Setting Up Workflow Adaper - File

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Required Software

1. Java : 1.8.0_241

2. Apache Maven 3.6.3 (This is required for building jar)

a. Settings.xml needs to be updated with Reltio Server Details under the below
i. C:\Users/<user-name>/.m2/settings.xml
ii. <Apache Maven 3.6.3 directory>/conf/settings.xml

3. MYSQL Server: 8.0.26

4. maria dB

5. Postman API’s for Workflows

6. IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

7. Access to Reltio

8. AWS Credentials and config file (if AWS files have to be accessed locally)
Setting up workflow Adapter

Below Steps are also mentioned in the below link:

1. INSTALL Java Development kit v8 updated 241

a. java version "1.8.0_241"

2. INSTALL MYSQL Server 8.0

a. Version: 8.0.26
b. While installing just install the Server component and select Config Type:
Development Computer
c. Authentication Method should be “Use Legacy Authentication Method(Retain
MYSQL 5.x Compatibility)
d. Set your root password like admin
e. Go Next without changing anything, and then Click Execute
f. Copy the Log to the clipboard and keep it for future reference if required.

3. INSTALL maria dB
a. Download the Zip file and not the installation file
b. Unzip it, change the name of the folder to be like mariadb-10.6.5
c. Go to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and open cmd
d. Now run mysql -uroot -p and feed your root user password: admin in
my case
e. Execute the below command one by one:
i. create database custom_workflow;
ii. create user custom_workflow@localhost identified by
iii. grant all on custom_workflow.* to custom_workflow@localhost;


a. In C:/ create the folder as
i. C:\Reltio\jars
ii. C:\Reltio\workflow
b. Place below file in workflow folder
i. (update it with your reltio login username, password, & client.secret)
ii. web-2021.2.0.0.jar (downloaded from the link provided in the below
document under “Installing the Reltio Workflow Adapter”)
c. RUN below workflow-adapter startup command in CMD
i. java
-DFS_DIR=C:/Reltio/workflow/ -jar

d. Check if workflow-adapter started & running by opening the below URL in the
i. localhost:8080/workflow-adapter/workflow/status

5. Register your tenant in Workflow locally by making below API call from POSTMAN
a. POST http://localhost:8080/workflow-adapter/workflow/registrations
i. With Below Header
1. Authorization = Bearer {{accessToken}}
2. Content-Type = application/json
3. EnvironmentURL = {{environmentURL}}
ii. With Below Body
1. { "tenantIds":["<tenant-ID>"]}
After a Successful call, you will get status: OK with tenantIds as tenant-id value

Debugging the code

1. INSTALL IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

2. Set the Maven Directory to you installed Maven Path
3. Build the jar for the workflow using IntelliJ
4. Place the jar inside the jar folder which will be (C:/Reltio/jars)
5. Make sure workflow adapter command is started and workflow adapter is up &
running, if not then run the workflow adapter command in cmd (Step 5>c of
Setting up Workflow Adapter)
6. For debugging a custom JAR locally, do the following steps in IntelliJ:
a. Click Run > Edit configurations.
b. Click Add new.
c. Choose Remote JVM Debug.
d. Set name Reltio Workflow.
e. Click OK.
7. Set a couple of breakpoints in the code.
8. Click Run > Debug Reltio Workflow.
9. Start a process instance.
10. Now the flow will go through breakpoints.

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