Figures 1.1: Escherichia Coli 1.2: Staphylococcus Aureus
Figures 1.1: Escherichia Coli 1.2: Staphylococcus Aureus
2 : Staphylococcus aureus
Figure 1.3: Electron micrograph of Staphylococcus aureus
The Staphylococci
Manipulated Variable: Types of antibiotics and types of bacteria.
Responding Variable: The diameter of clear zone around the paper discs.
The bacteria must be pipetted into the agar before the agar is set so that the
bacteria can mix well with it.
During observation, the lid of the Petri dishes must not be lifted up as the
bacteria are harmful to our healths.
Distilled water
Analysis of data
From the result, it is found that the largest inhibition zone or clear region is
formed around the paper disc soaked in Ampicillin for E. coli bacteria lawn,
followed closely by Tetracyclin and Carbenicillin. Ampicillin’s paper disc caused
the largest area of inhibition zone in E. coli. This showed that Ampicillin is
most effective in inhibiting the growth of the E. coli. Meanwhile, Carbenicillin’s
paper disc which caused the smallest area of inhibition zone in E. coli showed
that it is the weakest antibiotic against E. coli.
The inhibition zones are all circular. If it is not circular, it is sensible that the
diameter should be measured by using two points which are furthest from
each other within the clear region. The diameter of the inhibition zones is
affected by the strength of antimicrobial properties of the antibiotics towards
different bacteria. It is important not to always choose the antibiotic with the
largest inhibition zone to treat the patients as some other factors should be
considered as well such as the side effect caused by the antibiotics, the
conditions of the patients and the risk of that particular antibiotics.
In this experiment, the control used is the sterilized distilled water. Paper discs
soaked in sterilized distilled water are also put in two of the Petri dishes. This is
to show that the sterilized distilled water has no effect on the bacteria. This
enables us to compare the results for paper discs with the antibiotics and
those with the distilled water to show that the formation of the inhibition zone
or the clear region is due to the antibiotics but not because of the presence of
water. In this case, clear region cannot be seen around the paper disc soaked
in sterilized distilled water in both Petri dishes. Therefore, the presence of clear
region around other paper discs must be due to the antimicrobial property of
the antibiotics.
Three different antibiotics are used in this experiment to manipulate the types
of antibiotics and to compare the effectiveness of each antibiotic to inhibit the
growth of the bacteria. The antibiotics used are Tetracycline, Carbenicillin and
Ampicillin. Two different types of bacteria, E. coli and S. aureus are
manipulated by putting them in different Petri dishes with the agar medium.
This enables us to identify the varying antimicrobial properties of the same
antibiotics on different types of bacteria.
The responding variable in this experiment is the diameter of the clear region
around the paper discs after 24 hours. The greater the diameter of the clear
zone around the paper discs, that means the more effective the antibiotic
inhibiting the growth of the bacteria. The diameter of the clear zone can be
measured from one point of the circular clear region to another point through
the centre point by using a ruler.
The amount of different bacteria cultures used must be the same by pipetting
equal amount of the two bacteria, which is 200 ml into the agar medium. The
temperature, humidity and light intensity must also be kept constant
throughout the experiment. All these factors may affect the rate of growth of
the bacteria. This can be done by placing the two agar plates into an incubator
at 30 0 C. The size of the paper discs should also be kept constant. Paper discs
which are larger will absorb more antibiotics and may lead to a greater
diameter of clear zone compared to the smaller paper discs in the same
bacteria culture. This is done by preparing the paper discs using the same
puncher to ensure all the paper discs are of the same size.
According to the result from another group, Ampicillin is the most effective
antibiotic towards only E. coli bacteria. Cabernicillin is most effective towards
S. aerues and this is different from the result of my group. This may properly
cause by contamination which affect the accuracy of the result. However, for
the bacteria E. coli, the diameter of clear zone caused by the paper disc soaked
in Cabernicillin is 1.3 cm for my group while the result of another group
showed no clear zone around it. Therefore, it can be concluded that
Carbenicillin is the least effective antibiotics towards E. coli for two groups.
Besides, in order to increase the reliability of the experiment, the variables are
controlled carefully. The constant variables are kept constant while only
manipulating the variables that are being studied.
Sources of errors
One possible source of errors may be the contamination of the agar medium.
This occurred when saliva is accidentally being transferred to the agar during
preparation. Another possible source of error could be the purity of the
antibiotics used. Some of the antibiotics solutions may be contaminated by
some impurities which could decrease their antibacterial properties. Also,
human error can take place especially when measuring the diameter of the
clear zones.