Keeping Quiet

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 “Keeping Quiet” is a peace poem written by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

 The poet asks humanity to count numbers from one to twelve – twelve being the

number of hours shown in a clock or the number of zodiac signs.

 The moment when everyone stops moving their body will be very special and different

as we have never experienced such a moment before.

 The poet says that in this period of inactivity the fishermen would not harm the

whales, the salt gatherers will not hurt their hands, those who are busy destroying the

nature will adopt a new approach towards life, The men who are preparing for wars

and victory based on deaths of innocent people will join their enemy and stand in unity

with them, doing nothing. No one will harm himself or any other person.

 The poet clarifies his idea and says further that he does not want that people should

stand idle.

 He wants that there should be no war because he does not want to see trucks laden

with dead bodies of the soldiers.

 He is promoting Universal brotherhood and peace.

 The poet says that everyone is working continuously, to achieve one’s goals.

 People are threatened by death and the fear forces them to work endlessly so that they

can achieve everything quickly.

 When the people will remain quiet for a while, they will realize the purpose of their


 Just like all the creations of nature undergo a rebirth with the change of seasons,

similary, keeping quiet will be a rebirth for the human soul.

 It will give a new meaning to our life. Again, the poet says that he will count till twelve

and asks everyone to remain quiet while he leaves.

Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract.
Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the Earth
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much
i ) Name the poem.
a) My Mother at Sixty Six
b) An Elementary School Classroom School in a Slum
c) Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda
d) A Thing A Beauty
Ans c)

ii ) Who is the poet of Keeping Quiet.

a) Kamala Das
b) Stephen Spender
c) Pablo Neruda
d) John Keats
Ans c)

iii.) What does the poet want others to do?

a) To keep quiet and introspect
b) To make noise and find fault
c) To spread wars all around
d) None of these
Ans a)

iv.) Who poetic device has been used in ‘Not move our arms so much’?
a) Pun
b) Simile
c) Antithesis
d) Transferred Epithet
Ans a)


It would be an exotic moment

without rush, without engines,

we would all be together

in a sudden strangeness.

Fishermen in the cold sea

would not harm whales

and the man gathering salt

would look at his hurt hands.

i ) When would the fishermen stop harming whales according to the poet?
a) When they peep into others’ life
b) When they introspect themselves and keep quiet
c) When they spread the wars
d) None of these
Ans b)

ii ) What will happen if people keep quiet for some time?

a) There will be peace all around
b) There will be brotherhood all around
c) There will be silence all around
d) All of these
Ans d)

iii ) What is the man gathering salt losing in pursuit of money?

a) His wealth
b) His health
c) His time
d) His memorable moments
Ans b)

iv.) Which poetic device has been used in ‘Hurt Hands’?

a) Pun
b) Simile
c) Antithesis
d) Alliteration
Ans d)

Stand Alone MCQs
1. What does the title of the poem suggest?
A) Inactivity
B) noise
C) unhappiness
D) Maintenance of silence
Ans: D) Maintenance of silence

2. What does the poem speak about?

A) the necessity to be happy
B) the necessity to introspect , understand and have feelings of brotherhood
C) the necessity to work quietly
D) none
Ans: B) the necessity to introspect , understand and have feelings of brotherhood.

3. What does counting upto 12 signify and how will it help?

A) hours of the day
B) months of a year
C) it will help to create peace and harmony
D) all
Ans: D) all

4. What is poet’s pen name?

A) Neruda
B) Pable
C) Pablo
D) Pablo Neruda
Ans: D) Pablo Neruda

5. What does the style of the poem symbolise, that the poet used to write with?
A) desires
B) happiness
C) hope
D) desire and hope
Ans: D) desire and hope

6. What is the original language of the poem ?
A) English
B) French
C) Pali
D) Spanish
Ans: D) Spanish

7. What is the essence or message of the poem ?

A) introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony
B) to prosper
C) to be happier
D) to reach out more people
Ans: A) introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony

8. What does the poet feel is needed to be at peace?

A) meeting with people
B) talking with people
C) interaction with the people
D) Soul searching
Ans: D) Soul searching

9. According to the poet what creates barriers?

A) interactions
B) reactions
C) fighting
D) languages
Ans: D) languages

10. Why does the poet ask people not to speak?

A) because it creates noise
B) he doesn’t like noise
C) it makes things unpleasant
D) because it creates barriers or obstacles in the form of misunderstanding amongst
Ans: D) because it creates barriers or obstacles in the form of misunderstanding amongst

Q1. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ?
Ans: The poet suggests that the people should discontinue their nasty activities and nonsensial
chating for some time. This silence will give us time to introspect, to understand
ourselves and to shape our destiny properly.
Q2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ?
Ans: No, the poet clarifies that he does not favour inactivity or total idleness. Inaction means
death. Life means action for the good of our race. What the poet advocates is a full stop to
war and the race for self-gain.
Q3. What is the ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem ?
Ans: The people and the nations are unfortunately engaged in producing weapons of mass
destruction. This is a sad feature of our modem civilisation. We all are a part of a blind
race, working for collective suicide. Let us take a breath and look within.
Q4. What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under
apparent stillness ?
Ans: If the poet’s suggestion is accepted, there will be temporary stillness. But it doesn’t mean
death. It is a short interval for renewed life and activity. We can see it in nature. The earth
under the snow looks dead, with no activity and no growth. But let the spring blows its
bugle, the snow will melt away and the seeds will sprout, the grass will grow. All activities
of life will start again.

Short answer questions type

Q1. Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in ‘Keeping Quiet’? (Delhi 2014)
What does Neruda mean by ‘an exotic moment without rush’ in his poem, ‘Keeping
Quiet’?(CBSE Sample Paper 2020)
Ans: Pablo Neruda longs for the exotic moment when humanity will be free of greed, cruelty,
and harmful behavior. Unnecessary rush and noise have caused discomfort and issues.
The poet wishes that the noise of engines and machines would stop and that peace and
tranquility would reign.
Q2. What is the sadness the poet refers to in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’? (All India 2011,
Ans: The poet’s sadness in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ is the sadness of never understanding
oneself and nature. Humans are frequently involved in a frenzy of activities and have no
time for introspection, threatening themselves with death or destruction as a result. This
darkens their paths with distress and misery.
Q3. How, according to Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to
life?(Compartment 2014)
Ans: According to Neruda, when people on Earth consider remaining silent for a period of
time, they will experience an exotic moment in which they will be able to forget their
differences and a sense of camaraderie will prevail among them. When man goes silent

for a while, most of his evil thoughts vanish. Man will realize his utter stupidity and
refrain from harmful and destructive activities if he remains silent.
Q4. Why shouldn’t we “speak in any language” and “not move our arms so much”?
Ans: People all over the world communicate in a variety of languages. They engage in pointless
debates and squabbles. The majority of these debates result in destructive wars. The poet
encourages people to refrain from speaking in any language. They must speak from the
bottom of their hearts. So far, men have only moved their arms to harm others. As a
result, the poet wishes that they not move their arms as much and allow these arms to
rest for a moment. He asks the people to allow humanity to develop a sense of mutual
Q5. What does the poet ask the fisherman and the man collecting salt to do? What does
he exactly want to convey by this?
Ans: Pablo Neruda is opposed to all forms of violence. He addresses the fishermen and asks
them not to harm the whales that live in the polar seas. He also requests that the person
gathering salt at the seashore stop working and instead look at his hands, which are hurt
and wounded as a result of overwork.
Q6. What alternative does Pablo Neruda suggest instead of indulging in wars?
Ans: Pablo Neruda suggests that instead of fighting, the people must take to the streets in their
finest gowns with their then-brothers. They should go for a walk under the shade of the
trees and do nothing. This would foster a sense of community among them.
Q7. How does the poet distinguish ‘stillness’ from ‘total inactivity’? Why does Neruda
say “I want no truck with death”?
Ans: Pablo Neruda prefers silence or stillness, in which we sit still and quietly for a while. Total
inactivity, on the other hand, is a permanent suspension of work. It is the same as death.
The terms ‘stillness’ and ‘total inactivity’ should not be used interchangeably. Life
continues as usual. There can be no such thing as total inactivity. Therefore, by saying “I
want no truck with death” the poet refuses to associate with or confront death.
Q8. Justify the title ‘Keeping Quiet’.
Ans: The poem’s title is both appropriate and logical. It implies the importance of quiet
introspection. People all over the world are hyperactive and constantly on the move.
Their actions have caused untold misery and suffering. According to the poet, they will
benefit greatly from remaining silent. It will protect them from a variety of harmful and
violent activities. Furthermore, it will aid in reflecting on man’s fate and creating a sense
of mutual understanding among humans.

Important Questions Long Answer Type Questions

Q1. In a world that is constantly running after ‘more’ chasing the next new thing, would
it be fair to think of Neruda’s call as merely a fanciful idea? (CBSE QB, 2021)
Ans: Yes, Neruda’s call is good, but it is more fanciful in character. However, if we are able to
remain silent, it will have two effects on life in and around the sea.
The fisherman will avoid killing whales, or any other animal for our own benefit for a
while by remaining silent.

Additionally, salt gatherers will have time to heal their injured hands, tend to them and
not overwork and simply rest for a while.
Moreover, man will not harm nature during this period of silence, and both humans and
nature will have time to attend to and heal their wounds.
As a result, everyone will have more time to reflect on themselves, nature or the past and
the decisions taken by them.
Q2. The world has become a global village, and people across boundaries, nationalities
and communities are now connected to one another. With the advancement of
technology, and the advent of social media, do you think that the task of keeping
quiet, as envisaged by Neruda, has become easier or more complicated? Justify
your stance. (CBSE QB, 2021)
Ans: World has become a global village due to transport and communication. People from all
over the world are linked together by means of transportation and communication.
People use communication technology to stay mentally connected to each other even
when they are not physically connected. They use various modes of transportation such
as buses, cars, airplanes, and ships to travel from one location to another for business or
to visit loved ones. In today’s world, social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook,
WhatsApp, Snapchat, and others have grown into massive platforms that connect people
all over the world.
Due to this advancement in technology and the advent of social media, the task of keeping
quiet both may and may not be achievable depending on the way people perceive it.
People understanding the need of introspection and reflecting on their actions, thoughts,
etc. can through the use of social media support and promote the idea of “keeping quiet”.
However, on the contrary, social media, technology and the world itself, for some people
can prevent them from “keeping quiet” thus making it a fanciful idea and more
complicated to achieve in nature. Therefore, people’s perception towards the idea and
understanding of introspection and “keeping quiet” would be an important factor in
determining if the task would be complicated or easy to achieve.
Q3. Analyze the importance of the dramatic count to twelve in ‘Keeping Quiet.’
Ans: The poem begins with the poet’s request that a count to twelve be followed by a moment
of silence. The poet associates silence with the desire for a moment of togetherness. The
poet’s request to count to twelve is repeated in the first and last stanzas, creating a
personal space of silence in the poem. The poet seeks this moment of silence to reflect
and meditate, to share a sense of camaraderie and oneness.
The poet wishes that the fishermen would not kill the whales at this precise moment, and
that the men gathering salt would rest their injured hands. The threat of global
annihilation would be eliminated. The poet wishes that at this moment we would have
time for self assessment and introspection. The number ‘twelve’ is dramatically
significant in representing our clock time, a real-life moment.
Q4. How is the poet’s appeal for keeping quiet different from absolute sluggishness ?
Ans: In his plea for silence, the poet emphasizes the importance of self-introspection in a man’s
life. As we face the sadness of death, he encourages us to seek a moment to understand
ourselves and analyze our actions. The poet’s request for a moment of silence or stillness
should not be misinterpreted as a request for inactivity or complete sluggishness.

He seeks a moment of silence in which people are not preoccupied with work and can
reflect on their actions. This moment of silence will aid them in overcoming their
difficulties and flaws. The poet even believes that the Earth will enlighten men in this
process, because silence is only a moment captured where there is activity under
apparent stillness.
Previous year questions
Q1. Why is Pablo Neruda against ‘total inactivity’? (Comptt. Delhi 2010)
Ans: Pablo Neruda is against ‘total inactivity’ because that would amount to death and he has
no association with death. Life is a continuous and on-going process and so is all about
being on the move. Life should not come to a standstill under any circumstance.
Q2. Which sadness is Pablo Neruda worried about in his poem? (Comptt. All India
Ans: The sadness that Pablo Neruda is worried about in his poem is the sadness of isolation
that has made modern man its victim. This sadness has made man self-centered and
uncaring to the needs of his fellowmen. He has sacrificed the needs of his emotional self
in favour of materialism.
Q3. Do you think the poet, Pablo Neruda advocates total inactivity and death? Why/
Why not? (Delhi 2011)
Ans: No, the poet Pablo Neruda does not advocate total inactivity and death. He wants to give
mankind an opportunity of quiet introspection to know and realize how he has been
harming himself and others. He makes it clear that stillness should not be confused with
inactivity. Stillness means halting of harmful human activities. He also wants mankind to
understand that life is about sprouting out of seemingly dead surroundings.
Q4. What is the sadness that the poet, Pablo Neruda refers to in the poem ‘Keeping
Quiet’? (All India 2011)
Ans: The sadness that Pablo Neruda is worried about in his poem is the sadness of isolation
that has made modern man its victim. This sadness has made man self-centered and
uncaring to the needs of his fellowmen. He has sacrificed the needs of his emotional self
in favour of materialism.
Q5. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death in the poem, ‘Keeping
Quiet’? Give reasons. (Comptt. Delhi 2011)
Ans: No, the poet especially says that keeping quiet should not be confused with total
inactivity. He wants no association with death. He wants to keep quiet as this will prepare
mankind for introspection and regeneration.
Q6. What is the exotic moment the poet Pablo Neruda wishes for? (Comptt. All India
Ans: Pablo Neruda wishes for that exotic moment when mankind will be free from greed,
cruelty and harmful actions. Unnecessary rush and noise have caused unpleasantness and
troubles. The poet wishes the noise of engines and machines should cease and peace and
tranquility should prevail.

Q7. How can suspension of activities help? (All India 2012)
Ans: Suspension of activities will give us time to introspect and reflect on our follies. It will
give us the much needed time to forget our differences, wither away our discriminations
and enter into a world of peace.
Q8. How does stopping for a second help us, according to the poet, Pablo Neruda?
(Comptt. Delhi 2012)
Ans: According to Pablo Neruda, when we stop for a second we get an opportunity to
introspect on our follies. During this moment we will forget our differences and
experience a strength of togetherness which will give us a moment of bliss. By indulging
in such moments of inacti-vity, we will realise the harm we are causing to the world with
our words and actions.
Q9 What is the exotic moment referred to in the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’? What makes it
exotic? (Comptt. All India 2012)
Ans: When people sit still without speaking any language in quiet introspection, that moment,
according to the poet will be an exotic one because this moment will help us to
experience a strength of togetherness and a strange relationship with which humanity
will bind itself.


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