Ect303 Digital Signal Processing, December 2022
Ect303 Digital Signal Processing, December 2022
Ect303 Digital Signal Processing, December 2022
Reg No.:
(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks) Marks
Discuss the need for FFT. Justify your answer in terms of computational J
on the stability of the filter. Obtain the digital transfer function of the same
using impulse invariance method. Where sampling time is T.
What is Multirate signal processing? Obtain interpolated and decimated
versions for the sequence x[n] : {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} by a factor 2.
8 Obtain the direct form structure for the FIR filter with transfer function J
"10 The effect of ADC quantization noiq=e plays very important role in DSP r3
processors. Justifu.
Module -1
I I a) State the following properties of DFT (i) Linearity (ii) Time Reversal
(iii) Parseval's theorem
b) Jllustrate the concept of circular convolution property of a DFT sequence
for the discrete time sequences x[n] : {1,2, I, 2}, h[n] : {2, 4, 6,8}
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(i) Left of the signal (ii) Right of the signal. Comment on its effect on the
b) Find the linear convolution sum of the sequence x[n] = {1,2, -1,2,3, -2, 8
-3, -L, l, 1,2, -l ) and h[n] : {1,2\ using overlap add method'
Module -2
- 13 a) Write down the principle of in-place computation in FFT. 4
b) Compute the IDFT of the sequence X[k] = {1, -1, l, -1, 1, -1, l, -1} using l0
DIT algorithm.
14 a) Explain the principle of DIF FFT algorithm and obtain the final flow graph 10
----:- Ha(a) = < a <Z'
( 0, otherwise
Y Determine for N = 7 using rectangular window. t
b) Explain the principle of fr.qu.nry*?rnpling technique for FIR filter 6
Module -4
17 a) Obtain direct form I, direct form II and parallel form structure for the 10
- t) + |t(n - 2) + x(n) + x(n - L)
y(n) =
b) Write a short note on anti-aliasing filter and anti-imaging filter 4
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H(z) =
r 2+z-1 +z-2
b) Write down the principle of line,ar phsse in FIR filts with a struchue. 7
Moduh -5
19 a) With a detailed block diag.attu explain the architecture of typioal DSF l0
proccssor family TMS3 2rc67XX.
s., Writc a short note on truncation and rounding with examples? 4
2$ a) fu are the variqrs data form*s in DSP pnocessors? Exphia wifh t
sui8t*e o<amples.
b) MAC # .'kt sfffi P processor. Justiff .