MA II Sem. - Literary Criticism MCQ
MA II Sem. - Literary Criticism MCQ
MA II Sem. - Literary Criticism MCQ
II SEMESTER (2019 Admn.)
ENG2 CO6 - Literary Criticism and Theory - Part 1 (Up to New Criticism)
1. Identify the state festival held every year in honour of the God Dionysus in Greece.
a. Great Dionysia b. Dionysia c. Phaedrus d. Athenia
2. Choose the work from the choices below that is in the form of scholarly exchanges between
Plato and his teacher Socrates.
a. Protogoras b. Gorgias c. Symposium d. Dialogues
3. In which work did Aristotle firmly refute Plato’s pronouncements deriding art, artists and
a. De Anima b. Poetics c. Metaphysics d. Physics
5. In which work does Plato draw a distinction between the poet and the philosopher?
a. Ion c. Phaedrus
b. Republic d. The Education of an Orator
6. The pivotal speaker in Republic, Socrates recalls the visit to Piraeus, the port of Athens to
take part in the festivities to honour which deity?
a. Bendis b. Apollo c. Dionysus d. Cupid
7. Who is the young half-brother of Plato whose name means “owl” or “gleaming eyes”?
a. Cephalus b. Aristotle c. Glaucon d. Thrasymachus
8. Which book in the Republic ends with the Phoenician myth, which Socrates feels would serve
as the effective mythical explanation for their State/
a. First b. Fourth c. Second d. Third
11. The Republic concludes with Socrates’ vibrant description of the tale of which hero?
a. Er b. Ulysses c. Telemachus d. Achilles
12. Who mentions: “God is not the author of all things, but of good only”
a. Plato b. Glaucon c. Socrates d. Adeimantus
13. Whose verses does Socrates criticise because of the uneven blend of narrative, especially the
speeches of the characters in Iliad that also employ mimesis or imitation?
a. Hesiod b. Homer c. Aeschylus d. Sophocles
14. Which genre, according to Aristotle is divided into the epic and the dramatic according to the
manner of its imitation?
a. poetry b. drama c. prose d. fiction
16. Which chapter of Aristotle’s Poetics discusses the construction of an ideal plot, which is
fundamental to tragedy?
a. sixth b. seventh c. eighth d. ninth
18. Which is the entire part of a tragedy placed between the complete choric songs, in the
divisions of a tragedy when staged?
a. Parode b. Episode c. Exode d. Stasimon
21.Whose plays are considered the primary models of artistic unity, dramatic construction and
the author’s role in the epic by Aristotle?
a. Aristophanes b. Virgil c. Sophocles d. Homer
22.Which kind of poetry has been ignored because Aristotle considers it more suited to music
than poetry?
a. ode b. lyric c. sonnet d. dramatic monologue
24.What is the excessive use of verbal ornamentation that obstructs the natural use of language
and hence it should be avoided?
a. grandiloquence b. puerility c. elaboration d. exaggeration
28. An Apology for Poetry is Sidney’s reply to The Schoole of Abuse written by whom?
a. Samuel Coleridge c. Stephen Gosson
b. Percy B.Shelley d. Matthew Arnold
31. Which poet mentions: “If poetry instructs, it does so only through pleasure”.
a. Wordsworth b. Coleridge c. Shelley Keats
32. Which edition of the Preface is considered important because of the explanation of the nature
and characteristics of the poet, and his superiority over the man of science?
a. 1802 b. 1800 c. 1815 d. None of these
34. Who wrote the poems Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood;
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey; On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a
Tour; and Ode to Duty
a. Robert Browning c. William Blake
b. John Milton d. William Wordsworth
35.Who mentions: “Every great poet is a teacher; I wish either to be considered as a teacher or as a
a. William Wordsworth b. Lord Byron c. Edmund Spenser d. Robert Herrick
36. Which critic published his classroom lectures and his ideas along with the dictums of the other
critics regularly in Scrutiny?
a. Raman Selden b. F.R.Leavis c. Henry James d. Joseph Conrad
37. Who among the following is recognised one of “the great English novelists”?
a. Charlotte Bronte b. Emily Bronte c. Jane Austen d. Henry Fielding
38. Which critic is of the opinion that though Charles Dickens possesses the vitality and vision of
art as Conrad does, he cannot be included “in the line of great novelists”?
a. George Santayana b. T.S.Eliot c. D.H. Lawrence d. F.R.Leavis
39. Whose first book of poems Prufrock and Other Observations was published in 1917?
a. Robert Browning b. T.S.Eliot c. Alfred Tennyson d. John Keats
40. Locate T.S. Eliot’s full length book of essays on poetry and criticism.
a. The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism b. The Egoist
c. Tradition and the Individual Talent d. The Art of T.S.Eliot
41. Identify the author of The Well-Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry (1947)/
a. William K. Wimsatt b. Cleanth Brooks c. Joel E.Spingarn d. Yvor Winters
42. What is “the error of evaluating a poem by its effects- especially its emotional effects- upon the
reader” termed?
a. intentional fallacy c. method of indirection
b. ambiguity d. affective fallacy
43. What is referred as the analysis of the figurative elements such as images, similes, metaphors,
symbols, and myth that unify a work?
a. contrapuntal reading b. imagery c. close reading d. fallacy
44. From which poem is the title The Well Wrought Urn taken?
a. The Canonization c. Ode on a Grecian Urn
b. Ode to the West Wind d. Ulysses
45. Which essay begins with the title: “Few of us are prepared to accept the statement that the
language of poetry is the language of paradox”?
a. Seven Types of Ambiguity c. Tension in Poetry
b. The Language of Paradox d. Tradition and the Individual Talent
46. In which essay does T.S.Eliot comment that “a perpetual slight alteration of language; words
perpetually juxtaposed in new and sudden combinations” in poetry?
a. Tradition and the Individual Talent c. Philip Massinger
b. The Chicago Critics: The Fallacy of the Neoclassic Species d. None of these
47. Who wrote the essay “The Critical Monism of Cleanth Brooks”?
a. R.S.Crane b. Elder Olson c. Robert Penn Warren d. Richard McKeon
48. Which group of critics opposed the propositions of the New Critics on several grounds?
a. Romantic critics c. The Chicago School of Critics
b. Neoclassic critics d. Reader-response critics
49. From which book is the essay “The Archetypes of Literature” taken from?
a. Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology c. Anatomy of Criticism
b. Archetypal Patterns in Poetry d. John Donne: Paradoxes and Problems
51. Who mentions that symbols, images, rituals and myths, which originate from primitive myths,
rituals, folk-lore and cultures are employed by writers in works, and the primitive factors lie buried
in the “collective unconscious” which may otherwise be called “racial memory” of the people?
a. Sigmund Freud b. Carl Jung c. Maud Bodkin d. James Frazer
52. Under which method of analysis, does the critic proceed to ascertain the meaning of a work
from the general truth to the particular one?
a. deductive b. inductive c. Formalist d. Archetypal
54. What is referred as the proper knowledge of language that helps to satisfy desires?
a. Rasa b. Natyashastra c. Kamadhenu d. dhwani
56. Who critiqued the sphota doctrine of the grammarians and the Buddhist linguistic doctrine of
a. Dandin b. Abhinavagupta c. Udbhata d. Bhamaha
57. Which critic gave great importance to the gunas and doshas (merits and defects) in poetry?
a. Kalidasa b. Anandavardhana c. Dandin d. Rajashekhara
58. Who is the most authoritative exponent of Pratyabhijna philosophy that is centered on Kashmiri
a. Abhinavagupta b. Anandavardhana c. Kshemendra d. Bhoja
59. Who is the Kashmiri scholar whose Vakroktijivita is famous for the discussion of vakrata
(indirection or obliqueness) in expression in poetry?
a. Anandavardhana b. Rajashekhara c. Abhinavagupta d. Kuntaka
60. Which tailanga scholar who was a prominent poet in the court of the Mughal emperor Shah
Jahan, was conferred the title Panditaraja?
a. Jagannatha b. Mahimabhatta c. Kshemendra d. Bhoja
61. In which work by Vamana was the word sahrudaya used first in the technical sense of a
competent reader of poetry?
a. Agnipurana b. Dwanyaloka c. Kavyaloka d. Kavyalamkara
62. Which category of prathibha refers to the creative ability of the poet?
a. karayitri b. bhavayitri c. abida d. anumana
63. Who mentions “vakyam rasatmakam kavyam” , which means any composition which gives
tasteful pleasure is poetry?
a. Kshemendra b. Bhattalolatta c. Mammata d. Jagannatha
65. Which theory in Indian aesthetics theory connotes indirect or suggestive expression?
a. alamkara b. Dhwani c. kavya d. aswad
66. Who was the first dramatist to recognise the importance of rasa in aesthetics?
a. Kalidasa b. Jagannatha c. Bharatamuni d. Purandaradasa
67.Which term in Indian aesthetics refers to the objective conditions or reasons for producing or
exciting an emotion, which is also the main stimulating cause or the object of the emotion?
a. bhava b. samyoga c. anubhava d. vibhava
68. Who pointed out the major drawbacks in Bhattalolatta’s theory in relation to vibhava and rasa?
a. Mammata b. Shankuka c. Kalidasa d. Bharata
69. Identify the theory by Bhattanayaka that projects the experiential aspect related to emotions,
which is also known as the enjoyment theory?
a. Rasa b. Bhuthivada c. Anumitivada d. Pracya nyaya
70. Which philosopher rejected Bhattalolatta’s argument that rasa is the heightened state of the
basic emotions and mentioned that the emotions like sorrow, anger, and love diminish in
magnitude with the passage of time?
a. Mammata b. Anandavardhana c. Jagannatha d. Shankuka
71. Who propounded that the poetic function, which triggers the aesthetic experience that is
ecstatic in nature and second to the ultimate experience of the realisation of the self is called
a. Bhattanayaka b. Bhattalolatta c. Abhinavagupta d. Anandavardhana
73. Which aspect helps the sahrdaya or the aesthetically sensible person to see the characters
presented in a literary work in a generalised manner?
a. denotation b. Imagination c. Inference d. connotation
74. Who among the following validates how the poetic language triggers the aesthetic process
through its suggestiveness?
a. Mammata b. Bhattanayaka c. Anandavardhana d. Abhinavagupta
75. Which term is used by Abhinavagupta to denote “relating”, “narrating” or “describing” emotive
a. bhavanukirtanam b. anumana c. bhavaktwa d. bhojakatwa
76. Which word is used to denote not only the special aesthetic pleasure and the outward
manifestation of artistic experience but also the mental faculty which makes aesthetic experience
a. rasavaga b. alaukika c. Chamatkara d. charvana
78. Which term refers to any hindrance to aesthetic relish, the impediment that could be effected
by poetry, the actor, or the reader.
a. rasa b. bhayanaka c. rasavighna d. hasya
82. Which Indian grammarian discussed the concept of dhwani in a systematic manner?
a. Mammata b. Shankuka c. Patanjali d. none of these
83. Who opposed the theory of dhwani on the ground there was no meaning in inventing a new
power for words since dhwani was subordinate to anumana?
a. Bhattanayaka b. Mahimabhatta c. Jagannatha d. Abhinavagupta
85. Which word refers to the primary power of signification existing in words that is capable of
providing the literal or lexical meaning?
a. lochana b. anugraha c. abida d. pada
87. Which is the variety of dhwani accepted by Kuntaka that includes the employment of words of
double meaning
a. artha b. shabda c. shabdashaktimoola d. rupa
88. In the opinion of Aristotle, whose plays are the primary models of artistic unity, dramatic
a. Homer b. virgil c. Sophocles d. Dante
89.What is considered superior to the epic since it contains all the elements that give pleasure
along with music and spectacle?
a. comedy b. tragedy c. tragicomedy d. none of these
90. To whom does Longinus write “On the Sublime”, which is in the form of letters?
a. Aristotle b. Cecilius c. Postumius Terentianus d. Plato
91. Which work by Sir Philip Sidney, written in 1578 is considered an impressive appeal for the
social value of imaginative fiction?
a. Arcadia c. Astrophel and Stella
b. The Lady of May d. The Defence of Poesie
92. Who is the author of The Art of Rhetoric (1553) that could be regarded the first modern
treatise on English composition?
a. Thomas Wilson b. Thomas Hardy c. F.R.Leavis d. T.S.Eliot
93. According to Sir Philip Sidney, which kind of poetry evokes pity because it deals with the
weakness of mankind and the desolation of the world.
a. lyric b.elegiac poetry c. tragedy d. dramatic monologue
94. Dickens, in Hard Times brings out certain crucial aspects of which philosophy through the
characters Gradgrind and Bounderby?
a. Victorian Utilitarianism c. Individualism
b. Romanticism d. Marxism
95. Who considers Hard Times “a moral fable” with a definite intention that exhibits satiric irony
in the first two chapters of his book The Great Tradition?
a. Thomas Hardy b. T.S.Eliot c. F.R.Leavis d. Charles Dickens
96. Who praised the English Metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century, especially John Donne,
and the nineteenth century French symbolist poets that included Baudelaire and Jules Laforgue
because of the radical innovations in poetic technique and subject matter?
a. F.R.Leavis b. T.S.Eliot c. John Crowe Ransom d. I.A.Richards
97. What, according to T.S.Eliot is neither a slavish imitation nor a mere repetition of what has
already been achieved?
a. Impersonality c. Depersonalisation
b. Individuality d. Tradition
98. Who is the author of “Principles of Literary Criticism” (1924) and “Practical Criticism” (1929)?
a. I.A.Richards c. Joel Spingarn
b. Robert Pen Warren d. William K. Wimsatt
99. In the opinion of the New Critics, which are the devices that contribute to multiplicity of
meanings in a work, and render a work complex?
a. irony b. paradox c. ambiguity all these
100. Which play of Shakespeare does Northrop Frye use to explicate the inductive method of
a. Othello b. King Lear c. Hamlet d. Macbeth
1 A 21 D 41 B 61 D 81 A
2 D 22 B 42 D 62 A 82 C
3 B 23 A 43 C 63 D 83 B
4 C 24 A 44 A 64 A 84 A
5 B 25 C 45 B 65 B 85 C
6 A 26 C 46 C 66 C 86 A
7 C 27 A 47 A 67 D 87 C
8 D 28 C 48 C 68 A 88 A
9 B 29 B 49 A 69 B 89 B
10 B 30 D 50 D 70 D 90 C
11 A 31 B 51 B 71 A 91 D
12 C 32 A 52 A 72 D 92 A
13 B 33 C 53 D 73 B 93 B
14 A 34 D 54 C 74 D 94 A
15 D 35 A 55 B 75 A 95 C
16 B 36 B 56 D 76 C 96 B
17 C 37 C 57 C 77 B 97 D
18 B 38 D 58 A 78 C 98 A
19 A 39 B 59 D 79 A 99 D
20 C 40 A 60 A 80 D 100 C