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Schneider HELOC - Promise To Pay (P. 1)

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. ' e CREDIT AGREEMENT e | Cn a ae ferences in the shaded area ra for our use only and do not int the applieablity of this dooument xo eny particular loan ot em, “Any tam above containing “***~ has boon omitted due o ext length lmtations Borrower: Laurance Schnelder Lender: Bank of Cora! Gabler 41721 NE 198 Terraceh Lending Divicon (Mier, L319 98 erik Way Suite 108 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (30s) 500-3601 CREDIT LIMIT: $1,500,000.00 DATE OF AGREEMENT: July 28, 2008 Introduction. This Credle Agreement ("Agraemant") governs yout line of cra (he "Crest Line” or the "Credit Line Account) leeued through [Bank of Corel Gables. In ths Agreement, the words *Borroster, and "Applcant” mean each and avery persen who signs ts ‘Agreomert, including all Borrowers named above. The wo1ds "we," “us,” “ou,” end “Lender” maun Bank of Coral Gables, You agree to the following terme and conditions: ' Term. The tor of your Credt Line will Hopin as of the date of this Agreement ("Opening Date") and will continue untl July 28, 2016 (atuity Date"). Al ndebtedness under this Agreement, if not already peld pursuant to the payment provisions below, wil be due snd payable upon maturity. The draw period of your Crelt Line wil begin on date, after the Opening Date, when the Agresment is eccopted by us in the State of Frida, following the expiration of the right fo cancel, the perfection of the Mortgage, the receipt ofall required cetifates of onesnealaion, and the mecting of all of aur ether conditions nd wll continue a folowe: ‘arm of the loun. You may cba eat edvances Goring tls petiog "Draw Pari"). You epres that we may renew of extend the pariad during which you my obteln eet advances or make payments. Youurther spree that we may renew or extand your Cred Line Account Minimum Payment. Your “Regular Payment® will equal the amount of your accrued FINANCE CHARGES. You will moke 119 of these payments. You wil thon bo rauired to pay the ene balance owing In tingle Balloon payment. If you make only the mmum payments, you fray not repay any of the principal Balance by the end of this peyment steam. Your payments wil be due monthly. Your “Minimum Payment Wall be the Reguler Payment, plus any amount dus and all ether charges. "An insreare M the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE may inrease the {Epaintef your RevularPeyment. You sare to poy not las than tha nimum Payman on or before the ve date idested on your periodic a statement. i ‘Batloon Payment. Your Credit Line Account is payable in full upon msiurty in single balloon payment. You must pay the entke outstanding pec tt aay te es ot Sa i ee ey ee Lar Spt ean nk Sat rete See leeesaet yeti eae oi ataee te etm hasiena makes oleae tmevortermets W psteemm bream re car Lost eos sro fp alate som mae oon a toe ae nan el yor seca ht Mon Yo Paves fn Une wri re se fe sent, proms wr Gul Parma i en Ne hon ete, cn at a, hewitt Prmants, Al pemers mut Spas «sas, wyratn snpne abl, scboe ade vast, mee oi, of oti ern CU Sate tara faa nt Situ setts nat Pls eed ares mite En Sse ne cy aes seve sods Pa eee dee at om man Shes 00 pea is coe ey he nat iS Goat a sone rayne Cin nT Aarnman cove» vein nfs fe to pcp ancut of Oe ilo Fv unde Thad & 00/00 Die Sea Da er oe ea ieee rete spe te fr et es a a eee ne won sl oc inertia re eons ager CHE tae ey ey me to be Ssettoecns be Goceees oes nd Me ace y me eee eran ceeds wae Was Seca attnac eee ys ct nee oer beer rene Roa ne ne er Ce UR Yor Oo CS eee ee eee a ae pecans eae Bae a oe ae cial Riana ee ream kn foe Sats Kea ler ar een earns ea totes Wc oe Sree {Gore tot ret Ln, Me myers your ith Line yer fs sd sons at our bite ay te arnt Setgaeee Sch etn al se eat te cee fe el wed Sn Somnet cgchanls erotes iis pempigl ia Seat ne es Ranker taste: br os come aera SSeS ae a Sr we omy wineieoaer oP Saat ee ga peel ST Sea Deets eee ott tela pots ae lake ees face ar ake bag Yer 9 Set tte art pt Ce wn eb Sear “ae Sangeet use oad Grail wi ear aa eby' ened Watts Ba SC Hwee hese gn one iy a he Sea Se SESeCe oe Cie Areee, Ath ee Ouburamant Oat Arena, you may ba eo avace der our Cet Uno flow: Cheat Ue Cora, Wig «papa ‘one Eu Une of Cea het ure Vl ep You paves itn Powe, Pqaring + ced evra xen ty of eer ons Request. Advence requests can eso be sent we fax.

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