Rapid Tranquillisation-The Science and Advice

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BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 346–358 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.


ARTICLE Rapid tranquillisation: the science

and advice
John Cookson

John Cookson is a consultant in approaches. It is commonly the initial stage in the treat-
general adult psychiatry for the Royal ment of a first or recurrent episode of severe mental
London Hospital and East London ‘Rapid tranquillisation’ refers to the use of medi- illness, and is followed by treatment to reduce other
NHS Foundation Trust. He trained in cation to calm highly agitated individuals experi-
physiology and pharmacology at the symptoms, leading to remission and prevention of
encing mental disorder who have not responded
University of Oxford and he has a relapse. It therefore offers an opportunity to begin or
career-long interest in psycho-
to non-pharmacological approaches. Commonly
it is the initial stage in the treatment of severe renew a therapeutic engagement. It is also called
pharmacology. His duties have
included work in psychiatric intensive and enduring illness. Using medication in this acute tranquillisation, understanding that it is not
care units since 1988. He has co- way requires particularly robust evidence of effi- always quickly effective and it may take many days
authored two editions of Use of cacy and the management of side-effects. This for the underlying condition to be controlled.
Drugs in Psychiatry, published by article attempts to integrate current understand- The disorders involved are usually affective disor-
ing of the neurochemical mechanisms of under- ders or schizophrenia (Pilowsky 1992), often com-
Correspondence Dr John Cookson,
Royal London Hospital – Adult lying illness and drug actions with therapeutic plicated by substance misuse and personality
Psychiatry, Tower Hamlets Centre for interventions. It distinguishes arousal from agita- disorder. Delirium and dementia may also cause
Mental Health, Mile End Hospital, tion, and effects on sedation from tranquillisation. agitation but are not considered in this article.
Bancroft Road, London E1 4DG, UK. It reviews critically the practice of rapid tranquil-
Email: [email protected] Agitation and arousal are of concern because
lisation in the light of new evidence, changes in
they can lead to aggression (the threat of violence)
the NICE guidelines and British National Formulary
Copyright and usage and violence (the exercise of physical force so as
© The Royal College of Psychiatrists recommendations and a national audit (POMH-
UK). Broader aspects of management, known to cause injury or damage to oneself, others or
as ‘restrictive practices’ (such as control and property).
restraint and seclusion), psychological support of The aims of rapid tranquillisation are summarised
team members, incident reporting, risk assess- in Box 1.
ment, monitoring and medico-legal aspects are
not covered. History
LEARNING OBJECTIVES A traditional way of coping with the violence of the
• Recognise the role of brain transmitter path- mentally ill was by physical restraint. Then, in the
ways leading to arousal and to agitation early 19th century in England, came the demonstra-
• Be aware of mechanisms of action of benzodia- tion that calm, friendly concern for the individual
zepines, antipsychotics and antihistamines and and simple psychological management made much
distinguishing sedation from calming effects of restraint unnecessary. With the advent of drug
• Know the recommendations of NICE guidelines treatments, bromides, chloral, hyoscine, paralde-
for rapid tranquillisation and the findings of the hyde, morphine, and later barbiturates, became the
national POMH-UK audit and be able to con- compellers of peace – in effect, by heavy sedation,
tribute to local policies
or partial anaesthetisation or in some cases by
DECLARATION OF INTEREST inducing a toxic-confusional state (Shorter 1997).
Current services
Modern psychotropics with more subtle effects calm
Antipsychotic; benzodiazepine; valproate; halo- without necessarily making the person unconscious
peridol; QTc; NICE; POMH; promethazine; zuclo- or even unduly drowsy, and psychological handling
penthixol; PICU; biological treatments; acute
in-patient psychiatry.
BOX 1 Aims of rapid tranquillisation

• Calm the person within 30 min; if necessary, sedate

‘Rapid tranquillisation’ refers to giving medication
• Maintain improvement for at least 2 h
with the intention of calming highly aroused or agitated
individuals in the context of mental disorders, who • Avoid harm to patient, staff and others
have not calmed sufficiently with non-pharmacological

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https://doi.org/10.1192/bja.2018.25 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Rapid tranquillisation

remains an important component of management salience, which may be incentive or aversive

(McLaren 1990). (Berridge 1998).
Since 1985, many in-patient services have created
psychiatric intensive care units (PICUs) to which Agitation
patients can be moved, before a ward with links to Anxiety and agitation are commonly attributed to
the community prepares them for life again outside excessive arousal through increased noradrenergic
hospital. However, the PICUs have found it increas- (Berridge 2012) and reduced serotonergic function
ingly necessary to use restraint and seclusion once (Graeff 1998). However, according to the dopamine
again. The timely use of effective tranquillisation hypothesis, schizophrenia (Howes 2009) and mania
should reduce this: PRN (pro re nata or as-required) (Cookson 2013; Goodwin 2016; Jauhar 2017) result
medication should be used to de-escalate or prevent from excessive dopamine release in particular path-
agitation that may lead to aggression and the need ways. It has been found that dopamine release in
for rapid tranquillisation. basal ganglia regions is increased in first-episode
patients with psychotic mania as well as in those
with schizophrenia (Jauhar 2017). Moreover, the
Neurochemical pathways in arousal and increase was greater in mania. This suggests that
agitation doses required to control severe mania might be
higher than those needed to treat acute schizophre-
nia (thought to be 15 mg/day with haloperidol).
The most common neurotransmitters in the brain
are glutamate (excitatory) and gamma-aminobu-
Assessing the patient
tyric acid (GABA) (inhibitory). These are very
widely distributed and indeed represent the over- It is helpful in planning treatment to know the
whelming majority of brain neurons. In addition, patient’s medication history and whether agitation
there are small sets of neurons utilising other is occurring in the context of physical illness,
transmitters, some of which send axons to wide mania, paranoid psychosis, delirium or drug intoxi-
areas of the brain. These include noradrenaline cation. It is important, despite the urgency, to read
(NA), dopamine (D), histamine (H), acetylcholine previous notes and listen to what the patient says:
(ACh) and serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine this may sometimes be strongly personalised and
(5-HT). Other transmitters known to be involved threatening but nonetheless revealing. An electro-
in arousal are orexin (which is blocked by the cardiogram (ECG) is a prudent investigation for all
drug suvorexant) and adenosine (which is blocked psychiatric admissions, or a note of its refusal.
by caffeine).
In the process of wakening, a signal from the ser- Drug treatment
otonergic suprachiasmatic nucleus (‘the biological
Rapid tranquillisation
clock’) activates orexin neurons in the hypothal-
amus, which cause firing of sets of histamine Whatever the cause, if violent or disturbed behav-
neurons (in the tuberomamillary nucleus), nor- iour continues or is threatened, it may need to be
adrenaline neurons (including those of the nucleus controlled rapidly. The aim of rapid tranquillisation
locus ceruleus) and acetylcholine neurons of the is to calm or sedate the patient sufficiently to minim-
pontine reticular formation. This corresponds to ise the risk posed to the patient and to others.
the awake, alert or aroused state (Sutcliffe 2002; Sometimes it addresses also the underlying illness,
Szabadi 2015). A more frontal acetylcholine particularly mania, which can improve with non-
pathway from the nucleus basalis of Meynert to the sedative antipsychotics within minutes or hours
cerebral cortex is involved in attention, concentra- (Cookson 2008). In schizophrenia, the delusions,
tion and memory (Liu 2015). hallucinations and thought disorder tend to
By contrast, the deep sleeping state (slow wave improve over weeks with antipsychotics (Johnstone
sleep) involves diminished release of orexin, hista- 1978), but improvement in agitation can be seen
mine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Rapid eye much sooner (Agid 2003).
movement (REM) sleep (dreaming) involves activa- Table 1 lists the drugs most often used in rapid
tion of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors via the tranquillisation and their mechanisms.
pontine reticular formation (Sutcliffe 2002; Szabadi
2015). Neurochemical basis of drug treatments for
Another feature of arousal is activation of dopa- agitation
mine neurons, which have the role of drawing atten- Glutamate transmission has not yet proved an effect-
tion to significant sensations or experiences, causing ive target in rapid tranquillisation, although keta-
alertness (Schultz 1997) and signalling motivational mine, which blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive

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TABLE 1 Drugs used in rapid (acute) tranquillisation and mechanisms of action

Class and drug Mechanism of action

Lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam Enhance GABA action by allosteric action on GABAA receptors
Haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone, zuclopenthixol, aripiprazole, Block D2, NA alpha-1, H1 and ACh M receptors
chlorpromazine, loxapine
Promethazine Block H1 receptors (and ACh M)
Procyclidine, orphenadrine, benzhexol Block ACh M receptors

ACh, acetylcholine; D, dopamine; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; H, histamine; M, muscarinic; NA, noradrenaline.

glutamate receptors (NMDAR), is a general anaes- (Koshimizu 2002). In the human iris, alpha-1 re-
thetic agent and has a rapid effect, reducing suicidal ceptors are blocked by therapeutic doses of haloperi-
ideation and improving mood in severe depression dol (Szabadi 1981). This action could contribute
within 1 h, which midazolam does not (Wilkinson to the beneficial effects of haloperidol, zuclo-
2018). When surgery is needed, for example after penthixol, olanzapine and chlorpromazine – seda-
a severe injury, rapid tranquillisation may include tive antipsychotics.
a general anaesthetic agent such as ketamine Table 2 shows the relative potencies of antipsy-
administered in a specialist setting with intuba- chotics and promethazine in blocking receptors
tion and ventilation. Highly aroused states do, and in causing QT prolongation by blocking the
however, benefit from medication that increases IKr cardiac potassium channels also known as
inhibitory (GABA) function in the brain or reduces hERG channels (see ‘Antipsychotics, cardiac con-
histamine transmission. Thus, benzodiazepines duction and sudden death’ below).
and antihistamines can produce sedation, but are To reduce agitation further it is it is necessary to
not expected to improve the underlying mental address the underlying condition (e.g. schizophre-
state in psychosis. Likewise, drugs that reduce nor- nia, mania) by reducing dopamine function. This
adrenaline transmission by inhibiting the locus cer- is achieved by antipsychotic or antimanic agents.
uleus (such as clonidine) cause sedation. Blockade It has long been recognised that antipsychotic
of noradrenergic alpha-1 receptors has also been drugs act by blocking receptors for dopamine
linked to sedation with antipsychotic drugs (Carlsson 1963). Following the animal laboratory
(Peroutka 1977). The locus ceruleus projects to the work of Schultz et al (1997) and Berridge &
medial septal area and cortex through alpha-1 and Robinson (1998) showing that dopamine pathways
beta receptors to cause arousal (Berridge 2012). signal incentive salience, Kapur (2003) proposed
Noradrenergic alpha-1 receptors are of three subtypes, that in schizophrenia excess dopamine causes exces-
alpha-1B being involved in the central nervous system sive aversive motivational salience to be attached to

TABLE 2 Binding profiles,a and QT changes at therapeutic doses, for antipsychotics and promethazine

Compound pKi pIC50 QTcB, ms

D2 H1 NA alpha-1 ACh M1 IKr or hERG

Aripiprazole 8.63 7.36 7.06 5.27 5.96 −0.6

Chlorpromazine 8.1 7.78 8.54 7.13 5.82 2.1
Haloperidol 8.68 5.98 7.86 5.44 7.03 1.5
Loxapine 7.9 8.15 7.51 6.91 5.7 4
Olanzapine 7.69 8.63 6.39 7.67 6.64 8.7
Risperidone 8.36 7.91 7.86 <5 6.69 2.5
Ziprasidone 8.09 7.39 8.08 5.59 6.79 13.3
Zuclopenthixol 8.4 7.4 8.62 <5 6.12 −12.8
Promethazine 6.8 8.58 7.66

a. pKi and pIC50 denote the drug’s binding affinity for the associated receptor: higher numbers signify greater potency; a difference of 1 in pKi value represents a ten-
fold difference in binding affinity.
ACh, acetylcholine; D, dopamine; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; H, histamine; M, muscarinic; NA, noradrenaline; QTcB, QT interval with Bazett correction.
Sources: Kubo et al (1987); Silvestre et al (2014); Cassella et al (2015).

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Rapid tranquillisation

sensory input and that antipsychotics work by redu- individuals with low muscle blood flow there is a
cing all salience; blockade of dopamine thereby pre- risk of successive doses accumulating in muscle
vents new delusions from being formed, but further and then being released to the circulation in unex-
time is needed for existing delusions to be ‘unlearnt’. pectedly high concentrations.
The main risk with benzodiazepines is respiratory
Benzodiazepines depression, which once recognised is readily
reversed by flumazenil. Not all patients can be
If there is uncertainty about the diagnosis, it may be
sedated by high doses of benzodiazepines and
desirable to use benzodiazepines initially and to
there is a theoretical risk of behavioural disinhib-
avoid the use of antipsychotic drugs; this would
ition, which is poorly documented (Paton 2002).
apply with catatonia where neuroleptic malignant
False memory is a risk of high-dose benzodiazepines
syndrome is a particular risk (Sienaert 2014).
(Pernot-Marino 2004).
Table 3 shows the different potencies, rates of
A Cochrane review of benzodiazepines for agitation
absorption and onset, and duration of action (terminal
in psychosis found only one randomised controlled
half-life) for diazepam, lorazepam and clonazepam in
trial (RCT) comparing a benzodiazepine (lorazepam)
healthy volunteers. The potency of clonazepam is
with placebo (in mania) (Zaman 2017). This showed
notably higher than that of diazepam, but its dur-
global improvement in agitation 2 h after intramus-
ation is shorter, meaning that the equivalence with
cular injection of lorazepam 2 mg, but no significant
diazepam is initially 20:1, but diazepam accumulates
change in manic or psychotic symptoms (Meehan
to a greater extent and the equivalence in long-term
2001). Another study in mania found greater bene-
use is about 10:1 (Ashton 2002; Taylor 2015).
fits with lorazepam than placebo from 45 min to
For oral use diazepam or clonazepam may be
2 h after administration for both agitation and
given, and for intramuscular use lorazepam. They
mania ratings (Zimbroff 2007).
may need to be repeated every 2 hours.
Oral diazepam can be effective as quickly as
intramuscular lorazepam. Peak concentrations Antipsychotics
are reached within 45 min in more than half of Antipsychotic drugs were formerly known as major
patients (Greenblatt 1989). Intramuscular use of tranquillisers and have an important role in calming
diazepam should be avoided; it is very painful agitation. Their tranquillising effects do not depend
and absorption is slow. Intramuscular lorazepam on being sedative. The effects occur within minutes
is absorbed more quickly, with peak levels within of drug delivery and generally more quickly with
1–1.5 h (Greenblatt 1977). parenteral than oral routes. Antipsychotics avail-
In some cases, medication that is rapidly eliminated able for intramuscular use in the UK are haloperi-
is preferred, for instance lorazepam. However, the dol, olanzapine, aripiprazole and chlorpromazine
patient may remain severely disturbed when the (McAllister-Williams 2002). Haloperidol has long
medication wears off, in which case the longer- been regarded as the first-line drug for parenteral
acting diazepam or clonazepam are preferable. The rapid tranquillisation (Wilson 2012). It lacks anti-
intravenous route offers the most rapid method of histaminergic and anticholinergic activity, but
sedation, but a high peak concentration of the drug blocks noradrenergic alpha-1 receptors. The side-
is achieved and may have unwanted side-effects, effects of haloperidol are particularly the extrapyr-
and the early sedation wears off quickly as the amidal ones – Parkinsonism, dystonia and akathi-
drug is redistributed. Mental health nurses are sia. A Cochrane review on the drug states that
rarely trained to administer via the intravenous ‘Where additional drugs are available, sole use of
route, which is therefore limited to use by a haloperidol for extreme emergency could be consid-
doctor. Intramuscular injection gives a more ered unethical’ (Ostinelli 2017). It is therefore advis-
gradual rise in blood concentration, but in able to consider administering an anticholinergic

TABLE 3 Pharmacokinetics of three benzodiazepines

Active Diazepam Terminal Peak oral BNF maximum dose,a mg

metabolite equivalent half-life, h level, h

Diazepam Nordiazepam 20–100 (36–200) 0.5–2.5 30

Lorazepam 1 mg = 10 mg 10–20 1–1.5 (IM: 1 4 mg (oral); 25–30 micrograms/kg every 6 hours if required; usual dose 1.5–2.5 mg
h) every 6 hours if required (intramuscular; acute panic attacks)
Clonazepam 1 mg = 20 mg 18–50 1–4 8 (epilepsy)

a. BNF maximum doses are taken from Joint Formulary Committee (2018).
IM, intramuscular.

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drug together with haloperidol to prevent dystonia.

In the treatment of schizophrenia, there are antipsy-
BOX 2 IKr and hERG channels
chotics with greater efficacy than haloperidol (olan-
IKr is the outward repolarising current in the cardiac delayed
zapine, risperidone and amisulpride, in addition to
rectifier K+ (potassium ion) channel Kv11.1. This channel is
clozapine) (Leucht 2013). It is not known whether also known as the hERG channel, after the human Ether-a-
this superiority applies to rapid tranquillisation. go-go-related gene, which encodes the pore-forming sub-
By contrast, no antipsychotic has been shown to unit of the rapid component of Kv11.1. Drugs including
have greater efficacy than haloperidol in reducing antipsychotics can block these channels in high doses.
the symptoms of mania and some (quetiapine, aripi-
prazole, ziprasidone) have distinctly less efficacy
(Cipriani 2011).
excellent reviews of the mechanisms and monitoring
Combined antipsychotic and benzodiazepine of sudden cardiac death with antipsychotics by
Abdelmawla & Mitchell (2006a,b) and by O’Brien
This combination engages different mechanisms of
& Oyebode (2003).
action in the expectation of mutual augmentation
Interpretation of the QT interval is difficult if the
while avoiding complications from higher doses of
pulse rate is increased, because tachycardia shortens
antipsychotics. The amnesic effect of benzodiaze-
the ECG, including the QT interval. Corrections are
pines is also advantageous when patients are under-
applied if the pulse rate is over or under 60 beats per
going such potentially distressing and traumatic
minute. However, the often-used Bazett correction
events as compulsory treatment, restraint and seclu-
overcorrects in the presence of tachycardia and an
sion (Steinert 2013). Even using the intravenous
alternative (Fridericia’s correction) can be used
route, there appears to be faster onset of tranquillisa-
(Vandenberk 2016).
tion with a combination of diazepam and haloperi-
Although several antipsychotics have this effect,
dol than with diazepam alone (Pilowsky 1992).
haloperidol has attracted most concern, because it
has been used in high doses parenterally for rapid
Haloperidol plus lorazepam
Favourite combinations are oral haloperidol (with
procyclidine) and diazepam, and intramuscular Changes in BNF recommendations for haloperidol
haloperidol (with procyclidine) and lorazepam. From 1988 to 2000, the British National Formulary
However, few RCTs have examined these. Those (BNF) recommended a maximum haloperidol intra-
that did have shown evidence for faster onset than muscular dose of 30 mg followed by 5 mg up to
with either alone (Table 4). every hour. However, nurses would not want to
enter a seclusion room every hour. Over the past
Antipsychotics, cardiac conduction and sudden 30 years there have been dramatic changes in the
death advised doses of haloperidol – most notably since
Several factors contribute to an increased risk of 2000 (Table 5). These changes reflect concerns
sudden cardiac death in highly aroused individuals about potential cardiac side-effects of the drug (in
on psychotropic medication. One that has received high doses) as well as a lack of evidence for greater
most attention is the ability of drugs to enter the efficacy with higher doses in the control of symp-
potassium channels that open during the cardiac toms of schizophrenia. There is now a requirement
action potential (the IKr or hERG channel: Box 2); for an ECG in any patient before administration of
this delays repolarisation, leading to prolongation of haloperidol. Intravenous use of haloperidol is no
the QT interval, a factor predisposing to ventricular longer licensed or recommended, owing to a greater
tachycardia (torsades de pointes) and hence to ven- adverse effect on cardiac conduction.
tricular fibrillation and death. Prolongation of the Views about haloperidol changed following the US
QT interval is thus a surrogate marker for drug- Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) assessment
related cardiotoxicity, albeit a weak one. There are of ziprasidone (FDA Psychopharmacologic Drugs

TABLE 4 Randomised controlled trials comparing combined haloperidol and lorazepam with either drug alone

Study Location Trial design Comparison Take-home message

Garza-Trevino et al (1989) Texas, USA Open, N = 68 HAL 5 mg v. LZP 4 mg v. combination Combination faster than either alone (30 min)
Battaglia et al (1997) USA Double-blind, N = 98 HAL 5 mg v. LZP 2 mg v. combination Combination faster on agitation and anxiety (1–3 h)
Bieniek et al (1998) Miami, USA Double-blind, N = 20 Hal 5 mg + LZP 2 mg v. LZP 2 mg Combination superior to LZP alone (60 min)

HAL, haloperidol; LZP, lorazepam.

350 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 346–358 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.25

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Rapid tranquillisation

TABLE 5 Changes to the advised haloperidol prescribing in the British National Formulary: 2000–2018

Year Oral maximum IM maximum Monitoring Comment

daily dose daily dose

1988 200 mg 30 mg + 5 mg/h – –

2000 100 mg 60 mg – –
2001 30 mg 18 mg – –
March 2013 30 mg 18 mg ECG advised –
November 2013 20 mg 20 mg ECG advised
2015 20 mg 12 mg ECG required before treatment Assess need for ECG during treatment
2018 Continuous ECG monitoring is recommended
for repeated intramuscular doses

ECG, electrocardiogram; IM, intramuscular.

Advisory Committee 2000). The manufacturer Pfizer peak (Jansen Medical Information, personal commu-
was required to conduct a study (Study 054) of QT nication, 2 June 2014).
changes. The FDA had extensive data from regula- The International Conference on Harmonisationa a In full, the International Conference
tory trials suggesting that at doses up to 15 mg/day (ICH) stated that ‘drugs that prolong the mean QT/ on Harmonisation of Technical
Requirements for Registration of
the change in QTc with haloperidol was no greater QTc interval by >20 ms have a substantially
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, now
than with placebo. However, laboratory tests on increased likelihood of being proarrhythmic’ (ICH called the International Council for
hERG channels showed dose-dependent inhibition Expert Working Group 2005: p. 13). Harmonisation of Technical
of potassium currents by haloperidol, olanzapine, ris- In November 2003, Janssen changed the summary Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use.
peridone, thioridazine and ziprasidone (Crumb of product characteristics for haloperidol to decrease
2006). Study 054 randomised 183 patients to take the oral dose from 30 to 20 mg/day, and increase the
ziprasidone 160 mg, haloperidol 15 mg, risperidone intramuscular dose from 18 to 20 mg/day.
16 mg, olanzapine 20 mg, quetiapine 750 mg or thi- Subsequently, Janssen reduced the intramuscular
oridazine 300 mg daily for 19 days. Changes in QTc maximum to 12 mg/day.
duration (using Bazett’s correction) were least for However, the dose range for haloperidol in mania
haloperidol, followed by risperidone, olanzapine (or in rapid tranquillisation) has not been defined.
and quetiapine, but greater for ziprasidone and thi- Rifkin et al (1994) found that doses above 10 mg/
oridazine. Pfizer noted a dose-dependent prolonga- day and up to 80 mg/day produce a greater rate of
tion of QTc with thioridazine, ziprasidone, remission of mania.
haloperidol, olanzapine and quetiapine. Data from
the same study, using a different correction, QTcb/l Other antipsychotics
(baseline correction), noted that all the drugs other Zuclopenthixol
than haloperidol led to an increased pulse rate and
Zuclopenthixol is more sedative than haloperidol and
that the QTcb/l increased with all, especially thiorida-
does not prolong the QT interval (Silvestre 2014).
zine and ziprasidone (Harrigan 2004).
If severe agitation persists and repeated injections
Ziprasidone was subsequently approved as an
are required (because the patient refuses oral medi-
antipsychotic and available for intramuscular use,
cation), zuclopenthixol acetate has an effect lasting
including rapid tranquillisation (Brook 2000), in
for about 3 days. The onset of action takes 2–8 h.
the USA and Europe but not in the UK, where
Maximum serum concentrations of zuclopenthixol
ECG monitoring would have been required.
are usually reached 36 h after an injection, so that
To investigate effects of higher doses of ziprasi-
side-effects may be delayed. With up to four doses,
done, Pfizer randomised 59 patients to receive two
zuclopenthixol acetate may maintain improvement
intramuscular doses of ziprasidone or haloperidol
for 2 weeks.
(7.5 and 10 mg) 4 h apart (Miceli 2010). None
With the final dose, the longer-acting zuclo-
of those on haloperidol had QTcb/l greater than
penthixol decanoate may also be given. It has a dur-
450 ms (500 ms being regarded as a threshold for
ation of 1–2 weeks and peak plasma concentrations
increased risk of arrhythmia (Taylor 2003)). There
are usually reached between 4 and 7 days after injec-
was a linear correlation between blood level of halo-
tion. Following multiple injections, the apparent
peridol and lengthening of the QTc interval. The
elimination half-life is 19 days.
manufacturer of haloperidol, Janssen, used this to
predict that oral doses of haloperidol 10 mg twice
daily carried a risk of producing a mean increase of Chlorpromazine
just 8.2 ms; and 4 × 5 mg given intramuscularly over Chlorpromazine is a sedative antipsychotic and may
4 h would produce a mean increase of 8.1 ms at be given orally as tablet or syrup. It may also be

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given by intramuscular injection; however, this can number needed to treat for 40% improvement in
cause local pain, acute hypotension and occasionally Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale – Excited
a painful sterile abscess. This route of administra- Component (PANSS-EC) score at 2 h after 10 mg
tion avoids first-pass metabolism, which can be sub- loxapine was 4 in schizophrenia and, even more
stantial in patients previously exposed to treatment impressively, 3 in mania (Zeller 2017).
over long periods; high blood levels can be reached
unless the dose is lowered for drug-naive patients. Anticholinergics
It has a higher risk of inducing seizures. For these Although atropinic drugs – atropine and hyoscine
reasons chlorpromazine should not be the first-line (scopolamine) – were used orally and parenterally
treatment, and some authorities avoid its use. in the 19th century for their calming effects, they
cause confusional states in higher doses. Today,
Newer antipsychotics for intramuscular use anticholinergics are used only to counteract extra-
Olanzapine pyramidal (Parkinsonian) side-effects. Procyclidine
Olanzapine 10 mg is as effective in reducing agita- and, to a greater extent, benzhexol have stimulant
tion in schizophrenia as 7.5 mg haloperidol over properties.
the course of 2 h, although a benefit is seen within
15 min with olanzapine and within 30 min with Antihistamines
haloperidol (Wright 2001). It is also effective in During the 1940s the pharmaceutical industry
reducing agitation in mania over 2 h; benefit is sig- developed drugs that block histamine; they were
nificant within 30 min, and there is greater improve- used for allergic conditions, but had sedative side-
ment in agitation and mania ratings than after 2 mg effects and were tried in psychiatric patients. The
lorazepam or placebo (Meehan 2001). The manu- French anaesthetist and explorer Henri Laborit
facturer Lilly stopped promoting its intramuscular included promethazine with pethidine and other
use in the UK and it is no longer in the BNF – its agents in what he called a ‘lytic cocktail’ to assist
use is now off-licence. in anaesthesia. It was not until chlorpromazine
It should not be administered simultaneously with was included in 1952 that he recognised a dramatic
benzodiazepines (Lilly 2018). A dose-ranging study advance and encouraged psychiatric colleagues
with intramuscular olanzapine for agitation in Delay and Deniker to explore its use in psychosis.
schizophrenia found a dose–response relationship They too were impressed by the difference between
in the range of 1–10 mg over 2 h (Breier 2002). An chlorpromazine and antihistamines for calming
open-label RCT comparing intramuscular olanza- schizophrenia and mania.
pine 10 mg with intramuscular haloperidol 5 mg Histamine was established as a central neuro-
plus lorazepam 2 mg in acutely agitated patients transmitter in 1984. Blockade of H1 receptors
with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder blocks histamine input to cholinergic and noradre-
found no difference in improvement in the following nergic nuclei in the brainstem and to principal cells
2 h (Huang 2015). in the cerebral cortex (Haas 2008; Panula 2013).
Promethazine is also a potent antimuscarinic drug
Aripiprazole (Table 2), with a ratio of 8:1 in binding affinity for
Aripiprazole given intramuscularly improves mod- H1:AChM1. It can be regarded as a sedative anti-
erately severe agitation in schizophrenia over 2 h. cholinergic (Kubo 1987). It prolongs the QT interval
A dose of 9.25 mg was no less effective than haloperi- and is ictogenic, but not prone to cause torsades
dol 7.5 mg, the improvement being greater than (Owczuk 2009).
placebo from 45 min (Tran-Johnson 2007). For agi- Its duration of action is usually 4–6 h (but can be
tation in mania, aripiprazole 15 mg was superior to up to 12 h). The oral bioavailability is only about
placebo from 60 min, and aripiprazole 9.75 mg was 25%. The time to maximum serum concentration
superior to placebo from 90 min to 2 h, a rather is 3 h after syrup, 2 h after intramuscular injection
slow effect (Zimbroff 2007). A pragmatic RCT (Schwinghammer 1984). The elimination half-life
found intramuscular olanzapine 10 mg superior to is about 10 h.
aripiprazole 9.75 mg in controlling agitation within
2 h, being more sedative (Kittipeerachon 2015). TREC studies
The Tranquilização Rápida-Ensaio Clínico (rapid
Loxapine by nasal inhalation tranquillisation clinical trial, TREC) conducted
Loxapine blocks histamine H1 and dopamine D2 four open or single-blind ‘pragmatic’ RCTs in
receptors (Table 2). Inhaled loxapine 5–10 mg pro- Brazil and India, coordinated by Hof from Brazil
duces significant improvement in agitated patients and with Adams of the Cochrane Schizophrenia
with schizophrenia or mania, from 10 min. The Group in Leeds (Table 6). Consent was requested

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Rapid tranquillisation

TABLE 6 Four TREC randomised controlled trials of combined intramuscular haloperidol and promethazine

Study name Location Trial type Comparison Take-home message

TREC 1: TREC Collaborative Group Brazil Open, N = 301 MDZ 7.5 or 15 mg v. HAL 5 or 10 mg + PMZ 50 mg Equally effective; midazolam faster and more
(2003) dangerous
TREC 2: Alexander et al (2004) India Single-blind, N = 200 LZP 4 mg v. HAL 10 + PMZ 25–50 HAL+PMZ faster and more likely to cause sleep
TREC 3: Huf et al (2007) Brazil Open, N = 316 HAL 5–10 v. HAL 5–10 + PMZ 50 HAL+PMZ faster and caused less dystonia
TREC 4: Raveendran et al (2007) India Single-blind, N = 300 OZP 10 mg v. HAL 10 + PMZ 50 Both equally rapid, but effects of olanzapine
less enduring

HAL, haloperidol; LZP, lorazepam; MDZ, midazolam; OZP, olanzapine; PMZ, promethazine; TREC, Tranquilização Rápida-Ensaio Clínico (rapid tranquillisation clinical trial).

from relatives if available. These compared the use (2015) found comparable calming effects to halo-
of promethazine (25 or 50 mg) in combination peridol (5 mg intramuscular) within 30 min in
with haloperidol (5 or 10 mg) with four different acutely agitated patients with psychosis or mood
comparators (midazolam, lorazepam, haloperidol disorders given intravenous sodium valproate
alone and olanzapine). The combination was being (20 mg/kg over 10 min), but haloperidol was signifi-
used as a cheap alternative to lorazepam and to cantly more sedative.
atypical antipsychotics. Oral ‘loading doses’ lead to faster improvement
They demonstrated the relative safety of the com- than standard dosing (Hirschfeld 1999). In schizo-
bination, with a low incidence of extrapyramidal phrenia there is little or no evidence that valproate
side-effects, but the speed of tranquillisation augments the effects of antipsychotics. However,
(number calmed or asleep within 30 min) was less many patients with severe agitation display features
than with midazolam. Curiously, the sedative effect of mixed schizoaffective psychosis, and valproate
of the combination was more apparent in India may be helpful in that context and is widely used.
than in Brazil, perhaps because the higher dose of RCT evidence to support the use of valproate in
haloperidol was consistently used; if so, the dose– schizophrenia comes from studies in China, either
response relationship with haloperidol would be as an adjunct to risperidone in agitated patients
important to note, especially as the maximum BNF with schizophrenia (Ostinelli 2018) or to clozapine
daily dose is now 12 mg (Joint Formulary (Zheng 2017).
Committee 2018). Olanzapine 10 mg was observed Lithium has a slow onset of action, but should be
to be as fast acting as the combination. restarted if the patient was already prescribed it, to
avoid rebound mania.
Other sedatives
The barbiturate amobarbital sodium (sodium amy- Guidelines and policies
lobarbitone, sodium amytal) (250 mg) given The National Institute for Health and Care
intramuscularly as an adjunct to sedative antipsy- Excellence (NICE) has published two sets of clinical
chotics and benzodiazepines can be very effective guidelines on managing violence and aggression:
for sedation. Careful nursing observation is import- the first, CG25 (National Collaborating Centre for
ant because of the risk of respiratory depression, Nursing and Supportive Care 2005), has now
hypotension and chest infections. There is no been withdrawn and replaced with the second,
pharmacological antagonist for barbiturates as NG10 (National Collaborating Centre for Mental
there is for benzodiazepines. Health 2015). NICE has access to enormous
resources, including systematic reviews published
Other antimanic drugs by the Cochrane Collaboration of RCTs on benzo-
Valproate is recommended (usually in combination diazepines (Zaman 2017), haloperidol (Ostinelli
with antipsychotics) in guidelines as a first-line treat- 2017), chlorpromazine (Ahmed 2010), zuclo-
ment for mania (Goodwin 2016), although its use in penthixol acetate (Jayakody 2012) and haloperidol
women of childbearing age requires stringent safe- plus promethazine (Huf 2016) for psychosis-
guards (confirmed negative blood test for pregnancy induced aggression. However, the lessons from
and detention in a PICU or other secure facility). years of use and individual trials can be lost in
Intravenous valproate (15 mg/kg) works within the process, chlorpromazine and zuclopenthixol
20 min in status epilepticus, but evidence about its acetate, for example, being considered to need
time course in mania or in severe agitation is con- more research evidence.
flicting. Phrolov et al (2004) found no improvement Most National Health Service (NHS) trusts have
in mania within 2 h after intravenous semisodium their own protocols for the management of violence,
valproate (20 mg/kg over 30 min). Asadollahi et al which are generally compatible with the previous

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NICE guidance, CG25 (NICE 2005). For rapid tran- parenterally (8.4.7). The guidance refers to violence,
quillisation many protocols recommend doses but there is no consideration of the context in which
according to the BNF, and advice on what to do if it occurs and no mention of diagnosis.
these are to be exceeded. There is no reference to treatment of schizophre-
nia, mania or delirium, although ‘staff should be
Previous NICE guidance: CG25 trained to recognise them’ (1.5.5). Separate NICE
guidelines do exist for treatment of schizophrenia
The main recommendations in CG25 (NICE 2005)
and bipolar disorder (NICE 2014a,b) though these
regarding rapid tranquillisation were as follows:
do not discuss rapid tranquillisation.
• for those who are not psychotic, initially give lor- Medications that are not mentioned at all include:
azepam alone ( diazepam, midazolam, clonazepam, chlorpromaz-
• in those with psychosis, use a combination of an ine, clopenthixol, aripiprazole, loxapine, anticholi-
oral antipsychotic with lorazepam ( nergics, procyclidine, lithium and valproate (the
• where oral medication is not possible, use combined last of which is so useful in acute psychotic mania
intramuscular antipsychotic and benzodiazepine both alone and as an adjunct to antipsychotics).
(e.g. haloperidol and lorazepam) ( There is no text reference to irritability, overactiv-
ity or paranoia – symptoms that are frequently the
CG25 also notes that:
targets for improvement and that assist in diagnosis
• the intramuscular route is preferred over the and choice of medication.
intravenous route (
• with intramuscular haloperidol, an antimuscari- Recommendations on rapid tranquillisation in
nic drug such as procyclidine should be immedi- NG10
ately available and given intramuscularly or The main recommendations on rapid tranquillisa-
intravenously ( tion in NG10 are:
• there was deemed to be insufficient safety evi-
• use either intramuscular lorazepam alone or
dence for the use of intramuscular combined halo-
intramuscular haloperidol with promethazine
peridol plus promethazine, or for the use of
intramuscular midazolam (, although
• if there is no recent satisfactory ECG, avoid intra-
these could be used as alternatives ‘in very excep-
muscular haloperidol with promethazine and use
tional circumstances’, as could intravenous ben-
intramuscular lorazepam (, and if the
zodiazepines or haloperidol (
response is partial consider a further dose (
• zuclopenthixol acetate injection may be consid-
• if there is no response to intramuscular loraze-
ered as an option, but is not recommended
pam, consider intramuscular haloperidol with
( and is ‘not normally used’ (p. 139).
promethazine (, and if there is partial
response consider a further dose (; this
Further considerations in CG25
implies overruling the BNF advice on the need
It was recognised ( and that for an ECG
clinicians sometimes use medication for rapid tran- • if there is no response to intramuscular haloperi-
quillisation outside the limits indicated in the BNF dol with promethazine, consider intramuscular
and acknowledged that, in some circumstances, lorazepam if not already used (
BNF limits may be exceeded, for example with lor- • if intramuscular lorazepam has already been
azepam (where the BNF limit is only 4 mg daily). used, arrange an urgent team meeting to review
However, it was advised that, where the regulatory and seek a second opinion if needed (no sugges-
authority or manufacturer warns of increased risk tions are offered of what the second opinion
of fatality, medication should be used within the might advise).
marketing authorisation. Where the risk–benefit is
unclear, advice may be sought from clinicians not NG10 also recommends that:
directly involved. • a senior doctor should review all medication at
least once a day (
Current NICE guidance: NG10 • the multidisciplinary team should review the
Limitations of NG10 pharmacological strategy at least once a week
(details about this review are provided).
The current guidelines, NG10, state that all areas of
CG25 have been updated and that NG10 replaces it Although quite demanding, these two recommen-
in full (National Collaborating Centre for Mental dations do seem sensible, and protective for staff and
Health 2015: section 1). However, in NG10 rapid patients. In particular, the presence of a psychiatric
tranquillisation refers only to the use of medication pharmacist at ward rounds can be very helpful.

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Rapid tranquillisation

Guideline Development Group found little • the use of combined antipsychotic and benzodiazep-
evidence to support the combination of an anti- ine (recommended in NG10) was higher, at 27%
psychotic with a benzodiazepine, the main recom- • in 80% of episodes, a regular antipsychotic was
mendation in CG25 (NICE 2005). It found only also prescribed; in 5% this was a ‘high dose’; the
low- to very-low-quality evidence from between 1 additional antipsychotic used for rapid tranquilli-
and 3 RCTs and no clear evidence that the intra- sation moved a further 13% of patients into the
muscular combination is more or less effective or ‘high-dose’ category on that day.
harmful than intramuscular antipsychotic or intra-
muscular benzodiazepine alone. This reflects the Conclusions
small number of RCTs that have been performed It is hoped that this article will assist a clinician who
in rapid tranquillisation. wishes to contribute to updating their local trust
The trials shown in Table 4 showed faster control protocol on rapid tranquillisation. Sedation and
of symptoms with the intramuscular antipsychotic reduction of agitation involve different mechanisms.
plus benzodiazepine combination. For example, a Although NG10 (National Collaborating Centre
multicentre study involving 98 psychotic, agitated, for Mental Health 2015) claims to replace CG25
aggressive patients in five emergency rooms in the (National Collaborating Centre for Nursing and
USA reported that the combination was superior Supportive Care 2005) in full, it covers the narrow
to lorazepam (2 mg) and to haloperidol (5 mg) area of parenteral medication and does not address
alone in psychotic agitation at 1–3 h (Battaglia specific diagnoses. It advises seeking a second
1997). opinion but offers no advice on what this opinion
There have been four TREC studies of haloperidol might consider. The roles of several relevant drugs,
combined with promethazine – however, a potential including valproate, are not considered. NICE has
conflict of interest should be noted for two of the published separate guidance on treating schizophre-
authors of both the TREC and Cochrane reviews nia and mania (NICE 2014a,b) which could inform a
that informed NICE 2015 as, in the context of second opinion.
pharmaceutical development, their commitment to A typical prescription for PRN (as-required)
the haloperidol and promethazine combination medication for rapid tranquillisation would include
could potentially have affected their interpretation oral haloperidol with procyclidine (or, and if no
of the literature on rapid tranquillisation. ECG is available, an alternative antipsychotic –
risperidone, olanzapine – perhaps specifying
Audit of rapid tranquillisation in UK orodispersible tablets – or zuclopenthixol), and
oral diazepam or clonazepam; and for intramuscu-
The UK Prescribing Observatory for Mental
lar use, lorazepam or, if the ECG is satisfactory,
Health (POMH-UK) audited standards drawn
haloperidol with procyclidine or promethazine (for
from NG10 (National Collaborating Centre for
sedation and as alternative to procyclidine). An
Mental Health 2015) in 2016, analysing 2172
alternative intramuscular antipsychotic (when
episodes of acutely disturbed behaviour from
there is no ECG) would be olanzapine where avail-
328 clinical teams in 58 mental health trusts
able (not injected along with benzodiazepine).
(POMH-UK 2017). For further reading and an
This would combine the recommendations of
in-depth look at these findings, please refer to
CG25 and NG10.
the BAP guidelines (Patel 2018).
In situations where these approaches are insuffi-
The audit revealed that 50% of episodes were
cient, a second opinion might review the diagnosis
managed with oral medication only.
(including substance misuse) and dosages, and the
Benzodiazepine (oral or intramuscular) was the
likely compliance with drug administration; it
most common medication for acute behavioural
might consider adding valproate, lithium or carba-
mazepine if there are manic symptoms, and the use
For those given parenteral medication, the key
of clopenthixol acetate or decanoate. The use of clo-
findings were:
zapine should also be considered if sustained treat-
ment resistance has been experienced. Beyond
• where an antipsychotic was used, this was most that, further patience or the skills of an anaesthetist
often haloperidol; only two episodes used intra- are required.
venous medication (haloperidol)
• 38% of those given parenteral haloperidol had no
documented ECG in the previous year Acknowledgments
• the use of combined haloperidol and prometha- I am grateful to Dr Jonathan Pimm for help with
zine (recommended in CG15) was minimal (3% earlier versions of the manuscript. And I am
of episodes) indebted to all the nurses who are willing to put

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MCQs 3 Haloperidol blocks the following at thera- 5 A 2017 POMH-UK audit found the most
Select the single best option for each question stem peutic doses: common intervention for rapid tranquillisa-
a dopamine D1 receptors tion to be:
1 First-line recommendations for rapid tran- b muscarinic acetylcholine M1 receptors a intramuscular medication
quillisation in NICE guideline NG10 include c histamine H1 receptors b benzodiazepine alone
intramuscular use of: d noradrenaline alpha-1 receptors c haloperidol plus promethazine
a haloperidol plus benzodiazepine e sodium channels. d antipsychotic plus lorazepam
b haloperidol alone e haloperidol – oral or intramuscular
c haloperidol plus promethazine 4 As regards benzodiazepines:
d zuclopenthixol acetate a benzodiazepines act by inhibiting GABA receptors
e chlorpromazine. b excess doses are reversed by intravenous
2 Promethazine blocks the following at thera- c intramuscular diazepam is absorbed more quickly
peutic doses: than oral diazepam
a dopamine D2 receptors d diazepam is 20 times as potent as clonazepam
b muscarinic acetylcholine M1 receptors e with repeated doses, clonazepam accumulates to
c histamine H2 receptors a greater extent than diazepam.
d opiate receptors
e calcium channels.

358 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 346–358 doi: 10.1192/bja.2018.25

https://doi.org/10.1192/bja.2018.25 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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