excitation-contraction coupling of bluefin tuna. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 278, 1827 (2011). 17. PICES. Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific. PICES Spec. Publ. 1 (North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 2004). 18. Polovina, J. J., Howell, E., Kobayashi, D. R. & Seki, M. P. The transition zone chlorophyll front, a dynamic global feature defining migration and forage habitat for marine resources. Prog. Oceanogr. 49, 469483 (2001). 19. Wood, S. Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R (Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2006). 20. Tittensor, D. P. et al. Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa. Nature 466, 10981101 (2010). 21. Sibert, J., Hampton, J., Kleiber, P. & Maunder, M. Biomass, size and trophic status of top predators in the Pacific ocean. Science 314, 17731776 (2006). 22. Campana, S. E. et al. Population dynamics of the porbeagle in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. N. Am. J. Fish. Manag. 22, 106121 (2002). 23. Swain, D. P. & Chouinard, G. A. Predicted extirpation of the dominant demersal fish in a large marine ecosystem: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65, 23152319 (2008). 24. Peckham, S. H. et al. Small-scale fisheries bycatch jeopardizes endangered Pacific loggerhead turtles. PLoS ONE 2, e1041 (2007). 25. Lewison, R. L. & Crowder, L. B. Estimating fishery bycatch and effects on a vulnerable seabird population. Ecol. Appl. 13, 743753 (2003). 26. Halpern, B. S. et al. Mapping cumulative human impacts to California Current marine ecosystems. Conserv. Lett. 2, 138148 (2009). 27. Hays, G. C. et al. Satellite telemetry suggests high levels of fishing-induced mortality in marine turtles. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 262, 305309 (2003). 28. Heupel, M. & Simpfendorfer, C. Estimation of mortality of juvenile blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, within a nursery area using telemetry data. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59, 624632 (2002). 29. Kurota, H. et al. A sequential Bayesian methodology to estimate movement and exploitation rates using electronic and conventional tag data: application to Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66, 321342 (2009). 30. Berman-Kowalewski, M. et al. Association between blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) mortality and ship strikes along the California coast. Aquat. Mamm. 36, 5966 (2010). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements This manuscript is the culmination of a Census of Marine Life cross-project synthesis between TOPP and Future of Marine Animal Populations (FMAP). Funding for this work was provided by the Sloan Foundations Census of Marine Life programme. TOPP research was funded by the Sloan, Packard and Moore foundations. FMAP was funded by the Sloan Foundation. Electronic tagging and tracking in TOPP was also supported by the Office of Naval Research, the NOAA, the E&P Sound and Marine Life JIP under contract from the OGP, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation. We thank the TOPP scientific teams and all those who supported animal tagging efforts, R. Kochevar and D. Kohrs for their dedication and their effort on behalf of the Census of Marine Life. We are grateful to the numerous captains and crews who provided ship time and logistical support, and to the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Hawaii for further logistical support. We thank the Mexican authorities and collaborating TOPP partners (O. Sosa-Nishizki) for permitting and assisting in research in their waters. All animal research was conducted in accordance with IACUC protocols from Stanford University and the University of California. Author Contributions This synthesis study was initiated by B.A.B. and I.D.J. The TOPP project was designed and coordinated by B.A.B., D.P.C. and S.J.B. B.A.B., S.J.J., H.D. and K.M.S. designed experiments and deployed electronic tags on fish and sharks. D.P.C., S.A.S., R.W.H., M.J.W. and B.R.M. designed experiments and deployed electronic tags on marine mammals and birds. G.L.S., B.A.B. and S.R.B. designed experiments and deployed electronic tags on sea turtles. Tracking data were compiled by S.J.J., S.A.S., G.A.B., A.-L.H., B.A.B., G.L.S. and M.C. Data management was coordinated by A.S. and J.E.G. Oceanographic data were compiled by S.J.B., E.L.H. and D.G.F. Analyses were conducted by A.J.W., S.J.J., I.D.J., G.A.B, E.L.H., D.G.F., A.-L.H., J.E.G. and A.S. Figures were created by B.A.B., M.C., A.-L.H., I.D.J., S.J.J., A.J.W., J.E.G., A.S., E.L.H. and D.G.F. The manuscript was drafted by B.A.B. and edited by I.D.J., D.P.C., S.J.J., S.A.S., S.J.B., E.L.H., A.-L.H., A.J.W., H.D., G.L.S. and B.R.M. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.A.B. ([email protected]).

We used a Bayesian state-space model14 to account for observation error among tag types and to obtain regular daily location and uncertainty estimates. Argos satellite errors were estimated previously14. Errors for archival geolocation and pop-up satellite archival tags were estimated from taxon-specific double-tagging experiments (Supplementary Methods) and captive sea pen studies. We used a behavioural switching state-space model14 to infer patterns of residency versus transience from a subset of species tracks that at least partly inhabited the CCLME. Unnaturally abbreviated tracks were normalized by weighting each location estimate by the inverse of the number of individuals of that species that had location estimates for the same relative day of their track. We imposed a threshold relative day of track (85th percentile) above which locations received the same weight as on the threshold day. We normalized the data set by species to account for the overrepresentation of species with large sample sizes. The normalized and weighted tracks were summed within 1u 3 1u or 0.25u 3 0.25u grid cells to obtain relative densities of 16 predator species across the North Pacific and within the CCLME, respectively. The influence of the tag deployment locations on the spatial density pattern was assessed through null model simulations. The relative density of predator species in the 1u 3 1u grid cells was related to oceanographic variables using generalized additive mixed models19, with season and year as random covariates. Satellite-derived chlorophyll a, SST and sea surface height anomalies and variances, and wind stress curl, were summarized quarterly in each grid cell between June 2002 and June 2009. A two-model approach dealt with over-dispersion, non-normality and non-constant variance of the relative density data. We used a binary presence/absence habitat model with a logit link function to model the occurrence of predators within grid cells. All cells with non-zero density were log-transformed and fitted to environmental correlates to create a relative-use habitat model. Further details of the methods are included in Supplementary Information.
Received 31 December 2010; accepted 1 April 2011. Published online 22 June 2011. Robinson, R. A. et al. Travelling through a warming world: climate change and migratory species. Endanger. Species Res. 7, 8799 (2009). 2. Chavez, F. P. et al. From anchovies to sardines and back: multidecadal change in the Pacific ocean. Science 299, 217221 (2003). 3. Myers, R. A. & Worm, B. Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities. Nature 423, 280283 (2003). 4. Costa, D. P. et al. Approaches to studying climate change and habitat selection of Antarctic pinnipeds. Integr. Comp. Biol. 50, 10181030 (2010). 5. Shillinger, G. et al. Persistent leatherback turtle migration corridor presents opportunities for conservation. PLoS Biol. 6, e171 (2008). 6. Shaffer, S. A. et al. Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources across the Pacific Ocean in an endless summer. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 103, 1279912802 (2006). 7. Scheffer, M., Carpenter, S. & de Young, B. Cascading effects of overfishing marine systems. Trends Ecol. Evol. 20, 579581 (2005). 8. Springer, A. M. et al. Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: an ongoing legacy of industrial whaling? Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100, 1222312228 (2003). 9. Steele, J. H. & Henderson, E. W. Coupling between physical and biological scales. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 343, 59 (1994). 10. Whitehead, H., McGill, B. & Worm, B. Diversity of deep-water cetaceans in relation to temperature: implications for ocean warming. Ecol. Lett. 11, 11981207 (2008). 1.

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NMDA receptor blockade at rest triggers rapid behavioural antidepressant responses

Anita E. Autry1, Megumi Adachi1, Elena Nosyreva2, Elisa S. Na1, Maarten F. Los1, Peng-fei Cheng1, Ege T. Kavalali2 & Lisa M. Monteggia1

Clinical studies consistently demonstrate that a single sub-psychomimetic dose of ketamine, an ionotropic glutamatergic NMDAR (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor) antagonist, produces fast-acting antidepressant responses in patients suffering from major depressive disorder, although the underlying mechanism is unclear13. Depressed patients report the alleviation of major depressive disorder symptoms within two hours of a single, low-dose intravenous infusion of ketamine, with effects lasting up to two weeks13, unlike traditional antidepressants (serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), which take weeks to reach efficacy. This delay is a major drawback to current therapies for major depressive disorder and faster-acting antidepressants are needed, particularly for suicide-risk patients3. The ability of ketamine to produce rapidly acting, long-lasting antidepressant responses in depressed patients provides a unique opportunity to investigate underlying cellular mechanisms. Here we show that ketamine and other NMDAR antagonists produce fast-acting behavioural antidepressant-like effects in mouse models, and that these effects depend on the rapid synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. We find that the ketamine-mediated blockade of NMDAR at rest deactivates eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) kinase (also called CaMKIII), resulting in reduced eEF2 phosphorylation and de-suppression of translation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Furthermore, we find that inhibitors of eEF2 kinase induce fast-acting behavioural antidepressant-like effects. Our findings indicate that the regulation of protein synthesis by spontaneous neurotransmission may serve as a viable therapeutic target for the development of fast-acting antidepressants. We examined the acute effect of ketamine in wild-type C57BL/6 mice and detected notable behavioural responses in antidepressantpredictive tasks, including the forced swim test (FST), noveltysuppressed feeding (NSF) and learned helplessness (Supplementary Figs 1ae and 2ac)4. Ketamine also produced such responses in a sucrose consumption test, as well as in NSF and FST, after chronic mild stress, an animal model of depression (Supplementary Fig. 1fi). To elucidate the mechanisms underlying the fast-acting antidepressant action of ketamine, we focused on FST, a test that is predictive of nonmonoaminergic antidepressant efficacy4. We examined the time course of behavioural antidepressant effects in wild-type mice after a single, low-dose treatment with ketamine, (5S,10R)-(1)-5-methyl10,11-dihydro -5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate (MK801) or 3-((R)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-prop-2-enyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) (Fig. 1ac). After either 30 min or 3 h, each NMDAR antagonist markedly reduced the immobility of mice in FST, when compared to vehicle-treated animals, indicating that NMDAR blockade produces fast-acting antidepressant responses. Notably, in our system, acute treatment with conventional antidepressants did not produce antidepressant-like FST responses (Supplementary Fig. 3), which may require multiple doses5. The effects of ketamine and CPP, but not of MK-801, persisted for 24 h (ref. 4) and ketamines behavioural effect lasted for 1 week. Acute NMDAR-antagonist

150 Immobility (s)

* *

* *



Vehicle Ketamine 30 min 3 h 24 h 1 wk

150 Immobility (s)

* *



Vehicle CPP 30 min 3 h 24 h 1 wk

150 Immobility (s)

* *



Vehicle MK-801 30 min 3 h 24 h 1 wk

Figure 1 | Time course of NMDAR antagonist-mediated antidepressantlike behavioural effects. Mean immobility 6 s.e.m. of C57BL/6 mice in FST after acute treatment with ketamine, CPP or MK-801. Independent groups of mice were used at each time point and for each drug treatment, to avoid behavioural habituation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) F(3,27) 5 30.31, P , 0.0001 for treatment groups; F(3,27) 5 19.06, P , 0.0001 for duration of response; F(9,81) 5 9.32, P , 0.0001 for treatment-duration interaction. Therefore, we examined treatment effects by time point. a, Ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) significantly reduced immobility, indicating an antidepressantlike response, at 30 min, 3 h, 24 h and 1 week, compared to vehicle treatment. b, CPP (0.5 mg kg21) significantly reduced immobility at 30 min, 3 h and 24 h, compared to vehicle treatment. c, MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21) produced significant decreases in immobility at 30 min and 3 h compared to vehicle treatment. n 5 10 mice per group per time point; *, P , 0.05. Here and in all figures, error bars represent s.e.m.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75390-9111, USA. 2Department of Neuroscience, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75390-9111, USA. 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 9 1

2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

treatment produced no alterations in hippocampal-dependent learning (Supplementary Fig. 1d) or locomotor activity (Supplementary Fig. 4). These drugs have short half-lives (about 23 h)68, indicating that sustained NMDAR-antagonist-induced antidepressant responses are due to synaptic plasticity, not to persistent blockade of receptors. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is linked to traditional antidepressant action; BDNF expression in the hippocampus is increased by antidepressants9 and BDNF deletion in the hippocampus attenuates antidepressant behavioural responses1012. Moreover, intraventricular or intrahippocampal BDNF infusion causes rapid, sustained antidepressant-like effects, lasting 36 days in FST13,14. To examine whether the antidepressant-like response to ketamine is mediated through BDNF, we administered ketamine to inducible Bdnf-knockout mice10, then observed FST behaviour. After 30 min, ketamine-treated wild-type littermate controls showed significant reductions in immobility, indicating antidepressant-like responses, when compared to vehicletreated controls (Fig. 2a). However, ketamine did not produce antidepressant-like effects in Bdnf-knockouts, indicating that fast-acting antidepressant responses require BDNF. After 24 h, ketamine significantly reduced immobility in controls, but not in Bdnf knockouts (Fig. 2a), indicating that ketamines sustained effects depend on BDNF. To validate this link between NMDAR antagonists and BDNF-mediated antidepressant responses, MK-801 was administered to Bdnf knockouts or controls. After 30 min, MK-801 significantly reduced FST immobility in controls, but had no effect in Bdnf knockouts (Supplementary Fig. 6). MK-801 did not affect FST behaviour after 24 h (Supplementary Fig. 6), as previously demonstrated (Fig. 1c). We next generated postnatal conditional15 knockouts in neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor, type 2 (Ntrk2, also called TrkB) and found that these mice were insensitive to ketamines antidepressantlike effects in FST and NSF (Supplementary Fig. 5a, b). To confirm TrkB engagement, we examined receptor autophosphorylation and found increased TrkB activation after NMDAR antagonist treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5c). To determine whether NMDAR antagonists alter Bdnf expression in the hippocampus, wild-type mice were treated acutely with vehicle, ketamine or MK-801. Quantitative RTPCR analysis of the coding exon of Bdnf showed that Bdnf mRNA expression was unaltered by ketamine or MK-801 at either 30 min or 24 h after treatment (Supplementary Fig. 7a). Contrastingly, western blot and ELISA analyses showed that BDNF protein levels were markedly increased at 30 min, but not at 24 h, after NMDAR antagonist treatment (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 7b). Moreover, the acute effects of ketamine on BDNF extended to its precursor, proBDNF (Supplementary Fig. 7c). These data indicate that rapid increases in BDNF protein translation, not transcription, are necessary for fast-onset antidepressant responses. However, continued BDNF protein upregulation does not underlie ketamines long-term behavioural effects. To study further the roles of translation and transcription in ketamines antidepressant-like effects, we examined FST behaviour in mice treated with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin16 or with the RNA polymerase inhibitor actinomycin D17, which block their respective processes by about 80% within 2 h. We pretreated mice with anisomycin or actinomycin D before treating them with ketamine (Fig. 2c). Anisomycin prevented the ketamine-induced rapid behavioural responses seen at 30 min in FST and NSF paradigms, indicating a dependence on new protein synthesis (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 8a, b). Anisomycin also prevented ketamines long-term effect on FST (24 h), indicating that rapid protein translation was involved in sustained antidepressant-like responses (Fig. 2e). We found that the synthesis of both mature BDNF and proBDNF in the hippocampus was sensitive to anisomycin treatment (Supplementary Fig. 8c, d). However, actinomycin D did not affect ketamines antidepressant-like effect on FST at either time point, indicating that it is independent of new gene expression (Supplementary Fig. 9b, c). To confirm that actinomycin D crossed the bloodbrain barrier, we examined Bdnf mRNA expression
9 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

Immobility (s)

Control Bdnf KO

BDNF GAPDH 250 200 150 100 50

cle ine -801 hicle ine -801 hi m m Ve eta MK Ve eta MK K K

150 100 50
h Ve icl e a et m

in e h Ve icl e a et

m in e

Protein expression (% vehicle-treated)

* *

K 30 min

K 24 h

0 min

Ketamine 30 min

60 min or 24 h

30 min

24 h

Immobility at 30 min (s)

200 150

Immobility at 24 h (s)

Vehicle Anisomycin

200 150 100 50

Vehicle Anisomycin

100 50 Vehicle Ketamine

Vehicle Ketamine

Immobility (s)

150 125 100 75 50

cle A hi MD Ve N

Immobility (s)

125 100 75 50
cle X TX hi BQ P Ve N

Immobility (s)

150 125 100 75

cle ne X hi mi BQ Ve eta + N K e in am et K


Control Bdnf KO

Protein expression (% vehicle-treated)




cle ne cle ne hi mi hi mi Ve eta Ve eta K K

Figure 2 | BDNF translation in the antidepressant effects of NMDAR antagonists. a, Immobility in FST after acute treatment with ketamine (3.0 mg kg21). At 30 min, ANOVA F(1,35) 5 17.13, P 5 0.0002 for drug; F(1,35) 5 7.57, P 5 0.0093 for genotypedrug interaction; multiple comparisons with t-test, *, P , 0.05. At 24 h, in a separate cohort, ANOVA F(1,29) 5 3.77, P 5 0.0619 for treatment; multiple comparisons with t-test, *, P , 0.05. n 5 712 mice per group. b, Densitometric analysis of BDNF (normalized to GAPDH) in the hippocampus after treatment with vehicle (control), ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) or MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21). At 30 min, ANOVA F(2,12) 5 6.77, P 5 0.0108 for treatment, Bonferroni post hoc test, *, P , 0.05. At 24 h, no significant differences were seen (n 5 56 per group). c, Protocol for experiments using the blockers anisomycin and actinomycin D. d, Immobility at 30 min after anisomycin treatment. ANOVA F(1,34) 5 11.83, P 5 0.0016 for treatment and F(1,34) 5 10.91, P 5 0.0023 for treatmentinhibitor interaction; multiple comparisons, *, P , 0.05 (n 5 810 per group). e, Immobility at 24 h after anisomycin treatment. ANOVA F(1,31) 5 9.34, P 5 0.0046 for treatment; multiple comparisons, *, P , 0.05 (n 5 810 per group). f, Immobility of wildtype mice given vehicle or NMDA (75 mg kg21), tested 30 min later in FST. g, Immobility of mice given NBQX (10 mg kg21) or picrotoxin (1 mg kg21), tested 30 min later in FST. h, Immobility of mice given vehicle, ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) or ketamine 1 NBQX (10 mg kg21) and tested 30 min later in FST. ANOVA F(2,26) 5 8.226, P , 0.0019; Bonferroni post hoc analysis shows that the ketamine effect is reversed by NBQX, *, P , 0.05. i, Densitometric analysis of phosphorylated mTOR (normalized to mTOR) in the hippocampus 30 min after treatment with vehicle or ketamine.

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in drug-treated animals and found decreased Bdnf transcription in the hippocampus (Supplementary Fig. 9a). Taken together, these findings indicate that rapid, transient translation of BDNF is required for ketamines fast-acting and long-lasting antidepressant-like behavioural effects and that long-term antidepressant responses may be due to alterations in synaptic plasticity, initiated by transient increases in BDNF translation. We observed increased levels of BDNF protein in the cortex, but not in the nucleus accumbens, 30 min after acute administration of ketamine or MK-801 (Supplementary Fig. 10a, b). We further investigated whether NMDAR antagonism affected proteins other than BDNF. We found an increased level of activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein (ARC) in the hippocampus (sensitive to anisomycin treatment; Supplementary Fig. 8e) but there was no increase in HOMER or GRIA1 (also known as GLUR1), nor in the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein s6 kinase (Supplementary Fig. 10cf). Additionally, these proteins remained unaltered in the cortex after acute treatment with NMDAR antagonists (Supplementary Fig. 11ae). Synaptic plasticity and ensuing learning processes are often mediated by NMDAR-activation-driven protein translation, but antidepressant-like effects require protein translation induced by NMDAR blockade. To resolve this paradox, we turned to recent evidence that NMDAR blockade by MK-801 or 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5) without neuronal activity, augments protein synthesis through eEF2 dephosphorylation (activation). eEF2 is a critical catalytic factor for ribosomal translocation during protein synthesis18. In this model, resting NMDAR activity causes sustained activation of eEF2 kinase (eEF2K, or CamKIII), which phosphorylates eEF2, effectively halting translation, whereas acute NMDAR blockade at rest (in the absence of action potentials) attenuates eEF2 phosphorylation, allowing the translation of target transcripts. To evaluate this model, we tested whether excess synaptic glutamate, possibly elicited by NMDAR blockade, was responsible for the behavioural effects of ketamine. Acute NMDA administration did not alter FST behaviour (Fig. 2f), as previously demonstrated19, but it increased ARC expression (Supplementary Fig. 10i), indicating that excess glutamate does not elicit rapid behavioural antidepressant effects. To define the role of neuronal activity in antidepressant behavioural effects, we tested whether NBQX, a blocker of a-amino-3-hydroxy5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) channels that reduces neuronal activity, or picrotoxin, a blocker of GABA (c-aminobutyric acid) channels that increases activity, affected FST behaviour4,20. Acute systemic treatment with these drugs did not affect FST behaviour (Fig. 2g) or BDNF synthesis, though picrotoxin enhanced ARC expression in the hippocampus (Supplementary Fig. 10g, h). However, when co-applied with ketamine, NBQX abolished behavioural antidepressant-like responses in FST (Fig. 2h), as previously described4. These data indicate that behavioural antidepressant effects are not elicited by alterations in evoked neurotransmission, but require ketamine-mediated augmentation of AMPA-receptor activation. Recent evidence indicates that cortical mTOR signalling underlies ketamine-mediated antidepressant responses21. We investigated whether the rapid behavioural antidepressant effects of ketamine required mTOR activation, and whether this signalling was downstream of BDNF. Regulation of phosphorylated mTOR was not detected after acute administration of ketamine in control or Bdnf-knockout hippocampal tissue (Fig. 2i), nor in wild-type cortical tissue (Supplementary Fig. 11d). In earlier work, rapamycin prevented ketamine-mediated antidepressant responses; however, the link between rapamycin and antidepressant-like effects is equivocal22. We tested whether pre-treatment with rapamycin could block acute ketamine-mediated FST behaviour. Thirty minutes after ketamine administration, wild-type mice showed antidepressant responses unaffected by rapamycin treatment (Supplementary Fig. 11h). Rapamycin reduced the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein s6 kinase in the cortex and hippocampus (Supplementary Fig. 11f, g), indicating that the rapamycin had penetrated brain tissue. The earlier study examined molecular effects 2 h after drug treatment, or behavioural effects 24 h after drug treatment21; therefore mTORs role in the antidepressant effect of ketamine may be one of maintenance rather than rapid induction.
5 Ke 30 t 3 min AP 0 m 5 in Ke 2 h t2 TT h X TT AP X 53 K TT et 0 m X 3 in TT AP 0 m in X 5 Ke 2 t2 h h

p-eEF2 Total eEF2








AP 5 Ke 30 t 3 mi AP 0 m n 5 in Ke 2 h t2 TT h X TT 12 X h TT AP X 53 TT Ket 0 m X 30 in TT AP5 m in X Ke 2 h t2 h

20 p-eEF2/total eEF2 (% control) 0 20 40 60 80



Total eEF2 p-eEF2/total eEF2 (% control) 0 20 40 60 80

* * *

* * * * * * * *

+40 mV

After Before Ketamine 1 M

Charge (nC)

70 mV Ketamine 5 M +40 mV 70 mV Ketamine 50 M +40 mV 70 mV 20 pA 1s

0.2 0.1 0

120 FP slope (% baseline) 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 1

Ketamine 30 min

Control 1 2 0.5 mV
5 ms

Ketamine 1 2
0.5 mV

5 ms

Control Ketamine 20 M 0 20 Time (min) 40 60

Figure 3 | Ketamine blocks NMDAR spontaneous activity, reduces the level of eEF2 phosphorylation and strengthens synaptic responses. a, Representative western blots showing eEF2 phosphorylation (p-eEF2) in hippocampal primary cultures. Ket, ketamine; TTX, tetrodotoxin. b, Densitometric analysis of p-eEF2 normalized to total eEF2 (left panel). Data are expressed as mean percentage 6 s.e.m. Tetrodotoxin alone does not alter p-eEF2, whereas AP5 or ketamine, with or without tetrodotoxin, significantly reduce the level of p-eEF2, as assessed by t-test (*, P , 0.05). Right panel: application of 1 mM, 5 mM or 50 mM ketamine causes dose-dependent decreases in p-eEF2, as assessed by t-test (*, P , 0.05). c, Representative traces of NMDAR spontaneous activity after application of 1 mM, 5 mM or 50 mM ketamine. d, Quantification of charge transfer (10 s) reveals significant effects, as assessed by t-test, for all ketamine concentrations compared to controls (n 5 616; *, P , 0.05). e, Field-potential (FP) slopes are plotted as a function of time. Representative field-potential traces (average 2 min) are shown during baseline (1) and at 45 min (2). The asterisk refers to significantly different fieldpotential values (*, P , 0.05). For statistical analysis, we used two-way repeated ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc analysis. The drugtime interaction was significant (F(143,1430) 5 6.723, P , 0.001).
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C o Ke ntr t 1 ol Ke t M Ke 5 t5 M 0 M

Ke t Ke 1 t M Ke 5 t5 M 0 M


* * *

To determine whether ketamine inhibits NMDA-receptormediated spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (NMDAR-mEPSCs)3,24 when at rest, and whether it regulates eEF2 phosphorylation, we tested its impact on hippocampal neurons in vitro. After ketamine perfusion (1 mM, 5 mM or 50 mM), we recorded NMDAR-mEPSCs (Fig. 3c) and detected a significant decrease within minutes, similar to the effect of AP5 (ref. 23). Moreover, protein extracts from ketamine-treated neurons showed decreased eEF2 phosphorylation compared to vehicle-treated cultures, indicating that ketamine, in the absence of neuronal activity, dose-dependently leads to eEF2 de-phosphorylation, permitting protein synthesis (Fig. 3a, b). Additionally, we evaluated ketamines effects on hippocampal field potentials. Acute application of ketamine (20 mM, at rest) potentiated the synaptic responses subsequently evoked in hippocampal slices (Fig. 3e), further showing that increased AMPA-mediated neurotransmission underlies ketamines antidepressant-like behavioural effects. This result is consistent with findings regarding BDNF-dependent and protein-synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity25.




Fluorescence intensity (a.u.) 50 40 30 20 10 0
e e 1 1 le ne in icl 80 80 hic ami m KK- Veh ta t Ve M M Ke Ke


* *
Phosphorylation (% vehicle)


le ne 01 -8 hic mi Ve eta MK K

To examine whether the fast-acting antidepressant response is mediated via eEF2, we administered ketamine or MK-801 to wild-type mice and analysed eEF2 phosphorylation. Within 30 min, ketamine and MK-801 led to rapid decreases in the level of phosphorylated eEF2 in the hippocampus (Fig. 4ac and Supplementary Figs 12 and 13), detected by immunostaining and western blot analysis (Fig. 4d). However, cortical levels of phosphorylated eEF2 were unaltered after acute NMDAR-antagonist treatment (Supplementary Fig. 11f). To examine whether eEF2K inhibition alters BDNF protein expression in vivo, the eEF2K inhibitors rottlerin or 1-hexadecyl-2-methyl-3(phenylmethyl)-1H-imidazolium iodide (NH125) were administered to wild-type mice and the mice were killed 30 min later. Rottlerin and NH125 produced significantly increased BDNF protein expression (Fig. 4e, g), with corresponding significant decreases in phosphorylated eEF2 in the hippocampus (Fig. 4f, h). To assess directly whether eEF2K inhibition is sufficient to mediate fast-acting antidepressantlike responses, wild-type mice were treated with rottlerin or NH125 and then examined in FST. Both rottlerin and NH125 produced significant decreases in FST immobility at 30 min (Fig. 4i), a timescale similar to that of the effects of NMDAR antagonists, indicating that fast-acting behavioural effects are mediated through eEF2K inhibition. To test whether mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), a regulator of protein translation during neural activity, affects FST behaviour, we treated wild-type mice with the inhibitor SL327. This treatment reduced MAPK phosphorylation in hippocampal tissue (Supplementary Fig. 10j), but did not affect FST behaviour (Fig. 4i), indicating that antidepressant-like effects are specific to eEF2K inhibition during resting spontaneous glutamatergic signalling. We found that an acute dose of rottlerin or NH125 did not affect locomotor activity, but that antidepressant-related behavioural effects were long-lasting (Supplementary Fig. 14af). To validate the finding that antidepressant effects after eEF2K inhibition were mediated through BDNF, we administered rottlerin to Bdnf-knockout mice and tested FST behaviour. Like NMDAR antagonists, rottlerin was ineffective in Bdnf knockouts, showing that increased Bdnf expression upon eEF2K inhibition is required to produce antidepressant-like behavioural responses (Fig. 4j). Our data support the hypothesis that ketamine produces rapidly acting antidepressant-like behavioural effects through inhibition of spontaneous NMDAR-mEPSCs, leading to decreased eEF2K activity, thus permitting rapid increases in BDNF translation (Supplementary Fig. 15) which may, in turn, exert strong influences on presynaptic or
Figure 4 | Rapid antidepressant-like behaviour is mediated by decreased p-eEF2 and increased BDNF translation. a, Images of CA1 pyramidal and stratum radiatum layers after acute treatment with vehicle, ketamine or MK801. Scale bar, 100 mm; red, p-eEF2; blue, DAPI. b, Magnification of stratum radiatum; scale bar, 20 mm. c, ImageJ analysis of average fluorescence intensity (a.u., arbitrary units). ANOVA on cell layer, F(2,23) 5 13.13, P 5 0.0002 for treatment; ANOVA on dendrites, F(2,23) 5 14.06, P 5 0.0001 for treatment (n 5 4 per group; *, P , 0.05). d, Densitometric analysis of p-eEF2 normalized to total eEF2 in the hippocampus after treatment with NMDAR antagonists. ANOVA F(2,23) 5 3.183, P 5 0.03 for treatment (n 5 8 per group). eh, Densitometric analyses of BDNF and p-eEF2. Significant increases are seen in hippocampal BDNF protein levels (normalized to GAPDH) with rottlerin (5 mg kg21) versus vehicle (e), and with NH125 (5 mg kg21) versus vehicle (g) (t-tests, *, P , 0.05). Significant decreases are seen in p-eEF2 (normalized to total eEF2) with rottlerin versus vehicle (f) and NH125 versus vehicle (h) (t-tests, *, P , 0.05). i, Immobility in FST of wild-type mice given acute rottlerin (5 mg kg21) or NH125 (5 mg kg21). ANOVA F(3,44) 5 8.13, P 5 0.0002 for treatment; Bonferroni post hoc analysis shows significance with rottlerin or NH125 versus vehicle (*, P , 0.05), but not with the MAPK inhibitor SL327 (10 mg kg21). j, Immobility of Bdnf-knockout mice or littermate controls given acute rottlerin (5 mg kg21) and tested 30 min later in FST. ANOVA F(1,19) 5 5.77, P 5 0.0267 for treatment; Bonferroni post hoc analysis for rottlerin versus vehicle-treated controls (*, P , 0.05; n 5 57 per group).

Cell layer


BDNF GAPDH Protein expression (% vehicle) 200 150 100 50
le rin hic tle Ve Rot

p-eEF2 eEF2 GAPDH Phosphorylation (% vehicle)

BDNF GAPDH Protein expression (% vehicle) 200 150 100 50
le 25 1 hic Ve NH


Phosphorylation (% vehicle)



le rin hic tle Ve Rot

le 25 1 hic Ve NH

Immobility (s)


j 200
Immobility (s) 150

Control Bdnf KO



Vehicle Rottlerin


5 7 le rin 12 L32 hic tle S NH Ve Rot


9 4 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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postsynaptic efficacy26,27. We found that fast-acting antidepressantlike effects cannot be elicited by disinhibition of behavioural circuitry, or by evoked neurotransmission, but must rely on enhanced neurotransmission after NMDAR-antagonist-induced plasticity, occurring at rest18. The observation of behavioural effects mediated through spontaneous neurotransmission provides the first evidence that tonic resting neurotransmission is involved in behaviour, and supports the notion that spontaneous and evoked forms of glutamatergic signalling are segregated18,23,28,29. These data demonstrate that eEF2K inhibition, resulting in de-suppression of protein translation, is sufficient to produce antidepressant-like effects, implicating eEF2K inhibitors as potential novel major depressive disorder treatments with rapid onset. Moreover, our results show that synaptic translational machinery may serve as a viable therapeutic target for the development of faster-acting antidepressants.
12. Adachi, M., Barrot, M., Autry, A. E., Theobald, D. & Monteggia, L. M. Selective loss of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the dentate gyrus attenuates antidepressant efficacy. Biol. Psychiatry 63, 642649 (2008). 13. Shirayama, Y., Chen, A. C., Nakagawa, S., Russell, D. S. & Duman, R. S. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor produces antidepressant effects in behavioral models of depression. J. Neurosci. 22, 32513261 (2002). 14. Hoshaw, B. A., Malberg, J. E. & Lucki, I. Central administration of IGF-I and BDNF leads to long-lasting antidepressant-like effects. Brain Res. 1037, 204208 (2005). 15. Akbarian, S. et al. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is essential for opiate-induced plasticity of noradrenergic neurons. J. Neurosci. 22, 41534162 (2002). 16. Lattal, K. M. & Abel, T. Different requirements for protein synthesis in acquisition and extinction of spatial preferences and context-evoked fear. J. Neurosci. 21, 57735780 (2001). 17. Capasso, A., Di Giannuario, A., Loizzo, A., Pieretti, S. & Sorrentino, L. Actinomycin D blocks the reducing effect of dexamethasone on amphetamine and cocaine hypermotility in mice. Gen. Pharmacol. 27, 707712 (1996). 18. Sutton, M. A., Taylor, A. M., Ito, H. T., Pham, A. & Schuman, E. M. Postsynaptic decoding of neural activity: eEF2 as a biochemical sensor coupling miniature synaptic transmission to local protein synthesis. Neuron 55, 648661 (2007). 19. Poleszak, E. et al. NMDA/glutamate mechanism of antidepressant-like action of magnesium in forced swim test in mice. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 88, 158164 (2007). 20. Fernandez, F. et al. Pharmacotherapy for cognitive impairment in a mouse model of Down syndrome. Nature Neurosci. 10, 411413 (2007). 21. Li, N. et al. mTOR-dependent synapse formation underlies the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Science 329, 959964 (2010). 22. Cleary, C. et al. Antidepressive-like effects of rapamycin in animal models: Implications for mTOR inhibition as a new target for treatment of affective disorders. Brain Res. Bull. 76, 469473 (2008). 23. Atasoy, D. et al. Spontaneous and evoked glutamate release activates two populations of NMDA receptors with limited overlap. J. Neurosci. 28, 1015110166 (2008). 24. Espinosa, F. & Kavalali, E. T. NMDA receptor activation by spontaneous glutamatergic neurotransmission. J. Neurophysiol. 101, 22902296 (2009). 25. Tanaka, J. et al. Protein synthesis and neurotrophin-dependent structural plasticity of single dendritic spines. Science 319, 16831687 (2008). 26. Jakawich, S. K. et al. Local presynaptic activity gates homeostatic changes in presynaptic function driven by dendritic BDNF synthesis. Neuron 68, 11431158 (2010). 27. Lindskog, M. et al. Postsynaptic GluA1 enables acute retrograde enhancement of presynaptic function to coordinate adaptation to synaptic inactivity. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107, 2180621811 (2010). 28. Sutton, M. A. & Schuman, E. M. Partitioning the synaptic landscape: distinct microdomains for spontaneous and spike-triggered neurotransmission. Sci. Signal. 2, pe19 (2009). 29. Kavalali, E. T. et al. Spontaneous neurotransmission: an independent pathway for neuronal signaling? Physiology (Bethesda) 26, 4553 (2011). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank M. A. Mahgoub for assistance with the animal experiments, S. Birnbaum and A. Pettersen for assistance with the behavioural testing and members of the Monteggia and Kavalali laboratories for discussions and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by grant MH070727 (L.M.M.), grant MH066198 (E.T.K.) and the Division of Basic Sciences Training Program at UT Southwestern Medical Center, T32 MH 76690-02 (A.E.A.). E.T.K. is an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association. Author Contributions A.E.A. performed the behavioural experiments. A.E.A., M.A. and M.F.L. contributed to the molecular experiments. E.N. performed the electrophysiology experiments, E.S.N. performed the TrkB behavioural experiments and A.E.A. and P.-f.C. performed the statistical analyses. A.E.A. also made the figures and wrote the corresponding sections of the paper. E.T.K. and L.M.M. designed the study, supervised the experiments and wrote the paper. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.M.M. ([email protected]) or E.T.K. ([email protected]).

Behavioural studies were performed using adult male C57BL/6 wild-type or mutant mouse strains, maintained as previously described10,15. All drugs were administered via intraperitoneal injection. Antidepressant-like behaviour was assessed using the forced swim test, as previously described4. Briefly, animals were placed in a cylinder of water at 2224 uC for 6 min and immobility was measured during the last 4 min of the test. Molecular studies consisted of western blot analysis or quantitative PCR performed on whole-cell lysates from medial prefrontal cortex or anterior hippocampus. Electrophysiological studies were performed as previously described in cultured neurons (whole-cell recordings23) or in hippocampal slices (field recordings10).
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 25 October 2010; accepted 21 April 2011. Published online 15 June 2011. 1. Zarate, C. A. Jr et al. A randomized trial of an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist in treatment-resistant major depression. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 63, 856864 (2006). 2. Berman, R. M. et al. Antidepressant effects of ketamine in depressed patients. Biol. Psychiatry 47, 351354 (2000). 3. Price, R. B., Nock, M. K., Charney, D. S. & Mathew, S. J. Effects of intravenous ketamine on explicit and implicit measures of suicidality in treatment-resistant depression. Biol. Psychiatry 66, 522526 (2009). 4. Maeng, S. et al. Cellular mechanisms underlying the antidepressant effects of ketamine: role of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptors. Biol. Psychiatry 63, 349352 (2008). 5. Detke, M. J., Johnson, J. & Lucki, I. Acute and chronic antidepressant drug treatment in the rat forced swimming test model of depression. Exp. Clin. Psychopharmacol. 5, 107112 (1997). 6. Sinner, B. & Graf, B. M. Ketamine. Handb. Exp. Pharmacol. 182, 313333 (2008). 7. Schwartz, P. H. & Wasterlain, C. G. Cardiac arrest and resuscitation alters the pharmacokinetics of MK-801 in the rat. Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 73, 181195 (1991). 8. Kristensen, J. D., Hartvig, P., Karlsten, R., Gordh, T. & Halldin, M. CSF and plasma pharmacokinetics of the NMDA receptor antagonist CPP after intrathecal, extradural and i.v. administration in anaesthetized pigs. Br. J. Anaesth. 74, 193200 (1995). 9. Chen, B., Dowlatshahi, D., MacQueen, G. M., Wang, J. F. & Young, L. T. Increased hippocampal BDNF immunoreactivity in subjects treated with antidepressant medication. Biol. Psychiatry 50, 260265 (2001). 10. Monteggia, L. M. et al. Essential role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adult hippocampal function. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101, 1082710832 (2004). 11. Berton, O. et al. Essential role of BDNF in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway in social defeat stress. Science 311, 864868 (2006).

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Mice. C57BL/6 male mice aged 68 weeks old were habituated to animal facilities for 1 week before behavioural testing. Mice were kept on a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle and were given access to food and water ad libitium. Inducible Bdnf knockouts were generated from a trigenic cross of NSE-tTA, TetOp-Cre and floxed Bdnf mice, as previously described10. Conditional Ntrk2-knockout mice were made by crossing CamK-cre(93) (ref. 15) to floxed Ntrk2 mice. For all behavioural testing, male mice were 24 months old and weight-matched, and groups were balanced by genotype. All animal procedures conformed to the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals and were approved by the institutional animal care and use committee at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Drugs. All drugs were injected intraperitoneally. Concentrations were as follows: ketamine (Fort Dodge Animal Health) 3.0 mg kg21, MK-801 (Sigma) 0.1 mg kg21 and CPP (Sigma) 0.5 mg kg21 in 0.9% saline; anisomycin (Sigma) 100 mg kg21 (dissolved in HCl/saline, final pH 7.4); actinomycin D (Sigma) 0.5 mg kg21 in 5% ethanol; rottlerin and NH125 (Sigma) 5 mg kg21 in 20100% DMSO; SL327 (Sigma) 10 mg kg21 in 100% DMSO30; NMDA (Sigma) 75 mg kg21, NBQX (Sigma) 10 mg kg21 and picrotoxin (Sigma) 1 mg kg21 in 0.9% saline; rapamycin (Sigma) 1.0 mg kg21 dissolved in 50% DMSO. Sucrose consumption test. Group-housed mice were habituated to a 1% solution of sucrose in tap-water for 48 h. The mice were then habituated to water-deprivation periods of 4 h, 14 h and 19 h, followed by a 1 h exposure to the sucrose solution for 3 days with intervening access to normal drinking water. To assess individual sucrose intake, the group-housed mice were water-deprived overnight and then housed temporarily in a new cage. Each test mouse was placed in its home cage for 1 h with access to the 1% sucrose solution. The bottle of sucrose solution was weighed before and after the test to determine sucrose intake. A water test was performed in a similar manner the following day. Data are expressed as a percentage of sucrose to total volume consumed in both sucrose and water trials. Elevated plus maze. Mice were placed in the centre of a plus maze (each arm 33 cm 3 5 cm) that was elevated 1 m above the floor with two open arms and two closed arms (25-cm-tall walls on the closed arms) at 40 lx. The exploratory activity was monitored for 5 min with a video tracking system and the duration, in seconds, spent in the closed and open arms was recorded by EthoVision software. Novelty-suppressed feeding. Briefly, group-housed animals were food-deprived for 24 h and then placed in a temporary home cage for 30 min. For the test, individual mice were placed in a 42 3 42 cm open-field arena at 40 lx. A single pellet of the mouses normal food chow was placed in the centre of the open-field arena. Each animal was placed in a corner of the arena and allowed to explore for up to 10 min. The trial ended when the mouse chewed a part of the chow. The amount of food consumed in the home cage was taken as the weight of chow consumed in 5 min, as a control measure for appetite. Context and cued fear conditioning. Fear conditioning was performed as previously described5. Briefly, mice were placed in individual chambers for 2 min, followed by a loud tone (90 dB) for 30 s, immediately followed by a 0.5 mA footshock for 2 s. After 1 min, mice received a second pairing of tone and footshock, as described. Mice were placed in home cages until 24 h later, when the mice were placed back in the same boxes without a tone or shock. The amount of time that the animal spent freezing was scored by an observer blind to genotype. Freezing behaviour was defined as no movement except for respiration. Four hours later, mice were placed in a novel environment with no tone or shock for 3 min, followed by 3 min of the tone to assess cue-dependent fear conditioning. Again, time spent freezing was recorded as described10. Learned helplessness. Mice were trained on one side of a two-chamber shuttlebox (MedAssociates) with the door closed for 1 h, receiving 120 variable-interval shocks (1844 s, average 30 s; 0.35 mA for 2 s) on 2 training days. On the test day, the door was raised at the onset of the shock and the shock ended either when the mouse stepped through to the other side of the shuttlebox or after 25 s. Latency to step through the door and the number of escape failures were recorded for 15 trials. Locomotor activity. Mice were placed in cages and locomotor activity was recorded for 1 h under red light by photocell beams linked to computer acquisition software (San Diego Instruments). Forced swim test. The forced swim test (FST) was performed as previously described12. This test is sensitive to conventional antidepressant treatment31 as well as to non-monoaminergic antidepressants4. Mice were placed for 6 min in a 4 l Pyrex glass beaker containing 3 l of water at 24 6 1 uC. Water was changed between subjects. All test sessions were recorded by a video camera positioned on the side of the beaker. The videotapes were analysed and scored by an observer blind to group assignment during the last 4 min of the 6 min trial. A decrease in immobility time indicates an antidepressant-like response. Chronic mild stress. Stressed mice were subjected to two randomly selected mild stressors per day, of variable duration (112 h), for 28 days. Stressors included water deprivation, 45u cage-tilt, food deprivation, exposure to rat faeces, cage overcrowding, wet bedding, overnight illumination, dark exposure during normal light cycle, cold bedding, acoustic disturbance (120 dB), strobe lights and cagemate rotation. Stressors were not applied within 8 h of behavioural testing. Time course experiments. Separate cohorts of C57BL/6 adult male mice were injected intraperitoneally with vehicle or the NMDAR antagonists ketamine (3.0 mg kg21), MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21) or CPP (0.5 mg kg21) at 30 min, 3 h, 24 h or 1 week before FST (n 5 10 per group). The drug doses were chosen on the basis of previous literature demonstrating an antidepressant-like response in mouse models4. Anisomycin and actinomycin D experiments. Separate cohorts of C57BL/6 adult male mice were injected intraperitoneally with either vehicle or anisomycin (100 mg kg21), or with either saline or actinomycin D (0.5 mg kg21), 1 h before FST. Thirty minutes before testing, mice received either a saline or a ketamine injection (3.0 mg kg21) (n 5 10 per group). For 24 h experiments, mice were given anisomycin (100 mg kg21) or saline 30 min before an injection of ketamine and were tested in the FST 1 day later. Inducible Bdnf-knockout experiments. Separate cohorts of inducible Bdnf knockout adult male mice and wild-type littermate controls were subjected to FST either 30 min or 24 h after injection with saline, ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) or MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21) (n 5 712 per group). Quantitative RTPCR. Fresh frozen anterior hippocampal slices (2 per mouse, ,1 mm thick) were dissected and total RNA was extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen), according to manufacturers instructions. Conditions for cDNA synthesis, amplification and primer sequences were described previously12. The fold-change in Bdnf expression (coding exon) was normalized to GAPDH. Protein quantification. Anterior hippocampal slices (2 per mouse, ,1 mm thick) were dissected from C57BL/6 mice that had received saline vehicle, ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) or MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21) injections, either 30 min or 24 h after injection. The slices were rapidly frozen and lysed in buffer containing protease inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors. Total protein concentration was quantified by Bradford analysis. BDNF quantification was carried out by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Primary antibodies for BDNF (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and GAPDH (Cell Signaling) were used at dilutions of 1:200 and 1:10,000, and antirabbit secondary antibodies were used at 1:2,000 and 1:50,000, respectively. To measure phosphorylated eEF2 (p-eEF2, Thr 56) and total eEF2, primary antibodies were used at dilutions of 1:1,000 and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies were used at 1:2,000. Mouse anti-ARC (C7, Cell Signaling) was used at a primary dilution of 1:1,000 and secondary dilution of 1:2,000. Phospho-mTOR and total mTOR (Cell Signaling) were both used at primary dilutions of 1:500 and secondary dilutions of 1:10,000. GluR1 (Chemicon) was used at a primary dilution of 1:5,000 and secondary dilution, 1:2,000. Pan-HOMER antibody (Cell Signaling) was used at 1:5,000 with 1:2,000 dilutions for primary and secondary, respectively. Phospho-s6 kinase and total s6 kinase antibodies were used at 1:200 and 1:5,000 for primary dilutions, respectively, and both had secondary dilutions of 1:5,000 (Cell Signaling). Phospho-MAPK and total MAPK antibodies (Cell Signaling) were used at primary dilutions of 1:10,000 and 1:500 respectively and both had secondary dilutions of 1:2,000. Bands developed with enzymatic chemiluminescence (ECL) were exposed to film and films were analysed by ImageJ. BDNF was normalized to GAPDH bands, and p-eEF2 and total eEF2 bands were taken as a ratio of GAPDH-normalized values. Immunohistochemistry. C57BL/6 mice were treated intraperitoneally with saline, ketamine (3.0 mg kg21) or MK-801 (0.1 mg kg21) and killed 30 min later. The protocol is adapted from a previous study32. Brains were fresh-dissected and fixed for 72 h in ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were cryoprotected for 2 or more hours in 20% glycerol, sectioned on a freezing microtome at 30 mm and preserved in 13 PBS with 0.01% sodium azide. Floating sections were washed in 23 SSC, followed by antigen-unmasking in 50:50 acetone:methanol, performed at 4 uC. Sections were rinsed and endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched in 1% H2O2 for 30 min. Sections were rinsed in 23 SSC with 0.05% Tween-20. Tissue was blocked for 30 min in 3% normal goat serum diluted in 23 SSC/ 0.05% Tween, followed by primary antibody, rabbit anti-p-eEF2 (diluted 1:100 in blocking solution; Cell Signaling Technology), and incubation for 48 h at 4 uC. After rinsing in 23 SSC, a horseradish-peroxidase-labelled secondary antibody at 1:200 was applied and the signal was amplified using the tyramide amplification signal system (Perkin Elmer). Slides were counterstained with 49,6-diamidino-2phenylindole (DAPI), mounted on superfrost plus slides, dried for 2 h and mounted in DPX mountant. ELISA. A high-sensitivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to assess BDNF levels, as per manufacturers instructions (Promega). Briefly, hippocampal lysates were prepared in the recommended buffer, diluted 1:4 in 13 PBS and acidtreated as instructed by the manufacturer. A 96-well plate (Nunc) was coated overnight in carbonate coating buffer, blocked in the provided sample buffer for

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2 h at 26 uC and treated with recombinant human BDNF antibody for 2 h at 26 uC. Acid-treated samples and provided standards were added to the plate in duplicate. Wells were then treated for 1 h at RT with anti-IgY conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and colour was developed with the provided 3,39,5,59-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) solution for 10 min, then stopped with 1 M HCl. Absorbance of wells was measured at 450 nm. BDNF concentration was determined by comparing the mean absorbance of the duplicate samples to the standards. BDNF concentration was then normalized to total protein content and expressed as pg of BDNF per mg of total protein. Cell culture. Dissociated hippocampal cultures were prepared as previously described33. Briefly, whole hippocampi were dissected from SpragueDawley rats at postnatal day 03. Tissue was trypsinized (10 mg ml21 trypsin) for 10 min at 37 uC, mechanically dissociated by pipetting and plated on Matrigel-coated coverslips. Cytosine arabinoside (4 mM, Sigma) was added at day 1 in vitro and the concentration of cytosine arabinoside was reduced to 2 mM at day 4 in vitro. All experiments were performed on cultures at day 1421. Cell culture recordings. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed on hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Data were acquired using a MultiClamp 700B amplifier and Clampex 9.0 software (Molecular Devices). Recordings were filtered at 2 kHz and sampled at 200 ms. A modified Tyrodes solution containing 150 mM NaCl, 4 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM CaCl2, 10 mM glucose and 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, was used as external bath solution. The pipette-internal solution contained 115 mM CsMeSO3, 10 mM CsCl, 5 mM NaCl, 10 mM HEPES, 0.6 mM EGTA, 20 mM tetraethylammonium chloride, 4 mM Mg-ATP, 0.3 mM Na3GTP, pH 7.35, and 10 mM QX-314 (N-(2,6-dimethylphenylcarbamoylmethyl)-triethylammonium bromide), 300 mosM. Series resistance was 1030 mV. To record and isolate NMDAR-mEPSCs, the MgCl2 concentration was reduced to 0.1 mM and 2,3dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo(f)quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX; 10 mM, Sigma) and picrotoxin (50 mM; Sigma) were added to the bath solution to block AMPA-receptor-mediated excitatory currents and GABA (c-aminobutyric acid) receptor-mediated inhibitory currents, respectively. The baseline for the analysis of NMDAR-mEPSCs was automatically determined as the average current level of silent episodes during a recording. The events were selected at a minimum threshold of 4 pA and the area under current deflection was calculated to quantify charge transfer18. Field recordings. Field recordings were made from hippocampal slices from SpragueDawley rats obtained from Charles River Laboratories. Slices (400 mm) were prepared from rats at 1525 days old. Rats were anesthetized with euthasol (50 mg kg21) and decapitated soon after the disappearance of corneal reflexes. The brain was removed, dissected and then sliced using a vibratome (1000 Plus) in icecold dissection buffer containing 2.6 mM KCl, 1.25 mM NaH2PO4, 26 mM NaHCO3, 0.5 mM CaCl2, 5 mM MgCl2, 212 mM sucrose and 10 mM dextrose. Area CA3 was surgically removed from each slice immediately after sectioning. The slices were transferred into a reservoir chamber filled with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) containing 124 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1.25 mM NaH2PO4, 26 mM NaHCO3, 2 mM CaCl2, 2 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM dextrose. Slices were allowed to recover for 23 h at 30 uC. ACSF and dissection buffer were equilibrated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. For recording, slices were transferred to a submerged recording chamber, maintained at 30 uC, and perfused continuously with ACSF at a rate of 23 ml min21. Field potentials were recorded with extracellular recording electrodes (1 MV) filled with ACSF and placed in the stratum radiatum of area CA1. Field potentials were evoked by monophasic stimulation (duration, 200 ms) of Schaffer collateral/commissural afferents with a concentric bipolar tungstenstimulating electrode (Frederick Haer Company). Stable baseline responses were collected every 30 s using a stimulation intensity of 1030 mA, yielding 5060% of the maximal response. After recording 20 min of stable baseline, the stimulation was stopped and 20 mM ketamine was applied for 30 min, then stimulation was resumed. Field potentials were filtered at 2 kHz, acquired and digitized at 10 kHz on a personal computer using custom software (LabVIEW, National Instruments). Synaptic strength was measured as the initial slope (1040% of the rising phase) of the field potential. The group data were analysed as follows: (1) the initial slopes of the field potential were expressed as percentages of the preconditioning baseline average; (2) the timescale in each experiment was converted to the time from the end of ketamine application; and (3) the time-matched, normalized data were averaged across experiments.
30. Duman, C. H., Schlesinger, L., Kodama, M., Russell, D. S. & Duman, R. S. A role for MAP kinase signalling in behavioral models of depression and antidepressant treatment. Biol. Psychiatry 61, 661670 (2007). 31. Porsolt, R. D., Le Pichon, M. & Jalfre, M. Depression: A new animal model sensitive to antidepressant treatments. Nature 266, 730732 (1977). 32. Park, S. et al. Elongation factor 2 and fragile X mental retardation protein control the dynamic translation of Arc/Arg3.1 essential for mGluR-LTD. Neuron 59, 7083 (2008). 33. Kavalali, E. T., Klingauf, J. & Tsien, R. W. Activity-dependent regulation of synaptic clustering in a hippocampal culture system. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 96, 1289312900 (1999).

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Structure-based design of non-natural amino-acid inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation

Stuart A. Sievers1*, John Karanicolas2,3*, Howard W. Chang1*, Anni Zhao1*, Lin Jiang1*, Onofrio Zirafi4, Jason T. Stevens3, Jan Munch4, David Baker2 & David Eisenberg1

Many globular and natively disordered proteins can convert into amyloid fibrils. These fibrils are associated with numerous pathologies1 as well as with normal cellular functions2,3, and frequently form during protein denaturation4,5. Inhibitors of pathological amyloid fibril formation could be useful in the development of therapeutics, provided that the inhibitors were specific enough to avoid interfering with normal processes. Here we show that computer-aided, structure-based design can yield highly specific peptide inhibitors of amyloid formation. Using known atomic structures of segments of amyloid fibrils as templates, we have designed and characterized an all-D-amino-acid inhibitor of the fibril formation of the tau protein associated with Alzheimers disease, and a non-natural L-amino-acid inhibitor of an amyloid fibril that enhances sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Our results indicate that peptides from structure-based designs can disrupt the fibril formation of full-length proteins, including those, such as tau protein, that lack fully ordered native structures. Because the inhibiting peptides have been designed on structures of dual-b-sheet steric zippers, the successful inhibition of amyloid fibril formation strengthens the hypothesis that amyloid spines contain steric zippers. The finding that dozens of pathologies, including Alzheimers disease, are associated with amyloid fibrils has stimulated research on fibril inhibition. One approach uses the self-associating property of proteins that form fibrils to poison fibril formation with short peptide segments611. A second approach is based on screening for molecules that can disrupt fibril formation12,13. Here we take a third approach to fibril inhibition: structure-based design of non-natural peptides targeted to block the ends of fibrils. With advanced sampling techniques and by minimizing an appropriate energy function, we identify novel candidate inhibitors computationally from a large peptide space that interact favourably with our template structure. This approach has been made possible by the determination of several dozen fibril-like atomic structures of segments from amyloid-forming proteins1416. These structures reveal a common motif called a steric zipper, in which a pair of b-sheets is held together by the interdigitation of their side chains14. Using as templates the steric-zipper structures formed by segments of two pathological proteins, we have designed inhibitors that cap fibril ends. As we show, the inhibitors greatly slow the fibril formation of the parent proteins of the segments, offering a route to designed chemical interventions and supporting the hypothesis that steric zippers are the principal structural elements of these fibrils. One of the two fibril-like steric zippers that we have chosen as a target for inhibitor design is the hexapeptide VQIVYK, residues 306 311 of the tau protein, which forms intracellular amyloid fibrils in Alzheimers disease17. This segment has been shown to be important for fibril formation of the full-length protein and itself forms fibrils

with biophysical properties similar to full-length tau fibrils15,18,19. Our second template for inhibitor design, identified by the 3D profile algorithm20,21, is the steric-zipper structure of the peptide segment GGVLVN from the amyloid fibril formed by 248PAP286, a proteolytic fragment containing residues 248286 of prostatic acid phosphatase, a protein abundant in semen. 248PAP286 fibrils, also known as semenderived enhancer of virus infection (SEVI), enhance human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection by orders of magnitude in cell culture studies, whereas the monomeric peptide is inactive22. Our computational approach to designing non-natural peptides that inhibit fibril formation is summarized in Fig. 1 for the VQIVYK segment of tau protein; the same general strategy is used for the GGVLVN segment of 248PAP286. In both systems, we design a tight interface between the inhibiting peptide and the end of the steric zipper to block additional segments from joining the fibril. By sampling L or D amino acids, or commercially available non-natural amino acids, we can design candidate inhibitors with side chains that maximize hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions across the interface. We propose that the steric-zipper structures of the VQIVYK and GGVLVN segments represent the spines of the fibrils formed by the parent proteins containing these segments. Supporting our hypothesis are our results that D-amino-acid inhibitors designed on the VQIVYK steric-zipper template inhibit fibril formation not only of the VQIVYK segment, but also of two tau constructs, K12 and K1923,24 (Fig. 2a). Similarly, the peptide composed of non-natural amino acids designed on the GGVLVN template inhibits the fibril formation of 248PAP286 and greatly inhibits the HIV infectivity of human cells in culture. To design a D-amino-acid hexapeptide sequence that interacts favourably with the VQIVYK steric zipper15, and prevents further addition of tau molecules to the fibril, we used the Rosetta software25. This led to the identification of four D-amino-acid peptides: D-TLKIVW, D-TWKLVL, D-DYYFEF and D-YVIIER, in which the prefix signifies that all a-carbon atoms are in the D configuration (Fig. 2b, c, Supplementary Figs 1 and 2 and Supplementary Table 1). In the D-TLKIVW design model (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 1), the inhibitor packs tightly across the top of the VQIYVK steric-zipper structure, maintaining all main-chain hydrogen bonds. The side-chain hydrogen bonding between layers of stacked Gln 307 residues is replaced in the designed interface by an interaction with D-Lys 3. Several hydrophobic interactions between D-TLKIVW and the two VQIVYK b-strands contribute to the favourable binding energy (Supplementary Table 1). In the design, the D-peptide blocks the addition of another layer of VQIVYK, both above the D-peptide and across on the mating b-sheet (Supplementary Fig. 3). D-Leu 2 of the designed inhibitor prevents the addition of a VQIVYK molecule above it through a steric clash with Ile 308 of VQIVYK and on the mating sheet through a clash with Val 306 and Ile 308 (Supplementary Fig. 3). These steric clashes involving D-Leu 2 are intended to block fibril growth.

Departments of Biological Chemistry and Chemistry and Biochemistry, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UCLA, Box 951970, Los Angeles, California 90095-1570, USA. 2Department of Biochemistry and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. 3Center for Bioinformatics and Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Kansas, 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7534, USA. 4Institute of Molecular Virology, University Hospital Ulm, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 89081 Ulm, Germany. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Fibril-forming tau protein hTau40 M1 K12 R1 Q244 R3 R1 R4 Y394 R1 R2 K19 R3 R1 R4 L441 R1 Q244 R3 R1 R4 E372


1 D-Leu 2





Identify stericzipper segment

Test inhibitor in vitro



Val 306 5

Tyr 310 Val 306 Ile 308 Tyr 310 Fibril axis

Confirm segment forms fibrils and microcrystals




Design inhibitor Fibrils Microcrystals


K12 + seed + D-TIWKVL K12 + seed


K12 K12 + D-TAKIVW K12 + DK12 TIKWVL 0 K12 + D-TLKIVW 60 0 20 40

Time (h)

K12 + seed + D-TLKIVW 20 40

K12 + D-TLKIVW 20 40

Determine atomic structure

Figure 1 | Design and characterization of peptide inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation. Tau constructs form fibrils in vitro24 (top left; scale bar, 200 nm). The VQIVYK segment in isolation forms fibrils and microcrystals (bottom left; fibril scale bar, 200 nm; microcrystal scale bar, 100 mm). The atomic structure of the fibril-like VQIVYK segment reveals a characteristic steric-zipper motif15 comprising a pair of interacting b-sheets (purple and grey) running along the fibril axis (grey arrow) (bottom right). We designed a D-amino-acid peptide to bind to the end of the steric-zipper template and prevent fibril elongation (middle right). The D-peptide (red) is designed to satisfy hydrogen bonds and make favourable non-polar interactions with the molecule below, while preventing the addition of other molecules above and on the opposite b-sheet. As shown in vitro, the designed D-peptide prevents the formation of fibrils when incubated with tau K19 (upper right; scale bar, 200 nm).

We used fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy to assess whether the designed D-peptides inhibit the fibril formation of the tau segment VQIVYK and of the tau constructs K12 and K19. Of our designed inhibitors, D-TLKIVW is the most effective (Supplementary Fig. 4). Electron microscopy, performed after three days, verified that incubation with equimolar D-TLKIVW prevents K19 fibril formation, which would otherwise have occurred within the elapsed time (Fig. 1, upper right). D-TLKIVW delays fibril formation of VQIVYK, K12 and K19 even when present in sub-equimolar concentration (Supplementary Fig. 5). A fivefold molar excess of D-TLKIVW delays K12 fibril formation for more than two weeks in some experimental replicates (Supplementary Fig. 5c, d). In tenfold molar excess, D-TLKIVW prevents the fibril formation of K12 for more than 60 hours in the presence of preformed K12 fibril seeds, suggesting that the peptide interacts with fibrils (Fig. 2d). Also, kinetic analysis shows that the fibril elongation rate decreases in the presence of increasing concentrations of inhibitor peptide (Supplementary Fig. 6). The large increase in lag time in unseeded reactions may be due to interactions with small aggregates formed during the process of fibril formation. To investigate the specificity of the designed inhibitor, we tested scrambled sequence variants of D-TLKIVW that have poor (that is, high) calculated energies and unfavourable packing (Supplementary Table 1). The scrambled peptides D-TIKWVL, D-TIWKVL and D-LKTWIV have little inhibitory effect when present at an equimolar

Figure 2 | Designed D-peptide delays tau K12 fibril formation in a sequencespecific manner. a, Tau construct composition23. The longest human tau isoform found in the central nervous system, hTau40 (Uniprot ID, P10636-8), contains four microtubule-binding repeats, R1 to R4, whereas K12 and K19 lack R2. The black bars at the amino termini of R2 and R3 represent the fibrillogenic segments VQIINK and VQIVYK, respectively. b, The inhibitor D-TLKIVW (red) is designed to interact with atoms on both b-strands of the VQIVYK steric zipper (grey) primarily through hydrophobic packing and hydrogen-bonding interactions. c, The inhibitor interacts with the VQIVYK b-strand below. The transparent spheres show where the two molecules interact favourably. Black and red dashes indicate main-chain and side-chain hydrogen bonds, respectively. Stereo views of b and c are shown in Supplementary Fig 1. d, The seeded fibril formation of 50 mM K12 in the presence and absence of a tenfold molar excess of peptide was monitored by Thioflavin S fluorescence. In the presence of the scrambled peptide D-TIWKVL (dark green) and alone (black), seeded K12 fibril formation occurs with almost no lag time. However, D-TLKIVW prevents fibril formation for days (maroon). e, At equimolar concentrations, D-TLKIVW (red) inhibits the fibril formation of 50 mM K12. D-TIKWVL (blue), with only three residues scrambled, shows weak inhibition. However, no inhibition is observed for either D-TIWKVL (green) or D-LKTWIV (cyan). f, The replacement of D-Leu 2, designed to clash with VQIVYK on the opposite sheet, with D-Ala eliminates the inhibition of fibril formation.

ratio with VQIVYK, K12 and K19 (Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 7), showing that the inhibition is sequence specific. Also, the diastereomer, L-TLKIVW, is less effective than D-TLKIVW (Supplementary Fig. 8). As a further test of the specificity of our design, we confirmed that D-TLKIVW is unable to block the fibril formation of amyloid-b, which also is associated with Alzheimers disease (Supplementary Fig. 9). This suggests that the D-peptide inhibitor is not general to amyloid systems, but is specific to the VQIVYK interface in tau protein. Such specificity is essential for designed inhibitors if they are not to interfere with proteins that natively function in an amyloid state3. To confirm that the designed D-peptide inhibits in accordance with the design model (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 1), we performed several additional tests. First we visualized the position of the inhibitor D-TLKIVW relative to fibrils of the tau construct K19 using electron microscopy. We covalently linked Monomaleimido Nanogold particles
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both to the inhibitor and, separately, to a scrambled hexapeptide, D-LKTWIV. We used a blind counting assay and found that, relative to Nanogold alone, D-TLKIVW shows a significant binding preference for the end of fibrils, in contrast to the scrambled control peptide, D-LKTWIV (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 10). As a further test of the model, we used NMR to characterize the binding affinity of D-TLKIVW for tau fibrils. The 1H NMR spectra for D-TLKIVW were collected in the presence of increasing concentrations of VQIVYK or K19 fibrils. Because neither K19 nor VQIVYK contains tryptophan, we were able to monitor the 1H resonance of the indole proton of the tryptophan in our inhibitor. When bound to a fibril, the inhibitor, D-TLKIVW, is removed from the soluble phase and the 1H resonance is diminished26 (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 11). As a control, we also measured spectra for the non-inhibiting peptide D-LKTWIV present with D-TLKIVW in the same reaction mixture. As shown in Fig. 3b, the presence of VQIVYK fibrils at a given concentration reduces the D-TLKIVW indole resonance much more than it does the D-LKTWIV indole resonance. Spectra of the two peptides are shown in Supplementary Fig. 12. By monitoring the D-TLKIVW indole resonance over a range of VQIVYK fibril concentrations, we estimate the apparent dissociation constant of the interaction between D-TLKIVW and VQIVYK fibrils to be ,2 mM (Supplementary Fig. 11a and Methods). This value corresponds to a standard free binding energy of ,7.4 kcal mol21, with ,2.5 kcal mol21 from non-polar interactions and ,4.9 kcal mol21 from six hydrogen bonds (Methods). Repeating the NMR binding experiment with K19 fibrils yields a similar trend (Supplementary Fig. 11b). To determine whether D-TLKIVW has affinity for soluble VQIVYK, we measured 1H NMR spectra of D-TLKIVW and D-LKTWIV in the presence of increasing amounts of soluble VQIVYK. Only a slight change in the respective chemical shifts of the indole proton peaks of D-TLKIVW and D-LKTWIV is observed, even at a 70-fold molar excess of VQIVYK (Supplementary Fig. 13). This, together with the ability of the peptide to prevent seeded fibril formation, suggests that D-TLKIVW does not interact with monomers but rather with a structured, fibril-like species. As another test of our design model, we replaced the D-Leu residue with D-Ala in D-TLKIVW. Our structural model suggests that D-Leu 2 of D-TLKIVW is important for preventing tau fibril formation because of its favourable interaction with the Ile residue of the VQIVYK molecule below and with Ile and the first Val of VQIVYK across the steric zipper (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 1). The D-Ala replacement
a b
0 M 600 M 750 M 1,000 M 1,200 M 1,400 M 1,500 M

eliminates these interactions and, furthermore, removes a steric clash that would occur were another VQIVYK molecule placed across from the inhibitor (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 1). When the D-Ala variant is incubated with VQIVYK and the tau constructs, it has no inhibitory effect on fibril formation (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Fig. 14). This confirms that D-Leu 2 is critical for the efficacy of D-TLKIVW, consistent with our model. In summary, although our electron microscopy, NMR and D-Ala replacement results support a model in which the designed peptide D-TLKIVW binds to the ends of tau fibrils, they do not constitute proof that the inhibitors bind exactly as anticipated in the designs (Supplementary Fig. 15). To expand on our design methodology, we computationally designed an inhibitor of 248PAP286 fibril formation containing nonnatural L-amino acids (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 16), using the GGVLVN structure as a template (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Table 2). This peptide, Trp-His-Lys-chAla-Trp-hydroxyTic (WW61), contains an Ala derivative, b-cyclohexyl-L-alanine (chAla) and a Tyr/Pro derivative, 7-hydroxy-(S)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid (hydroxyTic), both of which increase contact area with the GGVLVN template. The non-natural chAla forms hydrophobic interactions with the Leu residue in the steric-zipper interface, and hydroxyTic supports the favourable placement of chAla through hydrophobic packing (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 16b).

Relative fluorescence (r.f.u.)
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50

PAP only
-gal activity (103 r.l.u. s1)

550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1

PAP only

PAP with inhibitor

PAP with inhibitor

6 30 150 0 1 6 30 150 248PAP286 (g ml1)

Time (h)



9.80 (p.p.m.)

indole peak

indole peak

Figure 3 | Mechanism of interaction. a, Nanogold covalently bound to D-TLKIVW localizes at the ends (arrows) of two tau K19 fibrils. Scale bar, 50 nm. b, The inhibitor D-TLKIVW binds to fibrils with an estimated affinity constant in the low micromolar range, as shown by the indole proton region of the 500-MHz 1H NMR spectra of D-TLKIVW (9.83 p.p.m.) and D-LKTWIV (9.98 p.p.m.) in the presence of increasing concentrations of VQIVYK fibrils. The resonance of the D-TLKIVW indole proton is reduced in the presence of increasing concentrations of VQIVYK fibrils, whereas the indole proton signal for the scrambled control peptide D-LKTWIV is only slightly affected. Fibril solutions contained 01,500 mM VQIVYK monomers, as indicated.
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Figure 4 | Designed non-natural peptide inhibits 248PAP286 fibril formation. a, The view down the fibril axis of the crystal structure of the GGVLVN steric zipper reveals two mating b-sheets with parallel, in-register b-strands (hydrogen bonds, green dashed lines; water molecules, yellow spheres). b, View roughly perpendicular to a fibril of three layers, with the atoms of the side chains of the top layer shown as purple spheres. On top is a designed non-natural peptide inhibitor, Trp-His-Lys-chAla-Trp-hydroxyTic (blue; see Supplementary Fig. 16). c, The inhibitor blocks 248PAP286 fibril formation, as shown by monitoring Thioflavin T fluorescence. With a twofold molar excess of the inhibitor (pale red), the fluorescence remains low over the course of the experiment for all five replicates, unlike in the absence of inhibitor (grey). Mean fluorescence values are shown as solid red and black lines with and without the inhibitor, respectively. r.f.u., relative fluorescence units. d, HIV infection rates were determined by monitoring b-galactosidase (b-gal) activity. Agitated 248PAP286 alone efficiently increases viral infection, whereas 248 PAP286 mixtures incubated with inhibitor were unable to enhance HIV infection. Peptide concentrations during virion treatment are indicated on the x axis. Error bars show the s.d. of three measurements per sample. r.l.u., relative light units.

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Moreover, we propose that the bulky side chains and steric constraints of hydroxyTic provide hindrance to further fibril growth. This designed peptide, WW61, effectively delays both seeded and unseeded fibril formation of 248PAP286 in vitro (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Figs 17 and 18). In the presence of a twofold molar excess of this inhibitor, seeded fibril formation is efficiently blocked for more than two days (Fig. 4c). Furthermore, we see that increasing the concentration of this inhibitor extends the fibril formation lag time (Supplementary Fig. 19). These inhibition assay results were further confirmed by electron microscopy (Supplementary Fig. 20). As a control for specificity, we tested the effect of GIHKQK, from the amino terminus of 248PAP286, and PYKLWN, a peptide with the same charge as WW61. Neither peptide affected fibril formation kinetics, indicating that the inhibitory activity of the designed peptide is sequence specific (Supplementary Fig. 21). Because 248PAP286 fibrils (SEVI) have been shown to enhance HIV infection22, using a functional assay we investigated whether WW61 is able to prevent this enhancement. In this experiment, we treated HIV particles with 248PAP286 solutions that had been agitated for 20 hours (to allow fibril formation) in the presence or absence of WW61, and infected TZM-bl indicator cells. As has been previously observed, SEVI efficiently enhanced HIV infection22. However, 248PAP286 incubated with the designed inhibitor prevented HIV infection (Fig. 4d). We performed several control experiments to verify that the lack of infectivity observed in the assay is indeed due to the inhibition of SEVI formation. First we confirmed that in the absence of SEVI the designed inhibitor WW61 does not affect HIV infectivity (Supplementary Fig. 22a). We also found that the control peptides GIHKQK and PYKLWN, which do not inhibit 248PAP286 fibril formation, fail to decrease HIV infectivity (Supplementary Fig. 22b). Additionally, we observed that WW61 has no inhibitory effect on polylysine-mediated HIV infectivity27, further ruling out a non-specific electrostatic interaction mechanism (Supplementary Fig. 22a). Together, these results demonstrate that a peptide capable of preventing 248PAP286 fibril formation also inhibits the generation of virus-enhancing material. Structure-based design of inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation has been challenging in the absence of detailed information about the atomiclevel interactions that form the fibril spine. So far, one of the most successful structure-based approaches to preventing fibril formation has been to stabilize the native tetrameric structure of transthyretin28. That approach is well suited to the prevention of fibril formation of proteins with known native structures, but other proteins involved in amyloidrelated diseases, such as tau protein, amyloid-b and 248PAP286, lack fully ordered native structures29. Our structure-based approach makes it possible to design inhibitors independent of native structure. Instead, the templates are atomic-level structures of short, fibril-forming segments14,15. By using these fibril-like templates, and adopting computational methods successful in designing novel proteins and protein protein interfaces25,30, we have created specific inhibitors of proteins that normally form fibrils. These results support the hypothesis that the steric zipper is a principal feature of tau-related and SEVI fibrils, and suggest that, with current computational methods and steric-zipper structures, we have the tools to design specific inhibitors to prevent the formation of other amyloid fibrils.
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Fleishman, S. J. et al. Computational design of proteins targeting the conserved stem region of influenza hemagglutinin. Science 332, 816821 (2011). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank M. I. Ivanova, J. Corn, T. Kortemme, D. Anderson, M. R. Sawaya, M. Phillips, S. Sambashivan, J. Park, M. Landau, A. Laganowsky, Q. Zhang, R. Clubb, F. Guo, T. Yeates, J. Nowick, J. Zheng and M. J. Thompson for discussions; the HHMI, NIH, NSF, Gates Foundation and Joint Center for Translational Medicine for support; R. Peterson for help with NMR experiments; E. Mandelkow for providing tau constructs; R. Riek for providing amyloid-b; and J. Stroud for amyloid-b preparation. 1.
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We used crystal structures of hexapeptide segments of VQIVYK and GGVLVN as templates to design peptide inhibitors using the Rosetta software25. Briefly, this algorithm searches possible side-chain conformations (called rotamers) of all amino acids in a peptide b-strand backbone stacked onto the fibril end of both segment structures. The Rosetta software is extended to sample the approximate side-chain conformation of non-natural D and L amino acids by adapting sidechain torsion angles from those in their natural counterparts. The lowest energy set of side-chain rotamers is identified by combinatorial optimization of a potential consisting of a term for the LennardJones potential, an orientationdependent hydrogen-bond potential term, an implicit solvation term and a structure-derived side-chain and backbone torsional potential term.

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Support came from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (J.K.), the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (H.W.C.), the programme for junior professors by the Ministry of Science, Baden-Wurttemberg (J.M.), and a UCLA-IGERT bioinformatics traineeship (S.A.S.). Author Contributions S.A.S., J.K., D.B., J.M. and D.E. designed the project. J.K. and S.A.S. created the design protocol. J.K. designed the D-peptides. L.J. expanded the design methodology and designed the non-natural amino-acid peptides. S.A.S., H.W.C. and A.Z. performed the fluorescence experiments and electron microscopy, and analysed kinetic data. A.Z. determined the structure of GGVLVN. O.Z. performed the HIV infectivity experiments. J.T.S. determined the tau fibril elongation rates. S.A.S. performed the NMR experiments. S.A.S., J.K. and D.E. wrote the manuscript and coordinated contributions by other authors. Author Information Atomic coordinates and structure factors for the reported GGVLVN structure have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank with accession code 3PPD. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.E. ([email protected]).

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Computational design. Computational designs were carried out using the Rosetta software25 (http://www.rosettacommons.org). This algorithm involves building side-chain rotamers of all amino acids onto a fixed protein backbone. The lowest energy set of side-chain rotamers is then identified as those which minimize an energy function containing a LennardJones potential, an orientationdependent hydrogen-bond potential, a solvation term, amino-acid-dependent reference energies and a statistical torsional potential that depends on the backbone and side-chain dihedral angles. D-amino-acid tau inhibitors. The crystal structure of VQIVYK (ref. 15; Protein Data Bank ID, 2ON9) was used as a starting scaffold for computational design. To take full advantage of the statistical nature of the rotamer library and some terms in the Rosetta energy function, the stereochemistry of the fibril scaffold was inverted so that design would take place using L amino acids. An extended L-peptide was aligned with the N, C and O backbone atoms of the D-fibril scaffold. This L-peptide was subsequently redesigned, keeping all atoms of the D-fibril fixed. The stereochemistry of the final design model was then inverted, yielding a D-peptide designed to cap an L-fibril. We inspected the finished models to confirm that inversion of the stereochemistry at the Thr and Ile Cb atoms did not make the designs energetically unfavourable. Energetic consequences of incorporating a D inhibitor peptide in the middle of an L fibril were subsequently evaluated to ensure that fibril propagation could not continue after association of an inhibitor. Calculations of the area buried and shape complementarity were performed with AREAIMOL31 and SC32, respectively. 248 L-peptide PAP286 inhibitors. The crystal structure of GGVLVN (PDB ID, 3PPD) was used as a template for the following design procedure. An extended L-peptide was aligned according to crystal symmetry. Small, random perturbations of the L-peptide were performed to optimize the rigid-body arrangement between the fibril template and the peptide inhibitor. Full sequence optimization of the inhibitor was performed using the Rosetta software package, allowing residues directly contacting the inhibitor to repack; other scaffold residues remained fixed. Because the design calculations use a discrete rotamer representation of the side chains, we next performed simultaneous quasi-Newtonian optimization of the inhibitor rigid-body orientation, the side-chain torsion angles and, in some cases, the backbone torsion angles using the full-atom Rosetta energy function. This optimization was essential to the subsequent assessment of the inhibition of the design. Several iterative runs of small perturbations in inhibitor placement, interface design and refinement were performed to improve hydrogen-bonding and packing interactions. The designs that ranked highest on the basis of the total binding energy between the inhibitor and the fibril scaffold and the interfacial shape complementarity32 were subsequently synthesized and tested. For each initial active L-peptide design, the non-natural L amino acids were incorporated using a growth strategy. Non-natural amino acids, structurally similar to those of initial active designs, were selected on the basis of their solubility, side-chain shape and commercial availability. Side-chain conformations were approximately sampled by adopting side-chain torsion angles from those in their natural counterparts. Sequence optimization of the inhibitor was performed and the optimal set of rotamers identified using Monte Carlo simulated annealing with the full-atom energy function described above. The resulting designs were ranked on the basis of the total binding energy between the inhibitor and the fibril scaffold. Tau construct expression and purification. pNG2 expression vectors (derived from pET-3b33) containing either the K12 or K19 gene were provided by E. Mandelkow34. Expression in BL21(DE3) Escherichia coli33 was induced with 1 mM isopropyl thiogalactoside when the absorbance A600 nm was between 0.8 and 1.0, and cells were collected after 34 h. K12 and K19 were purified on the basis of previously described methods35. Cells were pelleted for 20 min at 4,700g and resuspended in 20 mM MES, pH 6.8, 1 mM EDTA, 0.2 mM MgCl2, 5 mM DTT, 1 mM PMSF and a protease inhibitor cocktail. The cells were sonicated for 2.5 min and, following addition of NaCl to bring cell lysate to 0.5 M NaCl, the lysate was boiled for 20 min. The lysate was sedimented at 30,000g for 20 min and dialyzed twice against 20 mM MES, pH 6.8, 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM MgCl2, 2 mM DTT and 0.1 mM PMSF at 4 uC. The dialysate was pelleted for 20 min at 30,000g and filtered before cation exchange chromatography on an AKTA Explorer (GE Pharmacia) with a HighTrap HP SP 5-ml column (GE Healthcare). The sample was eluted with a linear gradient of up to 60% buffer B (20 mM MES, pH 6.8, 1 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM MgCl2, 2 mM DTT and 0.1 mM PMSF). Size exclusion chromatography was optionally performed with a Superdex 75 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) in PBS buffer (137 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.4) with 1 mM DTT on the AKTA Explorer depending on preparation purity as assessed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Tau construct inhibition assays. Fibril formation assays were performed on the basis of previously published protocols3538. Reaction mixtures (150 ml) containing 50 mM tau K12 or K19, as determined by the Micro BCA Protein Assay Kit (Pierce), were incubated in 250 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, with 1 mM DTT, 12.5 mM heparin (average molecular mass, 6,000 Da; Sigma) and 10 mM Thioflavin S (ThS; MP Bio). Inhibitor peptides (CS Bio, Celtek Biosciences) were dissolved in 250 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, to 0.5 mM and added at specified molar ratios. Reactions were split into a minimum of three replicates in black, 96-well, optically clear plates (Nunc), sealed with Corning pressure-sensitive sealing tape and monitored using either a Varioskan plate reader (Thermo Scientific), for K12, or a SpectraMax M5, for K19. The fluorescence signal was measured every 15 min with excitation and emission wavelengths of 440 and 510 nm, respectively, at 37 uC, with continuous shaking at 900 r.p.m. with a diameter of 1 mm for K12, and with quiescent incubation with shaking 2 s before each reading for K19. Plots showing the fluorescence trace of the replicate with median lag time for each sample were created using R39. Plots of lag time depict the mean time value at which each replicate crossed an arbitrary fluorescence value above noise background (values were selected per experiment and applied to all samples). Error bars represent the standard deviation of the replicate lag times for each sample. Seeded K12 fibril formation assays. Seeds were produced by incubating 50 mM K12 as above, but without ThS present, and were added at 0.25% (v/v). Peptide stock concentrations were 0.75 mM and were added at a final concentration of tenfold molar excess relative to soluble K12. Reaction mixtures were otherwise prepared and monitored as above. VQIVYK inhibition assays. The VQIVYK fibril formation assay was modified from a previously published protocol40. Buffers and plates were kept on ice to delay VQIVYK fibril formation while the reaction mixtures were prepared. Replicate solutions of 180 ml of 25 mM MOPS, pH 7.2, 100 mM ThS and inhibitor peptides were added to black, clear-bottomed, 96-well Nunc plates with 1/8-inch PTFE beads (Orange Products). Acetylated and amidated VQIVYK (Genscript) was dissolved in H2O to 1.3 mM and filtered through a Millipore Microcon 100-kDa filter device at 14,000g for 5 min at 4 uC to remove large aggregates (final concentration, ,1 mM). Filtered VQIVYK (20 ml) was added to each reaction well. ThS fluorescence was monitored at room temperature every 2 min using a SpectraMax M5 fluorometer with 2 s of mixing before each reading. Amyloid-b fibril formation assay. Lyophilized amyloid-b(142) was diluted to 0.2 mg ml21 in 50 mM NH4OH and filtered with a 0.2-mm filter. The reaction mixture contained a final concentration of 11.5 mM amyloid-b(142), 10 mM Thioflavin T (ThT), 23 mM NH4OH in 100 mM bicine, pH 9.1, and 11.5 mM D-TLKIVW in reactions with peptide present. Reactions were split into four replicates and the ThT fluorescence signal was measured every minute (excitation wavelength, 440 nm; emission wavelength, 510 nm), at 37 uC, with continuous shaking at 960 r.p.m. with a 1-mm diameter in a Varioskan fluorometer. Electron microscopy. Sample (5 ml) was applied to glow-discharged, 400-mesh carbon-coated, formvar films on copper grids (Ted Pella) for 3 min. Grids were rinsed twice with distilled water and stained with 1% uranyl acetate for 90 s. Grids were examined in a Hitachi H-7000 transmission electron microscope at 75 keV or a JEOL JEM1200-EX operating at 80 keV. Tau fibril formation kinetic analysis. The nucleation (k1) and propagation (k2) rates were determined by fitting the form of the FinkeWatzky two-step mechanism41. Plateau values were determined and the remaining parameters were fitted using the leasqr nonlinear least-squares regression function (http://fly.isti.cnr.it/ pub/software/octave/leasqr/) through the OCTAVE software package (http:// www.gnu.org/software/octave/). Preparation of peptidegold conjugates. PeptideNanogold conjugates were prepared as described earlier for similarly sized peptides42. Briefly, 60 nmol of the peptides CGGG-(D)-TLKIVW and CGGG-(D)-LKTWIV (CS Bio) were dissolved in 110 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (20 mM, pH 6.5, 0.15 M NaCl), added to 6 nmol of Monomaleimido Nanogold (Nanoprobes), dissolved in 200 ml H2O and incubated for 1 h at room temperature (22 uC) with constant rotation. PeptideNanogold conjugates were separated from excess unbound peptides by membrane centrifugation (Microcon-10 system, Amicon) using a molecular mass cut-off of 10 kDa. PeptideNanogold conjugates were then diluted into phosphatebuffered saline, aliquoted and stored at 220 uC for no longer than one month. Preparation of K19 fibrils. K19 fibrils were generated by incubating 100 mM soluble K19 with 25 mM 6-kDa heparin overnight at 37 uC in phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7.4). K19 fibrils were sonicated for 15 s, using a microtip set to 35% amplitude. Residual heparin and small oligomers were removed by centrifuging the mixture through a 100-kDa Microcon concentrator for 10 min at 14,000g, washing the retentate with phosphate buffer and repeating three times; the retentate was restored to its original volume with phosphate buffer. These short fibril segments were stored at 4 uC for no longer than one week. For NMR studies, fibril samples were similarly prepared, but were washed in H2O and concentrated to 2 mM K19 (by monomer).

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Preparation of samples for Nanogold binding experiments. Nanogold conjugated inhibitor (or control) (10 nM) was incubated with 1.67 mM K19 fibrils (by monomer) in MOPS buffer (25 mM, pH 7.2) for 1 h. We applied 5 ml of it to a glowdischarged, 400-mesh carbon-stabilized copper grid (Ted Pella) for 3 min. The grids were washed twice with H2O and 10 ml of the Goldenhance reagent was applied for 10 s. The grids were washed five times with H2O and negatively stained with 2% uranyl acetate. Quantification and localization of Nanogold binding. For each sample, 75 Nanogold particles #15 nm in diameter were counted and classified as bound or unbound. The 15-nm cut-off was chosen to exclude unbound, but adjacent, particles enlarged by Goldenhance that only apparently bind fibrils. To establish the localization of the binding observed, individual Nanogold particles bound to fibrils were categorized as bound to the fibril end or side. In both of these experiments, sample identities were concealed from the microscopist to ensure unbiased counting. Grids were examined with a JEOL JEM1200-EX and images were recorded using DIGITALMICROGRAPH (Gatan). Statistical analysis of Nanogold binding. We compared counts of Nanogoldconjugated peptides and unconjugated Nanogold bound to fibrils or localizing to fibril ends. Twenty-one unconjugated Nanogold particles out of 75 counted bound to fibrils. We modelled Nanogold particles bound to fibrils using a binomial distribution with parameters n 5 75 (sample size: number of observations) and P 5 0.28 (probability of success). In a separate experiment, 22 unconjugated Nanogold particles bound to fibrils that localized to fibril ends, following a binomial distribution with n 5 105 and P 5 0.21. Because the number of counts is fairly large, we assumed a normal distribution and used a standard Z-test to compare the number of bound Nanogoldpeptide conjugates with the expected distribution based on the number of bound, unconjugated Nanogold particles. We used an analogous analysis to determine the significance of localization to fibril ends. The numbers of NanogoldD-TLKIVW conjugates bound to fibrils (xbound 5 43, n 5 75) and bound NanogoldD-TLKIVW conjugates localizing to the end of fibrils (xend 5 49, n 5 86) were significantly different from the corresponding numbers for Nanogold alone, whereas the number of NanogoldD-LKTWIV conjugates bound (xbound 5 15, n 5 75) or the number localized to fibril ends (xend 5 17, n 5 100) did not differ significantly from the corresponding numbers for Nanogold alone. VQIVYK preparation for binding studies. Acetylated and amidated VQIVYK peptide (Genscript) was dissolved to 1 mM in 25 mM MOPS, pH 7.2, and incubated at room temperature for at least 24 h. Fibrils were washed with H2O, concentrated using an Amicon ultracentrifugal filter with a 3-kDa molecular mass cut-off and resuspended in H2O to a final concentration (by monomer) of 4 mM. Soluble VQIVYK was prepared by dissolving VQIVYK peptide (CS Bio) with free amino and carboxy termini in H2O. 1 H NMR sample preparation and measurements. NMR samples were prepared with 5% D2O and 10 mM NaOAc, pH 5.0. D-peptides were added from 1 mM stocks in H2O to a final concentration of 100 mM. Soluble and fibrillar VQIVYK and tau protein were added at indicated concentrations to make a final volume of 550 ml. 1H NMR spectra measured at 500 MHz were collected on a Bruker DRX500 at 283 K. H2O resonance was suppressed through presaturation. Spectra were processed with XWINNMR 3.6. Binding constant estimations. NMR data were analysed to estimate a binding constant for the interaction between D-TLKIVW and VQIVYK fibrils. At about 1,000 mM VQIVYK (concentration as monomer), 50% of D-TLKIVW is bound (Supplementary Fig. 11). The steric-zipper model suggests that there are two monomers per 4.7 A (0.47-nm) layer in a fibril14such that the number of monomers per fibril is given by [fibril length (nm)] 3 (2 monomers per 0.47 nm)and we estimate the fibril concentration using the monomer concentration: [VQIVYKfibril] 5 [VQIVYKmomomer]/(monomers per fibril). If we assume one binding site and estimate from electron microscopy an average length of ,140 nm per fibril, then there are about 600 monomers per fibril, and the apparent dissociation constant is about 2 mM. Hydrogen-bonding energy calculation. We used AREAIMOL31 to calculate the non-polar and polar areas buried by the interaction between D-TLKIVW with the VQIVYK steric zipper (Fig. 2b, c and Supplementary Fig. 1). We calculate buried areas of 201, 24 and 102 A2 for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms, respectively. Using the atomic solvation parameters of ref. 43, we estimate that the free energy of transferring the inhibitor from a non-polar phase to an aqueous phase, DGsolvation, is approximately 2.5 kcal mol21. On the basis of an apparent dissociation constant of 2 mM, we estimate the total free energy change of bringing the inhibitor into contact with the VQIVYK steric-zipper template, DGbinding, to be 7.4 kcal mol21. From the interaction model (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 1), we maintain six hydrogen bonds between D-TLKIVW and VQIVYK, and estimate the free energy change per hydrogen bond to be (DGbinding 2 DGsolvation)/6, or ,0.8 kcal mol21. GGVLVN crystallization and structure determination. The GGVLVN peptide was dissolved in 10 mM Tris, pH 9, at 1.8 mg ml21 and crystallized in 10% (w/v) PEG-8000, 0.1 M MES, pH 6.0, and 0.2 M Zn(OAc)2. X-ray diffraction data was collected at APS beamline 24-ID-E. Phases were determined by molecular replacement using an idealized b-strand in PHASER44. Crystallographic refinement was performed using REFMAC45. Model building was performed with COOT46 and illustrated with PYMOL47. 248 PAP286 fibril formation and inhibition. Fmoc-b-cyclohexyl-L-alanine and Fmoc-7-hydroxy-(S)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid were purchased from AnaSpec and the inhibitor peptide Trp-His-Lys-chAla-TrphydroxyTic (WW61) was synthesized by Celtek Biosciences. 248PAP286 and WW61 were dissolved as 31.25 and 35 stocks in PBS, respectively, and filtered with a 0.1-mm filter. 248PAP286 was diluted with PBS to 0.66 mM and ThT was added to 10 mM final concentration. Samples were optionally mixed with 1.32 mM WW61 and vortexed. Five replicates of 150 ml were immediately dispensed into a 96-well plate. In doseresponse experiments, WW61 final concentrations were 0.33, 0.66 and 1.32 mM. Plates were continuously agitated at 960 r.p.m. at 37 uC, and ThT fluorescence readings were recorded (excitation wavelength, 440 nm; emission wavelength, 482 nm) at 15-min intervals with a Varioskan Flash fluorometer. Lag time was determined when fluorescence crossed an arbitrary value (3 r.f.u.) above background. Effect of WW61 on fibril-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infection. The CCR5 tropic molecular HIV-1 clone NL4_3/92TH014-248 was generated by transient transfection of 293T cells with proviral DNA. Supernatants were collected 48 h later and p24 concentrations determined by ELISA. TZM-bl reporter cells encoding a lacZ gene under the control of the viral LTR promoter were obtained through the NIH AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program and provided by Dr John C. Kappes, Dr Xiaoyun Wu and Tranzyme49. HIV-1 (40 ml) containing 0.1 ng of p24 antigen was incubated with 40-ml dilutions of mixtures of 248PAP286 and inhibitory peptide, WW61, that was either freshly prepared or had been agitated for 23 h. Peptide concentrations and experimental conditions during agitation were similar to those described above. Thereafter, 20 ml of the mixtures were used to infect 180 ml of TZM-bl cells seeded the day before (105 per well). Two days later, infection rates were determined by quantifying b-galactosidase activities in cellular lysates using the Gal-Screen assay (Applied Biosystems, T1027). Luminescence was recorded on an Orion microplate luminometer as relative light units per second. Effect of WW61 on polylysine-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Polylysine (Sigma Aldrich) (50 ml) was mixed with an equal volume of WW61. Thereafter, 35-ml fivefold dilutions of the polylysineWW61 mixture or polylysine alone were incubated with the same volume of virus and incubated for 5 min at room temperature. PolylysineWW61 concentrations were 100, 20, 4, 0.8, 0.16, 0.032, 0.064 and 0 mg ml21 during pre-incubation with virus stocks. Thereafter, 20 ml of each mixture was added to 180 ml of TZM-bl cells. The infection rate was determined two days later as described above. Effect of WW61, GIHKQK and PYKLWN on HIV-1 infection. Each peptide (40 ml) was incubated with an equal volume of virus containing 1 ng of p24 antigens for 5 min at room temperature. Peptide concentrations were 150, 30, 6, 1.2 and 0 mg ml21 during pre-incubation with virus stocks. Thereafter, 20 ml of each mixture was added separately to 180 ml of TZM-bl cells (tenfold dilution) and the infection rate was determined as above.
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39. R Development Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna) http://www. r-project.org (2008). 40. Rojas Quijano, F. A., Morrow, D., Wise, B. M., Brancia, F. L. & Goux, W. J. Prediction of nucleating sequences from amyloidogenic propensities of tau-related peptides. Biochemistry 45, 46384652 (2006). 41. Morris, A. M., Watzky, M. A., Agar, J. N. & Finke, R. G. Fitting neurological protein aggregation kinetic data via a 2-step, minimal Ockhams razor model: the FinkeWatzky mechanism of nucleation followed by autocatalytic surface growth. Biochemistry 47, 24132427 (2008). 42. Schmidt, K., Segond von Banchet, G. & Heppelmann, B. Labelling of peptides with 1.4-nm gold particles to demonstrate their binding sites in the rat spinal cord. J. Neurosci. Methods 87, 195200 (1999). 43. Eisenberg, D., Wesson, M. & Yamashita, M. Interpretation of protein folding and binding with atomic solvation parameters. Chem. Scr. 29A, 217221 (1989). 44. McCoy, A. J. et al. Phaser crystallographic software. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 40, 658674 (2007). 45. Murshudov, G. N., Vagin, A. A. & Dodson, E. J. Refinement of macromolecular structures by the maximum-likelihood method. Acta Crystallogr. D 53, 240255 (1997). 46. Emsley, P. & Cowtan, K. Coot: model-building tools for molecular graphics. Acta Crystallogr. D 60, 21262132 (2004). 47. DeLano, W. L. PyMOL Molecular Viewer http://www.pymol.org (2002). 48. Papkalla, A., Munch, J., Otto, C. & Kirchhoff, F. Nef enhances human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity and replication independently of viral coreceptor tropism. J. Virol. 76, 84558459 (2002). 49. Platt, E. J., Wehrly, K., Kuhmann, S. E., Chesebro, B. & Kabat, D. Effects of CCR5 and CD4 cell surface concentrations on infections by macrophagetropic isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J. Virol. 72, 28552864 (1998).

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Whole-genome sequencing identifies recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Xose S. Puente1, Magda Pinyol2, Vctor Quesada1, Laura Conde3, Gonzalo R. Ordonez1, Neus Villamor3, Georgia Escaramis4, ` Pedro Jares3, Slvia Bea3, Marcos Gonzalez-Daz5, Laia Bassaganyas4, Tycho Baumann6, Manel Juan7, Monica Lopez-Guerra3, Dolors Colomer3, Jose M. C. Tubo4,8, Cristina Lopez3, Alba Navarro3, Cristian Tornador4, Marta Aymerich3, Mara Rozman3, s Jesu M. Hernandez5, Diana A. Puente1, Jose M. P. Freije1, Gloria Velasco1, Ana Gutierrez-Fernandez1, Dolors Costa3, Anna Carrio3, Sara Guijarro3, Anna Enjuanes3, Llus Hernandez3, Jordi Yague7, Pilar Nicolas9, Carlos M. Romeo-Casabona9, Heinz Himmelbauer10, Ester Castillo10, Juliane C. Dohm10, Silvia de Sanjose11, Miguel A. Piris12, Enrique de Alava5, s Jesu San Miguel5, Romina Royo13, Josep L. Gelp13, David Torrents13, Modesto Orozco13, David G. Pisano14, Alfonso Valencia14, Roderic Guigo15, Monica Bayes16, Simon Heath16, Marta Gut16, Peter Klatt17, John Marshall18, Keiran Raine18, Lucy A. Stebbings18, P. Andrew Futreal18, Michael R. Stratton18, Peter J. Campbell18, Ivo Gut16, Armando Lopez-Guillermo6, Xavier Estivill4, Emili Montserrat6, Carlos Lopez-Otn1* & Elas Campo3*

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), the most frequent leukaemia in adults in Western countries, is a heterogeneous disease with variable clinical presentation and evolution1,2. Two major molecular subtypes can be distinguished, characterized respectively by a high or low number of somatic hypermutations in the variable region of immunoglobulin genes3,4. The molecular changes leading to the pathogenesis of the disease are still poorly understood. Here we performed whole-genome sequencing of four cases of CLL and identified 46 somatic mutations that potentially affect gene function. Further analysis of these mutations in 363 patients with CLL identified four genes that are recurrently mutated: notch 1 (NOTCH1), exportin 1 (XPO1), myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MYD88) and kelch-like 6 (KLHL6). Mutations in MYD88 and KLHL6 are predominant in cases of CLL with mutated immunoglobulin genes, whereas NOTCH1 and XPO1 mutations are mainly detected in patients with unmutated immunoglobulins. The patterns of somatic mutation, supported by functional and clinical analyses, strongly indicate that the recurrent NOTCH1, MYD88 and XPO1 mutations are oncogenic changes that contribute to the clinical evolution of the disease. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive analysis of CLL combining whole-genome sequencing with clinical characteristics and clinical outcomes. It highlights the usefulness of this approach for the identification of clinically relevant mutations in cancer. To gain insights into the molecular alterations that cause CLL, we performed whole-genome sequencing of four cases representative of different forms of the disease: two cases, CLL1 and CLL2, with no mutations in the immunoglobulin genes (IGHV-unmutated) and two cases, CLL3 and CLL4, with mutations in these genes (IGHV-mutated) (Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Information). We used a combination of whole-genome sequencing and exome sequencing, as well as long-insert paired-end libraries, to detect variants in chromosomal structure (Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Tables 25).

We obtained more than 99.7% concordance between whole-genome sequencing calls and genotyping data, indicating that the coverage and parameters used were sufficient to detect most of the sequence variants in these samples (Supplementary Information). We detected about 1,000 somatic mutations per tumour in non-repetitive regions (Fig. 1a, Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 6). These numbers of somatic mutations were lower than the numbers in melanoma and lung carcinoma5,6, but in agreement with previous estimates of less than one mutation per megabase (Mb) for leukaemias7. The most common substitution was the transition G.A/C.T, usually occurring in a CpG context (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2). We also detected marked differences in the mutation pattern between CLL samples and these differences were associated with tumour subtype (Fig. 1b). Thus, IGHV-mutated cases showed a higher proportion of A.C/T.G mutations than cases with unmutated IGHV (16 6 0.2% versus 6.2 6 0.1%). The base preceding the adenine in A to C transversions showed an overrepresentation of thymine, when compared to the prevalence expected from its representation in non-repetitive sequences in the wild-type genome (P , 0.001, Fig. 1c), and there were fewer A to C substitutions at GpA dinucleotides than would be expected by chance (P , 0.001). These differences between CLL subtypes might reflect the molecular mechanisms implicated in their respective development. The pattern and context of mutations are consistent with their being introduced by the error-prone polymerase g during somatic hypermutation in immunoglobulin genes8. This indicates that polymerase g could contribute to the high frequency of A . T to C . G transversions in cases with IGHV-mutated. It also extends the differences observed between these two CLL subtypes to the genomic level. We classified the somatic mutations into three different classes according to their potential functional effect (Supplementary Information). We also searched for small insertions and deletions (indels) in coding regions: we found and validated five somatic indels, which caused frameshifts in protein-coding regions (Supplementary Table 7).

1 ` Departamento de Bioqumica y Biologa Molecular, Instituto Universitario de Oncologa, Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain. 2Unidad de Genomica, Institut dInvestigacions Biomediques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), 08036 Barcelona, Spain. 3Unidad de Hematopatologa, Servicio de Anatoma Patologica, Hospital Clnic, Universitat de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. 4Genes and Disease Programme, Center for Genomic Regulation, Pompeu Fabra University (CRG-UPF), 08003 Barcelona, Spain. 5Servicio de Hematologa, Hospital Universitario, Centro de Investigacion del Cancer IBMCC (USAL-CSIC), Universidad de Salamanca, 37007 Salamanca, Spain. 6Servicio de Hematologa, Hospital Clnic, IDIBAPS, Universidad de Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. 7Servicio de Inmunologa, Hospital Clnic, IDIBAPS, 08036 Barcelona, Spain. 8Hospital Clnico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 9Catedra Inter-Universitaria de Derecho y Genoma Humano, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad del Pas Vasco, 48007 Bilbao, Spain. 10Ultrasequencing Unit, Center for Genomic Regulation, Pompeu Fabra University (CRG-UPF), 08003 11 12 ncer, Institut Catala de Oncologia-IDIBELL, 08907 Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain. Molecular Pathology Programme, Spanish National Cancer Research ` Barcelona, Spain. Unidad de Infecciones y Ca ` Centre (CNIO), 28029 Madrid, Spain. 13Programa Conjunto de Biologa Computacional, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Institut de Recerca Biomedica (IRB), Spanish National Bioinformatics 14 Institute, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute, 28029 Madrid, Spain. 15Genomic Bioinformatics Programme, Center for Genomic Regulation, Pompeu Fabra University (CRG-UPF), Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute, 08003 Barcelona, lisis Genomico, Parc Cientfic de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. 17Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, 28049 Madrid, Spain. 16Centro Nacional de Ana Spain. 18Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton CB10 1SA, UK. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 1 0 1

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30 15 0 3 0 20 10 0 3 0 12 6 0 3 0 10 5 0 3 0










16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Frequency of substitutions (%)

40 CLL1 CLL2 30 CLL3 CLL4 20

c 100
NpAs in A>C substitutions (%) TpA 80 GpA 60 CpA 40 20 0


61 163 164

** **

** **


ApA CLL1 CLL2 CLL3 Genome CLL4







Figure 1 | Profile of somatic mutations in four CLL genomes. a, Distribution of somatic alterations. For each tumour genome, copy number (solid lines), density of mutations per 5-Mb window (bars) and protein-coding mutations (dots) are shown. The shaded rectangle indicates the location of the 13q14 deletion that was present in three of the four CLL cases. Chromosome numbers

are listed below the four profiles. b, Frequency of substitutions in each CLL tumour for the six possible classes of mutation. c, Distribution of the four possible NpA dinucleotides for the A to C transversion in each tumour genome, compared with the expected distribution across the genome. The total number of A to C substitutions per case is indicated at the top (**, P , 0.001).

We identified 46 mutations that changed the protein-coding sequences of 45 genes in the four patients analysed (Supplementary Table 7). None of these nucleotide substitutions had been previously linked to CLL and among the five indel mutations, only one, in NOTCH1 (p.P2515Rfs*4), had been previously found in various lymphoid malignancies, including CLL9,10. To determine whether any of these 45 genes was mutated in more than one CLL case, we analysed an initial validation set of 169 CLL patients. We focused on the 26 genes that are expressed at the RNA level in CLL cells (Supplementary Table 7) because mutations in expressed genes are more likely to have a biological effect than those in non-expressed genes. We used a pooledsequencing strategy that led us to identify four genes with at least one additional mutation in the validation series: these were NOTCH1, MYD88, XPO1 and KLHL6 (Table 1 and Supplementary Information).
Table 1 | Genes recurrently mutated in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Gene Protein Mutation

Analysis of additional CLL cases revealed that the deletion of a CT dinucleotide in NOTCH1 (p.P2515Rfs*4) was found in 29 of 255 patients and two additional mutations in the same region were also found (p.Q2503* and p.F2482Ffs*2) (Fig. 2a, b). Accordingly, NOTCH1 is mutated in 12% of CLL patients (Supplementary Table 8). These mutations generate a premature stop codon, resulting in a NOTCH1 protein lacking the C-terminal domain, which contains a PEST sequence (a sequence rich in proline, glutamic acid, serine and threonine) (Fig. 2a). Removal of this region results in the accumulation of an active protein isoform in the mutated CLL cells (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 3). NOTCH1 is constitutively expressed in CLL11, but the NOTCH1 mutations identified herein generate a more stable and active isoform of the protein. Gene expression analysis of ten NOTCH1-mutated and 49 unmutated CLL cases revealed a high

Mutated cases / total

Overall frequency (%)

Frequency in IGHV-unmutated (%)

Frequency in IGHV- mutated (%)


Notch 1


Myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 Exportin 1 Kelch-like 6

P2515Rfs*4 Q2503* F2482Ffs*2 L265P E571K E571G F49L/L65P L90F L58P/T64A/Q81P

29/255 1/255 1/255 9/310 3/165 1/165 3/160



2.9 2.4 1.8

0.8 4.6 0

5.6 0 4.5

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N EGF-like repeats LNR RAM ANK ICN NEC NTM PEST Cleavage site TM Q2503* F2482Ffs*2 P2515Rfs*4 C

CT 75447545

Jurkat NOTCH1-mutated NOTCH1-unmutated

NOTCH1mutated NOTCH1-unmutated



1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

100 80


Probability of survival

NOTCH1-unmutated NOTCH1-mutated

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 Years 20 25 30 NOTCH1-unmutated NOTCH1-mutated




60 40 20 0 A B C Binet stage High High ZAP-70 CD38 UM IGHV

Figure 2 | Mutational and functional analysis of NOTCH1 in CLL. a, Schematic representation of human NOTCH1, showing the main domains and locations of the three different somatic mutations identified in CLL. NEC, NOTCH1 extracellular subunit; NTM, NOTCH1 transmembrane subunit; ICN, intracellular domain of NOTCH1; LNR, Lin-12 NOTCH repeats; RAM, RAM domain; ANK, ankyrin repeat domain; PEST, PEST domain. b, Electropherogram showing the heterozygous CT deletion recurrently identified in CLL. c, Western blot showing NOTCH1 protein levels in CLL cases with or without the NOTCH1 p.P2515Rfs*4 mutation, and in Jurkat cells

as a control. The arrow indicates the band corresponding to the NTM; the large arrowhead indicates the smaller band corresponding to the mutant form. d, Heat map showing the 23 genes of the NOTCH1 pathway that are differentially expressed in NOTCH1-mutated versus non-mutated CLL. e, Distribution of disease stage (Binet), ZAP-70 expression status, CD38 expression status and IGHV mutational status (UM, unmutated IGHV) in patients with or without mutations in NOTCH1 (*, P , 0.02; **, P , 0.01). f, Actuarial probability of overall survival of CLL patients with mutated or unmutated NOTCH1 (*, P 5 0.03).

number of differentially expressed genes (n 5 542, false discovery rate ,0.05; Supplementary Table 9). Likewise, in a gene-set analysis, we found that there was significant differential expression of the NOTCH1 signalling pathway12 and two metabolic pathways (oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis). This is consistent with the NOTCH1-mediated activation of multiple biosynthetic routes in T acute lymphoblastic leukaemia13. When the differential expression of individual genes from the NOTCH1 pathway was analysed, 23 of the 46 genes assigned to this pathway12 showed a significant differential expression (P , 0.05) in NOTCH1-mutated CLL (Fig. 2d). NOTCH1-mutated patients had a more advanced clinical stage at diagnosis, more adverse biological features and an overall survival that was significantly shorter than those with NOTCH1 unmutated (10-yr overall survival: 21% versus 56%, P 5 0.03; Fig. 2e, f). NOTCH1mutated CLL also underwent transformation into diffuse large B-cell lymphoma more frequently than NOTCH1-unmutated CLL (7 of 31 cases, 23%, versus 3 of 224 cases, 1.3%; P , 0.001). The same IGHV clonal rearrangement and NOTCH1 mutation were found in the CLL and corresponding transformed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the four cases studied, indicating a clonal relationship of both components. A recurrent mutation (p.L265P) in the MYD88 gene (Fig. 3a, b) was also identified in 9 of 310 CLL patients (2.9%). During revision of this manuscript, the same mutation has been identified in different lymphomas14, highlighting its relevance in the pathogenesis of lymphoid neoplasias. This protein participates in the signalling pathways of interleukin-1 and Toll-like receptors during the immune response15. MyD88 immunoprecipitation from CLL cells with the p.L265P mutation resulted in the co-immunoprecipitation of large amounts of IRAK1, in contrast to cells lacking this mutation (Fig. 3c). Other effectors of this signalling pathway, including STAT3, IkBa and NF-kB p65

subunit, showed higher phosphorylation in MYD88-mutated than in unmutated CLL cells (Fig. 3d, e) and there was an increased DNAbinding activity of NF-kB in MYD88-mutated cells (Supplementary Fig. 4). These data support the hypothesis that the MYD88 p.L265P mutation constitutes an activating mutation of this novel protooncogene14,16. Stimulation of interleukin-1 receptor or Toll-like receptors in MYD88-mutated CLL cells induced the secretion of 5-fold to 150-fold higher levels of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN, also known as IL1RA), interleukin 6 and chemokine (C-C motif) ligands 2, 3 and 4 (CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4), when compared to the secretion of these cytokines by MYD88-unmutated CLLs. Cytokine secretion was elevated in MYD88-mutated cells in response to stimulation of at least four of the eight TLRs tested. No response was observed in lymphocytes carrying the inactivating MYD88 mutation E52DEL (Fig. 3f and Supplementary Fig. 5). The high production of these cytokines has been implicated in the recruitment of macrophages and T lymphocytes by CLL cells, creating a favourable niche for their survival17. Moreover, activation of Toll-like receptors in CLL cells promotes the proliferation of tumour cells and protects them from spontaneous apoptosis18. Patients with MYD88-mutated CLL were diagnosed at a younger age than those with wild-type MYD88 (median 43 yr, range 3863, versus median 63 yr, range 2794; P , 0.001) and the disease presented with a more advanced clinical stage (Fig. 3g), although no differences were observed in progression or survival rates. Notably, almost all patients with the MYD88 p.L265P mutation (seven of the eight evaluated) belonged to the IGHV-mutated group. We also identified four cases with mutations in the same codon of the exportin 1 gene (XPO1; p.E571K and p.E571G). Exportin 1 is implicated in the nuclear export of proteins and mRNAs in yeast, including members of the MAP kinase pathway19. The fact that the
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Human Mouse Platypus Chicken Lizard Frog Zebrafish Cons.

Unbound IP: MyD88 L265P IRAK1 MyD88 IRAK1 MyD88 WT

L265P WT p-STAT3 (Tyr 705) STAT3 -Actin

L265P p-IB IB p-p65 p65 -Actin WT


g 100
80 Percentage 60 40 20 0 A B C Binet stage

MYD88 WT MYD88 L265P


2.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0

High High ZAP-70 CD38


Figure 3 | Mutational and functional analysis of MYD88 in CLL. a, Multiple sequence alignment of MyD88 around the mutated residue (arrow) in different species. Cons., degree of conservation. b, Electropherogram showing the recurrent heterozygous p.L265P MYD88 mutation (arrow) detected in CLL. c, Cell extracts from a MYD88-mutated CLL (L265P) and a MYD88-unmutated CLL (WT) were immunoprecipitated with anti-MyD88 antibody. The immunoprecipitated and unbound fractions were analysed by western blot using anti-IRAK1 and anti-MyD88 antibodies. d, Western blot analysis of phosphorylated STAT3 (p-STAT3 (Tyr 705)) and total STAT3 in cell extracts from MYD88-mutated or unmutated CLL tumour cells. b-Actin was used as a control to show equal loading. e, Western blots showing phosphorylated IkBa (p-IkBa), total IkBa, phosphorylated p65 subunit of NF-kB (p-p65) and total p65 subunit of NF-kB in cell extracts from MYD88-mutated or unmutated CLL

tumour cells. f, Heat map representing the cytokine levels secreted by B cells from eight individuals after Toll-like receptor stimulation. Only the five cytokines that showed the most significant differences between MYD88mutated and MYD88-unmutated CLL are shown. E52DEL indicates B cells from two patients with an inactivating MYD88 mutation, WT corresponds to tumour cells from CLL patients without MYD88 mutation and L265P indicates tumour cells from patients carrying a mutated MYD88. The stimulation experiments for each of the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are represented in different colours. NS, no stimulus. g, Distribution of disease stage (Binet), ZAP-70 expression status, CD38 expression status and IGHV mutational status (UM, unmutated IGHV) in patients according to the presence or absence of p.L265P MYD88 mutation (*, P , 0.03).

same residue is mutated in four CLL cases and is part of a highly conserved region (Supplementary Fig. 6) indicates that the mutation affects XPO1 activity. Notably, all four cases with mutations in XPO1 belonged to the IGHV-unmutated subtype and two of them also had the p.P2515Rfs*4 mutation in NOTCH1, indicating that both mutations could have synergic effects in CLL development. We identified three patients carrying a total of six mutations (F49L/ L65P, L90F and L58P/T64A/Q81P) in the gene encoding kelch-like protein 6 (KLHL6), which is implicated in the formation of the germinal centre during B cell maturation20. All six mutations were clustered between residues 49 and 90 (Supplementary Fig. 7). The presence of several point mutations in cis, located near the transcriptional start site of a gene that is highly expressed in the germinal centre, is a characteristic feature of somatic hypermutation. In fact, all three patients had CLL with mutated IGHV. Although somatic hypermutation occurs mainly in IGHV regions, other proto-oncogenes, including BCL6, MYC and PIM1, are mutated by somatic hypermutation in different lymphomas21. However, only BCL6 has been previously shown to be hypermutated by this mechanism in CLL21. Our data show that KLHL6 is probably also a target of somatic hypermutation in IGHV-mutated patients, although its precise contribution to the oncogenic process in CLL remains to be determined. In addition to these four genes, we identified a series of large genomic alterations that were previously reported2. They included the deletion, in three cases, of the 13q14 region22, and a 40-Mb deletion in chromosome 6q14q22 (Fig. 1a, Supplementary Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 5). Finally, in one patient we detected a p.P281R mutation in the cyclin D2 gene (CCND2), which resulted in the accumulation of cyclin D2 in tumour cells (Supplementary Fig. 8). This finding, together with the high conservation of this residue and the identification of mutations in the equivalent residue of cyclin D1 (CCND1) in endometrial cancer23, indicates that this CCND2 mutation could be a driver contributing to the development of CLL in this patient. The finding illustrates the putative relevance of non-recurrent mutations for the pathogenesis of CLL.
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The International Cancer Genome Consortium project was founded on the concept that sequencing of cancer genomes could reshape our understanding of cancer biology, with direct implications for clinical translation24. Our study of four CLL genomes underscores this transformative potential, although additional studies will be necessary to translate these findings to the clinic. We have identified four recurrently mutated genes and provided novel insights into the mechanisms by which leukaemic cells recruit, instruct and coordinate a tumour microenvironment. Currently, the biological identification of different subgroups of CLL is based on markers such as IGHV mutational status, cytogenetics, ZAP-70 expression or CD38 expression, which are not fundamental agents in the leukaemic process. The classification of patients based on genomic drivers of the disease is conceptually appealing, as shown by our demonstration that NOTCH1 and MYD88 mutations identify distinct subgroups of patients with particular clinical and biological features. Furthermore, we provide functional evidence that both NOTCH1 and MYD88 mutations are activating events and potential therapeutic targets. The potential to personalize therapeutic choices for patients on the basis of the genomic architecture of their cancers is the long-term aspiration for studies such as this, combining whole-genome sequencing, functional studies and clinical analysis of patients with cancer.

Four patients with CLL, who had given informed consent for sample collection and analysis, were studied. Tumour samples were obtained before treatment and tumour cells were separated from non-tumour cells by immunomagnetic depletion of T cells, natural killer cells, monocytes and granulocytes (Supplementary Information). Tumour cell purity was $98% as assessed by flow cytometry. Normal blood cells from the same patient were obtained after treatment, resulting in no detectable, or less than 0.05%, tumour cell contamination, as assessed by flow cytometry. Additional samples from 363 patients were obtained for clinical validation. Protocols for long-insert and short-insert library construction and for massively parallel paired-end sequencing have been described elsewhere (ref. 25 and Supplementary Information). Genotyping and copy number analysis were performed using the Affymetrix SNP6.0, Agilent 1M and Illumina OmniQuad arrays

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on the same cases used for whole-genome sequencing. For the validation of candidate genes in a set of 169 additional CLL patients, we used a combination of PCR amplification and Illumina sequencing in pooled samples, resulting in efficient identification of germline and somatic mutations (Supplementary Information). Sequencing data were aligned to the human reference genome (GRCh37) using BurrowsWheeler alignment (BWA)26 and somatic substitutions were identified using Sidron, a probabilistic binomial model that uses genotyping data to calibrate sequencing error per sample. Functional analyses of the identified mutations were performed using cryopreserved primary tumour cells. For gene expression analysis, RNA was purified from tumour cells and analysed using the HU133 plus 2.0 GeneChip (Affymetrix). For immunoprecipitation and western blotting, CLL cell extracts were prepared and detected using the indicated antibodies (Supplementary Information). For Toll-like receptor stimulation of CLL cells, the Human TLR19 agonist kit (InvivoGen) was used.
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Nature 456, 5359 (2008). 26. Li, H. & Durbin, R. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform. Bioinformatics 25, 17541760 (2009). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and tica Innovation (MICINN) through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Red Tema de Investigacion del Cancer (RTICC) del ISCIII. C.L.-O. is an Investigator of the Botin Foundation and D.T., of the ICREA program. We thank E. Santos for his support of this project, A. Carracedo and J. Bentez for genotyping studies, C. Fortuny for the supply of samples and N. Villahoz and M. C. Muro for their work in the coordination of the CLL-ICGC Consortium. We are also grateful to all patients with CLL who participated in this study. Author Contributions X.S.P., V.Q., G.R.O., J.M.P.F., G.V., and A.G.-F. developed the bioinformatic algorithms for analysis of sequence data, implemented SMIPS for clinical validation and performed functional studies. M.P., L.C., P.J., M.J., M.L.-G., D.Colomer, S.G., C.L., A.N. and J.Y. were responsible for downstream validation analysis and functional studies. S.B., A.C., G.E., L.B., J.M.C.T., J.C.D. and C.T. studied structural variants. M.G., M.B., S.H., D.A.P., H.H., E.C., J.M., K.R. and L.A.S. were responsible for generating libraries, performing exome capture and running sequencers. P.N., C.M.R-C. and M.A. prepared and supervised the bioethical requirements. S.S. designed the epidemiologic study. P.K. gave conceptual advice and revised the manuscript. N.V., T.B., D.Costa, A.C., A.E., L.H., M.A.P., E.A., J.S.M., E.M., A.L.-G. and E.C. performed clinical and biological studies. M.R., N.V., J.M.H. and M.G.-D. were the pathologists who reviewed and confirmed the diagnoses. R.R., J.L.G., M.O., D.T., D.G.P., A.V. and R.G. were in charge of bioinformatics data management. I.G., P.A.F., M.R.S. and P.J.C. coordinated the sequencing efforts and performed primary data analysis. X.S.P., X.E., A.L-G., C.L.-O. and E.C. directed the research and wrote the manuscript, which all authors have approved. Author Information Sequencing, expression and genotyping array data have been deposited at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ ega/), which is hosted at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), under accession number EGAS00000000092. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. This paper is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike licence, and is freely available to all readers at www.nature.com/nature. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.C. ([email protected]) or C.L.-O. ([email protected]).



5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.


14. 15. 16.

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Oncogene-induced Nrf2 transcription promotes ROS detoxification and tumorigenesis

Gina M. DeNicola1,2, Florian A. Karreth1,3, Timothy J. Humpton1, Aarthi Gopinathan1,2, Cong Wei4, Kristopher Frese1, Dipti Mangal4, Kenneth H. Yu4, Charles J. Yeo5, Eric S. Calhoun6, Francesca Scrimieri7, Jordan M. Winter8, Ralph H. Hruban7,9, Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue7,9, Scott E. Kern7,9, Ian A. Blair4 & David A. Tuveson1

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are mutagenic and may thereby promote cancer1. Normally, ROS levels are tightly controlled by an inducible antioxidant program that responds to cellular stressors and is predominantly regulated by the transcription factor Nrf2 (also known as Nfe2l2) and its repressor protein Keap1 (refs 25). In contrast to the acute physiological regulation of Nrf2, in neoplasia there is evidence for increased basal activation of Nrf2. Indeed, somatic mutations that disrupt the Nrf2Keap1 interaction to stabilize Nrf2 and increase the constitutive transcription of Nrf2 target genes were recently identified, indicating that enhanced ROS detoxification and additional Nrf2 functions may in fact be protumorigenic6. Here, we investigated ROS metabolism in primary murine cells following the expression of endogenous oncogenic alleles of Kras, Braf and Myc, and found that ROS are actively suppressed by these oncogenes. K-RasG12D, B-RafV619E and MycERT2 each increased the transcription of Nrf2 to stably elevate the basal Nrf2 antioxidant program and thereby lower intracellular ROS and confer a more reduced intracellular environment. Oncogene-directed increased expression of Nrf2 is a new mechanism for the activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant program, and is evident in primary cells and tissues of mice expressing K-RasG12D and B-RafV619E, and in human pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, genetic targeting of the Nrf2 pathway impairs K-RasG12D-induced proliferation and tumorigenesis in vivo. Thus, the Nrf2 antioxidant and cellular detoxification program represents a previously unappreciated mediator of oncogenesis. To examine the role of ROS in cellular transformation and tumorigenesis, we used an endogenous and conditional oncogenic LSL-KRasG12D allele7. K-RasG12D/1 and K-RasLSL/1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were compared to MEFs and NIH3T3 fibroblasts (NIH3T3s) transduced with K-Ras4BG12D and H-RasV12 (Fig. 1a), because ectopic Ras introduction was previously reported to increase ROS production8. In contrast to ectopic overexpression of oncogenic Ras, K-RasG12D/1 MEFs demonstrated lower levels of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide and mitochondrial ROS compared to K-RasLSL/1 MEFs (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 2a, b). Accordingly, the level of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-29-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dGuo), one of the major products of DNA oxidation, was decreased in MEFs expressing endogenous K-RasG12D/1, but increased by ectopic oncogenic Ras (Fig. 1b). The levels of ROS and 8-oxo-dGuo were also lower in p532/2; K-RasG12D/1 MEFs compared to p532/2; K-RasLSL/1 MEFs (p53 is also known as Trp53; Supplementary Fig. 2c, d), supporting that these differences are not due to differential activation of a senescence program and demonstrating that increased ROS production is not required for full transformation7,9. Because alterations of ROS can affect the intracellular redox state10, the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) was examined in cells expressing ectopic and endogenous K-RasG12D. Whereas both

Total Rac Ras
pB a pB pB be- ab ab K- e R K- e-H as K- Ra -Ra Ra sL s sG SL/ 12 + D/ pB ab pB + pB e- ab ab K- e R K- e-H as K- Ra -Ra Ra sL s SL sG / 12 + D/ +

3T3s 400 GTP-bound DCF fluorescence (arbitrary units) 300 200 100 0



* ***


8-oxo-dGuo per 106 dGuo GSH/GSSG ratio 25 20 15 10 5
pB ab pB e- ab K- e Ra s KRa KRa sL sG SL/ 12 + D/ +

80 60 40 20 0

Glutathione (nmol per mg protein)



Glutathione (nmol per mg protein)

GSH/GSSG ratio

40 30 20 10 0 LSL/+ G12D/+

DCF fluorescence (arbitrary units)


3 2 1 0

200 150 100 50

LSL/+ G12D/+

pB a pB pB be ab ab -K- e e R K- -H- as K- Ra Ras Ra sL sG SL/ 12 + D/ W + T Ad W -M T oc Ad k -C re


ab pB e- ab H e -R as

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

P = 0.106





0 4-OHT:

Figure 1 | Physiological expression of oncogenes lowers ROS. NIH3T3s and MEFs were transduced with retroviral vectors and evaluated 6 days later: control vector (pBabe), pBabe-H-RasG12V (p-Babe-H-Ras), or pBabe-KRasG12D (p-Babe-K-Ras). Alternatively, LSL-K-RasG12D MEFs were infected with Ad-mock (K-RasLSL/1) or Ad-cre (K-RasG12D/1) and evaluated 4 days later. Wild-type MEFs were infected with Ad-mock (WT Ad-Mock) or Ad-cre (WT Ad-Cre) and used as controls. a, Left, western blot of total and GTPbound Ras in MEFs expressing endogenous and ectopic Ras, with Rac used as a loading control. Right, ROS levels following expression of oncogenic Ras, as determined by 29,79-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF) staining. b, 8-oxodGuo levels following ectopic and endogenous expression of K-RasG12D. cf, Determination of the GSH/GSSG ratios and total cellular glutathione in cells overexpressing ectopic K-RasG12D (c, d), or expressing endogenous K-RasG12D (e, f). g, ROS levels following activation of MycERT2. R26MER/MER MEFs were treated with DMSO or 100 nM 4-OHT and assayed after 24 h. Data are representative of 3 or more independent experiments. *, P , 0.05; **, P , 0.01; ***, P , 0.001 and error bars represent 6 s.e.m. here and for all figures.

Li Ka Shing Centre, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK. 2Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA. 3University of Vienna, Dr. Bohrgasse 9, 1030 Vienna, Austria. 4Center for Cancer Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19104, USA. 5Department of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, USA. 6Department of Biology, Alma College, Alma, Michigan 48801, USA. 7Department of Oncology, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 21287, USA. 8Department of Surgery, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 21287, USA. 9Department of Pathology, The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland 21287, USA. 1 0 6 | N AT U R E | V O L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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elevated the level of total glutathione (Fig. 1d, f and ref. 11), only the endogenous expression of K-RasG12D elevated the GSH/GSSG ratio to promote a more reduced intracellular environment (Fig. 1c, e). The production of ROS by ectopic oncogenic Ras is chiefly regulated by NADPH-oxidase (Nox)12. Only the ectopic overexpression of oncogenic Ras increased Nox activity and messenger RNA, providing a mechanistic explanation for these differing results (Supplementary Fig. 3). Similar to oncogenic Ras, ectopic expression of Myc has also been shown to increase the production of ROS in NIH3T3 fibroblasts13 and accordingly we sought to determine whether near-physiological expression of this oncogene had a similar effect. Treatment of R26MER/MER MEFs, which express a homozygous MycERT2 allele under the control of the Rosa26 promoter14, with 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT) resulted in a substantial reduction of ROS (Fig. 1g). However, this was not a characteristic feature of all oncogenic stimuli as expression of activated Notch1 and b-catenin did not lower ROS (Supplementary Fig. 4). Therefore, endogenous expression of oncogenic K-Ras or MycERT2 lowers the level of cellular ROS, in contrast to the ectopic overexpression of these oncogenes. As the intracellular redox state is chiefly regulated by Nrf2, we examined Nrf2 protein levels and activity in K-RasLSL/1 and K-RasG12D/1 MEFs by western blot, reporter assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis of the Nrf2 target genes Hmox1 and Nqo1. Expression of K-RasG12D resulted in an approximately twofold increase in Nrf2 protein and binding activity compared to control MEFs (Fig. 2a, b and Supplementary Fig. 5a), which was not attributable to altered regulation by Keap1 (ref. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 6). K-RasG12D/1 MEFs showed increased Nrf2 mRNA and increased expression of Hmox1, Nqo1, Gclc, Gclm and Ggt1 mRNA and protein (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Fig. 5b). Increased expression of Nrf2 and its target genes was also observed following K-RasG12D expression in p532/2 MEFs, and following ectopic expression of K-RasG12D and H-RasV12 in primary MEFs, but not following expression of activated Notch1 or b-catenin (Supplementary Fig. 5cg). However, expression of K-RasG12D in Nrf2-deficient MEFs failed to
Nrf2 1.0 1.6 0 Actin
Ra s LS L/ K+ Ra sG
12 D /+

elevate total glutathione levels and resulted in a more oxidized intracellular environment (Fig. 2d, e). Neither the cell culture conditions employed to express K-RasG12D nor the gene dosage of wild-type K-Ras affected the expression of Nrf2 target genes (Supplementary Fig. 7a, b). Additionally, ROS metabolism in wild-type MEFs was sensitive to acute changes in the levels of Keap1 and Nrf2, further supporting a causal relationship between Nrf2 and ROS (Supplementary Fig. 7ce). Furthermore, acute knockdown of Nrf2 attenuated the reduction in ROS by K-RasG12D (Fig. 2f), and the effects of Nrf2 depletion on ROS were dosage-dependent, supporting the importance of the level of Nrf2 mRNA for ROS control (Supplementary Fig. 7f, g). Similar to K-RasG12D, activation of c-MycERT2 (with 4-OHT) promoted an increase in the mRNA and protein levels of Nrf2 and its target genes (Fig. 2g, h and Supplementary Fig. 7h). Furthermore, ChIP-seq data from the ENCODE consortium demonstrated direct binding of Myc to the Nfe2l2 locus (Supplementary Fig. 8a)15. Therefore, the K-Ras and Myc oncogenes can constitutively increase the transcription of Nrf2 to elevate the basal activity of the antioxidant and cellular detoxification program. To investigate the mechanism of Nrf2 activation by K-RasG12D, the roles of the Raf/MEK/ERK and p38alpha (also known as Araf/Braf/Raf1, Map2k1/2, Mapk1/2 and Mapk14) MAPK pathways were investigated. First, cells were treated with a potent and specific inhibitor of MEK, AZD6244 (ARRY-142886) (Supplementary Fig. 9ac), which restored the ROS level of K-RasG12D/1 cells almost to the level of K-RasLSL/1 cells (Fig. 3a). Additionally, AZD6244 treatment resulted in decreased induction of Nrf2 and its target genes (Fig. 3b). Furthermore, endogenous expression of B-Raf V619E (corresponding to human B-RafV600E)16 resulted in increased phospho-ERK levels, a decrease in ROS, and an increase in Nrf2 mRNA and antioxidant gene expression (Supplementary Fig. 9df). As previously reported17, we found that p38alpha MAPK did not activate Nrf2 (Supplementary Fig. 9gi). To determine the mechanism of increased Nrf2 expression, transcription factors downstream of MAPK signalling were examined. Accordingly, knockdown of Jun, Fra1 (also known as Fosl1) and Myc, but not JunD or Elk1,
Figure 2 | Physiological expression of oncogenes activates the Nrf2 antioxidant program. a, Western blot demonstrates a 60% increase in Nrf2 protein following expression of endogenous K-RasG12D. Antibody specificity was confirmed using Nrf22/2 MEFs. b, Nrf2 ChIP followed by q-PCR for the Hmox1 and Nqo1 promoters. Control non-specific primers amplified regions of DNA located 50Kb from the Hmox1 and Nqo1 promoters. c, Expression of Nrf2 and Nrf2 target genes Nqo1, Hmox1, Gclm, Gclc and Ggt1 upon K-RasG12D expression in Nrf21/1 and Nrf22/2 MEFs. Nrf2 mRNA is relatively unstable but still detectable at low levels in Nrf22/2 MEFs. d, e, Determination of the GSH/GSSG ratio (d) and total glutathione (e) upon K-RasG12D expression in Nrf22/2 MEFs. f, ROS levels following Nrf2 depletion with siRNA. LSL-K-RasG12D MEFs were transfected with non-targeting (NT) or Nrf2 siRNA, infected with Ad-mock or Ad-cre and assayed after 48 h for DCF oxidation. g, Western blot of Nrf2 protein levels following induction of MycERT2 by 4-OHT. Densitometry shows a 2.3-fold increase. h, Analysis of Nrf2 antioxidant program gene expression following activation of MycERT2. R26MER/MER MEFs were treated with DMSO or 100 nM 4-OHT for 24 h and assayed for antioxidant gene expression. Data are representative of three independent experiments.

Fold enrichment over input

5 4 3 2 1 G12D/+ +/+

Hmox1 Hmox1 non-specific Nqo1 Nqo1 non-specific

N rf2 /

0 K-Ras: LSL/+ Nrf2: +/+

LSL/+ /

G12D/+ /


Total glutathione (nmol per mg protein)

Relative mRNA expression

GSH/GSSG ratio

K-RasLSL/+; Nrf2+/+ K-RasLSL/+; Nrf2/

K-RasG12D/+; Nrf2+/+ K-RasG12D/+; Nrf2/

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

1.5 1 0.5 0

Hmox1 Nqo1 Nrf2

Gclc Gclm Ggt1

K-Ras: LSL/+ G12D/+ / Nrf2: /

K-Ras: LSL/+ G12D/+ / Nrf2: /

Percent decrease: 100 DCF fluorescence (arbitrary units) 80 60 40 20 0

36.3 9.5 R26MER/MER Nrf2/ Nrf2 1 Actin 4OHT: + 2.3 0

DMSO 8 Relative mRNA expression 6 4 2 0
Hmox1 Nqo1 Nrf2 Gclc Gclm Ggt1


K-Ras: LSL/+ G12D/+ LSL/+ G12D/+ NT Nrf2 Nrf2 siRNA: NT

7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 1 0 7

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150 DCF fluorescence (arbitrary units) 100 50 0
DM SO D6 24 4 DM SO 24 4 D6

K-RasLSL/+ K-RasG12D/+ NS

2 Relative mRNA expression

K-RasLSL/+ DMSO K-RasLSL/+ AZD6244

K-RasG12D/+ DMSO K-RasG12D/+ AZD6244



Hmox1 Nqo1


Gclc 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


Ggt1 NS

Relative Nrf2 mRNA expression


K-RasG12D/+ NS

DMSO AZD6244 Jun

DCF fluorescence (arbitrary units)







KR K- as LS Ra L/ + s K- G12D R / K- as L + Ra SL/ + s B- G12D B- Raf L /+ SL Ra f V6 / +
+ E/ 19

Nrf2 +/+

Nrf2 /

250 200 Total PanIN-1a 150 100 50 0 N=

Percentage of Ki-67-positive PanIN-1a cells





0 siRNA: NT Jun JunD Fra1 Elk-1 Myc

K-Ras: siRNA:

LS L G /+ 12 D/ + LS L/ G + 12 D/ +

Figure 3 | Activation of Nrf2 by K-Ras occurs via the Raf-MEK-ERKJun pathway. a, ROS levels following treatment of K-RasG12D/1 MEFs with AZD6244. LSL-K-RasG12D MEFs were treated with DMSO or 0.1 mM AZD6244, infected with Ad-mock (K-RasLSL/1) or Ad-cre (K-RasG12D/1) and assayed after 72 h. b, Analysis of antioxidant gene expression following treatment of K-RasLSL/1 and K-RasG12D/1 MEFs with AZD6244 for 24 h. c, Control of Nrf2 transcription by AP-1 family members. K-RasLSL/1 and K-RasG12D/1 MEFs were transfected with siRNA and assayed for Nrf2 expression after 48 h. d, Western blot of Jun and actin protein levels in LSL-KRasG12D and LSL-B-RafV619E MEFs. K-RasLSL/1 and K-RasG12D/1 MEFs were treated with DMSO or 0.1 mM AZD6244 for 24 h. e, ROS levels following Jun depletion with siRNA. LSL-K-RasG12D MEFs were transfected with nontargeting (NT) or Jun siRNA, infected with Ad-mock or Ad-cre and assayed after 48 h for DCF oxidation. Data are representative of three independent experiments.






0 N=

Nrf2+/+ 13

Nrf2/ 14

Nrf2+/+ Nrf2/ 6 5

Figure 4 | Evidence for Nrf2 antioxidant program in pancreatic cancer. a, Immunohistochemical detection of Nqo1 (brown staining) and 8-oxo-dGuo (purple staining) in mouse PanIN and PDA (similar patterns observed for 11 out of 11 of cases examined) in comparison to morphologically normal ducts. PanIN (arrows), PDA (black arrowheads), normal ducts (white arrowheads) here and for all figures. Scale bar, 56 mm. b, Immunohistochemical detection of Nqo1 and 8-oxo-dGuo in Nrf22/2 PanIN compared to Nrf21/1 PanIN (similar patterns observed for 5 out of 5 of each genotype examined, PanIN outlined by white dashes). Scale bar 5 56 mm. c, Nrf22/2 and Nrf21/1 PanIN1a incidence. Whole pancreata were sectioned at 100-mm intervals and total numbers of PanIN-1a were counted. d, Proliferation of PanIN-1a cells in Nrf22/2 and Nrf21/1 mice, as determined by Ki-67 immunostaining.

decreased the Nrf2 mRNA in K-RasG12D/1 cells, with almost complete rescue achieved with Jun (Fig. 3c). Short interfering RNA (siRNA) efficiency was confirmed by real-time PCR and western blot (Supplementary Fig. 10a, b). Importantly, K-RasG12D/1 MEFs and B-Raf V619E MEFs showed elevated Jun protein levels compared to control MEFs, and the elevated Jun level in K-RasG12D/1 MEFs was rescued by treatment with AZD6244 (Fig. 3d). Furthermore, depletion of Jun with siRNA prevented the decrease in ROS following expression of K-RasG12D (Fig. 3e, Supplementary Fig. 10c). Our results reinforce a prior finding that antioxidant response elements that closely resemble AP-1 sites help regulate the Nrf2 promoter18. Finally, ChIP-seq revealed that the transcriptional start site of the Nfe2l2 locus is a direct binding target of Jun (Supplementary Fig. 8b)15. Thus, K-RasG12D and B-Raf V619E stimulate transcription of Nrf2 via Jun and Myc. We next examined whether these oncogenes promote activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant and cellular detoxification program in vivo. Elevated protein expression of the Nrf2 target gene Nqo1 and decreased immunoreactivity for 8-oxo-dGuo were evident in K-Ras mutant murine19 and human pre-invasive pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), and in murine lung adenomas expressing B-RafV619E (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Figs 11a, 12, 13 and 14a). PanIN also demonstrated reduced immunoreactivity for the lipid peroxidation adduct malondialdehyde (MDA) (Supplementary Fig. 11b). Furthermore, K-RasG12D/1 pancreatic epithelial cells showed activation of Nrf2 and decreased ROS compared to K-RasLSL/1, whereas treatment of human PDA tumour lines with KRAS siRNA resulted in decreased Nrf2 and Nqo1 mRNA and an increase in ROS (Supplementary Fig. 15). The activation of Nrf2 in human pancreatic cancer could not be explained by somatic mutations in NFE2L2 or KEAP1; we sequenced over 100 samples of human PDA and identified only one case with a concomitant KEAP1 and KRAS mutation (Supplementary Information and Supplementary Fig. 14b). Importantly, Nrf2-deficient murine PanIN were negative for Nqo1 and demonstrated similar levels of 8-oxo-dGuo and MDA in PanIN compared to neighbouring morphologically normal ductal cells, supporting
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a role for Nrf2 in ROS detoxification in vivo (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 11b, c). Nrf2-deficient salivary gland did not demonstrate elevated 8-oxo-dGuo immunoreactivity, indicating that K-RasG12D-expressing cells are more reliant on Nrf2 for ROS detoxification (Supplementary Fig. 16a). Therefore, an antioxidant program is operant during tumorigenesis, consistent with our findings that link oncogenic K-Ras and B-Raf expression with the activation of Nrf2. To investigate whether activation of Nrf2 promotes K-RasG12D initiated carcinomas, the effects of Nrf2 ablation were examined in established mouse models of pancreatic and lung cancer. Nrf2deficient pancreata were noted to contain fewer PanIN (Fig. 4c). Whereas the proliferation of the salivary gland was unchanged (Supplementary Fig. 16b), PanIN from Nrf2-deficient mice were significantly less proliferative and demonstrated an increased content of cells showing senescence-associated b-galactosidase activity (Fig. 4d and Supplementary Fig. 17a). No significant differences were observed in PanIN cell apoptosis or DNA damage (Supplementary Fig. 17b, c). Senescence was also observed in K-RasG12D/1 MEFs following acute depletion of Nrf2 with siRNA and was dependent on expression of p53 (Supplementary Fig. 17d). The Nrf2-dependent proliferation defect noted in PanIN was also observed in MEFs, and both could be rescued by the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (Supplementary Fig. 18a, b). Furthermore, treatment of Nrf21/1 PanIN mice with a glutathione synthesis inhibitor resulted in a significant decrease in the proliferation of PanIN but not adjacent acinar cells (Supplementary Fig. 18ce). Additionally, the role of Nrf2 in lung cancer development was investigated. Nrf2 deficiency resulted in a significant reduction in disease burden and proliferation, and an increase in median survival (Supplementary Fig. 19). Although we cannot exclude the potential involvement of non-cell-autonomous effects arising from constitutive Nrf2 deficiency, the major impact seemed to be restricted to tumour initiation and proliferation of nascent preneoplastic cells. These results demonstrate that Nrf2 promotes K-RasG12D-initiated pancreatic and lung tumorigenesis and proliferation.

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ROS can stimulate tumorigenesis through the oxidation of DNA and subsequent mutation of genes that promote carcinogenesis. In contrast, we found that activating a ROS-detoxification program contributed to tumorigenesis, although our study does not exclude a role for other Nrf2 targets such as drug-metabolizing enzymes and efflux pumps, heat shock proteins, 26S proteasome subunits, growth factors and receptors6. Future studies will be necessary to determine the role of these Nrf2 functions in tumours with activated Nrf2. Increased expression of Nrf2 target genes and increased stability of Nrf2 caused by somatic mutations in Nrf2 and Keap1 are well documented in human cancer, providing one mechanism for enhanced Nrf2 activity during tumorigenesis. Our work describes oncogenic signalling as an alternative mechanism to activate Nrf2 transcription during tumorigenesis (Supplementary Fig. 1), and suggests that modulation of the redox state is uniformly important in cancer and may therefore represent a therapeutic opportunity. Thus, constitutively elevated Nrf2 activity in cancer cells occurs through two distinct mechanisms: diminished Nrf2 turnover and augmented Nrf2 mRNA levels.
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Mouse strains were described previously2022, and were interbred onto the same genetic background (mixed B6/129/SJL) for tumour studies. Mice were infected intranasally with 107 plaque-forming units of adenoviral-cre as described20. Mice were maintained in compliance with UK Home Office regulations. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were isolated from embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) embryos, maintained in DMEM with 10% FCS and were plated at 70% confluence the day before use unless otherwise stated. Early-passage MEFs (passage 34) were used for all experiments, and at least three lines were examined for all studies. R26MER/MER (G. Evan), R26-LSL-NIC (C. Murtaugh), APCfl/fl (O. Sansom), p38a2/2; LSL-KRasG12D (J.-J. Ventura), and Jun2/2 (E. Wagner) MEFs were generously provided. Adenoviral and retroviral transductions were performed as described7. NIH3T3 fibroblasts were obtained from the ATCC and maintained in DMEM with 10% FCS. For ROS measurements, cells were labelled in serum- and phenol-red-free media containing 5 mM dihydroethidium or 10 mM 29,79-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (both Sigma Aldrich) for 30 min, and analysed by flow cytometry. 8-oxo-dGuo and glutathione were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as described23,24. Protein lysates were prepared using 1% SDS lysis buffer and separated on 412% NuPAGE gels (Invitrogen), transferred onto a PVDF membrane (Millipore) and incubated with the following antibodies: actin (I-19), Keap1 (E20), Nqo1 (C-19), Ggt1 (3E6) and B-Raf (F-7) (all Santa Cruz Biotechnologies); ERK, phospho-ERK (Thr202/Tyr204), Akt, phospho-AKT (S473), Jun and Elk1 (all Cell Signaling); Hmox1 (Stressgen) and b-catenin (BD Biosciences) were also used. Nrf2 western blots are described in the supplementary methods. RNA was isolated using an RNeasy kit (Qiagen). cDNA was synthesized using a High Capacity RNA to cDNA Master Mix and analysed by quantitative PCR (q-PCR) using TaqMan gene expression assays on a 7900HT Real-Time PCR system (all Applied Biosystems). Target gene expression was normalized to actin expression, and shown relative to control samples.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 8 August 2010; accepted 12 May 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shibutani, S., Takeshita, M. & Grollman, A. P. Insertion of specific bases during DNA synthesis past the oxidation-damaged base 8-oxodG. Nature 349, 431434 (1991). Itoh, K. et al. Keap1 represses nuclear activation of antioxidant responsive elements by Nrf2 through binding to the amino-terminal Neh2 domain. Genes Dev. 13, 7686 (1999). Wakabayashi, N. et al. Keap1-null mutation leads to postnatal lethality due to constitutive Nrf2 activation. Nature Genet. 35, 238245 (2003). Nguyen, T., Nioi, P. & Pickett, C. B. The Nrf2-antioxidant response element signaling pathway and its activation by oxidative stress. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 1329113295 (2009). Venugopal, R. & Jaiswal, A. K. Nrf2 and Nrf1 in association with Jun proteins regulate antioxidant response element-mediated expression and coordinated induction of genes encoding detoxifying enzymes. Oncogene 17, 31453156 (1998).


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank J. Johnson for providing the Nrf22/2 mice; G. Evan, O. Sansom, C. Murtaugh, J.-J. Ventura and E. Wagner for MEFs; E. Schmidt for Nrf2 antiserum; E. Jaffee, A. Maitra and A. Horii for human PDA cell lines; B. Haynes, S. Davies and N. Cook for human PDA tissue samples; C. Ross-Innes, K. Holmes and J. Carroll for advice with the ChIP assay; and the ENCODE Consortium for ChIP-seq studies. We thank F. Connor, C. Martins and other members of the Tuveson lab for assistance and advice, and the animal care staff and histology core at CRI. This research was supported by the University of Cambridge and Cancer Research UK, The Li Ka Shing Foundation and Hutchison Whampoa Limited, the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, and the NIH (grants CA101973, CA111294, CA084291 and CA105490 to D.A.T.; CA62924 and CA128920 to S.E.K. and C.I.-D.; and CA106610 to C.I.-D.). Additional support was obtained from the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania Pilot Grant IRG 78-002-26 (D.A.T.), Emerald Foundation (E.S.C.), the Marjorie Kovler Fund (S.E.K.) and the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award F32CA123887-01 (K.F.). We regret that many primary references have been omitted due to space limitations. Author Contributions G.M.D., F.A.K., T.J.H., A.G. and K.F. performed cell culture and mouse experiments. C.W., D.M., K.H.Y. and I.A.B. performed 8-oxo-dGuo and glutathione assays. C.J.Y., E.S.C., F.S., J.M.W., R.H.H., C.I.-D. and S.E.K. performed Nrf2 and Keap1 sequencing. G.M.D. and D.A.T. designed the study and wrote the manuscript, and all authors commented on it. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.A.T. ([email protected]).

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Mouse strains and MEFs. Mouse strains were described previously , and were interbred onto the same genetic background (mixed B6/129/SJL) for tumour studies. Mice were infected intranasally with 107 plaque-forming units of adenoviral-cre as described20. Mice were maintained in compliance with UK Home Office regulations. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were isolated from embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) embryos, maintained in DMEM with 10% FCS and were plated at 70% confluence the day before use unless otherwise stated. Early-passage MEFs (passage 34) were used for all experiments, and at least three lines were examined for all studies. R26MER/MER (G. Evan), R26-LSL-NIC (C. Murtaugh), APCfl/fl (O. Sansom), p38a2/2; LSL-K-RasG12D (J.-J. Ventura) and Jun2/2 (E. Wagner) MEFs were provided. Adenoviral and retroviral transductions were performed as described7. NIH3T3 fibroblasts were obtained from the ATCC and maintained in DMEM with 10% FCS. Analysis of 8-oxo-dGuo and glutathione. 8-oxo-dGuo and glutathione were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as described23,24. Chromatin immunoprecipitation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was performed as described25. Cells (5 3 106) were fixed at 37 uC in DMEM with 1% formaldehyde for 10 min and lysed in 1% SDS, 10 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1 plus protease inhibitors and sonicated for 20 min in a cold water bath until DNA was an average size of 1 kilobase. Input was saved and lysate was diluted in immunoprecipitation buffer (1% Triton, 2 mM EDTA, 150 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1) and mixed with beads (Dynal Protein A, Invitrogen) that were pre-bound overnight with Nrf2 antibody (H-300, Santa Cruz). Chromatin was immunoprecipitated overnight, and beads were washed six times with RIPA buffer (50 mM HEPES pH 7.6, 1 mM EDTA, 0.7% Na deoxycholate, 1% NP-40, 0.5 M LiCl) and twice with TE. Beads were incubated with 1% SDS, 0.1 M NaHCO3 for 30 min at room temperature, and then crosslinks were reversed on both the input and the immunoprecipitate by heating overnight in a 65 uC water bath. DNA was purified with a QIAquick spin kit (Qiagen) and Q-PCR was performed in triplicate with a Power SYBR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) on an Applied Biosystems 7900HT with the following primers26,27: Nqo1-F, 59-GCAGTTTCTAAGA GCAGAAC-39; Nqo1-R, 59-GTAGATTAGTCCTCACTCAGCCG-39; Nqo1 Non-specific-F, 59-AGGAGATGGAAGGCAGGAAG-39; Nqo1 Non-specific-R, 59-GGGCGCACTATTGTCATCTT-39; Hmox-1-F, 59-GGGCTAGCATGCG AAGTGAG-39; Hmox-1-R, 59-AGACTCCGCCCTAAGGGTTC-39; Hmox-1 Non-specific-F, 59-GGCAGGTATGGACCTTCAAA-39; Hmox-1 Non-specific-R, 59-AAAGGAGTCAGGGAGGGAGA-39. ChIP-seq (ENCODE). These data were generated and analysed by the labs of M. Snyder, M. Gerstein and S. Weissman, P. Farnham, and K. Struhl at Harvard using the K562 cell line. The following antibodies were used: c-Jun (sc-1694, Santa Cruz), c-Myc (sc-764, Santa Cruz). The data can be accessed at http://genome.ucsc.edu/ ENCODE/. Human pancreatic cancer cell culture. MiaPaCa2 and Hs766T cells were obtained from CRUK Clare Hall Laboratories. Both lines were grown in DMEM with 10% FBS. siRNA transfections were performed with DharmaFECT 1. Immunohistochemistry. Human tissue was donated for research purposes by patients undergoing pancreatic surgery at a tertiary hepatopancreaticobiliary referral centre (Addenbrookes Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Cambridge, UK). Ethical approval was granted by the local research and ethics committee (LREC number 08/H0306/32). Paraffin-embedded mouse and human specimens were deparaffinized and rehydrated, followed by antigen retrieval in boiling citrate buffer. The following primary antibodies were used: Ki-67 (SP-6, Neomarkers), Nqo1 (Abcam, Sigma Aldrich), 8-oxo-dGuo ([N45.1], Abcam), c-H2AX (Millipore), cleaved caspase 3 (Cell Signaling), anti-Malondialdehyde (Abcam). Horseradish-peroxidase-based detection reagents were used for all immunohistochemistry except 8-oxo-dGuo, for which alkaline-phosphatase-based reagents were used. 8-oxo-dGuo specificity was verified by treating sections for 1 h with 1 U ml21 DNase at 37 uC. For quantification of 8-oxo-dGuo, mean signal intensity was calculated using Adobe Photoshop CS. Immunohistochemistry images were converted to greyscale images, inverted, and mean pixel 8-oxo-dGuo intensity analysed. For murine Nqo1 immunohistochemistry, the Sigma Aldrich antiNqo1 antibody was used, and the staining pattern was confirmed to be reproducible with the Abcam antibody (not shown). The Abcam Nqo1 antibody was used for human tissue. Luciferase assay. LSL-K-RasG12D and Nrf22/2; K-RasG12D MEFs were plated in 12-well dishes at a density of 5 3 104 cells per well and infected with a Cignal Lenti ARE Reporter (Qiagen) at a multiplicity of infection of 10. After 6 h the cells were split 1:2 and infected the next day with Ad-mock and Ad-cre. After 4 days the cells were plated at 70% confluence and analysed for luciferase activity using the DualLuciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega) with a luminometer. Lysates were analysed in duplicate and cells lacking the ARE reporter were included as a control.

Mitochondrial and cellular ROS. For mitochondrial ROS, cells were incubated in serum- and phenol red-free DMEM with 5 mM MitoSOX or 100 nM MitoTracker Green FM (both Invitrogen) for 30 min and analysed by flow cytometry. Mitochondrial ROS was plotted as the mitochondrial ROS signal (MitoSOX) normalized to mitochondrial mass (MitoTracker Green FM). For cellular ROS, cells were labelled in serum- and phenol-red-free media containing 5 mM dihydroethidium or 10 mM 29,79-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (both Sigma Aldrich) for 30 min, and analysed by flow cytometry. Nox activity assay. Cells were washed twice with ice-cold PBS, scraped in PBS, and centrifuged to obtain a cell pellet. The pellet was Dounce-homogenized in PBS with 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA and protease inhibitors and 100 ml of homogenate was added to 100 ml of 23 reaction buffer (PBS with 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA, 300 mM sucrose, 10 mM lucigenin (Sigma Aldrich), 200 mM NADPH (Sigma Aldrich)) and relative light units were measured with a luminometer every minute for 10 min. Specificity was confirmed by adding the specific Nox inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (10 mM, Sigma Aldrich). Graphs show one representative measurement in the linear range (23 min) and are expressed as relative light units per mg protein. Nrf2 stability. MEFs were treated with 25 mg ml21 cycloheximide (Acros Organics) for indicated time points and total cell lysates extracted and separated by SDSPAGE. Gels were transferred to nitrocellulose (Biorad), and membranes were probed with anti-Nrf2 antibody, affinity-purified as described28. Quantification of proliferation and neoplasms. Values for proliferation were obtained by counting at least five fields containing more than 50 cells. For PanIN studies, only cells contained in PanIN-1a were included in the analysis (surrounding stromal, acinar or immune cells were all excluded). Proliferation is determined as a percentage and therefore represents the number of Ki-67-positive PanIN-1a cells divide by the total of PanIN-1a cells. For quantification of lung disease burden, total lung areas and neoplasm areas were calculated using Image J29 and disease burden was represented as a percent of total area. For characterization of individual neoplasms, data was represented as neoplasms per lung area. For quantification of PanIN per mouse, paraffin embedded pancreata were sectioned at 100-mm intervals and individual PanIN were counted. Ras-GTP activity assays. Ras-GTP levels were determined according to the manufacturers instructions (Millipore). Membranes were also blotted with anti-Rac antibody (Millipore) as a loading control. Reagents. 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4-OHT) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich. AZD6244 (ARRY-142886) was obtained from Symansis. Real-time PCR. RNA was isolated using an RNeasy kit (Qiagen). cDNA was synthesized using a High Capacity RNA to cDNA Master Mix and analysed by quantitative PCR (q-PCR) using TaqMan gene expression assays on a 7900HT Real-Time PCR system (all Applied Biosystems). Target gene expression was normalized to actin expression, and shown relative to control samples. Senescence-associated b-galactosidase staining. Cells were fixed in 2% formaldehyde/0.2% glutaraldehyde in PBS for 5 min and stained in staining solution (citric acid/phosphate buffer pH 6.0, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl, 5 mM potassium ferricyanide, 5 mM potassium ferrocyanide, and 1 mg ml21 X-gal) overnight at 37 uC. Fields of at least 50 cells were counted, in triplicate. For tissue, fresh pancreas from mice harbouring PanIN was cut into small pieces (approximately 13-mm cubes) and fixed for 2 h in 4% PFA in PBS on ice, and incubated in staining solution overnight at 37 uC. The pieces were then fixed in formalin overnight, followed by a quick processing and embedding in paraffin wax. Sections were cut with a thickness of 10 mm, dewaxed with minimal exposure to xylene, and counterstained with nuclear fast red. Five fields of at least 50 cells were counted per mouse. Sequencing of KEAP1 and NRF2 in patient samples. Xenograft-enriched pancreatic cancers were created as described previously30. Cell lines were obtained from the ATCC (Aspc-1, CAPAN1, CFPAC1, Hs766T, MiaPACA2, Panc-1 and Su86.86) or from other sources. PK8 and PK9 were provided by A. Horii31. PL11, PL19, PL23, (provided by E. Jaffee), and XPA1 (provided by A. Maitra) were also used. Genomic DNA from immortalized peripheral blood lymphocytes of 29 patients with familial pancreatic cancer were obtained from the National Familial Pancreatic Tumor Registry (NFPTR). The acquisition of human tissues from resection specimens or the NFPTR was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The coding sequences of exons 26, encompassing the entire coding sequence of KEAP1, and exon 2 of NRF2 (official current gene name, NFE2L2), encompassing the KEAP1 binding domain, were amplified from genomic DNAs using intronic primers flanking each exon. Primers were designed using the Primer3 online software (http://frodo.wi.mit.edu/primer3). PCR-amplified products were sequenced using nested primers and an ABI Prism model 3700 Applied Biosystems). Sequence analysis used Sequencher version 4.8 software (Gene Codes). Identified variants were verified by independent PCR amplification and reverse sequencing of the amplified products. The somatic or germline nature of each variant was determined by comparing their respective

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sequences to matched normal DNA available from the same patients. The following primers were used: Keap1 Exon 2 Forward, 59-ATCAGGTCGGGG AAGTTTG-39; Reverse, 59-AGCCCAGAACCTCCTTTTTC-39; Keap1 Exon 3 Forward, 59-GTCAGCGGCAGTGATAAGTTAC-39; Reverse, 59-TGACAGTCC CCTAAGCATTTC-39; Keap1 Exon 4 Forward, 59-TCCACGAAGGTCAGC TATAATG-39; Reverse, 59-TCCAGGGCTTCTGTGGTTAC-39; Keap1 Exon 5, 59-TCTCTCCCCGCTTCATTTC-39; Reverse, 59-GCAAAAGCAGTCCACAAA AG-39; Keap1 Exon 6 Forward, 59-GACCATCCCTTCTGTTCTTC-39; Reverse, 59-GCTTTGGACTTCTTTTGAGATG-39; Nrf2 Exon 2 Forward, 59-CCACC ATCAACAGTGGCATA-39; Reverse, 59-AAGGCAAAGCTGGAACTCAA-39. Statistical analyses. All data are expressed as the mean 6 s.e.m. Results are representative examples of three or more individual experiments. Statistical analyses were performed with the MannWhitney U test or Students t-test (*P , 0.05; **P , 0.01; ***P , 0.001; ns, not significant). Graph Pad Prism was used for both analyses. Transfections. DNA transfections were performed with FuGENE 6 (Roche) or Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). siRNA transfections were performed with ON-TARGETplus SMARTpool siRNA using DharmaFECT 1 reagent (both Dharmacon) according to the manufacturers instructions. The following siRNA sequences were used. Non-targeting: 59-UGGUUUACAUGUCGA CUAA-39, 59-UGGUUUACAUGUUGUGUGA-39, 59-UGGUUUACAUGUUU UCUGA-39 and 59-UGGUUUACAUGUUUUCCUA-39; Elk1: 59-GGAAUGA AUACAUGCGCUC-39, 59-CCAAGGUGGCUUAGCACGA-39, 59-GGGAUG GUGGUGAGUUCAA-39 and 59-ACCAAAGGGUGCAGGAAUG-39; Fra1: 59-GAACCGGAAGCACUGCAUA-39, 59-AGGCGGAGACCGACAAAUU-39, 59-GAACCUUGCUCCUCCGCUC-39 and 59-GCUAAGUGCAGAAACCGAA-39; Jun: 59-CCAAGAACGUGACCGACGA-39, 59-GCAGAGAGGAAGCGCAUGA-39, 59-GAAACGACUUCUACGACG-39 and 59-GAACAGGUGGCACAGCUUA-39; JunD: 59-GAACAAACGUUGGUUGCGU-39, 59-AGCGCAAGCUGGAGCGUAU-39, 59-CCACAUUCCUGUUCCGUAA-39 and 59-AAGUCUUCGUUACGCCAAA-39; Keap1: 59-GCGCCAAUGUUGACACGGA-39, 59-GAUAUGAGCCAGAGCGGGA-39, 59-GGAUGAUCACACCGAUGAA-39 and 59-GUUCGAGCCUGCAGCGACU-39; K-Ras (mouse): 59-GAACAGUAGACACGAAACA-39, 59-AGCAAGGAGUU ACGGGAUU-39, 59-GGUUGGAGCUGGUGGCGUA-39 and 59-GGUGUACA GUUAUGUGAAU-39; K-Ras (human): 59-GGAGGGCUUUCUUUGUGUA-39, 59-UCAAAGACAAAGUGUGUAA-39, 59-GAAGUUAUGGAAUUCCUUU-39 and 59-GAGAUAACACGAUGCGUAU-39; Myc: 59-GAAACGACGAGAACA GUUG-39, 59-CCACUCACCAGCACAACUA-39, 59-GGACACACAACGUCU UGGA-39 and 59-UCGAAACUCUGGUGCAUAA-39; Nrf2: 59-ACUCAAAUC CCACCUUAAA-39, 59-UGGAGUAAGUCGAGAAGUG-39, 59-CAUGUUACG UGAUGAGGAU-39 and 59-GGACAGCAAUUACCAUUUU-39. Western blotting. Protein lysates were prepared using 1% SDS lysis buffer and separated on 412% NuPAGE gels (Invitrogen), transferred onto a PVDF membrane (Millipore) and incubated with the following antibodies: actin (I-19), Keap1 (E-20), Nqo1 (C-19), Ggt1 (3E6) and B-Raf (F-7) (all Santa Cruz Biotechnologies); ERK, phospho-ERK (Thr202/Tyr204), Akt, phospho-AKT (S473), Jun and Elk1 (all Cell Signaling); Hmox1 (Stressgen) and b-catenin (BD Biosciences) were also used.
25. Carroll, J. S. et al. Chromosome-wide mapping of estrogen receptor binding reveals long-range regulation requiring the forkhead protein FoxA1. Cell 122, 3343 (2005). 26. He, X., Chen, M. G., Lin, G. X. & Ma, Q. Arsenic induces NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase I by disrupting the Nrf2?Keap1?Cul3 complex and recruiting Nrf2?Maf to the antioxidant response element enhancer. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 2362023631 (2006). 27. Sun, J. et al. Hemoprotein Bach1 regulates enhancer availability of heme oxygenase-1 gene. EMBO J. 21, 52165224 (2002). 28. Suvorova, E. S. et al. Cytoprotective Nrf2 pathway is induced in chronically txnrd 1-deficient hepatocytes. PLoS ONE 4, e6158 (2009). 29. Rasband, W. S. ImageJ. (U. S. National Institutes of Health, 19972011) http:// imagej.nih.gov/ij/. 30. Hahn, S. A. et al. Allelotype of pancreatic adenocarcinoma using xenograft enrichment. Cancer Res. 55, 46704675 (1995). 31. Sun, C. et al. Characterization of the mutations of the K-ras, p53, p16, and SMAD4 genes in 15 human pancreatic cancer cell lines. Oncol. Rep. 8, 8992 (2001).

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Robert M. Anthony1*, Toshihiko Kobayashi1*, Fredrik Wermeling1 & Jeffrey V. Ravetch1


Intravenous gammaglobulin suppresses inflammation through a novel TH2 pathway

High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin is a widely used therapeutic preparation of highly purified immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. It is administered at high doses (12 grams per kilogram) for the suppression of autoantibody-triggered inflammation in a variety of clinical settings1. This anti-inflammatory activity of intravenous immunoglobulin is triggered by a minor population of IgG crystallizable fragments (Fcs), with glycans terminating in a2,6 sialic acids (sFc) that target myeloid regulatory cells expressing the lectin dendritic-cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin (DCSIGN; also known as CD209)24. Here, to characterize this response in detail, we generated humanized DC-SIGN mice (hDC-SIGN), and demonstrate that the anti-inflammatory activity of intravenous immunoglobulin can be recapitulated by the transfer of bonemarrow-derived sFc-treated hDC-SIGN1 macrophages or dendritic cells into naive recipients. Furthermore, sFc administration results in the production of IL-33, which, in turn, induces expansion of IL4-producing basophils that promote increased expression of the inhibitory Fc receptor FccRIIB on effector macrophages. Systemic administration of the TH2 cytokines IL-33 or IL-4 upregulates FccRIIB on macrophages, and suppresses serum-induced arthritis. Consistent with these results, transfer of IL-33-treated basophils suppressed induced arthritic inflammation. This novel DCSIGNTH2 pathway initiated by an endogenous ligand, sFc, provides an intrinsic mechanism for maintaining immune homeostasis that could be manipulated to provide therapeutic benefit in autoimmune diseases. Binding of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or sFc to specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin-related 1 (SIGN-R1) on splenic marginal zone macrophages suppresses autoantibody-mediated inflammation4. Although the human orthologue of SIGN-R1, DC-SIGN, showed similar binding specificity for sFc as mouse SIGN-R1, its expression pattern is broader, as it is detected systemically on myeloid-derived cells, including dendritic cells, macrophages and some monocytes5,6. DCSIGN recognizes high-mannose glycans from a variety of pathogens, and acts as a pattern recognition receptor bridging innate and adaptive immunity7. Ligation of DC-SIGN by bacteria-derived mannosylated glycans can induce their internalization, and also synergize with other innate receptor pathways promoting inflammation and resistance to infection. In contrast, binding of sFc to DC-SIGN requires both carbohydrate and protein determinants, and results in an anti-inflammatory response2,4. The immunosuppressive potential of DC-SIGN has been documented following ligation by HIV-derived gp120 or anti-DC-SIGN antibody, which promotes the development of tolerogenic, IL-10producing dendritic cells, and interferes with Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling8,9. To study human DC-SIGN in the context of IVIG anti-inflammatory activity, we expressed hDC-SIGNdriven by its endogenous promoter to reproduce the characteristically broad in vivo expression pattern of hDC-SIGNin a mouse. Human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones encoding the DC-SIGN gene and its regulatory regions were introduced as a transgene into mice (Fig. 1a). Transgenic mice

showed surface expression of this human lectin on dendritic cells, macrophages, and monocytes, in the peripheral blood, bone marrow and spleen, resembling the human expression pattern of DC-SIGN (Supplementary Fig. 2ac), although a higher percentage of murine monocytes were found to express DC-SIGN. To determine if hDC-SIGN could substitute for SIGN-R1 in mediating IVIG protection, hDC-SIGN1 mice were crossed to SIGN-R1deficient animals (hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2) and challenged with arthritogenic K/BxN serum10. Both induction of arthritis and responsiveness to IVIG and sFc were similar in wild-type mice and hDCSIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 mice (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 3a). In contrast, induced arthritis was not suppressed by IVIG or sFc in
Mb 7.75 Cen


7.80 NotI

7.85 Chr19p13

7.90 NotI


Day 5 clinical score

10 8 6 4 2 0




Human BAC

PB S sF c


S sF c



12 10 8 6 4 2 0

AsialoFc-treated BMM sFc-treated BMM

12 10 8 6 4 2 0

PBS sFc-treated hDC-SIGN+ BMM

Day 5 clinical score

Day 7 clinical score


Donor BMM: WT


Recipient: SIGN-R1/




Figure 1 | Human DC-SIGN conveys sFc anti-inflammatory activity. a, A map of the human chromosome 19 BAC clone containing DC-SIGN and DCSIGN-R genes. Cen, centromere. b, Wild-type (WT; black bars), SIGN-R12/2 (white bars), or hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 (grey bars) mice were administered K/BxN sera and sFc. **P , 0.001 determined by a Fisher least significant difference (LSD) post-hoc test. c, AsialoFc- (black bars) or sFc- (white bars) treated wild-type and hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow derived macrophages (BMMW) were administered to K/BxN-sera-treated wild-type recipients. *P , 0.05 determined by Tukeys post-hoc test. d, PBS (black bars) or sFctreated hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages (white bars) were administered to SIGN-R12/2 and FccRIIB2/2 recipients. Means and standard deviations are plotted; **P , 0.001 determined by Tukeys post-hoc test.

Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Immunology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10065, USA. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

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SIGN-R12/2 mice. Thus, hDC-SIGN expression was sufficient to trigger the IVIG and sFc anti-inflammatory response. A related lectin, DC-SIGN-R, is linked to DC-SIGN on the BAC transgene (Fig. 1a). hDC-SIGN-R has reduced affinity to sFc as compared to hDC-SIGN (Supplementary Fig. 3b). To define the contribution of DC-SIGN-R to sFc anti-inflammatory activity, mice that express hDC-SIGN alone as a transgene11 were crossed with SIGNR12/2 mice (CD11c-DC-SIGN/SIGN-R12/2). These mice were protected from inflammatory arthritis by IVIG (Supplementary Fig. 3c). Further, selective blockade of hDC-SIGN in transgenic hDC-SIGN1/ SIGN-R12/2 mice expressing both hDC-SIGN and hDC-SIGN-R resulted in a loss of IVIG protection in vivo (Supplementary Fig. 3d). These results support a requirement for hDC-SIGN but not hDC-SIGN-R in this anti-inflammatory response triggered by sFc. Next, we sought to determine if stimulation of hDC-SIGN1 cells matured from bone marrow with sFc was sufficient to induce an antiinflammatory response. Bone-marrow-derived macrophages and dendritic cells cultured from hDC-SIGN1 transgenic animals expressed hDC-SIGN, but not hDC-SIGN-R or SIGN-R1 (Supplementary Fig. 4a, b, c). Bone-marrow-derived cells cultured from hDC-SIGN1 transgenic or wild-type mice were pulsed for 30 min with sFc or asialylated Fcs (asialoFc) at a concentration representative of in vivo treatments. The treated cells were collected, washed and administered to wild-type mice, which were then challenged with K/BxN serum (Supplementary Fig. 4d). Mice receiving hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages or dendritic cells pulsed with sFc or IVIG showed reduced joint inflammation as compared to recipient mice that received wild-type cells, or hDC-SIGN1 cells pulsed with asialoFc (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 4e, f.). The anti-inflammatory response triggered by transferred sFcstimulated hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages required the expression of the inhibitory Fc receptor (FcR) FccRIIB, as FccRIIB2/2 recipient mice were not protected from inflammation induced by K/BxN serum (Fig. 1d). Collectively, these results were consistent with the in vivo requirements for IVIG protection previously defined14, and demonstrated that ligation of hDC-SIGN by sFc on bone-marrow-derived myeloid cells is sufficient to induce an antiinflammatory cellular response. DC-SIGN engagement has been reported to result in dendritic cell production of IL-10 (refs 78), making this anti-inflammatory cytokine an appealing candidate responsible for mediating IVIG antiinflammatory activity. However, IL-102/2 mice were protected from induced arthritis by IVIG similarly to wild-type controls (Supplementary Fig. 5). We next addressed other cytokines that could be responsible for this response. The TH2 cytokine IL-4 has been shown to upregulate FccRIIB surface expression on peripheral monocytes12, and increase the threshold for activation by pathogenic immune complexes, consistent with the FccRIIB requirement of IVIG1,13,14. Therefore, sFc-treated DC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages were administered to naive wild-type mice or IL-42/2 mice, and the recipient mice challenged with K/BxN serum. Wild-type recipients were protected from induced arthritis, whereas IL-42/2 recipients were not (Fig. 2a). These results led us to predict that IVIG anti-inflammatory activity would require IL-4 signalling. Indeed, mice deficient in IL-4 (IL-42/2; Fig. 2b), the IL-4 receptor (IL-4Ra2/2; Fig. 2c), or the IL-4R signalling adaptor (Stat62/2; Fig. 2c), were not protected from K/BxN-induced inflammation by IVIG or sFc. Further, monocytes in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of wild-type mice, but not IL-4Ra2/2 mice, upregulated FccRIIB after sFc administration (Supplementary Fig. 6). Next we examined whether exogenous TH2 cytokines could also suppress autoantibody-induced inflammation. Mice were treated with cytokine immune complexes (ic)15 of TH2 cytokines IL-4 (IL-4ic), and IL-13 (IL-13ic), or a non-TH2 cytokine complex of IL-3 (IL-3ic), and challenged with K/BxN serum. Inflammation was significantly attenuated after single administration of IL-4ic or IL-13ic, but not after IL-3ic treatment (Fig. 2d). However, IL-4ic treatment did not attenuate
12 10

PBS sFc-treated hDC-SIGN+ BMM

WT IL-4/

Day 5 clinical score

Day 6 clinical score

8 6 4 2 0







WT IL-4R/ Stat6/

Day 6 clinical score

Day 6 clinical score

4 2

4 2



* **
PB S -4 ic IL -1 3i c IL -3 ic IL PB S -4 ic IL










Figure 2 | IL-4 requirements of sFc anti-inflammatory activity. a, sFctreated hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMMW; white bars) or PBS was administered to K/BxN-treated wild-type or IL-42/2 recipient mice. **P , 0.002 determined by Fisher LSD post-hoc test. b, Wild-type (black bars) and IL-42/2 (white bars) mice were treated with K/BxN sera and IVIG. *P , 0.01 determined by MannWhitneys U test. c, Wild-type (black bars), IL4Ra2/2 (white bars), or Stat62/2 mice (grey bars) were given K/BxN sera and IVIG. *P , 0.01 determined by Tukeys post-hoc test. d, Wild-type (black bars) and FccRIIB2/2 mice (white bars) were administered cytokine immune complexes (IL-4ic, IL-3ic, IL-13ic) and K/BxN sera. Means and standard deviations are plotted; *P , 0.01, **P , 0.001 determined by MannWhitneys U test.

inflammation in FccRIIB2/2 mice, consistent with IL-4ic also requiring the FccRIIB to suppress inflammation (Fig. 2d). We next examined whether TH2 cytokines were induced after IVIG or sFc administration. No changes in Il4 messenger RNA levels were observed (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 7ac), so we surveyed cytokines known to induce Il4 expression, including IL-33 (refs 1618), IL25 (refs 1820), and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)18,21,22. Interestingly, Il33 mRNA was upregulated in wild-type mice after IVIG and sFc administration, but remained unchanged SIGN-R12/2 mice. We then administered IL-33, IL-25, or TSLP to mice challenged with K/BxN serum. Exogenous IL-33 fully suppressed K/BxN arthritogenic activity and induced IL-4 production in vivo, whereas IL-25 promoted only modest protection, and TSLP provided no protection (Fig. 3b), all of which correlated with systemic IL-4 and IL-13 levels (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 7d, e). Further, exogenous IL-33 and IL-4ic were unable to ameliorate serum-induced arthritis in IL4Ra2/2 mice (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Fig. 7e), indicating that IL-4Ra acts downstream of IL-33 in this pathway. Our results support an anti-inflammatory cascade where DCSIGN ligation by sFc promotes IL-33 production, IL-33 induces IL-4 expression, culminating in FccRIIB upregulation on monocytes and macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 1). To confirm this, hDC-SIGN1/ SIGN-R12/2 mice were treated with arthritogenic sera and sFc, in combination with a blocking antibody to the IL-33 receptor (antiIL-33Ra). This intervention ablated the ability of sFc to protect
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 1 1 1

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20 WT SIGN-R1/

Clinical score Serum IL-4 10 800



8 6 4 2 0 PBS IL-33 IL-25 TSLP




0 0





12 10 8 6 4 2 0
3 IL IL IL -3 3 ic PB -3 PB -4 IL -4 ic S S

WT IL-4R/ 12

Day 5 clinical score

Day 5 clinical score

10 8 6 4 2 0 PBS sFc sFc+ anti-IL-33R



IL-4 can be produced by T cells and several innate immune cell populations18, including basophils23,24, mast cells25,26, eosinophils27 and progenitor cells19. IVIG activity is T-cell independent4, thus eliminating these cells as a source of sFc-induced IL-4. To determine whether basophils were involved in this response, we selectively depleted these cells in vivo28 (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Figs 911). Arthritis could be induced in basophil-depleted hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 mice (Supplementary Fig. 9a) but the protective capacity of sFc and IVIG was lost (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 11), indicating that these cells have a pivotal role . We next administered sFc and K/BxN sera to IL-4 GFP reporter mice (4get29), and found a twofold increase in GFP1 basophils (DX51 FceRI1 c-Kit2) in the circulation of protected sFctreated mice, indicating that basophils produced IL-4 in response to sFc (Fig. 4b). To determine whether basophils were ultimately responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity induced by sFc through IL-33, we transferred PBS- or IL-33-treated basophils to K/BxNtreated recipient mice (Fig. 4c, d and Supplementary Fig. 12ac). IL33-treated basophils derived from wild-type or FccRIIB2/2 mice were equally effective at suppressing arthritic inflammation, reducing serum IL-6 levels, and curbing leukocyte infiltration to arthritic paws (Fig. 4c, d and Supplementary Fig. 12d, e). These results confirm the antiinflammatory potential of these cells, and support a model whereby IL-4 produced by basophils increases FccRIIB expression on inflammatory macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 1).

Day 5 serum IL-4 (pg ml1)

Fold change after 1 h

Day 7 clinical score



12 10 Clinical score Basophils 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Day 3 circulating GFP+ basophils


Day 5 clinical score

Day 5 clinical score

10 8 6 4 2 0

Day 5 clinical score

* **

8 6 4 2 0





a F nt sF cR ic I + is ot yp e





sF c

d d te te ea ea nti -tr MM -tr a R Fc B sFc + -33 s M IL BM















Figure 3 | IL-33 triggers IL-4 anti-inflammatory activity. a, Cytokine expression 1 h after IVIG administration in wild-type (black bars) or SIGNR12/2 mice (white bars) determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). n.d., not detected. b, K/BxN-treated wild-type mice received PBS, IL33, IL-25, or TSLP. *P , 0.05 determined by Tukeys test. c, K/BxN-treated wild-type (black bars) or IL-4Ra2/2 (white bars) mice received PBS, IL-4ic, or IL-33. **P , 0.001 determined by Tukeys test. d, hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 mice received K/BxN sera, sFc and anti-IL-33Ra. **P , 0.001 determined by Fisher LSD test. e, sFc-treated hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrow-derived macrophages were administered to wild-type mice, K/BxN- and anti-IL-33Ratreated wild-type mice. Means and standard deviations are plotted; *P , 0.05 determined by Tukeys test. f, Individual mean fluorescence intensities (MFI) of bone marrow monocyte (CD11b1 Ly6G2) FccRIIB surface expression 24 h after PBS, IL-4, IL-33, or IL-25 treatment by FACS. **P , 0.01 determined by Tukeys test.

Clinical score Serum IL-6



re a


Day 6 serum IL-4 (pg ml1)

Day 5 clinical score

Day 6 clinical score




hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 mice (Fig. 3d and Supplementary Fig. 7f). Protection of transferred sFc-treated hDC-SIGN1 bone-marrowderived macrophages was also diminished by anti-IL-33Ra treatment (Fig. 3e). Further, administration of exogenous IL-4ic or IL-33 increased FccRIIB surface expression on monocytes, whereas IL-25 had no effect (Fig. 3f and Supplementary Fig. 8). IL-4 treatment downregulated FccRIIB expression on B cells (Supplementary Fig. 8), consistent with the diverse effects of this cytokine on different leukocyte types.
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Figure 4 | Anti-inflammatory activity mediated by basophils. a, hDCSIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 mice were administered K/BxN sera, sFc and anti-FceRI or an isotype control. **P , 0.001, *P , 0.05 determined by Fisher LSD test. b, 4get mice were administered K/BxN sera and sFc. Circulating IL-41 basophils (grey bars, DX51 FceRI1 GFP1) and clinical scores (black bars) are plotted. *P , 0.05 determined by Tukeys test. c, PBS or IL-33-treated basophils (DX51 FceRI1 c-Kit2) were administered to K/BxN-treated wild-type mice. Control mice received PBS or IVIG. d, Basophils from IL-33-treated FccRIIB2/2 mice were administered to K/BxN-treated wild-type recipients. Clinical scores (black) and serum IL-6 levels (grey) are plotted. Means and standard deviations are plotted;*P , 0.05 determined by MannWhitneys U test.

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Analysing the anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG led to identification of an endogenous, innate pathway in which sialylated IgG, a minor component of serum IgG antibodies, binds DC-SIGN, promoting production of IL-33, which expands IL-41 basophils. These cytokines are capable of suppressing autoantibody-mediated inflammation by modulating FccRIIB expression on effector cells (Supplementary Fig. 1). IL-4 and IL-33 have pleiotropic activities, and mediate TH2 responses to helminth parasites and allergens18, as well as enhance inflammatory arthritis30,31, in addition to their activities reported here. Cytokine concentration, cellular environment, and differential responses of individual cell types are likely to explain these distinct effector functions. Various stimuli have been reported to modulate the level of IgG Fc sialylation, and could regulate this intrinsic pathway. Antigenic stimulation results in the production of pro-inflammatory, antigen-specific, asialylated IgG antibodies2. Pathogenic autoantibodies, such as those produced during rheumatoid arthritis that recognize citrullinated peptides, similarly show reduced sialic acid as compared to other serum antibodies32. Conversely, increases in sialylated IgG antibodies occur during pregnancy33, which could contribute to the remission in arthritis seen in pregnant women. Therefore, affecting the sialylation of IgG antibodies could provide an intrinsic mechanism for regulating TH2 cytokine production by innate myeloid cells in a DC-SIGNdependent manner, provide a means for maintaining homeostasis, and is an attractive therapeutic approach to suppressing inflammation in autoimmune diseases.
11. Schaefer, M. et al. Decreased pathology and prolonged survival of human DC-SIGN transgenic mice during mycobacterial infection. J. Immunol. 180, 68366845 (2008). 12. Pricop, L. et al. Differential modulation of stimulatory and inhibitory Fcc receptors on human monocytes by Th1 and Th2 cytokines. J. Immunol. 166, 531537 (2001). 13. Bruhns, P., Samuelsson, A., Pollard, J. W. & Ravetch, J. V. Colony-stimulating factor1-dependent macrophages are responsible for IVIG protection in antibodyinduced autoimmune disease. Immunity 18, 573581 (2003). 14. Samuelsson, A., Towers, T. L. & Ravetch, J. V. Anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG mediated through the inhibitory Fc receptor. Science 291, 484486 (2001). 15. Finkelman, F. D. et al. Anti-cytokine antibodies as carrier proteins. Prolongation of in vivo effects of exogenous cytokines by injection of cytokine-anti-cytokine antibody complexes. J. Immunol. 151, 12351244 (1993). 16. Schmitz, J. et al. IL-33, an interleukin-1-like cytokine that signals via the IL-1 receptor-related protein ST2 and induces T helper type 2-associated cytokines. Immunity 23, 479490 (2005). 17. Neill, D. R. et al. Nuocytes represent a new innate effector leukocyte that mediates type-2 immunity. Nature 464, 13671370 (2010). 18. Paul, W. E. & Zhu, J. How are TH2-type immune responses initiated and amplified? Nature Rev. Immunol. 10, 225235 (2010). 19. Saenz, S. A. et al. IL25 elicits a multipotent progenitor cell population that promotes TH2 cytokine responses. Nature 464, 13621366 (2010). 20. Fort, M. M. et al. IL-25 induces IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 and Th2-associated pathologies in vivo. Immunity 15, 985995 (2001). 21. Soumelis, V. et al. Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP. Nature Immunol. 3, 673680 (2002). 22. Wang, Y. H. et al. IL-25 augments type 2 immune responses by enhancing the expansion and functions of TSLP-DC-activated Th2 memory cells. J. Exp. Med. 204, 18371847 (2007). 23. Min, B. et al. Basophils produce IL-4 and accumulate in tissues after infection with a Th2-inducing parasite. J. Exp. Med. 200, 507517 (2004). 24. Seder, R. A. et al. Mouse splenic and bone marrow cell populations that express high-affinity Fc epsilon receptors and produce interleukin 4 are highly enriched in basophils. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 88, 28352839 (1991). 25. Seder, R. A. et al. Production of interleukin-4 and other cytokines following stimulation of mast cell lines and in vivo mast cells/basophils. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 94, 137140 (1991). 26. Wang, M., Saxon, A. & Diaz-Sanchez, D. Early IL-4 production driving Th2 differentiation in a human in vivo allergic model is mast cell derived. Clin. Immunol. 90, 4754 (1999). 27. Shinkai, K., Mohrs, M. & Locksley, R. M. Helper T cells regulate type-2 innate immunity in vivo. Nature 420, 825829 (2002). 28. Sokol, C. L., Barton, G. M., Farr, A. G. & Medzhitov, R. A mechanism for the initiation of allergen-induced T helper type 2 responses. Nature Immunol. 9, 310318 (2008). 29. Mohrs, M., Shinkai, K., Mohrs, K. & Locksely, R. M. Analysis of type 2 immunity in vivo with a bicistronic IL-4 reporter. Immunity 15, 303311 (2001). 30. Ohmura, K. et al. Interleukin-4 can be a key positive regulator of inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 52, 18661875 (2005). 31. Xu, D. et al. IL-33 exacerbates autoantibody-induced arthritis. J. Immunol. 184, 26202626 (2010). 32. Scherer, H. U. et al. Glycan profiling of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies isolated from human serum and synovial fluid. Arthritis Rheum. 62, 16201629 (2010). 33. van de Geijn, F. E. et al. Immunoglobulin G galactosylation and sialylation are associated with pregnancy-induced improvement of rheumatoid arthritis and the postpartum flare: results from a large prospective cohort study. Arthritis Res. Ther. 11, R193 (2009). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements The authors thank P. Smith, M. Kibe, J. Brown and K. Velinzon for technical support, K. L. Jeffrey, C. Cheong, R. Steinman and J. J. Lee for discussions, M. Pack for providing human spleen sections, A. McKenzie for providing SIGN-R12/2 mice, T. Sparwasser for providing CD11c-hDC-SIGN mice, C. G. Park for providing hDC-SIGN and hDC-SIGN-R expressing cell lines, and H. Watarai for providing anti-IL-25R antibodies. R.M.A. is an Irvington Institute fellow of the Cancer Research Institute. F.W. is supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundations, Sweden. This work was performed with support from Virdante Pharmaceuticals and NIH grants to J.V.R. Author Contributions R.M.A., T.K., F.W. and J.V.R. designed the experiments and interpreted the results. R.M.A., T.K. and F.W. performed the experiments, and R.M.A. and J.V.R. wrote the manuscript. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare competing financial interests: details accompany the full-text HTML version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.V.R. ([email protected]).

hDC-SIGN BAC transgenic mice were created using the BAC clone CTD2102F19 (Invitrogen) containing the human DC-SIGN gene. The BAC was linearized by the NotI restriction endonuclease. The human DC-SIGN gene fragment was purified and injected into one-day-old C57BL/6 embryos via pronuclear microinjection. The embryos were then implanted into ICR surrogate females and the resulting progeny were screened by PCR for the presence of the human DC-SIGN transgene. hDC-SIGN1 mice were crossed to SIGN-R12/2 mice to generate hDC-SIGN1/ SIGN-R12/2 lines.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 1 October 2010; accepted 20 April 2011. Published online 19 June; corrected 7 July 2011 (see full-text HTML version for details). Nimmerjahn, F. & Ravetch, J. V. Anti-inflammatory actions of intravenous immunoglobulin. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 26, 513533 (2008). 2. Kaneko, Y., Nimmerjahn, F. & Ravetch, J. V. Anti-inflammatory activity of immunoglobulin G resulting from Fc sialylation. Science 313, 670673 (2006). 3. Anthony, R. M. et al. Recapitulation of IVIG anti-inflammatory activity with a recombinant IgG Fc. Science 320, 373376 (2008). 4. Anthony, R. M., Wermeling, F., Karlsson, M. C. & Ravetch, J. V. Identification of a receptor required for the anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 1957119578 (2008). 5. Granelli-Piperno, A. et al. Dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin/CD209 is abundant on macrophages in the normal human lymph node and is not required for dendritic cell stimulation of the mixed leukocyte reaction. J. Immunol. 175, 42654273 (2005). 6. Soilleux, E. J. et al. Constitutive and induced expression of DC-SIGN on dendritic cell and macrophage subpopulations in situ and in vitro. J. Leukoc. Biol. 71, 445457 (2002). 7. Geijtenbeek, T. B. & Gringhuis, S. I. Signalling through C-type lectin receptors: shaping immune responses. Nature Rev. Immunol. 9, 465479 (2009). 8. Gringhuis, S. I. et al. C-type lectin DC-SIGN modulates Toll-like receptor signaling via Raf-1 kinase-dependent acetylation of transcription factor NF-kB. Immunity 26, 605616 (2007). 9. Hodges, A. et al. Activation of the lectin DC-SIGN induces an immature dendritic cell phenotype triggering Rho-GTPase activity required for HIV-1 replication. Nature Immunol. 8, 569577 (2007). 10. Korganow, A. S. et al. From systemic T cell self-reactivity to organ-specific autoimmune disease via immunoglobulins. Immunity 10, 451461 (1999). 1.

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Mice. Eight-to-twelve-week old, sex and age matched mice were used for all experiments in compliance with federal laws, institutional guidelines and have been approved by the Rockefeller University. Wild-type C57BL/6, wild-type BALB/c, NOD, IL-42/2, IL-4Ra2/2, Stat62/2, IL-102/2, 4get (IL-4GFP reporter) mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratories, and maintained at the Rockefeller University animal facility. FccRIIB2/2 mice34 were generated previously in the laboratory. SIGN-R12/2 mice35 were provided by A. McKenzie. CD11c-hDCSIGN1 mice11 were provided by T. Sparwasser. KRN T-cell receptor transgenic mice on a C57BL/6 background (K/B) were gifts from D. Mathis and C. Benoist and were bred to NOD mice to generate K/BxN mice10. K/BxN serum was prepared as described previously13. Briefly, serum was separated from blood collected from the K/BxN mice (612-weeks old). Several weeks of serum collection were pooled together and frozen in aliquots to be used in the experiments described here. One intravenous injection of 200 ml K/BxN serum was used to induce arthritis. Severity of arthritis was scored by clinical examination by adding the index of all four paws, where 0 is unaffected, 1 is swelling of one joint, 2 is swelling of more than one joint, and 3 is severe swelling of the entire paw. All experiments shown yielded similar results at least 3 times with treatment groups of 45 mice, and means and standard deviations are plotted in bar graphs. hDC-SIGN BAC transgenic mice were created using the BAC clone CTD2102F19 (Invitrogen) containing the human DC-SIGN gene. The BAC was linearized by the NotI restriction endonuclease. The human DC-SIGN gene fragment was purified and injected into one-day-old C57BL/6 embryos via pronuclear microinjection. The embryos were then implanted into ICR surrogate females and the resulting progeny were screened by PCR for the presence of the human DCSIGN transgene. hDC-SIGN1 mice were crossed to SIGN-R12/2 mice to generate hDC-SIGN1/SIGN-R12/2 lines. Reagents and treatments. IVIG (Octagam, Octapharma) or IVIG-derived Fcs was enriched for terminal sialic acid using SNA-agarose2 (Vector Laboratories) or hypersialyated in vitro as previously described3 to generate sFc. AsialoFc was generated by treating Fcs with neuraminidase (NEB) as per the manufacturers directions. Sialic acid content was verified by lectin blotting with SNA-biotin (Vector Laboratories). IVIG and IVIG derivations were administered intravenously (i.v.) at 1 g kg21, SNA-enriched IVIG at 0.1 g kg21, and sFc at 0.03 g kg21 one hour before K/BxN sera administration. Mice receiving cytokine:immune complexes (ic) with prolonged half-life were treated with a single i.v. injection 2.5 mg of cytokine (IL-3, IL-4, IL-13; Peprotech) and 12.5 mg of neutralizing antibody at day 0. Neutralizing antibodies used were anti-IL-3 (MP2-8F8, Biolegend), anti-IL4 (11B11, BD Biosciences), and anti-IL-13 (eBio1316H, eBioscience). Other cytokine treatments included intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of 400 ng (or 800 ng) of IL-25 (R&D), 400 ng of IL-33 (R&D), or 1 mg of TSLP (R&D) on days 0, 1, 2, and 3. Basophils were depleted as described28 by daily i.p. injection with 10 mg of anti-FceRI (MAR-1, eBioscience) or hamster IgG isotype control (eBioscience) on days 05. Alternatively, mice received a single i.v. injection of 30 mg anti-CD200RL3 (ref. 36) (Ba103, Hycult Biotech) or rat IgG isotype control (BD Biosciences). IL-33Ra was blocked by i.v. injection of 80 mg of anti-IL-33Ra (DT8, MD Biosciences) or rat IgG1 isotype control (BD Biosciences) on day 0. hDC-SIGN was blocked in vivo by administration of 125 mg E9E A8 (ref. 37) or isotype control mouse IgG2a (BioLegend). IL-6 was measured in serum by ELISA as suggested by the manufacturer (BioLegend). Serum IL-4 and IL-13 was measured using an in vivo cytokine capture assay as described38. Briefly, 10 mg biotinylated anti-IL-4 antibody (clone BVD4-1D11, BioLegend) or biotinylated anti-IL-13 (eBio1316HA, eBioscience) was injected i.v. into treated mice, and sera were collected 24 h later. Cytokine levels were quantified by ELISA assay using anti-IL-4 (BVD6-24G1, BioLegend) or anti-IL-13 (eBio13A, eBioscience) as capture antibodies. Splenic RNA was purified using RNeasy Mini Kits (Qiagen) and reverse-transcribed using Verso cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo Scientific). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was conducted in 7300 Real-time PCR System (Life Technologies) with primer-probe sets for mouse IL-4, IL-13, IL-33, IL-25, or rRNA (Life Technologies), and gene expression levels were determined by normalization to rRNA levels. Saturation binding experiments were performed as previously described4, comparing CHO and CHO-hDC-SIGN cells or Hep-CD81 and Hep-hDC-SIGN-R cells. Flow cytometry. Single cell suspensions were prepared from peripheral blood, spleen, bone marrow, or paws from mice. After red blood cell lysis, cells were stained with the indicated monoclonal antibodies, and subjected to analysis using a FACSCalibur or LSR-II cytometer (BD Biosciences). Human leukocytes were obtained from peripheral blood samples (New York Blood Center) after density gradient centrifugation (Ficoll-Paque, GE Healthcare). Antibodies used for murine cell staining were as follows: anti-CD19 (1D3), anti-B220 (RA3-6B2), anti-CD3e (145-2C11), anti-CD11b (M1/70), anti-Ly6G (1A8), anti-CD11c (HL3), anti-I-Ab (AF6-120.1), anti-CD49b (DX5 and HMa2), anti-c-Kit (2B8), anti-CD45.2 (104) from BD Biosciences, anti-NKp46 (29A1.4), anti-SIGN-R1 (22D1), anti-CD123 (5B11) from eBioscience, anti-hDC-SIGN (9E9A8), anti-FceR1 (MAR-1) from Biolegend, anti-FccRIIB (K9.361), anti-hDC-SIGNR (120604) from R&D systems. Antibodies used for human cell staining were: anti-CD14 (M5E2), anti-CD16 (B73.1), anti-CD3 (UCHT1), anti-CD56 (B159), anti-CD19 (SJ25C1), antiCD11c (B-Ly6), anti-HLA-DR (L243 (G46-6)), anti-hDC-SIGN (AZND1) from BD Biosciences, and anti-hDC-SIGN (9E9A8, Biolegend). AccuCheck Counting Beads (Invitrogen) were used to quantify cells. Bone-marrow macrophage and dendritic cell cultures and transfers. Bonemarrow-derived macrophages were cultured as described previously39. Briefly, marrow was recovered from tibias and femurs of mice, and seeded in non-tissue culture treated 10-cm plates with DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 2% penicillin/streptomicin (Invitrogen), 1% glutamine 200 mM (Invitrogen), 0.1% b-mercaptoethanol, IL-3 (5 ng ml21, Peprotech) and M-CSF (5 ng ml21, Peprotech) overnight at 37 uC, 5% CO2. The next day, non-adherent cells were recovered and plated in 10-cm non-tissue culture treated plates in supplemented DMEM with cytokines, and cultured for 57 days. Once the cultured cells were mature macrophages (.90% CD11b1 F4/801 by FACS), the cells were detached and 2 3 106 macrophages were plated per well in 6-well plates, and allowed to attach overnight. The next day, the cells were pulsed with IVIG (15 mg ml21), BSA (15 mg ml21, Sigma), sFc (0.5 mg ml21), or asialoFc (0.5 mg ml21) for 30 min at 37 uC. The cells were recovered, washed thoroughly in cold PBS, and 1 3 106 macrophages were administered i.v. into naive recipients. One hour later, the recipient mice were treated with K/BxN sera. Dendritic cells were cultured from mouse tibia and femur bone marrow cells as described40. Briefly, 1 3 106 cells ml21 were plated in 24-well plates with DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 10 ng ml21 mouse granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF, Peprotech). On day 6, loosely adherent cells were collected by gentle pipetting, and were subjected to flow cytometric analysis or bone marrow cell transfer experiments as described above. Histology. Human lymph node samples were from ISL Bio, and M. Pack provided human spleen samples. Spleens or lymph nodes embedded in O.C.T. compound (Sakura Finetek) were fixed in ice-cold acetone for 10 min, and stained with antiSIGN-R1, anti-hDC-SIGN or anti-hDC-SIGN-R for 1 h at 25 uC in combination with antibodies for macrophages or B cells. Antibodies used included anti-F4/80 (BM8, Invitrogen) for mouse red pulp macrophages, anti-B220 for mouse B cells, anti-hCD20 (2H7, Biolegend) for human B cells, and anti-CD68 (Y1/82A, Biolegend) for human macrophages. Sections were visualized by wide-field fluorescence microscope (Zeiss). Basophil adoptive transfers. Basophils were expanded by administering IL-3ic41, as described above, to wild-type or FccRIIB2/2 mice. Five days later, IL-3ictreated mice were administered PBS or IL-33 (400 ng) i.p. The next day, basophils (DX51 FcRI1 cKit2) were sorted using a FACSAria II (BD Biosciences). Sorted basophils were washed in cold PBS, and 0.7 3 106 basophils were administered to naive recipient mice subsequently administered K/BxN sera. A WrightGiemsa stain of sorted, cytospun basophils was performed as suggested by the manufacturer (Sigma).
34. Takai, T., Ono, M., Hikida, M., Ohmori, H. & Ravetch, J. V. Augmented humoral and anaphylactic responses in FccRII-deficient mice. Nature 379, 346349 (1996). 35. Lanoue, A. et al. SIGN-R1 contributes to protection against lethal pneumococcal infection in mice. J. Exp. Med. 200, 13831393 (2004). 36. Obata, K. et al. Basophils are essential initiators of a novel type of chronic allergic inflammation. Blood 110, 913920 (2007). 37. Cheong, C. et al. New monoclonal anti-mouse DC-SIGN antibodies reactive with acetone-fixed cells. J. Immunol. Methods 360, 6675 (2010). 38. Finkelman, F., Morris, S., Orekhova, T. & Sehy, D. The in vivo cytokine capture assay for measurement of cytokine production in the mouse. Curr. Protoc. Immunol. (2003). 39. Jeffrey, K. L. et al. Positive regulation of immune cell function and inflammatory responses by phosphatase PAC-1. Nature Immunol. 7, 274283 (2006). 40. Inaba, K. et al. Generation of large numbers of dendritic cells from mouse bone marrow cultures supplemented with granulocyte/macrophage colonystimulating factor. J. Exp. Med. 176, 16931702 (1992). 41. Ohmori, K. et al. IL-3 induces basophil expansion in vivo by directing granulocytemonocyte progenitors to differentiate into basophil lineage-restricted progenitors in the bone marrow and by increasing the number of basophil/mast cell progenitors in the spleen. J. Immunol. 182, 28352841 (2009).

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XUTs are a class of Xrn1-sensitive antisense regulatory non-coding RNA in yeast

E. L. van Dijk1*, C. L. Chen1*, Y. dAubenton-Carafa1, S. Gourvennec2, M. Kwapisz2, V. Roche2, C. Bertrand2, M. Silvain1, P. Legoix-Ne3, S. Loeillet4, A. Nicolas4, C. Thermes1 & A. Morillon1,2

Non-coding (nc)RNAs are key players in numerous biological processes such as gene regulation, chromatin domain formation and genome stability1,2. Large ncRNAs interact with histone modifiers35 and are involved in cancer development6, X-chromosome inactivation7 and autosomal gene imprinting8. However, despite recent evidence showing that pervasive transcription is more widespread than previously thought9, only a few examples mediating gene regulation in eukaryotes have been described10. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the bona-fide regulatory ncRNAs are destabilized by the Xrn1 5939 RNA exonuclease11,12 (also known as Kem1), but the genomewide characterization of the entire regulatory ncRNA family remains elusive. Here, using strand-specific RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), we identify a novel class of 1,658 Xrn1-sensitive unstable transcripts (XUTs) in which 66% are antisense to open reading frames. These transcripts are polyadenylated and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII)-dependent. The majority of XUTs strongly accumulate in lithium-containing media, indicating that they might have a role in adaptive responses to changes in growth conditions. Notably, RNAPII chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis of Xrn1-deficient strains revealed a significant decrease of RNAPII occupancy over 273 genes with antisense XUTs. These genes show an unusual bias for H3K4me3 marks and require the Set1 histone H3 lysine 4 methyl-transferase for silencing. Furthermore, abolishing H3K4me3 triggers the silencing of other genes with antisense XUTs, supporting a model in which H3K4me3 antagonizes antisense ncRNA repressive activity. Our results demonstrate that antisense ncRNA-mediated regulation is a general regulatory pathway for gene expression in S. cerevisiae. Antisense ncRNAs in yeast control Ty1 mobility12,13 and PHO84 transcription through histone modifications11,12 in an RNA-interferenceindependent manner14 (Supplementary Fig. 1). The regulatory ncRNAs are distinct from the canonical cryptic unstable transcripts (CUTs) of shorter size, destabilized by the nuclear exosome15. In contrast, the regulatory antisense ncRNAs are mainly degraded by the cytoplasmic 5939 Xrn1 exonuclease16. These features suggest that yeast antisense regulatory ncRNAs belong to a separate class of unstable transcripts. Here, we address their systematic identification by characterizing the Xrn1-dependent cryptic transcriptome. We analysed the whole transcriptome in wild-type and xrn1D strains (Fig. 1a). Because Xrn1 mainly acts downstream of RNA deadenylation16, we analysed total RNA depleted for ribosomal RNAs (ribo2) and subsequently compared with fractions enriched for polyadenylated RNAs (polyA1) (Supplementary Fig. 2). Ultra-deep sequencing produced 84 and 134 millions of unique reads for ribo2 preparations from wild-type and xrn1D strains, respectively (Supplementary Table 1), reaching unprecedented coverage of the yeast cryptic transcriptome1719. Read densities were normalized with transfer RNAs and small nucleolar RNAs insensitive to Xrn1 activity20,21 (Methods and

Supplementary Fig. 3). Similar results were obtained with biological duplicates and with ABI-SOLiD or Illumina sequencing technologies (Supplementary Fig. 4a, b). Transcripts were identified along read density profiles and compared to annotated open reading frames (ORFs) and stable uncharacterized transcripts (SUTs)22 (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 5). The Xrn1-deficient strain showed an average 4.4- to 3.9-fold increase of ORF and dubious ORF transcripts, respectively (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 6a, b), further establishing Xrn1 as the major exonuclease responsible for messenger RNA turnover16. The data revealed 932 previously uncharacterized ncRNAs (New) presenting a 10.8-fold average increase in the xrn1D strain (Fig. 1b, c and Supplementary Fig. 6c). Additionally, 75% (543) of the SUTs described in rich media22 showed an unexpected 9.6-fold increase in the xrn1D strain, indicating that Xrn1 is also active on these ncRNAs (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 6d). In contrast to the majority of CUTs, 20% (183) of them were highly sensitive to Xrn1 (7.9-fold increase, Fig. 1c and Supplementary Fig. 6e), showing that a subclass of CUTs escapes from exosome-dependent nuclear degradation, as previously suggested23. Thus, we describe 1,658 ncRNAs that are Xrn1-sensitive unstable transcripts (XUTs), of which 66% are antisense to ORFs (Fig. 1b, c). The start sites of three XUTs upstream of the SUC2 locus (SUC2uxut) (Fig. 1d) were identified by 59 rapid amplification of cDNA ends (59RACE) experiments (Supplementary Fig. 7). Northern blot analyses (Fig. 1e) showed that the levels of SUC2uxut1 and SUC2uxut3 are independent of Trf4, subunit of the TRAMP complex, required for CUT degradation24. This confirms that XUTs encompass a distinct class of cryptic transcripts. Further analyses showed that XUTs are polyadenylated and synthesized by RNAPII (Methods and Supplementary Fig. 8ad). We asked whether changes in growth conditions would activate XUTs in wild-type cells. Interestingly, lithium toxicity is due to inactivation of Xrn1, Rat1 and RNase MRP25 and might be associated with XUT overexpression. The kinetics of appearance of selected XUTs in lithium-containing media (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 9) showed that the Ty1-ncRNA (RTL) appears before 30 min, similarly to SUC2uxut1 and TPO1axut (transcriptome details in Supplementary Fig. 10a). After washing and further growth, cells present a dramatic decrease of XUTs levels, indicating a highly dynamic XUT accumulation. RNA-seq analyses after 80 min in lithium media showed XUTs overexpression (Fig. 2b) and 56% of them have similar RNA levels as the xrn1D strain (Fig. 2c). To note, some XUTs present a milder sensitivity to lithium as exemplified by SUC2uxut2 and SUC2uxut3 (Fig. 2a, d). These results indicate that a majority of XUTs rapidly and reversibly accumulate after lithium addition, indicating a role in the early response to this growth media change. We tested whether antisense ncRNA accumulation controls sense gene transcription as for Ty1 (ref. 12). ChIP-seq analyses identified 996 ORFs with reduced RNAPII occupancy in the xrn1D strain (Fig. 3a, P , 0.01, Methods); among them, 273 (27%) accumulate antisense

1 Centre de Genetique Moleculaire (CNRS UPR 3404), avenue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif sur Yvette, France. 2ncRNA, epigenetic and genome fluidity, Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, CNRS UMR3244, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 26 rue dUlm, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France. 3NGS Platform, Institut Curie, 26 rue dUlm, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France. 4Recombination and Genome instability, Institut Curie, Centre de recherche, CNRS UMR3244, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 26 rue dUlm, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Total RNA Ribo PolyA+ Segmentation ORFs SOLiD ncRNA Illumina New
snoRNA (10) ORF (0.25) Dubious ORF XUT

min SUC2uxut1 TPO1axut 0 30

WT + Li 60 80 180 Wash



RTL scR1

150 Count


b 200
150 Count 100 50 0 2 WT + lithium (tag per kb, log2)

RP ORF (5) ORF (0.25) Dubious ORF XUT


0 2 Log2 (xrn1 /WT) No. CUT XUT SUT New Total 183 543 932 1,658 Ratio 7.9 9.6 10.8 10.1 8 Antisense 127 (69%) 344 (63%) 627 (67%) 1,098 (66%)

Log2 (+/lithium)


R = 0.503

CUT Neither (150) xrn1 (669) Lithium (58) Both (781)


WT 10
5 0 5 10 33 34 35 36 37


40 kb

xrn1 10

5 0 5 10 33 34 35 36 37

0 0 xrn1 (tag per kb, log2) 15 SUC2


40 kb chr9

10 5 0 5 10 33 34 35 36 37



rf4 1 t 1 WT xrn trf4 xrn



40 kb


WT +Li


10 5 0 5 10 33 34 35 36 37


40 kb

Figure 1 | Cytoplasmic 5939 RNA decay controls a class of cryptic ncRNA. a, RNA-seq analyses using wild-type (WT) and xrn1D strains. Cells were grown in rich media and cDNA sequenced with SOLiD or Illumina technologies (Methods). Segmentation defines transcriptional units (ORFs, ncRNAs, unidentified transcripts (New)). b, XUTs define a novel class of ncRNAs. Tag density ratio distributions of xrn1D/WT for snoRNAs, ORFs and XUTs. c, Numbers of XUTs including new ncRNAs (New), most SUTs and few CUTs; average ratios of xrn1D/WT, numbers and percentage of XUTs antisense to ORFs. d, Transcriptome data for SUC2 locus. Three XUTs (red) were identified within SUC2 promoter in both orientations; bars, log2 read numbers (upward and downward, Watson and Crick strands, respectively); grey bar, probe used in e. e, Northern blot for indicated strains of sense SUC2uxut1 (2.3 kb) and antisense SUC2uxut3 (1 kb), using a double-stranded probe (d) and control scR1.


XUTs (Fig. 3a, class 1, Supplementary Table 2). This proportion is larger than for the ORFs that do not present significantly reduced RNAPII levels (P , 10215, chi-squared test; only 15% associate with antisense XUTs), indicating that sense transcriptional silencing correlates with antisense RNA accumulation. Although RNA stabilization in xrn1D strain could mask potential transcriptional repression, we identified 72 downregulated genes with antisense XUTs (Supplementary Fig. 12) among which 65 showed reduced RNAPII occupancy (Supplementary Fig. 13 and Supplementary Table 3). We conclude that, even though RNA-seq is more suitable to characterize XUT transcripts, ChIP-seq analyses identify extensively downregulated genes

Figure 2 | XUT ncRNAs accumulate in wild-type cells grown in presence of lithium. a, XUT levels rapidly increase upon lithium treatment. Northern blot of total RNA from wild-type cells grown without and with 100 mM lithium at different times (Methods); strand-specific probes for SUC2uxut1 and SUC2uxut3 as in Fig. 1e, TPO1axut and TY1 XUTs (RTL). b, XUTs are overexpressed in lithium media. Same as in Fig. 1b with wild type with or without lithium. Ribosomal protein genes were used as reference (grey, Methods). c, Tag density of XUTs and CUTs in xrn1D (abscissa) and WT 1 lithium (ordinate); 56% of XUTs are similarly expressed in xrn1D and WT grown in lithium (80 min). XUT expression compared to CUT expression (grey). In the subset of XUTs expressed at higher level than 75% of CUTs, 669 are found in xrn1D only (blue), 58 in lithium only (yellow) and 781 in both conditions (red). d, Same as in Fig. 1d with wild-type cells with or without lithium.

like TIR1 and TPO1 (Fig. 3b and Supplementary Fig. 10c, transcriptomes in Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 10a). In these cases, RNAPII is almost undetectable within the XUTs loci in the xrn1D strain, indicating that either antisense transcription is also silenced or XUT transcription is too low for detection. To establish that XUT accumulation and gene silencing are direct consequences of XRN1 deletion, we performed xrn1 conditional inactivation (xrn1ts26, Methods). Not only do 70% of XUTs share identical expression in xrn1D and xrn1ts strains (Supplementary Fig. 14), but both strains also show similar RNAPII occupancies on a selection of class 1 genes (Figure 3c). This suggests
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a a
Normalized log2 (xrn1 /WT)

1.0 0.8 Density

4 2 0 2

ChIP-seq RNAPII, xrn1 /WT

0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 Log2 (xrn1 set1 /xrn1 )

4 0 xrn1 , log2(tag per kb) TIR1 20

RNA-seq WT


4 t1 trf se T rn1 et1 rf4 rn1 rn1 W x s t x x

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 173 174 175

xrn1 xrn1 set1 TIR1axut chr5

TIR1 scR1 TIR1/scR1 1 nd 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.5



178 kb







178 kb

chr5 TIR1axut

H3K4me levels

3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

H3K4me levels

Class 3 ORFs

H3K4me1 H3K4me2 H3K4me3

3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

Class 1 ORFs

H3K4me1 H3K4me2 H3K4me3

Fold changes Normalized with RPO21

1.2 1.0


xrn1 /WT xrn1ts/WT

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Distance (kb)
x Q Q 2 2A 2 T rn1 3R 3R 3R W x H H H 1 rn

Distance (kb)

0.2 0 RPO21 TIR1 PLB2 PRM1 AQY2 GAL1 BSC1 TPO1 ANB1 YNL234w nd

TY1 (1) TIR1 (1) LAC1 (3) 1664 2353 TIR1axut YJU3 PGK1 o1538 KF

Silencing complex K4me1/2



1 TIR1

o1363 764

Antisense XUT

WT x


1 2 1 - 1 WT xrn xrn

Relative value


TIR1/PGK1 1.0


0.2 0



KF KFxm1

Figure 3 | Transcriptional gene silencing correlates with antisense XUT accumulation. a, ORFs with reduced tag densities in xrn1D strain compared to wild type by RNAPII ChIP-seq analysis (P , 0.01, Methods). Selected reduced ORFs associated with (class 1, red) or without antisense XUT (class 2, blue); ORFs with no significant variation with antisense XUT (P . 0.01, class 3, yellow) or without (class 4, black). b, ChIP-seq density profiles of TIR1 locus in wild-type and xrn1D strains. c, RNAPII-ChIP analyses by quantitative PCR (mean 6 s.d., n 5 3) using primers within class 4: RPO21; class 3: GAL1; class 1: TIR1, TPO1, BSC1, PLB2, PRM1 and class 2: ANB1, AYQ2, YNL234w, using wild-type, xrn1D and xrn1ts strains. xrn1D/WT and xrn1ts(37 uC)/WT(37 uC) RNAPII ratios normalized by RPO21. xrn1ts ChIP was performed after 180 min at 37 uC. TIR1 expression was undetectable upon heat shock (nd). Colours as in a. d, TIR1 locus and insertion of the KANMX cassette. Probes to detect sense and antisense RNAs are indicated. e, TIR1 RNA levels are directly controlled by TIR1axut. Northern-blot with polyA1 RNA using sense-specific probes to detect TIR1 and PGK1 mRNAs. Strains: WT, xrn1D, KFWT and KFxrn1D (two clones). f, Quantification of three independent Northern blots using PGK1 for normalization (mean 6 s.d., n 5 3); respective wild-types were set to 1.
1 1 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

Figure 4 | Antisense XUTs mediate transcriptional gene silencing through Set1-dependent histone methylation. a, Repression of class 1 genes partly depends on Set1. Distributions of the log2 ratios of RNA-seq tag densities xrn1set1D/xrn1D for the ORFs; class 1, red; class 2, blue; others, black. b, TIR1 locus transcriptomes in WT, xrn1D and xrn1Dset1D strains. Blue arrow, TIR1 RNA; red arrow, TIR1axut; settings as in Fig. 1d. c, Northern blot validation of b with total RNAs. from indicated strains; probes as in Fig. 3f. d, e, Histone H3K4 methylation (mean 6 s.e.m.) for genes with antisense XUTs in class 3 (n 5 820) and class 1 (n 5 273), respectively. Data from wild type retrieved from previous publication28 were plotted for H3K4me1 (blue), H3K4me2 (black) and H3K4me3 (red); abscissa, distance to start codon (kb). f, Northern blot of polyA1 RNA revealing genes with antisense XUTs: TIR1, TY1 (class 1), LAC1 (class 3), or without: YJU3, PGK1 (class 4) for indicated strains. Note that TIR1 and TY1 mRNAs are less sensitive to xrn1D due to background differences. g, Model depicting XUT-mediated repressive transcriptional activity enhanced by H3K4me1/2 (orange) and antagonized by H3K4me3 (blue).

that class 1 genes are controlled by Xrn1, potentially through their respective antisense ncRNAs. Interruption of the TIR1axut in the xrn1D strain (Fig. 3d and Supplementary Fig. 15) re-established 70% of the TIR1 mRNA level (Fig. 3e, f). Residual TIR1axut detection, due to either alternative initiation start sites of antisense ncRNAs or readthrough over the inserted cassette, might explain the residual repressive activity on TIR1. Altogether, these data strongly support a direct role for antisense XUTs in gene silencing. The ncRNA-mediated TY1 silencing requires the Set1 activity12 which represses basal transcription of many genes associated with antisense

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transcripts27. RNA-seq analyses performed in a set1Dxrn1D strain revealed that only the class 1 genes have higher RNA levels in the absence of Set1 (Fig. 4a; P , 1026, one-tailed two-sample KolmogorovSmirnov test), indicating that Set1 has a widespread role in antisense ncRNAmediated gene repression. Remarkably, Set1 is not involved in XUT expression because the set1Dxrn1D and xrn1D strains showed similar levels of XUTs (Supplementary Fig. 16, P 5 0.2). Furthermore, TIR1 silencing is partly mediated by Set1-dependent histone H3 lysine 4 methylation (H3K4me) because disrupting the Set1 catalytic activity re-established high levels of TIR1 RNA as shown in xrn1Dset1D, xrn1Dset1G951S and xrn1DH3K4A strains (Fig. 4b, c and Supplementary Fig. 17a, b). To dissect the Set1 role, we compared the H3K4me1, H3K4me2 and H3K4me3 levels28 in the wild type over the genes with antisense XUTs. Class 3 genes show H3K4me1/2/3 patterns (Fig. 4d) equivalent to all ORFs (Supplementary Fig. 18). By contrast, class 1 genes present 60% reduction of H3K4me3 levels but normal H3K4me2/me1 patterns (Fig. 4e). This indicates that although they have similar RNAPII distribution as class 3 genes (Supplementary Fig. 19), class 1 genes are marked and/or sensitized to their respective antisense ncRNA by low H3K4me3 levels. A tantalizing hypothesis is that antisense ncRNA-mediated gene silencing requires H3K4me1 and/or me2 but is antagonized by H3K4me3. Our model predicts that class 1 but also class 3 genes would be further silenced in absence of H3K4me3. To test this possibility, we performed analyses in a strain specifically depleted for H3K4me3 (H3R2Q mutant), without disrupting the Set1 complex29. In addition to a synergetic repression of TY1 and TIR1 mRNA (class 1 genes), we observed a decrease of the class 3 LAC1 RNA levels in the H3R2Qxrn1D strain (Fig. 4f and Supplementary Fig. 20a). H3K4me3 is not involved in the expression of the respective antisense XUTs, similarly expressed in the xrn1D and H3R2Qxrn1D strains (Supplementary Fig. 20b). By contrast the PGK1 and YJU3 genes (class 4), both devoid of antisense XUTs, were not affected in H3R2Qxrn1D, supporting a model in which H3K4me3 antagonizes the negative activity of antisense ncRNA potentially associated with unknown silencing factors (Fig. 4g). In conclusion, our results provide evidence for a novel class of cryptic antisense transcripts degraded by the cytoplasmic 5939 RNA decay pathway. We propose that Set1-dependent histone methylation has a key role in controlling the antisense ncRNA-repressive activity using H3K4me3 as a molecular switch. Given the broad class of XUTs, we already anticipate also a post-transcriptional role(s). Because the key components of this pathway are distributed among the eukaryotic kingdom, the mechanism is likely to be conserved throughout evolution.
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RNA-seq libraries were generated according to the manufacturers instructions using ribo2/polyA1 RNAs extracted from S. cerevisiae strains. ChIP-seq was performed according to Illumina protocols and sequenced on GAIIx. Tag profiles were analysed using appropriated biocomputational and statistical approaches (Methods). Northern-blot and ChIP (using anti-Rpb1-CTD 8wg16 antibody) were performed using standard techniques (Methods). Sequence data are publicly available at NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession number SRA030505 and at http://vm-gb.curie.fr/XUT/index.htm.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 31 December 2010; accepted 14 April 2011. Published online 22 June 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bernstein, E. & Allis, C. D. RNA meets chromatin. Genes Dev. 19, 16351655 (2005). Moazed, D. Small RNAs in transcriptional gene silencing and genome defence. Nature 457, 413420 (2009). Swiezewski, S., Liu, F., Magusin, A. & Dean, C. Cold-induced silencing by long antisense transcripts of an Arabidopsis Polycomb target. Nature 462, 799802 (2009). Yu, W. et al. Epigenetic silencing of tumour suppressor gene p15 by its antisense RNA. Nature 451, 202206 (2008). Yap, K. L. et al. Molecular interplay of the noncoding RNA ANRIL and methylated histone H3 lysine 27 by polycomb CBX7 in transcriptional silencing of INK4a. Mol. Cell 38, 662674 (2010).

Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank B. Seraphin, L. Benard and J. OSullivan for support and advice; B. Dichtl for insights into lithium treatment data normalization; M. Wery and A. Taddei for helpful discussions; A. Johnson, T. Kouzarides and V. Geli for generous gift of plasmids and strains. Special thanks to M. Descrimes, C. Jubin and S. Lair for technical assistance. We thank L. Steinmetz and M. Chodder for sharing unpublished results. E.L.V.D. benefits from an FRM fellowship. This work has benefited from facilities and expertise of the IMAGIF sequencing platform (Centre de Recherche de Gif). This work was financially supported by the Canceropole Ile de France, the ANR REGULncRNA and ERC EPIncRNA starting grant. Author Contributions E.L.V.D. performed molecular biology experiments, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq libraries and sequencing on the ILLUMINA platform. C.L.C., Y.D.-C., M.S. and C.T. performed statistical and bioinformatic analyses. S.G., M.K., V.R. and C.B. provided technical assistance to molecular biology experiments. A.M., C.T., E.L.V.D. and C.L.C. designed the experiments. P.L.-N. and S.L. performed RNA-seq libraries and NGS sequencing on the SOLiD platform; A.N. managed sequencing on the SOLiD platform. E.L.V.D., C.L.C. and A.N. contributed to the writing. C.T. and A.M. wrote the paper. C.T. and A.M. planned the project. Author Information Sequence data are publicly available at NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession number SRA030505 and at http://vm-gb.curie.fr/XUT/ index.htm. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/ reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.M. ([email protected]) or C.T. ([email protected]).
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Yeast strains and growth media. Strains used in this study are from the Euroscarf collection (S288C, BY4741 background), except for the RNAPII and histone H3 studies. For RNAPII, we used the strains rpb1-1 and rpb1-1xrn1D (ref. 12). For histone H3 we used strains WT-H3, H3K4A, xrn1D and H3K4Axrn1D previously manipulated12 and WT-H3, H3R2A and H3R2Q generously provided by T. Kouzarides29 in which we deleted XRN1 gene (this work). The list of BY strains is WT, xrn1D, set1D, set1Dxrn1D, trf4D, xrn1Dtrf4D, set1G951S and set1G951Sxrn1D. The set1G951S strain was kindly provided by V. Geli. Gene deletions were introduced by transformation of PCR fragments generated with specific primers (sequences can be obtained upon request) using the appropriate plasmids30. Growth media were prepared by standards methods using rich YPDA media (yeast peptone dextrose adenine, Gibco) or minimal CSM media (MP biochemical) containing 2% glucose. For lithium induction, cells were grown in CSM media and then transferred during the indicated time in CSM media with 100 mM lithium as indicated25. For Xrn1 conditional mutant experiments, the xrn1D strain was transformed with a wild-type XRN1 plasmid (PAM27, pAJ52) or xrn1ts plasmid (PAM143, pAJ53), both plasmids from a gift from A. Johnson. Transformed cells were grown in CSM-URA media with glucose at 30 uC. Heat shock was performed at 37 uC and cells collected at the indicated times. RNA extraction, polyA1 and ribo2 RNA purifications. Total RNA was extracted using the hot phenol extraction procedure. PolyA1 RNAs were purified on oligodT Dynabeads (Invitrogen) and ribosomal RNA were depleted using the RiboMinus kit (Invitrogen). RNA quality was checked on agarose gel (Supplementary Fig. 2) and with the Bioanalyzer (Agilent) ensuring the quantification of RNA peaks recommended by the manufacturer. Northern blotting. RNAs were loaded on denaturing 1% agarose gels containing formaldehyde and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (Hybond XL). Membranes were cross-linked by ultraviolet irradiation and hybridized over-night at 65 uC with either 32P-labelled DNA probes or oligonucleotide probes in PERFECT-HYB PLUS buffer (Sigma). Blots were washed at 65 uC for 10 min once with 23 SSC, 1% SDS and twice with 0.13 SSC, 1% SDS. DNA probes were obtained by random primed labelling (Stratagene) of specific DNA fragments generated by PCR. PCR primers are available upon request. PGK1 and scR1 RNAs were used as loading controls. Northern signals were quantified using ImageQuant software, normalized with scR1 or PGK1 intensities and wild-type ratios were set arbitrarily to 1. Error bars correspond to the standard deviation over three independent cultures. Reverse transcription. Reverse transcription was performed according to the manufacturers instructions (Invitrogen, SuperScript) on total RNA. Specific primers were used to amplify TIR1axut, LAC1axut and scR1 loading control. Quantitative PCR were performed with the LightCycler 480 (Roche) using SYBR Green. PCR were normalized with scR1 signals and wild-type ratios adjust to 1 for comparison. Error bars correspond to standard deviation over three independent reverse transcription reactions. 59 RACE analysis. 59 RACE experiments were done using a Firstchoice RLMRACE kit from Ambion following the manufacturers instructions. Total RNA from wild-type or xrn1D cells was used. Reverse transcription was performed with primers A, B, and C to detect the 59 ends of SUC2uxut (Supplementary Fig. 7). Subsequently, PCR was done using nested primers (sequences available upon request). PCR products were cloned and sequenced. Chromatin immunoprecipitation. Chromatin immunoprecipitations were performed essentially as described previously12. Yeast strains were grown to D600 5 0.5 in YPDA at 30 uC, and cross-linked 20 min by the addition of formaldehyde to a final concentration of 1.2%. Crosslinked reaction was quenched by adding glycine at 0.5 M final concentration. Chromatin was sonicated to obtain 400500 nucleotides DNA fragment and 200 mg of sonicated chromatin was immunoprecipitated for 3 h at 21 uC on Pan mouse Dynabeads (Invitrogen) coated with specific antibody against the carboxy-terminal domain of Rpb1 (8WG16, Millipore). All immunoprecipitations were repeated at least three times with different chromatin extracts. Immunoprecipitated DNA was quantified by real-time PCR using the LightCycler 480 (Roche) with primer pairs (sequences available upon request). Signals are expressed as percentage of input DNA relatively to RPO21 (coordinate: chromosome 4: 210562 to 205361). Error bars correspond to standard deviations of three independent experiments. Library preparation for RNA-seq. The extracted RNAs (polyA1 or ribo2) were submitted to RNA fragmentation as recommended in the ABI whole transcriptome library preparation kit. RNA adaptors were ligated before cDNA preparation to ensure strand recognition. Typically, DNAs ranging from 150 to 250 nucleotides were size-selected on polyacrylamide gel followed by PCR amplification (15 cycles). Denatured single-stranded DNA was then hybridized on beads before emulsion PCR and deposited on SOLiD slides for sequencing. Runs were performed on the SOLiD V3 sequencing machine and 50 nucleotides single reads were generated on colour code format. For Illumina sequencing, RNAs were subjected to sequencing on the Genome Analyzer IIx sequencing machine and 38 nucleotides reads were generated. The same polyA1 samples as for the SOLiD libraries (but with Illumina adapters added by PCR) were used to confirm that sequencing technologies do not introduce bias in the reads. The duplicates libraries for wild type and xrn1D, lithium and ts were sequenced with Illumina technology (Supplementary Table 1). Library preparation for ChIP-seq. For ChIP-seq, chromatin immunoprecipitation was done as described above, the only modification being that reactions were scaled up to obtain sufficient amounts of material for library preparation. Instead of 200 mg, 800 mg of sonicated chromatin was used. The sequences were obtained on Genome Analyzer IIx sequencer with 38 nucleotides reads (Supplementary Table 1). Sequencing data. For SOLiD sequencing, 50-nucleotide sequence reads were identified using the standard SOLiD base-calling software and then aligned to the reference genome (Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c retrieved from SGD, http://www.yeastgenome.org/) using Mapreads (v2.4.1) software allowing up to six mismatches. For Illumina/Solexa sequencing, 38-nucleotide sequence reads were identified using the standard Illumina base-calling software and then aligned to the reference genome using the ELAND (CASAVA pipeline) software allowing up to two mismatches within the 32-nucleotide seed. For multiplex samples, reads were partitioned and those lacking an intact barcode or index were discarded. Replicate experiments for ribo2 samples produced read density values that strongly correlated to each other (Supplementary Fig. 4a, Pearson R 5 0.96, P , 10215). Sequencing data obtained with the polyA1/WT RNA sample using either the SOLiD or the Illumina/Solexa device were highly correlated to each other (Supplementary Fig. 4b, R 5 0.98, P , 10215). Transcriptome analysis and normalization. Genome was annotated according to SGD (http://www.yeastgenome.org/, 5 January 2010); SUT (stable unannotated transcript) and CUT (cryptic unstable transcript) annotations were retrieved22. Tag densities were computed for each transcript in each sample and in all cases, except for tRNAs, only tags mapping to unique positions were considered. Tag densities for tRNAs were computed (for each anticodon) by using the tags mapping to multiple positions. Except for the lithium and set1D transcriptomes, the tag densities were normalized in such a way that snoRNAs and tRNAs present the same levels in the wild-type and xrn1D strains (Supplementary Figure 3). The candidate transcripts obtained by the segmentation process that presented an xrn1D/WT ratio significantly larger than the background ratio were retained as XUTs. To determine whether the expression level of a gene (ORF) was significantly different in the xrn1D and wild-type strains, a P-value was computed based on negative binomial distribution (edgeR package31 from Bioconductor, http:// www.bioconductor.org/); for this comparison, individual ORF expression levels in the xrn1D and wild-type strains were compared to the ratio of the corresponding mean ORF expression values; transcripts with a P-value , 0.01 were retained. In the wild-type strain, a fraction of XUTs presents expression levels close to the background level of the density profile; to compare XUT expression levels in the ribo2 and polyA1 samples, only those presenting levels 50% higher than the background level of the corresponding profile were retained. An extensive study was performed to identify the best way to normalize the RNA-seq values in the presence of lithium. As suggested by previous studies25, tRNAs and snoRNAs levels are affected by lithium addition with mean ratios of 1.8 and 2.1, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 11ad). In contrast, ribosomal proteins genes-derived transcripts present only a slight increase (1.5 fold) in the xrn1D strain, and are insensitive to lithium addition (mean ratio of 1.1, Supplementary Fig. 11e, f). The mean ribosomal proteins genes transcript value was thus used as reference to normalize RNA-seq values in the presence of lithium. For the set1D transcriptome, levels were normalized by the mean level of all ORFs taken as reference, because the Set1 complex controls snoRNA transcription32. Segmentation of massive sequencing data. The RNA-seq procedure generates considerable variation of tag coverage along genes complicating the segmentation process. To address this problem, we designed a crude heuristic to detect candidate transcripts. Segmentation was performed on massive sequencing data obtained from the ribo2 samples extracted from the xrn1D strain. The tag profile was built by computing the tag density within a sliding 120 base pairs (bp) window, using a 1-bp step size; segments were delimited on the tag profile using a threshold of 0.06 tag per nucleotide (50% of the annotated CUTs present a tag density lower than this threshold). To define transcripts, the extremities of each segment were adjusted to the first and last internal tags. Segments overlapping genes annotated on the same strand (ORFs, stable RNAs) were then removed. The remaining consecutive segments of similar densities (ratio smaller than twofold) distant by less than 250 bp were joined (only the 59 end of the RNA pieces obtained by fragmentation of the initial transcripts was sequenced); the resulting segments longer than 250 bp were retained as final transcripts corresponding to 543

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SUTs, 183 CUTs and 932 new transcripts (New). The extremities of XUTs tested experimentally were manually repositioned according to experimental data. With this procedure, previously defined SUTs were covered at 87% by the detected segments and the segments intersecting the SUTs were covered at 80% by the SUTs; in addition, 90% of the SUTs were covered by a unique detected segment (Supplementary Fig. 5). XUTs are polyadenylated and RNAPII dependent. Among the 1,658 XUTs, 683 were detected at low levels in the wild-type ribo2 sample. Interestingly, 493 (72%) were also detected within the polyA1 fraction (Supplementary Fig. 8a, b), strongly supporting that XUTs are polyadenylated, as shown for PHO84-, GAL10- and TY1-associated ncRNAs12,33,34. To confirm that XUTs are synthesized by RNAPII, we monitored the steady-state levels of the SUC2uxut1 and SUC2uxut3 mRNAs upon depletion of Rpb1, the main subunit of RNAPII (ref. 35). The SUC2uxut1 mRNA levels were significantly reduced after 60 min of RNAPII inactivation similarly to the class 2 ACT1 mRNA (Supplementary Fig. 8c, d). In contrast, the levels of scR1 and rRNA, transcribed by RNA polymerase III and I, respectively, remained constant. Altogether these data support that XUTs RNA are polyadenylated and synthesized by the RNA polymerase II. Analysis of xrn1 conditional mutant. To examine possible late secondary effects of XRN1 deletion, we asked whether a conditional mutant of Xrn1 would rapidly accumulate XUTs after Xrn1 inactivation and show repression of the same group of genes defined in Fig. 3a (class 1) . To answer this question, we determined the kinetics of the ncRNA-mediated Ty1 regulation using an xrn1 thermosensitive (ts) mutant26. Interestingly, TY1 ncRNA accumulated around 30 min after heat shock (Supplementary Figure 14a). In addition, TY1 ncRNA accumulation preceded the decrease of the TY1 mRNA starting approximately at 60 min, confirming the causal link between XUT accumulation and gene repression12,13. Interestingly, the TY1 ncRNA kinetics reflect other XUTs dynamic because SUC2uxut1, SUC2uxut3 and TPO1axut also appeared at 30 min, indicating a rapid and general accumulation of the XUTs upon Xrn1 inactivation. Indeed, RNA-seq experiments showed that 75% of the XUTs detected in xrn1D strain accumulated similarly after 90 min of Xrn1 inactivation (Supplementary Fig. 14bd), indicating that XUTs are primary targets of Xrn1 RNA decay pathway. To determine whether the regulation of class 1 genes is a late or early event, we performed RNAPII-ChIP experiments in the xrn1D and xrn1ts strains (after 180 min in 37 uC) on a selection of genes belonging to the different classes defined in Figure 3a. Strikingly, the class 1 genes showed a similar decrease of RNAPII occupancy in the two XRN1-defective strains (Figure 3c), indicating that Xrn1 inactivation has an early effect on RNAPII on those genes. By contrast, the class 2 genes are only suppressed in xrn1D strain supporting a late and likely indirect effect of Xrn1 inactivation on those genes. We conclude that the class 1 genes are directly controlled by Xrn1, potentially though their respective antisense ncRNAs.
30. Longtine, M. S. et al. Additional modules for versatile and economical PCR-based gene deletion and modification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 14, 953961 (1998). 31. Robinson, M. D., McCarthy, D. J. & Smyth, G. K. edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression. Bioinformatics 26, 139140 (2010). 32. Dichtl, B., Aasland, R. & Keller, W. Functions for S. cerevisiae Swd2p in 39 end formation of specific mRNAs and snoRNAs and global histone 3 lysine 4 methylation. RNA 10, 965977 (2004). 33. Pinskaya, M., Gourvennec, S. & Morillon, A. H3 lysine 4 di- and tri-methylation deposited by cryptic transcription attenuates promoter activation. EMBO J. 28, 16971707 (2009). 34. Camblong, J., Iglesias, N., Fickentscher, C., Dieppois, G. & Stutz, F. Antisense RNA stabilization induces transcriptional gene silencing via histone deacetylation in S. cerevisiae. Cell 131, 706717 (2007). 35. Nonet, M., Scafe, C., Sexton, J. & Young, R. Eucaryotic RNA polymerase conditional mutant that rapidly ceases mRNA synthesis. Mol. Cell. Biol. 7, 16021611 (1987).

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The ribosome uses two active mechanisms to unwind messenger RNA during translation
Xiaohui Qu1,2, Jin-Der Wen1,2{, Laura Lancaster3, Harry F. Noller3, Carlos Bustamante1,2,4 & Ignacio Tinoco Jr2

Theribosome translates the geneticinformation encoded inmessenger RNA into protein. Folded structures in the coding region of an mRNA represent a kinetic barrier that lowers the peptide elongation rate, as the ribosome must disrupt structures it encounters in the mRNA at its entry site to allow translocation to the next codon. Such structures are exploited by the cell to create diverse strategies for translation regulation, such as programmed frameshifting1,2, the modulation of protein expression levels3,4, ribosome localization5 and co-translational protein folding6. Although strand separation activity is inherent to the ribosome, requiring no exogenous helicases7, its mechanism is still unknown. Here, using a single-molecule optical tweezers assay on mRNA hairpins, we find that the translation rate of identical codons at the decoding centre is greatly influenced by the GC content of folded structures at the mRNA entry site. Furthermore, force applied to the ends of the hairpin to favour its unfolding significantly speeds translation. Quantitative analysis of the force dependence of its helicase activity reveals that the ribosome, unlike previously studied helicases, uses two distinct active mechanisms to unwind mRNA structure: it destabilizes the helical junction at the mRNA entry site by biasing its thermal fluctuations towards the open state, increasing the probability of the ribosome translocating unhindered; and it mechanically pulls apart the mRNA single strands of the closed junction during the conformational changes that accompany ribosome translocation. The second of these mechanisms ensures a minimal basal rate of translation in the cell; specialized, mechanically stable structures are required to stall the ribosome temporarily1,2. Our results establish a quantitative mechanical basis for understanding the mechanism of regulation of the elongation rate of translation by structured mRNAs. To monitor ribosome translation and mRNA unwinding with optical tweezers, we use a hairpin-forming mRNA which has a single-stranded 59 overhang that includes the ShineDalgarno sequence and the start codon for ribosome loading8 (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1). Translation starts with the introduction of a translation mixture in the tweezers flow chamber. Single-stranded mRNA enters the ribosome through the ring-shaped mRNA entry site formed by ribosomal proteins S3, S4 and S5, and wraps around the neck of the 30S ribosomal subunit in an RNA-rich channel that accommodates about 30 nucleotides9. The average tunnel diameter is less than that of an RNA double helix, so secondary structures in the mRNA must be disrupted for it to move through the tunnel. A crystal structure9, bulk oligonucleotide displacement assays7 and the optical tweezers measurements reported here (Supplementary Fig. 2) yielded a distance of 13 6 2 (s.d.) nucleotides from the first nucleotide in the peptidyl site to the mRNA entry site. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 2a, when the ribosome translates codon i at the aminoacyl site, translocation to the next codon requires the unwinding of codon i 1 4 downstream. To investigate the effect of hairpin stability on the rate of translation, we designed two hairpin-containing mRNAs, hpValGC50 and

hpValGC100, that differ only in the hairpin region, specifically in the GC content of the codons downstream of ten Val codons (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 1). Translation of the third to the tenth Val codons on hpValGC50 mRNA is accompanied by unwinding of a helix with 46% GC content. For hpValGC100 mRNA, translation of the third to the sixth Val codons results in unwinding of the seventh to the tenth Val codons, which is a helix with similar GC content (42%); but translation of the seventh to the tenth Val codons is accompanied by unwinding of the first four codons (Arg or Ala) that follow the sequence of Val codons, a helix with 100% GC content. Translation steps preceding the third Val codon were excluded from data analysis because the finite mixing time in the flow chamber made rate measurements for these first codons difficult. Unless noted otherwise, elongation factors were used at saturation concentrations (Supplementary Fig. 3) so that their binding to the ribosome was not rate limiting. Under our conditions, less than 5% of the ribosomes stalled before translating all the Val codons in the hpValGC50 mRNA. To characterize helicase activity, we applied different constant forces to the ends of these hairpins. Figure 1b shows a typical translation trajectory revealing periods of constant mRNA end-to-end distance (pauses) followed by periods of sudden distance increase (bursts). The burst between two pauses represents ribosome translocation, that is, the movement of the ribosome from one codon to the next. We obtain single-codon resolution at forces greater than 11 pN; the upper force value accessible to these experiments is approximately 3 pN below the opening force, Fc, for the hairpin. When held at constant forces closer
Laser trap
Extension (bp)

50 40 30 20 10 0
Force (pN)
17.5 15.0

3 RNA hairpin Translation Handle

12.5 10.0 37 38 39

Ribosome Handle

19 18 17 0 10 20 30 40 Time (s) 50 60


Figure 1 | Experimental set-up. a, Diagram showing the attachment of the ends of the mRNA hairpin to the two beads8. The mRNA sequences are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. b, Trajectory for translation of hpValGC50 mRNA under 18-pN force (grey, 1,000 Hz; red, 10 Hz). Extension change is in units of number of base pairs (bp) opened. Hopping of the residual hairpin is observed at the end of the trajectory owing to its instability under force. Inset, magnified view of stepwise extension change for two steps (100 Hz).

Jason L. Choy Laboratory of Single Molecule Biophysics and QB3 Institute, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA. 3Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology and Center for Molecular Biology of RNA, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA. 4Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Department of Physics and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA. {Present address: Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.

1 1 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

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to Fc, the hairpin unfolds spontaneously before translation is finished. To extend this range, and to measure the average translation rate for each individual ribosome down to 3 pN, we use a novel force drop/ force jump technique (Supplementary Fig. 4). Burst times (Supplementary Fig. 5) have an average duration of 22 6 3 ms (s.e.m.), and show no dependence on force or on the concentrations of elongation factors. Translation rates, which are determined by the pause lengths, depend monotonically on force (Fig. 2b) under saturating elongation factor concentrations, the average pause time varies between ,2 s (at high force) and ,4 s (at low force)and have a MichaelisMenten dependence on the concentrations of elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu (Supplementary Fig. 3). These observations suggest that translocation can be considered a singlebarrier crossing process (Supplementary Discussion, section 1). A mechanochemical analysis10 of the dependence of the translation rate on elongation factor concentration at high and low force was done to determine which kinetic steps in the reaction are affected by the application of force on the junction and, thus, which kinetic steps involve motion of the ribosome through the junction. This analysis (Supplementary Discussion, section 2) showed that although the Michaelis constant, Km, and maximum velocity, Vmax, for both elongation factors increase as the force applied to the hairpin increases, their








FM (Gd )


0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0

hpValGC100 Fc(hpValGC100 ) Fc(hpValGC50 )

5 10 15 20 25

Force (pN)

Figure 2 | Dependence of translation rate on force and mRNA GC content. a, When the ith codon in the aminoacyl site (magenta) is translated, the subsequent translocation corresponds to unwinding the (i 1 4)th codon downstream (green) because the ribosome covers about 13 bases of singlestranded mRNA from its peptidyl site to the mRNA entry site. Only the sequence in the hairpin region is shown. E, exit site; P, peptidyl site; A, aminoacyl site. b, Left: translation-rate dependence on force for hpValGC50 mRNA (,50% GC unwinding). Blue circles show experimental data. Black solid, dashed and dotdash lines show the force dependence predicted by the Betterton model, v 5 vssfopen, with DGd 5 0, 1.1 and 2.2 kcal mol21 bp21, respectively. The three lines represent a totally passive helicase (solid), the best fit to FM and the high-force plateau (dashed), and the best fit to the two plateaux (dotdash). The blue line shows the best fit to equation (1). The three fitting parameters, vss, vds and DGd, largely determine the high-force plateau, the lowforce plateau and DFM (the shift in FM relative to a totally passive helicase), respectively. Right: translation rate dependence on force for hpValGC100 mRNA with 100% GC unwinding (red circles) and the best fit to equation (1) (red line). The data and best fit for hpValGC50 mRNA (blue; from left-hand plots) is shown again for reference. The fitting results for both mRNAs are summarized in Supplementary Table 1. n 5 39120 ribosomes for hpValGC50 and 1629 ribosomes for hpValGC100, at each force. Error bars, s.e.m.

ratio is invariant. This invariance indicates that force does not affect the binding steps of these factors. Therefore, the translocation step, which does depend on force, can be separated from the previous biochemical steps (see scheme (1), below). The translation rates for both hpValGC50 mRNA (,50% GC unwinding) and hpValGC100 mRNA (100% GC unwinding) show a sigmoid dependence on force (Fig. 2b). It follows that the secondary structure of the mRNA represents a rate-limiting barrier to translation by the ribosome. The low-force plateau provides an estimate of the translation rate for double-stranded mRNA; the high-force plateau provides an estimate of the translation rate for single-stranded mRNA. The identical unwinding rates at the high-force plateaux for both 100% GC content and 50% GC content indicate that singlestrand rates are not significantly affected by the downstream sequences. The force, FM, at the midpoint of the sigmoid transition between double-strand and single-strand rates increases with increasing GC content, consistent with the greater thermodynamic stability of GC-rich double strands. As expected, the average translation rates of unwinding the ,50% GC region of hpValGC100 mRNA and of unwinding the hpValGC50 mRNA agree at all forces, within experimental error (Supplementary Fig. 6). Various qualitative unwinding models, such as a strand-exclusion mechanism and a helix-destabilizing mechanism11, have been proposed for processive helicases on the basis of their structures. Mechanical studies of the unwinding activity of several nucleic-acid helicases1214 and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase on DNA templates15 have been interpreted in terms of the quantitative Betterton model12,16. The junction at the end of a double strand fluctuates rapidly between open and closed states owing to thermal energy. The Betterton model postulates that a helicase translocates through the open state of the junction and that an active helicase lowers the free energy of the open state relative to the closed state of the junction by the amount DGd, thus biasing junction thermal fluctuations towards the open conformation. In a totally active helicase, DGd is much greater than the base-pair free energy, so the junction is always open and no longer hinders translocation. A passive helicase (DGd 5 0) depends on junction opening by thermal fluctuations to translocate. In general a helicase will show an unwinding activity between the two extremes. Applying the Betterton model to determine the extent of destabilization, DGd, of a helicase can be ambiguous when the step size is unknown and when backtracking can occur14. However, in our experiments, a three-base-pair step size is directly measured, and ribosome reverse translocation is not observed. Thus, our data and these two constraints are sufficient to rule out the Betterton model, as no combination of parameters in that model can simultaneously fit the observed low-force plateau, high-force plateau and midpoint force, FM, of the ribosomal helicase activity (Fig. 2b). Additional interactions need to be incorporated to model the mRNA unwinding by a translating ribosome. In the Betterton model, the value of DGd that fits the midpoint force predicts a low-force plateau of nearly zero rate (Fig. 2b, dashed black line), which is much smaller than we observe. This indicates that in addition to biasing the junction thermal breathing, the ribosome has an active mechanism that directly breaks open a closed junction during translocation. A minimal kinetic mechanism required by our results is the following:
kpeptide Post Pre Open kopen kss translocation kclosed kds translocation Post-translocation

Average translation rate (codons per second)


Here all biochemical steps in a translation cycle17,18 other than the actual translocation step are combined into a single irreversible step ds with rate constant kpeptide, whereas kss translocation and ktranslocation are the rates of translocation through an open (single-stranded) and closed (double-stranded) junction, respectively. In scheme (1), kopen and
7 J U LY 2 0 1 1 | V O L 4 7 5 | N AT U R E | 1 1 9

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kclosed depend on force, junction GC content and DGd; kds translocation depends only on junction GC content; and kss translocation is independent of these three factors. Setting kds translocation 5 0 reduces this kinetic mechanism to the Betterton model. The kinetics equation derived from the mechanism of scheme (1) is given by (Supplementary Discussion, section 3): v(F)~vss fopen (F)zvds (1{fopen (F)) 1
ss ds where vss 5 kss translocation /(1 1 ktranslocation /kpeptide) and vds 5 ktranslocation / ds (1 1 ktranslocation /kpeptide). Here v(F) is the overall translation rate under

force F, fopen(F) is the probability that the junction is open at force F, vds 5 v(fopen 5 0) is the rate of ribosome translation through a closed junction and vss 5 v(fopen 5 1) is the rate of ribosome translation through an open junction. The probability that the junction is open, fopen(F), depends on the number of base pairs opened per translocation step (here three) and is quantified by the thermodynamic stability of the base pairs, DGbp. This probability also depends on the effect of force applied to the ends of the hairpin, quantified by the energy DGF, and on the destabilization of the junction induced by the ribosome, quantified by DGd. Under our experimental conditions, the translocation step is rate-limiting for translation (Supplementary Discussion, section 4, and Supplementary Fig. 7); therefore 1 fopen (F)~ 2 1zexp(DGbp zDGF {DGd )=kB T where kB is Boltzmanns constant and T is the temperature. We used MFOLD19 to calculate DGbp; the values give good agreement with our experimental results on folding/unfolding RNA with optical tweezers (Supplementary Fig. 8). We calculated DGF using the worm-like chain expression for force versus extension20. The parameters fitted to the experimental results are DGd, vss and vds. The 50% and 100% GC sequence unwindings were fitted independently and yielded the same values of DGd, 0.9 kcal mol21 (1.5kBT) per base pair, and vss, 0.43 or 0.44 codons per second (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Table 2). This value of DGd is in the same range as those determined for the T7 DNA helicase12 and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase15. The best-fit values of vds are 0.23 and 0.16 codons per second for the unwinding of 50% and 100% GC-containing hairpins, respectively. Therefore, our data indicate that the ribosome uses two active mechanisms to promote junction unwinding: open-state stabilization (the role traditionally described for active helicases in the Betterton model, characterized by DGd) and mechanical unwinding (a new active mechanism in which the ribosome translocates by applying force to the closed state of the junction, characterized by vds). In the first mechanism, the ribosome binds and interacts preferentially with the open form of the junction, favouring this state in the thermal fluctuations (corresponding to increasing kopen/kclosed in scheme (1)) and therefore increasing the probability of the ribosome translocating unhindered. It has been shown that for nucleic-acid helicases this mechanism does not require an external energy source; the increase in unwinding rate is a result of the affinity between the helicase and the junction21. No known nucleic-acid helicase motifs are found in ribosomal proteins; however, a mutational study implicated several positively charged residues on ribosomal proteins S3 and S4 at the mRNA entry site in ribosome helicase activity. We assume that these groups preferentially interact with phosphate groups on the single-stranded mRNA backbone7. The identical values of DGd extracted from unwinding of the 50% and 100% GC-containing hairpins indicate that the open-state stabilization mechanism in ribosomes has no significant base preference. In the Betterton model, the ribosome can only translocate when encountering an open-state junction, whether occurring naturally or induced by the ribosome. However, when the ribosome encounters the junction in the closed state, the mechanical unwinding mechanism
1 2 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 4 7 5 | 7 J U LY 2 0 1 1

comes into play, allowing the ribosome to break open the junction and translocate forward. A translating ribosome can thus use part of the energy of GTP hydrolysis and peptide bond formation, coupled to its translocation, to apply force and open the junction. The force applied by the ribosome on the junction lowers the free-energy barrier between the pre-translocation closed state and the post-translocation state, thereby opening this reaction path (labelled by kds translocation in scheme (1)). The fact that the value of vds for unwinding 100% GC is less than the value for unwinding 50% GC indicates that increasing GC content increases this barrier. The molecular mechanism of ribosome translocation along mRNA is of great current interest22. Cryo-electron microscopy studies of ribosome translocation intermediates stalled by a pseudoknot have revealed a distorted conformation of the peptidyl-site transfer RNA, suggesting tension on the tRNAN mRNA linkage1. Our results provide direct evidence that such tension could be used to open the RNA junction. Thus, we postulate that inter- and intrasubunit ribosomal conformational changes associated with translocation2227 generate a force that pulls on the tRNA N mRNA complex and promotes unwinding at the mRNA entry site (Fig. 3). This tension may mediate ribosomal sensing of a high translocation barrier from a stable downstream mRNA structure and give rise to the observed strong correlation between frameshifting efficiency and pseudoknot mechanical stability28. Single-molecule studies29 have found that the rupture force between a ribosome and an mRNA goes from essentially zero with no tRNAs bound to 15 pN with tRNAs in both the peptidyl and the aminoacyl sites; this high mechanical stability of the tRNA N mRNA linkage is needed to communicate mechanical tension to the basepaired hairpin at the mRNA entry site during translocation. The unwinding mechanisms revealed in our studies serve as a quantitative basis for understanding how elongation rates are regulated by structured mRNAs. The physiological consequences of a second, active mechanism for the ribosomal helicase are as follows. First, the existence of a mechanism that uses translocation energy to disrupt the
Head 30S 50S P E A



Figure 3 | The molecular arrangement of a translocating ribosome. a, Structure of the 30S subunit viewed from the mRNA entry site. About 30 nucleotides of single-stranded mRNA (orange) enter the ring-shaped mRNA entry site formed by the three coloured ribosomal proteins, and wrap around the neck domain between the head and body. Secondary structures of the mRNA are excluded from the ribosome. b, Proposed ribosome unwinding mechanisms. The ribosome is rendered transparent so that the mRNA and the tRNAs inside can be clearly seen. Several base pairs (red) are destabilized by the ribosomal proteins at the entry site, which biases junction thermal fluctuations towards opening. Before translocation, the tRNAs (yellow) shift to the hybrid state (dashed). Then, driven by ribosomal conformational changes, the tRNA anticodons translocate from the peptidyl and aminoacyl sites on the 30S subunit to the exit and peptidyl sites, and pull the mRNA along (black arrow). When encountering an open junction, translocation rectifies the junction opening events. On encountering a closed junction, the pulling force on the mRNA breaks open the mRNA junction at the entry site. The 50S and 30S subunits are the Protein Data Bank entries with the IDs 2AW4 and 2AVY, respectively, and are modelled using PYMOL. The tRNAs and mRNA are for illustration purposes only.

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double-stranded junction ensures a minimal basal rate of translation in the cell. It should also help to remove potential obstacles to elongation such as mRNA-binding proteins, tRNAs and so on. Second, the existence of such a mechanism means that no regular secondary structure represents an insurmountable barrier for the ribosome. Instead, specialized, mechanically stable structures, such as pseudoknots1, or combinations of such structures (hairpins and internal Shine Dalgarno sequences2) are used to stall the ribosome temporarily, thus providing a mechanical basis for cellular regulation of elongation rates. The existence of this additional mechanical unwinding mechanism in ribosomes suggests that it may also be used by other helicases, especially those with interdomain or intersubunit motions. The proposed unwinding model gives testable predictions for ribosomes bearing mutations in ribosomal proteins at the mRNA entry site or in proteins critical for translocation30. Such studies will help elucidate the complex underlying molecular interactions involved in ribosome function and in the two active unwinding mechanisms established here.
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The materials, protocols and experimental procedures have been described in our previous study8, except that an optical tweezers instrument with higher spatial resolution was used for this study. All data were obtained at 24.526.5 uC. Translation steps in each trajectory were detected by algorithms written in MATLAB. The pause times from all ribosomes under the same experimental condition were pooled together to calculate the average translation rate by a bootstrapping method: (i) half of all pause times are randomly selected, made into histograms and fitted to a single exponential; (ii) this procedure is repeated .1,000 times; and (iii) the average translation rate and its error are determined as the p average and the s.d./ 2, respectively, of the fitted rate constants from all the repeats. This procedure is very insensitive to the bin size used. In equation (2), the effect of force on the free energy of the open junction, DGF, is calculated from the worm-like chain model20 for RNA single strands as F DGF ~{ xnt (F) dF, where xnt(F9) is the total extension of the single strands 0 released per translocation step under force F9.
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6. 7. 8. 9.

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Sensitivity to antitubulin chemotherapeutics is regulated by MCL1 and FBW7

Ingrid E. Wertz, Saritha Kusam, Cynthia Lam, Toru Okamoto, Wendy Sandoval, Daniel J. Anderson, Elizabeth Helgason, James A. Ernst, Mike Eby, Jinfeng Liu, Lisa D. Belmont, Joshua S. Kaminker, Karen M. ORourke, Kanan Pujara, Pawan Bir Kohli, Adam R. Johnson, Mark L. Chiu, Jennie R. Lill, Peter K. Jackson, Wayne J. Fairbrother, Somasekar Seshagiri, Mary J. C. Ludlam, Kevin G. Leong, Erin C. Dueber, Heather Maecker, David C. S. Huang & Vishva M. Dixit
Nature 471, 110114 (2011)

During resubmission of this work, another paper linking MCL1 degradation and CDK1-mediated T92 phosphorylation in mitotic arrest was published1. The studies use distinct approaches but come to similar conclusions.
1. Harley, M. E. Allan, L. A., Sanderson, H. S. & Clarke, P. R. Phosphorylation of Mcl-1 by CDK1cyclin B1 initiates its Cdc20-dependent destruction during mitotic arrest. EMBO J. 29, 24072420 (2010).

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Monitoring technologies and genetic engineering are producing a growing array of animal models for psychiatric disorders, but researchers are still learning how best to use them.


There is no such thing as an autistic rat, but researchers can study human psychiatric conditions by analysing the behaviour of rodents.


nyone familiar with Rett syndrome will recognize the symptoms. Mouse models animals that carry genetic mutations similar to those that cause the condition in humans wring their paws, walk awkwardly and learn poorly. Other human brain disorders have animal models, too. Mice with extra copies of the genome regions duplicated in Downs syndrome show motor problems and learning deficits. A developmental

disorder known as fragile X syndrome arises when humans lack a working copy of the gene FMR1; mice without the gene show learning deficits and hyperactivity similar to the symptoms of the human disorder. But those are conditions with discrete, recognized causes. Other neurocognitive disorders, such as autism, depression and schizophrenia, have multiple and often mysterious causes, so mimicking them is more complicated. Studies have implicated dozens of genetic variants in producing the disorders, and environmental
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factors from traumatic life experiences to in utero conditions also contribute. Even when researchers have decided which genes or factors to study, it is not always clear how to assess animal models: how can a researcher use a mouse to study diseases diagnosed by hallucinations or an inability to understand figurative language?


Craig Powell, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, says that the goal of tweaking genes is
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usually to uncover disease mechanisms. So you make a mouse with a mutation that you know causes autism in humans, and you see that it has behaviours that resemble autism, he says. Powells next step is to look at slices of the mouses brain, to see how it differs from normal mice. At that point, behaviour can help researchers to home in on what really matters. We might find a hundred things wrong with the brain function, but only one or two cause changes in behaviour, so we want to fix things and see what changes the behaviour, says Powell. In work that has become a touchstone for the field, Mark Bear, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, and his colleagues showed that reducing expression of a particular receptor in mice ameliorated the effects of a mutation that causes fragile X syndrome1. Several physiological abnormalities were reversed, and engineered mice had fewer seizures and better memories. In another example, Adrian Bird, a geneticist at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology in Edinburgh, UK, and his colleagues reversed symptoms resembling Rett syndrome in mice2. They crafted a version of the defective gene that could be restored to normal activity with a supplement to a mouses diet, but administered the supplement only after mice carrying the gene began to exhibit symptoms. Activating the gene at this point was expected to have little effect, but the mice showed marked improvement, raising hopes that recovery might also be possible in humans. A similar study3 into spinal muscular atrophy found that restoring a defective genes function four days after birth essentially eliminated signs of the disease; doing so ten days after birth had little effect. Such studies could help researchers to predict which patients are most likely to benefit in clinical trials. Research into behaviour can also probe how genetic variants interact with each other and with environmental factors. In one study published this year4, wild-type males from five mouse strains were bred with females carrying a mutation that causes symptoms resembling







Video tracking of different mouse strains (labelled) reveals that some explore a new cage more than others.

autism and developmental disorders. Tests on the offspring showed that the symptomatic behaviours recurred in only some of the genetic backgrounds. In another study5, mice from a strain displaying a range of autismrelevant symptoms were reared by and with mice from a strain known for high sociability. The fostered mice showed no social deficits as adults, but other relevant symptoms, such as repetitive grooming, were not reduced. And when a mutant version of DISC1, the first gene to be implicated in schizophrenia, is present in mice whose mothers immune system has been stressed during pregnancy, the offspring exhibit symptoms of affective disorders and autism6. Without the environmental stressors, they show symptoms of schizophrenia.


Less-anxious mice spend longer in open spaces.

Even the cleverest assays cannot capture some important aspects of human disease, such as the paranoid delusions common in schizophrenia. (In fact, because the models will always be imperfect, most behavioural researchers object to phrases such as schizophrenic mice.) Mikhail Pletnikov, a neurobehaviourologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is one of many scientists hoping to complement behavioural tests with more readily measured biomarkers. People with schizophrenia exhibit a wide range of behavioural symptoms, but their lateral ventricles fluid-filled cavities on either side of the brain tend to be larger than average, so Pletnikov is using brain scans to measure these structures in mice. It is not always necessary to see a behavioural change to probe a dieases biology, he says. With humility, you can use mice or rats or even worms. Unexpected behaviours have revealed unanticipated biology. Several years ago, Guoping Feng, a neuroscientist now at MIT, was trying to work out the function of various proteins found on either side of the synapses that connect neurons. Knocking out one such protein, SAPAP3, had no apparent effect on brain function: the mice walked and learned normally7. They did, however, seem to have something
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wrong with their skin: open sores appeared on their faces. After tests showed nothing abnormal, video surveillance revealed that the mice groomed themselves excessively, literally rubbing through their fur. Further work showed abnormalities in a region of the brain linked to obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD). Although SAPAP3 had not previously been implicated in the condition, drugs that eased OCD symptoms in humans reduced the grooming in mice. Studies8 of proteins that interact with SAPAP3 revealed that they, too, had links to OCD and autism. As human genetic studies reveal gene variants with increasingly smaller impacts on disease, there is When in increasing demand doubt, the for new behavioural experimenter tests to assess them. needs to look at Results of assays are what the animal highly variable, and is doing. they may not measure Douglas Wahlsten the most meaningful symptoms, says Jeffrey Mogil, a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Weve made a lot of advances in making ever-fancier mice, but at the end of the day the question is, whats your assay and whats your measure and are they relevant? he says. The slow link in the chain, the messy link in the chain, has always been the behavioural assays. Current tests of animal behaviour are blunt tools. The Morris water-navigation task evaluates an animals cognitive ability by assessing how it learns to use spatial cues to swim to an underwater platform that it cant see. Changes in the animals performance can be used to measure learning and memory. Tests for anxiety include the open-field test, which measures the time a mouse spends in enclosed spaces or along the edges of its cage;
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nervous animals avoid exposed areas. For both, psychiatric drugs effective in humans change the outcomes. Such tests can be effective at screening new drugs that act by the same mechanisms as existing ones. But they are less useful for conditions for which no effective drugs exist, or for gaining insight into pathology. So researchers are trying to develop tests that capture morespecific components of human disorders. We talk more to the clinical researchers, says Jacqueline Crawley, chief of behavioural neuroscience at the US National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. There are opportunities for us to sit down and say, what do these diseases look like, what is their variability in the real world, and what do you consider the fundamental core symptoms? C r aw l e y s ow n An animal studies of children model may with autism inspired not be 100% her to develop a translatable, but mouse test for anal- maybe 80% is ogous behaviour. good enough. Youll see a group Jacqueline Crawley of children without autism playing together and the ones with autism being off to the side, playing with a train or a computer, she recalls. So Crawley designed a task that would assess whether a mouse chose to spend time with a social partner or an inanimate object. The assay is now used in many laboratories. Clinical tests have inspired other animal counterparts. Mogil and his colleagues produced the mouse-grimace scale for pain assessment9, based on a scale that used facial expressions to determine pain in infants and other humans incapable of speaking. Mogil believes his scale will prove a more reliable measure of chronic pain than commonly used assays such as the tail-flick test, which measures how quickly a mouse moves its tail out of a beam of light. It should also help researchers to design more-humane experiments. Other scientists have developed a mouse version10 of the Wisconsin card-sorting test, in which participants are presented with cards displaying, say, three red circles or four blue squares. Once humans recognize that rewards come for, say, matching cards by colour, the reward criteria are changed to matching by shape or number. The test is used to study disorders including autism and schizophrenia. The mouse version relies on scents such as cinnamon and garlic alongside textures such as gravel and cotton balls. Feng is currently evaluating the assay on

The colours of mice and their bedding can confuse video-tracking systems.

mouse models of autism. Tim Bussey and Lisa Saksida, neuroscientists at the University of Cambridge, UK, have developed a mouse version of a touchscreen interface originally developed for humans and primates. It uses high-contrast images, tailored to mouse eyesight; and instead of pressing a lever or poking its nose into a hole in the wall as in most mouse-testing systems, the animal touches a screen with its nose or a paw. The technology, commercialized by Campden Instruments in Loughborough, UK, last year, could assess many cognitive abilities in rodents; one battery of tests assesses functions typically impaired in patients with schizophrenia, including visual perception,

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working memory and pattern-learning11. Bussey estimates that the system is now being used in more than 30 labs.


Assessing the assays

Researchers evaluating animal models consider three kinds of validity. Construct validity means that a test measures what it claims to. In animal models, that means that whatever causes symptoms in the animal is also what contributes to disease in humans. Such validity is relatively easy to achieve when a condition is caused by a single gene, but most are more complicated. Mikhail Pletnikov, a neurobiologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, models schizophrenia by combining genes and environmental stressors. For complex disorders, he says, weve passed that period where we manipulate one gene to try to understand the whole disease. Face validity means that a test seems to measure what it needs to, for example that the symptoms in an animal model mirror those in a human. For heart rate or tumour growth, such measures may be straightforward, but for diseases assessed by behaviour, it is considerably more complicated. BTBR mice, a strain used to study autism, avoid interacting with other mice and groom themselves excessively. When BTBR males are exposed to female urine, they do not vocalize and scent-mark as males from other strains do. These traits and others map well onto the diagnostic criteria for autism in humans, which include deficits in interaction and communication, along with repetitive behaviour. Predictive validity is the extent to which a test predicts a future outcome. In an animal model, the animal should respond to drugs in a way that corresponds to human reactions. For example, antidepressants are sometime evaluated by their effects on the forced-swim test, which measures how long a mouse will try to climb out of a tank of water before giving up. For disorders such as autism, however, there are no effective drugs to serve as positive controls. Even when drugs do exist, the symptoms or mechanisms captured by a single behavioural assay are unlikely to capture everything that is important. M.B.

Confounding variables are the bane of behavioural testing, says Douglas Wahlsten, a neuroscientist at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the author of a handbook on the topic. For example, if a mouse seizes up with fear and stands still in the centre of an open chamber, the time it spends there could be misinterpreted as demonstrating reduced anxiety. And the walls of water-maze tanks are often so high above the water that mice cannot see much of the room, which makes it hard for them to use spatial cues to find the platform. Genetic manipulation increases the scope for artefacts in the data, because tinkering with genes could alter how mice perform at tasks for reasons that have little to do with the parameters being tested (see Assessing the assays). If learning assessments are based on an animals ability to associate a sound with a mild electric shock, for example, researchers should make sure that the animals have normal hearing and sensitivity to pain. The biggest confounding variable may simply be moving the mouse from its cage to the area where tests are performed. Its really rare that a small rodent would be lifted up by another animal and survive, says Laurence Tecott, a neurobiologist at the University of California, San Francisco. We scare the hell out of the animal, then ask it if its anxious and how it can learn, he says. We do that routinely. To reduce distress, researchers are working on ways not just to observe behaviour, but to do so without physically transporting animals first. In IntelliCage, an observation system from NewBehavior in Zurich, Switzerland, each animal is radiochipped. The system monitors when each animal drinks and eats, and how it performs at various stations in its enclosure. Tecott, working with colleagues Evan Goulding and Katrin Schenk, has developed an inexpensive system that can monitor animals around the clock12. A cage sits on a weightdetecting platform that measures an animals location 50 times a second. Self-correcting informatics organize the animals movements

into bouts of activity and can keep track of a mouse as it eats, defecates and moves its bedding. As part of the Mouse Phenome Project, an international collaboration to collect phenotypic data on mouse strains used in labs, Tecott is developing a lifestyle database for 16 strains. Even in preliminary results, strains can be distinguished by their distinct patterns of activity. Tecott has also used his monitoring system on two lines of mice genetically engineered for obesity: ob/ob mice, which lack the gene to make one of the hormones that regulates appetite; and htr2c mutant mice, which lack a receptor for the neurotransmitter serotonin12. The mice act like couch potatoes and midnight snackers respectively, says Tecott. The ob/ob animals eat just slightly more than mice of

normal weight, but spend only about one-fifth as much time walking around their cages. The htr2c mutants have normal activity and feeding most of the time, but leave their burrows in the middle of their resting periods for a series of snacks. Without automated analysis, such insights into the behavioural components of obesity would be hard to detect. More-expensive video-tracking systems, already widely used for many behavioural tests, can also be used to monitor animals in their home cages, automatically detecting and categorizing behaviours. As more molecular biologists want to monitor genetically engineered mice, demand for and applications of automated systems are increasing, says Lucas Noldus, chief executive of Noldus Information Technology in

Mice (left) are commonly used as disease models, but rats have more complex and sociable behaviour, so are better suited to modelling neurocognitive disorders.
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Video-tracking systems analyse the behaviour of mice in their home cages. Software can capture specific activities, such as grooming and sniffing.

Wageningen, the Netherlands. Noldus describes one of his companys latest systems as an instrumented home cage that can be configured in a variety of ways, from a very bare cage to very rich stimuli. Depending on the cage conformation you can perform all sorts of tests: an anxiety test with a light spot, or a memory test with automated pellet dispenser. The monitoring component doesnt interfere with the animal, says Vikrant Kobla, vicepresident of business development at Clever Sys in Reston, Virginia. Youre taking the same cage and putting a camera in front of it. His companys systems recognize more than two dozen behaviours, including head bobbing, grooming and standing on hind legs, and the repertoire is expanding. We have so many modules weve developed that we can adapt it to deal with new behaviours, says Kobla.


If you want a rich detail of measure from many kinds of tests, you really need to use video tracking, says Wahlsten. Nonetheless, he says, accuracy cannot be taken for granted, even for standard tests of animal behaviour. Tracking two animals at once is particularly difficult. It is not uncommon for software to confuse an animals nose with its tail, for example. Bad lighting wrecks many experiments, particularly if a mouse is moving from a lighter area to a darker one, and different artefacts occur with white, brown, black and patchy mice. Infrared backlighting vastly reduces these problems and is commercially available, but is rarely used, owing to both lack of awareness and the cost
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of converting existing equipment. But even the best systems require considerable effort to avoid false readings, warns Powell. Its hard to sum up even in a book what the pitfalls are, he says. Dont just take the Excel spreadsheet at the end and analyse it. Watch whats going on during the experiment. Even when behaviours can be observed accurately, a mouses activity may not be robust or subtle enough to reflect the effects of tweaking a gene or the environment. Rats show more complex behaviours; for example, littermates wrestle with each other, a behaviour that is considered social play. The most established behavioural tests were designed for rats, so many researchers are interested in modelling disease using genetically modified rats. Rats lacking genes implicated in schizophrenia, Parkinsons disease and autism are among the very first strains being produced by Sigma-Aldrich in Saint Louis, Missouri, which began offering a suite of ready-made knockout rats earlier this year. Sigma and other companies also take on custom projects to genetically engineer rats. Richard Paylor, an autism researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, has just begun testing on knockout rats, investigating behaviours such as how the rats interact and vocalize in social situations, and how they respond to social odours. He hopes to report results by the end of the year. It is too early to say anything definitive, he says, but rats should allow finer behavioural assessments than mice. In particular, it may be possible to use them to quantify the effects of potential treatments for social and communication disorders,
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something that has proved particularly difficult with mice. Rats larger size also makes it easier to take electrophysiological recordings, brain images and tissue samples. Paylor predicts that labs working with mice will find it difficult to switch to rats, which are expensive to buy and maintain, needing more space and different equipment. We will be sort of a test case for labs that may want to study both mice and rats, says Shannon Hamilton, a postdoc in Paylors laboratory. But whether testing rats or mice, says Crawley, researchers must remember that the goal of an animal model is not perfection but utility. An animal model may not be 100% translatable, but maybe 80% is good enough to test for possible treatments. Monya Baker is technology editor for Nature and Nature Methods.
1. Krueger, D. D. & Bear, M. F. Annu. Rev. Med. 62, 411429 (2011). 2. Guy, J., Gan, J., Selfridge, J., Cobb, S. & Bird, A. Science 315, 11431147 (2007). 3. Lutz, C. M. et al. J. Clin. Invest. (in the press). 4. Spencer, C. M. et al. Autism Res. 4, 4056 (2011). 5. Yang, M., Perry, K., Weber, M. D., Katz, A. M. & Crawley, J. N. Autism Res. 4, 1727 (2011). 6. Abazyan, B. et al. Biol. Psychiatry 68, 11721181 (2010). 7. Welch, J. M. et al. Nature 448, 894900 (2007). 8. Pea, J. et al. Nature 472, 437442 (2011). 9. Langford, D. J. et al. Nature Meth. 7, 447449 (2010). 10. Bissonette, G. B. et al. J. Neurosci. 28, 11124 11130 (2008). 11. Bussey, T. J. et al. Neuropharmacology doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2011.04.011 (2011). 12. Goulding, E. H. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 2057520582 (2008).

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s a graduate student, you might find yourself well on the way with your education and ABD (all but dissertation). Day after day, you tell yourself that you really, really intend to start writing your paper. After all, youve collected all the data, analysed them many times and entered them into tables. But then you start thinking that maybe you need just a few more data. Perhaps, too, you should try a different analysis technique. And what if the tables you used arent the right ones, or need to be formatted differently? Many of the thousands of researchers we have worked with are constantly being tripped up by finicky, niggling details that keep them from writing up their research. Every day, they mean to start, but every day, something gets in their way or seems more important and this can go on for years. Some very common obstacles get in the way of high-quality, high-quantity scholarly writing, but powerful, evidence-based techniques can help researchers to overcome repetitive and unhelpful habits and get moving (see How to get out of a dissertation-writing rut).



Turbocharge your writing today

Before you can tackle the overwhelming task of huge writing projects, you must first put aside some widely held myths, say Maria Gardiner and Hugh Kearns.
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The biggest impediments to scholarly writing are long-held myths that seem to get passed down through the academic ranks like precious but unhelpful ancient wisdom. The first is the Readiness Myth I should write when I feel ready, and I dont feel ready yet. The secret to high output is that you have to write before you feel ready, because you might never reach that point. Researchers read endlessly and conduct countless experiments in the belief that it will eventually make them feel ready to write we call these habits readitis and experimentitis. But ironically, all that reading and experimenting often makes them less likely to write, and more confused. So the first way to speed up your writing is to stop waiting, stop reading and experimenting, and start writing. You wont feel ready, but you have to do it anyway. This brings us to the second myth, the Clarity Myth I should get it all clear in my head first, and then write it down. This isnt how writing works in practice. You have probably had the experience in which you were sure about how a paper would go until you started to write it. Then you discovered that there were inconsistencies, or it didnt flow well or the links didnt make sense. This tells you that it wasnt all that coherent in your head, after all. In fact, writing clarifies your thinking. Writing is not recording you dont just take
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Better teaching needed

The United States must boost the number of people pursuing degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), says a 23 June report from the National Academies. The nation should foster better education in schools, said the report, Successful K12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The authors also recommend improving STEM literacy to fill STEM-related jobs that do not require advanced degrees, such as science teacher or energy technician. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says that only 4 of the 16 STEM-related jobs with the largest projected growth by 2018 need an advanced degree.

a photocopy of what is in your head and put it on the page. It is a far more creative and interactive process. As you write, you develop your thoughts. Writing is, in fact, rigorous thinking. So the second way to turbocharge your writing and improve its quality is to get the words down on the page no matter how bad you think they look or sound at first.

chances of success by minimizing distractions and ensuring that you have sufficient energy to write clever things. However, for snack writing to lead to really high-quality results, you also need to write in a very specific way.




Inside information
An online forum aims to give job seekers inside information about employers. CareerBliss (www.careerbliss.com/ company-questions) in Irvine, California, matches applicants with current employees who can answer queries. The forum has respondents for about 500 companies, universities and organizations in the United States including biopharmaceutical firms such as Pfizer and Genentech, says spokeswoman Alia Henson. Questions can be on any topic, including research funding or grant opportunities.


Women want flexibility

Female early-career researchers with newborn babies are most likely to want to keep their jobs if their employers provide security and flexibility, including the right to leave work to care for an ill child, a study finds. Published on 23 May in the bi-monthly Journal of Applied Psychology (D. S. Carlson et al. J. Appl. Psychol. doi:10.1037/a0023964; 2011), the study reports better job retention for new mothers who stay physically and mentally healthy as a result of accommodations. Lead author Dawn Carlson, a professor of management at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, says that scientists should check how a prospective employer handles the needs of families before accepting an offer. To retain female staff, universities should allow maximum flexibility. Whether extending the tenure clock or some other measure, the organization has to figure out a way to support these people if they want to reduce turnover, says Carlson.
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Once researchers get beyond the myths that stop them writing, they often declare that they cant possibly write anything eloquent, insightful or clever unless they have a whole day or week to do it in. And because they dont have that amount of time, they conclude that there is no point in starting. We call Get the words this binge writing. down on the Binge writing isnt page no inherently wrong; matter how bad its just that, for you think they busy people, it can look or sound at greatly reduce the first. amount of writing they do. The alternative is snack writing. This means short but regular writing sessions. We suggest about 12 hours a day for graduate students who are writing a dissertation, and about 4590 minutes a day for researchers trying to increase their publication output. Many researchers tell us that they couldnt possibly get anything useful written in that amount of time. The good news is that studies (which we have replicated many times in practice) show that academics who write for 30 minutes a day produce, on average, more peer-reviewed publications than academics who write for big blocks of time. But the snacks have to be regular 45 minutes once a week doesnt work, but 45 minutes a day 5days a week does wonders. When possible, try snack writing first thing in the morning. Our experience suggests that this increases the

Before we tell you what writing is, we should tell you what it isnt, at least for the purposes of snack writing. Writing isnt editing: you should not spend your brief snack-writing time trying to find the perfect word or getting your grammar right. Writing isnt reading journal articles for research: write first and read afterwards, so that your writing shows you what you need to read. Writing isnt referencing: when you make that killer argument and want to reference Smith and Brown (2006; or maybe it was 2007?), dont stop and look it up. Write Smith & Brown (200??) and keep going. You can look up the reference later. Furthermore, writing is not formatting, literature searching, photo copying, e-mailing or nosing around on Facebook. Writing at least for your snack-writing sessions means putting new words on the page or substantially rewriting existing words. So, you might ask, when do you do all the editing, reading and other associated tasks? The answer is, any time in the other 23hours and 15minutes of the day just not during your snack-writing time. So stop waiting to feel ready. Get started with some short and regular writing snacks. What you write wont be perfect at first, but you will be on your way to becoming a prolific academic writer. Maria Gardiner and Hugh Kearns lecture and research in psychology at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, and run workshops for graduate students and advisers (see ithinkwell.com.au).

TOP T I P S How to get out of a dissertation-writing rut

Write before you feel ready because

you might never feel ready. Its amazing how people magically feel ready when there is an imminent deadline. Dont wait to have a clear picture of the paper. As you start putting down your ideas, you may actually clarify them. Snack write work in short, frequent bursts instead of waiting to sit down for big blocks of time. Those blocks hardly ever come, and when they do, they dont usually get used very productively. Set specific times in your schedule for writing dont leave it to chance, because

chances are it wont happen. Writing means putting new words on the page or substantially rewriting old words. It does not mean editing, reading, referencing or formatting and it definitely does not mean composing e-mails. If you refrain from writing because you worry that what you write wont be good enough, try noting the adage that to write well, you first have to write. To really increase the quality and quantity of your writing, get feedback from mentors and colleagues it can be painful, but it works. M.G. and H.K.

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Better teaching needed

The United States must boost the number of people pursuing degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), says a 23 June report from the National Academies. The nation should foster better education in schools, said the report, Successful K12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The authors also recommend improving STEM literacy to fill STEM-related jobs that do not require advanced degrees, such as science teacher or energy technician. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says that only 4 of the 16 STEM-related jobs with the largest projected growth by 2018 need an advanced degree.

a photocopy of what is in your head and put it on the page. It is a far more creative and interactive process. As you write, you develop your thoughts. Writing is, in fact, rigorous thinking. So the second way to turbocharge your writing and improve its quality is to get the words down on the page no matter how bad you think they look or sound at first.

chances of success by minimizing distractions and ensuring that you have sufficient energy to write clever things. However, for snack writing to lead to really high-quality results, you also need to write in a very specific way.




Inside information
An online forum aims to give job seekers inside information about employers. CareerBliss (www.careerbliss.com/ company-questions) in Irvine, California, matches applicants with current employees who can answer queries. The forum has respondents for about 500 companies, universities and organizations in the United States including biopharmaceutical firms such as Pfizer and Genentech, says spokeswoman Alia Henson. Questions can be on any topic, including research funding or grant opportunities.


Women want flexibility

Female early-career researchers with newborn babies are most likely to want to keep their jobs if their employers provide security and flexibility, including the right to leave work to care for an ill child, a study finds. Published on 23 May in the bi-monthly Journal of Applied Psychology (D. S. Carlson et al. J. Appl. Psychol. doi:10.1037/a0023964; 2011), the study reports better job retention for new mothers who stay physically and mentally healthy as a result of accommodations. Lead author Dawn Carlson, a professor of management at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, says that scientists should check how a prospective employer handles the needs of families before accepting an offer. To retain female staff, universities should allow maximum flexibility. Whether extending the tenure clock or some other measure, the organization has to figure out a way to support these people if they want to reduce turnover, says Carlson.
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Once researchers get beyond the myths that stop them writing, they often declare that they cant possibly write anything eloquent, insightful or clever unless they have a whole day or week to do it in. And because they dont have that amount of time, they conclude that there is no point in starting. We call Get the words this binge writing. down on the Binge writing isnt page no inherently wrong; matter how bad its just that, for you think they busy people, it can look or sound at greatly reduce the first. amount of writing they do. The alternative is snack writing. This means short but regular writing sessions. We suggest about 12 hours a day for graduate students who are writing a dissertation, and about 4590 minutes a day for researchers trying to increase their publication output. Many researchers tell us that they couldnt possibly get anything useful written in that amount of time. The good news is that studies (which we have replicated many times in practice) show that academics who write for 30 minutes a day produce, on average, more peer-reviewed publications than academics who write for big blocks of time. But the snacks have to be regular 45 minutes once a week doesnt work, but 45 minutes a day 5days a week does wonders. When possible, try snack writing first thing in the morning. Our experience suggests that this increases the

Before we tell you what writing is, we should tell you what it isnt, at least for the purposes of snack writing. Writing isnt editing: you should not spend your brief snack-writing time trying to find the perfect word or getting your grammar right. Writing isnt reading journal articles for research: write first and read afterwards, so that your writing shows you what you need to read. Writing isnt referencing: when you make that killer argument and want to reference Smith and Brown (2006; or maybe it was 2007?), dont stop and look it up. Write Smith & Brown (200??) and keep going. You can look up the reference later. Furthermore, writing is not formatting, literature searching, photo copying, e-mailing or nosing around on Facebook. Writing at least for your snack-writing sessions means putting new words on the page or substantially rewriting existing words. So, you might ask, when do you do all the editing, reading and other associated tasks? The answer is, any time in the other 23hours and 15minutes of the day just not during your snack-writing time. So stop waiting to feel ready. Get started with some short and regular writing snacks. What you write wont be perfect at first, but you will be on your way to becoming a prolific academic writer. Maria Gardiner and Hugh Kearns lecture and research in psychology at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, and run workshops for graduate students and advisers (see ithinkwell.com.au).

TOP T I P S How to get out of a dissertation-writing rut

Write before you feel ready because

you might never feel ready. Its amazing how people magically feel ready when there is an imminent deadline. Dont wait to have a clear picture of the paper. As you start putting down your ideas, you may actually clarify them. Snack write work in short, frequent bursts instead of waiting to sit down for big blocks of time. Those blocks hardly ever come, and when they do, they dont usually get used very productively. Set specific times in your schedule for writing dont leave it to chance, because

chances are it wont happen. Writing means putting new words on the page or substantially rewriting old words. It does not mean editing, reading, referencing or formatting and it definitely does not mean composing e-mails. If you refrain from writing because you worry that what you write wont be good enough, try noting the adage that to write well, you first have to write. To really increase the quality and quantity of your writing, get feedback from mentors and colleagues it can be painful, but it works. M.G. and H.K.

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Job Dekker

Job Dekker won the 2011 Young Investigator Award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Bethesda, Maryland, for his efforts to develop techniques to probe the three-dimensional structure of chromosomes. Dekker, a biochemist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, accepted the honour on 12 April.
What was the most important factor in your career development?

Where I did my postdoc. I did my PhD in biochemistry at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, but I had always been interested in how chromosomes interact and exchange information. I followed the literature on this issue, and when it was time to set up a postdoc, I contacted Nancy Kleckner, a molecular biologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was studying how chromosome structure dictates where and when recombination occurs, which dovetailed with my interest in mapping chromosome structure.
Describe the roots of your technique.

two more years. I published the 3C paper four years into my postdoc, which is a long time to go without papers. But its an important one.
Did you worry about cultivating a reputation as a technologist rather than as a scientist?

I developed a biochemical technique for determining how DNA segments are linked to one another and interact. The result is akin to a molecular microscope to detect physical interactions between chromosomes, and it eventually became the chromosome conformation capture (3C) method. 3C has helped my team and others to study how chromosomal activities influence, for example, gene expression. Nancy was supportive of this wild idea and was willing to keep me in the lab for as long as it took to get it to work.
How did you approach this high-risk project?

Yes, and I discussed the issue with my department chair. But quite a few career opportunities came my way as a result of the 3C work. I forged collaborations with Eric Lander, founder of the Broad Institute genomic-medicine research centre in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and his sequencing group, and we developed the technology further, using it to visualize whole genomes, and ultimately combining it with next-generation sequencing to create a highthroughput version of 3C. And we published all the intermediate technologies, so I have a solid publication record.
What are the consequences of sharing your technological developments?

I gave myself 12 months to collect experimental evidence that it would work. A year isnt long, but a postdoc is the right time to do a risky project. If it works out, its a great starting point for the rest of your career. If you stick to safe projects, you carve out a less distinct niche. I started in January of that year and got the first hint that it would work in November. But I immediately put it aside.

Its both beneficial and harmful. We train people from other labs and give them our protocols to help promote advances. The benefit is that I have a whole network of connections, and the technology has rapidly taken hold. As a result, weve got a lot of competition. Weve been scooped several times because the technology is now so easy to gain access to. But thats normal in science.
Youve just achieved tenure. Is your career in transition?

During my postdoc, I was also doing a safe project studying how proteins mediate interactions between chromosomes. More labs were entering the competition, so I had to pause the high-risk project to focus on the safe one. But I got scooped on that, so I went back to the microscope project, which took

My research direction is changing. After spending 13 years on this technology, we can now look at whole chromosomes to address real questions, such as how chromosome structure affects disease formation. I dont think Ill embark on a new round of technology development, but you never know.
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The gift of knowledge.

A recension of the Book of Sand

Quantum Foam Holographic Publishers, London, 2031. Quantumholographic edition. pp.

rom ab out 2030 onwards there were rumours that a group of librarians had finally found the Book of Sand, which Jorge Luis Borges purposely lost (among maps and periodicals) in the cavernous depths of the National Library in Buenos Aires. As will be remembered, the book contains an infinite number of pages, none of them being the first and none being the last. Even though Borges did not say so explicitly, several scholars have attributed the unbounded vastness of this mythical book to the fact that it is the repository of all knowledge, in the form of an encyclopaedia with pages that divide and subdivide without limit. When Borges examined the book, the World-Wide Web did not exist but his description is quite clear. The Book of Sand is not the Web as it is truthful, non-profit, non-redundant and garbage-free. The Book of Sand has indeed been found and it is now available for examination. It is certainly impossible to produce a facsimile or a digital version with conventional techniques, as the content of the book is infinite and the digitization would require a computer with infinite memory. Nevertheless, with a newly described technique whose scientific basis eludes me, known as Quantum Foam Holographic Scanning, it is now possible to produce a hologram that can be perused in the same way as if the original were in your hands. Everything that Borges said about the Book of Sand is true. Like him, I tried to open the first or the last page, but no matter what I tried a few pages inevitably appeared between the cover and my fingers. If I opened it at random I always found two facing pages of entries, some of them with pictures, as in a conventional encyclopaedia.

Because of my professional bias I was delighted to find an entry labelled DNA. It begins with a description of Mieschers experiments, followed by those of Griffiths (without mentioning the names of the scientists), but on reaching the bottom line and attempting to turn the page, I found myself in front of a page describing the adventures of a medieval gentleman named Durandarte. When I tried to go back to the previous page I found that it was no longer possible. I wonder about those pages that I can no longer find. Of course the enormous discovery by Avery, the telling findings of Chargaff, the fecund model of Crick and Watson, and the Genome Project of the end of the last century must all be there, and, maybe, the base sequences of the 300,000 genomes now in the databases (from all creatures living and extinct?) and surely the current research on extragalactic DNA. I am sure that all that is displayed in the pages between NATURE.COM DNA and Durandarte Follow Futures on but the probability of Facebook at: opening one of them is go.nature.com/mtoodm
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vanishingly small, and if I get close I shall perhaps find a passage about Donostiarra or the love potions of a scoundrel called Dulcamara. Perhaps horror! only very long and very boring series of purines and pyrimidines in a list like TTTGGTCAGATGGCATTGGG from an organism whose name appears in a page that I cannot visit. The Book of Sand is, then, a mirror of our world. We use all our senses trying to make sense of it. But the world, like the Book of Sand, allows us only to retrieve, per speculum et in aenigmate, mere bits that only rarely give us the certainties that we need. Thus the Book of Sand is a complete, and at the same time a partial, encyclopaedia with pages that can offer only fragments. But it is infuriating to know that the encyclopaedia is, in fact, complete and that all the present and future knowledge is there, if only one could turn the pages in the proper sequence. Alas! the book is a sandbook and it is therefore impossible to do that. But then, it might be better that way. If I could read the Book of Sand as an ordinary encyclopaedia, it would no longer be worthwhile to continue my ongoing research on the molecular dictionaries of the Nostratic language. If I could find in the Book of Sand the appropriate paragraphs, I would know today all about the molecular structure of the grammars stored in the brain and, therefore, all the fun of pursuing my investigations on that marvellous area would be gone for ever. It was indeed a wise man who said that the path contains the goal and that the goal cannot exist without the path. So I have closed my hologram copy of the Book of Sand and put it on a nearby shelf. Who knows? From time to time I shall open it at random and maybe I shall find some nuggets that shed light on my questions. Tito Ureta is a professor in the Departamento de Biologa, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile.

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Fei Li1, Rob Martienssen2 & W. Zacheus Cande3


Coordination of DNA replication and histone modification by the Rik1Dos2 complex

Histone modification marks have an important role in many chromatin processes1,2. During DNA replication, both heterochromatin and euchromatin are disrupted ahead of the replication fork and are then reassembled into their original epigenetic states behind the fork3,4. How histone marks are accurately inherited from generation to generation is still poorly understood. In fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), RNA interference (RNAi)mediated histone methylation is cell cycle regulated. Centromeric repeats are transiently transcribed in the S phase of the cell cycle and are processed into short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by the complexes RITS (RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing) and RDRC (RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex)57. The small RNAs together with silencing factorsincluding Dos1 (also known as Clr8 and Raf1), Dos2 (also known as Clr7 and Raf2), Rik1 and Lid2promote heterochromatic methylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9) by a histone methyltransferase, Clr4 (refs 8 13). The methylation of H3K9 provides a binding site for Swi6, a structural and functional homologue of metazoan heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1)14. Here we characterize a silencing complex in fission yeast that contains Dos2, Rik1, Mms19 and Cdc20 (the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase-e). This complex regulates RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) activity in heterochromatin and is required for DNA replication and heterochromatin assembly. Our findings provide a molecular link between DNA replication and histone methylation, shedding light on how epigenetic marks are transmitted during each cell cycle. To explore the role of Dos2 in heterochromatin assembly, we sought to identify Dos2-associated proteins by using tandem affinity
M oc k Do s P TA 2

purification (TAP). Mass spectrometry analysis of Dos2 purified by the TAP method uncovered two new interacting proteins, in addition to Rik1: Cdc20 (ref. 15); and a previously uncharacterized protein, SPAC1071.02 (Fig. 1a). SPAC1071.02 is highly conserved (Supplementary Fig. 1). Its homologue in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is MMS19 (ref. 16), so we named the fission yeast protein Mms19. The interactions of Dos2 with Mms19 and Cdc20 were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments (Supplementary Figs 2 and 3). Cdc20 is a conserved DNA polymerase-e subunit with extensive homology to its counterparts in humans and budding yeast. Cdc20 regulates the elongation of the leading strand during DNA replication, shortly after initiation, and is essential for cell viability15. To test whether Cdc20 is required for heterochromatin silencing, we used a temperature-sensitive mutant allele, cdc20-p7. At 37 uC, mutant cells arrest in early S phase. We crossed these mutants into the otr::ura41 background and performed a silencing assay. We found that, at a nonrestrictive temperature, 34 uC, the mutant cells grew poorly on control medium compared with wild-type (WT) cells (Fig. 1b), probably as a result of the replication abnormality. However, on medium lacking uracil, the mutants had more robust growth than WT cells. By contrast, on 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA)-containing medium, the mutant cells had little growth, demonstrating that centromeric silencing was partially compromised. These results indicate that complete silencing of heterochromatin requires Cdc20. In WT cells, heterochromatin transcripts are quickly processed by the RNAi machinery, but in RNAi-processing defective mutants, such as dcr1-D, these transcripts are readily detectable17. In cdc20-p7 mutant
Control Uracil +FOA 34C

WT dos2- cdc20-p7 WT dos2- cdc20-p7

250 kDa130 kDa95 kDa-

-Cdc20 Rik1

23C otr::ura4+
2 dc
c2 0cd

Cen Act Cen 23C Act 34C


p7 r dc




SPAC1071.02 -Dos2



siRNA 34C Control 20 bpsiRNA 23C Control

Figure 1 | Cdc20 is essential for transcriptional silencing and siRNA generation. a, Protein extracts from a Dos2TAP strain or an untagged control strain (mock) were purified by the TAP method. Purified products were separated by SDSPAGE and visualized by silver staining. kDa, kilodalton. b, Growth assay of serial dilutions (left to right) of strains carrying ura41 inserted at the pericentromeric otr region, grown on control medium, medium

lacking uracil (uracil) or counter-selective 5-FOA medium (1FOA) incubated at 23 uC or 34 uC. c, Accumulation of centromeric transcripts analysed by RTPCR in strains incubated at the indicated temperatures. Act, act11 control; Cen, centromeric transcripts. d, Analysis of siRNAs corresponding to centromeric repeats by northern blotting. Control, snoR69 as a loading control.

Department of Biology, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA. 2Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724, USA. 3Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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cells incubated at 34 uC, similar to dcr1-D mutants, pericentromeric transcripts accumulated (Fig. 1c). We then examined the amount of small RNA in the cdc20-p7 mutant by northern blotting. Because RNAi is temperature sensitive, the abundance of small RNAs in WT cells was considerably reduced at 34 uC but was still detectable6 (Fig. 1d). In the cdc20-p7 mutant, however, siRNAs were completely absent (Fig. 1d), showing that Cdc20 promotes siRNA generation. To further determine how heterochromatin structure is affected by disruption of Cdc20, we examined H3K9 methylation and Swi6 distribution in the cdc20-p7 cells grown at 34 uC and 23 uC. Pericentromeric H3K9 methylation was significantly reduced at the higher temperature (Fig. 2a) and the association of Swi6 was also decreased (Supplementary Fig. 4), both of which are consistent with the heterochromatin defect shown by the silencing assay. We also assessed the delocalization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)Swi6 fusion proteins to determine loss of heterochromatin, because the GFPSwi6 pattern is unchanged in RNAi mutants18. We found that 53% of cdc20-p7 cells at 34 uC, and more than 70% at 37 uC, had a diffuse GFPSwi6 pattern, a defect similar to the dos2-D mutant (Supplementary Fig. 5 and Fig. 2b). WT cells incubated at the elevated temperatures did not show severe Swi6 delocalization (Fig. 2b), demonstrating that heterochromatin formation requires Cdc20. Because heterochromatin formation is mediated by both RNAi-dependent and RNAi-independent pathways19, the silencing abnormality in cdc20-p7 mutants indicated that Cdc20 functions at an early stage of heterochromatin assembly. Mms19, another Dos2-interacting factor, is a conserved protein that contains a HEAT repeat domain (Supplementary Fig. 1). Studies of its homologues in budding yeast and humans show that they function as regulators of the transcription factor TFIIH, participating in the initiation of RNA-Pol-II-mediated transcription16,20. Interestingly, human MMS19 is also required for chromosome segregation21. To
H3K9me2 ChIP
2 dc 0p7 d 2 os - W

study the role of Mms19 in fission yeast, we first examined its distribution using a GFP-tagged version of Mms19 and found that the GFP signal was predominantly nuclear, consistent with its potential role as a transcriptional regulator (Supplementary Fig. 6). To elucidate the function of Mms19, we created an mms19-null (mms19-D) mutant. This mutant grew slower than the WT strain but was viable, indicating that mms191 is not an essential gene. Similar to the budding yeast mms19 mutant, the growth of mms19-D required methionine (Supplementary Fig. 7). Because Mms19 homologues in other organisms associate with the TFIIH complex, we speculated that Mms19 might be involved in RNA-Pol-II-mediated transcription in heterochromatic regions. To address this possibility, we directly examined centromeric transcription by using PCR with reverse transcription (RTPCR). Centromeric transcripts were abundant in siRNA-processing mutants, such as dcr1D, but it was difficult to detect them in the WT strain17 (Supplementary Fig. 8). In contrast, these transcripts were not discernible in the mms19-D mutant by using RTPCR, similarly to the WT strain (Supplementary Fig. 8), and their abundance was greatly reduced in a dcr1-D mms19-D double mutant (Fig. 3a). We reasoned that, as a result of the reduction in primary siRNA transcripts, centromeric siRNA levels might also be decreased. To test this, RNA extracted from the mms19-D mutant was probed for centromeric siRNA by northern blotting. These siRNAs were present but less abundant than in the WT strain (Fig. 3b). These data further demonstrate that Mms19 regulates centromeric transcription. Coincident with heterochromatin expression, RNA Pol II is preferentially restricted to heterochromatin in S phase5. To further elucidate the role of Mms19 in this process, we investigated how Mms19 associates with heterochromatin during the cell cycle. After release from synchronization, cells carrying Mms19TAP were collected at different
WT cdc20-p7 37C

2 dc 0p7 do s2 -

Cen Act Cen Act 1.0

34C 0.1 0.02 23C 1.0 0.1 0.02 GFPSwi6 +Adenine WT Adenine 23C

100 80 Survival (%) 60 40 20 0 0 3 6 9 Ultraviolet radiation dose (J m2)

dos2- cdc20N-term WT 23C WT 34C cdc20-p7 23C cdc20-p7 34C

H3K9me2 ChIP


N -te rm



c2 0

Cen Act 1.0 0.01 0.01

Figure 2 | Heterochromatin abnormality is coupled to DNA replication defects. a, Pericentromeric H3K9 methylation in cdc20-p7 was significantly lost at 34 uC but not at 23 uC. A ChIP assay was performed with an antibody specific for dimethylated H3K9 (H3K9me2). DNA from precipitates was analysed by competitive PCR in which one set of primers amplified the centromeric dh repeat (Cen) and another amplified the control gene act11 (Act). The relative fold enrichment (indicated below each lane) was calculated by comparing the ratios of heterochromatin signals to control signals in the ChIP and whole cell extract (WCE) fractions. The value for WT cells was set to 1.0. b, Fluorescent images of GFPSwi6-carrying strains incubated at 23 uC or 37 uC. GFPSwi6 localizes to heterochromatin regions in the form of two to
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four green foci in WT cells in interphase. This localization was lost in more than 70% of cdc20-p7 cells at 37 uC. c, Ultraviolet radiation sensitivity of the cdc20-p7 mutant and the WT strain at 23 uC or 34 uC. d, Colony colour silencing assay of strains carrying ade61 inserted at the pericentromeric otr region, grown at 23 uC on YES medium with or without further supplementation with adenine. Repression of ade61 expression results in a red or pink colour; when transcriptional silencing does not occur, the colonies appear white. e, Analysis of pericentromeric H3K9 methylation in the indicated strains. A ChIP assay was carried out with an antibody specific for H3K9me2, followed by PCR, as in a. The relative fold enrichment of the methylation is indicated below each lane.

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c2 0




dc r1

For Rev Act 20 bp-

dc r1

dc r1



m m s1


siRNA Control






150 (min) Cen Act

1.0 WCE Septation index (%) 100





1.1 Cen Act


0 0 30 60 90 120 150 Time after synchronization release (min)




RNA Pol ll ChIP

T s1

9W T m m



Cen Act 1.0 0.1

Figure 3 | Mms19 is required for RNA-Pol-II-mediated transcription of heterochromatin. a, Strand-specific RTPCR analysis of the accumulation of transcripts from centromeric dh repeats. For, forward strand; Rev, reverse strand. b, Analysis of siRNA corresponding to centromeric dg-dh repeats by northern blotting. bp, base pairs; control, snoR69 as a loading control. c, Mms19 preferentially associates with heterochromatin during S phase. Protein extracts were prepared from synchronized cells carrying Mms19TAP, which were then analysed at various time points after synchronization release by using ChIP with an antibody specific for TAP, followed by PCR as in Fig. 2a. The relative fold enrichment of Mms19 is indicated below each lane. Cell cycle progression was monitored by a septation index, which is also illustrated diagramatically. d, ChIP analysis of RNA Pol II accumulation in pericentromeric heterochromatin in cells synchronized in S phase, followed by PCR, as in c. The relative fold enrichment of RNA Pol II is indicated below each lane.

stages of the cell cycle. We found that Mms19 preferentially associated with heterochromatin in S phase (Fig. 3c), concurrently with the enrichment of RNA Pol II in heterochromatin. We then investigated how Mms19 affects the RNA Pol II distribution in heterochromatin at this stage. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with an antibody specific for RNA Pol II, we found that the RNA Pol II accumulation in S phase was reduced considerably in the mms19-D mutant (Fig. 3d). Furthermore, Mms19 was found to physically associate with RNA Pol II (Supplementary Fig. 9). Together, our results suggest that Mms19 is a transcriptional activator that is required for the RNAPol-II-mediated transcription of heterochromatin. To gain further insight into how Cdc20 interacts with Dos2 and Mms19, we created a haemagglutinin (HA)-tagged version of the

mutant gene from the cdc20-p7 strain. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that Cdc20-P7HA maintained its association with Dos2 and Mms19 at 23 uC; however, these interactions were lost at 34 uC, indicating that the point mutation reduces the interactions at the elevated temperature (Fig. 4a). We also investigated the association between Mms19 and heterochromatin by using ChIP in synchronized cdc20-p7 cells released from metaphase. At 23 uC, there was a clear peak in Mms19 enrichment in the mutant during S phase, which occurred ,60 min after release from synchronization; however, this accumulation of Mms19 was not observed when the temperature was elevated to 34 uC, indicating that Cdc20 is required for the association of Mms19 with heterochromatin (Fig. 4b). A previous report showed that Dos2 and Rik1 start to accumulate in heterochromatin in S phase5. We therefore assessed whether Cdc20 affects the recruitment of these two silencing factors. Using ChIP with antibodies specific for TAP or a Myc tag, we found that Dos2TAP and Rik1Myc are enriched in S phase at 23 uC, consistent with the previous study; however, the association is diminished at 34 uC (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Fig. 10). These results indicate that Cdc20 is required for the recruitment of Dos2 and Rik1 to heterochromatin. Interestingly, heterochromatin silencing is also partly compromised in strains with mutations in two different DNA polymerase-a subunits22,23. As DNA polymerase-a primase is required before elongation by DNA polymerase-e (of which Cdc20 is a subunit), it is possible that the interaction of the Rik1containing complex with Cdc20 underlies this silencing defect. We reasoned that the loss of silencing in the mutant may be linked to the impaired DNA replication. Indeed, cdc20-p7cells grew much more slowly at 34 uC than at 23 uC and had an extended S phase (Fig. 1b). The replication state of a strain can be tested by assessing the efficiency of replication recovery after ultraviolet-radiation-induced damage. We found that the cdc20-p7 mutant was highly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation at 34 uC but not at 23 uC (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, heterochromatin fragments that contain ARS elements could not be replicated efficiently in the mutant at 34 uC (Supplementary Fig. 11). Thus, the loss of heterochromatin silencing in the cdc20-p7 mutant seems to be coupled to a defect in DNA replication. To gain further insight into the role of Cdc20 in the heterochromatin pathway, we analysed an amino-terminal deletion of Cdc20, denoted cdc20DN-term. The N terminus of Cdc20, which contains the catalytic domain, is not essential for cell survival24. To test how this mutation affects heterochromatin silencing, the cdc20DN-term mutant was crossed into the otr::ade61 background and was analysed at 23 uC on rich medium that was not supplemented with extra adenine. In this system, WT cells formed red colonies, indicating transcriptional silencing, but the cdc20DN-term mutant colonies were white (Fig. 2d), indicating that heterochromatin silencing is alleviated in the mutant. Consistent with this, H3K9 methylation in pericentromeric repeats was significantly reduced in the cdc20DN-term mutant (Fig. 2e). Thus, DNA replication and heterochromatin function were decoupled in this mutant, further showing that Cdc20 is directly involved in heterochromatin silencing. Here we have demonstrated that the Dos2-containing complex, which includes Dos2, Mms19, Rik1 and Cdc20, is crucial for DNA replication, siRNA production and heterochromatin assembly. Our findings establish the first physical and functional link between DNA replication, small RNA generation and H3K9 methylation, and they provide a novel mechanism to explain how these processes are coordinated (Fig. 4d). Our results provide insight into how the epigenetic states of heterochromatin are accurately duplicated in each cell cycle (Fig. 4d). In budding yeast, heterochromatin assembly requires S-phase progression but not origin firing25,26. Our findings suggest that, by contrast, DNA replication is required for heterochromatin assembly in fission yeast. In plants and mammals, DNA replication and DNA polymerase-e have also been implicated in the silencing of heterochromatin2729. This finding suggests that a molecular mechanism linking DNA replication to
0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 3

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Input Cdc20-P7HA Dos2TAP + + + + + HA IP + + + + + +



80 120 160 200 (min) Cen Act 34C Cen Act

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 WCE

Septation index (%)

34 34 23 Input Cdc20-P7HA Mms19TAP + + + + +

34 34 23 (C) HA IP + + + + +

100 50 0 40 80 120 160 200 Time after synchronization release (min) 0 30 60 90 120 150 (min) Cen Act 8.2 3.6 1.2 1.1 23C Cen Act 0

34 34 23

34 34 23 (C) Mms19TAP ChIP

23 Dos2TAP ChIP 1.0 WCE 34 (C) Cen Act 0.1 Cen Act WCE
Septation index (%)
siRNAs Rik1 Dos1 Clr4 H3K4me

1.0 1.4

100 50 0


RITS RNA Pol II Mms 19 Dos2 Cdc20 H3S10 phosphorylation

0 30 60 90 120 150 Time after synchronization release (min)

Dos2 Cdc20 Lid2 H3K9me Cohesin Swi6

Rik1 Dos1


Late S


Figure 4 | Functional interactions between components of the Dos2containing complex. a, The interaction of the cdc20-p7 mutant with Dos2 or Mms19 was abolished at 34 uC but not at 23 uC. Co-immunoprecipitations (CoIPs) for the two sets of strains (top and bottom) incubated at the indicated temperatures were performed using an HA-tagged antibody. Precipitates were analysed by western blotting with an antibody specific for the TAP tag. b, c, Mms19TAP and Dos2TAP accumulation in heterochromatin in S phase were lost in cdc20-p7 cells at 34 uC. ChIP assays were performed on synchronized cells carrying either Mms19TAP or Dos2TAP by using an antibody specific for the TAP tag, followed by PCR, as in Fig. 3c. Cell cycle progression was monitored by a septation index. The relative fold enrichment of Mms19 or Dos2 is indicated below each lane. d, Model of how DNA

replication, small RNA generation and H3K9 methylation are coordinated. Left, during G1/S phase, while synthesizing the leading heterochromatin strands, Cdc20 regulates heterochromatin transcription by interacting with Mms19, and it also recruits Dos2 and Rik1. Another DNA polymerase subunit may be responsible for a similar process on the lagging strand. Heterochromatin transcripts are subsequently processed into siRNAs by the RNA-induced transcriptional silencing (RITS) complex. Centre, during late S phase, the complex containing Dos1, Dos2 and Rik1, together with the siRNAs, promotes H3K9 methylation by Clr4. Right, during G2 phase, Swi6 binds to methylated H3K9 to reassemble chromatin into a repressed state and retain cohesin.

heterochromatin formation, similar to the one elucidated in this study, is probably conserved in multicellular eukaryotes.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The S. pombe (fission yeast) strains used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Cell synchronization was performed by the hydroxyurea method. For mass spectrometry, TAP-tagged Dos2 was purified from a total of 9 3 1010 cells as described previously11. Immunofluorescence images were taken using a DeltaVision Imaging System (Applied Precision). The program SoftWoRX 2.50 (Applied Precision) was used for processing the final projections. For the ultraviolet radiation survival assay, cells were collected from the culture at logarithmic phase and were plated at appropriate dilutions onto yeast extract with supplements (YES) medium. The plates were then irradiated with various doses of ultraviolet radiation. After incubation at 23 uC for 5 days, the colonies were counted. Detailed descriptions of the co-immunoprecipitation assays, ChIP assays, RTPCR and northern blotting are provided in the Methods.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature.

9. 10. 11.

Received 21 January; accepted 3 May 2011. Published online 3 July 2011. 1. Kouzarides, T. Chromatin modifications and their function. Cell 128, 693705 (2007).

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14. Bannister, A. J. et al. Selective recognition of methylated lysine 9 on histone H3 by the HP1 chromo domain. Nature 410, 120124 (2001). 15. DUrso, G. & Nurse, P. Schizosaccharomyces pombe cdc201 encodes DNA polymerase e and is required for chromosomal replication but not for the S phase checkpoint. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 94, 1249112496 (1997). 16. Lauder, S. et al. Dual requirement for the yeast MMS19 gene in DNA repair and RNA polymerase II transcription. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16, 67836793 (1996). 17. Volpe, T. A. et al. Regulation of heterochromatic silencing and histone H3 lysine-9 methylation by RNAi. Science 297, 18331837 (2002). 18. Hall, I. M., Noma, K. & Grewal, S. I. S. RNA interference machinery regulates chromosome dynamics during mitosis and meiosis in fission yeast. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100, 193198 (2003). 19. Jia, S. T., Noma, K. & Grewal, S. I. S. RNAi-independent heterochromatin nucleation by the stress-activated ATF/CREB family proteins. Science 304, 19711976 (2004). 20. Wu, X. Y., Li, H. & Chen, J. D. The human homologue of the yeast DNA repair and TFIIH regulator MMS19 is an AF-1-specific coactivator of estrogen receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 2396223968 (2001). 21. Ito, S. et al. MMXD, a TFIIH-independent XPDMMS19 protein complex involved in chromosome segregation. Mol. Cell 39, 632640 (2010). 22. Natsume, T. et al. A DNA polymerase a accessory protein, Mcl1, is required for propagation of centromere structures in fission yeast. PLoS ONE 3, e2221 (2008). 23. Nakayama, J., Allshire, R. C., Klar, A. J. S. & Grewal, S. I. S. Role for DNA polymerase a in epigenetic control of transcriptional silencing in fission yeast. EMBO J. 20, 28572866 (2001). 24. Feng, W. Y. & DUrso, G. Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells lacking the aminoterminal catalytic domains of DNA polymerase e are viable but require the DNA damage checkpoint control. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21, 44954504 (2001). 25. Kirchmaier, A. L. & Rine, J. DNA replication-independent silencing in S. cerevisiae. Science 291, 646650 (2001). 26. Li, Y. C., Cheng, T. H. & Gartenberg, M. R. Establishment of transcriptional silencing in the absence of DNA replication. Science 291, 650653 (2001). 27. Finnegan, E. J. & Dennis, E. S. Vernalization-induced trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 27 at FLC is not maintained in mitotically quiescent cells. Curr. Biol. 17, 19781983 (2007). 28. Yin, H. et al. Epigenetic regulation, somatic homologous recombination, and abscisic acid signaling are influenced by DNA polymerase mutation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21, 386402 (2009). 29. Fuss, J. & Linn, S. Human DNA polymerase e colocalizes with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and DNA replication late, but not early, in S phase. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 86588666 (2002). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank R. Allshire, P. Nurse, G. DUrso and the Japan Yeast Genetic Resource Center for strains, E. Osborne and C. Hale for comments on the manuscript, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for mass spectrometry analysis, and members of the Cande and Li laboratories for their support and discussions. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (RO1GM076396) to W.Z.C. and R.M. Author Contributions F.L. and W.Z.C. designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. F.L. performed the experiments. R.M. provided mass spectrometry expertise, equipment and conceptual support. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to F.L. ([email protected]).

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Yeast strains, media and genetic procedures. The S. pombe (fission yeast) strains used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Yeast extract with supplements (YES) was used as a complete culture medium, Edinburgh minimal medium (EMM) as a minimal medium, and SPAS medium for conjugation and sporulation. Cell synchronization was performed by the hydroxyurea method. Briefly, cells were treated with 12 mM hydroxyurea for 4 h and then released into 100 mg ml21 thiabendazole for 1 h to block entry to mitosis. Standard genetic protocols for fission yeast were used30. Mass spectrometry. TAP-tagged Dos2 was purified from a total of 9 3 1010 cells as described previously11. Briefly, cell lysates in 13 lysis buffer (50 mM bis-Tris propane, pH 7.0, 0.1 M KCl, 5 mM EDTA, 5 mM EGTA and 10% glycerol) were incubated with IgG sepharose (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) for 2 h. After washing with lysis buffer, the IgG sepharose was incubated overnight with TEV protease (Invitrogen). The supernatant was removed from the IgG sepharose and added to S-protein agarose slurry (Novagen) for 3 h. The S-protein agarose was then washed with lysis buffer. The eluate from this agarose was analysed by silver staining and subjected to mass spectrometry (at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory). Immunoprecipitation assays. Cells were lysed in HB buffer by using the glass bead method30. Lysates were pre-cleared with protein A agarose beads, which was followed by a 2-h incubation with anti-HA or anti-GFP antibody (Sigma) or IgG Sepharose 6 Fast Flow beads (Amersham Biosciences) at 4 uC. After washing, the eluted proteins and input extracts were analysed by western blotting using anti-Stag (MA1-981, ABR Affinity BioReagents) or anti-RNA Pol II (ab5408, Abcam) antibody. ChIP analysis. CHIP assays were carried out as described previously31. Cells taken from culture at logarithmic phase were crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde. Immunoprecipitation was performed with S-protein agarose (Novagen) or antibodies specific for the following: dimethylated H3K9 (07-441, Upstate) or Swi6 (ab14898, Abcam). The precipitated DNA was analysed by using competitive PCR with oligonucleotides specific for the centromeric dh region or a control gene, act11. The PCR products were separated on a 1.7% agarose gel and post-stained with ethidium bromide. The primers used are listed in Supplementary Table 2. RTPCR. Total RNA was isolated from cells taken from culture growing at logarithmic phase by using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). After treatment with DNase I (Promega), 50 ng purified RNA was analysed by RTPCR in a 25 ml reaction volume using a one-step RTPCR kit (Qiagen). Equal loading of RNA samples was assessed by amplification of a control gene, act11. For strand-specific RTPCR, RNA samples were incubated with primers that were complimentary to the forward or the reverse centromeric transcripts for synthesis of the first cDNA strand. After heat inactivation of the reverse transcriptase at 95 uC for 15 min, a second primer was added for the subsequent cycles of PCR amplification. The primers used for RTPCR are listed in Supplementary Table 2. Small RNA northern blotting analyses. Small RNA northern blotting analysis was performed as described previously10. Briefly, siRNAs were extracted from cells taken when the culture was in logarithmic phase, in YES medium, using a mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (Ambion). Total small RNA (25 mg) was resolved on a 15% denaturing acrylamide gel and was blotted to a charged nylon membrane (Hybond-N1, Amersham). RNA blots were crosslinked and hybridized with DNA probes specific for the centromeric otr region or snoR69 as a loading control. The DNA oligonucleotides used as probes are listed in Supplementary Table 2. Microscopy. Fluorescent images were taken using a DeltaVision Imaging System (Applied Precision). The program SoftWoRX 2.50 (Applied Precision) was used for processing the final projections. The standard procedure was followed by staining with 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Ultraviolet radiation survival assay. Cells were collected when the culture was in logarithmic phase and were plated at appropriate dilutions onto YES medium. The plates were irradiated with various doses of ultraviolet radiation. After incubation at 23 uC for 5 days, the colonies were counted. DNA replication assay. A pBluescript plasmid carrying a 3.0-kb fragment from heterochromatic cen3 repeats (3.0-K)32, together with a ura41 selective marker, was transformed into the cdc20-p7 mutant. This centromeric fragment contains efficient ARS elements32. After incubation at 23 uC or 34 uC for 4 days, total DNA was isolated following standard procedures32. Purified DNA (50 ng) was analysed by PCR (Bio-Rad) with primers specific for ura41. Equal loading was assessed by amplification of a control gene, act11.
30. Moreno, S., Klar, A. & Nurse, P. Molecular genetic analysis of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Methods Enzymol. 194, 795823 (1991). 31. Pidoux, A., Mellone, B. & Allshire, R. Analysis of chromatin in fission yeast. Methods 33, 252259 (2004). 32. Smith, J. G. et al. Replication of centromere II of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Mol. Cell. Biol. 15, 51655172 (1995).

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Architecture of the Mediator head module


Tsuyoshi Imasaki1, Guillermo Calero2{, Gang Cai3{, Kuang-Lei Tsai3, Kentaro Yamada1, Francesco Cardelli1, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage4, Paul Tempst4, Imre Berger5, Guy Lorch Kornberg2, Francisco J. Asturias3, Roger D. Kornberg2 & Yuichiro Takagi1

Mediator is a key regulator of eukaryotic transcription1, connecting activators and repressors bound to regulatory DNA elements with RNA polymerase II14 (Pol II). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mediator comprises 25 subunits with a total mass of more than one megadalton (refs 5, 6) and is organized into three modules, called head, middle/arm and tail79. Our understanding of Mediator assembly and its role in regulating transcription has been impeded so far by limited structural information. Here we report the crystal structure of the essential Mediator head module (seven subunits, with a mass of 223 kilodaltons) at a resolution of 4.3 angstroms. Our structure reveals three distinct domains, with the integrity of the complex centred on a bundle of ten helices from five different head subunits. An intricate pattern of interactions within this helical bundle ensures the stable assembly of the head subunits and provides the binding sites for general transcription factors and Pol II. Our structural and functional data suggest that the head module juxtaposes transcription factor IIH and the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of Pol II, thereby facilitating phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of Pol II. Our results reveal architectural principles underlying the role of Mediator in the regulation of gene expression. In the yeast S. cerevisiae, the Mediator head module is composed of seven subunits10: Med17 (also known as Srb4), Med11, Med22 (Srb6), Med6, Med8, Med18 (Srb5) and Med20 (Srb2). Four subunits are encoded by SRB genes, first identified through a genetic screen for mutations suppressing the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) truncation11,12. The head module is essential for Mediator function because mutations in the head abolish messenger RNA synthesis in vivo13,14 and in vitro15, and eliminate Mediator interaction with promoters in vivo10. The head module is organized into three domains that can undergo significant conformational changes, and it interacts with the TATAbinding protein subunit of general transcription factor TFIID and the Rpb4 and Rpb7 subunits of Pol II (ref. 16). The head has also been shown to interact with TFIIH through the Med11 subunit17. Determining the architecture of the Mediator head module is therefore vital to understanding the mechanism by which Mediator controls gene expression. We engineered the head module to obtain crystals of sufficient quality for structure determination (Supplementary Information, section 1). In our engineered Mediator head, Med18 loop regions and the aminoterminal 108 residues of Med17 were deleted, without apparent effect on the integrity of the complex (Supplementary Fig. 1). The modified head module was labelled with selenomethionine (SeMet) and purified as described previously16. By overcoming two major technical obstacles (Supplementary Information, section 2), we produced SeMet crystals that diffract to 4.3 A (Supplementary Table 1). The electron density map was calculated to a resolution of 4.3 A (Supplementary Fig. 2) by SeMet single anomalous dispersion (SAD) after initial phases had been obtained using Ta6Br14 and K3Ir(NO3)6 derivatives (Supplementary Information, section 3).

We began identification of the individual polypeptide constituents of the Mediator head module by docking the Med18Med20Med8 C-terminal helix (CTH) complex structure18 (Protein Data Bank ID, 2HZS) into the electron density map and then performing rigid-body refinement. The polypeptide chains of the other subunits were identified on the basis of the SeMet positions and their juxtaposition with large amino-acid side chains within ordered regions of secondary structure (Methods). This approach permitted the unambiguous assignment of all discernible elements of secondary structure in the density map to individual head module subunits (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Figs 35). Our crystal structure is consistent with the molecular envelope of the head module derived at a resolution of 3035 A by single-particle electron microscopy analysis (Supplementary Figs 6 and 7). The head can be described in terms of three major domains, a fixed jaw, a movable jaw and a neck (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Figs 4 and 5), with a central joint connecting these domains. Our X-ray structure of the head module reveals the overall architecture of the module and the domain boundaries. The domains are connected through flexible loops and linkers at the central joint. Our previous work on expression and purification of the head module suggested that Med17 has a central role in head assembly10. The work we report here extends those results through a comprehensive biochemical analysis in combination with electron microscopy, to determine the Med17 domain structure and elucidate its interactions with other head components (Supplementary Information, section 4). The results support our model of the architecture of the head module. Assembly of the head module starts with formation of the minihead (Med17Med11Med22). Subsequently, Med8 and Med6 are added, followed by Med20Med18 (ref. 10). Our structure shows that a four-helix bundle, built by a-helices from Med11 (BH1 and BH2) and Med22 (BH1 and BH2) interact with BH2 of Med17 to form the larger helical bundle (Figs 2 and 3 and Supplementary Fig. 4). This is consistent with the observation that omission of either Med11 or Med22 leads to disassembly of the head10. Med6 interacts with the mini-head through its BH1, and Med8 serves to stabilize the central a-helical bundle by surrounding the central helices. Finally, the Med18Med20 heterodimer binds to the core-head, which is composed of five subunits (Med6, Med8, Med11, Med22 and Med17), primarily through the CTH of Med8 (Fig. 2). The fixed jaw domain comprises the CTHs of Med11 and Med22 and the CTD of Med17. The Med11 and Med22 CTHs interact with the helical regions of the Med17 CTD. Med17 (residues 610660) forms a b-sheet structure that lines the inner surface of the fixed jaw and faces the movable jaw (Fig. 3a). The Med17 CTD interacts with the loop region of Med18. The functional importance of the Med17 CTD correlates with the biochemical activity of the Head module in vitro, as well as phenotypic analysis in vivo, as loss of the Med17 CTD abolishes the transcription activity of the head module (Supplementary Fig. 12),

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 635 Barnhill Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, USA. 2Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94350, USA. 3Department of Cell Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 4Molecular Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA. 5European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Grenoble Outstation, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. {Present addresses: Department of Structural Biology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA (G. Calero); School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China (G. Cai). 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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1 Med17 NTD BD Linker 353 1 Med6 NTD BD 295 Med8 1 BD 223


1 Med11 BD 47


1 Med22 BD

121 Linker 86


Linker 307 Med20 1


Med18 22

49 68 94125132 194



Joint Fixed jaw


Movable jaw

Figure 1 | Overall structure of the Mediator head module. a, Head module subunit domains. Med17 is shown in blue, Med11 in purple, Med22 in dark green, Med6 in yellow, Med8 in red, Med18 in cyan and Med20 in orange. The regions not modelled are hatched in grey and the regions not present in the crystal are shown in white. Positions of med6ts mutations are marked by green

arrows, srb suppressor mutations by blue arrows and Med11 residue 47 (Thr) by a white arrow. BD, bundle domain; CTD, C-terminal domain; NTD, N-terminal domain. b, A ribbon model of the Mediator head module superimposed on the experimental electron density map contoured at 1.5s.

Med17 Med17 Med11 Med22

Med18 Med8 CTH Med20

Med11 Med22 Med17 Mini Med6 Med8

Med11 BH1 Med11 BH2 Med17 BH2

Med18 7897 Med17 CTH Med11 BH1 Med11 CTH Med22 CTH

Med18 7897

Med17 CTH

Med11 Med22 Med6 Med8 Core Med18 Med20 Med11 Med22 Med6 Med8 Med17 Med18 Med20 Full Med17

Med18 1727 Med18 7897 Med11 BH1 Med11 BH2 Med17 BH2 Med17 CTH

Med18 loop 281289 Med22 BH1 Med18 1727

Med11 Med22 BH1 CTH Med11 CTH

Med11 BH2

Figure 2 | Mechanism of Mediator head module complex assembly. Models of the mini-head (Med17, Med11 and Med22) and core-head (mini-head with Med6 and Med8) modules as derived from our crystal structure of the full head module (core-head with Med18 and Med20). Diagrams of head module components (left) and corresponding structures (right) are shown.
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Figure 3 | Structures of fixed and movable jaw domains. a, Fixed jaw domain interactions. The linker regions of Med17 (residues 320420), Med11 (94110) and Med22 (87100) are drawn as dotted lines. b, Movable jaw domain interactions. Linker regions of Med8 and Med11 are drawn as dotted lines. c, Electron density map at the central joint region, showing density corresponding to the linker regions of Med11, Med22 and Med17. d, Electron density map at the junction of the Med11, Med22 and Med18 subunits. The models of Med22 BH1, Med11 BH1 and BH2, and the Med18 loop region (residues 1727 and 281289) are superimposed.

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and all Med17 CTD deletion mutants as well as internal deletion mutants result in lethality (Supplementary Fig. 13). The movable jaw, so called because previous electron microscopy studies16 demonstrated multiple orientations of this domain with respect to the rest of the head module, is formed by the Med18 Med20Med8 CTH complex. As for the interaction with the Med8 CTH18, our complete head module structure has revealed additional interactions with the fixed jaw and neck domains. First, the Med18 loop region formed by residues 7897 interacts with the Med17 CTH of the fixed jaw domain (Fig. 3a, b). Second, the electron density corresponding to the N terminus of the Med11 subunit (residues 120) indicates an interaction with Med18 (residues 1727 and 281 289; Fig. 3c, d). The assignment of Med11 residues 120 was complicated by the substitution of Ser 17 for Met 17 (Methods), and an unambiguous sequence marker is therefore lacking. However, our biochemical data (Supplementary Information, section 5) support our architectural model, in which a stable association between Med18Med20 and the head module requires binding to Med8 and at least one additional interaction (with Med11 or Med17). The interactions with the CTH of Med17 and the NTD of Med11 are likely to be critical for the functional positioning and flexibility of the movable jaw16 (Fig. 3bd and Supplementary Fig. 6). The neck domain has an unusual structure: a total of ten helices from five different subunits associate through the formation of a large helical bundle. The NTD of Med6 is located adjacent to the large helical bundle and consists of four a-helices (Figs 1b and 4a). The helical bundle of the neck domain can be divided into two parts, a
Med17 Med6 180 Med8 Med8 BH3

Med8 BH4

Med8 BH5

Med6 Med17 Med11 BH2 BH 90 BH2 Med11 Short bundle Med22

Med17 BH1 Med8 BH1

Long bundle

Med11 BH1 Med8 BH5


Med22 BH2 Med8 BH2 Med22 BH1

short bundle composed of four short a-helices and a long bundle composed of six long a-helices. Three helices of the Med8 subunit (BH3, BH4 and BH5) seem to stabilize the assembly of both short and long bundles, and, thus, the entire neck domain structure. TATA-binding protein was reported to bind to the N-terminal 138 residues of Med8 (ref. 18), which corresponds to helices BH1 to BH5, all of which are located on the surface of the neck domain. The organization of the helical bundle in the neck domain may produce a relatively rigid structure that could mechanically convey regulatory signals. Several observations suggest that Med6 may function as an interface between the Mediator head and middle modules, and transduce a mechanical signal from the tail or middle to the head and onto Pol II (Supplementary Information, section 6). Mediator stimulates the phosphorylation of Ser 5 in the Pol II CTD by TFIIH (ref. 19), which promotes dissociation of Mediator from Pol II (refs 20, 21), an important step in the transition from initiation to elongation of transcription22. Our structural and biochemical data, along with relevant previous observations12,17,23,24, suggest an interaction of the Pol II CTD, the Mediator head module and TFIIH. First, mutation of Thr 47 to Ala in Med11 affects the interaction of TFIIH with the head module in vivo, resulting in a reduction of Pol II CTD Ser 5 phosphorylation17. Thr 47 of Med11 is located near the centre of the two symmetrical, long helical bundles of the neck, which thus could constitute the docking surface for TFIIH (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 16c). Second, three of four suppressor mutations of Pol II CTD truncationMed17 (Gly 353 to Cys), Med22 (Asn 86 to Lys) and Med18 (Thr 22 to Ile)map to the central joint region12,24 (Supplementary Fig. 16a), suggesting that there is a functional interaction between the CTD and this portion of the head, consistent with previous observations23. Third, the head module within the Mediator/ Pol II structure (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 17) is located near the base of the CTD. Finally, our biochemical data show that the head module stimulates phosphorylation of the Pol II CTD by TFIIH (Supplementary Information, section 7, and Supplementary Fig. 18). Therefore, we suggest that the head module may function as a scaffold that juxtaposes TFIIH and the Pol II CTD, thereby facilitating CTD phosphorylation (Fig. 4b). Our Mediator head structure reveals intricate interaction networks, notably the striking multi-helical bundle in the neck domain, engaging five Mediator subunits in a single structure unit. Such interactions could not have been determined from structures of individual subunits alone, nor from analysing pairwise small domain domain interactions, but only by study of the multi-protein complex in its entirety.

Structure determination. Modified head module was expressed with the MultiBac system25 in insect cells and purified by nickel affinity chromatography. Crystals were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour diffusion method. The structure was determined by SeMet SAD after a sufficient number (98) of SeMet sites had been identified from a combination of initial phases obtained using Ta6Br14 and iridium derivatives and partial-model SAD phases. Biochemical and electron microscopy analysis. The Mediator head and its mutants were expressed in insect cells and purified by nickel affinity chromatography. The electron microscope images of the head module and the mutants were collected and class averages were calculated. In vitro assays and yeast genetics. The in vitro transcription assay to assess activity of the recombinant head module and its mutant form using srb4ts mutant crude extract, the assay for phosphorylation of the CTD of Pol II by TFIIH, and the yeast phenotypic analysis were all done as described previously15.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 24 January; accepted 28 April 2011. Published online 3 July 2011. 1. Kornberg, R. D. Mediator and the mechanism of transcriptional activation. Trends Biochem. Sci. 30, 235239 (2005).
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Med6 Pol II Rpb4Rpb7 Med11 Thr 47 TFIIH Pol II CTD


Figure 4 | Structure of the neck domain, and model of the Pol IIMediator TFIIH complex. a, The neck domain is depicted in front (left), back (top right) and top (bottom right) views. b, Model of the Pol IIMediatorTFIIH complex. Pol II and the head structures were docked into the electron microscopy map of MediatorPol II, shown as a mesh8. The head module is coloured as in Fig. 1b. Core Pol II is in brown, Rpb4Rpb7 is in purple, the Pol II CTD is drawn as a black dotted line and TFIIH is shown schematically (light blue). The location of Med11 residue 47 (Thr) is indicated.

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Hyperphosphorylation of the C-terminal repeat domain of RNA polymerase II facilitates dissociation of its complex with mediator. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 1411314120 (2007). 22. Payne, J. M., Laybourn, P. J. & Dahmus, M. E. The transition of RNA polymerase II from initiation to elongation is associated with phosphorylation of the carboxylterminal domain of subunit IIa. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 1962119629 (1989). 23. Kang, J. S. et al. The structural and functional organization of the yeast mediator complex. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 4200342010 (2001). 24. Koleske, A. J., Buratowski, S., Nonet, M. & Young, R. A. A novel transcription factor reveals a functional link between the RNA polymerase II CTD and TFIID. Cell 69, 883894 (1992). 25. Fitzgerald, D. J. et al. Protein complex expression by using multigene baculoviral vectors. Nature Methods 3, 10211032 (2006). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank L. Messerle for providing the Ta6Br14 metal cluster, T. Hurley for reading the manuscript, M. Georgiadis for discussions, C. Kaplan for his advice on yeast genetics, T. Earnest for giving us beam time and L. Fabrizio for assisting with the N-terminal sequence analysis. We thank the CCP4 summer school, funded by the NCI (Y1-CO-1020), and NIGMS (Y1-GM-1104) for their assistance with the twinning data analysis. Y.T. thanks the instructors on The X-Ray Methods Course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. This work was supported by US National Science Foundation grant MCB 0843026 (Y.T.); the American Heart Association 0735395N (Y.T.); a Human Frontier Science Program long-term fellowship (T.I.); NIH grants R01 GM67167 (F.J.A.) and GM36659 (R.D.K.); NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA08748 (to the MSKCC Microchemistry and Proteomics Core Laboratory); and the European Commission Framework Program 7 projects INSTRUCT and P-CUBE (I.B.). X-ray data were collected at the GM/CA-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. GM/CA-CAT is funded by the NIH (Y1-CO-1020 and Y1-GM-1104) and the Advanced Photon Source is supported by the DOE (DE-AC02-06CH11357). Portions of this research were carried out at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, supported by the DOE and the NIH, and at the Advanced Light Source, supported by the DOE (DE-AC02-05CH11231). Author Contributions T.I., I.B. and Y.T. implemented the MultiBac system. T.I. was mainly responsible for protein complex preparation, crystallization, data collection, data analysis and model building in collaboration with Y.T. T.I., H.E.-B. and P.T. carried out mass spectroscopy analysis. G. Calero, G.L.K. and Y.T. carried out the initial crystallization and data collection, supervised by R.D.K.. Y.T., T.I. and F.C. designed and carried out expression of the mutant head modules and their biochemical characterization. Y.T. and K.Y. designed and carried out the yeast genetic experiment. Y.T. carried out the in vitro transcription assay and the CTD kinase assay; G. Cai, K.-L.T. and F.J.A. carried out the electron microscopy study on the head module and its mutants. T.I., F.J.A. and Y.T. discussed and interpreted all results. Y.T. supervised the X-ray, biochemical and yeast genetic work, and wrote the manuscript in collaboration with T.I., I.B., F.J.A. and R.D.K. Author Information Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession code 3RJ1. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.T. ([email protected]).



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Construction of vectors. All the vectors used in this study are summarized in Supplementary Tables 3 and 4. For expression of the modified head module for crystallization, DNA sequences corresponding to residues 1108 of Med17 were removed from vector pFL-10xHis-Med17 (ref. 16; pYT49) by the SLIC method26, yielding pFL-10xHis-Med17 (109687) (pYT171). DNA sequences corresponding to residues 109140 and 71156 of Med18, respectively, were removed from vector pSPL-Med18-Med20 (ref. 16; pYT75), yielding pSPL-Med20-Med18 (D109140) (pYT115) and pSPL-Med20-Med18 (D71156) (pYT114). To eliminate an alternative translation start site, the Met (residue 17) of Med11 was mutated to Ser (pYT311). Finally, the transfer vector for the modified head module was generated by fusing three vectors, pYT171, pYT114 and pUCDM-Med6Med22-Med11-Med8 (pYT120) by Cre/LoxP recombination as previously described25. DNA sequences corresponding to residues 116 of Med11 were removed from the vector pYT111 by SLIC, yielding the vector pUCDM-Med22-Med11 (D116) (pYT147). Fusion of pYT171, pYT147 and pYT120 with either pYT114 or, alternatively, pYT115 generated the expression vectors for a series of double Med18 Med11 partial head module deletion mutants. The constructs for Med17 mutagenesis were generated as follows. BamHI and HindIII fragments corresponding to the C-terminal deletion mutants of Med17 were generated by first introducing a stop codon and a HindIII site (TAAAAGCTT) into pBacPAK9-10His-SRB4 (MED17) vector10 adjacent to the sequences corresponding to residues 108, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 of Med17, by using the QuickChange mutagenesis kit (Stratagene), followed by BamHI and HindIII digestion and gel purification. The respective purified fragments were cloned into the BamHI and HindIII sites of pFL vector25, yielding vectors pYT165 to pYT170 (Supplementary Table 3). The N-terminal deletion, as well as the internal deletion mutant constructs of Med17, were generated by removing DNA sequences corresponding to residues 1108, 1201, 1302, 1400, 101200, 201300 and 301400 from pFL-10xHis-Med17 by the SLIC method, yielding the respective vectors pYT183 to pYT186 and pYT289 to pYT291 (Supplementary Table 3). These vectors were fused with pUCDM-Med6-Med22-Med18-Med20Med11-Med8 (pYT151), yielding vectors encoding for head modules comprising Med17 mutant forms. The vector pYT151 was created by two rounds of sequential cloning of PmeI and the AvrII fragments containing Med18Med20 and Med22 Med11 into SpeI and NruI sites of pUCDM-Med6-Med8 (pYT110). Introduction of the deletion mutations into the yeast shuttle vector pCT127, carrying the wild-type MED17 gene, was also carried out by SLIC. The yeast shuttle vectors used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 4. Expression and purification of the head module and mutants. Expression and purification of the recombinant head module, the mutant forms and the subcomplex was carried out in insect cells using the MultiBac system25. Production of hightiter viruses in Sf9 cells, and expression and purification of recombinant head modules of Mediator and its mutant forms was carried out as described previously16. Preparation of SeMet labelled Head module will be described elsewhere (T.I. et al., manuscript in preparation). Briefly, the insect cells were cultured in Met-free medium (Expression Systems) overnight before baculovirus infection. L-selenomethionine (20 mg l21; Sigma-Aldrich) was added at sequential 24-h intervals. Cells were collected 96 h after infection. SeMet-labelled complex was purified as described above. Limited proteolysis and identification of the peptide fragments. A total of 135 mg of the recombinant head module was incubated at 37 uC with chymotrypsin (Sigma-Aldrich) at a final concentration of 0.01 mg ml21 in a volume of 150 ml in buffer A (20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 100 mM NaCl and 1 mM DTT). Aliquots (20 ml) were taken at 0, 5, 10, 30 and 60 min, and 15 ml of PMSF stock solution (100 mg ml21) was added to stop the reaction by inhibiting the protease. Aliquots were applied to 12.5% SDSPAGE and transferred onto a Sequi-Blot PVDF membrane (Bio-Rad). Protein bands were stained by Coomassie blue (R-250). Protein bands resulting from proteolysis during the time course were identified, excised and subjected to Edman degradation using a Procise 494 instrument from Applied Biosystems as previously described27. Stepwise-liberated PTH-amino acids were identified using an on-line HPLC system (Applied Biosystems) equipped with a PTH C18 (2.1 3 220 mm; 5-mm particle size) column (Applied Biosystems). Crystallization and data collection. Crystals were obtained at 293 K by hangingdrop vapour diffusion against a reservoir solution of 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.6) containing 1012.5% (w/v) PEG-6K and 0.4 M (NH4)2SO4. Crystals were transferred into the reservoir solution containing 25% triethylene glycol (TEG). The crystals were flash-frozen for data collection at 100 K. SDSPAGE analysis of the dissolved crystals confirmed the presence of all seven subunits. However, in situ proteolysis resulted in about 10% of the Med17 subunits being shortened at the N terminus by 76 residues and almost 100% of the Med6 subunits being shortened at the C terminus by 80 residues (Supplementary Fig. 1). Diffraction data were collected at beamline 23ID at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory. All diffraction data were processed with HKL200028. Twinning rates of the data sets were analysed using program PHENIX XTRIAGE29. Structure determination of the Mediator head module. Initial phases were determined by two approaches: Ta6Br14 single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS) and iridium single anomalous dispersion (SAD). Ta6Br14 derivative crystals were prepared by soaking the native head module crystals in reservoir solution containing 1 mM Ta6Br14. The initial phase was determined by SIRAS at a resolution of 7.5 A. Density modification using the program PARROT extended the phase resolution to 4.3 A using the SeMet data set. Iridium derivatives of the crystal of Mediator head module were prepared by soaking the crystals in crystallization reservoir solution containing 10 mM K3Ir(NO3)6. The initial iridium phase was obtained by SAD using the programs SHELXD and PHASER30,31. The phase was extended followed by density modification by program PARROT32 with the SeMet data set. However, the maps obtained at this stage were not yet interpretable. To improve the maps, we used them together and applied the following methods: (i) location of SeMet sites in the crystal; (ii) non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS), averaging between three molecules in the NCS using the program DM33; (iii) partial model building into the clearly discernible rod-like electron density from a-helices, followed by rigid-body refinement using the programs COOT and REFMAC534; and (iv) re-calculating phases by SeMet SAD phasing with PHASER, using the partial model and SeMet positions. Iterative rounds combining these procedures were performed until the model covered all interpretable secondary structure elements. Eventually, we could identify 98 SeMet sites. To minimize model bias, phases were re-calculated by SeMet SAD with PHASER, using only the positions of these 98 selenium sites, and these improved SAD phases guided the final modelbuilding steps. Model building and refinement. Assignment of polypeptide identities was carried out as follows. The published structure18 of Med18Med20Med8 (CTH) (PDB ID, 2HZS) was manually docked into the electron density map, followed by rigid-body refinement by using COOT. Then the a-helices for the further polypeptides of the head module were manually built, and connected. Next, b-sheets were manually built into the unassigned structured regions in the electron density, which corresponded to the neck and fixed jaw domains. Subsequently, we began assigning the polypeptide identities at the neck domain. We tracked specific SeMet labelling patterns dictated by the presence of Met in the primary sequences of the polypeptides, and the presence of bulky regions corresponding to aromatic residue positions, as markers. We used secondary structure predictions for additional guidance. First, Med8 BH1, Med17 BH1 and Med22 BH2 were identified in a-helical bundle regions in the neck domain from their primary-sequence-specific, unique SeMet labelling pattern: these regions all contain more than two SeMet peaks and the spacing of SeMet peaks was consistent with the corresponding amino-acid sequences in the subunits. This assignment was consistent with the secondary structure predictions indicating a-helical structure. The remaining Med8 residues (60170), as well as Med22 BH1, were assigned by tracing from the Med8 BH1 helix back to the Med8 C terminus, and by tracing from the Med22 BH2 helix back to the Med22 N terminus. This assignment was validated by the fact that their Met locations aligned with anomalous peaks on the experimental map. Next, we identified the NTD of Med6 based on its unique SeMet positions, and also identified Med6 BH based on a specific location of SeMet (Met 48), a bulky aromatic ring (Phe 52) (Supplementary Fig. 19a) and continuity from the NTD of Med6, consistent with secondary structure predictions. The C-terminal 80 residues of Med6 were proteolyzed in the crystals (Supplementary Fig. 1). Consequently, no density was found corresponding to the C terminus of Med6. We traced Med17 BH1, and identified the longest helix in the neck domain as the BH2 helix of Med17 on the basis of a single SeMet (Met 313) and the aromatic side chain of Tyr 269 (Supplementary Fig. 19b); this assignment was also consistent with secondary structure predictions. Finally, the two remaining continuous a-helices in the neck domain were identified as Med11 BH1 and Med11 BH2 because of one unique SeMet position of Med11. This assignment matches perfectly to the secondary structure prediction as well. Next we focused on the fixed jaw domain. By subtracting the polypeptides already assigned to the neck and the movable jaw (see above), the fixed jaw should only contain the C-terminal regions of subunits Med11, Med17 and Med22. First, on the basis of continuity, SeMet position (Met 422), aromatic ring position (Tyr 423) (Supplementary Fig. 19c), and secondary structure prediction, we identified helix 420455, b-sheet 456480 and helices 496523 and 540570 of Med17. The remainder of the electron density in this region was continuous, and thus enabled us to trace Med17 completely to its C terminus. We identified the Med17 CTH and b-sheet with a-helix 600608 on the basis of the SeMet positions and a-helix length from secondary structure prediction. Finally, we assigned two remaining helices: Med11 CTH was identified from the presence of one SeMet peak, and we assigned the last helix to Med22 CTH, which entirely lacks SeMet.

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Initially, all models were refined using the program CNS DEN35, refinement with strong NCS restraints between the three independent complexes in the asymmetric unit, and twinning refinement. Then the model was refined using PHENIX with NCS restraints and a single refined group isotropic temperature factor for each subunit, Ramachandran restraint, TLS refinement and twinning refinement. The geometry of the final model is good, with 91.3%, 8.0%, 0.7% of the amino-acid residues in the most favoured, allowed, and disallowed regions of the Ramachandran plot, respectively. All structural illustrations and electron density maps were prepared with PYMOL (http://www.pymol.org/) and COOT. PSIPRED was used for secondary structure prediction36. Docking of the X-ray structure into the electron microscopy map. The model of 12-subunit Pol II was docked into the MediatorPol II holoenzyme structure8 followed by docking of the X-ray model of the head module into the density corresponding to the Mediator head module, using the program CHIMERA37. Electron microscopy sample preparation, data collection and image analysis. We diluted purified head module deletion mutants in buffer containing 25 mM KCl, 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.8) and 5 mM DTT. For preparation of all electron microscopy samples, about 3 ml of protein solution was applied to a carbon-coated Maxtaform, 300-mesh Cu/Rh EM specimen grid (Ted Pella) freshly glowdischarged in the presence of amyl amine. The particles were then preserved by staining with a 2.0% (w/w) uranyl acetate solution using the sandwich carbon layer technique38,39. The images were recorded under low-dose conditions using a Tecnai Spirit (Philips/FEI) microscope equipped with a LaB6 filament and operating at an accelerating voltage of 120 kV. Images were recorded on a Tietz (TVIPS) CCD camera at 342,000 magnification and approximately 1-mm under focus, resulting in a final pixel size corresponding to 5.06 A. The images were initially analysed using the ml_align2d program, a multireference, two-dimensional alignment routine with a maximum-likelihood target function40 implemented in the XMIPP package41. Averages derived from the ml_align2d program were used to run iterative alternating rounds of supervised multi-reference alignment/classification and reference-free alignment as described previously42 to improve the homogeneity of the image classes. In vitro transcription and the CTD phosphorylation assays. The in vitro transcription assay to assess activity of the recombinant head module and its mutant form using srb4ts mutant crude extract was performed as described previously10. Quantification of transcripts on an absolute scale was performed using a FLA-5100 FUJIFILM fluorescent image analyser and the MultiGauge software package after addition of 1 nCi of -32P UTP to the gel 5 min before the end of the run. The CTD phosphorylation assay was performed as previously described15. Yeast phenotypic analysis. The shuttle vectors carrying the MED17 mutations are described in Supplementary Table 4. The shuttle vectors were introduced into yeast strain Z572 by plasmid shuffling, and grown on SC medium containing 5-FOA at 30 uC as previously described15.
26. Li, M. Z. & Elledge, S. J. Harnessing homologous recombination in vitro to generate recombinant DNA via SLIC. Nature Methods 4, 251256 (2007). 27. Tempst, P., Geromanos, S., Elicone, C. & Erdjument-Bromage, H. Improvements in microsequencer performance for low picomole sequence analysis. Methods 6, 248261 (1994). 28. Otwinowski, Z. & Minor, W. Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation mode. Methods Enzymol. 276, 307326 (1997). 29. Adams, P. et al. PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 213221 (2010). 30. Sheldrick, G. A short history of SHELX. Acta Crystallogr. A 64, 112122 (2008). 31. McCoy, A. et al. Phaser crystallographic software. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 40, 658674 (2007). 32. Cowtan, K. Recent developments in classical density modification. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 470478 (2010). 33. Cowtan, K. Modified phased translation functions and their application to molecular-fragment location. Acta Crystallogr. D 54, 750756 (1998). 34. Emsley, P., Lohkamp, B., Scott, W. & Cowtan, K. Features and development of Coot. Acta Crystallogr. D 66, 486501 (2010). 35. Schroder, G. F., Levitt, M. & Brunger, A. T. Super-resolution biomolecular crystallography with low-resolution data. Nature 464, 12181222 (2010). 36. Bryson, K. et al. Protein structure prediction servers at University College London. Nucleic Acids Res. 33, W36W38 (2005). 37. Pettersen, E. et al. UCSF Chimeraa visualization system for exploratory research and analysis. J. Comput. Chem. 25, 16051612 (2004). 38. Stoffler, G. & Stoffler-Meilicke, M. The Ultrastructure of Macromolecular Complexes Studied with Antibodies 409455 (De Gruyter, 1983). 39. Tischendorf, G. W., Zeichhardt, H. & Stoffler, G. Determination of the location of proteins L14, L17, L18, L19, L22, L23 on the surface of the 50S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli by immune electron microscopy. Mol. Gen. Genet. 134, 187208 (1974). 40. Scheres, S. H. et al. Maximum-likelihood multi-reference refinement for electron microscopy images. J. Mol. Biol. 348, 139149 (2005). 41. Sorzano, C. O. et al. XMIPP: a new generation of an open-source image processing package for electron microscopy. J. Struct. Biol. 148, 194204 (2004). 42. Brignole, E. J., Smith, S. & Asturias, F. J. Conformational flexibility of metazoan fatty acid synthase enables catalysis. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 16, 190197 (2009).

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Philip S. L. Anderson1, Matt Friedman2, Martin D. Brazeau3{ & Emily J. Rayfield1


Initial radiation of jaws demonstrated stability despite faunal and environmental change
More than 99 per cent of the roughly 58,000 living vertebrate species have jaws1. This major clade, whose members are collectively known as gnathostomes (jawed mouths), made its earliest definitive appearance in the Silurian period, 444416 million years (Myr) ago, with both the origin of the modern (crown-group) radiation and the presumptive invasion of land occurring by the end of the Devonian period2 (359 Myr ago). These events coincided with a major faunal shift that remains apparent today: the transition from Silurian ecosystems dominated by jawless fishes (agnathans) to younger assemblages composed almost exclusively of gnathostomes2,3. This pattern has inspired several qualitative descriptions of the trophic radiation and ecological ascendance of the earliest jawed vertebrates37. Here we present a quantitative analysis of functional variation in early gnathostome mandibular elements, placing constraints on our understanding of evolutionary patterns during this critical interval. We document an initial increase in functional disparity in the Silurian that stabilized by the first stage of the Devonian, before the occurrence of an Emsian ( 400 Myr ago) oxygenation event implicated in the trophic radiation of vertebrates8. Subsequent taxonomic diversification during the Devonian did not result in increased functional variation; instead, new taxa revisited and elaborated on established mandibular designs. Devonian functional space is dominated by lobe-finned fishes and placoderms; high disparity within the latter implies considerable trophic innovation among jaw-bearing stem gnathostomes. By contrast, the major groups of living vertebratesray-finned fishes and tetrapods show surprisingly conservative mandibular morphologies with little indication of functional diversification or innovation. Devonian gnathostomes reached a point where they ceased to accrue further mandibular functional disparity before becoming taxonomic dominants relative to ostracoderm-grade jawless fishes, providing a new perspective on classic adaptive hypotheses concerning this fundamental shift in vertebrate biodiversity. Morphological disparity has often been used as a proxy for ecological/functional variety in the fossil record9. However, divergent anatomies can be biomechanically similar1012, leading to decoupling of morphological and functional metrics1214. To evaluate potential functional diversity, we have devised a measure of variation derived from biomechanical traits. We focus on the mandible because it is well characterized functionally in modern fishes15 and because it is the key character proposed by adaptive schemes to separate the gnathostomes from their jawless predecessors4,6. We document how functional variation accumulates after the origin of jaws and test the hypothesis that, during their rise to dominance, gnathostomes outcompeted or displaced jawless fishes. We assembled a data set consisting of 198 Silurian/Devonian gnathostome genera scored for 31 mandibular traits (11 continuous and 20 discrete), many of which have been shown to be functionally relevant in living taxa. These data were analysed using non-metric multidimensional scaling, yielding a multivariate function space. Functional disparity was calculated across eight time bins (the late

Silurian plus the seven stages of the Devonian) using a variety of measures (sum of variances is presented here because it is relatively robust to variation in sample size16). We tested for differences between successive bins using multiple approaches (likelihood ratios and t-tests), and used a jackknifing procedure that pruned exceptional fossil assemblages from our data set to examine the sensitivity of results to Lagerstatten effects, biases arising from localities characterized by exceptional preservation or fossil abundance. Full details of our methodology are given in Supplementary Information. Our results show remarkably stable levels of lower-jaw functional disparity during the Devonian (Fig. 1a). There is a trend of increasing disparity from the late Silurian to the end of the Early Devonian (the Emsian stage); however, by the earliest Devonian (the Lockhovian stage, ,415 Myr ago) functional mandibular disparity attained a level statistically indistinguishable from that found in the Late Devonian. When P values are adjusted for multiple comparisons, the only significant disparity shift between successive Devonian stages (corrected P value, 0.013) is a decline on entering the Middle Devonian (the Eifelian stage, ,398 Myr ago; Fig. 1a). This seems to reflect a reduction in the number of marine sites sampled in the Eifelian, combined with the Emsian Taemas/Wee Jasper fauna, which contains a series of extensively studied durophagous lungfishes with exceptionally robust jaws. When this site is removed in jackknife analyses, the drop in disparity is no longer significant (corrected P value, 0.112). When differences are assessed using likelihood ratios, none exceeds a threshold value of 8 (ref. 17; likelihood ratio range, 1.0234.34). This pattern of functional stability arises despite an increase both in the number of mandibles sampled per bin over our study interval and in the taxonomic diversity of gnathostomes during the Devonian18, and is robust to the removal of exceptional Lagerstatten. Details of all analyses are given in Supplementary Information. A breakdown of morphospace by stage shows that initial functional disparity in the late Silurian was localized in the lower-left and upperright quadrants (Fig. 2). The former is populated by gnathostomes (for example stem sarcopterygians and ischnacanthid acanthodians) with gracile mandibles bearing slender, pointed cusps and characterized by low closing mechanical advantages, whereas the latter contains taxa (for example mesacanthid acanthodians) with toothless jaws. The Lockhovian expansion into the lower-right quadrant reflects the appearance of taxa (for example the lungfish Diabolepis) with robust jaws characterized by both high closing mechanical advantage and high second moment of area, two features consistent with durophagy. Subsequent mandibular evolution during the Devonian resulted in novel designs that elaborated existing ones, but did not substantially exceed the boundaries established earlier in the interval (Fig. 2). Specific anatomical correlates of our ordination axes are provided in Supplementary Table 2. We examined patterns of partial disparity19 to dissect the contributions to overall functional variation made by major taxonomic assemblages: Acanthodii, an extinct assemblage sometimes called spiny sharks; Actinopterygii, or ray-finned fishes, related to most fishes alive today; Chondrichthyes, or cartilaginous fishes, the precursors of rays, sharks and ratfishes; Placodermi, armoured stem gnathostomes; and

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK. 2Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3AN, UK. 3Museum fur Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity at the Humboldt University in Berlin, 10115 Berlin, Germany. {Present address: NCB Naturalis, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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50 Disparity



Relative disparity Proportion gnathostomes






0.0 Loc. Pra. Lu. Pr. 416.0 Emsian Eifel. 397.5 Givet. Lower Devonian Mid. Devonian 385.3 Age (Myr)

ngenera = 5 Frasnian




Famennian 359.2

Upper Devonian

Figure 1 | Functional mandibular disparity among Silurian/Devonian gnathostomes. All horizontal axes show time as indicated at bottom. a, Disparity (sum of variances) across eight time bins. The dark-grey region spans the 95% confidence intervals based on 1,000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates. b, Relative contributions (partial disparity) of major gnathostome groups to overall functional disparity. Orange, Acanthodii; green; Sarcopterygii; blue, Placodermi; yellow, Chondrichthyes; red, Actinopterygii. c, Faunal

composition data for the late Silurian and Devonian. Discs represent individual vertebrate assemblages plotted as a function of time and proportion of gnathostomes that comprise those faunas (discs jittered within time bins for clarity). The area of each disc is proportional to the total number of vertebrate genera represented, ngenera. Eifel., Eifelian stage; Givet., Givetian stage; Loc., Lockhovian stage; Lu., Ludlow series; Pr., Pridoli series; Pra., Pragian stage.

Sarcopterygii, or lobe-finned fishes, including lungfishes and terrestrial vertebrates. Sarcopterygians make a major and relatively stable contribution to mandibular disparity throughout our study interval (Fig. 1b). The earliest definitive digit-bearing tetrapods (Acanthostega and Ichthyostega) and their immediate relatives (Ventastega, Elginerpeton, Densignathus and Metaxygnathus) show a conservative pattern in mandibular function relative to sarcopterygian fishes (Fig. 2). This is in contrast to studies that report a distinct shift in cranial suture patterns between aquatic taxa and early digit-bearing tetrapods20, suggesting that different parts of the feeding system evolved in separate phases. By contrast, lungfishes are a major source of mandibular innovation among sarcopterygians, colonizing a new region of functional space in the Lockhovian and occupying it exclusively throughout the Devonian (Fig. 2). Placoderms occupy 50% of realized Devonian gnathostome morphospace volume (Fig. 2), indicating that considerable functional differentiation occurred on the gnathostome stem, independently of the origin of modern jawed vertebrates. Placoderm functional variety remains undiminished until their sudden extinction at the Devonian/ Carboniferous boundary. A direct reading of our results implies that placoderms were a major contributor to gnathostome disparity only from the Middle Devonian onward. We argue that this is an artefact; many placoderms are known from the Early Devonian and, increasingly, the Silurian2,21, but few preserve mandibular material that can be included in our analysis. This suggests that disparity measures for the Silurian and Early Devonian are probably conservative underestimates, and that the addition of more placoderms of this age would only reinforce the pattern of early functional morphospace saturation. The remaining three gnathostome assemblagesacanthodians, chondrichthyans and actinopterygiansmake relatively minor
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contributions to overall disparity (Fig. 1b). Acanthodians make a major contribution to functional variety during the Silurian, but their relative importance wanes substantially throughout the Devonian, reflecting a decline in functional diversity and apparent richness combined with the taxonomic ascendance of other gnathostome clades22. Actinopterygians, the most speciose group of living jawed fishes1, contribute little to overall disparity in the Devonian, with their few representatives conservatively clustering within tightly delimited regions of function space (Fig. 2). This is consistent with previous arguments, drawn from taxonomic data, that actinopterygians were not ecologically diverse until the Carboniferous period22. The reliability of low measures of chondrichthyan partial disparity is unclear, however, because the numerous Devonian chondrichthyans known exclusively from dental remains23 cannot be included in our analysis. Our results provide a new perspective on debates concerning the Devonian shift from agnathan- to gnathostome-dominated fossil assemblages, a transition that remains apparent in modern vertebrate fauna1,22. A range of schemes, largely derived from anecdotal evidence, have sprung up in response to this pattern of turnover37. Faunal data clearly show that gnathostomes shared habitat space evenly with ostracodermgrade agnathans well into the Early Devonian (Fig. 1c). It is only during and after the Emsian that gnathostomes became taxonomic dominants in most fossil assemblages, several million years after they explored the extremes of realized Devonian mandibular function space. The offset between the trophic radiation of gnathostomes (Fig. 1a) and the taxonomic collapse of ostracoderms (Fig. 1c), combined with the long history of coexistence between these two groups, argues against the direct ecological replacement of jawless fishes by jawed forms6. Furthermore, we find no evidence for a significant positive relationship between mandibular disparity within assemblages and the taxonomic

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5 Silurian (n = 7) Lockhovian (n = 22) Placodermi

Chondrichthyes 0 Acanthodii Actinopterygii

Sarcopterygii 10 5 Pragian (n = 13) Emsian (n = 24) Eifelian (n = 26)

Coordinate axis 2

10 5 Givetian (n = 56) Frasnian (n = 91) Famennian (n = 42)

10 5 0 5 5 0 5 Coordinate axis 1 5 0 5

Figure 2 | Patterns of functional morphospace occupation for jawed vertebrates during the late Silurian and Devonian. Points represent averages for genera plotted on coordinate axes 1 and 2 of the non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination. Orange circles, Acanthodii; green downtriangles, Sarcopterygii (tetrapods indicated by larger symbols outlined in

black); blue up-triangles, Placodermi; yellow diamonds, Chondrichthyes; red squares, Actinopterygii. The area in the lower-right corner of the functional morphospace is occupied solely by lungfishes. See text and Supplementary Information for further details.

dominance of jawed vertebrates within those faunas (measured as the proportion of gnathostomes; Pearson and Kendall rank-order correlations, P 5 0.900.94; weighted least-squares regression, P 5 0.40 0.44). This pattern is inconsistent with the assertion6 that gnathostome diversification primarily reflects the ecological displacement of agnathans and subsequent refilling of their functional roles. Indeed, few of the feeding strategies apparently taken up by early gnathostomes, such as macropredation and durophagy, have any clear analogue among jawless taxa3. Instead, the proliferation of gnathostomes probably reflects new ecological opportunities associated with the origin of jaws and, perhaps just as importantly, the shift from benthic lifestyles to pelagic ones24. The Devonian radiation of gnathostomes is marked by an early plateau of functional disparity and a consistent range of mandibular variation in the face of major environmental perturbations, including fluctuating global temperatures25, shifting continental weathering patterns26, sea level changes26 and a major extinction event27. Various proposals have linked patterns of early vertebrate evolution to changes in atmospheric composition, with parallel claims that gnathostome diversification was driven by increases in oxygen levels during the Silurian28 or the Devonian8. Silurian data are too scant to comment on the first proposal, but we note that gnathostomes achieved stable levels of functional diversity before the occurrence of an Emsian oxygenation event (,400 Myr ago) implicated in the trophic radiation

of vertebrates8. There is no significant shift in functional disparity between the Frasnian and Famennian stages (,375 Myr ago; Fig. 1) correlating with the Kellwasser event, which is classically identified as one of the Big Five Phanerozoic extinctions27. This event resulted in a global reef collapse29; however, jawed vertebrates seem to be unaffected in terms of diversity22, functional disparity and potentially ecological variation. More broadly, our results imply constraints on the functional diversity of the gnathostome mandibular system, with early functional saturation and subsequent refilling of established biomechanical roles by new taxonomic actors.
Received 16 March; accepted 18 May 2011. Published online 6 July 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nelson, J. S. Fishes of the World 4th edn (Wiley, 2006). Janvier, P. Early Vertebrates (Clarendon, 1996). Janvier, P. & Blieck, A. in Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and Biogeography (ed. Long, J. A.) 6786 (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1993). Halstead, L. B. The Pattern of Vertebrate Evolution 26 (Oliver & Boyd, 1969). Colbert, E. H. Evolution of the Vertebrates 28 (Wiley, 1991). Carroll, R. L. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 44 (Freeman, 1988). Pough, F. H., Janis, C. M. & Heiser, J. B. Vertebrate Life 8th edn (Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2009). Dahl, T. W. et al. Devonian rise in atmospheric oxygen correlated to the radiations of terrestrial plants and large predatory fish. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107, 1791117915 (2010). Foote, M. Morphological disparity in Ordovician-Devonian crinoids and the early saturation of morphological space. Paleobiology 20, 320344 (1994).
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10. Alfaro, M. E., Bolnick, D. I. & Wainwright, P. C. Evolutionary dynamics of complex biomechanical systems: an example using the four-bar mechanism. Evolution 58, 495503 (2004). 11. Alfaro, M. E., Bolnick, D. I. & Wainwright, P. C. Evolutionary consequences of manyto-one mapping of jaw morphology to mechanics in labrid fishes. Am. Nat. 165, E140E154 (2005). 12. Wainwright, P. C. Functional versus morphological diversity in macroevolution. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 38, 381401 (2007). 13. Hulsey, C. D. & Wainwright, P. C. Projecting mechanics into morphospace: disparity in the feeding system of labrid fishes. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 269, 317326 (2002). 14. Anderson, P. S. L. Biomechanics, functional patterns, and disparity in Late Devonian arthrodires. Paleobiology 35, 321342 (2009). 15. Westneat, M. W. Evolution of levers and linkages in the feeding mechanisms of fishes. Integr. Comp. Biol. 44, 378389 (2004). 16. Ciampaglio, C. N., Kemp, M. & McShea, D. W. Detecting changes in morphospace occupation patterns in the fossil record: characterization and analysis of measures of disparity. Paleobiology 27, 695715 (2001). 17. Royall, R. M. Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm (Chapman & Hall, 1997). 18. Benton, M. J. The Fossil Record 2 (Chapman & Hall, 1993). 19. Foote, M. Contributions of individual taxa to overall morphological disparity. Paleobiology 19, 403419 (1993). 20. Markey, M. J. & Marshall, C. R. Terrestrial-style feeding in a very early aquatic tetrapod is supported by evidence from experimental analysis of suture morphology. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 104, 71347138 (2007). 21. Zhao, W.-J. & Zhu, M. Siluro-Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy and biogeography of China. Palaeoworld 19, 426 (2010). 22. Sallan, L. C. & Coates, M. I. End-Devonian extinction and a bottleneck in the early evolution of modern jawed vertebrates. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 99, 81398144 (2010). 23. Ginter, M., Hampe, O. & Duffin, C. J. Handbook of Paleoichthyology Vol. 3D: Chondrichthyes Paleozoic Elasmobranchii (Pfeil, 2010). 24. Klug, C. et al. The Devonian nekton revolution. Lethaia 43, 465477 (2010). 25. Joachimski, M. M. et al. Devonian climate and reef evolution: insights from oxygen isotopes in apatite. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 284, 599609 (2009). 26. van Geldern, R. et al. Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotope records of Devonian brachiopod shell calcite. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 240, 4767 (2006). 27. Raup, D. M. & Sepkoski, J. J. Jr. Mass extinctions in the marine fossil record. Science, 215, 15011503 (1982). 28. Qu, Q. M., Zhu, M. & Zhao, W. J. Silurian atmospheric O2 changes and the early radiation of gnathostomes. Palaeoworld 19, 146159 (2010). 29. Copper, P. Reef development at the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction boundary. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 181, 2765 (2002). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank P. Donoghue, M. Rucklin and M. Ruta for discussions. This work was supported by Royal Society and Marie-Curie Actions fellowships, awarded to P.S.L.A.; a Fell Fund award to M.F.; NERC grant NE/G016623/1, awarded in part to E.J.R.; and a FQRNT postdoctoral fellowship, to M.D.B. Author Contributions P.S.L.A. designed and led the study, developed the biomechanical traits, collected data, performed the disparity and multivariate analyses, and wrote the paper. M.F. gathered data, wrote analytical code, performed the faunal analyses, drafted figures and wrote the paper. M.D.B. gathered data and produced illustrations. E.J.R. gave advice on biomechanical theory. All authors contributed to interpretation of the results and edited the paper. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.S.L.A. ([email protected]).

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Structure and mechanism of the Swi2/Snf2 remodeller Mot1 in complex with its substrate TBP
Petra Wollmann1,2, Sheng Cui1{, Ramya Viswanathan3, Otto Berninghausen1, Melissa N. Wells3, Manuela Moldt1, Gregor Witte1,2,4, Agata Butryn1, Petra Wendler1, Roland Beckmann1,4, David T. Auble3 & Karl-Peter Hopfner1,2,4

Swi2/Snf2-type ATPases regulate genome-associated processes such as transcription, replication and repair by catalysing the disruption, assembly or remodelling of nucleosomes or other proteinDNA complexes1,2. It has been suggested that ATP-driven motor activity along DNA disrupts target proteinDNA interactions in the remodelling reaction35. However, the complex and highly specific remodelling reactions are poorly understood, mostly because of a lack of high-resolution structural information about how remodellers bind to their substrate proteins. Mot1 (modifier of transcription 1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, denoted BTAF1 in humans) is a Swi2/Snf2 enzyme that specifically displaces the TATA box binding protein (TBP) from the promoter DNA and regulates transcription globally by generating a highly dynamic TBP pool in the cell6,7. As a Swi2/Snf2 enzyme that functions as a single polypeptide and interacts with a relatively simple substrate, Mot1 offers an ideal system from which to gain a better understanding of this important enzyme family. To reveal how Mot1 specifically disrupts TBPDNA complexes, we combined crystal and electron microscopy structures of Mot1TBP from Encephalitozoon cuniculi with biochemical studies. Here we show that Mot1 wraps around TBP and seems to act like a bottle opener: a spring-like array of 16 HEAT (huntingtin, elongation factor 3, protein phosphatase 2A and lipid kinase TOR) repeats grips the DNA-distal side of TBP via loop insertions, and the Swi2/Snf2 domain binds to upstream DNA, positioned to weaken the TBPDNA interaction by DNA translocation. A latch subsequently blocks the DNA-binding groove of TBP, acting as a chaperone to prevent DNA re-association and ensure efficient promoter clearance. This work shows how a remodelling enzyme can combine both motor and chaperone activities to achieve functional specificity using a conserved Swi2/Snf2 translocase. Mot1 is highly conserved among eukaryotes and consists of an amino-terminal TBP binding region of approximately 90140 kDa with predicted HEAT repeats, followed by a carboxy-terminal Swi2/ Snf2-type ATPase domain of approximately 6070 kDa (refs 8, 9). To provide a structural framework for a remodellersubstrate complex, we determined the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of Encephalitozoon cuniculi (Ec) Mot1 (comprising the HEAT domain, residues 1779, but lacking the ATPase domain, residues 7801256) in complex with full-length EcTBP, to 3.1 A resolution (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 1). EcMot1 has the characteristic sequence and biochemical features of S. cerevisiae (Sc) Mot1 and human BTAF1, including TBP- and DNA-stimulated ATPase activity, TBP binding via its HEAT domain, and, most importantly, ATP-stimulated TBP displacement from TATA DNA (Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). The EcMot1 NTD consists of a highly elongated stretch of 16 HEAT repeats, arranged in a horseshoe shape with dimensions of about 95 A 3 85 A 3 40 A, and it forms a specific 1:1 complex with EcTBP (Fig. 1). Notably, Mot1 wraps around one side of the pseudosymmetric

TBP and grips both the convex protein-interacting surface and the concave DNA-binding surface of TBP via several loop insertions in the array of HEAT repeats. This wrapping interaction enables Mot1 to split the very stable EcTBP dimer that forms in the absence of DNA10, and that we observed biochemically and in a separate crystal structure of EcTBP alone at 1.9 A resolution (Supplementary Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table 1). Despite this dual-sided grip, Mot1 does not alter the structure of TBP substantially because EcTBP bound to Mot1, EcTBP in the TBP dimer and ScTBP bound to DNA are all very similar (Supplementary Fig. 3cf). This indicates that remodelling of TBP does not proceed via changes in TBP structure as a simple consequence of Mot1 binding, but requires the ATP-dependent action of the Swi2/ Snf2 domain. Promoter-bound TBP has its DNA-binding surface occupied, so Mot1 uses highly complementary HEAT-repeat loops to recognize the convex protein-interaction surface of TBP (Fig. 2a). In TBP, a-helices H1 and H2 are bound by the loop of HEAT repeat 4 (residues 209221), and by interactions with a-helix 13 in HEAT repeat 5 and a-helix 15 in HEAT repeat 6. Most of these interactions are ion pairs between TBP R46 and Mot1 Q256, TBP R48 and Mot1 D212, TBP R65 and Mot1 D215, TBP R96 and Mot1 D216, TBP K99 and Mot1 D216, TBP K103 and Mot1 D290 and TBP K103 and Mot1 D292 (Supplementary Table 2). In addition, Mot1 F213 binds to a hydrophobic cleft between H1, H2 and b-sheet S2, providing a hydrophobic anchor, and Mot1 residues F210 and W255 pack against the side chains of TBP residues R48 and K103. These interactions are well conserved evolutionarily (Supplementary Fig. 4a and Supplementary Table 2) and are supported by functional data in vivo and in vitro. For instance, ScTBP K145 (EcTBP K103) is an essential residue for stabilization of the ScMot1ScTBP interaction8. We mutated K103 in EcTBP and observed that EcTBP(K103E) failed to form a stable complex with EcMot1(NTD) in vitro (Fig. 2b). Moreover, mutation of D365 (D212 in EcMot1) inactivated ScMot1 in vivo and abolished the Mot1TBP interaction in vitro8. Mutations of K138 in ScTBP also impaired the interaction with ScMot1, consistent with the projection of the homologous side chains into the EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP interface8,11. The distribution of residues along the length of the EcMot1 NTD is also consistent with earlier work showing that broad segments of the ScMot1 and BTAF1 N termini are important for stable interaction with TBP8,9,12. Thus, the specific interaction interface between the Mot1 HEAT repeats and the convex surface of TBP is well suited to provide specific recognition of the TBP surface in the TBPpromoter complex, explaining why Mot1 specifically targets TBPDNA and not other proteinDNA complexes. Unexpectedly, the concave DNA-binding surface of TBP, accessible only when TBP is displaced from promoter DNA, is bound by Mot1 as well (Fig. 2c). A long latch, located between HEAT repeats 2 and 3, protrudes from the side of Mot1 distal to TBP and wraps all the way

Department of Biochemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Feodor-Lynen-Strasse 25, 81377 Munich, Germany. 2Munich Center for Advanced Photonics, Gene Center Munich, Feodor-Lynen-Strasse 25, 81377 Munich, Germany. 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908, USA. 4Center for Integrated Protein Science, Gene Center Munich, Feodor-Lynen-Strasse 25, 81377 Munich, Germany. {Present address: Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, No. 9, Dong Dan San Tiao, Beijing 100730, China. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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HR6 HR5 HR4 HR3 HR3 H2 5 H1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1 S1 S5 6 7 S4 S3 x S2 C H1 23 24 25 31 29 28 HR4 30 10 12 14 HR6 8 3 4 9 11 13 15 17 16 HR7 HR8 18 19 20 HR9 21 26 22 HR10 HR7 HR8 HR9 HR10 27 HR1 HR2 N 1 2

C 42 44 HR16

HR15 43 41 40 HR14 39 38 HR13 37 36 34 HR12 35 32 HR11



HR5 90 x

y z

Figure 1 | Overview of the EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP structure. a, b, Structure of the EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP complex in ribbon representation with highlighted and annotated secondary structure. The HEAT repeats (HR) of EcMot1(NTD) are coloured yellow and non-HEAT-repeat insertions are in

orange. The latch and the loops of HR 4 to HR 6 are highlighted in magenta. EcTBP is coloured blue. Two loops not traced by electron density are indicated by dashed lines.

around the side of Mot1 and TBP. Notably, its tip (residues 101130) substitutes for interactions made by four base pairs (bp) at and immediately downstream from the TATA sequence (Fig. 2d). A set of hydrophobic interactions matches the hydrophobic nature of TBPs DNA-binding groove. For instance, the side chain of M109 in Mot1 replaces a deoxyribose moiety in binding to TBP F57, a prominent and highly conserved DNA-binding residue of TBP. The main chain of residues 118129 folds along the position of the backbone of the coding DNA strand, with side chains often placed at positions occupied by base and sugar moieties. F123 in Mot1 replaces a deoxyribose moiety
a c
S1 S3 S4 F74

and stacks with the conserved TBP Q116, and F129 in Mot1 replaces a base moiety that interacts with the aromatic pair F57 and F74 in TBP. To test the function of the latch, we generated the mutants EcMot1(Dlatch) and EcMot1(NTDDlatch) that lack residues 96 132. Both proteins can still interact with EcTBP with approximately equal Mot1:TBP molarity (Supplementary Fig. 4b). This observation indicates that EcTBP is mainly bound by acidic loops of HEAT repeats 46 in Mot1. However, the latch might prevent TBP rebinding to DNA (after DNA dissociation) and might also prevent homodimerization by saturating the exposed, hydrophobic DNA-binding cleft of TBP (see
EcTBP EcMot1 EcMot1(latch) ATP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ternary complex EcTBP + DNA Free DNA

D290 D292 W255 K99 K103 D216 Q256 R96 11 I100 H2 R46 D215 F213 L104 H1 F210 R65 S2 D212 S3 R48 S1




V29 F123 K159 E120 S4 S3 L72 I113 A114 I61 7 H118 R154 F129 V110 A58 F57 6 M109

+ +

+ + +

+ +

+ + +

Ternary complex EcTBP + DNA Free DNA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

EcMot1 EcMot1(latch) EcTBP ATP

OD280 nm

150 100 50 0

EcTBP(K103E) + EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP(K103E) d EcTBP + EcMot1(NTD) EcMot1(NTD)

++ + ++ ++ + + A B 20 20

++ + + +++ + A Mot1 DNA

++ ++ + B ATP ATP 5 5

A: DNA + TBP B: Mot1 + TBP

20 20

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Elution volume (ml) EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP EcMot1(NTD) EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP(K103E) EcTBP(K103E) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 Relative free DNA



10 15 Time (min)


Figure 2 | Details of the interaction interfaces and latch function. a, Closeup view of the EcMot1EcTBP interaction (colour scheme as in Fig. 1). b, Wildtype EcTBP and EcMot1(NTD) (green) can form a stable complex, whereas the EcTBP(K103E) mutant does not co-elute with EcMot1(NTD) (pink) in size exclusion chromatography (Supplementary Fig. 1b) . c, d, The latch of EcMot1 (pink, shown in c) overlaps with the DNA-binding region (shown in d) of EcTBP (blue). Some bases of the superimposed DNA (wheat, from PDB 1YTB29) were omitted. e, f, Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (for corresponding quantifications see Supplementary Fig. 4). e, EcMot1(Dlatch) formed stable ternary complexes with EcTBPDNA (lane 5). However,
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although wild-type EcMot1 largely cleared the DNA probe of bound TBP in an ATP-dependent reaction (lane 4), EcMot1(Dlatch) was less efficient in TBP removal (lane 6). f, EcMot1 was incubated with EcTBP after (A) or before (B) the addition of DNA. Preincubation of the two proteins inhibited TBPs ability to bind DNA. g, EcMot1(Dlatch) dissociated EcTBPDNA less efficiently than wild-type EcMot1. ATP was added to pre-formed EcMot1EcTBPDNA or EcMot1(Dlatch)EcTBPDNA ternary complexes, and the proportion of free DNA was quantified by electrophoretic mobility shift assays at various times thereafter. Data represent mean and standard error from two independent experiments.

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Supplementary Fig. 3b). Indeed, whereas EcMot1(NTD) forms a heterodimer with EcTBP, we found that EcMot1(NTDDlatch) forms a 2:2 complex with EcTBP (Supplementary Table 3). The most likely explanation is that two EcMot1(NTDDlatch) molecules bind the EcTBP dimer, but fail to dissociate the dimer owing to the absence of the latch. Because EcMot1(Dlatch) in complex with EcTBP does not show a substantially increased hydrodynamic radius compared to the wild-type complex in gel filtration (Supplementary Fig. 4b), it is likely that the Swi2/Snf2 domain sterically prevents dimerization of EcMot1(Dlatch) via TBP dimers. Thus, although one function of the latch might be to keep TBP in a monomeric state, a more intriguing role might be to interfere with DNA binding by TBP. To test this, we analysed the ability of the EcMot1(Dlatch) protein to bind to the TBPDNA complex. In contrast to wild-type EcMot1, EcMot1(Dlatch) formed readily detectable ternary complexes with EcTBP and DNA (Fig. 2e, f), indicating that the latch makes the association of EcMot1 with EcTBPDNA less stable. Although it bound to TBPDNA more efficiently, EcMot1(Dlatch) was notably impaired in ATP-dependent TBPDNA dissociation (Fig. 2eg and Supplementary Fig. 4d, e). This was not due to a defect in ATPase activity (Supplementary Fig. 4g). Moreover, when combined with EcTBP before DNA addition, EcMot1 inhibited DNA binding by EcTBP (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Fig. 4e). EcMot1(NTD) also inhibited DNA binding by EcTBP in a reaction that required the latch (Supplementary Fig. 4c, f). However, the latch was not essential for inhibiting the EcTBPDNA interaction in the context of the full-length EcMot1 protein (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Fig. 4e), indicating that
a b

both the latch and the ATPase domain can modulate EcTBP DNAbinding activity. Taken together, the data indicate that the latch has chaperone activity and regulates macromolecular interactions with the hydrophobic groove of TBP. Because DNA binding and latch binding to TBP are mutually exclusive (Fig. 2d), it is unlikely that the latch initially disrupts the TBPDNA complex. Consistent with this, EcMot1(Dlatch) was able to displace TBP from DNA using ATP, but the overall level of displacement was increased by the latch (Fig. 2g). Thus, our combined data can be explained by a physiologically plausible model in which the ATP-dependent action of the Swi2/ Snf2 domain remodels TBPTATA first, and then the latch blocks the exposed hydrophobic groove to prevent rebinding. To reveal the architecture of the whole E. cuniculi Mot1TBP complex, including its Swi2/Snf2 domain, we generated three-dimensional reconstructions of negatively stained EcMot1EcTBP particles visualized in electron micrographs (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 5). The three-dimensional reconstruction is shaped like a slightly closed C with a globular protrusion, and is similar to the three-dimensional reconstructions of the human TBPBTAF1 complex13. To locate the Swi2/Snf2 domain unambiguously, we imaged a complex of EcTBP with a deletion mutant of EcMot1 in which the C-terminal half of the Swi2/Snf2 domain was truncated (EcMot1(DCT)) (Supplementary Figs 5 and 6c). We found that the prominent protrusion is missing from this complex, indicating that this protrusion corresponds to the C-terminal half of the ATPase (Fig. 3b). Finally, we imaged Mot1 without TBP (Supplementary Figs 5 and 6b). Although Mot1 alone is evidently more flexible than it is in the Mot1TBP complex, and
d P.thioate +

c Biotin 1Fe
3Fe 4Fe 5Fe


+ +

+ + +


90 6Fe 2Fe 116

52 48 41 32 27

1Fe 2Fe 1Fe


65 EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP

EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP Superimposed diff. density 1867 Swi2/Snf2 1807 Swi2/Snf2 Crosslink FeBABE + FeBABE EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP Downstream

e 1



RecA-like Swi2/Snf2 RecA-like subdomain ATPase sub- subdomain 1A domain 2A 1B

* * ** * * *

Figure 3 | Three-dimensional reconstruction of the EcMot1EcTBP complex and model of the EcMot1EcTBPDNA complex. a, Two views of the EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP density. ADP-BeF32 was added owing to its assumed stabilization of the ATPase domain. b, Subtraction map (red) between EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP (grey mesh) and EcMot1(DCT)EcTBP density maps. c, Schematic of the DNA probes with phosphorothioates (green/grey lollipops) used in FeBABE cleavage assays. d, FeBABE-mediated cleavage of Mot1, analysed by western blot30 with approximate sizes of the cleavage products in kilodaltons. e, Summary of FeBABE results. Asterisks represent approximate sites of cleavage mediated by FeBABE conjugated to the DNA upstream of the

TATA box. f, Model of the Mot1TBPDNA complex. Electron density map of EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP complexes with the crystal structure of EcMot1(NTD) EcTBP, including a superimposed elongated DNA from the ScTBPDNA complex (PDB code 1YTB). Bases that represent 5-IdU substitutions used for crosslinking ScMot1 to DNA15, and bases that represent the FeBABE probe 4Fe (Supplementary Fig. 7a), are coloured in magenta and green, respectively. Positions of FeBABE conjugation that did not produce cleavage are coloured in grey. The position of the Swi/Snf2 domain of Mot1 is indicated as an orange mesh.

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adopts a slightly different conformation, not unexpected for a large HEAT array, a particular lateral density patch was seen to be missing, thereby defining the location of TBP in the complex. Altogether, these data allowed us to rigid-body-dock the Mot1(NTD)TBP crystal structure convincingly into the electron microscopy density (Supplementary Fig. 6a). To corroborate this placement, we superimposed TBP in the crystal structure with the ScTBPDNA complex, and extended the ends of the DNA with generic B-form DNA. Indeed, the upstream DNA protrudes towards the electron density corresponding to the Swi2/Snf2 domain in the electron microscopy three-dimensional reconstruction (Fig. 3f). Our model predicts that the Swi2/Snf2 domain contacts the DNA about 1017 bases upstream from the TATA sequence, well positioned to translocate along the minor groove of the DNA3. This is in good agreement with previous crosslinking results and satisfactorily explains why a duplex DNA extension is required upstream of the TBP binding site for formation of a catalytically active ScMot1 TBPDNA complex14,15. To validate this model further, we localized the region of ScMot1 proximal to the upstream DNA using FeBABEmediated hydroxyl radical cleavage16 (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Fig. 7a). As predicted by the model, FeBABE molecules positioned within a 9-bp DNA segment immediately upstream of the TATA sequence generated several specific C-terminal Mot1 fragments (cleavage in the Swi2/Snf2 domain), whereas no cleavage products were detected without FeBABE or when FeBABE molecules were conjugated to DNA upstream of this region or downstream of the TATA sequence (Fig. 3d, e and Supplementary Fig. 7b). Our combined data indicate that Mot1 recognizes TATA-bound TBP by binding to the positively charged TBP surface at H1 and H2, and by binding of the Swi2/Snf2 domain to the minor groove of upstream DNA. We suggest that ATP-dependent groove tracking of the Swi2/Snf2 domain initially disrupts TBPTATA, followed by binding of the latch to the exposed hydrophobic groove of TBP and full dissociation of Mot1TBP from DNA (Fig. 4a). In this model, which is consistent with the translocation direction inferred for nucleosome remodelling enzymes17, the Swi2/Snf2 domain pulls on TBP. Alternatively, the Swi2/Snf2 domain might push TBP. The precise tracking direction must await future studies, although the proposed two-step displacement could occur by translocation in either direction. In any case, the rotational force generated by tracking even a few base pairs of DNA by the Swi2/Snf2 domain could lift TBP from DNA sufficiently for the latch to bind. The energy of a few ATP-dependent translocation steps could be stored elastically in the HEAT repeats. In this way, Mot1 would act like a bottle opener to lift TBP from DNA, with the acidic loops functioning as the head, the HEAT repeats as the handle and the Swi2/Snf2 domain as the twisting hand. Because TBP exists in many different complexes that could be substrates for the remodelling activity of Mot1, we compared the Mot1 TBP complex with other structurally characterized TBP complexes. The HEAT domain of Mot1 would be able to interact with TBP TFIIBDNA complexes as well as with TBPNC2DNA complexes (Fig. 4b). The compatibility of Mot1 and NC2 binding to TBPDNA is consistent with several in vitro and in vivo results8,1821, including recent genome-wide chromatin co-localization of Mot1 and NC2 (ref. 20). In contrast, Mot1 sterically overlaps with TFIIA, explaining how Mot1 and TFIIA compete for binding to TBP (Fig. 4c)10,11,22. Mot1 evidently also clashes with Brf1, a subunit of the Pol III initiation factor TFIIIB (Fig. 4c), whereas we do not see any clashes with a recent TBP TFIIBPol II preinitiation complex model (Supplementary Fig. 8)23,24. Thus, these comparisons indicate that Mot1 can act on specific subsets of preinitiation complexes in addition to TBP alone. These may include minimal and incomplete preinitiation complexes as well as NC2-repressed TBP complexes, whereas preinitiation complexes that include TFIIA and TBP-associated factors, or Pol III preinitiation complexes (containing Brf1), may be excluded from regulation by Mot1.
4 | N AT U R E | VO L 0 0 0 | 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1

Acidic loops bind to TBP surface

pe T re HEA


Acidic loops TBP Latch



Groove tracking by Swi2/Snf2 domain remodels TBPDNA


Possible assemblies

Latch helix can bind into TBPs DNAbinding groove Brf1

Dissociation from DNA after blocking TBPs DNA-binding site TFIIA Impossible assemblies

Figure 4 | Proposed remodelling mechanism. a, Proposed mechanism of Mot1-mediated displacement of TBP from the DNA. b, c, Models of possible Mot1 substrates, generated by superimposing the EcMot1EcTBP crystal structure on other TBP-containing structures. b, Possible Mot1 (yellow) substrates are TBP complexes with TFIIB (PDB code 1AIS) and NC2 (PDB code 1JFI). The Mot1 latch is omitted from the structure, but is drawn as a cartoon. c, Sterically impossible Mot1 substrates are TBP complexes with TFIIA (PDB code 1NH2) or the TFIIIB subunit Brf1 (PDB code 1NGM).

The discovery of the latch and its role in reducing DNA binding and TBP dimerization indicates that Mot1 not only displaces TBP, but blocks its hydrophobic surface patch to prevent interactions with DNA or other factors that bind to the concave surface. Mot1 thus acts as a TBP chaperone to control its interaction with other macromolecules. Mot1 might hold TBP in a diffusible state, explaining how it helps to redistribute TBP rapidly between different promoters and binding sites in the genome. Redistribution between promoters requires large diffusion steps between chromosomes and chromosome loops in trans, as opposed to sliding along DNA in cis, which is probably part of the repression mode of NC2 (ref. 25). This model is supported by the important role of Mot1 in the high cellular mobility of TBP6,7 and by early findings that a substantial proportion of TBP resides in a stable complex with Mot1 in HeLa and yeast cell extracts26,27. The unusual interactions between Mot1 and TBP might be necessary because of the high-affinity, hydrophobic DNA-binding mode of TBP, as well as the necessity for tight regulation of its binding to specific sites in the genome, while preventing nonspecific DNA interactions. Thus, a combination of motor and chaperone functions could be a more general feature of remodelling systems that deal with the assembly or disassembly of complexes between sticky proteins and DNA. In other systems, remodelling and chaperone functions may be provided by separate factors, as seen, for example, in the cooperation of the SWI/SNF nucleosome remodelling complex and the Asf1 histone chaperone28.

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These results provide a high-resolution view of how a Swi2/Snf2-type remodeller interacts with its substrate; they show how the conserved ATP-dependent DNA translocase module can be used to generate high functional specificities within the large and diverse family of Swi2/Snf2 enzymes; and they provide a testable mechanism for a remodelling reaction.
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Mot1 activates and represses transcription by direct, ATPase-dependent mechanisms. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 99, 26662671 (2002). 19. Klejman, M. P. et al. NC2a interacts with BTAF1 and stimulates its ATP-dependent association with TATA-binding protein. Mol. Cell. Biol. 24, 1007210082 (2004). 20. van Werven, F. J. et al. Cooperative action of NC2 and Mot1p to regulate TATAbinding protein function across the genome. Genes Dev. 22, 23592369 (2008). 21. Hsu, J. Y. et al. TBP, Mot1, and NC2 establish a regulatory circuit that controls DPEdependent versus TATA-dependent transcription. Genes Dev. 22, 23532358 (2008). 22. Geisberg, J. V. & Struhl, K. Cellular stress alters the transcriptional properties of promoter-bound Mot1-TBP complexes. Mol. Cell 14, 479489 (2004). 23. Kostrewa, D. et al. RNA polymerase IITFIIB structure and mechanism of transcription initiation. Nature 462, 323330 (2009). 24. Liu, X., Bushnell, D. A., Wang, D., Calero, G. & Kornberg, R. D. Structure of an RNA polymerase IITFIIB complex and the transcription initiation mechanism. Science 327, 206209 (2010). 25. Schluesche, P., Stelzer, G., Piaia, E., Lamb, D. C. & Meisterernst, M. NC2 mobilizes TBP on core promoter TATA boxes. Nature Struct. Biol. 14, 11961201 (2007). 26. Timmers, H. T., Meyers, R. E. & Sharp, P. A. Composition of transcription factor B-TFIID. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 89, 81408144 (1992). 27. Poon, D., Campbell, A. M., Bai, Y. & Weil, P. A. Yeast Taf170 is encoded by MOT1 and exists in a TATA box-binding protein (TBP)-TBP-associated factor complex distinct from transcription factor IID. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 2313523140 (1994). 28. Gkikopoulos, T., Havas, K. M., Dewar, H. & Owen-Hughes, T. SWI/SNF and Asf1p cooperate to displace histones during induction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HO promoter. Mol. Cell. Biol. 29, 40574066 (2009). 29. Kim, Y., Geiger, J. H., Hahn, S. & Sigler, P. B. Crystal structure of a yeast TBP/TATAbox complex. Nature 365, 512520 (1993). 30. Auble, D. T., Wang, D., Post, K. W. & Hahn, S. Molecular analysis of the SNF2/SWI2 protein family member MOT1, an ATP-driven enzyme that dissociates TATAbinding protein from DNA. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 48424851 (1997). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank the Max-Planck Crystallization Facility Martinsried. We thank M. Lucas, A. Schele, C. Ungewickell, J. Goetzl and Y. Hiruma for help with experimentation. We thank J.-P. Armache and M. Turk for help with electron microscopy data. We are grateful to G. Miller and S. Hahn for advice. We thank the staff at the SLS and ESRF for help with data collection. We thank P. Cramer and members of the Hopfner and Auble laboratories for discussions and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the German Research Council (SFB 646 and SFB/TR5) and Excellence Initiative (Center for Integrated Protein Science, Munich) to K.-P.H. and R.B., by DFG grant WE4628/1 to P.Wendler and by NIH grant GM55763 to D.T.A. Author Contributions S.C. and M.M. cloned, purified and crystallized EcTBP; S.C. solved its structure. S.C., A.B., M.M. and P.Wollmann cloned, purified and crystallized EcTBPEcMot1(NTD); P.Wollmann collected data and P.Wollmann, G.W. and K.-P.H. solved the complex structures. R.V. performed FeBABE experiments, M.N.W. conducted yeast molecular biological manipulations and D.T.A. performed gelshifts. P.Wendler, O.B. and R.B. performed and interpreted electron microscopy experiments. P.Wollmann, P.Wendler, R.B., D.T.A. and K.-P.H. planned and interpreted the experiments. D.T.A. and K.-P.H. wrote the manuscript and all authors provided editorial input. Author Information Atomic coordinates and structure factors for the reported crystal structures have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 3OCI (EcTBP) and 3OC3 (EcTBPEcMot1(NTD) complex). Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.-P.H. ([email protected]) or D.T.A. ([email protected]).

Recombinant full-length EcMot1 (residues 11275), EcTBP, EcMot1(DCT) (residues 11016), EcMot1(NTD) (residues 1779) and EcMot1(Dlatch) (D96 132) were produced in E. coli or insect cells. Protein purification was conducted using standard methods and proteins were crystallized by hanging-drop vapour diffusion. EcTBP crystals diffracted to 1.9 A resolution and were measured at the Swiss Light Source (SLS). Native data of crystals from EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP showed that they diffracted X-rays to 3.1 A; these data were collected at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Data from derivative crystals of selenomethionine-labelled EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP were collected to 3.3 A at the SLS. The structure of EcTBP was solved by molecular replacement using yeast TBP (Protein Data Bank code 1TBP) as a search model. The structure of EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP was determined using selenium single-wavelength anomalous dispersion in combination with molecular replacement, with the EcTBP structure as a partial model. EcMot1EcTBP in the presence of 2mM ADP and beryllium fluoride (ADP-BeF32), EcMot1(E912Q) (the Walker B mutant of EcMot1 was used instead of wild type owing to its enhanced stability) or EcMot1(DCT)EcTBP were used for negative stain (2% uranyl acetate) electron microscopic studies. Micrographs were recorded on a Tecnai G2 Spirit TEM at 120 kV. Size-exclusion experiments were performed on Ettan LC system (GE Healthcare, Superose 12 PC 3.2/30). FeBABE (Dojindo) was conjugated to 68-bp DNA duplexes, based on the sequence of the adenovirus major late promoter. Biotinylation of the top strands 59 end allowed the duplexes to be bound by streptavidin beads. After FeBABE conjugation, TBP and Mot1 were loaded onto the modified DNAs and cutting was initiated by addition of ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 28 January; accepted 18 May 2011. Published online 6 July 2011. Cairns, B. R. The logic of chromatin architecture and remodelling at promoters. Nature 461, 193198 (2009). 2. Li, B., Carey, M. & Workman, J. L. The role of chromatin during transcription. Cell 128, 707719 (2007). 3. Durr, H., Korner, C., Muller, M., Hickmann, V. & Hopfner, K. P. X-ray structures of the Sulfolobus solfataricus SWI2/SNF2 ATPase core and its complex with DNA. Cell 121, 363373 (2005). 4. Saha, A., Wittmeyer, J. & Cairns, B. R. Chromatin remodeling by RSC involves ATPdependent DNA translocation. Genes Dev. 16, 21202134 (2002). 5. Racki, L. R. et al. The chromatin remodeller ACF acts as a dimeric motor to space nucleosomes. Nature 462, 10161021 (2009). 6. Auble, D. T. The dynamic personality of TATA-binding protein. Trends Biochem. Sci. 34, 4952 (2009). 7. de Graaf, P. et al. Chromatin interaction of TATA-binding protein is dynamically regulated in human cells. J. Cell Sci. 123, 26632671 (2010). 8. Darst, R. P. et al. Mot1 regulates the DNA binding activity of free TATA-binding protein in an ATP-dependent manner. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 1321613226 (2003). 9. Pereira, L. A., van der Knaap, J. A., van den Boom, V., van den Heuvel, F. A. & Timmers, H. T. TAF(II)170 interacts with the concave surface of TATA-binding protein to inhibit its DNA binding activity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21, 75237534 (2001). 10. Pugh, B. F. Control of gene expression through regulation of the TATA-binding protein. Gene 255, 114 (2000). 11. Auble, D. T. & Hahn, S. An ATP-dependent inhibitor of TBP binding to DNA. Genes Dev. 7, 844856 (1993). 12. Mohibullah, N. & Hahn, S. Site-specific cross-linking of TBP in vivo and in vitro reveals a direct functional interaction with the SAGA subunit Spt3. Genes Dev. 22, 29943006 (2008). 1.

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Protein preparation. BL21 Rosetta E. coli cells (Novagen) were used for expressing EcTBP and EcTBP(K103E) (pET28, Novagen), and for co-expressing EcTBP and EcMot1(NTD) (residues 1778) or EcMot1(NTDDlatch) (pET-DUET, Novagen). Proteins were purified by Ni21-affinity chromatography (Qiagen) using a high-salt buffer at pH 8. Further purification of EcTBP was achieved by anion exchange chromatography (HiTrap SP HP, GE Healthcare). For crystallization of EcTBP, the His-tag was removed by tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease digestion. Final purification of all proteins was performed by size exclusion chromatography (Superdex S200, GE Healthcare). Production of selenomethionine-labelled EcTBP and EcMot1(NTD) was done in E. coli. Purification of EcTBP and EcMot1(NTDDlatch), or of selenomethionine-labelled EcTBP and EcMot1(NTD), was performed accordingly. Sequences encoding full-length EcMot1 (residues 11275), EcMot1(DCT) (residues 11016), EcMot1(NTD) (residues 1779) and EcMot1(Dlatch) (D96132), including an N-terminal 10 3 His-tag, were cloned into the pFBDM transfer vector (Invitrogen). EcMot1(E912Q) (Walker B mutant) was generated by sitedirected mutagenesis of pFBDM-EcMot1. Transposition of the coding sequence into MultiBac baculoviral DNA was performed in E. coli DH10MultiBacCre cells31. Isolated bacmid DNA was used for transfection of Trichoplusia ni High Five insect cells (Invitrogen) to produce baculovirus for large-scale infections. Proteins were purified by Ni21-affinity chromatography (Qiagen) using buffer containing 50 mM MES (pH 6.5), 200 mM NaCl, 10 mM b-mercaptoethanol and 12.5 mM or 300 mM imidazole (for EcMot1(NTD) and EcMot1(NTDDlatch)), or 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 400 mM NaCl, 10 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 10% glycerol (v/v) and 12.5 mM or 300 mM imidazole (for EcMot1, EcMot1(DCT) and EcMot1(Dlatch)). Additional purification was achieved by ion exchange chromatography (HiTrap Q HP, GE Healthcare). For crystallization of the complex, EcTBP was added in excess amounts to EcMot1. Final purification of the proteins was done by size exclusion chromatography (Superdex S200, GE Healthcare). The preparation of EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP (EcMot1 with ADP-BeF32) was performed as described previously32. Crystallization. Proteins were crystallized by hanging-drop vapour diffusion at 18 uC in a mixture of 1 ml protein (10 mg ml21 EcTBP and 5 mg ml21 EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP) and 1 ml precipitant (0.1 M 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulphonic acid (pH 6.5), 2 M NaCl and 4% acetone for EcTBP; 50 mM MES (pH 6), 200 mM ammonium acetate, 5% 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol, 4% polyethylene glycol 3350 and 200 mM 3-(1-pyridino)-1-propane sulphonate (NDSB-201) for EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP). Crystals were cryoprotected with 1,2-ethanediol (EcTBP) or 2,3-butanediol (EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP) and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Structure determination. EcTBP crystals diffracted to 1.9 A resolution and were measured at the Swiss Light Source (SLS). Native data of crystals from EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP showed that they diffracted X-rays to 3.1 A; these data were collected at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Data from derivative crystals of selenomethionine-labelled EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP were col lected to 3.3 A at the SLS. All data were processed with XDS33. The structure of EcTBP was solved by molecular replacement using Phaser34 and yeast TBP (PDB code 1TBP) as a model. The structure of EcMot1(NTD)EcTBP was solved by a single anomalous dispersion experiment using SeMet data in combination with molecular replacement, using the EcTBP structure as a partial model (Phaser34). Heavy-atom sites were obtained with SHARP35 and initial automatic model building was performed with Buccaneer36. Model building and refinement was conducted in Coot37 and PHENIX38, respectively. Figures were prepared in Pymol39 or Chimera40. Footprinting assays. Footprinting assays were performed as described previously41. Reactions contained 20 nM EcTBP, 30 nM EcMot1 and 50 mM ATP, as indicated. After incubation of TBP with DNA for 20 min at 37 uC, Mot1 was added with or without ATP for 5 min before DNase I digestion and sample processing. ATPase assay. The rates of ATP hydrolysis were measured as described previously41 in buffer containing 4 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 60 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 4% glycerol (v/v), 100 mg ml21 BSA and 1 mM dithiothreitol at 22 uC. Analytical gel filtration. Analytical size exclusion experiments were performed on Ettan LC system (GE Healthcare, Superose 12 PC 3.2/30) according to the manufacturers instructions (50 mM HEPES (pH 8) or 50 mM MES (pH 6.5), 200 mM NaCl and 2 mM dithiothreitol). Electrophoretic mobility shift assays. These assays used a radiolabelled fragment of the adenovirus major late promoter41. Typically, ,1 nM DNA was incubated with 1520 nM EcTBP for 20 min at 37 uC in the same buffer as was used for ATPase assays, then 30 nM Mot1 (or a Mot1 mutant) was added with or without 50 mM ATP for 5 min, before loading on a gel as previously described42. Dissociation kinetic assays. Kinetic analysis of the dissociation reaction was performed by addition of ATP to pre-formed ternary complexes under the conditions used in the experiment shown in Fig. 2e. Reactions contained radiolabelled DNA (,1 nM), 20 nM EcTBP and either 30 nM wild-type EcMot1 or 30 nM EcMot1(Dlatch). EcTBP was incubated with the radiolabelled DNA template for 20 min, followed by addition of EcMot1 or EcMot1(Dlatch) for 10 min. ATP was added to 100 mM for 220 min and reaction products were resolved at the indicated times on non-denaturing gels. To quantify the extent of complex dissociation at each time point, the free DNA band was quantified and expressed as a proportion of the free DNA present in reactions with no added protein. The results are expressed as the average 6 standard error associated with two independent experiments. FeBABE cleavage assays. FeBABE (Dojindo) was conjugated to 68-bp DNA duplexes, based on the sequence of the adenovirus major late promoter. Biotinylation of the top strands 59 end allowed the duplexes to be bound by streptavidin beads. After FeBABE conjugation, TBP and Mot1 were loaded onto the modified DNAs and cutting was initiated by addition of ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide. FeBABE-mediated protein cleavage has been previously described43,44. The yeast system was used to take advantage of an antibody raised to the C terminus of yeast Mot1 (ref. 45). Static light scattering. For molecular weight determination of protein samples (2 4 mg ml21, with 40 mM HEPES (pH 8), 200 mM NaCl and 2 mM dithiothreitol as a running buffer) by static light scattering, we used a combination of a Viscotek 270 detector and a Viscotek VE-3580 refractive index monitor connected to a microscale HPLC system (AEKTAmicro, GE Healthcare) equipped with an analytical size exclusion column (Superdex S200 15/150 GL, GE Healthcare). Data analysis was performed using the OmniSEC software (Viscotek) using BSA (Thermo Fisher) as a reference for calibration. The chromatographs of the size exclusion, monitored by ultraviolet absorption at 280 nm, and the subsequent refractive index and lightscattering chromatographs all showed a single prominent peak indicating a homogenous sample. Plots of the determined molecular weight versus elution volumes for the evaluated peaks all showed stable molecular weights for the chosen peak areas. Dynamic light scattering. Dynamic light scattering was measured using a Viscotek/Malvern Instruments 802DLS system. Protein samples (1 mg ml21 in size exclusion buffer) were centrifuged and the supernatant was measured at 20 uC using fluorescence cuvettes. At least ten autocorrelation curves per sample were recorded, averaged and evaluated using the OmniSIZE software and the mass model for globular proteins. All samples showed intensity distributions indicating a homogenous sample with a single peak at the given hydrodynamic radius. Electron microscopy. 3.5 ml (1030 mg ml21) of freshly prepared protein sample was applied to pre-coated Quantifoil holey carbon-supported grids and negatively stained using 2% uranyl acetate. Micrographs were recorded on a Tecnai G2 Spirit TEM at 120 kV. Data were collected under low-dose conditions at a nominal magnification of 390,000 and a nominal defocus of 20.9 mm using an Eagle 2048 3 2048 pixel CCD camera (FEI Company) with a resolution of 30 mm pixel21 (3.31 A pixel21 object scale). 5,518 particles of EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP (EcMot1 EcTBP in the presence of 2 mM ADP and beryllium fluoride), 7,737 of EcMot1(DCT)EcTBP and 12,558 of EcMot1(E912Q) (Walker B mutant of EcMot1 was used instead of wild type owing to its enhanced stability) were picked using boxer46. Initial image processing was done using IMAGIC-5 (ref. 47). The images were normalized, filtered at the first zero without CTF correction and centred by iteratively aligning them to their rotationally averaged sum. Initial class averages were obtained by 23 rounds of multivariate statistical analysis, followed by multireference alignment using homogenous classes as references. The data sets were classified into 1020 images per class. A low-resolution density map was created by angular reconstitution and was used as an initial model for projection-matching in EMAN 1.9 (ref. 46). The models underwent 824 rounds of refinement at an angular increment of up to 5 degrees, until angular assignment was stable. The final reconstructions comprised approximately 90% of the original data set. All visualization and rigid-body fittings were carried out using the UCSF Chimera package40. Surface representations show density rendered at a threshold accounting for the expected molecular mass of the complexes: EcMot1(DCT)EcTBP (140 kDa; 170,226 A2), EcMot1(E912Q) (145 kDa; 172,366 A2) and EcMot1(BeF)EcTBP (169 kDa; 198,984 A2). Crystal structures and density maps were merged in VMD using MDFF, as described previously48. Difference densities were created by subtracting from one another maps that were rendered at a threshold accounting for the expected molecular mass of the complex.
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Jonathan B. Armstrong1 & Daniel E. Schindler1


Excess digestive capacity in predators reflects a life of feast and famine

A central challenge for predators is achieving positive energy balance when prey are spatially and temporally heterogeneous. Ecological heterogeneity produces evolutionary trade-offs in the physiological design of predators; this is because the ability to capitalize on pulses of food abundance requires high capacity for food-processing, yet maintaining such capacity imposes energetic costs that are taxing during periods of food scarcity1,2. Recent advances in physiology show that when variation in foraging opportunities is predictable, animals may adjust energetic tradeoffs by rapidly modulating their digestive system to track variation in foraging opportunities1. However, it is increasingly recognized that foraging opportunities for animals are unpredictable3, which should favour animals that maintain a capacity for food-processing that exceeds average levels of consumption (loads)2,4. Despite this basic principle of quantitative evolutionary design, estimates of digestive load:capacity ratios in wild animals are virtually nonexistent1. Here we provide an extensive assessment of load:capacity ratios for the digestive systems of predators in the wild, compiling 639 estimates across 38 species of fish. We found that piscine predators typically maintain the physiological capacity to feed at daily rates 23 times higher than what they experience on average. A numerical simulation of the trade-off between food-processing capacity and metabolic cost suggests that the observed level of physiological opportunism is profitable only if predatorprey encounters, and thus predator energy budgets, are far more variable in nature than currently assumed. Predation opportunities for animals in the wild are distributed heterogeneously in space and time owing to a variety of interactions between predator behaviour5 (for example, how they allocate time to foraging, avoiding predators, and finding mates), prey behaviour6, and heterogeneity in the physical attributes of habitats where predator prey interactions occur7,8. As a result, encounter rates between predators and prey in their natural habitats are exceedingly difficult to estimate6 and may be far more heterogeneous than assumed. To cope with such ecological heterogeneity, predators employ behavioural and physiological tactics that allow them to store energy when food is plentiful, and utilize such reserves when food is scarce. For predators that store energy internally (for example, as fat reserves or somatic growth), physiological constraints on food-processing may limit rates of energy storage9 and compensatory growth10 and thus the potential to capitalize on pulses of food. To thrive in an environment where foraging opportunities vary widely but unpredictably, predators should maintain physiological opportunism and exhibit maximum capacities for food-processing that considerably exceed the average capacity required. Acquiring energy from prey is a serial process that spans foraging (attacking, handling, and ingesting prey) to assimilation (digesting food and absorbing nutrients)11. In a homogeneous world, the most economic pathway would exhibit symmorphosis, where the maximal processing rate at each stage is equal to the average input rate (load) from the prior stage12. However, if the load at any stage varies in time, performance at that stage should exhibit excess capacity, such that the

maximal rate exceeds the mean and the system can accommodate spikes in load4. Surprisingly, the role of excess capacity along the food-to-fuel pathway is poorly understood. It is known that parts of the foregut (for example, the oesophagus, stomach, or other comparable structures) can act as food storage reservoirs, enabling predators to ingest prey faster than they can process it13,14. This excess capacity for feeding accommodates short-term variation in prey encounters14 but it does not facilitate sustained increases in energy gain, which predators would require in order to build energy reserves or achieve compensatory growth. To sustain increased consumption rates, predators require excess capacity for assimilation (that is, digestion and absorption). Current knowledge of excess capacity in the digestive system is primarily limited to measurements at the cellular level2, and estimates of load:capacity ratios for integrated rates of assimilation are virtually non-existent for wild animals. Measurements of excess assimilation capacity are important for both physiologists, who seek to evaluate symmorphosis (or lack of it) across the energy intake chain, and ecologists, who lack reliable data to characterize the variation in foraging opportunities experienced by predators in the wild. Here we quantitatively assess how daily variation in foraging opportunity should affect the profitability of excess assimilative capacity, and use our results to interpret observed load: capacity ratios from animals in the wild. Predators require excess assimilative capacity to capitalize on large pulses of prey abundance as reflected in the positive tail of the distribution of predator foraging opportunities8,14. However, increasing assimilative capacity also increases the energetic costs of physiological maintenance and locomotion1. We developed a simple numerical simulation to characterize this trade-off and explore its response to the underlying distribution describing daily variation in foraging opportunity. We simulated variation in daily foraging opportunities using a gamma distribution with a fixed arbitrary value for the mean, but different coefficients of variation (c.v., defined as (s.d./mean) 3 100) to simulate different levels of variability in the environment (see Methods, Supplementary Fig. 1). A type I functional response15 modelled how assimilative capacity (Cmax, the maximum amount of food that can be consumed in one day) determines the daily food consumption, C, that a predator derives from a daily foraging opportunity, x: & x if xvCmax C(x)~ 1 Cmax if xCmax The expected consumption rate (J d21) for an individual with a specified Cmax and gamma-distributed variation in daily foraging opportunity is:

E(Cmax )~


where C(x) is the type I functional response of equation (1), and g(x) is the gamma distribution with shape and scale parameters (k and h) varied to produce specified levels of mean and c.v.

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The load:capacity ratio for assimilation is given by equation (3) below, and its inverse is synonymous with excess capacity, Z: E(Cmax)/Cmax 5 1/Z (3)
0.12 Probability 0.08 0.04 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 Foraging opportunity (J d1) 0.6 Load:capacity ratio 0.4 2 1 0.6 30 40

The net energetic profit (N) is the energy remaining after gains from consumption are paid to maintenance and activity costs, M: N 5 E(Cmax) 2 M (4)

2 Energy (J d1)


The energetic costs associated with increased assimilative capacity are poorly described and are likely to vary among taxa. We model M as a constant fraction, r, of Cmax (see Methods): M 5 rCmax, where 0 , r , 1 thus N 5 E(Cmax) 2 rCmax (6) (5)

10 8 6 4

5 Optimal load:capacity ratio 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 5

10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 Assimilative capacity (J d1)

In our analysis, we used numerical simulation to calculate the load: capacity ratio that maximized the net profit function (equation (6)), given the c.v. in daily foraging opportunity and the cost of the gut. The optimal load:capacity ratio for assimilation decreased with increasing variation in foraging opportunity, but did not exhibit substantial levels of excess capacity until the c.v. was very high, indicating strong rightskew in the distribution of foraging opportunities (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1). For example, the optimal load:capacity ratio reached ,0.4 when the c.v. in foraging opportunity ranged from 70% to 150%, depending on the costs of maintaining excess capacity (Fig. 1e). This suggests that, in order for integrated rates of assimilation to exhibit levels of excess capacity seen in many other biological structures2 (for example, load:capacity ratios ,0.5), predatorprey encounters would need to be extremely heterogeneous in time. To assess the variation in foraging opportunities that predators experience in nature, we compared our model scenarios to assimilative load:capacity ratios estimated for piscine predators in the wild. We compiled 639 estimates of mean daily consumption rate in fishes. The estimates were calculated from bioenergetics models that integrate across field measurements of growth and express consumption relative to maximum physiological rates. This bioenergetics framework16,17 (described in Supplementary Information) has been parameterized for different species through laboratory studies that measure the effects of water temperature and body mass on both metabolism and Cmax, the daily consumption rate observed under ad libitum feeding. Cmax is determined by assimilative capacity18, and corresponds well to the consumption rates of wild fish in conditions where food is unlimited19. The model uses field data on predator growth achieved over a defined time period, diet composition and quality, and water temperature to estimate the proportion of Cmax (which we call p) that balances an energy budget where growth is surplus energy after energetic gains from consumption are paid to metabolism, excretion and specific dynamic action. Thus, p represents the load:capacity ratio for assimilation. We searched research databases for all papers citing this bioenergetics model and compiled all estimates of p recorded in the wild (Supplementary Table 1). We grouped p estimates by population (unique combinations of species and publication, n 5 66). The mean length of time over which p was estimated was 208 days (s.d., 143 days). Across 66 populations from 38 species, the median p was 43% (s.d., 16%), indicating a load:capacity ratio for assimilation of 0.43. The distribution of p was right-skewed and similar in shape whether grouped by population or not (Fig. 2). Populations from marine (n 5 11), lake (n 5 49) and stream (n 5 6) environments did not exhibit significantly different load:capacity ratios (KruskalWallis test: P 5 0.10, d.f. 5 2) and less than 5% of populations exhibited load: capacity ratios greater than 0.8. Among the .60% of populations that
2 | N AT U R E | VO L 0 0 0 | 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1

10 20 50 100 c.v. [foraging opportunity (J d1)] (%)


Figure 1 | Results from a simulation model exploring the energetic profitability of excess capacity for assimilation as a function of the daily variation in foraging opportunity. We define assimilation as digestion and absorption. a, b, Gamma distributions characterizing two scenarios of ecological heterogeneity that both yield an average of 10 energy units per day in foraging opportunity. a, Variance in daily foraging opportunity is equal to the mean, as from a Poisson distribution (c.v. 5 32%, h 5 1, k 5 10). See main text for nomenclature. b, Foraging opportunities are highly right-skewed and show 10 times more variance than a Poisson distribution with similar mean (c.v. 5 100%, h 5 10, k 5 1). c, d, Costbenefit analysis of excess assimilative capacity under the two scenarios of ecological heterogeneity; c and d correspond respectively to distributions displayed in a and b. Lines represent gross and net energetic gains (blue and black, respectively) resulting from different levels of assimilative capacity (that is, maximum daily consumption rate). The upper x-axis measures excess capacity in terms of the load:capacity ratio (the mean daily consumption rate relative to the maximum rate). Filled circle represents the energetically optimal digestive capacity. Results shown are from the medium cost scenario (see Supplementary Information for a full description). e, Model results showing the energetically optimal load:capacity ratio as a function of the c.v. in daily foraging opportunity. Curves depict different cost scenarios (light blue, low; blue, medium; dark blue, high: see Supplementary Information for full description).

exhibited load: capacity ratios less than 0.5, all functional guilds of predators were represented, including planktivores, benthivores and piscivores. Digestive machinery is expensive1,20, so why do piscine predators maintain the physiological capacity to feed at daily rates that are 23 times higher than what they achieve on average? Our numerical simulation demonstrates that such low ratios of assimilative load: capacity become energetically profitable when the distribution of daily foraging opportunities is highly heterogeneous (that is, right-skewed; Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 1). This suggests that episodes of gorging and fasting are common in fishes, and occur not only in ambush predators that pursue large prey21, but also in predators that feed on insects and zooplankton. These results question common assumptions regarding the variance in foraging opportunities experienced by predators in the wild. Foraging models frequently simulate variation in a predators feeding opportunities by drawing prey encounters from the Poisson

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10 8 6 4 2 Frequency 0 0.0 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Assimilative load:capacity ratio

Figure 2 | Histograms showing bioenergetics estimates of integrated consumption rates in wild piscine predators, expressed as the assimilative load:capacity ratio. This ratio is defined as average daily consumption rate divided by the physiological maximum. a, Estimates grouped by unique combinations of species and publication (n 5 66). b, All estimates (n 5 639). Lines show a non-parametric density estimate of each distribution (see Methods).

distribution21,22, which exhibits equal mean and variance (l). Under most configurations of the Poisson (for example, if l > 3), values greater than twice the mean have extremely low probabilities (03% of occurrences). Thus, foraging models frequently simulate a world in which predators would almost never take advantage of the excess assimilative capacity that we have shown in fishes (that is, median capacity is 2.3 times expected load). This suggests that the feeding opportunities of piscine predators, and perhaps many others, are more heterogeneous than has been appreciated in ecology. In the past decade, three meta-analyses have concluded that lizards23, fish24, birds and mammals25 rarely exhibit negative energy budgets at daily timescales, based on observations that predators rarely have completely empty stomachs23,24, or that their integrated rates of energy gain exceed losses at seasonal to annual timescales25. In our analysis, we found that piscine predators probably experience foraging opportunities that are distributed extremely patchily in time, such that the median population would actually spend 1853% of days feeding at levels that are lower than a typical maintenance ration (,20% of Cmax; ref. 17). This suggests that fishes routinely run negative energy budgets and warns that prior syntheses of empirical data may have underestimated variability in the daily energy balance of not only fishes, but other taxa as well. Future work should consider how patterns of capacity through the foodfuel pathway are associated with different strategies of energy regulation. For example, many small birds and mammals hoard food during resource pulses or employ torpor to avoid energy deficits26. These mechanisms may stabilize consumption rates and energy budgets enough to make maintaining excess capacity for assimilating food unnecessary, but would probably require increased capacity for handling food. We have assumed that the assimilative capacity observed in fishes has evolved to optimize energy budgets under trade-offs between the capacity and metabolic cost of the gut. There is widespread evidence that the energetic profitability of the gut has strong fitness consequences1,20 and that its morphology and function evolve in response to energetic demands27. Further, the fishes in our analyses exhibit indeterminate somatic growth that is indeed limited by energy aquisition28. Therefore it is reasonable to use an energy maximization model to interpret the function of physiological capacity. The temporal pattern of foraging opportunities may vary among generations such that the optimal level of digestive capacity is not static in time. Our general conclusions are robust to such evolutionary disequilibrium because we found high levels

of excess digestive capacity across numerous taxa inhabiting diverse environments. The most parsimonious explanation of these findings is that piscine predators have evolved excess assimilative capacity to profit in a world where binging and fasting are regular occurrences. Phenotypic flexibility can improve performance if energy budgets vary predictably1. For example, female mammals increase digestive capacity during pregnancy, and birds adjust digestive capacity during migration as they alternate between fuelling and flight1. Although seasonal changes in food abundance may be predictable, pulses of food are frequently both unpredictable and ephemeral29, causing the performance of consumers to be measured by the guts they possess in the moment and not the ones they can construct days or weeks later (except certain sit-and-wait predators that are capable of rapid intestinal regulation20). Similarly to the fishes in our analysis, birds may maintain excess capacity for consumption despite their ability to modify gut size over relatively short timescales30. Flexibility in gut size has been suggested30 to facilitate adaptive responses to long-term but not short-term variation in resource abundance. Our meta-analysis and model strongly suggest that predatorprey encounters are patchier than most ecologists assume, that fish run negative energy budgets more frequently than assumed, and that eco-physiology should consider the combined roles of excess capacity and phenotypic flexibility when considering how organisms cope with a world far more heterogeneous than the laboratory or treadmill. The insights derived from our analysis have important implications for models of predatorprey dynamics, community structure and the stability of food webs, which can be sensitive to heterogeneity in predatorprey interactions6.

To characterize the assimilative load:capacity ratios of piscine predators, we compiled data from bioenergetics analyses that express integrated consumption rates relative to the physiological maximum. These models16,17 use field measurements of growth at monthly to annual timescales to reconstruct consumption rates, based on the energy budget: G 5 C 2 (R 1 W 1 SDA) (7)

where G is growth, C is food consumption, R is active metabolism, W is waste (faeces and urine) and SDA is specific dynamic action (the cost of digestion). Empirically derived, species-specific functions model the effects of water temperature and body mass on respiration and the maximum daily consumption rate (Cmax). Additional functions model waste and SDA as taxes on consumption. To incorporate thermal and allometric constraints on C, the parameter p scales the actual consumption rate relative to the maximum consumption rate according to p 5 C/Cmax. Thus, equation (7) becomes: G 5 pCmax 2 (R 1 W 1 SDA) (8)

On the basis of observed growth, diet composition, predator and prey energy densities, and the temperature regime experienced by a fish for the time interval over which growth is estimated, the model solves for the value of p that produces the value of G observed in the field. Because Cmax is determined by rates of foodprocessing18, p represents the load:capacity ratio for assimilationthe process that includes both the break down of food macromolecules and the transportation of nutrients across the gut wall. For our meta-analysis of p estimates, we searched Web of Science and Google Scholar for all publications (n 5 345) citing the bioenergetics framework outlined above16,17. We compiled data from all publications (42 journal articles and 4 theses) that studied predators in situ and reported the parameter p. The metadata and source publications are provided in Supplementary Table 1.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 7 March; accepted 27 May 2011. Published online 6 July 2011. 1. 2. Piersma, T. & van Gils, J. A. The Flexible Phenotype (Oxford Univ. Press, 2011). Diamond, J. Quantitative evolutionary design. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 542, 337345 (2002).
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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Humphries, N. E. et al. Environmental context explains Levy and Brownian movement patterns of marine predators. Nature 465, 10661069 (2010). Gans, C. Momentarily excessive construction as the basis for protoadaptation. Evolution 33, 227233 (1979). Ritchie, E. G. & Johnson, C. N. Predator interactions, mesopredator release and biodiversity conservation. Ecol. Lett. 12, 982998 (2009). Walters, C. J. M. & Martell, S. J. D. Fisheries Ecology and Management (Princeton Univ. Press, 2004). Kauffman, M. J. et al. Landscape heterogeneity shapes predation in a newly restored predator-prey system. Ecol. Lett. 10, 690700 (2007). Armstrong, J. B. et al. Thermal heterogeneity mediates the effects of pulsed subsidies across a landscape. Ecology 91, 14451454 (2010). Klaassen, M., Lindstrom, A. & Zijlstra, R. Composition of fuel stores and digestive limitations to fuel deposition rate in the long-distance migratory thrush nightingale, Luscinia luscinia. Physiol. 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The components of predation as revealed by a study of smallmammal predation of the European pine sawfly. Can. Entomol. 91, 293320 (1959). Kitchell, J. F., Stewart, D. J. & Weininger, D. Applications of a bioenergetics model to yellow perch (Perca-flavescens) and walleye (Stizostedion-vitreum-vitreum). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34, 19221935 (1977). Fish Bioenergetics 3.0 (University of Wisconsin-Madison Centre for Limnology/ Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, 1997). Elliott, J. M. & Persson, L. Estimation of daily rates of food consumption for fish. J. Anim. Ecol. 47, 977991 (1978). Kitchell, J. F. et al. Predator-prey dynamics in an ecosystem context. J. Fish Biol. 45, 209226 (1994). 20. Secor, S. M., Stein, E. D. & Diamond, J. Rapid up-regulation of snake intestine in response to feeding: a new model of intestinal adaptation. Am. J. Physiol. 266, G695G705 (1994). 21. Breck, J. E. Foraging theory and piscivorous fish: are forage fish just big zooplankton? Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122, 902911 (1993). 22. DeAngelis, D. L. & Gross, L. J. Individual-based Models and Approaches in Ecology. Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems (Chapman and Hall, 1992). 23. Huey, R. B., Pianka, E. R. & Vitt, L. J. How often do lizards run on empty? Ecology 82, 17 (2001). 24. Arrington, D. A., Winemiller, K. O., Loftus, W. F. & Akin, S. How often do fishes run on empty? Ecology 83, 21452151 (2002). 25. Jeschke, J. M. When carnivores are full and lazy. Oecologia 152, 357364 (2007). 26. Brodin, A. & Clark, C. in Foraging (eds Stephen, D. S., Brown, J. S. & Ydenberg, R. C.) 221269 (Univ. Chicago Press, 2007). 27. Hofmann, R. R. Evolutionary steps of ecophysiological adaptation and diversification of ruminants: a comparative view of their digestive system. Oecologia 78, 443457 (1989). 28. Schindler, D. E. & Eby, L. A. Stoichiometry of fishes and their prey: implications for nutrient recycling. Ecology 78, 18161831 (1997). 29. Yang, L. H., Bastow, J. L., Spence, K. O. & Wright, A. N. What can we learn from resource pulses? Ecology 89, 621634 (2008). 30. McWilliams, S. R. & Karasov, W. H. Phenotypic flexibility in digestive system structure and function in migratory birds and its ecological significance. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 128, 577593 (2001). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank T. Essington, R. Huey, T. Reed, A. Walters, V. Sturtevant and A. Armstrong for comments on this manuscript. We also thank the following people for contributing to this project: J. Kitchell, O. Jensen, E. Ward, D. Beauchamp, B. Chasco, A. Farrell, P. Bisson and J. Kershner. This work was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the US National Science Foundation and the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Author Contributions J.B.A. and D.E.S. contributed to each stage of the project. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.B.A. ([email protected]).


11. 12.





17. 18. 19.

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The fish bioenergetics model (FBEM). This model is used to estimate assimilative load:capacity ratios. It uses an energy balance approach to bioenergetics that provides an adaptable modelling framework, which has been applied to a wide variety of species and ecosystems. The model balances an energy budget where inputs must equal outputs, specifically: C 5 G 1 R 1 W 1 SDA (9) Rearranging equation (12) yields: Here C is food consumption, G is growth, R is active metabolism, W is waste (faeces and urine), and SDA is specific dynamic action (the cost of digestion). The FBEM provides functions that model the effects of water temperature and body mass on respiration and the maximum daily consumption rate (Cmax). These functions are parameterized for individual species through controlled laboratory experiments. To formulate the respiration functions, oxygen consumption is measured in experiments that manipulate body size and water temperature. In addition, an activity multiplier is calculated to relate basal and active metabolism. To formulate the Cmax functions, daily consumption rates are measured in ad libitum feeding experiments that manipulate temperature and body size. Additional functions model waste and SDA as taxes on consumption. A full description of these functions is available in the Bioenergetics 3.0 software manual17. Researchers typically use the FBEM to estimate consumption rates based on the observed growth rates of fishes in the field. This is done by rearranging the original terms in the energy budget so that growth represents surplus energy after gains from consumption are paid to energetic costs: G 5 C 2 (R 1 W 1 SDA) (10) k 5 x2/s2 h 5 s2/x (13)

Gaussian to extremely right-skewed, representing an environment where prey encounters are extremely patchy. The gamma distribution has two parameters, namely k and h, which relate to the mean and variance of the distribution as follows: x 5 kh s2 5 kh2 (12)

Growth is measured directly over some relatively long time interval (for example, monthly to annual growth increments) and the model is used to estimate the consumption rate C required to satisfy equation (10) to produce the observed growth increment. To incorporate thermal and allometric constraints on C, the parameter p scales the actual consumption rate relative to the maximum consumption rate according to p 5 C/Cmax. Thus, equation (10) becomes: G 5 pCmax 2 (R 1 W 1 SDA) (11)

On the basis of observed growth, diet composition, predator and prey energy densities, and the temperature regime experienced by a fish for the time interval over which growth is estimated, the model solves for the value of p that produces the value of G observed in the field. The model is implemented at a daily time step and linearly interpolates between observations of temperature, diet composition and energy density. Because growth of fishes in indeterminate, the value of p is a sensitive but informative integrated parameter that reflects the realized consumption rate relative to the physiological maximum rate that an individual fish is capable of, based on its metabolic parameters, its body size, its energy density and the energy density of its prey, and water temperature. Because Cmax is determined by rates of food-processing18, p represents the load:capacity ratio for assimilationthe process that includes both the break-down of food macromolecules and the transportation of nutrients across the gut wall. Consumption estimates from the FBEM have been independently corroborated by intensive field-based methods31,32. For our meta-analysis of p estimates, we searched Web of Science and Google Scholar for all publications (n 5 345) citing the bioenergetics framework outlined above16,17. We compiled data from all publications that studied predators in situ and reported the parameter p (42 journal articles and 4 theses). The meta-data and source publications are provided in Supplementary Table 1. To characterize distributions of p estimates (Fig. 2), we fitted kernel density estimates to the data in R33. We used a Gaussian smoothing kernel and selected the bandwidth following standard methods34. Modelling trade-offs associated with digestive capacity. Here we give details of our numerical model in which we simulate these trade-offs. We used the gamma distribution to simulate variation in daily foraging opportunity because it can generate a diversity of biologically realistic shapes, ranging from narrow and

In order to examine the effect of variability in foraging opportunity on the energetic profitability of excess assimilative capacity, we varied h and k to generate gamma distributions with an equal mean, but different levels of variation. This simulates ecosystems that have an equal amount of prey available to predators, but different levels of variation in the temporal patterning of daily predatorprey encounters. To provide biologically interpretable results, we used the coefficient of variation (c.v., defined as (s.d./mean) 3 100) to describe variation in the gamma distribution. Unlike other metrics of variation (for example, the variance to mean ratio) the relationship between the c.v. and the shape of the gamma distribution scales isometrically with the mean of the distribution (for example, if the c.v. is held constant, changing the mean does not affect the skew of the distribution). Therefore, we could explore all ecologically relevant shapes of the gamma distribution by changing the c.v. of the distribution (range, 0.1500%) while keeping the mean fixed at an arbitrary value. Supplementary Fig. 1 shows a subset of the gamma distributions that were generated in our simulations to illustrate the diversity of shapes that we considered. The relationship between the maintenance cost and assimilative capacity of the gut (Rgut and Cmax) is poorly documented. For the sake of parsimony, and because empirical data suggest that assimilative capacity in fish is related the surface area of the gut35, we modelled a linear relationship between Cmax and Rgut, such that a proportional change in Cmax produces the same proportional change in Rgut (for example, doubling Cmax would double Rgut). The relationship between Cmax and total metabolic cost, M, depends on the ratios of Rgut:M and M:Cmax. Under the assumed linear relationship, the slope (r) of M as a function of Cmax is:  14 r~Rgut Rtot |Rtot=Cmax We assumed that one-third of total daily respiration goes to maintaining digestive capacity, as this is the approximate proportion of total cardiac output delivered to an empty gut36. The empirically derived functions in the FBEM17 suggest energetic losses due to respiration typically represent one-third to one-ninth of Cmax in fishes. Given these estimations, r ranges from 0.04 to 0.11. Because the y-intercept of a linear cost function (here, the cost of metabolism not associated with the gut) does not affect the optimal value for profit maximization, we modelled total metabolic cost, M, as a constant fraction, r, of Cmax, and included three cost scenarios: low (r 5 4%), medium (r 5 8%) and high (r 5 12%). We did not consider specific dynamic action or excretion in our cost analysis, because we assumed these were taxes on consumption that do not represent physiological maintenance.
31. Rice, J. A. & Cochran, P. A. Independent evaluation of a bioenergetics model for largemouth bass. Ecology 65, 732739 (1984). 32. Beauchamp, D. A., Stewart, D. J. & Thomas, G. L. corroboration of a bioenergetics model for sockeye salmon. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 118, 597607 (1989). 33. R Development Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna); available at http:// www.R-project.org (2010). 34. Scott, D. W. Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization (Wiley, 1992). 35. Stevens, E. D. & Devlin, R. H. Intestinal morphology in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon. J. Fish Biol. 56, 191195 (2000). 36. Farrell, A. P. et al. Gut blood flow in fish during exercise and severe hypercapnia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 128, 549561 (2001).

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Sideband cooling of micromechanical motion to the quantum ground state

J. D. Teufel1, T. Donner2,3, Dale Li1, J. W. Harlow2,3, M. S. Allman1,3, K. Cicak1, A. J. Sirois1,3, J. D. Whittaker1,3, K. W. Lehnert2,3 & R. W. Simmonds1

The advent of laser cooling techniques revolutionized the study of many atomic-scale systems, fuelling progress towards quantum computing with trapped ions1 and generating new states of matter with BoseEinstein condensates2. Analogous cooling techniques3,4 can provide a general and flexible method of preparing macroscopic objects in their motional ground state. Cavity optomechanical or electromechanical systems achieve sideband cooling through the strong interaction between light and motion515. However, entering the quantum regimein which a system has less than a single quantum of motionhas been difficult because sideband cooling has not sufficiently overwhelmed the coupling of low-frequency mechanical systems to their hot environments. Here we demonstrate sideband cooling of an approximately 10-MHz micromechanical oscillator to the quantum ground state. This achievement required a large electromechanical interaction, which was obtained by embedding a micromechanical membrane into a superconducting microwave resonant circuit. To verify the cooling of the membrane motion to a phonon occupation of 0.34 6 0.05 phonons, we perform a nearHeisenberg-limited position measurement3 within (5.1 6 0.4)h/2p, where h is Plancks constant. Furthermore, our device exhibits strong coupling, allowing coherent exchange of microwave photons and mechanical phonons16. Simultaneously achieving strong coupling, ground state preparation and efficient measurement sets the stage for rapid advances in the control and detection of non-classical states of motion17,18, possibly even testing quantum theory itself in the unexplored region of larger size and mass19. Because mechanical oscillators can couple to light of any frequency, they could also serve as a unique intermediary for transferring quantum information between microwave and optical domains20. A mechanical oscillator of high quality factor placed within the quantum regime could allow us to explore quantum mechanics in entirely new ways1720. To do this requires the ability to prepare the oscillator in its ground state, to arbitrarily control its quantum states, and to detect these states near the Heisenberg limit. In addition, the oscillator system should not be strongly perturbed by its environment or any other extraneous influence, including dissipation or thermal excitations. As a first step, the oscillators temperature T must be reduced so that kBT , BVm, where Vm is the resonance frequency of the oscillator, kB is Boltzmanns constant, and B is h/2p. Although there has been substantial progress in cooling mechanical oscillators with radiation pressure forces, sideband cooling to the quantum mechanical ground state has been a long-standing challenge. Cavity optomechanical systems have realized very large sideband cooling rates913,15; however, these rates are not sufficient to overcome the larger thermal heating rates of the mechanical modes. Electromechanical experiments using much lower-energy microwave photons58,14, although simpler to operate below 100 mK, have suffered from weak electromechanical interactions and inefficient detection of the photon fields. In a unique approach, a system based on a high-frequency (6-GHz) microwave dilatation oscillator was integrated with a superconducting

phase qubit21. Its high frequency offered the advantage of reaching the ground state at relatively high temperatures (T < 25 mK), which were achievable simply with passive dilution refrigeration. Furthermore, because the mechanical oscillator was piezoelectric, its strong electrical response enabled significantly strong coupling to the superconducting qubit, providing direct control and (destructive) measurement of the phonon energy states. These results showed that quantum effects are achievable with a human-fabricated mechanical oscillator. Unfortunately, the short mechanical lifetimes prevented the manipulation of complex mechanical states and direct tests of entanglement. Low frequency (,100-MHz) mechanical oscillators have distinct advantages: higher quality factors, long phonon lifetimes and large motional state displacements, which are important for future tests of quantum theory19. Cavity opto- or electro-mechanical systems4 naturally offer a powerful method for both cooling and detecting low-frequency mechanical oscillators22,23. An object whose motion alters the resonance frequency, vc, of an electromagnetic cavity experiences a radiation pressure force governed by the parametric interaction Hamiltonian: ^ ^ Hint ~BG^^, where G 5 dvc/dx, n is the cavity photon number, and ^ nx x is the displacement of the mechanical oscillator. By driving the cavity at a frequency vd, the oscillators motion produces upper and lower sidebands at vd 6 Vm. Because these sideband photons are inelastically scattered from the drive field, they provide a way to exchange energy with the oscillator. If the drive field is optimally detuned below the cavity resonance by an amount D ; vd 2 vc 5 2Vm, photons will be preferentially up-converted to vc because the photon density of states is maximal there (Fig. 1b). When an up-converted photon leaves the cavity, it removes the energy of one mechanical quantum (one phonon) from the motion. Thus, the mechanical oscillator is damped and cooled by way of this radiation-pressure force. Because the mechanical motion is encoded in the scattered photons leaving the cavity, information on the position of the mechanical oscillator provides a near Heisenberglimited measurement of displacement24. Here we use a cavity electromechanical system where a flexural mode of a thin aluminium membrane is parametrically coupled to a superconducting microwave resonant circuit. Unlike previous microwave systems, this device achieves large electromechanical coupling by use of a flexible vacuum-gap capacitor16,25. The oscillator is a 100-nm-thick aluminium membrane with a diameter of 15 mm, suspended 50 nm above a second aluminium layer on a sapphire substrate25 (Fig. 1). These two metal layers form a parallel-plate capacitor that is shunted by a 12-nH spiral inductor. This combination of capacitor and inductor creates a microwave cavity with a displacement-dependent resonance frequency centred at vc 5 2p 3 7.54 GHz. The device is operated in a dilution refrigerator at 15 mK, at which temperature aluminium is superconducting, and the microwave cavity has a total energy decay rate of k < 2p 3 200 kHz. The diameter of the aluminium membrane and its tension8 produce an Vm of 2p 3 10.56 MHz with an intrinsic damping rate of Cm 5 2p 3 32 Hz, or mechanical quality factor Qm 5 Vm/Cm 5 3.3 3 105. The oscillator mass, m 5 48 pg, implies that

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA. 2JILA, University of Colorado and NIST, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA. 3Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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a b

2 m
3 c 10

d m d d + m



= +



100 101 Cryostat temperature (mK)


coupling rate between the cavity and the feed line, and Po is the power of the microwave drive at the output of the cavity. According to equipartition, the area under the resonance curve of displacement spectral density Sx must be proportional to the effective temperature of the mechanical mode. This calibration procedure allows us to convert the sideband in the microwave power spectral density to a displacement spectral density and to extract the thermal occupation of the mechanical mode. In Fig. 1c we show the number of thermal quanta in the mechanical resonator as a function of T. The linear dependence of the integrated power spectral density with temperature shows that the mechanical mode equilibrates with the cryostat even for the lowest achievable temperature of 15 mK. This temperature corresponds to a thermal occupancy nm 5 30, where nm 5 [exp(BVm/kBT) 2 1]21. The calibration determines the electromechanical coupling strength, G/2p 5 49 6 2 MHz nm21. With these device parameters, we can investigate both the fundamental sensitivity of our measurement and the effects of radiation pressure cooling. The total measured displacement noise results from two sources: the membranes actual mean-square motion, Sth , and its apparent motion, x Simp , which is due to imprecision of the measurement. Figure 2a demonx strates how the use of low-noise parametric amplification significantly

Thermal occupancy, nc

Figure 1 | Schematic description of the experiment. a, False-colour scanning electron micrograph showing the aluminium (grey) electromechanical circuit fabricated on a sapphire (blue) substrate; a 15-mm-diameter membrane is suspended 50 nm above a lower electrode. The membranes motion modulates the capacitance, and hence, the resonance frequency of the superconducting microwave circuit. b, A coherent microwave drive (left, vd, shown green in frequencyamplitude plot below) inductively coupled to the circuit (top) acquires modulation sidebands (red and blue in plot below) owing to the thermal motion of the membrane. The upper sideband is amplified with a nearly quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifier (filled triangle, right) within the cryostat. c, The microwave power in the upper sideband provides a direct measurement of the thermal occupancy of the mechanical mode, which may be calibrated in situ by varying the temperature of the cryostat (main panel). The mechanical mode shows thermalization with the cryostat at all temperatures, yielding a minimum thermal occupancy of 30 mechanical quanta without using sideband-cooling techniques. Error bars, s.d. Inset, illustration of the concept of sideband cooling. When the circuit is excited with a detuned microwave drive such that D 5 2Vm, the narrow line shape of the electrical resonance ensures that the rate to scatter photons to higher energy C1 (blue dashed arrow, blue peak) exceeds the rate to scatter to lower energy C2 (red dashed arrow, red peak). Thus, the net scattering rate C (blue solid arrow) provides a cooling mechanism for the membrane.

Simp (m2 Hz1) x

1028 1030 1032 1034





Coupling rates (Hz)

Sx (fm2 Hz1)

105 104 103 102 101 100

/2 g/ /2 m





103 102 nimp 101 100

p the zero-point motion is xzp ~ B=2mVm ~4:1 f m. With a ratio of Vm/k . 50, our system is deep within the resolved-sideband regime and well-suited for sideband cooling to the mechanical ground state22,23. To measure the mechanical displacement, we apply a microwave field, which is detuned below the cavity resonance frequency by D 5 2Vm, through heavily attenuated coaxial lines to the feed line of our device. The upper sideband, now at vc, is amplified with a custom-built Josephson parametric amplifier26,27 followed by a lownoise cryogenic amplifier, demodulated at room temperature, and finally monitored with a spectrum analyser. The thermal motion of the membrane creates an easily resolvable peak in the microwave noise spectrum. As described previously27, this measurement scheme constitutes a nearly shot-noise-limited microwave interferometer with which we can measure mechanical displacement with minimum added noise close to fundamental limits. In order to calibrate the demodulated signal to the membranes motion, we measure the thermal noise spectrum while varying the cryostat temperature (Fig. 1c). Here a weak microwave drive (,3 photons in the cavity) is used in order to ensure that radiation pressure damping and cooling effects are negligible. When Vm ? k ? Cm and D 5 2Vm, the displacement spectral density Sx is related to the observed microwave noise spectral density S by Sx 5 2(kVm/Gkex)2S/Po, where kex is the
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0 400 0 400 ( m)/2 (Hz)


102 nd


Figure 2 | Displacement sensitivity in the presence of dynamical backaction. a, The displacement spectral density Sx measured with (red) and without (blue) the Josephson parametric amplifier. As the parametric amplifier greatly reduces the total noise of the microwave measurement, the time required to resolve the thermal motion is reduced by a factor of 1,000. b, As the microwave drive power is increased, the absolute displacement sensitivity, Simp x improves, reaching a minimum of 5.5 3 10234 m2 Hz21 at the highest power. c, The parametric coupling rate between the microwave cavity and the pg mechanical mode increases as nd . This coupling broadens the linewidth of the mechanical mode Cm from its intrinsic value of Cm 5 2p 3 32 Hz until it exceeds the linewidth of the microwave cavity k. d, The relative measurement imprecision, in units of mechanical quanta, depends on the product of Simp and x Cm . Thus, once the power is large enough that dynamical back-action overwhelms the intrinsic mechanical linewidth, nimp asymptotically approaches a constant value (nimp 5 1.9), which is a direct measure of the overall efficiency of the photon measurement.

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lowers Simp , resulting in a reduction in the white-noise background by a x factor of more than 30. This greatly increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the membranes thermal motion, thereby reducing the integration time required to resolve the thermal peak by a factor of 1,000. To investigate the measurement sensitivity in the presence of dynamical back-action, we regulate the cryostat temperature at 20 mK and increase the amplitude of the detuned microwave drive while observing modifications in the displacement spectral density. We quantify the strength of the drive by the resulting number of photons nd in the microwave cavity. As shown in Fig. 2b, the measurement imprecision Simp is inversely prox portional to nd. At the highest drive power (nd < 105), the absolute displacement sensitivity is 5.5 3 10234 m2 Hz21. As expected, the increased drive power also damps and cools the mechanical oscillator3,22,23. The total mechanical dissipation rate Cm ~C m zC is the sum of the intrinsic dissipation, Cm, and the radiation-pressureinduced damping resulting from scattering photons to the upper/lower sideband, C 5 C1 2 C2, where C 6 5 4g2k/[k2 1 4(D 6 Vm)2]. Here g is the coupling rate between the cavity and the mechanical mode, which p depends on the amplitude of the drive: g~Gxzp nd . Figure 2c shows the measured values of k, g and Cm as the drive increases. The radiation-pressure damping of the mechanical oscillator becomes pronounced above a cavity drive amplitude of approximately 75 photons, at which point Cm ~2C m and the mechanical linewidth has doubled. Note that the increased damping rate can be switched off at any time by removing the cooling drive, returning the mechanical oscillator to its intrinsic quality factor, Qm.
1029 nd = 18 nd = 71 Sx (m2 Hz1) 1030 nd = 280 nd = 1,100 1031 nd = 4,500 1032 nm = 0.93 1015 10.556 10.558 Frequency (MHz) 102 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Frequency (MHz) 10.7 nm = 27 nm = 22 nm = 8.5 nm = 2.9 S/Po (Hz1)

Whereas the absolute value of the displacement imprecision decreases with increasing power, the visibility of the thermal mechanical peak no longer improves once the radiation-pressure force becomes the dominant dissipation mechanism for the membrane. By expressing the imprecision as equivalent thermal quanta of the 2 oscillator, nimp ~Cm Simp =8xzp , we see that the visibility of the thermal x noise above the imprecision no longer improves once the drive is much greater than nd < 100 (Fig. 2d). This is because a linear decrease in Simp x is balanced by a linear increase in Cm due to radiation-pressure damping. The asymptotic value of nimp is a direct measure of the efficiency of the microwave measurement. Ideally, for a lossless circuit, a quantumlimited microwave measurement would imply nimp 5 1/4. The incorporation of the low-noise Josephson parametric amplifier improves nimp close to this ideal limit, reducing the asymptotic value of nimp from 70 to 1.9 quanta. This level of sensitivity is crucial for resolving any residual thermal motion when cooling into the quantum regime. Beginning from a cryostat temperature of 20 mK and a thermal occupation of nT ~40 quanta, the fundamental mechanical mode of m the membrane is cooled by radiation-pressure forces. Figure 3a shows the displacement spectral density of the motional sideband as nd is increased from 18 to 4,500 photons, along with fits to a Lorentzian lineshape (shaded areas). As described above, this increased drive results in three effects on the spectra: lower noise floor, wider resonances and smaller shaded area. Because the shaded area corresponds to the mean-square membrane displacement, it directly measures the effective temperature of the mode. At a drive intensity with 4,000


nd = 4,500 nd = 11,000

nm = 0.93 nm = 0.55


nd = 28,000

nm = 0.36

nd = 89,000 nd = 180,000 g/

nm = 0.34 nm = 0.42

101 Occupancy

nm nc


101 100 101 102 103 Drive photons, nd 104 105

Figure 3 | Sideband cooling the mechanical mode to the ground state. a, The displacement noise spectra and Lorentzian fits (shaded regions) for five different drive powers. With higher power, the mechanical mode is both damped (larger linewidth) and cooled (smaller area) by the radiation pressure forces. b, Over a broader frequency span, the normalized sideband noise spectra clearly show both the narrow mechanical peak and a broader cavity peak due to finite occupancy of the mechanical and electrical modes, respectively. A small, but resolvable, thermal population of the cavity appears as the drive power increases, setting the limit for the final occupancy of the coupled

optomechanical system. At the highest drive power, the coupling rate between the mechanical oscillator and the microwave cavity exceeds the intrinsic dissipation of either mode, and the system hybridizes into optomechanical normal modes. c, Starting in thermal equilibrium with the cryostat at T 5 20 mK, sideband cooling reduces the thermal occupancy of the mechanical mode from nm 5 40 into the quantum regime, reaching a minimum of nm 5 0.34 6 0.05. Error bars, s.d. These data demonstrate that the parametric interaction between photons and phonons can initialize the strongly coupled, electromechanical system in its quantum ground state.
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photons in the cavity, the thermal occupation is reduced below one quantum of mechanical motion, entering the quantum regime. Observing the noise spectrum over a broader frequency range reveals that in addition to the mechanical Lorentzian peak with linewidth Cm , there is also a Lorentzian peak with linewidth k whose area corresponds to the finite thermal occupation nc of the cavity. Over this range, it is no longer valid to evaluate the cavity parameters at a single frequency to infer the spectrum in units of Sx. Instead, Fig. 3b shows the noise spectrum in units of sideband power normalized by the power at the drive frequency, S/Po. These two sources of noise, originating from either the mechanical or the electrical mode, interfere with each other and result in noise p squashing14 and eventually normal-mode splitting28 once 2gwk= 2. Using a quantum-mechanical description applied to our circuit14,24, the expected noise spectrum as a function of frequency v is: ! knc C 2 z4d2 z4C m nT g 2 1 m m 1 S~Bv znadd z2kex   2 4g 2 z kz2j dzD C m z2jd2 ~ p ~ where j~ {1, d 5 v 2 Vm, D~vd zVm {vc , and nadd is added noise of the microwave measurement expressed as an equivalent number of microwave photons. Figure 3b shows the measured spectra and corresponding fits (shaded regions) to equation (1) as the electromechanical system evolves first into the quantum regime (nm, nc , 1) and then into the strong-coupling regime (2g . k/2). The results are summarized in Fig. 3c, where the thermal occupancy of both the mechanical and electrical modes is shown as a function of nd. For low drive power, the cavity shows no resolvable thermal population (to within our measurement uncertainty of 0.05 quanta), as expected for a 7.5-GHz mode at 20 mK. Although it is unclear whether the observed population at higher drive power is a consequence of direct heating of the substrate, heating of the microwave attenuators preceding the circuit, or intrinsic cavity frequency noise, we have determined that it is not the result of frequency or amplitude noise of our microwave generator, as this noise is reduced far below the microwave shot-noise level with narrow-band filtering and cryogenic attenuation (see Supplementary Information). Sideband cooling can never reduce the occupancy of the mechanical mode below that of the cavity. Therefore, in order for the system to access the quantum regime, the thermal population of the cavity must remain less than one quantum. Assuming Vm ? k, the final occupancy of a mechanical mode is28:     2 2 4g 2 T C m 4g zk znc 2 nm ~nm k 4g 2 zkC m 4g 2 zkC m p This equation shows that for moderate coupling ( kC m =g=k) the cooling of the mechanical mode is linear in the number of drive photons. Beyond this regime, the onset of normal-mode splitting abates further cooling. Here the mechanical cooling rate becomes limited not by the coupling between the mechanical mode and the cavity, but instead by the coupling rate k between the cavity and its environment28. Thus, the final occupancy of the mechanical mode can never be reduced to lower than nT C m =k, and a stronger parametric drive will only m increase the Rabi frequency at which the thermal excitations oscillate between the cavity and mechanical modes. For our device, as the coupling is increased, we first cool to the ground state and then enter the strong-coupling regime (nT C m vkvg). Once nd exceeds 2 3 104, the m mechanical occupancy converges towards the cavity population, reaching a minimum of 0.34 6 0.05 quanta. At the highest power drive (nd 5 2 3 105), the mechanical mode has hybridized with the cavity, resulting in the normal-mode splitting characteristic of the strongcoupling regime16,29. This level of coupling is required to use the hybrid system for quantum information processing. The strong-coupling regime ensures that quantum states of this combined system may be manipulated faster than they decohere from spurious interaction with either electromagnetic or mechanical environments. Taken together, the measurements shown in Figs 2 and 3 quantify the overall measurement efficiency of the system. The Heisenberg limit
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requires that a continuous displacement measurementq is necessarily imp accompanied by a back-action force3,13,24, such that Sx Sba B, F ba where SF is the force noise spectral density from back-action alone. From the thermal occupancy and damping rate of the mechanical mode, we extract a total force spectral density Stot ~4BVm mCm nm z1=2. F By attributing all of Stot to back-action, we can place a conservaF tive upper bound on the imprecision-back-action product with q q imp Sx Stot =B~ nimp nm z1=25:1+0:4. The minimum achievF able value with q our detuned probe tone (see Supplementary p imp Information) is Sx Sba ~B 2, making this experiment a factor of F 3.6 away from the Heisenberg-limit for displacement detection, the narrowest gap achieved to date15,24. Looking forward, this technology offers a feasible route to achieve many of the long-standing goals for mechanical quantum systems. Whereas the resolved-sideband regime is well-suited for efficient sideband cooling, it makes a simultaneous measurement of both the upper and lower sideband difficult. By simply increasing the bandwidth of the cavity, future experiments could feasibly measure the zero-point motion of the mechanical mode, as well as observe the fundamental asymmetry between the rates of emission and absorption of phonons1. Other prospects include quantum non-demolition measurements3 and the generation of entangled states of mechanical motion17,18. Furthermore, combining this device with a superconducting qubit21 would allow for the direct measurement of the mechanical oscillators energy states and the preparation of arbitrary quantum states of mechanical motion30. Because the interaction between the 10.6-MHz mechanical mode and the 7.5-GHz microwave cavity is parametric, the coupling strength is inherently tunable, and can be turned on and off quickly. Thus, once a quantum state is transferred into mechthe anical mode, it can be stored there for a time tth ~1= nT C m w100 ms m before absorbing one thermal phonon from its environment. As this timescale is much longer than typical coherence times of superconducting qubits, mechanical modes offer the potential for delay and storage of quantum information. Lastly, mechanical objects provide a generic system for interacting with a wide range of different physical systemsranging from magnetic spins to optical photons leading towards future methods for engineering the coherent transfer of quantum information between vastly different forms of quanta20. The power and versatility of sideband cooling techniques have now been used to bring a high quality, macroscopic (,1012 atoms) low-frequency mechanical oscillator into the quantum regime. This electromechanical system simultaneously demonstrates ground-state preparation, strong-coupling and near quantum-limited position detection, paving the way to accessing the quantum nature of longlived motional states.
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The Lkb1 metabolic sensor maintains haematopoietic stem cell survival

Sushma Gurumurthy, Stephanie Z. Xie, Brinda Alagesan, Judith Kim, Rushdia Z. Yusuf, Borja Saez, Alexandros Tzatsos, Fatih Ozsolak, Patrice Milos, Francesco Ferrari, Peter J. Park, Orian S. Shirihai, David T. Scadden & Nabeel Bardeesy
Nature 468, 659663 (2010)

In this Article, Figs 1f and 2e appeared incorrectly (the corrected figure parts are shown below). In Fig. 1f, the y-axis of the CLP graph should read Cells (3102) and the y-axis of the CMP graph should read Cells (3103). In Fig. 2e, the control bar should be grey, not black.
1f 2e
CD45.1+ HSCs (%)

35 30 Cells (103) 25 20 15 10 5


45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5



50 40 30 20 10

Control Mutant

Cells (102)

** **



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Direct generation of functional dopaminergic neurons from mouse and human fibroblasts
Massimiliano Caiazzo1, Maria Teresa DellAnno1*, Elena Dvoretskova2*, Dejan Lazarevic3,4, Stefano Taverna2, Damiana Leo2, Tatyana D. Sotnikova2, Andrea Menegon5, Paola Roncaglia4, Giorgia Colciago1, Giovanni Russo2, Piero Carninci6, Gianni Pezzoli7, Raul R. Gainetdinov2, Stefano Gustincich4,8, Alexander Dityatev2 & Vania Broccoli1

Transplantation of dopaminergic neurons can potentially improve the clinical outcome of Parkinsons disease, a neurological disorder resulting from degeneration of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons1,2. In particular, transplantation of embryonic-stem-cellderived dopaminergic neurons has been shown to be efficient in restoring motor symptoms in conditions of dopamine deficiency3,4. However, the use of pluripotent-derived cells might lead to the development of tumours if not properly controlled5. Here we identified a minimal set of three transcription factorsMash1 (also known as Ascl1), Nurr1 (also known as Nr4a2) and Lmx1athat are able to generate directly functional dopaminergic neurons from mouse and human fibroblasts without reverting to a progenitor cell stage. Induced dopaminergic (iDA) cells release dopamine and show spontaneous electrical activity organized in regular spikes consistent with the pacemaker activity featured by brain dopaminergic neurons. The three factors were able to elicit dopaminergic neuronal conversion in prenatal and adult fibroblasts from healthy donors and Parkinsons disease patients. Direct generation of iDA cells from somatic cells might have significant implications for understanding critical processes for neuronal development, in vitro disease modelling and cell replacement therapies. Seminal studies have demonstrated that functional neurons can be generated independently of stem cells by direct cell conversion through genetics-based approaches6. More recently, in a set of elegant experiments, fibroblasts have been directly converted into neuronal cells (iNs) by the forced expression of the three neurodevelopmental factors Mash1, Brn2 (also known as Pou3f2) and Myt1l7. However, iNs represent a heterogeneous population of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons and their degree of global reprogramming remains to be properly characterized. It is thus unclear whether a specific neuronal subtype can be preferentially induced from direct reprogramming of heterologous cells. Therefore, we aimed to generate dopaminergic neurons through the direct conversion of somatic cells by forced expression of lineage-specific factors that act during brain development8,9. Initially, we transduced mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from TH-GFP transgenic mice10 with a mixture of doxycycline (dox)inducible lentiviruses expressing all selected factors (11 dopaminergic and 3iN; Supplementary Table 1) or with DsRed retrovirus (negative control) (Fig. 1ad). We did not observe any GFP1 cells in MEFs 10 days after Ds-Red retrovirus infection or in culture without any viral infection (Fig. 1d, inset). In contrast, transduction of all factors resulted in the generation of a small number of bright GFP1 cells (1.8 6 0.8%) (Supplementary Fig. 1df). We next sought to determine the minimal set of genes required for dopaminergic neuronal induction. Given its essential role as a proneural gene during neurogenesis, Mash1 was

introduced into MEFs together with each other single dopaminergic factor. Reporter gene expression was elicited only when Mash1 was combined with Nurr1, a critical determinant of dopaminergic neuronal specification and survival during development and in adulthood11. However, Mash1/Nurr1 combined activation elicited a modest increase of GFP1 cells (8 6 2%) (Supplementary Fig. 1gi). Therefore, we added a third molecule of the 12 remaining and scored for the rate and morphology of GFP1 cells in each combination. Surprisingly, only Lmx1a and in part Lmx1b (18 6 3% versus 13 6 3% of GFP1 cells, respectively) were able to synergize with Mash1/Nurr1, robustly increasing the generation of GFP1 cells with an evidently complex neuronal morphology (Fig. 1h and Supplementary Fig. 1sy). Using the Mash1/


P 112



9 kb
TH promoter GFP

Off 9 kb
TH promoter GFP



+14 TFs/+dox Mash1/Nurr1/ Lmx1a

16 DIV
iDA cells/iMEFs (%)





16 DIV










Figure 1 | Mash1, Nurr1 and Lmx1a reprogram mouse fibroblasts into iDA cells. a, b, TH and GFP detection in TH-GFP adult brain (a) and ventral midbrain primary cell culture (b). DIV, days in vitro. SN, substantia nigra; VTA, ventral tegmental area. P112, postnatal day 112. c, Scheme of dopaminergic transcription factors (TFs) screening. d, TH staining in iDA cells and in uninfected MEFs (inset) after 16 days in vitro. eg, il, iDA cells are positive for the dopaminergic markers TH (eg), VMAT2, ALDH1A1, calbindin and DAT (il). h, Quantification of TuJ11 and TH1 cells. AN, Mash1, Nurr1; ANLa, Mash1, Nurr1, Lmx1a; NI, non-induced. Data are presented as mean 6 s.e.m. Scale bars: 500 mm (a), 20 mm (b, j), 50 mm (e g, k, l) and 100 mm (d, i).

Stem Cells and Neurogenesis Unit, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, 20132 Milan, Italy. 2Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via Morego, 30, 16163 Genoa, Italy. 3CBM Srl. Area Science park, Basovizza, SS14, km165, 34149 Trieste, Italy. 4Sector of Neurobiology, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), via Bonomea, 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy. 5Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy Bio-Imaging Centre, Experimental Imaging Centre, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, 20132 Milan, Italy. 6Omics Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama Institute, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan. 7Parkinson Institute, Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, 20126 Milan, Italy. 8The Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation Laboratory, 34136 Trieste, Italy. *These authors contributed equally to this work. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Nurr1/Lmx1a factor combination, double GFP1/TH1 cells represented the majority of the induced TuJ1 neuronal cells (85 6 4%). Supplementation of a fourth factor among the remaining ones failed to produce any further increase in GFP1 cells, with Brn2 and Myt1l, the other two iN factors, even reducing the overall reprogramming efficiency (data not shown). For these reasons we focused on cells reprogrammed exclusively with the Mash1/Nurr1/Lmx1a factor combination. The same gene cocktail was also proficient in reprogramming adult mouse fibroblasts with high efficiency (Supplementary Fig. 2). Sixteen days after reprogramming, a large number of GFP1 cells expressed many of the distinctive components of the dopaminergic machinery, such as TH, vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2; also known as SLC18A2), dopamine transporter (DAT; also known as SLC6A3), as well as aldehyde dehydrogenase 1a1 (ALDH1A1) and calbindin (Fig. 1el). Conversely, markers associated with adrenergic (dopamine-b-hydroxylase (DBH)) or serotonergic (tryptophan hydroxylase 1 or 2 (TPH1/2)) serotonin transporter (SERT; also known as SLC6A4) neurons were not induced (data not shown). Transcriptional analysis by reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) confirmed the activation of the dopamine-specific gene network including the endogenous expression of Nurr1 and Lmx1a (Supplementary Fig. 3). Global expression analysis showed that iDA cells clustered with A9 and A10 adult mesencephalic dopaminergic (mDA) neurons rather than with their fibroblasts of origin as illustrated by hierarchical clustering (Fig. 2a, b) and the general degree of gene expression overlap (Fig. 2c). Of note, many representative genes of the dopaminergic phenotype, such as Th, Vmat2, Aadc (also known as Ddc), Ret, Gfra1, Foxa1, Gdnf and Drd2 were highly enriched (Fig. 2d). Conversely, genes coding for adrenergic and serotonergic biosynthetic enzymes were found to be not upregulated in the reprogrammed cells (Fig. 2e). Moreover, the fibroblast markers Twist2, Zeb2, Tgfb1i1 and Chd2 (ref. 12) were downregulated in iDA cells (Fig. 2f). These findings indicate that the genetic reprogramming erased the majority of the evident expression hallmarks of the cell of origin, while specifically inducing the dopaminergic neuronal phenotype and not those of other
0.98 6.92 13.15 mDA.A9.2 mDA.A9.1 mDA.A9.5 mDA.A10.3 mDA.A10.6 mDA.A10.4 iDA.1 iDA.4 iDA.3 iDA.2 NI.4 NI.3 NI.1 NI.2

NI.4 NI.2 NI.1 NI.3
mDA.A9.2 mDA.A10.6 mDA.A10.4 mDA.A10.3 mDA.A9.1 mDA.A9.5




Height Sample

iDA.2 iDA.3

iDA.1 iDA.4

25 112 340 290 156 10 13



DA-neuron-specific genes

Aadc Foxa1

Aldh1a1 Nurr1 Gfra1 Drd2 Lmx1a Th Vmat2


Other monoaminergic genes

iDA cells Fibroblast-specific genes

Zeb1 Cdh2 Tgfb1i1 Zeb2 Twist2

Dbh Sert Pnmt Tph1

iDA cells

iDA cells

Figure 2 | Mouse iDA cells expression profiling. a, Heat-map of genes differentially expressed in RNA-microarray analysis performed on MEFs (NI), iDA cells and brain mDAs (A9A10). b, c, Hierarchical clustering (b) and general degree of overlapping expression (c) among the three cell populations analysed. df, Scatter plots show that in iDA cells the majority of dopaminergic (DA) markers are increased, whereas other monoaminergic neuronal markers are not activated and fibroblasts markers are silenced.
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closely related neuronal subtypes. It should be noted that iDA expression profiling was close but distinguishable from that of mDA neurons, with 160 genes differently expressed with a $5-fold change (Supplementary Table 3). Whether this might indicate the presence of residual fibroblast gene expression in iDA cells remains to be addressed. Interestingly, Th and Vmat2 promoter regions were highly demethylated in dopaminergic neuronal cells whereas they were fully methylated in parental fibroblasts, indicating their epigenetic reactivation during dopaminergic neuronal conversion (Supplementary Fig. 4). GFP1 cells induced by the three factors showed an elaborate neuronal morphology with multiple and long processes (Fig. 1dl). Hence, we asked whether induced neuronal cells establish synaptic contacts in culture. Notably, synaptic resident proteins such as synaptotagmin I (SYT1) and synapsin (SYN) were localized in discrete puncta and colocalized with TH immunolabelling, suggesting the establishment of dopaminergic synaptic terminals (Supplementary Fig. 5). Moreover, successful FM4-64 dye uptake at TH1 synaptic boutons indicated active synaptic processes (Supplementary Fig. 5). Next, we performed patch-clamp recordings of GFP1 iDA cells (n 5 16) as well as primary mDA neurons (n 5 12) to compare their respective physiological properties13,14. iDA cells had higher cell resistance and lower capacitance than primary dopaminergic neurons, but showed normal resting membrane potential, normal Na1 currents (Fig. 3a), overshooting action potentials (Fig. 3c), and even more prominent K1 currents (Fig. 3b) and afterspike hyperpolarizations (Supplementary Table 4). More than 80% of iDA cells showed rhythmic discharges (Fig. 3d, e) at an average frequency of 2.6 Hz. The identity of voltage-gated inward Na1 and outward K1 currents in iDA cells has been verified pharmacologically (Supplementary Fig. 6). Next, we noted that iDA cells, like mDA neurons, express high levels of the D2 receptor (Fig. 3f). To verify whether the dopamine receptors were functional, we applied the specific D2/D3 receptor agonist quinpirole (1 mM), which markedly suppressed neuronal firing in 6 of 10 recorded cells in a reversible manner (Fig. 3g, h). Next, we used amperometry for real-time electrochemical detection of monoamine secretion from iDA cells15,16. When carbon fibre electrodes were placed adjacent to GFP1 cells (Fig. 3i), depolarization of 4 cells with 25 mM K1 resulted in numerous amperometric events (Fig. 3i), reflecting quantal secretion of monoamines. Furthermore, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements revealed that iDA cells contain high levels of intracellular dopamine, detectable in pellet preparations, which can be released in the extracellular medium on stimulation with 50 mM KCl (Fig. 3j). Thus, reprogrammed cells show several major properties of dopaminergic neurons in terms of spontaneous spiking activity, temporal parameters of action potentials, inhibition of cell firing through D2 autoreceptors and controlled dopamine release. Next, to determine the temporal requirements for the three exogenous factors to induce a stable reprogrammed cell state, infected MEFs were treated with dox for different time windows, after which dox was withdrawn. Only when fibroblasts were treated with dox for 6 or more days were numerous neuronal cells, mostly TH1, observed (Supplementary Fig. 7). Thus, reprogramming is a relatively rapid process that requires the expression of the three factors for only 6 days. At the same time, iDA cells achieved a stable neuronal state over time independently from viral transgene expression and even at 18 days of dox withdrawal, iDA cells were found at the same number, and exhibited similar spontaneous firing as iDA cells constantly cultivated in the presence of dox (Supplementary Fig. 8 and Supplementary Table 4). Reprogramming of fibroblasts into differentiated neuronal cells might occur directly or by passing first through neural progenitors. When the DNA-base analogue BrdU was added from day 2 onwards to label the proliferating cells, virtually all neuronal cells were already post-mitotic after this time (Supplementary Fig. 9b, c, h). Despite the fact that during the first 2 days infected cells were actively proliferating in serum-containing medium, none showed expression of the neural progenitor molecular markers Sox2, Ngn2, Otx2, Lmx1b and


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a b c
50 ms 0.2 nA 40 mV

2 nA 100 mV 5 ms

2 nA 400 mV 50 ms


50 40 30 20 10 0

20 mV 2s

0 200 400 600 Interspike interval (ms)

TH/D2R Frequency (%)

Baseline Quinpirole


Ba s

50 mV


Dopamine (ng ml1)

Baseline (+750 mV) K+ stimulation (+750 mV)

100 10 1 NI iDA

el in e ui np iro le W as ho ut

20 mV

120 100 80 60 40 20 0

respectively, for 10 6 4% and 6 6 2% of the infected cells (Supplementary Fig. 12ac). We then reprogrammed adult human fibroblasts from two healthy donors (aged 42 and 55) and from two patients with genetic forms of Parkinsons disease (Supplementary Table 5). Both healthy and diseased adult cells showed a comparable propensity to convert into neuronal cells, accounting for an estimated efficiency for TuJ11 and TH1 cells of 5 6 1% and 3 6 1%, respectively (Fig. 4a g). iDA cells were positive for ALDH1A1, TH, AADC, VMAT2 and DAT by immunocytochemistry (Fig. 4af) and gene expression analysis (Supplementary Fig. 13). Cell conversion was stable over time as the number and morphology of human iDA cells was not obviously affected up to day 24 after reprogramming even when dox was withdrawn from day 6 onwards (Fig. 4h, i). Recordings in five infected fetal human iDA cells showed that the electrophysiological properties of these cells resemble mouse iDA cells (Supplementary Fig. 12). Recordings in eight infected adult human iDA cells revealed less mature phenotypes (Fig. 4jl), with mean amplitudes: 0.7 6 0.1 nA for Na1 currents; 1.2 6 0.1 nA for delayed rectifier K1 currents; 78 6 3 mV for action potentials; and 7.5 6 2 mV for afterspike hyperpolarization. The identity of Na1 and K1 currents was confirmed pharmacologically (Fig. 4m, n). Most importantly, depolarization of

K stimulation (750 mV)

10 pA 0.5 ms 10 pA 5s

0.1 Cells SN









IMR90 Healthy


En1 (ref. 17) (Supplementary Fig. 9i). Furthermore, we used a genetic tracing system based on activation of the Sox2b-geo LacZ reporter18 showing that, as a proof-of-principle, LacZ activity was easily visualized upon reprogramming of Sox21/b-geo fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells. By contrast, the reporter was never activated from the same cells when engaged into direct iDA reprogramming (Supplementary Fig. 9j). Altogether, these findings are inconsistent with the occurrence of detectable cell intermediates during the reprogramming of fibroblasts into iDA cells. Next, the in vivo differentiation potential of iDA cells was assessed by orthotopic transplantations into neonatal mouse brains. Four days after viral transgene induction, infected cells were grafted into the ventricle of mouse newborn brains. Two and six weeks after transplantations, GFP1 cells were found integrated in the host tissue showing an extremely elaborated morphology (Supplementary Figs 10 and 11). Most of the GFP1 grafted neuronal cells were positive for TH, AADC, VMAT2 and DAT, indicating the acquirement of a full neuronal dopaminergic cell fate (Supplementary Fig. 11bg, il). Injection of brief supra-threshold current pulses evoked overshooting action potentials, and large Na1 and K1 currents were activated by depolarizing voltage steps (Supplementary Fig. 11o, p). Therefore, iDA cells maintain excitability and major currents in vivo even after an extensive period of time from grafting. We then translated the same procedure to the human system by initially infecting IMR90 fetal fibroblasts. After 18 days from infection, we scored numerous TuJ11 and TH1 neuronal cells accounting,

0.5 nA 250 mV 5 ms

0.5 nA 250 mV 50 ms

50 ms 0.4 nA 40 mV

No drug

20 mV 10 ms 10 pA 0.5 ms 0.2 nA

Baseline (+750 mV)

0.2 nA 5 ms

K+ stimulation (+750 mV)

TTX TTX 0.2 s

K+ stimulation (750 mV)



Figure 4 | Characterization of human fibroblasts reprogrammed into iDA cells. af, Fibroblasts from a healthy donor (ad) and a Parkinsons disease (PD) patient (e, f) show a comparable efficiency in dopaminergic neuronal conversion. g, Quantification of iDA cells obtained from fetal (IMR90), healthy and Parkinsons disease adult fibroblasts. h, Quantification of TuJ11 and TH1 cells in a time-course study from 0 to 24 days in vitro (DIV). i, Quantification of TuJ11 and TH1 reprogrammed cells kept with (w) or without (w/o) doxycycline for 6, 12, 18 or 24 DIV. Data are presented as mean 6 s.e.m. j, k, Whole-cell voltageclamp recording of Na1 and K1 currents. l, Whole-cell current-clamp recording of single action potential elicited by a minimal depolarization. m, n, Suppression of Na1 (m) and K1 (n) currents and action potentials by tetrodotoxin (TTX) and 4-AP. o, Amperometric recordings of release events after K1 stimulation; highresolution pattern is shown below the image of the recorded cell. All cells are 18 days in vitro unless otherwise stated. Scale bars: 50 mm (ac) and 20 mm (df, o).
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Figure 3 | Functional characterization of mouse iDA cells. a, b, Whole-cell voltage-clamp recording of Na1 and K1 currents. c, Current-clamp recording of multiple action potentials evoked by current injection. d, e, Current-clamp recording and interspike interval frequency of spontaneous action potentials. f, D2 receptor (D2R) staining. g, h, Effect of the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole on spiking frequency (g) and its statistical analysis (h) (*P 5 0.005, paired t-test, n 5 6). i, Amperometric recordings of monoamine release after K1 stimulation; release events are shown with high-resolution below the image of the recorded cell. j, Dopamine content measured by HPLC in uninfected (NI) and iDA cells, both in cell pellets and in the supernatant (SN) after K1 stimulation. All cells are 16 days in vitro unless otherwise stated. Scale bars: 50 mm (b) and 20 mm (i). Data are presented as mean 6 s.e.m.





Adult PD



iDA cells/ iFibroblasts (%)

iDA cells/ iFibroblasts (%)

10 5 0

iDA cells/ iFibroblasts (%)



8 4 0 8 4 0


0 2 4 8 12 16 24 DIV


10 pA

three cells with 25 mM K1 elicited numerous release events detected by amperometric measurements, as described earlier for mouse iDA cells (Fig. 4o). In summary, these experiments indicate that actively spiking dopamine-secreting cells can be induced by forced expression of the three factors in adult human cells from both healthy donors and Parkinsons disease patients. Here, we demonstrated that the combination of three transcription factors Mash1, Nurr1 and Lmx1acan rapidly and efficiently induce dopaminergic neuronal cells from mouse and human fibroblasts. Reprogrammed cells are similar to brain dopaminergic neurons in gene expression, and show dopamine release and pacemaker activity that can be modulated via D2 receptors. Importantly, this cell conversion diverges with respect to developmental neuronal lineage commitment as it does not progress through detectable intermediate neuronal stages. How this might impact on the overall functional aspects of the cells will need to be tested further in long-term in vivo transplantation studies. Generation of functional dopaminergic neuronal cells by direct reprogramming opens new possibilities for regenerative therapies for Parkinsons disease and related disorders. However, to be clinically relevant, the overall cell conversion process needs to be highly efficient and the addition of supplementary factors might be helpful19. Interestingly, a different gene cocktail capable of inducing dopaminergic-like neurons from human fibroblasts has been identified20. This opens the intriguing possibility that different molecular fate determinants reach a similar endpoint even though acting on different transcriptional cascades. These procedures do not rely on pluripotent stem cells that are prone to tumours in their undifferentiated state. Moreover, the process described here does not pass through proliferative progenitors that also might be tumorigenic21. Thus, these procedures might avoid a dangerous drawback of stem cell therapies while providing a sufficient number of functional dopaminergic neurons amenable for autologous cell replacement therapies.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We are thankful to D. Bonanomi, S.-L. Ang, S. El Mestikawy, M. P. Smidt, M. German and F. Valtorta for providing valuable antibodies. We thank A. Sessa and V.B. laboratory members for helpful discussion. M. Wernig is acknowledged for providing the iN-inducing lentiviral vectors. We are thankful to S. Nicolis for sharing Sox2b-geo mice. L. Muzio, C. Laterza and G. Martino are acknowledged for the generation of Sox2b-geo induced pluripotent stem cells. M. Bacigaluppi is acknowledged for advice on stereological countings. We thank the Cell Line and DNA Biobank (G. Gaslini Institute) and Human Genetic Bank of Patients affected by Parkinson Disease and parkinsonism (Parkinson Institute of Milan) of the Telethon Genetic Biobank Network for human fibroblast samples. This study was supported by the Fondazione Grigioni per il Morbo di Parkinson (grant no. FGBRCVNI10310-001-V.B.), Eranet Neuron (V.B.), Cariplo Foundation (V.B.), Ministry of Health (Giovani ricercatori Award) (V.B.) and Italian Institute of Technology (V.B., A.D., S.G., T.S., R.G.). Author Contributions M.C. and V.B. designed and conceived the experiments. M.C., M.T.D. and G.C. performed the lentiviral infections, characterized reprogrammed cells and analysed their fate after in vivo transplantation. E.D. and A.D. designed, performed and analysed all electrophysiological experiments. P.R., D.L., P.C. and S.G. performed the microarray gene expression profiling and analysed the data. D.L., A.D. and R.R.G. designed and D.L. and E.D. performed the amperometric experiments. R.R.G. and T.D.S. designed the protocol and performed the assessment of dopamine levels. S.T and G.R. performed patch-clamp recording on brain slices. A.M. performed the functional analysis of synaptic activity. G.P. supervised the selection of the Parkinsons disease patients and the isolation of the primary fibroblasts. V.B. and A.D. should be considered as co-senior authors and wrote the manuscript. Author Information Data have been deposited in NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus and are accessible through GEO series accession number GSE27174 (http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc5GSE27174). Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare competing financial interests: details accompany the full-text HTML version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to V.B. ([email protected]).

Cell culture and viral infection. MEFs were isolated from embryonic day (E)14.5 wild-type or TH-GFP mouse embryos. Adult human fibroblasts isolated from healthy subjects and Parkinsons disease patients as well as from human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR90) were grown in MEF media. Cells were infected with doxinducible lentiviruses as previously reported7. Electrophysiology and amperometry. Electrophysiological recordings were performed in on-cell and whole-cell configurations. Carbon-fibre microelectrodes were used for amperometric recordings15.
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Cell culture. MEFs were isolated from E14.5 wild-type or TH-GFP knock-in mice embryos. Head, vertebral column, dorsal root ganglia and all internal organs were removed and discarded and the remaining embryonic tissue was manually dissociated and incubated in 0.25% trypsin (Sigma) for 1015 min. Cells from each embryo were plated onto a 15-cm tissue culture dish in MEF media (Dulbeccos modified Eagle medium (DMEM; Invitrogen) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Hyclone), non-essential amino acids (Invitrogen), sodium pyruvate and penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen)). In all experiments cells were not split more than four times. Mouse adult fibroblasts were isolated from tail tip samples. Tails were peeled, minced into 1 cm pieces, placed on culture dishes, and incubated in MEF media for 5 days. Adult human fibroblasts were isolated from skin biopsy samples of healthy and Parkinsons disease patients22,23 provided from the Cell Line and DNA Biobank from Patients affected by Genetic Diseases (G. Gaslini Institute) and Parkinson Institute Biobank (Milan, http://www.parkinson. it/dnabank.html) of the Telethon Genetic Biobank Network (http://www. biobanknetwork.org). The informed consent as issued by the ICP Ethical committee was obtained by healthy and Parkinsons disease patients enrolled for the DNA and cell biobank collection. Human skin samples were mechanically dissociated and plated on matrigelcoated dishes. Human fibroblasts were cultured as MEFs. Mouse and adult fibroblasts were grown in MEF media as well as human fetal lung fibroblasts IMR90 (ATCC). Mesencephalic dopaminergic primary cell cultures from TH-GFP mice were prepared as previously described24. Mice were maintained at San Raffaele Scientific Institute Institutional mouse facility and experiments were performed in accordance with experimental protocols approved by local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees. Molecular cloning and viral infection. Complementary DNAs for the dopaminergic transcription factors were cloned into lentiviral vectors under the control of the tetracycline operator7. Replication-incompetent, VSVg-coated lentiviral particles were packaged in 293T cells. MEFs, IMR90 and adult mouse and human fibroblasts were infected in MEF media. 1620 h after infection cells were switched into fresh MEF media containing doxycycline (2 mg ml21; Sigma). After 48 h medium was replaced with neuronal inducing media (DMEM/F12 (Invitrogen), 25 mg ml21 insulin (Sigma), 50 mg ml21 transferrin (Sigma), 30 nM sodium selenite, 20 nM progesterone (Sigma), 100 nM putrescine (Sigma) and penicillin/streptomycin (Sigma)) containing doxycycline. The medium was changed every 23 days for a further 1022 days. For proliferation assay, MEFs were treated with a 48 h pulse of 10 mM BrdU. Immunohistochemistry. For immunocytochemical analysis, 5 3 104 mouse or human fibroblasts were plated on matrigel-coated glass coverslips the day before the infection. 1028 days after viral infection cells were fixed for 20 min at room temperature (2025 uC) in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, permeabilized for 30 min in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 and 10% normal goat serum (NGS), and incubated overnight at 4 uC in PBS containing 10% NGS and primary antibodies. Then cells were washed three times with PBS and incubated for 2 h at room temperature with anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antibodies Alexa Fluor488 or Alexa Fluor-594 (1:500, Invitrogen). For immunohistochemical analysis P15 or adult mouse brains were fixed overnight at 4 uC with 4% paraformaldehyde, buffered in 30% sucrose and embedded in OCT. Frozen brains were sectioned into 15- or 40-mm-thick sections with a cryostat and processed for immunostaining. Sections were boiled for 3 min in 10 mM citrate buffer solution pH 6 for antigen retrieval and permeabilized for 1 h at room temperature in PBS containing 0.1% or 0.25% Triton X-100 and 10% NGS. Primary antibodies were as follows: mouse anti-TH (1:200, Millipore), rabbit anti-TH (1:200, Immunological Sciences), mouse anti-bIII-tubulin (1:500, Covance), rabbit anti-bIII-tubulin (TuJ1) (1:500, Covance), rabbit anti-VMAT2 (1:200, Chemicon), rat anti-DAT (1:500, Millipore), rabbit anti-D2 receptor (1:100, Millipore), rabbit anti-calbindin (1:200, Swant), rabbit anti-AADC (1:100, Novus Biologicals), rabbit anti-ALDH1A1 (1:200, Abcam), mouse anti-synaptotagmin I (1:200, Synaptic Systems), mouse anti-synapsin (1:200; Synaptic Systems), chicken anti-GFP (1:2,000, Molecular Probes), rat anti-BrdU (1:200, BD), mouse anti-MAP2 (1:500, Immunological Sciences), rabbit anti-Otx2 (1:100 R&D). b-Galactosidase staining was performed as previously described25. Statistical analysis. The total numbers of Th1 and Tuj11 cells were quantified 1224 days after infection. Cell counting was performed on ten fields from three replicates for each condition and normalized with the number of cells plated before the infection. Data were expressed as mean 6 s.e.m. RTPCR. RNA was extracted from single cultures, using Trizol isolation system (Invitrogen) according to manufacturers instructions. The yield and integrity of the RNA were determined by the spectrophotometric measurement of A260 and by agarose-gel electrophoresis, respectively. Total RNA was treated with DNase I (Qiagen) to prevent DNA contamination. Two micrograms of RNA were reverse transcribed using the Transcriptor High Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit (Roche). One twentieth of the reverse transcribed cDNA was amplified in a 25 microlitres of reaction mixture containing Taq polymerase buffer (Fisher BioReagents), 0.2 mM dNTPs (Finnzymes OY), 0.4 micromolar of each primer, 1 U Taq polymerase (Fisher BioReagents). The primers used to amplify cDNA samples are listed in Supplementary Table 6. Cell sorting, laser capture dissection and microarray analysis. TH-GFPpositive iDA cells were directly sorted in Trizol (Invitrogen) using the cell sorter FACSVantage s.e. DiVa (Becton Dickinson). Thus RNA was extracted as reported earlier and biotin-labelled cRNA was obtained using the Ovation kit (NuGEN). Labelled cRNA was hybridized (CBM genexpression facility, SISSA) on Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Arrays, containing 35,557 probe sets corresponding to 28,853 genes. Hybridized arrays were stained and washed (GeneChip Fluidics Station 450) and scanned (GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G). Cell intensity values were computed using the Affymetrix GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS). Further data processing was performed in the R computing environment (http://www.r-project.org/) version 2.8.0 with BioConductor packages (http://www.bioconductor.org/). Robust Multi-Array Average (RMA) normalization was applied26. Data were then filtered based on probe set intensity, so that only probe sets that had intensity values of .50 in at least half the arrays were retained. Statistical analysis was performed with limma27. P values were adjusted for multiple testing using Benjamini and Hochbergs method to control the false discovery rate28. Genes with adjusted P values below 0.01 were considered to be differentially expressed. Furthermore, a fold-change threshold cutoff was set to focus on genes whose expression level changed at least 2 times. Data were analysed through DAVID Bioinformatics Resources v6.7 (refs 28, 29). Gene expression profiles of adult A9 and A10 dopaminergic neurons were obtained as previously described30. In brief, adult TH-GFP female mice were killed by cervical dislocation. The brains were rapidly cut to isolate the midbrain region, and immediately immerged in 13 zinc fixative (BD Pharmingen) for 46 h at 14 uC. Once fixed, tissues were moved to 30% sucrose in 13 zinc fixative solution at 14 uC overnight. Following inclusion in OCT, tissues were frozen in iso-pentan (Sigma) and percooled with liquid nitrogen. 14-mm cryosections were mounted on SuperFrost plus glass slides (MenzelGlaser) and air dried. mDA A9 and A10 neurons (each one from three different mice) were isolated from cryosections by using a PALM LCM microdissection system (PALM Microlaser Technology). To facilitate detection of fluorescent neurons, a drop of 13 zinc fixative was applied to the section during cell selection. The sections were air dried, neurons were dissected and catapulted onto PALM adhesive caps (Zeiss). Total RNA from 2,500 pooled neurons was isolated by using the Nano RNA extraction kit (Stratagene) and contaminating genomic DNA was removed through on-column DNase digestion step. The common reference RNA was generated from three midbrain regions of age-matched female mice. Midbrain RNA was isolated using RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen), followed by DNase treatment. RNA from dissected neurons and all midbrains was amplified and labelled by Ovation Pico kit, WT exon and Encore biotin labelling kit (Nugene), following manufacturers instructions. Once prepared, each target was hybridizated on MoExon 1.0ST GeneChip (Affymetrix). Statistical analysis was performed by oneChannelGUI R package. All hierarchical clusters were generated by TMEV software. Bisulphite genomic sequencing. DNA from sorted TH-GFP1 reprogrammed MEFs was modified using the CpGenome modification kit (Chemicon) according to the manufacturers recommendations. Thus Th and Vmat2 promoters CpGrich selected regions were amplified using the PCR primers listed in Supplementary Table 5. HPLC. To quantify dopamine level in reprogrammed cells, cell pellets were homogenized in 100 ml 0.1 N HClO4 and analysed by using HPLC with electrochemical detection (Alexis 100, Antec Leyden). To measure dopamine concentrations in the supernatants, cells were exposed to media with or without 50 mM KCl for 30 min, then 0.9 ml of supernatants were collected with the addition of 0.1 ml of 1 N HClO4, filtered and analysed by HPLC. Dopamine was separated on a reversephase column (ALB-105, 3 mm, 50 3 1 mm) with a mobile phase consisting of 50 mM phosphate buffer, 8 mM KCl, 500 mg l21 octyl sodium sulphate, 0.1 mM EDTA, and 3% methanol (pH 6.0) at a flow rate of 50 ml min21. Dopamine was detected by a Decade II electrochemical detector equipped with micro VT-03 electrochemical flow cell and a 0.7-mm-diameter glassy carbon electrode (Alexis 100, Antec Leyden). The volume of the injection was 5 ml. The detection limit established as a 3:1 signal-to-noise ratio was below 0.5 nM. Electrophysiology. Recordings were performed from reprogrammed mouse and human fibroblasts and primary mDA neurons. The mouse TH-GFP1 cells selected for the electrophysiological analysis were not so flat as the fibrobalsts, and had several well-developed neurites. The human cells selected for the electrophysiological analysis also had neuron-like shapes with clearly distinguishable neurites by phase contrast microscopy. Only cells without signs of detachment

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from the substrate were used for recordings. Cells were perfused continuously with HEPES-buffered saline (HBS) of the following composition (in mM): 140 NaCl, 5 KCl, 2 CaCl2, 2 MgCl2, 15 HEPES, and 25 glucose, pH 7.4. The patch pipette solution contained (in mM): 130 K-gluconate, 10 KCl, 0.5 CaCl2, 15 HEPES, 5 EGTA, 8 NaCl, 2 MgATP, 0.3 Na2GTP, and 10 glucose, pH adjusted to 7.2 with KOH. Action potentials were recorded in the on-cell and the current-clamp whole-cell configurations. A current was injected to have membrane potentials around 260 mV, and step currents from 250 pA to 40 pA were injected to elicit action potentials. Na1 currents and composite K1 currents were recorded in the voltage-clamp configuration by delivering voltage steps ranging from 2100 mV to 120 mV in cells held at 260 mV. Delayed rectifier K1 currents were activated by 0.5 s voltage steps from 240 mV to 120 mV after a 0.5-s-long step to 240 mV. A-type K1 currents were isolated by subtraction of delayed rectifier K1 currents from those activated by voltage steps after a 0.5-s-long step to 2100 mV. Recordings were performed using an EPC10 USB patch clamp amplifier and PATCHMASTER software (HEKA Elektronik). Data were digitized at 10 kHz and analysed with FITMASTER Software (HEKA Elektronik). Detection and measurements of action potentials were performed using MiniAnalysis software (Synaptosoft). In vivo electrophysiology. Slices were obtained from transplanted mice at postnatal day 42. The brains were quickly removed from the skull in ice-cold artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) containing the following (in mM): 125 NaCl, 25 NaHCO3, 2.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 2 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, and 25 glucose, pH 7.4 (bubbled with 95% O2 and 5% CO2). Coronal slices (300-mm thick) were cut using a vibratome (VT1000S; Leica) and stored in ACSF at 2528 uC. For recording, slices were transferred to a recording chamber continuously superfused with ACSF (12 ml min21 at 3032 uC). Whole-cell recordings were performed in both current- and voltage-clamp configurations. Recording pipettes (35 MV of resistance) contained the following solution (in mM): 124 KH2PO4, 10 NaCl, 2 MgCl2, 0.5 EGTA, 10 HEPES, 2 Na2-ATP, 0.03 Na-GTP (pH 7.2, adjusted with KOH). Signals were sampled at 10 kHz, filtered at 2 kHz, and acquired using a MultiClamp 700A amplifier and pClamp 10 software (Molecular Devices). Amperometric recording. Amperometry was used to detect the evoked catecholamine exocytosis from single cells15,31. Carbon-fibre microelectrodes were fabricated from 5 mm carbon fibres (Goodfellow), inserted in a 1.2 3 0.68 mm glass capillary (A-M system, Sequim) and pulled with a PE-22 micropipette puller (Narishige). Electrodes were sealed by dipping in Epoxy resin (Epo-Tek 301, Epoxy Technology) and cured at 100 uC for 24 h. They were backfilled with 3 M KCl and trimmed to obtain a basal current between 140 and 180 nA. The electrodes responses were tested by cyclic voltammetry and those with unstable cyclic voltammograms, when tested in a solution of 10 mM dopamine, were rejected. A voltage was applied to the carbon fibre using an EPC10 USB patch-clamp amplifier (HEKA Elektronik). The signal was low-pass filtered at 10 kHz using a 4-pole Bessel filter, digitalized at 50 kHz and digitally refiltered at 11,000 Hz. The latter resulted in slightly longer responses, but significantly improved the visualization of secretion events that was the only aim of these experiments. The electrode was positioned adjacent to individual cells and lowered to approach the somatodendritic domains of iDA cells32, using an Olympus BX51WI microscope with 340 water immersion objective. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio, cells were pretreated with 100 mM L-DOPA (Sigma-Aldrich) for 30 min although we were able to resolve single spike-like release events in two untreated cells. The experiments consisted of current recordings at 1750 mV during a brief baseline period, during which cells were perfused with standard external medium containing 5 mM K1. It was then exchanged for a stimulation solution (25 mM K1), and amperometric signals were recorded for a further period of 7 min. Catecholamine secretion was apparent as discrete spike-like events, each corresponding to vesicular catecholamine release. Most events were detected during 2 min after 25 mM K1 stimulation, but occasional events were observed also during baseline recordings. No vesicular release of dopamine was recorded at the electrode placed adjacent to a cell when the applied potential was 0 mV or 2750 mV, or at 1750 mV when the electrode was placed remotely from cells. FM4-64 assay. FM4-64 dye uptake experiments were performed as previously reported33. Briefly, 21 days in vitro TH-GFP1 iDA cells were stimulated for 1 min with 55 mM KCl, in the presence of FM4-64 (10 mM). After FM4-64 loading, neuronal cells were washed and perfused for 10 min with warmed Krebs buffer (37 uC) supplemented with TTX (1 mM) and CNQX (10 mM). After live fluorescent FM4-64 signals were acquired, cells were fixed and immonostained for TH and SYT1. Electron microscopy. For ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, 21 days in vitro infected MEFs were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde in PBS, washed in PBS, postfixed in 2% OsO4 in PBS, and embedded in Epon. Ultrathin sections prepared from these samples were analysed with electron microscope (H-7000; Hitachi). Transplantation surgery. After 4 days of infection, TH-GFP MEFs were trypsinized and resuspended at 2 3 105 cells ml21 in fresh prepared Krebs buffer containing the following (in mM): 126 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1.2 NaH2PO4, 1.2 MgCl2, 2.1 CaCl2, 11 glucose, 4.2 NaHCO3, 1 HEPES, and 1% vital dye Fast Green. P1 mice pups were anaesthetized by hypothermia (4 min) and fixed to a support using band-aid. The skin and the skull overlying the lateral ventricle were opened over about 2 mm using an ophthalmic scalpel. Subsequently, the mouse was placed in a stereotaxic rig (Kopff) under a Hamilton syringe containing 2 ml of cell suspension. The syringe was placed over the incision, positioned at the level of the skull, then lowered into the lumen of the right lateral ventricle (LV; 2.5 mm) or in the somatosensory cortex (1.5 mm) and cell solution was injected. Mice were left on a 37 uC heating blanket for several minutes after surgical manipulation to avoid fatal hypothermia. Stereological analysis. Three mice transplanted with reprogrammed cells were used for stereological analysis. Three weeks after transplantation mice were anaesthetized and killed by transcardiac perfusion with PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were cryoprotected through incubation in an ice-cold solution of 30% sucrose in PBS and cut in coronal 40-mm-thick cryostat sections. From these sections, one systematic random series of sections was stained for GFP, so that sections were spaced at 7 section intervals (total of 16 sections per mouse). GFP immunoperoxidase staining was performed as described elsewere34. Cells were quantified using the assistance of the Stereo Investigator v 3.0 software (MicroBrightField) and a personal computer running the software connected to a colour video camera mounted on a Leica microscope35,36. The motorized stage of the microscope allowed precise and well-defined movements along the x-, y- and z-axes. Images were first acquired with a CCD-IRIS colour video camera and the cerebral hemispheres were interactively delineated at low magnification on a video image of the section. Counting of cells was performed manually on every seventh section using a 340 lens. To estimate the total number of GFP positive cells the total number of neurons counted on the sections was multiplied by seven.
22. Sironi, F. et al. a-Synuclein multiplication analysis in Italian familial Parkinson disease. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 16, 228231 (2010). 23. Sironi, F. et al. Parkin analysis in early onset Parkinsons disease. Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 14, 326333 (2008). 24. Pruszak, J. et al. Isolation and culture of ventral mesencephalic precursor cells and dopaminergic neurons from rodent brain. Curr. Prot. Stem Cell Biol. Chapter 2, 2D.5.12D.5.21 (2009). 25. Broccoli, V. et al. The caudal limit of Otx2 expression positions the isthmic organizer. Nature 401, 164168 (1999). 26. Irizarry, R. A. et al. Summaries of Affymetrix GeneChip probe level data. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, e15 (2003). 27. Smyth, G. K. Linear models and empirical Bayes methods for assessing differential expression in microarray experiments. Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 3, Article 3 (2004). 28. Hochberg, Y. & Benjamini, Y. More powerful procedures for multiple significance testing. Stat. Med. 9, 811818 (1990). 29. Huang, D. W. et al. Bioinformatics enrichment tools: paths toward the comprehensive functional analysis of large gene lists. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, 113 (2009). 30. Biagioli, M. et al. Unexpected expression of a- and b-globin in mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and glial cells. Proc. Natl Acad. USA 106, 1545415459 (2009). 31. Pothos, E., Desmond, D. & Sulzer, D. L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine increases the quantal size of exocytotic dopamine release in vitro. J. Neurochem. 66, 629636 (1996). 32. Mundroff, M. L. & Wightman, R. M. Amperometry and cyclic voltammetry with carbon fiber microelectrodes at single cells. Curr. Protoc. Neurosci. Chapter 6, (2002). 33. Menegon, A. et al. Protein kinase A-mediated synapsin I phosphorylation is a central modulator of Ca21-dependent synaptic activity. J. Neurosci. 26, 1167011681 (2006). 34. Colasante, G. et al. Arx is a direct target of Dlx2 and thereby contributes to the tangential migration of GABAergic interneurons. J. Neurosci. 28, 1067410686 (2008). 35. West, M. J. et al. Unbiased stereological estimation of the total number of neurons in thesubdivisions of the rat hippocampus using the optical fractionator. Anat. Rec. 231, 482497 (1991). 36. Bacigaluppi, M. et al. Delayed post-ischaemic neuroprotection following systemic neural stem cell transplantation involves multiple mechanisms. Brain 132, 22392251 (2009).

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Yunhao Tan1 & Zhao-Qing Luo1


Legionella pneumophila SidD is a deAMPylase that modifies Rab1

Legionella pneumophila actively modulates host vesicle trafficking pathways to facilitate its intracellular replication with effectors translocated by the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS)1. The SidM/DrrA protein functions by locking the small GTPase Rab1 into an active form by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) and AMPylation activity24. Here we demonstrate that the L. pneumophila protein SidD preferably deAMPylates Rab1. We found that the deAMPylation activity of SidD could suppress the toxicity of SidM to yeast and is required to release Rab1 from bacterial phagosomes efficiently. A molecular mechanism for the temporal control of Rab1 activity in different phases of L. pneumophila infection is thus established. These observations indicate that AMPylation-mediated signal transduction is a reversible process regulated by specific enzymes. L. pneumophila, the aetiological agent of Legionnaires disease, is capable of colonizing a wide range of eukaryotic cells. Successful infection by this pathogen requires the Dot/Icm T4SS, which translocates numerous protein substrates into host cells1. These proteins modulate various host cellular pathways, such as vesicle trafficking, cell death, lipid metabolism and protein synthesis, to construct a phagosome permissive for intracellular bacterial replication5. Accumulating evidence suggests that a unique repertoire of effectors is required for each phase of the infection. There is a need for the bacterium to regulate the activity of its virulence factor, because some effectors are potentially detrimental to host cells. Such regulation can be achieved by various mechanisms, including the control of the amount of protein delivered into host cells, the stability of the protein or susceptibility of the protein to host degradation machinery. L. pneumophila has evolved unique mechanisms to neutralize the activity of effectors whose functions presumably have become detrimental to, or no longer important for, the development of the bacterial phagosome. For example, several hours after infection, the bacterial E3 ubiquitin ligase, LubX, targets the effector SidH for proteasomal degradation6. Similarly, several hours after uptake, LepB, a GTPase activation protein (GAP) for Rab1, antagonizes the effects of SidM (also known as DrrA), which recruits the small GTPase to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) and converts it into the active GTP-bound form via its guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity2,3,7. SidM also catalyses an adenosine monophosphate modification (AMPylation) on the tyrosine 77 of Rab1 to lock it into the active form4. Post-translational modification by AMPylation has recently emerged as a novel cellular signalling mechanism used by all domains of organisms8,9. However, little is known about the regulation of this signalling mechanism and naturally occurring enzymes involved in the reversal of the modification remain elusive. In an earlier study we isolated a number of Dot/Icm substrates toxic to yeast, such as SidI, Lgts, SidM and AnkX1012. To determine whether the activity of any of these proteins is under direct regulation of bacterial factors, we initiated screenings to identify L. pneumophila proteins capable of suppressing the toxicity to yeast. A plasmid-borne L. pneumophila genomic library was introduced into yeast strains expressing toxic effectors from a galactose-inducible promoter, leading to the identification of a number of clones that efficiently suppress the

toxicity of SidM. Sequencing revealed that all of these clones harboured sidD (lpg2465), which encodes a Dot/Icm substrate of 507 amino acids13. In the L. pneumophila genome, sidD is localized next to sidM and these two genes are transcribed in divergent orientations2,13,14. Co-expression of sidD completely rescued the growth of the SidMproducing yeast strain on inducing media (Fig. 1a). SidD was unable to suppress the toxicity of AnkX, which is believed to interfere with host vesicle trafficking by AMPylating substrate(s) as yet unidentified in a Fic-domain-dependent manner15 (Supplementary Fig. 1), indicating that the suppressor activity of SidD is specific for SidM. SidM is a protein of multiple functions, which by binding to phosphatidylinositol 49-monophosphate, anchors on the Legionella vacuole, recruits and activates the small GTPase Rab12,3,16. In particular, its amino-terminal domain (SidM1339) possesses an adenosine monophosphorylation (AMPylation) activity, which covalently modifies Rab1 at tyrosine 77 in a process that requires the G98X(11)D110XD112 motif conserved between SidM and the glutamine synthetase adenylyl transferase4. We thus examined whether SidD is able to suppress the toxicity induced by SidM1339. Expression of SidM1339 strongly inhibited yeast growth (Fig. 1a, strain F) and such inhibition can be suppressed by SidD (Fig. 1a, strain G), indicating that SidD interferes with the activity conferred by the AMPylation function. We also examined the ability of SidD to suppress the AMPylation-dependent toxicity of SidM1339 in mammalian 293T cells4. Transfection of these cells with green fluorescent protein-conjugated SidM1339 (GFPSidM1339) led to extensive cell rounding. Cotransfection of the cells to express FlagSidD suppressed this toxicity (Fig. 1ce). When five times more DNA of the SidD-expressing plasmid was used, at least 85% of the cells were protected (Fig. 1ce). Together, these data suggest that SidD is able to neutralize the effect of SidM in eukaryotic cells either by inhibiting its AMPylation activity or by reversing its effects on the target molecule Rab1. To determine the mechanism of action of SidD, we tested its effect on the AMPylation activity of SidM with purified recombinant proteins. Incubation of glutathione-S-transferase-conjugated SidM (GSTSidM) with GSTRab1 in the presence of [a-32P]ATP for 30 min led to robust production of radiolabelled Rab1 (Fig. 2a, lane 1). Consistent with the genetic data, inclusion of His6SidD in the AMPylation reaction abolished the formation of [a-32P]AMP-Rab1 (Fig. 2a, lane 2). The lack of AMPylation can be a result of SidD-mediated inhibition of SidM activity or of a deAMPylation function of SidD. Because full-length SidM has a high binding affinity for Rab1 (refs 24), its presence may interfere with SidD activity. We distinguished between these two possibilities by producing [a-32P]AMP-Rab1 using His6SidM1339, which catalyses the reaction but did not detectably bind GSTRab1 in vitro24 (Supplementary Fig. 2). After removing His6SidM1339, AMPylated Rab1 was incubated with various amounts of His6SidD for 5 min. Under these conditions, the amount of radiolabelled GSTRab1 significantly decreased when as little as 0.6 mg His6SidD was included in the reaction, and 1.2 mg His6SidD can almost completely deAMPylate [a-32P]AMP-Rab1 (Fig. 2b). In a time course analysis, incubation of 1.0 mg SidD with 10 mg modified Rab1 for 1 min led to more than a 50%

Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, 915 West State Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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Glucose Galactose


D 2 1 2

E 1 2

F G Strains 1 2 1 2 Anti-SidM



75 50 50


i ii Percentage of rounding cells

100 75 50 25 0

(n = 650)

(n = 730) (n = 580) i ii iii



iii Anti-Flag (SidD) Anti-GFP(SidM) Anti-Hsp70

Figure 1 | Suppression of the cytotoxicity of SidM by SidD. a, Suppression of yeast toxicity of SidM. Yeast strains expressing SidM or SidM1339 from a galactose-inducible promoter were transformed with various plasmids harbouring sidD and the cells were streaked onto plates containing glucose or galactose. Plates were incubated at 30 uC for 3 days before acquiring the images. Yeast strains: A, vector/vector; B, vector/pSidD; C, pSidM/vector; D, pSidM/pSidD (original clone number 1); E, pSidM/pSidD; F, pSidM1-339/vector; and G, pSidM1-339/pSidD. b, SidD did not affect the protein levels of SidM or SidM1339 in yeast cells. Subcultures of relevant yeast strains were grown in raffinose (1) or in galactose (2) medium. Crude lysates resolved by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
1 2 150 100 75 50 50 37 25 1 2 GSTSidM His6SidD GSTRab1

(PAGE) were probed with SidM-specific antibody. The 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) was used as a loading control (bottom). Markers for protein size (kDa) are shown. ce, Co-expression of SidD rescued the cell-rounding phenotypes caused by SidM1339. 293T cells were transfected to express SidM1 339. A SidD plasmid was not included (i) or was used at 1:3 (ii), or 1:5 (iii) molar ratio, respectively. After transfection (24 h), samples were analysed by acquiring images (c), by enumerating green cells exhibiting the rounding phenotype (d) or by immunoblotting to examine the protein levels of SidM1339 and SidD (e). Hsp70 was probed as a loading control. Experiments were repeated three times and similar results were obtained. Error bars indicate s.d. Scale bar, 50 mm.


SidD 0.6 1.2 2.4 5 g


Time 5 10 30 min



100 75 50 37 25

100 75 50 37 25

His6SidD GSTRab1

Figure 2 | SidD is a deAMPylase that targets SidM-modified Rab1. a, SidD prevented SidM-mediated AMPylation of Rab1. AMPylation reactions containing GSTSidM and GSTRab1 without (lane 1) or with (lane 2) His6SidD are shown . After SDSPAGE, [a-32P]AMP-Rab1 was detected by autoradiography (left panel) and proteins were detected by Coomassie bright blue staining (right panel). b, Dose-dependent deAMPylation by SidD. His6SidD was added to identical samples containing AMPylated GSTRab1 to establish reactions in which the molar ratio of Rab1 and SidD is 8, 4, 2 and 1, respectively; reactions were terminated after 5 min of incubation. AMPylated GSTRab1 and proteins in reactions were detected as described in a. c, Time course of SidD activity. AMPylated GSTRab1 was mixed with His6SidD at a molar ratio of 10:1, reactions were terminated at the indicated time intervals. AMPylated GSTRab1 (upper panel) and proteins (bottom panel) were similarly detected. Markers for protein size (kDa) are shown.
2 | N AT U R E | VO L 0 0 0 | 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1

reduction in radiolabelled substrate (Fig. 2c). SidD is also able to remove the AMP moiety from other Rab proteins modified by SidM4 (Supplementary Fig. 3). To verify the SidD-mediated removal of the AMP moiety from modified Rab1, AMPylated Rab1 treated with His6SidD completely digested with trypsin was subjected to mass spectrometric analysis. The relative intensity ratio data showed that approximately 50% of the Rab1 was AMPylated when 10 mg Rab1 was incubated with 1.5 mg SidM for 30 min (Supplementary Fig. 4a). The ratio of unmodified Rab1 increased about tenfold when 4 mg His6SidD was added to the reaction for 10 min and further increased to 20-fold when the incubation was extended for 30 min (Supplementary Fig. 4b, c). Furthermore, we did not detect any mass loss of the Rab1 peptide containing tyrosine 77, indicating that deAMPylation by SidD was not caused by other hydrolytic reaction. Taken together, these results indicate that SidD is a deAMPylase that functions to reverse the SidM-mediated post-translational modification of Rab1. Sequence analysis with HHPred17 revealed that the predicted secondary structure of SidD N-terminal portion is detectably similar to some protein phosphatases (Supplementary Fig. 5). In particular, the Asp residues at positions 92 and 110 of SidD are conserved with residues critical for the biochemical activity of SaSTP and tPphA, phosphatases from Streptococcus agalactiae and Thermosynechococcus elongates, respectively18,19 (Supplementary Fig. 5). Substitution of D92 or D110 with alanine completely abolished the ability of SidD to suppress the toxicity of SidM to yeast, whereas a mutation in D60 did not detectably affect its activity (Fig. 3a, b). Consistently, SidDD92A and SidDD110A both had lost the activity to remove the AMP moiety from AMPylated Rab1 (Fig. 3c). These results indicate that residues D92 and D110 participate in the formation of the catalytic pocket or structural features important for its enzymatic function. In bone-marrow-derived mouse macrophages, the association of Rab1 with LCVs peaks at 2 h after bacterial uptake and begins to

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Rab1-positive LCVs (%)


F Anti-Myc (SidD) Anti-PGK

80 60 40 20 0 0.5 1 2

P < 0.02

Lp02 (WT) Lp03(dotA) Lp02sidD Lp02sidD/psidD




N on W e T D9 2A D1 10 A

4 Anti-Rab1

8 Merged


Anti-L. pneumophila

Wild type
100 75 50 37 25

His6SidD GSTRab1


Figure 3 | The Asp residue at position 92 or 110 is important for SidD activity. a, Mutations of D92 and D110 abolished the ability of SidD to suppress the yeast cytotoxicity of SidM. Plasmids harbouring sidD or its mutants were transformed into the SidM-expression yeast strain; cells were streaked onto plates containing glucose or galactose. Yeast strains: A, vector/ vector; B, pSidM/vector; C, pSidM/pSidDD92A; D, pSidM/pSidDD110A; E, pSidM/pSidDD60A and F, pSidM/pSidD. b, Expression of the SidD mutants in yeast, samples were prepared as described in Fig. 1 and were probed for SidD (Myc-tagged) and for PGK. c, SidDD92A and SidDD110A have lost the deAMPylation activity. Purified proteins (1.5 mg) were added to reactions containing AMPylated Rab1. After 30 min incubation, reactions were terminated by SDS sample buffer. [a-32P]AMP-GSTRab1 was detected by autoradiography and the proteins were detected by Coomassie bright blue staining (lower panel). Protein size (kDa) references are shown on the left lane of the gel.



disappear when infection has proceeded for 4 h (ref. 7). The removal of Rab1 from LCVs is presumably due to extraction by RabGDI, which only interacts with the inactive GDP-bound form20. LepB is unable to induce GTP hydrolysis of AMPylated Rab1, suggesting that a deAMPylation factor is necessary for the production of the GDPbound, inactive Rab1 (ref. 4). Thus, we examined whether SidD is required for efficient removal of Rab1 from the LCVs. In infections with wild-type bacteria, the percentages of vacuoles staining positively for Rab1 began to diminish at 2 h (Fig. 4a). On the other hand, in infections with the sidD deletion mutant, the rates of Rab1-positive vacuoles remained at the maximal level (about 60%) 4 h after infection (Fig. 4). The kinetics of Rab1-positive LCVs was restored to the pattern of wild-type bacteria when SidD was expressed in the mutant (Fig. 4a, b). Interestingly, the association of Rab1 with the LCV did not persist after 4 h of infection with the sidD mutant (Fig. 4a), suggesting the contribution of host deAMPylases or additional bacterial proteins for reversal of the modification. These results indicate that SidD plays an important role in the efficient removal of Rab1 from the Legionella phagosome. AMPylation of proteins often leads to alteration of their enzymatic activity or the ability to interact with target molecules4,8,21,22. Proteins with AMPylation activity dependent upon the Fic domain are present in all kingdoms and at least one has been characterized in humans8,9. Although the importance of signalling pathways regulated by AMPylation has not yet been fully recognized, the fact that this reaction can be catalysed by proteins lacking a Fic domain such as SidM suggests extensive involvement of this post-translational modification in cellular signalling processes. The identification of a deAMPylase revealed that like other post-translational modifications involved in signal transduction, AMPylation is a reversible process regulated by specific enzymes. Similar to sidM2,3 and lepB7, sidD is not required for bacterial intracellular growth13, probably because of functional redundancy among the several hundred Dot/Icm substrates23 or

Figure 4 | SidD is required for efficient removal of Rab1 from L. pneumophila phagosome. a, Mouse macrophages were infected with relevant L. pneumophila strains. At the indicated time points, fixed samples were probed for L. pneumophila and Rab1 with specific antibodies followed by Texas red and FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies, respectively. Processed samples were scored for colocalization of Rab1 with the bacterial phagosomes. Data shown are from two independent experiments performed in triplicate in which at least 100 phagosomes were scored per sample. b, Association of Rab1 with L. pneumophila phagosome 4 h after infection. Shown are images of wild type (Lp02, dot/icm1), the sidD deletion mutant (Lp02DsidD, dot/icm1) and the complementation strain (Lp02DsidD/Flag-SidD) residing in macrophages 4 h after infection. L. pneumophila and Rab1 are labelled as described in a, with bacteria marked in red and Rab1 marked in green. Scale bar, 10 mm. Note the difference in the intensity of Rab1 staining signals among the three bacterial strains. At least 150 vacuoles were scored in each sample and error bars indicate s.d. Similar results were obtained in at least three independent experiments.

because of the limitation of the experimental systems. Nevertheless, further study on the structure and function of SidD will advance not only our understanding of its roles in bacterial pathogenesis but also the involvement of such enzymes in other cellular processes.

Bacterial, yeast strains and plasmid construction. All L. pneumophila strains used in this study were derivatives of the Philadelphia 1 strain Lp02 (ref. 24). Escherichia coli strains were grown and maintained on LB agar or LB broth. When necessary antibiotics were included as described25. Strains of L. pneumophila were grown and maintained on CYE medium or in AYE broth as previously described25. The sidD in-frame deletion mutant was constructed in an earlier study13. In this mutant, the open reading frame of sidD was replaced by a 32amino-acid polypeptide consisting of the first and the last 15 amino acids and two amino acids encoded by the sequence of the BamHI restriction enzyme13. For complementation experiments, a Flag-tagged sidD gene was inserted into the sidD locus of the deletion mutant using a two-step site-specific recombination with the p-protein-dependent plasmid pSR47s24 with an established procedure26. Successful insertion of the gene into the bacterial chromosome was determined by PCR reactions with Flag-tag-specific primers and by the expression of Flag-tagged SidD. All infections were performed with bacterial cultures grown to the postexponential phase as judged by attenuance of the cultures (D600 5 3.33.8) as well
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as increase of bacterial motility. For expression in mammalian cells, genes were cloned into pEGFPC1 (Clontech) or a 43Flag vector (Sigma). The integrity of all constructs was verified by sequencing analysis. The sequences of all primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 1. All yeast strains used were derived from W303 (ref. 27); yeast was grown at 30 uC in YPD medium or in appropriate amino acid dropout synthetic media with glucose or galactose at a final concentration of 2% as the sole carbon source. Yeast transformation was performed according to a standard procedure28.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Received 8 May; accepted 17 June 2011. Published online 6 July 2011. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Ensminger, A. W. & Isberg, R. R. Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm translocated substrates: a sum of parts. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 12, 6773 (2009). Machner, M. P. & Isberg, R. R. Targeting of host Rab GTPase function by the intravacuolar pathogen Legionella pneumophila. Dev. Cell 11, 4756 (2006). Murata, T. et al. The Legionella pneumophila effector protein DrrA is a Rab1 guanine nucleotide-exchange factor. Nature Cell Biol. 8, 971977 (2006). Muller, M. P. et al. The Legionella effector protein DrrA AMPylates the membrane traffic regulator Rab1b. Science 329, 946949 (2010). Isberg, R. R., OConnor, T. J. & Heidtman, M. The Legionella pneumophila replication vacuole:makingacosynicheinsidehostcells.NatureRev. Microbiol.7, 1324 (2009). Kubori, T., Shinzawa, N., Kanuka, H. & Nagai, H. Legionella metaeffector exploits host proteasome to temporally regulate cognate effector. PLoS Pathog. 6, e1001216 (2010). Ingmundson, A., Delprato, A., Lambright, D. G. & Roy, C. R. Legionella pneumophila proteins that regulate Rab1 membrane cycling. Nature 450, 365369 (2007). Worby, C. A. et al. The fic domain: regulation of cell signaling by adenylylation. Mol. Cell 34, 93103 (2009). Kinch, L. N., Yarbrough, M. L., Orth, K. & Grishin, N. V. Fido, a novel AMPylation domain common to Fic, Doc, and AvrB. PLoS ONE 4, e5818 (2009). Pan, X., Luhrmann, A., Satoh, A., Laskowski-Arce, M. A. & Roy, C. R. Ankyrin repeat proteins comprise a diverse family of bacterial type IV effectors. Science 320, 16511654 (2008). Belyi, Y., Tabakova, I., Stahl, M. & Aktories, K. Lgt: a family of cytotoxic glucosyltransferases produced by Legionella pneumophila. J. Bacteriol. 190, 30263035 (2008). Shen, X. et al. Targeting eEF1A by a Legionella pneumophila effector leads to inhibition of protein synthesis and induction of host stress response. Cell. Microbiol. 11, 911926 (2009). Luo, Z. Q. & Isberg, R. R. Multiple substrates of the Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm system identified by interbacterial protein transfer. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101, 841846 (2004). Chien, M. et al. The genomic sequence of the accidental pathogen Legionella pneumophila. Science 305, 19661968 (2004). Roy, C. R. & Mukherjee, S. Bacterial FIC proteins AMP up infection. Sci. Signal. 2, pe14 (2009). 16. Brombacher, E. et al. Rab1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor SidM is a major phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate-binding effector protein of Legionella pneumophila. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 48464856 (2009). 17. Soding, J. Protein homology detection by HMMHMM comparison. Bioinformatics 21, 951960 (2005). 18. Rantanen, M. K., Lehtio, L., Rajagopal, L., Rubens, C. E. & Goldman, A. 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Two distinct defects in intracellular growth complemented by a single genetic locus in Legionella pneumophila. Mol. Microbiol. 7, 719 (1993). 25. Conover, G. M., Derre, I., Vogel, J. P. & Isberg, R. R. The Legionella pneumophila LidA protein: a translocated substrate of the Dot/Icm system associated with maintenance of bacterial integrity. Mol. Microbiol. 48, 305321 (2003). 26. Liu, Y., Gao, P., Banga, S. & Luo, Z. Q. An in vivo gene deletion system for determining temporal requirement of bacterial virulence factors. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 93859390 (2008). 27. Fan, H. Y., Cheng, K. K. & Klein, H. L. Mutations in the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery suppress the hyperrecombination mutant hpr1D of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 142, 749759 (1996). 28. Gietz, R. D., Schiestl, R. H., Willems, A. R. & Woods, R. A. Studies on the transformation of intact yeast cells by the LiAc/SS-DNA/PEG procedure. Yeast 11, 355360 (1995). Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Acknowledgements We thank R. Isberg for the antibody against SidM and A. Aronson and A. Tao for critical reading of the manuscript and for discussions. This work was supported by NIH-NIAID grants R01AI069344, K02AI085403 and R21AI092043 (Z.-Q.L). Author Contributions Y.T. and Z.-Q.L. conceived the project. Y.T. performed the experiments. Y.T. and Z.-Q.L analysed the data. Z.-Q.L wrote the paper. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Z.-Q.L. ([email protected]).

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Construction of a L. pneumophila genomic library on a yeast expression vector. L. pneumophila genomic DNA partially digested with the restriction enzyme Sau3AI was separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA fragments of 18 kilobase pairs were recovered from the gels and ligated to BamHI-digested yeast vector pGBKT7 (Clontech). Ligated plasmid DNA was introduced into the E. coli strain DH5a by electroporation; approximately 4 3 105 independent colonies were pooled and used to extract total plasmid DNA. Identification of L. pneumophila genes capable of suppressing yeast toxicity of SidM. The open reading frame of sidM was inserted into pSB157 (ref. 12) to generate pSB157::SidM, which was digested with StuI and transformed into the yeast strain W303 (ref. 27). The yeast strain W303 (pSB157::SidM), which consistently exhibits galactose-dependent SidM toxicity, was used for the subsequent screenings. Plasmid DNA of the L. pneumophila genomic library was transformed into the yeast strain and the transformants were plated onto the selective medium with galactose as the sole carbon source. From about 2 3 106 potential transformants, we obtained a total of 25 colonies that harbour potential suppressor genes. Plasmids carried the potential suppressing genes were rescued and re-introduced into the original yeast strain. Inserts of 16 plasmids that reproducibly suppress the SidM toxicity were sequenced. Protein purification. To express recombinant proteins, the open reading frames of sidM, sidD, rab1 and other rab genes were amplified with specific primer pairs (Supplementary Table 1) and were inserted into appropriately digested pGEX6-P1 or pQE30 (Qiagen), respectively, to produce GST-tagged or His6-tagged proteins. The cDNAs of other Rab proteins were purchased from Open Biosystems. The integrity of each gene was verified by double-strand sequencing analysis. For protein production, E. coli strains harbouring the appropriate expression vector were grown at 37 uC in LB medium (100 mg ml21 ampicillin) to a D600 of 0.5. After adding isopropylthio-D-galactopyranoside (IPTG) to a final concentration of 0.2 mM, the cultures were incubated at 18 uC in a shaker for 18 h. Harvested cells were suspended in PBS buffer and were lysed in a French press at 1,500 p.s.i. The soluble fraction obtained by centrifugation at 6,000g for 10 min at 4 uC was incubated with glutathione Sepharose resin or Ni21 resin (Qiagen) equilibrated with PBS. The proteins were purified as described29. Protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford assay; the purity of all proteins was more than 95% as assessed by SDS PAGE followed by Coomassie bright blue staining. Cell culture, infection and transfection. Mouse macrophages were prepared from bone marrow of female A/J mice of 610 weeks of age following published protocols13. 293T cells were grown in Dulbeccos modified minimum Eagles medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% FBS. Established protocols29 were used for transfection and infection. Cytotoxicity assay. Yeast strains harbouring the Pgal::sidM constructs co-integrated into the chromosome grown on glucose medium were streaked onto glucose and galactose media, respectively. The growth of the cells was assessed after 3-day incubation at 30 uC. To examine the effects of SidD on the cytotoxicity of SidM1339 on mammalian cells, we cotransfected 293T cells with plasmids coding for SidD and SidM1339 at molar ratios of 3 and 5, respectively. Twenty-four hours after transfection, cells expressing the GFP protein were inspected for the cell-rounding phenotype.

In vitro AMPylation and deAMPylation assays. For AMPylation assays using purified recombinant proteins, 1.5 mg GSTSidM was incubated with 10 mg of GSTRab1 for 30 min at 35 uC in an AMPylation buffer containing 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 50 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM EDTA and [a-32P]ATP (5 mCi) (Perkin Elmer). The AMPylation reaction was stopped by the addition of SDS sample buffer. Samples were boiled for 5 min, separated by SDSPAGE, and detected by autoradiography. The same gels were stained by Coomassie brilliant blue to assess the levels of each protein in the reaction. To assay the time course of the SidD deAMPylation activity, a 240-ml master reaction containing 9 mg His6SidM1339, 60 mg GSTRab1 bound on glutathione beads and 30 mCi [a-32P]ATP was first set up and was allowed to proceed for 30 min at 35 uC. We then washed the beads five times in spin columns (Sigma) with 103 bed volumes of the AMPylation buffer containing 1% Triton X-100 to remove His6SidM1339, followed by five washes with the AMPylation buffer. This washing regime was effective as no His6SidM1339 was detected by Coomassie brilliant blue staining (Supplementary Fig. 2). Sub-reactions were then established by splitting the master reactions into six different test tubes and 1 mg His6SidD was added to five of these reactions. The reaction that never received His6SidD was terminated with SDS sample buffer and used as a control. After incubation at 35 uC for the indicated time duration, the deAMPylation reaction was terminated with SDS loading buffer. To test dose-dependent deAMPylation of Rab1, a master reaction was similarly set up, and after AMPylation, different amounts of SidD (0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 5 mg) were added into four of the five sub-reactions. The fifth sub-reaction terminated after AMPylation was again used as a control. After incubation at 35 uC for 5 min, the reactions were stopped with SDS loading buffer. Reaction products were separated on 420% SDSPAGE gels (Bio-Rad) and AMPylated GSTRab1 was detected by autoradiography. Proteins in the gels were detected by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. Mass spectrometric analysis. A reaction containing 1.5 mg GSTSidM, 10 mg GSTRab1 and 1 mM ATP was allowed to proceed for 30 min at 37 uC. One third of the reaction was withdrawn and terminated with SDS sample buffer to serve as the modified sample. Identical samples were withdrawn at 10 min and 30 min after the addition of 4 mg of His6SidD to the remaining reaction. Proteins were separated by SDSPAGE and the protein bands corresponding to GSTRab1 were excised. After complete trypsin digestion, the levels of AMPylation of the samples were analysed by mass spectrometry by the Taplin Mass Spectrometry Facility at Harvard Medical School. Antibodies, immunostaining and western blot. Antibodies against Legionella and GFP were described elsewhere29. The antibodies against Flag (F1804), Rab1 (sc-599) and Myc (sc-40) were purchased from Sigma and Santa Cruz Biotechnology, respectively. The antibody against the yeast metabolic 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) (a6457) was from Invitrogen. The SidM-specific antibody2 was a kind gift from R. Isberg. Cell fixation, permeabilization and immunostaining were performed as described25. The concentrations of antibodies and procedure for western blots were followed established protocols29.
29. Xu, L. et al. Inhibition of host vacuolar H1-ATPase activity by a Legionella pneumophila effector. PLoS Pathog. 6, e1000822 (2010).

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Lgr5 homologues associate with Wnt receptors and mediate R-spondin signalling
Wim de Lau1*, Nick Barker1{*, Teck Y. Low2, Bon-Kyoung Koo1, Vivian S. W. Li1, Hans Teunissen1, Pekka Kujala3, Andrea Haegebarth1{, Peter J. Peters3, Marc van de Wetering1, D. E. Stange1, J. van Es1, Daniele Guardavaccaro1, Richard B. M. Schasfoort4, Yasuaki Mohri5, Katsuhiko Nishimori5, Shabaz Mohammed2, Albert J. R. Heck2 & Hans Clevers1

The adult stem cell marker Lgr5 and its relative Lgr4 are often co-expressed in Wnt-driven proliferative compartments. We find that conditional deletion of both genes in the mouse gut impairs Wnt target gene expression and results in the rapid demise of intestinal crypts, thus phenocopying Wnt pathway inhibition. Mass spectrometry demonstrates that Lgr4 and Lgr5 associate with the Frizzled/Lrp Wnt receptor complex. Each of the four R-spondins, secreted Wnt pathway agonists, can bind to Lgr4, -5 and -6. In HEK293 cells, RSPO1 enhances canonical WNT signals initiated by WNT3A. Removal of LGR4 does not affect WNT3A signalling, but abrogates the RSPO1-mediated signal enhancement, a phenomenon rescued by re-expression of LGR4, -5 or -6. Genetic deletion of Lgr4/5 in mouse intestinal crypt cultures phenocopies withdrawal of Rspo1 and can be rescued by Wnt pathway activation. Lgr5 homologues are facultative Wnt receptor components that mediate Wnt signal enhancement by soluble R-spondin proteins. These results will guide future studies towards the application of R-spondins for regenerative purposes of tissues expressing Lgr5 homologues.

The genes Lgr4, Lgr5 and Lgr6 encode orphan 7-transmembrane receptors that are close relatives of the receptors for the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), the luteinizing hormone (LH) and the thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH)1. It is currently unknown how they signal and what their ligands are. Lgr5 is a Wnt target gene which marks proliferative stem cells in several Wnt-dependent stem cell compartments, that is, the small intestine and colon2, the stomach3, and the hair follicle4. Lgr6 marks multipotent stem cells in the epidermis5. The expression of Lgr4 is much broader6, but we noted that Lgr5 is coexpressed with Lgr4 in the stem cell compartments mentioned above. For instance, Lgr5 marks small intestinal stem cells at the crypt base, whereas Lgr4 marks all crypt cells, including the Lgr51 stem cells (Fig. 1a). The same observation was made in ref. 7. Indeed, our previously reported microarray study, which compared Lgr51 stem cells to their immediate daughters, showed that Lgr4 is expressed in both cell types8. Moreover, we generated an allele of Lgr4 in which a green fluorescent protein-internal ribosomal entry site-CreERT2 (GFPIRES-CreERT2) cassette was inserted into the ATG start codon, as performed previously for Lgr5 (ref. 2) and Lgr6 (ref. 5). Tamoxifeninduced lineage tracing after crossing to the R26R-LacZ Cre reporter strain demonstrated that Lgr4 is expressed both by short-lived progenitors and by long-lived stem cells (Supplementary Fig. 1). Of note, Lgr4 and Lgr5 null mutations are neonatal-lethal in mice9,10. To address a potential function in crypts, we generated an Lgr5fl allele (Supplementary Fig. 2a) by flanking exon 16 with loxp sites; its deletion causes a frame shift. This allele was crossed into a mouse strain carrying conditional Lgr4fx alleles10 and the gut-specific Ah-Cre transgene, which is inducible by b-naphtoflavone11. Conditional deletion of Lgr5 alone in the intestinal epithelium of adult mice yielded no apparent phenotype, and did not confirm the Paneth cell phenotype reported previously in Lgr5 null neonatal mice12. Deletion of Lgr4 alone induced loss of proliferation and crypt loss, obvious from day


45 post-induction onwards. Paneth cells at crypt bottoms were retained in nests, disconnected from the surface epithelium. No direct effects were observed on differentiated cells. The combined deletion of Lgr4 and -5 enhanced this crypt phenotype as judged by the cell proliferation marker Ki67 and the stem cell marker olfactomedin 4 (Olfm4; ref. 13). Figure 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2b depict typical results obtained at day 5 post-induction. Of note, hyperplastic wild-type escaper crypts (arrows in Fig. 1b, and see ref. 14) served as staining control. Over the next few days, villi shortened and eventually the phenotype was not compatible with life. A gut phenotypic analysis was reported recently for mice homozygous for a hypomorphic Lgr4 allele that live for about 1 month postnatally7. These mice displayed twofold reduced proliferation and an 85% reduction in Paneth cells, whereas stem cell markers and Wnt target genes were unaffected in vivo. In minigut culture15, Lgr4-hypomorphic crypts failed to initiate organoid growth. No genetic interaction with an Lgr5 null allele was observed for this intestinal phenotype. Two signalling pathways, Wnt16,17 and Notch18, are crucial for the maintenance of adult crypt proliferation. We determined gene expression changes by microarraying on day 1 post-deletion of Lgr4 and -5, when stem cells were physically still present (Supplementary Fig. 3). Simultaneous deletion of Lgr4 and Lgr5 resulted in downregulation of 306 genes in two separate experiments (Lgr4/5 gene set; Supplementary Table 1). These included 29 stem cell-enriched genes8. To determine if these are Wnt target genes, we analysed this gene set in two complementary scenarios that detect intestinal Wnt target genes. In the first scenario19, in vivo deletion of Apc results in the immediate upregulation of Wnt target genes. Comparison of the Lgr4/5 gene set to the microarray data from ref. 19 showed a significant upregulation of 53% (137 genes) of the Lgr4/5 gene set, whereas only 5% (12 genes) were significantly downregulated (Fig. 2a, red ratios). Indeed, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)20 showed a highly significant enrichment (false


Hubrecht Institute and University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. 3Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital Netherlands Cancer Institute, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 4Medical Cell Biophysics, MIRA institute, University of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands. 5Tohoku University, 981-8555 Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. {Present addresses: Institute of Medical Biology, 06-06 Immunos, Singapore 138648 (N.B.); Bayer Schering Pharma AG, 13353 Berlin, Germany (A.H.). *These authors contributed equally to this work. 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 1

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Enrichment score



Ratio (Log2) Apc/ versus WT

Ratio (Log2) Ratio (Log2) Rspo1 versus +Rspo1 Rspo1 versus + Rspo1 Cd44 Axin2 Olfm4 Sox9 Lgr5 Olfm4 Lgr5 Sox9 Lgr5 Olfm4 Cd44 EphB3 Lgr4 Lgr4 Lgr4

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

ES 0.68

NES 3.42 P < 0.0001

FDR < 0.0001

306 genes downregulated day 1 after Lgr4/5 deletion in vivo

306 genes downregulated day 1 wnregulated after Lgr4/5 deletion in vivo 5

220 genes downregulated day 1 after Lgr4/5 deletion in organoid

Enrichment score

Ratios Apc/ versus WT Ratios T

ES -0.67 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 P < 0.0001 0.6 FDR < 0.0001 0.7

5.4 5.4

4.6 6 NES -2.89

4.8 ES 0.81 NES 1.00


Ratios Rspo1 versus +Rspo1 Enrichment score



Olfactomedin 4

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 P < 0.0001 0.6 0.7 FDR < 0.0001 0.8



Figure 1 | Conditional deletion of Lgr4 and Lgr5. a, Left, expression of Lgr4 lacZ6 (blue) occurs throughout intestinal crypts. Right, expression of Lgr5 LacZ (blue) is specific to stem cells (arrows) located between Paneth cells at bottom of crypts2. b, Adult Lgr4fx/fx and/or Lgr5fl/fl mice carrying the Ah-Cre transgene, analysed 5 days after Cre-activation11. Left panels, proliferation visualized by Ki67. Vertical bars, crypt width. Right panels, stem cells visualized by OlfM4 in situ hybridization. Top, Lgr5 deletion has no obvious effect. Middle, Lgr4 deletion has significant deleterious effects on crypt stem cells and proliferative progenitors. Bottom, upon Lgr4/5 double deletion, .80% of crypts entirely disappear. Arrows indicate wild-type escaper crypts that express OlfM4 and are Ki671.

discovery rate (FDR) and P-value , 0.0001) of the Lgr4/5 gene set towards the upregulated genes after Apc deletion (Fig. 2d). For the second scenario, we performed microarraying before, and 1 day after, acute withdrawal of the Wnt agonist Rspo1 from cultured small intestinal crypt organoids15. This resulted in the immediate downregulation of 38% (166 genes) of the Lgr4/5 gene set, whereas only 4% (11 genes) showed the opposite behaviour. (Fig. 2b, green ratios). GSEA analysis confirmed the highly significant enrichment (FDR and P-value , 0.0001) of the Lgr4/5 gene set towards the downregulated genes after Rspo1 withdrawal (Fig. 2e). To find molecular partners of LGR receptors, we pursued a tandem affinity purification mass spectrometric strategy. Bait proteins carried double Flag-haemagglutinin (FH)-tags21. First, we transiently transfected tagged Frizzled7 (Frz7FH; frizzled family receptor 7 is also known as FZD7) into HEK293T cells. We detected significant signatures for Frizzled7, andas expectedthe WNT co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6. Surprisingly, multiple peptides were detected for LGR4 (Supplementary Table 2). Of note, we never observed LGR5 homologues, frizzled or LRP proteins in HEK293 cells using ,20 unrelated baits (Supplementary Table 3). We then generated stable clones of LS174T colorectal cancer cells that moderately overexpress tagged versions of LGR4, LGR5 or Frizzled5. The LGR4 bait captured LGR5, LRP6, Frizzled5 and Frizzled7. The LGR5 bait captured
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Figure 2 | Wnt target genes are downstream of Lgr4/5. Concomitant deletion of Lgr4 and Lgr5 in Lgr4fl/fl Lgr5fl/fl mice resulted in downregulation of 307 unique genes 1 day after deletion (Supplementary Table 1). The intestinal Wnt signature can be revealed by two opposing experiments: deletion of Apc in vivo results in upregulation of a Wnt target signature19, whereas Rspo1 withdrawal from intestinal organoids15 results in downregulation of this signature. a, Heat map of the log2 ratio of Apcfl/fl mice versus control wild-type mice (WT) for the 307 Lgr4/5 genes 3 days after deletion of Apc (ratios taken from ref. 19). b, Heat map of the log2 ratio of intestinal organoids 1 day after Rspo1 withdrawal (2Rspo1) versus control organoids (1Rspo1) for the 307 Lgr4/5 gene set. c, Heat map of the log2 ratio of intestinal organoids 1 day after Rspo1 withdrawal (2Rspo1) versus control organoids (1Rspo1) for the 220 downregulated genes in Lgr4fl/fl Lgr5fl/fl organoids (1 day after deletion). d, Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Genes are ranked according to their differential expression between Apc-deleted and wild-type mice (data from ref. 19). Black bars beneath the graph depict the rank positions of the 306 genes from the Lgr4/5 gene set. A highly significant enrichment of the 306 Lgr4/5 genes was detected towards the gene set upregulated 3 days after Apc deletion in vivo. e, Genes ranked according to differential expression in intestinal organoids after Rspo1 withdrawal versus control organoids. GSEA shows a highly significant enrichment of the 306 Lgr4/5 genes towards the genes downregulated after Rspo1 withdrawal. f, Genes are ranked according to their differential expression in intestinal organoids after Rspo1 withdrawal versus control organoids. GSEA shows a highly significant enrichment of the 220 Lgr4/ 5 downregulated genes in organoids towards those genes downregulated after Rspo1 withdrawal. ES, enrichment score; FDR, false discovery rate; NES, normalized ES.





Ratios Rspo1 versus +Rspo1

Lgr4fx/fx-Lgr5/-Ah-Cre Lgr4fx/fx-Ah-Cre

Frizzled6 and LRP5 and LRP6. The Frizzled5 bait captured LGR4, LGR5, LRP5 and LRP6. These proteins were never observed in the non-transfected controls run in parallel. Results are summarized in Supplementary Table 2. Thus, LGR4 and LGR5 can occur in a physical complex with frizzled proteins and LRP5/6. The four secreted R-spondin proteins activate the canonical Wnt pathway and are particularly potent when synergizing with secreted Wnt proteins22,23. Systemic delivery of Rspo1 in mice leads to a dramatic enhancement of the Wnt-responsive intestinal crypts24 and stimulates epithelial repair25. Whereas Rspo3 uses syndecans as receptors to mediate non-canonical Wnt signals26, the R-spondin receptors that drive canonical Wnt signals have remained controversial26. Rspo1 was proposed to bind the Wnt co-receptor Lrp6 (refs 27, 28), to block the Kremen protein that downregulates surface expression of Wnt receptors29, or to block the interaction of the Wnt inhibitor Dkk1 with Lrp6 (ref. 23). HEK293T cells are responsive to WNT3A and R-spondin22. We used this cell line to search for the cognate R-spondin receptor. To validate the efficacy of using secreted baits to detect surface receptors, we generated a tagged version of Dkk1 (Dkk1FH). Dkk1 interacts with LRP5/6 (ref. 30). We incubated 2 3 109 HEK293T cells with Dkk1FH. The cells were washed, lysed and immunoprecipitated with an anti-Flag antibody. The immunoprecipitated material was eluted with Flag peptide, and re-precipitated with anti-haemagglutinin antibody, after which mass spectrometric analysis was performed. We readily identified Dkk1 and endogenous

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400 350 300 TOP luciferase counts relative to control 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 siRNA type Empty vector Rescue: Lgr I + Control 2 I + 3 A + 4 B + 5 C + 6 I + 7 A + 8 A 4 9 10 A 5 A 6 11 12 13 14 B + B 4 B 5 B 6



Figure 3 | LGR4 is essential for transmitting RSPO1 signals but dispensable for transmitting WNT3A signals. TOPFLASH Wnt reporter assays. HEK293T cells were transfected with indicated siRNAs. siRNAs A, B, C, siRNAs directed at the 39UTR of human LGR4; siRNA I, pool of scrambled siRNA. Three days later, the cells were transfected with TOPFLASH reporters and 5 ng of the indicated rescue constructs, and incubated with WNT3A and

RSPO1 as indicated. WNT3A induced TOPFLASH reporter activity without showing effects of removal of LGR4. R-spondin potentiated the WNT3A response, but this effect was sensitive to removal of LGR4. Rescue was obtained with LGR4, -5, and -6 rescue constructs, but not with control vector (lanes 7, 11, 15). n 5 4. Error bars indicated as s.d.

LRP5 and LRP6 (Supplementary Table 2). We then produced a double-tagged version of human RSPO1 (RSPO1FH) at ,1 mg ml21. As tested in the TOPFLASH WNT reporter assay31, the protein potentiated the effect of Wnt3A by approximately 12-fold (Fig. 3). We incubated 2 3 109 HEK293 cells with the RSPO1FH-conditioned medium and subjected them to the above protocol. The only transmembrane protein detected was LGR4 (Supplementary Table 2). HEK293T cells were transiently transfected with tagged versions of LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6, and with the closely related LGR1 (FSH

Protein G IP



120 100

Anti-Flag spot Anti-Fc spot

LGR8 kDa 95 72 130 Anti-Flag 130 95 72 Anti-Flag Regeneration 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Time LGR5-exoFc RSPO1FH NogginFc

receptor), LGR3 (TSH receptor), LGR7 and LGR8. Transfected cells were incubated with Fc fusion protein of human RSPO1 at ,1 mg ml21, washed, lysed and precipitated with protein G beads. Western blotting for the Flag tag revealed binding of RSPO1Fc to LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6, but not to the other LGR proteins (Fig. 4a). In the same assay, Fc fusion proteins of RSPO2, RSPO3 and RSPO4 at ,1 mg ml21 were shown to bind specifically to LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6 (Supplementary Fig. 4). Soluble RSPO1FH interacted with the leucine-rich-repeat exodomain of LGR5 (amino acids 1 to 546) expressed as a human IgGFc fusion protein (LGR5-exoFc). This allowed surface plasmon resonance array imaging. Anti-Flag antibody, spotted on the sensor chip, captured RSPO1FH (Fig. 4b, left, blue line). LGR5-exoFc bound to RSPO1FH (left; blue line). After regeneration, a control experiment was performed using a nogginFc fusion protein (Fig. 4b, right, blue line), which did not bind RSPO1FH. Both LGR5-exoFc and nogginFc could be captured on anti-human IgG spotted as a control (Fig. 4b, red line). The KD of the LGR5-exoFcRSPO1FH interaction was determined at 3.1 nM by an extrapolated 1:1 interaction model at serial injections of RSPO1 and LGR5-exoFc on anti-Flag spots with decreasing densities (Supplementary Fig. 5). In a dose response curve in the HEK293T Wnt reporter assay, Wnt signalling was indeed induced by nanomolar amounts of RSPO1 (Supplementary Fig. 6). Rat monoclonal antibodies were raised against full-length human LGR5 protein. All antibodies reacted with LGR5-exoFc and their
Figure 4 | Direct physical interaction of RSPO1 with LGR4/5/6 exodomains. a, RSPO1 binds to LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6. Top panel, HEK293T cells transfected with Flag-tagged versions of the indicated LGR proteins, incubated with RSPO1Fc fusion protein at ,1 mg ml21. Cells were washed, lysed and RSPO1Fc was immunoprecipitated with protein G beads. Top, western blotting for Flag revealed specific binding to LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6. IP, immunoprecipitation. Bottom, input of tagged proteins. b, RSPO1LGR5 interaction visualized by surface plasmon resonance. Anti-Flag antibody spotted on the sensor chip captured RSPO1FH (Fig. 4, left, blue line). After a wash, LGR5-exoFc bound to RSPO1FH. After regeneration with low pH, a nogginFc fusion protein served as negative control (Fig. 3, right, blue line). Both LGR5-exoFc and nogginFc could be captured on goat anti-human IgG spotted as a control (Fig. 3, red line).
0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1 | VO L 0 0 0 | N AT U R E | 3

15 16 17 18 C + C 4 C 5 C 6

80 60 40 20 0 20 RSPO1FH


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epitopes were mapped using carboxy-terminal deletion clones and human-mouse hybrids of the Lgr5 exodomain (Supplementary Fig. 7a). All antibodies recognizing the amino terminus of the Lgr5 extracellular domain blocked the RSPO1 interaction, whereas the other antibodies did not (Supplementary Fig. 7b). Indeed, when the extreme N terminus or the first LRR domain were deleted from Lgr5, RSPO1-binding was lost (Supplementary Fig. 8). HEK293T cells express LGR4 but not LGR5. Supplementary Fig. 9). To test if LGR4 constitutes a functional RSPO1 receptor, we removed LGR4 mRNA from HEK293T cells with three independent small interfering RNAs (siRNAs;(Supplementary Fig. 9). Subsequently, the cells were transfected with TOPFLASH WNT reporters and their
Control Day 2 Day 3 Day 6


* *

* * *

Control + GFP

Day 2

Figure 5 | Rescue of Lgr4/5 deletion in cultured crypt organoids by Wnt signals. a, Organoids established under standard conditions15 from Lgr4fx/fx Lgr5f/fl Villin-CreERT2 mice37 (Mutant) or from control Villin-CreERT2 mice (Control). Tamoxifen treatment leads to death (asterisks) of mutant organoids but not that of controls. This is overcome by addition of CHIR99021 at 5 mM (Mutant 1 CHIR99021). b, Organoids established from Lgr4fx/fx Lgr5f/fl VillinCreERT2 mice (Mutant) or from control Villin-CreERT2 mice (Control) are infected with Wnt3-expressing retrovirus which turns organoids into growing, rounded cysts34, or with control (GFP) retrovirus. Subsequent deletion of Lgr4 and -5 has no effect on Wnt3-expressing organoids but leads to death of control retrovirus organoids.
4 | N AT U R E | VO L 0 0 0 | 0 0 M O N T H 2 0 1 1

Mutant + Wnt3

Day 3 Day 4


Control + Wnt3

response to exogenously added WNT3A and RSPO1 was measured. WNT3A alone induced a ,25 fold increase in TOPFLASH activity. Removal of LGR4 had no effect on this WNT3A response (Fig. 3; compare bar 1 to bars 25). The combination of WNT3A with RSPO1 led to a further ,12-fold increase in TOPFLASH activity (bar 6). This effect was greatly diminished when LGR4 was removed (bars 7, 11 and 15), but could be rescued by transfection of LGR4 (bars 8, 12 and 16), LGR5 (bars 9, 13 and 17) or LGR6 expression plasmids (bars 10, 14 and 18). No rescue was obtained with LGR1, LGR7 or LGR8 (Supplementary Fig. 10). A DRY motif at the cytosolic end of the third transmembrane region is believed to be essential for protein G coupling in serpentine receptors32. We mutated the ERG motif at the corresponding position in LGR5 to ENG. Both versions of LGR5 rescued loss of LGR4 in the TOPFLASH assay (Supplementary Fig. 11), indicating that protein G signalling is not involved in signalling towards b-catenin. The proposed model implies that strong Wnt signals should rescue loss of Lgr receptors. We generated intestinal organoids15 from Lgr4fx/fx Lgr5fl/fl 3 Villin-CreERT2 mice. Tamoxifen-induced deletion in vitro resulted in the demise of the organoids after 2 days (Fig. 5a). Microarraying was performed 1 day after induction of deletion, that is, 24 h before organoids lost viability. This revealed a striking similarity between gene expression changes 1 day after withdrawal of Rspo1 and 1 day after deletion of the proposed R-spondin receptors Lgr4 and Lgr5 (Fig. 2c and 2f). Addition of the Gsk3 inhibitor CHIR99021 (which activates the Wnt cascade) led to a quantitative, persistent rescue of Lgr4/5-mutant organoids (Supplementary Fig. 12). Of note, LiCl (which inhibits Gsk3, but also inositol monophosphatase34) reportedly allows 6% rescue of the growth of Lgr4-hypomorphic organoids7. We next expressed Wnt3 (ref. 35) by retroviral transduction in established Lgr4fx/fx Lgr5fl/fl 3 Villin-CreERT2. Subsequent tamoxifen-induced deletion of Lgr4 and -5 lead to the demise of the mutant crypts, but this effect was robustly rescued by Wnt3 overexpression (Fig. 5b). In a similar approach, retrovirally expressed Lgr5 and Lgr5ENG rescued organoid growth (Supplementary Fig. 13). These data demonstrate that binding of R-spondins to their cognate receptors, the Lgr5 homologues, triggers downstream canonical Wnt signals through associated frizzledLrp5/6 complexes. The current observations assign a crucial function to Lgr4 and Lgr5 in Wntdependent stem cells and progenitor cells: In intestinal crypts, Lgr4 and -5, incorporated into frizzledLrp complexes, allow R-spondins to augment short-range Wnt signals emanating from Paneth cells34. This provides a molecular mechanism for the potent hyperplastic response of crypts to Rspo1 (ref. 24) and will guide future studies towards the application of R-spondins for regenerative purposes of tissues expressing Lgr5 homologues. Moreover, this study reinforces the connection, first described in intestinal crypts36, between Wnt signalling and adult mammalian stem cell biology.

Mutant + GFP

Mutant + CHIR99021



Mice. Experiments performed according to guidelines and reviewed by the DEC of the KNAW. Knock-in alleles were generated and conditional deletion was induced as described elsewhere2,13. Plasmid expression constructs. Available upon request. Histology. Tissues were prepared and stained with Ki67, PAS, or subjected to fluorescent in situ hybridization to Olfm4 as described elsewhere13. Cell culture, transfections, TOPFLASH assays, RSPO1/WNT3A stimulation. HEK293T cells and Ls174T cells were cultured and transfected as described elsewhere31,36. siRNAs directed at the 39 untranslated repeat (39UTR) of human LGR4 were from Thermo Scientific Dharmacon. Sense sequences: A, 59-gaaagua aacuguggucaauu-39; B, 59-ggguggagucuuaaaguuauu-39; C, 59-gguaagaaacuccu aauuauu-39; I (irrelevant), ON-TARGETplus Non-Targeting Pool from Dharmacon. Transfected with Dharmafect1. Microarraying. Performed on an Agilent platform, as described elsewhere3. Immunoprecipitation, epitope mapping, western blotting. Performed using standard protocols. Mouse M2 Anti-Flag antibody (Sigma), rabbit anti-human IgGFc horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate (Pierce), and goat anti-rat IgG HRP-conjugate (Pierce) were used. Protein G agarose beads (Millipore).

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Mass spectrometric analysis. In all cases, samples were obtained by sequential immunoprecipitation, performed using anti-Flag affinity matrix (Sigma), 33Flag peptide (Sigma) elution and re-precipitation using anti-haemagglutinin affinity matrix (Roche) as described21. For a detailed description of the mass spectrometric analysis see Supplementary Material. Surface plasmon resonance. Performed by IBIS Technologies, Enschede, The Netherlands. Rat monoclonal antibodies anti-human LGR5. Generated by Genovac by DNA vaccination with full-length human LGR5 cDNA. Initial hybridoma screening was performed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) on stable human LGR5 transfectants.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature.

Acknowledgements We thank G. Vassart for Lgr4-LacZ intestinal tissue, D. Winton for Ah-Cre mice, S. Robine for Villin-CreERT2 mice, A. Moerkamp and C. Verheul for experimental help and H. Farin for figures. Author Contributions All Hubrecht Institute authors performed experiments under guidance of H.C.; S.M., A.J.R.H. and T.Y.L. performed mass spectrometry; P.K. and P.J.P. performed electron microscopy analysis; R.B.M.S. performed plasmon surface resonance; and Y.M. and K.N. generated the Lgr4 knockout mouse.

Author Information Microarray data have been deposited in the GEO database under accession number GSE28265. Mass spectrometry data sets are available at ProteomeCommons.org Tranche Repository https://proteomecommons.org/ tranche/data-downloader.jsp?h52LOW5tCJBOfT%2FpcCAtMrPqCgTTOd247s6po PgSvwu16KiVwCfExWdJ0jifGdI4FraidTHUnl1PYhIoT0nTs1zdwKmKEAA AAAAAACzw%3D%3D. Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare competing financial interests: details accompany the full-text HTML version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.C. ([email protected]).

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Microarray analysis Lgr4/5 knockout mice. Small intestinal crypts were isolated 1 day after induction of deletion from AHCre Lgr4fx/fx Lgr5fl/fl as well as wildtype mice by incubation in 2 mM EDTA, RNA was isolated using TRIzol (Invitrogen) and 1 mg of RNA was labelled using a Quick Amp Labelling Kit, two colour (Agilent Technologies) with Cy5 and Cy3, respectively; all as described elsewhere3. Two separate biological replicates were performed in dye-swap, resulting in four individual arrays. Labelling, hybridization and washing were done according to Agilent guidelines. Differentially labelled cRNA was hybridized on 4X44K Agilent Whole Mouse Genome dual colour Microarrays (G4122F). Array data were normalized and retrieved using Feature Extraction (V.9.5.3, Agilent Technologies) and data analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation). Features were flagged, if signal intensities for both the Cy3 and Cy5 channel did not pass the feature extraction filter, significant and positive or well above background. Genes were considered downregulated if 4 out of 4 arrays showed a significant (P , 0.05) downregulation of ,20.58 (linear 21.5 fold). This resulted in 379 entries, which 307 unique genes (Supplementary Table array data will be available at the Gene Expression Omnibus http://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo). R-spondin1 withdrawal in mouse intestinal organoids. Crypts were isolated from a wild-type mouse small intestine by incubating with 2 mM EDTA in PBS for 30 min at 4 uC, and subsequently grown in crypt culture medium as reported previously16. Briefly, isolated crypts were cultured in Matrigel (BD Bioscience) in 24-well plates, and advanced DMEM/F12 medium (Invitrogen) containing epithelial growth factor, noggin and Rspo1 was added after polymerization of Matrigel. Confluent organoids were split into multiple wells, and were then cultured in crypt culture medium in the presence or absence of Rspo1. One day after Rspo1 withdrawal organoids (2RSpo1 organoids) and the control organoids (1Rspo1 organoids) were then collected for RNA extraction and microarray analysis. RNA from control and Rspo1 depleted organoids (1 mg), together with universal mouse reference RNA (Stratagene), was labelled using a Quick Amp Labelling Kit, two colour (Agilent Technologies) with Cy5 and Cy3, respectively. Samples were hybridized to 4X44K Whole Mouse Genome Microarrays (Agilent, G4122F) according to manufacturers instructions. Microarray signal and background information were retrieved and normalized using the Feature Extraction program (V.9.5.3, Agilent Technologies). Samples were considered as wellmeasured when the fluorescent signals in red channel (Cy5) in either of the samples were greater than twofold above the local background. Differences between 2Rspo1 organoids and 1Rspo1 organoids were calculated by subtracting the ratio for 2Rspo1 organoids versus reference RNA from 1Rspo1 versus reference RNA. Array data is available at the Gene Expression Omnibus (http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo). Heat map and gene set enrichment analysis. Heat maps were generated using MeV (Multiple Experiment Viewer v.4.3)42. Heat maps were generated using the 306 genes from the Lgr4/5 gene set and plotting the ratios of two different experiments for these genes. Figure 2a contains the ratios from ref. 15, where the authors deleted Apc in the Ah-Cre Apcfl/fl mice and performed microarray analysis 3 days after deletion. Figure 2b contains the ratios form the Rspo1 withdrawal experiment described above. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) implemented with GSEAP v.2.0 (http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea) was used to identify significant enrichments of the Lgr4/5 gene set in the two different experimental scenarios mentioned above. All well measured features (n 5 20,844) for the Rspo1 experiment from the Agilent arrays and all features with a ratio (n 5 45,101) for the Apc arrays from the Affymetrix platform were used for the ranked gene list in GSEA. Mass spectrometric analysis. The samples were subjected to SDSPAGE followed by Coomassie blue staining. The gel lane was sliced into 24 equal sections and digested. In brief, protein reduction and alkylation was performed with dithiothreitol (60 uC, 1 h) and Iodoacetamide (dark, room temperature, 30 min), respectively. Digestion was performed with trypsin overnight at 37 uC. Peptides were extracted with 10% formic acid38. The extracted peptides were subjected to nanoscale liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) analysis, performed on an Agilent 1200 HPLC system (Agilent technologies) connected to an LTQ Orbitrap Velos (ThermoFisher)39. The nanoLC was equipped with a 20 mm 3 100 mm internal diameter trap column and a 400 mm 3 50 mm internal diameter analytical column (Reprosil C18, Dr Maisch). Trapping was performed at a flow of 5 ml min21 for 10 min and the fractions were eluted using a 45 min linear gradient from 0 to 40% solvent B (0.1 M acetic acid in 80% acetonitrile (v/v), in which solvent A was 0.1 M acetic acid), 40 to 100% solvent B in 2 min and 100% B for 2.5 min. The analytical flow rate was 100 nl min21 and the column effluent was directly introduced into the electrospray source of the mass spectrometer using a standard coated fused silica emitter (New Objective) (outer diameter 360 mm, tip internal diameter 10 mm) biased to 1.7 kV. The mass spectrometer was operated in positive ion mode and in data-dependent mode to automatically switch between MS and MS/MS. The five most intense ions in the survey scan were fragmented in the linear ion trap using collision-induced dissociation40. The target ion setting was 5 3 105 for the Orbitrap, with a maximum fill-time of 250 ms. Fragment ion spectra were acquired in the LTQ with an automatic gain control value of 5 3 103 and a max injection time of 100 ms. Protein identification: raw mass spectrometry data were converted to peak lists using MaxQuant version (ref. 41). Spectra were searched against the IPI (International Protein Index) Human database version 3.37 (69,164 sequences; 29,064,824 residues) using the Mascot search engine (version 2.3.02; www.matrixscience.com), with trypsin set as enzyme. The database search was made with the following parameters set to consider a peptide tolerance of 615 p.p.m., a fragment tolerance of 60.5 Da, allowing two missed cleavages, carbamidomethyl (C) as fixed modification; oxidation (M) and protein N-terminal acetylation as variable modifications. Plasmon surface resonance. A pre-activated ester sensor chip (IBIS Technologies) was spotted using a Continuous Flow Microspotter (Wasatch Microfluidics). In total, 32 spots were created with both mouse anti-Flag and goat anti-human IgG in 83 serial dilution (start concentrations were 500 mg ml21 and 100 mg ml21, respectively) in 10 mM MES buffer pH 5.5. Control (reference) spots contained human serum albumin, anti-human serum albumin and MES buffer. After preparing the sensor chip, the slider was positioned in an IBIS MX96 (IBIS Technologies) for label-free surface plasmon resonance (SPR) array analysis. The instrument enables multiplex interactions up to 96-plex using scanning imaging optics for automated calculation of the SPR dip shifts of all region of interests simultaneously. The signal-to-noise ratio of the instrument which reflects the limit of detection is better than 1 RU corresponding to 1 picogram protein per square millimetre. In the IBIS MX96, back and forth mixing is applied enabling minimal use of sample while the length of the exposure of the sample to the microarray is unlimited and not affected by the volume of, for example, an injection loop. A two-step interaction process was carried out and the multiplex interaction event to all spots of the array was recorded simultaneously. In this way, chip-to-chip and sample-to-sample variations can be excluded, while positive and negative controls and referencing can be applied instantly. A microscope image of the sensor chip (not shown here) can reveal any irregularities, heterogeneities of the spots and/or disturbing air-bubbles. First 70 ml of RSPO1FH was injected followed by dissociation and second injection of 70 ml LGR5Fc. After regeneration with acid buffer (Gly-HCl, 10 mM, pH 2.0) for 120 s, the control experiment was capture of RSPO1FH followed by injection of nogginFc (results see Fig. 4b). For affinity constant determination first RSPO1FH was captured on the anti-Flag spot until saturation of the spot followed by injection of LGR5Fc (8 mg ml21). RSPO1 was not immobilized directly on the chip because it did not survive the acid regeneration process (data not shown). Capturing of RSPO1FH was possible on the anti-Flag antibody spot from growth medium. Supplementary Fig. 1 is an overlay plot of three interaction series of first RSPO1 FH (2 min association was sufficient to reach saturation) and three different concentrations of LGR5Fc (molecular mass 176 kDa) corresponding to 45 nM, 23 nM and 11 nM injections. Referencing was carried out by subtraction of the anti-Flag spot signal with the signal coming from a HAS-loaded spot in SPRint software (IBIS Technologies) for compensating bulk refractive index shifts for example, as a result of growth medium compounds. The affinity constant was calculated using a discrete 1:1 interaction model using global fitting (Scrubber 2, BioLogic Software Pty Ltd). In Supplementary Fig. 1, the residual plot of the experimental curve minus fit values is shown and although it cannot be revealed that the interaction process is according to a discrete 1:1 interaction model the affinity constant was calculated to be ,3 nM. It was not necessary to add an extra fit parameter for mass transport limitation compensation, due to a high back and forth mixing condition in the IBIS MX96 flow cell.



38. Shevchenko, A., Wilm, M., Vorm, O. & Mann, M. Mass spectrometric sequencing of proteins silver-stained polyacrylamide gels. Anal. Chem. 68, 850858 (1996). 39. Raijmakers, R. et al. Automated online sequential isotope labeling for protein quantitation applied to proteasome tissue-specific diversity. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 7, 17551762 (2008). 40. Frese, C. K. et al. Improved peptide identification by targeted fragmentation using CID, HCD and ETD on a LTQ-Orbitrap Velos. J. Proteome Res. 10, 23772388 (2011). 41. Cox, J. & Mann, M. MaxQuant enables high peptide identification rates, individualized p.p.b.-range mass accuracies and proteome-wide protein quantification. Nature Biotechnol. 26, 13671372 (2008). 42. Saeed, A. I. et al. TM4: a free, open-source system for microarray data management and analysis. Biotechniques, 34, 374378 (2003).

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