Creative Teaching Strategies Implemented in Teachi

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DEIKTIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 2, No.

4, 2022

Copyright © the author(s)

Creative Teaching Strategies Implemented in Teaching

English to Young Language Learner
Nilma Taula’bi’
UKI Toraja
[email protected]
This research objective is to find out the creative teaching strategies implemented in
teaching English to Young Language Learner. The method used in this research is
qualitative research method. The participant is the teachers and young language
learners or the children in Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao. The
instruments used to collect the data are interview and observation. The data
analyzes by Miles and Huberman theory. The creative teaching strategies
implemented in teaching English to Young Language Learner at English tuition class
at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao are (1) Play games: memory games,
Hangman, Simon Says and board games. (2) Use storytelling. (3) Use music and songs.
(4) Used technology such as educational apps, videos, and interactive games to teach
English vocabulary and grammar. (5) Make it interactive: role-plays, group
discussions, and other activities that require the children to use English. The last is
Sunday Meeting in the tourist object.
Keywords: creative, teaching strategies, implemented, young language learner

Teaching English to young language learners refers to the process of imparting
knowledge of the English language to children who are in their early years of
development, typically between the ages of 6 until 12. This type of instruction focuses on
age-appropriate activities that help children develop language skills, including listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Effective teaching strategies for young learners include
the use of interactive activities, games, songs, stories, and visual aids to help children
understand and use English in context. Teachers may also use techniques or strategies
such as repetition and modeling to reinforce language concepts and provide
opportunities for practice and feedback (Genishi & Dyson, 2015; Li & Moreira, 2009).
Overall, the goal of teaching English to young language learners is to create a
supportive and engaging learning environment that encourages children to use and
enjoy the language, while also building a strong foundation for future language learning
and communication. Teaching English to young language learners can be a rewarding
but also challenging experience. Also, teaching English to young learners requires a
different approach than teaching adults. By using age-appropriate materials, focusing on
communication, making learning fun, using a variety of teaching methods, and being
patient and supportive, you can help young learners develop their English language
skills and build their confidence.(Domagała-Zyśk, 2015; Genishi & Dyson, 2015; Lee &
Lin, 2015; Nunan, 2016)
Teaching English to children or young language learner can be a fun and rewarding
experience for both the teacher and the student. Here are some creative strategies that
you can use to make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for children
(Hernández-Gantes & Blank, 2008; McKay, 2005; Souto-Manning, 2010):
1. Use storytelling: Children love stories, and using storytelling in the classroom can
be a powerful tool for teaching English. You can create your own stories, use
children's books, or even have the children create their own stories in English. 529
Vol. 2, No. 4, 2022
ISSN 2807-7504

2. Play games: Children love to play games, and incorporating games into your
English lessons can be a great way to keep them engaged and motivated. Games
like word searches, hangman, and memory matching can be adapted to teach
English vocabulary and grammar.
3. Use music and songs: Music and songs are great tools for teaching English to
children. You can use children's songs to teach vocabulary and grammar, and
even have the children create their own songs in English.
4. Use puppets and props: Puppets and props can be a fun way to engage children in
English lessons. You can use puppets to act out stories, or use props like
flashcards and pictures to teach vocabulary.
5. Make use of technology: Children love technology, and incorporating it into your
English lessons can be a great way to keep them engaged. You can use
educational apps, videos, and interactive games to teach English vocabulary and
6. Make it interactive: Children learn best when they are actively involved in the
learning process. You can make your English lessons interactive by asking the
children to participate in role-plays, group discussions, and other activities that
require them to use English.
7. Create a positive learning environment: Finally, creating a positive learning
environment is essential for teaching English to children. Encourage children to
speak English as much as possible, praise their efforts, and make learning fun and
Creative teaching strategies are essential in teaching English to children for several
reasons. Here are some of the most significant:
1. Engaging and Motivating: Creative teaching strategies make learning English
more engaging and motivating for children. When lessons are fun and exciting,
children are more likely to be interested and invested in learning. Creative
teaching strategies can help to create a positive learning environment where
children feel motivated to participate and learn.
2. Enhancing Retention: Creative teaching strategies can help children to remember
what they learn. When lessons are memorable, children are more likely to retain
the information and be able to recall it later. This is especially important when
teaching a language like English, where retention and recall are essential.
3. Developing Language Skills: Creative teaching strategies can help children to
develop their language skills in a more comprehensive way. For example, using
music, art, and drama can help children to improve their listening, speaking,
reading, and writing skills. These activities can also help to build vocabulary,
comprehension, and communication skills.
4. Promoting Critical Thinking: Creative teaching strategies can encourage children
to think critically about what they are learning. For example, using games,
puzzles, and other interactive activities can help children to develop problem-
solving skills and analytical thinking.
5. Building Confidence: Creative teaching strategies can help to build children's
confidence in using English. When children are engaged and successful in their
learning, they are more likely to feel confident in their abilities to communicate in
In teaching English to young language learner at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu
Pasele Rantepao, the teacher used various teaching strategies. This research conducted
to find out the creative teaching strategies implemented there.

DEIKTIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
ISSN 2807-7504

The researcher applied qualitative research method. The researcher used interview (semi
structured interview) and non participant observation to find out the data. The participant of the
research were the teachers at English tuition class at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele
Rantepao. There are two English teachers as participants of this research. This research conducted
Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao, Jalan Limbong Pasele Rantepao Toraja Utara.

Based on the inteview and observation in teaching and learning process in
English tuition class at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao, the creative
teaching strategies implemented by teachers are:
Play games:
a. The teacher applied memory games, in this game the teacher prepares a set of
cards with English words and their corresponding pictures. Place them face down
and have the children take turns flipping over two cards at a time to try and make a
match. When they find a match, they should say the word in English.
b. The second game is Hangman: The rule to play is choose a word in English and
draw dashes on the board to represent each letter. Have the children guess letters one
at a time. For each incorrect guess, add a part of the hangman. The objective is to
guess the word before the hangman is completed.
c. Third game is Simon Says: The teachers give instructions to the children in English,
such as "Simon says touch your nose." The children should only do the action if you
say "Simon says" first. If you give an instruction without saying "Simon says" first,
anyone who does the action is out. The last child remaining is the winner.
d. The last is board games: the teacher used board games that involve English
vocabulary, such as Scrabble or Boggle. It’s help children practice spelling and learn
new words.
1. Use storytelling: The teachers use children's books and children create their own
stories in English. The teacher starts a story and have the children take turns adding a
sentence or two to continue the story. Encourage the children to use English vocabulary
and grammar as much as possible.
2. Use music and songs: The teachers use music and children’s songs to teach
vocabulary and grammar, and even have the children create their own songs in
3. Used technology such as educational apps, videos, and interactive games to teach
English vocabulary and grammar.
4. Make it interactive: role-plays, group discussions, and other activities that require
the children to use English.
5. Sunday Meeting in the tourist object. In that place the children learn and play
about English. Also, to introduced the tourist object in Toraja to the children.
In this research, the teachers using creative teaching strategies as a crucial part in
teaching English to children. These strategies can help to engage and motivate children,
enhance retention, develop language skills, promote critical thinking, and build

Vol. 2, No. 4, 2022
ISSN 2807-7504

Teaching English to children in a creative way can have numerous benefits, some of
which include (Nunan, 2016; Savignon, 2005; Uktamjonova, 2020):
1. Enhanced Language Development: Children learn best when they are engaged and
interested in what they are learning. When English is taught creatively, through games,
songs, stories, and other fun activities, it can stimulate their imagination and creativity,
leading to better language development.
2. Improved Cognitive Skills: Creative learning activities require children to use critical
thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity. These skills are essential for
cognitive development, and can help children become better learners in all areas of
their academic and personal lives.
3. Increased Motivation: Learning English through creative methods can make the
process more enjoyable for children, leading to increased motivation and a desire to
learn more. This can help them develop a positive attitude towards learning, and make
English a fun and exciting subject for them.
4. Better Retention: Children are more likely to remember what they have learned when
they have had fun doing it. Creative teaching methods can help them remember the
language rules, vocabulary, and grammar more easily, and for a longer period of time.
5. Improved Social Skills: English classes that incorporate group activities, role-playing,
and other interactive methods can help children develop social skills such as
teamwork, communication, and leadership. These skills are essential for success in all
areas of life, and can help children become more confident and well-rounded
There are many creative teaching strategies can applied in teaching English to young
language learners such as storytelling, play games, using music and songs, puppets and
props, using technology, role-plays, group discussions, and other activities that require
andcreate a positive learning environment. Those are teaching strategies implemented for
create fun teaching and learning process, also it is rewarding experience for both the
teacher and the student (Apriliana, 2018; Kabeláčová, 2010; Khulel, 2021; Muhammad
Ari Saputra & Yolanda, 2020; Nunan, 2016; Octaviana, 2017).
In this research, the researcher finds out that the creative teaching strategies
applied by the teachers in teaching the young language learners in English tuition class
at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao are play games, use storytelling, use
music and songs, used technology such as educational apps, videos, and interactive
games to teach English vocabulary and grammar, make it interactive activities such as
role-plays, group discussions and Sunday Meeting in the tourist object. Those are
strategies related with the theory above.

The creative teaching strategies implemented by teachers in English tuition class
at Sunday School Jemaat Buntu Pasele Rantepao are:
1. Play games: memory games, Hangman, Simon Says and board games;
2. Use storytelling.
3. Use music and songs.
4. Used technology such as educational apps, videos, and interactive games to teach
English vocabulary and grammar.
5. Make it interactive: role-plays, group discussions, and other activities that require
the children to use English.
6. Sunday Meeting in the tourist object.

DEIKTIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
ISSN 2807-7504

In this research, the teachers using creative teaching strategies as a crucial part in
teaching English to children. These strategies can help to engage and motivate children,
enhance retention, develop language skills, promote critical thinking, and build
confidence of the students.

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Genishi, C., & Dyson, A. H. (2015). Children, language, and literacy: Diverse learners in
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Hernández-Gantes, V. M., & Blank, W. (2008). Teaching English language learners in
career and technical education programs.
Kabeláčová, K. (2010). University of Pardubice Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Winnie-the-
Pooh in ELT.
Khulel, B. (2021). Teaching English for Young Learners in Rural Area: Teachers’
Challenges. Lingua, 17(2), 115–130.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2015). The impact of music activities on foreign language, English
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McKay, S. L. (2005). Teaching English as an international language. In ELT Journal.
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Muhammad Ari Saputra, M. A. S., & Yolanda, R. (2020). Teaching English to Young
Learners in India: English Classes Pratham Education. Journal of English Education
and Linguistics, 1(2), 42–49.

Vol. 2, No. 4, 2022
ISSN 2807-7504

Nunan, D. (2016). Teaching English to young learners. Handbook of Research in Second

Language Teaching and Learning, 3, 68–81.
Octaviana, D. W. (2017). Teaching English To Young Learners. English Education: Journal
of English Teaching and Research, 2(2), 124.
Savignon, S. J. (2005). Communicative language teaching: Strategies and goals. … of
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Souto-Manning, M. (2010). Teaching English learners: Building on cultural and linguistic
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