Mid Exam Business Communication

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Name: ____________________ ID No______ Department_____ Program:
Chose the correct answer from the given alternatives and put in the given
blank space
1. The following are the ways of communication used by human beings except.
A) Written communications C) Oral communications
B) Nonverbal communication D) None
2. Which of the following is an example of methods of written communication?
A) Letters B) phone conversations C) video conferencing D) None
3. People communicate for different reasons. Those include:
A) To inform B) To request C) To persuade D) To build goodwill E) All
4. Which of the following could be an advantage of Effective Communication?
A) Increasing Productivity B) Improving Morale C) Developing a Team D) All
5. To develop communication ability, you must do the following things except?
A) Analyze good and bad examples of communication
B) Use the principles and techniques of good communication (7c’s).
C) Practice creating your own communications
D) None
6. The word ________ means the act or process of giving or exchanging of
information, signals, or messages as by talk, gestures, or writing.
A) Management B) Accounting C) Communication D) None
7. Which of the following is an element of business communication?
A) Context B) Sender / Encoder C) Message D) Medium/Channel E) All
8. The factors which obstruct the effectiveness of communication is called ____?
A) Communication Barriers C) Communication Feedbacks
B) Communication Effective nesses D) All
9. Which of the following suggestions can be used to improve correctness?
A) Check your message or writing from grammatical and linguistic viewpoints
B) Use none discriminatory words

C) Check accuracy of figures, facts and words
D) Send your message at the correct time
E) All
10.The principle of communication that includes omitting trite expressions, avoid
unnecessary repetition, include relevant facts etc is called________.
A) Correctness B) Conciseness C) Clarity D) None
11.Which of the following couldn’t be considered for the principle of Completeness?
A) Put action in the verb C) Give something extra. When desirable
B) Answer all questions asked D) Check for five W’s.
12.Which of the following is true about the importance of effective communication
to your career and to the companies where you will work?
A) Communication is important for most jobs, except technical jobs such as
engineering or finance.
B) The higher you rise in your organization, the more time you spend using the
technical skills of your profession, and the less time you spend
C) Good communicators are generally more difficult to find than good
accountants, good engineers, or good attorneys.
D) Good communication has not been linked to financial advantages for
E) Communication is important for most jobs, unless you are an entrepreneur.
13.Which of these media is most effective when immediate feedback is required?
A) written B) oral C) electronic D) visual E) multimedia
14.The message that put in simple terms and the words must mean the same
thing to receivers as they do sender is_______.
A) Clarity B) Credibility C) Context D) Channels
15.During communication, the ________ initiates a message by encoding a thought.
A) receiver B) channel C) sender D) speaker E) leader
Answer Sheet
1. ______ 4. ______ 7. ______ 10 ______ 13. ______
2. ______ 5. ______ 8. ______ 11. ______ 14. ______
3. _____ 6. _____ 9. _____ 12. _____ 15. _____


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