Helium Atom, Approximate Methods: 24th April 2008

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Helium Atom, Approximate Methods

24th April 2008

I. The Helium Atom and Variational Principle: Approximation

Methods for Complex Atomic Systems

The hydrogen atom wavefunctions and energies, we have seen, are deter-
mined as a combination of the various quantum ”dynamical” analogues of
classical motions (translation, vibration, rotation) and a central-force inter-
action (i.e, the Coulomb interaction between an electron and a nucleus).

Now, we consider the Helium atom and will see that due to the attendant
3-body problem for which we cannot determine a closed-form, first-principles
analytic solution, we will have to find recourse in approximate methods.

The Helium atom has 2 electrons with coordinates r 1 and r2 as well as a

single nucleus with coordinate R. The nucleus carries a Z = +2e charge.

The Schrodinger equation is:

h̄2 2 h̄2 2 h̄2 2

− ∇ − ∇1 − ∇ ψ(R, r1 , r2 ) +
2M 2me 2me 2
2e2 2e2 e2
− − + ψ(R, r1 , r2 ) = Eψ(R, r1 , r2 )
4πo |R − r1 | 4πo |R − r2 | 4πo |r1 − r2 |

where the symbol ”nabla”, when squared, is given by:

∂2 ∂2 ∂2
∇2 = + +
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
Keep in mind that the R, r1 , and r2 represent the Cartesian coordinates
of each paticle. This is a 3-body problem and such problems are not solved
exactly. Thus, the problem will be reformulated in terms of coordinates of
two particles, the electrons. The first approximation: M >> m e , fix the
nucleus at the origin (R) = 0. Thus, the Schrodinger equation in relative
variables is:

h̄2  2e2 1 1 e2
−∇21 − ∇22 ψ(r1 , r2 )− + + ψ(r1 , r2 ) = Eψ(r1 , r2 )
2me 4πo r1 r2 4πo |r2 − r1 |
The ∇2 terms represent the kinetic energy of the two electrons. The r11
and r12 terms represent the nucleus-electron Coulomb interaction. The last
term on the left hand side of the equation represents the electron-electron
repulsion taken as a Coulomb interaction based on the absolute value of the
electron-electron separation.

NOTE: The electron-nucleus Coulomb interaction is a radially symmetric

potential. It depends on the radial positions of the electrons from the nu-
cleus taken as the origin. The electron-electron repulsion does not possess
inherent symmetry (radial or otherwise). It depends on the absolute value
of the separation between electrons.

Recall that the ∇2 , representing the kinetic energy operator, in spherical

polar coordinates is:

1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂2
r12 + sinθ1 +
r12 ∂r1 ∂r1 2
r1 sinθ1 ∂θ1 ∂θ1 r12 sin2 θ1 ∂φ21

The Independent Electron Approximation to Solving the Helium

Atom Schrodinger Equation
If we neglect electron-electron repulsion in the Helium atom problem,
we can simplify and solve the effective 2-body problem.

• Solve the relative motion problem (separate out the center of mass
motion as we have seen earlier)
• Center of mass is assumed to be the nucleus; good approximation for
heavier nuclei

The Hamiltonian is now:

Ĥ = (KE)e1 + (KE)e2 + VN e1 + VN e2
h̄2  2e2 1 1
2 2
= −∇1 − ∇2 − +
2me 4πo r1 r2
!  !
−h̄2 2 2e2 1 −h̄2 2 2e2 1
= ∇ − + ∇ −
2me 1 4πo r1 2me 2 4πo r2
= Ĥ 1 + Ĥ 2

Under the independent electron approximation, if we take the total He atom
wavefunction as a product of the individual electron wavefunctions (here ap-
proxmiated as hydrogen-like wavefunctions):

Ψ(r1 , r2 ) = ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 )

ĤΨ(r1 , r2 ) = Ĥ1 ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 ) + Ĥ2 ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 )
= E1 ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 ) + E2 ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 )
= (E1 + E2 )ψ(r1 )ψ(r2 )

This yields E = E1 + E2 . Recal the hydrogen-like energies and wavefunc-

tions are:

• Ψnlm (r) = Rnl (Zr/ao )Ylm (θ, φ) (Z=1 for hydrogen, Z=2 for helium)

• Energies are: En = − Z 2Eh n12

Thus, approximate wavefunctions and energies for helium:

Ψn1 , l1 , m1 , n2 , l2 , m2 (r1 , r2 ) = Ψn1 , l1 , m1 (r1 )Ψn2 , l2 , m2 (r2 )

Z 2 Eh 1 1
En1 ,l1 ,m1 ,n2 ,l2 ,m2 = − +
2 n21 n22

How sound is the independent electron approximation (no electron-electron

repulsion model)? We can compare the predicted ionization potentials
with the exerimental values. The ionization potential is the energy required
to extract an electron from an atom. For the Helium atom, this can be
represented as an equation such as:

He → He+ + e−

The energy change associated is:

∆E = EHe,1s − EHe,(1s)2
= −54.4eV − (−108.8eV ) = 54.4eV

The ground state energy for Helium can also be contrasted as:

22 Eh 1 1
E 0 = E1s,1s = − 2
+ 2
2 1 1
= −4Eh
= −108.8eV signif icantly too negative

The experimental value for the ionization potential (from mass spectroscopic
measurements) is 24.6 eV; so the independent electron approach entails sig-
nifican error. Because the electrons are not allowed Coulombic repulsion,
the energy required to remove a particular electron is higher than the ex-
perimental value. This is also validated by the much lower (and thus more
attractive/favorable) ground state energy predicted by the independent elec-
tron model compared to experiment.

Moving Beyond the Independent Electron Model: Perturbative

and Variational Methods
Perturbation Theory

The Helium atom Hamiltonian, we recall, is:

h̄2  2e2 1 1 e2
2 2
Ĥ = −∇1 − ∇2 − + +
2me 4πo r1 r2 4πo |r2 − r1 |
= Ĥ 0 + Ĥ 1 Ĥ 0 ψ 0 = E 0 ψ 0

We see that the electron-electron repulsion term can be treated as a ”per-

turbation” to the independent electron Hamiltonian. In this sense, we can
choose to define, develop, and include various orders of perturbative cor-
rections to the energies and wavefunctions determined via exact solution of
the independent-electron model. Though we are currently applying this to
the problem of electron-electron repulsion, we will see later that modern ad-
vanced methods for electronic strucuture calculations employ perturbation
methods to account for important electron correlation. For now, we concern
ourselves with the development of perturbation theory and application to
correct for two-body Coulomb repulsion in the Helium atom.

First Order Perturbation Theory

First, expand the total wavefunction up to first order contributions. The

subscript ”n” refers to any energy level in general (perturbation theory is
capable of giving us energy levels and wavefunctions in addition to those
for the ground state; as we will see below, variational approaches give us
ground state information only):

ψn = ψn0 + ψn1 ψn0∗ ψn1 dτ =0
all space
En = En0 + En1
Ĥ 0 + Ĥ 1 ψn0 + ψn1 = En0 + En1 ψn0 + ψn1

Expanding the expression:

Ĥ 0 ψn0 + Ĥ 1 ψn0 + Ĥ 0 ψn1 + Ĥ 1 ψn1 = En0 ψn0 + En1 ψn0 + En0 ψn1 + En1 ψn1

The first terms on each side are equivalent. Last terms are approxi-
mated/assumed to be neglibly small–this is a perturbation energy
and wavefunction. This leaves:

Ĥ 1 ψn0 + Ĥ 0 ψn1 = En1 ψ 0 + En0 ψn1

Solve for ψn1 and En1 . Left multiply by ψn0∗ and integrate:

dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 + dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 0 ψn1 = dτ ψn0∗ En1 ψn0 + dτ ψn0∗ En0 ψn1

Since Ĥ 0 is Hermitian, dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 0 ψn1 = dτ Ĥ 0 ψn0 ψn1 .

dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 + dτ ψn1 En0 ψn0∗ = En0 dτ ψn0∗ ψn1 + En1

Solving for En1 , the fist order perturbative correction to the inde-
pendent electron energy level for helium gives:

En1 = dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0

Expilcitly, this means, En = En0 + En1 ; we have added a ”small” perturbative
correction to the reference independent electron energy for a given energy
level, n!
Now, what about the correction to the wavefunction? Let’s recall:

Ĥ 1 ψn0 + Ĥ 0 ψn1 = En1 ψ 0 + En0 ψn1

We will solve for ψn1 by expanding ψn as a linear combination of unper-

turbed wavefunctions as follows:

ψn = ψn0 + anj ψj0



Left multiply by ψk0∗ and integrate:

dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 + dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 0 ψn1 = dτ ψk0∗ En1 ψn0 + dτ ψk0∗ En0 ψn1

dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 + dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 0 anj ψj0 = dτ ψk0∗ En1 ψn0 + dτ ψk0∗ En0 anj ψj0

j6=n j6=n

dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 anj Ej0 dτ ψk0∗ ψj0 En1 dτ ψk0∗ ψn0 En0 dτ ψk0∗ ψj0
+ = + anj
j6=n j6=n

  Z Z
ank Ek0 − En0 = En1 dτ ψk0∗ ψn0 − dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0

Now, we consider two cases:

k=n → En1 = dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0

dτ ψk0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0 1
k 6= n → ank = 0 ≡
En0 − Ek En0 − Ek0

Thus, the first order correction to the wavefuntion is:

ψn = ψn0 + ψn1 = ψn0 + anj ψj0



1 dτ ψj0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0
! R !
ψn0 ψj0 ψn0 ψj0
= + = +
En0 − Ej0 j6=n
En0 − Ej0

Higher Order Corrections

For higher order corrections, energies and wavefunctions are expanded in
like manner:

ψn = ψn0 + ψn1 + ψn2 En = En0 + En1 + En2

The second-order correction to the energy is thus determined to be (see

other sources for derivation):

Z Z 1
En2 dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn1 dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψ0
= = 0 − E0 j
j6=n n j
1 Ĥ 1
X Ĥnj jn
En0 − Ej0

Helium Atom: First Order Perturbation Correction to Account

for Electron-Electron Repulsion
From the above discussion, the first order correction to the ground state
energy of Helium is:

En1 = dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0

If we assume an unperturbed wavefunction as the product of the 2 Helium

electrons in 1s orbitals:

 !1/2 2
ψ 0 (r1 , r2 ) = φ1s (r1 )phi1s (r2 ) =   e−Zr1 e−Zr2
Ĥ 1 =

Z6 1
Z Z  
En1 = dτ ψn0∗ Ĥ 1 ψn0
= 2 dτ e−Zr1 e−Zr2 e−Zr1 e−Zr2
π r12
Z 6 Z
e −2Zr 1 e −2Zr 2 5
= 2
dτ = ZEh
π r12 8

Thus, the ground state energy with first order correction is :

5 −11
E0 = E00 + E01 = −4Eh + ZEh = Eh = −74.8eV
8 4

• Neglect of electron-electron repulsion: E 0 = -108.8 eV

• First order correction: E0 = -74.8 eV

• 13th order correction: E0 = -79.01 eV

• Experiment: E = -79.0 eV

• Perturbation theory results may be greater or less than the true energy,
unlike variational results

• Perturbation, unlike variational theory, can be used to calculate any

energy level, not just the ground state.

Some comments on the Many-Electron Problem: Coordinate de-

pendence and correlation
Solving the Schrodinger equation for an N-electron atom means solving for
a function of 3N coordinates. Such problems are treated numerically as
we will see further below. Moreover, if we acknowledge that the individual
electrons present differing environemnts (core versus valence eletrons), we
can approxmiate the N-electron wavefunction (eigenfunction of Schrodinger
equation) in terms of individual electron orbitals, each dependent on

the coordinates of a single electron. This is the orbital approxima-
tion. The wavefunctions are written:

ψ(r1 , r2 , ...., rn ) = φ1 (r1 )φ2 (r2 )φ3 (r3 )...φn (rn )

Each of the functions, φn , is associated with an orbital energy,  n . It is

important to note that this form does not imply fully indepdent electrons,
since, as will be evident, each electron’s dynamics (and hance wavefunction)
is governed by the effective field/potential of all the other electrons in the
atom. The one-electron orbitals turn out to be well-approximated by the
hydrogen-atom wavefunctions.

• Due to the electron-electron repulsion term in the He atom Hamilto-
nian not being spherically symmetric, the Schrodinger equation cannot
be solved analytically. Numerical methods are applied along with ap-
• One such approxmiation is the neglect of full electron-electron cor-
relation (motion of electrons is correlated; electrons stay out of each
other’s way; correlation opposes repulsion, and thus contributes an
energy-lowering influence).
• Advanced electron correlation methods are well-developed and rou-
tinely applied.

The Hartree Model

If we neglect, for the moment, any electron-electron correlation, then we can
say that electron 1 can interact with the nucleus and a spatially averaged
charge distribution due to elecron 2. The ”physical” picture here is
of electron 2 ”smeared” out sphercially around the nucleus; thus, its charge
density is also diffuse around the nucleus. The charge in a given volume
element dτ at a point around the nucleus is given by:

−eφ∗ (r2 )φ(r2 )dτ

The effective potential that electron 1 interacts with now is determined by

the electron-nucleus interaction and the interaction of electron 1 with the
spherically symmetric (smeared out) charge distribution arising from a
diffuse electron 2:

−2e2 e2
V1ef f (r1 ) = + φ∗2 (r2 ) φ2 (r2 )dr2
4πo |r1 | rπo |r1 − r2 |

This model is the Hartree model and serves as a starting point for treating
many-electron atoms.

Thus, for many-electron atoms, the approach to solving the Schrodinger

Equation is:

• Approxmiate the total wavefunction as a product of individual or-

bitals, each orbital depending on the coordinates of a single electron
(reduce N-body problem to N one-body problems)

• The set of N equations is solved self-consistenly to obtain the one-

electron energies, i and orbitals φi .

• The approach is approximate due to neglect of electron correlation.

Electron Spin: Extension to Intrinsic Angular Momentum

Discussion of angular momentum: spin does not arise naturally (using a
non-relativistic formalism). Experimentally, spin is required to explain de-
flection of Ag atoms in a magnetic field (recall Stern-Gerlach experiment
from chapter 17). Silver atoms are deflected in either one of two direc-
tions in a magnetic field oriented along the z-diretion of the lab frame of
reference; the direction is either up or down. Consider:

• For an Ag atom to be deflected, it requires non-zero total magnetic

moment and an associated non-zero total angular momentum

• Current in a loop of wire generates a magnetic field; the loop has a

magnetic moment

• Ag atoms have a closed inner shell (no net angular momentum for
closed shells; symmetry); outer valence electron, 5s must contain all
magnetic moment.

• s-orbital has no angular momentum — NO ORBITAL ANGULAR


• Thus, the 5s electron in Ag contains an intrinsic spin angular mo-

mentum; we associate this with spin. Spin is intrinsic since it is
independent of environment.

• Note that this idea and picture of intrinsic particle spin is a convenient
classical way of accounting for experiment.

Introduce spin angular momentum.

– Spin operators: ŝ2 and ŝz

– Spin wave functions: α and β
– Spin quantum number: s = 1/2, ms (takes on two values, ms =
1/2 and ms = −1/2.
Spin angular momentum follows general angular momentum behavior
as we discussed for orbital angular momentum.

h̄2 1
2 2
ŝ α = h̄ s(s + 1)α(σ) = + 1 α(σ)
2 2
h̄2 1
ŝ2 β = h̄2 s(s + 1)β(σ) = + 1 β(σ)
2 2

ŝz α = ms h̄α(σ) = α(σ)

ŝz β = ms h̄β(σ) = − β(σ)

The orthonormality conditions are:


α(σ) β(σ)dσ = β(σ)∗ α(σ)dσ = 0
α(σ)∗ α(σ)dσ = β(σ)∗ β(σ)dσ = 1

Bear in mind that for electrons, s = 21 always, and that ms = ± 21 .

The ”up” spin is ms = 12 and the ”down” spin is ms = − 12 .

Indistinguishability of Electrons and Pauli Exclusion

Electrons in an atom are indistinguishable for all practical purposes;

on a macro scale, observables of an atomic system cannot change if we
change the manner in which we ”identify” (if possible) the individual
electrons. Since we can consider that properties can be associated as
averaged over electronic probability densities, i.e, ψ ∗ ψ = |ψ|2 , the fol-
lowing condition arises:


ψ 2 (r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 ) = ψ 2 (r2 , σ2 , r1 , σ1 )
ψ(r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 ) = ±ψ(r2 , σ2 , r1 , σ1 )

For fermions, the negative sign applies, and the wavefunction is said
to be antisymmetric. For bosons, the positive sign applies and the
wavefunctions are said to be symmetric. The nature of these par-
ticles is described by different statistics, from which the names arise
(Fermi-Dirac for the former, and Bose-Einstein for the latter).

The implication of the previous relations is that for a wavefuction de-

scribing a 2-electron system using 2 different spatial orbitals, a and b,
and the associated spin orbitals, the following holds:

ψ = φa (r1 )α(1)φb (r2 )β(2) − φa (r2 )α(2)φb (r1 )β(1)


ψ(r1 , r2 ) = −ψ(r2 , r1 )

Now let’s consider a few actual systems, beginning with the Helium
atom. If we write an approximate He atom wavefunction as a product
of 1-electron wavefunctions with adjustable value of nuclear charge, Z̃,
we have:

ψ(r1 , r2 ) = φ1s (r1 )φ1s (r2 )

Including the spin orbitals and invoking Pauli Exclusion, we can write:

Ψ(r1 , r2 ) = √ |1s(r1 )α(1)1s(r2 )β(2) − 1s(r2 )α(2)1s(r1 )β(1)|

Pauli exclusion tells us that for two electrons in the same spatial
orbital, the spins must be opposite (no two electrons share all four
quantum numbers). This avoids distinguishing between the 2 elec-
trons, and is antisymmetric with respect to interchange of identical

A more compact (and standard) way to write such antisymmetric

wavefunctions is in Slater Determinantal form:

Ψ(r1 , r2 ) = √ |1s(r1 )α(1)1s(r2 )β(2) − 1s(r2 )α(2)1s(r1 )β(1)|
1 1s(r1 )α(1) 1s(r1 )β(1)
= √
2 1s(r2 )α(2) 1s(r2 )β(2)

The Slater determinantal form is automatically antisymmetric with

respect to interchange of any two rows or columns (corresponding to
interchange of any two particles), hold for systems with greater than
2 electrons. The rows correspond to all the products of spatial and
spin orbitals for a particular electron (i.e., the electron index does not
change going across the rows of the determinant).
For N-electron systems, the Slater determinant is of the form (N elec-
trons, thus N orbitals):

u1 (r1 , σ1 ) u2 (r1 , σ1 ) ... uN (r1 , σ1 )

1 u1 (r2 , σ2 ) u2 (r2 , σ2 ) ... uN (r2 , σ2 )
Ψ(r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 , ..., rN , σN ) = √ .. .. ..
N! . . .
u1 (rN , σN ) u2 (rN , σN ) . . . uN (rN , σN )

where the u are the (spin X spatial) product orbitals.

For the Lithium atom, the Slater determinant for the ground state is:

1s(r1 )α(1) 1s(r1 )β(1) 2s(r1 )α(1)

Ψ(r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 , r3 , σ3 ) = √ 1s(r2 )α(2) 1s(r2 )β(2) 2s(r2 )α(2)
3! 1s(r3 )α(3) 1s(r3 )β(3) 2s(r3 )α(3)


1s(r1 )α(1) 1s(r1 )β(1) 2s(r1 )β(1)
Ψ(r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 , r3 , σ3 ) = √ 1s(r2 )α(2) 1s(r2 )β(2) 2s(r2 )β(2)
3! 1s(r3 )α(3) 1s(r3 )β(3) 2s(r3 )β(3)

Finally, consider the caes of ground state Helium. Here the two elec-
trons are in the same orbital and have different spin. Thus, the Slater
Determinant for this case can be separated into its spatial and spin
parts. The spin part is then the antisymmetric component of the wave-

Ψ(r1 , σ1 , r2 , σ2 ) = √ 1s(r1 )1s(r2 ) [α(1)β(2) − α(2)β(1)]
1 α(1) β(1)
= √ 1s(r1 )1s(r2 )
2 α(2) β(2)

Bear in mind that this does not hold in general.

To summarize:

– Wavefunctions describing a many-electron system must change

sign upon exchange of any two electrons (antisymmetry)
– Wavefunction is zero if all quantum numbers (n, l, m l , ms ) of any
two electrons are the same.
– Pauli Exclusion requires that a maximum of two electrons occupy
any given orbital
Variational Method for Ground State
We can make use of the quantum mechanical postulate relating the
expectation value of an observable, in this case the ground state en-
ergy, E0 , to arrive at a bounding value for the ground state energy
and associated wavefunction.

Recall the relations:

Ĥψo = Eo ψo

ψo∗ Ĥψo dr = ψo∗ Eo ψo dr = Eo

ψo not known, so assume a trial funtion, χ. Determine the expectation
of the Hamiltonian, Ĥ and define it to be the Variational energy,
Evar .

χ∗ Ĥχdr
Evar = R ∗ = χ∗ Ĥχdr
χ χdr

The last equality assumes normaalization of the guess wavefunction, χ.

The Variational Theorem states:

Evar ≥ Eo f or any choice of wavef unction χ

short ”proof” of variational theorem. Begin by expanding the test

wavefunction as a linear combination of orthonormal wavefunctions
(recall idea of expansions of functions using orthonormal, complete
basis functions):

χ= an ψn

χ∗ χdr = |an |2 = 1

The variational energy is:

χ∗ Ĥχdr = |an |2 En
Evar =

Now, subtract the ground state energy, whatever that may be, from
the approximate variational energy:

|an |2 En − |an |2 Eo = |an |2 (En − Eo ) ≥ 0

Evar − Eo =
n n n

since all the individual energies must be equal to or greater than the
ground state energy! Thus, as an approximation, one can posit sev-
eral trial wavefunctions, determine the variational energy, and then

optimize in the space of wavefunctions. No doubt, this is not the
most efficient approach to determine a valid functional form, but such
information is generally obtained from chemical intuition.
The variational method also requires that variational parameters ap-
pear in the formulation so as to allow optimization, as the following
example shows.

The one-dimensional harmonic oscillator:

h̄2 d kx2
Ĥ = − +
2µ dx2 2

Let’s consider a trial wavefunction:

h̄2 d kx2
Ĥ = − 2
2µ dx 2

Trial wavefunction:

γ 2 /2
χ= e−γx ; γ variable (variational parameter)

h̄2 d
 1/2 Z !
γ kx2
−γx2 /2 2 /2
Evar = χ∗ Ĥχdr = e − + e−γx dx
π 2µ dx2 2

h̄2 h̄2 γ k
 1/2 Z ∞ ∞  1/2 Z ∞
γ k γ
−γx2 2 −γx2 2
=− γe dx + (γx) e dx + x2 e−γx dx = + ≥ Eo
2µ π −∞ −∞ 2 π −∞ 4µ 4γ

Now, allow γ to vary and optimize Evar :

dEvar h̄2 k
= − =0
dγ 4µ 4γ 2

γ= ≡α

This leads, with no surprise, to the exact solutions to the 1-D H.O.

α 2 /2 h̄ω
χ = ψo (x) = e−αx → Evar = = Eo
π 2

Now, returning to the Helium atom, we can attempt to use the varia-
tional principle to determine appropriate wavefunctions and energies.
Recall from earlier the Helium atom Hamiltonian operator:

h̄2 2e2 1 1 e2
(−∇21 − ∇22 ψ(r1 , r2 )− + + ψ(r1 , r2 ) = Eψ(r1 , r2 )
2me 4πo r1 r2 4πo |r2 − r1 |

This can be rewritten in atomic units to arrive at:

1 1 1 1
ĤHe = − ∇21 + ∇22 − 2 + +
2 r1 r2 |r2 − r1 |
Evar = χ∗ Ĥχdr

We can try a wavefunction that is a product of two hydrogenic 1s

orbitals, each one included to represent the relative motion of the
electron-nucleus system:
χ = φZ̃ Z̃
1s (r1 )φ1s (r2 )

Here, we roll a variational parameter, Z̃ into our definition of the trial


1 Z̃
1s =√ e−Z̃r/ao (1 − electron H atom orbitals)
π ao

Z̃ is an effective charge representing a variational parameter. Our trial

wavefunction now becomes:

!1/2 !1/2
Z̃ 3 −Z̃r1 Z̃ 3 −Z̃r2
χ(r1 , r2 ) = e ao e ao
π π

The variational energy is:

Z̃ 6 −1  2 1 1 1
Z −Z̃r1 −Z̃r2
     −Z̃r1 −Z̃r2
Evar = e ao e ao ∇1 + ∇22 − 2 + + e ao e ao dτ
π 2 r1 r2 r12
= Evar (Z̃) = Z̃ 2 − Z̃

dEvar (Z̃) 27 27
= 2Z̃ − =0 Z̃ = <2
dZ̃ 8 16
= −77.5eV

The variational approximation gives reasonable results, but keep in

mind that the effective nuclear charge is no longer 2, but less.

The Hartree-Fock Self-Consistent Field Method

Let’s now consider the Hartree-Fock approach to solving the many-
electron atom Schrodinger wave equation. We discuss this approach as
it is the starting point for modern computational electronic structure
methods. The method, along with many of the approximations and
mathematical/physical insights and observations required to employ
them, made possible what are today considered ”off-the-shelf” canned
computational chemistry software packages. Work continues to refine,
innovate, and bring advanced theoretical approaches to these methods.
A general approach to Hartree-Fock Methods Based on the Helium

To solve the Schrodinger equation, we must first assume some func-

tional form of the wavefunction. As discussed above, the orbital
approximation within which the total wavefunction is written as
a product of individual atomic orbitals (each orbital depends on
the coordinates of a single electron and each orbital is asso-
ciated with a unique orbital energy). This effectively transforms
the problem into an independent electron problem, with the caveat
that the ”independence” is not strict; the individal electrons feel an
effective potential from the other electrons as discussed above.

χ(r1 , r2 ) = φ(r1 )φ(r2 )

Since we don’t know yet what these orbitals may look like (though
we can guess that they will be much like the hydrogenic orbital wave-
functions) we can label these individual orbitals as φ HF (r1 ), φHF (r2 ).
These are the Hartree-Fock orbitals. We can also solve for the or-
bital energies in a variational manner; this suggests that the orbitals
we use will incorporate a variational parameters. In practice, it
is the radial portion of the Hartree-Fock orbitals that differ from the
standard hydrogenic orbitals. The radial components incorporate an
”effective nuclear charge” as opposed to the actual nuclear charge of
a many-electron atom. This effective charge attempts to capture the
shielding effect of other electrons on the particular electron in a given
orbital. The effective charge is usually referred to as ζ.

If we interpret the charge density of electron 2 as:

eφ∗ (r2 )φ(r2 ) = e |φ(r2 )|2

we can write an effective potential for electron 1 by integrating the

Coulomb interaction over the charge density of electron 2. This is
the Coulomb potential felt by electron 1 averaged over all positions of
electron 2, weighted by the charge density:

U1ef f (r1 ) =e 2
φ∗ (r2 ) φ(r2 )dr2

Now we can write an effective Hamiltonian and single-electron Schrodinger

equation for electron 1 as:

1 Z
Ĥ1ef f (r1 ) = − ∇21 − + U1ef f (r1 )
2 r1
Ĥ1ef f (r1 )φHF (r1 ) = 1 φHF (r1 )

Note that these are written in terms of coordinates of a single elec-

tron!. It is evident, however, that we are still not completely absolved

from knowing anything about electron 2, since we need the distrubition
function (probability density) of electron 2 to construct the effective
potential for electron 1. Likewise, for a many-electron problem, we
would need information on all other electrons to solve this one-electron
problem. The approach thus requires a self-consistent approach as
outlined below.

– Start with trial wavefunction, φ(r 2 )

– Use φ(r2 ) to calculate U1ef f (r1 )
∗ U1ef f (r1 ) = e2 φ∗ (r2 ) r112 φ(r2 )dr2

– Solve Schrodinger Eqn. for electron 1

∗ Ĥ1ef f (r1 ) = − 12 ∇21 − Z
r1 + U1ef f (r1 )
∗ Ĥ1ef f (r1 )φHF (r1 ) = 1 φHF (r1 )
– Use φ(r1 ) to calculate U1ef f (r2 )
∗ U2ef f (r2 ) = e2 φ∗ (r1 ) r112 φ(r1 )dr1

– Solve Schrodinger Eqn. for electron 2

∗ Ĥ2ef f (r2 ) = − 12 ∇22 − Z
r2 + U2ef f (r2 )
∗ Ĥ2ef f (r2 )φHF (r2 ) = 2 φHF (r2 )
– Continue iteration until SELF-CONSISTENT results for φ HF (r1 )
and φHF (r2 ) are obtained, i.e., wavefunctions don’t change from
one iteration to the next.

We now have the solution to the full Schrodinger equation as:

χ(r1 , r2 ) = φHF (r1 )φHF (r2 )

We can calculate the Hartree-Fock energy using the full Hamiltonian


−1  2 1 1 1
HF HF ∗ HF ∗
E = φ (r1 )φ (r2 ) ∇1 + ∇22 − Z + + φHF (r1 )φHF (r2 )dr1 r. 2
2 r1 r2 r12
= I1 + I2 + J12

Several terms are evident:

" #
∇2 Z
I1 = φ HF ∗
(r1 ) − 1 − φHF (r1 )dr1
2 r1
" #
∇2 Z
I2 = φHF ∗ (r2 ) − 2 − φHF (r2 )dr2 = I1
2 r2
J12 = φHF ∗ (r1 )φHF ∗ (r2 ) φHF (r1 )φHF (r2 )dr1 dr2 Coulomb Integral

For the Helium Atom, the ground state energies based on HF approach
compare well to experiment:

EHF = −77.87eV
Eexpt = −79.0eV

What can we say about the orbital energies? Recall:

Ĥ1ef f (r1 )φHF (r1 ) = 1 φHF (r1 )

1 = φHF (r1 )Ĥ1ef f (r1 )φHF (r1 )dr1

= I1 + J12 = E HF − I2

If we consider that I2 (or I1 ) represents the energy of the Helium ion,

the the orbital energy, let’s say for electron 1 is:

1 = E − I 2 = (T otal He energy − energy of He ion )

1 ≈ −( Ionization Energy ) = −Eionization

This is known as Koopman’s theorem, and it approximates ionization

energies as orbital energies. Furthermore, it is the orbital energy of the
highest occupied orbital that is associated with the ionization energy.

To a good approximation, the association of orbital energies to ion-
ization energies provides a reasonable estimate for most systems. In
certain cases, there are systematic errors which can be dealt with via
correlation to experimental data. One must also bear in mind that
the orbital energies will vary based on the form of the wavefunctions
employed for the calculations. Correcting for electron correlation will
also lead to differences.

Regarding the relationship between the orbital energies and the to-
tal energy of a particular electronic configuration of an atom, we can
consider the sum of the two orbital energies,  1 and 2 for the He atom.

1 + 2 = I1 + I2 + 2J12 = E HF + J12

Thus, a a simple sum of orbital energies overcounts the electron-

electron repulsion since the orbital energies implicitly account for
this via the effective Coulomb interaction with other ”smeared-out”
electrons. Thus, in terms of orbital energies, the total energy, in the
Hartree-Fock approximation, is:

E HF = 1 + 2 − J12

The form of this expression corresponds to Equation 21.18 in Engel

and Reid. Of course, in the present discussion we have not included
electron correlation, which is included in Equation 21.18 of Engel and
Reid (without proof).

Thus, for a many-electron atom, we see that the total en-

ergy for a particular electronic configuration is determined
by the interplay of orbital energies and electron-electron re-
pulsion. Furthermore, in deciding the stability of one particular elec-
tronic configuration relative to another, one must consider the total
energy rather than relative differences in orbital energies only.

Filling of many-elecron atom orbitals (corrections to orbital

energy perspective)

Shell 1 1s
Shell 2 2s 2p
Shell 3 3s 3p 3d
Shell 4 4s 4p 4d 4f
Shell 5 5s 5p 5d 5f
Shell 6 6s 6p 6d 6f

Thus, we see that based on total energies, the Aufbau Principle pro-
vides a framework for ordering the available many-electron atom or-
bitals based on energy. We see that in the many-electron atom, the
s,p,d,f,g,... orbitals are not degenerate as they were for the Hydrogen
atom. This arises due to differing shielding of electrons in different or-
bitals based on the probabilities of finding electrons closer or further
away from the nucleus.


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