This training report summarizes the internship of TAHRI Zidane at SOMIPHOS Bir El Ater supervised by s,mohamadi. It outlines the general structure of the company and its factory operations and mine management process. It highlights the electrical service which ensures preventive and curative maintenance. The mine operates using two processing methods: wet processing and dry processing. The internship enhanced the user's knowledge and skills in mecatronics through various learning activities like projects, meetings, and hands-on work.
This training report summarizes the internship of TAHRI Zidane at SOMIPHOS Bir El Ater supervised by s,mohamadi. It outlines the general structure of the company and its factory operations and mine management process. It highlights the electrical service which ensures preventive and curative maintenance. The mine operates using two processing methods: wet processing and dry processing. The internship enhanced the user's knowledge and skills in mecatronics through various learning activities like projects, meetings, and hands-on work.
This training report summarizes the internship of TAHRI Zidane at SOMIPHOS Bir El Ater supervised by s,mohamadi. It outlines the general structure of the company and its factory operations and mine management process. It highlights the electrical service which ensures preventive and curative maintenance. The mine operates using two processing methods: wet processing and dry processing. The internship enhanced the user's knowledge and skills in mecatronics through various learning activities like projects, meetings, and hands-on work.
This training report summarizes the internship of TAHRI Zidane at SOMIPHOS Bir El Ater supervised by s,mohamadi. It outlines the general structure of the company and its factory operations and mine management process. It highlights the electrical service which ensures preventive and curative maintenance. The mine operates using two processing methods: wet processing and dry processing. The internship enhanced the user's knowledge and skills in mecatronics through various learning activities like projects, meetings, and hands-on work.
ENSTA 19/01/2024 presented by : TAHRI Zidane supervised by : s,mohamadi
Summary: electrical service:
In this work we are going to identify Its one of the principle services in the factory methodology: the general structer of the company because it ensure preventive and curative « SOMIPHOS » and its factory maintenance of electrical machines and electrical operation and the mine management to obtain the working product, the DJEBEL ONK equipment. The electrical service made up of 3 mine operates by two processing processes: wet process as well we will also highlight sections Energy section: monitoring energy its added value to my exprience in the processing and dry processing. consumption (electric; diesel; water) field of mecatronics as well, PROCESSING STEPS: ▪ -COMMON CHAIN: Introduction: -MECHANICAL PREPARATION « somiphos » its the company that managed the second biggest mine of phosphate in africa ▪ WET WAY: ,from the extracting of the raw material until -DELINKING the production of the final product,in this -CALCINATION posterWe will discuss what is important in this -WASHING feild -DRYING _Electrical service organigramme ▪ DRY WAY: General structure: -DUSTING _Treatment organigramme
« SOMIPHOS » company results:
consists of : Conclusion: _complex of DJBEL EL ONK I typically engaged in activities such as In conclusion, my internship greatly enhanced _technical direction learning and orientation, project work, training my knowledge and skills in mecatronics. I programs, meetings, collaboration, networking achieved new goals, applied theoretical mentorship, professional development, learning from the past year, and mastered problem-solving, and feedback sessions.These various tests in the laboratory.This experience Company structure experiences provided with practical has significantly added to my understanding of organigramme exposure, enhance my skills, and integrated mecatronics, a focal point in my material me into the professional work environment engineering studies.