Basic Os Concepts

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CSC 205


• An operating system (OS) is a system software
that allows users; applications and the
computer hardware to interact.
• It is a link allowing various parts of a computer
system to communicate and coordinate with
each other.
• The goal of the OS is to ensure that the
computer system works correctly and
efficiently in a manner that is easy to use.
Definition (contd)
• An OS serves as a basis for application
software and acts as an intermediary between
the computer user and computer hardware.
• Different operating systems in different
computing environments would vary in the
way they accomplish tasks and so the goals of
the computer system usually define how its
operating system would be designed.
Diagrammatic representation of the
various components of a computer
system and how they interact
• Source: Google
Functions of the OS
• Resource management: System resources include the CPU, memory,
network bandwidth, storage, I/O devices, etc. The are computer
components that are available in limited portions. Since they contribute to
the computer’s over all performance, they need to be managed such that
there will be optimal performance. The OS is responsible for how the
computer resources are managed.

• Process management: A process is a program in execution. In a multi-

programming environment, the OS decides the order in which processes
have access to the processor, and how much processing time each process
has. An operating system manages the CPU’s work by allocating various
processes to it and ensuring that each process receives enough time from
the processor to function properly.
It also keeps track of the status of processes. Additionally, the OS allocates
the CPU to a process and de-allocates it when a process is no longer
• Memory management:
The operating system manages the primary or main memory (i.e. the RAM).
Main memory is made up of a large array of bytes or words and each byte or
word is assigned a certain address. Main memory is fast storage and it can be
accessed directly by the CPU. For a program to be executed, it should be first
loaded in the main memory. An operating system manages the allocation and
deallocation of memory to various processes and ensures that the other
process does not consume the memory allocated to one process. To
effectivelt manage memory, an OS performs the following activities :
 It keeps track of primary memory, i.e., which bytes of memory are used by
which user program. The memory addresses that have already been
allocated and the memory addresses of the memory that has not yet been
 In multiprogramming, the OS decides the order in which processes are
granted memory access, and for how long.
 It Allocates the memory to a process when the process requests it and
deallocates the memory when the process has terminated or is
performing an I/O operation.
• I/O management: In order to carry out this task the OS does the
 keeps track of all devices connected to the system. Designates a
program responsible for every device known as the Input/Output
 decides which process gets access to a certain device and for how
 allocates devices effectively and efficiently; deallocates devices
when they are no longer required.
 there are various input and output devices. An OS controls the
working of these input-output devices.
 receives the requests from these devices, performs a specific task,
and communicates back to the requesting process.
• Security and protection: The operating system protects
user data using password protection and similar other
techniques. It prevents unauthorized access to user data
and programs and ensures confidentiality and authorization
through various means. The operating system also carries
out its security function by preventing inter-process
interference in system memory while running various
• Storage management: The OS handles management of
secondary storage media. This includes how to store data
on the hard disk and how the user will access them,
creation of files and directories, reading and writing data
on files an directories and copying file contents from one
system location to another.
History of operating systems
The first digital computer was built by Charles Babbage. He
never got it working properly as his ideas did not match with
the technology of the time. It did not have an operating
First Generation Computers
• They used vacuum tubes and some were programmable.
• In that era, a single group of people (usually engineers)
designed, built, programmed, operated and maintained
each machine.
• Operating systems were unheard of. The usual mode of
operation was for programmers to sign up for a block of
time using a sign up sheet and get into the machine room.
Second generation (Transistors and batch systems)
• The machines used transistors and were called mainframes.
• Jobs were run on computers.
• To run a job, a programmer would write the program on paper,
punch it into a punch card and give it to the operator in the input
room. There was an input and an output room.
• The machines were really expensive and the time spent running
programs was not commensurate to the money spent on
purchasing them. So the batch system was adopted.
• Jobs were batched for about an hour. The cards were read onto a
magnetic tape, and a special program was loaded on the system
(which is the ancestor of today’s OS).
• The OS reads the first job, runs it and writes the output onto a
second tape, which holds the batch of output, which is loaded to
another computer that prints the output.
Third generation computers (ICs and multiprogramming)
• Computer manufacturers of that time produced two types of
computers. One for scientific purposes and the other for
commercial purposes.
• The scientific computers did more of calculations and used more of
the CPU than I/O time than the commercial computers that did less
calculations and had more I/O and less CPU requirements.
• IBM eventually merged both functions into one computer and that
meant there was need to produce an OS that does
• Previously, CPU sat idle as I/O took place. However, with
multiprogramming, while one job was waiting for I/O to complete,
another job used the CPU.
• With time, time sharing operating systems were also developed.
Fourth and fifth generation computers:
• In these generations of computers, operating
systems as we know them today were developed.
They include single use, single tasking operating
systems such as MS-DOS, and other multitasking
operating systems like Mac and Windows on PCs.
• In the fifth generation, mobile computers and
personal handheld devices were developed along
with their operating systems.
Types of operating systems
Types of operating systems include but are not limited to the following:
• Batch operating systems: This type of OS deals with jobs. Here, there is no
direct interaction between the user and the computer system, therefore it
is referred to as a non- interactive OS. Jobs having similar requirements
are grouped into batches by the OS and processing is done in batches.
Batch systems are preferred where there are multiple users and with large
work to be done repeatedly.

• Multiprogramming OS: This OS is used for better management of

computer resources, especially the CPU. Here, the OS can execute more
than one process using a single processor machine. More than one job is
present in memory at a given time. The OS could pick one job in memory
and start its execution. Whenever the jobs does not need CPU- probably
the job is working with I/O at that time- instead of the CPU to be idle at
that time, the OS switches to another job in memory and CPU executes a
portion of it till the job issues a request for I/O. This happens until all the
available jobs in memory are executed.
• Multitasking OS: In multitasking systems, the user can perform more than
one computer task simultaneously. Some time quantum is allocated to
each process and the processes are placed in a queue based on their
arrival time. The processes leave the queue and run for their allocated
time quantum. If it completes execution within the time quantum it is
terminated, but if not, it is forcefully removed from the CPU and added to
the end of the process queue, while the next process is given to the CPU.
This makes multitasking operating systems to have such features as time-
sharing, context switching, multithreading and hardware interrupt.

• Multiprocessing OS: These operating systems function and boost the

performance of computer systems with multiple processors. Multiple
CPUs are linked and made to work together by sharing tasks among them.
Multiprocessing environments are more reliable because the failure of
one CPU bring a halt to the system. The execution speed is greatly
enhanced and system throughput is increased in this environment.
• Real-time OS: This is an operating system meant
to serve real time applications. They are time-
bound; this means that time is of essence in its
execution. A real-time OS can be either a soft
real-time OS (where processes are expected to be
executed within the time bound) or hard real-
time OS (where processes are expected to be
executed at its exact time). This means that time
constraints exist in the real-time OS. They are
usually used for medical or scientific purposes.
In the preceding slides, we have looked at the:
• definition of an operating system
• functions of an operating system
• history of operating systems
• types of operating systems

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