Model-Based Design For Off-Highway Machine Systems

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Model-Based Design for Off-Highway Machine Systems Development

Article · October 2007

DOI: 10.4271/2007-01-4248

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1 author:

Sameer Prabhu
The MathWorks, Inc


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Model-Based Design for Off-Highway Machine Systems

Sameer M. Prabhu
The MathWorks, Inc.

Copyright © 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

ABSTRACT a position to dump at the end of the ramp. This operation

involves the complex interaction of the loader
The increased adoption of electronic controls in off- powertrain, hydraulics, implement linkage, and steering
highway machines increases the complexity of typical system and the net performance of the machine is a
machine systems and stresses the traditional process function of these systems and their interactions. Further,
used to develop these machines. To address this issue this operation involves different physical phenomena
design engineers are turning from the traditional design such as hydraulics, mechanics, etc. that interact with
methods to Model-Based Design. By using models in the each other, where the interactions are highly nonlinear
early design stages, engineers can create executable and dynamic. When we introduce electro-hydraulics into
specifications that enable them to immediately validate this machine in the form of electronic control units that
and verify specifications against the requirements. can alter the behavior of each of these systems “on the
These models also allow the machine designer to fly”, we complicate this system even further. Developing
evaluate the complex interactions between mechanics, such a machine on-time and under budget poses a
hydraulics, electronics and other physical phenomena significant challenge to the traditional machine
and thereby detect design errors earlier when the cost to development process.
fix them is less. This paper presents a model-based
approach for developing off-highway equipment machine THE TRADITIONAL DESIGN PROCESS
systems. A dynamic model of the machine and the
electro-hydraulic implement and propulsion system is The systematic design and realization process for an off-
developed and used to verify the overall machine highway machine is typically represented by a V
behavior. The models are linked to the machine diagram as shown in Figure 1 [1]. The left branch
requirements and instrumented to check the simulation captures the decomposition of machine requirements
results to achieve verification of machine behavior into systems and subsystems that are specified and
against requirements in a formal way. implemented at a detailed level. The right branch
represents the realization of these systems and
1. INTRODUCTION subsystems and their integration and test in the final

Electronic controls in off-highway equipment are growing

rapidly as a result of regulatory requirements such as
emissions restrictions and customer demands for
increased machine productivity, uptime, and safety. The
design of a typical off-highway machine is already a
difficult challenge due to the complex interaction of
various individual systems and it is complicated further
by introducing electronics and the accompanying system
behavior adaptability. To better understand why this is
the case, let us consider the example of a wheel loader.
One of the most common applications for a wheel loader
is what is referred to as hopper charging wherein the
loader acquires material from a stockpile, backs up from Figure 1 V Diagram of Product Development Process
the stockpile, reverses direction, traverses the distance In the traditional approach, engineering teams observe
towards a ramp, and then moves up the ramp while strict boundaries between their design activities and
raising the implement linkage, such that the linkage is in communicate by passing design documents back and
forth between various stages and between different hardware [2,3]. Typically this is done today using domain
disciplines (e.g., hydraulics designer vs. mechanical specific modeling and simulation tools. For instance, if
designer, etc.). As a result, the traditional development the goal is to design a hydraulic system, then
process for such machines tends to take a sequential commercial or in-house hydraulic simulation tool is used.
approach wherein each system is optimized based on Similarly, if the goal is to optimize the linkage geometry a
design parameters that are specific to that system commercial or in-house mechanical simulation tool is
before moving on to the next system. For example, the used. Since the design and development tools used in
powertrain system design is optimized for metrics such such a process tend to be domain specific, the ability to
as traction force delivered to the wheels, gradeability, reuse work performed in one domain or system for
etc. whereas the mechanical linkage system is optimized analysis in another domain or system is limited. For
for reach, breakout force, etc. The fact that the machine example, for a hopper charging cycle it is necessary that
function is a combination of these individual systems is the hydraulics and the powertrain system work
often addressed by static analyses, which are backed effectively in conjunction to meet machine requirements.
with heuristics based on experience, and do not take In such a case it is difficult to reuse the model of the
into account the dynamic nature of the interactions hydraulic system design along with the model of the
between these systems. During the traditional design powertrain system design. The machine engineer has to
process, the machine level performance targets are create a simplified machine level model using the
broken down into respective targets for systems and behavioral characteristics of the individual powertrain
components and typically it is difficult to determine how and hydraulic system models in order to predict machine
a change in an individual system can affect the overall performance and to determine which of the various
machine performance. As we discussed before, these system concepts meet requirements. This can lead to
are highly nonlinear systems belonging to multiple transcription errors when data and results from one
domains that interact with each other, making prediction domain are used for work in a different domain. This
and optimization of machine performance a difficult task. significantly limits the optimization of the overall machine
Thus when it comes time to develop the next generation performance and the amount of machine performance
of the machines it is difficult to rapidly iterate through verification we can achieve in absence of hardware. Co-
system concepts to determine which concept best meets simulation between the various domain specific tools
the machine requirements. This significantly affects the can be used to work around this, but that has its own
ability of off-highway machine manufacturers to innovate challenges in terms of trying to make two different
rapidly. Also, the lack of traceability from requirements to simulation solvers work together, simulation speed, and
implementation makes it difficult to design the individual other factors.
systems such that the overall machine performance is
optimized while ensuring that the machine will meet the To achieve the real benefit of Model-Based Design, what
customer needs specified in the requirements document. is needed is an integrated environment in which the
machine design can be verified and validated. Such an
A typical way to ensure that a proposed machine environment will allow multiple domains such as
concept will work is to build physical prototypes of these hydraulics, mechanics, electronics, etc. to be modeled
machines. The physical prototype is typically the first and simulated in a single environment. This allows the
time that the entire machine is tested as a whole. If the machine engineer to easily iterate through various
machine does not work as intended, a significant system concepts and determine which of them meet the
amount of rework is required for the components and machine level requirements. Once the candidate system
systems designed earlier. This process has several concept has been identified through this process, the
disadvantages. First, this is extremely costly since hydraulic and mechanical designers can use the same
different variants of the hardware have to be models and add details to them pertaining to their own
manufactured and sequentially improved in order to systems and continue to ensure that the overall machine
make sure that the machine meets the performance still meets requirements. Having multiple domains
requirements. Second, the different design alternatives modeled in the same environment allows engineers to
are very much constrained by available hardware. The easily evaluate interactions between the domains
result is that the individual system performance is thereby enabling rapid design iterations. The iterative
optimized which may or may not result in the optimal process provides a method for optimizing the entire
performance of the machine. Third, this hardware system simply by changing the various system design
intensive, iterative process is extremely time-consuming parameters and re-running the simulation. This not only
since the engineers must wait for the redesigned allows us to identify design errors earlier and address
hardware before they can re-test the overall machine. their effect on machine performance, but also leads to
better traceability in terms of how the machine
MODEL-BASED DESIGN performance requirements relate to different design
decisions. Using integrated methods for Model-
In order to address these issues there is an increased Based Design, we only need to build machine hardware
focus on employing modeling and simulation during the once we have verified machine performance through
design process. Using a simulation model of the various simulations, which saves the cost and time involved in
machine systems allows the dynamic performance of building multiple prototypes.
these systems to be verified in the absence of physical
This paper describes the use of the MATLAB® and through the bucket while traveling in reverse is one of
Simulink® environment [4,5] to address some of the the key performance attributes. This involves small
issues described above by using the example of a wheel movements in the implement linkage system while the
loader performing a hopper charging cycle and the need powertrain system operates in reverse gear. In snow
to verify if a proposed system concept will meet the removal, the loader is used as a dozer to collect and
wheel loader requirements. The MATLAB and Simulink remove snow from a road, paved lot, etc. In this
environment is used throughout the design process application the ability of the loader to run at sustained
since it provides high-level formalisms such as high speed conditions and the consequent demands on
SimMechanics [6] and SimHydraulics™ [7] to support the cooling system is one of the key performance
system level modeling of the entire system. The paper is requirements. In hard bank excavation, the loader is
organized as follows: Section 2 discuses some typical used to break into an existing bank of solidified clay,
wheel loader applications and then focuses on the sand, and rock mixture and move it to a different location
hopper charging application in order to derive some or into a truck. In this case, the ability of the loader to dig
requirements that drive the machine development into the hardened material and acquire it through a
process. Section 3 then presents the behavioral balanced combination of tractive force and lift force is
modeling and analysis of the implement hydraulic one of the key drivers of performance attributes. In pallet
system and powertrain system which are combined into movement, the forks at the end of the implement linkage
an overall vehicle model. Section 4 discuses how the are used to move pallets from one location to another
wheel loader machine model is formally linked to location. In this case, preciseness of positioning the
machine requirements, such that we can verify if the forks into the pallet tines and then placing the pallet at a
wheel loader system concept meets program certain location are some of the key drivers of
requirements. The key conclusions of the paper are then performance attributes.
outlined in Section 5.
As can be seen from the above descriptions, each
2. WHEEL LOADER APPLICATIONS AND application drives a unique set of requirements for the
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS wheel loader system design. Since the machine has to
perform equally well in all of these applications it is
OVERVIEW OF WHEEL LOADER APPLICATIONS necessary that we understand how a design change in
the loader affects the performance of the loader in each
In this paper we will focus our attention on a wheel of the applications. Since it would be impossible for us to
loader and will take a look at how the wheel loader cover each and every such application in detail in this
applications drive machine requirements which in turn paper we narrow our focus on one application, hopper
drives the machine systems development process. A charging, understand some of its key segments, identify
wheel loader is a multi-function machine which can some of the key performance attributes, and use the
perform a variety of different application tasks depending requirements based on these attributes to see how an
on the tool connected to its implement linkage, which integrated modeling environment can drive the
can be either a bucket, a set of pallet forks, etc. Typical development of the wheel loader machine systems and
applications for a wheel loader include, but are not allow us to evaluate the machine performance in the
limited to, V-cycle loading, hopper charging, absence of hardware.
backdragging, snow removal, hard bank excavation, etc.
some of which are described below. HOPPER CHARGING

In V-cycle loading, the loader penetrates into a pile, One of the most common applications for a wheel loader
picks up gravel, backs up from the pile, reverses is what is referred to as hopper charging wherein the
direction, approaches a truck, while raising the loader acquires material from a stockpile, backs up from
implement linkage, such that the linkage is in a position the stockpile, reverses direction, traverses the distance
to dump when it reaches the truck. Once the loader has towards a ramp, and then moves up the ramp while
dumped the gravel in the truck, the loader backs up from raising the implement linkage, such that the linkage is in
the truck, lowers the linkage, reverses direction again, a position to dump at the end of the ramp. Once the
and approaches the pile, at which point the cycle loader has dumped the material into a truck or a
repeats. In this case, the ability of the loader to acquire conveyor at the end of the ramp, the loader backs up,
material in the pile through a balanced combination of lowers the linkage, reverses direction again, and
tractive force and lift force, and the ability of the loader to approaches the stockpile, at which point the cycle
simultaneously steer, lift, and move in a coordinated repeats. This operation involves the complex interaction
fashion are some of the key drivers of performance of the loader powertrain, hydraulics, implement linkage,
characteristics. and steering system. The net performance of the
machine is a function of these systems and their
In backdragging, the wheel loader bucket blade is used interactions. In a traditional design process, the
to push loose material where the loader travels in development of these systems happens independently
reverse gear such that the ground becomes relatively and the only time the system interaction issues are
level due to the pressure applied by the bucket blade. In addressed is when the machine gets built and tested. In
this application, the ability to apply downward pressure order to understand and analyze the performance of the
machine it is essential that we take the different wheel these elemental performance metrics become
loader applications such as the hopper charging cycle traceable back to the machine application
and break it down into individual elements so that we requirements. This allows us to start with
can quantify the performance of the various machine requirements based on machine level applications,
systems. break it down into targets for individual and
combined system operation, and then drive the
The hopper charging cycle can be broken down into the machine design and development process to meet
following segments: these targets.

a. approach pile (steer, move, and position linkage For the purposes of this paper we will narrow our focus
to penetrate pile) to the interactions that happen between the implement
hydraulic and powertrain systems during the course of
b. dig and acquire material (keep machine pushed going up the grade only and not deal with the digging
against pile, and lift and tilt movements to aspects of the hopper charging cycle. The performance
acquire load) requirements that arise out of the lift and propulsion
system interactions during a hopper charging cycle are
c. reverse from pile (steer and propulsion) discussed next.

d. move forward and travel on level ground to PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS

approach ramp (propulsion)
Given the above discussion, we can develop a test
e. travel up ramp (propulsion and lift) specification that creates scenarios to capture the wheel
loader performance for these various segments. These
f. dump (tilt) test specifications can be used to test the current
machine or competitor’s machine to obtain the
g. reverse down ramp (propulsion and lift and tilt) performance requirements for the wheel loader, which
are stated as follows for both the individual system
h. move forward and travel towards pile response and the coordinated system response:
Requirement 1: Lift System Response
This is by no means a unique breakdown of the
hopper charging cycle, but just one of many ways in With the linkage being at the lower most position where
which the cycle can be decomposed into its the lift cylinder is at minimum stroke with bucket loaded
elements. We can then take each of these segments with rated load (5000kg), when the loader operator
and use them to quantify the performance of today’s issues a step command to lift, the lift system should
machine and also to develop the requirements for move through its full range of motion (the lift cylinder
the next generation of machines. As an example, we being at its maximum stroke at the end of the motion) in
can take the hopper charging cycle segment (travel 6.5 seconds or less.
up the ramp) and use it to develop requirements for
the two systems involved in this element: propulsion Requirement 2: Propulsion System Response
and lift. A typical machine development process that
is focused on individual systems will have a With the linkage being at the lower most position with
requirement that specifies the time taken for the the bucket loaded with rated load (5000kg), when the
propulsion system to reach its maximum speed loader operator issues a step command to move, the
along with a requirement for the time taken for the lift loader should reach its first gear maximum speed of
system to reach its maximum height. However, 4.35 mph (7kph) in less than 1.5 seconds.
moving up the ramp in a hopper charging scenario
involves both of these systems working in parallel. Requirement 3: Simultaneous Lift and Propulsion on
Since the engine can only provide a limited amount Level Ground:
of power, the response times of the systems would
be different when they work together as opposed to With the linkage being at the lower most position with
when they work in isolation. In this case we can the bucket loaded with rated load (5000kg), when the
develop a requirement that states the response time loader operator issues a step command to move and lift
for the propulsion system when the lift system is at the same time on level ground (from rest for both the
active as well. Thus, by decomposing the overall propulsion and lift system), the loader should reach its
cycle into its segments we can quantify overall maximum speed of 4.35 mph (7kph) in less than 1.5
machine performance. Further, during the machine seconds.
development process for the next generation of
machines we can set targets for these elemental
performance metrics based on current and
competitive machine performance under the same
conditions, and other program requirements. Thus,
Requirement 4: Simultaneous Lift and Propulsion on For this paper we will use MATLAB and Simulink [4,5]
12% Grade: and the family of products in the physical modeling area
as the integrated environment for design and analysis of
With the linkage being at the lower most position with the wheel loader. These products allow users to create
the bucket loaded with rated load (5000kg), when the models that reflect the physical nature of the system
loader operator issues a step command to move and lift using a graphical language with physical connections
at the same time while the machine is at the bottom of a that closely mirrors the language of the engineering
12% grade (from rest for both the propulsion and lift domain. The products in this family are SimMechanics
system), the loader should reach its first gear maximum [6], SimHydraulics [7], SimDriveline [8], and
speed of 4.35 mph (7kph) in less than 2.0 seconds. SimPowerSystems [9]. This ability to model multiple
domains such as hydraulics and mechanics in the same
We will use these requirements to drive the machine environment has many benefits. It brings the design
systems development process for the wheel loader. For process much closer to the realization before committing
the purpose of this paper, we will consider the scenario to an implementation, and uncovers incompatibilities and
where we are developing the next generation of the interactions between systems while the system is still in
wheel loader and are evaluating a new transmission its conceptual form and can be easily modified. This also
system concept which involves using a hydrostatic allows experimenting with different design alternatives
transmission coupled with a planetary gear train to form during the conceptual design stages, while detailed
an Infinitely Variable Transmission (IVT). The IVT is implementation effects can be added as the need arises.
combined with the existing implement hydraulic system We will discuss next how the different machine systems
and the goal of the machine development program is to are developed using this integrated environment.
meet or exceed the requirements stated previously.
In this scenario then, we are starting off with the top left
corner of the V-process shown in Figure 1. We would The implement hydraulic system consists of a Z-Bar
like to verify whether the IVT based machine concept will linkage coupled to electro-hydraulic implement system
meet our requirements. As discussed earlier, the [10] which in turn consists of a pump driven by an
traditional paper based development process makes it engine which provides the fluid power, electro-hydraulic
difficult to maintain this traceability between valves for the lift and tilt circuits that divert the flow to the
requirements and design, and to evaluate the effect of circuit that needs it, sensors to sense the position of the
design changes on overall machine performance. In this lift and tilt cylinders, and electronic joysticks which
paper we will discuss how models can be used provide an indication of the loader operator’s desire for
throughout this process and requirements traceability lift and tilt movement. SimMechanics is used to model
and compliance can be ensured through the use of the dynamics of the Z-Bar as shown in Figure 2.
models without relying on hardware prototypes. In the
next section we will take a look at the integrated
environment that allows us to simulate the wheel loader
to iterate through system concepts and determine if they
meet the machine performance requirements or not.



As described earlier, the traditional design processes

and tools are very good at optimizing individual system
performance metrics, but the machine level performance
is difficult to ascertain. In this case, the implement
hydraulic system is designed to meet performance
specifications such as time to move through the full
range of lift motion, etc. whereas the powertrain system Figure 2 SimMechanics Model of the Z-Bar Linkage
is designed to meet performance requirements such as
time to get to maximum speed in first gear on level The hydraulic system is modeled using SimHydraulics
ground and when going up a grade, etc. Again, in the which provides blocks for typical cylinders, valves,
case of hopper charging what matters is the lift time pumps, etc. where the blocks have hydraulic
when the machine is moving up the ramp, which connections that are connected together analogous to
requires the combined interactions of the implement the physical hydraulic system. The blocks use schematic
hydraulic and propulsion systems. The lack of an symbols commonly used in the fluid power industry and
integrated environment to verify machine performance thus the model visually resembles the hydraulic circuit.
prohibits rapid iterations through system concepts to The electro-hydraulic implement system model is shown
determine the system concept that meets machine in Figure 3. The hydraulic system output results in a
requirements. cylinder force that is applied to the prismatic joint that
represents the cylinder and thus provides the
interconnectivity for multi-domain simulations. In this
model the pump displacement is controlled by a simple
behavioral model of the implement control unit which
also controls the lift valve displacement and thereby the
lift cylinder movement. This simple behavioral model can
be augmented in the later design stages with a more
detailed controller model using the control design
capabilities in Simulink.

Figure 4 Electro-Hydraulic Implement System

Simulation Results

As mentioned previously, an infinitely variable

transmission (IVT) is being considered as a potential
solution for the loader propulsion system. An IVT
consists of a hydraulic pump and motor (the hydrostatic
part) connected with a planetary gear train. The machine
speed is electronically controlled by controlling the pump
and/or motor displacements. SimHydraulics is used to
Figure 3 Electro-Hydraulic Implement System model the pump, motor, and associated hydraulic
Modeled in the Simulink® Environment circuitry, as shown in Figure 5.
Once we have the hydraulic, mechanical, and controller
domains in the same model we can simulate the
implement hydraulic system to understand how it would
behave. The simulation result from one such run is
shown in Figure 4, where the operator issues a lift up
command and expects the linkage to accelerate rapidly
to its maximum velocity. The lift cylinder position and
velocity is shown in Figure 4, and similarly we can look
at other system variables such as lift force generated,
etc. We can then compare these simulation results with
the implement system requirements as stated in
requirement 1 in section 2, and verify that the proposed
implement system concept meets the machine
requirements. This allows us to achieve early machine Figure 5 Hydrostatic Transmission Modeled in the
level testing in the absence of hardware and ensure that Simulink® Environment
the implement system concept meets the machine
The hydrostatic transmission is then coupled to a
requirements specified. The details of the modeling and
planetary gear train to complete the IVT model. The IVT
simulation aspects are not included here since they are
is coupled to the machine driveline and the tires which
documented in another SAE paper [11].
propel the machine forwards and backwards.
SimDriveline can be used to model the planetary gear
train, the tires, and the longitudinal machine dynamics
as shown in Figure 6.
which reported on which requirements were met and
which were not met after a simulation run. This would
enable rapid iteration of concepts and design changes to
determine if all of the requirements are being met. We
will show one way to address this issue in the next



Our objective is to verify that the IVT based wheel loader

concept meets the requirements specified in section 2. If
we can test the system concepts against those
requirements we can identify errors early in the
development process when they are less expensive to
Figure 6 Wheel Loader Driveline, Tires, and Machine fix and optimize the overall machine performance. This
Dynamics Modeled in the Simulink® Environment paper accomplishes this objective in a two step
approach. First, the wheel loader model used so far and
Once we have a model of the wheel loader propulsion its various subsystems are associated with the
system we can simulate the condition where the respective requirements that drive the design of the
operator issues a step command to the propulsion loader and its subsystems. Second, test cases are
system to determine if the system meets the derived from the high level requirements (and linked to
requirement number 2, specified in section 2. the respective requirements) that are then executed on
the simulation model to verify that the requirements are
MACHINE MODEL being met. Establishing such a formalized approach to
testing the design is important to demonstrate that the
Now that we have the powertrain and the implement system concept meets the loader requirements and
hydraulic system model we can combine these into the allows us to ensure that there are no design errors early
wheel loader machine systems model. The machine in the concept stage. Further, these links to
systems model is as shown in Figure 7. requirements and test cases can be reused throughout
the design and development process.

The loader model developed so far is actually an

executable specification for the system to be designed.
Running (or executing) the model tells us how the
system will perform and if the system will meet the
desired requirements. It is essential that all the elements
in this specification are associated with requirements so
that there are no redundant elements in the specification
and that all the requirements are addressed in the
specification so that there are no requirements that are
left uncovered.

Simulink Verification and Validation [12] allows the

establishment of a two way link between each element
of the model (subsystem, blocks, state transitions, etc.)
and a requirement document. The requirement
Figure 7 Wheel Loader Model
document can be in a textual format, or commonly used
Using the machine level model of the wheel loader we file formats such as HTML. The two way link provides
can start simulating the scenarios corresponding to the traceability from the model to the requirement document
requirements 3 and 4 stated in section 2. However as and vice-versa and is critical in ensuring that each
the number of machine requirements increase it is element of the model specification has an associated
inconvenient to manually compare the results of each requirement and that each requirement is realized
simulation to the requirements to verify compliance with somewhere in the model specification. To further
requirements. This process becomes even more time formalize this traceability, we can automatically generate
consuming if we want to verify compliance with the a HTML report which documents which of the
entire set of requirements every time a design or subsystems in the model are associated with
concept change is made. This in turn inhibits rapid requirements for documentation purposes as shown in
design iterations and causes the machine systems Figure 8. The subsystems in the model that are
engineer to settle on a suboptimal design and also associated with requirements can be highlighted
lengthens the machine development process. It would automatically as well, which helps in visually identifying
be nice if a mechanism could be created in the model
which subsystems are not associated with requirements
and thus can be tagged for further investigation.

Figure 10 Defining Test Cases and Associating with

Requirements using Signal Builder
The requirement states that the wheel loader should
achieve its maximum speed of 4.35mph in less than 1.5
Figure 8 Requirement Report for Model seconds. The “Test Verifications” subsystem logs the
time it takes for the wheel loader to get to 4.35 mph
Once we have associated requirements with the model during the simulation and then compares this to the
and established traceability between the two it is requirement. When we execute the test case, we find
necessary to ensure that the model specification that the loader takes 1.3 seconds to get to 4.35mph.
complies with the requirements. To test the model Since this satisfies the requirement, the simulation
specification against the requirements a test harness is proceeds to completion, as shown in Figure 11.
established in Simulink consisting of test cases and
verification blocks as shown in Figure 9. Each test case
is linked to its associated requirement. Further, each test
case is also associated with specific verification blocks
so as to check for the expected output for that specific
test case.

Figure 11 Wheel Loader Simulation Result

Figure 9 Wheel Loader Model with Test Cases and Since the wheel loader system concept meets
Verification Checks requirements when the loader is commanded to move
Figure 10 shows the test case where the loader is asked and lift on level ground, we can then take the next test
to move on level ground while raising the linkage at the case which involves the loader simultaneously moving
same time. Since requirement number 3 in section 2, and lifting on a 12% grade. The requirement states that
deals with the expected behavior of the machine in this the wheel loader should achieve its maximum speed of
condition we associate this test case with requirement 4.35mph in less than 2.0 seconds. If this requirement is
number 3 in the requirements document and also to the met then simulation will proceed as normal. However, if
appropriate assertion blocks in the “Test Verifications” the time obtained from the simulation is greater than 2.0
subsystem shown in Figure 9. On the bottom right hand seconds the assertion block throws off an error and
side of Figure 10 there is a pane that shows the link to stops simulation, as shown in Figure 12. At this point,
the requirements document and in the top right pane is the systems engineer can investigate what changes
the link to the assertion blocks. need to be made to the system concept so that this
requirement can be met. Examples of such changes
include, but are not limited to, changing the torque rise
characteristic of the engine, changing the dynamic were derived based on a specific application, these
response of the IVT pump, etc. Having a model requirements were then associated with the model, and
specification of the various systems allows us to easily test cases associated with the requirements were
investigate these changes and identify the best one that created to determine if the system concept meets
meets the machine level requirements for further design requirements. This ability to evaluate multi-domain off-
and development without the need for prototype highway machine system concepts through models and
hardware and the associated time and cost impact. link the models to the machine requirements along with
the ability to instrument the models to check the results
of the simulation to verify that the machine behavior
meets requirements in a formal manner, allows the
entire machine behavior and the interactions between
the various systems to be well understood. Further, this
ability allows the systems to be optimized to meet the
machine level requirements in the absence of hardware
to evaluate design options, resulting in a significant
amount of time and cost savings.

Once the initial system concept study phase of the

development process is over and the detailed design of
the selected system concept proceeds further, the same
model can be elaborated with the design details such as
the control strategy, detailed component models, etc.
The links to requirements and test cases can then be
Figure 12 Assertion Error when Simulation Results reused to ensure compliance with requirements for the
Don’t Meet Requirements detailed machine system concept. Once the control
Having this capability to create bi-directional links strategy is designed, software can be automatically
between the model and the requirements document, generated from the same model and the software can be
define the test cases corresponding to the requirements, tested using the same requirements driven approach
capture the expected behavior in this case through the proposed in this paper. These aspects will be dealt with
assertion blocks, and report if the simulation results in a future paper.
meet the requirements or not, is a key enabler in getting
early verification of whether the system concepts meet Model-Based Design in an integrated modeling
requirements and thereby rapidly iterate through the environment allows for the reuse of design information
various proposed concepts to identify the best concept through various stages of the machine development
that needs to be pursued further. As we move further process, thereby leading to time savings and reducing
down the V development process in terms of designing transcription errors. The net benefit of using an
the subsystems and components we can add the details integrated environment to model and simulate the
relevant to subsystem and component design to the machine behavior prior to building hardware is that we
model. Since the requirements are linked to the model, can build the right machine, on time and within budget.
we can simply run the simulation again with the test
cases verify continued compliance with requirements. REFERENCES
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concepts for a wheel loader application. Instead of using DETC, 1998.
prototype hardware for iterating through the system 4. The MathWorks Inc., “Using MATLAB®,” Version
concepts, models of the wheel loader powertrain and 7.4, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, March, 2007.
implement hydraulic systems were built in an integrated 5. The MathWorks Inc., “Using Simulink®,” Version
environment to evaluate the interactions between these 6.6, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, March, 2007.
systems. This model then represented the specification 6. The MathWorks Inc., “SimMechanics User’s Guide,"
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7. The MathWorks Inc., “SimHydraulics User’s Guide," CONTACT
Version 1.2, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA,
March, 2007. SAMEER M. PRABHU
8. The MathWorks Inc., “SimDriveline User’s Guide,"
Version 1.3, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, Sameer has over ten years of experience applying The
March, 2007. MathWorks products in various application areas. As an
9. The MathWorks Inc., “SimPowerSystems User’s Applications Engineering Manager in the Detroit,
Guide," Version 4.4, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, Michigan office, Sameer manages a team of applications
MA, March, 2007. engineers focused on working with customers in the
10. U Pinsopon, T Hwang, S Cetinkunt, R Ingram, Q automotive and commercial vehicles industry to address
Zhang, M Cobo, D Koehler and R Ottman, the systems integration challenges posed by increased
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs., Vol 213, Part I, pp. 33-48, Caterpillar, and Tata Motors. The results of his work
have been documented through publications and United
States patents. Sameer graduated from University of
11. S. M. Prabhu, J. Wendlandt, J. Glass, T. Egel, Multi-
Bombay with Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and
Domain Modeling and Simulation of an Electro-
received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Duke
Hydraulic Implement System, SAE Paper 06CV-145. University in the area of robotic controls and artificial
12. The MathWorks Inc., “Simulink® Verification & intelligence. He also holds an MBA from the University
Validation User’s Guide," Version 2.1, The of Michigan. He can be reached at
MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, March, 2007. [email protected]

MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, Real-Time Workshop, and xPC TargetBox are registered trademarks and SimBiology, SimEvents, and
SimHydraulics are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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