Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Useful Vocabulary

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Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease

Glossary of Useful Vocabulary

Term and Definition

A Alzheimer’s disease
A specific condition which is the
cure (noun)
A treatment or solution which
most common cause of dementia. solves a condition or disease.
See also: dementia. There is currently no cure for
Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
assisted living in general.

A general term for when a person delusion (noun)
is supported in or near their
home. This can vary from care A belief that something is true
homes to visiting carers. even though it is not logical; a
distortion of facts.

C care home
See: residential care home.
dementia (noun)
A name given to a range of
carer (noun) symptoms which are linked
A carer is someone who looks to someone’s brain or mental
after a person who is sick, processes not functioning as
elderly or has a disability. well as they used to. Common
This may be a paid or symptoms include memory
professional role or could be loss, personality changes
a family member. and impaired judgement or
care plan (noun)
dementia with Lewy bodies
A document written to plan the (noun)
support that someone living with
dementia will receive. Goals A type of dementia with
are set for the person and their some symptoms similar to
family to work towards with Parkinson’s disease such as
support. tremors, a shuffling gait and
clumsy (adjective)
To be awkward in movement or
handling things, perhaps having
more accidents. People living with
dementia can struggle with their
spatial awareness.

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Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease
Glossary of Useful Vocabulary
Term and Definition
diagnosis (noun)
When a doctor confirms that a
M medicine (noun)
A substance used as treatment
patient is living with a particular for illness or injury.
condition, such as Alzheimer’s
memory (noun)
disease. This is usually given after
tests and examination. The ability

of the brain
elderly (adjective)
to remember
Old or ageing; used to describe a experiences,
person. people or other


forgetful (adjective)
nursing home (noun)
To describe someone as commonly
not remembering; likely to Similar to a residential care
forget. Becoming forgetful about home and providing the same
particular things is a symptom of care. In addition, a nursing
dementia. home provides medical care

from registered nurses. See also:
Huntington’s disease (noun) residential care home.
A specific condition which has Parkinson’s disease (noun)
symptoms including dementia
and involuntary movements. A well-known disorder

involving tremors and muscular
illness (noun) problems. Sometimes, dementia
A disease or period of sickness. can occur as a symptom

and sometimes as a result of
long-term memory (noun) Parkinson’s disease medication.
Long-term memories are patient (adjective)
those from a long time ago,
which have had more time To be patient is to not feel
to settle in someone’s mind. rushed or make some else
When someone is living with feel rushed; to take time and
dementia, their long-term care over something.
memories often come back to patient (noun)
them as though they are recent
events. A person who is receiving some
kind medical treatment or care.

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Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease
Glossary of Useful Vocabulary
Term and Definition
progressive (adjective) at the same time as Alzheimer’s
disease. It is caused by very
A condition which is likely to get small strokes.
more severe over time.

R residential care home (noun) W wandering

A place where a number of When a
elderly people can live and receive person
24-hour care by qualified staff. becomes
See also: nursing home. disorientated

S spatial awareness (noun)

Understanding of the space
and confused, they
may forget how to get home or
think that they need to leave.
around yourself and how far They may also wander in their
away things are. home, moving objects around
short-term memory (noun) without purpose.

Short-term memories are those

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based on things that have
2 story ‘Don’t Forget Me,
happened recently. People living
with dementia often find that Nana Phoebe’ here.
it becomes harder to hold on to
short-term memories.
symptom (noun)
A sign that someone has a
particular illness or disease,

either physical or mental.
treatment (noun)
Medical care given to a
patient to relieve their
illness or injury.
vascular dementia
A type of dementia
which sometimes happens

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