Biotek Product Catalog

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Agilent BioTek

Life Science Instrumentation

Catalog 2023: imaging and microscopy, detection, liquid handling, and robotics
Growing toward a deeper
understanding of the cell
Our advanced cell analysis technologies provide both
quantitative and phenotypic results faster, for deeper
insight into your live cell samples.

Agilent BioTek is a global leader in the development, manufacture, and

sale of life science instrumentation, including imaging and microscopy,
multimode detection, liquid handling, and automation systems.
Agilent BioTek instrumentation is used to aid in the advancement of
life science research, facilitate the drug discovery process, provide
rapid and cost-effective analysis, and to enable sensitive and accurate
quantification of a wide range of molecules across diverse applications.
For more detailed information and up-to-date product specifications,
visit our website, at:
Table of Contents

Applications 4 Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling 48

Applications and Scientific Support 6
FAS field application scientists 6 406 FX washer dispenser 48
EL406 washer dispenser 50
Agilent BioTek Imaging and Microscopy 8 405 TS washer 52
50 TS washer 54
Lionheart FX automated microscope 8 Washer comparison chart 56
Lionheart LX automated microscope 10 MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser 58
Cytation C10 confocal imaging reader 12 MicroFill dispenser 60
Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader 14 Dispenser comparison chart 62
Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader 16 Liquid Handling Control (LHC) software 64
Cytation 1 cell imaging multimode reader 18
BioSpa live cell analysis system 20 Robotics 66
Imaging and microscopy comparison chart 22
Gen5 software for imaging and microscopy 24 Agilent BenchCel microplate handler 66
Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker 68
Agilent BioTek Detection 26
Peripherals 70
Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader 26
Synergy H1 multimode reader 28 BenchCel microplate handler 70
Synergy HTX multimode reader 30 BioSpa 8 automated incubator 70
Synergy LX multimode reader 32 BioStack microplate stacker 70
Gen6 data analysis software 34 Peltier cooling module 71
Multimode reader comparison chart 36 Dual-reagent injector 71
Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer 38 CO2/O2 controller 71
Epoch microplate spectrophotometer 40 AutoScratch wound making tool 72
Take3 microvolume plate 41 Take3 microvolume plate 72
800 TS absorbance reader 42 Automated Media Exchange (AMX) module 73
LogPhase 600 microbiology reader 44 Dispense and waste systems 73
Absorbance reader comparison chart 46

Agilent BioTek life science instrumentation addresses a broad range of applications in imaging and microscopy, multimode
microplate detection, associated liquid handling, and assay automation. Browse our growing list of timely research
applications, and see how BioTek instrumentation can facilitate even the most complex workflows.

3D cell culture
Some of the most commonly incorporated technologies to create the
desired 3D spheroids or tumoroids include polymeric and biological
scaffolds, ultralow attachment, hanging drop, and magnetic bioprinting. 3D
workflows are performed in a variety of microplate types, and are commonly
analyzed using microplate reader optics or digital widefield microscopy.

Live cell assays

Agilent BioTek instruments support a wide variety of live cell applications,
addressing diverse biological processes in timescales of milliseconds
to weeks. Features such as reagent injectors, temperature and CO2/O2
control, and humidity monitoring enable applications in live cell kinetics and
uninterrupted monitoring of rapid cellular reactions.

Immunofluorescence reagent options range in scope from individual
primary antibodies, to out-of-box multiplexed assay solutions for cell
signaling pathway analysis. The basic IF workflow can be labor-intensive,
thus benefits from automation in order to manage assays in microplates,
microscope slides, Petri dishes, and cell culture inserts.

Biomarker assays
Quantitative determination of specific mRNA and protein biomarkers in cells
can be performed using either conventional microplate reading, to obtain an
averaged cell population result, or digital widefield microscopy, to provide
individual cell responses and the spatial location of a molecular biomarker.
Biomarker assays are commonly run in higher density microplates using
automated microscopy and multimode detection, as well as automated liquid
handling for sample preparation through to reagent addition.

Phenotypic assays
Phenotypic assays provide quantitative cellular structure and function data,
measured using digital widefield microscopy. They are used to assess whether
a compound or drug produces a desired effect on the cells. Agilent BioTek Gen5
software can analyze multiple cellular phenotypic parameters simultaneously,
including size, shape, area, and intensity. This can provide a comprehensive
picture of individual cell phenotypes and entire population phenotypes, which
4 allows a researcher to make an educated decision.

Cellular and microbial growth

Microplate-based cell proliferation assays can take on many different
characteristics. For example, fluorescence stains that bind DNA are
used to quantitate relative changes in DNA using whole-well PMT-based
detection, and stained nuclei can be counted using microscopy followed
by image-based analysis. Furthermore, compounds that become
colored, fluorescent, or luminescent when acted upon in live cells can
be used to quantitate cell growth or cell death, though increases or
decreases of their signal, respectively.

Cell-based assays
Microplate readers have adapted to accommodate advances in, and the
complexities of, cell-based assays. Highly sensitive detection modes, such
as time-resolved fluorescence, aid in the development of robust assays using
cell lines or primary cells. Environment control within the detection chamber
enables long kinetic readouts. Many of these assays are now incorporated
into screening campaigns, where sample throughput and automation are of
prime importance.

Nucleic acid quantification

Nucleic acid quantification assays use either absorbance or fluorescence
to measure the concentration of DNA or RNA in the sample. With either
method, many laboratories have adapted single-cuvette protocols to 96-
and 384-well microplate-based formats. These standardized formats, in
conjunction with instrumentation capable of recording measurements from
them, allow for the rapid quantification of large numbers of samples.

Total protein quantification

Total protein is quantified using the same methods as nucleic acids:
spectrophotometric determination of protein and peptides at A280;
colorometric determination; and fluorometric determination using intrinsic
fluorescence or fluorescent probes. Several different fluorescence
techniques eliminate many of the problems associated with traditional
absorbance-based colorimetric methods that measure total protein content.

ELISA and related immunoassays

The ELISA technique causes formation of specific immune complexes that
can be measured with colorimetric, fluorometric, or luminometric detection;
TR-FRET or HTRF, or AlphaScreen and AlphaLISA methods.

Applications and Scientific Support

Make the most of your Agilent BioTek instrument

Our field applications scientists (FAS) provide unparalleled scientific support
The Agilent BioTek FAS team assists with experimental planning and assay optimization on BioTek instrumentation and software.
Most team members are Ph.D.-level scientists, who have performed multiyear, post-doctoral fellowships at top research institutions all
over the world. The breadth and diversity of the team’s training and expertise, from microbiology to materials science, gives customers
the confidence to pursue innovative ideas with Agilent BioTek product lines.

Scientific achievement is reliant upon the successful union of experimental design, instrumentation, and analysis. The FAS team is
focused on your research goals and helping you to realize your innovative ideas throughout the purchase process. From
predemonstration through to ownership, we’ll provide you with:

Customized experimental plan for your demonstration

Engaging the FAS team ahead of your demonstration allows us to fully understand your research goals.
Jointly, we can create a customized experimental plan for your demonstration, to provide an accurate
preview of how our products will improve your laboratory’s workflows and drive success for all lab

Hands-on product demonstration

Our hands-on product demonstrations ensure that all potential end users have the opportunity to
gain experience using the instrument and software on their own samples, with the FAS on hand to
provide support and guidance as needed.

Applications and Scientific Support

Post-demonstration summary report with data, images, and protocols for you
to keep
All data and images are available to you during and after your demonstration, including a custom
summary report. Furthermore, all Gen5 or Gen6 protocols generated are saved and shared upon
purchase, so you can begin your work as soon as your instrument arrives.

Assay-specific instrument training

Your initial instrument training is customized to your assays, and leverages the protocols and
knowledge developed during your product demonstration. FAS-driven product training ensures that
when we leave your lab, you feel ready to run your own experiments on your new equipment.

Ongoing scientific support

FAS support does not end at the conclusion of your initial training session. Remote scientific
support is included with your purchase for the first year and can be renewed thereafter. So, whether
you need a hand with optimizing your analysis, or want to brainstorm about a new reagent, assay, or
research direction, our scientists are available as an ongoing resource for your laboratory.

Product technical support

Should you have a hardware, software, instrument troubleshooting, maintenance, or repair question,
our technical experts are available to answer your questions. With years of laboratory and instrument
experience, our technical support specialists can provide in-depth knowledge and expertise.

Applications laboratory scientists

Our in-house, full time scientists have over 100 years accumulated experience, all with the goal of
assisting our existing and prospective customers with their most difficult challenges. With over 500
scientific articles, including peer-reviewed publications, application notes, and conference
presentations on topics such as 3D cell culture methods, quantitative phenotypic assays, and live
cell imaging, the Applications Team is experienced in the latest assay technologies.

To request service for Agilent BioTek products, please navigate to:
contact-us/page to find the contacts relevant for your region.

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Lionheart FX automated microscope

The Agilent BioTek Lionheart FX automated microscope enables image capture and analysis with
a combined power and ease of use that sets it apart from traditional microscopes. Lionheart FX
and Agilent BioTek Gen5 microplate reader and imager software capture and produce detailed
information from live cell assays in real time, providing valuable qualitative and quantitative data
quickly and easily. Augmented Microscopy is the collection of all of these features in one compact
system. With Lionheart FX, you can capture, process, analyze, annotate images, and produce
videos with ease.

Whole-organism to subcellular imaging

Lionheart FX offers fluorescence, brightfield, color brightfield, and phase contrast imaging
modes to cover a broad range of applications. With four channels and more than fifteen color
cubes available, Lionheart FX is compatible with a wide range of fluorophores for multicolor
imaging. With magnification of 1.25x to 60x (air), and 60x and 100x oil immersion magnification,
as well as new tools in Agilent BioTek Gen5 Image Prime software, the image capture and
analysis streamlines the workflow. The automated six-position objective turret provides quick
selection of optimal imaging magnification.

Kinetic live cell assay support

With Lionheart FX, live cell assays can be measured over seconds, minutes, hours, or days. The
environmental control cover ensures the required temperature and gas circulation, and provides
a darkroom-like environment for fluorescence imaging. A humidity chamber offers added
protection for cells during long-term measurement, and the new Agilent BioTek AutoScratch
wound making tool automates sample preparation for all migration assays. The dual-reagent
injectors provide rapid sequential dispensing and imaging to capture rapidly changing cellular

Typical research applications

– 2D and 3D cell imaging and analysis – Phenotypic assays
– Cell growth and death dynamics – Subpopulation analysis
– Label-free cell counting – Translocation assays
– Cell viability/toxicity – Cell migration/invasion assays
– Immunofluorescence – Wound healing

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
General Objectives Available Fluorescence:
Air: 1.25x, NA: .04; 2.5x (2.25x eff), NA: .07;
Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well plates
2.5x (2.75x eff), NA: .12; 4x, NA: .13; 10x, NA: .30; 20x, NA:
Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, .45; 40x, NA: .60; 60x, NA: .70
cell culture flasks (T25, T75), counting chambers Oil: 60x, NA: 1.42; 100x, NA: 1.40
(hemocytometers), chamber slides Phase objectives available: 4x, NA: .13; 10x, NA: .30; 20x,
Support for labware up to 1.5” tall NA: .45; 40x, NA: .60

Temperature Control Incubation to 40 °C with optional environmental control Image Filter Cube Four fluorescence cubes plus brightfield channel; more
cover Capacity than 20 colors available

Automated Functions Autofocus, auto-exposure, autoLED intensity

Software Agilent BioTek microplate reader and imager software
Autofocus Method Image-based autofocus
User-trained autofocus
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software enables 21 CFR
Laser autofocus (option)
Part 11 compliance (option)
Agilent BioTek Image+ and Image Prime software Image Collection Rate Single-well fastest frame rate capture:
available for full image analysis (option) Full resolution: up to 10 frames per second for
CO2 and O2 Control 0–20% CO2 control and 1–19% O2 control, with optional single-color images
gas controller 2 x 2 binning: up to 20 frames per second for single-color
Environmental Control Top cover for light-tight imaging and incubation control
Microscope Stage Agilent BioTek Gen5 software control
Cover (option)
Control Optional joystick controller
Humidity Control Humidity chamber with rapid gas recharge (option)
Reagent Injectors
Imaging System
Number Two syringe pumps
Imaging Modes Fluorescence, brightfield, high-contrast brightfield, color
Supported Labware 6- to 384-well microplates, Petri and cell culture dishes,
brightfield, phase contrast
chamber slides
Imaging Methods Single-color, multicolor, montage, time-lapse, Z-stacking, Dead Volume < 1.65 mL with backflush
burst mode
Dispense Tip Options Aligned tip: aligned with optical path for dispensing for
Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching fast kinetic assays
Offset tip: dispensing is offset from the optical path
Light Source High-power LEDs; wavelengths from 365–740 nm
available Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments

Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%
Camera 16-bit Sony CMOS
Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL
Camera Exposure Range 5 milliseconds to 4 seconds
Physical Characteristics
Image Outputs Available Raw images: 16-bit TIFF
Saved images: TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG, EMF, GIF Power Consumption 250 W (maximum)
Movies: MP4, WMV
Dimensions With cover closed or without cover:
Objective Capacity Six onboard, user-replaceable objectives 17.9” W x 18.3” D x 14.1” H (45.5 x 46.5 x 35.8 cm)
With cover fully open:
17.9” W x 18.3” W x 27.5” D (45.5 x 46.5 x 69.8 cm)
Weight Without environmental control cover: 51 lb (23.1 kg)
With environmental control cover: 58 lb (26.3 kg)

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Lionheart LX automated microscope

Agilent BioTek Lionheart LX automated microscope is designed for affordability and simplicity.
Along with Agilent BioTek Gen5 software, Lionheart LX enables Augmented Microscopy to fully
automate image capture, processing, and analysis. Load samples, start a run, and come back
to publication-ready images and quantitative data. Lionheart LX can help increase your research
output, while reducing processing time and costs.

Affordable, automated digital microscopy

Lionheart LX has an automated six-objective turret and can contain up to four LED/filter cubes
for multichannel image capture. The precise automated stage and autofocus, auto-exposure, and
other Gen5 software features enable simple, automated image capture and analysis.

Multiple imaging modes

With brightfield, color brightfield, phase contrast and fluorescence imaging in four channels, and
more than twenty available LED/filter cubes, Lionheart LX offers versatility. Imaging processing
from Z-stacking to Z-projection; montage collection to stitching, plus analysis from label-free cell
counting to mitochrondrial membrane potential are all accomplished with Lionheart LX and
Gen5 software.

Augmented Microscopy

Augmented Microscopy automates image capture, processing, and analysis workflows for
publication-ready images and data. Image capture starts with image-based and laser autofocus,
plus autoLED intensity and auto-exposure. Automated image preprocessing optimizes images for
downstream analysis, from cell counting to characterization of subcellular details.

Quick analyze—instant counts

Gen5 software makes it fast and easy to obtain cell counts and confluence calculations directly
on the live camera feed from Lionheart LX. Gen5 quickly finds the region of interest and displays
counts onscreen, without needing to capture the image. The quick analyze function works for
samples in a variety of labware.

Integrated, compact design

Lionheart LX integrates all microscopy hardware into a very compact footprint, saving valuable
bench space. The easily accessible objectives and LED/filter cubes make setup and operation
fast and simple, with a minimal learning curve.

Typical research applications

– 2D and 3D cell imaging and analysis – Histology (H&E)

– Cell counting – Label-free cell counting

– End-point live cell assays: – Confluence

Apoptosis, autophagy, cytotoxicity – Immunofluorescence

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details

Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well plates

Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, cell culture flasks (T25, T75), counting chambers (hemocytometers), chamber slides
Support for labware up to 1.5” tall

Software Agilent BioTek Gen5 microplate reader and imager software included
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11 compliance (option)
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Image+ and Image Prime software available for full image analysis (option)
Imaging System

Imaging Modes Fluorescence, brightfield, high-contrast brightfield, color brightfield, phase contrast

Imaging Methods Single-color, multicolor, montage, time-lapse, Z-stack, Z-stack montage, burst mode

Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching

Light Source High-power LEDs (available wavelengths: 365, 390, 465, 505, 523, 590, 623, 655, and 740 nm)

Camera Sony CMOS, 16-bit grayscale

Camera Binning Optional 2 x 2 binning for focus and/or image capture

Camera Exposure Range 5 milliseconds to 4 seconds

Image Outputs Available Raw images: 16-bit TIFF

Saved images: TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG, EMF, GIF, color TIFF
Movies: MP4, WMV

Objective Capacity Six onboard, user-replaceable objectives

Objectives Available Air: 1.25x, NA: .04; 2.5x (2.25x eff), NA: .07; 2.5x (2.75x eff), NA: .12; 4x, NA: .13; 10x, NA: .30; 20x, NA: .45; 40x, NA: .60; 60x, NA: .70
Oil: 60x, NA: 1.42; 60x, NA: 1.25; 100x, NA: 1.4; 100x, NA: 1.3
High NA: 20x, NA: 0.75; 40x, NA: 0.95

Image Filter Cube Capacity Four user-replaceable fluorescence cubes plus brightfield channel; more than 20 colors available

Automated Functions Autofocus, user-trained autofocus, auto-exposure, autoLED intensity

Autofocus Method Image-based autofocus

Laser autofocus option

Image Collection Rate Single-well fastest frame rate capture:

Full resolution: up to 10 frames per second for single color images
2 x 2 binning: up to 20 frames per second for single color images

Microscope Stage Control Agilent BioTek Gen5 software control

Optional joystick controller

Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 60 W (maximum)

Dimensions 17.9” W x 18.3” D x 14.1” H (45.5 x 46.5 x 35.8 cm)

Weight 51 lb (23.1 kg)

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Cytation C10 confocal imaging reader

The Agilent BioTek Cytation C10 confocal imaging reader brings cost-effective automated spinning
disk confocal and widefield microscopy, along with established multimode reading design in a single,
easy-to-use instrument.

Compact, affordable confocal imager

Expertise gained over several years of Cytation development, along with customer feedback, resulted
in the C10: an automated confocal microscope with excellent performance, at an attainable price.

Improved image quality and analysis

Confocal microscopy enables detailed visualization of samples that are not effectively imaged with
a widefield microscope. Not only can you obtain improved image quality, you can get improved
quantification and analysis with confocal images and Gen5 microplate reader and imager software.

High-quality optical components

High-quality objectives, filters, and other components, including Olympus objectives, Hamamatsu
sCMOS Orca camera, and Semrock filters are used in Cytation C10, enabling the capture of stunning,
publication-ready images.

Confocal imaging and multimode plate reader in one

With a combination of spinning disk confocal and widefield imaging, plus multimode reader, Cytation
C10 is ready for any assay. And since Cytation C10 is upgradable, you can get the functionality you
need today and add modules later as requirements change.

Confocal and widefield generate stunning images and analysis

Cytation C10 captures stunning detail in a wide variety of sample types. Use widefield imaging
for faster acquisition of large samples at lower magnification; switch to confocal to image small
intracellular details or 3D samples. Or, combine both modes for highly multiplexed, multiparameter
imaging experiments.

Environmental controls for live cell imaging

A consistent environment, including temperature control and CO2/O2 control and monitoring provides
the perfect environment to grow and analyze live cells over time. Cytation C10 can be integrated to
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator to automate confocal and widefield imaging analysis

Automated water-immersion objectives decrease exposure times

Capture more light with water-immersion objectives and reduce the potential for phototoxicity in live
cells. The increased signal enables more detailed analyses without increasing gain and noise.

Typical research applications

Imaging – Label-free cell counting – Genotoxicity
– 3D cell culture – Slide scanning Multimode detection
– Cell viability/toxicitiy – Whole-organism imaging – ELISA
– Cell migration – Cell cycle analysis – Nucleic acid and protein
– Automated ROI identification – Calcium kinetics quantification
– Time-lapse live cell imaging – Transfection efficiency – Luciferase reporter assays

– Stem cell differentiation – Cell growth studies

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
General Image Filter Cube Four user-replaceable fluorescence cubes, plus brightfield
Capacity channel
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence intensity, luminescence
Imaging Filter Cubes > 20 color cubes available
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning Available
Microplate Types Monochromators: 6- to 384-well plates; Autofocus Method Laser autofocus, software autofocus
Imaging: 6- to 1536-well plates
Positional Controls Software control, joystick controller (option)
Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, cell culture
Supported flasks (T25), counting chambers (hemocytometer), Agilent Image Collection Image-based autofocus: 96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, 6
BioTek Take3 microvolume plates Rate minutes
Laser autofocus: 96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, < 3 minutes
Temperature Control To 45 °C with Condensation Control
Fluorescence Intensity
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Light Source Xenon flash
Software Agilent BioTek microplate reader and imager software
included Detector PMT
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11
Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (top/bottom)
compliance (option)
Agilent BioTek Image+ and Image Prime software available Wavelength Range 250–700 nm (900 nm option)
for full image analysis (option)
Monochromator Variable, from 9–50 nm in 1 nm increments
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and BioSpa
Dynamic Range Seven decades
8 automated incubator compatible, and third-party
automation compatible Reading Speed 96 wells, sweep mode: 10 seconds
CO2 and O2 Control Range: 0–20% (CO2); 1–19% (O2), with optional gas
(Option) controller Luminescence

Imaging: Confocal Microscope Wavelength Range 300–700 nm

Imaging Modes Fluorescence Dynamic Range > 6 decades

Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching Absorbance

Camera Hamamatsu Orca sCMOS, 16-bit grayscale camera, or Light Source Xenon flash
Sony CMOS 16-bit grayscale camera
Detector Photodiode
Objective Capacity Six-position automated turret for user-replaceable objectives
Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Objectives Available Air: 20x, 40x, 60x
Wavelength Range 230–999 nm, 1 nm increments
Water immersion: 40x, 60x
Monochromator 4 nm (230–285 nm), 8 nm (> 285 nm)
Imaging Filter Cubes/ CFP, CY5, DAPI, GFP, RFP, TRITC, brightfield/four user-
Capacity Available replaceable fluorescence cubes Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD
Laser Six-line Resolution 0.0001 OD
Automated Functions Autofocus, user-trained autofocus, auto-exposure, Pathlength Correction Yes
autoLED intensity
Reading Speed 96 wells: 10 seconds
Autofocus Method Laser autofocus (option), software autofocus (Kinetic)
Positional Controls Software control, joystick controller (option) Reagent Injector Module (Optional)
Image Methods Single-color, multicolor, montage, time-lapse, Z-stacking, Number Two syringe pumps
Z-stack montage
Supported Labware 6- to 384-well plates, Petri and cell culture dishes
Image Collection Rate Laser autofocus, 0 millisecond delay, 96 wells: 8 minutes,
9 seconds Dead Volume 1.1 mL, with backflush

Imaging System: Widefield Dispense Volume 5–1,000 μL in 1 μL increments

Imaging Modes Fluorescence, phase contrast, color brightfield, Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%

user-selectable brightfield/high-contrast brightfield Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL
Imaging Methods Single-color, multicolor, time-lapse, montage, Z-stacking, Physical Characteristics
Z-stack montage
Power Instrument: external 250 W (minimum), 24 VDC power
Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching supply compatible with 100–240 VAC at 50–60Hz.
Camera Hamamatsu Orca sCMOS, 16-bit grayscale camera, or Optional six-channel laser light source: external with 250 W
Sony CMOS 16-bit grayscale camera power supply, compatible with 100–240 VAC at 50–60 Hz.
Optional Hamamatsu scientific camera: external 5 W power
Objective Capacity Six-position automated turret for user-replaceable supply, compatible with 100–240 VAC at 50–60 Hz.
Dimensions 18.5” H x 27” W x 20” D, (45.72 x 68.6 x 50.8 cm)
Objectives Available Air: 1.25x, 2x, 2.5x (2.25 eff), 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x
Water immersion: 40x, 60x Weight 122 lb (53.3 kg)

Phase Objectives Available 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 13

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader

The Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 cell imaging multimode reader combines automated upright and
inverted widefield microscopy with monochromator-based multimode microplate reading.

Multimode plate reader with sophisticated imaging

Cytation 7 offers modular and upgradable imaging and detection modes. Imaging opens up a
range of applications for cell-based assays that cannot be performed on a standard plate reader.
Information on cell morphology, localization of signal, cell count and more is obtained with the
Cytation 7 imaging mode.

Comprehensive imaging solution

The inverted microscope module enables fluorescence, brightfield, and color brightfield from 1.25x
to 60x, to analyze both large objects and intracellular details. The upright microscope offers both
reflected and transmitted light imaging for applications including ELISpot, colony counting, material
inspection, and much more.

Hit picking—multimode detection and imaging

Save time and computer memory by using multimode detection to identify wells of interest, then
image only those wells.

ELISpot imaging

The upright imaging module automates assays such as ELISpot, in which cell secretions are
rendered visible through the use of a colorimetric reaction. Cytation 7 fully automates image
acquisition, processing, image analysis, and object count.

ROI identification feature

Cytation 7 and Gen5 software facilitate ROI identification, by scanning samples at low magnification
before prompting the user to identify regions of interest to be imaged at high magnification. This
greatly accelerates the process of imaging ROls in batches of complex microscopic samples.

Variable bandwidth for sensitivity and specificity

The plate reader optics use a quad monochromator design with variable bandwidths between 9 and
50 nm. Large bandwidth settings provide increased sensitivity and lower limits of detection. Small
bandwidth settings provide increased specificity when multiple signals are present, which reduces
signal crosstalk and enhances assay performance.

Microvolume analysis with Take3 microvolume plate

Turn your Cytation 7 into a microvolume analysis system with Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume
plates. You can run 16 or 48 samples in one run to save a lot of time compared to single-sample
devices. Gen5 is preprogrammed for ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA, and protein quantification in 2 µL.

Typical research applications

Imaging – Live cell imaging – Nucleic acid and protein
– LD cell imaging – Cell viability/toxicity quantification

– Cell migration/invasion assays – Colony counting – Inject/read calcium assays

– ELISpot assay imaging – ROS assays

Multimode detection
– Slide scanning – ADME/Tox assays – Flash luminescence assays

– ELISA – Cell growth assays

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
General Image Collection Rate Entire 100 mm dish at 1x: ≤ 2:40 minutes
Entire microscope slide at 1x: ≤ 1:15 minutes
Detection Modes Fluorescence, luminescence, UV-Vis absorbance 96-well ELISpot plate at 1x: ≤ 5 minutes
Read Methods Kinetic, spectral scanning, well area-scanning Fluorescence Intensity
Microplate Types Monochromators: 6- to 384-well plates
Light Source Xenon flash lamp
Imaging: 6- to 1536-well plates
Detector PMT (red-shifted PMT option)
Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, cell culture
Supported flasks (T25), counting chambers (hemocytometers). Agilent Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (top/bottom)
BioTek Take3 microvolume plates
Wavelength Range 250–700 nm (900 nm option)
Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 45 °C with Condensation Control
Monochromator Variable, from 9–50 nm in 1 nm increments
Cooling Optional Peltier cooling module maintains internal
Dynamic Range Seven decades
temperature with < 1 °C rise over ambient. Provides internal
cooling after incubated processes Sensitivity (Sodium Fluorescein 2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–top
Fluorescein) Fluorescein 4 pM (0.4 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–bottom
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Software Agilent BioTek microplate reader and imager software included Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11 384 wells: 22 seconds
compliance (option) Luminescence
Agilent BioTek Image+ and Image Prime software available for
full image analysis (option) Light Source 300–700 nm

Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party Detector > 6 decades
automation compatible Wavelength Selection 20 amol ATP (flash)
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible
Agilent BenchCel microplate handler Absorbance

CO2 and O2 Control Range: 0–20% (CO2); 1–19% (O2) Light Source Xenon flash
(Option) Detector Photodiode
Imaging System: Inverted Microscope Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Imaging Modes Fluorescence, color brightfield, user-selectable brightfield/ Wavelength Range 230–999 nm, 1 nm increments
high-contrast brightfield
Monochromator 4 nm (230–285 nm), 8 nm (> 285 nm)
Imaging Methods Single-color, multicolor, time lapse, montage, Z-stacking,
Z-stack montage Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD

Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching Resolution 0.0001 OD

Camera Sony CMOS, 16-bit grayscale Pathlength Correction Yes

Objective Capacity Six-position automated turret for user-replaceable objectives Monochromator ± 2 nm

Wavelength Accuracy
Available Objectives 1.25x, 2.5x (2.25x eff),2.5x (2.75x eff), 4x,10x, 20x, 40x, 60x
Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds
Imaging Filter Cube Four user-replaceable fluorescence cubes, plus brightfield 384 wells: 22 seconds
Capacity channel
Reagent Injector Module (Optional)
Imaging Filter Cubes > 20 LED/filter cube colors available
Available Number Two syringe pumps
Automated Autofocus, user-trained autofocus, auto-exposure, autoLED Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments
Functions intensity
Dead Volume 1.1 mL, with backflush
Autofocus Method Laser autofocus (option), software autofocus
Injection Speed 225, 250, 275, 300 µL/sec
Positional Controls Software control, joystick controller (option)
Plate Geometry 6- to 384-well microplates
Image Collection Image-based autofocus: Supported
Rate 96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, 6 minutes
Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL
Laser autofocus:
96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, < 3 minutes Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%
Imaging System: Upright Microscope Physical Characteristics
Imaging Modes Reflected color brightfield, transmitted color brightfield
Power External 24 VDC power supply compatible with 100–240
Imaging Methods Single-image, montage, time lapse, Z-stacking VAC at 50–60 Hz. 150 W maximum consumption

Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching Dimensions 20.2” D x 16.4” W x 17.5” H
(51.4 x 41.6 x 44.5 cm)
Camera Sony CMOS, 16-bit; WFOV
Weight 80 lb (36.3 kg)
Lenses Finder scope, 2x, 4x, 8x
Positional Controls Software control, joystick controller (option) 15
Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader

The Agilent BioTek Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader combines automated digital
microscopy and conventional multimode microplate detection in a configurable, upgradable
platform. Gen5 software provides complete control over all imaging and data capture, plus
powerful image and data analysis.

Multimode plate reader with imaging

The imaging capability of Cytation 5 opens up a range of applications for cell-based assays that
cannot be performed on a standard plate reader. Information on cell morphology, localization of
signal, cell count and more is easily obtained with Cytation 5.

Ready for any assay

With its combination of hybrid plate reader and advanced microscopy mode, Cytation 5 can
transform your lab and increase your productivity.

Advanced microscopy—unlimited possibilities

Cytation 5 automates many traditionally manual microscopy tasks, from slide scanning to time-
lapse live cell assays. Low to high magnification enables powerful image capture for a variety of
biologies. CO2/O2 and temperature control enable time-lapse live cell imaging.

Hit picking—multimode detection and imaging

Save time and computer memory by using multimode detection to identify wells of interest, then
image only those wells.

Powerful image processing and analysis

With Gen5 software you can preprogram analysis tasks and walk away. Extensive image
processing includes stitching, Z-projection, deconvolution, and digital phase contrast. Image
analysis includes cell count, confluence, cytoplasm analysis, intracellular analysis, subpopulation
analysis, signal translocation and more.

Hybrid plate reader—flexibility and performance

With its combination of monochromator and filter optics, Cytation 5 is an advanced plate reader
that delivers both the flexibility and performance you need for UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence,
luminescence, fluorescence polarization, time-resolved fluorescence, and laser-based Alpha

Variable bandwidth for sensitivity and specificity

Cytation 5 uses a quad monochromator with variable bandwidth, which can be set between 9
and 50 nm in 1 nm increments. Large bandwidths provide increased sensitivity and lower limits
of detection. Small bandwidths provide increased specificity when multiple signals are present,
reducing signal crosstalk and enhancing assay performance.

Typical research applications

Imaging – Cell viability/toxicity assays – TR-FRET
– Label-free cell counting – Cell migration assays – Luciferase Reporter assays
– Calcium kinetics – Stem cell differentiation – Nucleic acid and protein
– Time-lapse live cell imaging – Genotoxicity quantification
– 3D cell culture Multimode detection – AlphaScreen
– Slide scanning – ELISA – Fluorescence polarization
Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
General Sensitivity (Sodium Fluorescein 2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–top
Fluorescein) Fluorescein 4 pM (0.4 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–bottom
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance
Fluorescence intensity Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds
Luminescence 384 wells: 22 seconds
Fluorescence polarization
Time-resolved fluorescence Luminescence
Alpha detection
Wavelength Range 300–700 nm
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning
Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Microplate Types Monochromator: 6- to 384-well plates
Filters: 6- to 1536-well plates Sensitivity Monos: 20 amol ATP (flash)
Imaging: 6- to 1536-well plates Filters: 10 amol ATP (flash), 100 amol (glow)
Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, cell culture Fluorescence Polarization
flasks (T25), counting chambers (hemocytometer)
Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates Wavelength Selection Filters

Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 65 °C with Condensation Control Wavelength Range 280–700 nm (850 nm option)

Cooling Optional Peltier cooling module maintains internal Sensitivity 1.2 mP standard deviation at 1 nm fluorescence
temperature with < 1 °C rise over ambient. Provides cooling Time-Resolved Fluorescence
after incubated processes.
Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (secondary mode)
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Filters (top)
Software Agilent BioTek microplate reader and imager software
included Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11 Wavelength Range Filters: 200–700 nm (850 nm option)
compliance (option). Agilent BioTek Gen5 Image+ and Image Sensitivity Filters: europium 40 fM (4 amol/well, 384-well plate)
Prime software available for full image analysis (option) Monos: europium 1200 fM (120 amol/well, 384-well plate)
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party
automation compatible. Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated
incubator compatible. Agilent BenchCel microplate handler Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Wavelength Range 230–999 nm, 1 nm increments
CO2 and O2 Control 0–20% CO2 control and 1–19% O2 control, with optional gas
controller Monochromator 4 nm (230–285 nm), 8 nm (> 285 nm)
Light Source Fluorescence and absorbance: xenon flash lamps Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD
Alpha detection: 100 mW 680 nm laser
Imaging: high-power LEDs Resolution 0.0001 OD

Detector Fluorescence and luminescence: PMTs Pathlength Correction Yes

Absorbance: photodiode
Optical density Accuracy: < 1% at 2.0 OD; < 3% at 3.0 OD. Linearity: < 1%
Imaging System from 0 to 3.0 OD. Repeatability: < 0.5% at 2.0 OD
Stray light: 0.03% at 230 nm
Imaging Modes Fluorescence, brightfield, high-contrast brightfield,
color brightfield, phase contrast Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds
384 wells: 22 seconds
Imaging Methods Single-color, multicolor, montage, time lapse, Z-stacking
Alpha Detection
Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching
Wavelength Selection Filters (top)
Camera Sony CMOS, 16-bit grayscale; standard or WFOV
Sensitivity 100 amol LCK peptide (384-well plate)
Objective Capacity Six-position automated turret for user-replaceable objectives
Reagent Injectors
Phase Objectives 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x
Number Two syringe pumps
Imaging Filter > 20 LED/filter cube colors/four user-replaceable fluorescence
Cubes Capacity cubes plus brightfield Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments
Automated Functions Autofocus, autoLED intensity, auto-exposure Dead Volume 1.1 mL, with backflush
Autofocus Method Laser autofocus (option), software autofocus Injection Speed 225, 250, 275, 300 µL/sec
Positional Controls Agilent BioTek Gen5 software control/optional joystick Plate Geometry Supported 6- to 384-well microplates
Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL
Image Collection Rate Image-based autofocus:
96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, 6 minutes Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%
Laser autofocus:
Physical Characteristics
96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, < 3 minutes
Fluorescence Intensity Power External 24 VAC power supply compatible with 100–240
VAC at 50–60 Hz. 150 W maximum consumption
Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (top/bottom). Filters (top)
Dimensions 20.2” D x 16.4” W x 17.5” H
Wavelength Range Monochromators: 250–700 nm (900 nm option) (51.4 x 41.6 x 44.5 cm)
Filters: 200–700 nm (850 nm option)
Weight 80 lb (36.3 kg)
Monochromator Variable, from 9 nm to 50 nm in 1 nm increments
Dynamic Range Seven decades 17
Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Cytation 1 cell imaging multimode reader

The Agilent BioTek Cytation 1 cell imaging multimode reader combines fluorescence and high-contrast
brightfield imaging with conventional multimode detection in an upgradable, affordable platform. This
design enables applications from cell proliferation studies to microvolume nucleic acid quantification,
without requiring additional hardware. Gen5 software provides powerful image and data analysis in an
easy-to-use interface.

Quantitative image analysis

The microscopy module in Cytation 1 offers 1.25x to 60x magnification to capture large regions of
interest or intracellular details in slides, microplates, cell culture dishes, and other labware. Four color
channels, plus high-contrast brightfield mode, enable fixed and live cell imaging applications, including
label-free cell counting, 3D cell culture, and phenotypic assays. Temperature and CO2/O2 control support
kinetic live cell imaging

Augmented Microscopy

Gen5 software automates image capture, processing, and analysis steps to help create publication-
ready images and data. Augmented Microscopy facilitates these workflows in Gen5, efficiently
guiding scientists through the entire process without requiring extensive training.

Peltier cooling module

The Peltier cooling module ensures environmental stability inside Cytation 1, maintaining internal
temperature with less than a 1 °C rise over ambient during normal operation for uncompromised assay
integrity. The module also accelerates cooling three times faster than typical, rapidly returning the
system to ambient temperature after incubated workflows.

Affordable automation

The automated stage positioning, autofocus, auto-exposure and autoLED intensity bring efficiency to
common microscopy tasks. Cytation 1 integrates with BioSpa 8 automated incubator to automate long-
term, kinetic live cell imaging workflows for up to eight microplates. Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate
stacker can process up to 50 lidded or unlidded plates at a time to automate imaging or multimode
detection processes.

Multimode versatility

Cytation 1 uses filter-based optics for excellent sensitivity in multimode measurements. The
monochromator-based absorbance optics offer a 200 to 999 nm wavelength range, enabling
applications from nucleic acid quantification to turbidimetric measurements. Shaking and reagent
injectors expand applications to kinetics and fast inject/read protocols.

Typical research applications

Imaging Multimode detection – Environmental testing
– 2D and 3D cell imaging and analysis – Drug discovery – Food safety
– Cell proliferation studies – Genetic analysis – Nucleic acid quantification
– Label-free cell counting – Drug absorption and metabolism – Protein quantification
– Cytotoxicity – Biologics drug discovery
– Biomarker quantification and development

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
General Absorbance
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Fluorescence intensity
Wavelength Range 200–999 nm, in 1 nm increments
Fluorescence polarization Monochromator Bandwidth 2.4 nm
Time-resolved fluorescence
Optical Density Accuracy: < 1% at 2.0 OD; < 3% at 3.0 OD
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning Linearity: < 1% from 0 to 3.0 OD
Repeatability: < 0.5% at 2.0 OD
Microplate Types Monochromator: 6- to 384-well plates
Stray light: 0.03% at 230 nm
Filters: 6- to 1536-well plates
Imaging: 6- to 1536-well plates Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds, 384 wells: 22 seconds
Other Labware Microscope slides, Petri and cell culture dishes, cell Fluorescence Intensity
culture flasks (T25), counting chambers (hemocytometer)
Wavelength Selection Deep blocking band pass filters/dichroic mirrors
Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates
Wavelength Range Filters: 200–700 nm (900 nm option)
Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 45 °C with Condensation Control
Dynamic Range Seven decades
Cooling Optional Peltier cooling module maintains internal
temperature with < 1 ºC rise over ambient. Provides Reading Speed 96 wells: 11 seconds, 384 wells: 22 seconds
cooling after incubated processes
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Wavelength Range 300–700 nm
Software Agilent BioTek Gen5 software for imaging and
Dynamic Range > 6 decades
microscopy included
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software enables 21 CFR Sensitivity 10 amol ATP (flash), 100 amol (glow)
Part 11 compliance (option) Fluorescein: 0.25 pM (0.025 fmol/well, 384-well plate)
Agilent BioTek Image+ and Image Prime software
Fluorescence Polarization
available for full image analysis (option)
Wavelength Selection Filters
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party
automation compatible Wavelength Range 280–700 nm (850 nm option)
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator
Sensitivity 1.2 mP standard deviation at 1 nm fluorescein
Agilent Benchcel microplate handler compatible
Time-Resolved Fluorescence
CO2 and O2 Control 0–20% CO2 control and 1–19% O2 control, with
optional gas controller Wavelength Selection Filters
Light Source Fluorescence and absorbance: xenon flash lamps Wavelength Range 200–700 nm (850 nm option)
Imaging: high-power LEDs
Sensitivity Europium 40 fM (4 amol/well, 384-well plate)
Detector Fluorescence and luminescence: PMTs
Absorbance: photodiode Reagent Injectors

Imaging System Number Two syringe pumps

Supported Labware 6- to 384-well plates, Petri and cell culture dishes
Imaging Modes Fluorescence
High-contrast brightfield Dead Volume 1.1 mL with backflush
Imaging Method Single-color, multicolor, montage, time lapse, Z-stacking Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments
Image Processing Z-projection, image stitching Dispense Accuracy ± 1 μL or 2%
Camera Sony CMOS, grayscale Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL
Objective Capacity Two user-replaceable objectives Physical Characteristics
Objectives Available 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x Power Consumption 250 W (maximum)
Imaging Filter Four user-replaceable fluorescence cubes plus brightfield Dimensions 20.2” D x 16.4” W x 17.5” H
Cubes/Capacity channel; more than 20 colors available 51.4 x 41.6 x 44.5 cm
Automated Functions Autofocus, autoLED intensity, auto-exposure Weight 80 lb (36.3 kg)
Autofocus Method Laser autofocus (option), software autofocus
Positional Controls Agilent BioTek Gen5 software
Image Collection Rate Image-based autofocus:
96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, 6 minutes
Laser autofocus:
96 wells, 1 color (DAPI), 4x, < 3 minutes

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek BioSpa live cell analysis system

Capture detailed cellular images and get in-depth, cell-level
analyses for migration and wound healing assays, 3D
spheroid formation, and many other kinetic applications
in up to eight microplates or other labware. Built-in
scheduling, environmental monitoring, and available liquid
handling allow you to walk away with confidence, and
allows multiple users to run processes simultaneously
without disrupting others. The Agilent BioTek BioSpa live
cell analysis system offers unique benefits for a wide
variety of live cell imaging applications.

Multiple imaging modes

Confocal, fluorescence, brightfield, color brightfield, high-

contrast brightfield and phase contrast imaging enable
an astonishing range of microscopy applications within
a single, compact system. Automate workflows for up to eight microplates or other labware,
including cell culture dishes, flasks, and microscope slides.

Broad magnification range

Capture the level of detail you need, from whole-well montage, to intracellular detail, with 1.25x to
60x objectives available. The automated, six-position turret makes it simple to capture multiple
magnifications in a single workflow.

Environmental controls

Successful long-term live cell assays rely on a controlled environment to keep cells healthy and
aid proliferation. BioSpa has integrated temperature and CO2/O2 control and monitoring, plus
humidity monitoring to protect cells during kinetic runs that last days or weeks.

Powerful 3D image processing

Gen5 software has powerful Z-stacking capabilities to capture the important details of a 3D cell
structure. Z-projection and image analysis provides in-depth information about the spheroid.
Z-stacking montage capability brings powerful processing for 3D biologies.

Advanced cell-level analysis

Powerful tools like nuclear and cytoplasmic masking define critical, information-rich regions of
interest for automated, detailed cellular analysis.

Typical research applications

– Cell migration and invasion
– Cell cycle progression and analysis
– Cytotoxicity
– Apoptosis and necrosis assays
– Cell proliferation assays

Imaging and Microscopy

Technical details
Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well standard height microplates, with or without lids
Plate height range: 7.6–25.4 mm

Other Labware Cell culture dishes (35 and 60 mm)

Lidded Plate Handling Automated plate movement, including delidding and relidding between the incubator and imager

Microplate Capacity Up to eight microplates (or other labware)

Air Filter User-replaceable HEPA filter

Compatible Instruments Agilent BioTek Cytation C10 confocal imaging reader

Agilent BioTek Cytation 1/5/7 cell imaging multimode readers
Agilent BioTek EL406 washer dispenser, 405 TS washer
Agilent BioTek MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser

Temperature Control Range: to 45 °C

Uniformity ± 0.5 ºC at 37 °C

Software Agilent BioTek BioSpa On-Demand mode for simplified, intuitive workflows for single or multiple users
Agilent BioTek BioSpa Session mode for all imaging, detection, and liquid handling operations

CO2 and O2 Control (Option) Range: 0–20% (CO2); 1–19% (O2)

Humidity Control rH: 80–95% (lidded plates and 5% CO2); removable water pan with low level alert

Imaging System

Imaging Mode Confocal, fluorescence, brightfield, high-contrast brightfield, color brightfield and phase contrast

Imaging Method Single-color, multicolor, montage, time lapse, Z-stacking

Image Processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching

Camera 16-bit gray scale Sony, Hamamatsu Orca sCMOS 16-bit grayscale camera (Agilent BioTek Cytation C10 confocal imaging reader only)

Objective Capacity Six user-replaceable objectives

Objectives Available 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x

Phase Objectives Available 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x

Image Filter Cube Capacity Four user-replaceable fluorescence cubes, plus brightfield channel

Imaging Filter Cubes Available More than 20 colors are available for fluorescence imaging

Automated Functions Autofocus, auto-exposure, autoLED intensity

Autofocus Method Image-based autofocus, user-trained autofocus, laser autofocus (option)

Imaging and Microscopy

Imaging and Microscopy Comparison Chart

Lionheart FX Lionheart LX Cytation C10


Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well plates 6- to 1536-well plates 6- to 1536-well plates

Slides, cell culture dishes, Slides, cell culture dishes, Slides, cell culture dishes,
Other Labware flasks (T75), hemocytometers, flasks (T75), hemocytometers, flasks (T75), hemocytometers,
chamber slides chamber slides chamber slides

Labware Capacity 1 1 1

Incubation To 40 °C To 45 °C

Peltier Cooling Module

CO2 and O2 Control Available • •

Joystick Controller Available • • •

Automation Compatible •

Multimode Detection Available •

Upright Microscope


Capacity 6 6 6

Air Objectives 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x

Phase Objectives 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x

Oil-Immersion Objectives 60x, 100x 60x, 100x

Water-Immersion Objectives 40x, 60x

Imaging Modes and Methods

Widefield Fluorescence • • •

Confocal Fluorescence •

Brightfield • • •

High-Contrast Brightfield • • •

Color Brightfield • • •

Phase Contrast • • •

Processing and Analysis

Z-stacking • • •

Montage • • •

Cell Counting • • •

Z-projection* • • •

Digital Phase Contrast* • • •

Image Stitching* • • •

Advanced Image Analysis* • • •

*With Gen5 Image+ or Gen5 Image Prime software.

Imaging and Microscopy

Cytation 7 Cytation 5 Cytation 1 BioSpa System

6- to 1536-well plates 6- to 1536-well plates 6- to 1536-well plates 6- to 1536-well plates

Slides, cell culture dishes, Slides, cell culture dishes, Slides, cell culture dishes, Slides, cell culture dishes,
flasks (T75), hemocytometers, flasks (T75), hemocytometers, flasks (T75), hemocytometers, hemocytometers,
chamber slides chamber slides chamber slides chamber slides

1 1 1 8

To 45 °C To 65 °C To 45 °C To 45 °C

• • •

• • • •

• • •

• • • •

• • • •

6 6 2 6

1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x

4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x

• • • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

*With Gen5 Image+ or Gen5 Image Prime software.

Imaging and Microscopy

Agilent BioTek Gen5 software for imaging and microscopy

With Agilent BioTek Gen5 software and Lionheart or Cytation imaging systems, you can acquire
high-quality images across a broad range of fixed and live biologies for applications in life science,
drug discovery, and clinical research laboratories. The new, highly visual interface makes image
capture, processing, and analysis easy and powerful, to produce publication-ready images and data.

Image capture

Gen5 captures images from fixed and live cell assays, tissues, whole biology, and more. From
large regions of interest to subcellular and intracellular details, Gen5 captures images in a batch,
endpoint, time-lapse sequence, and Z-stacks. Fluorescence, brightfield, color brightfield, or phase
contrast modes enable diverse applications.


Brightness and contrast adjustments, background flattening, and deconvolution are a few of the
many image preprocessing steps available in Gen5. Z-stacks can automatically be Z-projected, and
digital phase contrast improves the appearance of challenging images. The processing steps in
Gen5 allow you to work within one software package, without requiring extensive training.


Gen5 analyzes cellular features such as intensity or morphology (size, perimeter, circularity),
enabling applications such as transfection efficiency, nuclear translocation, or cell cycle assays,
where multiple cell subpopulations are present in the samples. Label-free confluence and cell
counts are accomplished with the unique high-contrast brightfield mode. The add-on spot counting
module enables detailed analysis of intracellular activity.


During or after image analysis, integrated tools enable convenient annotation of important
information in each image, without having to export to a third-party software package. The built-
in movie maker turns time-lapse images into movies with a click of the mouse. Not only does
Gen5 provide amazing visualization of your samples, it provides quantitative data and results
from the entire experiment. Heat maps, dose-response curves, and multimode and image-based
quantitative data can be combined to rapidly obtain, analyze, and acquire both phenotypic and
quantitative results.

Key features
Powerful instrument control Image and data analysis tools
– User-trained autofocus, image-based, and laser autofocus – Automated cell counting and confluence;
– Automatic camera gain, exposure, and LED intensity settings label-free cell counting
– End-point, montage, Z-stack, and time-lapse imaging modes – Spot counting for intracellular detail analysis
Image preprocessing tools – Primary and secondary masks; nucleus, cytoplasm, or
– Image deconvolution for improved visualization whole-cell analysis

– Automated flattening, smoothing, background correction – Subpopulation analysis and image statistics

– Image stitching, Z-projection – EC50, standard curves, kinetic analysis and more

– Digital phase contrast algorithm – Auto region-of-interest (AutoROI) identification module

– Single-object tracking module
Imaging and Microscopy

The Agilent BioTek Gen5 object tracking module enables tracking of the movement of
individual cells throughout the extent of a kinetic experiment. Metrics such as velocity,
distance traveled, and direction are automatically calculated. These metrics are critical
for multiple assay procedures, including those that analyze chemotaxis, which are
The automatic region-of-interest (AutoROI) module incorporates a three-step process
performed within the fields of cancer research, neuroscience, cardiovascular research,
to quickly identify and image ROIs on a microscope slide or other vessel. First, a low-
and others.
magnification imaging step is performed to quickly image the entire area where ROIs
may be located. Second, using previously optimized criteria, ROIs are automatically
identified. Finally, immediately following identification, high-magnification imaging is
automatically performed on the identified areas. This process enables walk-away slide
scanning for four or more slides, if combined with Agilent’s automation offerings.

Primary mask

Secondary mask

Agilent BioTek Gen5 microplate reader and imager software has a highly visual Cells treated with 0.3 µM Taxol; nuclear fragmentation visible (cells highlighted).
interface to facilitate imaging workflows.

Spot counting: intracellular details. Confluence determination: high-contrast BPAE cells at 100x. Zebrafish embryo at 2x, Z-stacked and
brightfield. Z-projected in brightfield.

Dictydium sporotheca, 4x montage 3T3 cells at 4x, digital phase contrast. Fibroblasts expressing RFP and U-87 cell U-87 fibroblast tumoroid at 4x, 4 x 4
in color brightfield, Z-stacked and expressing GFP, just after scratch wound montage, Z-stacked and stitched.
Z-projected. creation. 25

Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader

Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader is designed for the screening laboratory, with
speed and ultrahigh performance. Synergy Neo2 features Agilent BioTek Hybrid Technology, with its
independent optical paths that ensure uncompromised performance in all detection modes.

Hybrid Technology

Some workflows benefit from the flexibility of monochromator-based optical systems; there is no
need to purchase multiple filters, and when the spectral peaks from a fluorophore are unknown,
monochromators can scan to find the ideal excitation and emission peaks. Other assays require the
high sensitivity found in filter-based optical systems. Hybrid Technology offers both major benefits
in a single platform, so there is no compromise of performance or flexibility.

Variable-bandwidth quad monochromators

The Synergy Neo2 uses quad monochromators, which have variable bandwidths for excitation and
emission. Selectable from 3 to 50 nm in 1 nm increments, these continuously variable bandwidths
help optimize detection of some fluorophores. Detection parameters for complex multiplexed
assays, such as FRET and SNPs, can be fine tuned for the highest signal with the lowest crosstalk,
and the results you expect.

Ultrafast—two lasers and multiple PMT detectors

High throughput is not just about fast plate reading; a high-throughput multimode reader should
handle common and complex assays with equally high performance, even in 1536-well plates.
Synergy Neo2 has a TRF laser to provide the fastest measurements with excellent sensitivity for
critical screening applications like TRF and TR-FRET. Laser-based excitation ensures the best
performance for Alpha assays. The available BioStack microplate stacker provides walk-away
automation of multiple plate processes.

Controlled environment for live cell assays

Along with incubation to 70 °C and shaking, Synergy Neo2 can be equipped with a
CO2/O2 controller to provide the ideal environment for robust live cell assays. Direct bottom
detection provides ultrasensitivity for measuring cell-based fluorescence intensity. To automate
live cell workflows, Synergy Neo2 integrates with the BenchCel microplate handler and BioSpa 8
automated incubator.

Typical research applications

– HTS screening – Biomarker quantification
– Drug absorption and metabolism – Genetic analysis
– Biologics drug discovery and – Environmental testing
development – Food safety
– Drug discovery – Nucleic acid quantification
– Cell proliferation – Protein quantification
– Cytotoxicity


Technical details
General Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 well: 6 seconds
384 well: 11 seconds
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance
1536 well: 25 seconds
Fluorescence intensity
Luminescence Luminescence
Fluorescence polarization
Time-resolved fluorescence Wavelength Range 300–700 nm
Alpha detection
Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning
Sensitivity 5 amol ATP (384-well low-volume plate)
Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well plates
Fluorescence Polarization
Other Labware Petri and cell culture dishes
Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates Light Source Xenon flash

Temperature Control Four-Zone Incubation to 70 °C Detector Dual PMT or single PMT (option)
with Condensation Control Wavelength Selection Filters
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital Wavelength Range 280–700 nm (850 nm option)
Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software included. Sensitivity 1 mP standard deviation at 1 nM fluorescein
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software for 21 CFR Part (384-well low-volume plate)
11 compliance (option)
Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker
and third-party automation compatible Light Source Xenon flash or TRF laser (option)
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator
Agilent BenchCel microplate handler Detector Dual PMT or single PMT (option)
Wavelength Quad monochromators (top/bottom)
CO2 and O2 Control 0–20% CO2 control and 1–19% O2 control, with
Selection Filters (top/bottom)
optional gas controller
Wavelength Range Monochromators: 250–700 nm (850 nm option)
Barcode Reader 1D and 2D camera-based scanner
Filters: 200–700 nm (850 nm option)
Sensitivity With TRF laser: 5 fM (384-well low-volume plate)
Light Source Xenon flash With xenon flash lamp: 40 fM (384-well low-volume
Detector Photodiode
Wavelength Selection Monochromator Alpha Detection

Wavelength Range 230–999 nm, in 1 nm increments Light Source 100 mW 680 nm laser

Monochromator 2 nm (230–285 nm); 4 nm (> 285 nm) Detector PMT

Bandwidth Wavelength Selection Filters (top)
Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD Sensitivity 100 amol bio-LCK-P (384-well low-volume plate)
Resolution 0.0001 OD Read Speed 96 well: 30 seconds
Pathlength Correction Yes 384 well: 1 minute 50 seconds
1536 well: 7 minutes 20 seconds
Optical Density Accuracy: < 1% at 2.0 OD; < 3% at 3.0 OD. Linearity: < 1%
from 0 to 3.0 OD. Repeatability: < 0.5% at 2.0 OD Reagent Injectors
Stray light: 0.03% at 230 nm
Number Two syringe pumps
Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 well: 6 seconds
384 well: 11 seconds Supported Labware 6- to 384-well plates, Petri dishes
1536 well: 25 seconds Dead Volume 1.1 mL with backflush
Fluorescence Intensity Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments
Light Source Xenon flash Physical Characteristics
Detector PMT Power Consumption 250 W (maximum)
Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (top/bottom) Dimensions Without TRF laser:
Filters (top/bottom) 15.4” W x 20.7” D x 16.1” H
Wavelength Range Monochromators: 250–700 nm (850 nm option) (39.2 x 52.5 x 40.8 cm)
Filters: 200–700 nm (850 nm option) With TRF laser:
15.4” W x 24.2” D x 16.1” H
Monochromator Bandwidth Variable; from 3–50 nm, in 1 nm increments
(39.2 x 61.4 x 40.8 cm)
Dynamic Range Seven decades
Weight Without TRF laser: 78 lb (35.4 kg)
Sensitivity (Fluorescein) Filters: With TRF laser: 100 lb (45.3 kg)
0.2 pM (4 amol/well, 384-well low-volume plate)–top
1 pM (10 amol/well, 1536-well plate)–top
1 pM (0.1 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–bottom
Quad monochromator:
2 pM (40 amol/well, 384-well low-volume plate)–top
2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–bottom

Agilent BioTek Synergy H1 multimode reader

Agilent BioTek Synergy H1 multimode reader is a configurable multimode microplate reader,
with monochromator-based optics for flexibility, filter-based optics for sensitivity, or both. Hybrid
Technology offers application versatility and excellent performance in a modular platform to expand
as your laboratory’s needs change.

Hybrid plate reader—flexibility and performance

Synergy H1 is an advanced plate reader that delivers both the flexibility and performance you need
for any microplate assay in your lab. Monochromators offer UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence
intensity, and luminescence; filters enable fluorescence intensity, polarization, time-resolved
fluorescence, and filtered luminescence.

Upgradable to meet future application needs

The Synergy H1 modular design allows you to start with what you need now, and add detection
modes, gas control, and dual-reagent injectors as your laboratory’s workflows evolve.

Variable bandwidth for sensitivity and specificity

Excitation and emission bandwidths can be set between 9 and 50 nm in 1 nm increments. Large
bandwidths provide increased sensitivity and lower limits of detection. Small bandwidths provide
increased specificity when multiple signals are present, reducing crosstalk and enhancing assay

Automated Z-focus—best performance with all plate types

Automated Z-focus enables reading height to be precisely adjusted for best performance in all plate
types and all volumes.

Extended dynamic range

The seven log extended dynamic range detects signals with optimal sensitivity from the low and
high ends of the assay range. Other systems can measure only small portions of the dynamic range
of Synergy H1 using preset gains; this can cause reduced sensitivity on the low end or saturated
signals on the high end of the assay signal range.

Environmental controls for cell-based assays

Temperature control to 70 °C, Condensation Control, CO2/O2 control and shaking create the ideal
environment for live cell assay workflows. A consistent environment leads to consistent data for
long-term kinetic assays.

Dual-syringe injectors with specialized tips

The robust, precise dual syringe eliminates the need for regular tubing replacement required by
some peristaltic pump injector designs. There are two available tip types: straight tips enable
vigorous mixing for rapid inject/read assays, and angled tips will not disturb cell layers for
applications such as calcium kinetics.

Typical research applications

– ELISA – TR-FRET – Protein aggregation
– Luciferase Reporter assays – Fluorescence polarization – Cell-based assays
– Nucleic acid and protein quantification – BRET – Metabolic activity
– Microbial growth assays – Enzyme kinetics – ROS


Technical details
General Monochromator Bandwidth Variable: from 9–50 nm in 1 nm increments (“M2”
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance
Fixed: 16 nm
Fluorescence intensity
Luminescence Dynamic Range Seven decades
Fluorescence polarization
Sensitivity (Fluorescein) Filters:
Time-resolved fluorescence
0.25 pM (0.025 fmol/well, 384-well plate)
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning Quad monochromator:
2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–top
Microplate Types 6- to 384-well plates
4 pM (0.4 fmol/well, 384-well plate)–bottom
Other Labware Petri and cell culture dishes
Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 well: 11 seconds
Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates
384 well: 22 seconds
Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 70 °C (“M2” configurations) or to
45 °C (all other configurations)
Sensitivity Monochromators: 20 amol ATP
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Filters: 10 amol ATP
Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software included
Fluorescence polarization
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software enables 21 CFR
Part 11 compliance (option) Light Source Xenon flash

Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party Detector PMT
automation compatible
Wavelength Selection Filters
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible
Wavelength Range Excitation range: 330–700 nm
CO2 and O2 Control 0–20% CO2 control and 1–19% O2 control, with Emission range: 400–700 nm
optional gas controller
Sensitivity 2 mP standard deviation at 1 nm fluorescein
Time-resolved Fluorescence
Light Source Xenon flash
Light Source Xenon flash
Detector Photodiode
Detector PMT
Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Wavelength Filters (top)
Wavelength Range 230–999 nm, in 1 nm increments Selection
Monochromator 4 nm (230–285 nm); 8 nm (> 285 nm) Sensitivity < 40 fM
Reagent Injectors
Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD
Number Two syringe pumps
Resolution 0.0001 OD
Supported Labware 6- to 384-well plates, Petri dishes
Pathlength Correction Yes
Dead Volume 1.1 mL with backflush
OD Accuracy < 1% at 2.0 OD
< 3% at 3.0 OD Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments

OD Linearity < 1% from 0 to 3.0 OD Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%

OD Repeatability < 0.5% at 2.0 OD Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL

Stray Light 0.03% at 230 nm Physical Characteristics

Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 11 seconds Power Consumption 130 W (maximum)

384 wells: 22 seconds
Dimensions 15.4” W x 18.6” D x 12.9” H
Fluorescence Intensity (39.1 x 47.2 x 32.8 cm)

Light Source Xenon flash Weight 50 lb (22.6 kg)

Detector PMT
Wavelength Selection Quad monochromators (top/bottom)
Filters (top)
Wavelength Range Monochromators: 250–700 nm (900 nm option)


Agilent BioTek Synergy HTX multimode reader

The Agilent BioTek Synergy HTX multimode reader is an entry-level, affordable, and upgradable
multimode microplate reader. Available read modes include top and bottom fluorescence, UV-visible
absorbance, and luminescence detection. Temperature control to 50 ºC, shaking, and advanced
Gen6 data analysis software are also included. A dual-reagent injector module is available for all read
modes and plate types.

Ideal for basic research applications

The Synergy HTX is the ideal instrument for nucleic acid and protein quantification, enzyme
assays, biomarker quantification, and ELISA assays, as well as cell-based assays (gene
expression, cellular growth, cytotoxicity).


AlphaScreen and AlphaLISA assays can be performed on Synergy HTX with excellent results.
Alpha-capable configurations add assay versatility to basic research requirements.

Sensitive filter-based fluorescence

Two excitation and two emission filters are included with the reader, and can be used for top and
bottom reading. Bottom reading is usually recommended when working with adherent cells, as it
often provides better signal-to-background ratios. Top reading is typically best for assays where
the fluorescence signal comes from the solution.

Flexible monochromator-based absorbance

All Synergy readers use monochromators for absorbance detection. This provides unlimited
wavelength selection from the low UV to the near infrared, in 1 nm increments, and enables
spectral scanning.

Low-noise luminescence detection

The Synergy HTX can automate glow and flash luminescence assays, thanks to its optional dual-
reagent injector module. Typical assays include ATP quantification as well as luciferase gene
expression assays.

Typical research applications

– AlphaScreen/AlphaLISA – Genetic analysis
– Nucleic acid quantification – Cell proliferation
– Protein quantification – Cytotoxicity
– Enzyme kinetics – Drug absorption and metabolism
– Biomarker quantification – Food safety
– ELISAs – Environmental monitoring


Technical details
General Luminescence
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance Wavelength Range 300–700 nm
Fluorescence intensity
Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Time-resolved fluorescence (secondary mode) Sensitivity 10 amol ATP (flash)–Lum and Abs/Lum configurations
Alpha detection 30 amol ATP (flash)–Multimode configurations
Read Methods End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning, well-area scanning Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Microplate Types 6- to 384-well plates Light Source Xenon flash
Other Labware PCR plates, Petri and cell culture dishes Detector PMT
Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates
Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 50 °C
Alpha Detection
with Condensation Control
Shaking Linear, orbital Light Source Tungsten halogen

Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software included Detector PMT
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11 Wavelength Selection Filters
compliance (option)
Sensitivity 300 amol bio-LCK-P, 25 µL/well in 384-well plate
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party
automation Read Speed 96 well: 2 minutes

Absorbance Reagent Injectors

Light Source Xenon flash Supported Detection All modes

Detector Photodiode
Number Two syringe pumps
Wavelength Selection Monochromator
Supported Labware 6- to 384-well plates
Wavelength Range 200–999 nm, in 1 nm increments
Dead Volume 1.1 mL with backflush
Monochromator 2.4 nm
Bandwidth Dispense Volume 5–1,000 µL in 1 µL increments

Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL or 2%

Resolution 0.0001 OD Dispense Precision ≤ 2% at 50–200 µL

Pathlength Correction Yes Physical Characteristics

Monochromator ± 2 nm Power Consumption 130 W (maximum)

Wavelength Accuracy Dimensions 16” W x 15” D x 10” H
Monochromator ± 0.2 nm (40.6 x 38.1 x 25.4 cm)
Wavelength Repeatability Weight 40 lb (18 kg)
OD Accuracy < 1% at 2.0 OD
< 3% at 3.0 OD
OD Linearity < 1% from 0 to 3.0 OD
OD Repeatability < 0.5% at 2.0 OD
Stray Light 0.03% at 230 nm
Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 14 seconds
384 wells: 26 seconds
Fluorescence Intensity
Light Source Tungsten halogen
Xenon flash (option)
Detector PMT
Wavelength Selection Filters
Wavelength Range 300–700 nm (200–850 nm option)
Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Sensitivity (Fluorescein) 5 pM (1 fmol/well, 96-well plate)–top and bottom

Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 31 seconds

384 wells: 80 seconds


Agilent BioTek Synergy LX multimode reader

UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence detection are just a touch away, with the
Agilent BioTek Synergy LX multimode reader. The color touch screen simplifies programming and
offers quick data display and output to a USB drive, printer, or PC with powerful Gen6 data analysis
software. Synergy LX is the ideal microplate reader for many common end-point assays including
nucleic acid and protein quantification, ELISA, and cell viability.

Affordable, excellent performance

At about half the price of similar instruments, Synergy LX is the solution for labs looking for
an easy-to-use microplate reader for UV-Vis, fluorescence, and luminescence assays. The
independent optical paths use high-quality components, ensuring uncompromised performance
in all detection modes.

Common assays

Synergy LX supports most common assays. The monochromator-based absorbance optics

enable a wide range of UV-Vis measurements, including nucleic acid and protein quantification,
while easily exchanged filter cubes make the Synergy LX a practical workstation for fluorescence
intensity and luminescence assays. The onboard software includes several preprogrammed
protocols, and allows easy programming for unique requirements.

Microvolume quantification

Use the Take3 microvolume plate with Synergy LX for fast and easy nucleic acid and protein
determinations. Preprogrammed protocols in Synergy LX display immediate results for up to
sixteen 2 µL samples. Output results to a USB drive for use in downstream workflows.

Easy operation

With its large color touch screen, Synergy LX makes it simple to select and run a protocol.
The data is displayed immediately after the measurement with a color gradient to help quickly
visualize the data range.

Typical research applications

– Nucleic acid quantification (A260 and – Protein quantification
fluorescence-based) – Gene expression (luminescence and
– Nucleic acid purity assessment (A260 A280) fluorescence)
– Microvolume nucleic acid quantification – Cell viability assays
(Take3 microvolume plate) – Absorbance MTT
– ELISA – Luminescence ATP
– Fluorescence ELISA – Various fluorescence-based


Technical details
General Fluorescence Intensity
Detection Modes UV-Vis absorbance Light Source Halogen
Fluorescence intensity
Detector PMT
Wavelength Selection Bandpass filters
Read Methods End-point (onboard software)
End-point, kinetic, area scanning, absorbance spectral Wavelength Range 320–700 nm (low-noise PMT)
scanning (under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control) 320–850 nm (red-shifted PMT)
Microplate Types UV-Vis absorbance: 6- to 384-well plates (onboard Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Sensitivity 2 pM fluorescein
Fluorescence intensity and luminescence: 96- and 384-
well (onboard software) Reading Speed (Kinetic*) 96 wells: 24 seconds
All modes: 6- to 384-well microplates 384 wells: 76 seconds
(under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control) (*under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control)

Other Labware Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates Luminescence

Agilent BioTek Take3 Trio microvolume plates Dynamic Range > 6 decades
Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital
Sensitivity 10 amol ATP
Software End-point protocols (onboard software)
Physical Characteristics
Full data analysis and reporting (under Agilent BioTek
Gen6 software control, included) Power Consumption 60 W (maximum)
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11
Connectivity (1) USB 2.0 ports for computer control, (2) USB 2.0 ports
compliance (option)
for printer connection and USB thumb drive (touch screen
Absorbance configurations only)

Light Source Xenon flash Dimensions 15” W x 15” D x 15” H (with touch screen)
(38.1 x 38.1 x 38.1 cm)
Detector Photodiode
15” W x 15” D x 12” H
Wavelength Selection Monochromator (38.1 x 38.1 x 30.5 cm)

Wavelength Range 200–999 nm, in 1 nm increments Weight ≤ 27 lb (12.3 kg)

Monochromator ≤ 5 nm
Wavelength ± 2 nm
Wavelength ± 0.2 nm (standard deviation)
Dynamic Range 0 to 4.0 OD
Resolution 0.001 OD (onboard software)
0.0001 OD (under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control)
Pathlength Correction Yes (under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control)
OD Accuracy < 1% at 2.0 OD
< 3% at 2.5 OD
OD Linearity < 1% from 0–2.5 OD
OD Repeatability < 0.5% at 2.0 OD
Stray Light 0.03% at 230 nm
Reading Speed (Kinetic*) 96 wells: 12 seconds
384 wells: 23 seconds
(*under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control)


Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software

Gen6 software for microplate absorbance readers presents an intuitive interface for both new and
experienced users. It provides full control of Agilent BioTek multimode and absorbance readers for plate
reading in a broad range of microplates, for both endpoint and kinetic assays. Reading parameters,
plate layout and data analysis definition is an easy, step-by-step process for quantitative and qualitative
assays. Well data and analysis results can be exported automatically or fully customized to suit data
reporting requirements.

Prebuilt experiment templates in Gen6

Prebuilt experiment templates allow new users
to quickly and easily get started with common
assays and applications within Gen6.

Advanced read functionality—

multimode kinetics
Gen6 contains advanced functionality
for kinetic assays. Users can easily
set up time-course experiments and
visualize data in real time as the
microplate reader collects it. Raw and
calculated data can easily be exported
with one click into Microsoft Excel.

Advanced read functionality—

area scans
Advanced reading modes, such as area scans,
allow users to measure discrete points across
a well for heterogeneous samples.

Compatible Agilent BioTek readers

– 800 TS absorbance reader

– Epoch microplate spectrophotometer
– Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer
– Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader
34 – Synergy H1, HTX, and LX multimode readers

Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader and Gen6 data analysis software.


Multimode reader comparison chart

Synergy Neo2 Cytation


Monochromator: 6- to 384-well
Microplate Types 6- to 1536-well
Filter and imaging: 6- to 1536-well

Gas Controller Compatible • •

BenchCel Compatible • •

BioSpa 8 Compatible • •

BioStack Compatible/Automation-Ready • •

Dual-reagent Injector Compatible • •

Take3 Compatible • •

Temperature Control System To 45 ºC (Cytation 7, Cytation 1)

To 70 ºC
To 65 °C (Cytation 5)

Peltier Cooling Module Compatible •

Condensation Control • •

Key Features and Application Areas

Monochromator-Based UV-Vis
• •

Monochromator-Based Fluorescence • •

Variable-Bandwidth Fluorescence
• Cytation 7, Cytation 5

Filter-Based Fluorescence • Cytation 5, Cytation 1

Luminescence • •

Filtered Luminescence • Cytation 5, Cytation 1

TRF and TR-FRET • Cytation 5, Cytation 1

TRF Laser •

Fluorescence Polarization • Cytation 5, Cytation 1

100 mw 680 nm laser

AlphaLISA/AlphaScreen 100 mw 680 nm laser
(Cytation 5)

Hybrid Technology • Cytation 5

Dual-PMT Read Head •

Upgradable to Imaging •


Synergy H1 Synergy HTX Synergy LX

Onboard software
Absorbance: 6- to 384-well
6- to 384-well 6- to 384-well FI and LUM: 96- and 384-well
Under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control
All modes: 6- to 384-well

• •

• •

• • •

To 70 ºC (“M2” configurations)
To 50 ºC
To 45 ºC

• •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• (Secondary mode)


Agilent BioTek Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer

Agilent BioTek Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer is a compact monochromator-based
microplate spectrophotometer for 6- to 384-well microplates, cuvettes, and 2 µL measurements.
Epoch 2 features a color touch screen interface with easy-to-navigate controls, onboard software
for data collection, analysis, and flexible export and report options. Incubation, shaking, and robot
compatibility are standard features.

UV-Vis measurements

The monochromator-based optics offer wavelength selection from 200 to 999 nm, for applications
from nucleic acid quantification to ELISA, without using filters. Epoch 2 can measure up to forty-
eight 2 µL samples in the unique Take3 microvolume plates, for rapid, direct quantification. An
optional cuvette port provides 1 cm measurements, making Epoch 2 a versatile spectrophotometer
for multiple applications.

Touch screen and onboard software

The color touch screen enables easy program creation and selection for a wide range of end-
point and kinetic assays. The quick read function provides the fastest read-to-results. Select from
predefined programs or create new programs for basic data analysis. Use the convenient flash
drive or available printer for data output. Available 6 data analysis software enables computer
control of all Epoch 2 read modes, including well-area scanning and expanded data analysis
capabilities. When controlled by Gen6, Epoch 2 is automation compatible.

Advanced 4-Zone Incubation

Epoch 2 features Agilent BioTek 4-Zone Incubation up to 65 °C, with minimal variation across the
plate; ideal for a wide range of temperature-sensitive assays. The Condensation Control feature
solves the common problem of condensation buildup on plate lids during incubated kinetic runs.
Epoch 2 can be integrated with the BenchCel microplate handler or BioSpa 8 automated incubator
for unattended automation.

Typical research applications

– ELISA – Food safety and quality
– Enzyme kinetics – Bacterial identification
– Nucleic acid and protein quantification – Total protein determination
– Cell proliferation – Nucleic acid purity assessment
– Cytotoxicity
– Spectral scanning
– Reactive oxygen species


Technical details

Detection Mode Absorbance

Read Methods End-point, kinetic, well-area scanning

Microplate Types 6- to 384-well plates

Other Labware Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates, standard cuvettes (option)

Temperature Control 4-Zone Incubation to 65 °C

Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital

Onboard Software Protocol creation including end-point and kinetic reading parameters, basic data analysis, reporting, and exporting

Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 microplate reader software included

Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software enables 21 CFR Part 11 compliance (option)
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party automation compatible
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible
Agilent BenchCel microplate handler compatible

Light Source Xenon flash

Detector Photodiode

Wavelength Selection Monochromator

Wavelength Range 200–999 nm, in 1 nm increments

Monochromator Bandwidth 2.9 nm

Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD

Resolution 0.0001 OD

Pathlength Correction Yes

Monochromator Wavelength Accuracy ± 2 nm

Monochromator Wavelength Repeatability ± 0.2 nm

OD Accuracy 0.0–2.0 OD ± 1% ± 0.010 OD

2.0–2.5 OD ± 3% ± 0.010 OD
OD Linearity 0–2.0 OD: ± 1% ± 0.010
2.0–2.5 OD: ± 3% ± 0.010
OD Repeatability 0–2.0 OD: ± 1% ± 0.005
2.0–2.5 OD: ± 3% ± 0.005
Stray Light 0.03% at 230 nm

Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 8 seconds

384 wells: 14 seconds
Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 120 W (maximum)

Dimensions With touch screen: 12.5” W x 15.5” D x 13” H (31.8 x 39.3 x 33 cm)
Without touch screen: 12.5” W x 15.5” D x 8” H (31.8 x 39.3 x 20.3 cm)
Weight With touch screen: 25 lb (11.3 kg)
Without touch screen: 20 lb (9.1 kg)


Agilent BioTek Epoch microplate spectrophotometer

Agilent BioTek Epoch microplate spectrophotometer is a
monochromator-based microplate spectrophotometer that offers
functionality for the life science laboratory at an accessible price.
Controlled by the powerful, yet easy-to-use Gen6 software, Epoch is
designed to be the new lab workhorse for a wide variety of applications.
For walkaway automation, an optional BioStack compatible Epoch is
Technical details
Wavelength range of 200 to 999 nm
The monochromator-based optical system in Epoch allows any
Detection Mode Absorbance
wavelength selection between 200 and 999 nm in 1 nm increments. No
filters required! From low-UV nucleic acid measurements, to standard Read Methods End-point, kinetic, well-area scanning

ELISA assays, Epoch is ideally suited to the life science laboratory, where Microplate Types 6- to 384-well plates
application flexibility is required. Other Labware Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plates

Microplate reading for 6- to 384-well plates Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software included
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software enables
The Epoch optical and mechanical systems are designed to provide 21 CFR Part 11 compliance (option)
optimal measurements in a variety of microplates. The area scanning
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-
capability provides multiple measurements across larger diameter wells, party automation compatible (“R” model)
resulting in more meaningful data analysis. Absorbance
Take3 microvolume plate compatible Light Source Xenon flash
When sample size matters, as in critical nucleic acid and protein Detector Photodiode
quantification, the Take3 microvolume plate provides up to sixteen 2 µL Wavelength Selection Monochromator
measurements, without needing to dilute important samples. Wavelength Range 200–999 nm, in 1 nm increments
End-point, kinetic, spectral scanning Monochromator 5 nm
There is no need to buy expensive instrumentation to perform a variety
Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD
of absorbance measurements. Epoch, driven by Gen6 software, is a high-
value system with maximum assay flexibility. Resolution 0.0001 OD
Pathlength correction Yes

Monochromator ± 2 nm
Wavelength Accuracy
Monochromator Wavelength ± 0.2 nm

Typical research applications OD Accuracy 0.0–2.0 OD ± 1% ± 0.010 OD

2.0–2.5 OD ± 3% ± 0.010 OD
OD Linearity 0–2.0 OD: ± 1% ± 0.010
– Nucleic acid quantification
2.0–2.5 OD: ± 3% ± 0.010
– Protein quantification OD Repeatability 0–2.0 OD: ± 1% ± 0.005
– 260/280 and 260/230 purity 2.0–2.5 OD: ± 3% ± 0.005

measurements Reading Speed (Kinetic) 96 wells: 15 seconds

384 wells: 31 seconds
Physical Characteristics
– Enzyme kinetics
Power Consumption 48 W (maximum)
– Cytotoxicity
Dimensions 12” W x 12.5” D x 7.7” H
– Cell proliferation (30.5 x 31.8 x 19.6 cm)
– Microvolume assays with Take3 Weight < 15 lb (6.8 kg)
microvolume plate


Agilent BioTek Take3 Microvolume Plate

Quickly quantify ultralow-volume samples of DNA, RNA and protein.
Measure up to 48 samples with volumes as low as 2 µL without dilution.

Compatible with most Agilent BioTek multi- and single-mode

detection systems

Use the Agilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plate with your Cytation,
Synergy, or Epoch reader to rapidly and easily measure multiple 2 µL
samples for direct DNA, RNA, and protein quantification.

Unique robust construction and easy maintenance

For routine cleaning, use laboratory wipes on all anodized surfaces.

Damaged slides are easily user replaced, saving time and expense.

Automated DNA, RNA, and protein quantification

The Take3 app includes predefined protocols for microvolume

quantification with Take3. Results include concentration, spectral scans,
and purity ratios.

Typical research applications

– Microvolume DNA, RNA, and protein quantification
– Microvolume fluorescence measurements
– Fluorescent dye incorporation measurements

Technical Details
Take3 Take3 Trio

2 µL Sample Capacity 16 48

Detection Limit 2 ng/µL dsDNA 2 ng/µL dsDNA


Agilent BioTek 800 TS absorbance reader

For high-quality microplate reading at an affordable price, look no further than the Agilent BioTek
800 TS absorbance reader, with its robust hardware and powerful software.

Wide range of applications

The 800 TS is ideal for a variety of applications including ELISA, protein and other end-point
protocols. Incubation and shaking expand the application range to include enzyme kinetics
and cell-based assays. The 800 TS partners perfectly with the Agilent BioTek 50 TS washer to
automate all your workflows.

Quick and easy programming

The touch screen interface makes protocol creation intuitive and simple. Defined protocols are
saved onboard for convenient, quick selection. The 800 TS reads the plate efficiently, delivering
results quickly and reliably.

USB flash drive convenience

Results are displayed immediately after measurement, and can be sent to the optional printer or a
USB flash drive. Import data to Gen6 software for advanced data handling and custom reporting

High performance, excellent results

With the 800 TS, affordability doesn’t mean compromised performance. The high-quality
hardware and optical design ensure results for all assays. As an FDA registered and ISO certified
manufacturer, Agilent BioTek understands the importance of performance and data verification.
Verify and qualify the 800 TS performance over time, using the Agilent BioTek absorbance test
plate and product qualification package.

Typical research applications

– Enzyme kinetics
– Protein assays
– Cell-based assays


Technical details

Detection Mode Absorbance

Read Methods End-point, kinetic, and well-area scanning (under computer control)

Microplate Types 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96-well microplates; 384-well and Terasaki trays (NB configurations)

Temperature Control To 50 °C
Shaking Linear (except NB configurations)
User Interface 4.3” color LCD touch screen display
Onboard Software Up to 40 user-programmable protocols
Software Agilent BioTek Gen6 data analysis software included
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Secure software (option)

Light Source Tungsten halogen lamp

Detector Photodiode
Wavelength Selection Filters
Wavelength Range 400–750 nm; 340–750 nm (UV configurations)
Filter Capacity/Supplied Five positions/four (five with UV configurations)
Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD (normal and rapid read modes)
Resolution 0.001 OD (standalone mode)
0.0001 OD (under Agilent BioTek Gen6 software control)
OD Accuracy Normal read mode
± 1.0% ± 0.010 OD from 0.0–2.0 OD at 405 nm
OD Linearity Normal read mode
± 1.0% ± 0.010 OD from 0.0–2.0 OD at 405 nm
OD Repeatability Normal read mode
± 0.5% ± 0.005 OD from 0.0 to 2.0 OD at 405 nm
Read Speed 96 wells, single wavelength
Normal/rapid/sweep read mode: 30 seconds/
18 seconds/11 seconds
Physical characteristics

Power Consumption 40 W (maximum)

150 W (maximum with incubation)
Dimensions 15” W x 16.5” D x 7” H (38.1 x 41.9 x 17.8 cm)
Weight 18.5 lb (8 kg)


Agilent BioTek LogPhase 600 microbiology reader

The Agilent BioTek LogPhase 600 microbiology reader is in a class of its own, designed for
measuring microbial growth curves in up to four standard 96-well microplates at a time. It
features purpose-built, robust shaking, and consistent temperature control, which are critical to
optimal bacteria and yeast cell growth, ensuring data quality. The LogPhase 600 is controlled with
an app to acquire data and perform microbiology-focused analysis for all plates.

Four-plate microplate reader

LogPhase 600 is a four-plate microplate reader that facilitates microbial growth assays.

Keep your cells in suspension for optimal growth

The shaking mechanism in LogPhase 600 is specifically designed for microbial growth assays; its
robust shaking ensures that your cells will not settle, even during long-term kinetic assays.

Optimized incubation

Consistent temperature control is essential to successful microbial growth assays. Incubation in

the LogPhase 600 is controlled by several sensors to ensure even heating throughout, without edge
effect or evaporation. Incubation can be inconsistent in some microplate readers, but LogPhase 600
ensures consistent interplate and intraplate heating

Condensation Control

Condensation Control sets a temperature gradient from top to bottom to prevent condensation on
the sealed plates that can cause light scatter and reading artifacts.

Consistent growth conditions produces consistent data

LogPhase 600 provides consistent growth conditions that are essential for microbial growth

Targeted, powerful, and easy-to-use app

The LogPhase 600 app has an easy-to-use interface, with analysis tools designed for microbial
growth researchers. New users can be up and running in minutes, with very little training. Multiplate
data can be viewed on the screen at the same time. The app automatically calculates lag time,
maximum rate (OD/min), and time to stationary phase.

Typical research applications

– Yeast growth assays
– Bacterial growth assays
– Antimicrobial resistance
– Algal research
– Biofuels research
– Food and beverage testing


Technical details

Detection Modes Absorbance

Microplate Types 96-well microplates

Microplate Capacity Four-microplate capacity

Temperature Control Incubation to 45 °C with Condensation Control

Variation ± 0.5 °C at 37 °C
Plate to plate uniformity ± 0.5 °C at 37 °C
Shaking Orbital, user-selectable velocity

Software LogPhase app included; provides reader control, data collection, and complete analysis


Light Source LED

Detector Two photodiodes (measurement and reference)

Wavelength Range 560–640 nm, configuration dependent

Read Methods Discontinuous kinetic

Dynamic Range 0–4.0 OD

Resolution 0.001 OD

OD Accuracy 0.000–2.000 OD ± 1% ± 0.010 OD

OD Linearity 0.000–2.000 OD ± 1% ± 0.010 OD

OD Repeatability 0.000–2.000 OD ± 1% ± 0.005 OD

Reading Speed Reading speed: < 60 seconds per plate

Minimum kinetic interval: 2 minutes 30 seconds (< 60 seconds read time; 90 seconds shake) per plate
Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 24 VDC power supply compatible with 100–240 volts AC at 50–60 Hz, 250 W (minimum)

Dimensions 10.5” H x 26.0” W x 16.0” D (26.7 x 66 x 40.6 cm)

Weight 50 lb (22.7 kg)


Absorbance reader comparison chart

Epoch 2 Epoch

Key Features

Wavelength Selection Monochromator Monochromator

Wavelength Range 200–999 nm 200–999 nm

Microplate Types 6- to 384-well 6- to 384-well

Microplate Capacity 1 1

Absorbance Range 0–4.0 0–4.0

Temperature Control To 65 °C

Shaking Linear, orbital, double-orbital

Cuvette port (optional), Take3 or

Cuvette Measurement Take3 or cuvette adapter
cuvette adapter

Filter Capacity n/a n/a

Automation Ready/BioStack
• ("R" configuration)

BenchCel Compatible •

BioSpa 8 Compatible •

Software Version Included Gen6 Gen6

Take3 Compatible • •

Fastest Read Speed: 96 Wells 8 seconds 15 seconds


LogPhase 600 800 TS

Filter Filter

560–640 nm
400–750 nm (340–750 nm option)
(configuration dependent)

96-well 6- to 96-well (6- to 384-well option)

4 1

0–4.0 0–4.0

To 45 °C To 50 ºC

Orbital Linear

1 5

LogPhase 600 app Gen6

< 60 seconds per plate 11 seconds

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek 406 FX washer dispenser

The Agilent BioTek 406 FX washer dispenser is a compact instrument offering fast, full-plate
washing along with up to six reagent dispensers. With up to four syringe pumps and two peristaltic
pumps, the non-contact plate-dispensing capabilities offer maximum flexibility for a variety of
applications, including sensitive cell-based washing and magnetic bead-based assays.

Multiple processes in a single instrument

The flexibility and capabilities of the 406 FX washer dispenser allow noncontact dispensing as
well as full-plate washing in a variety of plate densities, all in one instrument. This eliminates
the need to move microplates between a plate washer and separate dispensers for many liquid
handling workflows.

Independent dispenser fluid paths

Multiple independent fluid paths means that up to six different reagents can be loaded and
dispensed in a single procedure, eliminating the need to incorporate multiple dispensers.

The right bulk-reagent dispenser for your needs

Dual peristaltic pump dispensers and quad syringe pumps enable noncontact dispensing of buffers,
media, cells, and other precious reagents, in volumes ranging from 500 nL to 3,000 μL, with minimal
dead volume.

Automation friendly

Left- and right-side robotic arm accessibility allows the 406 FX to be easily integrated with the
Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker, and Agilent BenchCel microplate handler, and other
third-party automation to increase assay throughput.

Cell-friendly design

The combination of angled dispense tubes, highly adjustable aspiration and dispense rates, and
X- and Y-axis positioning ensure the integrity of cell monolayers during dispensing and wash

Self-maintaining Ultrasonic Advantage system

The built-in Agilent BioTek Ultrasonic Advantage allows the instrument to clean buildup in the
manifold tube automatically, preventing failure during wash procedures.

Automated magnetic bead-based assays

Available accessories automate magnetic bead-based multiplex assays. Depending on the magnet
type used, beads are pulled to the center or to the edges of the well.

Typical research applications

– Bead-based multiplex assays
– Cell-based assays
– ELISpot assays
– MSD assay automation
– Plate coating
Liquid Handling

Technical details
General Recommended 1 μL cassette: 1,000 384-well microplates at 5 μL/well
Cassette 5 μL cassette: 1,000 96-well microplates at 50 μL/well
Microplate Types 96-, 384-, and 1536-well
Replacement 10 μL cassette: 1,000 96-well microplates at 100 μL/well
Low profile and standard height
Onboard Touch Create, edit, or run multiple protocols
Sterilization Autoclave, chemical
Dispensing—Syringe Pump (Multichannel)
Software (Computer Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling Control (LHC3) software
Control) Agilent BioTek LHC3 Secure software enables 21 CFR Part Manifold Types 96-well dispensing:
11 compliance (option) One 16-tube (2 x 8) manifold—316 SS tubes
96-/384-well dispensing:
Separation Biomagnetic separation (optional)
Two 16-tube (1 x 16) manifolds—316 SS tubes
Shaking Programmable up to 60 minutes 1536-well dispensing:
Slow, medium, fast, or variable Two 32-tube (1 x 32) manifolds—316 SS tubes or sapphire-
jeweled 316 SS tubes
Soaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Ultrasonic Advantage Standard Fluid Delivery Two positive-displacement syringe drives per syringe pump, up
to two syringe pumps per 406 FX
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party
automation compatible Dispensing Speed 20 μL/well, 96 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 5.25 seconds
Agilent BenchCel microplate handler compatible; requires 20 μL/well, 384 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 14 seconds
VWorks 13.1.12 or higher 3 μL/well 1536 wells, 2 x 32 tubes: 7 seconds
Volume Range 3−3,000 μL/well, selectable in 1 μL increments
Minimum prime volume: 12 mL
Manifold Types 96-well washing: 96-tube manifold—straight dispense tubes
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low
96- and 384-well washing: 96-tube Dual-Action manifold—20°
angled dispense tubes Dispense ± 1 μL at 5 μL
384-well washing (fast): 192-tube Dual-Action manifold—7° Accuracy ± 1 μL at 20 μL
angled dispense tubes ± 1% at 100 μL
1536-well washing: two 32-tube dispense manifolds—7°
Dispense ≤ 5% CV at 5 μL
angled dispense tubes
Precision ≤ 2.5% CV at 20 μL
Volume Range 3–3,000 µL/well, in 1 µL increments ≤ 1% CV at 100 μL

Wash Cycles 1–250 Supply Bottle 1 or 2 L

Buffer/Reagent Autoswitching module for up to four buffers Sterilization Chemical, autoclavable option
Physical Characteristics
Supply Bottle 4 or 10 L (optional)
Power 100−240 Volts AC at 50−60 Hz
Waste Bottles 4, 10, and 20 L waste bottles available; direct-to-drain option Consumption
Dimensions 12.8” W x 24.1” D x 15.25” H (32.5 x 61 x 39 cm)
Dispense Accuracy ± 3%
Weight 45 lb (20.4 kg)
Dispense Precision ≤ 3% CV (model dependent)
Residual Volume ≤ 2 μL/well
Wash Speed 96 wells, 300 μL/well, 96-tube manifold: 13 seconds
384 wells, 100 μL/well, 192-tube manifold: 17 seconds
1536 wells, 10 μL/wells, two 32-tube manifolds: 36 seconds
Flow Rates High flow to low flow
Optimized rates for cell assays
Sterilization Chemical
Dispensing—Peristaltic Pump

Manifold Types 8-tip (1 x 8) cassette with plastic tubes, 316 stainless steel
(SS) tubes, or sapphire-jeweled 316 SS tubes
Fluid Delivery Up to two peristaltic pumps
Dispense Speed 96 wells, 10 μL/well: 8 seconds
384 wells, 5 μL/well: 12 seconds
1536 wells, 1 μL/well: 27 seconds
Volume Range 500 nL to 3,000 μL/well, selectable in 1 μL increments
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low
Optimized rates for cell assays

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek EL406 washer dispenser

The Agilent BioTek EL406 washer dispenser offers fast microplate washing and unique Agilent
BioTek Parallel Dispense technology to optimize liquid handling processes.

Unattended automation of ELISA and cell-based assays

The EL406 integrates 96-, 384-, and 1536-well microplate washing with three dispensers in one
compact instrument. Now you can simply press a button and walk away, or automate an entire
batch by adding a BioStack microplate stacker. For entire workflow automation, the EL406 can be
integrated to the BenchCel microplate handler, or the BioSpa 8 automated incubator along with a
with an Agilent BioTek imager or reader.

Dual-Action manifold and Ultrasonic Advantage

The EL406 incorporates the Agilent BioTek Dual-Action manifold for thorough yet gentle washing of
loosely adherent cell layers. Agilent BioTek Ultrasonic Advantage provides integrated ultrasonic
cleaning for the manifold tubes, to automate wash manifold maintenance.

Parallel Dispense technologies

The EL406 eliminates the need to choose a dispensing technology by offering both peristaltic and
syringe pumps on a single platform.

Fast and efficient biomagnetic separation and vacuum filtration

The EL406 automates full microplate washing of magnetic microspheres, which are used in an
increasing number of multiplex assays. Developed in conjunction with Luminex xMAP technology
leaders, Agilent BioTek separation modules incorporate high-energy neodymium iron boron
magnets for speed and efficiency. An available vacuum filtration module makes the EL406 well
suited for polystyrene beads and filtration-to-waste processes.

Typical research applications

– ELISA automation
– MSD assay automation
– HCS immunocytochemistry
– Cell-based assays
– FLIPR Ca2+ flux
– Magnetic-bead assay automation
– Polystyrene-bead assay automation
– Drug transport assays
– Automated cell washing, fixing, and
staining for cellular imaging

Liquid Handling

Technical details
General Dispense 1 µL cassette:
Performance Recommended volume range: 1–50 µL
Microplate Types 96-, 384-, 1536-well
Dispense accuracy: ± 5% at 1 µL
Low profile and standard height
Dispense precision: ≤ 5% CV at 1 µL
Solid and filter bottom (option)
≤ 10% CV at 500 nL
Onboard Software Create, edit, or run multiple protocols Minimum prime volume: 1.20 mL
5 µL cassette:
Software Agilent BioTek LHC software (option)
Recommended volume range: 5–2500 µL
Agilent BioTek LHC Secure software enables 21 CFR Part 11 Dispense accuracy: ± 2.0% at 5 µL
compliance (option) Dispense precision: ≤ 2.5% CV at 5 µL
SiLA compliant driver (option) Minimum prime volume: 4.23 mL
Separation Biomagnetic separation, vacuum filtration (option) 10 µL cassette:
Recommended volume range: 10–3,000 µL
Shaking Programmable up to 60 minutes Dispense accuracy: ± 2.0% at 10 µL
Slow, medium, fast, or variable Dispense precision: 2.0 CV at 10 µL
Soaking Programmable up to 60 minutes Minimum prime volume: 7.36 mL

Ultrasonic Advantage Yes (standard on most configurations) Recommended 1 µL cassette: one-thousand 384-well microplates at 5 µL/well
Cassette 5 µL cassette: one-thousand 96-well microplates at 50 µL/well
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third- Replacement 10 µL cassette: one-thousand 96-well microplates at 100 µL/well
party automation compatible automation compatible Interval
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible Sterilization Autoclave, chemical
Washing Dispensing—Syringe Pump (Multichannel)
Manifold Types 96-well washing: 96-tube manifold Manifold Types 96-well dispensing:
96- and 384-well washing: 96-tube Dual-Action manifold One 16-tube (2 x 8) manifold: 316 stainless steel tubes
384-well washing (fast): 192-tube Dual-Action manifold 96-/384-well dispensing:
1536-well washing: Two 32-tube dispense manifolds, 316 SS Two 16-tube (1 x 16) manifolds: 316 stainless steel tubes
tubes or sapphire-jeweled 316 SS tubes 1536-well dispensing:
Volume Range 3–3,000 µL/well, in 1 µL increments Two 32-tube (1 x 32) manifolds: sapphire-jeweled 316 stainless
steel or 316 stainless steel tubes
Wash Cycles 1–250
Dispensing Speed 20 µL/well, 96 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 5 seconds
Buffer/Reagent Automated buffer switching module for up to four buffers 20 µL/well, 384 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 14 seconds
Selection (option)
3 µL/well, 1536 wells, 2 x 32 tubes: 7 seconds
Supply Bottle 4 or 10 L (optional) Volume Range 3–3,000 µL/well, selectable in 1 µL increments
Dispense Accuracy ± 3% Minimum prime volume: 12 mL

Dispense Precision < 3% CV (model dependent) Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low

Residual Volume < 2 µL/well Dispense ± 1 µL at 5 µL

Accuracy ± 1 µL at 20 µL
Wash Speed 96 wells, 300 µL/well, 96-tube manifold: 13 seconds ± 1% at 100 µL
384 wells, 100 µL/well, 192-tube manifold: 17 seconds
1536 wells, 10 µL/wells, two 32-tube manifolds: 36 seconds Dispense ≤ 5% CV at 5 µL
Precision ≤ 2.5% CV at 20 µL
Flow Rates High to low flow ≤ 1% CV at 100 µL
Optimized rates for cell assays
Supply Bottle 1 or 2 L
Sterilization Chemical
Sterilization Chemical, autoclavable option
Vacuum Range for 0 to –380 mm Hg
Filtration Physical Characteristics

Dispensing—Peristaltic Pump (Multichannel) Power 900 W (maximum)

Consumption 1250 W (maximum with vacuum pump)
Manifold Types 8-tip (1 x 8) cassette with plastic, 316 stainless steel or
sapphire-jeweled 316 stainless steel tips Dimensions 16.5" W x 18" D x 12.5" H (41.9 x 45.7 x 31.8 cm)

Dispense Speed 96 wells, 10 µL/well: 8 seconds Weight 32 lb (14.5 kg)

384 wells, 5 µL/well: 12 seconds
1536 wells, 1 µL/well: 27 seconds
Volume Range 500 nL to 3,000 µL/well, selectable in 1 µL increments
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low
Optimized rates for cell assays

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek 405 TS washer

The Agilent BioTek 405 TS washer takes plate washing to the next level with an enhanced user
interface, increased convenience, assay applications, and automated maintenance features.

The 405 TS washer incorporates all the features and functionality of the prior Agilent BioTek
ELx405 models, and improves accessibility through its touch screen and extensive onboard
software. 96- and 384-well microplate-based wash procedures are only “two touches” away with
the easy-to-use interface. Additionally, two USB ports provide convenient file transfer, storage, and
operation. A context-sensitive Help system and several instructional videos are also included.

The standard for automation

The 405 TS washer makes quick work of any washing assay, and is especially well suited for
integration into automated systems, where the wash process is controlled remotely. The 405 TS
can be integrated with the BioSpa 8 automated incubator for unattended automation of many
common processes.

Cell and bead assays

The 405 TS is available in various models for optimized performance with the most sensitive and
rigorous assay requirements. When the protocol calls for washing loosely adherent cells, angled
dispense tubes, extralow flow rates, and software-adjustable X, Y, and Z positioning enable washing
without cell layer disruption. Magnetic and polystyrene bead washing are effectively accomplished
with the 405 TS.

Verify technology and automated Ultrasonic Advantage cleaning

Agilent BioTek Verify technology runs an automated QC check for manifold tube blockage, and
visually reports any failures. Ultrasonic Advantage can then be used to automatically clean the
manifolds. Together, these features make the 405 TS a self-checking, self-maintaining microplate

Applications in deep well washing

The Agilent BioTek Select deep well washer washes 96- and 384-well plates up to 50 mm tall, and
is also compatible with standard height plates without any hardware or software changes. This
versatile system is optimal for labs working in deep well blocks and standard plates.

Typical research applications

– ELISA automation – ELISPOT assays
– MSD assay automation – Plasmid DNA purification
– HCS immunocytochemistry – Serum/plasma sample preparation
– FLIPR Ca flux
– Cell signaling: phospho flow setup for
– Cell-based assays flow cytometry

– Magnetic- and polystyrene-bead assays – SiLA compliant integration (with Agilent

BioTek Liquid Handling Control ‘LHC’
– Gene expression assays
– Cytokine assays

Liquid Handling

Technical details

Microplate Types 96- and 384-well

Low profile and standard height
Solid and filter bottom (option)
Filter pore sizes from 0.45–1.2 µm

Onboard Software Create, edit, or run multiple protocols

Software Agilent BioTek LHC software
Agilent BioTek LHC Secure enables 21 CFR Part 11 compliance (option)
SiLA compliant driver (option)
Separation Biomagnetic separation, vacuum filtration (optional)
Shaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Slow, medium, fast, or variable
Soaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party automation compatible
Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible

Manifold Types 96-tube manifold for 96-well washing

96-tube Dual-Action manifold for 96- and 384-well washing
192-tube Dual-Action manifold for fast 384-well washing
Volume Range 25–3,000 µL/well, in 1 µL increments
Wash Cycles 1–250
Buffer/Reagent Selection Automated buffer switching (internal) for up to four buffers (option)
Supply Bottle 4 or 10 L (optional)
Dispense Precision < 3% CV: 300 µL/well (96-well washing)
< 4% CV: 80 µL/well (384-well washing)
Residual Volume < 2 µL/well (96- and 384-well plates)
96-tube manifold for 96 wells; 192-tube for 384 wells
Wash Speed 96-wells, 300 µL/well, 3 cycles; ≤ 30 seconds
384-wells,100 µL/well, 3 cycles: ≤ 80 seconds
384-wells, 400 µL/well, 1 cycle: ≤ 20 seconds
Flow Rates High to low flow
Optimized rates for cell assays
Sterilization Chemical
Vacuum Range for Filtration –38 to –506 mm Hg
Ultrasonic Advantage Ultrasonic manifold cleaning (option)
Verify Clog Detection Automated clog detection and reporting (option)
Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 800 W (maximum)

1250 W (maximum with vacuum pump)
Dimensions 14" W x 17" D x 10" H (35.6 x 43.2 x 25.4 cm)
Weight With internal buffer switching: 36 lb (16.5 kg)

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek 50 TS washer

The Agilent BioTek 50 TS washer brings high quality and excellent automated washing to
your laboratory at an affordable price. The robust design, easy-to-use software and excellent
performance are typical of Agilent BioTek microplate washers.

Broad applications range

Applications for the 50 TS extend beyond simple dispense and aspirate routines typical of many
ELISA processes. Fluid delivery can be optimized for gentle cell-based assay washing, and available
modules automate biomagnetic and vacuum filtration protocols. To automate many lower-
throughput workflows, the 50 TS partners well with the 800 TS microplate absorbance reader.

Simple, powerful programming and operation

The 50 TS software includes predefined protocols for quick selection of commonly used wash
parameters. Creating custom protocols onboard the 50 TS is easy: the touch screen interface
makes multistep program creation intuitive and simple. Protocols are saved for quick recall. From
just a single strip to a full microplate, the 50 TS washes quickly, efficiently, and reliably.

Automated buffer switching

To facilitate maintenance or to accommodate complex wash routines, the 50 TS offers automated

switching between supply bottles. Automated buffer switching is an affordable option for the 50 TS.

Reliable, safe, and low maintenance

Liquid level sensors will alert you to low supply or full waste levels, allowing wash programs to
run safely and reliably. Predefined, automated maintenance routines keep the fluid path clean and
prevent buildup of salt, protein, or other material that can block manifold tubes, causing inadequate
washing. Agilent BioTek understands the importance of performance and data verification:
the 50 TS product qualification package provides simple, straightforward instructions for
verification of the 50 TS performance over time.

Typical research applications

– Cell-based assays
– Biomagnetic separation protocols
– ELISpot assays
– Vacuum filtration protocols
– Multiplex assays

Liquid Handling

Technical details
Microplate Types 96 wells
96 and 384 wells (“16” configurations)
Low profile and standard height
24 wells (with 4-well manifold)
Solid and filter bottom (“V” models)
Filter pore sizes 0.45–1.2 µm
Onboard Software Up to 75 user-programmable protocols
Quick menu
Create or edit custom protocols
Run protocols created onboard or downloaded from Agilent BioTek LHC software

Software Agilent BioTek LHC software, for external computer control and operation (optional)
Separation Biomagnetic separation (“M” configurations)
Vacuum filtration (“F” configurations)
Shaking Programmable in mm:ss up to 30 minutes
Soaking Programmable in mm:ss up to 30 minutes
User Interface 4.3” color LCD touch screen display
Manifolds Manifold Type Plate Type
4-well manifold 24-well
8-well manifold 96-well
8s-well manifold (short dispense tube) 96-well
2 x 8-well manifold 96-well
12-well manifold 96-well
16-well manifold 96- and 384-well
Volume Range 25–3,000 µL/well
Wash Cycles 1–10
Buffer/Reagent Selection Automated buffer switching module for up to three buffers (“V” configurations)
Dispense Precision Plate Type Manifold Performance
96-well 8- and 8s-well ≤ 3.0% CV when measured over six 300 µL/well dispenses of deionized water with 0.1% Tween 20
96-well 12-well ≤ 3.0% CV when measured over four 300 µL/well dispenses of deionized water with 0.1% Tween 20
384-well 8-, 16-well ≤ 4.0% CV when measured over six 100 µL/well dispenses of deionized water with 0.1% Tween 20
96-well 2 x 8-well ≤ 4.0% CV when measured over six 300 µL/well dispenses (whole plate) of deionized water with 0.1%
Tween 20
24-well 4-well ≤ 4.0% CV when measured over six 1120 µL/well dispenses of deionized water with 0.1% Tween 20
Residual Volume Plates Manifold Performance (Average Residual/Well)
96-well 8-well, 12-well ≤ 2.0 µL/well after 3-cycle wash, 300 µL/well dispensed
96-well 2 x 8-well ≤ 4.0 µL/well after 3-cycle wash, 300 µL/well dispensed
384-well 8-, 16-well ≤ 4.0 µL/well after 1-cycle wash, 100 µL/well dispensed
24-well 4-well ≤ 5.0 µL
96-well filter 8-, 2 x 8-, 12-well < 1.2 g increase after blotting
Wash Speed 96 wells, 8-tube manifold, > 300 µL/well: < 130 seconds
Fluid Delivery One positive displacement syringe drive
Physical Characteristics
Power Consumption 40 W (maximum)
Dimensions 15’ W x 15” D x 8” H (38.1 x 38.1 x 20.3 cm)
Weight 22 lb (9.9 kg)
Liquid Handling

Washer comparison chart

406 FX EL406 MultiFlo FX

Key Features

96-/384-Well Microplates • • •

6-, 12-, 24-, 48-Well Microplates •

96-/384-Deep Well Microplates

1536-Well Microplates • •

24-Well Microplates

Full Microplates • • •

Strip Microplates •

Vacuum Filtration • •

Biomagnetic Separation • •

Dual-Action Manifold • •

Ultrasonic Advantage • •

Verify Technology

Optimized Cell Washing • • •

BenchCel Compatible • • •

BioSpa 8 Compatible • •

BioStack Compatible • • •

LHC Software Compatible • • •

Touch Screen UI • •

USB Flash Drive Port •

Liquid Handling

405 TS 405 LS ELx405 Select 50 TS

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

• •

• • • •

• •

• • •

• • • •

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser

Agilent BioTek MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser is an automated multimode reagent dispenser
for 6- to 1536-well plates, dispensing volumes as low as 500 nL. Several available modules
expand its versatility and applications. A fully configured MultiFlo FX can replace up to five liquid

Parallel Dispense technologies

A combination of peristaltic- and microprocesser-controlled syringe pump dispensers enables

MultiFlo FX users to choose which is best for a specific reagent. Peristaltic pumps offer low
prime volumes and backflush capabilities, and syringe drives are program-and-forget solutions
that never require recalibration.

Random Access Dispensing (RAD)

When the liquid handling workflow calls for individual well dispensing along with rapid bulk
dispensing, RAD module provides single-channel dispensing to discrete wells of 6- to 384-well
plates. A custom plate map can be imported for use in concentration normalization protocols.

Wash module

The wash module automates 6- to 384-well plate washing, using a precise syringe-driven
dispense pump. A MultiFlo FX configured with multiple dispensers and the wash module provides
astounding liquid handling versatility.

Automated Media Exchange (AMX)

With the AMX module, MultiFlo FX can meet the needs of important research that uses 3D cell
structures such as spheroids and tumoroids, plus suspension cell-based applications. The AMX
module provides automated, gentle media exchange for these critical workflows.

Modular and upgradable

The MultiFlo FX is configurable and upgradable from dispense or wash only, to a combined dispense
and wash combination, plus AMX or single-channel dispensing with the RAD modules. MultiFlo
FX fits on any lab bench, and is easily integrated with the BenchCel microplate handler, BioSpa 8
automated incubator or BioStack microplate stacker.

Typical research applications

– Live cell workflows
– Automated media exchange
– 2D and 3D cell culture
– Cell fix and staining for imaging
– Concentration normalization
– Suspension cell culture
– Cell seeding

Liquid Handling

Technical details
General Supply Bottle 1 or 2 L

Microplate Types Dispensing (peristaltic pump and syringe) Sterilization Method Chemical, autoclavable option
96-, 384-, and 1536-well standard, deep and PCR plates; 6-.
12-, 24,- and 48-well plates (dispense tip configurable)
Washing Wash Volume Range 20–30,000 µL/well
96- and 384-well standard plates; 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-well
plates (with compatible manifold configuration) Wash Cycles 1–10

Onboard Software Create, edit, or run multiple protocols Wash Speed 96-wells, 8-tube manifold, 3 cycles, 300 µL/well: < 130 seconds

Software (Computer Agilent BioTek LHC2 software Dispense Accuracy ± 3%

Control) Agilent BioTek LHC2 Secure software enables 21 CFR Part 11 Dispense Precision 96-/384-well plates, 300 µL/well: < 3% CV
compliance (option)
6-well plates, 5560 µL/well: < 5% CV
SiLA Compliant driver (option)
Residual Volume 96-well plate, 300 µL/well: < 2 µL/well
Shaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Slow, medium, fast, or variable Bottle Capacity 2 L supply and waste
Soaking Programmable up to 60 minutes Waste Level Yes
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party
automation compatible Sterilization Method Chemical
Agilent BioSpa 8 automated incubator compatible
Agilent BenchCel compatible Media Exchange—AMX Module

Dispensing—Peristaltic Pump (Multichannel) Manifold Types Two 8-channel autoclavable manifolds

Cassettes Autoclavable cassettes with 5 µL tubing
Manifold Types 1 x 8 tube, sapphire-jeweled 316 SS, 316 SS, or polypropylene
tips Dispense Precision ≤ 5% CV
Fluid Delivery One or two peristaltic pumps Dispense Accuracy ≤ ± 5%
Dispense Speed 96 wells, 5 µL cassette, 10 µL/well: 3 seconds Aspiration Uniformity ≤ ± 5%
384 wells, 5 µL cassette, 5 µL/well: 6.5 seconds
384 wells, 1 µL cassette, 1 µL/well: 6 seconds Sterilization Method Cassettes and manifolds: chemical and autoclavable
1536 wells, 1 µL cassette, 1 µL/well: 21 seconds Dispensing—RAD Module
Dispense Volume 500 nL to 300 µL/well, selectable in 1 µL increments Microplate Types Single tip: 6-to 384-well plates; low profile, standard height, and
Range deep well formats
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low 8-to-1 tip: 6-, 12-, and 24-well plates

Dispense 1 µL cassette: recommended range: 1–50 µL Other Labware 96-well cluster tubes (minitubes) up to 50 mm height (requires
Performance Accuracy: + 5% at 1 µL Supported custom carrier p/n 7212042)
Precision: < 5% CV at 1 µL
< 10% CV at 500 nL Manifold Types RAD single, with plastic or steel tip with 1, 5, or 10 µL tubing,
Minimum prime volume: 1.20 mL 7° angle
RAD 8-to-1 plastic tip, with 5 µL tubing, angled bulk dispense
5 µL cassette: recommended range: 5–2500 µL chute
Accuracy: + 2.0% at 5 µL
Volume Range 500 nL to 30,000 µL
Precision: < 2.5% CV at 5 µL
Minimum prime volume: 4.23 mL Minimum Prime 1 µL cassette, 18”: 90 µL; 1 µL cassette, 30”: 150 µL
Volume 5 µL cassette, 18”: 320 µL; 1 µL cassette, 30”: 530 µL
10 µL cassette: recommended range: 10–3,000 µL 10 µL cassette, 18”: 555 µL; 10 µL cassette, 30”: 920 µL
Dispense accuracy: + 2.0% at 10 µL
Dispense precision: < 2.0% CV at 10 µL Dispense Speed 1 µL cassette, 1 µL/well: 19 seconds (96 wells), 19 seconds
Minimum prime volume: 7.36 mL (High Flow Rate) (384 wells)
5 µL cassette, 5 µL/well: 19 seconds (96 wells), 58 seconds
Dispensing—Syringe Pump (Multichannel)
(384 wells)
Manifold Types 96- and 384-well dispensing: 10 µL cassette, 10 µL/well: 21seconds (96 wells), 66 seconds
One 16-tube (2 x 8) manifolds: 316 SS tubes (384 wells)
Two 16-tube (1 x 16) manifolds: 316 SS tubes
Dispense 1 µL cassette (medium), 0.5 µL/well: precision 10% CV
1536-well dispensing: Performance 1 µL cassette (medium), > 2 µL/well: accuracy + 5%,
Two 32-tube (1 x 32) manifolds: sapphire-jeweled 316 SS or precision 5% CV
316 SS tubes 5 µL cassette (high), > 10 µL/well: accuracy + 2%,
6- to 48-well dispensing: custom autoclavable manifolds precision 2.5% CV
available 10 µL cassette (high), > 20 µL/well: accuracy + 2%,
precision 2% CV
Fluid Delivery Two positive displacement syringe drives 8-to-1 cassette (high), > 10 µL/well: precision 2.5% CV
Dispense Speed 20 µL/well, 96 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 5 seconds 8-to-1 cassette (high), > 80 µL/well: accuracy + 2%
20 µL/well, 384 wells, 1 x 16 tubes: 14 seconds Physical Characteristics
3 µL/well, 1536 wells, 2 x 32 tubes: 7 seconds
Power Consumption 90 W (maximum)
Volume Range 3–3,000 µL/well selectable in 1 µL increments
Minimum prime volume: 12 mL Dimensions Base instrument: 17.2" W x 11.8" D x 8" H
(43.7 x 29.9 x 20.3 cm)
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low
Weight Base instrument: 19.5 lb (8.8 kg)
Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL at 5 µL and 20 µL
± 1% at 100 µL Connectivity Two USB ports: protocol storage/transfer and for optional
external mouse or keyboard
Dispense Precision < 5% CV at 5 µL
< 2.5% CV at 20 µL
< 1% CV at 100 µL 59
Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek MicroFill dispenser

With its microprocessor-controlled syringe drive technology, the Agilent BioTek MicroFill dispenser
provides outstanding accuracy and precision while dispensing into 24-, 96-, and 384-well plates.

Low-maintenance design

The MicroFill is an economical, compact, and reliable alternative to conventional microplate

dispensers. Its microprocessor-controlled syringe pump provides optimal dispense performance
without time-consuming recalibration, cassette replacement, and maintenance. Syringes are
ideal for higher-volume filling, with noteworthy speed improvements compared to other dispense

Guaranteed sterility

The entire fluid path is autoclavable for applications requiring sterility. The MicroFill pump, tubing,
dispense manifold, and supply bottle are quickly changed with no reagent carryover. User-controlled
dispense flow rates allow low- to high-velocity dispensing for both biochemical and cell-based
assays. Low profile, standard, and deep well microplates are all accommodated with a broad
volume range from 5 µL to 6 mL.

Unattended operation

For increased throughput, the MicroFill can be integrated with the BioStack microplate stacker, or
interfaced to third-party automated systems with its available interface software. MicroFill drivers
are available from most of today’s leading system providers.

Typical research applications

– Primary and secondary screening assays
– Compound storage
– Genomics and proteomics research
– Cell-based assays

Liquid Handling

Technical details

Microplate Types 24-, 96-, and 384-well

Low-profile, standard, and deep-well formats
Other Labware PCR tubes, microtubes
Onboard Software Create, edit, or run multiple protocols
Software (PC Control) Interface software (optional) for robotic system integration
Shaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Slow, medium, fast, or variable
Soaking Programmable up to 60 minutes
Automation Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker and third-party automation compatible
Dispensing—Syringe Pump (Multichannel)

Manifold Types 24-well dispensing:

One 8-tube (1 x 8) manifold: 316 stainless steel tubes
96-well dispensing:
One 8-tube (1 x 8) manifold: 316 stainless steel tubes
96-/384-well dispensing:
One 16-tube (1 x 16) manifold: 316 stainless steel tubes

Dispense Speed 96 wells, 10 µL/well, 1 x 16: 4 seconds

384 wells, 5 µL/well, 1 x 16: 7 seconds
Volume Range 5–6,000 µL/well (manifold dependent)
Minimum prime volume: 10 mL
Flow Rates User-programmable rates from high to low
Dispense Accuracy ± 1 µL at 5 µL and 20 µL
± 1% at 100 µL
Dispense Precision ≤ 5% CV at 5 µL
≤ 2.5% CV at 20 µL
≤ 1% CV at 100 µL
Supply Bottle 1L
Sterilization Autoclave, chemical
Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 40 W (maximum)

Dimensions 15” W x 18” D x 7” H (38.1 x 45.7 x 17.8 cm)
Weight 20 lb (9.1 kg)

Liquid Handling

Dispenser comparison chart

406 FX EL406


Microplate Types 96, 384, and 1536, standard and low profile 96, 384, and 1536, standard and low profile

Up to two peristaltic dispense pump modules One peristaltic dispense pump module
Modules Available
Up to two dual syringe pump modules One dual syringe pump module

Number of Reagents 1–6 1–3

Dispense Technology Peristaltic pump, syringe pump Peristaltic pump, syringe pump

Fully Modular and Upgradable • •

Automation Ready/BioStack Compatible • •
BenchCel Compatible • •
BioSpa 8 Compatible •
Variable Flow Rates • •
Volume Range 1–3,000 µL/well 1–3,000 µL/well

Microplate Shaking • •
Autoclavable Fluid Path • •
Onboard Software Included • •
LHC Software Compatible • •
Key Features and Application Areas

Cell-Based Assays • •
Bulk Reagent Dispensing • •
Single-Well Dispense

Automated Media Exchange • •


Dispensing Speed

Peristaltic Pump (8-tip, 1 x 8), 96-Well, 10 µL/

8 seconds; 12 seconds 8 seconds; 12 seconds
Well; 384-Well, 5 µL/Well

Syringe pump (16-tube, 1 x 16), 96-Well, 20 µL/

5.25 seconds; 14 seconds 5.25 seconds; 14 seconds
Well; 384-Well, 20 µL/Well

Dispense accuracy: at 5 µL,

± 2%; ± 1 µL ± 2%; ± 1 µL
Peristaltic Pump; Syringe Pump

Dispense precision: at 5 µL,

≤ 2.5% CV; ≤ 5% CV ≤ 2.5% CV; ≤ 5% CV
Peristaltic Pump; Syringe Pump

Liquid Handling

MultiFlo FX MicroFill

6 to 1536 standard, low profile and deep well 24, 96 and 384 standard, low profile and deep well

Wash module
AMX Automated Media Exchange module
RAD Random Access Dispense module
Peristaltic dispense pump module
Dual syringe pump module

1–5 1

Peristaltic pump
Single syringe pump
Dual syringe pump

• •

500 nL to 30,000 µL/well 5–6,000 µL/well

• •
• •

• •
• •
• •
RAD module

AMX module

3 seconds; 6 seconds n/a

5.25 seconds; 14 seconds 4 seconds; 7 seconds

± 2%; ± 1 µL n/a; ± 1 µL

≤ 2.5% CV; ≤ 5% CV n/a; ≤ 5% CV

Liquid Handling

Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling Control (LHC) software

Agilent BioTek Liquid Handling Control (LHC) software allows the MultiFlo FX dispenser,
406 FX washer dispenser, EL406 washer dispenser, and 405 TS washer users the convenience
of programming important assay-specific protocol requirements in a Microsoft Windows

Expanded versatility

LHC software is a powerful yet flexible interface for use with Agilent BioTek microplate dispensers
and washers. Any programming sequence possible onboard the liquid handler may be duplicated
from the computer with LHC software. LHC also allows a virtually unlimited number of methods
to be linked together for the most complex liquid handling routines. From a washer’s first prime
routine, to multiple microplate processes over time, and ultrasonic cleaning to dissolve protein or
salt crystal build-up to a final system rinse, LHC software enables unattended operation.

21 CFR Part 11 compliance

To meet the demands of the GxP laboratory, LHC Secure software offers features to ensure
compliance to 21 CFR Part 11. Flexible multi-user permission levels, and electronic protocol, and
system audit trail signing are all available whenever additional security is required.

Custom maintenance reminders

To facilitate maintenance and keep a washer or dispenser in peak condition, factory-

recommended maintenance procedure reminders can be preset and customized appropriately
for a busy laboratory’s usage and throughput requirements. LHC also supports the BioStack
microplate stacker and BioSpa automated incubator integrations.

Safe record keeping

Protocol parameters may be quickly printed for safe record keeping. Alternatively, onboard
instrument protocols may be uploaded and backed up on a laboratory’s network. Satellite
research labs working on joint projects can be certain their wash parameters are identical for
experimental integrity.

SiLA compliant drivers

For automated systems that require SiLA compliant integration, LHC SiLA is available.

Liquid Handling


Agilent BenchCel microplate handler

The Agilent BenchCel microplate handler is a compact, automated system that can be integrated
with Agilent BioTek plate washers, dispensers, plate readers, and imagers, enabling automated
workflows for a variety of applications. The high-speed robot has capacities to meet a broad range
of throughput requirements, and its modular design provides the flexibility and scalability required to
accommodate many diverse laboratory applications.

Open, flexible platform automates a variety of workflows

BenchCel fully automates workflows between several Agilent BioTek liquid handling, detection,
and imaging instruments, including:

– Multiflo FX multimode dispenser

– 406 FX washer dispenser
– EL406 washer dispenser
– Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader
– Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader
– Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer

ELISA workflow automation

The BenchCel microplate handler with an EL406 washer dispenser and Synergy Neo2 hybrid
multimode reader can batch process several ELISA plates. Automated plate washing, reagent
addition, and absorbance measurements facilitate the process to get results quickly.

Flexible scheduling software

Agilent VWorks automation control software offers an intuitive graphical interface and dynamic
scheduling capabilities. Users can create and run protocols, forms, and monitor progress of their
workflows from VWorks.

Several stack sizes—variety of vessels

BenchCel’s convenient front-loading stacks can be used in a wide variety of environments: bench
top, hood, or biosafety cabinet. They accommodate a variety of microplate types including deep
well plates.

Typical research applications

– Automated ELISA workflows
– Automated add and read assays
– Automated cell fixation, staining, and imaging


Technical details
Dimensions—Agilent BenchCel 2R/4R Microplate Handler General

Overall Height 250 mm stacks 27.8 in 70.1 cm Microplate Types ANSI/SLAS standard microplates,
deep well plates
660 mm stacks 43.8 in 111.1 cm
Capacity: Number of Stacks BenchCel is available in two- or four-stack versions
860 mm stacks 51.8 in 131.6 cm for a range of throughput requirements
Dimensions—Agilent BenchCel 2R Microplate Handler

Liquid Handler Reader/Imager Width Width Depth Depth Stack Height/Capacity 860 mm (34”)/61
(in) (cm) (in) (cm) (14 mm Plates) 660 mm (26”)/47
250 mm (10”)/17
EL406 Epoch 2 56.52 143.56 18.80 47.75
Stack Type Front loading: when opened, rack accepts stack of
EL406 Neo2 64.09 162.79 20.32 51.61 plates for efficiency and convenience
EL406 Cytation 5 62.82 159.56 20.77 52.76
EL406 35.48 90.12 17.27 43.87 Instrument Compatibility Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader
Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader
MultiFlo FX with Wash Epoch 2 58.13 147.65 20.83 52.91 Epoch 2 microplate spectrophotometer
MultiFlo FX with Wash Neo2 65.61 166.65 22.35 56.77 406 FX washer dispenser
EL406 washer dispenser
MultiFlo FX with Wash Cytation 5 64.34 163.42 22.80 57.91 MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser
MultiFlo FX with Wash 37.02 94.03 18.94 48.11 Software Agilent VWorks automation control software,
MultiFlo FX without Wash Epoch 2 58.08 147.52 14.80 37.59 integrated with Agilent BioTek Gen5, LHC, and LHC2
Secure software
MultiFlo FX without Wash Neo2 65.61 166.65 16.16 41.05
Safety Features Safety shield, emergency-stop pendant
MultiFlo FX without Wash Cytation 5 64.34 163.42 16.57 42.09
Sensors Plate-presence sensor, rack-presence sensor, plate
MultiFlo FX without Wash NA 37.02 94.03 12.85 32.64 orientation sensor
Epoch 2 38.08 96.72 12.68 32.21
Neo2 45.63 115.90 15.35 38.99
Cytation 5 44.35 112.65 16.34 41.50
Dimensions—Agilent BenchCel 4R Microplate Handler

Liquid Handler Reader/Imager Width Width Depth Depth

(in) (cm) (in) (cm)

EL406 Epoch 2 73.52 186.74 18.80 47.75

EL406 Neo2 81.09 205.97 20.32 51.61
EL406 Cytation 5 79.82 202.74 20.77 52.76
EL406 52.48 133.30 17.27 43.87
MultiFlo FX with Wash Epoch 2 75.13 190.83 20.83 52.91
MultiFlo FX with Wash Neo2 82.61 209.83 22.35 56.77
MultiFlo FX with Wash Cytation 5 81.34 206.60 22.80 57.91
MultiFlo FX with Wash 54.02 137.21 18.94 48.11
MultiFlo FX without Wash Epoch 2 75.08 190.70 14.80 37.59
MultiFlo FX without Wash Neo2 82.61 209.83 16.16 41.05
MultiFlo FX without Wash Cytation 5 81.34 206.60 16.57 42.09
MultiFlo FX without Wash NA 54.02 137.21 12.85 32.64
Epoch 2 55.08 139.90 12.68 32.21
Neo2 62.63 159.08 15.35 38.99
Cytation 5 61.35 155.83 16.34 41.50

BenchCel 2R Without stacks: 60 lb With 660 mm stacks: 72 lb

(28 kg) (32.5 kg)

BenchCel 4R Without stacks: 87 lb With 660 mm stacks: 107 lb

(32.5 kg) (48.6 kg)

Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker

Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker is a compact and versatile microplate stacker
compatible with Agilent BioTek microplate washers, dispensers, pipetting, detection, and imaging
systems. BioStack is easy to use, and provides walk-away automation for routine processes,
including processes requiring plate delidding and relidding.
Fast transfer speeds
BioStack takes less than 10 seconds to remove and replace plates on the instrument carrier.
BioStack is well-suited for high-throughput plate stacking requirements with Agilent BioTek
readers, washers and dispensers.
Plate delidding
Many cell-based microplate processes require lidded plates during incubation and to protect
sterility. Typically, automation of these processes meant purchasing an expensive microplate
handler to delid the plates for measurement or liquid handling operations. Agilent BioTek BioStack
4 microplate stacker offers plate delidding and relidding for use with cell-based assays.
Multiple microplate geometry compatible
BioStack is compatible with standard 96- and 384-well plates, low-volume 384- and 1536-well
plates. The BioStack 4 adds 24- and 48-well plates to its menu of compatible microplate labware,
providing higher throughput in a walk-away system for a variety of microplate geometries. An
available barcode scanner provides additional automation for high-throughput plate processing.
Plate IDs are read and sent to the plate data file in Gen5, Gen6, or LHC software for storage or export.
10-, 30-, or 50-microplate stacks
Choose between 10-, 30-, or 50-plate stacks to best suit your throughput requirements. Low-volume,
half-height plates are also compatible, with up to a 75-plate capacity in the 50-plate stack.
Compact, rugged design
BioStack allows worry-free operation, even under the heaviest usage. The motors, mechanical
assemblies, and software are all designed for long-term, continuous, and maintenance-free use.
The rotational gripper and small footprint allows for integration position versatility, optimal fit
within a biosafety enclosure, or for space savings on the benchtop.

Typical research applications

– Cell-based assays
– Primary screening assays
– Colorimetric, fluorometric, and luminescence assays


Technical details
BioStack 4 BioStack 3 • BioStack Neo • BioStack


Microplate Types ANSI/SLAS standard and low-profile 96-, 384-, and 1536-well plates ANSI/SLAS standard and low-profile 96-, 384-, and 1536-well plates
24- and 48-well plates (model dependent) Maximum plate height: 14.6 mm
Maximum plate height: 23.2 mm
Lidded Plate Handling Delidding capability: (lids always removed during processing) 96-, 384-, n/a
and 1536-well plates
Maximum height, including lids: 16.9 mm

Nunc plates: (lids can remain on plate during process, or can be

removed) 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-well plates
Maximum height, including lids: 23.2 mm
Microplate Capacity 10- and 30-plate stacks are removable and interchangeable (50-plate 10-, 30-, and 50-plate stacks are removable
stacks may be used with nonlidded plates only) and interchangeable

96-/384-well plates: up to 30 plates (with lids) 96-/384-well plates: up to 50 plates

1536-well plates: up to 75 plates 1536-well plates: up to 75 plates
Barcode Scanner Landscape or portrait orientation, Code 39, Codabar, UPC/EAN, Code Landscape or portrait orientation, Code 39, Codabar, UPC/EAN, Code
(Option) 128 compatible 128 compatible
1D and 2D barcodes: Agilent BioTek BioStack Neo microplate stacker

Processing Speed < 20 seconds (with delidding) < 10 seconds: Agilent BioTek BioStack 3/Neo microplate stacker
(Plate Exchange Time) < 12 seconds (without lids) < 33 seconds: Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker
Direct Control Washers and dispensers with keypad Washers and dispensers with keypad
interface can directly control Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker interface can directly control Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker
Software (PC Control) Agilent BioTek LHC software for liquid handling instruments (optional) Agilent BioTek LHC software for liquid handling instruments (optional)
Agilent BioTek Gen5 software for imagers Agilent BioTek Gen5 for imagers
Agilent BioTek Gen6 for readers
Physical Characteristics

Power Consumption 40 W (maximum) 40 W (maximum)

Dimensions 8.3” W x 22” D (21.1 x 55.9 cm) Agilent BioTek BioStack and BioStack Neo microplate stacker
7.4” W x 20.7” D (18.8 x 52.6 cm)
Overall height will vary depending on
connected instruments and stacks used Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker
7” W x 18.5” D (17.8 x 47.0 cm)
Overall height will vary depending on
connected instruments and stacks used
Weight < 25 lb (11.3 kg) < 25 lb (11.3 kg)


Related instruments—a solution for your workflow

Agilent BioTek offers a wide range of related instruments and accessories to help automate
processes, increase productivity, and expand the applications reach of your microplate reader.

BenchCel microplate handler

The BenchCel microplate handler integrates to Synergy Neo2, Cytation 5, and Epoch 2, along with
406 FX, EL406, and MultiFlo FX liquid handlers, to automate workflows, including ELISA, add/read
protocols, and cell fixing, staining, and imaging processes.

BioStack microplate stacker

Automate routine microplate washing or dispensing processes with the compact BioStack
microplate stacker. BioStack 4 offers plate delidding and relidding for sensitive cell-based
workflows. BioStack Neo is a dedicated stacker offering super-fast plate processing exclusively
for Synergy Neo2.


BioSpa 8 automated incubator

BioSpa 8 automated incubator links Agilent BioTek readers and imagers together with washers
and dispensers. This integration provides a full workflow automation of up to eight microplates or
other labware. Temperature, CO2/O2 control, humidity monitoring, and lid handling ensure an ideal
environment for cell cultures. BioSpa software records session timelines and environmental
conditions, and sends text and email alerts during long- and short-term runs. Link a washer,
dispenser, plate reader, or imager for complete workflow automation.

Dual-reagent injector
Dual-reagent injector module enables applications that require rapid inject/read functions, like
calcium flux assays. Two precision syringes supply rapid injection of 5 to 1,000 µL in 1 µL
increments, directly into the microplate wells inside the reading or imaging chamber. Injectors are
available for Lionheart FX, Cytation, Synergy Neo2, Synergy H1, and Synergy HTX. The flexible
dual-reagent injector module automates precise reagent additions while saving time in your

CO2/O2 controller
The CO2 and O2 gas controller has control over CO2 and O2 concentrations within the instrument
environment to facilitate live cell assays. The controller regulates the environment for pH buffering
or to create a hypoxic condition. Automation of live cell-based assays in microplates allows for
high-throughput analysis and requires cell-friendly microplate instrumentation. Automated live cell
assays enable walk-away processes and increased laboratory efficiency.


AutoScratch wound making tool

The AutoScratch wound making tool automatically creates reproducible scratch wounds in cell
monolayers grown in 24- or 96-well microplates for cell migration and invasion studies.
AutoScratch automates the sample preparation for imaging using Cytation cell imaging multimode
readers and Lionheart automated microscopes. The Scratch Assay app automates image
collection and analysis of wound width, wound confluence, and maximum wound healing rate.

Take3 microvolume plate

Microvolume quantification is fast and easy with the Take3 microvolume plate, used in your
Agilent BioTek microplate reader. Measure multiple 2 µL samples at a time, without diluting and
the need for specialized equipment. Preprogrammed nucleic acid and protein protocols in the
Take3 app make quantification fast and easy. Take3 handles up to 16 samples at a time; the Take3
Trio supports up to 48 samples at a time.

Peltier cooling module

The Peltier cooling module promotes a rapid interior cool down after incubated processes. The
rapid cooling enables efficient switching between multiple applications without unwanted
temperature influences. For temperature-sensitive assays typically run at ambient or room
temperature, the cooling module maintains environmental stability within the Agilent BioTek
Cytation instrument. This stability allows < 1 °C rise in ambient temperature, regardless of external
and internal temperature fluctuation. Rigorous temperature control gives you confidence in your
assay results.


Automated Media Exchange (AMX) module

The AMX module for the MultiFlo FX multimode dispenser enables gentle automated media
exchange. This process protects and encourages proliferation of spheroids, tumoroids, and
other 3D cell structures, and 2D and suspension cells in microplate-based assays. The AMX
module uses both peristaltic pumps: one to dispense, and one to aspirate media from
the plate wells.

Dispense and waste systems

Robust reagent supply and waste removal systems are critical elements to many liquid
handling operations. Agilent BioTek offers a complete line of supply and waste systems to
accommodate low- to high-throughput workflows. High-quality bottles with available 4, 10,
and 20 L capacity plus standard and high-flow pumps or direct drain systems offer options
that provide the best performance for your washing and dispensing systems.

Replacement cassettes
Agilent BioTek offers replacement cassettes for Agilent BioTek dispensers and washers
equipped with one or more peristaltic pumps. A range of tubing diameters and tip types
allows you to choose the cassette that is most appropriate for your application. Cassettes
can be easily and quickly ordered online from Microplate Dispenser Cassettes, BioTek
Dispensers | Agilent.

Learn more and buy online:

Get answers to your technical questions and

access resources in the Agilent Community:

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022, 2023

Published in the USA, November 3, 2023

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