Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases

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Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases

An infinitive is a verb form made up of the word “to” and the base form of the verb. Infinitives and
infinitive phrases (infinitives + their modifiers and objects) can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
They can function as nouns.

In our evening classes, we learn to cook. To see the northern lights is one of my dreams.
The infinitive to cook is the object of the verb learn. The infinitive phrase to see the northern lights is the
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subject of the sentence.

They can function as adjectives.

Veronica bought a new bicycle to ride. My favorite month to go camping is May.

The infinitive to ride modifies the noun bicycle. The infinitive phrase to go camping modifies the
noun month.

They can function as adverbs.

To win, they need just one more touchdown. Darius ran down the block to catch the bus.
The infinitive to win modifies the verb need. The infinitive phrase to catch the bus modifies the
verb ran.

Keep in mind that the word “to” isn’t always used as part of an infinitive! In the sentence below, “to” is used as a
preposition. It is followed by a noun phrase.
We walked to the fire station. The preposition to is followed by the noun phrase
the fire station.

Underline the infinitive or infinitive phrase in each sentence. Then, write whether it functions as a noun,
adjective, or adverb.

1 My uncle always says that the best attitude to have is one of gratitude and optimism.

2 Naomi’s dream is to fly, so she signed up for flying lessons at a local flight school.

3 To avoid burning an entire batch of cookies, Cass set the timer for ten minutes.

4 To thrive, most succulents need six to eight hours of sunlight each day, though many can survive
on less than that.

5 Do you really need to practice the drums at 6 o’clock in the morning?

6 Sasha’s favorite place to explore is the collection of tide pools near her dad’s house.

7 To say the movie was bad would be an understatement; it was the worst film Jo had ever seen!

8 When we go to art class, our teacher always encourages us to use more colors and textures.

9 The only way to reach the mountaintop lodge is by hiking one of three trails to the summit.

10 Every Saturday, I take Buster and Toby to the dog park to play, and then we go to the pond for
a swim.

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