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Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853


Ionospheric behavior over Europe during the solar eclipse

of 3 October 2005
N. Jakowskia,, S.M. Stankova, V. Wilkena, C. Borriesa, D. Altadillb, J. Chumc,
D. Buresovac, J. Boskac, P. Saulic, F. Hruskac, Lj.R. Canderd
DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation, Kalkhorstweg 53, D-17235 Neustrelitz, Germany
Observatorio del Ebro, Universitat Ramon Llull, Crta. de l’Observatori No. 8, E-43520 Roquetes, Spain
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Bocni II/1401, 14131 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton OX11 0QX, UK
Accepted 20 February 2007
Available online 26 January 2008


An annular eclipse occurred over Europe in the morning hours of 3 October 2005. The well-defined obscuration function
of the solar radiation during the eclipse provided a good opportunity to study the ionospheric/thermospheric response to
solar radiation changes. Since the peak electron density behavior of the ionospheric F2 layer follows the local balance of
plasma production, loss and transport, the ionospheric plasma redistribution processes significantly affect the shape of the
electron density profile. These processes are discussed here based on a comparison of vertical incidence sounding (VS) and
vertical total electron content (TEC) data above-selected ionosonde stations in Europe. The equivalent slab thickness,
derived with a time resolution of 10 min, provides relatively good information on the variation of the electron density
profile during the eclipse. The computations reveal an increased width of the ionosphere around the maximum phase. As
indicated by the available measurements over Spain, the photo production is significantly reduced during the event leading
to a slower increase of the total ionization in comparison with the neighboring days. The supersonic motion of the Moon’s
cool shadow through the atmosphere may generate atmospheric gravity waves that propagate upward and are detectable
as traveling ionospheric disturbances at ionospheric heights. High-frequency (HF) Doppler shift spectrograms were
recorded during the eclipse showing a distinct disturbance along the eclipse path. Whereas the ionosonde measurements at
the Ebro station/Spain in the vicinity of the eclipse path reveal the origin of the wave activity in the lower thermosphere
below about 180 km altitude, the similar observations at Pruhonice/Czech Republic provide arguments to localize the
origin of the abnormal waves in the middle atmosphere well below the ionospheric heights. Although ionosonde and HF
Doppler measurements show enhanced wave activity, the TEC data analysis does not, which is an indication that the wave
amplitudes are too small for detecting them via this interpolation method. The total ionization reduces up to about 30%
during the event. A comparison with similar observations from the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 revealed a quite
different ionospheric behavior at different latitudes, a fact that needs further investigation.
r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ionosphere; Solar eclipse; Vertical sounding; GPS sounding; Gravity waves

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Jakowski).

1364-6826/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 837

1. Introduction now proven that the plasma redistribution during

eclipses may lead to modifications of the electron
An annular solar eclipse occurred on 3 October density profile shape, measurable by the equivalent
2005, first observed over the North Atlantic at slab thickness. The latter can be derived from
08:41 UT, reaching the northern coast of Spain and simultaneous vertical incidence sounding (VS) and
Portugal at 08:51 UT, continuing over Africa and total electron content (TEC) measurements carried
last observed over the Indian Ocean (Fig. 1). It was out over a given ionosonde station (Fig. 2).
a rare event allowing a new, better equipped Principally, it is expected that the relative depletion
investigation of the ionospheric response to solar of ionization is more significant in the bottom-side
eclipses by using several European observation ionosphere, at around 200 km altitude, where the
facilities (Altadill et al., 2001; Jakowski et al., photo ionization is maximum and the recombina-
2001). To get a comprehensive view on the eclipse tion is strong. If ignoring dynamic forces such as
by utilizing different observation techniques, the meridional thermospheric winds and electric fields,
European COST Action 296 (http://www.cost296. enhancement of both the peak electron density
rl.ac.uk/) has initiated a specific measuring cam- height (hmF2) and the slab thickness (t) should be
paign whose preliminary results are reported here. observed. However, the existence of horizontal
The obscuration function of the solar radiation winds or vertical redistribution induced by electric
during a solar eclipse is very helpful for studying the fields may lead to other effects. Since the geomag-
induced spatial and temporal ionosphere/thermo- netic conditions before and during the eclipse on 3
sphere variations. The attenuation of the solar EUV October 2005 did not indicate strong perturbations
irradiation and the thermospheric heating lead to a of magnetospheric origin, it is reasonable to expect
number of closely related phenomena in the iono- that diffusive transport processes dominated during
sphere. The ionospheric response to solar eclipses this event. If so, we should observe a delayed
has been the purpose of many works, both response to the obscuration function and the delay
theoretical and experimental. Changes in the iono- should increase with height.
spheric plasma density and temperature, diffusion
processes, etc., have already been studied and time
constants estimated (Baron and Hunsuker, 1973;
Jakowski et al., 1983; Cohen, 1984; Mueller-
Wodarg et al., 1998; Huang et al., 1999; McPherson
et al., 2000; and the references therein). Thus, it is

Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of the European GPS receivers,

ionosonde, and radar observation stations. The black line
indicates the path of the eclipse shadow of the obscuration at Fig. 2. Sketch of plasma redistribution processes mainly in the
ground level. The circles mark the location of ionosonde stations, bottom-side ionosphere indicated by changes in the key
the triangles show the location of GPS receivers and the parameters: peak density NmF2, peak height hmF2, slab
diamonds indicate the locations of the HF Doppler radar sites. thickness t.
838 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

Due to the supersonic speed of the Moon’s cool spatial resolution of integral TEC data. Some of the
shadow in the atmosphere, atmospheric gravity eclipse effects on the vertical ionospheric structure
waves (AGW) may be generated as theoretically have been analyzed from VS or GPS records alone,
predicted by Chimonas and Hines (1970). Such effects on the regional structure of the ionosphere
waves propagate upward with growing amplitudes have been analyzed from GPS records, and the slab
and their ionospheric trace should be measurable as thickness has been obtained from combining VS
traveling ionosphere disturbances (TIDs). Evidences and GPS measurements. In addition, some of the
of AGW occurrence in the ionosphere after the ionospheric effects are compared with similar effects
solar eclipse of 23 September 1987 was for example observed during the total eclipse on 11 August 1999.
given by Cheng et al. (1992) while Fritts and Luo
(1993) modeled the gravity wave field induced by 2. Database
the cooling of the ozone layer in response to the
solar eclipse on 11 July 1991. They explained the 2.1. Vertical incidence sounding data
observations with the generation of upward propa-
gating waves with dominant periods between 2 and The VS measurements provide information on
4 h. Liu et al. (1998) found internal gravity waves the local electron density distribution of the bottom-
vertically propagating from the F1 layer in the side ionosphere. The following sounding stations
ionosphere during the solar eclipse of 24 October contributed to this study: Ebro/Spain (40.81N, 0.51E),
1995. Farges et al. (2003) analyzed results of the Pruhonice/Czech Republic (49.91N, 14.51E), Dourbes/
atmospheric pressure carried out using microbaro- Belgium (50.11N, 4.61E), and Juliusruh/Germany
graphs located on the ground level and results of (54.61N, 13.41E).
ionospheric sounding using the Francourville The Ebro observatory performed a measurement
(FRC) array during the solar eclipse of 11 August campaign at a 5 min sampling rate from 1 to 5
1999. They proposed two sources of AGW: a source October 2005 using the digital sounder DGS-256
located in the lower atmosphere, observed in the (http://ulcar.uml.edu/). The ionograms have been
microbarograph records, and a source located in manually checked with the Digisonde Ionogram
the thermosphere, as detected in VS ionograms. The Data Visualization/Editing Tool (SAO-X) in order
wave observed via the electron density fluctuations to avoid possible mistakes of the Automatic Real
showed a characteristic period of approximately Time Ionogram Scaler with True Height (ARTIST)
60 min. Detected changes in ionization attained (Huang and Reinisch, 1996; Reinisch et al., 2005;
55% during the total eclipse with respect to the and the references therein). Following that, ‘true’
reference day of 12 August 1999. Sauli et al. (2006a) height electron density profiles have been computed
reported occurrences of acoustic gravity waves with the True Height Profile Inversion Tool (NHPC
excited at ionospheric F-layer height during the 4.30) included in SAO-X. The solar eclipse over
solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. During the initial Ebro started at 07:42 UT (at ground level) and
phase, they found acoustic and gravity waves ended at 10:29 UT with the maximum obscuration
generated in the region around 200 km propagating of the Moon occurring at 09:02 UT. Each plasma
upward and downward simultaneously. During the frequency profile has been considered as a function
recovery phase, they detected waves propagating of time and height. Notice that the plasma
from below, from the atmospheric regions. A frequency, fp, relates to the electron density, N(h),
similar effect was found by Altadill et al. (2001). at a given altitude h in the following manner:
The analysis must take into account the possibility NðhÞ ¼ 1:24  102 f 2p ðhÞ, where the electron density
of other sources capable of generating AGW, such and the plasma frequency are given in SI units. The
as the meteorological weather front or the solar profiles have been obtained from the base of the E
terminator (Jakowski et al., 2001). layer up to 450 km. Nevertheless, we restricted our
The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary study to the altitude range between the base of the
analysis of the 3 October 2005 eclipse effects on the F-region and the peak electron density height, hmF2.
ionosphere over Europe based on VS and GPS This is done in order to avoid the strong modeling
measurements. The VS measurements provide effects caused by the algorithm on the E–F valley
electron density profiles with high vertical resolution region and on the topside. Therefore, the height
but with rather scarce spatial resolution. However, range under analysis is 140–230 km during daytime
the dense network of GPS stations provides higher and 250–350 km during nighttime. The profiles were
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 839

calculated with an altitude step of 5 km and, resolution. The measured Doppler shift between the
consequently, two types of time series were obtai- transmitted radio signal of fixed frequency and
ned—the plasma frequency at fixed heights and the signal reflected from the ionosphere is proportional
reflection altitude at fixed frequencies. The time to the rate of change of the signal phase path in the
series of plasma frequency at fixed altitudes enables ionosphere. This change of phase path is mainly
the study of the electron density variations as a proportional to the vertical movement of the layer
function of time and altitude and the time series of of reflection, which occurs approximately in the
the altitude at fixed frequencies allow the investiga- region where the plasma frequency equals the radio
tion of the ionospheric dynamics. frequency. The Doppler shift may also depend on
At the Pruhonice observatory, the electron density the compression or rarefaction of plasma, caused
profile was measured every 2 min using a DPS-4 for example by a pulsating magnetic field (Sutcliffe
sounder. The high-rate sampling campaign started at and Poole, 1989). Two transmitters with slightly
6.36 UT and finished at 15.58 UT, thus covering the shifted frequencies and one receiver were in opera-
entire eclipse event. Such a high sampling rate allows tion during the solar eclipse in Spain in 2005. One
us to make precise parameterization of the electron transmitter was installed in Teruel (40.351N,
density fluctuation (Fig. 3). The ionograms were 1.091W), the other one in Granada (37.181N,
manually scaled and then inverted into real-height 3.581W). The receiver for both signals was located
electron density profiles using the above-described in Balazote (38.871N, 2.141W). Assuming that the
inversion technique and procedure. ionospheric reflection takes place in the middle
Although VS measurements were carried out by the between the transmitter and the receiver, then the
other ionosonde stations at Dourbes and Juliusruh on reflection point of the Teruel’s transmitter was on
3 October 2005, relatively low sampling rates of 1/10 the eclipse path, whereas the reflection point of
and 1/15 min1 were used since both stations are quite Granada’s transmitter was about 200 km south of
distant from the eclipse path and no significant eclipse the path. A frequency of 3.59 MHz was used but
effects were expected there. the received signal was converted to 80 Hz, ampli-
fied, digitized and processed. The data are visualized
by means of Doppler shift spectrograms.
2.2. Doppler data

The Doppler technique is a relatively simple 2.3. TEC data

method for detecting transient changes in the
ionosphere (Davis and Baker, 1966) and capable Dual-frequency GPS observations can effectively be
of providing the data with relatively high time used to derive the TEC of the ionosphere (Jakowski,

Fig. 3. Electron density reconstruction based on high-rate ionosonde sampling at Pruhonice (49.91N, 14.51E).
840 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

1996; Jakowski et al., 1999a). The dense European effects with respect to the eclipse magnitude as
GPS network of the International GNSS Service observed from each station and station position/
(IGS) provides high-quality 30 s standard tracking orientation to the annularity belt. A detailed look at
data. Essentially based on these data, DLR have been the diurnal variations of the plasma frequency
operating, since 1995, a system for regularly proces- shows a clear reduction in the ionospheric F2 layer
sing ground-based GPS data and producing maps of during the eclipse (Figs. 4 and 5). While the
the integrated electron content over the European and depletion is particularly strong over Ebro, it is not
Polar regions (Jakowski, 1996). The GPS data, so at the more distant stations, Dourbes, where the
obtained mainly from the IGS network stations, allow depletion is observed at altitudes higher than
the determination of slant TEC values along more 160 km, and Juliusruh, where the ionization loss is
than 100 satellite–receiver links. After calibration, the clearly visible only above 190 km. Such differences
slant TEC data are mapped to the vertical by utilizing arise from the greater incidence angles of solar
a mapping function based on a single-layer approx- radiation at higher latitudes.
imation at h ¼ 400 km. Afterwards, the measurements Gravity waves are known for contributing
are assimilated into a regional TEC model, NTCM to the atmospheric dynamics, from the Earth’s
(Jakowski et al., 1998), ensuring that the final map surface up to the mesosphere and lower thermo-
provides observation values near the points of sphere. The term acoustic-gravity waves stands
measurements and adjusted model values over the for all wave motions in the atmosphere that
areas without measurements. The routine TEC data satisfy the disperse relation (Hines, 1960). The
used for the analysis are derived from the original periods of the gravity waves vary from minutes
GPS observations (30 s resolution) with a time to hours. The importance of gravity wave motion
resolution from 30 up to 600 s. Due to the assimilation lies in the energy redistribution within the
procedure, the local noise is smoothed out by the atmospheric regions. Gravity waves are responsible
weighted averaging over several measurements from for a great amount of variability in the atmosphere.
different stations and/or satellites in the vicinity of the They are almost always present in the atmosphere
grid points of the map. The grid spacing is 2.51 in showing high day-to-day variability. It has been
latitude and 51 in longitude directions. The accuracy found that gravity waves are generated by many
of the reconstructions is in the order of 1–2  1016 elec- sources including topography, explosions, motion
trons/m2 or 1–2 TEC units (TECU). European IGS of large meteorological systems, wind shear,
and EUREF stations are permanently used to derive solar terminator motion, and others (Somsikov,
TEC and to construct TEC maps over Europe and 1995; Manzano et al., 1998; Martinis and Manzano,
both Polar areas (http://w3swaci.de/). In addition, 1999; Fritts and Alexander, 2003; Fritts et al.,
local TEC data were deduced from individual GPS 2006; Sauli et al., 2006b). Properties of the neutral
receiving stations of IGS in the vicinity of the eclipse waves, such as period and wavelength, are closely
path. The vertical TEC estimations provide calibrated reflected by the electron density fluctuation
TEC data along the GPS satellite links for elevation due to the coupling of neutral and ionized
angles greater than 101 by using a standard technique components of the atmosphere. Once coupled, they
(Ciraolo, 1993) in which the number of visible can be observed as traveling ionospheric distur-
satellites from each GPS receiver allows considering bances at ionospheric heights (Hooke, 1968; Djuth
only those satellites being closest to zenith. This et al., 2004; Galushko et al., 1998; Taylor, 1998).
restriction guarantees that the influence of eventual The solar radiation flux cut-off during solar eclipses
ionospheric inhomogeneities during the disturbed may act as an effective source of acoustic-gravity
periods would be limited. The slant TEC data are waves (Chimonas and Hines, 1970) and observation
then converted to equivalent vertical values at the results have recently been reported (Fritts and Luo,
sub-ionospheric point (Cander and Ciraolo, 2002), 1993; Altadill et al., 2001). Observations relating the
assuming a single-layer approximation of the iono- gravity waves to solar eclipses and proposed
sphere at an altitude of 400 km. parameterization of the propagating pulses based
on Fourier transformation have been reported in
3. Vertical incidence sounding observations the works of Liu et al. (1998) and Altadill et al.
(2001). Wave detection, based on wavelet trans-
The VS observations made at different European form, has been proposed recently by Sauli et al.
stations enable the comparison of solar eclipse (2006a, 2007).
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 841

Fig. 4. Diurnal variation of plasma frequency at fixed heights at Dourbes (50.11N, 4.61E) and Juliusruh (54.61N, 13.41E).

3.1. Observations at the Ebro station observed in the neighboring days; hence it can be
assumed that this is an ionospheric effect due to
Time series of plasma frequency at fixed heights the solar eclipse, an indication of gravity wave
(140–220 km) were obtained at Ebro during the generation.
ionospheric campaign not only for the eclipse day Time series of reflection altitude values at fixed
but also for the previous and next days (Fig. 5). sounding frequencies were also obtained at Ebro
Electron density decreasing/increasing at the E and during the eclipse, clearly showing changes in the
F1 layer, below 180 km, occurs simultaneously with height (Fig. 6). These changes are more pronounced
the obscuration/de-obscuration of the Sun by the during the main phase of the eclipse. A train of
Moon. A similar reaction is observed also at F2- height oscillations starts at approximately 08:00 UT
layer altitudes and above. Although these phenom- and further developed from 10:00 to 14:00 UT. The
ena have been expected (Fig. 2), a delay of about observed oscillation activity is clearer at higher
20–30 min is observed on the minimum plasma altitudes, from 180 km up to the hmF2, meaning that
frequency values at different heights from 160 to the oscillations are height coherent with a down-
220 km. Moreover, a distinct oscillation activity ward phase progression and with a period of about
(with a period of about 60 min) is detected in the F2 60 min (Fig. 6, the white dashed lines). This time,
region, during and after the eclipse. This oscillation oscillation activity is observed at lower altitudes,
is not detected below 180 km height and is not albeit not so clear and being of shorter period.
842 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

start of the eclipse, wave-like oscillations occur

during the eclipse. Below 180 km, the ionosphere
reacts immediately to the solar disc obscuration,
whereas, above 180 km, the electron density de-
creases with a delay of about 30 min. Besides the
main decrease and later increase, shorter wave-like
oscillations are well seen on the plot. These short-
term oscillations are subject of further study. Our
data consists of electron density variations, derived
from true-height density profiles, presented at fixed
heights in the range from 150 km up to 255 km with
a step of 5 km. Obviously, the analysis is confined to
altitudes below the F2-layer density peak.
First, we apply a high-pass filter on each time
series of electron concentration to remove longer
periods and focus on short-term oscillations. Then,
we compute wavelet power spectrum at each
altitude level, detect local energy maxima and their
corresponding time position, period, amplitude and
phase. From these maxima, we select only those that
are persistent within sufficiently large range of
heights and show smooth phase variation. The
method, we used for estimation of gravity wave
phase and packet velocities, is described by Sauli
et al. (2006a, 2007), where wave packet selection,
parameterization and computation of propagation
characteristics is explained in details. Wavelet-based
tools allow us to select pulses according to their
occurrence time and to sort out those that occur
before the event (Fig. 7).
Within ionospheric plasma, several coherent wave
structures occur that can be attributed to the eclipse
event according to their occurrence time. These
structures appear in the plasma around the max-
imum obscuration, at 09:10 UT, and soon after the
event, at 12:00 UT. One of the important character-
istics of the gravity wave is the upward energy flow
(positive packet velocity) when the phase travels
Fig. 5. Diurnal variations of plasma frequency at fixed ‘‘true’’ downward with a negative phase velocity (Hines,
heights at Ebro observatory (40.81N, 0.51E). The moments of the 1960). Positive packet velocity, together with
start, maximum occultation, and end of solar eclipse (as seen at
negative phase velocity, means that we observe
ground level) are clearly indicated on the plot of 3 October 2005.
The wave crests are marked with arrows. gravity wave propagating upward. Indeed, the
detected structures are characterized by a negative
phase velocity and a positive packet velocity
3.2. Observations at the Pruhonice station (Fig. 7). The upward motion (non-zero vertical
component) indicates that source of the wave
In order to detect wave-like oscillations related to structure lays in the lower laying atmospheric
the solar eclipse event and trace wave-like structure regions. A mechanism of wave generation by cooling
through the ionosphere, a high-rate measurement of ozone in the lower laying atmosphere was
campaign of vertical ionospheric sounding (every proposed by Fritts and Luo (1993). In such a case,
2 min) has been carried out (Fig. 3). Apart from the the propagating structure progress upward within
obvious decrease of the plasma frequency at the ionospheric heights. Another possible mechanism
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 843

Fig. 6. Cross-section contour plots of electron density as function of time and height, Ebro observatory, 3 October 2005.

Fig. 7. Estimated packet and phase velocities. Panel A: Gravity wave with period 43 min occurring around 9 h 10 min (maximum eclipse
phase). Panel B: Gravity wave with period 65 min detected slightly after 12 h (after eclipse event).

is the formation of a bow structure due to the 4. Doppler observations

supersonic motion of the Moon shadow (Chimonas
and Hines, 1970). Such a wave structure propagates To study the transient phenomena on short time
obliquely from the eclipsed region and may be scales, we also used Doppler shift measurements of
detected as upward propagating structure at iono- continuous sounding at a frequency of 3.59 MHz.
spheric heights. Due to the time occurrence (max- The resulting Doppler shift spectrograms, recorded
imum phase, after eclipse) of wave structures and during the eclipse on 3 October 2005, are given in
their propagation velocities, we suppose that the Fig. 8. One of the spectrograms (panel A) corre-
detected wave-like oscillations are produced by sponds to the signal which point of reflection is
the solar eclipse. The source of these waves may above the eclipse path (of maximum obscuration).
be found in the propagation of a shock wave and The other spectrogram (panel B) shows the evolu-
the abrupt decrease of solar heating in the lower tion of the Doppler shift of the signal reflected
lying atmosphere. about 200 km south of the eclipse path. The
844 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

Fig. 8. Doppler 3.59 MHz frequency measurements and VS measurements carried out in Spain during the solar eclipse on 3 October 2005
from 07:45 to 10:45 UT. Panel A: Doppler shift spectrogram of the signal having a reflection point on the eclipse path (of maximum
obscuration). Panel B: Doppler shift spectrogram of the signal having a reflection point about 200 km south of the eclipse path. Panel C:
VS virtual height measurements at the Ebro observatory. The red circles indicate the ordinary waves reflecting from the ionospheric
F-layer, the green crosses are used for indicating the extraordinary waves reflecting from the F-layer below the reflection of ordinary
waves, and the blue diamonds indicate the reflection from the semi-transparent sporadic E layer.

maximum obscuration occurred at about 09:04 UT panel C). The ionograms show that the signal
and it is marked with a vertical dashed line reflected from the F2 layer until 09:30 UT (the
(magenta). Both signals experienced a slow decrease 105th min). The sounding frequency was very close
of the frequency during the initial phase of the to the critical frequency of the F1 layer (foF1) from
eclipse and a similarly slow increase after that, just 09:30 to 09:45 UT. After that, the signal reflected
before the main phase of the eclipse. This increase from the F1 layer. A semi-transparent sporadic E
corresponds to the increase of the plasma density layer, which did not probably affect the reflection
and the lowering of the reflection layer. Addition- height, was also present from 09:45 UT (the
ally, a superimposed short period wave-like dis- 120th min) onwards. The amplitudes of waves
turbance was observed on the signal reflected in the reflected from the F1 layer are smaller than the
band of maximum eclipse. When the eclipse amplitudes of waves reflected from the F2 layer
approached its maximum, a short but distinct (Jones et al., 2004). The bifurcated trace (Fig. 8,
transient negative Doppler shift occurred, suggest- panel B) seems to correspond to the reception of
ing the occurrence of a transient upward movement extraordinary waves in the ionograms (Fig. 8, panel
of the reflection layer and a corresponding depletion C); the small discrepancies in time can be explained
of the ionospheric plasma density. However, these with the different locations of the reflection points.
effects were not observed on the signal reflected
outside the band of maximum eclipse. This is 5. TEC measurements
different from the results obtained by Jones et al.
(2004) who reported short-term negative Doppler The TEC provides an integral measure of the
shifts on several signals reflected north of the band vertical ionospheric electron density. Thus, during a
of total eclipse. solar eclipse, TEC provides information about the
To estimate the virtual height of a 3.6 MHz signal total ionization loss of the ionosphere as a
reflection, VS measurements from Ebro, the station consequence of the reduced photo ionization. This
closest to the eclipse path, have been used (Fig. 8, type of measurement is not very sensitive to the
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 845

plasma redistribution processes and local effects, impressive to see the large depletion zone around
contrary to the VS technique. On the other hand, the shadow spot and its movement, with a super-
the VS measurements may not provide accurate sonic speed, along the eclipse path. Generally, the
information about the total ionization loss; princi- depletion is about 30% inside the shadow which
pally, the TEC value corresponds better to the solar- agrees with other local measurements. Judging from
radiation function. GPS TEC measurements in the maps for 09:00 and 10:00 UT, the depletion zone
Spain show a significantly reduced ionization during extends far into the high latitudes. The large
the annular eclipse on 3 October 2005 (Fig. 9). extension of this plasma depletion zone is confirmed
Although the dip in ionization is difficult to estimate by other plots of the TEC percentage deviations
because of the natural variability of TEC, a rough from monthly medians, along the 01E and 151E
estimation indicates a total plasma loss of 20–30%. meridians (Fig. 11). Such extension can only be
Nowadays, the existence of dense GPS receiver explained if plasma transport processes are acti-
networks offers a good opportunity to monitor the vated during the eclipse. The solar incidence
total loss of ionospheric ionization during solar angle influences the level of plasma depletion, as
eclipses on a local or regional scale. TEC maps also proved by the VS measurements at different stations
enable studies of the horizontal distribution and (Figs. 4 and 5). The depletion is maintained for
transport of the ionospheric plasma. Reliable three- hours showing that the recovery of the plasma
dimensional reconstructions of the plasma distribu- density is decoupled from the obscuration function.
tion can be expected in the near future when TEC measurements can also be used to detect
additional height information is provided from AGW. For the purpose, 1 Hz sampled dual-
ionosondes and/or GPS radio occultation measure- frequency GPS carrier phases were used during the
ments onboard LEO satellites (Stolle et al., 2003). target campaign organized by IGS on the occasion
To highlight the TEC variations, it is useful to of the solar eclipse on 11 August 1999 (Feltens and
construct maps of the differential TEC value, Noll, 1999). Usually, the uncalibrated differential
DTEC ¼ (TECTECmed)/TECmed  100%. In this TEC data can provide more valuable information
way, the ionospheric dynamics during the solar about the wave-like phenomena than the final TEC
eclipse becomes quite obvious (Fig. 10). It is maps because the map’s grid spacing may interfere

Fig. 9. Comparison of TEC measurements at different GPS stations, carried out on 2–4 October 2005 at different GPS receiver stations in
Spain. Notice the significant plasma loss of 20–30% during the eclipse on 3 October 2005.
846 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

Fig. 10. Sequential maps of the differential TEC (percentage deviations from monthly medians) over Europe during the solar eclipse on 3
October 2005 (the shadow spot is marked by a solid circle).

with the wavelength. Also, to remove the bias not fully obscured by the Moon (Davis et al., 2001).
effects, the TEC rate must also be computed. That means that although the photo ionization is
Furthermore, the GPS TEC measurement data reduced during eclipses, it is not completely
were filtered at various periods: 10–30, 20–60, blocked. While the bottom-side ionosphere is
40–80, and 60–120 min. As Fig. 12 shows, no mainly controlled by the local solar radiation, the
enhanced wave activity was detected during the F2 layer and the top-side ionosphere are less prone
eclipse on 3 October 2005. This result is representa- to the radiation and are rather influenced by
tive since similar observations from other GPS processes of plasma redistribution (Cheng et al.,
stations using other satellite links could not be able 1992).
to detect the AGW activity on this occasion. Perturbation processes may be the reason behind
the enhanced local electron density just before the
6. Discussion obscuration function reaching its maximum at
10:18 UT on 11 August 1999 and at 09:02 UT on 3
Solar eclipses affect the Earth’s atmosphere and October 2005, as observed at the Ebro ionosonde
ionosphere in a complex manner. The atmospheric station (Fig. 13). The increase on 3 October 2005 is
reactions include thermospheric cooling, neutral much more pronounced which suggests that, apart
winds, and composition changes (Mueller-Wodarg from the eclipse effects, the terminator passage
et al., 1998) that set up the background and shortly before the eclipse may also play a role here.
influence for the ionospheric response. A consider- The moving terminator is known to be able of
able portion of the ionizing radiation at shorter causing irregularities during sunrise and sunset
wavelengths stems from the solar corona, which is periods (Somsikov, 1995).
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 847

Fig. 11. Diurnal variations of the differential TEC (%) on 3 October 2005 within the latitudinal range from 301N to 701N along the 01E
(middle panel) and 151E (bottom panel) meridians. The obscuration function is plotted for 01E in the top panel.

Considering the response time of the ionospheric delay seen in the TEC measurements is in the same
ionization to changes in the obscuration function, it order (Fig. 15). This finding corresponds very well
is expected that the lower ionosphere, characterized with the modeling results obtained for the thermo-
by strong recombination processes, responds faster spheric temperatures and winds during the solar
than the ionosphere at higher altitudes where the eclipse on 11 August 1999 (Mueller-Wodarg et al.,
plasma life-time grows and the diffusion processes 1998). However, while Afraimovich et al. (2002)
need some time to come into effect. This behavior is report very short response times of only a few
clearly seen by the increasing delay of the depletion minutes, Tsai and Liu (1999) found much longer
minimum with increasing altitude (Fig. 13, dashed response times of up to 120 min when studying the
line). At the location of the Ebro station, the time solar eclipses on 24 October 1995 and 9 March 1997
delay is about 25 min at about 200 km. The time at low latitudes. It should be noticed at this point
848 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

Fig. 12. Original and filtered link-related slant TEC rate during the eclipse on 3 October 2005. The ray path geometry is seen at the upper
left panel.

that the low-latitude ionosphere is strongly influ- (app12), the strong ionospheric perturbations of
enced by dynamic processes related to the equator- magnetospheric origin like electric fields or storm-
ial anomaly, i.e. the transport processes dominate induced winds are excluded as driving forces for
the photochemical processes. wave-like oscillations. Both the VS and Doppler
When studying the ionospheric response to solar observations indicate the occurrence of significant
eclipses, a question arises whether the gravity waves plasma oscillations. Such oscillations, having a
are generated due to the fast moving shadow of the period of about 1 h, are clearly seen in the plasma
Moon (Chimonas and Hines, 1970). Since the frequency and in the altitude variations of the F
geomagnetic activity during the eclipses on 11 region. The origin is located in the transition region
August 1999 and on 3 October 2005 was low between the F1 and F2 layers, somewhere below
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 849

from the middle atmosphere (e.g. ozone layer) well

below the ionosphere. The reason for the different
results remains unclear. The most plausible reason for
the differences between both statistics is in the different
distances to the eclipse path. Also, the solar incidence
angle is higher at Pruhonice than at the Ebro station.
Due to its integral nature, the TEC value reflects
wave-like phenomena in a quite different manner
than any of the VS quantities do. Nevertheless,
gravity waves are still visible in TEC data if the
wave amplitude is large enough and the ray path
geometry determined by the positions of the GPS
satellite and the receiving ground stations does not
allow canceling out the wave signatures while
integrating electron density along the ray path
(Davis and Da Rosa, 1970; Jakowski et al., 1983,
2001; Tsai and Liu, 1999; Rashid et al., 2006). In
many cases, the generation mechanism of these
TIDs remains unclear due to the non-negligible
geomagnetic activity. Since the wave activity ob-
served in TEC at different European GPS stations
on 11 August 1999 started earlier than the solar
eclipse and strong weather fronts appeared over
Europe, it was concluded that tropospheric sources
should also be taken into account when discussing
sources of gravity waves occurring during solar
eclipses (Jakowski et al., 2001).
The examination of the GPS data with respect to
the increased wave activity during the annular
Fig. 13. Comparison of the vertical structure of the plasma eclipse on 3 October 2005 did not produce evidences
frequency and its time response above the Ebro station obtained of such activity from the TEC data. In this respect,
during the total eclipse on 11 August 1999 and during the annular it should be noted that TIDs are frequently
eclipse on 3 October 2005. The response is delayed up to 25 min at
higher altitudes (cf. the dashed line). The oscillation amplitudes
observed in the TEC data, thus contributing to the
are marked with arrows. natural variability of the TEC value. Considering
also the integral feature of TEC, it is assumed that
either the amplitudes of the propagating waves
180 km altitude. From there, the wave propagates through the ionospheric plasma are too small or the
vertically, thus pushing the energy upwards while its waves are mainly vertically structured. The latter
phase progression goes downwards (Fig. 6). This may produce clear patterns in the local VS data but
somewhat differs from the observations during the may also lead to canceling out plasma variations in
solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 when it was found that the TEC data. Nevertheless, although enhanced
the wave activity, originated at about 180 km altitude, wave activity was not observed via TEC, it was
propagates upward and downward simultaneously revealed that the eclipse caused significant changes
(Altadill et al., 2001). We believe that a similar wave in the total ionization level (Figs. 9–11). We could
activity source can play a role also during the eclipse learn something about the profile shape variations
on 3 October 2005. Further work is needed to get an during the eclipse by combining VS and TEC
exact understanding of this phenomenon. measurements to calculate the equivalent slab
In agreement with the observations at Ebro, the thickness, t ¼ TEC/NmF2. The slab thickness is a
Pruhonice observation also indicates the occurrence of valuable measure of the width of the electron
gravity waves during eclipses. However, the analysis of density profile, which is expected to grow up during
the Pruhonice data led to a different localization of the the obscuration (Fig. 2). Indeed, the slab thickness
wave source. It was speculated that the waves originate increases by about 20–30 km when the solar
850 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

Fig. 14. Slab thickness variations over the ionosonde stations Ebro and Juliusruh during the solar eclipse on 3 October 2005.

Fig. 15. Ionospheric depletion of the total ionization measured by TEC during the solar eclipses on 3 October 2005 (left panel) and on 11
August 1999 (right panel).

radiation was reduced during the first phase of the cause the opposite reaction. The h0 F2 data at
eclipse (Fig. 14). On the one hand, the peak density Pruhonice did not show remarkable changes that
height is expected to increase due to plasma loss in can be closely related to the eclipse. However, the
the bottom-side ionosphere. On the other hand, the cooling could not prevent the increase of the slab
thermospheric cooling and vertical winds (Mueller- thickness because of the photochemical and recom-
Wodarg et al., 1998) may prevent this and actually bination processes in the bottom-side ionosphere.
N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853 851

The enhanced slab thickness during the first phase Furthermore, the eclipse on 3 October 2005 does
yields evidences for a delayed depletion of the not reach 100% obscuration. The degree of deple-
topside ionosphere. After the maximum obscura- tion is confirmed by the differential TEC maps
tion, the slab thickness decreased rapidly, a fact normalized to the corresponding monthly medians
which should be related to the eclipse-generated (Figs. 11 and 16). Notice that the depletion covers a
cooling of the thermosphere. large area up to the high latitudes. It is also
The TEC observations show a significant reduc- interesting that both eclipses show different latitu-
tion of several TEC units. Whereas the total plasma dinal depletion patterns over time. Whereas on 11
depletion during the eclipse on 11 August 1999 August 1999, the depletion zone extends towards
(Fig. 15) reached 40% (TECmaxE25–30 TECU), the lower latitudes with a long lasting depletion effect at
depletion was about 30% on 3 October 2005 the lower border of the map (Fig. 16), on 3 October
(TECmaxE15–20 TECU). This is in agreement with 2005, the depletion zone extends towards higher
TEC observations reported earlier (Tsai and Liu, latitudes (Fig. 11). This effect is remarkable because
1999; Jakowski et al., 1983, 1999b, 2001; Rashid et the eclipse path on 11 August 1999 is further north
al., 2006). The difference between the October and than the eclipse path on 3 October 2005. Consider-
the August eclipses may be explained with the ing the eclipse geometry, on 3 October 2005, the
different local times of the maximum obscuration. obscuration maximum appears at higher latitudes
The strongest reduction is expected to be observed later (http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEmono/
around noon, i.e. at the eclipse on 11 August 1999. ASE2005/ASE2005.html). On 11 August 1999, the

Fig. 16. Diurnal variations of the differential TEC (%) on 11 August 1999 within the latitudinal range from 301N to 701N along the151E
meridian. The corresponding obscuration function is plotted in the top panel.
852 N. Jakowski et al. / Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (2008) 836–853

maximum obscuration occurs at nearly the same time thermospheric winds also contribute to the observed
at high latitudes, in agreement with the observations depletion pattern.
(Fig. 16). The reason for the different temporal
behavior of the depletion zone at both eclipses remains Acknowledgments
unclear. Apart from the different eclipse geometry,
obviously the horizontal transport processes have to be This research has been funded by the German State
taken into account. Seasonal and local time differences Government of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania under
in the thermospheric wind system also influence the Grant V230-630-08-TIFA-334. The work of the Ebro
spatial and temporal behavior of the recovery process. team is partialy supported by the Spanish Project
Simulations may help the understanding of this REN2003-08376-C02. The work is supported by
complex interplay of cooling, photochemistry and Grant nos. 205/07/1367 and 205/06/1619 of the Grant
transport processes during eclipses. Agency of the Czech Republic and Grants nos.
IAA300420504 and 1QS300120506 of the Grant
7. Conclusions Agency of the ASCR. The authors are grateful to
the International GNNS Service for enabling the use
The ionospheric behavior during the annular eclipse of measurements of numerous GPS stations from the
on 3 October 2005 has been investigated using VS, European Network. The work was initiated and
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