L Series L55 75

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Reliability & efficiency

without compromise
Rotary Screw Compressors


L55 - L75
Premium compressor design L55RS - L75RS
and industry leading warranty Fixed & Regulated Speed
Quality pays off
“ CompAir lubricated rotary screw
compressors incorporate the very
latest technological advances and
guarantee a continuous supply of

high quality compressed air.

The L-Series from CompAir

Well known in the industry for quality and
reliability, CompAir continuously develops the
L-Series achieving cutting edge performance and
efficiency. The lubricated screw compressor
range from 55 to 75 kW comprises of fixed
speed and regulated speed (RS) models. All
models are optionally available with integrated
heat recovery.

Pressure range
5 to 13 bar

Volume flow
2.10 - 14.03 m3/min

Motor power
55 to 75 kW

Engineering excellence Premium efficiency airend

Compressors are more than just a financial investment, The new GD6 airend ensures higher efficiency levels, by up
they are a key component in ensuring that manufacturers, to 5% compared to the previous one, providing fewer
processors and operators receive consistent, high quality pressure drops, in an optimised compact design.
low cost air. CompAir's unique design, with integrated oil filter and oil
regulation valve, ensures external hoses are reduced to a
The screw compression element is the heart of the
minimum. The integrated airend design assures the
compressor and therefore CompAir keeps the design and
reliability of the compressor, continuous hassle-free
manufacture in-house, using the latest CNC rotor grinding
operation and easy servicing. Under the free Assure
machinery, coupled with online laser technology.
warranty the airends are covered up to 44,000 hours or
The resulting reliability and performance ensures that 10 years*.
operating costs will remain low throughout the * Whichever is soonest
compressor's life.

“ Lowest operational costs thanks

to a 7% efficiency increase.

Delcos XL innovative touch screen

Outstanding Benefits compressor controller
The Delcos XL with its high resolution touch screen display
Re-designed GD6
is extremely user-friendly and self-explanatory. All functions
semi integrated airend
are clearly structured in five main menus and are intuitively
Optimised GD6 airend provides better
visual. The multilingual Delcos XL control system ensures
performance, higher efficiency levels and
reliable operation and protects your investment by
lower pressure drop.
continuously monitoring the operational parameters, which
Highest efficiency levels is essential for reducing your running costs.
Up to 7% improvement. Features & functions
 ome Page – instant overview
Lowest floor space requirement
of the compressor status
In average 8% less than comparable
products in the market. •R
 eal Time Clock – allows
pre-setting of compressor
Implementation of new automatic starting/stopping
oil regulation valve for variable • Second Pressure Setting
speed models • Integrated Cooling and
Adding to the efficiency improvement.
Dryer Control
The automatic motor • Fault History Log – for in-depth analysis
lubrication is standard • Remote Control via Programmable Inputs
It increases the bearing life • Auto Restart after Power Failure
and is maintenance free.
• Optional Base Load Sequencing
The new fine separator • SD Card – stores several run characteristics
with just one integrated sealing • iConn enabled
Makes maintenance easy as no o-ring
replacement is required. Trend diagrams
With the ability to display detailed system analysis in the
All doors are hinged form of trend diagrams and graphs, operating parameters
and can be removed can be precisely set to maximise efficiency.
Reducing the space requirements and • Line / Network Pressure
optimising accessibility.
• Motor Speed (Regulated Speed)
Premium electric motor • On Load Hours / Total Hours Run & Average Volume Flow
Standard asynchronous version IE3 or optional • Weekly Average Volume Flow
IE4 for even greater efficiency.

Regulated Speed Compressors

Innovative oil regulation valve

Specially designed by CompAir's engineering team, this
integrated valve:
 liminates the risk of condensate to avoid corrosion
and extends oil's life time
 epending on the working conditions improves
efficiency by up to 5% for the variable speed models
• Improves low running speeds

The perfect response to

individual air demands
Regulated speed compressors from CompAir can
Add further value
efficiently and reliably handle the varying air demand Integrated heat recovery
found in most plant air systems. Significant energy and costs savings can be achieved with
CompAir’s efficient integrated heat recovery system. It can
The annual cost of ownership can be significantly
be either factory fitted or supplied as retrofit kit including all
reduced using regulated speed technology.
necessary pipe-work and fittings.

A CompAir Hot Water Heating Industrial Process Hot Air Blast

speed up to
compressor 35% Motor Efficiency
As a standard, all compressors of this

range are equipped with an energy


efficient IE3 electric motor. To achieve


even higher levels of efficiency they are R

optionally available with an IE4 motor.

iConn Service 4.0
Proactive Maintenance and Service
with iConn Monitoring
The L-Series is equipped with iConn as a standard. iConn
Compressed air purification
is the smart, proactive real-time monitoring service that
delivers in-depth and real-time knowledge on the system A modern production system and process
to our compressed air users. It enables accurate demands increasing levels of air quality, and
production planning and total peace-of-mind protection, compressed air operators need to ensure that the
generating insight and statistics that keep users informed downstream equipment also delivers on it 100%.
on performance, at the same time highlighting potential
The new downstream portfolio manufactured by
issues before they become a problem.
CompAir utilising the latest technology, provides an
energy efficient solution at lowest life cycle costs.
iConn benefits at a glance The same quality, performance and efficiency
standards delivered by the compressors can now
Proactive real-time monitoring with iConn for your
be enjoyed from the air treatment range.
compressed air installation, delivers many benefits:
Investment in a manufacturing site in addition to
✓ Real-time operating data available around the clock
the support teams, ensures that compressed air
 n-demand maintenance extends compressor life cycle operators don’t need to worry about the quality of their
and optimises costs compressed air – quality that is key to ensuring maximum
 aximum compressor performance production efficiency and investment protection.
reduces energy consumption • Water Cyclone Separators
 redictive and preventative monitoring and warnings • Compressed Air Filters
avoid expensive downtime
• Condensate Drain System
✓ Wear of compressed air components is identified early
• Compressed Air Refrigerant Dryer
 educe operating costs caused by increased pressure
• Heatless Desiccant Dryers
drop in filters and separators through late maintenance
• Heat Regenerative Desiccant Dryers
✓ Identify potential savings by measuring
costs and efficiency • Nitrogen Generator
✓ Optimised maintenance planning • SmartAir Master Multi Compressor Controllers

The best investment
protection you can get

Compact design – easy installation

The small footprint reduces the space required for installation.

Easy servicing
The design of these packages ensures that the service points
10 Years Warranty! are readily accessible. The enclosure side doors are hinged
and removable to allow complete access to all service points.
The CompAir Assure Warranty and Service programmes
The reduced number of moving parts and the innovative
will assure you up to 44,000 hours/10 years 1). It is one
design of the separator, further lowers the maintenance costs.
of the most generous warranties available in the industry
affording you total peace of mind.
CompAir genuine spare parts
Your benefits: Enjoy complete peace of mind.
Genuine CompAir parts and lubricants ensure that
 he Assure warranty is totally free to the
compressed air plant reliability and efficiency is maintained
compressor owner 2)
at the highest standards. CompAir spare parts and
 he CompAir authorised service provider will deliver a lubricants are distinguished by:
guaranteed quality of service
• Long service life, even under harshest conditions
 n Assure service agreement underpinning the • Minimum losses contributing to energy savings
warranty will enable accurate maintenance, budgeting • High reliability improves plant up-time
and cost of ownership
 roducts manufactured with the strictest Quality
 he use of genuine CompAir parts and lubricants will Assurance Systems
maximise compressor life and efficiency
 arranty duration is limited to 6 years/44,000 hours on the
whole package, 10 years/44,000 hours on the air end.
Whichever is the soonest.
subject to Terms & Conditions

CompAir L-Series – Technical data
L55 – L75 Fixed speed
Compressor Nominal Drive FAD 1] Noise Weight Dimensions
Model Pressure Motor Level 2] LxWxH
[bar g] [kW] [m3/min] [dB(A)] [kg] [mm]

7.5 10.71

L55 10 55 9.50 69 1405 1958 x 1138 x 1857

13 8.25

7.5 13.98

L75 10 75 12.54 72 1495 1958 x 1138 x 1857

13 10.50

L55RS – L75RS Regulated speed

Compressor Nominal Drive FAD 1] Noise Level 2] Weight Dimensions
Model Pressure Motor Min - Max at 100% Load LxWxH
[bar g] [kW] [m3/min] [dB(A)] [kg] [mm]

L55RS 5 - 10 55 2.50 - 10.99 69 - 72 1430 1958 x 1138 x 1857

L75RS 5 - 13 75 2.10 - 14.03 72 - 74 1520 1958 x 1138 x 1857

 ata measured and stated in accordance with ISO 1217, Edition 4, Annex C and Annex E and the following conditions:
Air Intake Pressure 1 bar a, Air Intake Temperature 20°C, Humidity 0 % (Dry).
Measured in free field conditions in accordance with ISO 2151, tolerance ± 3dB (A).

Global experience ‒
truly local service

With over 200 years of engineering excellence, the

CompAir brand offers an extensive range of highly
reliable, energy efficient compressors and
accessories to suit all applications.
An extensive network of dedicated CompAir sales
companies and distributors across all continents provide
global expertise with a truly local service, ensuring our
advanced technology is backed up with the right support.
CompAir has consistently been at the forefront of compressed air systems development, culminating in some of the
most energy efficient and low environmental impact compressors on the market today, helping customers achieve
or surpass their sustainability targets.

CompAir compressed air product range

Advanced Compressor Technology Complete Air Treatment Range Value Added Services
Lubricated • Filter • Professional Air Audit
• Rotary Screw • Refrigerant and Desiccant Dryer • Performance Reporting
> Fixed and Regulated Speed • Condensate Management • Leak Detection
• Piston • Heat of Compression Dryer
Leading Customer Support
• Portable • Nitrogen Generator
• Custom Engineered Solutions
Oil-Free Modern Control Systems • Local Service Centres
• Water Injected Screw • CompAir DELCOS Controllers • Genuine CompAir Parts
> Fixed and Regulated Speed • SmartAir Master Sequencer and Lubricants
• Two Stage Screw • iConn - Smart Flow Management
> Fixed and Regulated Speed
CompAir policy is one of continuous improvement and we
• Piston therefore reserve the right to alter specifications and prices
without prior notice. All products are sold subject to the
• High Speed Centrifugal - Quantima® Company’s conditions of sale.
• Rotary Scroll
573GB 01/21

www.compair.com [email protected]
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