Drilling and Blasting Programme 17012024

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Drilling and Blasting

Short Course 2024 This short course is sponsored

by AECI Mining Explosives

Drilling and Blasting

Short Course
DATE: 2024
24-25 APRIL 2024

Click here to register

Agenda Day 1
Time* Session Title Slides
01 - Introduction 8
02 - Cave dweller to Millennial, 48
9:00 1
A fun look at the evolution of explosives 117
03 - Explosive Energy, Marketing or Myth 47
04 - Definition of Cup, in-hole and critical density 14
10:30 20 Minute Break
05 - Leveraging Fragmentation 53
10:50 2
06 - How boosters shape your blast 36 120
07 - Stemming, Friend or foe 31
12:30 Half-hour Lunch
08 - Do you understand your blast timing? 69

13:00 3 09 - Specialized Blasting Techniques - Highwall 65
14:30 20 Minute Break
14:50 4 10 - Specialized Blasting Techniques - Hot holes 65
11 - Lightning, What’s the story 27
16:30 Close
* Timing approximate, allow for questions and discussion

Agenda Day 2
Time* Session Title Slides
12 - Specialized Blasting Techniques - Not your 128 128
9:00 5
typical blasting
10:30 20 Minute Break
10:50 6 13 - Blasting and Ground Vibrations 103
14 - Airblast & Noise 58 161
12:30 Half-hour Lunch
15 - Blast Fumes & Gases 32
13:00 7 16 - Ducking wild flyrock 109 141
14:30 20 Minute Break
17 - Smart Truck 22
14:50 8
18 - Generating a simple Blast Design 18 67
19 - What’s new undergruund? 27
16:30 Close
* Timing approximate, allow for questions and discussion

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