doing your own affiliate marketing business. The most important part of this business is
that you must know marketing. When you want to do marketing, you will need marketing
materials. This article will explain to you the 3 kinds of advertising types that you can use
for your affiliate marketing business.
The 1st type will be the email advertisement. You can create your own solo ads,
strategically placed ads or signature ads. You will be able to put this kind of ads on the
forum, classified ads. One good way to make this kind of ads is to look at the work of
other people’s ad and you modify it to your own style.
The 2nd type will be the graphical advertisement. Some of these are the banner ads,
splash ads, or half/full page graphic ads which you can use it online or offline. You might
need some basic graphic designing skills and software to create it. It is a skill that is
worth learning as once you master it, you will be able to create your own graphic
The 3rd type is the text advertisement. Examples of these kinds of ads will be like having
an article. You will be able to paste it on your own website so that you will be able to
give them quality information. When the customer read the article, they will
subconsciously believe that you are the expert in that area and they should buy from you.
These are the 3 different kind of ad types that is most commonly use in the affiliate
marketing business. Some of the affiliate program will provide with all the above type
advertising material. It is better to modify the ads that are provided to you with your own
unique twist. This will be the fastest and easiest way to have your own advertising
The Basics - Advertising is providing information, calling attention to, and making
known something that you want to sell or promote.
Advertising is a multibillion dollar industry (more than $100 billion a year) in the U.S. In
many businesses, sales volume depends on the amount of advertising done.
Manufacturers try to persuade people to buy their products. Business firms use
advertising to promote an "image" for their company. Businesses use advertising to gain
new customers and increase sales.
Individuals, political candidates and their parties, organizations and groups, and the
government also advertise. The armed forces use ads to recruit volunteers. Special
interest groups promote a cause or try to influence people's thoughts and actions.
Politicians use ads to try to win votes. And people advertise in newspapers to sell cars,
homes, property, or other items.
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42eXplore 4 Teens
Here is where you will find practically any ad you have seen on TV. You can vote on it,
comment on it, discuss the underlying innuendoes, and hopefully even get your
comments read by some of the leading advertising agencies in the world.
Related Websites:
2) Adbusters
3) Adland
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Activities 2 eXplore
After visiting several of the advertising websites, complete one or more of the following
See how savvy you are on the techniques used to the gimmicks and techniques of
advertising. Complete the Advertising Challenge from Media Smart Kids.
Evaluate Television Ads. For one week in your television viewing time, keep a log of the
ads that you watch. Figure out how may miinutes per hour are used for advertising.
Identify your five favorite commercials and the five that you dislike the most. Identify
why you like or dislike each of them. Compare your findings with friends and classmates.
Create a Television Ad. This is for a 30 second commercial slot. First identify a product
for your ad. This may be the toughest task! It can be a real or imaginary product. Next
create a slogan. An example might be 'SuperJuice.' Your slogan could be 'SuperJuice,
Super Energy.' Now you're ready to write the script -- remember to keep it short. Perform
the ad, enlist friends and volunteers to assist you. You may want to record your
commercial with a video camera.
Debate Issues Related to Advertising and Marketing to Children. (Grades 9-12) Precedent
has already been made with regard to advertising and marketing of tobacco products to
children (Tobacco Explained). Now public attention has begin to focus on the
entertainment industries. Politicians are making their views known. Consider the first
amendment rights as they apply to producers and to you as a consumer. It may be useful
to separate the production of an entertainment product from its advertisement and
marketing campaign, and then decide what you favor. You can limit your discussions to
the issue of violent media. Some useful links include:
1) ABCs at the FTC: Marketing and Advertising to Children
2) Government Regulation and Industry Self-Regulation
3) Marketing of Violent Entertainment to Children (Letter from Ralph Nadar to FTC)
3) Marketing to Kids Online Isn't Childs Play
4) Psychologists Challenge Ethics Of Marketing To Children
5) Violent Media is Good for Kids
An alternative topic for debate and research is 'should advertising be allowed in schools?'
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More 2 eXplore
AdCracker by S.L. McNamara
The open-public portions of this site provide insights into the business of creating
marketing and advertising concepts or campaigns.