Bio Unit 4

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Bio Unit 4

Endocast- pour latex into skull cavity to see the skull

Dental Battery- They have 100s of teeth and cycle through losing and gaining them throughout
your life

EQ- using a model to look at the size of the dinosaurs brain compared to their body mass

Finite Element Modeling- Computer model to see what the dinosaurs did with their brains.
Uses EQ

Coprolite- fossilized fecal matter

Paleobiology- study of ancient lives of organisms

Paleontologist- actual scientist

Trace Fossils- anything that are not bones. Egg nests, tracks, bite marks.

Plate Tectonics- caused by volcanoes that caused sea floor splitting. Continents are spread
out. It was pangea. Fossils also found

Sexual Dimorphism- clear difference between the sex of an organism. Could be related to size,
color, vocalization

Over-splitting- Name the same fossils of a dinosaur more than once. Ex. fossils looking similar

Island Dwarfism- larger animals evolve to have a bigger body size

Dinosaurs not in Florida- Could be fossils but they could have been eroded away as a result
of being underwater. Could be in GA

Ornithischians- Bird like hips

Saurischians- reptile hips

Sedimentary rocks is where dinosaurs are found

Age of Dinosaurs(Time Period)- Lived till about 30 years. 238-65.5 millions years ago. Triassic
period(oldest dinosaurs), Jurassic Period(largest dinosaurs), and Cretaceous Period(T-rex

Best isotope for dinosaur age sediments is Uranium 235, lead

World was warmer in the Age of Dinosaurs ● It was arid in equatorial regions ● Like Florida in
middle latitudes ● At the poles, despite a lack of light for much of the year it was wet and rainy
like Seattle today -- no polar ice caps. Flat mountains in that period

T-rex’s are both predator and scavengers

Fossi Feud- Marsh and Cope. They were starting to find fossils and raced to find the most
scientifically viable and useful fossils.

3 main features of dinosaurs

1. Fused sacral vertebrae

2. Three fingers toed
3. Perforated acetabulae- hole where the thigh touches the hip

Thyreophora(shield bearers)- osteoderms(skin armor) is a characteristic.

First written dinosaur accounts- written about before they were officially named dinosaurs.
First written accounts were from china and thought they were dragon bones

Paleontology was first found in geology, which resulted in crazy interpretations of dinosaurs'
anatomical functions.

Australian saltwater croc bite force- 3700 lbs of bite force

3 theories of mass extinction

- Asteroid hits mexico

- seawater
- volcano

Mosasaurs- Not a dinosaur. 40 ft long sea monster. Relative of today's komodo dragon

Iguanodon- looked like an iguana. First Herbivores with leaf shaped teeth. Found by Gideon
Megalosaurus- one of the first herbivore dinosaurs found. Herbivores with leaf shaped teeth

Pterosaurs- flying dinosaurs. Found winged fossils.

Plesiosaurs- inspired the lochness monster. Also underwater and had fins.
Stegosaurus- Plates on its back that were along its spine. Leaf shaped teeth. Olfactory bulbs
Ankylosaurus- club tail and had armor,
Sauropods- long necked dinosaurs
- Diplodocus- long body, out to the owls
- Brontosaurus/Apatosaurus, was oversplit(same dinosaur)

- Ornithopoda(Iguanodon thumb spike, Hadrosaurs duck bill)-
- Marginocephalia- bony protrusion coming from their head( Pachycephalosaurs- bony,
thick skull bones, headbutting. Ceratopsians- flat plate)
- Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops had beaks. Looked like the griffin

Marginocephalians- a margin of bone protruding from the back of the skull

Historical relationship between Protoceratops and Oviraptor. They found Oviraptor eggs in the
Protoceratops and the Oviraptor was accused of being an egg stealer.

Deinonychus- started the dinosaur renaissance

Archeopteryx- first ancient birds

Theropods- carnivores
Segnosaurs- found in the Theropods category but a herbivore.

Coelophysis- thought they were cannibals. They were eating crocodiles

T-rex- not smart because they had small brains(relative to their body size), Olfactory bulbs were
big, having a good sense of smell. Cannibal


Thomas Jefferson- founding father of paleontology.Told Luis and clark expedition to watch out
for mammoths

Thomas Huxley- similarities between the first bird and dinosaurs- namely theropods

The tiniest dinosaurs were(Troodontids)- 7 ounces in size. 4 wings. Biggest 100 tons

French anatomist Cuvier- he proposed the theory of extinction.

Mosasaurus- sea monster

Buckland and Mantell- discovered the Megalosaurus and Iguanodon. They were relating that
reptiles came from dinosaurs.

Richard Own- He named them dinosauria, gave them their own group.

Charles Marsh and Edward Cope- debated where the heads where in fossils and started the
fossil feud

Robert Bakker- fueled the dinosaur renaissance and through the Deinonychus.

Dinosaurs grew faster than reptiles and are closer to mammals, which means they are warm

William Buckland- Found the first dinosaur

Badlands- Places where plants don't grow, best for dinosaur fossils

Spinosaurus- blown up in museum during WWII

Sauroposeidon- tallest dinosaur (56ft)

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